#love love love you FHA
ssreeder · 1 year
I saw that other ask being like "I'm too scared by the title" and i laughed, and then i saw the title, and i *thought* about the possibilities
-Fragile heart, now with fucking anxiety
I adore the title for this chapter because it’s kind of misleading but also completely accurate lol
I hope you enjoyed ;)
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devildungeondm · 2 years
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My dudes; I’ve had this blog for only a month, and I absolutely adore you all.
Thank you so much for taking in my bean, showering us both with love, and being such fantastic writers and partners. I never thought this blog would take off like it has and feel so blessed to be part of this lil community.
This started off as just a silly means to get this muse energy out of my system but now I have some incredible stories happening and relationships developing and feel so inspired to write! You’re all the best.
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childhoodgrave · 2 years
i dont even go to pathologic but ive been hype (patiently ofc) for feargarden clara for months because it goes hard ok. thumbs up emoji love ur work love what ur doing with the weird and terrible people video game
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docu iyou really mean it…………..
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56kilobits · 3 months
anyway i love doing hypothetical APY calculations. here's a "millennial stereotype" themed calc: if you stop buying a $12 avocado toast at brunch every weekend and put that money into a savings account with a 4.5% yield and do absolutely nothing else to save, in 10 years you would have enough for a 3% down payment on a 230,000 house with an FHA loan
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basedbogwizard · 1 year
gudao/angra mainyu ship manifesto/essay because I’ve finally lost my mind
think about it like this: angra mainyu is all the world’s evils, a scapegoat for a village’s misfortune. he never wanted this, and yet it became a core part of his identity. his remaining sense of ego is a miracle, even if it’s been fundamentally changed by their curses, even if “his” true name has been removed from existence.
and yet in fha, he lives in the skin of someone who is loved, someone surrounded by friends who care for his well-being. prepared meals, romantic sunsets, summer time fun. and it changes him. he sacrifices this endless loop of false joy so that the living could continue on. he lets go of the one chance at happiness available to all the world’s evil.
ritsuka is the last master of humanity. he is a mage of little talent, save his abilities as a master and his connections to his servants. over and over again, he’s forced to destroy countless doomed worlds, in hopes of restoring his own. how is he meant to be a hero? how could he possibly feel like this is the right thing to do?
I think they would have a lot to discuss as these figures chosen by forces out of their control to be grand representatives: angra mainyu, as the bearer of the world’s sons, and ritsuka, as the bearer of the hopes of humanity. because neither of them perfectly fit those roles, no matter what they feel or what other people expect of them.
I think gudao would see angra mainyu as one of the few servants he can connect with. I have a headcanon that in general, ritsuka still struggles with juggling the different power levels and personalities of all these larger than life heroes, even into the lostbelts. (don’t even get me started on the possible body dysmorphia/low self esteem you might get when you’re surrounded by hundreds of people summoned in the prime of their life…) in comparison, angra mainyu is Just Some Guy who happens to be really good at killing humans. angra mainyu might be one of the few people besides mash that gudao would be able to talk to on a normal level, because hey, they’re both just two dudes, right? what’s better than this??? just guys bein dudes…
with angra mainyu’s history, I think he would be a surprising pillar of support for gudao during his journey. he reminds ritsuka that he is still just a human, perfectly flawed, despite what chaldea considers him, and despite how his actions in the lostbelts make him feel. he delivers this, of course, in his own foul mouthed way, with jabs at when ritsuka tries to pretend like he believes that everything he’s doing is right and just in the name of PHH, but ritsuka learns to read between the lines, especially when angra comes knocking with the dinner ritsuka forgot to get that night.
(i also think they would be very cute together. i need to see them tease each other, I need to see ritsuka catch angra in the middle of an awful prank. I need angra to try so hard and fail at making something for ritsuka because he thought it would be quicker to bake some cookies for 1 second at 3000 degrees Celsius or smth. im sorry im sick in the head about them.)
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pommunist · 4 months
I'll take that title in stride. I'll just tag myself from this point on lmao.
But for reals. This Fandom has some heinous behavior.
