#Falling in love left and right but lightly and delusionally
warmspice · 1 year
sometimes a girl will accidentally look at a guy more than twice and he will come up to her and talk at her about veganism for like an hour.
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indulgentdaydream · 16 days
Comparisons Pt.2
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Jason Todd x Jealous!Insecure!Fem!Reader || Angst/Fluff || Word Count: 2,730
Part 1
Warnings: insecurities (reader). Bad self esteem (reader). Criticizing oneself in the mirror (reader). Black eye (jason)
Have at ‘er guys.
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The first thing you did once you got back into your apartment was throw your bag on the floor. The next thing you did was slump back against the door and slowly slid your way down until you were sitting on the ground, knees to your chest, head tucked into your folded arms.
Your eyes had been burning the entire walk back. Your throat was tight and especially your lungs from how fast you had power-walked.
Now that you were out of the public eye, you let the tears finally fall after trying so hard to hold them back.
Thank the crime for Gotham’s low rent. You didn’t think you’d be able to make it to your bedroom to hide your oncoming sobs if you had been living with roommates.
You were exhausted. You felt entirely stupid, too. As if you weren’t enough for Jason. Artemis had everything. Everything you didn’t and more.
You were beginning to think he had settled for you.
You knew he could pull attractive women. Could pull damn gorgeous women. He was entirely handsome himself, even though he never saw it.
Nearly every time you two were out he would have people coming up to him. Flirting with him. Asking for his number. Even when you were right there, his arm around your shoulders or your waist. Or if he was alone because you had gone to the bathroom. That was when they came out of the woodworks the most. It’s like even they could tell you were subpar for him.
The thing is: Jason would never even look at them. No matter how long they stood there. Usually, when he had ignored them for long enough and was getting annoyed, he would pull you into a deep kiss. He wouldn’t stop until he was sure they had left.
You couldn’t even explain why you felt like this. Jason had done nothing to prove that he didn’t love you.
But if Artemis, someone Jason had very possibly loved before you, was still in his life… what chance did you have at being allowed to stay?
Another sob left your throat. You were never in Jason’s league. Why ever pretend? Especially for this long?
You had overstayed your welcome.
Your phone buzzed in your bag. A call coming through. You sniffled, as you pulled it out of your tote.
Jason’s profile was displayed across the screen. A picture you had taken of him when you had dragged him out to the park a few months ago. You were both smiling at the camera as you took a picture. You had thought he looked so handsome in it. A soft smile, kind eyes looking a little off from the camera, the sun basking him in a sweet early spring glow. You had never liked the way you looked in that photo. When you made it his contact, you had cropped yourself out.
You frowned as your phone kept ringing. You didn’t want to deal with him right now. You set the phone on the ground in front of you, face up, letting it go to voicemail.
Your phone went black again. You started feeling a little guilty. Then, seconds later, it rang again.
You didn’t pick up. Even despite the guilt that began to chew at your stomach lining.
That call only rang four times before ending again.
A minute. Then a text message.
Jason: Just tell me whether or not you made it home, baby. Please?
You stared at it for a moment.
Another text.
Jason: I’m coming by soon either way. We’re talking about this.
You frown. He sounded mad.
Your head pounded lightly. A headache from how hard you’d been crying.
Maybe he was coming here to break up with you.
You’d obviously been delusional the past few weeks. Jason was using a case as an excuse to distant himself from you. To get familiar with Artemis again.
That had to be it.
Another text.
Jason: I know you’re seeing these, love.
Screw him. Screw him and his perfect grammar. And his stupid pet names.
You picked up your phone, opening the messages. You send back a simple “Home.” Before closing your phone again, placing it on the ground.
Jason: Thank you. See you soon.
Tears burned at your eyes again, but you swallowed them back.
You pushed yourself off the floor. No point in letting him see you, huddled in a heap of despair, still in your food splattered work clothes. Making your way to your bedroom, you began to change out of your work clothes. You automatically reached for the grey t shirt hanging off the post at the end of the bed, but hesitated. You stared at it. The far too big for you, men’s t shirt that was worn around the collar and smelled so much like Jason.
Your hand hovered over it before you stepped away.
He’d probably be wanting it back after this.
You stepped towards your dresser, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
You hate it.
You can’t even see yourself as yourself anymore.
You stand there, picking yourself apart bit by bit. Rifling. Dissecting. Looking to find something good, something likeable, until you’ve tossed every part into the “discard” bin of your mind.
You can’t even do anything about it. All your tears are gone. You simply hang your head as you step into your sweatpants and slip on your t shirt.
You crawl onto your bed, not bothering to climb under the covers. Not bothering to shower.
The sun was still shining in, reminding you of how you were wasting such a beautiful day.
Your mind was working against you. Coming up with reasons for why Jason would be with you. Why he would have done everything that he had ever done with you if he didn’t love you.
The most prominent reason was that he was just taking pity on you. He had the time on his hands to do a favour for the lonely, ugly girl because he had broken up with his gorgeous amazonian warrior girlfriend. He couldn’t be giving out favours anymore now that he had her back.
You laid there on your side, arms hugging yourself. You realized you weren’t out of tears. They continued slip out of your eyes and pool to the pillow below you. The occasional sob leaving you when your mind concocted something else outrageous.
You don’t know how long you laid there for.
In the silence of your apartment, you could hear the lock of your front door click before the door swung open.
You tensed, arms hugging yourself as you laid on your side, back to the door.
You heard Jason slip off his boots, the steel toes he always wore clattering against the floor, signalling his arrival.
Padded footsteps followed, moving down the short hallway. Then the creak of your bedroom door behind you that had already been ajar.
Jason’s voice was soft as he called your name, “You’re not asleep, are ya?”
You simply glanced back at him over your shoulder, twisting. He took up the whole frame. He was dressed the same as earlier. Dark blue jeans, dark grey shirt with a faded brewery logo on it, and his leather jacket that he hadn’t bothered to take off at the door. His sunglasses were gone, showing off the fresh black eye that you hadn’t seen. He held a bouquet of wildflowers in one hand.
Who brings flowers to someone when they’re about to leave them?
You laid your head back down without another word.
More footsteps. The bed dipped behind you, Jason’s weight settling on the mattress, sitting in the crook where your knees bent.
A beat passed before he sighed, “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, doll?”
His hand reaches down to brush away the hair that was covering your face. The second his fingers brush over your cheek, you flinched back.
Jason draws his hand back, “Talk to me. I know how your mind gets, baby. What happened today?”
You stared straight ahead of you, towards the window Jason would often use to enter your apartment in the middle of night, the sunlight shining through. “Are you going to break up with me?”
Jason’s answer was quick. Honest. “No. Never.”
You should’ve felt more relaxed, but you didn’t. You just felt more stupid, “Did you love her?”
Jason paused, “Artemis?”
You nod.
Jason shifted on the bed, bringing more of his weight onto it before answering, “I thought I did. When I was with her. But… no.” Another pause. “You taught me what love was.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid. You knew Jason loved you.
You felt horrible. began to cry again, your voice cracking.
You just… you just needed to make sure, “Are you only with me because— because you pity me?”
“What?” Jason’s hands were suddenly on your shoulders, turning you onto your back. His fingers brushed your hair back and cupped your face. “Of course not!” You met his gaze for a moment through a haze of unshed tears. You’d never seen him more worried. More concerned. More… heartbroken at your words.
His eyes drift to the wet patches on your pillow, then back to your face. He takes in your red eyes and red nose. “Baby… have you been crying over this? Thinking I was going to leave you?”
You look away from him without answering. A silent “yes”.
Jason sighs lightly, “Because of Artemis?” His thumbs begin to stroke your cheeks, “She was just giving me some papers for a shipment. She owed me a favour from a long time ago.”
“How long were you with her?”
“Eight months,” he said, though there was a flit of a questioning tone at the end of it. He corrected himself, “Nine.”
“Why have you never talked about her?” You see him frown, his eyes shutting for a moment. You feel your face burn from embarrassment at all your questions.
Jason takes a breath, “That relationship… wasn’t a good one. It was my second real one, ever.” He shrugs, “It was built off of shared trauma, I guess. Once the Outlaws disbanded we didn’t really have much of a reason to stick around one another.” He pauses. “Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’d even consider it a real relationship. More of a fling.”
There’s a beat. You still don’t look at him.
“You know I love you,” he says. You bite deep into the inside of your cheek. “You know I love you… right?” His words sound so distraught at the idea of him making you feel unloved.
A small breath left your lungs. “I know.” Tears spill over as you talk, your arms still wrapped around yourself, hands squeezing the flesh of your biceps, “But that could’ve been an easy hand over. Five minutes.” You tried taking a deep breath, “Why… why make time to go and have coffee with your ex when you can’t even make time for me?”
Jason cursed quietly under his breath. Your face crumpled, but you tried for keep it together. “She wanted to.” Jason said. “Trust me. I didn’t. But I need that information.” He shuffled more onto the bed, hovering over you. “You have no idea how happy I was when I saw you walking past. You were like some angel coming from heaven. I’m serious.”
The moment replayed in your mind. Your bottom lip wobbled uncontrollably as you remembered his consistent frown every time he had looked at you.
“Then why—“ your voice hitched with a small sob. “You only smiled at her. You just started nitpicking me the second she left. Started when— when she was still there.”
Jason sighed again, his eyes shutting, “I know. I was acting like an asshole. I know. I’m sorry.” He leaned his face closer to yours, thumbs swipes away your tears. “I just get so worried about you sometimes.” He leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours.
You sniffle again, “I’m sorry.”
“No,” Jason mumbled against your forehead before leaning back. “I’m sorry, baby. I was already ticked off that I was wasting time with her.”
You squirmed lightly, still hugging yourself, “I’m still sorry. I know you love me. I do trust you. I just—“
Jason shook his head, “No. Don’t be sorry. I shouldn’t have had coffee with her. I should’ve been picking you up from work.” He moved his hands to gentle grasp onto your hands, “Come on. Sit up for me, yeah?”
You followed his instructions, sitting up, crossing your legs in front of you. Jason grabbed a tissue from your bedside table, handing it to you to blow your nose. You felt like asking whether the case he was working was real or not. You decided against it, realizing his black eye should be proof enough.
Jason brushed your hair back as you blew your nose, clearing your face. “Why did you think I’m with you because I pity you, love?”
You look away, shameful, “Because… because you’re the first guy to ever ask me out.” You shrug lightly, “And… and no one else was wanting to. And I just…” You sniffle again. Jason takes your old tissue and hands you a new one, his other hand on your knee, his thumb stroking the side of it gently. “I saw how pretty she is and—”
“Not as pretty as you,” he gave you a soft smile, lifting your chin up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cut you off.”
You gave no reaction.
Jason paused, “…do you not think you’re pretty?”
You try and turn your face away again, shrugging, “I’m just so far out of your league. She’s not.”
“Damn right you’re out of my league,” Jason laughed softly, grasping onto your shoulders as they fell in defeat.
Finally. You thought. He realizes. This is it. This is—
He took one hand and tilted your chin until you were looking at him again. “Love, you’re leagues above me. You hear me? I’m serious. I’m so lucky to have someone as sweet and caring as you.”
You begin to shake your head. Jason firmly yet painlessly pinches your chin between his thumb and forefinger, stopping you. He begins to nod your head. Up and down. Forcing you to agree with him.
He presses his thumb into your bottom lip. He pulls it down and back up over and over again, mimicking speech as if you were some puppet. He pitched up his voice and octave, “Yes, Jason! I’m the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever seen!”
You can’t help it. A smile tugs at your lips. You pull his hand away and hold it with both of your own as you place a kiss to it.
Jason grins, tilting his face down to yours, “There she is. There’s my girl.”
You shake your head at him, “I’m sorry for thinking you were going to leave me for her…”
Jason smiles softly, “No more apologies. I know how your mind is.” He tilts his chin up and pressed another kiss to your forehead. “Evil mind.” He mutters against it, making you giggle.
You hum lightly, leaning into his touch. “What happened to your eye?”
Jason scoffed lightly, “Some thug last night. My helmet was already broken. He got a good right hook in.”
You smile up at him. You sit up straighter, pressing a feather light kiss to the edge of the bruising.
Jason hums in satisfaction, “Thank you, baby.” He smiles again, looking back at you. “What do you want to do now? You’ve got me until nine.”
You perks up, “Nine? But it's already four! Don't you have to read those papers? Don’t you have to—“
Jason smiled and shook his head, cutting you off, "Already did. I just have to intercept that shipment tonight and then you'll have me all day tomorrow, too. I’ve got nothing else but time to spend with my girl.”
Your smile grows a little wider, "Really?"
Jason nods, "I promise."
You play with his fingers as you think it over. Rubbing a thumb over his knuckles, picking up each digit and curling them and straightening them again, "Can we go for a ride?"
Jason grins, "Course, love. Where's your helmet?"
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AHHH!! Hope you guys enjoyed!!!!
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If you're still doing fake titles, can you do "in forgotten whispers"?
I love your stuff, it's all so good
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fake fic title drabbles
summary: you ran, he let you. after being away for nearly two years you’ve decided enough is enough. you’re finally returning home to face the man you left behind and to make do on the promises you made him.
pairing: mechanic!steve rogers x female!reader
warnings: swearing, a little bit of ✨ spice ✨.
a/n: partly inspired by this song.
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“He’s been out there for three hours.”
“Is he really waiting for her to come out?”
“How did she even walk away from him in the first place?”
Linda and Marie fall silent as you near, delusional enough to think that you - or anyone else, haven’t heard them.
Something that would be quite impossible considering the volume of their voices.
“Having a good first day, darl?” Linda asks with an exaggerated grin as you pass.
You nod, giving a polite smile.
Beside you, Evie remarks “Don’t you girls have a column to write?”
That gets the two of them hustling back to their desks, Marie declaring “On it boss!”
“You sure you don’t want anything?” You reaffirm as you reach the front door.
Evie nods her head, “I’m sure, enjoy your lunch break.”
“I’m just going to the bakery across the street, I’ll be right back.”
Her gaze flits over your shoulder, to the large windows along the front of the office, before meeting yours again. “Sure you will.”
She turns and walks away before you can respond.
Closing your eyes, you suck in a deep breath.
I can do this.
You push open the heavy front door and instantly get enveloped in the sticky summer heat.
Steve’s light green 1966 chevy pickup is parked along the curb in front of the newspaper’s office and he’s leaning against it with his arms crossed, a picture of patience.
When your eyes meet his, he pushes away from the pickup, arms dropping to his sides as he slowly approaches you.
Here we go.
You step forward, meeting him halfway on the sidewalk.
“Who told you?”
Steve raises an eyebrow. “It’s still a small town babydoll, everyone told me.”
You nod, fidgeting.
“So, uh, how’s the shop?”
Making a noise in the back of his throat, Steve steps closer, bringing his face inches from yours. “Is that what we’re gonna do honey? Gonna share ‘how are you’s’ on the street and pretend no one’s watching?”
So he’s also noticed how everyone in the office has migrated towards the windows while people in the street around you pretend to look busy.
“What would you prefer?”
You don’t realise how dangerous that question is until it’s left your mouth.
Tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, Steve husks “I’d prefer you got in my truck, so I could take you home and fuck you senseless.”
Suddenly it’s not the beaming sun that has you sweating.
Our sex life was never a problem.
“That wouldn’t fix anything.” You croak in response.
“Oh babydoll, I’m gonna fix us, don’t you worry about that.” Steve vows, his hand moving from your hair to lightly cup the back of your neck. “You won’t want to leave me ever again.”
He’s leaned in closer while talking, and your lips brush his when you state “You seem awfully confident.”
Steve smirks against your mouth. “I just know my wife.”
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bylerz · 2 years
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i read this and it occurred to me that that’s really what the van scene is about, isn’t it? establishing will as an equal to el.
now hear me out, as many bylers had already figured out before vol 2, the painting was never meant to be outright romantic (if you ignore the big ass heart, which homophobes surely will) because
1. will was planning on giving it to mike at the airport
and 2. mike is still dating el
i’m a firm believer that will is Never going to openly confess to mike while he’s in a relationship, maybe not even soon after a potential breakup. + he loves el too much to do that to her.
which means that yes, will intended to give mike the painting as a friendship gift, it wasn’t supposed to be a love confession, at least not on the surface. while mike IS will’s heart, the plan was always to say that mike is the heart of the party and that’d be that.
Now, the moment will gave the painting to mike as if being from el, who’s mike’s girlfriend and who clearly loves him romantically, automatically the painting gained a deeper meaning. they didn’t even highlight this exchange with “el thought it was for a girl” because by saying it’s from el, already makes it a romantic gift. and by using his own feelings to describe eleven’s, will was paralleling them, cementing the fact that he loves mike the same way eleven does.
they opted to keep mike oblivious (too much imo :/) because he’s too caught up on being important to el at that moment and they wanted to show his commitment to that, frankly unhealthy, behavior. so it really isn’t the right time for him to find out about will’s feelings, he’s not ready to admit to himself that he reciprocates them. which would lead to will suffering even more (no thanks).
yes, it still bothers me that the casual viewer can miss this and that it’s being used to fix melvin’s relationship but it also has an ASTRONOMICAL potential to back up byler later on. if only they follow through with this intricate narrative!
you might argue, “but if this is all true then why did they have mike say that whole speech about loving el?”
and here is where i get really delusional:
there’s a chance, however small, that mike’s confession is the duffer brothers’ way of saying that they’re trying really hard to mend melvin’s relationship but that it’ll not be enough to save them in the end, if having will be the catalyst for it isn’t loud enough. (debatable).
because the whole problem was that mike couldn’t tell el that he loved her, at least on the surface, right? and mike thought that by saying that to her, all of their problems would go away somehow.
so inspired and literally pushed by will, mike did tell her (not once or twice, Many times) that he loves her but did the problems go away? no.
el survived and max is hanging by a thread, to put it lightly, but it was still a huge loss. el feels completely defeated to the point where she can barely talk to mike because she’s consumed with grief for max and that sinking feeling of powerlessness because as hard as she tried and as over the top as mike’s love confession was, everything is still falling apart. and so their relationship is left hanging on the edge of a cliff as well.
basically, mike’s i love yous did not save the day and they’ll most likely not save their relationship either.
now, if at the beginning of season 5 mike finds out that the painting was will’s idea only and el asks him to break up so he can truly figure out the root of their problems and of his feelings, then after the time jump byler can finally pick up full force.
maybe by then mike will have processed his thoughts and feelings enough to realize that he loves will as more than a friend so that when will confesses, he isn’t rejected. boom we got our endgame <3
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boycigs · 1 year
bibi's note; intoxication, rushed growing up, making out. yes, bibi just got matcha and is making a coffee. this reminds me of breakfast at tiffany's,,,
"don't wanna leave.." the blonde beauty muttered, pupils wide, her eyes glazed over and tired. a sigh left bibiyana's fatigued body, her black acrylic's gripped harder into his shirt and back.
she drags the joint to her plump lips to take a hit, soon passing it to her lover as he sucked in, inhaling the smoke.
"...i gotta go see blitzo, i practically spent the whole day with you omi. not that 'm complainin' though..." she trailed off while his rough hands hooked under her top and rubbed her sides. a feeble attempt to calm her down, but with no prevail she was still visibly upset.
she leaned back, loosening her embrace as her smaller fists pounded lightly on his chest. he laughed at her pout. "why. aren't. you. helping. me. decide ?"
takeomi grabbed her hands, as he exhaled. staring into her warm brown eyes. "doll, ya gotta decide for yourself, make decisions, etcetera etcetera."
she let his words in, let them melt and make an inprint into her mind. why ? why should she have to make a decision ? she's been making decisions for herself since she could speak. thinking about what was in her best interest, and if it wasn't, well. that's something to learn from, albeit the hard way.
"don't wanna omi," at this point her words were slurring together as she spoke. "can't ya' do it f'me ? can't'cha make my decisions."
alas, making her decisions for her would strip her of her personality, one of the best things he liked about her.
takeomi thought about it. she did make comments about it with him: having to grow up to fast, she made remarks like she has a sibling but never delved further than a mention of him.
"well" he paused, letting his words reach her and catch her attention before continuing. "I can call the kid, let him know you're here."
he posed the favor, his eyes roaming over her to see any reaction. "..." she opened her mouth, full sentences coming to mind but not being spoken she chooses to write the words in his skin. 'sure'
she gave him a goofy smile, letting her heavy lids fall after handing her phone to him.
Lets go back, 13 hours should be enough.
