#love is blind sweden
highsummonertemptress · 7 months
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This is so true
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tunetofreethesoul · 8 months
dude I started watching love is blind sweden and sergio??? Biggest ick AND red flag I’ve ever fucking seen
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macaroni-rascal · 6 months
love is blind sweden is wild, a small run down of my favourite moments:
a woman got down on one knee and proposed
the women recording a rap song about love is blind during their bachelorette party
a man taking off his engagement ring and throwing it into a lake in front of his then fiancee
the oddest apartment layout I've ever seen
a break-up happening during the first in person meeting (fucking hilarious)
a possible secret love child that turned out to be a false rumour
a full ass OTHER secret love child that was revealed post filming
the surprise love child couple having a child of their own and announcing it at the reunion
a failed engagement ended up with the woman dating a random from the pods
it's a trip, and I loved it
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kenobiknight · 7 months
love is blind sweden has kendall roy in the form of sergio like why is he overthinking the whole relationship because of her not wearing his bracelet. im crying kendall would do that
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outmealcookie · 8 months
Krisse-ly's wedding vow is really beautiful.... love it sm
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paintingraves · 8 months
Watching the new Love Is Blind Sweden and Sergio is terrible. I mean dude needed to go to therapy like yesterday. I am begging catholic girl to stop dating him because if she wants a man who's serious, loyal, and who wants to have a family she won't find it with him !!!!!!
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This chick on Love is Blind Sweden is such a massive cunt with a bitch face
Like you’re mad he’s nice to you then when he finally breaks and goes off you get mad he’s saying mean shit despite you constantly saying he’s ugly to you and his kindness drives you crazy and somehow its his fault you don’t love him
Like alright have fun dying alone
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calmasyoghurt · 8 months
Mitt hjärtas fröjd och eviga längtan
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(my heart's joy and eternal longing)
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
Around The World: Love Is Blind!
There is a new season of Love Is Blind on Netflix right now! It is crazy how long its been out, but also, its done some traveling! Where have you traveled to in watching it? 
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Do you believe Love Is Blind? The grand social experiment that is love of the modern day, brought to you on TV. Is it a show you would go on? 
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Love is Blind (US)
4 seasons, currently, as of 2023. The most seasons, the start of it all. The continuation. I love that its still going, even though there are a lot of losses in any round of the experiment. 
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Love Is Blind (Brazil)
2 seasons, started in 2021. I normally really like anything set in Brazil but this is probably my least favorite location. Not sure why. 
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Love Is Blind (Japan)
1 season, started in 2022. The setting the engaged couples meet at for the first time is probably my favorite out of all of the ones I have seen so far. Solid season, two couples I believe make it. 
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Love Is Blind (Sweden)
Next location to come out, most likely in 2023 or 2024. I am totally looking forward to some european delights! 
Do I believe Love Is Blind? Sort of. I worry, that if you track the “success rate” of the couples that come out of it, you typically end up with one or two that make it long after filming is done. Some seasons even see divorces happen around the one year anniversary post filming. Is there a place for love that blinds someone in this world? Inquiring minds want to know. 
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sonsofks · 8 months
Semana Explosiva! 'Lift' se Corona como el #1 y lo Más Visto; 'Society of the Snow' Ingresa a la Lista de Favoritos
Las producciones que dominan la pantalla esta semana, ¡entérate de los imperdibles! En una semana llena de emociones y adrenalina, ‘Lift’, la nueva película de acción y atracos dirigida por F. Gary Gray y protagonizada por Kevin Hart, se posiciona como el líder indiscutible en la Lista de Películas en Inglés con 32.8 millones de vistas. Además, ‘Society of the Snow’, la épica historia de…
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
Picture You II Fridolina Rolfö x Engen!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2480
a/n: hi, we had this idea for quite a while now and finally got to writing it down, we hope you enjoy it.
Fridolina Rolfö had no explanation for why her relationships always failed.
Her boyfriend of two years had broken up with her out of nowhere and as much as she wanted to feel sad about it, there was some kind of apathy taking over her.