From sending death threats, to doxxing, to stalking, to hate bombing. This isn't technically new to Fandom spaces but it's a tragedy that people think this kind of behavior is ok. Let alone think that sending these things or acting on thus harassment will somehow make things BETTER. It just makes everything fucking worse.
Hell, yall can't even take critiques on their own let alone have nuanced conversations about ideas or stories.
In the greater scheme of things, none of this is real and none of this even matters. All that time wasted on harming one another mentally has done... what? Made everyone feel worse? Stellar job. Really.
I wish this kind of stuff didn't happen and that we didn't NEED people to denounce others publicly or make a massive show about "I'm a good person. See????"
Thats called virtue signaling. It's not genuine and it's not real. It's a performance. People don't HAVE to be loud about support and or denouncement. People can be good people and have the humility to not wave it around at others to show "hey look I'm so much better!!! Look his good I am!!!"
You shouldn't need someone to tell you how to have an opinion that's not fucked up. You shouldn't assume the worst possible thing about people. You shouldn't need someone to say "hey I don't think you should kill people" in order for you to feel fucking confident about their morality. Most people, on average, prefer peace and for people to be kind to one another. Genuinely. Shocker I know.
The holier than thou mentality is actually toxic in this damned place. You're not better than everyone else. You've also made mistakes or said the wrong thing or forgot shit. Everyone does. We're all fucking human.
Start treating eachother as humans. I BEG.
With love,
-FHA ♤
oh how i wish this was a problem that only the qsmp fandom suffered from :’)
i just don’t understand how people who participate in hate trains and harassment campaigns don’t realise that by doing that they’re burning down their own house (on top of engaging in general shitty behaviour, basic respect between humans ? don’t know her !)
as for the holier than thou thing i think this kind of mentality can be especially bad because it can sometimes make people focus on being performative about stuff and call out those who aren’t, rather than actually wanting and doing things to solve an issue
i feel like our cousins from twt are most guilty of this but honestly this is also due to the format twitter as a website and as a space operates on so not all their fault
also love to see you’ve fully embraced your nickname ahaha, love the spade too !
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eddis-not-eeddis · 6 months
Guys. If you are ever in the position to be selling a house--especially if your home is okay but meh--SPEND A COUPLE HUNDRED AND SLAP SOME NEW PAINT ON IT AND INSTALL SOME CHEAP HANDRAILS AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD WITH GRAVY INSTALL THE DAMN SUMP PUMP!!!!
I have seen so many deals fall through because homeowners want to squeeze every last penny out of their home and spend no money. The thing is, to make money, you will probably have to spend a little, and here's why:
Some of the most common loans people get in the U.S. (FHA, USDA, VA) won't cover a home that has chipped paint or lacks hand railings or has an overly damp basement.
This means the pool of people who can buy your house has dramatically decreased. You are pretty much only gonna be able to sell to people who can pay cash for your house.
Now that might sound great, but if your house isn't spectacular that kind of person isn't going to buy it. The person who can afford to buy your house at $150,000 cash is going to go and get a loan and purchase a better house somewhere nicer with more property for $300,000.
You might be able to pull a landlord, who will want to rent your house out, and try to offer you $70,000 cash for a house you listed at $150,000.
So spend several hundred, or even a couple thousand and get your house fixed up so an appraiser will approve a loan, and you will
A. Sell it faster
B. Sell it for a higher price
Because if your house is on the market for too long (even if you've received offers) people start wondering what's wrong with it. And then you get less interest. So you drop the price. Then people REALLY start to wonder what was wrong with it. So you get LESS interest. And then you paint the house and install the hand-railings and the sump pump, but it's too late because people are all wondering why the house has been on the market for three months, and you end up selling what could easily have been a $150,000 house for (if you're lucky!) $120,000. And you still had to spend the money you didn't want to shell out in the beginning.
