#love the silly sleepy boys....
Chapter 4: Brumation (Extra)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Family fluff, mutant biology speculation
Read on Ao3
Several years ago...
By the time April’s first winter with the turtle brothers rolled around, she thought she had gotten used to all their eccentricities. Apparently, she had thought wrong.
One especially chilly day in early November, April arrived at the lair, only to find it the quietest she’d ever heard it.
“Guys?” she called out unsurely. There was no response. Venturing further in, she found every room she entered to be deserted. “Guys, if this is some kind of prank, you’re gonna regret it!” she said, a little louder. Still, nothing.
April was starting to get the feeling that this was some kind of horror movie setup, but she had to find the brothers, so she pressed on. Eventually, she decided to check their rooms, and ended up looking in Leo’s first. April let out a sigh of relief when she saw him gently snoring in his bed.
“Geez, Leo, don’t scare me like that.” She gently shook his shoulder. “Leo?”
After a few more seconds and a slightly more forceful shake, the slider blearily blinked awake and looked at April with unfocused eyes. “Mmmgh… hi.”
April frowned with worry. “What’s going on with you today, man?”
“Hmm… tired,” was Leo’s only response before he buried himself in his blankets again.
“Leo? Leo! Come on, man, don’t fall asleep on me again!”
“Ah, April,” said Splinter’s voice from the doorway, “I thought I heard you come in.”
“Splints!” April whirled around, never before so glad to see the old rat. “What’s going on with the guys?”
“Don’t worry,” Splinter assured her, “the boys always have a bit of trouble waking up after the first freeze. They’ll get up on their own eventually, and be tired for the rest of the day, but they’ll be fine.”
True to Splinter’s word, the brothers were all up within the next half hour. First was Raph, only a few minutes later, just as Splinter finished heating up water for hot chocolate.
“Hey, Raph,” greeted April.
The snapping turtle stared at his friend for a few moments, then gave a small nod. “Uh-huh.” He trudged over to a chair by the kitchen counter and accepted the mug of freshly mixed hot chocolate Splinter handed to him, downing most of it in one go.
Next was Leo, followed shortly by Mikey.
“Oh… hey, April,” said Leo slowly.
“Hi, Leo.”
“You’re so cool, April,” Mikey said suddenly.
She had to stifle a laugh as Leo nodded very seriously. “The coolest.”
“Aww, thanks, guys.”
Each of them was also given their own mug of hot chocolate, which they sipped at slower than Raph. A little bit later, and Donnie came stumbling out of his room. Splinter handed him a mug, and he seemed to perk up a bit.
“Coffee?” he asked hopefully.
“Even better,” answered Splinter. “Hot chocolate.”
“Oh,” said Donnie, in a voice that made it very clear he did not think that it was in fact better. Still, he took the cup and started drinking.
After a little while, when each of the kids had finished at least one cup of hot chocolate and all the turtles seemed a little more awake, April started talking. “So, I was going to ask you guys if you wanted to go out today, but I’m guessing now you’d rather stay in.”
The brothers all nodded in agreement. So April went around the lair, collecting all their spare blankets and pillows, and tossed them into a warm, comfy pile in front of the TV. She then picked out a movie, one they'd all seen enough times they could probably quote the whole thing from memory, and the five of them settled down for a relaxing day in. And if April ended up taking a whole lot of photos and videos of the turtle brothers, well, that was purely for blackmail purposes, and not at all because the boys being sleepy and silly was completely adorable.
1: The Question | 2: Spiny Softshell | 3: Red-Eared Slider | 4: Brumation (Extra) | 5: Shedding (Extra) | 6: Alligator Snapper | 7: Ornate Box
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sapphicseasapphire · 8 months
The Silence Before The Storm
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Bird boy and Wimbdy boy, who could ask for anything more? Guys for real, this is au is consuming my whole self. I have so many projects in the works! More origin stories are soon to come and maybe possibly some comics and fics. Stay tuned!
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Also for anyone who’s still interested in Skybird, I swear I’m still working on it! I just restarted writing chapter three for the eleventh time. I’m feeling good about it though!
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ectoplasmer · 10 months
imagine cuddling up with your f/o in bed during a thunderstorm… arms curled around each other, legs intertwined, head resting against chest while it rumbles and pours outside. getting to listen to the sound of their deep, calm breathing with the patter of rain against the window, seeing their features whenever the room is lit up by the flash of lightning… maybe their arms tighten around you whenever there’s a clap of thunder, maybe they make some sort of sound or they snuggle closer to you… just imagine being all warm and cozy with them during a storm, safe and comfy in their embrace <3
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snailchasers-den · 12 days
the loser moonpaw vs the chad moonshrike
Downright hilarious ask, thank you anon.
