#loved when maki was just trying to hold it together while staring at the dead duckling.
astarlightmonbebe · 1 year
finally watched the first two eps of home school and it’s definitely caught my interest. the beginning of episode one was interesting, but after watching the rest of ep 1 i wasn’t sure if the series would be able to really carry through with its potential. however, the ending of episode 2 has definitely given me hope that it will. i’m appreciating the boarding school aspect of it all - the whole ‘alone in the middle of nowhere’ concept is creepy in and of itself, but the masters are really the ones who make the show feel suspenseful. master prasat’s evil laughter while he was chasing run through the woods, master phoban’s serene smiling, master deluxe’s uncanny singing, and master amin’s response to maki when she asked about run all made me feel a little shivery - although some aspects of the drama do feel lacking, those creepy elements are living up to the genre. 
maki is definitely my favorite as of now. not only is the actress gorgeous, but i love her expressions, and i’m intrigued by her story. i also love fuji - her hairstyle and firecracker tendencies are fun to watch. the other characters interact well with each other; they’re funny, good looking, and have potential. i find the whole division into teams annoying but necessary for the setting. hoping to see more of run in flashbacks since he’s supposed to be a main character as of now, but i don’t know. 
timeline is confusing me as well; i’m trying to piece it together based on what we now. i’m assuming run killed his father after or during his time at home school (and i’m sure they’re going to explore the whole culpability of the parents in this scheme later on), but also are they staying at home school for three years without breaks? home school appears to be some sort of reformatory school for high school students, but also the ages of the students aren’t clear either. 
anyways! hopeful for this week’s episodes.
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Mai Zenin x Fem!Civilian Reader:
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A snapshot before it’s too late
Warning: spoilers for 149!
TW: light reference to suicide
::readmore:: Flash!
Mai crinkled her nose, placing a hand on her hip as your Polaroid barfed up the film. “What was that for?” She asked, a light blush scattered across her face as she watched you take the film out and place it on the table in front of you. You and Mai had gone out for Boba on the shoreline, and the sunset was just... perfect right behind Mai. You couldn’t help yourself.
“Sh! You have to wait for it to form-“
“If you shake it I’ll be faster-“
You slapped Mai’s hand away. “No! That makes it worse-“
“No it doesn’t-“
“Mai-chan, just look and wait-“
“Y/N! I don’t have the patience-“
“Look!” You said, proudly and carefully picking up the Polaroid picture to show Mai. You weren’t oblivious to her obvious embarrassment, but... with the sunset behind her and the natural beauty that was her, you really couldn’t help yourself. Mai didn’t seem entirely impressed, and it was just a Polaroid, it wasn’t something to be absolutely amazed by.
“Humph, I don’t even know why you made that.”
“Because some moments are so beautiful, you just can’t stop yourself from capturing them.” You said, without missing a beat and without really thinking. After realizing what you said (and how totally cheesy it was), you blushed, mumbling some apology and ramble about how the sun looked pretty with her silhouette. You nervously took a sip of your Boba-
Your eyes were wide as your vision focused again. “Huh-“ You asked, blinking rapidly a few times. Mai just smirked, your Polaroid in hand. She lightly began to wave the film that was just vomited out of the top of the camera.
“What?” Mai said, feigning innocence. “Some moments are just too beautiful that you just want to capture them.”
You didn’t expect not seeing Mai after October.
You didn’t expect her sister, burn marks scattered around her body, to come to your house. You never even met her sister before, but now you did, and you were scared. You knew what Mai did was dangerous and you woke up one morning in a cold sweat, unaware why. Before you shot up in your bed, you swore you heard seagulls or the lulling sound of the waves....
“I don’t really know how you knew my sister.” Maki said after a while. She sounded as alive as she looked. Her voice was dry, almost monotone. She was a lot bigger than Mai physically. You thought focusing on the differences between the twins would be easier than focusing on the similarities. You knew why she was here. You knew what happened. It was one of those things you would know. The way you felt off the past few days, like something was missing from your world. “Anyway,” Maki shifted the sword in her grip. She placed it on the table that sat between the two of you. “This is the last thing Mai gave me.” You felt a lump grow in your throat. “The last thing she ever gave anyone.”
She couldn’t even say the words that would finalize it. Mai was dead. You felt your finger nails dig into your palms as you avoided eye contact. It might have been a terrible thing to say, but it was a blessing that was Maki was so damaged that she barley looked like Mai anymore. Well accept for the hair... and if you looked closely enough you could see... You swallowed the lump in your throat, and tried to settle your breathing. You wouldn’t cry in front of Maki, Mai wouldn’t have wanted that. Mai always described Maki as stronger and as braver and as brasher and-
“So.... yea.” Maki awkwardly added, fiddling with the sword in hand. The last thing Mai created was a weapon of destruction... that was so dramatic... just like her...
Maki kept on rambling, and despite yourself, your mind wandered. Mai sacrificed herself, she did something heroic. You knew Mai, she wasn’t heroic. She was selfish and prideful and obnoxious and a total bitch almost all the time. But at the same time she was funny, caring, and someone so full of love that was never taught how to give. Sometimes you would catch Mai staring at the ocean when you guys would go to the beach, and there would be something so dead in her face. Sometimes you would notice the way Mai cut things off when she spoke about the jujutsu world. The anger, sadness, and despair in her words...
A dark thought crossed your mind that you quickly shuddered away. It could be true but right now, you didn’t have the stability to worry about it. “She left.” You said, cutting of whatever Maki was saying. “She left us both.” Maki stared at you for a little. Her expressions were even harder to read than Mai’s. “But I’m okay with that... if that makes sense. I just wish that-“ The breath got caught in your throat. You closed your eyes and took a quick, shaking, breath. You wouldn’t cry, not yet at least. Or maybe even at all. Mai hated seeing you cry and you could almost hear her mocking voice.
“Aww don’t flatter me too much by crying over my death! What happened to trying to keep my ego down?”
Despite yourself, you smiled, letting out a wet chuckle. Maki raised a brow but said nothing. “I just wish that she got to say goodbye.” You added. Maki didn’t respond.
After a few moments of silence, Maki asked, “was she happy?”. You looked up from your own pity party and saw the tears that were gathering in the corner of Maki’s eye. Maki was half of a person now, and no matter how much shit Mai might have told you about her, you knew they loved each other more than anything in this world.
But her question got you thinking. Was Mai happy? She hated being a shaman, she didn’t want to be one at all. That’s why she was always with you because with you, she could pretend to be normal. Pretend like she was just a delinquent friend coming over, and not a shaman who wanted to play a different role. But Mai’s eyes always lit up or softened when she talked about her friends. The way she teared up when she explained the time Utahime-Sensei let her stay with her over the Winter Break because Mai didn’t want to go back to the Zenin complex without Maki. The way she complained about Todo but the light tone in her annoyed voice told you that she enjoyed his company. The way she held Nishimiya in such high regard that you always felt a little bit of jealously burn in your stomach. The way she admired Miwa for being apart of the world but still was able to smile and have fun, how nothing could break her stride. The way she would tease Kamo in her descriptions of him but admitted that he was one of the people who she related to the most. “I just wish he didn’t have such a large stick stuck up his ass”, she had said. The way she explained Mechamaru’s crush on Miwa and how the two should just suck it up and go on a date because she couldn’t stand watching them run circles around one another anymore.
The way she smiled when she was with you. The way she looked... free whenever you guys went on your mini adventures. The way she softly would kiss your lips or the way she snuggled into your shoulder. It was so tender and so normal and so sweet it seemed so out of character for Mai. But what she had with you was one of the things she wanted but never had before.
“Y-yes.” You said, annoyed that another lump had grown in your throat. “I-I think she was.” Maki let out what seemed like a sigh of relief. She hastily wiped away the tears that had gathered in her eye before standing up, confident, powerful, and intimidating as ever. You hated how much she looked like Mai then. Because now she was playing a part she didn’t want to play and she was feeling a pain she couldn’t understand.
“Well, that’s good then.” She said, pulling something out of her pocket and handing it to you. You lightly gasped as you realized it was the Polaroid Mai had teasingly took of you, and that it was stained with some blood. “This was on Mai’s b- when she di- when she left.” Maki looked at the clock on the far side of the room. “Well... I should be going now.”
“Thank you, Maki-San.” You said, holding the Polaroid a little bit closer. Maki grunted in acknowledgment before leaving. And that’s when you let the dam break.
What? Did you think you wouldn’t be in my final thoughts or something?
You sobbed, your throat burned as you held the Polaroid close to your chest. Your parents weren’t home so you could have screamed if you wanted to, but with what was happening all over Japan, you knew it was better not to. You held a bloody memory of Mai, a bloody memory of the two of you together. You couldn’t even remember the last thing you said to Mai and Vice versa and that was even worse. You stumbled up your stairs and threw the door open to your bedroom, your body feeling weak. You ripped down the Polaroid photo of Mai from that dumb beautiful day on the shoreline and sobbed. Something was missing for the past few days and now you knew what it was. No more teasing smiles, no more taunts, no more kisses, no more late night adventures, no more unexpected sleepovers, no more nothing. Because Mai was nothing but a fucking sword now.
Well, I think I’m a pretty hot sword but-
“I hope we meet again. I don’t know what happens or where we go after we die, but I hope we meet again. If we meet in some afterlife, I hope it’s a good one. I hope it’s happy. And if it’s rebirth, I hope you aren’t a shaman. I hope your family loves you. I hope you and your sister get to be real sisters and not be torn apart by the world of a Shaman. I hope we meet at school or some Starbucks or something, and we do this all over again, but it ends better. It won’t end like this.
And if we just become nothing after we die, I hope i become nothing with you, right by your side. And if we return to the stars whose dust we were made from, I hope our stars are right next to one another, and I hope yours shines brighter than you did in this life.
I wish you the best, Zenin Mai.”
Yea I’ve been dead for a bit, still not over her death so uhm... here. Enjoy. Or cry. Or both’
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nonstop-haikyuu · 3 years
The Ending He Deserved (JJK imagine)
I’ve recently been reading the manga and rewatching the anime with my roommates and because of this, I realize that I’m still not over them killing Junpei so this is the fic that remedies that awful decision!
Tagging @haikyuufairy and @concussed-to-pieces! I love you both, kisses
WC: 2.3k (ignore the shitty ending, I’m tired)
“Junpei run! Run and use my phone to call Nanamin! Please just get out of here!” Yuuji shouts, tossing his phone at the shorter boy. Junpei gives a frantic glance over his shoulder at Mahito, a brief moment of hesitation filling his head before the pink haired sorcerer shoves him down the hallway. He frantically races down the corridor and stumbles his way down the staircase as he scrolls through Yuuji’s contacts in search of the person named Nanamin.
He hits the dial button and seconds after pressing the phone to his ear, a gruff voice answers, “Itadori-kun, you better not be at the high school after I specifically told you to stay with Ijichi.” Junpei draws in a sharp breath and blurts out, “Please, you have to hurry, I think Mahito is going to try and kill Yuuji, please I don’t want him to die!” The man on the other end gives a sigh, as if he’s unsurprised by the young man’s defiance, then replies, “I’ll be there in two minutes. Please keep yourself hidden from the curse.”
The phone falls silent and Junpei hurries into a storage closet, holding his breath while the fighting on the floor above continues.
Minutes, maybe even hours pass and he’s tempted to peek out of the space to see if the battle between Yuuji, Mahito, and the stranger has come to an end when footsteps come closer to his hiding spot. He freezes against the wall as his shoulders shake with his panic. What if Mahito had killed the two sorcerers? Does he run? His Shikigami is weak after it’s small spat with Yuuji and truthfully, he’s not sure if he could even stand a chance against the curse.
A soft knock sounds at the door and he clenches his eyes closed. If he didn’t move or make a sound, perhaps Mahito would look elsewhere. But the person knocks again and it dawns on him that the long haired man wouldn’t bother with such niceties. He pushes the door open and sure enough, Yuuji and a stranger stand on the other side, both looking ragged.
He blows out a deep breath and crashes into the pink haired teen with a sob. Itadori returns the hug with a pat to his back, chiming, “I’m really glad you’re okay, Junpei.” The stranger glances around the hallway then states, “We should get going. There’s no telling whether that curse is going to come back or not. Gojo should also know what happened here.”
Junpei’s eyebrows furrow together at the unfamiliar name then the man turns to the teenagers, introducing himself as Nanami Kento, a grade one sorcerer. Itadori leans in close and mumbles, “He doesn’t let us call him Nanami-sensei, so Gojo-sensei and I call him Nanamin. You can too.” The two begin to walk down the staircase but Junpei stays still, tears trekking down his cheeks. They pause at the sudden sound of sobs then turn to face the young man, as Yuuji asks, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“You- you’re just going to take me in? Just like that? I almost killed you! A-And I was working with a curse! Isn’t that against your rules or something like that? Taking in someone that was trying to kill one of your students?” Junpei cries out, stumbling to his knees.
The sorcerer gives a small sigh and places a gentle hand on his shoulder, before he explains, “From what I understand, Mahito compelled you to use your cursed technique to get revenge for your mother and punish the ones that tormented you. You’re just a scared, confused child who doesn’t understand the power that he’s been given. As a Jujutsu sorcerer, it is my job to help you gain a better understanding of your technique and how you can use it for good. But of course, the final say is up to the principal and he’s taken in a lot of children like yourself.”
Junpei sniffles at the explanation Nanami provides then Yuuji urges his friend to his feet, chirping, “Besides, I’m possessed by the King of Curses and you don’t see them turning me away! How can they say no to you?” Junpei leans into Itadori’s side and they continue to walk downstairs until they arrive in the parking lot where a dark haired man stands next to a car.
The man begins lecturing Itadori about the dangers of confronting Junpei after Nanami had specifically forbid him from doing so, only to pause when he noticed the older teenager standing behind the sorcerers. He glances at the grade one sorcerer with a questioning look, only for the blond man to give a small nod of approval.
The thin man slides into the driver’s seat then asks, “Are we going to see Gojo-san and the principal?” Nanami takes the passenger seat and confirms the driver’s thoughts.
“My my, another second year? How exciting!” Gojo chirps, leaning forward with a bright grin. The principal maintains an unreadable expression then turns to Nanami, asking, “What do you think? Will this boy turn on us to help the curses?”
The blond removes his glasses and rubs at his eyes as he answers, “Truthfully? I don’t believe he will, considering that it was a curse responsible for placing one of Sukuna’s fingers in his home and it killed his mother. Once he understands that, I truly think that he will never want to be near another curse without exorcising it.”
The principal glances at the two teenagers slumped on the couch, curled underneath a blanket, then sighs as he asks, “Well, Gojo, do you think you can take on another student?” The white haired man’s grin widens then he exclaims, “Of course I can! Yuuji is a quick learner and Megumi and Nobara are in the safe hands of our trusty second years for another month! By what Yuuji says, Junpei learned how to use his cursed energy to create a jellyfish shikigami powerful enough to poison an entire gymnasium of people in just a matter of a few days. I think he’ll make an excellent addition to the group!”
Masamichi pulls out the pile of paperwork for Junpei’s transfer into Jujutsu Tech and warns, “Fine. But you two are in charge of them. Make sure that they don’t see the other students until the Sister Event, do you understand me?” Gojo salutes at the order and chimes, “You got it, boss! I promise I’ll get them into tip-top shape by the event!”
“Um, Gojo-sensei, are you really sure this is the way we should announce Yuuji still being alive? After all, it’s almost been two months.” Junpei asks, fixing the collar of his uniform. The white haired sorcerer pouts at the teenager’s question then whines, “Awww, Junpei, do you really think that your sensei’s idea is a bad one?”
“Yes, and I’m pretty sure Nanamin advised you against this method too.” the second year reminds the man as Yuuji hurries around the room in search of his uniform shirt. Gojo shrugs and replies, “Ahh, come on, Junpei, have a little faith in me! It’s gonna be great!”
Junpei should have known better than to have trust in Gojo’s ridiculous plan. They approach the groups of teenagers with Gojo pushing the box containing an excited Yuuji and his sensei begins handing out gifts to the Kyoto sorcerers, before turning back to his students.
Megumi and Kugisaki tilt their heads at the appearance of Junpei but before they get the chance to ask who he was, Yuuji bursts from the white box with a shout, grinning at his friends. Judging by the look on their faces, Junpei could tell that this plan had indeed not gone the way Itadori and Gojo had been hoping for.
He settles beside the panda as Megumi and Nobara continue to grill Yuuji about his death and why he had been gone if he had been alive all this time. The brown haired girl smacks at her friend’s shoulders, shouting, “Stupid, stupid, I can’t believe you let us think you were dead! I’m never forgiving you for this!”
Fushiguro begins to fill Yuuji in on his own anger, but Maki, the second year with glasses, claps her hands together and snaps, “We don’t have time for this right now. You guys can yell at him later. We need to figure out our game plan now that we have Itadori and Yoshino. So, what can you two do?”
All eyes shift to Junpei and he glances to the floor as he murmurs, “I control poison shikigami. I’ve gotten really good at controlling the dosage so I can either slow a person down or exorcise a curse completely.” Surprise spreads throughout the room and Inumaki, the Cursed Speech user, says, “Bonito flakes.”
Panda nods in agreement (though Junpei wasn’t sure what he was agreeing to) then replies, “Yeah that’s true. Itadori, what exactly can you do?” The pink haired teen turns towards his upperclassman and replies, “Oh I do hand to hand mainly.”
The second years stare at him for a moment then seem to share a silent conversation among the three of them, before Maki gives a definitive nod, instructing, “All right, it’s settled then. Itadori, you and Yoshino will take on Todo. Since you can poison people, you can slow him down and Itadori will take him completely out of the game. Nobara, you're going to take out Nishimiya. Panda, handle Mechamaru. I’ll handle Miwa and Mai. Inumaki, find the curses and kill them. Megumi, I want you on Kamo. Understand?”
Nods of agreement go around the room and they begin to disperse, only for Fushiguro and Kugisaki to call Junpei back into the room. The second year turns on his heel and Yuuji gives an inquisitive look over his shoulder, only for the older teenager to wave him on, insisting, “It’s okay, I’ll catch up.” He settles back in a chair and waits for one of the first years to begin the conversation that he’s sure they’ve been brewing over since he and Yuuji arrived today.
“How did you join Jujutsu Tech?” Megumi asks, clearly cutting to the chase. Junpei sighs, realizing that Gojo had neglected to tell the first years (and likely the second years) about how he came to join the school. He fidgets with his fingers and explains, “I came in contact with a curse who taught me the basics of cursed energy and techniques. He tried to convince me to join his ranks but Yuuji found me and convinced me to come with him. The principal and Gojo decided that since the curses killed my mom, they could help me out.”
