#love love looooveeee it so much omg…
I really looooveeee your work and i was wondering if you could do a story with Joshua Bassett and y/n where she has her period and she is in pain and he takes care of her and all??
(sorry if my request is annoying)
Omg thank you so much for requesting. I loved writing this one for you. And thank you so much for saying you love my work it means so much to me.
Shark week-Joshua Bassett
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andvys · 2 years
Thank you 🥺❤️ and exactly I don’t want my feelings hurt again. Half of the things he’d do were unintentional but sometimes I wonder. There was two fucked up things he did right in front of my face. He knew I was there but he still did it and I’m sure it was unintentional but every time I remember it makes me so sad and disappointed in myself that I would do anything for him /: it was the like ultimate angst 😂 something maybe you’d write about lol but basically it was after this award ceremony. He got chocolates and flowers for someone else after him and I had talk about our feelings for each other two days before and we came to this understanding. I thought we were on the same page but apparently not because he went and did that. Right in front of my face. Literally like 5ft away from me. The worst part is that I thought they were for me. 🙃 I cried so much. I remember turning around and making eye contact with a friend and I just broke down. I drove home thinking I was done crying but I got home and the tears came out again, I remember the whole day I was a mess lol. AND on the note that it’s so stressful and anxiety inducing at this age, I’m with you on that. I have so much stress about the future and where I’m supposed to be headed. I’m learning to focus on the present though. Because if I focus so much on the future and stress over it I’m not gonna take advantage of life right now. Distractions are a must for me. Especially when I over think. It’s why I like reading your stuff so much. Even though there’s so much angst (which I love) it’s so cool to read because you see how things progress between characters and such. I think it’s great that it keeps me on the edge of my seat lol I love smut and fluff just as much though but I looooveeee the slow-burn because of the tension that leads to the fluff 😂
P.s. I apologize for writing such a long ask lmao 😭
Of course! 💗 AND OMG NOOOOO!!! yeah, he definitely doesn’t deserve you. Screw him! You don’t talk about your feelings for someone and then do some affectionate shit like that for a whole other person! I’m so sorry that he hurt you so much. You don’t deserve any of this shit. I hope you’re feeling better now 🥹
And that’s so accurate! Worrying about the future gives you too much anxiety anyways and we don’t even know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. So we just gotta make the best of now, make changes that we need or want NOW. And also just live in the moment! & omg that makes me so happy! I’m so glad you enjoy it all this much 🥹🫶🏼💗
and please don’t ever apologize for sending long asks, i’m glad you’re feeling comfortable enough to send me asks and talk to me 🥹
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dahliasanddimples · 1 year
Day 15!!!! It’s been over two weeks and I’m not hurting for you anymore. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say and maybe I don’t. I don’t went through all the emotions, heart broken, sad, mad, miss you again to being just okay. Day 15. You really broke up with me on Pi day. Fucking March 14th. It’s been over two weeks and I feel empty at the moment. I don’t feel sad or mad and I’m so happy that I just don’t feel sad (at this moment). It really does just come in waves. Sometimes I won’t miss you at all and then randomly I’ll just miss you. Even just a little bit.
I think break ups are good for people bc it builds character. My first break up with my favorite ex was the absolute WORST omg. Maybe bc it was also this feeling of not wanting you, being cheated on and then not caring lmao. Damn. I remember being at Target and just looking at the Armour drink and almost crying randomly at target. That was his favorite drink, that’s how much of effect he had on me. And maybe I miss him bc he WAS a genuinely nice guy.
I don’t miss you (right now) and so I don’t have much to say.
I’m excited for me though. I’m excited for these plans, I’m blessed to be blessed, really. God really has my back and this is why I have to be a good person. I tried scamming and it’s lowkey back firing on me. Even if I wanted to be a hoe I consciously couldn’t even do it 😫 I wanna be a hoe so bad but I can’t lol but I should be. I’m excited bc I’m unknowingly transforming myself. I unknowingly got a new wardrobe.. kinda. Kinda a new style. Getting extensions and getting colored contacts. Been at the gym semi consistently and been eating not too bad. Like it’s really bouta be hot girl summer. FR FRRRRR. And it’s weird bc you actually have never seen me in a dress? That’s crazy lol it’s cute that you wanted to see me in one. Don’t catch me in a summer dress this summer bc you REALLY bouta miss me. I wanna get back on social just so you can see me like wait. Damn. But I’m not ready yet. Not mentally at least. And you’re not ready for that. You would probably die if you saw me lol a part of me is still day dreaming that we’ll run into each other and you’re like daayymmmmm. But that means I’m not over you. If I do things with you in mind, if I do things for you, essentially for you, then I’m not over you.