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anonyanonymouse · 1 month
I need a minute. to process the update
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sleepyheadd0 · 11 months
rising out of the dead to sketch these silly little fuckers
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stray x tsams au by -> @ayipdoodles
go follow them theyre very cool
crunch munches ur goobie snooberts
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cellvphanehvuse · 2 months
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warmspice · 1 year
sometimes a girl will accidentally look at a guy more than twice and he will come up to her and talk at her about veganism for like an hour.
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Happy New Year 2023!!
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I bought a fancy paper hat at the grocery store (because I'm a sucker for shiny purple paper fedoras* with clocks on them apparently), consumed a little wine+, and knelt on the office floor and kissed my boy cat on his fluffy little head at like 12:04am because I was trying to finish my annual blogspot post**, do a Duolingo lesson, and find whatever TV channel has the ball drop all at once and I sort of missed it. But here we are nonetheless!
*Actually I think it might be kind of like a short top hat? I could post a picture later if anyone is particularly interested. It’s blatantly cheap and kitschy but I also think it’s really pretty actually. Also, as you can maybe tell, I’m still in pajamas; did not leave the house today.
+Technically I got strawberry daiquiri wine (it’s a cheap brand, Mom laughed when I showed it to her because it’s something they used to joke about in like high school or something), coconut creme liqueur rum (easily the strongest of the batch but still pleasantly sweet), and Bailey’s irish creme (definitely the most expensive but also probably the tastiest). I was just going to buy one but I don’t drink very often at all and I was curious to try something new and also I’m chronically indecisive so, here we are. I think I did pretty well picking sweet things actually though. Goodness gracious am I sleepy now though. I swear alcohol pretty much only ever seems to make me sleepy. Barely made it to midnight. Although I guess it’s almost one now. I have been rambling here for a while somehow. 
**link maaaybe available on request? I haven't fully decided whether I'm willing to own up to my blogspot on here just yet. I started it in 2011 so. I’ve been through a lot of phases with it you could say. Actually it was a school blog initially, but it’s spiralled out from that. 
Anyways here’s my mildly incoherent, slightly alcohol-soaked, new year’s post! I mostly wanted to show off my cute little boy cat’s reaction to our new year’s kiss. I love the way he looks at me, like, “I don’t know what’s going on but I love you <3″ is just written in his eyes. 
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moe-broey · 1 year
Ooughhh Céline Fire Emblem................
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arklay · 2 years
i have recovered (lying)
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teddybeartoji · 6 months
☆. contains: boyfriend!satoru gojo x gn!reader; lots of comfort n fluff wc: 1.1k
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a heavy sigh falls from your lips. "i'm jus' having a day."
"you're telling me... that you're having a day... aaaaaaall by yourself, handsome?" you don't need to look at him to know that bf!gojo is wiggling his stupid eyebrows. dummy. faintly shaking your head you try to brush his stupid comment off but your lips have a mind of their own, so used to a smile that they're already twitching upward. and satoru being satoru, he takes it as a very good sign to continue. "i can't believe the love of my life is having a day – without me. betrayal, i tell you, absolute betrayal."
he throws himself onto the couch right next to you, thighs touching. no inches between you.
"stop..." you whine. "let me have my day..."
"no way, baby. we're having a day." tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and he whispers — "together."
when you turn to face him, your noses touch. he never did know what personal space is but it's not like you mind (you love it). he looks into your weary eyes, hiding his frown. he nudges his nose against yours and presses a quick kiss to it.
"so is it a 'quiet' day or a 'sleep' day or a 'bath' day or a 'film' day or a 'park' day or....?" his voice is so soft and sugary and warm and caring and you immediately get lost in your thoughts. he's so sweet. you're so grateful for him. if you told him to be quiet for the rest of his life, he'd do it. it'd be very fucking hard but for you – he'd do it without a second thought. and now he's here, asking you what kind of a day you're having. he would've probably wanted to play video games or make-out or go bully suguru but he won't even bring it up because he can see that it's not the right time for that. and you're so grateful. what did you do to deserve a boyfriend like this? a boyfriend who's so ready to put your needs above his, always and forever.
he observes you in your little mind palace, your eyes are little zoned out and it just might be the cutest thing. he places his hand on your thigh, gently pulling you back to him. he doesn't say anything, only giving you a reassuring smile. you love him.