“Why didn’t you come to training with the other second years?” Nobara asks, crossing her arms over her chest. He scratches at the back of his neck and replies, “Truth be told, I’m not exactly sure but I’m guessing it’s because Gojo and Nanamin didn’t want to make it seem like I was replacing Yuuji.”
The two nod in understanding and she begins to ask another question, only for Maki to enter the room again, demanding, “Oi, it’s time to go, you can do Q and A later!” The two first years jump to their feet and exclaim, “Right, Maki-senpai!”
Junpei truthfully isn’t expecting much from this Todo guy. Megumi explains that he’s the one who’s hair is shaped as a pineapple and he snickers at the reminder before Panda suggests, “If you’re not scared of heights, you should hide in one of the trees where you’re somewhat close to the ground but not too high. Nishimiya flies on a broom and has a hell of an eye. The longer you can stay hidden, the better it works for Itadori and in turn, us.”
He nods in understanding and as the bell goes off, he hurries to the closest tree that’s full of branches and leaves aplenty. The plan he and Yuuji had devised was that the rest of the team would separate, drawing Todo to their position. He watches from above as Todo and Itadori begin to fight hand to hand and he waits for the signal of Megumi’s wolf before he releases the poison. A howl fills his ears and he summons his shikigami, one large enough to surprise Todo but small enough to prevent attention from Nishimiya.
As he prepares to have his shikigami strike at Todo, the scenery changes and soon, Yuuji is surrounded by the rest of the Kyoto students. Junpei tenses at the sudden change in the atmosphere and realizes that this was not a fun little competition for these country people, but they seem to have murderous intent. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he pulls it out quickly, realizing that it was Megumi on the line. He hits the answer button and rushes out in a whisper, “Targets sighted. I think they’re trying to kill Yuuji.”
The first year groans, clearly calling to deliver the same news, then Maki is on the phone, ordering, “Poison them all. We’ll be there in a minute.” Junpei allows his shikigami to grow larger until the plumpness of the jellyfish bursts through the trees, revealing itself. The students whip to face him and he shouts for the shikigami to strike now.
The blue haired girl slashes at the tentacle with her blade, only for another to plant in the meat of her thigh. She stumbles with the pain of the poison and the dark haired girl, Mai, draws a gun and begins to fire at the shikigami. Junpei clasps his fingers together and presses his thumb together tight, to make the jellyfish translucent. She curses at the sudden disappearance of the shikigami and the long haired teen, Kamo, if memory serves Junpei right,  hunches over at the sharp jab of the tentacle.
Chaos continues to ensue as Maki and Megumi appear in the opening, slamming into their targets with blunt forces and other shikigami.
With a grin, Junpei realizes that this school was like no other. And he couldn’t wait to see what else it had in store for him.
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
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The Sims 4 Snowy Escape gameplay trailer
Map Overview
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You’ll get your first view of Mt. Komorebi itself from Wakaba, the neighborhood at the base of the mountain. It’s a beautiful residential area with plenty to do. If it’s your first day in town, it’s good to take it slow and start here. Set the mood with a stroll through the gardens or go for a swim near the waterfall. Remember to return respectful greetings when you receive them, and pay attention to shoe removal signs in genkan entryways.
If you’re traveling with kids, make sure to hit up the Festival of Youth in the main plaza. Kids will love meeting Yamachan, the town mascot, and joining the Voidcritter Hunt. While they’re off doing that, you can check out the vending machine collectibles or try the festival-exclusive character crepes, too!
Oh, and speaking of food… you simply have to try hot pot. Sukiyaki is my favorite, but mostly I enjoy it because it’s perfect for a nice meal together. You can cook it right at the kotatsu table where you’re warm and comfy. Plus, seconds are encouraged! And thirds! Try to stop me from having more than one bowl, I dare you.
Komorebi Fact: Lots of folks like to use chopsticks when they’re eating, but your utensil choice is ultimately up to you. (I just think it just makes picking up maki rolls easier.) And some foods, like yummy taiyaki, you can hold in your hands!
Once you’ve gotten acclimated, head up the mountain a bit to Senbamachi, meaning Thousand Leaves Town. This more traditional area is set right into nature. It’s idyllic, scenic, and serene. Most of the folks here have learned to live in the moment and take life as it comes. It really encourages people to settle into their emotions and find balance.
My favorite thing to do is gather some friends and take a hike. The sign at the trailhead lays out all the different places you can visit, and there’s so much to see along the way. Once you’ve chosen a destination, take it easy and relax into the moment with each other. The best part about hiking is being together with friends and family. Whether you’re stopping for a photo on the bridge or listening to your voices echo back at you from the cave, it just feels good to bond over the natural wonders around you.
Of course, everyone has different experiences and different Sentiments about things. On the last hike I led, my friend and I were enjoying ourselves before we ran into denkimushi aka electric bugs. She forgot her spray, so she kinda… got zapped. She's still a bit mad at me for leading her through that area unprepared, but she'll come around. Probably.
When you finish your hike, whether it’s meditative or energetic, pause for a moment at the Festival of Lights to admire the beauty around you. This tradition helps us remember the dead and celebrate the light. In the evening, there are fireworks, and you can watch the lanterns float along the river. Remember to make a wish for the future at the tanabata tree.
Komorebi Fact: Being aware of yourself and the present moment is super important here. Some people like mindful walks, while others prefer relaxing to traditional Japanese folk music. Find whatever works for you to center yourself.
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Lots of people come to vacation in Yukimatsu especially. (That’s where all the snow is!) There are a few swanky rentals for out-of-towners since it’s right next to all the action, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find locals here too. Who could stay away from the onsen bathhouse and the snow sports?
I grew up learning to snowboard on the bunny slope here. Of course, I spent a lot of time wiping out at first, but now you can find me up on the mountain for at least a few hours a day! It just became part of my Lifestyle as I made it a habit over time. Now, I can’t imagine a day where I’m not strapped onto my board.
But don’t be intimidated! Skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels are welcome, whether you’re on the bunny slope or one of the four bigger trails. And if that scares you, no problem! Try sledding, too. You can go alone or pair up with another Sim to catch a little air. My mom used to take me when I was a toddler, and it’s one of my fondest memories.
So take some time to have a little fun here. Learn how to start rock climbing at the beginner’s climbing route, or explore a cave on a snowy hike. And once you’re done, and probably chilled to the bone, head over to the onsen for the most relaxing experience in the world. I’m not exaggerating. Plan to spend a few hours here at least. Once you slip into that water, everything kind of… floats away. All your stresses, your fears, your injuries… none of it matters as much in the soothing heat.
Komorebi Fact: We all have our own Lifestyle, and Mt. Komorebi offers something for everyone. Even just looking around in Yukimatsu, you can see Outdoorsy Sims enjoying a hike, Workaholic salarymen glued to their computers, Junk Food Fiends grabbing snacks from vending machines, and Energetic Sims (like me!) flying down the mountain. That which makes you happiest may be just around the corner.
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The Summit
I hope you took a moment to check out that beginner’s climbing course in Yukimatsu! If you want to head up to the peak of Mt. Komorebi, you’re going to need those skills. Group excursions usually start at the onsen, but once you get out of that water, you’re in for the trip of a lifetime. Dress warmly and bring a few snacks to tide you over.
Take the gondola up to the top of the ski slopes, where you’ll find the first climbing obstacle. After that, there’s a series of challenges awaiting you. If you’re new to the sport, take the opportunity to rest at the base camps along the way, but if you’ve got the experience, try to explore a little! There are caves and other surprises on the way up. (For instance, you might find a secluded little spot for a quick Woo-Hoo up there—something about life-and-death danger really gets some Sims going. 😉)
Don’t undertake this excursion lightly, though! The weather gets worse the higher you climb, and you may end up caught in a thundersnow storm. Yes, you read that right. They’re intense blizzards that take place in the middle of a thunderstorm. And with the lightning and the booming and the wind… it gets really dangerous while you’re clinging to the side of a cliff for dear life. And if you fall from these heights… it doesn’t bear thinking about. Just be careful.
Finally, once you reach the top, everything seems to stop. I can tell you from experience that standing on that peak, staring out at the other mountains and a sky full of clouds below me, everything makes sense. The people with you make sense. Your journey makes sense. And this town, this world, with its beauty and excitement and peace, makes the most sense of all.
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megumisbimbo · 3 years
- Five -
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megumi fushiguro x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
summary: (y/n) was nothing special. A human being who had no idea that curses walked the same earth they walked. But then they locked eyes with Megumi Fushiguro. Can Fushiguro focus on the task ahead or will he be distracted by the king of curses and his new love interest?
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©️ @megumisbimbo — all rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify or translate my work. Reblogs and likes appreciated!
Credit for the main storyline and characters goes to Gege Akutami.
tags: @xreemie @kitkozume @noyakura @vanilnya20​ @tobi--o​
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the songs are indicated throughout the story at certain points!
songs used:
i love you - billie eilish
killshot - magdalena bay
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You sit in Megumi’s room, an empty box of sashimi and soda can sitting beside you. You’re on your fifth movie, silently wishing Fushiguro would come through the door and keep you company.
Your wish is granted...but not in the way you’d hoped.
Fushiguro’s beaten and broken body leans on the door frame as he pushes the door open with the only strength he has left. You run up to the door and he falls into your outstretched arms.
“Megumi! Are you ok?? What happened?!”
“(y/n)...i’m sorry...”
“Sorry? Megumi what’s going on?”
He doesn’t respond, dropping his tired head onto your shoulder. You pull him into the room and throw him onto his bed. You lightly smack his face a few times in hopes of waking him up a bit, but he’s knocked out cold. You run out the room frantically searching for Yuuji. You run into Nobara’s room and find her face in bandages.
What the hell happened.
—— i love you - billie eilish ——
You nervously sit by Megumi’s bedside, waiting for him to wake up again. After about an hour he wakes up. He sees your face and quickly sits up.
“Megumi what’s going on!? Nobara’s face is bandaged and I can’t find Yuuji anywhere!”
He reaches a hand out and cups your cheek, wiping away the small tears that roll down your face. You didn’t even know you were crying.
“I’m scared Megumi...”
“I know, and I don’t know if there’s an easy way to tell you this, but Itadori...is not coming back...”
Your eyes widen in shock.
“What do you mean-”
“(y/n) he...he’s dead...”
You stare blankly into his eyes, processing the words that just came out of his mouth.
He can’t be.
Your eyes well up with even more tears, and they stream down your face leaving a warm trail. Your heart is racing and millions of questions are running through your mind.
“Him and Kou fought-“
“Kou?” You say, cutting him off
“...Kou...was also killed by the curse...”
The pain is too much. Your crying becomes louder and more violent. You’re shaking uncontrollably as Megumi holds onto your arms, keeping you from hurting yourself. Your eyes shoot open and your pupils begin shaking. Megumi notices and desperately tries to calm you down. He pulls you into his arms and presses your face onto the fabric on his shoulder, as you sob. He pulls away slightly, putting your face in between his warm hands. Your eyes are still shaking. Your hysteria isn’t going to let up anytime soon. He pulls your face up towards his, stopping with only a few inches between you two. You feel his hot breath on your lips. Your eyes flutter closed as you wait for Megumi’s soft lips to meet yours. He swipes his thumb across your cheek, getting rid of the excess moisture from your tears. He pulls away, panting heavily.
“Let’s sleep for a bit. There’s lots to think about and I think we would both benefit from a nap right now.” He says, unable to make eye contact.
You absentmindedly nod and fall into his arms, exhausted from crying. You rest your head against his chest, and his heartbeat gently lulls you to sleep.
You wake up a while later, unsure of how much time has passed. Couldn’t have been long if the sun is still out. You’re alone.
Where’s Megumi?
You barely make it out the door when you suddenly remember that Itadori was gone...Kou was too...
You walk back into the room feeling utterly defeated.
Was he trying...to kiss you?
—— killshot - magdalena bay ——
Megumi pov:
Why did I do that.
They’re probably really confused.
What if they don’t like me back.
I shouldn’t have got that close.
But it felt so right...
“‘Live a long life’?..doesn’t mean much when you go and die yourself. Is this your first time having a partner die?” Kugisaki asks, sitting on the steps beside me.
“First time for one my age...”
“Well you’re taking it well.”
“Same to you, although (y/n) isn’t...”
“You told them already?”
“They had to find out at some point, I thought maybe they’d want to hear it from me.”
“Well I didn’t know him for that long. I’m not some simple woman who cries when someone she just met dies.” She says.
Her breathing becomes shaky and I can hear her sniffling. My eyes begin to water just a bit but I hold them back when I hear a familiar voice.
“What’s this? You’re looking more glum than usual Megumi. This a wake or something?”
“Zenin-senpai.” I respond.
“Don’t call me by my last name!-“
She’s swiftly interrupted by another familiar voice coming from behind a statue.
“Maki! Maki! You actually don’t know why they’re so down?” Panda-senpai says.
“What are you talking about?” Maki responds.
“Someone really did die yesterday! One of the first year boys!”
“Bonito flakes”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner!? Now I look like some heartless, cold-blooded demon!”
“That’s exactly how you came off!”
I look over my shoulder and see (y/n) coming towards us.
I guess they were going to meet the second years at some point. Might as well be now.
“(y/n)!” I say standing up to meet them.
They walk over to where I’m standing and wrap an arm around my waist, burying their cheek in my shoulder.
I wrap my arm around their shoulders and place my opposite hand on their cheek stroking it lightly.
I guess they’re not mad at me.
Nobara gets up and stands next to us, eyeing us and the position we’re currently in.
“Hm, I knew something was up.”
I give a small smile and look at (y/n) who looks lost in their thoughts. I wonder what they’re thinking about.
(y/n) pov:
You stand next to Megumi, his arm wrapped protectively around you. Tight enough to make you feel safe, but not enough to suffocate you. You gripped onto him as your thoughts take you captive once again.
“You’re supposed to try and make me feel better!!” You hear a voice say in the distance.
Who were those people? They seem to be wearing similar uniforms to you three.
“Who are those guys?” Nobara asks.
“The second year upperclassmen.” Megumi responds.
So they’re your age...
“You have to be kinder to your underclassmen.” The panda says.
Wait...the panda...talks?!?
Megumi interrupts your thoughts and starts giving a rundown on who each student is.
“Zenin-senpai is the best of all the students at wielding cursed tools.” He says pointing to the tall green-haired ponytail girl.
“That’s the cursed speech user, Inumaki-senpai. He can only speak in onigiri ingredients. And that’s Panda-senpai. There’s one more, Okkotsu-senpai, he’s the only one I can openly respect, but he’s overseas right now.” Megumi explains, looking at yours and Nobara’s confused faces.
“Wait. You’re not adding more about the panda named Panda?” Nobara responds.
You look at Megumi and nod your head in agreement with Nobara.
He sighs and looks away from both of you.
“We’re sorry about this...and when you’re in mourning. Please forgive us for that. The truth is we’d like you to participate in the Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event.” The panda says, his hands clasped together, practically begging.
“Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event? What’s that?” Nobara asks, looking to Megumi for any kind of explanation.
“It’s a get together with the other tech school in Kyoto. But isn’t it mainly for second and third years?” He asks his senpais.
“Those stupid third years are suspended right now. So you need to participate.”
Panda describes what goes on at the event, saying that it’s basically a showdown between jujutsu sorcerers from each school.
I don’t understand anything they’re talking about.
“So you’ll do it right? I mean you just had a partner die on you after all.”
You flinch at the ponytail’s comment. Megumi notices and squeezes your shoulder lightly. Both first years look at you, silently asking for permission to train and fight in this event. You smile and nod.
You wouldn’t want them to miss out on something just because of you.
“We’re in.”
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AHHH uni is kicking my butt right now so i’m only going to be able to post once a week from now on :(( i’m so sorry but pls bear with me ! 
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fly-flower-fanfics · 4 years
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Panicked Truth
Spencer Reid x Trans Male Reader
Warnings: Smut, touching, pre-transition bottom, oral
I didn’t want to leave my house. Never again. I could. I didn’t want to. I was so scared, so uspet. There was absolutely no way I was going to be able to show my face at work tomorrow. Could I call in sick? I shook my head.
I needed my best friend.
I reached for my phone and picked it up, calling Penelope. 
"Speak to me," she answered, and I found myself breathing out a sigh in relief.
"Hey, I'm in a bit of a jam," I started, embarrassed as all hell. Even though she already knew I was trans, it didn’t make the situation any less embarrassing for me.
"Oh? I'm all ears, honey."
Penelope was my best friend, and I trusted her with everything. She was the first one to make me feel like apart of the team when I joined, so naturally, she became the first I told that I was trans. I didn't really want anyone else to find out because I was afraid they'd have the same reaction that my parents did: disgust and hatred.
"I was at Spencer's. We were cooking, and I accidentally got flour all over the place and on the two of us. He didn't care, but blah blah blah, long story short, I had to change my clothing, and he saw my binder. He tried to question me about it but, Pen, I ran. Oh god, I ran. I didn’t even give back his shirt,” I said, looking down at the genius’s shirt that decorated my body. “And now he’s gonna hate me and fuck me, what is this gonna do to our friendship, and oh god, Penelope, what do I do?"
"Woah, okay. Okay. I don't think he'll care. He'll still want to be friends with you, and he'll love you no matter what, you know that Y/N. It’s Spencer. It’s hard to make him not want to be with you. Plus he’s in love with you, I swear."
There was no way Spencer was in love with me. Yeah, I had had a crush on him for a long time, but him liking me back? That wasn’t something I could ever see happening. But I ignored that part because that wasn’t what I wanted to talk to her about right now.
"I don't want to leave the house ever again. I wanted to discuss it on my own terms, Pen... to discuss it when I felt comfortable...”
"I know, but you of all people should know that life doesn't always go according to plan, especially in our lives."
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "You're right,” I admitted, though I hated to say that she was right.
The binder around my chest felt like it was squeezing the life out of me, but it was only because I was hyperaware of the fact that it was on me. Plus it was the object of my extreme embarrassment and sorrows so how could I not notice it? I tugged on the material, frowning.
A knock at the door jarred my attention. I walked over, peering through the peephole. Immediately, I ducked down and walked away from the door. My heart started pounding.
"Oh my god. Ohmygodohmygod!"
"What? What is it?" Penelope asked, concern clearly laced in her words.
"He's here!" I whisper-shouted. "He's at my fucking door! What do I do?"
"Just talk to him. What else could go wrong now?"
Oh. Way too much. "What if he laughs at me? Or-or worse? I don’t know—what if he hates me now?”
