#love and light to yall💫
feistyvirghoe · 4 months
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 1 - you guys have such bright, very infectious because i’m just so giddy right now, yalls energy just shines bright like the sun omg, so full of positivity and love, happy as a child fr. i feel like people just like to consume your energy, has them all over the place, like pleading, there’s a push and pull effect you have, like you can be the most positive, optimistic person full of fucking light but then you have that other side to you that has people on their knees, like they can’t hold it in with you, the focus is on you guys, you’re hardworking and when you’re ready to fucking commit to something and go you just do it and get it started but you also know how to be inclusive and make others feel welcomed. i feel like people just want you to look at them, acknowledge them, you guys can adapt easily and may be spread out everywhere, you can’t just stay stuck to one thing and even within relationships im not saying you’re non-committal but you know your worth and some people and things just aren’t worth your time, you’re like a temptation, watch out for users and takers that may want to swindle you for whatever reason. you’re in tune with your femme side, you truly don’t need anyone to validate you and that’s a flex babe…it’s all you, something about the way you love and care for others, never dim that part of yourself, it’s so beautiful, the way you can own your mfkn power is by not letting bozos or losers come in and try to knock u off ur damn throne, standing up for yourself, believing that you’re fucking powerful just by being your true authentic self, confidently strutting your stuff, not giving away too much of yourself as well, connecting with your innermost self, reminding yourself who you are deep down inside, not being swayed the outside opinions of others, you may be a lil homebody and that’s okay..you’re sure of yourself and you don’t need anyone up in your face trying to fucking control you and make u feel small, by continuing to protect yourself in a healthy way, strong fucking boundaries is what needs to be set, don’t let these weirdos try to come in and fucking knock down your walls with their hateration and disgusting jealousy, show yourself off, embrace that fire within you, dont second guess yourself or make yourself small to fit in, burn bright baby boo. an affirmation for u - “i am a badass warrior and i conquer self doubt like it’s my fucking job!”
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 2 - your gentleness makes u fucking strike like lightning and i know you’re like “how?” babe we need more kind people like you on this planet, this world is so full of hatred and evil people, you’re kindness and compassion and just love for others makes you fucking strike babe, you’re a giver, very generous individual but i can see that you protect your heart as well, you know not to let shady people come and try to steal your energy, yeah that’s a thing, and you may need to be careful of that too, giving yourself away to undeserving people. you’re so content and just emotionally fulfilled on your own, u truly do not need someone else to fill your cup but im betting there’s a lot of people that would love to if you’d let them, you’re allowed be taken care of and poured into. but with how abundant your energy is and just how rich you are in spirit, of course it’d attract a bunch of energy vampires, just people with weird intentions. very emotionally mature and also vulnerable as well, well with the right people of course but you don’t hide how you’re feeling, and thats literally okay, you’re allowed to fucking let yourself feel free expressing what and how you’re feeling if that makes sense haha. you may throw people off, it’s like they dont expect YOU, like literally just you, your compassionate self. you don’t chase after people bc you know you’re already secure inside so don’t doubt that. maybe you really second guess yourself and how you’re coming off to others but i feel like people just see such a pure genuine soul, not just a nice person but a very kindhearted soul. you make others feel calm, like just content and chill haha. i feel like yall just make people smile, like smirking to themselves just thinking about you, omg admiring you and adoring you, u could be all up in people’s heads, unforgettable, maybe some just want to indulge themselves in you, just be cautious and aware of snakes hidden in the grass. i feel like i could go on and on about you guys, i dont want to make it too long though ;) your sweetness dude, you’re just like a lil fucking teddy bear ahhhh, someone who loves to help others, doesn’t matter what it may be just serving, wanting to be useful to others? maybe ppl have made u feel worthless bc of how kind you are like as if that’s boring or some shit, ignore those ppl, we need more kindness and love, don’t hide that side of yourself idc, let others who want to appreciate you show you their love. you’re also very in tune with your spiritual side and i feel you may dim that down too as if you’re not gifted i mean you’re here right?? embrace that side of yourself, you don’t even know how helpful you are to others, i feel like your generosity and just your pure loving soul is what puts a smile on others faces, so balanced, you’re just an unforgettable nurturer, a whole sweetie pie, a cutie pie ahhh, just such a sweet soul okay here’s an affirmation for you <3 “success is my middle name; watch me fucking conquer.” “i choose to surround myself with people who fucking respect me” and to own your power i feel like you just need to see you more, like you’re the one who can stay calm during the stormy weather, a shield for others, very protective over your loved ones and self, stay true to that boo! <33
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 3 - i feel like y’all are my glamorous pile, the ones ready to put their feet on the fucking ground and nobody ain’t going to fucking get in your way and stop you lmfao i’m hearing under the influence by chris brown, i feel like you guys got people feeling like they on drugs around you, your energy is intoxicating and addicting, some may even wanna knock u up to keep you as theirs wtf okay anyways hahahaha okay i feel like the way yall strike is like you’re in that empress energy very strong minded, in touch with your feminine side and you know when to cut a bitch off but then with that, the same people you cut off may try to come back and slither their way back into your life omg what the hell, so you guys are like the “heartbreakers” but not really because you just know your fucking worth more than what lames can give to you and not just that how they’re with you as well, goes for any relationship, you know when to fucking walk away and you’re not taking weird bullshit from anyone, you don’t play, i feel like your anger plays a part in making you fucking powerful, when you’re done you’re done and you can easily see through people’s bullshit, their facade, in hearing shit you up, lol u piss people off, idk what you’re truly doing, it could honestly just be you and your awareness, you’re not going to stand down and make yourself a tiny purse dog lmfao, very sassy as well, like no one can fucking control you, even if they wanted to, you guys make people uncomfortable but that’s there own issue, you may the wrong people for you uncomfortable haha, they try to fucking go and go at you relentlessly attacking you for no reason, so i can see why you’re protective of yourself and u don’t stand down, i mean with weird people like this honestly weird energy like this coming for y’all i understand why, it’s like you’re power makes others want to overthrow you and try and like one up you, just weird, got people competing for u and against you, i feel like they’re jealous of your fucking success and not just material success but your ambition, your drive, your resilience, never giving up on yourself no matter how hard it gets, you’re your own positive light in your life, you know how to make yourself happy, still shining, blowing out your candles, celebrating your fucking self like you should! yeah your fucking power just makes others despise you lmfao weird as hell, you live life on your own goddamn terms and you’re not sitting around waiting for anyone, a leader on your own, it’s like a natural quality of yours, you just know how to be up in front exuding dominance, like a lion, your walk may just give off CONFIDENCE i mean you have the emperor here, you’re just a fucking natural at it, it comes easily to you so i can see why others may feel offended by your power but they’re just projecting and not seeing their own power within themself, you look ahead, you don’t look for others, they look for you, goddamn lmfao! affirmations for you guys - “i’m letting go of negative bullshit, toxic people, and self doubt. i’m creating a fucking epic life on my own terms!” & “i am enough, i have enough, and damn right im fucking worth it!”
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 4 - i can see you guys regenerating in hermit mode, like taking some time to be alone with yourself building your power back up and cleansing yourself of all the weird energies you may have encountered, you like your solitude, my loners here, the ones who don’t mind leaving the party early, ready to go home and chill the fuck out or going on adventures by yourself and taking some time to just connect with your higher self if u wanna say that, just going within and seeing that light within yourself, you blossom on your own, you know how to make sure busy, it’s like when quarantine was around heavy, it didn’t phase this group, maybe it was even like a fuck yeah moment, nobody outside to bother you hahaha, like you guys may love to work out and get back to yourself that way, doing yoga, stretching, moving your body, but you may also be very cautious of the outside world, like you just jumped off the boat into uncharted territory taking time to feel out the place/environment/energy just watching where you’re stepping, or what you’re stepping into, making your way as you go along whatever journey you may be on, weighing out your options, not making hasty decisions, a thinker, maybe even a realist too. calm, balanced people here, like a lot of introspection, a very nostalgic person too. embracing the old memories, in tune with your childhood self, doing things that fuel your soul and what makes you feel the most peaceful, maybe you guys struggle with the mind so grounding yourself and staying away from the crowd is what helps you to stay sane and sharp, for you to be your most powerful self i feel like you just need that time away from everyone. yep it’s like you can’t really count on other people, do people make you second guess yourself, it’s like you’re there for everyone but they couldn’t even be bothered to hear you out, don’t give so much of yourself away to ungrateful people. you matter a lot and i can see this may be draining you as well, probably why you’re very cautious, but remember don’t keep yourself stuck on others weird projections and how they may try to take from you, it’s okay to be alone and regroup, if some one is offended by that then that’s there issue. the way u, my group four babies can uplift yourself and own your power is by letting yourself fucking shine and put yourself out there, confidently, i feel like people like making you guys feel small and quiet like a mouse, but you’re not a goddamn mouse you’re the fucking cat, and cats do whatever the hell they want to do, use your voice and own that fucking power, your words hold weight, speak more positively over your life and your self, unbiased opinions and being straightforward with your communication, don’t close yourself off from true unconditional love too..you deserve to be recognized and appreciated for all you do!!! keep fucking going, don’t give up on love, that goes for loving yourself too!! every fucking part of you and yes even the ugly bc the ugly is actually beautiful and makes you see the parts of you that you want to grow from and evolve beautifully into a better version of yourself! affirmations for y’all - “i’m unstoppable and nothing can hold me back, not even my fucking fears.” “my uniqueness shines like a freaking diamond! confidence? it’s my middle name, baby!” “i’m a badass boss babe and i don’t give a damn about what anyone thinks. i rock my confidence like a boss!”
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𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐀𝐂, 𝐢 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢’𝐦 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐡𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐩, 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟, 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐟𝐫, 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭!! 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐟 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞, 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐌𝐖𝐀𝐇 (^з^)-☆
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What Are You Too Hard On Yourself About?
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So my camera that I usually take pictures with is not accessible rn so I'm going to be using a different approach to doing pick-a-pile readings. I'm taking inspiration from other tarot readers on tumblr and use aesthetic photos that I find on pinterest and tumblr. let me know if yall like this more than the photo approach!
Astrology: Virgo, Capricorn, Leo
Cards: The Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, King of Pentacles, En Caul
Song: Queen Of This Shit by Quay Dash
Vibes: ❤️🎂🚗🫖🥊☕️🍎🎲🎸🎹🍒🚑🍅⏰🍉✉️🍓🤍🌶.⚾️🥩🍰
Hello, pile 1! You seem to be hard on yourself for things that aren't even your fault, my friend. I think when you were young a lot of things were blamed on you so now you take responsibility when anything tragic happens. The thing about you is you are the one person that holds together the best in tragedy. It's only after it's all happened that you start feeling like you are to blame. You are not the cause of the wheel turning. Life is a series of up's and down's on the wheel of fortune. I hear you saying things to yourself like "I'm better off not being around" but my friend the wheel would still turn if you weren't. You being in the general vicinity does not make you at fault. You keep the ride on that wheel semi-stable, my dear. Please be kinder to yourself. You are so intelligent and you have the abilities of a seer. You know what to expect from the rollercoaster that life is and you are fantastic at preparing for it. Do not beat yourself up for existing. Do not beat yourself up for making simple mistakes. Accept yourself at every part of life. Love yourself at your best AND your worst.
Astrology: Pisces, Gemini, Libra
Cards: The Hanged-Man, Page of Swords, Two of Cups, Lady of the Lake
Song: I Wish I Never Met You by Oh Wonder
Vibes: 💙❤️🦋🌹❄️💥🫐🍒💎🧲🧿🪓🌀🧯♿️🧰💦🍄🐳🎒🧢👠🧵🧣🌎
Hi, pile 2! You are hard on yourself for 2 things that work in tandem with each other. You either really struggle to find partners or you struggle to build romantic connections with the sexual partners you find. You have a very pixie-like energy which makes me think this is rooted in ADHD. You get extremely distracted by your interests and your experiences. This makes it difficult for you to find romance with anyone. The people you find connections with don't understand that you need patience and understanding. They don't understand that your ADHD isn't just a disability. Your ADHD is a PART of you and if they can't accept and love your ADHD along with you, they don't even deserve your attention and love anyway. I see that there is trauma connected to you feeling useful. Because you have been rejected for the way your mind works you think all you are good at is sex. You have fallen victim to people-pleasing behaviors all because you are allowing people to shit on an entire facet of your personality. Please stand up for yourself instead of being hard on yourself for how others view you. Their opinions do not matter if they constantly put you into a state of distress and self-hatred. Do not beat yourself up because of other people's ableism. You deserve a lover that understands you and accepts every part of you. When you finally stand up for yourself you will have completed a really tough cycle and your new energy will reward you greatly with a true romantic partner that will most likely be sticking around longer than the others.
Astrology: Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries
Cards: The Empress, Strength, 8 of Wands, The Rainbow
Song: No Drug Like Me by Carly Rae Jepsen
Vibes: 💛🎺🏅🐝🐱👑👙🍯🥧🥞🧀🌸🍋🍌☀️💫⚡️✨🌻🌼💐🕯💰🛍
Hey there pile 3. Your energy is so light but somehow very rich as well. You have such a lovely energy that people love to be in. This can be a blessing and a curse for you. This is because you aren't too attached to anything or anyone. You are the type of person who people get addicted to but you often leave as quickly as you arrived. You are too hard on yourself about how this makes people feel. You feel as if you have left a string of broken hearts behind you. I see you feeling very guilty because of this. Don't be harsh with yourself about your true nature. You need room to travel from person to person. You aren't the kind of individual to get attached to concepts you experience as temporary. Human connection isn't meant to be permanent for you anyway. You shouldn't try to save feelings by moving away from your authenticity. You are meant to be independent and follow your heart where the wind takes it. Let the broken hearts leave your mind. Let the guilt slide off of you like water off a duck's back. Those people will find new beginnings with people who are meant to settle down. You will forever be a free spirit. If you tried to tie yourself down out of a sense of guilt it wouldn't end well for anyone. Your authenticity should be your main priority, not saving the emotions of people who have paths to walk you can't follow. What they think about you doesn't matter if it's your time to dip again.
Astrology: Scorpio, Cancer, Aquarius
Cards: The Hanged Man, 2 of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Cosmic Ocean
Song: Greener by Kid Quill
Vibes: 💚🤎🐸🦇🪲🦂🍀🍂🥝🥥🍈🍹🧩🛖✅⚰️♻️🧺🇵🇸🚪🤑🪑💸🕯📗
Hey there, pile 4! You need to be easier on yourself for your indecisiveness, my friend. You are a very interesting combination of compassionate and intelligent. This is what makes it so hard for you to make decisions fast. It's not that you are bad at making decisions. You are smart enough to consider the different paths that could happen when making a decision. You understand that your actions have consequences and you can predict them very accurately. You are also kind enough to consider how those consequences affect the people around you. You are actually REALLY good at making decisions but it takes time to consider all of the possibilities. People have given you a hard time about indecisiveness for a long time but that's because they can't see the gears turning in your head. They don't see that you see every possibility. They can't even fathom the experience because most of the people giving you a hard time are only thinking logically or are only thinking compassionately but you see both perspectives which gives you more intel to contemplate. Be a bit nicer to yourself when you make decisions slowly. The people critiquing you don't even know the half of it.