"a 'quiet' day, i think." your head falls against his shoulder with a soft thump.
pressing his soft lips to your forehead, he draws hearts on your back.
a quiet 'sorry' tries to hide inside the crook of his neck, burrowing itself into his hoodie. he catches it, though. like always.
"sorry for what?"
a rumble in his chest, you feel it so clearly.
"you're sorry for having a day?"
an incoherent mumble is his answer.
craning his neck, he tries to look down on you. a finger finds your nose and boops! it, making you sink deeper into him.
"my baby."
it's like honey – the sweetest coo in the whole wide world. he pours it all over you, covering you in his love, sticking you to him. you don't mind (you love it).
"never ever ever ever apologize for that stupid shit again, though."
and there it is — a snicker. not a full laugh but it's enough.
"like - damn, you really are dense sometimes, baby." he whistles, earning him a punch to his chest. and a smile. he's getting there.
"what the fuck is wrong with you, satoru?" sitting up straight, you force your lips into a thin line (it's so hard to not smile around him). "i'm over here begging for mercy for being, oh, i don't know, vulnerable, and you tell me that i'm dense?"
hastily you stand from the couch, leaving satoru staring up at you with a big grin. "what a good boyfriend." you scoff. but your words mean absolute jack shit to him, it's like water off a goose. he's never been more in love. he sees another twitch of your lips and he knows he has you.
turning away, you're ready to make a bit of a scene, ready to stomp your feet, ready to forget everything about your day but you can't. an ungodly strength has you glued to your spot because satoru has other plans. his fingers wrap around your wrist, easily pulling you straight down onto his lap. he mumbles a quick 'the best boyfriend' before attacking you with a quick press of his lips to yours and a smirk and you know you're fucked. this wasn't your plan. this is bad. this is extremely bad. you know what he's gonna do and you can't do anything about it. no, no, no. you were supposed to stomp away and wait for him to come hug you from the back, being all cuddly and cute — this was not the plan.
it's his ultimate power move. tickles.
you hate him.
(you love him so much that you fear your heart will literally explode every time you're around him).
and then his fingers are running all over your sides, laughter bubbling from your throat, no matter how hard you try to hold it back. he manages to hold you down and torture you at the same time, it's unforgiving (and impressive but you won't tell him that). tears brim in your eyes and he can't stop looking at you.
this is how you should look all the time. not the tears in your eyes, of course, but the smile. oh, the smile. from one ear all the way to the other. the corners of your eyes crinkling. he can't wait to grow old with you and see the smile wrinkles, these'll definitely be one of his greatest achievements. he's so serious about it.
luckily, he doesn't keep it up for too long, letting you catch your breath – your head falling back onto his chest, right above his heart.
"you're such a dick."
"you love me so much, i'm surprised you haven't proposed yet."
another weak slap against his chest and he laughs. loud and full of love.
a comfortable silence. his hands rest on your waist, soaking in the feeling of your skin, the feeling of you on him, your heart so near his. you trying to get a grip and he's enjoying his time with you. he could be watching paint dry with you and he'd love it. he hopes you know that (he needs you to know that).
"we can still do a crying party... if you want." his breath tickles your ear. "i'll cry with you."
you're so grateful.
snaking your hands behind his neck, you pull him close. "thank you."
"anything for you. everything for you."
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sttoru · 5 months
·.⌇ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. toji witnesses his son’s first steps and it nearly makes the grown man cry.
wc. 1k
tags. dad!toji x female reader. fluff. reader gets called ‘mama.’ life if gege just gave us what we wanted. ending is a bit rushed if you couldn't tell.
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“gumi, look here,” you coo at your child who’s sitting in his playpen. you’re laying against some stuffed animals, too tired to move after doing all kinds of chores. the baby looks up at you with curious eyes and you take your chance to make a silly face.
megumi giggles and responds by throwing a small toy your way. it accidentally hits your head, though luckily it isn’t anything too heavy.
toji, who laid lazily on the opposite side of the playpen, watches the scene unfold. he grins once he sees you rub the spot on your forehead, “oi, megumi, careful with y’r mama.”
you chuckle, dropping your dramatic act. you ruffle megumi’s hair a bit before standing up. a yawn escapes your lips and you stretch your arms above your head—clearly in need of a break.
“i’m gonna take a quick nap, honey,” your eyes meet toji’s. your husband nods and sits up with a groan. he’s also sleepy, but he knows that you did most of the work today. he’ll gladly watch over megumi while you rest and regain your energy.
megumi starts to fuss the moment you step out of the playpen. his tiny hands reach out to you—the little boy clearly too attached to his mother. toji shakes his head and effortlessly picks his son up and puts him on his lap, “naw, y’re stuck with me buddy. mama’s gotta rest.”
megumi squirms around and whimpers. he’s clearly not interested in his dad at the moment. toji sighs and tries his best to keep the baby still, but to no avail.