Coincidentally, her teammates had scheduled a team bonding event only a few days after she was dumped.
In hopes that it would ease her pain and appease the younger players, they decided on an ice cream party.
That was how Fridolina found herself sitting in front of a bowl of vanilla ice cream while her teammates uttered words of reassurance to her that she did not want to hear.
“Don’t worry, Frido. We’ll find you a man who’s worthy of you.“ Mapi grinned while pouring sprinkles on top of her chocolate ice cream.
Fridolina looked up at the defender: “Oh… uhm… thanks.“
“Men are so overrated though.“, Cata rolled her eyes.
“Can we change the topic?“, Fridolina asked carefully. She did not want to ruin the mood but she hoped to draw the attention away from herself.
Ingrid gave her a gentle smile, ready to help her friend out.
“My sister will start her job as a photographer for Barca tomorrow.“, she revealed, visibly proud.
Mapis face lit up with excitement: “That’s amazing, Ingrid.“
“Yes, and well deserved. Your sister is so talented.“, Fridolina agreed, relieved but also genuinely happy.
Ingrid beamed, flattered on her sisters behalf: “She will be so happy to hear that.“
Esmee served herself another portion of ice cream: “I’m excited to meet her.“
“You will love her.“, Ingrid promised.
“I’ve no doubt about that.“, Esmee laughed.
“And Mapi and I are making Frido a list for potential blind dates.“, Aitana announced.
Fridolina flinched at the mention.
As she looked over, her two teammates had already scribbled names on an empty sheet of paper.
“How do you even know so many people?“
Mapi shrugged nonchalantly: “We just do.“
“You need to slow down, girls. I’m not sure if I want to date any man right now…“, Frido stopped them.
Mapi and Aitana shared a surprised look.
“Oh, sorry. We only wanted the best for you, Frido. That’s all.“, Aitana apologized.
The Swedish football player nodded: “I know. But maybe I just need break for now.“
Ingrid put a hand on her friends forearm and said softly: “That’s okay, we understand it. You two had been together for quite a while.“
“Yes, but it hasn’t felt right anymore for a long time.“, the blonde admitted.
Alexia shrugged, eating fruit out of her ice cream bowl: “It happens. Sometimes you just fall out of love with someone and you can’t do anything about it.“
The words of her captain resonated deeply with Fridolina who enjoyed the evening more than before now.
“Ingrid, let me breathe.”, you chuckled. It was your first workday for Barcelona as their new photographer, but your sister prevented you from taking photos as she embraced you in a long hug.
“No.”, she shook her head, clearly not ready to let you go yet.
“Please? Hi, everyone.”, you waved politely with your free hand at the players who slowly arrived at the training grounds.
“Hi.”, Mapi grinned.
“Good to see you, Mapi.”, you replied truthfully, relieved to see some familiar faces.
“So happy you got the job.”, the Spanish defender told you thrilled.
“Me too. Also, hey, Caro and Frido!”, you added delighted to see the Scandinavian players.
“Finally, another Norwegian.”, Caroline winked at you.
“Ignore her. Sweden is so much better.”, Fridolina teased her teammate, but swallowed hard at the sight of you, you were even more beautiful than she remembered. Instead, the blonde tried to play down the excitement she felt while looking at you and hugged you casually.
“We won’t discuss this right now.”, Ingrid decided laughing.
“No, but I’m sure you can show me all the great places in the city.”, you glanced at the footballers you knew since your sister played along side them in Wolfsburg.
“That’s more Frido’s thing. She can help you with that and I can teach you the language.”, Caroline declared.
“That’s my sister. Why can’t I show her around and teach her?”, your sibling wanted to know pouting playfully.
Looking between them, Marta announced:” I’m sure you girls will find a way.”
And they did, you easily felt at home in Barcelona with the help of your sister and her friends. It was different to when you visited Ingrid with your family in the past. Step by step you fell in love with the city and its inhabitants.