All because you didn't want to paint.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 2 months
Weekly Roundups: Prompt Reminders
kotomine and caren are finally in chaldea together, and they manage to bond as parent and child over their shared enjoyment of watching people suffer
Mash travel to Japan after everything end and Fujimaru Ritsuka's gone. She meet heartbroken Fujimaru couple who give out missing person poster to bystander and ask them for info of their missing kid
Holy Grail War gets Tower of Babel’d. Due to a defect of the grail (or perhaps a ploy from Caster or a Master?) every servant is now speaking their original language, or for convinience’s sake, the modern-ish version of the language from their place of origin.
smut, Raikou pegs Lancelot. You can make it hard or gentle, plot or no plot, add on whatever flavor you want.
Chaldean staff deserve more content, they also survivor and work hard
Mash has an insane amount of rizz and accidentally makes her own harem
unsanitary, Castoria piss kink. She needs to mark her territory on anyone she fucks, that includes biting, scratching... and peeing on them. Preferably I'd like some level of "oh fuck why tf am I wanting this" but feel free to just go wild with the og prompt. I'm ok with artfills too btw if you guys want to give me a blushing stuttering Castoria struggling to articulate "hey not to be weird for a sec but can I pee on you" that's fine by me too!
for the queer headcanon anon: i want to see how kama and/or kiara (or any other character that primarily deals with love as their character arc) reacts to an aromantic master! i'm not entirely too familiar with their characters so i think it would be interesting myself :)
In an alternate world, rather than summon Astolfo, Celenike summons servant Rider Goredolf Musik, driver of the Shadow and Storm Borders, he who's driving skills escaped the apocalypse twice. While everyone else is reeling from the implications that not only was a modern mage able to enter the Throne, but that said mage also was of the Musik line, Goredolf is panicking because if he, a member of Chaldea, was summoned, things are about to get very bad very fast.
Since soujuurou is 17 in 1989, and Kuzuki is 25 in 2004, that would make the former the big brother in the assassin cult! So something with soujuurou acting like a big brother to kuzuki!
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
lancer in fha is really good because they put him in a situation where he’s gotta go back on his bullshit (killing someone he loves) and the way he deals with this is to just ignore the problem as long as possible until it either goes away or his hand is forced (it’s always the latter). he adamantly doesn’t want to change anything about his past because it’s what lead to him being the person he so enjoys being today but he still doesn’t really like talking about it much. he only tells shirou about it to make a point (the point being he really really really really doesn’t want to kill bazett so he’s going to ignore this problem until it goes away or he has no other choice) and he does slip into the spirit of reminiscence but the way he talks about the more painful parts is noticeably detached.
he appears the type to wear his heart on his sleeve but he’s very private with his more negative feelings and especially anything that might cast doubt on how okay he really is with his past. maybe he does have complaints, and disappointments, and maybe even regrets. maybe all that shit did leave him permanently scarred. it’s just that he’s decided this was the life he wanted to lead so he doesn’t want to voice or dwell on any of that. what would the point of that be? he’s already lived it and he knows he’d do it again because it’s what leads to where he is now. he doesn’t have time to be traumatised he’s busy having a blast with being cu chulainn. the problem is that now bazett’s situation is taunting him by asking “yeah? would you really do it again?”
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morsking · 1 year
moments that leave you emotionally devastated in fha are
1. lancer kills bazett out of obligation
2. saber kills archer out of obligation
3. rider allows herself to die out of obligation
4. illya makes avenger confront he’ll never live emiya shirou’s life out of obligation
5. avenger reminds bazett they’ve both died out of obligation
we want to side with the people we love but out of love we cannot be permissive or indulgent of self-destruction. life goes on no matter what is a hard lesson to learn but also a very liberating one.
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ssreeder · 1 year
You'd THINK I'd be over the moon (ha) over the next chapter being so soft and nice and pretty
But again. I am having war flashbacks to Eve and V. And like, Azula is RIGHT THERE. And Ara is like, 👌🏼 this close to losing it. And jet is fucking comatose or whatever but eventually he'll wake up and cause problems on purpose. And iroh is watching zuko all the goddamn time. And quon is still unaccounted for in what he's planning.