'maybe it's burnout ?' she questioned herself as currently she couldn't get up. she had no strength or energy to force herself to get up mentally in addition to physically.
but, she had to do something, she called the first person to come to mind. she remembered his words. "hey, love" he started before leaving a few gentle bites on her shoulder, pleased that she felt relaxed in his hold. "if you need me I'm only a call away, alright ?"
takeomi akashi, a man she had gotten to know quite well as of recent.
[Now Calling: takeomi <3 ]
she called out softly, thereafter hearing the phone pickup. "hii, takeomi !"
"hm ? oh g'mornin' doll" his morning voice slightly raspy, though she could hear papers being shuffeled and several men arguing in the background, worrying her.
"omi, am i interrupting something ?"
"no, yer not. how'd you come to that idea love ?" his abundance of petnames messing with her more then she'd like.
she spoke of the yelling she could hear from his call and he just told it off as noisy coworkers. including his brother.
"oh, anyway omi," she struggled forcing the words out of her mouth. giving help to others was like her autopilot function. why was this. so. goddamn diffucult ?
"c.. could you, mm, would you come over and help me ?" now, with that kind of question akashi had no idea what to expect. she asked for help but for what ?
"hold for a second bibi." her chest fluttered with the most delusional idea, that he's already making way to her place.
"hey, mikey !" he slipped back into the meeting room, covering his phone. nobody reacting to his presence, just as if he never left.
"yes ?" the bonten leader answered right back with his dead, uninterested stare.
"may I take the rest of day off ?" he asked, for once in a millenia.
"sure, g'bye," and he was sent off without a second thought, although there was a new one. 'maybe I can go get a coffee f'her ?'
"omi ? what's up ? the noise died down." her warm sweet voice always made him feel loved no matter what she said. except for the time she yelled, pushing him outta the kitchen when they tried to cook together. 'VEN IZ MOJE KUHINJE, SEM GA !!!'
he internally laughed remembering the accent she pulled out when she spoke, in her mother tongue too. translating to 'get out of my kitchen, I got it !!!' although they were in his apartment the whole time. "hey darling. do you want some coffee ? I'm nearing your fave café and I could stop in."
que high-school girl squeals. "I'll take that as a yes, darling. I'll be there soon. bye, mwah."
a matcha, pastry and denied phone number later, akashi was at his lovers apartment. 'bzzt, bzzt'
"comin,," bibi yelled trudging her feet across the floor in her saggy white socks, "thanks omi." embracing him in a lousy hug upon opening the door.
"don't worry about it pretty," as he left a delicate kiss on the crown of her head, he continued trying not to step on her cat. "have you eaten anything ?"
"substantial ? nope !" she took a bite of her pastry, letting the powdered sugar fall to the ground.
"hmm, fine I'll cook for you then, let's see." takeomi tests the waters as he moves around her kitchen. unapproved of her almost empty fridge containing coffee beans, butter, a jar of jam, cream and one (1) takeout container.
"love, I know you can cook, what's... this ?" she looks up from the couch, and replies with no thought.
"I need groceries. have no energy to do so, but I gotta get 'em, promised tora I'd cook him today, help me up ?"
he sighed, but came over and grabbed her forearm to pull her up. "I'm gonna make my coffee, would you mind choosin' my outfit ?"
he caught her eyes, giving her an incredulous 'for real' stare. "yeah go ahead, I trust you." she went back to putting the grinded beans into her moka pot.
'oh well' takeomi thought, wandering to her bedroom. after looking through her wardrobe he pulled out: a pair of low rise cargos, a camisol and a light hoodie along with some accessories.
step step step step step ste-
"omi !!! my coffee's done, let's see what you pulled ou- ooooh !!! cute !" bibyana fawned over the outfit he put together as he backed up. "thanks~ I'll be ready soon. you can fix a coffee if you'd like !"
and so he did, being fed up with whatever bonten nonsense he had to deal with periodically. he sat at her tiny, seeminly second hand, kitchen table. opening the window to light a smoke. 'wow, does this look familiar..'
bibyana mused at his mug as she came back in the room. "black coffee ?" he let out a short chuckle at her question. "yep, have you ever had it ?"
he glanced up, his train of thought dissapearing as he saw her. "lovely, let's get going shall we ?" he snuffed out his cigarette and set his mostly empty mug in the sink.
"grocery shopping !!! but bye toasty" she whispered to the cat stretching over the ottoman near the balcony. soaking upthe sun "thanks for coming, takeomi. not sure what happened but I feel a bit better already."
takeomi caught her gaze, sincerity filling his being. "don't worry about it," he took her hand, leaving a soft kiss before moving to her face, a smooch on her forehead, one on her nose and lastly her lips. just raw passion being expressed.
"whenever you call, I'm on my way to you love."
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saiqherrr · 3 years
—how dare you (t. fushiguro)
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.pairing toji fushiguro x fem!reader
.content warning smut, nsfw, dub-con, very very rough sex, hate-fuck, degradation, scratching, oral sex (m!&f!receiving), unprotected sex
.synopsis your ex, and the father of your child, joins you for a friendly dinner, but things take an interesting turn.
.a/n dilf toji. that's it. 🤔 jk, this one actually took a lot out of me when writing. : | i added some soft, make-up sex because toji really does a number on y/n in this one so, enjoy that. ALSO TOJI GETS A LIL SOFT TOO lmao
.wc 5.7k
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GOOSEBUMPS covered the expanse of your exposed arms, causing you to shiver and let out an unstable breath. you regretted not bringing a sweater or something with you to the restaurant. you just so happened to be conveniently seated in a booth that was right under a vent.
“do you want my jacket?”
“no,” you responded hastily to toji’s giving voice. this was the third time he had asked you if you needed something, or offered something. could he just quit it? you didn’t want to accept anything from him.
toji’s eyes narrowed and his face went dull, seeing how stubborn you were being over something so small. he put his jacket beside him and huffed. “you’re obviously fucking cold, y/n. you don’t have to act like such a child.”
toji’s vulgar language was no surprise to you, but it still sent chills down your spine to hear him talking to you that way - again. even when the two of you were together, his language was nasty and mean when reacting to the smallest things. surprisingly, that had nothing to do with why the two of you broke it off being that you, too, also had a bit of a potty mouth.
“i’m not acting like a child,” you reacted unhesitatingly, but you knew you were. you were desperately trying to find ways to avoid him, even if it meant he was genuinely trying to help you out. you shivered again and rolled your eyes as you felt a flood of cold air arrive at your skin. toji stared at you long and hard from across the table, seeing how hard you were trying to avoid eye contact with him. you could feel his glare without even looking. finally, you became fed up and grunted. “just give me the fucking jacket.”
toji laughed at you, amused, as he handed over the jacket and you aggressively snatched it from his hand. you slid your arms into the oversized jacket and sighed with relief. this wasn’t the first time you wore this specific jacket. you quickly got comfortable in it’s familiar warmth.
“you’re welcome,” toji annoyingly chimed.
you rolled your eyes again before crossing your arms. “i really regret agreeing to this, y’know...”
with a smug smile on his face, toji rested his elbow on the table and let his hand cup the side of his face as he looked at you. “why? nothing even happened. i’ve been nice to you this entire time.”
“that’s the problem. you think all these little nice gestures and innocent antics are gonna’ make me fall in love with you again or something,” you spat out, eyebrows furrowed, nose twitching.
toji scoffed hearing how delusional you sounded, pushing his own face away as he sat back again, his back connecting with the leather booth. “you sound silly, y/n. what antics are you talking about?”
“oh, don’t play fucking stupid, toji,” you snapped. your patronizing and slightly degrading voice made toji’s body twitch. “this entire outing is apart of the antic. what other reason would you have to call me up randomly and ask me out to dinner?” he couldn’t help but smirk, he missed your voice. he loved hearing that tyrant-like voice come out of you whenever you were getting angry. it was spunky.
toji genuinely just wanted to work on his friendship with you for the sake of the child you shared together. co-parenting was rough when the two of you were constantly at one another’s throat all the time. but, he knew you wouldn’t believe you so he didn’t bother explaining it. plus, he found your delusional assumptions to be quite entertaining.
“so you’re just not going to answer?” you ask. toji adverted his eyes, looking up at the ceiling, making it obvious he was trying to ignore you. “oh, fuck you.”
“fuck me then...”
before you could even utter a single letter back to him, your waiter had finally came by after the two of you waited for an unnecessarily long time. the exchange was short; asking for drinks, appetizers and then walking off to fetch them for you.
after the waiter left, your eyes met toji’s immediately. you didn’t forget what he said. “why would you say that?”
“say what? you said it first,” toji taunted, running his tongue across his bottom, scarred lip.
you were getting more annoyed by the second but for some reason, you were...happy? you didn’t want to leave, in fact, whenever toji’s attention would go to his phone, it made you upset for a reason you couldn’t explain. this was the first time in almost a year that the two of you had been in the same place for more than five minutes.
after toji moved out, you agreed to dropping ‘gumi off at his place every friday, picking him up on mondays. most of the time, you did it in silence, simply putting ‘gumi in the backseat of his car, giving him kisses and leaving. but right here, right now, you were in his presence and speaking to him once again.
“...megumi’s doctor appointment.”
you blanked out so hard, so into your head, that you didn’t even realize toji was talking to you. you blinked once you snapped back to reality and looked at him. “for fuck’s sake, were you listening?” he asked, giving you another one of those dull looks.
you shook your head no, embarrassed. “sorry, i was thinking about something...”
“thinking of what?” his voice was gruff.
“don’t worry about it,” you responded. the waiter came back with your drinks and the appetizers. they asked for your meals and the two of you told him as he scribbled it down in a notepad before walking away again.
toji picked up a handful of fries and popped it into his mouth, chewing like a slob. “just tell me.”
you huffed. being honest wouldn’t hurt, would it? “you, damn it. i was thinking of you.”
“wow, i’m flattered,” toji responds sarcastically, looking down at his phone. he looked back up at you to see your face seemingly hurt, your lips parted as you didn’t know what to say. “i’m joking.” he broke out into a laugh laced with immaturity. “that’s cute though.”
“whatever,” you grumbled.
gradually, the night got better. after having a couple of two sentence arguments and spewing mean comments back and forth, they were replaced by small pick-up lines, friendly jokes and pure happiness to be around one another. toji shamelessly enjoyed himself, missing this feeling of being around you. you, on the other hand, were still stand off-ish, even though there was a yearning desire to be in his presence everyday. to be in his strong arms again, to hear him say, “i love you,” again. but you ended it. you ended it because you’re too conceited and you needed to prove that you could live without him, that you didn’t need to depend on him for everything. toji was a good man to you and a good father to the son you both shared. even with his not-so-squeaky-clean history that everybody and their mother was telling you about, he was the complete opposite. you got comments like “you’ve changed him,” that  would make you feel so good about your spirit. it got to your head, and you felt the need to keep him wrapped around your finger. when he caught on, he felt hurt that you didn’t cherish him in a more affectionate way, yet he still stayed. he respected your decision to leave him, but he wasn’t happy with it. you unintentionally spawned a feeling of anger in his heart that was targeted at you which was the reason things had to end so sour.
as these thoughts swam around in your mind, you stared out the window, eyes unfocused and lost in a daze. nimble, blurred images of street signs, houses, pedestrians and all things the city included hurried past your still eyes, failing to process any of it as you sat in the passenger seat of toji’s car.
for the most part, he kept his eyes glued to the busy road, but he’d occasionally look at your emotionless face, wondering about what you were thinking so hard about. if he were to ask, you would’ve gotten upset, so the words he wanted to speak dissipated instead. he cleared his throat as he sighed and leaned back on his seat, lounging as he drove and the sudden sound broke you out of your trance.
your eyes flickered to him as he sat in the seat, keeping his eyes forward and alert. you wondered how long you had been out of your body. you wondered if he noticed. seeing him in the seat, lightly gripping the wheel, watching how his eyes analyzed other drivers brought you back to your days with him. he was super cautious on the road, super cautious of his passengers and super cautious of himself. you suddenly got frustrated with yourself for wanting him - no, needing him back again. you missed him so much and attempting to put on this facade that you didn’t was irksome.
you didn’t realize he had pulled into the driveway of your house, right beside your sister’s car, who was watching megumi for the night. you wanted to get your emotions out. you couldn’t let him leave yet. “toji-” you cut yourself off, realizing that you were calling out to him. “toji.”
his sharp, dirty green eyes shifted over to your face, without him barely moving his head. his eyebrow raised with curiosity. “hm?”
“can you come inside?” you asked. toji wanted to laugh at how soft your voice was in contrast to the roughness of your tone from earlier. how pitiful. he kept his laughs and thoughts inside and let out a small breath.
“yeah, sure.”
toji put the car in park and the engine died as the two of you got out of the car. you walked ahead of him as you approached the front door to the home you previously used to own together, the moment bittersweet as you unlock the front door.
the sound of soft baby music reached your ears as you entered in. you can see a kids cartoon blaring on the tv, while your sister was sleep on the couch, mouth slightly open and your son asleep in his rocker. toji smiled at the sight. you barely changed anything in the house. a family portrait that you begged toji to participate in was still hanging on the wall. you took light steps as you approached your sister, nudging her.
“oh, you’re here,” she says, yawning and extending her arms out to stretch. she sat up, digging her palms into the couch and her eyes darted to the front door. “toji?” your sister looked back at you, but you gave her a pleading look, hoping she would get the hint and just go.
“hey.” toji’s voice was dry, hinted with a bit of enthusiasm in the end.
your sister gave megumi a quick kiss on the cheek as he slept before gathering her few belongings and leaving. you sighed with heavy relief and walked over to megumi to get him out the rocker. toji chuckled, seeing how desperate you were to talk to him.
you had come to find out that you’re child was a heavy sleeper, not even disturbed in the slightest when you held him in your arms. you kissed his soft, chubby cheeks and rubbed your face against his, showering him with motherly love. “i’m gonna put him to bed, just wait in our room.” you didn’t even realize you had said “our”, but toji did and he was expecting you to correct yourself, but you didn’t. toji kissed megumi’s forehead before you went upstairs and put him in his crib before going across the hall into your room.
toji was laid out on the bed the two of you once shared, staring up at the ceiling, his defined hands loosely folded over his stomach. he was sitting in the dark oddly, making your eyebrows twitch. you flicked the light on and toji’s eyes shut from how bright it was. he saw colors plaguing his vision as his pupils tried to adjust.
“so, what’s wrong?”
the question made you freeze momentarily as you were on your way to your dresser to change. you went back to what you were doing, not sure how to answer his question. you didn’t even hear him get up from the bed, you were simply given an unsolicited touch on your arm, making you flinch in place. the fact that you didn’t reject the gesture was enough for toji to confirm that you missed him.
“toji, i...” his name slipped out of your mouth. his breath fanned over the back of your neck, causing a chill to run down your spine. your heart was beating faster with each second that passed by. move. you wished he would move. you were frozen in place, scared to fall into any trap that he’d have for you. a lump sat in your throat, making you painfully uncomfortable, forcing you to speak. “toji, i miss you,” you exposed, your voice delicately hoarse. you gasped at the sound of your own voice and toji’s jaw clenched. a burning sensation plagues your eyes as tears began to rise. you only made it worse by not blinking, desperately trying to keep toji from seeing you so weak. your chin twitched as your lips began to quiver. toji caged your body as he put his hands on the dresser in front of you and he filled up the already little space between the two of you.
“i know you do.” his voice was intimidating and husky. he couldn’t see your face at this moment; hot tears streaming down your cheeks, your nostrils flaring uncontrollably. you could see his hands in front of you, gripping the dresser as if it was going to run away, his knuckles had turned snow white. “just wish you didn’t have to break my fucking family apart just so you could fail to prove a dumbass point.”
you couldn’t hold in your cries and gasped in such a pathetic way. “it wasn’t dumb-” you began to argue but a sharp, demeaning tone cut you off.
“shut the fuck up, y/n. it was dumb. because now we’re here, and you’re asking me to come inside for what?” you had no argument to that. you wanted him to come inside because you wanted to feel his presence in your home again. “this was our home.”
“i want it to be our home,” you whined, responding back almost immediately. “it’s our home,” you repeated. you bit on your lip so hard that you didn’t even realize that you had bit through the skin, causing it to bleed. you licked your lip, the metallic flavor reaching your taste buds. you turned around, putting your hands on toji’s chest. your eyes didn’t even meet his and you didn’t want to, because you knew those patronizing eyes were going to break you. “i’m sorry,” was all you could whisper as you grabbed onto his shirt, the cotton wrinkling in your grip. your breath hit his chest and he remained so still that it started to scare you. you jumped in place when he finally moved and his face was in your peripheral vision as he leaned down to place his scarred lips on your jaw. they traveled to the space behind your ear and trailed along the side of your neck until he reached your collarbone, smacking his lips with each wet peck. you grew impatient, grabbing his face with demanding hands until your soft lips connected to his.
the way he gripped your hips was irascible, but you knew you deserved it. how dare you break apart your family to feed your ego? how dare you cut the time your son has with his father for your own selfish rational? how dare you spend all this time spewing nonsense about you not loving him - how he didn’t take care of you enough? how dare you stand here and apologize after all the damaged you’ve caused? toji pulled away harshly and his eyes immediately met your glossy orbs. the look in his eyes were despondent, telling you a thousand things that only you could understand. your hands had fell to either sides of his neck, brushing against the hairs on the nape.
“i love you...” you regretted speaking as the words fell from your mouth.
toji stared at you long and hard, trying to read every bit of your face. after you spent months speaking of him so ill, he couldn’t fully believe your words. “prove it, y/n.” his voice carried nothing but intimidation in contrast to the lewdness of the command.
before you could utter another word out, toji’s fingers were wrapped around your throat, gripping the sides. your mouth went dry trying to breath in as much as you could and your face became tight as he cut off your airway. this wasn’t something you weren’t used to. you were accustomed to having rough sex with him - that’s just how he was - and you had grown to love it. but obviously, all of his actions had a different motive behind them this time.
toji kept his silence, removing his hands from your throat and pushed your head down while you simultaneously gasped for air. slowly, you got on your knees in front of him, your face leveled with his crotch. toji didn’t have to demand you like he used to. you felt guilty, you knew exactly what he wanted and the least you could do was give it to him. so, you’re fingers pulled down the cold, metal zipper on his pants and unbuttoned the silver button that held his slacks together. you didn’t have to look up at him to know that his eyes were watching your every move like a hawk. your fingers hooked onto the belt loops of his pants and you pulled them down until they fell to his ankles. he stepped out of them and kicked them to the side for them to be forgotten for the night.
as if it were routine, he took his index and middle finger on one hand and tapped your mouth, signaling for you to open it. your lips parted just enough and he facilely slid his fingers inside of your mouth. a small pool of spit sat on your tongue and it coated his fingers as you wrapped your tongue around them. with his free hand, he rubbed his semi-hard cock through his boxers, hissing as he anticipated the feeling of your mouth. he removed his fingers and rubbed the residue on his bulge. you licked him through his underwear, leaving trails of saliva that covered his length, dampening the cotton. he was fully erect by now, pulsating through his boxers. you pulled them down like you did his pants before and he kicked them to the side also. his cock slapped against his abdomen and you grabbed it, jerking him off while your tongue fed his bulbous, swollen head a couple of teasing kitten licks. you forgot the feeling of his length in your hand, feeling up on the familiar vein that ran underneath his cock. the only odd thing about all this was that toji wasn’t speaking. usually, he praised, complimented your pretty lips, your innocent eyes. but no, he wasn’t speaking at all.
your hands gripped onto his waist as your mouth took his entire length in. his tip kissed the back of your throat, as he thrusted himself into your mouth. the warmth of your mouth managed to fish out a couple of groans that’d leave his lips, throwing his head back as he felt your tongue curve in place for his girth. he pushed his flat, raven locks back, getting them out of his vision. he grabbed your head, a stinging sensation on your scalp as he grabbed your hair, and forced himself even more down your throat, causing you to gag, painfully choking on his cock. salty tears ran down your cheek and toji smirked with amusement as he watched your cock bulge inside of your throat with every thrust he delivered. it then finally registered in your brain that he wasn’t doing this for pleasure - he was doing it to watch you struggle. he pulled himself out before you could - literally - manage to choke to death, making a ‘pop’ sound. you coughed up a storm, hands on the floor as you took heavy, dramatic breaths trying to learn how to breath again. a silver string of saliva was falling slowly from your mouth. toji’s hand lightly tapped your cheek, your eyes slowly meeting his tormenting gaze. his huge, muscular arm wrapped around your torso and he carried you over to the bed.
memories of kissing your greedy lips, burying his head in between your thighs, and making love to you until you were intoxicated by the way he fucks had fogged his mind. memories of you being his and his only. he could only imagine how many men you let fuck you in this bed, how many men touched places that only he had access to, how many times their hands brushed over the ‘TOJI’ that was inked into your skin on your inner thigh, how many times they laid eyes on the ‘T’ in between your breasts, how many times you had to painfully say, “that’s my ex’s name.” how many times did it happen in these past nine months? he wanted to know.
suddenly, strong fingers were aggressively removing his jacket from your arms, throwing it somewhere to be found later. the red, mesh shirt you had on was ripped in half, exposing your back and you gasped lightly. every movement carried anger. you deserved it. you deserved to be treated this way. he took the remainder of the shirt off of your body before unclasping your bra. his hands grabbed them, feeling your soft, plush breasts that he missed so much. after you had megumi, you were gifted with a busty chest that toji fucking adored. his body was pressed against yours, his cock rubbing against your ass, the only thing keeping you separated was the jeans around your waist. his thumb ran along the area where the ‘T’ was tatted in between your boobs while his other hand pinched at an erect nipple.
his cock was hot against your ass and as rough as he was being, you wanted to feel him. you had to feel him again. you then processed how selfish those thoughts were, wanting him to fuck you after spending many nights with other men while the two of you were apart. it wasn’t fair to toji who - surprisingly - didn’t even think about go on a friendly date with another woman during these past nine months.
toji’s hand trailed down to your waist, unbuttoning and unzipping your jeans. he got a hold of both your pants and your silk underwear and pulled them down in a way that was anything but gentle.