A few weeks in and you were doing a photo shooting outside with Fridolina for the summer Barca merchandise. The late afternoon sun made her hair and skin appear golden and you had to pause your preparations to remark:” The outfit looks great on you, Frido.”  
“Oh, thank you.”, she beamed at you, making these sporty clothes look effortlessly elegant and timeless.
“It’s true.”, you smiled back while taking a few test shoots to see how well the light, her profile worked together.
“Can I ask you something? When did you start taking photos?”, Fridolina asked you curiously.
Hearing her questions made your smile grew even brighter. “A long time ago. I was like 15 or 16. when I got into it.”, you remembered fondly at the memory.
 “I guess Ingrid and your brother were the test models.”, the Swedish player thought out loud.
“Yes, she was the reason why I became interested in taking sports related pictures.”, you admitted.
Fridolina laughed lightly: “Did she bully you into taking photos of her while playing?“
“No, I saw that they never had any photos of their games so I started doing it. The first ones turned out awful.“, you grinned as you thought back.
The Blonde shrugged: “Isn’t it always like that? The first times I played football, I wasn’t great at it either.“
“You’re right. But taking photos of you is so easy, you’re a natural.“, you replied while you pressed the shutter a few times.
She even looked beautiful doing casual small talk.
But you realized that the collar of her jacket was upturned.
You put your camera down and come closer to fix it for her. After all, the goal was to present the retro looking Barcelona jacket.
Fridolina smiled gratefully at you: “I mean I’ve already done this a few times. But I don’t think I’ve ever felt as comfortable as I do right now.“
You bit your lip to keep yourself from grinning too wide about that compliment.
“Frido, you’re beautiful inside and outside.“, you said without taking your eyes off of her.
Her cheeks slightly blushed: “That’s so sweet of you.“
“Want to change into the second outfit?“, you suggested, giving both of you a break to focus back on the task at hand.
“Sure.“, the Swede said and disappeared into the changing room.
You took a deep breath, grounding yourself again while you waited.
Fridolina emerged in light blue jeans and a slightly oversized shirt in their signature colours that said Barca across the chest.
You shook your head in awe. This woman could literally wear anything.
“Oh, I love that outfit even more.“, you complimented her.
She looked down at herself: “You do?“
“Yes.“, you said while taking a few photos of her.
“I think it would look cute on you too.“, Frido smirked.
“Do you think so?“
You barely finished your question when you noticed that she was already in the motion of pulling the shirt over her head.
“What are you doing?“, you asked laughing.
The football player just handed you the garment: “Here.“
Stunned, you looked at it and the back to Fridolina standing there in her underwear: “Uhm thanks?“
She rolled her eyes with a smile: “No, put it on.“
“Fine.“, you gave in and did as you were told before adding: “But it’s definitely not warm enough for you to just stand there in your sports bra.“
“I guess I should get dressed again.“, she laughed.
You returned the shirt to your model: “Here are your clothes. Hey, that’s my camera.“
You had failed to realize that she had taken your camera and was now taking photos of you with a big grin on her face.
You usually hated being photographed but Fridolina looked too happy so you bit back any comment.
“I’m not leaving without taking a photo of you too.“
“I guess that’s fair even though I’m not as pretty as Ingrid.”, you turned your gaze away from the Swedish woman and looked at the fresh cut grass instead.
“What? Who says? The beauty obviously runs in the family.”, she disagreed.
“Well, my ex-girlfriend said that.”, you shrugged.
“She was a liar then. You’re gorgeous.”, Fridolina observed.
“That means a lot coming from such a stunning woman herself.”, you confessed smiling timidly. For a moment you paused before asking her:” Do you want to see the pictures I made right now or tomorrow?”
“Aw, thank you. Can I see them now?”, curiously she handed you your camera back, where you started to go through the photos you took of her.
“Of course.”, you nodded politely.
 Being this close to you made the blondes heart flutter.
“They’re so nice, y/n.”, Fridolina muttered, suddenly breathlessly.
“Glad you like them. So, I’ll see you before the game tomorrow?”, you changed the topic lightly.