Like. I don't think I'll be able to survive the crash after the high of them being soft Reedy. I really don't think I'm strong enough
-Fragile heart
(On that note, but feel free to ignore this bit, I don't... I really don't do with major characters dying. As in, canon deaths at most and even then. So i was wondering if it was possible you could let me know if or when you know for sure you plan on killing them? Bc i love your story but yknow. There's stuff i can't deal with so. Yeah. No pressure though, i understand if you want to keep it a surprise)
Why is this us right now?
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I’m just trying to pretend I don’t have a bunch of dirty laundry shoved under my bed (the fic) and whyyyyyyyy do you have to come in and remind me?! (Stop pulling out my DIRTY LAUNDRY FHA!!!)
Can’t the boys just be happy and forget that everything else is falling apart??
as for your (pleas in the parenthesis) you can DM me and I’ll give you the insights on future deaths as long as you promise not to expose me lol. Or if you’re in the server on discord just DM me there lol. OKKKKKK FHA???? I lub you.
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handeaux · 1 year
Back In The Day, You Might Have Thought Everyone In Cincinnati Loved Fred Trump
People in Cincinnati were raving about Fred C. Trump a full decade before he ever dipped a toe into Cincinnati’s real estate market. Mildred Miller, in her Cincinnati Enquirer “Talk About Women” column [2 March 1954], begged the New York developer to buy some Queen City rental property:
“Sa-ay, why can’t it happen here? We sure could use a few ace-high landlords like Fred Trump of New York! He not only rents to families with children but also provides many extras to make them happy! . . . Such as playgrounds, indoor recreation centers, summer camps and baby sitters!”
Ten years later, Mildred Miller got her wish when Fred Trump purchased the moribund Swifton Village apartments in Bond Hill. Originally constructed with Federal Housing Administration financing at a cost of $10 million in 1954, the complex was half empty in 1964. The FHA foreclosed on the property and put it up for auction when the original developer defaulted. Fred Trump was the only bidder, snatching the complex for $5.7 million. The Cincinnati Enquirer [6 January 1965] was delighted:
“Before ink was dry on the Swifton deed, Mr. Trump said he sent his maintenance crews into the village on a $500,000 reconditioning and redecorating program. A new community center was built; streets and sidewalks were repaved; paint was dabbed here and there; new refrigerators and new laundry machines were installed; window shutters were ordered. New tenants started coming in.”
Although several sections of the complex were reserved for adult tenants, Fred Trump did build playgrounds in the portions of Swifton Village in which children were allowed. He also maintained a private swim club and sun deck for the exclusive use of tenants.
Fred Trump apparently worked overtime to satisfy the folks who lived at Swifton Village. One employee recalled when the owner visited Cincinnati around Mother’s Day and bought 1,000 orchids to distribute to the resident mothers. Trump passed out thousands of pre-stamped, pre-addressed post cards to all his tenants encouraging them to send complaints and suggestions directly to him. Enquirer business editor Ralph Weiskittel enthused [2 October 1966] about the benefit:
“This is the ‘service’ aspect of our plan, Mr. Trump said. When a tenant calls for a service he wants it ‘then’ – not an excuse that workmen are busy and will get to it the first thing tomorrow morning.”
Of course, the New York developer spent a lot of money burnishing his own image. The entire time he owned Swifton Village, every newspaper advertisement specified that the official name of the complex was “Fred C. Trump’s New Swifton Village.” Trump ran advertisements touting his concern for the tenants’ welfare. One advertisement in the Cincinnati Post [25 August 1966] promised a lofty goal:
“Who’s this man Fred C. Trump anyhow? He’s head man of Swifton Village. He loves this place. He’s out here regularly overseeing all the improvements that will make our Swifton Village a veritable paradise of suburban living.”
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Another advertisement in the Enquirer [27 August 1966] emphasized his personal touch:
“This man worries a lot. If you lived here, you might be getting a phone call from Mr. Trump. Sound strange? Well, that’s the way Mr. Trump works. Several times a week (in addition to his regular visits) he picks up the phone and makes a long distance call to a tenant in his Swifton Village Apartments. Just to check up and find out if they’re content. Are things being taken care of? Anything he can do to help make living in his apartments a bit more pleasant? He’s the kind of landlord who worries about you.”
