#love hearing people's differing perspectives and considering things i hadnt before.
mrgladstonegander · 5 months
Ive hated phantom and sorceress since day 1 too. You are not alone. It completely just flattens both lena and gladstone's characters for what? You could genuinely replace gladstone with a paper bag and the episode would honestly still be the same. I feel like Gladstone was just there because 'haha hehe magicstone tease!' And this is coming from someone who liked magicstone a lot at the time. Even little 14 year old me watched that and was disappointed. Magicstone does not belong in ducktales 2017 in any way imo.
On the topic of ducktales critical opinions, i also have mixed feelings on astro boyd. It gave so much to boyd that i love, but i feel like it made people misunderstand gyro gearloose completely. Like im one of the three people who prefer boyd to live with the drakes because Doofus drake's parents to me are people who are well prepared to take care of a child/ren, and who try to improve as parents and people even after they fumbled in caring for doofus drake.
Imo Astro boyd is a good starting point, but many people treat it as THE finish line for gyro and boyd. gyro just began healing from his trauma. He is not ready to take full responsibility for boyd, and honestly, I'm not sure he ever will be. Most ppl don't understand this.
In conclusion, i feel like astro boyd (and honestly most of season 3) are good concepts but were victims of being episodes in a final season of a show affected by covid. People wanted ducktales to keep up the amazing momentum it had in season 2, but like season 3 was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
14 year old me was also disappointment by phantom and the sorceress 😅and yeah i agree, DT17!magicstone is just.. not it
i think your feelings on astro boyd makes sense! gyro could be considered boyd's "father" but he wouldnt really be a good dad if that makes sense? obviously the Drakes arent the most perfect parents, but they clearly care for Boyd in a way that Gyro would struggle to because of the emotional connection to Akita/Tokyolk. I'll admit im also guilty for jumping on the "Gyro is Boyd's Dad!" bandwagon especially when the episode first came out, but i definitely agree that he (Gyro) shouldn't have full custody of Boyd until he works on his emotional issues
and that would have been great to see in a season 4! i think its good (and kind of correct) to see Astro Boyd as the start, but i think the fact we don't really get to see them interact... at ALL later is what makes it feel like the "finish" for a lot of people.
admittedly im not aware of the extent that covid affected the production of Ducktales but i definitely agree with you on how season 3 has a LOT of good concepts, but have extremely mixed execution (Louie's Eleven and Sword of Swanstantine come to mind for me). its really a shame. i think a part of the problem with the execution and pacing might also be because the writers knew that they didn't have a 4th season, so they squished some arcs and plots to have room to bring in other characters/cameos from other Saturday Afternoon Disney Shows
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luwupercal · 1 year
Abnett When He Put a reference of Emps possibly being Alexander the great probably thought is was a cool thing but I can't stop thinking of Hephaestion's death and Alexander's grief of it, because if we say Emps is Alexander that shows a lot of his old personality if he did change from Molech or time. It showed that he did care once and showed real emotions. And Oll story can still make sense since Alexander is a conquer and did sometimes call himself god I think. That and Alexander actually died about 8 months later after Hephaestion's, at about 32 it puts lots of thoughts of what the Emperor was during it. Sorry for this rambling but this is just really interesting to me. I'm kinda surprise no one is talking about it. Sorry again
NO THIS IS FASCINATING THIS IS FASCINATING I HADNT HEARD OF THIS. i hadnt ever considered the emperor as alexander the great but now that youve put the idea in my brain i kind of LOVE it. thats a very good historical figure to put the emperor as having Secretly Been tbh
in fact in a brilliant moment of serendipity one of my favourite historical factoids is that apparently (APPARENTLY. do not quote me on this. alleged statements & hearsay only no sources) to transport his body for burial they laid alexander the great to rest in like a tub full of honey bc it slows down rotting since honey doesnt rot at all + lemon demon has a song called Sweet Bod about a different practice involving burying corpses in honey (this time for pseudo medicinal purposes) that ive always strongly associated w the emperors corpse and the cult built around it lololol
also do not ever apologize for sending me asks, zero worries, I love to hear peoples thoughts on warhammer even if i disagree lololol. I like to see different perspectives!! It's enrichment to me. like a zoo animal given a hollowed out pumpkin full of hamburger
a lot of times im like ehhh... about the whole "emperor having had compassion once" thing but i do think him having been Alexander the great is actually really good for this. as far as I know this dude (which isnt very to be frank!) he was a guykissing boyking mass conqueror who was a historical figure when julius caesar was alive who died of twink death which ticks a lot of boxes for my thoughts on what the emperor couldve theoretically been while young (super long time ago, still a conqueror, immature in a way that makes a lot of sense with the ways the emperor remained immature to his sorta-death) with the bonus of making him a menliker 360 which as a fellow menliker series x i approve of very heartily. this might be how it works for me.