“Sure.”, she beamed at you.
“Goodbye, Frido.”, you responded warmly.
“See you soon, y/n.”, the footballer replied, eagerly anticipating your reunion.
On the next day, you didn’t find the time to catch up with her as you were busy taking the pictures of the arriving players in their pretty matchday outfits. All of them arrived in style.
During the game you were not mesmerized by their beauty but by their beautiful game which you tried to capture with your camera. This was why you wanted to be here, you thought, to watch the best team in Europe thrive in front of your lens. Somehow the Swede always managed to get your attention as you would notice later while seeing through the photos.
When the referee blew the final whistle, Fridolina run to you to pull you into a hug, while you whispered into your ear:” Frido you had an amazing game.”
“Thanks”, she hummed, while her blue eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Well played.”, you couldn’t help but to rave about her performance.
“Appreciate it.”, the fellow Scandinavian mumbled.
“But I got to go around now to take some more shots.”, you explained winking, as you stepped away from her hug. Which had to be completely friendly and nothing more, right? Because she was 100 % straight. Nothing seemed gay about her. Still some signals your sister’s best friend send were quite confusing.
“Y/n, wait!”, Fridolina yelled your name nervously, attempting to hold you back.
“What?”, you turned your head confused.
“Frido, there you’re. My friend wants to meet you.”, Mapi grinned at her taller teammate, nodding into a direction of a very handsome man waiting in the stands, the sight of him, making your stomach turn. He and her would be a pretty couple.
To your surprise, Fridolinas gaze remained fixed on you.
Reluctantly she turned to Mapi, deliberately ignoring the man.
“Mapi, I’m sorry but I’m not interested. I was about to ask y/n to go on a date with me.“, she apologized but her voice was firm and determined.
“What?!“, you and Mapi gasped at the same time, looking at each other in confusion.
Fridolina remained unimpressed: “Uhm yes. I’m actually not straight. You all just assume that because I date men too.“
After a moment of silence, Mapi started to grin like she only now understood the joke that you failed to get: “No, you always dated men since we know you.“
“That still doesn’t make me straight.“, Fridolina replied matter-of-factly.
You would be impressed by her attitude, if you were any less confused.
Mapi had stopped smiling and watched her teammate attentively.
“That’s right.“, you agreed slowly.
The Swede turned back to you: “So… would you go out with me?“
You nodded: “I’d.“
“Really?“, Fridolina asked again.
This time, your face finally reflected your excitement. You smiled: “Yes.“
You both just beamed at each other.
“Ingrid! You won’t believe it!“, Mapi bounced up and down as she called for your sister.
Ingrid joined the three of you: “Believe what?“
“Frido asked your sister out!“, Mapi yelled.
You cringed slightly, hearing it out loud and refused to look at Ingrid.
“What do you mean Frido asked her out? Like on a date?“, your sister asked. Her perfect eyebrows knotted together.
Mapi nodded enthusiastically: “Yes, exactly that.“
“That’s so cute.“
“Oh my god, Frido. You’re full of surprises!“, Ona interrupted, patting the blonde football player on the shoulder and you silently wondered who else had overheard your conversation.
Fridolina raised her eyebrows: “Am I? Or did you just never ask?“
“You’re right. We never asked. We just assumed you were straight. Sorry.“, Ona admitted but she looked less sorry and more happy for her teammate.
You thought their reactions were kind of adorable.
“It’s fine. I just didn’t think I owed you an explanation.“, Fridolina replied politely.
You could not help yourself. You gently took her hand in yours and squeezed it once. There was no way you could contain your admiration for her.
“You didn’t need to.“, you said softly.
Her attention shifted back to you. “The fact that I dated men before you doesn’t change my feelings for you, I hope you know that.“
“During that photoshoot I felt it. But I thought you might just be nice. Now I know I was wrong.“, you chuckled.
Fridolina visibly bit back a smile: “Sorry. I was hoping I’d send the right signals.“
“You did! I was just blind and - … “
You were unable to finish your sentence. Fridolinas soft lips pressed against yours all of a sudden, right there on the field in front of everyone.