“oh my god,” you breathed out. his nails sharply glided on your skin, causing three stripes of claw marks to appear on your lower back and trail on your ass. he showed no remorse either, purposefully grabbing the affected area as he now rubbed his cock on your bare ass, making you grimace. he let his cock slip in between your legs, grazing over your warmth. his grip on your body got painfully tighter as he noticed you were getting off to this, your slick getting onto his length. the smallest moan had regrettably left your lips as you panted like a dog in jagged breaths. 
he pushed you onto the bed, positioning you in front of the headboard, forcibly putting you on your hands and knees. toji continued to run his cock along your puffy lips, groaning as he missed this feeling. normally, he’d prep you. he’d finger you, he’d devour your pretty pussy, he’d watch you desperately hump a pillow with your bare core, getting your juices all over it. he didn’t do any of that, he just wanted to use your body to fuck out his own anger. his hips gripped your waist and he slammed himself into you, his cock intruding your viscid walls, earning a cry that held pain from your mouth. he hissed at the feeling of your hole sucking him in. he pulled out slowly to see his cock glistening with your slick. he was drawn back to your body like a magnet and buried himself into your hole until he was balls deep, vast pleasure taking over his body, his mouth gaping. it wasn’t long before he was delivering strong, hard thrusts into your squelching pussy, that familiar burning sensation that you swore you couldn’t live without spread to your thighs. you gripped onto the sheets beneath you, the fabric crumbled up in your fists. heat burns your body every time your ass slapped against his groin. the bed creaked rhythmically every time toji bucked his hips, causing the headboard to slam into the wall each time. spit formed bubbles on your tongue as it barely hung out as you breathed through his strokes. whiny moans left your mouth as heavy breaths left toji’s.
he finally spoke, making your body violently jerk underneath him at the sound of his voice. “don’t wake my son up.” his lips grazed the top of your ear while his hand was swaddling your throat as he bellowed what sounded like a threat into your ear.
he let go as you frantically heaved for more oxygen again. toji’s strokes were rapid and tameless, but you wouldn’t dare ask him to have mercy on you. he stopped momentarily, leaving your pussy vacant, to flip you over on your back, and didn’t hesitate to plunge his thick cock into your pussy again. his balls swung and slapped against your ass as he moved at an unnatural speed. “t-toji...i can’t...” you struggled to speak, your words almost inaudible. “too...fast,” was all that could be audibly mustered up from your drooling mouth.
he ignored your weak words and pulled you up so your chest was pressed firmly against his own, still plunging into your pulsating cunt with feral thrusts. one arm was holding you up in place and his other hand was squishing your tear-stained cheeks.
“how many men have you fucked in this bed?” he growled. he looked directly into your panic-stricken eyes that screamed the word “stop” in a million different languages. he loosened the grip on your face just enough for you to speak, but nothing came out. he sent an incredibly painful thrust into you that kissed your cervix, causing you to scream. your scream was cut off by his clammy palm covering your mouth. your muffled squeals vibrated through his hand and your eyes screwed shut as the balance between pain and pleasure started to become uneven. it was too much, too fast. you were too full, too fucked out. your mind saw double, feeling a mental freeze while your body continued to react pleasurably to the feeling of his cock ramming into your sopping cunt. “how many men have you fucked in this bed?!” spit flew from his mouth as he asked the question again. his voice was drowned out by white noise, but you could still hear his urgent question.
eyes dead, face losing color, you finally found a way to answer his question once his hand was removed from your mouth. “s-seven,” your response was slurred. you felt like you could pass out at any minute. sweat ran down the side of your face as cold as your body was.
your answer only made him angrier, driving him to send another thrust into you. you didn’t think he could go harder than last time, but he continued to surprise you, going past your expectations. soundless curse words were liberated from his lips as your cunt milked his veiny cock unceasingly. the pain was overbearing but subconsciously, you focused on the very little pleasure that was there as he fucked into your pussy ferociously. he was purposefully avoiding your g-spot, trying to keep you as uncomfortable as possible.
“i’m gonna cum in you...” he growled the words in your ear as if it were a warning. “did you let those men come in this pretty pussy?”
“no...” your answer came out as a whine, almost like you were annoyed by the fact that he was asking you so many pointless questions. “p-please...” you didn’t even know what you were begging for, you just had to say it. you sucked in a sharp breath as toji buried himself deep inside of you in a surprisingly careful way and his hot, sticky semen left your walls daubed white. you clenched your teeth, humiliated as the fluid gushed out of your cunt, too overwhelmingly full with his cock.
you couldn’t verbally or mentally react, but your body did, squirming in his hold until you fell on the bed. you fell onto your back, your head sinking into your pillows as his cock slipped out of your loose hole. you turned, laying on your side. your body was twitching uncontrollably, tears streamed down your face as you finally regained your full consciousness. you were full-on crying at this point, wishing he’d stop all of this right now, but wanting him to be able to unleash his anger on you. your eyes were shut so tight you could see colors and it only brought more pain to your already aching head.
toji looked down at you. you were in pain, distraught and fucked out. his pretentious disposition had slowly withered, his face growing soft. he had seen red for too long, ignoring how badly he was hurting you, but deep down he knew that you were letting him. he always admired how you were so willing, how you were so quick to understand someone else’s actions. while toji didn’t deserve your poor treatment, you didn’t deserve this either.
the tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. the smell of sweat and sex had filled your noses. the only sounds that could be heard was toji’s heavy breathing and your small sobs. not being able to see, you were shocked to feel a soft, sympathetic kiss being placed on your lips, cutting off your weeping. you opened your eyes just a bit to see toji laying beside you, giving you love the way he used to. this was a kiss you remember. it was gentle, but assertive. toji slid his tongue inside your mouth, searching all around it. your teeth strike each other occasionally as the kiss was sloppy and hurried. he leaned over your frail body, his hand caressing your legs gently, feeling up the plush of your thighs. he spread your legs open a bit, letting cold air hit your clit again, causing a moan to vibrate against his lips. you broke away to get air, a hot breath fanning over toji’s chin.
“i’m sorry,” you sniffled. “i’m so sorry, toji.” as if to save you from another round of sobs, he immediately showers your cheek with insistent kisses as his hand inched closer to your warmth.
for a second you swore you felt his lips mouth the words “it’s okay,” against your skin. your assumption was confirmed when he repeated it with a broken voice as his thumb finally meets your swollen clit, rubbing it in a circular motion. his lips go down to your neck, your head ensuing, lifting up to give him more access. he kissed and sucked on your sensitive spots, giving tedious care to areas where he gripped your neck too hard. you grinded your hips with the very little energy you had against his rough thumb, melting from his touch. toji sat up and hovered over you, kissing, licking and sucking on your round breasts.
“you’re so sexy, you know that? you taste so good,” he compliments you for the first time tonight. you never realized how much you missed those words.
he knew he couldn’t penetrate you again, so he was physically trying to do whatever he could to show you he loves you. his actions were comforting, but confusing being that he spent majority of this time trying to cause you immense pain. you watched as his lips skidded across your skin all the way down to your clit where he pressed his tongue flat. your eyes fluttered, as you gasped. you gulped as your eyes lazily watched toji taste you.
he sucked on your throbbing clit, holding your restless thighs steady. he was slurping and devouring you like it’d be his last time. he moaned at how good you tasted, the vibrations of the moan sending your body ablaze. your hands tangled in his hair that was drenched in sweat. you gripped it, yanking him closer to you until his nose tickled your cunt. his tongue explored your walls that were clenching around nothing. he was gradually bringing you closer to your climax, your bent legs stretching out around him. he saw your face fill with desperation as his tongue flicked your clit over and over, moans flying out of your gaped mouth, your toe’s curling at the consistent feeling.
“oh god, toji,” you breathed. “don’t stop...i’m gonna cum.”
“good girl.” that appraisal came again.
you bucked your hips and he latched his lips on your clit once more, sucking hungrily as your lower body went numb, causing you to wail as you reached your orgasm. you saw white, eyes rolling to the back of your head and choked on your own, dragged out moan. your legs violently shook and cum leaked out of your overstimulated pussy. toji takes no time, licking you clean, breathing against your core as he enjoyed the taste of your cum.
toji brought his face to yours again, kissing you on your plump lips before pulling away. his soft eyes looked down at you, saying things that couldn’t come out of his mouth. your eyelids felt heavy and you couldn’t help, letting a wave of drowsiness take over you as your body slowly shut down.
toji pulled the comforter over your body and his own, pulling your sleeping body close to his as he planted a kiss on your forehead and buried his head in the crook of your neck as he held you in his arms for the rest of the night.
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lostgreekgod · 3 years
a/n: hello aaaaa i had @theaudacitytowrite give me a prompt for a loki x reader fic solely because I do not find entertainment elsewhere! anyways
word count: 2776 (shit got longer, but what can I say I'm very feely when it comes to angst)
warnings: angst. angst angst angst. some crying. there was this one mention of blood, tendons & stuff ? but that's about it have fun crying
pairing: loki x f!reader
summary: you and Loki have been together for quite some time now. what happens when his insecure self realizes that you love him? and that he does too?
another a/n: I feel like this could use a part 2 i might come up with it next week because I've got a 7 day break from school yayy lmk if you'd like that nexie
4 years. It had been 4 years, 3 months, and 27 days since y/n had shed a tear. But on this fine autumn morning, as the yellow and brown leaves rustled in the gentle winds, as the smell of coffee, pumpkin, and spice wafted in the air, she let a tear fall- courtesy of her lover. No, scratch that. Her ex-lover.
\\ 3 hours earlier \\
Humming a tuneless song, an exhausted y/n walked back to her room in the Avenger’s tower. A whole day of training wouldn’t be smart when she had a crucial mission to lead just the next day, but she wanted the mission to pan out exactly right. This wasn’t her first mission, but the stats were so much more critical compared to the missions she had been sent on before. A new rival organization was springing up in SHIELD’s radar, and they seemed as high as ever in spirit, regardless of how the Avengers had managed to crush HYDRA not so long ago. Apparently, according to a message they had received a few moments before, the up-and-coming organization had 4 junior agents in captivity, and in exchange for those agents, they wanted intel. Fury’s plan was to provide a hard drive with incorrect information with an embedded virus, and have the agents rescued before the rival agents decrypted the file and realized SHIELD’s play. Two birds with one stone, as he had phrased. y/n was going to go in with Natasha and Loki. Nat, because she was as light as a cat on her feet, and Loki because he had his seidr for illusions, teleportation, et cetera. This wasn’t going to be her first mission with her 4-month boyfriend either, but she was excited to be fighting alongside him, nevertheless. As she washed up in the shower, she heard her room door open and close with a click. Finally. She thought with a smile. She could go to sleep in her beloved’s arms for the few hours she had left for rest and relaxation before they set out. Putting on her nightgown, she left the bath. She saw how Loki was cocooned on her bed, arms reaching out towards her, a little smile on his face. Unlike her, the god didn’t train much- but he still looked tired.
“Hello, my little lioness. Whom did you beat up today? You do realize it is wiser to rest before a mission.” He said in a loud, lazy whisper. All y/n could do was smile sweetly at him and snuggle under the covers. He knew how the lack of training made her insecure about her ability to be stealthy. Instead of letting Loki’s arms wrap around her like most of the other nights, she spooned his chest instead. Loki’s eyes widened at the sudden gesture, his body tensing up at the sudden disposal of love. He had only given love; he had never been on the receiving side of it. Wait, love? He didn’t love y/n. He didn’t. That swell he felt in his chest every time he saw her was simply the result of the great appreciation and respect he had for her. Nothing more. He couldn’t love her. After all, everyone he had ever loved ended up being taken away from him.
Chuckling lightly, he hoped y/n wouldn’t catch onto his nervousness. “What are you doing my dear?”
Inhaling his scent, y/n mumbled, her eyes still closed. “Sleeping. Go to sleep my love. We have to be up in less than 3 hours.”
My love? Yes, y/n had called him that multiple times, but he had never thought much of it. Why was he suddenly so wary of it? Did y/n truly love him? No, maybe she wasn’t thinking. She was already worn out and sleepy, maybe she blurted it out accidentally. No one could love him. No one.
y/n sensed that he still hadn’t relaxed. Cracking her eyes slightly open, she asked lightly, “Is everything okay, love?” Loki’s brows furrowed at her question. There it was again. Love. Loving him was impossible. To love him would be delusional. A move of delusional stupidity. Blatant ignorance.
Loki shifted away from her and sat up, ignoring the throbbing in his chest when he heard her whine in response. He met her eyes only to be asked another question. “Love, what’s the matter?”
His heart clenched against his chest, suddenly the room was too hot. He had to understand what was going on. He had to figure this out before it was too late.
“Love?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
y/n scanned his face, trying to understand the reason for his sudden withdrawal. She simply hummed in response.
Loki raised his eyebrows, indicating her to reiterate her response.
“Yes, what is the matter?”
“You referred to me as ‘love’.” He repeated, his tongue spewing out the last word like it was coated in dirt and grime.
“Yes, I suppose I did. Is something bothering you?” she asked again, placing her hand on his thigh as a gesture of concern.
How was he expected to ask her if she actually, truly loved him, without causing a kerfuffle? Without making it seem awkward, without losing her? What if she said she didn’t love him? What then? Would that make him feel better? Would that make him happy? A chill ran down his spine when he realized his answer. No. he wouldn’t be happy. In fact, he’d be terribly upset. He wanted y/n to love him. Shaking his head, he tried to heed logic over his emotion. He had to stop himself before he caused something he couldn’t fix. Before y/n realized the monster he truly was. He had to protect his beloved y/n, that would be the least he owed to her, after all that he had led her into.
He neutralized his expression, calming his breathing. This was for the best. He was the God of Lies, he did not deserve love after all that he had done.
“As a matter of fact, y/n, something is bothering me.”
y/n nodded, encouraging him to explain his predicament. “You can talk to me, love.”
Loki inhaled quickly, the use of the blasted term knocking him out of character for a second before he was able to regain his composure. He would ask the question directly. Right to the point, like he was doing business. That was the only way he could maintain his pretense without breaking down too soon. y/n might never forgive him after tonight, but to have her angry at him was so much better than losing her, on his account.
“Do you love me?”
y/n gasped lightly at the sudden question, her eyes widening at how Loki asked her about something so deep with no emotion in his voice. She sensed his sudden hostility, this coldness he was presenting her with. Sitting upright, she looked into his eyes. Nothing. She could read nothing from his expression. All she could pick up was this eerie sadness radiating off of him.
She decided to try reasoning with him. This sudden hostility meant something was bothering him at a much more personal level, and such issues mustn’t be dealt with before an important mission. She would know.
“We don’t have to do this today, Loki. We have to be up early tomorrow, and I doubt- “
“Answer the question, y/n.” Loki interrupted, his voice hardened like steel.
“Loki, we really mustn’t-“ she tried again.
“Answer, y/n.” he pressed.
y/n could only look at him and wonder what the cause was for the unexpected change in his demeanor. How was she supposed to tell him? How was she supposed to give the answer to the one question that could either make or break everything that they had together? How was she supposed to tell him that her love for him was far more than life? That he was her life? It didn’t matter how less time they had spent with each other; she knew him a lot longer before they had decided to begin their courtship, and she had fallen in love with him even before they had gotten romantically involved. She only fell harder for him after she saw how he truly was. How broken and vulnerable, how he yearned for a place in someone’s heart, how he wished someone could love him without any foretold conditions. How he wished to be free. Loki’s eyes widened as realization dawned upon him. y/n’s lack of response answered his question. She did love him. But he had to hear it from her. That was the only way he could finish this for good. For his y/n.
“I’m waiting.” He prompted, slightly flinching at the coldness in his voice.
y/n’s eyes flicked over to his, her skin eliciting goosebumps from the steely nature of his voice. He had never been like this to her. The last time she had seen him like this was when he was under Thanos’ control. Breathing deeply, she reached out and held his hands, shutting her eyes for a moment.
“Yes. I do. I love you,” she whispered, blood pounding against her ears. Her heart convulsed in her chest when Loki didn’t reply. She cracked her eyes open, her fingers growing cold at Loki’s unchanged demeanor.
Loki’s chest heaved at her response. ‘I love you,’ she had whispered, her eyes shut at the vulnerability of their situation. He already knew what she was going to say, but to hear it from her own mouth, her voice tiny as ever in fear that he wouldn’t return her feelings had him gasp slightly. His blood ran cold, his mind freezing at another realization. He loved her too. Of course he did. How could he have been so blind? He loved her so much, he hadn’t even noticed. Finish it! Finish it right now! Before you make things worse! His mind screamed at him. He knew what he had to do. Swallowing, he tried to memorize the feel of her hands against his. This was all he was ever going to have. A memory. A memory of his little lioness, a memory of what he would have had if he was someone different. Someone nicer, better. Someone not him. He pulled away from her, and met her eyes, his expression stoic and emotionless. Like the monster he was.
“Pity.” He whispered, his heartbreaking at how y/n’s eyes widened. He thought he experienced heartbreak when he lost his mother. As destructive as that moment was, many years ago, he believed he wouldn’t feel anything over this. After all, you can’t break something that’s already broken. But boy, was he wrong. This was heartbreak. And apparently, it's even worse when you go through it a second time. His veins felt like ice, his head heavier than ever. He could feel his throat closing up, all he wanted was to rip his heart out of his chest. He didn’t deserve her. Hell, he didn’t deserve to live after all that he had done.
“What?” came y/n’s voice, a little barely over a whisper. He couldn’t help but notice how her voice was heavy, laced with hurt.
“It’s a pity you think you love me.” He reiterated, his words chapping away at his already cracked heart.
y/n couldn’t process the event unfolding in front of her. Loki didn’t love her. No, worse. Loki thought it was stupid that she loved him. If she had any concern for her dignity, she would ask him to leave. But she loved him far too much. She decided to try one last time. Straddling him, she reached over and cupped his face in his hands, pressing her lips against his ice-cold ones. He was shocked for a moment, and before he realized, he was kissing her back. I love you, he wanted to say. I love you too. But all could do was try and engrave in his mind the feeling of her soft lips on his, the warmth of her hands against his cheeks. This was the end. He had to use all his willpower not to pull her in his arms and deepen the kiss, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
Breaking away, y/n whispered, “it may be stupid that I do. Pathetic, even. -It isn’t pathetic. I love it.- Honestly, not one day goes by where I don’t face criticism about how I must be an ignorant fool to love someone like you. But what these people don’t understand, is that they are the ones that are ignorant. They do not see you as I do, and although I wish every day that they would, I doubt it will ever happen. You are, the best thing that has ever happened to me. That ever will happen to me,” she says, taking his hand and placing it over her heart. “Can’t you feel this? This is what I feel every time I think of you- this is how I feel every time you merely breathe in my direction. -You are the reason I still exist, my dear. You keep me tethered to the outside world.- My love for you has been in existence for far longer than our courtship. I wish I could do more than just tell you how much I love you, if I could, I would give you anything, everything you’ve ever wanted; my heart was yours the moment I set eyes on you 2 years ago. So take it, trample over it- it was yours to do anything with anyway. -So was mine. I am yours, just as you claim to be mine.- I love you, Loki Friggason, and I refuse to stop. -I love you too, my darling y/n. but I must do this. For you. Forgive me.-”
All Loki could do was hold in all those thoughts he desperately wanted to put in words. He could feel his eyes well up, his chest convulsing for the umpteenth time. Inhaling her scent, he hoped he would remember the sweet smell of chocolate and wine she always smelled of.