AND the whole hephaestion thing u say is SO FUN AND INTERESTING as a characterization thing... forget shipping the emperor with malcador or whatever the one person he considered his soulmate died before oily josh was a twinkle in marys grandmothers eye. which is i think so fucking true and real to him. + the like rage of being nearly allpowerful but you still cant bring back the person you loved most who died young slots really well into the emperor i think it gives him an achillean flair just a little bit of. you know when dads casually drop Lore about their life and its the most deranged shit youve heard in your life and hes just made it such a normal part of his life he never really thought to bring up his Backstory. i feel like this is the vibe by 30k. im imagining the custodes furiously sharing memes in their custodes only discord server about every completely bananas Emperor Lore Drop
the questions im mostly bubbling with rn about all of this are stuff like. at what points the historical record was lied to. like in 40ks version of history was alexander the great adopted or did the emperor do a kill and replace w the original alexander (Erebus/Marneus Calgar style) or was the backstory completely different and if so, what were the historical ramifications...... i obviously dk a lot about alexander the great but I just Think it Works™️. It Works Great
thank u Very much for the ask this is cool as hell to think about o7
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meanlesbean · 9 months
Hey, ur characterization of Twilight and Wars and Mask (and basically everyone in the chain tbh) in your fic Cadence of a Legacy really rocks
I especiallly fuck with the writing from Twilights perspective, and it's SO extremely interesting to see how Time reacts to the things Mask does, and yk, Mask in general. They say your future self is watching you (through your memories) and judging your every action, but I can't think of a scenario that takes that more literally
I never considered the Hyrule is High Key an Arsonist take! Probably bc I hadnt actually played his games prior to maybe a month ago but its definitely a feature noticed now that its brought to mind!
This might be random, considering for all I know you could be working on an entirely different project, or just doing life stuff. I did come here from ao3 tho, and it's a super interesting read from its beginning to the current point in the story, your a very skilled writer
Hi anon! Thanks so much for taking the time to message me and let me know your thoughts! Getting the chain's characterizations down was so important to me before embarking on this fic. The amount of character notes I wrote for everyone is a little ridiculous lol. I'm especially glad to hear you like Twilight's characterization and perspective because he's actually the Link whose canon I'm least familiar with, and I was soo nervous about trying to write from his POV.
Yes I love that idea of being a spectre to your past self through memory--and you're right that this is almost literally Time's experience in the fic, and we'll see that it's a big source of tension between Time and Mask.
My linked universe hot take of the day is that all the boys are arsonists. But yes I specifically wanted Hyrule to suggest fire 1) to make sure I'm not falling into that trap of lu fic writers portraying Wild as like uniquely more gremlin-like than the others and 2) because as a kid playing the OG zelda on my gameboy, prior to discovering online gamefaqs walkthroughs in middle school, I burned down approximately 90% of the trees and bushes in the overworld searching for hidden caves. If the trees didn't respawn, the overworld in that Hyrule would be in absolute smithereens lmao
And don't worry, I put my tumblr link in the chapter notes so that people are free to message me at random! I really am 100% always down to talk about this fic and also all other Zelda and LU topics. This blog is just where I live, and I do post about fic progress on here, but I just haven't had a lot of free time/energy to write lately so those updates have been scarcer. Cadence is my only current writing project at the moment. I have a few older (non-lu) loz fics in various states of progress, but 95% of my writing time right now gets put toward Cadence and fine-tuning its plot arc.