“Maybe this was clearer?”, she asked in a hopeful tone.
“Yes, it was.”, you nodded smiling.
In the background you heard your sister telling her girlfriend” Okay, Mapi, I think I need a bit of time to get used to my best friend kissing my sister.”
“You better should hurry up. They’re hitting it off right away.”, the Spaniard punched her playfully in the side, wearing an amused grin on her lips while watching you being showered with kisses by the Swede.
“I see that.”, Ingrid laughed. She knew it would be weird at first, but seeing her favourite people being happy with each other warmed her heart.
For once you didn’t have your camera to capture the moment but the picture of the first kiss with Fridolina after the match would be forever engraved inside your brain.
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tunetofreethesoul · 8 months
I hope this won’t bite me in the ass but Christofer seems kinda sweet
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macaroni-rascal · 6 months
why are the women in love is blind sweden recording an original song as part of their bachelor party? the men are swimming, sauna-ing, and eating, and the woman have....a task to complete?
oh my god im watching as i right this, its a rap song
what in the actual world
oh wait now the men have a task too
okay fine
this is odd
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trulyhblue · 8 months
Until We Moved Away
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x Swedish! Reader
Warnings — fluff, coarse language, childhood friends w/ benefits
A/N — cried maybe three times in the past three hours because I had to rewrite this since it was deleted 🤭 Anyways, enjoy KCC content bc there definitely isn't enough on here!!
When you met Kyra, you weren't quite sure what to think of her.
You were a Swedish international and had made your debut from a very young age. You were talented, well known within your country, and made it your life mission to make your family, country, and yourself proud.
You kept to yourself most of the time, choosing to focus on your career and paint a path for your future by working hard and improving on every aspect of your technique, gameplay, and overall performance. You had never played outside of Sweden before, and you were content with your decision. You were privileged enough to live close to home, within driving range, and know your way around. You weren't confused by the language, or troubled by anything in your day-to-day life. You were passionate about your job, you lived football, and you were determined to do anything in your power to win.
When you met Kyra, your mindset seemed to change.
Kyra was from Australia, and the Swedish language was foreign to her. When you first met, the girl complimented your sweater. In return, you told her the Hammarby jersey she was wearing suited her. She sent you a wide, warm smile, and you returned it.
From then on out, your relationship continued to be like that.
Kyra was very charismatic. She often held a lot of energy, and you were fortunate enough to witness it as you grew to know her more. The girl wouldn't know what to do with herself during the long bus and plane journeys, so she decided that talking your ear off was an appropriate solution.
The Australian wasn't very good at planning things, and you quickly realised that you were her guiding hand early on in knowing her. When Kyra didn't have a proper place to stay, she moved in with you permanently, only two weeks in. When Kyra was stuck with understanding your language, you made an effort to try and learn English, just so the familiarity of home would somewhat comfort her.
Kyra experienced homesickness from time to time, which you never really felt before, so you tried your hardest to make her feel at home by buying Australian snacks or making time to research some Australian movies.
When your schedules were empty, on the rare occasion that they were, you made the effort to show her around Sweden, hoping she’d find solace in a foreign country and find similarities between your home and hers.
When the opportunity arose, you managed to find time to get the two of you two plane tickets to Australia. You weren't quite sure how Kyra would react, but grateful was an understatement.
You found yourself falling for the girl in ways you never thought you would. Australia brought something out of the girl. You weren't sure what it was, but a certain aura enclosed her with an entity of warmth, solitude, and contentment. Kyra was in her element, and you felt bad not seeing how being away from home for so long could affect someone as it did to her.
When the World Cup rolled around, you were certain that you were completely and utterly in love with Kyra.
She had asked you on dates before, and you were blind to see them as simply hanging out. It wasn't until you both were due to fly to Australia, ready to prepare with your respected National Teams, that you realised how desperate you were to make that girl yours.