With great restraint, he pushed her off of him, his heart churning at y/n’s gasp. Her heart cracked at his dismissal. He couldn’t look at her while he shattered her heart, while he ripped it right off the pedestal. This was the end.
“You say all this, but you mean nothing by it, I assure you. I have encountered numerous midgardians professing their love for me, but I can tell when someone lies y/n. And it is very clear to me how you are simply overwhelmed. You do not love me. You are simply but a blatant, ignorant fool.” Could his heart shatter any further? Apparently, yes. It clawed at his chest, pain searing in his bones. He would feel all of it. He would embrace it.
He forced his lips to morph into a twisted, sickening smile. Agony. That is what he felt. Fresh burning agony, like fire in his tendons.
“What we have is all but a product of boredom. I was simply bored, silly mortal.” He looked up at her when she gasped, her hand on her heart. It was almost as if he could hear it shatter. All he wanted to do was hold her and weep. Tell her how sorry he was. Tell her how he wished he was the person she truly deserved. Instead, he was going to crawl into a ball and wish for death.
He got up to leave. Once and for all. Shutting his eyes for a moment, he willed his tears to sink back to wherever they came from. He didn’t deserve to cry.
“Did I ever matter to you?” he heard her whisper. Deciding not to answer, he stepped towards the door before she called to him. “Did I, Loki?” she asked again, her voice steadier. There was the woman he had hopelessly fallen in love with. A lioness, she certainly was.
He turned around to look at her, the same lifeless smile dancing across his lips. If he was someone else, he would have been taken aback at y/n’s stoic expression. She would rise again. She would continue to live her life, and no one was going to stop her. Especially him. That was the lioness he knew of. The only evidence of her hurt was the tiny teardrops prickling in her eyes, which he could see only because of the morning sun rays peeking in through the gaps in the curtains. She never cried.
“No,” he breathed, swiftly exiting through the door before she could see the tears that had traitorously fallen onto his cheeks.
part 2 here!
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Never Leave: yan!scarabia x reader
I headcanon that Jamil and Kalim don’t like restricting their s/o’s freedoms but they also are crazy possessive so they will do absolutely anything to make her stay. That includes the occasional hypnotising. 
Warnings: Yandere behaviors, light yandere, non consensual hypnosis, delusional reader, stockholm syndrome i guess (close at the very least), mentioned manipulation, mentioned violence (light)
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   Your head lifted as your ears picked up the sound of the door handle jiggling. The keys were inserted into the lock and twisted making a familiar clicking sound. Equal parts fear and excitement filled you as the knob turned.
   What if it wasn’t them? What if it was someone else? Someone who wanted to hurt you. Tears formed in your eyes and you put your hands over your head shivering. It was too early for them to be back. Something had happened to them you were sure of it. 
   The door creaked open and Kalim Al Asim bounced into the room. The large smile on his face dropped when he saw your trembling form. He gasped and dropped the bags he had been carrying and ran over to your side.
   “Jamil sweep the room. Make sure no one is in here.” His voice was stern in a way that it usually wasn’t and the brunet behind him immediately complied. “Hey diamond, it’s alright. You’re gonna be ok. Did something happen. Did someone get in! Who hurt you?”
   You sniffed and looked up at your boyfriend with wide and teary eyes. Immediately you lunged forwards onto him, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
   “You’re back! I thought you were gonna hurt me!” Kalim’s grip on you tightened and his expression became dark. You thought he was going to hurt you? Jamil had warned him that you might one day come to believe that their love was a bad thing. The thought of you being afraid of him and possibly running away made his heart ache.
   “Oh Diamond, we would never hurt you. That’s why you’re here. Safe. With us.” his voice was sweet with a slight edge to it and he felt you stiffen.
   “Oh Kalim! You misunderstand! I didn’t think you would hurt me! I thought you were someone else!” His expression took on a more natural softness and his body visibly relaxed underneath you. 
   “You were back so early I thought something was wrong and that you were in trouble and that bad people were coming to get me.” As you spoke your voice cracked and you started trembling again.
   Kalim sat up and pulled you into his lap, shushing you softly and stroking a hand through your hair. Jamil, having heard the conversation and being relieved as well, made his way over to where you were crying lightly onto Kalim’s shirt.
   “We’re sorry we scared you diamond. We would never let any harm come to you. If anything ever happens we will always be there for you no matter what.” Kalim’s words seemed to calm you considerably and you managed to turn yourself in his lap enough to look up at Jamil.
   He smiled down at you and crouched to place a hand on your cheek. You let your eyes slip closed and nuzzled into the warm hand before reaching your own arms out in a silent request for a hug.
   The brunet chuckled and positioned himself on the floor in front of Kalim so you could be passed from one lap to another. You weren’t able to be transferred since Kalim’s grip stayed strong. He pouted over your shoulder at Jamil who lifted an eyebrow at the younger's constant demand for attention.
   “Kalim why don’t you grab our little mouse’s gifts while I keep them warm.” Jamil’s suggestion did the trick because Kalim’s eyes lit up and you were soon placed delicately in Jamil’s grasp. 
   You let your head fall onto his shoulder and you clung to his neck as you inhaled his spice filled scent deeply. It always amazed you how much calmer and happier you felt when you were with your boyfriends.
   The shackles around your ankles jingled as you readjusted yourself to receive the newest set of gifts Kalim had brought you. Excitedly you unwrapped them and giggled with glee everytime you spotted what it was. You didn’t necessarily need more stuff or even want it considering that you now owned almost everything, but you knew that giving gifts made Kalim happy and seeing you wear any clothes or jewelry you were given made Jamil happy.
   For each gift you unwrapped you kissed them both on the cheek and when all 10 gifts had been opened you kissed them once on each cheek. 
   Suddenly you frowned and looked down at the gorgeous red dress you had just pulled out of a bag. Jamil tensed behind you and Kalim’s expression fell. 
   “You guys are always giving me these wonderful gifts but I never have anything new or special to give to you.” your voice was small and quiet but both Kalim and Jamil heard it and sighed in relief. 
   “Little mouse, you are a gift all on your own and as long as you are here and safe we will be happy.” Jamil tilted your head up and smiled at you.
   “But I’ll never be able to go out and get you guys surprise gifts. Wouldn’t you like it if you came home one day and I had gone to get you-”
   You were cut off by a sharp no, and Jamil’s grip on you tightened. Kalim knelt next to you and grabbed your hands in his.
   “You can never leave without us. You might get hurt and we love you too much to let that happen. Promise us you will never ever leave this room without our permission.” Kalim’s voice was uncharacteristically hard and stern. You nodded and his frown deepened. “Use your words diamond.”
   “I promise that I will never ever EVER leave without asking. I’m sorry I upset you. Don’t be mad. I promise I’ll never leave. Please don’t be mad.” 
   You didn’t like how the looks that Kalim and Jamil gave you left a bad taste in your mouth. It made you feel as you did before they saved you, unsafe, in danger. Their eyes softened and their smiles returned.
   “Good diamond. That’s all we needed to hear.” Kalim nestled close to you and inhaled your scent, gripping you as though you were going to try and leave at that moment. Jamil tilted your head and kissed you on the lips passionately. 
   “It’s for your own good little mouse. If you don’t listen, we may be forced to take necessary steps to ensure that you are safe. Here, with us.” A shiver went down your spine at those words and you momentarily tensed before your eyes met silver ones.
   “And just to be sure you understand… you are never to leave your masters.”
   Hazy fog overtook your mind and you couldn’t remember what you had been talking about before. You mumbled some sort of agreement and then smiled drowsily when you detected soft kisses peppered over your face and arms.
   You loved Kalim and Jamil so much. They were right. You will never leave. Why would you want to?
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Murders // Alex Law x Reader
Request:     Hi! I have a request: I just recently watched a shallow grave and I’m obsessed with ewan mcgregor as Alex Law. Could you write something where he tells you about the murders because he feels like he can trust you, he also may or may not be in love with you. We love angst. Thanks!
Requested by: ​Anon
Summary: the request
Warnings: mentions of death, homicide, cadavers. Slightly ooc Alex? 
Words: 1.6K
Notes:  Mmmm Alex Law. That is all. My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist! Original character list - please request for these too! 
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Not my gif
Things with Alex had been, well they’d been strange over the past couple of weeks or so. You didn’t know what it was, but he kept trailing after you wherever you went in the flat; not in his usual way, which was often to pester or tease you, but for another reason. You had no idea what that reason was, but you could tell it was bothering him. Sometimes he would glance up, only briefly, but you would catch it out of the corner of your eye. You tried to bring it up to him on several occasions, but he would always brush it off, saying that he was fine, and then “What the hell are you talking about? I told you I’m fine. Really. Just leave it.” But no matter how annoyed he sounded with you, he wouldn’t stomp off like he often used to.  It always seemed to get worse whenever David was in the room with you. Alex would tense up, and his eyes would be trained solely on his glasses-clad roommate. David would occasionally stare back, but very few words were ever said between the two of them. 
Tonight, though, was different. You were sat with Alex on the lime green sofa, more laying than anything, his arm draped over your shoulder, eyes on the TV as one of Alex’s favourite schlocky shows played on the screen. He was mumbling quietly along with the host, laughing softly when the audience did. Things seemed almost normal, it was nice. You couldn’t see or feel his tenseness anymore, which allowed you to relax ever so slightly beside him, you head falling back on to his arm as you watched whatever it was Alex had put on, you still didn’t know what it was. But it was making him happy- he even dropped a few of his sassy and sometimes crude comments throughout the show’s runtime. As the show started to draw to a close, Alex shuffled a little bit. The tenseness returned, and the silence between you became almost unbearably awkward. He cleared his throat, and you moved to sit up for a moment. You glanced over at the clock- it was half past ten, fairly late. You’d need to head off soon if you wanted to be home before eleven, or lower the risk of getting jumped in the street.  “Do you want to stay over?” He asked you, and you give him a rather surprised look. It wasn’t the first time that Alex had invited you to stay over at the flat, but it was more his tone that caught you off-guard. Usually his voice was dripping with a flirty undertone, suggesting a much more intimate activity than just sleeping in the flat. This time, though, it seemed more genuine- staying over seemed to be the primary thing on his mind.  “Sure,” You nonchalantly agree, shrugging slightly before you settled back down in his arm. You both fall silent again, awkwardly watching as the TV droned on and on, though it was unclear if either of you two were really paying attention to the show being broadcasted. 
Alex cleared his throat again, catching your attention. “Can I ask you a question?” His voice is quiet, “Hypothetically?”  You weren’t unaccustomed to Alex’s ‘hypothetical’ questions. They were often a point of contention or the root of teasing, but it was all in good fun. “Alright then. Hit me with it.” You say to him- he swallows his nerves and starts to speak again.  “If a someone you knew told you that they had been involved in burying a man out in the woods, and was involved in killing a couple more... What would you do?” Silence falls between the pair of you again as you start to think. Like most of his questions, it was an odd one, borderline insane to be precise. You just put it as his over-active imagination making him think of wild scenarios.  “I don’t know.” You chuckle, shrugging lightly. You’re not sure whether to answer honestly, or playfully. “What kind of answer do you want, Alex?”  “A proper one. Like... A serious one.” Oh, well that was different.  “Okay...” You trail off, thinking it over for a second. “Well, I’d probably leave, and tell the police.” You shrug, thinking nothing of it. This wasn’t the answer Alex wanted though.  “What if it was me?” He asked you, and you gave him an odd look in reply.  “I’d still do that, Alex... Just because you’re my friend doesn’t put you above the law.” This seemed to unnerve and annoy him even more though. “Don’t look at me like that!” You tell him, “You’re the one who wanted a serious answer, and you got one!” 
Alex paused, though only very briefly. “Yeah, I guess...” He grumbled, but he still didn’t seem very happy. You gave him an odd look.  “What the hell has gotten into you?” You asked him, “You’ve been acting weird for weeks!”  “I’ve got a lot on my mind.” He’s started to shut down, to put a wall between the two of you, as he pulled his arm away from you. “Nevermind, forget I said anything.” He muttered, rather spitefully, as he rested his cheek on the knuckles of his balled fist. This had not gone the way he had hoped. If you didn’t react the way he thought you would at the hypothetical- how would you react to the truth? He may have been slightly delusional, but that didn’t occur or matter to him.  “Well, you want to talk about it?” You offered, trying to be a little bit soften than you had been a few moments prior.  “No.” Came his short, pointed reply. He started to move to try and get up from the sofa, but you held out an arm to stop it. “Oh, what now?” He whined. “We finished the conversation, just let me go, will you?”  “No- clearly there’s something actually bothering you; you can tell me. I’m your friend, that’s what friends do, isn’t it?” You ask him, and he rolled his eyes, huffing back down into his seat. He knew that you were right- but that didn’t stop his nerves from rising. He knew that what he had done was downright wrong- he may not have known or acknowledged it at the time, but now the guilt followed him everywhere. Every corner, it lurked in the shadow, he saw the flickers out of the corner of his eye. 
“The question wasn’t hypothetical.” He spoke suddenly, looking into his lap as he wrung his hands. You stayed completely silent, words escaped you. Your mind went blank, and you just stared at him. “I wanted to see what you would do.” “You... You, what?” You were still trying to wrap your head around what he was trying to say to you. He finally looks at you, and his eyes are just... Sad. They hold an almost melancholic look, his hurt surfacing for once.  “I wanted to see what you would do... I wanted to tell you.” Alex started to speak again. “Because... Because I think you’re the closest person I have now, and- and I wanted to tell you, because I don’t want to lie anymore, I don’t want anything between us...”  “Alex, what did you do?” All of a sudden, you’re hyper-aware of every little movement he makes. Every shallow breath, every blink, every twitch, your brain registered it. Your heart started to race, a sick feeling started to settle in your stomach. As it sunk in that Alex was admitting to having a hand in a murder- whether it was the killing blow or not- you wanted to run, but you were rooted to your seat, paralyzed besides your mouth, which seemed to speak of it’s own accord. “What did you do?” You repeated, sounding much harsher. 
“I didn’t kill the second two!” The auburn haired scotsman exclaimed, jumping to his feet. “I didn’t even kill Hugo, that was his own bloody fault!” You vaguely recognised the name Hugo; Alex had mentioned him some months ago, and never brought him up to you again, so you thought nothing of it. “We buried them out in the woods...” He continued, rubbing the back of his neck.  “Why are you telling me this, Alex?”  “I already told you. You’re all I’ve got, now. Juliet’s shut herself off from everyone, and David... Well that’s best left unsaid.” He murmured, glancing through the doorway to the chipped blue paint of his flatmate’s door. Neither David or Juliet were here with you now, you supposed that that was both a blessing and a curse.  “I should call the police.” You mutter, almost fearfully. Alex seems rather hurt at the fear in your voice, and he slowly nods.  “They already know about the bodies... But I’m not going to stop you if you want to tell them it was us.” He’s completely given in to you now, his fate is in your hands. Do you really want to turn him in?
No. That was the answer from the most selfish depths of your mind. It’s the answer you decided to stick with, as immoral as it may have been. You look him dead in the eye as you speak. “What do I do?” It takes him a moment to register that you are in fact not going to contact the police about his and his friend’s misdeeds, and he’s instantly sat beside you again.  “Stick with me, please. I won’t let either of them get you, I just... I need you around.” Alex said to you, slowly, as if it were difficult to admit this even after admitting his crimes to you. To him, it was. You nodded slowly in response, and Alex silently acknowledged that you may still change your mind on it yet.  “Alright.” You whisper. “I’ll stick around.” 
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kkaeyva · 3 years
work of art
𐐪𐑂 includes: delusional corrupted!albedo
𐐪𐑂 summary: even when the world ends, you will always be part of his canvas.
𐐪𐑂 genres + warnings: angst, major character death, blood mention, swearing, spider mention, food mention, that’s about it i think
𐐪𐑂 note: today i woke up and chose violence on readers’ hearts
𐐪𐑂 word count: 1.3k
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albedo’s eyes flutter open to welcome the presence of the morning sun filtering through the window. he hums something quite monotone as he lifts the covers off of him, sitting up to observe the room, as he always does.
“good morning, love,” he presses a gentle kiss to your skin and tries not to flinch when his lips meet glass, cold like it’s been frosted over from chilly winter air. the blonde makes a mental note to make you a warm coffee, maybe something to wake you up— but for now, he’ll focus on himself first. (you are still asleep, after all.)
his blue eyes dig into the bathroom mirror, just barely under enough to penetrate the surface of the cold glass like a pebble into a still lake. he recognizes the person who stares back at him, though he’s not sure he’d call him a friend. a foe would not be a good title either. he blinks himself out of his trance and reaches for his toothbrush.
albedo doesn’t cough very often, and when he does, it’s only a natural reflex to clear his throat; this is one of those times.
“my throat’s quite dry today,” he observes as his fingers brush over the diamond-shaped tattoo that sits upon his neck. the skin feels rough under his fingertips, so he gulps down a glass of water to wash away the feeling. (it does nothing to help though, and albedo is left feeling more unnerved than before.)
the breeze adopts a faint melody of whispers and rhymes; characteristic of mondstadt, albedo thinks. though he was always neutral about the weather, he clearly recalls how rejoiced you used to get whenever you felt the sun on your skin. he smiles absently at the thought and considers stepping outside today, for your sake. and of course, just for your sake, he gives in to the urge.
he steps over sticks and rubble as he walks out into the open. the sun shines as it always does, as if it ignores the issues of the world below; narcissistic, as things are. he turns the other cheek when the sunlight extends a ray to caress his skin with fiery warmth.
nevermind, he sighs as the door creaks shut behind him, this was a bad idea.
the controllable, indoor lighting is much more his style. it works with him when the weather does not; a cooperative being. as such, it illuminates something in the corner of his eye, as if it were the guidance at the end of a tunnel: his forgotten, blank canvases collecting dust.
and, just to humour himself, he picks a less dusty one up. it’s not too big nor small, able to sit comfortably on his well-worn easel. there’s nothing in the room that inspires him, he realizes, but he also doesn’t want to make the trek to dragonspine. (the sun is not very comforting at the moment, you see.) he settles on a tried and true muse— you, of course.
so he begins.
the curve of your jaw is natural to him. so is the way you pucker your lips and the way your eyes crease when you smile. the tone of your skin and how the shadows dance along it has long since been committed to his memory. he makes quick work of painting you, but he feels something is missing. there should be something or someone beside you, smiling and enjoying the environment in the painting just as much.
right, he almost laughs at his own naïvety, he has to be there beside you.
(now, albedo isn’t one to draw self-portraits very often, but he tries to paint himself as accurately as possible when he does. and so he brings a mirror.)
albedo stares perplexedly at the same reflection he ignored this morning. no, no. he must’ve remembered himself wrong. he definitely does not recognize the person staring back at him. it makes him want to cry.
where has the brightness in his eyes gone? and the dark circles around his eyes weren’t there last time he checked. he looks sickly, a pool of guilt and hatred in his eyes. the star at his neck has morphed into a disgusting shade of violet, with spidery legs extending from it like someone smashed a hammer directly into glass. the broken expression he sees in the mirror makes his mind spiral.
he rushes outside. the sun burns as if he poured one of his potions directly onto his skin. it doesn’t matter to him at the moment, though, because surely—
the tall, overarching buildings of mondstadt are now only piles of rubble and ruins littering the ground. there is no wind, not even a light breeze. the statue of the anemo archon is what he assumes to be the giant, grey figure laid down on its side as if it was a god defeated in battle.
like the statue, albedo crumbles. he falls down onto his knees and it brings a stinging, painful shock throughout his body but he really can’t afford to care about that right now.
did he...
did he do this?
he wants to scream. his throat restricts him, much too dry to even let out a hoarse whisper.
he wants to cry. when his tears flow down his face, it feels thick; disgusting. it feels like blood— not his, though. (it’s so much worse when it isn’t his.) he can’t name whose blood it is; there are too many names going through his mind: lisa, jean, amber, venti, sucrose, klee, you. (oh, you.) his tears spill down his face. he gets up only to run away from it, away from the blood. he seeks your comfort as he rushes through the house (please please please be there—)
where are you?
where have you gone?
albedo picks up the picture frame on the nightstand. (funny how it perfectly reflects in the lighting— archons damn this controllable fucking lighting! leave him alone! let him wallow in his own self-destruction!) your smiling eyes look at him fondly. he doesn’t deserve your kindness, does he? but he really, really needs it.
he traces your face with his hands, covered in the transparent blood of all those he cared about and more, and flinches when he meets the icy, cold glass. his mind connects the dots at the last minute. he barely registers the sound of glass breaking as the picture frame hits the floor with a shattering impact.
there is only one last place for him to go.
he stumbles to his easel. the canvas is safe, thank the archons, though his palette and paintbrush have fallen to the floor, long since drying and staining the hardwood with the colours of you.
he gasps lightly, in awe, when you positively glow, not exactly like the sun, nor like the candlelight of the house’s ceiling lamps— something new, something different. something he fears he is too corrupted for. something he wants to protect for the rest of his life.
albedo lifts his hand to caress your face, only to reel back in horror when the only half-dried paint sticks onto his fingers and stains his skin with your colours. your beautiful, perfectly sculpted face is now smudged— just as delicate as he remembers.
and even though you look like you are melting, fading away from his life, he smiles, basking in your light. his throat starts to burn again when he tries to say “i love you,” and the paint on his hands feels more like (your) blood when he tries to wipe it off— he’s become numb to the horrifying feeling, even just for a little while. he’ll spend his time loving you, even if his memory dies like paint going down the drain when he washes it off the palette. he cherishes you so, even when his neck looks and feels like crackled glass. he’ll paint you over and over again, and when he runs out of paint, he’ll find more. he’ll create more, no matter what.
because you were always a work of art.
and you always will be.
now, would you say the same about him?)