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vladimir-noskcire · 4 years
ive been thinking, we should live like Iroh
{Iroh is a character from Avatar, if you haven't watched i suggest you do.WARNING gonna be long post} hey so long story short i had an epiphany a while ago, this has probably been said before but i wanted to share even if it's on my small blog. (it's gonna be a ramble 1\?) alrighty so basically i think society is having a huge misunderstanding with everything. ive often thought to myself "why the fuck is this happening?", not just society but everyday life issues. I have wished for an instruction manual for life, but there isn't one. We need to teach ourselves. back to misunderstandings, A philosopher George Santayana once said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” WE HAVEN'T LEARNED. We are taught in school how to study. However I'm not sure if we as the human race have studied our history, biology, psychology, ect. We are told to check our notes when studying and as new info arrives we are expected to check back. You may have had an experience with conversation similar to this. "does this make sense?" (Alex) "no" (Armani) "okay, try again." "it still doesn't work, I'm getting upset" "let's try a different angle?" "Oh hey, this makes sense now!" "Cool beans!" "Righteous!" Trying new angles, different learning techniques often leads to solutions. A singular demographic will likely yield the same results(especially if they study the same tests with the same demographic. That's why in science they try for diversity. different results means something happened differently(duh) so let's figure out what that something is, right? Have you ever seen a show or experienced a situation where someone gets mad and confronts the person before hearing their side? MISUNDERSTANDING! We tend to think we understand but we don't. We need more understanding, we need to experiment more and TALK. In any relationship talking is incredibly important. Can you read minds? No? well it makes sense your relation probably can't either. You need to communicate to understand one another. Once there is understanding you can work together as a team to fix it. A writer and lay theologian C.S.Lewis is quoted "two heads are better than one, not because either is infallible, but because they are unlikely to go wrong in the same direction." stop. read it again, just the quote pls. think about your family, friendships, workmates ect. how many times have they offered advice or comfort that you hadnt even considered? did it help? did the effort of their kindness help even if it didnt solve the problem? These are questions i suggest asking yourself for yourself. if you want more homework consider these(do as many or as few as u wish) +Why do i feel this way about(emotion)? +does this current project\activity\person give me positvity?why or why not? +do i love myself? who does love me? (think hard, ask for help remebering or proccessing if u need to!) + do one small kindness(one everyday is better but people process and learn and heal diffrently so take your time.EX give a compliment) Im tired and going to bed but before i do a few more things i wanna say *change is good, scary but good and beautiful *take your time and be paitent with others *before judging someone consider their life you cant see, it may not excuse their actions but it may logically explain them. people can change, its hard but possible. not everyone lives the life you do and might be ignorant to how to help themself. *we are in this together, if you are able pls offer(dont force) to help those around you, even little things add up. if you made it this far, thank you my bud for listening. I hope this entertained you if not helped you in some way. my intentions are only positive. (Please understand this is my perspective, if you are angered, confused, or just looking for conversation on these topics feel free to message me with questions in a respectful message, if you're not certain how, just start with "hello, my name is_____ and i had some questions\thoughts". i'll respond whenever possible.
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I am very ugly
Soul and outter appearance and all. Whenever anyone would compliment me I would initially feel happy that its worth mentioning to me. Queue 3 minutes later and I feel disgusting. Like " no stop saying that , thats just cruel. Thats a cruel cruel joke." I had always assumed they were lying. Maybe they sensed I was sad and in their lame attempt to get me to feel better about myself brings them self gratification. I remember a lot of the times where someone has commented on how I look or my weight. Always struggled with my identity and image. Hearing it from other people didnt make anything easier. ' hey you lost weight you look so much better'. One of the dress fittings for my sisters wedding - the tailor told me I was pretty but id be prettier if I was thinner. He said I would never get married with how i looked. He said there was still time for me to change. He said what a shame. He said dont let it be a loss. He said things Id never forget. My sister said not to listen to him afterwards. That he said that to other people before. That hes outdated and he attempted to make it seem sincere or that he cared. My friends , to the best of my knowledge have never outwardly called me fat. But I definitely did feel like the ugly fat friend. Just brought around to enhance their self esteem. I felt pretty at times but only when I rarely ate. Those were the times where guys looked at me or when girls wanted to be my friend. Whenever I wore makeup when going out with my friends. Old flames or people I grew up with try and talk to me. They talk to me like they were introducing themselves for the first time. " Ive known you for 6 years.." " Im sorry i didnt recognize you. You look healthier!!" I was not. I was never healthy. Not at my biggest. Nor at my lowest. My current best and only friend has said things...jabs at my weight. He probably doesnt even know. While we went out to eat at a cafe and I ordered 2 appetizers and a meal he commented to the waiter about it. ' Sorry we're just really hungry we will probably take everything back with us home.' But he didnt order yet. I ate my meals too. Finishing it felt taboo like I wasnt supposed to. He mentioned 2 weeks ago that I was a catfish. That i take pictures from angles that make me look