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suguru-getos · 2 years
Kinktober day 3
Somnophilia w/ Ayato Kamisato
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A/N: So I’m gonna take the Kinktober thingy a little more seriously and make it kinda 💫 aesthetic 💫 but meh… I barely get time to write so don’t catch onto hopes skshsgsjjs have a nice day yalls. Also, posting it rn because I will be busy tomorrow (ig).
Ayato knew full well that he had your consent of it, while his fingers lingered around the waistband of your panties, your lower garments already discarded by him long ago. Clasping the cloth in his now un-gloved hands, he took them off, sliding it down your plush thighs and eventually ridding it away somewhere in the bedroom.
He was hasty, all he wanted was to feel you right now. Even in your vulnerable state, when your chest heaved in the solemn slumber, you still looked so enticing to him. The tent in his pants was the testimony of what exactly you can do to him without even trying. “You are so beautiful it soothes my eyes” Ayato mused romantically, leaning in after spreading your legs.
You whimpered at the sudden movements, even when Ayato was careful. “Light sleeper, how can I forget that,” he whispered to himself while his breath fanned over your clit, giving it a soft and a tender kiss of initiation, followed by his tongue resting onto the bundle of nerves flat. Ayato was a messy eater, but today he was also impatient. He wanted your juices to stain his cock, he wanted the friction and plunging against your cunt reward the base of his cock with a ring of your arousal and his mixed. He wanted to make you lose your mind. He wanted to lose his own mind.
“You are so busy you might as well make love to me in my sleep,” Ayato’s memories refresh with your recent wordings as his tongue glided from the base of your now glistening pussy, to the very tip. Thumb spreading your pussy-lips apart, he messily spat on your clit, watching it dribble down your now pulsating hole. “My my— don’t tell me you like this even when half of your senses are rested,”
His own arousal and pleasure was riling his nerves up. Hands taking his member out and giving it a few, teasing pumps while his eyes never left the sight of your weeping cunt. “Angel, I love you,” he continued, spreading your cunt-lips once again, sheathing his tip in slowly.
“Heavens-” he groaned softly, leaning back as his adam’s apple protuded with the gulp he took to bury his moans.
“HNNNG-” your brows furrowed, you could feel him stretching you out and about. The girth and length of his dick was not something you could get used to even in the soundest of sleeps. Your eyes fluttered open, rolling back immediately when he fitted snug around your folds balls deep.
“Apologies, I didn’t want to wake you up, Angel.” Ayato feigned a sorry look on his face. He was caught immediately when his actions didn’t match his words. Thrusts begining to churn your walls up, one hand aiding your left leg to be leaned against his shoulder to have more access to you.
“Argh- you feel so good, love. You f-feel so good!” Ayato showered you with praises, pleasure drunk and rutting his hips against you to chase his much needed high. “I missed you, I have been craving you every moment of my day. Enough for it- it- to (thrust) distract (thrust) me, from (thrust) my duties,” Ayato panted, continuing the same pace and fervor.
You couldn’t help but feel the knot in your stomach build with every single hump. “Fuck- Yato— feels so good, don’t stop- I missed you too- AH don’t- don’t stop,” your moans now echoed in your shared bedroom as your husband smirked, leaning in and kissing you passionately.
“Not planning to, sweet thing. We have the whole night ahead of us after all,”
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hailieshapedbox · 1 year
omfg got blasted off on the shrooms last night, 2.5 grams was like a 4 gram trip and i was peaking as soon as it hit and i peaked for hoursss. had a fabulous and fundamental night and manifested so many of my dreams. as well as seeing the discipline i need to have along with how simply it is to reprioritize what im working on.
also just found so much new beauty within all the interconnected as well as the outer, the eather and the earth.
everything is exactly the way you expected and perpetuated it, make it beautiful baby! make it comfortable, but dont get caught in that comfort, always strive for more beauty, more comfort, to adhere new actualities, which are not something to fear, but to earnestly embrace.
were here together on our own, youre not alone<3 and were made from love, admit and emit that<3
love yall always, still always here for you✨💫
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not the best pic but look how happy i ended my night w my bestfriend, we even matched her nails that matched us! listen to that appreciation laugh at the end. pure bliss
light and love✨💫
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emomanswhore · 2 years
࿐ ࿔*:・゚PRESENTING 〔 🌠 〕 BAKI-DAY ‘22 !! ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
. .★. 112022 . .★.
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HAPPY 20th ─⊹⊱✰⊰⊹─ BAKI .! ↻ .! @TOUYYES
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SO it is my baby’s birthday today 😋 my prettiest, special lil twinky dinky @touyyes ! orrr whom y’all better know as baki ! before i start my lil speechy speech, MAKE SURE YALL GO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. it’s not just any birthday either,, my baby made it to 20 YEARS OLD. tbh,, that’s old as hell 😟 buuutttt she a lil cute or whatever. so i guess it’s okay that baki has OFFICIALLY departed from the teens. so yeah, pretty please go stop by her inbox n scream happy birthday 🎈🎂🎊
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to my dearest princess, baki … 💌🧁🍓
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TODAY IS YOUR DAYYY MAANNNN ITS OFFICIALLY BADDIE SEASON NOW THAT YOUR DAY HAS FINALLY COME 💋🦂 !! how you feeling?? hope you feeling good and your special day is good, well, and fun !! as if i literally don’t know what you're doing rn so ! even though we are a whole ass continent apart and im not able to give you a physical gift- i wanted to give you a lil' serenade and tell you some stuff, that's coming straight from the heart 🤍💕 (and coochie so if i say some fruitcake shit.… i did go in heat momentarily arrooo 🅰️🅱️🅾️)
it's not only your birthday today- BUT ! it also our one year anniversary!! (we not gon count those few months prior that we met, cuz im tryna be romantic and cute rn 🛌) - a WHOLEASS YEAR, LIKE ?? has time gone by incredibly fast, or is it just me? but with spending this past year with you, i've come to learn so much abt you ! whether that's the deep hyperfixation on things you'll periodically get n then get over, your love for the sea n swimming, or even down to the lil things that make up your personality!
in my eyes, you really are like a star ! so dazzling, bright, and the way you shine brings everyone in and makes them INSTANTLY attracted to you 💫 from your charm, to your outgoing and cool nature, and to how fucking hilarious you are. like istg i've literally never had anyone match the same energy as me, and deadass make my lungs clatter and collapse into my stomach from how hard i laugh 🐽💥 speaking of matching energy, man,, i cant even use certain emojis unironically no more cuz we ruined the meaning of them, with the dumbass lil emoji combos we came up with
it's crazy how i can't do certain things without thinking of you. literally rent free in my damn mind, and it's literally cuz we talk damn near everyday 🤕 like if i go even a full 24 hours without talking to you, it's very obvious that im sad n not in a good mood. bitch you literally have me in a chokehold and this shit doesn’t seem to be coming apart anytime soon 🧎🏽‍♀️🕳⛓ if you wanted someone who’s gonna be obsessed with you for the rest of your life, congratulations. cuz i don’t plan on ever letting you go, and you are MINE forever 😋🩸🪓 (possessive alpha mode grrr ruff ruff)
i could literally go on and brag about you for the rest of my life fr. like words can never truly express the amount of adoration and love i have for you. like i literally see MYSELF in you— that could be from us sharing so many common interests, or to the way we come up with crazy ass (delusions) headcanons of our bfs. you’ve become the biggest supporter and lover in my world ! even now with me recently starting to seriously write, you’ve had my back all the way through it. helping me proofread, giving me ideas n suggestions, and all around helping me feel confident n happy with my work !! 💗
i could never thank you enough, and express the full gratitude n appreciation i have for you. just YOU— n im so lucky that you’ve come into my life and made every day so much better. november gave me the best things,, it was the month you were brought into this world, and eventually the month that has made us as close as we are now ! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💕
baki, you are the light of my life. my partner in crime, my wifey and the twinkling little star that i always look forward to seeing. the stacy to my chellery, and actual love of my life. i love you so very much, and i can’t wait to celebrate our special month of november next year, the year after that, and the future years that i plan to spend with you 🤍 💍
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bitchkay · 1 year
More Addis Ira please 🙏 😩
[Ask received: sept 25th]
Well if you insist😋😋
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I love hot and sexy evil man😋
Character wise? Fucked up beyond compare, I do not think anyone can help him now
Bro needs a lobotomy💀
But hes so sexy😩😩
Its like Quartus, I'm so mentally ill about Quartus yall, I wanna fuck him so bad😩😩
I read that chapter of the princes path and my legs were all the way open.
Literally ever since I saw Addis for the first time I was so fucked up
He made his first appearance in Lance's consort path too I felt like I was cheating on my man
No but he had no right be so fine like--
I wanna fuck him so badd😵💫💫
His dick is big yall, you can't blame me😖😖
When their morally grey😋🤞🏽✨✨>>>>>>>>>>> /j
Imagine this☆:
"Aummhhh!" your moans were muffled by fingers in your mouth. Thick fingers pressed against your tongue to quiet you down as Addis plowed into you from behind. Back arched and head thrown back you felt like air, your brain fuzzy from hours of rough fucking. One hand on the crook of your hip and the other knuckle deep in your mouth, drool dripping down his arm as he tugged you back roughly on his cock. "Filthy. Didn't know I had such a nasty girl~" You whined at his mean words, your pussy tightening around him. He pulled his fingers from your mouth smearing your saliva all over your face, gripping your chin to tilt your head back kissing your hips. "Mm Hah! Mmnnn!" You moaned loudly before his hand wrapped around your neck. You grunted, the pressure against your neck making your pussy pulsate, you could feel your arousal drip down your inner thighs. "... much! ... can't nomore.." you gasped pleasure bordering on pain, your overstimulated body bouncing as he used you as his personal flesh light. "'Nomore'" he mocked, Addis showing no signs of stopping "You can. And you will. What happened to my big girl? That would do anything to be of service, huh? Did I fuck her too much?" You curled you toes as another climax was ripped out of you. "Ahh!! Fuck!" "Now look at you, fucked all stupid." He bit hard into your neck. "Mnn! M-.... please... more..." you pleaded missing the rush of another orgasm as soon as it was gone. Cock drunk and overstimulated, you lacked anymore strength in your body, only able to plead for what you need. "More? I thought you had enough? Very well."
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hooned · 4 years
Jellyyy you remind me of literal sunshine ☀️ so bright and bubbly and warm 🥰🥰 and your VOICE omg I cant even— it’s SO beautiful 🤭💖 and you’re just an amazing and v sweet person and I’m so happy that I’m getting to know you 💕💖💞💓💕💖
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poursomesunaonme · 3 years
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chapter three
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pairing: jean kirstein x fem!reader
summary: with another month gone by, jean’s condition worsens. you finally decide to address the issue, but this doesn’t bode well with your husband. leaving your relationship in a questionable state, he departs for paradis to alleviate the building tension.
cw: pregnancy & symptoms, angst (about jean)/not a lot of comfort, vomit, pining, verbal fight, some fluff, more guest appearances (to make up for sad)!, but it’s mostly just rumination and sadness
wc: 6,688
author’s note: i am so sorry for this, apologies in advance; i was crying writing it:’) this is the beginning of a whole lot of angst and not a lot of comfort, so the next two chapters are gonna be reaaaaally rough. thank yall for sticking with me, though:)
songs for the chapter: “slow dancing a burning room” by john mayer, “transatlanticism” by death cab for cutie
extended notes💫
series navigation
chapter two -> chapter three -> chapter four
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Sharp raps of the knife sounded against the cutting board as the blade sliced through juicy, colorful skin to prepare the vegetables for a warm stew. The pungent scent that the wounds in the flesh emitted soothed the nausea that had been plaguing you that day. The chunks of peppers and carrots tumbled from your hand into the boiling water before you started on the next batch.
The house was quiet around you, the kids at Léa’s for a few hours until you finished doing a well-deserved and thorough clean-up of the house and cooked dinner for everyone. A particularly violent bout of morning sickness had overtaken you that day, and in turn was exacerbated by the ongoing anxiety about Jean’s mental state.
Most of the day you had spent tidying up the house, wrangling your children as needed while you went. Every so often, nausea would overcome you, your feet flying to the nearest bathroom to unleash whatever stomach contents were present. But by the time that the dinner preparations had to be made, there was nothing left. Bits of salt still clung to your cheeks, ephemeral glimpses of those countless times spent convulsing over a toilet.
You had all but thrown your kids at Léa, begging her for just a few minutes alone. Everything had been so overwhelming; and everything ached. The daunting task of cleaning the house seemed impossible despite the affinity that you had for it. Every movement of any limb sent dull throbs of pain throughout your body; it was that lovely time of pregnancy again. And your heart, the poor thing had taken more beatings than the devil’s wife.
The force and speed that drove the blade through the vegetables nearly had you chopping off your own fingertips as the thoughts that swirled in your mind threatened to cut your tether to sanity. Your hands shook as you dropped the knife, fingers tangling into hair instead. Nausea coiled and uncoiled within your gut, the familiar, sickening feeling moseyed in perfectly at the wrong moment.
The padded echo of your footsteps sounded around the kitchen as the distance between the boiling pot and your trembling frame increased by a few feet. The comforting certainty of the bump on your front found the palms of your hands while you cupped the small soul in an effort to steady yourself.
The last round of sickness indicated that your stomach was empty with a whole load of straight bile. Pushing through deep breaths, the skin of your throat was raw and still stung from the acidity. After fumbling around in the kitchen for a few moments, you had made yourself a glass of water and took a sip before getting back to preparing dinner.
Golden light from the window shone into the kitchen, illuminating the dust motes that floated through the air aimlessly, casting the atmosphere into a dreamy haze as your imagination ran rampant, fueled by a desperate desire for normalcy. Jean sauntered through the door, the impact of the wood slamming against the frame harmonizing with the warm greeting that floated through the house before settling into your ears.
The first stop on his homecoming tour would be the living room, where Marco occupied himself with blocks and Sasha lay, enthralled with the mobile that swirled around and around above her wandering eyes. He would attempt to make the action as inconspicuous as possible, but the crackling candy wrappers would attract your attention to the treats that your husband was giving his child (which he should have known that you didn’t mind). Marco would start chattering incessantly about his day at Jean’s inquiry, all while the patriarch scooped up the baby and cradled her against his chest.