As a couple of lawsuits revealed, Fred Trump reserved his worries for his white tenants. In 1969, according to testimony by Trump’s own lawyer, only two or three apartments out of 1,167 in the complex were occupied by Black families.
The Cincinnati lawsuit was filed on behalf of Haywood and Rennell Cash, a young couple living with relatives because they were unable to find an apartment. At Swifton Village, they were told there were no vacancies, but they suspected otherwise. They consulted with the Housing Opportunities Made Equal organization, who sent a white woman out to Swifton Village. She was immediately offered an apartment. When the H.O.M.E. shopper returned with the Cashes, the apartment manager threw all of them out of his office.
A New York case, filed in 1973, involved almost identical circumstances, including allegations that Fred Trump’s managers falsely claimed that no vacancies existed and required higher rents from Black applicants. The New York lawsuit itemized incidents of discrimination at more than 17 Trump properties in New York and Virginia.
As it turned out, Fred Trump had been accused of discriminatory rental practices for years. At one point, folksinger Woody Guthrie lived in one of Trump’s Brooklyn buildings and crafted a new verse for his song “I Ain’t Got No Home” as a protest against the policies that kept that complex exclusively white:
We all are crazy fools As long as race hate rules! No no no! Old Man Trump! Beach Haven ain’t my home!
Despite his advertisements professing love for Cincinnati and his tenants, Fred Trump dropped a few hints indicating he was on the fence about his investment here. He told the Enquirer [6 January 1965] that Cincinnati was “a real disappointment” because the market was “overbuilt.” He described Swifton Village as a “Mexican stand-off,” meaning he expected to do no better than break even on his investment and that the property would mostly function as a tax write-off.
In December 1972, Fred Trump sold Swifton Village to Prudent Real Estate Trust of New York for $6.75 million. He never again entered the Cincinnati real estate market. All of the original Swifton Village apartment buildings were demolished around twenty years ago to make room for a new housing development.
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number1mongrel · 2 years
Might you have any thoughts on… the Angry Mango… (headcanon meme)
the angry boy!
favorite thing about them: his entire story in FHA makes me cry. god. just thinking about it can make me cry. one of the best characters and backstories and main stories in fate
least favorite thing about them: FHA original version pre-PS vita release H scene. i shouldn't have to specify
favorite line: i can't think of one off the top of my head but i know it's from his final scene with bazett in FHA but if i look up that scene to check it will make me start crying so i'm not going to rn lol (also technically "i go and greet her as a fellow housewife" is an angra line sooo)
brOTP: him and Bazett! They make for a really good master/servant duo, and i love how they have such a good platonic relationship
OTP: i know ankare has.... issues.... (see above) but i do also really like them.... the incarnation of all the world's evils and the one who can take in all the world's evils
nOTP: dont really have one. he doesnt really interact with anyone besides those two as himself lol
random headcanon: just like how extremely rare he is in the gacha, he's basically a cryptid within chaldea. most other servants don't even know that he's there
unpopular opinion: idk if i have one?
song i associate with them: A Tale of Six Trillion Years and One Night by kemu. it almost fits him too well it's so perfect
favorite picture of them: if this counts (SOBBING)
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floofyfluff · 2 years
thinking about my much younger classmate i made friends with because i love giving people shortcuts i wish i had at their age. and she was talking to me a few weeks ago about how she wasn't sure she wanted to go into medicine anymore and i was like very valid, why'd you get into it in the first place? and she gave me many very good and personal reasons and we talked about it and then she asked me why i was doing it. and my dumb ass just said: revenge. and the look on her face a;ldsfhaslk;fhas;lfhaksl
like i explained!!!!! the nuances of this but she was so scared for like one half of a single second
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chadwidtfeldt · 13 days
Navigating Your First Home Purchase: 10 Essential Tips for First-Time Buyers
A home purchase is a major milestone, especially if it's your first time. From securing financing to finding the perfect property, the homebuying process can feel overwhelming. However, with the right preparation and approach, you can make the experience smoother and more rewarding. Here are ten critical tips for first-time homebuyers to help guide you through this exciting journey.