I just wanna be healed. I just wanna be back to the old me where men weren’t on my mind and I loved being single. I’m close, but not there yet. It’s like I used to play with guys emotions but I can’t even talk to one yet. I have this vision of me being held by a guy who’s tall, with broad shoulders, kinda husky. And it’s this safe hug full of love, like the type of hug you can just feel, like a chemistry, where you feel it in your soul. Sigh. I’m talkin bout realllll looooveeee. Someone who’s been through the bitches and knows a real one when he meets one. Someone who’s scared to lose me. Someone who wants to be a man. Someone who meets me and automatically thinks, she’s gonna be my wife, and we’re gonna have an amazing family together. Someone who wants to be an amazing dad, a father. Someone who WANTS to be a father. Someone who wants to start a family. Someone who wants to travel. Someone who wants to have fun, just us two. Bc that’s all it takes, just the two of us, having fun, being engaging. Someone who likes to do activities. Someone who in a letterman type jacket vibe putting his arm around me and just me cuddled up perfectly underneath him. Like low lights city nights type thing. Like college but obvi young adult. Like me in heels and he’s still tall enough but not too tall. 6’4 is too tall. 6’3 is too tall. I think a man between 6’1 and 6’2 is Perfect. Broad shoulders. Like THAT man. Like I’m cute and boujie and he’s a well put together from the streets man. Manifesting Manifesting and absolutely (day) dreaming. Like on some cute type of shit!!! Like he KNOWS he’s that man. Just like I KNOW I’m that bitch. Like on some real cute cute cute CUTE shit you know. Like walks in front of me, walks on the outside of side walks, always opens the door for me, even if it’s just the car door. Someone who can see me, values me and knows how rare I am. Someone who knows my worth and can see that you know. Like someone who can see me and know I really am different, like I really should be treated like a Princess. SIIGGHHHHHH. Someone who’s a hard worker. I feel like he’s out there looking for me too honestly. But how do we find each other? Bc it’s not at my gym and it’s not at the grocery store. Or is it? At the grocery store? Hmmm. I just know it’s not you. You’re not that man that’s for sure. And I just have to remind myself that the more I think about you, the more I’m blocking my blessings. The faster I heal, the more I focus on myself, the more blessings will come my way. I was blind before but now I can see a little better. Like I can see but I don’t have my glasses on quite yet. Still healing, and I don’t wanna rush it. Sigh. I guess just enjoying these feelings and actually feeling them.
Day 15. Over two weeks already. They say it takes 30 days to break a habit. And you were a bad habit. Half way there ❤️
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luminnara · 2 years
Just went through the Lost boys x stranger things tag and I'm IN LOOOOVEEEE!!! I LOVE IT SO FREAKING MUCH!!! THE AMOUNT OF POSSIBILITIES OMG. My mind is reeling with the boys thoughts on the party back in Hawkins. Who would is their favorite kid? Who talks to Will about his (cough gay thoughts cough)? Who would have a sass battle and nice comebacks with Max? Who spoils Dustin rotten or becomes a bad influence? Who is trying to not wrangle Mike? WHO TALKS AND GIVE SPORT ADVICE TO MY LUCAS??? WHO IS ABSOLUTELY OVER THE MOON OR FREAKED OUT ABOUT JANE/011'S POWERS??? *I need answers*
This crossover is literally THE perfect thing to me right now so I’m very glad other people like it so I don’t have to shut up about it 😂
Dwayne chills and listens to Will talk, but David is the one who’s actually helpful. He’s good at tough love because he’s an asshole, so it’s what he does for ALL of them. Like, it isn’t necessarily the best approach, but he’d sit there, take a drag, and go “so next time Mike wheeler is ignoring you, you hafta just threaten his life. It’s the only way you’ll get his attention. It’s 1986 who gives a shit anyways”
Dustin and Paul hang out. Dustin hates it at first because he’s like “this guy is a fucking idiot” but Paul has saved Dustin’s ass from surf Nazis like three times now and keeps following him around asking science questions. If the kids didn’t already know that the boys were vampires before, they’re gonna suspect that something weird is going on, because Dustin will be talking about radios or something and Paul will just go “oh lmao back in my day the gramophone was the big new thing. Progress sure is wild huh” and walk away
Of course, this also means that Paul is a terrible influence on Dustin, and when Steve rolls into town he’s SO mad about it lol
Marko and Max. Absolute pals. At first they can’t STAND each other, but after fifteen minutes of slinging insults back and forth, they realize that they’re totally on the same wavelength. Marko is like the fun older brother that Billy can’t bring himself to be, and they hang out and skate around the boardwalk and run from the cops every night.
Dwayne gives Lucas sports (and girl) advice. They play football on the beach at night and he uses the carnival games on the boardwalk as basketball practice. Even though Dwayne isn’t particularly good at either sport, he’s still a vampire, so he does pretty well lol
They are ALL trying not to throttle Mike like it’s an episode of the simpsons. They’re a group of dudes who are all sort of dating each other and don’t let anybody get in the way of that, so it’s like a very gay bros before hoes thing, except they’re both the bros AND the hoes in their situation. The point is, they would see how Mike’s relationship with El has been shoving his friendships to the side, and they wouldn’t like that. I also don’t really think they would get along with him at first, because he would make some comments that they absolutely HATE and all be asking Steve if he REALLY needs all of these kids or if he would be okay with them chomping on one
David would think el’s powers are neat. They wouldn’t freak the vampires out too much, since they can play mind tricks on humans already, and they would want to test things out and see if they can pull their usual pranks on her or not.
The frog brothers are spying the entire time and they’re SO freaked out about El. They’re calling Sam up to tell him that the government has come to Santa Carla and it’s only a matter of days before they’re all turned into lizard people
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amimimi · 3 years
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reki and langa taking care of their drunk s/o
synopsis: headcanons about how reki and langa takes care of your drunk ass
pairings: langa x reader, reki x reader
warnings: underage drinking (drink responsibly pleath!), getting sick, drunk..ness, I use the word “sexy”
notes: school is beating my ass, so i wrote this just to lighten the mood. i want to have one out for joe and cherry tomorrow! and i also want to write one where you take care of them while they're drunk too! but omg pls drink responsibly tho! 😭 I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors!
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PLS he'd be so stressed out
he's taken care of drunk friends before and didn't even bat an eye but when it's you, he's a lot more concerned because you're his bby <3
will probably laugh a bit at your antics and take cute pictures of you
but then you’d get sick and he starts freaking out and looking up common signs of alcohol poisoning njgksdkdhskf
so he’s closing up at dope with manager oka when he gets a call from your phone number
he’s a little worried when he picks up and it’s your friend that’s calling him, and not you
“where’s y/n? are they okay? why can’t they talk to me?” he spits out without even taking a breath
oka and him are standing outside the shop
oka has one hand on the grate as he stares hard at reki, obviously concerned
“oh they’re fine! we were gonna meet up with our other friends to go to a party, but they go too drunk. ” your friend tells reki breezily.
reki hears your voice in the background, tiny and slurred, and his heart squeezes
“yea, i’m talking to him right now!” he hears your friend say to you. “yea, he’s coming right now...you want me to what?”