There was another knock at the door. "I know you're in there, Y/N. Please let me in," Spencer said as he knocked once more. “I can literally hear you on the phone.”
"He won't laugh at you. I'm hanging up now so you can talk to him."
"Hanging up!"
And the line went dead.
Fuck. Me.
I settled my hand on the doorknob after throwing my phone back onto the couch. Fuck me. I can't let him in. There is no way in hell!
"I want to talk to you,” Spencer said.
I wished he would just stop talking and go away. I didn’t want to talk to him. I was scared, embarrassed, upset. I couldn’t see him but eventually, I opened the door.
"What can I do for you?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that I just wanted to break down and cry.
"We have to talk."
No, we don't.
I stepped aside to let him in, and he walked into the living room. I shut the door, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. It was now or never, but I really preferred never. I never wanted to have this conversation. Not before all my surgeries.
I took a seat next to Spencer on the couch. He was fiddling with his fingers, intently staring at them like they were the most interesting thing on the planet. Funnily enough, that’s how I felt about my own fingers as I turned my attention to them.
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asked softly.
I wanted to keep playing dumb, like I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I knew that it would only drag this out longer and increase my anxiety. That was something I didn’t want.
"I didn't want you to be mad," I said, twirling my fingers around one another. "I didn't want to feel your rejection as well. I didn't want to be viewed as a fake. I didn't want you to see me differently, and I didn't want to tell until I was totally comfortable. I-I’m not comfortable yet...”
"But why not me?"
Spencer has a point, in a way. He was my best friend, right after Penelope.
I guess now was as good a time as any to spill my guts. The hole I had dug didn’t seem like it could really get much deeper.
"Because... because I'm in love with you, Spencer... I'm in love with you, and I didn't want you to see me as... as something else just because I didn't yet have surgery to correct everything that’s wrong with me."
Spencer got up off the couch, and my heart shattered. I guess my hole could be dug deeper. He was leaving. He was disgusted by who I was.
"Hey..." Spencer stood in front of me, tilting my chin to face him. "I'm not mad. I... I'm in love with you."
His fingers found their way to the buttons of his shirt, but he paused. I found myself frowning, utterly confused with why he was unbuttoning his shirt.
Once all the buttons were undone, he pulled open his shirt.
A soft gasp was pulled from my lips as I tore my eyes from his top surgery scars to his beautiful eyes. A lopsided smile pulled his lips, but it was clear he was nervous.
"Why would I hate you for being trans when I'm trans myself?"
I stood up and my hands hovered over his scars. He gave me a slight nod, the smallest gesture that I needed to let me know that I was okay to touch them.
My fingers traced the white marks, and I felt tears in my eyes. Spencer was trans...
“How... when... I...” I didn’t even know what I wanted to say. I couldn’t believe that Spencer was trans. And that he, too, had hidden it from the rest of us.
“Same reasons as you. Hotch promised not to tell while I took leave for the surgery,” he explained, understanding what I wanted to ask.
I looked up at him and smiled softly. My heart bubbled with love. I wanted to hold him and kiss him. Knowing that I had another trans person in my life... was wonderful. I couldn’t even believe that he was trans in the first place. “Ohmygoshiloveyou.”
Spencer laughed and pulled me into a hug. “I love you.”
I pressed a kiss onto his lips, holding him close. My one hand tangled in his hair, holding his head as he kissed me back. His hands fell on my hips, and he pulled me closer to him. His hands gripped my hips tightly, and I rubbed his hair lightly.
Spencer’s lips parted slightly, a soft gasp passsing them into our kiss. I pulled back, looking up at him. His cheeks were flushed, and he refused to meet my eyes. I touched our noses together, which caused him to look back at me. I tugged his hair gently again, receiving the same reaction, except this time, he breathed out a soft word with it.
I raised an eyebrow, a light smirk dancing on my lips. “You like that?”
Spencer untangled himself from me, flattening hiss till untied shirt agaisnt his chest. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Tilting my head, I watched his eyes. He was clearly embarrassed. His body language screamed it. But... he didn’t seem like he wanted to leave. Like he was embarrassed, but okay with being in my presence, possibly even turned on.
“No? Would you know what I’m talking about if I did this?” I asked, walking closer to him and laying another kiss on his lips.
Spencer’s hands fell back onto my hips, and I found myself smirking into the kiss. My hands found their way to his hair again, tangling them in it.
However, I was the one to gasp this time when Spencer moved his hands to my ass and squeezed. I backed from the kiss. It was my turn to be embarrassed now.
“You started it!” he argued back, teasing me like a child would. Spencer hesitated and looked at me, really looking at me. “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you,” I replied, biting my lip. I felt like he wanted to say something but he wasn’t telling me what it was.
“I want you...”
I could barely hear his words. I barely caught them. They almost fell upon deaf ears. But I caught them just in time.
“Me...? Spencer, I...”
“You don’t have to. We don’t have to do anything. I... I just want you... I don’t care if that means we just cuddle. I just want to be close to you.”
I took a breath, glancing down at myself. I hadn’t had any of my surgeries. I didn’t want Spencer to be turned off by that. I do desperately wanted my first time to be with Spencer, but I was so afraid of what he would say and what would happen.
“I haven’t had bottom surgery,” Spencer said, causing my eyes to snap up and meet his. “I haven’t had the time or the ability to.”
I took a shaky breath in. “I... I want you, too. I’m... I’m okay with that. With whatever you want.”
He took my hand and gently lead me back to my bedroom. It was the first time he’d been over. He gingerlt closed the door, seeming like he didn’t want to be too loud.
Spencer pulled me close to him, kissing me again. My eyes closed as I kissed him back. His lips were soft and gentle. When he pulled back, he led me to the bedroom carefully and slowly.
He closed the door and then laid me down in the bed. Spencer got on top of me and kissed me again, running his fingers down my side to hold my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair again. I tugged on it lightly, making Spencer breathe out soft curses. His fingers gripped my hips tighter.
I tugged on his hair again, and he pulled back, looking down at me. He leaned down and kissed my neck, kissing it softly and slowly. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to feel Spencer and his lips.
My hands fell from his hair, moving to his shoulders. I pushed him back lightly, just enough for him to understand I wanted him to stop for a moment.
“You don’t have to do this, Spence,” I said softly.
“I want to,” he replied back.
I leaned up and kissed him, wrapping my arms back around his neck. Spencer’s hands slipped underneath my shirt, his fingertips barely touching my skin.
“May I take this off?” he asked after backing away from our kiss.
I still had my binder on, so I wasn’t too worried right now. I nodded, shifting to allow him to take it off better.
He dropped the material to the floor and kissed my stomach before looking up at me. “You’re so beautiful.”
I felt a blush dust over my cheeks again as I shook my head. “No... Spencer, I’m not. But I genuinely appreciate you thinking so.”
He frowned. “Hey, you are. You’re so beautiful. You’re so handsome. You’re wonderful. And I’m so in love with you.” His fingers traced from my underarms to my hips, down the length of my torso. “I’m in love with every curve and bump. Every mark and dimple. Everything you may not like, I love. And I don’t mind that you’re not yet transitioned. I’ll love you when you do just as much as I love you now. It changes nothing for me.”
I smiled, feeling tears well up in my eyes. No one had ever said such nice things to me so genuinely. I cupped his face in my hands and brought him up to my lips, kissing him softly.
“Can I keep my binder on?” I asked softly after he pulled from the kiss.
Spencer smiled. “If that makes you the most comfortable with me, then absolutely. You can keep it on.” He got serious with me real quick. “Just make sure you don’t overwear it. And you can always tell me to stop. Stop and we’re done. Honestly.”
“I know, Spence.” I smiled at him, rubbing my thumbs across his cheek bones. “Can I take off your shirt too?”
He nodded, and I dropped my hands so he could take it off. He dropped the material next to mine before climbing back on top of me and kissing me.
I pulled back, turning him over and straddling his hips. I rested my hands on his stomach, looking over his body and admiring him. His beauty. I looked up at met his gaze, soft smiles on our faces.
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you.”
My hands slid down to his belt buckle, and I looked up at him, making sure it was okay that I could take it off. He gave me a slight nod, letting me know it was okay.
He lifted his hips to help me take his pants off, and I dropped them on the floor, having them join our shirts.
“Can I take off yours?” Spencer asked, and I hesitated before giving him a nod.
Soon enough, my jeans joined the rest of the clothing that was on my floor. All that was left was our boxers. I was nervous, and Spencer could tell because he sat down beside me and took my hand.
“We don’t have to do this.”
“I want to. I’m... I’m just scared of what you’ll think of me. I-I know you won’t mind, but I hope you understand. I just... I didn’t expect anything. I didn’t know that you’d be doing things like this with me. I didn’t shave or anything. I didn’t get to shower today...” I trailed off, blushing deeply.
Spencer only laughed. “Babe, I don’t care. I’m not grossed out by that. You showered last night because you texted me when you got out to say goodnight. Just like always. That’s not going to stop me from loving you.”
He laid me down and laid next to me. He gave my cheek a kiss and rested his hand on my stomach. I looked down at his hand on my almost naked body and realized how large his hands were. And how long his fingers were.
“Do you want a safe word?”
My eyes turned to Spencer’s. “No. No, I know you’ll stop if I say so. I-I find it easier to say ‘no’ than to say some other word.”
“Okay,” he whispered and turned my head to kiss my lips. I felt his hand slide down my boxers and over my skin. I shuddered at the feeling. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything down there.
His fingers gently touched and moved around, getting familiar with my body before he slipped a finger inside of me, moving it slowly at first. I gasped into the kiss, which allowed Spencer to stick his tongue into my mouth. Yet there was a slight moment of hesitation for me to pull back if I wanted.
I brought a hand up and rested it on the back of his head, tangling my fingers in his hair, letting him know I wanted this. His tongue slipped over mine, dancing in time with my own. His hand sped up, causing my legs to tremble.
I pulled back from the kiss, leaning my head back onto the pillow as my eyes closed. I bit my lower lip, stifling a soft moan. I felt my cheeks heat in a blush. Spencer kissed my cheek, taking my hand in his.
Spencer pulled out of me, moving to tease my clit. I shivered, groaning in pleasure. After another minute, Spencer repositioned his hand where he could finger me as well as teasing my clit simultaneously. Pleasure filled my senses, and I pulled him into another kiss. Our tongues battled for dominance as my hips bucked up into his hands.
He kept this up for a while, kissing me and my neck, making hickies on the exposed skin. I wondered how he didn’t get tired, but fuck, I was a mess in his hands. A shaking, moaning, shivering mess.
“Fuck,” I muttered, my lips mere centimeters from his. I looked up at his eyes, biting my lip as I met them. Fuck, he was so damn gorgeous. “Fuck, I’m close.”
That only caused Spencer to speed up, upping the amount of pleasure I got. I tugged on his hair, my other hand gripping the sheets. My body filled with a warmth as I hit my climax. I squeezed my eyes shut as Spencer coaxed me through the orgasm.
It took me a moment to recover from the pleasure. When I did, I met eyes with Spencer’s. He had a smile on his face. I blushed and looked away.
“Was it okay?” he asked me. I turned my eyes back to Spencer’s.
“It was perfect.” I turned over onto my side and tilted my head slightly. “Can I please you?”
This time, Spencer blushed. He rubbed the back of his head nervously. “I-I don’t want to be a problem for you is-is all...”
“Spencer, it’s no problem at all. I want to. You made me feel good, so I wanna make you feel good.” I laid a hand on his hip. “If you’ll let me.”
He gave me a nod, and I helped him relax back agaisnt the bed. I kissed him softly at first before loving doen his neck and giving that soft kisses. I slid my hand down his boxers, feeling him up gently. I took notice to the fact that he, too, hadn’t shaved and it suddenly made me feel better. He really didn’t mind...
I slowly began to finger him, making marks on his chest. Soft moans left his lips, and I felt my ears grow hot. God, he was so sexy. I wanted him. I kissed back up to his neck, leaving hickies there, too. I sped up a little, teasing his clit as I went, wanting to make him feel good.
“Fuck, Y/N, jus-st like that. Fuck,” he muttered, his hand coming up to grip my hair. I moved back to his lips and kissed him hard. He kissed me back, smiling into the kiss. He moaned into the kiss.
I pulled back, kissing down his chest and down his stomach to the brim of his boxers. With his permission, I pulled them down and kissed him softly. I then licked him slowly, gently. He gave out a low moan.
Spencer’s hands found their way to my hair again, tugging on it. I sucked on his clit, getting another moan. I continued to suck and lick him, looking up at him and watching his face contort in pleasure.
“‘M close,” he muttered, bucking his hips. I moved back, quickly replacing my lips with my hand again. I went back to his lips, kissing him. He moaned into the kiss again. I pulled back, laying our foreheads together until he came.
Once we got cleaned up and redressed to our boxers again, Spencer pulled me into his arms and cuddled me. I kissed his cheek softly.
“Are we...?”
“If you want to be,” Spencer replied.
“Spencer Reid, I love you,” I whispered softly.
“Y/N L/N, I love you.”
I laid my head agaisnt his chest and closed my eyes, listening to his heartbeat.
Penelope has been right. There was nothing for me to worry about. Everything had gone perfectly. I was so lucky with the way he reacted, even though he was trans himself. I was thankful...
Me and Spencer, a thing. Boyfriends. Holy shit, I didn’t think I’d ever really get this far with Spencer. I never knew he was in love with me too. Oh, was Pen gonna flip when I told her about this.
Of course, minus some details.
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thesims4blogger · 4 years
Official Blog: Discover Mountains of Fun in The Sims 4 Snowy Escape
The Sims team has released an official blog for The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion.
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Sul sul, Simmers! Welcome to Mt. Komorebi! I’m your local guide, and today, we’re going a bit deeper into the world I love so much. You might have seen it on a map or in a video like the one below, but that stuff just scratches the surface, and I can tell you a lot more!
If you’re moving in or on your way for vacation, I’ve got the perfect plan for you.
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You’ll get your first view of Mt. Komorebi itself from Wakaba, the neighborhood at the base of the mountain. It’s a beautiful residential area with plenty to do. If it’s your first day in town, it’s good to take it slow and start here. Set the mood with a stroll through the gardens or go for a swim near the waterfall. Remember to return respectful greetings when you receive them, and pay attention to shoe removal signs in genkan entryways.
If you’re traveling with kids, make sure to hit up the Festival of Youth in the main plaza. Kids will love meeting Yamachan, the town mascot, and joining the Voidcritter Hunt. While they’re off doing that, you can check out the vending machine collectibles or try the festival-exclusive character crepes, too!
Oh, and speaking of food… you simply have to try hot pot. Sukiyaki is my favorite, but mostly I enjoy it because it’s perfect for a nice meal together. You can cook it right at the kotatsu table where you’re warm and comfy. Plus, seconds are encouraged! And thirds! Try to stop me from having more than one bowl, I dare you.
Komorebi Fact: Lots of folks like to use chopsticks when they’re eating, but your utensil choice is ultimately up to you. (I just think it just makes picking up maki rolls easier.) And some foods, like yummy taiyaki, you can hold in your hands!
Once you’ve gotten acclimated, head up the mountain a bit to Senbamachi, meaning Thousand Leaves Town. This more traditional area is set right into nature. It’s idyllic, scenic, and serene. Most of the folks here have learned to live in the moment and take life as it comes. It really encourages people to settle into their emotions and find balance.
My favorite thing to do is gather some friends and take a hike. The sign at the trailhead lays out all the different places you can visit, and there’s so much to see along the way. Once you’ve chosen a destination, take it easy and relax into the moment with each other. The best part about hiking is being together with friends and family. Whether you’re stopping for a photo on the bridge or listening to your voices echo back at you from the cave, it just feels good to bond over the natural wonders around you.
Of course, everyone has different experiences and different Sentiments about things. On the last hike I led, my friend and I were enjoying ourselves before we ran into denkimushi aka electric bugs. She forgot her spray, so she kinda… got zapped. She’s still a bit mad at me for leading her through that area unprepared, but she’ll come around. Probably.
When you finish your hike, whether it’s meditative or energetic, pause for a moment at the Festival of Lights to admire the beauty around you. This tradition helps us remember the dead and celebrate the light. In the evening, there are fireworks, and you can watch the lanterns float along the river. Remember to make a wish for the future at the tanabata tree.
Komorebi Fact: Being aware of yourself and the present moment is super important here. Some people like mindful walks, while others prefer relaxing to traditional Japanese folk music. Find whatever works for you to center yourself.
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Lots of people come to vacation in Yukimatsu especially. (That’s where all the snow is!) There are a few swanky rentals for out-of-towners since it’s right next to all the action, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find locals here too. Who could stay away from the onsen bathhouse and the snow sports?
I grew up learning to snowboard on the bunny slope here. Of course, I spent a lot of time wiping out at first, but now you can find me up on the mountain for at least a few hours a day! It just became part of my Lifestyle as I made it a habit over time. Now, I can’t imagine a day where I’m not strapped onto my board.
But don’t be intimidated! Skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels are welcome, whether you’re on the bunny slope or one of the four bigger trails. And if that scares you, no problem! Try sledding, too. You can go alone or pair up with another Sim to catch a little air. My mom used to take me when I was a toddler, and it’s one of my fondest memories.
So take some time to have a little fun here. Learn how to start rock climbing at the beginner’s climbing route, or explore a cave on a snowy hike. And once you’re done, and probably chilled to the bone, head over to the onsen for the most relaxing experience in the world. I’m not exaggerating. Plan to spend a few hours here at least. Once you slip into that water, everything kind of… floats away. All your stresses, your fears, your injuries… none of it matters as much in the soothing heat.
Komorebi Fact: We all have our own Lifestyle, and Mt. Komorebi offers something for everyone. Even just looking around in Yukimatsu, you can see Outdoorsy Sims enjoying a hike, Workaholic salarymen glued to their computers, Junk Food Fiends grabbing snacks from vending machines, and Energetic Sims (like me!) flying down the mountain. That which makes you happiest may be just around the corner.
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The Summit
I hope you took a moment to check out that beginner’s climbing course in Yukimatsu! If you want to head up to the peak of Mt. Komorebi, you’re going to need those skills. Group excursions usually start at the onsen, but once you get out of that water, you’re in for the trip of a lifetime. Dress warmly and bring a few snacks to tide you over.