But despite Jean’s preoccupations with his children, the desire to see his wife would far outweigh the motivation to do anything else.
Jean would stroll into the kitchen, the sight of you leaving him breathless as his eyes crawled over you hungrily. How majestic you looked in your comfy clothes and comely apron, how your hair tumbled out of whatever style you had tried to put it in to keep it out of your face as you cooked dinner. How your dexterous hands prepared the meal out of love for your family.
And your husband would come up behind you, slowly approaching despite your awareness of his presence. Slender, corded arms would snake around your waist while a nose dipped into your collarbone in tandem with lips colliding with the rigidity of your shoulders. Words floated across skin like ashes flitted through the sky before dissipating in the air, the sighed and soft “i miss you” telling of a long and hard day without a wife to keep the poor man company.
The bump that had been steadily growing over the previous weeks was plush underneath the hands that formed a protective barrier over it. A few moments ticked by as you leaned backward, spine pressing into Jean’s chest; eyes closed in a brief glimpse of marital bliss, swaying slowly in the kitchen.
And Jean would kneel down in front of you like a disciple, planting devout kisses to the skin that separated him and his baby, whispering things indiscernible to your ears. Nearly prostrate in the presence of his third child, you mused that the man had never looked so small.
And once the ministrations had been delivered to his little Sprout, Jean would straighten up, towering over you while his hazel eyes caught your gaze and refused to let go. Lithe fingers would thread through yours, palms sliding against palms, guiding your hands to clasp at the back of his neck. The skin of your waist warmed underneath his touch as his grip settled on the perfect spot. And, with periodic stirs to the simmering stew, Jean would hum a song. Keeping time with soft pats to your lower back, he would guide you in a serendipitously sloppy, inconceivably intimate dance in the kitchen. And it would be perfect.
But the sun set beneath the buildings, rays of light disappearing from the kitchen. The atmosphere darkened with the rest of the mood as Jean walked through the door, effectively squashing the vision that had played through your mind. The smile dissipated from your face without a trace as the last of the vegetables joined the rest of the stew, warranting a healthy stir before turning off the heat.
The house spat back out in reverberations the footsteps kicked up by Jean’s soles, lacking children that usually drowned out the mundane and domesticated sounds that usually echoed throughout the walls. There were no hidden candy exchanges, no retelling in great, childish detail of days; and most of all, Jean wasn’t the carefree, dedicated man that he had been in the idyllic vision.
His presence silently flickered by you as if he were an incorporeal being wandering the house, without so much as a brush of a hand, before taking a seat at the dining table. The newspaper that you had already skimmed unfolded before him as he maintained a strenuous silence that was interjected occasionally by a faint rustling of pages.
The lack of any semblance of action between your two bodies spoke volumes in and of itself as neither party attempted to strike up conversation. There shouldn’t have been that level of tension, of unexpressed sorrow, building up in the house that was supposed to be a shelter. There shouldn’t have been insurmountable barriers rising above the two of you, walls remaining unscathed as the person on either side had lost the will to fight.
You continued to stir dinner before putting a top on the pot, allowing the stew to simmer. Your own arms found purchase around your frame as the severity of where the relationship had gone finally dawned on you, and you could palpably feel Jean slipping through the cracks in your fingers. Oblivious to the turmoil that boiled in your veins, Jean continued to read the newspaper quietly.
A deep breath entered your lungs as you questioned yourself if this would really be the end all be all, the straw that broke the camel’s back; if the two of you were doomed to this for the rest of your lives, a love story written in the stars, broken down over time to the melancholy scene of two people trapped by obligation. Of course, you didn’t want that; you wanted anything but that.
Clenching your fists and mustering up a smile that would fake people out unless they looked close enough, you turned around to face Jean, who didn’t acknowledge your movements. Pushing past the action that stung your heart, a question formulated on your lips, about to be expelled before your husband beat you in the icebreaker.
“Where are the kids?” he asked. A scoff threatened to bully its way through your lips at his inquiry, at how it was beyond your comprehension that he could inflict that obscene amount of trauma on Marco and leave it completely unaddressed. As if a red hot stone were thrown into a bowl of water, so did the question make your blood bubble and boil angrily. However, composure was easily grasped for you today, suppressing the licks of flame that flickered in your belly.
“At Léa’s,” you answered coolly. No response was uttered from his lips. The crackling of the paper gave the indication that he was done with the conversation. As you watched over the pot, the consultations with Léa and Annie concerning Jean and a counselor intruded upon your already volatile mental state. There were certainly enough opportunities to address the issue with your husband; however, having the courage to do so was a completely different story.
The grim remembrance that Jean and the ambassadors were leaving the upcoming week reminded you that time was of the essence with this operation. If the seed wasn’t planted in Jean’s subconscious before the voyage, you knew that you wouldn’t have the fortitude to do so as the time for Sprout’s birth neared. But that was when you realized that you had inadvertently created an opening for the conversation to happen, having sent the kids to Léa; the house was quiet, lacking the wary atmosphere of censoring speech for children’s ears.
With a rueful sigh, you acknowledged that if it had been any normal time, the two of you would’ve taken advantage of having a childless house, exactly as you had done on the night of your fifth anniversary.
But this wasn’t a normal time. And so you took a step into the gale, wincing as the wind nipped at your vulnerable body.
“How are you, Jean?”
The question echoed throughout the empty house as Jean took a few moments to marinate the thoughts that would factor into his answer. It was so quiet that you could hear him breathing over the gentle bubbling of the stew.
With a deep sigh, he answered you. “I’m not too sure nowadays.”
That much was painfully apparent. You longed to run to him, to grasp him in your arms, to pull him so tight that the both of you would be afraid that his eyes would pop out of his skull. You wanted to reach a hand into his brain and rip out whatever parasite, whatever illness had begun to take root there. But you couldn’t.
Instead, you let out a shuddering breath at the revelation from the horse’s mouth. Your legs carried you to the table, where you wearily took a seat and really and truly studied his face for the first time in a few weeks. Jean’s eyes had sunken in, the whole countenance eerily similar to that of whenever he first came back to Paradis from Marley. Back then, he had looked exhausted, burdened, and hopeless; but after he had seen you, it all had dissipated.
The only difference was that at that moment he had you, yet he was still miserable.
There were light years, galaxies’ worth of distance between you. And neither of you had a clue on how to close it. Which was why you asked, “do you think you could figure that out with someone else?”
He stiffened in the chair, brows furrowing to form an angry V. He turned to you, mouth ajar. The change in expression was enough to send your body screaming to shy away from him. But you held your ground as he spoke. “Now just what are you implying?”
“I’m saying that you could go talk to someone,” you said, maintaining a strong contact with him. The hazel in the eyes that burned into yours darkened into an angry molten gold, threatening to sear holes in your retinas. The hostility nearly took you off guard, how you had only offered for him to seek help, yet he was ready to jump down your throat.
“Do you think I can’t figure this out on my own?” he asked, incredulous. Before you had a chance to stop it, a bitter laugh escaped your lips, followed by scathing words that threatened to shatter the marriage that held the house together.
“No, Jean, I know that you can’t. That much is apparent since our own son is afraid to be alone with you.”
You even shocked yourself with the caustic remarks, but somehow, you completely lacked remorse. Jean’s face went completely white, eyes widened in anguish. The corners of his lips turned downward into a pained frown, his entire visage contorting with a grimace as the harsh statements clawed their way through his brain.
Silence reigned over the room.
“Y/N, why-”
“You need to get help, Jean,” you interrupted, not willing to give up your speaking privileges after holding in the feelings for so long. Your body propelled itself upwards as you walked back towards the pot to check on how dinner was cooking. “We have a baby on the way, and if things with Paradis hit the fan, I’m not gonna know what to do.”
He shot up after you, the chair rocking with the force of his movements behind him, walking to meet you. Fighting the urge to step away, as was the regrettable reflex, your feet planted firmly on the ground. He reached out a hand but you refused to take it, so he set it on your shoulder instead.
“It’ll be fine,” he tried to assure you, the hope that he tried to imbue in the statement barely lacing a word. “I can take care of it.”
“Will it really be fine, Jean?” you whispered and turned back to the pot that boiled docilely. Jean gave up on trying to converse with you after that, retiring to the bedroom for some rest before dinner.
Angry tears burned down your cheeks as you finished up the final preparations for dinner, adding a garnish to the stew and setting the table. Out of everything you had wanted to ask your husband, all you wanted to know was why.
Why was this happening? Why did he refuse to acknowledge it? Why would he put Marco and Sasha and Sprout in harm’s way? Why wouldn’t he say anything to you about his inner turmoil? And why did he reject any kind of help when the disease was tearing him apart from the inside out?
Jean was your husband, your everything, and you didn’t want this trial to be the dealbreaker in a romance that had been written in the stars since you were children. Surely, the two of you had gotten through much worse; hell, you had no way of communicating for three years.
But upon dwelling on it, was that really better than having almost three children and having no sense of vulnerability?
Before you could blink, Léa walked through the door, the two children in tow. She handed you Sasha as Marco attached himself to your leg, already spouting off all the information that he could recall about his day. Wiping the tears from your eyes inconspicuously, you met Léa’s gaze with a knowing smile in regard to Marco’s chattiness.
Jean, upon hearing the arrival of his mother and children, came down from the bedroom. The urge to snap at him or make some snarky comment jumped into your throat, the feelings attempting to drag the words out of your lungs themselves. So instead, you decided to ignore your husband. Not speaking to him would be infinitely better than screaming expletives at him in front of his mother and your children.
So this made the meal itself painfully awkward, but thankfully Léa stayed to eat. She was the perfect buffer, recognizing the tension that buzzed in the air; and already knowing how you felt about the issue, she maintained the integrity of your special relationship, keeping conversation light around the table.
And after dinner was finished, you continued the silent treatment, not even bothering to look at or speak to Jean as you barred him from putting his own children to sleep. At that point, he gave up fighting, retreating to the bedroom with a heavy sigh.
You wanted to relent, you ached to relent; however, it couldn’t go on unexcused anymore. The methods had been harsh, but any other delivery would have given Jean the wiggle room to disregard how his state was affecting the family. And you would certainly not have that.
Wordlessly, you laid Sasha in the crib and padded back to the bed. Curling up on the very edge of the mattress, threatening to tumble off at any point in the night, you laid awake, completely devoid of Jean’s warmth.
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The day had finally arrived for the ambassadors to embark on their journey to Paradis. The sun shone brightly in your eyes as the eyelids protecting them creaked open, urging you awake. Groaning, you let out a stretch, grateful that Sasha had awakened you earlier that morning to eat and would consequently sleep late.
But as your limbs attempted to extend, you found that they were blocked by a pair of arms surrounding you.
With the increase in self-awareness as your body awakened, you felt the familiar warmth of Jean’s frame against your back. The hard casing of anger that formed around your heart cracked in half, relief escaping your body through a deep sigh. The contact was so normal, but at the same time was terrifyingly unexpected. The dual faceted issue brought tears to your eyes, that you couldn’t even enjoy a soft morning cuddle without being riddled with anxiety.
But as a pearly drop of sadness fell from your lashes, you suppressed the fear factor and allowed yourself to experience the old tender feelings, albeit in a different light. Jean was leaving that day, with no indication of when he would return or under what circumstances. And most importantly, you didn’t want him to leave angry, or be angry yourself, even if that meant compromising the boundaries that you had previously constructed.
You squirmed against the constraints surrounding you, turning over to face Jean. While you were adjusting, a soft obstacle met your feet as they pushed the comforter to make moving easier. Peering over the mound of your and Jean’s bodies, you found that Marco was curled up at the foot of the bed, fast asleep.
Clicking your teeth and deciding not to disturb your toddler with reckless movements, Jean’s breath fanned onto yours when you finally arrived to face him. Even with your eyes closed, his gaze was so palpably trained upon you. But you ignored it, snuggling in closer to him, letting the scent of musk and mahogany flood your nostrils, allowing his warmth to wash over you, both your scars and his pressing together so intimately.
And everything felt normal.
In the warm glow of the rising sun, there was nothing wrong with your family. Jean was content holding you there in his arms, his lips pressed into your scalp. There was nothing amiss with his health, he was strong and bold as usual. And with Paradis, there were no problems there. Everything was as it should have been, there in that euphoric silence.
After a few more minutes of unadulterated bliss, Jean rolled out of bed, away from your pining. With a huff, you sat up, watching as he went to the bathroom to get ready. The suitcase full of his things was packed neatly next to his dresser.
Marco began to stir with Jean’s departure, eyes cracking open blearily. Upon seeing you, he crawled underneath the covers to snuggle against your warm frame. Hands tangled in his light brown hair, you let him doze off as you waited for either Jean to be ready or Sasha to wake up screaming.
Of course, Sasha would never miss her cue. You were slipping out from underneath Marco’s tiny grasp in no time, rushing to fetch your daughter before she woke up the whole neighborhood. Jean was taking a while to get the rest of his things put together with the undecided length of the trip.
Sasha was burped and changed into her day clothes and Marco sent to pick out an outfit before Jean was finally ready to go. He padded out of the bathroom, sleek leather shoes clacking against the floorboards. The suit that he wore cut to his frame perfectly as he stood in the doorway, unsure of how to address you. It had been much easier to hold you close to him in silence.
His coat hung over his arm, the ends of the shirt barely tucked into his pants while the buttons remained undone. You couldn’t help the smirk that toyed with the corners of your lips, how the simple gesture hearkened you back to a brighter time when that act was the pinnacle of your mornings together.
Sauntering over to him, you watched as his face visibly relaxed at your attitude. It seemed that he had been bracing for a knock-down drag-out fight to punctuate his departure from Marley. But neither of you wanted such a thing; and so the game of pretend was how you settled.
Wordlessly, your nimble fingers wove the buttons through the slits in the opposite seam of the shirt, marveling at the soft skin that peeked out underneath it. Every once in a while, a heavy breath would fan over your skin whenever your fingertips would brush over the puckered scars that adorned Jean’s chest.
Once you were finished, you gazed up at him, finding an expression of melancholy contentment on his face. Not willing to toy with it, you asked if he could make sure that Marco had his day clothes on.
While he went to secure your son, you yourself put together a simple blouse and skirt combination, wrapping a silk scarf over your head to protect your hair from the wild sea winds that would inevitably plague your scalp. Sasha babbled happily as you situated her against your chest in her sash, peeking out of the door to hear Jean and Marco’s voices coming from downstairs.