“hey,” your friend says directly into the receiver, taking to reki now “y/n said they miss you and they wanted to know if you miss them back”
“yeah, i miss them a lot” reki answers easily, exchanging glances with manager oka, who’s still looking confused and concerned
“y/n, he said he misses you too...why are you crying again?” your friend sighs, and reki’s heart clenches in his chest. “yeah, just come pick them up...please. i’ll send you the address”
reki hangs up and looks up at manager oka, who’s waiting for an explanation
“could you please give me a ride?” reki begs him, clasping his hands out in front of him.
and of course, manager oka says yes
when they arrive outside your friend’s place, reki thanks manager oka for the ride
“are you sure you got everything from here?” oka asks slightly uneasy about the situation. all reki told him was that you needed to see him—urgently
reki fumbles to take off his seatbelt and opens the car door
“yeah! i’m fine! thank you very much!” he says frantically.
“okay, call me if you need anything” oka frowns.
when your friend opens the door for reki, he kicks his shoes off and immediately is like “where are they?”
he’s led into your friend’s bedroom, to see you laying on your friend’s bed, wearing a short dress
you're crying face first into a pillow, not even noticing when reki and your friend stepped in the room
“hey, look who came to rescue you!” your friend grins, stepping into the bedroom after reki.
you slowly look up and blink some tears away to see reki standing by the door, looking at you anxiously
“reki?” you hiccup, struggling to sit up only to fall back down with a squeak.
reki’s heart twists as he watches you, before rushing over to help you with open arms.
“i’m here, baby, i’m here” reki sits on the bed and he pulls you upright. you slump into his chest like a rag doll and rubs soothing circles into your back. “you are so dumb for this”
“am not!” you weakly protest into his chest, your voice muffled.
"are too" reki counters, pressing a kiss against your forehead.
" 'was an accident..." you murmur, nuzzling your face against his chest
"no it wasn't" your friend clicks their tongue as you groan.
reki thanks your friend for taking care of you and for calling him before taking you back to your place.
you live just two down blocks from your friend's place so reki doesn't see the harm in walking
he thinks it may even be good for you
reki gives your his dope sketch sweater because all you're wearing is that short halter dress
tries to walk with his arm wrapped around your waist for support, but you're sagging against him heavily
so he just gives your a piggyback ride the rest of the way home
"oh my god, you're not wearing a hoodie right now..." you slur into his shoulder
"yeah, because i gave it to you" he hoists you higher up on his back and you giggle
“oh yeah,” you say.
you’re silent for a bit, before you lift your head off from reki’s shoulder and to reki’s horror, shout “y’all! this man gave me his hoodie! i think he gotta crush on me!😩🙈”
“shhh!!” reki hisses, pinching your thigh, which only makes you shriek. “people are trying to sleep! who are you even talking to??”
“the audience!” you announce, your voice booming through the empty street. reki rolls his eyes, not even wanting try arguing with you
“okay, okay just shut up please”
“you’re embarrassed because i told the audience that you gave your hoodie”
“okay then, tell the audience how you were crying for me to come see you”
“i...don’t recall that”
when you both finally make it to your home, you’ve quiet downed a little and reki is slightly relived/unsettled
he’s carrying you to your room until your tighten your grip around his neck and whimper “reki, i don’t feel good...”
reki bolts to the bathroom before placing you in front of the toilet just in time for you to get sick
he isn’t grossed out (he has three little sisters and he’s taken care of them when they’ve been sick) but he is shaken up
reki holds your hair back with one hand and alternates between rubbing your back and supporting you forehead with another—ALL WHILE scolding you for drinking so much dhjdjdbdjd
“you need to drink more responsibly! you shouldn’t of even be drinking! you’re underaged! oh my god, what did you even drink? how much did you drink?”
he can’t help it, he’s so worried for you
he’ll stop scolding you if you start crying tho, like how can he be upset at that?
wipes your mouth and kisses your temple before asking if your feeling better
when you say yes, he holds you up by your shoulders as you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth
he does your skin routine for you as best as he can (you have so many steps, it’s ungodly)
reki changes you into something more comfortable for bed and orders you to drink a glass of water
you’re so out of it that you comply, reluctantly of course
reki sits beside on you on your bed as you look at him glumly while you sip from the glass of water
“ahh, don’t give me those eyes. i’m making sure you don’t prune up” he pouts back at you, smoothing one of your eyebrows down with his thumb.
when you finish your water, he takes the glass for you and sets it your bedside table
“you have painkillers right? you’re gonna need them tomorrow morning” reki sighs as takes his jeans off to slip into bed with you
“in my drawer...” you murmur, your eyes half shut as you lay on your side. “are you gonna go?”
reki folds his jeans and places them on your desk, before walking back over to you
“nope, i gotta watch you for the night” he smiles softly at you and you give a shaky sigh of relief that makes reki’s heart burst
“it’ll be like a sleepover” reki says, as he slips next to you and turns on his side to face you
“a sexy sleepover” you nod, and reki frowns
“you’re drunk”
“—in love, as our dear Beyoncé puts it” you slur, slightly grinning. reki doesn’t reply, staring at you disapprovingly, and you croak out— “we be all night! looooveeee—”
reki grabs your face with one hand, looking somewhere between horrified and amused
“i can’t stand you, right now” reki’s shoulders shaking with silent laughter
“but you’re already laying down—”
“enough, enough! roll over!” reki hisses, he points in the opposite direction with his finger
you giggle but comply
you feel reki’s hands wrap around your waist as he snuggled up from behind, spooning you
“i promise you, you won’t be laughing in the morning” he whispers into your ear as you begin to drift off
just one big “?”