Take the gondola up to the top of the ski slopes, where you’ll find the first climbing obstacle. After that, there’s a series of challenges awaiting you. If you’re new to the sport, take the opportunity to rest at the base camps along the way, but if you’ve got the experience, try to explore a little! There are caves and other surprises on the way up. (For instance, you might find a secluded little spot for a quick Woo-Hoo up there—something about life-and-death danger really gets some Sims going. )
Don’t undertake this excursion lightly, though! The weather gets worse the higher you climb, and you may end up caught in a thundersnow storm. Yes, you read that right. They’re intense blizzards that take place in the middle of a thunderstorm. And with the lightning and the booming and the wind… it gets really dangerous while you’re clinging to the side of a cliff for dear life. And if you fall from these heights… it doesn’t bear thinking about. Just be careful.
Finally, once you reach the top, everything seems to stop. I can tell you from experience that standing on that peak, staring out at the other mountains and a sky full of clouds below me, everything makes sense. The people with you make sense. Your journey makes sense. And this town, this world, with its beauty and excitement and peace, makes the most sense of all.
When can I expect you?
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elliotthezubat · 4 years
[[cont from part 124]]
 Crow: *perched on Misaki's shoulder*
misaki: ....*small smile* would you like a name?
Crow: "CAW!"
misaki: *strokes under the crow's neck* how about 'Alistair'?
Alistair: *closes eyes* =w=
misaki: ^^ *starts preparing supper*
Alistair: *flies to a bureau...there's a photo on it*
-it shows a young girl with a man and a woman. they look to be happy-
-the bureau has various knick-knacks, such as an astrolabe, a butterfly display, a mortar and pestle, and various books on anatomy, ornthology, botany, astrology, the occult and more-
Alistair: "..." *head tilt*
-it still looks overcast outside...lightning strikes in the distance*
misaki: !!......(i hope mr pumpkin is keeping dry.....)
creature: .......
Pumpkin: *wrings out his coat, hanging it up* -_-# "..." *stares at the Creature* "Don't you get drenched either--" *sneezes--a brief stream of fire escaping his nostrils* =~=#
-it's quiet, save for the sound of rain outside-
Pumpkin: "..." *curls up against a wall* "...I wonder if she avoided the rain walking back."
{sister: *turns around* oh. it's you again. *smiles*}
{Pumpkin: ._. "H-Hi?" *steps in* "Am I bothering you?"}
{sister: not at all. ^^ i see that you've gotten a better handle on speaking now. hehe. ^^}
{Pumpkin: *clutching a book* "Th-This helped. I am returning it..." *holds it out*}
{sister: oh! why thank you. *takes it* ..... *looks around* well, the abbot isnt here right now, perhaps i could help you with this?}
{Pumpkin: ._. "Y-You would?" *looks around...sees chairs*}
{sister: of course.}
{Pumpkin: "...Is that a 'chah-air'?"}
Pumpkin: "?!!!" *swings around, shrinking back against a wall*
Akitaru: *holding an ice pack to his head, lying down in the back of the Matchbox* =~=;
Takehisa: *driving* "..."
Arthur: "..."
shinra:....*ahem* s-so commander...
Akitaru: "Don't try to out-drink Honda..." *sits up* "How you holding up?"
shinra: im fine, sir. but i was asking. *ahem* well, iris suggested that we have a party? n-not to celebrate commander arg's death! it's awful that happened! it's just- well things have been tense for all of us and, well... maybe this could help to build morale?
Akitaru: "...Iris is really smart."
shinra: yeah, she is. *smiles*
Akitaru: "Just let me sleep this off, then we'll get pretty balloons..."
shinra: thanks dad.
Akitaru: *yawns* "You're welcome, son..."
hinata: konro's back!
Konro: "Hello, Hinata. You keep the home safe while I was out?"
hinata: yep! we sure did!
hikage: ooooh beni's gonna get soooo scolded for not going!
hinata: 500 yen says he's gonna get spanked!
Konro: "Well, can't settle that unless I know where he is--where'd he go?"
hinata + hikage: he's over by the pond!
Konro: "Then I'm on my way..." *walks to the pond*
Benimaru: *feeding koi*
Konro: "..."
Benimaru: "..."
Konro: "So..."
Benimaru: *grunts*
Konro: "..." *kicks Benimaru into the pond*
hinata + hikage: OOOOOOOHHH!!!
Benimaru: "?!!" *COUGH COUGH* "What the hell?!"
Konro: "You didn't even show up. A man is dead--"
Benimaru: "A man that couldn't even be here for us."
Konro: "...Is that what you think?"
kirei: what happened? i heard a splash- ah!
Benimaru: "..." *stands up, his feet squishing in the mud as he walks* "...He wasn't here when you needed him." *walks by Kirei*
kirei: ah-....konro?
Konro: *scratches the back of his neck* "Sorry...The master was being an ass again."
kirei: ....should i go talk to him?
Konro: "I think that'd help."
maki: we're back!
Viktor: *stuck to the wall by scalpels*
argit: *drinking a soda can* oh great.
Akitaru: "You been celebrating?"
argit: eh.
Takehisa: "I suggest we start charging him rent."
nozomi: tamaki! what happened?!
tamaki:....just fell....that's all....
Komori: *patching her up*
Arthur: *stares* "..."
argit: oh yeah, that happened. it was pretty funny.
shinra: NOT COOL, MAN!
argit: ok! ok! cripes, im sorry for laughing! there? ya happy now?
Arthur: "...In this castle...you will not insult or mock anyone in it...or I will slice your tail off and feed it to you."
argit: yeesh! what's your deal?!
shinra: you just shut the fuck up you shitty sonic the hedgehog knockoff!
Arthur: "Yeah, what the demon said, vile rodent!"
argit: D8<
Akitaru: "!!! Boys!"
shinra: *shuts up*
Arthur: >_>;
argit: heh.
Akitaru: "..." *sighs* "We all need some rest--go to your quarters." *pats Argit on the shoulder--and grips him* "Let's talk. In private."
argit: QwQ; *gulp*
yuuji: *looks at a box full of posters* are these for me?
Aizawa: "Yeah--figured you need something for the walls."
yuuji: t-thanks....oh sweet, grateful dead!
Aizawa: "??? Something you've listened to?"
yuuji: yeah, i like listening to classic rock from time to time.
Aizawa: "Hmm...Yamada may have some to borrow. Just don't mention 'Stairway' in front of him."
yuuji: i'll...keep that in mind, sir....are....um...are you sure you dont mind?
Aizawa: "I wouldn't be giving them to you if there was a problem--I wanted you to have them."
yuuji: n-not that, i mean...you know...me living here?
Aizawa: "...Ah. ...Not going to lie, a lot of things have ruined my status as the 'longer Pro Hero who looks like a homeless man' vibe. But that kind of disappeared when Midnight tricked me into teaching here."
yuuji: i see.....still, cant help feeling out of place, me being an ex-villain and all...
Aizawa: "...Even heroes come out of unexpected places."
yuuji: ..t-thanks...i suppose.
Aizawa: "No problem...After all--" *unrolls one poster--and tenses up*
{Oboro: "--then this checkerboard room shows up with this little dude dancing around--" *handing Aizawa a VHS tape: 'Twin Peaks'*}
{Aizawa: "Hmm. Not sure this is my thing."}
{Oboro: "Dude--give it a shot already!"}
Yuuji: sir?
Aizawa: *looks at the poster, showing a light signal and mountains* "...Could you knock that 'sir' stuff off--'Shota's' fine."
yuuji: um o-ok s-... mr aizawa.
Aizawa: "..." *head pat* "Sure."
greg: *sniffs* it smells delicious, bugbear! ^^
Saria: "You really think so? I'm still trying to perfect this recipe..."
saria's dad: well, you worked so hard on it, so of course it will be great!
Saria: "..." *sighs* "I'm not sure about that...What if it's not hard enough..."
greg: well, if you put your all into something with love, it will turn out well, and even if it doesnt, it's still good because you at least tried.
Saria's Dad: *nom* =w= "So tasty..."
Saria: "..." *sighs* ("That's what they always say.") "May I be excused? I want to do more reading?"
greg: you go do that, we'll save some for later if you get hungry, ok?
Saria: "..." *nods, gathers her books, leaves*
Saria's Dad: "...Did we upset her?"
greg: i hope not...
Saria's Dad: "...Let's put away the leftovers and start on the dishes..." *picks up a plate, one crumb rolling off onto the table*
greg: hmm...
Saria's Dad: *scraps crumbs off the plate into the trash...*
*the crumbs settle at the bottom of the can before the lid closes...then start to shift*
*in saria’s room*
Saria: "..." *checks her phone*
lei-lei: [hey sari! u ok?]
Saria: [worried about tomorrow]
lei-lei: [nervous?]
Saria: [incredibly -~- ]
lei-lei: [understandable.]
Saria: [can we meet up before class? i want to have enough time to put the ingredients away]
lei-lei: [sure! ^w^]
Saria: [thnx. i'll finish reading recipes then head to bed]
lei-lei: [k! C U tomorrow~ \(^o^) ]
Saria: [night] "..." *sighs, opens the 'recipe book' again--* "...What the heck is a 'Black Mercy'?"
-the next day-
Monica: "Mornin', losers."
yolanda: ...
Zarya: "Shh...She's focusing."
Monica: -_-; "Hmph. She's got this in the bag."
lei-lei: *has her apron on*
Saria: *puts some prepared dishes into the fridge* "..." *looks down*
lei-lei: hey, we got this! ^^
Saria: "I hope so--I wasn't feeling confident. But if these recipes work out, maybe I'll be surprised."
lei-lei: that's the spirit!
Saria: *closes the fridge door, smiles lightly*
-the food shifts a bit...then blinks*
Duncan: *looks inside the kitchen* "??? You're doing it wrong--you really should separate the yolks--*
yukiko: thanks fer invitin' me as a judge, azusa-san! ^^
Yumi: "We're happy to have you. Have you met Lunch Rush before?"
yukiko: i've heard of 'em.
Lunch Rush: *waves*
Rin: *drooling over the proposed menu* "I am so blessed..."
yukiko: easy there, kiddo. *hair ruffle*
Rin: =_=;
Yumi: "That leaves...Wait, where's Tsubaki?"
tsubaki: ._.;
Black Star: "I can't believe they moved the hallways around again! ...Wait, I know a short-cut..." *punches a hole through a hallway wall*
-back at the contest-
Yumi: -_-# "We're going to need a replacement judge--and where am I to find one at this late hour--"
Mephisto: "Hello~"
Rin: *chokes*
lord death: oh! i was half expecting stocking.
Mephisto: "Unfortunately, she's tutoring students--it came up at the last minute."
lord death: i see.
Mephisto: "So, how about Arg's death?"
yukiko: i just want it on record the 7th had nothing to fucking do with that, alright?
Yumi: "No one is accusing anyone, and the internal investigation has concluded that it was a suicide." ("Not that any of us believe that for one second...")
yukiko: tch- i oughta give that department a piece of my mind...
Mephisto: "By the by, Death, I think you have problems with your basement--lot of rats getting into the works down there, if you know what I mean..." *HINT HINT WINK*
Rin: "..." ("He wants an exterminator? What the heck is he talking about?")
lord death: *sigh* we'll see what can be done, but they're elusive little bastards...
Mephisto: "I think you'll need to consider out-sourcing. Rin, for example."
Rin: "?!!! What?!"
*students start entering, dressed like chefs*
Kanin: "Thanks for your help with the vegetarian option--I wanted to offer something that maybe others wouldn't..."
kenji: of course! ^^
Kyoka: *STARING AT THE DISHES* "..." *stomach growl*
Axel: "Mountain Dew chicken and rice FTW!"
Duncan: *grimaces* "You have no class..." *sets down a Jell-O mold*
kyouko: they better not waste anything...
Ragnarok: "Dibs on leftovers!"
Saria: *shakes a bit, but manages to set the dish down carefully...it looks like a very well put-together and delicious quiche*
izumi: it looks delicious!
Saria: "Th-Thanks...I hope I did it right..."
Monica: *pushing people out of the way*
-and so-
Rin: *samples the vegetarian option* "Hmm! This is quite good!" *holds up a sign: 8 out of 10*
yukiko: *nom nom* eh, not terrible. *7/10*
Mephisto: =_=; "Pedestrian. Had better." *holds up a sign: 1 out of 10*
Kanin: ^^; "Worth a shot..."
izumi: wow...
Monica: "Go up and present, girl."
Saria: *watching Yolanda* "..." *gulp*
Lunch Rush: *signing* <What have we here?>
yolanda: well, i decided to make a gumbo that my grandma used to make when we would visit.
Rin: "Oh, cool. I had to make dishes at the church since everyone else's cooking sucked."
Fujimoto: "...FFFFFFFFFFFF--"
-back at the contest-
Lunch Rush: <It's good to see dishes with a history!>
Mephisto: =_= "Hmph."
yukiko: *nom* this is really good! i can really taste the spices in it! *9/10*
Rin: *nods* "I think it's super!" *10/10*
Mephisto: "Eh." *2/10*
nagisa: hmm, tough competition.
Crona: "Everyone looks like they put in a lot of work..."
mami: indeed.....*notices someone in the crowd* hm?
Poe: *holding what looks like a stick* "..." *points the stick in different directions*
mami: (what are they doing?)
Mephisto: =~= "How many more entries are there..."
Yumi: -_-# "Just a few more--could you fake interest?"
Mephisto: "I've eaten every dish around the world--five times. Little impresses me..."
Saria: *gulps* *walks up* "H-H-H-Here?"
Poe: "Nothing here..." *points towards the judges' stage*
Karl: *growl wimper*
yukiko: *sniff* smells good enough.
Saria: .~.;
Rin: "That's a unique spice--tastes kinda good!"
Lunch Rush: <Very unique!> *thumbs up*
Mephisto: "..." *tugs on the spoon--and it sticks* "??? ..." *sniff sniff* *eyes widen* "?!!!!!"
Poe: *pointing at Saria's dish* D8 "OH NO!"
izumi: ?!
Saria: Q_Q "Is it really that bad?!"
rowena: !!!! oh no, we're too late....
mami: !!! *soul gem out*
yukiko: shit! *transforms*
Mephisto: "...Okay, I admit, I did not see this comin--"
Quiche Monster: *SWALLOWS MEPHISTO* "..." *BURP*
Yumi: D8
Rin: "...BWHA HA HA HA--"
Quiche Monster: *whips Rin into the wall*
Saria: *stunned*
-people are running away while others join the fight-
kyouko: what the hell is going on?!
Hyde: *snapping pics* "Don't know. But the effects have really gone up this year..."
rowena: sterling rodgers.
Poe: *nods*
Asher: "...The hell is a Sterling Rodgers? A gem?"
rowena: he was a necromancer that hid his spells in cookbooks.
Axel: "People actually do that?"
Yumi: "..." *glares at Poe*
Poe: "It's not my fault! I was moving books, and it was the Nihilque Omnino Liber a Daemonibus Inita--"
Axel: "...That's really wordy."
Asher: "So it's a Food Necronomicon?"
lei-lei: either way, it's a mouthful!
genny: now isnt the time for that!
Poe: "We need the book! I need to apologize to the girl I bumped into and caused all this mess!" >~<
lukas: saria!
*The space where Saria was standing is vacant*
lukas: !!! dammit! *goes to look for her*
yukiko: *fighting the monster*
Axel: "!!! Bro! This is totally going on the bucket list--fighting giant food monsters!"
zeke: hell yeah!
Rin: *stumbles off the wall* "Okay, you quiche bastard! I'm gonna--"
*the Quiche has infected other food, as a spork stabs Rin in the nose*
Rin: "... ... ...AAAAAAAAAAAH--"
Rin: *charges blue flames along his sword* "Now you're gonna get--"
*Rin is now swallowed whole*
kyouko: *slashing at the monsters* RIN! *ATTACKS*
Asher: "...This turned into vore so gradually that I haven't noticed."
hibiki: how do you know what- on second thought i dont want to know.
Asher: >_>; "...Izumi, just hit me against a monster--"
*a flying spaghetti monster lunges at Izumi*
izumi: *dodges out of the way*
Saria: *hiding under stairway, sweater pulled up to cover her face*
lei-lei: sari! there you are! come on, the others need us!
Saria: "...This is all my fault..."
lei-lei: sari...
Saria: *whimpers* "I hated it. I hated everything...I felt like I wasn't good enough..."
lei-lei: .....*hug*
Saria: TT~TT "I didn't want to fail and be left behind..."
{Saria, younger: *looking at a recipe book* "??? What's this one, Daddy?"}
{greg: it's a souffle. ^^}
{Saria: "That's sounds funny--" *looks it over* "It looks fluffy!"}
{greg: why dont we make one, all three of us? ^^}
{Saria: 8D "Can we?!" *reaches for the book--but knocks over a glass of water* D8> }
{greg: oh- *chuckle* it's ok bugbear, it was an accident.}
{Saria: "..." *sniffle* "I didn't mean to..."}
{Saria's Dad: "Every problem has a solution--" *shows a roll of paper towels with little ducklings on them* "So we just got to wipe this off and keep going!" *smiles*}
{Saria: "..." *nods* "O-Okay..."}
{greg: *head pat* right!}
Saria: "..." *pulls down the sweater* "I made this mess..."
lei-lei: then let's fix it! ^^
Saria: "..." *nods--and transforms*
lukas: HEEEEELP!! *stuck in the spagetti monster*
lei-lei: *TOSSES SARIA*
Saria: "Lukas!"
lukas: !!! *reaches out*
*good catch!*
nagisa: *attacking the monsters* mami, im about at my limit!
Crona: *swinging Ragnarok into pudding--*
Ragnarok: *SWALLOWS* "..." *burp* "...Hey, this one got tinier!"
*a soup monster crawls on all fours--*
Janitor: "...Soup on all fours? I thought soup would be bipedal..." *desperately trying to clean faster*
Saria: "..." *LIGHT BULB* "That's it! Crona, you're weapon is a genius!"
nagisa: *attacking, when her soul gem darkens, and something comes out of her mouth*
Axel: "...What."
kyouko: shit!
Quiche Monster: *still infecting other food*
Yumi: "There's no spot to fire at!" *keeps shooting*
charlotte: *starts eating the monsters*
Saria: "Do what the worm thing is doing--eat them!"
yukiko: the fuck? that wraith is _helping_ us?
Quiche Monster: *doubles over, groaning* *looks like it's turning blue?*
kyouko: !!!
Quiche Monster: *gurgles--before it gets cooked--and explodes, revealing Rin and Mephisto inside*
Rin: *wielding his blue flames* -_-# "Ugh--nothing worse than overcooked food..."
Mephisto: *licks his finger* "Mmm! Not bad!" *holds up a sign: 6/10*
Ragnarok: *sliding along the floor, mouth opening and closing as he eats* "WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA--"
kyouko: *cringes* this better not go to waste!