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Makoto Naegi (DR) - Yandere Profile
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Me? Producing non-genshin profiles? Releasing two profiles in one day? It’s more likely than you think!
I’ll probably do my boi Hajime eventually too. I got several dangan requests so I’m gonna start with this one and do those gradually too.
Makoto is the perfect classic, traditional yandere. He fits every trope and aspect of the archetype so well, so I just had to make him a delusional, split persona type. It's a bit ooc of course but I just see him being that type to really snap and have a whole new persona underneath. Bless him. I love soft sweet boys and turning them into nasty lil obsessive gremlins. Also I couldn't decide on a setting/version of him, so I talk mostly about a normal Makoto in normal school life, but also what he'd be like during the killing game as well as a side of Mastermind Makoto bc I'm a sucker for mastermind AUs. Note, he's 18 or older in all of these, of course.
Tws: stalking, obsessive behaviors, manipulation, nsfw mentions, mentions of permanent mutilation, voyeurism Tws: (below cut) - voyeurism mention, noncon, Makoto being awful Additional warnings: very minor spoilers for Danganronpa 1
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
Bounces between lucidity and delusion. DR1 Makoto is probably largely influenced by the stress of, you know, threat of imminent death, but even outside of such a situation, he'd be a very well hidden yandere. He's just so sweet! So gentle! You can't really seem him as threatening at all, so a lot of subtle things might go unnoticed, like how touchy he can be, how his stares linger, how people seem to avoid you when he's around. However, while the yandere side isn't obvious, the crush certainly is. He's a blushing boy, will get flustered the moment you speak to him, is constantly stumbling over his words, nervously scratching the back of his head, looking all over everywhere except at you, eyes darting away.
Obsessive. It defines his yandere side. Everything is about the obsession, the worship, it's overwhelming. The desire to kidnap you is partially protective, sure, but really? He also just wants you close, he wants you all to himself, he could just be happy looking at you forever. Stalker for sure. He's a classic style stalker, one to take lots and lots of pictures. His phone is handy for the ones that need more of a... secretive approach, but for the ones that he can take safely, from a distance, or the ones of you sleeping, they look best in polaroids.
He would definitely be one to steal things, particularly clothes. Wait until you go to do your laundry, and when you're there he'll do something like pull the fire alarm, cause something to fall over, and wait for everyone else to leave or investigate before slipping in - surely you won't notice just a few pieces of clothes missing, right? Just some gym clothes you worked out in, they smell so much like you, and some underwear you won't miss. They're just cute is all. Not for any perverted purposes, nope. He'd have a shrine, too. He'd steal creepy shit like soda cans you threw away, pens you held. He'd use his phone or one of those cameras from the mono machine to get as many photos as possible, running over them late at night, going through each one and rubbing one out to every photo he can get of your soft, innocent expression.
Deceptively intelligent. It's his number one trick. He comes off as a very... average person in pretty much every way, it's literally his character trope at first, but as we know, he's actually particularly intelligent and perceptive. Most people don't realize this, though, and it gives him an advantage. He is aware that he's perceived as a bit of an innocent, naive airhead, and will utilize that perception, which allows him to get away with quite a bit by feigning ignorance or innocence.
A split personality bouncer. Classic yandere style. Sweet, innocent, happy, but if you just keep fucking pushing the limits he'll - no, forget that, it's ok, he understands :)  ....THAT kind of yandere. He spends the majority of the time on the sweet side, but, especially as time goes on, can easily snap to a much meaner, darker persona, but it's not how he is the majority of the time. It's only brought out by excess stress from all of the... complication of things involving you.
Speaking of how he has all the makings of a classic yandere, delusional regarding love as well. Highly convinced that you'll love him eventually, convinced that everyone is out to take you away from him, and convinced that he knows what's best for you. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, he falls into this delusion pretty easily and quickly. He's likely got a bit of an inferiority complex given, you know, being the "normal" person among some of the best people in their fields. He likes the idea of anything that can give him a sense of importance, of value, of being needed, and he chooses to project that into your protection.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
Normal schoolboy Makoto, well, he'd have to find a way. He wants to, really, the moment he meets you, but how can he do that? He lives in a dorm. If you went missing, surely they'd investigate the dorms right? He'd ultimately probably end up running away with you, finding some way to get by while he keeps you safely locked up in some tiny apartment somewhere.
As for the how, he would take a very traditional method. Ask you to meet him at a certain place and time behind the school, and you'll never see it coming, be it chloroform or a blunt object or whatever he chooses. You wouldn't suspect someone as sweet as him to ever be planning anything of the sort. He feels bad for hurting you, but it's for a greater purpose. Within minutes he'll have you stuffed in a sports bag or instrument case or something of the like, carrying you off, and no one will no where you could have gone.
Will definitely be that one that gets interviewed by the news on TV, the best friend of the poor girl that went missing, and he's all sniffly and teary while talking about how much he misses you, how he's so worried about you. He's actually a very good actor when he really, really needs to be. It's also his way of atonement, in a sense. If he can show how much he cares about you, even if it's in a situation where he's lying, it makes him feel better.
DR1 Makoto, well, he'll be virtually immediate. Don't you understand the gravity of the situation? You could DIE! He can't let that happen. You may be insistent that it's ok, that you want to all try and work together, but in his mind, you just don't understand how serious this all is. You're just too naive. The only solution is immediate action. He'll be gentle about it, probably lacing your tea or coffee with something he found laying around in the nurse's office to make you just a little bit sleepy, so dazed you won't even realize he's guiding you back to a room that isn't yours, won't even hear yourself being tied up.
If the others ask what happened to you, well, he'll say he has no idea. They'll likely assume you're simply dead. After all, if a body isn't discovered, how would there be a trial? They search and search but no one ever finds a body. How strange.
He might simply tell them you're paranoid and holed up in your room. It's ok, though, you trust him to bring you food, so they don't need to worry about you. As for the trials, well, you can't participate in those if you're unconscious, now can you?
As for MM! Makoto, well... Who's to say this isn't his way of kidnapping you? You're separated from that awful awful outside world. That's The whole point of it all, all of this was for you. To isolate you, and the game is simply to strike some fear in you, make you understand how evil and traitorous humans are. You'll never want to leave. And of course, he intends to play until there are two students left. Unfortunately for the others, the winners have already been... predetermined.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
Unfortunately for you, Makoto is one of those yans that is perfectly ok with your life consisting of being tied, 24/7, in one place. He'd keep you restrained at all times, with something soft of course! He doesn't want to hurt you, but it's for your own safety.
DR1 Makoto would constantly be coming back to the room to check on you, make sure you haven't left, make sure you're ok. He'd neglect all of his free time opportunities to talk to others and opt to come be with you instead.
Normal Makoto would invest in some special security measures, namely, a very special shock collar that he bought off of some sketchy site. It's made for humans! It has a lock with a code and everything. You honestly wonder why there's even a market for such a thing. It's not just light shocks, no, it has settings. It syncs to his phone, with a built in remote app, one he can push and it'll give you a nice shock of whatever level he sets it at.
However, the collar is also synched to a field of range that it will detect your location in. It's set perfectly to the boundaries of your little home. If you were to step outside the door or the window... Well, it's not going to kill you, but you'll be out cold, and he'll get a notification telling him you tried to leave. The first time, maybe, you can calm him down and convince him it was an accident, you tripped and crashed against the door and it just ever so lightly pushed you over the boundary. He'll believe it... Once.
Unfortunately, he's also one of the ones who sees no issue in permanent bodily modifications to deter you from leaving. He's not like some of the previous yans I've discussed, though, because it's not out of sadism or a lack of care for your feelings, it's a delusion thing. He'll be so sweet about it, reassure you that it's ok, it's for your own good, you're too precious and innocent and the outside world will hurt you, but this way you're safe from yourself and your own naivete. He'll be so, so careful and take such good care of you, he'll give you something strong so that you don't feel any pain at all.
He's also perfectly fine with you living in a constant drugged state, out of your mind, drowsy and completely unaware of anything in the world except him. And things are better that way - really, you can't say you're not happy, you seem so content like this. You don't complain, you don't get angry, you just giggle and smile and loll your head back and forth. You don't fight him. You just smile.
In other words, regarding escape, you might as well give up. Your only real chance is being rescued by someone else, someone who might just notice his increasingly odd behaviors, but if they believe you're dead, which he will go to great lengths to ensure you do, it's unlikely to happen. Any attempts will just be met with a sweet smile, a little laugh at how dumb you are to think that would really work, and quickly taking you back, where his demeanor might get significantly angrier once he can really let loose.
MM! Makoto is an equally unrealistic chance, the worst of all, really. It's just not happening. He'll also likely convince you, much like as the DR1 and V3 did, that the world outside is nearly destroyed, or somehow unlivable, that you're lucky to be here, and that this is the only place where you're safe. 
If you try, he'll crack down on however the hell you managed to escape because... how would you even go about that? I mean, the whole environment was designed to be inescapable, and if a whole class of students couldn't find a way out, it's unlikely you will either. Any attempts will likely be dumb and unsuccessful enough that he can't even get mad, it's just amusing.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Oh, easy. We see in Chapter one of DR1 just how easily he will bend to the will of a girl he likes and nearly end up getting himself falsely accused of murder and all, so safe to say he's pretty easily manipulatable and if you're looking to survive, you can use that to your advantage. However, really, you're better off manipulating him into being a meatshield - he'll guard you 24/7 and be more than willing to die. Poor baby. 
However, if he catches onto manipulation once, and it doesn't involve your safety, he'll learn pretty quick. Deep down he's a highly intelligent young man, and you may find the tables turning pretty quickly - he can easily manipulate your paranoia and mortal fear, convincing you that if you just stay with him, you'll be safe, convincing you that everyone else is out to get you, convincing you that this or that person is plotting to kill you. He's so sweet and innocent looking, you'll believe every word.
Bonus: If he were the mastermind, he'd be so deceitful and do it so well, you'd never know. An excellent actor through and through. In a way, it's not acting at all - he loves you and wants you to be safe. This is all so that you'll just understand that you need to be kept away from the outside world - you're actually perfectly safe, he's taken measures to ensure that, but you'd have no way of knowing. Even if you feel like those cameras in the rooms at night almost seem like they're staring right at you.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
Very few. He'll baby you and prevent you from doing most things for yourself. He'll be one to try and keep you entertained, though, most likely get you some kind of tablet or laptop you can use to write, let you play all of his games, let you watch anything, and get you any kind of materials for any hobbies you have, provided he's deemed it non-dangerous. So, given all of that, you don't need to do anything else, right? He'll see anything more as just you pushing your limits, because you're trying to be difficult again. Complaints go in one ear and out the other.
DR1 would be the worst Makoto to have, because he can't provide you with much, and can't lock you in from the outside... so, his primary go-to is gonna be keeping you completely restrained all the time. Don't worry, though, he assures you that once you guys get out of here, he'll take you away to a much nicer place with much more to do! But for now, you'll be getting very acquainted with his ceiling, left with nothing to do but stare up at it. He'll try to be around as much as he can though, and won't leave you for too long, only leaving when necessary. And for the trials you'll just... have a little nap, so it'll feel like no time really passed at all.
Ironically, MM! Makoto gives you the most leniency. He'll make sure anything dangerous is taken away, but then, he'll let you roam the abandoned, hollow shell of the school, whenever he has to work on something, which isn't too often. Of course, this is partially because he's got an eye on you via cameras every waking moment, so really, you feel his presence even when he isn't there.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
For a normal Makoto, he'd be one to give you a "schedule" to help you adjust. He doesn't want you getting depressed and laying in bed all day, it's bad for your health! He wants you happy and lively and that way you can have more fun together! He'll give you a list of very simple tasks to complete throughout the day. If you don't do them, that's ok, you can do them together when he comes back, but they will get done. Other than that, of course, no running away, no attacking him, and you know, just try to be a bit grateful and nice.
If you make him mad enough, he needs time to cool down, and he presumes you do, too. He's one to pull psychological things -- locking you in a dark, dark room with no light or sound for a long enough time, all alone, ignoring your cries and whimpers until he knows you've learned. But once you have, and if he sees the results have turned out as expected, he'll be sweet and affectionate when he takes you out, and tell you he's glad you see things his way now.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
Normal Makoto, once again, we have a very classic yandere trope. He's delusional and in love and anyone who gets in the way will suffer. He's, again, very deceptively intelligent, and he can easily commit a murder, even a string of murders, that no one would ever be able to put together, and certainly that no one would ever suspect someone like him of committing. You could say it's like a talent of his. He has no guilt or remorse, either, and no value for the lives of people who are his enemies.
DR1 Makoto, He's limited to two people, unfortunately. If he had it his way, he would kill them all. But still, that's enough to win. He'll bide his time, setting things up so that hopefully, the more intelligent students get eliminated early. He has masterful ways of pulling strings here and there, planting ideas in people's heads, off handed comments that might just inspire a killing. Once there's only idiots left, well, once two of them go missing, in the most elaborate, confusing murders in the game thus far, they'll never figure it out. 
Of course, he'll certainly find a way around the rules. He'll force the mastermind to have no choice but to let you both live. Injured students can't participate in trials if they're out cold, no? So if you have some minor bone breakage, get drugged conveniently before a trial begins, you can't participate. And if you didn't participate, it would really be upsetting to everyone watching if Monokuma killed off a student who couldn't even partake in the trial. After all, they might have been able to turn it around! So really, the mastermind has to let you both live.
Or maybe, he'll convince you to do it with him. Force the weapon into your hand, force it down on the poor poor victim, holding your hand in his. Monokuma can't prove you weren't putting some exertion into it, that it was all his force. Therefore, really, you both killed them. Therefore, the trial is against you both. Therefore... He can get rid of everyone in the way, all at once, with only one left to go - the person behind that bear. And he will find a way - you'd be foolish to underestimate his capabilities. After all, you always thought he was just a lil empty headed guy, shy and flustered, and look how wrong that was.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
In the "developing stages" of obsession, not so much. He's generally a sweet, easy-going guy, even a little bit of a doormat if we're being honest.
Normally, he gets pouty-mad, not violent-mad. Almost what some might call a girl-sort-of-mad, the kind where he huffs and pouts and pretends to ignore you. It's either kinda cute or infuriating, depending on your mood or how you view it. In that state, all you have to do is give him what he wants, of summon a quick apology, and he'll bounce back to normal and loving and affectionate nearly immediately. It's part of an immature streak he has.
He has his snap moments, and will snarl and growl at you with the most furious expression for just a mere moment -- but he snaps back to sweet and soft as quickly as he changed the first time. It's a little bit of mental whiplash for you, really. You almost feel like you imagined it. In those moments, though, he may just for those few instants get a little violent.
If he's truly furious, he gets quiet. It's a little terrifying, really, you know something is coming, and it's not pleasant. He'll likely just grab you and slowly, tortuously drag you to whatever he has planned. He'll give you a very grim, cold expression, and coldly tell you this is what you deserve, and if that's locking you up, he'll tell you you can come back out when you're ready to behave.
So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
Above. He's a worshipper. He can't even believe he gets to be in your presence, even look at you, he's unworthy and it's all so overwhelming.
It... Gets annoying pretty quickly, actually. He's not gonna sit around and degrade himself all that much unlike SOME certain lucky students cough cough, but he'll constantly grovel and remind you how perfect you are. He's not good enough for you, he doesn't deserve you... a bit ironic to hear, since that certainly didn't seem to stop him from taking you away against your will, but there's a lot of hypocrisies that don't really line up with Makoto. 
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Highly so, but also deluded into thinking you do pretty easily. Even if you're screaming and yelling, he just thinks you're having a bad day, throwing a tantrum. He thinks you do love him, if you're in the later stages of things. Anything that conflicts with this delusion is explainable otherwise, usually the default being that, as usual, you're just being difficult, but that's ok -- he really loves you anyway.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Ironically, what makes him unique compared to my other yanderes is that he's more fitting for the traditional yandere type - a very cute-faced, psycho sweetheart type. He's highly prone to the classic yandere tropes and attitudes, as well as the mental and emotional instability traditionally associated with yanderes - smiling no matter what, even as he does awful things, but also snapping to a dark, angry state over the smallest things.
Guilt tripping. It's his specialty. He's so cute, so sweet, you wouldn't want to make him cry and make him sad... Would you? You're not that cruel, are you? You wouldn't throw away everything he's done for you and leave him all alone with no one... Right? He'll easily manipulate you this way, it's his specialty.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
The thing about those soft sweet boys that are just so innocent? Half the time they're the nastiest, horniest little pervs there are. He's sweet, he'll help you with everything you need! You're struggling to reach that shelf so he'll just put his hands on your hips and squeeze you and lift you up! But he'll stumble a bit, and when you come down you'll kinda land on him just a bit, chest pressed up against his face, and you'll be the one embarrassed - but it's ok. He says he knows you didn't mean to. And he's so sheepish and embarrassed about it himself, clearly it must have been unintentional.
And he's so innocent and kind, you know he doesn't mean to be so touchy, doesn't mean to cling to you so much, so you can brush it off. After all, he's just so nice, you wouldn't want to offend him.
Will jerk off on every single thing he has of you. Every little polaroid, every article of clothing he's stolen, every little thing. It's gross. He's gross. By the time you're kidnapped you might even find some of your clothes that went missing, and they're hard as a rock. Ew.
Like a lot of yans, will get significantly bolder once he has you all to himself. Much more touchy, much more suggestive, boldly, openly horny and just, constantly begging you to just fuck already, whining and even rutting into you if you're still in denial.
MM! Makoto will also 100% watch you get undressed through the cameras every night. Save the video feed and just watch it over and over again, taking in every little detail. Cum all over each little video, watching it drip down the screen. He can almost pretend it's actually dripping down your face, and not just the image of it.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
I... within the first hour of your confinement you're gonna know what this boy's dick feels like. He has no restraint. He just loves you so much! Hell, you might even wake up to him just, grinding into you, jerking off to you. You're just so pretty. You can't expect him to be too restrained, you know? He's so overcome by love for you that he can't help it.
High-level delusional. Will make up every reason in the world as to why you might be rejecting. You're nervous, it's ok, he'll help you get over it. You're insecure, and he'll help you get around that too. Ultimately, in the end, you're not getting out of it, nor putting it off at all really. It'll be the first thing you do to start off your new little lifestyle.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
D/S dynamic
Except... in a really weird way. It's the sub without the dom. Or not really submissive at all. It's a very bizarre dynamic you'll have going on - the way he talks to you is so submissive, so sweet, constantly asking you if you feel good, constantly whimpering and making the cutest little noises, constantly worshipping you, you'd almost forget he has you tied up and is forcing you through it. He acts submissive in his own way, and yet he's completely controlling you. In fact, you're pretty certain he wouldn't actually let you top him in any way, and any attempts to do so will be met with him denying you, telling you to just let him do what he wants take care of you. His attitude and words are submissive, yet he insists on controlling you completely. It's, again, bizarre in its own way, but what isn’t bizarre with this man.
Oral fixation
A guilty one for him, with his whole service attitude and all, because he really likes to be on the receiving end of it. Cumming down your throat is fine and all, but really he's one to pull out and cum all over your face. Bonus points if you wear lip gloss to smear all over his dick, wear glasses he can get cum on, or anything that makes it feel special.