googling “how to take care of drunk person” with one hand with his other arm wrapped around your waist
alternates between confused and concerned
if you get sick, langa will actually call an ambulance—you have to tell him that you’re fine and even then he’s reluctant
you, langa, and reki all went to a party after S
you and reki are kinda amped, but langa isn’t enjoying himself all that much
people shouting across the room, shoving into him, the smell of alcohol—it’s all too much for him
so he’s like “ mkay, i’m out 🚶”
so he makes sure reki stays with you before walking to an isolated corner in the backyard to get some air
it hasn’t even been 30 minutes when you and reki stumble over to where he sits, arms wrapped around each other’s necks and giggling
langa watches the both of you stagger up to him with weary eyes, he already KNOWS that his night is gonna get stranger
“your darling, y/n, is drunk” reki announces, trying to keep a straight face
“reki is too!” you protest, stepping on reki’s foot causing him to yelp.
langa. exe has crashed
he realizes that he has to take care of the both of you,,,and he has no clue how
langa sits up from the planter he was sitting on and grabs both of your arms
“we’re going home” he says flatly, earning whines from both you and reki
langa drags you both to the front yard, as the both of you struggle in his grasp
“langaaa~ we didn’t even get to dance!” you whine, trying to break free from langa’s grasp
“langa, man, the party literally just started—” reki protests, struggling to get langa to let go of his arm. “holy hell, you’re strong”
“yea...it’s kinda hot” you murmur, slumping toward langa, who continues to drag you through the front door and onto the lawn. “langa, you’re so strong and hot, thank you for dating me”
when he’s dragged you both onto the sidewalk, he looks both ways down the street before asking “who lives closest to here?”
all of sudden, reki pitches forward to be sick
“langa! he’s dying, do something!” you wail, beginning to cry.
langa grips the back of reki’s hoodie to keep him from falling face forward
“okay” langa sighs as you drunkenly sob into his chest and reki moans, barely supporting himself. “i’m calling an adult”
he calls hiromi and begs him to come pick all three of you up
the three of you wait, sitting on the curb
langa is sitting between you and reki, an arm wrapped around you as you murmur nonsense into his chest and a hand clasped on reki’s shoulder who’s seeming a bit more lucid
“i promise you i’m fine! i get drunk quick but it fades away! let’s go back in!” reki pleads, earning a frown from langa
“y/n is still drunk, and you should probably go home” he looks down at you with sad eyes when you whimper against his chest. “i shouldn’t have let them drink”
hiromi brings the company car, shouting at the three of you as langa loads you and reki into car
hiromi is mad as hell but he still gets out to help langa buckle you in
langa offers for reki to come over to his house so he can monitor both
but hiromi grudgingly offers to watch reki because he knows there is no way langa can take care of you both
so hiromi drops you and langa off, telling him to call him if anything happens
langa carries you bridal style in his room and sits down on his bed with you in his lap
you blink up at him sleepily at him, holding onto his shoulders for support
“i don’t think you should’ve been drinking” he whispers, steadying you with his hands on your waist
“i don’t think i should have either” you murmur, before smushing your face into his neck. “i don’t wanna be drunk anymore, how do i stop?”
you sound close to crying and langa feels his stomach twist with panic because fuck, he doesn’t know either
he holds you against his chest with one arm and hastily whips out his phone, googling “how to stop being drunk”
cut him some slack y’all, he’s TRYING
he sees a “cold shower”, “plenty of sleep”, and “hydration” in the top results
sports mode langa: activated
carries you into the bathroom to give you a cold shower, but then you abruptly get sick and langa is like “!!?!!$!!??”
like reki, he’s gonna hold your hair and pat your back, but he’s too shook to scold you
says strange, earnest things like “you’re doing great!” and “you’re being very brave, i’m proud of you!”
unlike reki though, he’s slightly grossed out about by v*mit but he continues to be a dutiful boyfriend
waits until your done and you slump back against him, half asleep.
he decides the shower isn’t a GREAT idea with you being this groggy
langa isn’t letting you move an INCH
brushes your teeth for you—like he makes you open your mouth and gently brushes along your teeth
carries you to bed (he likes carrying you, he isn’t gonna lie)
he gives you one of his long sleeves to wear to bed and helps you out your clothes
langa holds a water bottle up to you lips and even tips your head back gently sjduslsjxjisej he’s so <333
his bed is pretty small and he’s pretty lanky, so he tucks you in, making sure you sleep on your side
he kneels on the floor beside you, his upper body resting on his bed and his face right next yours
langa holds your hand and watches you as you struggle to stay awake
“i’m sorry” you croak and langa kisses your finger
“don’t be sorry, it happens” he assures you quietly, his face slightly softening.
you blink bearily as you take in langa’s face, glowing in the moonlight shining through is window
“you’re so pretty” you murmur, weakly gripping his fingers. “i wish you could see yourself right now”
langa softly smiles at you as drift off
he watches you the whole night as you sleep, making sure you don’t skip a breath
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notes: i’m writing one for joe and cherry and i’m gonna post that real soon!
edit: here it is!
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nanamisflowerfield · 4 years
I'm a happy lil' girl rn so Can I also request a Sebastian one of the same request or maybe a second part like she starts to fix Ciel's mistakes and interacts with him and Elizabeth?( like Pluto's death or some other things? Also she teases Ciel and annoys him and Sebastian and her bond over their shared love for felines?)