Axel: "Five second rule!" *eats a monster mini-bagel pizza*
-and so-
charlotte: *dissapates*
Yumi: *intense stare at the NOTers and the Occult Club*
nagisa: mmmn... ugh...*RAINBOWBARF*
Crona: ._.; *offers a napkin*
yukiko: what the hell?!
Lunch Rush: <This reminds me of the Austin chili contest fiasco--they still haven't gotten the scent out of the canal...>
Poe + Saria: "I'M SO SORRY!"
lord death: *sigh and tiny chop to them both* next time double check on these things.
Poe: TT~TT "Yes, sir..."
tsubaki: we're he-... ._. what on earth?
Saria: "Please don't fire Mr Poe! It's my fault..."
Black Star: "I told you my shortcut would-- ...YOU STARTED A FOOD FIGHT?! WITHOUT ME?!"
izumi: it's a long story.
Kaoru: "Lord Pheles! I came as soon as I got your alert!"
Mephisto: "There you are, Tsubaki!"
tsubaki: im right here though?
Kaoru: "??? No, I'm Tsubaki."
naho: .w.
mahiru: just how many tsubaki's are there?!
Kuro: =_= "This is the stupidest thing I have been involved in all month."
Hyde: "Oh, what up, bro?" *covered in red stuff*
Kuro Cat: *walks in, leaps on Rin's shoulder*
Kuro: "... ... ...Nope."
izumi: you know, i think i learned something today....
Asher: "Cooking was a mistake?"
Axel: "Wash your hands before dinner?"
izumi:.....actually i got nothing i was hoping i'd think of something. ^^;
Monica: "Yolanda is the only one we should let cook."
Mephisto: "We still need to decide a winner...Which dish was not infected by the demon?"
Yumi: *holds up a Jell-O mold*
Mephisto: "Fine, this thing wins."
Duncan: "Ha!"
lei-lei + hibiki + others: WHAT?!
Duncan: "What do I win?!"
Janitor: *hands Duncan a mop* "Clean up duty."
Duncan: 0n0#
Todoroki: *staring at a text message* "..." *sets down his phone* "..." *sets his arms on the table, thinking*
fuyumi: ?? everything ok?
Todoroki: "...I got a text from someone claiming to be Natsuo's classmate."
fuyumi: did something happen?!
Todoroki: >_>; "...They said their sister wants my autograph."
fuyumi: ...^^;
*Fuyumi's phone has a text message*
fuyumi: *looks*
Unknown number: [sis someone stole my fone so ignore weirdo messages]
fuyumi: [it's 'phone']
Unknown number: [thats how u know its me :P ]
All Might: *coughing, doubled over in the teachers' lounge*
midnight: .-.
All Might: *waves* "I'm fine..." *wipes his mouth* "Just need to take five..." *sits on the couch, reaching for his bottle of water*
midnight: maybe head home for the day, i'll handle the rest of your workload-
All Might: "I-I can't--I'm trying to finish up a training schedule for--" *collapses*
midnight: !! shit! recovery girl! get in here!
*a small siren is heard--as Recovery Girl drives in on a scooter*
Shinsou: <So support students don't go on training trips like the hero students?>
mei: nope! besides, i couldnt just leave my babies unattended all summer!
Shinsou: ._.; <I see...So, no science fairs after I-Island blew up?>
mei: alas, not this time. but it'd be nice to see the blonde angel again~<3 huh? oh right!
Shinsou: (" 'Blonde angel'?") <"Oh right" what?>
mei: i wanted to show you something! follow me!
NOS: "Absolutely appalling security parameters--I'm asleep how long, yet what advancements have I seen..." *thumbing through psychological profiles of Pro Heroes*
himiko: *brushing the hair of a doll*
Dabi: *looking stuff up on his phone* "Says the 'bot who's running on DVDs and 8-trax."
twice: BUUURN! *hand up for a high five*
Dabi: "..." *back to his phone*
NOS: -_-# "I have upgraded to SSD and cloud storage. So watch it, before I share your search history with the entire group."
shaula: ok boomer.
shaula: =3= ruuude.
Kurogiri: "Please do not squabble." *offers Shaula a drink--and passes motor oil to NOS*
kurome: *sips her orange juice*
NOS: "..." *whispers to Himiko* "How old is the child?"
himiko: 4-5 i think?
NOS: "..." ("Do I even want to know how this happened? Or where the mother is? Is there a mother?")
kurome: *looks up* *offers her juice*
NOS: "Um...No, thank you."
Kota: *kicks a rock up the path to the cave* "..."
sphinx: there you are, kouta!
calico: mandalay was worried about you.
Kota: "?! Were you following me?!!"
calico: more of we were following your footprints-
sphinx: *elbows her*
calico: >~0
Kota: "?!!! Jerk!" *stamps on Calico's foot*
calico: OWIE! >~<
Kota: *starts running*
sphinx: *runs after him*
calico: ok I’ll just be here. on the ground. hurtin'.
Kota: *trying to get through the trees--*
*hits a tree branch*
sphinx: *picks him up and carries him back*
Kota: @_@ *looks like his nose is bleeding a bit*
calico: heeeey...
sphinx: *dragging her by the arm*
calico: thank you.
Monica: *lifting Saria up by the collar* "YOU APOLOGIZE FOR THIS MESS!"
Saria: TT~TT "I've said I'm sorry, Yolanda--twelve times now!"
yolanda: come on, monica, let her go already...
Monica: "...Tch." *sets Saria down*
Saria: TT~TT "I just look forward to going home after today..."
lukas: mind if i walked you home?
Saria: "I-I'd appreciate that, thanks..."
lukas: *nods and walks with her*
Saria: "...I really screwed this up."
lukas: saria...
Saria: "I just felt like I wasn't good enough...Sometimes I wonder what we're all doing here--the DWMA is not an easy school..."
lukas: ....*hug*
Saria: "...?!" .\\\\\\.
lukas: im not really the best at giving advice, so...i thought this would help...
Saria: "..." *hug* "Th-Thanks..." *sniffle*
lukas:.... .///. well....
Saria: "I-I...I--"
lukas: ?!?!?!
Saria's Dad: "I got another one!" *holds up a mini-Waffle Man on a fork*
Waffle-Man: "UNHAND ME, MORTAL--"
greg: EEEEP!! >~<;;
Saria's Dad: *nom*
Saria: D8>
Saria: O_O; "I am so grounded...Lukas, will you do the honors?" *transforms*
Charon: *rubbing his shoulder* "Take five." *walks away from a bloodied Hood*
hood: *groan*
Charon: *walks into the infirmary, opens the freezer for an ice pack*
Sho: *hiding behind Arrow* "..." *looks around her at the victim*
Sho: *cringes, holding his chest*
arrow:......*looks at sho, worried*
Sho: "I-I'll go back to my room now..." *walks to leave--and bumps into someone*
Hood 2: "?!!!! I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" *bows in front of Sho*
arrow: ??
Sho: "No, it's fine--"
Hood 2: *falls down, unconscious*
arrow: !!
Haumea: "Hmph." *steps on Hood 2* "No courtesy from these lemmings. Get this one back to the infirmary."
Sho: "..." *grabs Arrow's hand* "Take me back..."
arrow:....of course, my lord....
Hood 2: *dragged to the infirmary, blood spread down the hall...*
Sho: *shaking*
Inka: "Yo, Sho!" *waves*
Sho: *hides by Arrow's side*
arrow: inka, he's not in the mood for this.
Inka: "Come on--he's rarely makes any appearances anymore! How about we go pester the moles a bit more--" *starts poking Sho in the cheek--*
Inka: "... ..." *screams*
arrow: !!
Sho: *lets go of Inka's finger*
Inka: "WHAT THE HELL?!" *clutching her hand* "...At least do the other one, too--"
arrow: *glares at her before walking off with sho in tow*
Sho: "..." *starts crying as they near his door*
Sho: *falls onto his bed, face-down in his pillow* *muttering* "I wish I was..."
arrow: with your brother....right?
Sho: "Dead."
arrow:.........*hugs him*
Sho: *sobs into her shoulder* "I'm a monster..."
arrow: *rubs his back*
Sho: *hiccups and cries himself until he passes out*
arrow:.....(we cant....stay here anymore.....we'll likely be on the run for the rest of our lives, but he cant...he cant stay in this place.....)
Sho: "Zzz..."
arrow:.....(we'll leave this place....even if it kills me....)
Vector: *at a burger stand* <You ever seen this man?> *holds up a photo of Luke*
kid: <wasnt he on TV a while back?>
Vector: <He was in that Robot Fight in IC Prefecture--before that terrorist attack.>
kid: <oh yeah...i think he died or somethin?>
Vector: <...Yeah, sure, that's it.> *groans* <Do you have a veggie burger?>
Rin: =_=# "It was such a mess..."
kyouko: TT~TT
Fujimoto: "So let me get this straight--someone who wants to become the next Paladin got eaten alive by a demon foodstuff. ...Excuse me." *turns away--and starts laughing uproariously*
kyouko: so much wasted food....
Fujimoto: "What, didn't anyone eat the leftovers?"
nagisa: *laying on the couch, clutching her stomach* =~=
Crona: "Would you like more ginger ale?"
nagisa: *nods*
Crona: *pours some*
Ragnarok: *stomach expanded* =w= "We were eating fine today~"
mami: *thinking about how charlotte appeared as nagisa's soul gem was darkened* hmmm...
sayaka: and you're sure you dont remember anything?
nagisa: *shakes head* not really, i just kinda blacked out...
sayaka: hmmm, i think it's like what happened to me in hoozuki...only i didnt lose consciousness...do you think it has something to do with that marble we got off those white hooded twins back then?
mami: perhaps....
Crona: "..."
Ragnarok: *nods off*
mami: homura mentioned something about a dream she had the other night. a dream that said to go to kamihama city...
sayaka: KAMIHAMA!? the magical girl capitol of, like, the whole world probably?!
Ragnarok: "Ngh, be quiet..." *tosses a couch pillow at Sayaka*
Crona: ._.; "May be worth a look?"
mami: perhaps.....from what i've heard, similar cases have been happening in kamihama in recent years as well...
Crona: "Want to call in assistance?"
mami: a good idea...
Pumpkin: *pulled in against the rain*
-footsteps are heard-
Pumpkin: *alert, conjures a shield*
misaki: mr pumpkin, are you in?
Pumpkin: "...You."
misaki: *small smile*
Pumpkin: "...Why are you here? It's miserable out."
misaki: i was....i was worried for you.
Pumpkin: "Hmph. There's no concern for that--" *his arm, wet from the rain, falls off*
misaki: oh!!
Pumpkin: "...It-It grows back...I swear." >_>;
misaki: *picks up the arm and hands it to him*
Pumpkin: "..." *nods, reattaches it...* "..." *sniffle*
misaki:....*offers her umbrella*
Pumpkin: "...Thank you."
misaki: *smiles*.....say.....if you wanted....you could stay at my house for a while.....s-sorry, that was a bit forward, wasnt it?
Pumpkin: "...How the hell am I supposed to do that? I stick out like...do you have 'sore thumbs' in this dimensions?"
misaki: it's quite alright. i live alone...well, there is that crow, alistair, but....
{Imaginary Alistair: "CAH HA HA HA~"}
misaki: ^^;;
Pumpkin: "I assure you, I need no chari--charit--AH-CHOO!" *sneezes fire--then collapses*
misaki: !!!! *helps him up*
Pumpkin: *he looks barely conscious*
misaki:......*helping him walk*
-in asunaro-
???: *running through back alleys while two hooded figures are in pursuit*
???: "We're getting closer."
-the person reaches a dead end-
???: SHIT!!
???: well, you dont have anywhere to run now, so you may as well join us. right tsukasa?
Tsukasa: "Please say 'yes'--it makes things more pleasant."
???: tch- you really think im willing to go with you after you attacked me?! fat chance!! besides, what you're talking about, it's crazy!
tsukuyo:....well, that is rather unfortunate...wouldnt _you_ agree?
???: i said- *freezes as she feels something in the shadows behind her*
Demongo: "Hello~"
???: !!! g-get the hell away from me!!
tsukuyo: my apologies, akane sumire, but you made your choice...
akane sumire: s-stay the hell back you freak!!
Demongo: *his skull-mouth opens wide* "AAAAAAAAAH--"
-sumire can barely let out a cry for help-
Demongo: =w=
Tsukasa: "Well..."
tsukuyo: that was unfortunate....oh well, whats done is done....let's go, the magius will be expecting us back in kamihama by tomorrow...
Demongo: "Give me a second--got to walk this off...Need to jog more..." *follows*
-not too far away, a figure watches them-
???: "My, my, my; what lovely gems~"
mirai: uuuugh, it's too hoooooooot!! =~=
Umika: "Yes, summer tends to be warm."
kaoru: let's go to the beach!
niko: im not fond of sand. its gritty and it gets everywhere.
Saki: "Okay, Anakin."
mirai: i agree with niko, the only swimsuit i look ok in is a school swimsuit and people will laugh at me!
Satomi: "How about camping? We could even see wildlife up close and personal."
mirai: good idea, saki, umika?
Umika: "Beach."
Saki: "Beach."
niko: it appears we're at a tie, then...
Umika: "I guess that leaves it up to Kazumi."
kazumi: leave what up to me? *her hair is complete bedhead*
kaoru: *SNRK*
Umika: *clears her throat* "We were thinking of a summer trip. Would you prefer the beach or camping?"
mirai: we're half-and-half on what we want to do.
kazumi: ...well, summer break is until september, right?
Saki: "Uh huh?"
kazumi: it's july right now, so there's no reason we cant do both, right?
kaoru:....she's got a point.
Saki: "...I suppose so?"
niko: that still doesnt answer the question.
kazumi:..... .n.; coin flip?
Umika: "Heads beach, tails camping...Who has a coin?"
niko: *holds one up*
Saki: "Flip it.”
kaoru: wahoo!
Saki: "Neat!"
mirai: *siiiiigh* i'll go get my stupid swimsuit then. =A=
niko: at least the water will cool you off. plus better wifi.
Umika: "Kazumi, we should get you a new swimsuit as well."
kaoru: and a haircut! *laughing*
kazumi: really?
Saki: "Wouldn't it make you feel a bit better?"
kazumi: ...i guess so.
toto: *pokes head out of her hair* mrow?
Umika: "..." *stifles her laughter*
Yumi: *dialing on a mirror* "...Marie? You there?"
marie: yes?
Yumi: "Hello. I wanted to follow up about an official report from your trip."
marie: honestly, it feels like we havent gotten anywhere.
Yumi: "I'm sorry to hear that. Have you found witnesses to the crimes?"
Anya: *curled up in bed* "..."
Anya: *grunts* "Yeah?"
mio: you doing ok?......i brought you a baguette.
Anya: "..." *STOMACH GROWLS* "...Thank you." *sad nom*
Anya: "...I grew up without siblings, so the thought of even having one never crossed my mind! Now I'm supposed to think, 'Oh, so I may have a sibling'?! HOW AM I TO DEAL WITH THAT?!!" *angry nomming*
mio:...i think i get it, suddenly having a sibling can be a shock. it sure as heck shocked me when my little brother was born.
Anya: "Hmmm...What was that like? How old were you?"
mio: well, my-....hmmm, let me do the math on that...
Anya: -_-; "In any case, at least you knew your sibling from the beginning--I know next to nothing about...mine."
mio:.....im not sure what else to say....
ao: you're afraid.
Anya: "WHAT?!" *shivers*
ao: suddenly everything is different for you and you're beside yourself on what to do...would this be an accurate assessment?
Anya: *shaking* "I-I think so..."
ao: i see. i suppose that's reasonable. if i were in your situation, i'd probably feel the same way, unsure of who to confide in or talk to...
Anya: "...I don't even know how I would talk to _him_."
mio: w-well you dont have do talk to him _now_.
Anya: =_= "I suppose...Not like I was going to dial him up." *gestures to...a phone that looks like it was made by Alexander Graham Bell*
Black Star: *packing an overnight bag*
naho: whatcha doin?
Black Star: "Got a mission! A quick one!"
naho: cool!
Black Star: "Yeah! There's been all these disappearances in Seoul!"
tsubaki: otogiri, shamrock, you'll look after things while we're gone?
Belkia: "D'aw, why don't you ever let me be in charge?" *has Sakuya tied and hanging from the ceiling*
Kid: *appearing on a mirror in Soul's apartment* "We have to talk."
soul: sup?
Kid: "There are missions piling up after the Kishinites incident--so Father wants to send out as many available people as possible. Unfortunately, some are already on missions overseas."
soul: ah. let me guess, one of these missions is for me?
Kid: "Perceptive, as usual. We have a few options. Perhaps a visit to France?"
soul: i take it no bringing the kids?
Kid: "...Given the circumstances of this case, I think it would be best not to."
soul: thought so. im sure blair will look after them till i get back.
Kid: "Good, then. I have to travel as well for a mission."
Nirvana Employee 1: "He's been...less pleasant than usual since the first madness spike."
luka: *sigh* perhaps i should talk to him.
Nirvana Employee 1: "Try this." *hands a box of chocolates* "Also, don't extend your hand out." *has an arm entirely bandaged*
luka:....i doubt he'll be amused, but whatever...
*there's one door where humming is heard*
luka: *shudders* *touches her necklace before entering*
Asura: *resting his head on Mikan's lap*
mikan: *looks up* hm?
Asura: *groans* "What now." *the energy is radiating off of him*
luka: am i interrupting?
mikan: as a matter of fact, yes.
Asura: "I already told the last flunky--my head is killing me. Or do you want a 'manicure,' too?"
luka:....would you care to explain _why_ your head is killing you?
Asura: "If I knew that, I would have stopped the pain already. I only feel this much pain when around another with a powerful soul wavelength..."
luka: like your wife?
Asura: *pierces the wall by her head with a scarf* "We are compatible."
luka: right, she's the only thing keeping you from going on a rampage.
Asura: "...These are brave words from someone with a death wish."
luka: im just stating the facts.
Asura: "...These are amateurs, playing with a madness wavelength that is discordant with my own. That is all I can determine. Go tell that to your supervisors."
luka: very well then. *exits*
heibito:....daddy? what wrong?
Asura: "..." *pats his head* "Just a headache."
Akane: "Good day. Sorry that Clay made us late. I brought donuts."
Youta: ._.
Sid: "Have a seat. We were going over intelligence."
clay: so what's up?
Sid: *shows a map with Kishin Symbols all over it*
clay: dang....
Cho: "The Kishinites were targeting Death City, likely as a distraction for global efforts...Sid was telling me about certain Magic Tools that would assist them."
clay: and the sages?