You had attempted to drag Jean’s suitcase down the stairs when the sound of your struggles met his ears and he rushed to help you. He took it graciously, then took a hold of your hand as the normal-looking family you made departed from your home to pick up Léa on the way to meet the other ambassadors in the main square.
Armin was the first to catch wind of your approach, waving amicably at the sight of your family. Marco mirrored his enthusiasm, running up to greet the ambassadors sweetly. Connie’s mother, Anya, along with Gabi, Falco, Levi, and Onyankapon also accompanied the group as they set off in the direction of the docks.
“So do you all have a plan of attack?” Onyankapon broke the heavy silence that had settled over the group almost immediately. Holding your breath, you hoped that the ambassadors had at least put a strategy together that would allow for them to have a sense of structure to guide their diplomacy.
“Right now, we’re going to focus on meeting with the council either with or without Historia present,” Pieck answered after barely a moment of pause, the quickness of the reply putting your heart immediately at ease. “And depending on how that goes, we might have to hold a public forum with however many people we can, for as long as we can. But especially by the end of the trip, we’re hoping that some countries that we’ve sent word to will join us and maybe draft a renewal of the treaty.”
With the little to no experience that you had in politics, it sounded like a wonderful plan. All of the problems that they had previously discussed at dinner were addressed in the list, so what could possibly go wrong?
“And how is Historia predicting this to go?” Levi, ever the realist, chimed in. The ambassadors exchanged glances, as if daring somebody else to drop the bomb after they had set their friends’ mind at ease with the thoughtful plan. The silence brought the reality crashing down again that the outlook for the mission was dim.
“To be honest, she’s trying her best to keep Paradis from falling apart at the seams,” Armin admitted. “So, in theory, we have no idea what will happen.”
Surprised at his bleak outlook, the soft smile that had budded under the sunshine on your face faltered, wilting at the thought that the mission would fail, that your world would fall apart around you. And Armin was usually the one who was the most confident in their abilities.
“To think that everything we went through… it all fell apart in only five years,” Levi muttered, crossing his arms over his chest and refusing to say another word. You felt deeply for the retired captain, knowing that out of all the people present in the group, he had experienced the brunt of the hundred years of Titan warfare, being humanity’s strongest soldier. Everyone that he had ever cared about, all of his comrades, those people who had hope for a bright future - they were all gone.
And to make matters worse, the captain had a taste of completing the overarching, near-impossible mission for the last five years. Despite living with handicaps, having to be helped to enjoy the little things in life as opposed to his previously independent existence, he had known what his comrades were fighting for. But it threatened to disappear from below him.
You laid a hand on Levi’s shoulder, preparing for him to wince at the contact, but he didn’t. In fact, his unmarred hand settled upon yours, squeezing it gently. A light smile tugged at the corners of your lips at the captain’s affection. Onyankapon watched the exchange from behind Levi’s wheelchair as he guided the captain to the dock.
“Don’t say that, we haven’t even tried yet,” Connie reminded his friends, not willing their morale to be crushed before even setting foot on the island. The glum expressions lightened minutely at the man’s uncurbed enthusiasm. And you, nowhere in your heart did you desire for the ambassadors to lack the confidence they needed to complete the mission. The integrity of your family hinged upon the mission coming to fruition.
“I know that you all will do everything in your power to make this work, just like you always do,” you encouraged, taking Jean’s hand in yours to punctuate the belief. If anything, the statement was geared towards him and his illness, but the ambassadors took your statement to heart, wide smiles spreading across their faces.
Stealing a glance at Jean, you found that his head was tilted in your direction. Strands of hair blew gently around his face, beautiful caramel eyes sparkling in the sunshine. The depths shone with a love that was still echoing your name, despite the darkness that tried to claim them. With a sad, wistful smile, he lifted your hand to his lips, pressing kisses to your knuckles.
You needed to make it work.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Armin said, flashing a bright smile. You nodded to him, free hand rubbing Sasha’s back as she cooed against your bosom. The sea breeze blew faintly through the buildings as the group approached the dock. Salt began to burn your eyes, and paired with the blazing sun, tears formed along your waterline in no time. But you knew that the elements wouldn’t be the only reason why you would shed tears that day.
Silence grew over the group as everyone winded through the busy market that connected to the port. Nobody wanted to break it for fear of upsetting the fragile balance of hope and despair that you had carefully created. Marco had been running and weaving in between the members of the group before Gabi snatched him up, setting the toddler on her hip before he disappeared into the crowds and got lost.
The shade of the buildings dissipated as you reached the port, the ship waiting for their last few passengers to board. Making sure that they had everything they needed, the ambassadors bumbled around for a few moments, checking their bags and purses. When all was said and done, the group gathered together, preparing to give their goodbyes.
“We’ll be sending word just in case we have to stay later,” Armin told those that the ambassadors were leaving behind, to which you nodded, hoping to the stars above that it wouldn’t be the case.
“You guys are the best, don’t worry about it!” Gabi told them, bouncing Marco gently. He beamed brightly, nodding furiously in agreement to Gabi’s statement.
“I’ve seen what you kids can do in every aspect of life,” Levi commented, “I have no doubt that you can handle this.”
The old Scouts were nearly moved to tears at Levi’s uncharacteristic affection, however, wetness was spilling down your face with the kind words. The structured layout of the group broke down as hugs and kisses were exchanged. After briefly embracing your close friends, Gabi handed Marco off to your husband, and your little family set themselves aside to bid their patriarch goodbye.
“Be safe,” you whispered, cupping Jean’s face in your shaking hands. His arms hesitantly circled your waist, closing the distance between you. “I love you, Jean.”
The same magnetism that pulled your hearts together still moved, still drew your lips together like the tide to the moon. Jean’s hands drifted up your spine to cup your neck, drawing you into a kiss.
You knew that your Jean was still there, buried underneath the layers of misery and hopelessness. The skin he had taken on would soon be shed, and your Jean would stand before you like he never left. You knew he was there. He was there.
His touch was still the same, albeit he was less confident, not holding you tightly as he usually did. But his hands still settled on the same places, those grooves in your body that had eroded over time to the ministrations of his affection.
You knew he was there. He drew closer with every second, aching to kiss you to prove that he was still present. That there was a hope for your family to heal. That he still loved you with every ounce of his being.
And then your lips touched.
The cold ruggedness of his lips met yours, and every inch of your body screamed at you to pull back from the stranger that you were kissing. There was no emotion behind it, nothing that would serve as a tether to the marriage that you had been fighting tooth and nail to preserve. The hellish observation of the unfamiliarity of your husband seized you, your eyes flying open to find that he was staring right back at you. And his eyes glazed over with a film of tears.
It was like kissing a corpse.
Tears spilled from your eyes as you jerked your head downward, not willing to prolong the contact that effectively wrent your heart in two. The hands that cupped his face fell to steady themselves on his arms instead, clutching the muscles for some semblance of balance.
And suddenly, something fluttered in your stomach.
Eyes widening, at first you thought that it was just a figment of your imagination, the strange tickling feeling that brushed against the inside of your abdomen. But as it happened a second time, the familiarity of the sensation seized you as everything clicked in your mind.
With one hand to your stomach, the other to Jean’s chest, with eyes widened and an uncharacteristically luminous smile, you announced the thing that you would hold onto for dear life, “the baby’s kicking!”
Despite the ambassadors’ growing impatience with how long your and Jean’s goodbye was taking, the worry dissipated into joy as everyone spent a few more minutes on the dock, taking turns holding your stomach to feel the miracle that was growing within it. And Sprout loved to show off; they kicked for every single person.
And the last to say goodbye was Jean, who pressed a long kiss to your tummy before whispering something to the unborn child. Straightening up, he gave you an empty kiss on the forehead before saying goodbye to Sasha and Marco. Your son, after a bit of hesitation to approach his father, was soon crying in his arms, begging him not to leave.
Gabi quickly relieved him, prying the child off his father before placing him on her shoulders with the promise that he would have the best view of the ship taking sail. This assuaged the poor toddler’s sadness, his sniffles ebbing away into occasional hiccups.
The ambassadors shuffled together, giving their tickets to the officers who facilitated the boarding process. With only a few glances backwards, they boarded without incident, dragging their baggage up the ramp.
They remained on the side of the ship that faced the dock, leaning over the railing to wave as the ship’s engines fired up. Black smoke poured from the funnels, coal burning brazenly out of sight. The pungent smell clogged the air, blackening your lungs with each inhale.
Despite your coughing, you couldn’t help but admire how the setting sun framed the ambassadors as they joked around on the deck. Connie had stolen Pieck’s scarf and was waving it around. The silk fabric fluttered in the air, flitting around the man’s frame as he bid dramatic farewells over the railing. The force of his performance nearly sent him careening into the water below.
The sailors had already finished untying the knots that held the ship to the dock, already finished pulling in the planks that were the last way of reaching Jean. And with the boat beginning its journey east, your husband was taken farther and farther away from your sweet embrace.
Tears streamed down your face, surrounded by your found family that waved goodbye to their friends around you. You were acutely aware of Sasha squirming against your chest, at Marco’s shrill calls to his daddy and uncles and aunties. You could feel Léa’s heartbreak too, knowing that you weren’t alone in the pain of Jean slipping through your fingers.
The group stayed at the dock and watched the boat disappear beneath the horizon, but that amount of time didn’t hearken a stop to your tears. Gabi noticed how the sorrow plagued you, turning to you as Marco slid off her shoulders and into Levi’s lap.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Gabi asked. Her big brown eyes shone with an empathy that you didn’t think the girl had the capacity of embodying. The relationship between the two of you was close enough for you to open up to her, seeing as she always loved to talk about the dates that Falco took her on.
“I’m just worried about him,” you sighed, using a handkerchief to blot the tears and snot away from your face. The group shuffled around, beginning the trek back to their respective homes.
You found that the words to express accurately the turmoil and fear that Jean’s behavior had instilled in you still wouldn’t formulate themselves in your mind. With a huffing sigh, you ddi the best to explain the predicament.
“The stress of trying so desperately to keep things from falling apart is really affecting him… and I’m just afraid that soon, I won’t be able to recognize him anymore.”
Sprout’s kicking was enough to draw your attention from the sorrow that settled into your heart. From then on, they became your new hyperfixation, distracting you when all seemed hopeless. Those signs of life were the only things keeping you airborne.
On the way home, your children were passed around like hot potatoes as Levi, to everyone’s surprise, asked if he could hold Sasha. You were more than happy to oblige, helping him don the sash in case he wanted to give his arms a rest. But instead, he gazed into the eyes of your daughter cradled against his chest, searching for signs of her namesake.
Marco was thrown (at times, quite literally) between Gabi and Falco as they entertained and distracted him with games, knowing that the moment he realized that his father was gone, he would throw a fit. You and Léa walked side by side, both plagued by anxiety regarding the beloved Jean.
Going about the illness was territory completely unexplored by you. You had no clue how to navigate the problem, how to talk to him about it, how to support him. Hell, the amount of stress that it put you under heightened the reactions that you had to certain events, probably exacerbating the pressure on him.
The scathing conversation that the two of you had the previous week echoed in your mind. How the words flew like daggers straight into his ears, how his face had fallen, how he had attempted to reach out to you. But you beat him down.
Regret, for the first time, surged up within you. As much as you were grateful at having expressed your fears to him, the relationship was all but in tatters in the wake of that one conversation. But, crazy enough as it was, you didn’t want this to be the end of a relationship that had taken so long to come to fruition. You didn’t want this to be the end of you and your beloved Jean.
But that kiss, that empty, sad excuse for a sign of affection, had delivered a blow to the pitiful attempt of hope you tried to have. It was the last thing that you thought that maybe could show you that the relationship was worth saving.
You knew that Jean was still there. His eyes still shone with that sweet affection that he held for you, the light of his life. But the film of despair that had started to spread across those bright caramel irises, that proved to you that the illness would stop at nothing to claim him.
But what would the parasite devour first? His love for you? His love for his children? Or his own heart?
Fear seized you, claws sinking into your heart dully as you arrived at your house. You heard from far away how Falco and Gabi offered to help with your children, which you accepted absentmindedly. You crossed the threshold into your empty house, heart reeling from the beating it had taken.
Was this really the end for you and Jean?
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taglist (open!): @tacobellfreshavocado @ob-levi-on @lickthesaltlickliv @slytherwin @usernamehere91 @wasurenagusaa @sashatanaka @saccharine-darling @the-princess-button @leiriswhore @sephtisx @shimmerains @sparklekitteh @eldiandiablo @j0livi0ni
© all work belongs to poursomesunaonme. do not copy and repost.
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wildflowertips · 3 years
🏷 tags: 250 words, stargazing 💫
- i just wanted kagakuro gazin at the stars & kagami being in love with kuroko
MY ASKS/REQUEST ARE OPEN - thank you all for the lovely & supporting messages. i appreciate yall.
。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ 𓂂 ˚ 𓂂 ₒ ° ₒ 𓂂 ˚˖⋆。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ 𓂂 ˚ 𓂂 ₒ ° ₒ 𓂂 ˚˖⋆。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ 𓂂 ˚ 𓂂 ₒ ° ₒ 𓂂 ˚˖⋆
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“It takes millions of years for a star’s light to reach our eyes,” Kuroko began, staring up into the starry sky.
Kagami broke his gaze on a constellation to look at Kuroko.
“Meaning we’re seeing the stars from long ago.” Kuroko turned his head to meet Kagami’s stare.
“I don’t get it.” Kagami tilted his head, confused.
Kuroko fondly smiled at his boyfriend and explained that “The light from the stars takes millions of years to reach earth. The stars we are seeing now, are millions of years old, my love.”
Kagami hummed. “Ah, that’s pretty cool.”
Kuroko nodded and returned to looking at the countless stars scattered across the sky.
“Also did you know a shooting star is not a star?” Kuroko’s eyes shone wide, “It’s just a rock or dust, moving so fast that it heats up when it reaches the earth’s atmosphere.”
Kagami didn’t reply as he just admired the moonlight hitting his blue boyfriend so beautifully- watching the shadows dance across his skin.
He watched Kuroko ramble on about star facts.
“I’m going to be honest, babe, I don’t remember a single thing you said.”
Kuroko turned his head to look at Kagami and pouted. “Rude.”
“It’s not my fault you look breathtakingly beautiful under the moonlight,” Kagami smirked when Kuroko lightly shoved him.
“Shut up.”
Kagami grinned a wide, toothy grin. “You love it.”
Kuroko shook his head, biting back a smile.
A comfortable silence fell between them as they enjoyed the night sky.
゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ 𓂂 ˚ 𓂂 ₒ ° ₒ 𓂂 ˚˖⋆。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ 𓂂 ˚ 𓂂 ₒ ° ₒ 𓂂 ˚˖⋆。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ 𓂂 ˚ 𓂂 ₒ ° ₒ 𓂂 ˚˖⋆
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
Hello. I'm here to inquire if I could receive a shufflemancy? I'm Dirk English, and I'm curious as to what my relationship with the other alpha kids were. Especially if... trickster mode happened. If a tarot spread would be better for a question like this, you can do that instead. I apologize for being flighty, I just... Hm. I don't know. I'm seeking answers and you guys seem to be the experts here.
no worries dirk! i decided a bit of a fusion in terms of divination might help you since you seem unsure.
the radiowaves brought me Kill The Lights by Set It Off and Put Your Head On My Shoulder by Paul Anka as a generalization for your timeline’s interpersonal matters. (if you’d like a more detailed look on individual dynamics between you and the others on a 1-1 basis 
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As you're tongue-tied, did you believe it? / False pride never existed / Now I am cutting ties clean off / And I can breathe at last [...] Stop there and peer inside of me / You'll find a man once lost at sea / But all the while I would think to myself / It's not the end, it's not the end at all / So sick of nothing going right / Sail on along into the night / Not even death could stand in the way / You never even tried in the first place
Put your head on my shoulder / Hold me in your arms, baby / Squeeze me oh so tight / Show me that you love me too [...] People say that love's a game / A game you just can't win / If there's a way / I'll find it someday / And then this fool will rush in
well, surprisingly it seems the ordeal of going trickster actually aided your group in the long term. at least from an emotional standpoint. 
from what i can tell, prior to the trickster thing, there was a lot of distrust between you lot. everyone hiding behind masks and nobody very happy about it. which meant a lot of unaddressed issues, underlying resentment, and possible backstabbing. yall were so closed off and sunk in emotional distance your hearts and minds might as well have been on opposite sides of the goddamn planet.
but, after a group ski drip down candy-drugs mountain, it seems the whole situation ended up oddly flipped. one thing about trickster mode, no more hiding emotions. sure, all the negatives generally get pushed down so far they temporarily stop existing and then come back to hit you like a speeding freighter once ya come down, but that also means all the rest of the emotions come to the surface and start throwing off fireworks of ‘HEY GUESS WHAT!!!’. 
i’m sure it was an awkward adjustment period immediately after the trickster thing having to sort out all the emotions and harsh truths and secrets and lies that ended up getting revealed because of it 
but in the end it let you all open up and become closer as friends instead of feeling like you all constantly had to hide from one another
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obeah-baby · 3 years
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I posted 66 times in 2021
7 posts created (11%)
59 posts reblogged (89%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 8.4 posts.
I added 34 tags in 2021
#obeah-baby - 7 posts
#imbolc - 4 posts
#hoodoo - 4 posts
#rootwork - 4 posts
#oracle deck - 3 posts
#oracle reading - 3 posts
#practice oracle reading - 3 posts
#conjure - 3 posts
#adinkra ancestral oracle deck - 2 posts
#spirits - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 29 characters
#adinkra ancestral oracle deck
My Top Posts in 2021
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Soul Family & Okuafo Pa
Soul Family says it’s time to stop doing things on your own. Call on that person whether it’s a friend, therapist, or mentor. They want to help aids are looking for you. For those who don’t have a soul family, this is your sign they aren’t far. Yet they won’t show up unless you realise your worth.
Okuafo Pa says goals can’t come to fruition if they don’t have your complete focus and dedications. Like farmers, they put their all in their projects to see them grow. What would happen if you nurtured your dreams the way you feed your fears? Continue on the path of growth and hard work, and watch all your dreams come true.
💫 I used the Adinkra Ancestral Guidance Cards and Work Your Light Oracle decks
4 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 00:10:27 GMT
i believe a few months ago i mentioned seeing shadows of cat at university. well i’ve been home since december and i haven’t seen it. i went back there a few days ago to grab the rest of my things cause i decided to move out. (there’s no point in being there when all of my classes are online.) anyways when i came home, later that evening i saw the cat again. i’m convinced that it followed me home.
i’m gonna believe that it’s a spirit or something and has no maliciousness or bad energy (for now). i’m also gonna take it as a sign to get a cat, but i’ll do that when i move out and get my own place.
4 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 23:40:04 GMT
new content
hey everyone,
i know i haven’t been as active on this blog as i should be. i’m in university and taking five courses. plus, i have extra curricular activities later in the day, so i don’t have a lot of time on my hands.
recently i bought some new oracle decks and i wanna practice interpreting them. no this does not mean i’ll be doing oracle readings. this simply means every so often, i’ll pull a card or two and post them what i believe spirit is telling me. you can join in too if you wanna practice reading oracle cards as well! 
i’ll also be inputting what it says from the guidebook - it’ll probably be a small snippet and not the whole page. and i’ll also be plugging where i got the oracle decks from/what brand it is in case yall wanna buy them.
stay blessed 🖤
10 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 21:22:00 GMT
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finally getting around to interviewing my decks. this is the second one i’ve done today.
💫 Threads of Fate oracle deck - Rose Edition
11 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 21:26:44 GMT
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(apologies in advance for latinizing this language)
Odo Nyera Fie Kwan & Nature
Odo Nyera Fie Kwan says what is meant for you (rewards, various opportunities, new relationships, etc.), will not pass by you. Let go of any anxiety, expectations and vision you have for love. Those things don’t matter because you are the full embodiment of love. Accept it. You are deserving of joy and it will find you - be ready for it.
Nature has a great effect on our well-being. It can relieve anxiety, doubt, improve memory and creativity, and lessen stress. Find ways to connect to nature and ask questions. Nature will provide an answer on your curiosity on the mysterious that in held within nature. But don’t treat nature as a monolith as it is more than that.If you don’t have one another, develop a relationship with nature and all its aspects. Nature calls on us to protect it in whatever way you can. Not only is nature important for you, but nature needs us as well. We are connected in more ways than one. So find joy in the natural world, but don’t forget to protect it when you can.
💫 I used the Adinkra Ancestral Guidance Cards and Threads of Fate Oracle decks
12 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 21:56:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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steponmepinkjun · 4 years
One day I was talking with my lil sis @forestfairryyy and she inspired me (as she does every time I talk to her, goddess bless) to write a headcanon of Makeup Artist!Asra starting his own cosmetic line and what his first collection, inspired by his life with MC, would look like!
Asra's luxury cosmetic line would be vegan, organic, and cruelty free, consisting of hyper-pigmented, buttery, ultra blendable powders, silky (never sticky) glosses, and sweetly scented, universally flattering liquid highlighters—every makeup enthusiasts dream 💜 Listed below are the product shades with product formulation/finish in brackets!
The launch of Alnazar Beauty 💅👄💫
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EYESHADOW PALETTE (from left to right)
Realms (white duochrome shimmer with seafoam green shift)
Familiar (lavender duochrome shimmer with silver shift)
The Lovers (matte medium peach with subtle gold shimmer)
Heartsong (metallic magenta pressed pigment)
Nopal (matte light cinnamon pressed pigment)
Lapsang (multidimensional mauve pressed glitter)
Collared (frosty baby pink pressed glitter)
Belladonna (matte bright lavender pressed pigment)
Cuffed (matte electric pink pressed pigment)
Wanderlust (matte electric green pressed pigment)
Gemini (blue duochrome shimmer with purple shift)
Willowbark (dark cool-tone grey matte pressed pigment)
Good Boy (peach pink with gold shimmer)
Mistress (medium rose matte)
Teasing (deep berry)
Mischievous (deep coral matte)
Grimoire (true plum)
Wet (sheer with subtle champagne shimmer)
Babygirl (semi-sheer bubblegum pink)
Bubble Room (peach pink)
Magician (universally flattering neutral rose)
Switch (coral with gold shimmer)
Hex (classic cool-tone red)
Blushing (berry red)
Enigmatic (deep plum with subtle gold shimmer)
The High Priestess (opaque pastel lavender)
The Star (cobalt blue)
The Chariot (metallic silver)
The Tower (ink black)
Reunited (silver champagne shimmer)
Divination (medium gold shimmer)
Foxglove (deep bronze shimmer)
Oasis (iridescent lavender shimmer)
(MEGA shoutout to the little sister I always wanted, my bbgirl @forestfairryyy 💖💖💖 yall she is brilliant and we share custody of 1 (one) brain cell, I love her times a million
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yamikawas · 4 years
Talk about ur obsession a little more :) -💖
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^ literal light of my life i whshshdhjsjsshsjjidkfjgb????@???????!?!?@?!!?!!@@?
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BzxGGFHDGGSGZHZJZJZSJFJGNFFB SJDDH SHE SSO FREAKIGJ CUTE WHENEVER ITHINK ABT HER IT FEELSLIKE MY RBAIN IS MIXING INTO SOUP BUT LIKE KN A GOOD WAYYYY.............literally want to hold her tight and kiss her sweet face so badly im abtbto rip the nearest door off its hinges LOOK AT THSI