You weren't sure why you didn't just ask then and there, but you had kept the feeling to yourself in case it ruined the relationship you already had.
The two of you would text every night, talking about how it was both your first World Cup and the excitement surrounding it. While you both were relishing the adrenaline of each victory that passed, not realising that the two of you might verse each other.
You were there during the France versus Australia game. You were enamoured by the atmosphere of the crowd, and overwhelmed by the cheers, chants, and excitement around Women’s Football and the impact this tournament has had on the sport as a whole.
You were nervous when Australia lost to England, feeling the weight of your loss against Spain pulling taunt to your heart. You were disappointed in the outcome, not only because you weren't making it to the finals but because you felt like you had let your country down. It was no secret that your contract with Hammarby was ending soon, and no one but you felt as if your performance was costing a renewal.
Kyra had told you a million times how hard you were on yourself, and you always shook it off and told her that it was just passion. You still believed that. You were extremely passionate about everything regarding football. But if Kyra was right about one thing, there was always something more important.
It was clear to everyone in the stadium that both teams were still grieving the loss of the finals. You were exhausted from the games you had played this past month, and fatigue riddled you through the final minute of the Bronze Medal match. You hadn't spoken to Kyra since consoling her after her game against England, knowing that the ambiguity of tonight’s game might tamper with open wounds.
You weren't ready to face the girl after a month of not seeing her. You wanted to hold her, talk to her face-to-face, and tell her how proud you were of all that she has done for her team, her family, and her nation. That girl was all you cared and yearned for. Kyra was this beaming light that you could always confide in, and now that you were competing against her felt like a stab to the chest.
Despite this, you played your heart out. You made sure to keep your defence in the back line strong throughout the ninety minutes, hoping your forwards could break through Australia’s incredible midfield and defence. You were waiting anxiously for the final whistle to blow, relishing the final moments of such a brilliant tournament to be over, hoping the weight of the competition would fall off your chest the moment it was done.
Kyra played her heart out like she always did but with this new-found determination to prove herself. Every tackle, pass and shot was full of purpose and meaning. You watched her effortless talent shine through throughout the match, enamoured by her flawlessness in every aspect that she flaunted.
Your exhaustion sent you to your knees when the referee blew the full-time whistle. You were standing by yourself near the middle of the pitch, burying your face into your hands as they trembled. The adrenaline from the game, and every game you had played that past month, fizzled out from under you. The crowd was drowned out by your heaving breathing. Every muscle in your body ached. You wondered how your family back home was feeling. You wondered whether they were celebrating your third-place win.
Your home, your country, your nation; you hoped and prayed that they were proud of you and your team’s efforts, for you put everything you could into it. You so badly wanted to tell everyone watching that you tried your best.
Your thoughts were flooded into nothing when a soothing hand met the waistband of your shorts. You felt a familiar figure lean into you, the hand moving under your jersey and rubbing comforting circles across your back.
“Always beating me, aren't ‘ya, Älskling?” She muttered, her usual smug tone streaming through. There was no hesitancy in your movements as you sunk into her chest, hugging her chest and sighing as you took in the girl’s familiar scent.
“You played so well, Kyra.” You muttered, your tone much more sincere than hers. “You and the girls deserve the medal more than anyone else.”
“Oh, shush, you're just being modest,” Kyra replied, taking her spare hand and massaging your scalp. “Y’know what I deserve? Some love and affection from you, that's what.”
“What? Is the Kyra Cooney-Cross admitting that she missed me?” You scoffed, nuzzling your face into her neck. She was holding you up by now, keeping your body flush against her own as she rolled her eyes and huffed.
“Go back to being modest.”
You took her words as a sign to prop yourself up, smiling when you caught sight of the flush of her cheeks. “I missed you heaps, if that helps.”
“Oh yeah?” She answered, finding a loose strand of your hair and tucking it behind your ear. You bit your lip, smiling down to where your bodies entangled.
“What's next?” You asked. It question was ambiguous, but the Australian in front of you seemed to have a grasp of understanding as to what you alluded to.
“Kiss me and find out.”