better. I know he avoided the word ' thinner' I knownit too. Maybe thats how i started my self online. Ive lied about my weight online before. Since I was younger I always tried acting like how I thought I was supposed to be. Since I was 10-11 years old i would say things for shock value. Never letting anyone come near the true me. Id say absurd things to even hurt other people. It never made me feel better. That was never the reason. I wanted to hurt myself. I was a coward. I wanted to hurt people with my words so that in return they would hurt me. And that is what I felt like I deserved. So when they leave..it is justified. Id repeat this process my entire life. Ive exiled amazing people. All due to my insecurities. Lying about my true feelings. Hiding behind a persona. I will never be 1/4th happy this way. I really wanted my best friend to be the first person to accept me at this..weight. I realized when my first 3 yr relationship ex saw me for the first time. He didnt care what I looked like. Thats why it was so hard to let him go. I felt he truly doesnt care about my weight or how I looked. I felt pretty and he didnt even have to say it. I felt beautiful again around my best friend almost every single time. Until..he would make slight comments like that. " He left you because you advertised yourself as someone better than you actually were IRL." He has said those words to me time and time again. I dont even know why anymore but it did hurt every single time. My ex bf the one who sparked ( if i could even call it that ) a change in me which resulted in some soul searching and ended up doing it for me- called me gorgeous one night when I was drunk. I felt beautiful then too. Only to have it shattered 2 months later by my best friend ( hes not awful i owe a lot to my best friend but in this aspect it really did mess me up) saying those words to me. I had my best friend carry me once for like 5 seconds. Id never let anyone do that to me. Never. But I let him. I trusted him. He knew what it meant to me and that made me happy. Zoom past 3 -4 months later he opened up to me that ever since then he was working out every day to get bigger and stronger. He said hes never done that for a girl before but he did it for me. My best friend wanted to get stronger...in order to be able to hold me. The gesture meant a lot to me but it also put in perspective..all of the females in his life are petite and somewhat thin and a few curvy ones. But I was the first. the biggest. I hadnt realize how my depression made me get to this point. I weighed myself. And i saw. I was gaining weight again. A lot more. Although he stopped i refuse to let my weight have this hold over me. Its not even just about that. I hate my shape. My ex hates it too thats another reason why he would never consider me a friend. My best friend even said im not his type and im not his ideal girl which is petite in that regard among other things. My best friend still loves me despite this. It still hurts to know how he truly feels. I wanted to wait till i saw him again ( been planning since December) that he was the only one in my life right then that wanted to talk to me and not have it related to my looks. Until he said all of that ^ until i realized he was initially obsessed with my ' thick thighs.' I know theres more to this. I know I know. These thoughts iscolate themselves from the bigger picture. I just never want to fool myself for a second that there will be someone who sees me like "this" and truly wants to help me get better. Or love me the way I am. I wanted it to be my ex at the time so bad. Little did I know it was the complete opposite. I know my bestfriend DOES love me how I am but i cannot help to silence the demons in my head that tell me otherwise. That he wishes I was different. I feel like he liked my shock factor personality. That he liked how ambitious or random i could be. I tried showing him another side of me..a truer side in which we could just chill and do nothing and we could be content. But he explained to me he hated it. " you always say you wanna do adventurous things with me but when it comes down to it you dont want to do anything." ...thats not true. I didnt realize he wanted it all the time. He always wanted things to be spontaneous and hot and heavy and extreme. I did not think there wouldnt be any room to breathe. To just chill with the person i held dear. I didnt know i was that person to him. I didnt know I would be replaced in that aspect. I didnt know i finished my service.. my plans to tell him how i felt in May have diminished because I dont feel that way anymore. He said after that incident he had fallen out of love for me due to me telling him to move on. I had been telling him for months. Why did he decide that then? Because i didnt want to do those things? I wanted a firm line between what is ok and what wasnt. Theres so many things I would do with him had I felt more comfortable in my own skin..I want to be able to do them one day but for some reason it doesnt feel right with him. A lot of other things do..of course. I love him dearly. Maybe even more than he does to me. Theres so much he doesnt understand and doesnt want to hear. Theres so much ive been going hot and cold on for so long i still havent decided my feelings on a lot of things. I dont want to lose my best friend but i do not want to be belitted in the process i dont want to lose myself. So right now ive decided to be numb. Go with the flow but be numb. Dont let things get to me. All these thoughts i have written on this blog will remain but I shall move on. I might tell him one day and maybe even my ex if he will ever care enough. I never meant to hurt you that way. I meant to hurt me. I didnt mean to lie to you to hurt you. It was meant to not hurt me. I wanted to be something greater than i was. I didnt mean to belittle you and i hope you can forgiv eme one day. Now i can finally stop hoping you would find me truly beautiful one day. Like the first time you saw me. My best friend and past lovers. I will become better. I will not let my past haunt me. To my family I will always love you no matter where I am. I love you even if I say I dont. I am stubborn sometimes. I will change. If not for me then I shall for all of you. Thank you. Please please, i will never leave you again. So do not leave me. Remember me..okay? Just remember me.
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