In his rare angry, more dominant moments, he can get kind of rough with it. If he's really mad at you, hearing you choke is a rather satisfying feeling.
Paizuri/Thigh fucking/outercourse
The boy's seen too much porn. Just, pleeeeeeease let him cum on your tits. Please. He begs for it over and over, doesn't matter if you tell him yours are too big or too small, he just really wants to cum on them. He just wants to feel your smooth skin on his dick you know? Maybe he can get the tip in your mouth while you do it too!
And while you're at it... Let him fuck your thighs. Please? Just hold your legs together, not hard right? There's just something about actually seeing his dick against you that makes it so nice, and so temptingly close to your holes. But if you've agreed to it as a way of preventing actual sex, it might just... accidentally go in anyway. It was just too slippery... but now, he's already fucking you so... might as well keep doing that instead.
Our boy likes his vidya. And you know all those jokes and references to, you know, getting sucked off under the table while he plays games....? He just... really, really would like that. It's a big fantasy for him. He's probably the type of guy to be way too into league of legends dammit and he just, would love to have to try to be quiet, try to get off down your throat while trying not to alert anyone that can hear through his mic. Or just sit on his dick, it's heavenly, he'll gradually just lost control and start losing his game, before eventually cutting it off and exiting altogether in favor of rutting up into you. He likes it, but he doesn't have a whole lot of self-control to actually do it for long before giving up and just fucking you.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
He's one of the ones that really wants it, he thinks it would be so cute, so precious, and of course the benefit of it tying you to him. He might be one to get a bit jealous, though. He likes your attention, and can be a little bit immature about it. Unfortunately, though, he's not actually aware of his own immaturity, so this can present a problem.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
(Insert "iiiiits punishment time!" joke here)
If he's in this mode, an angry mood, his demeanor for sex changes significantly. The weird pseudo sub attitude isn't really there, it's more of a quiet neutrality, a frustrated, but calculated anger that brings out the worst in him. It's honestly frightening for you in and of itself because it's such a dark expression and rough voice and so unfamiliar that it would freak you out just to see him like that.
The go-to is impact pain. In this rare-ish mood, he can actually change pretty significantly -- normally, he'd never dream of hurting you, would feel awful if he did, and would not enjoy it in any way, but now? He kinda... feels like you deserve it, and he'll undeniably get off to it a bit. Something about watching you cry and squirm really helps alleviate the anger. He'll be soft about it later, wipe away your tears and softly murmur nice things... but he won't apologize. You deserved it. If it's that bad, then you'll just have to not do it again.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
A thigh boy. Let him use your lap as a pillow, and he'll be a very happy boy indeed. He likes feeling them wrapped around his hips, or his head, likes squeezing the flesh in his hands, likes running his hands up and down.
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obxcunt · 4 years
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader.
warnings: death, angst, fluff, mentions of sex, typos. 2,5K words.
summary: “How are we supposed to live after losing the only reason we had to?”
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“I’ve never been in love.” He lied to himself, the words hurting his throat on their way to his thin lips. “Never.” He repeated, looking at the sea with melancholy.
The young boy wasn’t good with words or emotions. It wasn’t easy for him to admit it, but he was heartbroken. “Fuck— It hurts. I see you everywhere, but can’t touch you anymore.” He murmured to himself, tears rolling down his cheeks. “Your laugh is haunting me…”
It’s been days, weeks since you’ve been gone. “Y/N, the bed feels cold without you next to me. I haven’t changed the sheets yet — i can’t do it, because your perfume is still all over it.” He sighed against the pillow, his arm searching for your body through the empty space next to him.
“I know it sounds ridiculous, but i’m waiting for you. I know you're not coming back home, but i’m still waiting for you everyday. I look at the bedroom’s door, countdown to three while closing my eyes and wait for you to come in.” He cried, silently. “You abandoned me, Y/N.”
He remained silent, sitting on the stairs with a bottle of whiskey in hands. “There’s no more light around me, you were the brightest star in my life and my world stopped shining as soon as you disappeared.” He looked at the pictures on the wall, drinking some more.
“Hey, look at this one!” You exclaimed, pointing at the clouded sky above the two of you. “It— It looks like a puppy.” JJ looked down at you, your small head resting against his chest. “You’re right.” He murmured, eyes filled with love. “Obviously.” You said, chuckling. — The blond boy cried in his car, listening to your playlist while looking at the grass where you both used to lay on for hours. And it was raining today, but the pouring rain couldn’t wash his sadness away.
The silence seemed so loud to him. He walked in the empty living room, throwing objects onto the floor while screaming at them, cursing at each memory they owned. “How are we supposed to live, after losing the only reason we had to?” He thought, falling apart.
“Don’t— Don’t do that!” You yelled. “Put me down, JJ!” You laughed, the blond boy running around the house while carrying you on his back. “Say the magic word.” He demanded, turning around and entering the bedroom. “Please!” He smirked to himself, throwing you on the unmade bed before hovering your body. “It wasn’t that bad, pretty girl.” You giggled at the nickname, shaking your head and pulling the boy into a soft kiss.
“You’re the most handsome man on planet earth, JJ Maybank.” You said, looking at him from behind as the boy stood in front of the bathroom sink. “I’m really not—“ He paused, glancing at your reflection in the mirror. “Don’t say that.” You continued, wrapping your tiny arms around his waist. “You’re amazing.” He turned around, both thumbs gently caressing your cheekbones as he looked straight at you. “And, i’m the luckiest guy on planet earth.” You grimaced, laughing lightly. “We are so cheesy…” He laughed with you. “Let’s do something more… naughty.” — JJ punched the bathroom’s mirror, cutting his knuckles through the impact. He whined in pain, the memories overwhelming him. He walked backwards, his back hitting the wall through a sigh. He looked at the sink with disgust, remembering how good it felt to have you so close to him. “JJ— Fuck, you’re so good." You moaned, head falling against the mirror while scratching his back. “Wait, I’m—" He laughed, losing balance and almost making you fall due to his rapid pace, the two of you laughing through another kiss.
“Hey, look at me.” You whispered, kneeling down in front of the blond’s legs while he was sitting on the couch, both hands holding his head as he murmured inaudible words. “What happened, JJ?” You asked, hands resting over the sobbing boy’s knees. “My dad—“ He paused, sniffing.“ He said, you were going to leave me, just like my mom.” He sighed, his back falling against the couch as you sat down on his lap, both arms moving around his neck. “Don’t listen to him. I— I’ll never leave you, never.” He didn’t hesitate, kissing you hard, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you even closer. “It’s you and me, against the world.” You added, making him smile. — JJ looked at the couch from across the room while sitting down on the floor, remembering everything. You promised him so many things, but you lied to him, you left him, you weren’t there anymore.
Everyone was worried, everyone tried to help him. However, he wasn’t ready to move on, ignoring their calls and texts while crying on the bedroom’s floor in the dark as he held your red sweater close to him. “You were supposed to come back to me, Y/N.” He said, looking at the window. “You were supposed to stay with me forever.”
His lips were moving slowly against yours, the morning light slightly coming through the curtains to illuminate the scene. “Shit—” You moaned softly, pulling his sweaty body against yours, your legs pushing his hips deeper in yours. His movements were slow, sensually pleasing as you both looked at each other intensely while feeling the pleasure taking over. “I— I love you.” You murmured for the first time, tears emerging from the corner of your eyes. His blue eyes widened, his heart melting at your words. “I— I love you more, Y/N.”
“You’re an asshole!” You yelled at him. “I— I’ve done so much for you, you’ve been together for a year and you’re still pushing me away, JJ!” You cried, searching for your bag. “Wha— What are you doing?” He asked, looking at you with panic as you started packing. “You— What are you doing, Y/N?” You ignored him, putting a few clothes in the bag. “You’re not gonna leave.” He shook his head through the drunkenness. “I’m going to Kiara’s house.” You said, walking towards the bathroom. “You can’t leave me.” He followed you, closing the bedroom door before you had the chance to leave the room. “Let me— Please, JJ.” You murmured, eyes red and tired. “I can’t do this anymore.” He felt his heart breaking against his chest. “What do you mean, we—” He paused, crying and searching for your eyes as you looked away. “I— I love you, Y/N.” You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. “I’m really sorry for being such a mess—“ He wiped the tears, trying to remain calm. “You’re everything to me, don’t leave me.” You looked at him again, unable to imagine your life without the man you loved. “I love you, JJ. But this isn’t working anymore.” He shook his head, huffing hard. “I’ll change, i’ll do anything for you, please.” You sighed. “I— I don’t want to leave either, but—” He kissed you, pushing you against the door through the kiss, both hands gripping on your thighs as you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist, letting him carry you to the bed. “I love you, i’m sorry.”
“Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me…” You whispered. “Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me…” You repeated, wrapping your arms around his sleepy body. “Wake up, JJ.” You whined, moving on his back, making him groan against his pillow. “You’re so heavy.” He murmured, making you laugh as you moved from his back to lay next to him. “Take care of me…” He smirked, opening his eyes to look at you, admiring the morning glow you always had. “Needy.” You pouted, hiding under the sheets like a little kid. “I’ll remember that, JJ.” He laughed, before moving under the sheets to find you, hovering your body as you both giggled through another passionate kiss. “You can’t be mad at me.” He said, kissing your belly, slowly moving down between your legs. “JJ—“ You moaned, looking at the love of your life kissing your bruised thighs. “Happy birthday, baby.”
The boys remained silent, all looking at their blond friend slowly — but surely, fading away. They wanted to do something, they wanted to bring you back to him. “I— I miss her so much.” He looked at the fire, remembering their nights here, at the Chateau. “I can’t do this anymore.” The boys frowned, looking at him. “You have to keep fighting, JJ!” He chuckled at them. “I lost the love— I lost the love of my life.” He chuckled before breaking down again, talking through the tears. “She— She was the love of my life.”
It was raining again, and late at night. Pope noticed someone outside, in the backyard. He walked out, sighing at the sight of his friend, walking towards the beach. “What are you doing, JJ?” He asked, following the blond boy. “It’s late, you should—” He paused, looking at him sitting down into the sand. “I’m waiting for her.” Pope sighed, feeling devastated by his friend’s sadness and delusional thoughts. “JJ…” He walked closer, grimacing at the smell of alcohol coming from him. “She’s— Y/N, she’s not coming back.” JJ remained silent, looking at the waves from afar. “She’s go—” The blond boy groaned. “She’s coming back soon!” He shouted, turning towards him. “She’s— She’s coming back, she promised—” JJ paused, breathing heavily. “She’s just— She’s on her way.” He nodded at his own words, smirking. Pope knew it was too late, he wasn’t going to change his mind. “Maybe— Maybe you could wait for her inside, huh?” JJ shook his head, looking back at the sea, ignoring how cold it was outside, since he had so much alcohol in his veins. “Alright.” Pope said, sitting down next to his best friend. “I’ll wait with you.” JJ smiled sadly, looking at his friend. “She’s— She’s coming.” He repeated, smiling. “Look,” He pointed at the bracelet on his wrist. “She made it for me, she’s the best.” Pope sighed, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Yeah— Yes... She was.” JJ looked at the accessory around his wrist, tears rolling down his cheeks again. “She—“ He looked back at Pope. “She’s not coming back, right?” Pope shook his head lightly, which made him cry harder. “But— She promised.” He swallowed hard, breathing with difficulty. “It’s all my fault.” Pope frowned, shaking his shoulder. “It’s not your fault, JJ.” The blond boy wiped his nose, shaking. “It was an accident.”
“Y/N!” He yelled through the phone. “I got the job! I got the job!” You started screaming with him, holding the cellphone close to your ear. “Oh my god, JJ!” You smiled. “I’m so happy for you, i’m so proud—“ He interrupted you. “I— I need you, right now.” You laughed, looking at the clock on the wall. “Come back home, we need to celebrate.” You sighed, noticing the rain outside, it was a bit risky but you wanted to see him. “Alright, i’ll be there soon.” You said, grabbing the keys off the table. “Really? But, what about your friends? You don’t have to come back for me—” You laughed, putting on your jacket. “I was just joking— I mean, you have no idea how much i miss you but—” You laughed at him again. “Relax, it’s fine. I wanna see you, it’s important, we need to celebrate and—” You sighed, touching your belly. “I— I miss you so much.” JJ smiled to himself, overwhelmed by how much he loved you. “I’ll be there in an hour, i promise.” You opened the front door. “I love you, Y/N.” He said, almost in a whisper. “I love you more, JJ.”
“Fuck— Finally.” He whispered, leaving the couch to open the door. “Hey, baby—” He paused, noticing Shoupe and another police officer on the porch. “Wha— What’s going on?” He asked. “Can we talk to you for a minute, JJ?” Shoupe asked through the thunder. “Why are you here?” He sighed, looking at his colleague. “It’s about your girlfriend, Y/N—” He paused, noticing how pale the blond boy had become. “She’s— She got into a car accident.” JJ shook his head. “No, no, no.” He chuckled nervously. “It’s not possible—“ He pushed him. “Where is she?” He yelled. “She’s at the hospital—" JJ walked back inside, grabbing his keys off the counter. “We can drive you there—” He ignored him, shaking and running towards his vehicle as fast as he could.
“JJ!” Kiara yelled, noticing him running towards them in the hallway. “Where— Where is she?” He looked around, searching for help through he crowd. “Where’s my girlfriend?” He asked, grabbing a nurse’s arm roughly with his sweaty hand. “Where is she? Where is Y/N L/N?” She looked scared, pushing him away. “I— Room 29.” He ran towards the elevator with Kiara by his side, not noticing his other friends following them. “This can’t be real, this can’t be fucking real, this can’t be real.” He murmured to himself, getting angry at the elevator for being too slow. “JJ, calm down.” Kiara murmured, stroking his back. Once they arrived, he went to the room, pushing everyone on his way to get inside. “Sir, get out of—“ He cursed at the nurse. “It’s his girlfriend!” Kiara said, trying to excuse his awful attitude. “Y/N…” JJ murmured, looking at you with watery eyes. You were barely breathing, had one arm broken and many cuts all over your face. “She’s probably not gonna make it.” The nurse whispered to Kiara, who started crying at the sight of you, the others waiting outside. JJ couldn’t believe it, holding your fragile hand in his and kissing it. “She lost too much blood—” The nurse paused. “A few broken ribs and—” JJ looked at her, tears starting to fall down his rosy cheeks. “She— She was pregnant.” She admitted, the sentence going straight to the blond’s broken heart. “Wha— What do you mean, she was?” The nurse looked down, walking closer. “I’m sorry, she lost the baby.” JJ looked back at you, breathing heavily. His head fell down as he cried. “I didn’t even— I didn’t know she was pregnant.” Kiara joined him. “She was about to tell you.” She said. “She called me yesterday.” JJ cried, asking you to wake up, again and again, but you never did. “I love you, Y/N.” He cried, kissing your cold hand. “I love you so much.”
It’s been weeks, months since you’ve been gone. “Hold on.” The blond boy said, noticing a beautiful woman from across the bar. “Who is she?” He asked, admiring you dancing. No one answered, unfortunately. He finished his drink, before walking towards you with determination. “I— Hey!” He said with enthusiasm, smiling at you. “Oh— Hey!” You replied with the same energy, a bit confused. “I’m JJ.” He continued, his sentence making you chuckle. “I know—” He smirked, your cheeks heating up. “I— I mean, i’m Y/N.” He couldn’t believe it, how gorgeous you were and how sweet your name sounded as it echoed through his mind. “Nice to meet you.” He said, gently grabbing your hand and placing a soft kiss to the back of it. “I’m gonna marry you, one day.” He said boldly, blaming the alcohol. “Oh— Wow.” You laughed lightly. “Is this really working on most girls?” You asked, blushing as he kept holding your hand. “Only the cute ones.” He winked, making you laugh again. “Well, i’m intrigued, JJ.” And then, at this exact moment when you pronounced his name, he knew your were the one. “What’s wrong?” You asked, frowning. “Nothing—” He smiled, shaking his head. “You’re— You’re just so fucking gorgeous.” — It’s been months, years since you’ve been gone. But you were still very present, in his heart and JJ Maybank, couldn’t forget about you.
A/N: :) yeah, i’m hurt too.
let me know what you think of this fic babes!
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kyn-lyn-blog · 3 years
Race for the Crown
Okay so this is going to be a story about my interpretations of Jude and Cardans kids. This is not really about them but they are obviously in it. I will put the list of their kids here just so everyone can get an idea that this is a long project! FYI the last three children are triplets and with them being so young they won’t be involved like the rest but maybe in the future I might write something (a little blurb on them as they are older!
Jurdan Kids:
Ben / Ezren (horns)/ Liriel (Bee wings/controls bees) / Aimon (tail) / Elluin (snake skin patches/forked toungs) / Cohlan (tails and claws) / Lixiss / Finnea (butterfly wings) / Finneus (moth wings) / Echo / Echibod / Echian 
words: 3025 
The intro basically explains the plot but i will say this: It is about the Greenbrier/Duarte children’s fight to the crown and their struggles, strengths and ambition 
I do not typically post fics or stories but I am hoping to start, All questions, feedback, and statements are welcomed 
There were twelve children, nine chances, eight competitors, three who cared too much, three who weren’t sure, and one who did not want it all. All fighting for the throne and crown. The current King and Queen grew tired of ruling, and many thought choosing an heir would be no problem with all the children they had and yet, though the numbers where high, problems came with every one of them. The only children who were for sure out of the running were the triplets, the youngest who were barley three. Every child had a story and something keeping them from the crown from the oldest to the youngest and none of them seem to have shown what it takes to have the crown. In the end it was decided that all children must be watched closely and deliberately in order to make the best decision. Oldest to youngest every child fought, unknowingly, for the power of the land.
Ben’s story was the strangest to the people of the land. Some did not even feel he should be considered for the throne due to him not being blood. Ben was abandoned as a child by his father and the queen took him in secretly, having been friends with the child’s father. She took him in at 7 years old and he instantly loved her more than his own family. She showed him love and kindness, while being firm and fair. She did not have a child of her own, so she was often hesitant to officially call him hers, but after the king heard news of the boy, he was elated to help his wife raise the child. The King gave the boy and the Queen the push to officially create and start their family even if the child was not either of their blood. The Boy grew into a man and a charming one at that. With his birth father being a sorcerer, he was able to perform magic the land had never seen. He treated the other siblings as his own even if some did not see him in the same light. He did his responsibilities with ease and poise.
As he grew into a man and a noble, the land became split when rumors of his crowning came to surface. Half the land saw him as the perfect contender for the role of king. He was good to the people but firm in his beliefs of what is best for the land. He dished out judgement in a way that seemed regal and fair, even when he was sentencing someone to death, there was an air of calm finality around him and his subjects. He stood tall, his sandy gold hair standing out against the dark of his siblings, and his face showed no cruelty, but he looked as if he was made to be a king, instead of an abandoned child taken into a new world. The term golden boy seemed coined just for him.
However, there were others, the countering half of the land that fell into the arms of tradition. Him not being related in blood seemed to create a bigger problem than expected. People felt he couldn’t rule a land he wasn’t born in or born to understand. The cursed his name whenever people even mentioned his status to the throne. These objectors weren’t silent either, they loudly jeered and scorned him with distaste. When his name was called at revelry’s and royal events underneath the cheers and praise were the boo’s and hateful jabs. He took them with a smile. He was approachable and while some saw that as a sign of good fortune for the land others saw it as disrespectful and the acts of a common man instead of a king. For yes there was a no, for every good dead there was a twisted scandal behind. Prince Ben could not breath without someone begging for his fortune and attention or trying to trap him into a wrong word or step. When he started to notice the small seeds of him being king start to get planted by the council he started to panic. He knew many would never accept him as king, and if half the land won’t accept him how was he supposed to rule with a knife at his neck at every turn. He decided to take matters into his own hands the day he found out the whispers were growing into assumptions.
Ben knew he would do whatever is best for the people, but he had to keep himself alive and in the land’s good favors in order to do so. He had to step away from the throne for awhile but in a way that wouldn’t make him look like a cowered or as if he was running away. He prepared for the party that was going on that night with shaking hands. He decided to dress in lavish gold and baby blues, With a swirling patterns of the colors on his vest with a white frilly shirt underneath and breeches to match. He wore golden boots that reached just underneath his knees and a gold cape held to his right side with a lion head brooch that had diamond eyes to match the teeth of its roar. He placed the silver ring of a crown on his head indicating his title of prince. The royal family would wear their weapon of choice to these events as an accessory, but since he relied on magic as his weapon he settled on a pair of gold gloves that had diamonds accentuating his fingertips where his nails would be seen. He made sure his hair stood up above his crown, his signature quieff hairstyle on display, the golden strands slicked up and shining. As he looked at his work in the mirror, he couldn’t help but frown. He liked what he saw he just didn’t like how much he looked a king waiting to accept his crown. He had a split second where he considered changing into something less but voted against it. He had already made himself up he wasn’t going back on that now.