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LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER SO MUCH gOD HOWS SHE SO ADORABLE.....................WHAT THE HECK🌻💟❤❤⚡💙🌩💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💓🧡🌻❤💟💛💘💛🌠💛💋🌼🌻🌻💫⚠️💞💗⚡⚠️🌩💫💗💘🧡🌻🌩💛⚡❤❤💚💞💟💞⚠️🌼🧡🍋💛⚡❤👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💌💓🌼💘💟💫🌼🌼💓🌩💓💚⚠️💫🌠💟❣💘❣💘💋💫💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🍋⚠️🌼🌈💓🌈💓❣💘❤💝💚💖✨💖💜⚠️💖💝💖🌈💕🌈💝💚💙💝❤❣💟🌠💘💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧡💚💌✨💕👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💙👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💙💕💗🌻🌠💛💖💓💋⚡🌈💛💗💙💘💙💗🌻🌻💟💛💖🌼⚡💞💛💙❣💗💟🍋🌠💝💘💫❤💘❣💚💖💞🌩💞💛💝💛❤💜❤👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💌💕💌💕💚✨💞💌🌈💙🌈💫💌🧡💌🧡💓💟🌩🌼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🍋💋💘💫🌈💕🌈💕👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💌💜⚠️✨💞💫❤💫💓💟💟⚡💕🌻🍋❣💋💓🧡💌⚠️💛💙💙💛🌩❤💕💟💌🌈💫💓💫💗❣💟❣🌩💖🍋🍋⚠️🧡❤⚠️✨💗✨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💓💚💝⚡🌼💕🌠💕💟💟💌💙✨💫💝💘💕💟💘🌩💓💟🌈🌈💖💌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💜💕💝💌✨💚💓⚡💋💓💋🌠💙🍋💙💙💘💗⚡💝🌼🌩🍋💖🌻🍋⚠️⚠️💜💟💌💫💌💫🌈💞💝🌈💕🌈💕💛💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣🌼🌼💛🌼💛🌼🌻❣🌻💫🧡💋🧡💚🌠✨🌠❤⚡❤💫💗🌼💙❣💛👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧡💌💘💫⚠️🌼💝💝🌼💕💓💚👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💚👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌈🌼💙🌼💛❣💛💓🌻🌻⚡💛🧡💋❤💚✨⚠️❤🧡💫🧡🌩🌼💛❣💛🌼🌠🌠💌🌈💫🌈💞💜❣💙🌩🌩💙🌩❣🌼💓🌈🌻🌈⚡🌈🌼🌈🌈💓❣🍋💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💚🍋💟💝💟💗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌻💕🌻🍋🌼💟💙💓❣💫💚💌💙💙💌💓❣💖💙🍋❣🍋💜💕💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣💓💚⚠️💫💝💫💝❤💝❤💘⚠️💗✨💟👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌼🍋💋💝💋👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌼💟💛💫💛👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💖💝❣💝⚠️💗🌩🌠❤💫❣💓⚡💜⚡💌🌩💓🌠💖❤💝💕💕👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💟💟💌🌠👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💖💟❣💘💜💗💜💗⚡⚠️🌠⚠️💘💙💌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💌❣💜💌⚡❣🌩💘🌠❤💌💖💫⚠️💝⚠️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💌💟🌼✨💌💟💖👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💖⚠️💜💘🍋❤🌼💫🧡💚🍋🌠💜🌠💖🌈💖⚡🌩❣🌠💘💖💚❤❤👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💫🌼💚💞💖🌻💕💫🌼💝💌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌠💝💖❣⚡💘💞💫🧡💗🧡❣🌻🌻💙🌼⚠️🌩🌩❣⚠️🌠💞🍋💌💝🌻💝🌻💛💘💋💋🌻💋💝🌩✨🌈✨🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💜✨💕🌈💗💜💗✨🌠✨🌻💓🌻💝🌠🌩🌠💞🌻💞💞💞💘🌠💜🧡🌻💗💝💗🌻💛💝💛🍋💋🍋❤🍋💫🌻⚠️🌻💞💙❣👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💘👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💘👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💕🌈✨💜✨💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💟💗💖💫🌼💚💓⚠️💕⚠️🍋💗💝💕🌻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣💘🧡💜🌠💟🌠💟💕🌻💓🌻💚💝⚠️💙💙💌💝💌💚⚡🧡⚡⚠️💌💞🌩💛❤💋💗🌠🧡💟👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💝💙💘🌈💕🌈💕🍋💓💟💚💕💝❣💜❣⚠️💓💞💕🌼💘❣🧡💖🧡💖🧡🌈💫🌠💖💖💚💙💜🌈💜🌈💝🍋💙💚⚡💘💌❣🍋❣🍋💜💕💓💝💓💝🌻💜💓💞💗❤👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💫✨🌈💖💙💘💙💚💌🧡🌩💚✨💝✨💚💝🌠💜💗💞🌈✨💞✨🌼💗💛🌈💖🌈💫💌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💝💚🌈🧡💙🌈⚠️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💞💖💋💛🧡💌🍋💟❤💟💟💗💟👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩⚡💌⚡🌈🌩🌼💘💘❤⚡💓🌠🌻🌩💕💟💟🍋💖🍋💞💌💖💌💙💌💛💛🍋🧡👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💛💗💋❤💛💓💛✨💖💜💞💞🌼
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might be a little bit obsessed with her. maybe more than a little. Might be so unbelievably enamoured with her that it consumes my entire being every day amd i just wanna keep her all to myself and be with her in her arms 25/8 and i dont wanna think abt what id have to do if someone tried to take her from me. BUT THATS FINE RIGHTTTTTTTTT YALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN BC WHY ELSE WOULD U BE FOLLOWING ME HERE <3 hhoh my god km having a thoight one second.well im just thinkign abt her following me aroujd and taking pictures of me to put on her walls which is nothing new but also THE CUTE LIL GIGGLES AND EXPRESSIONS SHE WOULD MAKE TOO G O D SHES SO ADORABLE LITERALLY SHE COULD BE DOING ANYTHING FROM HOLDING MY HAND TO GIVING SOMEONE MORE VOLTS TO THE HEAD THAN AN ELECTRIC CHAIR WOULD JUST BC THEY TRIED TO GET TOO CLOSE TO ME AND SHE WOULD BE SO FREAKING CUTE AND PRETTY AND LOVELY IM LOSIJG MY MIND.LIKE THIS
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THIS IS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE VIDEO LIKE. E V E R LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS ISNT SHE SO!!!@!!!!!!@@!!!,BDJSJDBFNFBDVDBSJSSBDBDBDBDBDJFKGKKTBRJSKSKDHSJDJFNSBSM SNDLDKSBSJDJF💘💚💙💚💝🌼💫💞⚡💜❣❤❣💙⚠️💓🍋💚🧡💕✨💋🧡❤💌💞💓💜🌠🌼💝🌩💙💗💘💋🌈❣💋💫💙💝💟💚🌈💚🌻💚💌💌💝💫❤💝❤💝🌼💫💜💌💖💓💞💛✨🌼💖💜💘💖🌈✨⚠️💛💟🌻❤💝❤💝🌼🌩❤🌩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💙👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💘🧡🌈💌💕⚡💕💫💋💫💗❣💚💌💝💌🌻⚡⚡💗🌠💞🧡🌼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌼✨💞💛💜🍋🌠🍋💜💓💛💖💞⚠️🌠⚠️❣🌈🌩💝💚⚠️💖🍋🍋🌈💓⚡💖💜💖💖💞✨💚🧡💛🌼🌠🌻🌠💞❣💞❤🌼💟🌼💗🌈🌠🌈🌈❣💕🌩🌻❤💌⚠️💌💕💘💖💗💓💛💙💛🍋🌠🍋🌠💚❣💝💫💘🌠💓💜💓💛💙💞🍋❣💓🌩💖❤🌈💙⚠️🍋🌈💓🌻💖⚡💖💗💚🌠🧡💜🌼💝✨💘✨💚💛🧡💜💌🌠⚡🌩⚡🌩🌻💌🌠⚠️💗⚠️💋💘💕💚💗🌠🍋💛🍋💛💓💜🌈❣🌩🧡👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💕🌈💖💋💖💗💖🌈❤💝💜💛🍋💞💕⚡💕💗💝💫🧡💕⚠️🌼🌼🍋🌼🧡💟💫💙🍋✨⚠️💓⚠️💚🌻💘✨💟💟💛💙💙💕💟🧡💙💫🌼💫💜💞✨💞🌠⚡🌈💌💌🌈❣🌠🌩⚡❣💖💜💖💜💖💫💋💫🌩💫💛🍋💝💟🍋💙👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌼🌩⚡💝🌈💘🌈💫💕🌈💟🌈💕⚡💫💫💚💜🌈💕💙💞🌈💞🌠🌈🌠❤💞💖✨💋✨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💛🌩💘💓💝💙🍋🌈❣🌠💌💞💌💟❣🌠🌩🌈🌩🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌼💓💓🌻💜❤💫💛💙🍋⚡🍋💙💗💟💌💓💗💚🍋💓❤💕💖💛💖💫💘🌼❣⚡🌩🌠🌩💝💟💌🌠💗🌈💘🌼💫🌻💕❤💟💓💕💙💓🌼💓🌻💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌼❣💞💗🌈❣💞💌💕💗💙✨🌻💟🧡❤⚠️💖💟💖💜💋💛🍋💝💓🧡💗🌼💌🌈💗💟💛💓💙💟🧡🌻💞❤💞💋💕💙🍋🌼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💙👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💙💗💞💘💫🌼💜🌻✨💜💖💋💛💛🍋🌩🌈❣🌈💌🌠💗💟💘💞💫🧡💛🌼💓🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩⚠️🌻💕💖✨💋💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💛💓🍋🧡🍋💟💘💕💘💛🌈💓🌼💓🧡🌻💟💖✨💚💜💙💝💙💝💚💝🍋🌼💌🧡💌🧡❣💫💋💘💓⚡🌼⚡💓⚡💘❤💋🌩🍋🌠🌈⚠️🌈🌠💜🌩💕⚡💝⚡🌼❤💓🌩💘💜💋💌💘❣🌼💫🌼💋💖💋⚠️💝💜💌🌠💌🌈💌💚🌩💋⚡💫👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💋✨💓💛🌈💖💚💞💗💜💗💚💗💚🌻💫💟❣💞🌠💜❤💜💗🍋💘🍋🌻💙🌻🌼❤💋💟💖💌✨🌈🌩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩⚡💞💖💖💕🍋💓⚠️💋💟💞❤🌈❤🌈💗💖🌻💚💙💜🍋✨❤🌼💗🌼💝❣💕💝✨💙✨💌💝🌼💋💙💚💙💖💘🌈🌠💚💌💞💖💕💖🧡💖⚠️💛💋💋💓💚💌💖❣💖💟⚠️💌💌🍋🌼💙💞💘💖🌠💛💕🌈⚠️💌❣❣⚠️💟💋💟💞💖💌🌈💌🌩💚⚡🌈🧡🌠⚡❣👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💟💋🌻💚❤💖🌠🌈✨💞🌩🌈💖🍋💛💓💌🌼🌻💫💟👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💟💫❤⚡❤💚🌠💌💜🌩🍋🌩ISNT SHE SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!@@!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!×!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$@%!%!%#^*%&$^$^#^$,%&#&OH MY GOD HER LIL GIGGLES AND NOISES AND STUFF AND HER BOUNCING AROUND LIKE THAT AND THE LIL SPARKS????AND HER GLOWING IN THE DARK????????EVEN THE WAY SHE TYPES???????????????HOLYBDBDHEHH4B3B3BEDHYS7S9DJEBR REWJDJSKAJSHDOV9VJDBWJELTWHEIRJAHY7C8FHEBRNBXBXNCGRNRJJEIEOEORJRJFHHHHDHGDDDHDHHHDHHDHHHHDHDH💛💘💘🌩❣💟❣💝🧡💝💗⚡💗💙🌩💙💘💫💘🍋💚💌💜❤🌻🌩💌💛💌⚠️🌠💕🌠💞⚡💞✨🍋🌩💋⚡❣💖❤🌠💛💌🧡🌼💋⚡💋🌩💋💫💙🌩💙💜💘💜💓🍋❤❤🌩🌠⚡🌠💛💌💚💞🌼💞✨💟💋🍋❣🌩💗💜💝💝👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💙👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💘💫💘💛💞💛👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩⚠️💞💘💖💘⚡💙🌩💝💜💗💛💗⚡💙💫💞💞⚠️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌩🌼❤💜❤💜💋🌩💙💌❣❣👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❤🌈🌠💖🌠💛💚❤🌩💋🌩💙🍋💙💞💛💞⚠️✨💕💋💞❣💟💗🌩💝🍋💝🌩💙🌩💞💛👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💛👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩⚠️💌💕🌠🌈🌼💞💖💘🌩💘🍋💙💜💝💞💝💞💞💓🌈❤💖💚🌻⚠️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌻🌩💋🌩💝🍋💗💜❣🍋🌼💌❤💞❤🌻💞🌻🌈✨🌩💝💛💞💛💞💞🌼💋❣💜💗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣💟✨🌩✨🌩💞🌩🍋🌻💚🧡💕❤🌼💞💋💟💝🍋💝💜❣💌💝🌠💝💌💙🌩🌼🌩💚💚💛❤🧡❤⚠️💓💕❣💞💗✨💝💘💋💘🌼💖⚡✨🌩💞💘💜💙🌩💘⚡🌈❤🌈🌼💫💋💙🌩💝🌩❣💓💛🌼⚠️✨✨🌩💝💝👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💙💫💘⚡💞💞💛👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩⚠️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💚💘❤💋💞💋💟❣⚡🌩❤❤🌩✨🍋✨⚡💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧡🌠💛💚💖🌻💕💞💓💓💟💋🍋💝💟💋💞🌻💖🌼✨⚡💙🌩💋💟💋💛💙🧡💝❣💘💗✨💗💟💋🌼🌩🌠⚡💌🌩🍋❤💜💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣💜💗🍋💗❣✨💛💞🧡🌻⚠️💓💕💋💞💝💝🌩💗💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❤🌈❤💖💚🌠🧡💌⚠️💘🌼💚✨💓💫💓💫✨💙🌠💟🧡⚡🌩💋❣💗⚡🌻💋💙💖💙💙🧡💟💓💟💓💙💚💛💙🧡⚡⚡❣💫⚡💫⚡💙💞⚡🍋💋💚❤💗💋💌💞💋💟💓💟💓❣⚠️💋💘💫❤💫💝❣💓💕💜💛💕💫🌻💌🌈💗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💜❣💝💝💟🌠💙💛💋⚠️💋🌈💞❤💞🌠❣✨💓🍋💗💗🌻💙🌩❣🌩❣🌩💛💫💖💫🌈💫🌩🌼🌩💜🍋💜💓❣💝💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💟💓💗❣💌⚡⚡💛⚡💘💋🌈💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💝🍋💗🌩💗🍋💌❣💞❣💞💗💛💗⚠️💗🌩🧡💚✨❣🌩🌩⚡💘💘💙💙⚠️💙🌈🌩🌠💚✨💚✨🍋💕🌩🌼💝🧡✨💝💓💝💟🌼💋🌼🧡⚡💫🌩💙🌻💙💞💝💞🌠💌💫❣✨❣💕❣💚✨💫💛🧡🌈🧡👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💕🌩✨💖💝💛🌼💜💘💖💫❣💝💓💝💟💫💗💘💙🌈💞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💞💋💋❣🌠🌼❤🌼💓💕🍋💝💚🌩🌩💘💗🌩💝⚡💚💝❣💝❤⚡💋💛💋💞🍋🌠🍋💕⚡💋💕💙💖💖🌠❤💙💌❣💌💓💗🍋⚡🌠💝⚡💕💚💛🌠❤🌩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩❣🌈❤🌈🌩💝🌻💕⚡💟💫💖LITERALLY SHES S O FREKAING CUTE I CANT HANDLE IT MY BRAIN IS TOO MELTED TO FORM GOOD WORDS ANYMORE TLDR IM
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edwinas · 6 years
Coppercogsworth’s Anniversary
It has officially been one year since I have started this blog! Many things have happened in the last twelve months, I was in my final year of uni, graduated with a dissertation on Disney, got my first full-time job and moved cities (again). I’ve also created my first sideblog and fandom blog @lovelpcy​. This blog has been an outlet, source of distraction and procrastination and at times, a chore. But today the good outweighs the bad. I know all my followers by (user)name and I am so so grateful for all of you. I’ve loved interacting with you and having a platform to share what I love Disney, Indian content, you name it!
I would have preferred a more interactive celebration but I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep. However if you want to send in asks and/or chat with me, please do!
Last but not least, my new Aladdin sideblog @princeabubu-daily is happening! It’s been ready for some time and what better time than to celebrate my first blog’s anniversary. So please go on over there if you’re interested.
✨ - You’re special to me  🌟- I admire you  💫 - Fave/indispensable blogs
A - C
@a-humble-hindu ☆ @adiyaathi ☆ @aishwaryaaraiii ☆ @all-pokemon-gifs ☆ @amez-santiago💫 ☆ @amystiago ☆ @angel-in-slow-motion ☆ @animated-disney-gifs ☆ @animations-daily ☆ @ardhangini ☆ @arjuna-vallabha ☆ @asiantheatre🌟💫 ☆ @asmnerdy ☆ @assyrianjalebi ☆ @atruehiro ☆ @awrinkleintimesource ☆ @babyanimalgifs ☆  @baawri ☆ @beedrill-queen ☆ @bigfrozensix ☆ @bigherosixed ☆ @bluesagebois ☆ @bob-belcher💫 ☆ @brbcrawlingtokorea ☆ @cassandor ☆ @chaandaniya ☆ @chanshine💫💫💫 ☆ @chantalthuy-yall ☆ @chasekip ☆ @cinexo💫🌟☆ @cuddly-pcy ☆ @culturaldisney
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F - M
@faeriexqueen✨✨✨🌟💫 ☆ @fyeahpocahontas ☆ @fuckyeahdisneyfanart💫 ☆ @fxholly ☆ @fy-exo💫 ☆ @fyeah-chanyeol💫 ☆  @fyeahdisney ☆ @goldenbollywood💫 ☆ @goldhue ☆ @goldenbollywood ☆ @gyllenhaalsjakes ☆ @hellodisneyboys ☆ @hinducosmos💫 ☆ @ima-proud-disnerd ☆ @iyeolie🌟💫 ☆ @janesvilanueva ☆ @jimikkikammal ☆ @jonqins  ☆ @juicedelishblr✨☆ @kannathil-muthamittal ☆ @koreanmusicals 🌟💫 ☆ @kyungseokie ☆ @kyungsooskhakipants💫🌟 ☆ @lesbiandonaldduck ☆ @littlepcy ☆ @louisweaslys✨ ☆ @love-indian-actress✨🌟💫 ☆ @marksleo ☆ @mickeysmouse ☆ @minhynug ☆    @misschopra ☆ @moanaofmotunui ☆ @mrkslee💫 ☆  @mulandaily ☆ @musicalhog ☆ @myluckyerror
N - R
@nctmark💫 ☆ @narniadynamics ☆ @narniaincolor💫 ☆ @narnianexus ☆ @nilaavu ☆ @niramish ☆ @nolasource 💫 ☆ @ohdisney🌟💫 ☆ @ohmoanas ☆ @ohnarnia✨ ☆  @ohsehuns 💫  ☆ @onastyamiga ☆ @onmyblockdaily ☆ @ourqueenfelinefatale💫 ☆ @parlegee ☆ @pcys-l ☆ @pcytual✨ ☆ @perks-of-being-chinese💫 ☆ @piercesistersgifs ☆ @pikayeollie ☆ @pixarsource ☆ @pocdisneys ☆ @pokemon ☆ @pokemonglobalnews ☆ @pokemon-personalities ☆ @princessdaily ☆ @princessesfanarts💫 ☆ @puppyloveblog24 ☆ @queenofmahishmati ☆ @queentianas🌟💫 ☆  @rapnuzel ☆ @rapvnzies ☆ @reclaimingasia ☆ @reverseracism ☆ @royalty-red
S - Z
@s-nnoh ☆ @sabyaasachi ☆ @scurviesdisneyblog ☆ @sefuns ☆ @sehunnnified ☆ @sehunsmybae✨ ☆ @snorlax ☆ @southasianrep💫 ☆ @srkajolgif ☆ @stardust-rain ☆ @solonarowe ☆ @tadashiihamadas✨🌟💫 ☆ @takingbackourculture, @tamiltypography🌟 ☆ @torenlover ☆ @the-blue-fairie💫 ☆ @the-light-of-animation ☆ @thefemaleofspecies🌟💫 ☆ @theinsun ☆ @thelizardofnotredame ☆ @thundergracesource💫 ☆ @tipannies ☆ @tobenyeol ☆ @tsscat ☆ @tvonq ☆ @visibilityofcolor🌟 ☆ @vintageindianclothing💫 ☆ @visionctzen ☆ @waltdisneydaily ☆ @wayfindingnet💫 ☆ @wdasgifs ☆ @weeguttersnipe💫💫💫 ☆ @whiteteenagegirl ☆ @wintryfever💫 ☆ @wltdisneys ☆ @yixingsosweet ☆ @yixing-zhang ✨🌟💫☆ @zgirlsgf ☆ @z-stars
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azuries · 7 years
ok sO i wrote down a bUNCH of star guardian headcanons mostly lux x jinx involved ones lmao
and they all consist of sg dialogues, theories, and of course, headcanons! i had doubts of posting it here but ykno what i thought ‘’screw it why not’’ and share it with you guys .w. 
everything is under the readmore bc its like 5000+ words long lmao if yall want to go to the lux x jinx juice, go straight to the dialogues 😏😏😏 
                                ⭐️Star Guardian Headcanons ⭐️
 ⭐️Dark Star Syndra💫🌑
-Similar to Eris from Sinbad, she has various creatures and accomplices scattered around the galaxy to rule the underworld of places so they work under the dark. In example, Thresh is the ruler of the Shadow Isles and Varus is the ruler of the Void.