You didn't have a chance to react, feeling Kyra’s lips push up against your own. Her hand reached your cheek, moving her lips against yours, smirking when you started to reciprocate the action.
You must've stayed like that for a while, since you pulled apart feeling out of breath. The flush on both of your cheeks meant a beat of silence, pulling you into your own little bubble that shielded you away from the stadium full of people.
“Wherever you go, I go,” Kyra stated, letting your thumb run a path over the freckles that covered her nose.
You nodded and smiled, and she did too.
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hammarbyfotball — Girlfriends that move together, stay together 💚🤍
Wishing Y/N and Kyra all the best for their Arsenal journey in North London.
Congratulations Girls 🙌🏼
^ wowwoso — they like ‘Not my problem now, BYE’ 😋
yourusername — Will miss you!! Thank you for this opportunity 💚
* liked by hammarbyfotball
Kyracooneyx — admin has no shame lol
^ yourusername — Kyra. Log. Off
wosothings — after that absolute makeout sesh we all saw I think we all saw this coming 😭
^ kxxfan — I'm still in mourning.
^ user77 — no bc why did the camera pan to someone crying to these two shoving their tongues down each others throat I WAS SHOCKED.
y/nkcc — THIS IS HOW I FIND OUT THEY’RE LEAVING???????? i am grieving leave me alone.
matildasswed — admin saw that kiss and thought those two had hard launched.
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arsenalwfc — let's welcome two more gunners to North London!
Hammarby Legends Y/N L/N and Kyra Cooney-Cross sign with us after a masterclass World Cup ahead of the 23/24 season!
Stephcatley — welcome girls!!! ❤️
Caitlinfoord — HAHAHA CALLED IT @ mackenziearnold
^ mackenziearnold — shut up.
kccfanx — Hammarby banked after selling these two🥲 just over 700k 💀
^ user90 — they've just lost two of their best players… I think they’ll need all the money they can get in order to replace them.
Bethmead — looking good in red girls 🥰🥰
user34 — both of them joining straight after the world cup kiss???? Coincidence?? I think not 🤭
^ wosox — they really said together forever
yourusername — Thank You ❤️
*liked by arsenalwfc
Hammarbyfotball — congradulations!!!
^ user88 — happy for them BUT IM IN MOURNING
^ user2 — I'm distraught.
kyracooneyx — yeah the Aussie tan @ yourusername
^ caitlinfoord — simp
^ alannakennedy — simp
^ mackenziearnold — simp
^ kyracooneyx — I was talking about mine but ok.
^ wosofan — HAHAHAHAHAHA
user2 — gonna miss them in Sweden
^ IK 😭😭😭
cooneyxfan — are they really soft launching their relationship with a transfer post????
^ kyracooneyx — yes lol.
^ cooneyxfan — AINT NO WAY
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nadvs · 2 months
Hello! Im the anon who asked for a fic with rivaly at college 😍 OMG! I love what this turned in to. You are an incredible writer!! I hope you know that. You have me hooked. You write dialog amazingly. It feels so real. Never stop writing!!
Can you write something about when she get jealous? Maybe when he is in the NBA?
Hope you have a great day!
Love from Sweden
HIII omg it’s such a good premise!! i remember being in love with it the second i read your ask 🙂‍↕️ thank you so much 💘 i’m so touched that people like the au and want more of it 🥹
based on this fic
» au masterlist
rafe can get wildly, intensely jealous. and while they often joke about how similar they are, that’s one trait she doesn’t share with him. until he gets signed and moves away.
he doesn’t have as much time for texts and calls. he’s training with his new team, working up to the season. she gets it. or at least, she tries to.
she already had unwelcome thoughts swimming in her head when he had been signed to a team states away about him getting lost in the fame and potentially being unfaithful. she never worried about him cheating before. and she hates that she’s doing it now.
but she tries to keep it in. things between them are already tense. accusing him of something just because she’s insecure isn’t fair and will likely just push him away.
then, she visits him. they share their first i love you’s. they’re in a good place.