I'd be delightful if you did that and again thank u so much! Take care hun muaaah
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Omggg! Thank you so much for your sweet words, hun!!❤️❤️❤️ That means so much to me!
I did the Sebastian x Reader now~ I tried to pit more Ciel and Elizabeth in it and make it more fluffier but I think it isn‘t so good ;-; I also thought about making a second part, but I think Ciel had made too many mistaked maybe in his life to fix them and if reader changed them, maybe she would change her entire future too! And omg... I have a few ideas for a serie.... not good... No one would wanted to read my stuff anyway ( ゚д゚)
No! I have to thank you for requesting it to me!~
Gender: I wanted to write it gender-neutral but it I wrote sometimes she/her in it.... Sorry! 
warnings: fluff? does that count?
words: 2106
Requests: Open
Other Version: Finnian
Everybody, please stay safe, take good care at you and the people around you!~
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🗡  “Come on! Go and get that, stupid witch!” You yelled over to your group of colleagues and friends. You all runed as fast as possible to hunt down a strong witch, who wanted to kill the Queen of England and as a good-hearted and well paid Phantomhive, you tried to help her. Unfortunately for you, the emphasis was on the word tried, because the witch was too fast.
🗡  “Sooo…. When is going to be our wedding?” You heard a too familiar voice asking you by your side. “This is no the time to joke around, Elijah! We need to hurry!”
🗡 Thanks to the gods above, you surrendered the witch. But she started to laugh like a frickin’ maniac! “Ohh, you know why I did so many things? Hahaha… I did it for a reason! So many people did so many mistakes and nobody ever tried to help them out or to fix their big problems … So… Why don’t you be a dear and fix the mistakes your beloved ancestors did!”
🗡 Suddenly a light dazzled you and when you opened your (e/c) eyes. No! The witch can’t escape her again! So you did the only intelligent thing and killed her.
🗡 But that damn light came again and out of the sudden your group was gone…
🗡  “Wow… That was strange.” But not Elijah. Your cousin. He stood up and walked to your direction, looking over your body to see, if you have any bruises or wounds. At least one of your group members were there.
🗡  “Yes, indeed. But not as weird as this place here.” You said and looked around you. The surroundings looked like London, the city you used to live in, but everything was so… old? What’s up with the furniture and this crappy paintings? You were to 100% sure that you were in your home. The Phantomhive Manor. But everything was so… weird!!
🗡 Before you could have asked your cousin about his little wound the witch inflicted him with, knives were thrown into your direction!
🗡 Fortunately, you were a skilled fighter. You could practically use every weapon if you wanted to! So you used your great skills and blocked the attacks of some strangers.
🗡 Some of them shot at you, some threw knives but then… You saw something weird. A tree!?
🗡 Elijah pushed you away in time, but only got stretched but a branch of it.
🗡 How in the world, could somebody throw trees around!? That was not possible for any human being!
🗡 Now, when you two were on the ground, you heard footsteps.
🗡  “Who are you?” - “Uhh… If I’m not wrong, people usually introduced themselves before they asked others.” – “You are inside my home. I’m pretty sure, that you know who I am, assassin.”
🗡 Assassin? That was new…
🗡  “What the hell? Hey, kiddo. This place belongs to (y/n)! Afterall this is her home for she is a Phantomhive!”
🗡  “Phantomhive?” The young blue-haired boy raised his eyebrow and did not believed any word Elijah had said.
🗡 So, it was your turn to explain your situation. Who you are, why you are here and so on and on. But the young boy still didn’t believe a word. His household even looked at you in confusion. Until you showed them your ring. The ring of the Phantomhives.
🗡 His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw it and immediately glanced to his finger. It was the same one! How could it be possible? A young woman with blueish hair, the same ring as his and not to forget a similar past… Is she mayhaps from another world? But no. You retold him everything again.
🗡 When your eyes glanced around, you saw very familiar red eyes. The red eyes of a demon. Sebastian Michaelis. “Ohhh my gosh. Are you kidding me, Sebastian!? Did you really… REALLY attacked ME!? What the hell! I thought that you wouldn’t do such a thing except if we had our training sessions, but this is just…. Oh god, I am really mad right now. And what the hell is wrong with your clothes?” Sigh. “Dude… you didn’t even bother changing yourself? Unbelievable.”
🗡 Everybody was just very confused…. Even Elijah.
🗡 And who knows. Maybe you were unfortunate or maybe not, but you were stuck in the past. At first you though it was your bad luck, but now… Maybe it wasn’t so bad. Afterall… he was here. With you.
 😈 “Lady (y/n), there you are.” Said a smiling demon behind you, while you trained in the garden a little bit. The only thing that some might hear, when you are nearby, is the wind and the sword you held tightly in your hand, cutting every leaf that tried to land on the ground.
“Demon. What do you need?” You asked, still focused on your training rather of the one you had a pact with. He might sound and looked like the demon you knew, but he for sure is not the one you’ve met. He was kind of a younger version. One which never had met you. One that has to get to know you better again. It was weird, but you have to live with it until the day will come and you will be back in your time.
Just a few days and maybe you will fix the mistakes Ciel’s have done. Even though you don’t know which mistakes he has done. But even then, you will stay on his side, whenever he needs your help so you can finally be back. Back with him. The only person who knows you best…
😈 “What are you thinking about again, my lady?” He asked you, like on every other day since you have been arrived here. “About me! Who else~” Elijah said, as he approached you two, sword in hand and ready to train with you.
Sighing, you ignored them and continued.
😈 It was like back then. Elijah never stopped to be by your side, while you tried to drink you tea, shaking your cousin off of you and Sebastian smiling at you two.