-If Dark Star Thresh was the threat to the Milky Way, Syndra's the threat to the entire galaxy.
-The most powerful force, the final boss, the Queen of the Endless Abyss
-Since she thirsts for power, it was found out the previous Star Guardians didn't die, their souls were captured by her because she sucked their magic essence out of them; similar to a black hole pulling everything it sees and it just keeps getting bigger. The more magic she takes in, the more powerful she is to take over what she pleases. The Star Guardian's souls are still imprisoned in Thresh's abyssal lanterns.
-She only desires Jinx since she's the most powerful, but after Lux evolves, her thirst became too big and decided to use all of her power just to kill Lux, then then wipe out the Star Guardians.
-She's selfish, cruel, manipulative and would do anything to get what she wants for she has no sense of humanity inside of her anymore.
-Syndra is only revealed after Thresh is defeated, when they thought everything was over.
-She also has the ability of alternating minds and has the power of manipulation. And once her target's darkest desires and minds are clutched into her abyssal orbs, the victim's soul is permanently hers, taking the form of a dark version of a Star Guardian and they are completely under her command.
⭐️Lux ⭐️
The opposite of Jinx, she puts her duty as a Star Guardian a priority above all else next to her grades.
-She's very attentive in class and always manages to get the question right every time.
- Is the secondary protagonist, and is a loyal servant of the First Star
-Considered the strategist of the team, leading them all to battle in order and grace
-Is awfully positive and always puts a smile on her face even in the worst of situations
-Whenever she does lose hope, it affects everyone. She's everyone's human compass.
-Considered the most powerful.
-She is aware of how powerful Jinx can be because of the power First Star gave her, and sometimes she can't help but feel that Jinx could be much more powerful and constantly roots for her. (This is an episode where the Star Guardians were separated from each other because of a crack in the Void. Jinx and Lux were forced to work together, even if neither of them wanted to. Throughout the adventure, they sort out their differences and learn to become closer. Not just as Star Guardians, but as friends. And they learn to have more in common than they think.)
-Soon enough in the later arc-centered episodes, she lets herself get manipulated by Dark Star Syndra because her fears are that big, and then later on turns to (Dark Elementalist Lux), a much more powerful but darker version of herself.
-Its a running gag about how Lux loves cupcakes and her graceful demeanor is gone just because of it and goes wild.
-Her ult represents positivity.
-In the finale, just after realizing her true potential and how important loyalty is, she evolves to The True Light of the Star (Elementalist Lux), the one who is destined to defeat Syndra.
-Lux makes a sacrifice for the world. Even if she was powerful, Syndra was still ten times more. This meant she had to use everything she had to defeat her, even if it meant death. She says her final goodbyes to Jinx, confessing their love to each other with a kiss and disperses through the bright light where Syndra finally perishes.
⭐️Jinx ⭐️
-mostly placed in her POV
-She’s hella passionate over a lot of things, which tend to make her overreact.
-Shes not attentive in class and is considered a nuisance.
-She's the second strongest among the Star Guardians but she hasn't applied her true potential because she hasn't truly embraced the First Star's power
-Slowly throughout their adventures, Jinx starts to grow closer to her teammates and instead of strongly disliking the First Star, she begins to doubt the decision. She secretly has insecurity issues relating to her being picked, being self aware of what she is as a person.
-She uses her finger zap to mess with people sometimes.
-She talks to Shiro and Kuro whenever she's lonely.
-She used to be a part of the Academy squad (Ekko, Ahri, Darius, etc.) and usually put friends and popularity in priority rather than her Star Guardian duty. Because of that, her power became weaker and weaker because of her lack of teamwork.
-Her ult represents unity.
-Its very rare of her to show concern but when she does, it goes a long way. The first time she did was when Lulu was captured by Dark Star Varus and Jinx went furious to get her back. Her rationality disappears in an instance and her logic blinded becoming reckless. She attempted to go to Varus' lair herself to get her back, but fails in disappointment.
-She was the one who turned Lux back to normal from her transformation as her dark self. She ideally thought this was a good opportunity to find Thresh's motive and whereabouts.
⭐️Janna ⭐️
-She takes her dedication to the First Star to a whole other level, because she isn’t actually from Earth.
-She secretly wants this to be her final round as a Star Guardian and wants to pass her duty to someone else. 
-The oldest and wisest of the team, she takes care of everyone as if she was a mother and disciplines them if she has to.
-Knows more about Dark Star Thresh than anyone.
-She cares a lot about her team and wants nothing but their safety. Just when they considered of replacing Jinx because of her self doubt, Jinx comes back. And Janna couldn't help but shed a tear so relieved she's okay and for the First Star's order finally being continued.
-She's not a funny person. Whenever she does try to do humor, its either too cringy or too morbid.
-Likes a good cup of tea any day.
-Her ult represents courage and bringing people together.
⭐️Poppy ⭐️
-The brawn of the group; the human shield of the group.
-Poppy is very loyal to the First Star and is very protective to her friends; especially to Lulu. She'll go through any measure to protect them.
-Even if she's loyal, she's also hot-headed. Her impatience drives fast to certain people like Jinx, which leads to their tiny frenemy rivalry relationship.
-When it comes to food, she chows down like there's no tomorrow. Poppy has a big appetite.
-Poppy's hammer has the same mechanic as Thor's. She's the only one who's able to wield it unless there's someone else more worthy.
-Poppy loves and brags about her hammer the same way a guy would brag about his motor bike. She loves it too much as if it were a real person.
-Poppy can have proud times where insecurity means nothing to her, and knows when to credit herself when she does something extraordinary. ("DID YOU SEE THAT?!") with everyone being shocked along with her.  Poppy in a sense of physical strength, really is the strongest among all of them.
-Her ult represents protection.
-Is considered a tomboy and doesn't really like girly stuff. With that, she also isn't fond of showing physical and emotional affection towards her teammates, and shows her care for them through protecting them in battle and smashing enemies to pieces. The closest thing she can get to really protective is Lulu. 
⭐️Lulu ⭐️
-Doesn't really have anything against any of the Star Guardians, but she doesn’t have the effort to form a relationship with any of them either. She's too distracted and marvels at her own powers
- That was in the beginning, and she learned the importance of teamwork and trust through Pix.
-She's the one in the group who gives useless advice and acts like they're very important.
-In the academy, she was considered as a weirdo but Lulu was too into her world inside her head she didn't mind what people said about her. She thinks popularity is "a silly concept".
-Her ult represents motivation and cooperation.
-The First Star gave her the blessing of communicating with animals and other creatures.
⭐️First Star/(s) ⭐️
-They thought it was only one First Star, but there is actually a whole council of First Stars
-After a Star Guardian's long duty is done, they have the choice of being converted to a First Star, an elder version of a Star Guardian. They have the responsibility of keeping the universe in order and the assigned task of choosing the next set of Star Guardians.
-They disguise themselves as teachers and headmasters of the academy where the current Star Guardians are to watch over them.
-They tend to argue a lot because of their previous job as a Star Guardian and didn't really learn the value of teamwork. But individually, they were very powerful.
-Soraka, known as the first First Star, was presumed to be dead being known as the first victim of Syndra in an attempt to save her, only to be betrayed. Soraka was actually alive but her powers discovered to be permanently gone. She comes back with other First Stars to fight the final fight against the darkest of the forces; Syndra.
-During the fight, they all have little remarks to make the episode a little comedic. 
"See, this is why I never wanted you to take the lead!" 
"Aw i missed this, just like old times."
-The current Star Guardians were smiling at the sight of the First Stars because it reminded a lot about them.
-Syndra turns out to be so damn powerful that every First Star falls down defeated and their powers gone for Syndra sucks it out and possesses it.
🌑⭐️Dark Star Thresh⭐️🌑
-The warden of souls and dark magic; the ruler of the Shadow Isles(that used to be the Blessed Isles until he changed it to the Shadow Isles when his reign was set), Syndra's keeper of magic
-The penultimate boss
-Has the power to summon a black hole where anything that gets inside gets trapped in eternity unless he permits otherwise.
-Intelligent, strategist, and the brains behind Syndra's plans
-He is entrusted with the magic that Syndra possesses that she plans to reveal for her final form and only he knows where it is.
🌑⭐️Dark Star Varus⭐️🌑
-Thresh's pawn. A being who doesn't know anything else but to destroy and dominate.
-He rules the Void with an iron fist and made the creatures inside his powerful army.
-The "first boss" of the arc. The mid-season boss
⭐️Familiars HCs (Shiro, Kuro, Zephyr, Pix, etc.)⭐️
-The only way they can truly help the Star Guardians/use their powers is to gain their trust. Otherwise, they shy up and do not appear when they are attempted to be summoned. So the Star Guardian and the familiar need to form a bond.
-The stronger the bond with the Familiar is, the stronger their synergy is with the Star Guardian.
-It took a while for Jinx, Shiro and Kuro to get along. But after a near-death experience for Jinx, Shiro and Kuro worked together to save her. And now they're closer than ever.
-Zephyr immediately fell in love with Janna and they maintain a healthy and fulfilled bond.
-Pix and Lulu are the best of friends and they love using their powers together to help each other.
-When Star Guardians are affected negatively (physical injury), the familiars get affected too and get weaker depending on the SG’s state.
 ⭐️Possible enemies to encounter⭐️
-Final Boss Veigar
-Dark Star Zyra (formed by Syndra)
-Dark Star Ahri (formed by Syndra)
-the previous Star Guardian's souls
-Void creatures
- (Lux's Dark Star counterpart, extremely powerful)
 Lulu: *W's enemy*Oh come on, Poppy! Just smash it. Just remember...it was originally a bloodsucking murderer and everyone in the room will die unless you destroy it!
Poppy: Nngh... couldn't you turn it to something less adorable, like...a-a cockroach?
Lulu: *shrugs* You can do it, Poppy!
Poppy: Ngaaahh..! *raises hammer* D'oh, i can't do it! It's too innocent, i mean look at it!
Lux: Poppy, we only have a little time until the spell wears out!
Lulu: If I make it turn back to normal, it will be impossible for you to smash it! You saw how hard it was to make it stand still..
Poppy: If you're so pushy and eager, why don’t you do it then?!
Jinx: Oh, god. Seriously, Poppy? THIS is what it takes to break you?!
Poppy: How would you feel if I asked you to kill Shiro?!
Jinx: First of all, my adorable Shiro isn't a cold-blooded murderer who waits for the right time to dominate the world. *Shiro whispers to her* Wait, what?! Well that's not helping my current example as of now, but…can I get in on that?
Poppy: *groans* And how exactly does this make me any less different..?
Lux: Oh no, the creature is manipulating Poppy as a diversion so the spell would remove! If Poppy isn't gonna do it, is it a possibility of someone else wielding the hammer, then?
Lulu: Nope, it really has to be Poppy! Her hammer's the only way to kill it.
Poppy: *heavy sighs* Fine...
*Raises her hammer but highly hesitates*
Poppy: *flinches* Okay, okay! *hesitates again and smashes it, the cupcake poofs in the air and turns to glitter*
Janna: Okay, it's done. Can I go home now?
Jinx: *giggles* Didn't know you were such a softie for bouncing cupcakes.
Poppy: Shut up, Jinx.
Thresh: My queen..I have news.
Syndra: You may speak.
Thresh: The First Star..has chosen. They have returned, my queen.
Syndra: Hmmm. Have they..? We'll wipe them out easy, just like the others. *smirks between words*
Thresh: My queen...two of them..they have the true power of the First Star.
Syndra: Two..?
Thresh: A naive girl and a loud one, my queen. I never felt this much power ever since you have defeated them all. Combined, it...they have the power of defeating you.
Syndra:  ..!
Thresh: I only ask of you our plan of action, most high sovereign. I felt their power...flowing inside them like a wildfire..
Syndra: That much energy....*chuckles and smirks* Let them come. We will be prepared for their visit. With that amount easily sucked in...we will have enough energy for the plan we’ve been waiting for so many eons…Gather all the forced you can and form a plan while I prepare. A war is coming and I assure you..it will be our victory.
Thresh: As you wish...Queen Syndra.
Jinx: ...
Syndra: Jinx…
Jinx: ..?!?! Who's there?!
Syndra: You're afraid, Jinx.
Jinx: H-How do you know my name..?! Come out and face me you c-coward! I'm not afraid!
Syndra: If anyone's a coward here, it's you. *reveals herself in front of her in a projection-like matter* Aren't you?
Jinx: Who are you..?
Syndra: You're afraid of failure…aren’t you, Jinx?
Jinx: You don't know a damn thing about me.
Syndra: Oh, I know quite a lot about you, child. *starts to surround her* You're afraid of a lot of things..and you don't even have the courage to face them.
Jinx: What do you want from me..?
Syndra: You're afraid of the choice of you being chosen. You're afraid of failing them again. You're afraid of dying because of this held responsibility. You're afraid...that they don't care about you at all.
Jinx: Stop it...!