Get Your Finances in Order
Before diving into the housing market, having a clear picture of your financial situation is important. Start by checking your credit score and taking steps to improve it if necessary. Pay any outstanding debt and avoid taking on new loans in the months leading up to your home purchase. Calculate how much you can comfortably afford in monthly mortgage payments while covering your other living expenses. This step will provide a realistic starting point when shopping for homes.
Set a Savings Target Beyond the Down Payment
While saving for a down payment is essential, don't forget the additional costs of buying a home. These include closing costs, ranging from 2% to 5% of the loan amount, as well as moving expenses, new furniture, and potential home repairs. Make sure to have enough savings to cover these costs so you're not caught off guard when the time comes.
Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage Early
Pre-approval for a mortgage gives you a clear idea of how much a lender will lend you, demonstrating to sellers that you're a serious buyer. During pre-approval, lenders will review your financial history, income, and credit to determine how much you can borrow. Getting pre-approved before you start house hunting gives you a clear budget and makes you more competitive in a fast-moving market.
Research Your Target Market
Every housing market is different, so it's important to research the area where you plan to buy. Investigate recent sale prices, how quickly homes are selling, and trends in property values. Are prices rising or stabilizing? Understanding the market will help you make informed decisions when it's time to make an offer. Additionally, consider factors like school districts, proximity to work, and neighborhood amenities to ensure the location fits your long-term needs.
Be Clear on Your Priorities
As a first-time homebuyer, you might be overwhelmed by the variety of properties on the market. To stay focused, make a list of your must-haves versus your nice-to-haves. For example, you might need three bedrooms, but a finished basement may be less important. This list will help you narrow your search and avoid getting sidetracked by features that don't align with your priorities.
Hire a Real Estate Agent You Trust
A reliable real estate agent can make the home-buying process significantly easier. They have access to listings you might not find on your own, understand market conditions, and can negotiate effectively on your behalf. Choose an agent knowledgeable about the area and who has experience working with first-time buyers. Be sure to clearly communicate your needs and preferences so they can guide you toward homes that fit your criteria.
Never Skip the Home Inspection
Once you've found a home you love, skipping the inspection is tempting to speed up the process or lower costs, but this can be costly. A home inspection can uncover hidden issues like structural problems, plumbing concerns, or electrical faults that may not be apparent during a walkthrough. A thorough inspection can save you thousands in unexpected repairs and give you peace of mind that your investment is sound.
Understand Your Mortgage Options
When it comes to financing your home, various mortgage options are available. It's important to research different types of loans—conventional, FHA, or VA—each with its requirements and benefits. FHA loans, for example, maybe more suitable if you have a lower credit score or can't afford a large down payment, while conventional loans often come with lower interest rates for those with strong financial profiles. Speak with a mortgage advisor to determine which option is best suited for your circumstances.
Be Ready to Make a Strong Offer
In competitive markets, desirable homes can sell quickly. When you find a property you love, be prepared to make a strong and timely offer. Your real estate agent can help you determine a competitive price based on market conditions and comparable sales in the area. Having your mortgage pre-approval and financial documents ready ensures you can act quickly without delay, which could make the difference between securing the home or losing it to another buyer.
Stick to Your Budget and Plan for the Future
One of first-time buyers' most common mistakes is stretching their budget to afford their dream home. While it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of homeownership, staying within your financial limits is crucial. Homeownership comes with ongoing expenses like maintenance, repairs, property taxes, and utilities. By sticking to a budget that accounts for these costs, you can ensure that your new home remains a financial asset rather than a burden.
Finding and purchasing a home can be thrilling and nerve-wracking for first-time homebuyers. By following these ten essential tips, you can take control of the process and make informed decisions that will set you up for long-term success. From understanding your financial limits to working with a trusted real estate agent, each step is designed to guide you through the complexities of home buying and help you avoid common pitfalls. With proper preparation and the right approach, you'll soon find yourself in the home of your dreams, ready to start the next chapter of your life.
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monstersqueen · 2 months
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half tempted to make 'people who haven't read fha what do you think is happening here' post
anyway i love this game.
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