😈 But now… Now it was slightly different. He wasn’t always there like your shadow. He was now by your ancestor’s side and serving him. Were you…. Jealous? No. That couldn’t be possible. You tried to shake off those strange feelings you had, but your mind always seem to wonder of to the attractive butler and demon.
😈 “Cieeeeeeel!!~ Ohhh, I missed you sooooo much!” You heard a high-pitched voice and fast footsteps rushing through the building in search of the young head of the phantomhive household.
What happened right now? It was like seeing a pink something running around. Weird.
😈 But this pink-something was actually the fiancée of Ciel. Her name was Elizabeth Midford.
😈 Unfortunate for Ciel and for you, Elizabeth and your cousin Elijah were very alike. Both loved the same things and both were nearly overprotective over you two. It was horrible. Ciel just wanted to work in silence, while you read plenty of books in hope that you might find another way to break this curse or spell or whatever this stupid witch put on you! Just be far away from this crappy place and be back… Back to the people you love and back to great technology like computers and smartphones! The internet… The Fanfictions you’ve read in secret…. All these things you loved so much were gone now….
😈 “(y/n)! That was so funny! You have to hear Lizzie’s story! It is hilarious!” – “Ohhh, El! I laughed so much thanks to your great jokes. You can be happy to have such a great fiancée, (y/n)!” Rolling your eyes didn’t help to stop them…
😈 “My lady. I think I might have found what you were looking for.” Said the one and only demon behind you, as you turned around to see a smiling Sebastian. “Mh?”
Following him, you ignored the two blondes and a deadpanned Ciel, who just wanted to flee.
😈 “So, what have you found… Sebastian?” You asked him after you two walked into another room filled with plenty of books, like many other rooms Ciel had. Sure, back in your time you had many too, but in digital form, so it was different than this.
“Oh, nothing. I thought that you needed some space.” He smiled, placing his forefinger and thump on your chin, staring into your eyes.
😈 Time to fricking blush like jfejfösdjgöajö IT’S SEBASTIAN!!!
😈 But no! You are a badass and he was just a very very very attractive butler!
😈 He served you back then! As if you could ever feel attracted to him!
😈 “Sebastian. Stop.” You said, trying to hide your face, walking away from the chuckling demon.
😈 Since then, he won’t stop teasing you. For now, he has no pact with you, so he will only listen to your ancestor and not you. You are just a sweet little being to him. A plaything some might say.
😈 But you are not the only one who got a little bit annoyed or more likely teased. Ciel too, because you are “too cruel” how he described you once. Only because you teased him a couple of times (46 times a week… Ciel counted it.) His fault if he is adorable and blushy, when you tease him.
😈 But after two months you’ve decided to finally make Sebastian, the cruel demon, blush! So he will realize how mean he is to you!
😈 Mission: Make Sebastian Blush Like A Tomato!
😈 You tried it. Many times… Wearing short clothes (Baldroy, Meyrin, Finnian, Elijah and Ciel blushed furiously and you were certain, that you saw their noses bleed…), brushing your hands with his, smiling sexy at him, bending over, touching him a lot…. And it goes and goes… But nothing happened. He just smirked and teased you back.
😈 Mission: Totally Failed.
😈 “My lady, how it seems you tried to tease me.” Sebastian smiled as he poured tea into your teacup. “Yeah… And I give up.” – “Oh, that is quite sad. I was happy to see more today.” He chuckled or more likely laughed at your attempts. “Haha… Very nice of you… No go, Sebastian….”
😈 But there was Sebastian actually speaking the truth. He was a little bit to not see you trying to attract him. He had always fun to see you like this, but now that you gave up, you had no reason to be near him again… He liked it whenever you were there, staring at him or trying to talk dirty to him (without success).
😈 When you talked later on with Ciel during your usual cup of earl grey tea about your past and what so not, he told you about his cat allergy and why he hates it that Sebastian always hides cats everywhere, because of his love for the small kittens.
😈 Wait… Right… Back then, you figured it out. There was one thing that the demon butler and you had in common! Your love for cats!
😈 So you walked to Elizabeth once and asked for a favor…
😈 “Sebastian. Could you maybe turn around? I need to show you something.”
😈 And that’s what the good butler did. He turned around and saw you. You looked the same, except for your clothes. You changed your usual attire for skintight, beautiful clothes with a cat-ear hairband and a tail. On your hands you wore paw-gloves, as you smirked at the now slightly flushing butler, who worked a few seconds ago in the kitchen.
😈 The knife he used to cut the onions, fell down and his red eyes scanned your body many times, when his mouth turned to a smirk and he walked to you.
😈 “My my~ What do we have here?~”
😈 Let’s say that many kisses were exchanged… Too many to count, when he held you tight in his arms.
😈 Maybe the reason for you to make him blush was not only to get your revenge… Maybe it was because you fell in love with him once, when you were younger and that you fell for him again.
😈 “What the hell!? (y/n)!? Sebastian!? NO! Where is my sword!! Get your hands off of her, you goddamn butler!!! I never liked you!!” Elijah screamed when he tried to get his sword, ignoring the sweet words you and your beloved exchanged. The teasing kisses and the “I like you too much”s….