“mama! mama!” the baby’s cries for you breaks your heart. you stop a a couple steps away and turn around with a pout. you notice how megumi is kicking his legs, thrashing around in toji’s arms in attempt to free himself.
you sigh and crouch down, “gumi, mama’s sleepy. . papa’s gonna play with you, okay?”
megumi, of course, does not understand what you mean. he thinks you’re leaving him alone and it causes him to wail loudly. you’re about to console your son, but backtrack when you notice how megumi’s starting to stand up on his own.
his chubby legs are barely holding his body weight up. the balance is hard to find for the baby, yet he still does his utmost best. he nearly trips from just standing.
even toji looks on with wide eyes and a hint of a prideful grin on his lips. he’s silently encouraging his son in his head.
“ma..ma,” megumi babbles. he almost topples over, but toji’s quick reflexes come in handy. a big hand keeps the baby standing straight. the dark-haired man carefully lets go again, however keeps his hand near his son’s body. just in case.
neither toji nor you could believe what was happening. you both watch in awe as megumi’s left foot moves forward—the right one copying that same movement.
your precious boy, taking his first steps right in front of you both to witness. it’s a heartwarming sight. you hold your breath and toji’s lips part slightly. your husband has yet to grasp why this scene in front of him makes him feel so. . . giddy on the inside.
“c’mon! come to mama!” you squeal excitedly and open your arms, encouraging megumi to your best ability. the tiny boy giggles and moves his limbs as fast as they could go. his chubby hands flail around as he quickly walks over to you.
toji stares at his family and that’s when it hits him; how much he loves this peaceful life. his son just achieved another great milestone that he had the honour of witnessing firsthand. it made him happy that he chose this path instead of the more ‘darker’ one.
it also nearly causes your husband to shed some tears from pure joy. but, toji didn’t want to seem too ‘soft’. even if he secretly is for his wife and child.
toji coughs subtly. totally not to get rid of the irritating lump in his throat. a ghost of a smile appears on his face while he got up, immediately moving towards megumi and you.
“good job, kiddo,” toji says as he puts his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. he stares down at megumi in your arms—the little boy getting drowned in kisses and compliments.
your ears twitch. there’s no denying it; the faint crack in toji’s voice. you give your kid a break from your overwhelming affection and tilt your head back. your eyes meet your husband’s.
you grin when you see how he quickly avoids your gaze. something he never does unless he’s. . . “gonna cry?”
toji rolls his eyes at your question. he ignores your teasing by trying to change the subject. he focuses on megumi who’s still going absolutely wild in your embrace—cutely demanding more praise and kisses.
“daddy can also give ya some kisses, y’know,” toji pokes megumi’s cheek, fascinated by the plush fat. the baby stops babbling the moment his dad talks to him. he looks up at toji and then back at the finger still prodding at his cheek.
megumi opens his mouth and doesn’t waste a single second. he goes for a playful bite, though his little baby teeth do no real damage, “yumm.”
you giggle at the way megumi frowns at toji, his teeth holding tightly onto toji’s fingertip. it’s time for your husband to take over the dramatics now.
“hey, that ain’t so nice now,” toji hisses and leans forward until his face is right in front of megumi—a similar frown on both the dad and son’s faces. they really do look alike now that you see them both from up close again.
megumi only bites down more on the finger in his mouth and toji reacts to that by feigning his anger. it’s amusing to see how neither of them gives up first.
but, it’s also rather cute to see how the father-son dynamic plays out in cozy family moments like these.
your eyes focus back on toji’s face and you can’t help but smile to yourself. he’s a good husband and father; always there for the both of you. his own way of showing support for megumi’s first steps is rather heartwarming. plus, the playful banter between the two never fails to make any moment all the more precious.
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cerealmonster15 · 8 months
nanowrimo is going to force me to learn to write silver one way or another!!!!!!!!!!!
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icarusplease · 11 months
Wow suddenly I’m crushing this is a trip
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kenntolog · 1 month
𝝑𝝔 an: i had 2 requests about babysitting yuuji and they were similar so i did the earlier one i hope its alright. read more!!
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“hey, loser, what’s up?”
you smile at the sound of sukuna’s voice, “jus’ reading. what about you?”
you sense him rolling his eyes on the other end of the line at the mention of yet another book you’ve been gushing about.