The merriment of the party was in full swing as he entered, his name and horns blaring in his ear upon announcement.
“I present to you” The royal guard announced while giving him a wink, she had once set him up with her daughter and still held hope he would find some interest once again, Ben knew he wouldn’t but smiled at her anyway, “Prince Ben, Oldest of the high queen and king, Prince of the court of Mystics , runner up to the throne” Ben cringed deeply at her last statement, those kinds of titles and statement were only spoken by those who have already pledged their loyalty, and he was sure she would be disappointed once he made his announcement and proposal to his mother and father, the king and queen. He heard whispers and saw glares and adoring eyes. He saw the ears of his siblings raise, their noses twitches and their eyes look at him in accusation. They would disregard him soon enough. He kept his head high and smile easy as he sauntered over to the golden dais that held his family. As he walked, he could feel everyone’s gaze it didn’t matter that he came later than the others. The way he was dressed, the way he walked, and his demeanor all suggested he was on time and that everyone else was just early for his arrival. He stepped up to his mother and kissed her cheek lightly. He turned to his father and gave him a fist bump (which Ben had started doing after one of his visits to the mortal world). He took his spot closest to the throne next to his brother Ezren who did very little to hide the distaste from his curled lip.
 “That was quite the introduction” Ben did not even bother to look over to his sister Liriel, she never liked being outdone or outshined and Ben was certain she did not like his name being followed up with ‘runner up’ when it came to the throne. She wanted the choice to be unanimous when it came to who should be crowned and she wanted the unanimous decision to be her. She had always considered Ben beneath her. It did not matter, however. Soon enough she’d be one step closer to the crown. As final announcements and introductions of other courts were finished the king and queen began to greet subjects who felt their problems were big enough to bring to the throne. The princes and princesses began to depart and get lost in the crowd of guests and nobles. Ben could handle his drink, he was, after all, no mere mortal but one with great power and lineage, even if that lineage left him to die. Still some tried to get him eat strange drinks and powders and fruit that should make him loose his mind. Ben never minded, he became used to the folk underestimating him, it was how he preferred it so he would often eat it anyway and just pretend to be mad with happiness and giddy joy. This made his nights more interesting and more of a time to collect secrets rather than a time for parties, however tonight he kept his lips and tongue clean. His siblings all had fun with their groups and newfound strangers. All except Ezren. Always so serious. He kept his eyes on Ben a jealous fire in his eyes as ben kissed hands, twirled maidens and laughed with nobles. Ben had always told Ezren he’d be more favorable for the crown if he spent more of his time with the people rather than watching his siblings every move. But Ezren didn’t trust any of them except Liriel. So, he sat and watched ready to intercept at any time his siblings make a fool of themselves. Ben never truly cared however, he could hold his own and then some.
As the party died down, and that means people were beginning to fall over drunk and delusional, Ben made his way to the dais where his parents sat whispering and laughing to each other. His dad’s tail flicked back and forth for a bit then came to wrap around his mother’s wrist. Ben knew what that meant, when his father’s rail started wrap around his mothers limbs, either he was nervous for her or he was getting ready to bed her and from the look on his face Benn had a good idea it was the latter. He rushed to the top before their thrones and both the king and queen looked up in surprise at his sudden rush towards them.
“Mother, Father” he gave a short bow with each greeting.
“Ben, what is this, is something wrong, shouldn’t you be enjoying the revilers?” That was his father’s code for ‘Unless someone is dying you better make this quick’ and not in a ‘I can’t be bothered way’ but a ‘I’m gonna fuck your mom so make this quick’ sort of way.
“Yes, everything is fine but I wanted to make an announcement, a proposal of sorts, to the two of you and I feel everyone should hear too” His mother side eyed him, unsure if his plans. It was no secret Ben loved Jude the most since he was young. When he was seven and first came into her care, he’d sing her name at night and cry when she had to leave for royal duties and no nanny could console him until her return. His mother knew him better than anyone and he told her everything, everything except his plans for tonight. It made since she was suspicious, since that has always been her nature anyway.
“Does it have to be right now-“Jude elbowed cardan interrupting him.
“Of course you can give your…announcement” His mother trusted him, she just didn’t like not knowing what he was planning. Ben smiled at them and his father gave a slight eyeroll as he kicked his legs up on the side of his throne and waved his hand as a gesture saying ‘get on with it’. Ben took a step down from the dais so that he was in between steps. He turned to the crowd and spread his hands gaining the attention of few but not nearly all.
“High courts, gentry, royals and friends!” he shouted merriment laced in his voice. “I, Prince Ben, Oldest son of the High King and Queen” he looked at Ezren as he spoke those words, smirked then looked back at the crowd “Have an announcement, a proclamation for my parents and the high court,” He turned towards the thrones where the king and queen sat, but his voice resonated as if he was speaking to every single person in the room individually. “Mother, Father, all of Fae knows of the rumors of your choosing for the throne, I am not here to throw my hat in the ring, as the mortals say, but to instead withdraw myself from the line” Gasps fill the room and cries and uproars, he feels someone might have even fainted. “Instead I ask you give me another role, a new role, title, that I have made for myself. I wish to travel the lands of Fae, sea, mortal lands, and the unknown in search of allies, magic, emptied lands, treasures and advances. I wish to not own the crown but help it thrive and advance. I swear my service to it and my loyalty.” By the end of his proposal he is down on one knee head bent to the ground. He raises his eyes and sees his mother is shocked but hiding it with a steady look. His father has a smirk and looks as if he trying to keep from laughing meaning he either sees this as some joke or is nervous about what his son’s statements mean. Ben always had a feeling His mother saw him as one of the main royals reaching for the throne and probably assumed that that was what Ben had wanted. Ben just hoped she wasn’t upset with his decision.  The room was silent awaiting The High King and High Queen’s reaction.
His father broke the silence with a laugh “Blood or not you definitely got the dramatics of this family, here we thought you were about to announce some coup or something, pull a Balekin part two!”
“I didn’t think that” His mother said with a smirk, low enough only Ben and Cardan could hear. Cardan whispered something to his queen as Ben stayed on one knee. He saw from the top of his vision Jude give a curt nod, and His father stood up.
“My son,” he said with a sigh “Your proposal sounds…exactly and perfectly fit for you” Ben stood up as an uproar went up filled with cheers and surprised shouts. He looked over and saw the head of the guard look at him with betrayal on her face. Seems she realized she backed the wrong prince. “However,” The High King continued “I don’t know where all this talk of crowning a new ruler came from, but perhaps…” Cardan turned to look at Jude then back at the crowd “It might be time to consider and keep watch of who that will one day be, and keep in mind Ben, just because you want withdrawal now doesn’t mean you can’t come back to reconsider before it’s too late” Ben could feel the eyes of all his siblings even the ones who care far less about these ordeals. Ben had just moved a piece in an eight-player game of chess, the piece that not only started the game but caught the attention of the other players. It didn’t matter to Ben; he was taking himself out of the game enough to still come back a hero if he really wanted to, and according to his father, still a chance to come back as king if he ever changed his mind. Ben had all the freedom to do what he wanted, and none of the others could do the same without looking like followers to him, and they all knew it. None of them could pull off what he put in motion, now that it was already done. Ben turned to his father.
“Thank you, I will remember your words as I begin and endure my travels, but for now I plan to enjoy my first night with my new title and status and worry about the details tomorrow”. The high king smiled and nodded, then step back to his wife. Ben turned to his mother and her eyes questioned him while her lips pulled into a smirk. She rose from her throne and stood in front of him and gave him a seemingly innocent hug, but Ben knew better when she pulled him down to whisper in his ear.
“For once I don’t know what you’re planning, but remember this, the throne, this new title, your siblings’ ambition, are nothing to play around with, you’ve always been smart Ben don’t let this battle change that.” She pulled away and looked into his eyes, probably hoping to find some genuine emotion there in them.
“Don’t worry about me mother” he kissed her cheek “I know my place” with that he stepped down from the dais into the crowd with his head high and gold cape flowing behind him, yes, no one could deny he looked like a king that night, the same night he seemingly gave up the throne. Ezren watched from afar eyes secretly filled with unnerving satisfaction. Ben ignored him and the questions of the nobles that approached him and grabbed a drink he knew was supposed to make him crazy with faiery lust, he downed it feeling nothing. He was never the trickster type but he did have his secrets, secrets he would take with him on his upcoming travels, secrets that would only be reveled upon his inevitable return.
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
useless love letter with oikawa & kuroo?
Useless Love Letter.2
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✎desc; when he receives a love letter from someone else and you’re unphased by it.
✎pairing[s]; kuroo x gn!reader (let me know if i miss any)
✎genre; angst, unrequited love (not proofread)
✎language[s]; english
✎chef note; I ran out of ideas so I can't do Oikawa's part (my motivation istg smh)
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It’s always been you, Kuroo and Yaku. You three all became friends a lot more quicker than anyone could’ve expected. And the friendship started the same way, from Kuroo annoying you two and becoming enemies when you first met.
Kuroo’s the one who bands you all together into this lump of mess and y’know, he’s glad that he did. High school couldn’t be even more exciting with both of you by his side.
But the more time passed, the more his feelings for you took a slight turn. It was the end of summer when Kuroo started realizing it. You came to his house because you forgot to do the homeworks they’ve given before summer starts.
Sure, it was a pain in the ass having to deal with your complaints and groan echoing every corner of his room. He thought about kicking your out right that instant but something in him told himself to just let you stay there longer.
Watching you from the corner of his eyes, freezing like a statue while squinting your eyes at your exercise book, a pen between your upper lips and nose. It’s not the prettiest image, he had to admit, but you look the most beautiful when you’re doing the most random poses.
Then, his mind drifted to every key memory of you, the way his cheeks would turn into a rosy color when your skin met or when his mind malfunctioned when you held eye contact with him. You drive him insane and Kuroo has no idea if it’s a good thing or not.
But it sure gave him butterflies and made him feel at home. So, maybe it is a good thing. He’ll always have sleepless nights where he can’t think of anything else other than you. He hates it when it happens because it made him feel like a creep.
Kuroo wondered if you felt the same. When he blushes, would you react the same? When he stuttered out, would you do the same? He wasn’t entirely sure, so he tried his best to be as close to you than he’ll ever be.
Even if it may take forever to let those 3 words out from his vocal chords, it’ll be worth it, he knows it.
The bell rang, signalling end of the 3rd period. Yaku sighed, cracking his knuckles before walking towards your desk. Kuroo can be seen sitting in front of you, probably annoying you yet again, “Hey, [y/n], have you written any notes during class?”
Yaku asked, reaching for the nearest chair and sitting on it, leaning his arms onto your desk, “A little,” “Only a little? I honestly thought that you’re not going to write anything,” You tch’ed, holding out your middle finger at Kuroo while the bedhead just snickered,
“It’s none of your business, Mount Fuji hair,” But at that, Kuroo snapped. Yaku tried to hold in his laughs and hitting the desk a little, “Oi, stop coming up with new nicknames for me,” “No, I think that nickname suits you the most, Mount Fuji hair, Mount Fuji hair,”
Now it’s your turn to snicker at him while mockingly pointing at his hair. Yaku finally releases his laugh while holding you for support. For some reasons, that action pissed him a lot more.
Who did he think he is to just touch you like that? But he managed to calm himself as he points at you, trying to figure out a better remark to counter your insult,
“How ironic hearing it from-” “UM, SORRY,” He got cut off as he looked to his left, finding a girl, probably from a different class standing next to him with a nervous face.
Both you and Yaku stopped laughing and also took your attention on the girl. With shaky hands, she holds out a letter to Kuroo. All three of you went wide eyes at that as the same exact words run across your minds,
“Please accept this!” He slowly takes the letter from the girl’s hand, nodding, “Oh, um, okay,” And with that, the girl ran out from the classroom, face visibly red from being nervous and probably embarrassment.
It was silence before all of you looks at the letter in Kuroo’s hand, you look up at his face, who’s also looking at you and the same thing with Yaku,
“HAH! Look at who’s Mr. Popular right now,” Kuroo stated, pointing at you with a smirk plastered on his face, “Ugh, you’re so annoying, and so what? It’s only a letter and not tons of them,”
And after that very statement of yours, you hold Yaku’s face in between your hand like a sandwich with a small smile on your face, “But honestly, Yaku can get more love letters than you, I mean look at him, isn’t he handsome?”
Yaku blushed at that, slowly gripping your wrist and pushing your hands away from his face, “Hey, don’t do that, it hurts,” “Oops, sorry Mr. Handsome,” “Seriously, what’s with you and giving random nicknames?” “But that’s not random? I genuinely think you’re handsome, Mori,”
His blush deepened as he lightly hit your head, “J-just shut up,” “Ow! Fine fine, yeesh,”
Kuroo just stays quiet, staring at you two acting...oddly lovely with each other from his seat. He wanted to punch Yaku so bad but he can’t, he knows he can’t. But it doesn’t matter, cause you like him right? He’s sure of that, it’s just like a frenemies to lover trope.
He coughed, taking back both of your attention, “But I don't really see him receiving any, didn’t he? Then, I guess I’ll just keep being Mr. Popular, or even Mr. Handsome,” Yaku cringed while you snorted,
“You? Who in the world would even think that? You’re ugly, ugly baby, maybe that girl’s delusional or something,” “As if you’re anywhere pretty, and who’s even getting a love letter right now? I bet you’re jealous that you got none,”
You sighed, resting your head onto the palm of your hand, “Sadly, I guess no one noticed my beauty, “ Kuroo chuckled, “But serious talk here,”
That caught both Kuroo and Yaku attention as you continue, eyes looking down on your finger hitting the desk, “I don’t really mind getting a love letter from someone, whether it’s a prank or whatever, I think it’s neat,”
You look up at both of them, a small smile decorating your face, “ It makes me feel special,”
Kuroo could feel his heart beating faster, cheeks burning up at nothing but those simple words. It’s funny how the love letter in his hand doesn’t give him any reactions at all, but your mere words does,
“Stop saying it in that tone, you’re making me feel bad,” “Pfft, I don’t need your pity,” “Oh really~? Maybe I’ll write a letter for you to make you feel better then,” “Ugh, no thanks, Mount Fuji hair,” “Yeah, I- OI! SERIOUSLY, STOP WITH THE NICKNAME,”
You and Kuroo kept on arguing with each other, spitting profanities and so on. Yaku can just sigh, shaking his head and watching you two with a small smile.
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“I’m going home now!”
Grabbing his bag, Yaku waved his hand as he walked towards the gym door, “Okay, stay safe!” Kai said, waving back at him, Kuroo joined his side, “I hope you don’t get chased again by those dogs,” “SHUT UP MOUNT FUJI HAIR!”
And with one last glare at the ravenette, Yaku stormed out from the gym after accidentally being reminded by that horrible and embarrassing memory,
“Mount Fuji hair?” Kai looked at Kuroo with a confused look, “Ah, It’s a new nickname [y/n] gave me, it’s stupid to be honestly,”
Kuroo explained, scratching the back of his head as he followed Kai to grab a broom and clean the gym.
Behind them are the 2nd years helping to clean the gym. Kenma sitting on the floor while rejecting Yamamoto’s request to put down the net with him and Fukunaga’s just watching them from a distance, sweeping the floor while snickering to himself,
“Kuroo, I hope you’re planning on confessing to [y/n], because you’re delaying a lot of time,” Kuroo pursed his lips, sweeping the floor a few meters away from Kai, “Nah, I think after a few more days then I can confess to them,”
And from that, Kai stopped sweeping as it caught Kuroo’s attention. Kuroo looks at him, his eyes show nothing but urgency. And somehow pity,
“I’m serious right now, Kuroo. You’ve what? Said that 3 times already and you still haven’t done anything. And…”
He stopped, sighing quietly before continuing, “...If you don’t take actions right this instant, [y/n]’s gonna be sweeped away by someone else,” Kuroo’s eyes went wide at that, “You...you don’t mean,”
“[y/n]’s going to be confessed by someone else today, at this time. I’ve heard it from a friend of mine,”
The broom in his hand falls down, echoing through the now empty gym and catching the attention of the 2nd years, looking at Kuroo with confusion. The male isn’t doing any better, he’s visibly shaking but he can’t move or do anything.
But then, his instincts started kicking in as his legs made the first move. He slammed open the gym door and started running towards the place he would think you would be at. Kai watching him with pity lacing his expression, taking the broom from the ground,
“I’m so sorry, Kuroo,”
‘I’m going to confess to [y/n] today and give them a letter because you know that I can’t tell everything inside my mind when they’re in front of me, they’re too pretty and it makes me nervous y’know. Oh, and also, keep this a secret from Kuroo, okay?’
His mind is going everywhere, his thighs burning from the amount of running he did from the gym all the way to the hallway of the first class. Kuroo has no idea where he’s heading to whatsoever but at the same time, he knows where it is.
The world around him started spinning as a pain shot to his head but he paid it no mind as he huffed, beads of sweat falling from his face and covering his cheeks.
And suddenly he stopped.
Kuroo watches from a distance, chest rising up and down. He can’t feel anything right now, he can’t hear anything. But the pain is still visibly there when he watches Yaku handing you a letter.
Your eyes went wide as you bowed to Yaku and took the letter from him. He can’t hear what they’re talking about, but whatever it’s about really makes you happy huh? And before he could process anything after that, you two kissed.
It was just a few seconds but it felt like an eternity to Kuroo. The way your lips touch Yaku’s, and not his. God, he dreamed of feeling it against him but now, he doesn't even have the chance to taste it.
Now, he’s thinking back to what Kai had said. Why did he wait to confess to you? The answer is quite simple,
Because he’s afraid. He’s afraid of rejection, he’s afraid that it’ll ruin the relationship you have with him now, he’s afraid of showing his vulnerability to you. It’s a simple task but a hard execution, and now Kuroo can’t do it anymore. Not now, not then.
Yes, he regretted not doing it earlier but it’s even more painful that he has to watch both of his friends fall in love with each other without him noticing. Actually, no, he did notice it.
Kuroo did notice how Yaku look at you, it’s also the way Kuroo looks at you too. But he didn't mind it because he can’t face the reality. That you like Yaku better than him.
So, he had to live in a fantasy world where you fall in love with him instead. How funny. A part of him wanted to stop it, just stop the painful visual that he had to watch, maybe that’ll be an interesting twist to the story.
But he didn’t, because he’s still scared.
And before Kuroo even knew it, you two are gone now. Probably going on a quick date or something. He weakly leaned against the wall, slowly falling down to his knees as he covered his face with his hands.
A few sniffles came out from him as he choked on his tears, each droplet falling down to the ground and soaking his sweaty hands. And now, he knows why Yaku asked to go home early today,
Kuroo hiccupped, a small smile appearing on his face as he laughed quietly to himself, “It’s okay, they’re a cute couple anyway. You’re strong, and you can find...better,”
It’s always been you, Kuroo and Yaku. And now, it’s only Kuroo left.
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A Birthday with Loki
Written for @buckyssoldat happy birthday dear !🔥💜
Warnings : smut ! so obviously +18 
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Why couldn't you be attracted by the good guys ? Why couldn't you be attracted...by Thor for exemple ! nice guy, extremely good looking, funny and all. But nooooo, you never had any kind of physiological reaction around him, the one who made your heart beat travel to your pussy ? His brother of course !
You were a smart girl and this was your logic : if villain bad, why villain hot, conclusion, badly fuck the vilains, even if it went against everybody's recommandations.
And you've been trying to fuck Loki for ever !
It was your birthday party night, the room was filled with close friend and people you had trouble recognizing. You knew Tony being responsible for a party was a bad idea, he wasn't really good with the concept of "small"...
What made you irritable, was that you were fricking horny, and yesterday you ended things with the guy you've been seeing for the past couple of weeks, you weren't sad because it ended, you were sad because he was a fantastic fuck, but yesterday he has told you that the moon was a conspiracy and it didn't exist, and you thought "I'm not introducing this dude to any one"
It didn't make things better to see Loki charming every woman of the reception, going from one to the other, commenting and finding a clever compliment to apply to every and each one.
What would be an amazing birthday gift would be him fucking you.
I mean you loved the emerald hair pin he slipped on your hair before the party, but his hands on the back on you neck had left you craving more contact.