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tehohaews · 4 years
 Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Thank you soooo much Nuria @taytawan for tagging me 🥺💖and ignore how late this is oops
Okay so 2020 is the year that I returned to “the internet” and I’m grateful cause otherwise I wouldn’t get to know all of you lovely people.Thank you for existing and making me feel like I belong somewhere 💖💖 So, along with my works I'm also gonna mention some of my favorite people and their works here and If you’ve ever made me smile you’re here and I love you <3
@snugglesweaters  Terryyyyyyy. My closest friend here 🥺 I’ve never told you this but if it wasn’t for you,I doubt I would’ve lasted this long here. It's nice knowing someone as clueless and a clown like me. I can talk to you about anything and I feel like we have similar views on stuffs.I love making random references to fics and knowing that you’ll get it cause we kind of read the same fics. I love this tine glitter fic of yours (yes tine glitter fic), obviously this cause (vampire) bright in a beanie AND the coffee shop au hc that only I know about hehe. I love your (almost) phd brain and hope you’re doing well in your dissertation. YOU CAN DO IT DW. And may you stay healthy,hydrated,safe and happy in the coming year 😊💖 I love you soooooooo muchhhhhhh 💖💖💖
@lesbian-earn Mayyyyy!!!. My co president of the short people supremacy club. You are so sweet and kind and thank you for reaching out to me that one day I was feeling a bit anxious.It’s always lovely to see you on my activity and on the dash. Like I once said, you remind me of sunshine and ilu 💖💖 Hope that the next year is kind to you and you’ll do well in your uni stuffs dw, I know you can.💖 Also I’ve said this before but i looooveeee this fic of yours and when I found out it was you dfjidfjidfidf
@taytawan Nuriaaaaaaa 💖💖 You say that I’m kind but it’s always because you are so sweet and talented that I can’t help screaming about your works everytime I see them. If I’m not mistaken, the name Nuria comes from the word Nur meaning light. You make the world brighter and a better place by your presence and I’ve said this before but really, it would’ve been very lonely without you in this 2g circus. I love these two sets of yours (I mean I did write an essay in the tags when I saw this) .Thank you for everything, I love you and I hope that you remain safe and happy in the coming year 💖💖 (Also join mine and May's short people club,Terry isn't invited ofc jdjsdjasjij)
@brightwinfilm NATH efhifhihis my (almost) birthday twin. LISTEN we’re gonna have so much fun in March, 1) Itsay part 2 AND your birthday 2)Sarawat’s birthday 3) My birthday and 4)since we’re here let’s just say Tine’s birthday is in March too hehehe. Thank you for all the lovely sarawatine and brightwin content you make, they never fail to make me smile.I love this set of yours and this also cause hehehe i WILL bring this back muhahhaa.You’re a wonderful person and you make the world a better place. Take care of yourself and I hope that you are always happy,healthy and safe 💖 i love youuu
@ryudian​ My go to person when I need any updates. You are SO HELPFUL and so NICE. I love going to your blog and seeing your st dolls and all the crazy stuffs you do because of bw. And I absolutely loved what you did with the oishi drinks here. May you be happy and safe in the coming year and stop spending so much money on merch I'm worried you'll go bankrupt
@komari-maxx​ I love seeing you on my activity and I love your st dolls and fics, specially this fruity4 one cause sdhididhid you included my hc of them arguing over the colour on lunch.This totally happened no one can change my mind. Hope you'll be happy (with your st dolls hehe) in the coming year
@teh-ohaew *tarn voice* Eyy TAY djidjijid hehe oops. Tay and Teh sound so similar specially in tarn's voice. Omg Teh Tay besties. TAYYYYY I love youuuu and I love reading your tags and seeing you on my dash except when you and Ayesha go crazy sdhusdh hehe jk. You are so nice and I love this sarawatine ig hc of yours. Hope you have a lovely year ahead and remain happy,healthy and safe. Don't forget to take care of yourself (by that I mean listen to the itsay original score on repeat)
@metawin JAYYYYY. I still remember the first time I came across your blog, it was when you were (probably) rewatching wyel and blogging about it crazily. I was laughing so hard at those and then you followed me back and I still to this day have no idea why. It's comforting seeing your posts in the tags and the dash and I absolutely love this itsay set of yours. You are so talented and lovely and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead. Lots of love <3333
@gremlinmetawin Ayesha bb 🥺🥺 You were the first person who interacted with me here and I love you for that. It's lovely seeing you in my dash and thank you for tagging me in tag games, I have fun doing them 💖💖 tbh I know like 3 Ayeshas irl but you are the loveliest and kindest of them all. Hope that the next year is kind to you,bring you happiness and you finally finish all those unwatched shows
@khaotungthanawat SAMMMMM Have I said that you are SO TALENTED this week? although tbh you deserve to hear that everyday. You always say that it's nothing but no, you ARE talented and kind. It's wonderful seeing your posts ( I feel like you're everywhere nowadays another proof that you work hard). You are a blessing to this world and I hope for you to be always happy and safe 💖💖.I love this st set, this itsay one and the tags of this post 😂😂 I will never not laugh at this.If this doesn't happen in the st special special askdkdsks 
@metawwin ALIIIIIIIII, queen of parallels djijidjias. I love going through your blog and seeing all your 2g stuffs.I absolutely adore this set of yours. You are so talented and you make the world a happier place <3 I love youuuuu and I hope you're staying hydrated,taking care of yourself and doing the things you love. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world 💖💖
@wirapong AISHIIIIII Hope you're doing well. I've screamed about this already BUT this club drama fic? lives in my head rent free. Also I love all your soft baby wat fics cause WAT IS A BABY. Glad we have Tine as the President of the Sarawat protection squad. I love your writing. you're so talented and I hope that the coming year will bring you happiness <33
@acequinz Hi Ace!! I love your incorrect quotes sideblog and I love your fics, specially this, this and this. You're a lovely person and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead.