Syndra: If you're too fearful of what's to come...maybe you're not fit to be a Star Guardian after all. Didn't you say you hated the role? It has done nothing but cause trouble for you. And you have done nothing but cause trouble for them. You're considered a burden.
Jinx: Y-You're wrong. I'm not a burden. Because of me and my team, a lot of people are alive right now...!
Syndra: Please, Jinx. When was the last time you cared? You're only here for the glory and your own selfish desires.
Jinx: You think you know me so well. But guess what, you don't. I care about my team more than you think.
Syndra: Keep telling yourself that. The only person you seem to care about is...Lux, right?
Jinx: If you dare do anything to hurt her...!
Syndra: *laughs maniacally* Oh, this is marvelous! The story of unrequited love. How romantic…and tragic.
Jinx: It's...It's..stop...
Syndra: Don't even bother to lie. I know all your deepest, darkest fears. I wonder...do you ever fear she doesn't feel the same way?
Jinx: Stop...
Syndra: What if you fail to protect her?
Jinx: Stop..!
Syndra: What if she ends up sacrificing herself to protectyou?
Jinx: JUST STOP! *Jinx swooshes her hand in intention to knock Syndra, but her projection fades out against the direction of her hand, knocking the vase nearby, and now her projection goes in front of Jinx*
Syndra: *chuckles* You can always leave, Star Guardian. Live the rebellious life you used to love, with no such oath bringing you down...and do what you desire. You can be free. And best of all, she will be safe. What have you got to lose? You're much safer and you have the sweet release from a responsibility you didn't even ask for.
Jinx: *pants* That was in the past..My team needs me.
Syndra: What were you looking in for this? Redemption? A chance to make friends? Silly child..people can't change. They just want the power the First Star gave you..and throw you away, just like what your parents did to you.
Jinx: My life doesn't revolve around my parents. I have other people I consider my family.
Syndra: Don't tell me you mean the Star Guardians? Oh child, you're as naive as Thresh says...
Jinx: (Did you just say..?!)
Syndra: They don't care about you, child, and they never will. They only care about what you can be.
Jinx: *angrily* Alright... Just who the hell are you and what do you want from me?
Syndra: *chuckles* You'll know soon enough.
Jinx: *heavily breathes and falls to the ground with widened eyes and magnified fears*
Thresh grunting: You think this is the end? It will never end. She is still coming, and a new world will come.. She has kept her promise..The deed is finally… done. *disperses*
Jinx: ..Okayyyy, for a victory, that was actually pretty creepy.
Lux: What did he mean by "she"..?
Poppy: And that the "deed was done".. Does that mean..
Lulu: -That this isn't over?..
Janna: It's far from over.
*All look to Janna*
Jinx: Well...this is it. This is where it all ends.
Lux: Yeah. It's up to us now to stop Syndra. To stop the suffering she's caused a lot of people across the galaxy.
Jinx: It's not going to be easy, that's for sure. I don't know what the hell's in store for us down there.
Lux: Me neither. Jinx…
Jinx: ...?
Lux: Jinx, I'm..I'm scared.
Jinx: ...! *looks really worried and then just starts laughing*
Lux: What?! What's so funny about what I said?!
Jinx: *wiping tears* Sorry, it's just..Luxanna Crownguard? The leader of the Star Guardians, afraid? That's a laugh!
Lux: Jinx, I'm serious. I mean...there's going to be a huge chance of us not making it down there for the sake of the universe. Syndra is a powerful enemy. This isn't Varus, this isn't Thresh..it's the most dangerous threat. It's the threat. What if we have to make some..heroic sacrifice? We all knew this was coming and I'm ready to take whatever measure for the sake of everyone's fate...but it doesn't stop me from being scared. I'm scared to die..
Jinx: *touches her shoulder* Lux...being honest, I am terrified as well. But once we get down there..and give it all we got to kick the Dark Queen's ass, we will know what to do. 'Glory to the First Star', or something like that. If we live, we get to live as saviors of the universe! And if we don't, well...We'll have parks, universities and schools named after us. Star Guardians' Ultimate Sacrifice' written in the history books. We'll die as heroes and we will be remembered. Everyone in the galaxy is counting on us. Let's be strong for them, okay?
Lux: *smiles softly* Didn't you know you were a wise one. *giggles*
Jinx: *giggles* Of course I am, I’m the biggest genius you’ll ever see!
Lux: *laughs*
Jinx: Alright. Now that's over, I gotta stop Shiro from shivering. The poor fluffbutt won't stop crying out glitter.
*Lux stops her by grabbing her hand*
Lux: Jinx...one more thing.
Jinx: ..? What is it?
*Lux, after short moments of hesitation, leans in to give the red haired girl a quick but gentle peck on the cheek.*
Jinx: *blushing hard with mouth wide open*
Lux: *looking down* Thank you..again. *runs away*
Jinx: *touches the area Lux kissed her and slowly starts to smile, and it just kept getting bigger*
Kuro: *teasingly coos*
Jinx: *shoos Kuro away like he was a fly* Nnghh.. Shut up.
 This is a thing I came up with if Lux were to really sacrifice herself if her Elementalist form wasn’t enough to defeat Syndra. RIP Lux. 
*Lux and Syndra push each other away leading both of them to crash in the walls, semi unconscious*
Jinx: LUX! *runs to her even if she's struggling*
Lux: *groans* Jinx...?
Jinx: Don't worry you big dummy, I got you. I’m here. 
Lux: She's too powerful, I..I can't defeat her. Even with this form...I can't..
Jinx: Don’t say that! I..I still have this orb. I-It can transport us out of here, and we can get you help-!
Lux: *stops Jinx from using the orb*-But there is one thing left to do.
Jinx: Lux..?
Lux: We both knew this was coming, didn't we? *weakly laughs* Jinx..Before I go-
Jinx: -No. Don't you dare say that now. You can't die, w-we'll think of something else later, but right now, I need to get you out of here!
Lux: Jinx. It's okay. We need to stop Syndra once and for all. You were right. I know what to do and I'm ready to. I just wanted to let you know, you were the worst and best thing that's ever happened to me. What we've been through together...-
Jinx: No! T-There has to be a better way to solve this, I'm not accepting this!
Lux: -Has been an adventure. You're the most spirited and most passionate person I met..and I wouldn't change anything..-
Jinx: -I-I'll fight! I'm still okay, I just-*groans in pain* No..! Damn it..! DAMN IT!
Lux: You can't..It's really up to me. Jinx..This is the First Star's destiny for me, and I accept it fully. Please let me do this.
Jinx: Screw the First Star, I can't lose you!
Lux: ....
Jinx: I can't lose you...I can't, I won't. I..won't let you leave me.
Lux: *reaches for her cheek and kisses her, starts crying* I love you, Jinx. I always did, and I always will.
Jinx: *starts sobbing and never lets go of her hand, tightly tugging on it letting it stay on her cheek* I love you so much, Luxanna...I love you. So so much...
Syndra: *slowly starts to stand up, laughs and gathers all her orbs to aim at Lux*
Jinx: I'll make sure they remember your name. I'll shout out to the world and remind them every day about you, how such an amazing and selfless person you are. You w-won't be forgotten, and I'll make sure of it. I'll force them to name the next phenomenon after you.
Lux: *slowly stands up tall, still a little wobbly* Alright, Syndra. Let's finish this.
Syndra: Let's.
 *After lots of charging of ALL her power from Lux that makes her physical state unable to handle the power, she uses it all to defeat Syndra and her body turns to tiny white and pink sparkles falling like rain*
Poppy: ...No..Lux....
Lulu: *gasps* No...no no no..T-This can't be..
Janna: She just made a sacrifice..*sniff* no other Star Guardian could have made. Lux...She saved us all.
Poppy: Damn it..!
*everyone sits in silence still in their distraught state*
Poppy: The universe is safe...because of her. *glues her hammer to the ground and bows down* We won't forget your sacrifice, Star Guardian. You will be honored.
Jinx: *sobbing*
⭐️Episode Ideas⭐️
-There will be a non-arc related episode where their powers were mysteriously switched and learn to work together using their current form.
-Prom episode
    Lux is hyped because for once, she can actually have a chance to have fun with friends outside of her Star Guardian life (and the chance of dancing with Jinx, even if it seemed far-fetched). Janna is "a little" excited. Lulu doesn't think much of it and only is in it for the dresses. Poppy's only going because Lulu is, and Jinx thinks that prom is a "stupid" idea and is not fond of it.
     Unfortunately for the five, Varus came a little too early and casted a spell on everyone to make everyone seem idle and clueless to what was going on, so was Varus free to take the Guardians.
      Lux and Jinx were the only ones who weren't affected because Lux was in the bathroom which made her inaudible to the noise of the spell, while Jinx was blasting music through her earphones so she was immune.
     They both worked together to break the people's unawareness and managed to scare Varus away. Unfortunately the event was finished as soon as they broke the spell and was naïve to what happened.
Jinx: *shouts* You're welcome, by the way! Well Lux, we saved the city once again! That was fun, ain't it?
Lux: Yeah! Sure..
Jinx: Now what's wrong with you?
Lux: N-nothing, it's dumb.
Jinx: It might be, just a little. But come on, tell me.
Lux: ...I'm just a little bummed I missed out on my junior prom. I love being a Star Guardian, and I would not change it for anything in the world..but I thought that just for one night..I could..forget all about that, you know? Hang out with my friends, having fun, lots of laughing, maybe even dancing to slow music with..someone. Heh. But I guess breaks don't exist when your job is saving the world, am I right? *lightly chuckles* I don't know. I just wish for one dance, that's all.
Jinx: ..Yeah. That was dumb.
Lux: Gee, thanks..
Jinx: So...who exactly do you wanna dance with?
Lux: ...! N-no one in particular.. *shes a terrible liar*
Jinx: I-It's that blondie, right? Ezreal or something. Because I can call Shiro and Kuro to fly him all the way over he-
Lux: -NO, that really isn't necessary! *looks down timidly and plays with her fingers* And...he's not exactly the person I had in mind.
Jinx: Oh? Then who else could it be, then?
Lux: W-Why should I tell you?!
Jinx: Jeez Luxie, I wasn't intending to press! You need to chill.
Lux: I-I'm sorry..I just..don't think I should tell you out of all people.
Jinx: *sigh* I think I know who you're talking about.
Lux: Y-you do..?
Jinx: *holds out her hand*
Lux: Jinx..?!
Jinx: May I have this dance? O-or something like that.
Lux: How did you-?!
Jinx: Wait, what?
Lux: I MEAN-! H-How did you..um..! H-How did you know I wanted a dance that badly!? Y-you said it was dumb...
Jinx: It is. Very. But it isn't impossible. Since you're not gonna have the opportunity to dance with Ekko, I guess I'll do, right? Take my hand.
Lux: Wait. *rather disgusted* How did you come up with the conclusion that I liked Ekko?
Jinx: I dated Ekko. You didn't wanna hurt my feelings. Blah blah blah...Chick flick things.
Lux: Oh...r-right! Haha! That totally makes sense. *nervous laughter* Just a random question though...d-do you have feelings for him still?
Jinx: Nah, don't worry about it. *looks a little down and smiles* Let's just say I have someone else in mind too.
Lux: O-Oh....
Jinx: So, Luxanna Crownguard...*holds out her hand one more time* May I have this dance?
Lux: *slowly smiles and blushes and takes her hand* I..I would love to.
*Awkwardly, Jinx puts both of her arms around Lux's hips and Lux on her shoulders. Even with no music playing, they still seem to hear the melody from afar, moving their hips in the invisible rhythm that seems to replace the sound of the calm wind.*
Lux: Jinx, I...
Jinx: ..?
Lux: ..Thank you. For being here with me.
Jinx: ..! *looks away* Just..keep your arms around me. I-I mean..!
Lux: *giggles* Of course.
Jinx: If you tell the others about this..
Lux: Don't worry, I won't. 
Alternate scene of how the conversation went between Lux and Jinx before the final battle: 
Lux: Syndra is a powerful enemy. This isn't Varus, this isn't Thresh..it's the most dangerous threat. It's the threat. What if we have to make some..heroic sacrifice? We all knew this was coming and I'm ready to take whatever measure for the sake of everyone's fate...but it doesn't stop me from being scared. I'm scared to d-
Jinx: -Marry me.
Lux: Ah...?! What!?
Jinx: If we make it out alive..WHEN we make it out alive..I want you to be with me for the rest of my life. So after this, Lux..let's marry. *grabs both of her hands still looking down* I don't know what's in store for us when we do this...But what I do know, is that I want to be yours.
Lux: *chuckles between cries* You are, you dummy. What are you talking about?
Jinx: I want to be yours...forever. I don't imagine myself with anyone but you. Do..you imagine yourself with anybody else..?
Lux: *softly smiles* No, but..Jinx..
Jinx: God..this is so cheesy.
Lux: *gasps* You're asking me to marry you and you say THAT'S cheesy?! You idiot! *chuckles*
Jinx: I'm sorry *laughs* But I'm serious. Lux..what do you say?
Lux: *sniff* Yes. Yes! *Lux hugs Jinx a little bit too strong they they both fall to the floor, foreheads touching.*
-They plan to have two wedding ceremonies; one for Earth and one for the entire galaxy
Lux: What do you think about the budget?
Jinx: You kidding? If two weddings mean getting to kiss the love of my life in front of hundreds of people twice, the budget is the last thing on my mind.
Lux: ...Seriously, the price for everything is huge.
Jinx: -Alright, we'll marry behind an alley, who cares.
 -Jinx being hella demanding on their wedding planning and they didn’t need to worry about payment because since they kinda saved the universe, they had the privilege of having everything free and the favor of every planet they saved. A universal wedding :D
Jinx: I want an 8 layer cake, I want ALL my friends around the galaxy invited, I want my fiancée to have the most gorgeous dress, I want a GRAND HALL! Give me everything you got, you goons!
Lux: *pulls her* Honey..Don't you think you pushing them is a little bit too much? Don't you think THIS is too much? I don't want you going overboard.
Jinx: Well..MAYBE. But Lux, this is our wedding.
Lux: I know, but-
Jinx: -Lux. The only reason why I've been hyping it too much is because...you deserve the best. After what we've been through and you constantly talking in the past about having this dream wedding..I wanted to make that come true. Trust me..throughout, I've thought of no one but you.
Lux: ...*chuckles* Since when did you become so sweet?
Jinx: Uh, we're kinda engaged.
Lux: *giggles* True.
Jinx: And....I love you.
Lux: I love you too. Alright, Jinx. I'll let this role out. And you better surprise me.
Jinx: Always do, babe.
Lux: Yes you do. But take it easy on 'em, alright?
Jinx: No problemo.
Poppy: This isn't gonna end well, is it?
Janna: Nope.
Lulu: Uh-uh.
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