— here is the queen of the party ! The most beautiful woman here ! My dear, can i tell you that even the expression of dissatisfaction on your face looks like the most captivating art work.
— Always charming, you say rolling your orbs.
— of course dear, he say setting by your side
— Don't you have someone else to talk to ?
— i don't find anyone else then you worthy of my words in this party dear.
You don't reply. You secretly enjoy the company of the man. And quite rapidly, you are talking about everything you like, litterature and art.
— surprisingly, you have some good things to say for a human.
— Is that a compliment ?
— of course !
Your pout your mouth, and immediately notice that his eyes follow the movement, and stay focused on your carmine colored lips. You don't say anything, until he bring his gaze back up to find you looking up at him. You keep looking in each other eyes for quite a time, but then to internally moved by it, you look a way, and you can see that he likes that you couldn't hold it.
After a little while, his voice raises again.
— so ...what happened to that...misery of a being your were seeing ?
You roll your eyes for the sake of it, but chuckle lightly.
— we went each his own way. We weren't a match, he was nice but..
— he was stupid.
— no,he
— don't lie to me, I've seen dead fish with eyes expressing more depth then his.
— okey...okey he wasn't a genius. But he was nice, and cute and
— you deserve better, and it's me telling you that. I rarely think that highly of anyone.
— oh god, you say rolling your eyes at his never ending comments on humans.
— i love when you call me that, and you are so cute when you roll your eyes. But I'm serious you are worth more.
— maybe, but for now I'm worth my vibrator.
Fuck. How did that slip out ? You feel yourself blush furiously. And you realize that Loki has turned his head towards you at an abnormal speed. His eyes a bit wide. A bit dark. His lips a bit parted. A bit up turned.
— A vibrator ? Would the queen of the party leave her guests by there own to go take care of her carnal needs ?
— i mean ...i'm was going to wait until everybody is gone.
— How gracious of you. But everyone is not to be gone until at least five in the morning.
— i...it can wait.
— you see, dear, at the way you are shivering, and blushing, and the way you shivered and blushed when my fingers flew over your neck earlier, i don't think it can wait this much.
You blush even more and you don't know what to say. Truth be told ...you could litteraly feel your body burning with desire.
After few seconds of silence Loki got up.
— If you want to have something that surpasses anything that you crave, leave those people, come to my room, I'll be waiting for your visit. Happy birthday, dear.
And with that he is gone.
You were delusional. That can not have just happened.
Dream or not you are doing it.
It doesn't take you any thinking to hop on the offer. It only takes you some drinks.
What is Loki, god of mischief, planning for you ?
Three drinks later, you are ready to find out.
— do you want to drink something ?
You rock your head right and left.
— tranquilize yourself, we are not going to do anything you don't want, but, knowing about your little... penchant, towards me, and having myself, an... inclination towards you, i thought you..
— you...have a ...i mean, you like me?
— Darling, the I've never been indifferent to you. And you've been playing with the charms around me. I'm not made of stone.
You feel yourself blush from head to tow and try to cover a silly smile.
— You noticed..
— of course i did, it was very endearing and a grate pastime. Now, are you sure you don't want any drinks?
— I'm sure.
— good. Regaining confidence, confidence is beautiful on you darling.
You smile and approach him, balancing your hips and slightly smiling.
He keeps his eyes connected to your, and when you are just inches from him, you out your mouth close to his ear and confess
— i loved the hair pin that you gifted me, and ...i loved it so much that i matched my lingerie with it. Dark green and black lace, would you like to see it ?
His voice darkens, deepens, seemingly erupting from earths foudaments.
— Strip.
The command fuses. And you take a step back, ready to obey it. As you rapidly attack the zipper of your dress.
he murmur :
— slower, darling.
Your hands travel your body, caressing yourself before slowly pushing the sleeves of your dress down your shoulders, and slowly unzipping it, caressing every bit of soft skin that appears to sight from under your arms to your hip. He now can see your beautiful chest in this transparent lace bra that fails to hide your hard nipples. you turn around, but keep looking at Loki from above your shoulder. Subtilty arching your back, you push the dress past your round ass, revealing your dark green tanga with two little black bows, one on the front one on the back, oranges with black pearls.
He is eye-eating you. Already devouring you without a touch. He slowly gets up, and still not touching you, with just his got breath and lips again your ear he says : «you're going to keep it, and I'm going to take you in this beautiful lingerie»
You don't have time to agree as he goes from not touching you at all to touching you EVERYWHERE at the same time. His hands are greedy and his long cold fingers send shivers under your skin. He is massaging your tits, groping your ass, caressing your belly, drawing the line of your waist, falling on the curve of your hips, worshiping your delicate neck. And all you can do is hold on to him, with a hand on his neck, pulling at his beautiful dark hair, and with the back pushed to him, you could fee him grow bigger against your ass.
Turning back you decide to take the lead a fiercely kiss him. Your tongues meet and fight. You taste and bite and Savour eachother, the kiss expressing a hunger that have been here for so long.
— I'm going to do you a big honor, dear, I'm going to get on my knees for you, and i expect that to be and stay your greatest birthday gift.
And with that he kisses his way down, until he puts one then two knees on the ground and is facing your already wet sexe.
— I'm so curious to see how much desire you have for me.
You are mesmerized by the vision, Loki, god of mischief, on his knees, for you, ready to teste you, what am I saying, to ravage you, admiring you like you are the most beautiful woman or the world. The first and last. You can't breath and can't look away, any shyness pushed far by your desire and need.
His fingers caress a bit harshly your slit, pushing on your clit and making you jump back a little, bit he is quick to grab firmly on the back of your thighs, and you know from the slight pain that there will be marks there, bit you also understand the need for such a strict hold because immediately after he is pushing the underwear aside and...well he doesn't do any work at half, he is going at it all heatedly, his tongue flat against you no teasing, right to the point.
Your fingers automatically find their rightful place in his hair, pulling at it and making him groan. His hands reache up, and grabbing at your ass cheeks, he pulls you closer to his mouth, making you grind your wet core on his face.
— you are the most flavorful precious little thing I've ever tasted. I love how you rock your hips against my face, are you close to your release ?
— yes, yes Loki keep going.
His skilled tongue goes back and forth from your entrance to the over sensitive point under your clit to the top nerves, going from simulating it from left to right to top to bottom, and clearly taking such a pleasure in doing that to you that the vision gets you off like no other and ton start to moan louder and shake.
— such a beautiful woman, cum on my tongue, show me how you like what I do to you !
And with few more methodical stokes of his tong on your clit you shake and cum, and if it wasn't for his firm grip you'd have fallen to the ground.
«hmmmmm» he groan, kissing his way back up, and kissing you deeply, making you taste yourself. That is the first time someone does that to you, and you feel so nasty and you deepen the kiss, curious to share what you taste like, you feel him smile against your lips, and as you start to unbutton his shirt, be stops you.
— the next time, did you forget that you have a birthday party to return to after that ? And i have to confess, i want to be inside you immediately, no time for undressing.
You push away the idea of going back to that party, and focus on "next time" and "inside you" while he backs you up into the bed than hugs and you turn you around so you are sitting on his lap.
You hear his zipper go down, and following every movement he is making, filled with lust and envy, your heat skip a beat as soon as his length springs free, you feel it hot and heavy on your inner thigh, and you have a hard time breathing, your walls clench and you can't wait to have him inside. You have desperate moans and your hips move instinctively, and your reactions seems to amuse him enough to tame the emergency of burying himself deep inside you, as he takes the time to slip his cock between your labia, teasing you clit, and you entrance.
—Loki please...
— oh ! —he take on a dramatic théâtral voice— How mischievous I am being dear, on your birthday night non the less, I'll leave the teasing for another night then.
And with that, he is balls deep inside of you. Ripping out a long scream from your throat.
Both his hands find their place on your hips, and guide them up and down his shaft, kissing along your neck, and Whispering praises in your ear “queen” “beauty” “gem” “inteligent” “passionating” those all are word he slips in your ear while pushing his cock as deep as it can reach, which is enough to banish your soul out of your body. He is breathy, and grunting, and his paraises are starting to make less and less sense as he is getting close to his release.
— I want to cum on you beautiful chest, love.
— Yeah ?
— yes, i want to know that you won't think of anybody else when we go back to that boring reception, you'll think of me marking you, making you feel good, offering you all the pleasure you'll ever need to receive.
He bucks his hips faster and faster, and with that sends you over the edge, you don't have time to recover, as soon as you open your eyes back he is pushing you on your knees and jerking off, grunting and telling you how beautiful and good you are, you can't get enough of the sight of him, head thrown back, stumbling on his words, his hand stroking his cock faster and faster, until strings of white Milky cum land on your chest. you look at that, pushing out your tits, presenting yourself to him, letting him mark and own you as he wanted.
— darling, says Loki, while presenting you his arm to put your under, taking you back to that party that seems way more interesting now, arms under one another.
It especially looked more interesting now that he has suggested that public sexe was an interesting concept.
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stylesluxx · 3 years
i’d be your valentine – s.todoroki
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[warnings: none really, I wouldn’t count this as angst]
summary: in which todoroki is unclear about his intentions
word count: 2,646
For some reason, you weren't expecting the people at UA to be nice. You were expecting snobby kids that thought their quirks were the best and it was all just a competition. Well, of course, there were some students like that but the other students were super nice.
You fit in with your class right away and you also made sure everyone else felt comfortable and included. Though you were friends with the whole class, you were close to Midoriya, Ida, Uraraka, Tsu, and Todoroki. You guys would hang out after classes, not only to study but just to do regular teenager stuff like go to the mall or the movies. You guys hung out so much and got so close to each other that it was normal to also hang out one-on-one. That's how you and Todoroki became so close.
Before you lived in the dorms, you two lived in the same neighborhood and you would walk home together. And when the others couldn't make study sessions, you'd typically invite Todoroki over so you two could study.
It wasn't necessarily something you could help, but you started catching feelings for the boy. You admired how laidback and quiet he was. You weren't a loud person yourself, so you enjoyed each other's company. You'd sometimes playfully debate whether cold or hot soba was better. Sometimes you'd even talk about his fire quirk and why he held so much resentment toward it. He wouldn't always go into great detail but it made you happy that he somewhat trusted you.
And because you had such a strong friendship, you didn't tell him about the feelings you had for him. You didn't want to ruin something that meant so much to you especially if he didn't reciprocate those feelings. You've never seen it happen in real life, but in books and movies confessions usually led to the downfall of a relationship and you didn't want to risk that.
But it was the season of love. Valentine's Day was right around the corner, and you were more in touch with your romantic side. You liked seeing the pink and red decorations everywhere, hearts hung up on the wall and dangling from the season. And you loved the idea of expressing love and care with those you loved, whether it be romantic or platonic. It was nice making people feel loved; giving was always more important than receiving to you.
During lunch, you always sat with your close friend group and today wasn't any different. Everyone else often changed where they sat and who they say next to, but you and Todoroki always sat next to each other.
He sat to your left, eating his soba, giving you and your hot soba a playful side-eye making you lightly punch his arm.
"Any plans for Valentine's Day?" Uraraka asked the group, making you look up from your food and look at everyone's reactions.
Midoriya shook his head profusely as his cheeks started to turn pink, but everyone else just shook their heads. No one seemed to be hung up about it; life goes on and you guys had more important things to worry about. You admit it would be nice to have one, but you remember you have plenty more Valentine's Days left in your lifetime.
"I've never had a Valentine," You spoke up and leaned your head onto your hand.
"Me either, but I don't think Valentines are something we should focus on. School and our hero training is the most important thing!" Ida spoke seriously, making you chuckle.
He was always too serious and it was funny to watch sometimes. Small things that weren't important were kind of turned into a teaching moment or a lecture; it was like having a parent on campus.
"I'd be your valentine, Y/L/N," Todoroki shrugged and turned to face you, a small smile on his face.
You froze for a second, taking in what he was saying. Was this the confession you were waiting for or was he just trying to be a good friend? He had never said anything like this or showed any interest before. Maybe he meant it like: "if we were in another dimension and I liked you in that way." So it was best not to overthink it; overthinking never failed to get you in trouble.
"I'd be your valentine, too, Todoroki," You nodded, a big grin spread across your face.
He nodded and turned back to his lunch, but you kept an eye on him. You just wanted to admire him, the person you considered to be your closest friend. You watched as he kept a smile on his face while he ate, not letting it drop even while he was chewing. He was such a calm and collected person, someone you could run to in a crisis. He'd either have your back or try to get you to relax but he'd never be against you. You admired his strength, which you knew he had a lot of by what he told you about his family and home life. But to keep it short, he was your favorite person and he wasn't something you were willing to risk.
But as the days passed with you hoping that your best friend would ask you to be his Valentine. You weren't supposed to be digging into his words, but you couldn't help it. Maybe overthinking would be your friend this time. As delusional as it sounded, you still had hope. But that hope completely dwindled the night before the big day. That was your last opportunity to grab something for him before you saw him the next day but he didn't ask you.
Everything was regular. He acted the same around you, sneaking glances during class, passing notes back in forth laughing at how irritable Bakugo was. The small touches were normal, a hand on your shoulder sometimes or accidentally touching hands. There was no grand gesture but you expected this. You expected it yet, it still upset you. "Hope for the best, but expect the worst," is how the phrase goes. Next time you just won't hold out any hope and maybe you won't be so disappointed.
You forced yourself out of your bed the next day, for once dreading the Valentine's Day decorations and romantic aura. You were hoping (though you'd never admit it) that some prankster ran through the school and tore down the decorations. You just weren't in the mood for it, and you knew others wouldn't be either.
You thought of this, how many people would resent the holiday and be moody all day, and that's why you got everyone in your class candy and a card. Even though you were sulking last night, you still stayed up to write thoughtful notes for each of your classmates and taping a heart-shaped lollipop to the inside of the card.
You snatched the bag of candy and cards off the floor before leaving your dorm and walking to class. You made sure to plaster a smile on your face as you walked around the school. Fake it 'til you make it.
Before walking into the classroom, you grabbed the first card, written to Aoyama.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Aoyama," You greeted him as you walked toward his desk, holding out the card.
His smile matched yours and hit eyes light up at the sight of you holding out the card. This turned your fake happiness into a real sense of joy. You loved making people happy and Aoyama's smile was a great way to start the day.
You walked through the class, your mood steadily increasing as you handed out the cards. Even as you moved on from Bakugo to Midoriya, your mood hadn't changed.
"How old are we?" The ash-blonde boy asked, before trying to snatch the card out of your hand.
"Uh uh, what do we say?" You asked, trying to coax a "thank you" out of him.
"Ugh! Just when I thought you weren't as bad as the rest of these extras," He snarled and sat back in his chair, arms over his chest.
You mulled over his words for a second before reluctantly handing the card over.
"So, I'm your favorite classmate you say?" You teased him and raised an eyebrow.
"Hey, Bakugo what-"
"I didn't say that!" He cut Kirishima off and rolled his eyes.
"We don't even talk that much," You hummed.
"Exactly," Bakugo scoffed. He went to snatch the card out of your hand but stopped and gently took it from you. "Thanks, Extra."
When you finished handing out the cards, you looked in the bag and saw two were still left. One was for Mister Aizawa and the other was Todoroki's.
This made you turn and look at the empty seat that would usually be filled by now.
You frowned slightly but sat back in your chair. Maybe he overslept and was running late. Or maybe there was a villain attack- no, you would've known by now.
You were anxiously tapping your pencil on your desk and picking at your lips, sorting through scenarios when he walking into the room. You only knew he arrived because you heard a collective gasp from the girls, pulling your eyes from his empty desk to the door of the classroom.
You inhaled sharply at the sight. His cheeks were pink and his eyes were cast toward the floor, embarrassed. You knew he didn't really like all the attention he just garnered but instead of bailing him out, you couldn't help but notice his hands were full. In one hand he held a teddy bear that was half his size and in the other hand, a bouquet of red roses.
"Who are those for, Todoroki?"
"How do we know someone didn't give them to him? I mean, he is the prettiest boy at UA..."
"Did someone give you those?"
Before he could respond to your classmates, you turned your head toward the window, ready to zone out. The girls were asking the questions you wanted the answers to, but you doubt you could handle it. Did someone confess to him? Did he confess to somebody else? Of course, his Valentine offer was simply platonic, you were a fool to ever think otherwise.
"Y/L/N?" His usually stoic voice now wavered with nervousness. You sighed and turned to him and saw his face fall. The blush on his cheeks disappeared as he paled and he gave you a concerned look. "Why are you about to cry? Are you alright?" His voice was hushed, trying to make sure other people didn't hear.
You hadn't noticed until he mentioned it but you could feel the wetness pooling in your eyes and your bottom lip trembling. You just shook your head and blinked the tears away, determined not to cry in such a public space.
"I'm okay, I'm fine. What did you need?"
The smile on your face wasn't a big one, small and no teeth showing. And you made sure to speak in your nicest voice, not wanting him to think you were upset with him.
"You sure?"
"I'm positive. What is it?" You asked, looking back and forth between him and the gifts in his hand.
You gulped and blinked back more tears; you weren't sure how long you could keep the facade up.
"Right," He nodded, getting back to his point. Todoroki wasn't going to push you to open up, he knew how annoying that could be, especially since you were in a room full of people. His face got pink again, which was funny because he has never been this nervous, especially around you. "These are for you. Happy Valentine's Day."
He held the roses and bear out for you to take while you gasped quietly.
You mumbled, "for me?" as you hesitantly took the gifts from him.
"Yes, of course. You're my Valentine," He spoke, his voice laced with confusion as if he didn't know why you were confused.
After setting the gifts down on the desk, you quickly stood up and pulled him into a hug.
"You're the absolute sweetest!" You squealed, though it was muffled because your face was buried in his neck.
He slowly wrapped his arms around you and returned your tight hold. You two stood like this until Mister Aizawa called for the class to settle down a few moments later.
When you pulled away from his warm body, your eyes met making your cheeks heat up. You turned away from him shyly, unable to believe he was looking at you the way he was. Full of joy and admiration, like you were the only person in the world.
The second your eyes pulled away from him, you noticed the looks your classmates were giving you, which made you even shyer. The girls were cooing and the boys were cheering Todoroki on. You could hear Kirishima admiring how "manly" he was. Bakugo of course was slouching in his chair, crunching on the lollipop, not caring about what was going on.
Your Valentine walked over to his desk and you sat down in your seat, sighing happily. You leaned your head on your hand getting ready to ignore your teacher and whatever he was about to say.
Everything your teacher said went in one ear and out the other. You were too busy thinking about what just happened. The questions you had before were answered but you had so many more questions and thoughts roaming around in your head. He never asked you to be his Valentine, right? Did you miss something? You were moping around because he didn't ask. But at least he didn't buy you those nasty chocolates that come in the heart-shaped box.
You held the caramel brown teddy bear in your lap and moved to squeeze it. You leaned down to nuzzle your nose in the fur and you sighed contently as you recognized Todoroki's signature scent: mint and cedarwood. To you, it was calming and grounding; you felt comfortable and at home. And since the bear smelled like Todoroki, you wondered how long he had the bear for. Was it sitting in his room since that day you talked about Valentines? Or did he buy it last night and sprayed his cologne on it?
You had so many more questions, but the answers didn't matter. You were happy that you had a Valentine this year and you were happy it was someone you liked. Whether he was just doing it in a platonic way, you appreciated the effort he put in.
Once homeroom was over, you grabbed your things and handed your teacher the card and candy, making him raise a suspicious eyebrow before saying "thank you." You then walked over to the half-hot half-cold boy, a big smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach.
"So, since when was I your Valentine?" Your tone was playful but you were genuinely curious. "You never asked me."
"I did. At lunch the other day," He said as he paused putting his things in his bag. An eyebrow was raised as he continued, "I said I'd be your Valentine and you said you'd be mine. Was I unclear?"
You blew air out your nose as you chuckled at him. You just shook your head and brought the bear close to your chest.
"Just a little, but that's okay. I got you a card and a lollipop. Had I known you were being serious, I would've gotten you something better. I apologize."
You were fiddling with your fingers, nervous about what he'd think about you being unprepared. And you were somewhat embarrassed that the only thing you got him was a card and candy, but clearly, you didn't know.
"That's okay. We always have next year," He shrugged and gave you a reassuring smile.
"Right. Next year."
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[AN: hi um hopefully this was somewhat enjoyable for you guys. this is my first time writing for my hero outside of a smau so I’m a bit nervous. on another note, I’ve been super busy with work and school so if I’m not active when this goes up, happy valentine’s day! I love you all and I hope you’re doing well]
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