@bisexualrep DORAAAA We haven't talked in a while but I smile whenever I see you in my activities. You are maybe the 4th person who followed me here and it still feels weird cause this and this? some of my fav wyel fics of all time. It's lovely reading your tags, they are so cheerful <3 Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. You deserve to be happy always 💖💖
Omg this is so long. If you're still here, here are some of the works that I'm proud of. 1)This itsay set. This was my first time doing big gifs and although this is loooong I like how this turned out, specially the colouring. 2) This cause do I do anything except 2g shitposting? No <3 I had this idea even before s2g aired but decided to wait so that I have more shots from s2g and I'm glad I did cause Earn basically got confirmed as a wlw so (Also special thanks to Terry cause the Man and Air hc were hers,her phd brain ikr) 3)This cause dcjsdjidi SARAWATINE SOULMATES. I love how the colouring turned out despite the fact that ps crashed halfway and I lost the gifs i spent 2 hours colouring. I tried to do this with scenes from the series only but couldn't cause wHen YoU aRe wItH yOuR cAmeRA SHOW US goddammit. If this was ao3 this would've been tagged as Tine teepakorn loves Sarawat guntithanon xD 4) Still2gether textposts obviously. I KNOW that 90% people follow me for my 2g shitposting and I got an ask once saying how were they so accurate and the reason for that is I spent HOURS on these. Atfirst it took a long time but after a while I got the hang of it. It was fun (though sometimes tiring) to make these after each ep aired. I'm proud of it and the fact that I managed to do 13 parts? gsjsdjsj 5) Still2gether subs that looks fake but aren't. shutup this was my first time giffing but it was funnnnn looking for the (canon) crack parts after every ep aired. 
Also,thank you to all the lovely people who likes and reblogs my posts, I do see you and I love you all <33 
Tagging: If you’re here then consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this or to anyone who sees this on the dash
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dapper-wings · 5 years
SPN 15x13 “Destiny’s Child” Reaction
Guys this episode KILLED ME i loved it SO MUCH HOLY CRAP
Spoilers for Supernatural season 15 below but holy crap y’all, GO WATCH THIS EP XD
Wow this then and now is just nostalgia lane huh
I freaking love Billie she is a gift to supernatural every time she comes on screen I’m just like YAAASSSSSS
This Billie/dean snarkiness tho
“Who’s gonna take over, Jack?” *jack pops bubble* “yeah probably not*
This one feels so familial I love it!!!
Danieel in the House!!!!!
Is she wearing a dress over a sweater I love her
not gonna lie that flashback scene of Ruby’s death kinda did stab by heart tho
hers too lmao 
omg all that takeout food tho #confirmed jacks a Winchester
Jack and Cas bonding I love it
So they’re just in hell now gosh remember when this was a big deal and now it’s just like “welp sure we have a vacation home there”
even the demons are done
“I’m far from happy” #mood
Is that Bobby’s flask
Cas no don’t go to the empty!!! What the heck I guess there’s just no holds barred anymore that’s fine okay sure yeah okay
“am I still an idiot” “well yeah” 
“I have a dumb idea”
witch Sam DOES things to me I’m tellin’ ya
ooooooo crap I hate hellhounds 
They are parents arguing over their child lol
aw jack baby no
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mitch-the-simp · 2 years
Don't mind my rambling but uh-
He- I- 🥺
Fun fact I cut and dyed my hair like his purely to cosplay him Jjdksjsjsjj
I also gave him a gf :3 her name is Kafumi Tadashi :3
Tumblr media
My cosplay of her is currently the only image I have of her lolol
More info about her will prolly be dumped later on my self ship blog @mzcryptid hehe :3c
Thanks for letting me gush lololol <3
OMG yesss! I love the cosplay!
Joshu is just- AH- Love him sm! I LOOOOVEEEE JoJo Oc's sm, like, the people I've seen make em put so much effort into them (I have a few too, btw). Yours is really cool! I love it! Feel free to gush over Joshu here. We stan and love Joshu in this blog >:)
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itsleese · 4 years
OMG I LOVE CARBS SO MUCH TOO and everything else you listed HAHAHA I ALSO LOVE DESSERTS BC I HAVE A SWEET TOOTH AND OMG I ALSO LOOOOVEEEE SPICY FOODDDD 🤩🤩 idk if you’ve heard of the korean fire chicken noodles but i eat that all the time its literally my fav 🤤🤤🤤
pls i wish i could eat spicy food but i am a weakling 😭 i do love curries! but Korean fire noodles sound like my nose if gonna run and imma need a drink of milk HAHDJKSKAA pls teach me how to eat spicy PLEASEEEE 😫😫😫
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lonelyreputation · 4 years
OMG YOU’RE TAKING REQUESTS WITH PROMPTS!!!!! You’re one of my fav writers on this hellsite can I please get some FLUFFY fluff with 9, 12 & 15 🥺 (I know you and your angst so I’ll once again mention the word fluff so that you don’t tear me apart) also, I love you SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
AHHH YES!!! REQUESTS WITH PROMPTS!!! AH!!! And omg stop I love your writing so much, this is such a compliment coming from you 🥺🥺🥺
HAHAHAHA I love how you bolded and wrote fluffy in all caps lksjdksdf and I looooveeee how you had to remind me that it’s a fluff request slkdfjslf My brand of writing angst has been solidified 🤧🤧
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fanfic-shiz · 8 years
Omg please write something with Cassian! You are one of my favorite writers and I freaked out a little when I saw your post about Rogue One! Your fics are so amazing, I love everything you write! I think the prompts 47 & 143 would be interesting too, but you can also pick something else, I will read it. I will read everything. You are amazing!
Omg you are so sweet, this made me smile so hard. Which was exactly what I needed since I went back to real life today. Ugh! But the Cassian wheels are turning, guys...this is a thing that is PROBABLY going to happen. Literally can’t stop thinking about Cassian angst. It’s how I made it through the day xD And I looooveeee the idea of using #47 with him!
Thanks again, anon! I appreciate you so much!!
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