but when the season starts, that’s another story. it’s surreal seeing her boyfriend play on tv on such a massive scale, thousands of seats surrounding the court filled. she’s so happy for him and whenever the camera focuses on him, she can tell he’s nervous and she loves that she’s the only one in the world who knows it.
but then between periods, she catches glimpses of his team’s cheerleaders before the cuts to commercial. and she can’t lie to herself that these girls are beautiful. and she wonders if maybe he already lived out the college fantasy. maybe now that he’s a professional player, he’ll have his eyes on professional cheerleaders. or really, any girl, because she’s sure he could get any girl he wants.
as the season goes on, because she likes to keep up with the nba on social media, specifically him and his team, her tiktok automatically shows her videos and edits of her boyfriend, some comments from fans about how he’s the next best thing, but most from girls going crazy over how hot he is.
it puts her into a funk. he sees gorgeous cheerleaders at every game. he gets comments on his instagram from beautiful girls. the internet is losing their mind over him. how can she possibly compare?
so, the next night she’s on facetime with him, she can’t hold it back any longer. after they talk about their days, she starts to pick at a string on her shirt, looking down.
“so…” she says. “do you ever get a chance to talk to the cheerleaders?”
rafe looks at her with knitted brows. she’s been off since she picked up the phone, seemingly mad at him. it’s not like them to not be direct.
“baby, what’s wrong?” he asks.
“nothing,” she lies. “just wondering if you ever talk to them. they’re good dancers.”
he hates the way her lips are turned into a frown, her eyes off the screen.
“i only wanna talk to one cheerleader and she’s pretending she’s not mad at me right now,” he says.
this earns a smirk from her.
“they’re all so pretty,” she says. “i’m not blind. and you’re not, either. there’s no way you haven’t noticed them.”
“i moved here to play,” rafe tells her.
“and you know girls online are going crazy for you,” she continues. “don’t act like you haven’t seen all the comments on your instagram.”
rafe studies her image on the screen.
“you know you have nothing to be jealous of, right?” he says. he hates to admit it, but it’s kind of flattering, especially because she isn’t usually the intensely jealous type. it shows him she still wants him.
she sighs. of course he sees right through her. not like she’s being subtle anyway.
“i do, though,” she says. “and maybe it’s stupid to talk about because i’m annoying you and making you feel like i don’t trust-”
“you’re not annoying me,” he interrupts. “you’re being really cute, actually.”
“cute,” she scoffs, her eyes still low.
“look at yourself on your phone,” he says. she rolls her eyes and obliges, gazing at her reflection on the screen.
“now what?” she mumbles.
“if you can’t see how beautiful you are, maybe you are blind,” he says.
“stop,” she laughs softly. “it’s not that i don’t trust you. it’s just that… it has to feel like a waste to be getting all this attention and ignoring it all because of some girl back home, doesn’t it?”
“some girl,” he echoes. “you think you’re just some girl?”
she shrugs. his chest aches.
“you’re my best friend,” he says. “i wouldn’t fuck this up for anything or anyone in the world. you’re it for me.”
her vision blurs with tears. she flattens her lips together and finally nods.
“sorry,” she says weakly.
“for what?”
“for being so jealous.”
“i already told you it’s cute,” he says. she smiles again.
“i love you, okay?” she mumbles.
“i love you, too, okay?” he teases.
they talk for another hour, then she tells him she needs to go to sleep so she’s not totally exhausted for her morning lecture. he has the day off the next day, so he stays up a bit longer on his phone after they hang up.
when she wakes up, she sees hundreds of instagram notifications on her phone. rafe posted a photo of them from the last time she visited, tagging her with the caption: All I need.
before she even gets out of bed, she’s crying. because of how good he is to her. because he’s telling the world he belongs to someone already. because she’s sure that he loves her just as much as she loves him.
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outmealcookie · 8 months
I really love it when Emilia's friend told her that she doesn't need to explain and justify herself to them by saying something like "I'm happy but...", she feels what she feels, just be open.
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