Sid: "They're doing the best they can--but that's like using a hammer to smash ants. Our work is more precise. So while Zubaidah and others help with the flashy stuff, we're going to be working in shadows."
shinra: *YAAAAAAAAAAWN* =~=
Relan: "Zzz..."
shinra:....*pats his head before getting up*
Akitaru: *already making coffee in the kitchen*
shinra: morning.
argit: yo.
shinra:.....why are you still here?
argit: eh, just felt like it.
Akitaru: "I've tried getting him to leave."
{Akitaru: *spritzing with a water bottle*}
argit: *shrugs and eats his bacon*
Viktor: -^- "This is so annoying--some newbie showing up at random out of nowhere, uninvited." *eats toast*
Komori: <Are you fucking kidding me?>
shinra: -.- (i'd rather have schop here...)
Arthur: "In times of famine, desperate people often turn to consuming the vermin present to satiate their hunger. I propose we eat the mongoose."
argit: hey fuck you!
maki:.....so shinra, you feeling any better?
shinra: y-yeah, i dont know what came over me last night...
Akitaru: "...You going to be ready for today's tasks?"
shinra: of course!
Akitaru: *nods* "Keep your phone on today to check in. This is going to be an important one."
nozomi: good morning everyone.
tamaki: *following behind her*
Akitaru: "Howdy! Just about done with the eggs."
Arthur: "..."
tamaki:....thank you.
Komori: *holds up a sign at Argit*
argit: hmn?
Komori: *small print for only Argit to see* <Talk shit about either of them, and you'll wake up in a bathtub without your kidneys.>
argit: o-o tch- *grumble grumble*
Australian Park Ranger: "My people found the nest without its eggs. This job was too clean to be a predator--at least, not a non-human predator. These were poachers."
janine: damn...
marie: how awful, the poor mother...
Ranger: "What bugs me is that no one ever sees 'em--it's like they're invisible. Not even footprints."
janine: hmmmm *looking around*
*the nest has feathers in it, as would be expected--except one does not look like the others...*
janine: hmm?
*the feathers in the nest are white or gold...this one Janine sees is purple*
janine: well look at that...
Ranger: "??? What's that supposed to be?"
janine: not sure....a clue most likely.
*a Tennessee purple finch eats sunflower seeds before hopping back onto its owner's shoulder*
Poacher: *rubs the bird's head* "You got them locked up?"
???: yeah, these lil bastards wont be causing trouble anytime soon.
Poacher: "Can't wait--Blanche here can't stand this heat. Ain't that right, Blanche~?" *pets Blanche the finch*
Blanche: =w=
*something big rattles in a cage*
tsukasa: *playing DDR*
Tsukuyo: *sips a soda, watching*
Demongo: *posing as a shadow*
tsukasa: *stomach rumbles* im hungry, tag out!
Tsukuyo: *sets the soda down, leaps in*
Demongo: "Pick me up something, too!"
-the door opens and a girl enters and approaches-
tsukasa: ??
souju: *takes a seat at their table* ^u^
tsukasa: uhhhh may we help you?
Demongo: "???" *observing Souju*
souju: *offers hand* ayase souju, at your service! please, call me souju~
tsukasa: erm... ._.;
Tsukuyo: *finishes up* "Ta-da!" *looks back* "???"
souju: you two are magical girls, yes~?
tsukasa: ?! h-how did-
souju: i saw you both last night.
tsukasa: !! *looks at tsukuyo* (do you think she's onto us...?)
Tsukuyo: *goes stone-faced* "Hm. And what would that be?"
souju: i'd like to invite you to my house for tea~ ^^
tsukasa: ?? that's it?
Tsukuyo: "I don't know..."
Demongo: =_=;
souju: you mentioned something about 'joining' and it got me curious...
Tsukuyo: "?!"
tsukasa: *looks at tsukuyo*
Tsukuyo: "..." *shakes her head*
souju: pretty please~? i'll make it worth your while~
Tsukuyo: "...If you're serious..."
souju: wonderful!
Tsukuyo: *looks at Tsukasa* ("I got a bad feeling about this...")
*in a hospital in Seoul*
Doctor: <Another one...>
Patient: *staring up at the ceiling...with eyes that are white, blinded*
nurse: <what do you think happened?>
Doctor: <I would have said it was cornea failure, but...> *gestures to rows of patients, all with the same affliction* <This is too coincidental...>
Pumpkin: *snoring*
-smells like toast?-
Pumpkin: *groans, opens his eyes...* "...Where am I?"
misaki: oh, you're awake. *smiles*
Pumpkin: "...Oh. Right. Hello. Has the rain stopped?" *looks around*
misaki: *nods* i made some toast...
Pumpkin: "..." *stands up, looking where he slept*
Alistair: *eating from a bowl of seeds*
-the couch seems a bit old, but not uncomfortable-
Pumpkin: "..." *tries to fold up the blanket*
misaki: *making tea*
Pumpkin: "...It was a comfortable sleep."
misaki: im glad to hear that.
Pumpkin: *takes a seat at the table, looking around the kitchen*
-there are various spices and cooking tools about, as well as a few herbs and a cookbook-
Pumpkin: "You cook much?"
misaki: usually for myself, i dont have guests often.
Pumpkin: "I see..." *spots a textbook on the table* "???'
misaki: toast is ready.
Pumpkin: "...Thank you." *takes a piece* *nom* "...It's good."
misaki: *smiles*
Pumpkin: "Is that cinnamon on it?"
Alistair: *hops onto Misaki's shoulder*
Hirotsu: "Here are the crayons, the paper, the paste, and the glitter. Have fun, kiddos."
Tachihara: *seated at the kiddie table* "...WAIT A SEC!"
miyuri: yaaaay!! ^o^
Tachihara: *grumbling* "Why's that old fart treating me like some kid?! I ain't a child--" *doodling on paper* "Yo, Sonia, could you pass the yellow crayon?"
sonia: *hands it to him*
Tachihara: "Yeah, thanks--WHY'S HE GOT TO BE LIKE THAT TO ME?! What if it was your pops treating you like that?!"
Tachihara: "..." *grumbles* "I'm sorry for yelling..."
sonia: you're frustrated.
Tachihara: "You're daaaaaaaaa--...darn right I am. Sometimes I feel like I'm treated like the misfit."
sonia: im sure you'll prove yourself someday.
Tachihara: "...Maybe. I'll...I'll just get back to drawing...What you drawing?"
Meme: "Tsugumi, look at this email!"
tsugumi: hmm?
*it looks to be from Marie Mjolnir*
tsugumi: oh!
Meme: "She seems really busy with poachers!"
tsugumi: gagantous!
Meme: "She is reaching out to anyone available to help..."
tsugumi: hmm....
Anya: *packing*
tsugumi: anya?
Anya: "We should help Miss Marie! It would give me something to focus on..."
mio: good idea.
Maid: "Princess, I am afraid you are not permitted to leave."
tsugumi: eh?
Maid: "It would be dangerous to have you go running out so abruptly..."
Anya: "?!!!" *shuts her suitcase, marches out of the room* "Then I know with whom to speak..."
tsugumi: wait, anya!
Anya: *heading into the throne room...*
kathleen: ?? anya?
Anya: "What's this about me not being allowed to leave?!"
kathleen: !! *looks at charles*
Charles: "Anya, now calm down--"
Anya: 0n0 "I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! I am my own adult, and I get to make my decisions--"
*cooks are setting out an extravagant dinner...*
kathleen: anya, please-
Cook: "Excuse me, Princess--will you be having the beef or the pork?"
Anya: "Beef please, thank you. AND ANOTHER--...What."
kathleen: we just.....wanted one more family dinner before you left in the morning...
Charles: ^^; "I suppose we should have clarified to the maids that it would be dangerous for you to leave on an empty stomach..."
Anya: "... ... ..." T\\\\T;
kazumi: woah!
Umika: "Impressive, isn't it?"
kaoru: *in a sporty swimsuit* heck yeah it is!
Satomi: >_>; *watches a hermit crab*
mirai: *staaaaare* 0n0
Saki: "Ah, come on--try to have some fun."
kazumi: the sand feels so funny!
Umika: "Hang on--let's finish your sunscreen..."
kazumi: o-ok.
Saki: "But then we're going seashell hunting, and swimming, and snorkeling, and--"
Satomi: *curls up under an umbrella*
nico: -.-;
Umika: "The camp will be waiting for us--now, it's fun and sun. There, you are successfully blocked."
kazumi: thank you!
Saki: "What do you want to do first?" *holds up a bucket* "We can also make sandcastles?"
kazumi: yeah!
Saki: ^^ "Okay!" *buckets up sand*
kaoru: umika, lets play some volleyball!
Umika: "Very well--maybe go a bit easy on me..."
mirai: *sulks under the umbrella* T^T
Satomi: "My sympathies..." *opens a book, puts on sunglasses*
mirai: *stares at her* (IM NOT CRYING AT ALL!!)
Satomi: *offers a tissue* "Here."
nico: *looking around*
*looks like an ice cream stand on the boardwalk*
nico: *checks her wallet*
*big sign: "FREE SAMPLES"*
nico:.....hey, anyone want something from the ice cream stand?
Saki: "Yes, please!"
mirai: parfait.
Umika: "Kazumi, want anything?"
kazumi: shaved ice for me!
Umika: "And sorbet for me, please."
Ice Cream Vendor: *ringing the bell*
Flight Attendant: <Welcome to Seoul.> ^^
Black Star: *yaaaaaaaawns* "I need coffee and a donut."
tsubaki: ^^;
Pilot: "???" <Fancy DWMA logo on that scarf, ma'am. You looking for the regional office?>
tsubaki: <yes.>
Pilot: <You're going to want to speak to the police station in Terminal A, first floor. They'll provide you an escort.>
Black Star: O_O; ("I hate being behind the language barrier...")
Cabbie: *speaking French* <You from around here, young'un?>
soul: <not locally, no.>
Cabbie: <I could tell from the accent--you from across the pond?> *driving by a shipyard...looks like an airship docked there*
soul: <more or less, yeah.>
Cabbie: <Got ya. Well, there's the spot...Kind of a rundown chateau, you sure this is the address?>
soul: *checks phone*
*that's the address--looks like there are some text messages, too*
soul: <yep. this is the place.>
Cabbie: <Alright. That'll be 50 euros--I'll get your bags.>
soul: ......
{Kid: "We've had a serial killer. I warn you, the scenes are...reminiscent of work you've seen before, in Stein's classes."}
{soul: ok....i'll keep an eye out.}
*it looks like someone is loading crates off an airship into a van labeled "Haijima"*
???: <Careful--those are rare specimens.>
soul: ...*walks up to the house*
*inside are two elderly women*
soul:...*ahem* <good afternoon, ma'ams.> *nods*
???: <Ah, hello, young man. Are you Mr. Evans?>
soul: <and if i am?>
???: <We got the call to set up your room. I'm Sami Champlain, and this is my wife, Françoise Du Pont.>
Francoise: -_-; <Death is making his kiddos scrawny now...> *pokes Soul's arm*
soul: ^-^;
Sami: <Stop teasing the boy, Franny. Here, I'll help you with your bags...> *moves fast but is taking such small steps with such small legs that she is nowhere near his bags...*
soul: <i can handle it, ma'am, really...>
Francoise: <You don't even look like you could lift a feather!>
Sami: <I'm sure it's just jet lag, dear.>
soul: *lifts the bags*
Francoise: <MAKING FUN OF ME, EH?! I bench-press a sea-cow every morning! Feel this arm!> *flexes*
nico: the barbeque is ready.
Saki: "Thanks! I'm starving!"
kazumi: *nom* *shiny eyes* woah! this is good!
Satomi: "It sure is!" *bites into roasted corn*
kaoru: *nom* mmm!.... huh, looks like someone's shooting discs.
{-screaming is heard...-}
nico: !!!
Satomi: "You okay?"
nico:....i-im fine. just...zoned out for a moment.
Satomi: "Maybe you need something to drink?"
nico: y-yeah..
Demongo: *staring at tiny cakes*
tsukasa: .w.
souju: dig in~ ^w^
Tsukuyo: "..." *hesitantly picks one up*
souju: ^w^
Demongo: *whispers* "Pst--I want the strawberry one..."
tsukasa: 7n7
Demongo: "Come on--do it!"
*looks like a door is opened a bit nearby...*
Tsukuyo: *looks at the door* "???"
souju:....want to see something amazing?
Tsukuyo: *looks at Tsukasa* "Want to?"
tsukasa: hmmm...
souju: please, i insist~! ^^
Tsukuyo: "O-Okay?" *stands up*
Demongo: *following in shadows*
-inside of the room is magical girl merchandise. all over the walls. the floor, bed, everywhere-
tsukasa: um....wow...
souju: isnt it wonderful~?
tsukasa: yooouuuu really like magical girls, dont you?
souju: oh i absolutely ADORE them!
Demongo: ("...Not wrong, mostly?")
Tsukuyo: *backs up* ("Something isn't right...")
souju:...you know, im rather jealous of you two...being able to know your sister.......i was supposed to be a twin as well, but my sister, luca, died in childbirth.
tsukasa: !!
Tsukuyo: "Oh dear--I'm so sorry..."
souju: indeed....i was quite lonely, and the fact my parents were always at work didnt help matters.....but when i discovered the world of magical girls, it was true love at first sight...so i began collecting.
Tsukuyo: "I see...It is an impressively exhaustive collection..."
souju: indeed....but it wasnt enough....i wanted to collect more....authentic, merchandise, shall we say.....*takes out a box, full of soul gems* even if the donors were....less than willing~
Tsukuyo: "?!"
Demongo: "OH SHIT!"
tsukasa: are those.....actual soul gems?
souju: but of course! sadly, i had to get my hands a bit dirty to get them, but arent they just beautiful? they say soul gems are connected to their souls themselves.
tsukasa: you're....you're insane.
Demongo: "I agree--and that's saying something..."
Tsukuyo: *backs away*
souju: oh, you arent leaving now, are you~?
tsukasa: yes, we are! you're nuts! even _she_ isnt this bad!
souju: that's a shame...i really wanted to add you to my collection. *transforms* it seems i'll have to dirty my hands again. oh well~<3
Tsukuyo: "?! Tsukasa!" *transforms*
tsukasa: right! *transforms*
Tsukuyo: *prepares her shinobue flute*
*an elevator in Lotte Tower is taking Black Star and Tsubaki up to the top floor*
DWMA Agent: *passes a security badge* <It's not our usual policy to have patients brought to the offices, but this was a rare exception given their condition.>
tsubaki: <i see.>
Black Star: =_= "I don't suppose you speak anything else?"
DWMA Agent: ^^; "Sorry about that--just a bit flustered with these cases and, well, we heard a lot about both of you."
*doors open to a skull-shaped hallway, with glass walls showing out over Seoul*
tsubaki: wow...
Black Star: *face pressed against the glass* "No wonder Lord Death wanted this thing up here--you can see everything!"
Agent: "Tallest building in the city!" *leads them down the hall* "I have to warn you, this might get a bit intimidating..."
Black Star: "How bad can this be?" *spots the door* "I'll go first!" *kicks the door open--*
???: "OW!"
tsubaki: D8
Black Star: "???" *looks behind the door to see a very annoyed physician*
Physician: -_-# *pokes Black Star in the eyes with two fingers*
Black Star: "GAH!" *clutches his face* "WHAT THE HELL?!"
tsubaki: black*star!! *goes over to him*
Agent: "How's the patient, doc?"
Physician: "Their aura got worse. Bring the weapon, leave the meister."
Black Star: "HEY! I'm plenty useful too--"
Agent: *leads Black Star into a briefing room*
Physician: "Weapon Nakatsukasa, how familiar are you with medicine?"
tsubaki: well, i do know first aid at the very least. and please, call me tsubaki.
Physician: *a shorter person, looks up at Tsubaki* "...Hmph. That won't be enough to understand the physical condition of the patient, but your connection to the Nakatsukasa may help..." *opens a door, revealing the patient in bed...their eyes are blank, pure white, just staring up blind at a ceiling*
Patient: "..."
Patient: *sniffles, crying* <H-Hi...Who are you? You don't sound like the doctor--you sound actually friendly.>
Physician: -_-#
tsubaki: <my name is tsubaki. what's yours?>
Patient: <...Bong.>
tsubaki: <it's nice to meet you, bong.>
Bong: <Th-Thanks...I want to go back to work--but I'm like this now. That thing came out of nowhere...>
tsubaki: <what thing?>
Bong: <It was hideous--it pulled me into an alley and had this eye growing out of its forehead...>
tsubaki: !! *listening*
*a man in a business suit enters*
???: <Don't tell me you're lecturing our guest upon their arrival, Doctor!>
Physician: -_-# <Director.>
tsubaki: um...
???: *offers his hand to Tsubaki* <Lee Sang, Seoul DWMA director. A pleasure to meet you, Weapon Nakatsukasa.>
tsubaki: <likewise. and please, call me tsubaki.>
Sang: <Of course! I should've made it clearer to Kro to have you and Black Star brought to me first! Oh, Bong--how's it goin'?>
Bong: *whimpers*
Sang: <Hm--still that bad, eh? Hang in there, soldier.> *pats Tsubaki's shoulder* <Let's talk in my office--Kro brought Black Star there already.>
tsubaki: <right.>
Damon: *staring at the phone Soul left for him and Becky* "...Still nothing."
becky: at least he didnt leave us home alone...
Damon: "Yeah, but they seem kind of busy..."
Blair: *flipping through a magazine*
Katai: *hiding under a blanket*
nagisa: why dont we play some jenga?
Blair: OwO "Yes, please!"
Katai: "O-Okay...I hope I don't topple it..."
Damon: "..." *shrugs* "Sure, Nagisa."
Sami: *holding out a spoon* <Here comes the helicopter--VROOM!> *puts the spoon up to Soul's mouth*
soul: =_=;;;
*the doorbell rings*
soul: i'll get it. *sits up*
Sami: ^^ <Such a polite young man.>
*at the door is someone holding boxes up over his head*
soul: <can i help you?>
Max: <Hi, Mrs. Champlain--I got your deliveries--> *looks around the boxes* <??? Oh! Sorry--should've recognized by the voice you weren't her...Could you take some of these--they are too heavy.> >_<;;;
soul: <oh, sure thing, dude.> *carries some boxes*
Max: *groans* <Thank you, sir...>
Sami: <Maxie! Pull up a chair! How's your Grandma?>
Max: <Busy, ma'am...> *rubs his back* =_=; *looks at Soul* <??? You look familiar...You a musician?>
soul: <well...no?>
Max: <Hmm...Guess you got one of those faces!>
Francoise: <How many albinos have you seen, Max?!>
soul: o-o
Sami: <He's from Death City, dear.>
Max: <Oh! I have friends over there now!>
soul: <ah.>
Max: <I haven't kept in touch, though...I don't suppose in a big city like Death you've run into them.> ^^;
soul: <maybe i have, maybe not. who knows.>
Max: <...Well, that was suitably cryptic.> ^^; <I better finish these deliveries before my lab shift--bye, ma'ams! Good to meet you, sir!>
soul: *small wave*
Francoise: *opening a box* <Finally!> *pulls out a giant shield*
soul: ._. um....