“‘m still with the old man.” he grumbles, referring to his father, but his tone changes to a more serious one, making you worry, “look, there’s somethin’ i wanna ask you.”
“anything for you, ‘kuna.”
“could you watch yuuji for a couple of hours? jin’s been called from work and i can’t leave the old man alone right now, so…”
“of course! i adore yuuji, y’know that.”
he sighs in relief and chuckles, his fondness seeping through the line, “aren’t you the sweetest little thing? i’ll see you later then.”
“bye, ‘kuna!”
you close your book after bookmarking the page and jump from your bed to prepare and run to sukuna’s place, excited to spend time with his nephew.
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jin’s relief when you appear in his doorway, a little out of breath but with a bright beam that matches yuuji’s nonetheless. he quickly gives you a list of things you should remember when watching over the little guy and presses a gentle kiss on both of your foreheads, leaving you a bit flustered and yuuji very happy.
you find it that 5-year old yuuji isn’t that to look after.
he is such a sweet boy; leading you through the house with his chubby fingers snugly wrapped around yours, giving you his big big smile that outshines everyone’s despite missing tooth on the front. he absolutely adores the way you treat him like he and you are on the same level, avoiding hurting him if gets even a little capricious and responding with the same energy he gives off.
yuuji loves to talk a lot, not shying away from anything that comes to his mind, still an unfiltered, naturally unlike his more balanced father and his barely approachable uncle. it’s impossible to be annoyed with him, his innocence and genuine interest in every little thing is so sweet you can’t help the fondness oozing through every word you say to him.
such a helpful boy too; even though he makes a face at the vegetables you put on his plate(jin emphasised on feeding it to him any possible way)he still eats them, distracted by your silly antics. he helps you with the dishes, clumsily drying the plates with his head barely even peeking over the counter. picking up the toys he plays with right after and putting them back in their places. and you can tell that jin, although alone, still does a pretty good job of raising the sweetest boy out of him, which warms your heart.
ruffling the pink tufts of hair on his head, pinching his cheeks lovingly, holding him close as he himself initiates physical contact, always eager to be in your space and accept and give love. throughout the rest of the day you clearly understand that just like falling in love with sukuna it’s just as easy to love little itadori yuuji and you find yourself easily giving in to his charming nature, feeling closer to him and his family than ever before.
when it’s time to go to sleep, he whines a little bit about not being sleepy to which you make a point of reminding him jin’s words(“if you behave extra good today i’ll give you a present, ‘kay?”). he just salutes with the wrong hand and tugs you to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
nestled in the comfort of his bed, with you sitting on your knees by its side, yuuji initiates another conversation, albeit his yawns keep interrupting his minds’ flow.
“d’you think i’ll be like dad and uncle when i grow up?”
your brows raise at the sudden seriousness in the little boy’s tone, “do you wanna be like them, yuuji?”
“of course! they are the coolest!”
you smile at him fondly, stroking the side of his face soothingly, to help him fall asleep faster, “you’ll be even cooler.”
he flashes you his toothless grin once again and closes his eyes.
“night night, yuuji.”
he mumbles something in response and dozes off, clutching his blanket. you kiss his forehead and try to contain another yawn, not even noticing the sleep catching up to you too as you continue gazing at him, lids falling closed a few seconds after.
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the silence greeting them while they enter the house makes sukuna frown. jin is still not home, shoes absent from their usual spot, but you’re still there and he can’t help the excitement building up inside of him because he missed you.
he calls your name, yuuji, walking further in, yet still no response. throwing his things on the table in the guest room, sukuna can’t help but observe that his surroundings are neatly cleaned, even more than before. he looks around in the kitchen, knocks in the bathroom, inspects the living room — still no answer. so he decides to check yuuji’s room, maybe you’re playing or something and too distracted to hear him.
the sight that greets him is something new though, stealing the air all the way from his chest as his eyes widen. he slowly steps closer, hissing silently at the annoying squeaky floorboards, and crouches before you. you seem very very uncomfortable in that position, yet the way yuuji’s body is facing yours makes it clear that you were just waiting for the boy to fall asleep and joined him unintentionally. so cute, so warm it melts away the leftover iceberg that is his heart.
his hand caresses your cheek gently before poking it repeatedly, making you stir in your sleep.
“huh? ’kuna?”
he wraps his arms around you, holding you close to his chest as he lifts you up, “was the little shit good to you?”
“yuuji? he was the sweetest.” you blink at him sleepily, nuzzling deeper into his chest. sukuna can’t help the soft smile that stretches on his lips.
“thank you for the help, baby.”
“anytime, ‘kuna.”
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