Sami: <Franny collects weaponry for historical purposes--and combat training.>
Francoise: *poses with it* <How's it look?!>
Sami: =w= <Beautiful, dear.>
soul: <i see...>
Francoise: <I can't wait to get some practice in! Boy, when you're done with your investigation for the day, we're brawling!>
soul: ummmm....
Sami: <I would say yes, or Franny will withhold meals from you.>
*an assassin is on top of a building in Death City...their eyes narrow to follow a target*
Assassin: <Target spotted.>
*the target exits a grocery*
???: *pulls out a phone, dials* "...Izumi? It's Papa. Running a bit late."
izumi: are you alright?
Assassin: *holds up a red bow, aiming an energy arrow at him* <Steady...Ready...>
Spirit: "Yeah, sorry, the grocery was just more crowded than usual and is out of milk, so I'll need to make another stop."
izumi: ok. should i get started on dinner?
Spirit: "Sure thing! Let Cassidy know I did manage to find your mom a surprise dessert!"
*someone is walking down the sidewalk--and bumps into Spirit*
Assassin: *stops* <?!>
???: "Oh, dear--sorry, sir!" *is looking at a map* "I can't find anything around this city..."
Spirit: -_-; ("It's like Marie or something...") "No problem, buddy--where you heading?"
???: "I was trying to find 'Rest in Pizza'?"
Spirit: *points* "Around that corner."
???: *smiles* "Merci!" *hurriedly runs away*
Assassin: -_-# <Tourists...> *aims again--*
Spirit: *reaches into his pocket for his keys--then stops* "..." *rapid movements* "...Izumi? I'm going to be a little late--BECAUSE SOME ASSHOLE JUST PICKPOCKETED ME!"
???: *heads into an alley* "Hee hee hee!" *calls out* <Peppino! We are eating well tonight!>
peppino: <yay~!> ^w^
Vampa: <Indeed! So, I was thinking a large with cannolis--> *opens the wallet--and pulls out $400* ._. "...I was not expecting this much...Dude was loaded!"
peppino: *SQUEEE* <let's go somewhere fancy!>
Vampa: <Sounds good to me! We could-->
*tap tap on Vampa's shoulder*
Vampa: "???" *turns* "Oh? Do you have a recommendation?"
Spirit: OnO#
peppino: oxo;;;
Vampa: OwO;
Spirit: *slams Vampa into the wall, aiming his scythe blade at his forehead*
peppino: !!! *SHOVE*
Spirit: *turns on her* "You want some of this, too, thief?!"
peppino: !!! *ducks and covers* >~<;;;
Spirit: "..." *groans* "You petty thieves...Just give me my wallet, and I'll be on my way..."
*a laser dot appears on Vampa's forehead*
peppino: !!!!!!! *tackle*
Vampa: "?!"
*an energy arrow collides with the wall, obliterating it!*
Assassin: -_-#
peppino: >~<
Spirit: "What the hell--"
Assassin: <Actually hit him this time.>
bow: <oi, its not my fault that girl caught me off guard!>
Assassin: <Whatever.> *aims at Spirit--*
Spirit: "This is not my day. You two, get back--" *turns--and sees they both ran off already* "HEY! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME BE HEROIC--"
Assassin: *releases the bowstring--*
Vampa: *pulling Peppino away* "What the hell was that back there?!"
peppino: i thought you were going to get shot!
Vampa: "Thanks for saving my butt back there! And I know how to get us out of here..."
Spirit: *dodging in the alley, before throwing a garbage can at the Assassin*
bow: <SHIT!>
Assassin: *blocks with the bow* <He's wily.>
Spirit: *running down the road* ("I need to get to my car and--") *checks his pocket* "...AGAIN?!"
*Spirit's car comes down the road*
peppino: *waves and blows a kiss* ^w^ bu-baaaai~
Spirit: D8< "THAT MOTHERF--"
*an energy blasts right by Spirit's ear*
Assassin: "Do not move, Red."
Spirit: "..." *holds his hands up*
bow: *shift* well look how high and mighty you are now, death scythe.
Spirit: "You're two to talk. What is this about? Please tell me I didn't make a pass at your sister or something..." -_-;
Assassin: "You posed a significant problem for us some time ago. The Crimson Lotus wants retribution. And eliminating one of Lord Death's soldiers is a start."
bow: *chuckles*
Spirit: "What? Oh, you mean when you two got your asses handed to you mere children? Yeah, that was pretty hilarious."
bow: *WHAM*
Spirit: *knocked to the sidewalk* *spits blood* "That was rude..."
Assassin: "Easy...I'm sure the boss would like this one alive..."
bow: nyeheheheh~
*a courier bike parks*
bow: eh?
Spirit: "...Well, I don't have a ride, but let me help with that--" *SCYTHE LEG SWEEP*
bow: WOAH!
Assassin: "?!"
Spirit: *tackles the Assassin, then flips them into the wall*
Assassin: "GRK!"
*the bicyclist looks up*
Ox: "?! Mr. Albarn?!"
Spirit: "Ox! I'm borrowing this!" *takes Ox's bike--and pedals off*
Ox: D8
Assassin: *rubs their head* "Not so rusty for an old timer...Let's go." *leaps up to the rooftop, following Spirit*
Vampa: *leisurely driving* =w= "Nice wheels, eh?"
peppino: hmmhmm~ you knooooow~ i heard there was a 'lovers lane' not far from here~<3
Vampa: =\\\w\\\= "Oh ho ho~" *switches the radio to love songs...*
*thump on Peppino's window*
peppino: *looks* OxO;; ohhhhhh biscuits.
Spirit: *pedaling like a madman* "GIVE ME BACK MY CAR AND MY WALLET, YOU THIEVES!"
Vampa: "Hey! We stole this free and legally! Go harass actual criminals!"
peppino: that can be arranged~<3
Spirit: "...Oh biscuits--"
Vampa: "Watch the wheel!"
*the car is pulled towards the bike, nearly colliding into Spirit*
Spirit: "!!!" *turns his feet into scythes, leaping off the bike to skid along building walls*
Hyde: *running a hot dog cart on the street with an umbrella* "That'll be five dollars--"
*the umbrella is sliced by Spirit's feet*
Hyde: *a hot dog smashed into his face* =_=#
bow: LOL
Assassin: "Focus." *rooftop running* "We only need the Death Scythe--the thieves are expendable." *aims...*
Ox: *running over sidewalks, huffing and puffing* *calling on his cell* "Yeah! Two assassins! I--" *trips over the hot dog stand* "...Ow."
Vampa: *steadies the wheel--then glares at Peppino*
peppino: QAQ
Assassin: *aims at the hood of the car...*
Spirit: *reaches through the window--and leaps into the car, landing over Peppino and Vampa*
peppino: *SCREAM*
Vampa: "GET OFF OF ME!"
Assassin: *FIRES*
*the energy arrow hits the hood--and the car flips up and through the air, towards a familiar building...*
Spirit: *slow-motion* "NOOOOOOOO--"
Lucy: *sitting in the Agency office* "Hmmm...Kenji, I can't figure out this crossword. The clue is 'blank blank goose.' Four letters. You got any ideas?"
*outside, Spirit's car is flipping through the air towards the window Kenji is looking out of*
naomi: DUCK!!
Lucy: "Oh! That fits..." *starts writing it down--*
Kenji: .w.; "...SIR!"
Fukuzawa: "..." *sighs* "Kunikida. Lucy. Kenji."
Lucy: *looks up* "?!"
Kunikida: "On it!" *grabs Naomi*
Fukuzawa: *stands in front of the oncoming car* "..."
*slow-motion, the car goes through the wall of the Agency...*
Fukuzawa: "..." *swiftly swings his blade, slicing the car down the center in half...*
Kenji: *catches the half with Peppino* "Hello!"
Lucy: *sends the other half with Vampa into Anne's Room*
-outside the door-
Kyoka: *walking to the door with Atsushi* "I hope there's work for us to do soon..."
atsushi: *opens the door*
Kunikida: *protecting Naomi from debris*
*the entire wall of the building is destroyed*
Spirit: *hanging from the ceiling, blades dug into the ceiling, his clothes sliced* Q_Q
atsushi:.....yep, just another normal day.
Kyoka: "...I'll get the dustpan."
Assassin: *across the street* "...You have to be kidding me. What rotten luck."
bow: awww maaaaan....
Assassin: <No way I'm going against Fukuzawa today. Let's head back to base.>
Vampa: *sitting at a tea set with Anne* O_o; "...Are you going to eat me?"
Asher: "Yo. What did your dad say?"
izumi: he mentioned getting dessert for mom.
Asher: "Seems to be taking his time--think he did something?"
izumi: i-im sure he's fine.
Spirit: *seated at a table in the police department--across from Vampa and Peppino, handcuffed to the table*
peppino: QAQ;;;;;
Vampa: "It's all a setup! It wasn't us! It was two people who look just like us! One of them, how do say it in English--'double gangers'! Two gangsters!"
Spirit: "..." *reaches into Vampa's pants*
peppino: D8<
Spirit: *pulls out a wallet*
Vampa: "..." *sneers* "Good luck finding the money, mister--I kept that in my safe spot! HA!"
officer: ...
peppino: 7//w//7 nyehe~
Vampa: "See? She knows what I'm talkin' about--"
Spirit: *not looking up at them, looking through everything but the money pocket of the wallet* "You have kids?"
peppino: e-eh?
Vampa: "??? No? I mean, I don't think so?"
peppino: why do you care, mister?
Spirit: *opens his wallet, as a roll of photos falls out...they seem to be photos of a baby, then that same child a little older along 4, 10, and 13...then there are photos of another girl and her mother...*
peppino: these your kids?
Spirit: *nods* *points to the girl in most of the photos* "This is Maka. That's my daughter."
peppino: she doesnt look it.
Spirit: "...She takes after her mama, a bit."
peppino: can we get to the point of this now?
Spirit: *slams one hand onto the table--extending his blade*
peppino: OwO;;;;;;;;;;;
Vampa: "!!!"
Spirit: "These photos are some of all I have left of her! I hope you never have children, because I'd hate to see you running scared of losing what little you have left in your pathetic waste of a life! I don't give a shit about the damn money--keep it if you want!"
Vampa: "...Sweet! We earned a profit!"
officer: MR ALBARN, please calm down!
Vampa: "EEP!" *struggles to put Peppino behind him as he shields her from Spirit*
peppino: ...*mutters* not like i could have any on my own anyway.....
Vampa: Q~Q
Spirit: "..." *knocks the chair back as he stands, picks up his wallet* "Enjoy collecting the evidence, officer--I have to go recycle my car for scrap metal!"
Stein: "I'll be back in about an hour--he asked me to pick him up." *picks up the keys* "The new paint job should get a reaction out of him."
valentine: just try not to scare him _too_ much.
Stein: "I promise, he will survive." *opens the doors, as a modified ambulance is parked in front of the Lab*
kazumi: *yaaaawn* im tired...
Umika: "But you had fun, right?"
kazumi: mmhmm! i want to get to experience more fun things like that.
nico: !!!!
kaoru: what the heck?
Saki: "?!" *holds her whip*
-looks to be a fight between 3 magical girls and a 4th figure...-
souju: see? your demon collects magical girls as well! we arent any different from each other, right?
tsukasa: shut the hell UP ALREADY! *kicks her in the nose*
souju: GRK-
Tsukuyo: "Contain her!"
Demongo: "I'M TRYING!"
souju: hehehe~ my face is all bloody now...that's not very friendly~....*slashes behind her, bisecting airi anri, who then evaporates and returns to demongo*
mirai: what the hell?! t-that was-
nico: a wraith? no....this one seems....different...
tsukasa:...sis, we have company.
Tsukuyo: "Shit!"
Demongo: "...Lot of girls--dang. Is this a convention?"
tsukasa: dont get any funny ideas, stupid demon!
souju: ahh~! the pleadies saints! this is such an honor!
mirai: just who are you girls anyway?
Umika: "Looks dangerous...Summon weapons just in case?"
Saki: *nods*
nico: that girl just now, she was airi anri, wasnt she?
tsukasa: and what if she was?
souju: *charges at tsukuyo*
Satomi: "?! Wait!" *tries to use her wand for protection*
Umika: "Damn it! Kazumi, stay behind me..."
Demongo: "HANDS OFF HER!" *summoning...*
akane sumire: *KICK*
souju: OOF!
akane sumire:.......
Satomi: "?!!! What on earth?!"
kaoru: !!! sumire-chan!
akane sumire: ..... *charges at them*
kaoru: sumire-chan stop! it's me, kaoru maki! we play soccer together!
-she doesnt reply-
nico: her eyes.....
kaoru:...*growls* WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!
Tsukuyo: "Now may be a good time to make some distance..."
kaoru: why YOU!!! *charges*
kazumi: kaoru!
???: *GRAB*
kaoru: !!!
"Yuuri": *stares with dead eyes--aiming a gun at Kaoru's neck*
nico: !!
kazumi: NO!!
-kazumi then transforms and sends and energy blast-
souju: !!! GYAAHH!
Tsukuyo: "Maybe that'll shut her up."
-'yuuri' was also evaporated-
kaoru: holy shit, i thought i was seriously gonna die!
Umika: "What is going on?!" *glares at the twins*
souju: *unconscious, her magical girl outfit torn up*
Satomi: "Why did she attack? Who is she?"
souju: *her eyes snap open as she stands up* ....well....that's certainly annoying.....
Tsukuyo: "Quiet..."
tsukasa: (she seems....different somehow)
souju: *takes out a second soul gem and transforms*
mirai: ?!?!?!
kaoru: what?
souju: allow me to introduce myself proper. my name is Luca Souju. im sure you're all well acquainted with my twin sister, Ayase.
Tsukuyo: "?! Sis...What the hell..."
tsukasa: but...ayase told us...you died....
luca: yes. it's true that my physical body died in infancy. however, my soul continued to live on in ayase's body as a 'secondary conscious' of sorts. It's said that twins are one soul in two bodies, well our situation is reversed; two souls in one body.
tsukasa: one soul.....
Tsukuyo: "...Then we have to contain this second soul, too."
luca: now, with all due respect. please die. *charges*
Demongo: "Hoo boy..." *tries to summon--*
kaoru: *ATTACKS*
tsukasa: oh shit- RETREAT!
Tsukuyo: "Damn it!" *grabs Demongo* "Come on!"
Demongo: O_O;
luca: ....
kaoru: GET BACK HERE!!
Umika: "Kaoru! Focus before--"
luca: ......*looks at kazumi* you. you've lost your memory, right?
kazumi: eh? w-well....
luca:....go to the museum of the teddy bears. you'll find the answer in the basement. *flees*
Satomi: "Get back here!"
kazumi: .....
Umika: "...Kazumi? Do you know what she meant?"
mirai: museum of the teddy bears....ah! does she mean angelica bears?
Satomi: "Probably our best lead?"
Saki: "..." *nods*
Lucy: *directing Anne* "Okay, set the wall over there..."
Kenji: *picking up debris in the office*
Kyoka: "That sounds like quite a mess..."
sylvia: s-scary...
Fukuzawa: "This is why we have contingency plans in case of any attacks on the office."          
atsushi: ...
Kunikida: *holds up a binder* "Multiple plans." *hands one to Atsushi*
atsushi: *looks* fire...flood...... ._. geese?
Dazai: "Sharp tooth-filled feathery monsters." *munching on chips in the corner*
kaoru: what do you think we're going to find?
mirai: i dont know, i just have the deed to the building!
Satomi: "Sh-Should we be in here?"
kazumi:.....i think we have to...
Satomi: *sighs...nods* "Where do we start exploring?"
nico: she said the basement....
Satomi: *takes out a flashlight*
mirai: *opens the door leading to the basement* well....here goes....
Umika: *follows...sniffs* "Ugh--really dank..."
-they head down the stairs, that seem to go on endlessly-
Satomi: "It's like something out of a horror painting...Like Esher..."
-soon, they reach a corridor-
Umika: "Cover our bases..." *takes position before they open the door...*
kaoru: *defensive stance*
Satomi: "!!! What the hell..."
kazumi: *eyes wide in shock* w..wha.....
-there is a lab.....with several incubator machines containing copies of kazumi-
Umika: "My God..."
Satomi: *looks around...spots a set of photos on a desk*
kaoru: mirai, did you know-
mirai: of course not!
kazumi: *collapses to her knees, stunned*
Satomi: *picks up one photo* "Wait...I know this...Michiru..."
mirai: ?!?! what?
nico: why would there be a photo of her here?
kaoru:....well, i guess we should explain.....
Satomi: *looks back and forth between the photo and Kazumi* "...Y-Yeah..."
{Umika: *dials on her phone...*}
{???: yes?}
{Umika: "Hello? It's me, Umika Misaki? I had sent my manuscript to you and--"}
{???: yes yes, how can i help-}
{Umika: "Why was my novel under someone else's name?!"}
{???: ah, miss misaki! good to hear from you! when can we look forward to your next work?}
{Umika: "..." *drops the phone* "...Some idol..." *falls back in her chair, next to a book review, praising some idol credited for writing _her_ novel*}
{kaoru: nnngh....huh? wha...what happened?}
{Nurse: "You're awake..." *sets down a chart, holds a flashlight to one of Kaoru's eyes*}
{kaoru: ...}
{Nurse: "Do you remember what happened? Do you feel any pain in your legs? Do you need more pain reliever?"}
{-the sound of footsteps are heard-}
{Nurse 2: "Clear the way!"}
{*someone is attached to the gurney being run in*}
{kaoru: what's going on out there?}
{Nurse: "...You were in a soccer game with that girl..."}
{kaoru: !!}
{Nurse: "You collided in your match, breaking your legs...They found your opponent int he bathroom when she...tried to..."}
{mrs usagi: happy birthday, satomi!}
{Satomi: OwO "Yay! What do I get?"}
{cat: mii!}
{Satomi: *tiny gasp* "Kitty..."}
{cat: *hops into her arms* mii! ^w^}
{Satomi: *hugging and petting* "Awww, you're so cute!"}
{cat: *nuzzles and purrs*}
{Satomi: *opens the front door*}
{sare: *laying motionless on the floor*}
{Satomi: "??? Sare? ..."}
{vet: im sorry, there's not much we can do now...}
{Satomi: *covering her face* "I did this...If I had paid more attention..."}
{mirai: *sitting in class* .....}
{Classmate: *talking to another student* "Let's check out the new crepes at the bakery!"}
{mirai:....(who needs them. as long as i have my teddies, im fine!)}
{Classmate 2: "Sounds good!" *bumps into Mirai's desk* "Ugh--hey, four eyes, can't you ever put your desk in the right spot?!"}
{Classmate: *staring at Mirai's teddy bear* >_>; }
{mirai: s-sorry.......*holds her bear close*}
{Classmate: "Aren't you a little old for stuffed animals?"}
{mirai: *sewing her bear's arm* stupid classmates......i....*weeps* i want friends....}
{niko: *laughs* over here!}
{Neighbor: "Slow down! I need to catch up!"}
{neighbor 2: you'll never catch me, coppers! *laughs*}
{Neighbor: "Oh no you don't!"}
{niko: bang!}
{Neighbor: *fake scream* "Eeek!"}
{niko: BANG!}
{Neighbor: "?!!"}
{*it sounds like something shattered*}
{niko: ah-}
{???: what was- !! NIKO! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?!}
{Neighbor: "!!!" *runs away*}
{niko: *trembling as she drops the gun* i....i didnt.....}
{???: "Call an ambulance!"}
{???: big sis look!}
{???: "Oh--what's this that you've found?"}
{-the girl holds up a lily of the valley flower-}
{???: isnt it pretty, saki?}
{Saki: "Oh so incredibly..."}
{???: when i grow up, i want to have lots of pretty flowers like this so i can have a bouquet for when i get married!}
{Saki: "Aww, but I find it hard to believe there's someone out there good enough for someone as amazing as you!"}
{???: hmm... *hug* then i'll marry you, saki! >w<}
{Saki: ^^; *hug*}
{-in the remnants of an accident, the girl lays on the ground, glass lodged in her throat as she chokes-}
{???: someone! get help!}
{Saki: "M...M-Miyuki..."}
{-the girls stand at a bridge-}
{mirai: *holding her bear*}
{niko: *holding a newspaper article on the shooting*}
{Saki: *holding the lily*}
{Umika: *holding a manuscript*}
{Satomi: *holding a cat toy*}
{-before they can jump, a magical net seems to catch them-}
{Satomi: "?!"}
{kaoru: !!! wha- what was i just....?}
{???: *phew* that was a close one. you girls just sit tight while i take care of this bad boy.}
{-a young woman in a witch's outfit appears-}
{Umika: "What...What are you?"}
{???: a magical girl. *leaps up to fight the wraith that has appeared*}
{Satomi: "A...Magical?"}
{Saki: "How does someone do that?"}
{???: perhaps i should introduce myself, my name is Michiru Kazusa.}
{kaoru: that was so awesome! you beat that...whatever it was like paper!}
{Umika: 'What was that thing, exactly? A demon?"}
{michiru: a wraith. a creature that brings misery and suffering...}
{mirai: that...it tried to kill us!}
{Saki: "Th-Thanks for not letting us get killed?"}
{michiru: of course.}
{kaoru: if things like that exist, then we need to stop them!}
{Umika: *still holding her manuscript* "..." *nods*}
{niko: but where can we even start?}
{michiru: you've heard of the incubator gardens, right?}
{mirai: i think so?}
{michiru: you can become a magical girl there, as well as have a wish granted.}
{kaoru: for real?!}
niko: she was the one who helped us form the pleadies saints.
mirai:.....she was almost a second mom to us.
Saki: *looks downcast* "Until..."
Umika: "...When she passed away...."
niko: *looking through notes left behind*
kazumi: *unable to speak*
niko: ?? i think i found something.
Umika: "??? What is it?" *looks*
Saki: "!!! These papers mention Michiru..."
-michiru came by again today. we decided to go to the natural history museum for a while. i swear, her smile could light up a room. she told me she got a report from the doctors this morning. the tests came back negative. i was heartbroken for her. she really wanted to start a family, and so did i. i promised her that i would find a way. ~Kazuhito Asakura-
Umika: *tenses up* "...You mean...They..."
mirai: i didnt know she had a boyfriend.
niko: *skimming notes*
-she's gone. this evening she stumbled into the lab in terrible shape. i tried to get medical help, but her wounds were too severe.-
*it looks like there are dry tear stains on the paper*
-if soul gems really are connected to souls, maybe there's a way to save her using the clones. if i can find a way to do a transfer-
Saki: "Wh-What is he talking about? 'Clones'? Soul gem transfer?!"
-test 1; failure-
-test 2; failure-
-test 3; failure-
Satomi: "Th-This is insane--this is too much..."
mirai: i think im gonna be sick....
-test 13; i think i succeeded. i'll name her 'kazumi'-
*the rest of the notes are torn out*
kazumi: ah.....ah......
Umika: "Ka-Kazumi...It's going to be okay..."
kaoru: where even is this guy- whoever he is....
???: im afraid that wont be needed.
Saki: "!!!" *spins around, weapon ready*
souju: dr asakura has been dealt with already, my benefactor made sure of that~
Umika: "Everyone, arm yourself!"
souju: *hits a button, causing the incubator machines to open and release the other clones*
Clones: *groan...*
kazumi: *shaking*
Saki: "!!!" *blocks*
kaoru: shit!
Umika: "Don't let that fiend get away!" *aims at Souju*
clone: *lunges at kazumi*
Satomi: "!!!" *attacks the clone*
kaoru: *picks kazumi up* come on!
Satomi: "..." *tries to reach for papers on the desk--*
izumi: ....
*the front door opens*
izumi: *looks up*
Spirit: *enters, staring down at a set of photos in his hands*
izumi: welcome home.
Spirit: "H-Hi..." *his tie is loosened, he looks like a mess* "I'm sorry I couldn't pick up everything..."
sachiko: what on earth happened?!
Spirit: "...We better sit down. C-Can I get some water?"
-and so-
Spirit: "--then I told the police."
Spirit: "I'm speaking with Lord Death in the morning."
Kro: *flipping through pages of a sketchbook* "And this is of our HQ! And this is of my neighbor's parrot! And this is of a bowl of fruit--"
Black Star: TT~TT ("The one guy who speaks English here...")
Kro: *flips a page to a giant multi-eye monster*
tsubaki: !!!
Kro: "Oh! This is what the victim reported seeing before their eyes went--" *passes a hand over his face back and forth* "--blind. Wild, right?"
tsubaki: *looks at black*star*
Black Star: "FINALLY--SOMETHING WE CAN FIGHT! Where'd that monster go?!"
Sang: *covering his ears* ^^; <"He's certainly energetic...>
tsubaki: <that's one way to put it.> ^^;
Kro: "Oh! Um..." *flips through paperwork, all covered in doodles* "Ah! Bong had encountered the monster in an alley off of Jung-gu at the Dongdaemun Vegetable Market--"
Black Star: "WE'RE ON OUR WAY!" *runs...then walks back in* "Which way is that?"
tsubaki: -.-;
kabo: y'all got plans for the summer?
camie: malibu, baby!
Inasa: "Awesome! You going to get some TRAINING done for our LICENSES?!"
camie: yeaaaah that too! ^^;
Seiji: =_= "You both should take this seriously--or you'll never get your licenses at this rate." *bites into his burger*
camie: =3= mood killer.
kabo: sure has a funny way of showing it.
Seiji: "No, I'm serious--I doubt either of you will get your license with the way you're carrying on."
Inasa: QwQ; "Ouch, buddy."
camie: i bet that rock's gonna make a fine diamond when it comes out.
Inasa: "??? I don't get it."
Seiji: -_-; "Kabo, what will you be doing?"
kabo: im gonna be helping my fam out with the farm.
Nagamasa: "How is your family doing?"
kabo: we're doing pretty well. weather's been nice.
Inasa: "What's in season? You got peppers?"
kabo: yep, plus we got zucchinis for ma's famous zucc pie!
Seiji: *hair blown back* ._.
*it's nighttime in Seoul...the downtown area is starting to disperse as people head home...*
*one woman is walking with her service dog*
Black Star: "IT'S THIS WAY, RIGHT?!"
tsubaki: not so loud...
Black Star: "Sorry--just wanted to see what was there to find a clue--"
Woman: <Ow!> *knocked over*
tsubaki: ah! <sorry!>
Woman: <Ow...That really hurt...>
Black Star: "Hey, watch where you're going next time!"
Woman: "... ... ...What the hell did you just say to me?"
tsubaki: oh.
Dog: *helps her up*
Black Star: "... ... ..." *light bulb* ._.; "Oh shit--sorry!"
Woman: "Yeah, thanks a lot--OW!" *she has a cut along her arm*
tsubaki: ah! you're hurt!
Woman: "Ah, it must have been when I fell over..."
tsubaki: *taking a mini med-kid out of her bag*
Dog: *kneels down next to her*
Woman: "Do you have a bandage?"
tsubaki: here...
Woman: "Ah, thank you, ma'am..." *applies the bandage* "Bae, the groceries?"
Bae (the Dog): "WOOF!" *picks up the bag*
Black Star: " 'Bae'? Ha! That's funny!" *pets Bae*
Woman: -_-# "Could you not pet my dog while she's on duty?"
Bae: *growls*
tsubaki: ^^;
Bae: *barks--and runs into the alley*
Woman: "?! Bae! What is it?"
tsubaki: ah! *follows*
Black Star: "!!!" *picks the woman up* "I am really sorry about running into you, Miss--"
Woman: "Chul. Don't you know how to follow directions?"
Black Star: "I know where I'm going! Why don't you--...Oh, nevermind! Wait here..." *runs into the alley*
Bae: *chasing after something*
tsubaki: here bae! *whistles*
Bae: *corners something under a dumpster* "BARK BARK--"
Bae: *knocked into a wall*
tsubaki: !!! *runs over to her*
Bae: *struggling to get up--before something whips at her leg...something covered in eyeballs*
tsubaki: !!!!!!
Bae: "WOOF!" *bites into the whip--ripping it off*
???: *inhuman scream, before it reveals itself, sliding along one snail-like tail...a giant creature, covered in eyeballs, just like Kro's drawing*
tsubaki:....*blade arm*
Eye Creature: *gurgles, its eyes shifting all over...*
*Tsubaki's eyes start to glow...as her vision starts going dark*
tsubaki: *SCREAMS*
*two new eyes start to form along the Eye Creature's body--*
*Tsubaki's vision is restored*
tsubaki: ah!
Black Star: "TAKE THAT!" *slammed a dumpster on top of the Eye Creature*
Bae: *holding the Creature's tentacle in its mouth* "RAUR?" *head tilt*
tsubaki: black*star!
Black Star: "Hey! I caught the monster--"
*an eye-tentacle whips out, grabbing Black Star by the ankles and swinging him around*
Black Star: "WAAAAAAAH!"
Black Star: *lands against the alley wall* "Thanks, Tsubaki! Let's kick this thing's ass--" *kicks the dumpster--revealing a giant slimy hole underneath it...and no creature* ._.
Sami: <Will you be needing anything else before beddy-bye time? Some sleepytime tea?> *literally tucking Soul into bed*
soul: =~=;
Francoise: <Stop babying the boy, Sami! You! Go to bed!>
Sami: ^^; <Good night, Mr. Evans!>
soul: <good night.>
Sami: *turns off the lights*
Francoise: *slams the door behind them*
soul:..... (well this has been a weird day.)
*phone vibrates on the nightstand*
soul: *checks*
Blair: {they're so cute >w< } *photo attached of the kids asleep on the couch*
-it looks a little damp outside, like it rained a bit-
Izuku: *jogging*
jirou: sup, midoriya.
Izuku: "Oh, Jirou--hello! You're getting an early start!"
jirou: guess so.
Izuku: ^^; "Sorry--just trying to keep my training up before the summer trip."
jirou: yeah, thats like, any day now.
Izuku: *nods* "I had to finish shopping from online purchases after--...Well, after." *slight shiver*
Asher: "Thanks for the alternative ride this morning, Mrs. Albarn."
sachiko: no problem. you got your lunch all packed?
izumi: yes, mom.
Asher: *holds up a bag*
Gen: =_= "...I try to run a nice clean facility..."
Spirit: *crying over the remains of his car, scattered all over Gen's workshop*
Gen: "And you ruin that for me. Why."
Spirit: *sobbing*
hakuno: come on, albarn, suck it up!
Spirit: "My baby! Those crazy assassins and damn thieves ruined my baby! Please, re-build it!"
lord death: *ahem*
Spirit: Q~Q *wipes his nose* "R-Right..." *clears his throat* "The police identified the two thieves as two-bit hoodlums, but the assassin definitely was from that Crimson group."
lord death: hmm...
Gen: *examining a sliced fender* "Gee, no wonder you couldn't out-run them in this old jalopy--"
Spirit: OnO#
Gen: *whistles innocently* >_>;
Spirit: "But why would they target me--I'm lovable!"
hakuno: -.-;
lord death: given the position of power death scythes have, it would make sense they would be targeted by an enemy faction.
Spirit: "But to kill me? That's a bit much for some assassins to show themselves!"
hakuno: ....
Gen: "Things are getting more desperate after those Kishin people showed up. Everyone's skittish--and thinks they can make a power play."
*there is a dungeon...*
Twice: *walks up to the jail bars with a tray of food* "Mornin', sunshine~!"
Queen: *locked in the cell, emaciated, bandages on her arms* "..."
Twice: "Hey, Banshee--take a break, it's my watch."
Queen: *growls*
banshee: *nods and exits*
Dabi: *standing in the hallway, looking irritated*
Dabi: "...It's quieter here than the noise upstairs with those loons."
banshee: i suppose so.
Dabi: "...I finished errands. Your meal is in the fridge."
banshee: thank you.
Dabi: "..." *grunts, goes back to leaning against the wall*
Twice: *heard yelling inside the dungeon* "No, you're supposed to _eat_ with the fork!" *pokes his head outside--with the fork jabbed in his forehead* "Dabi, be a dear and help? THAT'S AN ORDER!"
mirai: .......
Umika: *carrying a tray of food* "...You eaten yet? I was hoping to get Kazumi to eat..."
mirai: saki got me some french toast.
Umika: "..." *nods* "Okay. Please try to be patient with Kazumi--this is a lot of information to take in."
kaoru: no kidding, i mean, if i were in her situation....
Satomi: *overhearing from the hall before she steps in* "All we can do is be supportive and listen to her--it'd be more useful than just sitting around."
Saria: "Morning! Was that your mother dropping you two off?"
izumi: yep.
Kanin: "He was crying and saying something about 'my darling red and sleek baby.'"
izumi: ^-^; yeah, his car... it got kinda totaled.
lei-lei: golly! i hope he's alright!
Asher: "He was pretty shaken up."
Axel: "Did someone say a mechanic?" *pulls out a wrench*
Anya: *in outback attire and carrying a giant bug net* "I am ready to confront the Australian wilderness." *swing swing*
mio: Q-Q
Meme: "Relax, we're not even out of the airport! It's not like there's some wildlife already--"
*a crocodile is sitting in the back of a Jeep to pick them up*
crocodile: yo.
Anya: *smug look* "Don't you hate being wrong all the time?"
ao: i dont know, dont you hate having a spider in your hair?
Anya: *LOUD SCREAM, rips off her hat, smacking it against the side of the Jeep*
ao: made you look~ ^^
Anya: OnO#
Meme: ._.; "Um...We were expecting a ride to see Miss Mjolnir?"
driver: hop on in.
tsugumi: so no one is gonna acknowledge that the crocodile just spoke?............no one?..........just me?.........ok then.
Iida: "Forward, forward! The bell will ring shortly!"
Bakugo: "Jeez, the stick up your butt must be extra rigid today..."
kaminari: *snicker*
Izuku: *runs into the room*
Eijiro: "Morning!"
Aizawa: *already in the classroom...asleep*
ochako: im here! *coming in through the window* my alarm clock broke.
Mina: "Wow, swinging in like Spider-Girl! Training must be paying off!"
tsuyu: *also comes in through a window*
*tick tick--DING*
Aizawa: *bolts up awake* "In your seats."
-everyone's seated-
Aizawa: "We're finishing up your training camp route. Be present at 5 AM, as we're leaving bright and early...So early..."
*the blackboard behind him has a chart on it*
Aizawa: "This also should prepare you for your daily training schedule--" *he taps the blackboard--and the electronic portion lists a daily schedule--including one marked "REMEDIAL" with the names of Mina, Eijiro, and others*
kaminari: owo;
Eijiro: "Aw, man..."
Sero: "Hey!"
Aizawa: "I can answer that..." *disappears behind the desk, and a grunting sound is heard*
ochako: ??
Aizawa: *lifts up a very heavy binder folder labeled "WHAT MINETA DID"*
Mineta: ._.
jirou: *almost falls out of her seat*
Mineta: "B-But I still passed the exam!"
Aizawa: "Yes, you did. And yet the complaints keep coming in about conduct. Need I remind you of the Sports Festival? Or the locker room incident?"
tsuyu: let's not forget last thursday.
Aizawa: "...I don't have a record of last Thursday." *pulls out stationery and pen*
Mineta: Q_Q *trying to inch out of the room*
jirou: you stay and face your crimes, coward.
Mineta: "..." *sighs* *turns, faces the class* "Part of being a hero is having the courage to face your fears."
Izuku: "Aw, Mineta..."
Mineta: "The other part IS KNOWING WHEN TO RUN FOR SAFETY!" *bolts*
Aizawa: *flings his scarves* "New assignment--capture the coward."
tsuyu: way ahead of you.
ochako: omae wa mou shindeiru.
Shinso: *walking down the hall--*
Mineta: "NEVER!" *runs by Shinso*
Shinso: "... ... ..."
ochako: dont just stand there, get him!
Shinso: "..."
Mineta: *cornered in the other hall, turns, runs back--*
Shinso: "..." *holds out his foot--*
-le trip-
Mineta: *slow-motion* "NOOOOOOOOOO--" *face-plant*
jirou: time to pay for your crimes.
Shinso: <What did he do this time? Is this about the fly paper and rubberbands?>
jirou:.....you know what, i've thought about it....
Mineta: 8D
jirou: and i've decided....im going to destroy you twice as hard now.
Mineta: Q_Q
Aizawa: "I said capture, not 'destroy.'"
-what occurred next was far too heinous to depict here-
Aizawa: ._.;;;; ("Oh, the principal is going to rip me for this one...")
Shinso: "..." *tilts his head* <I didn't know it could bend like that.>
Mineta: *horrifying shriek*
Customer: "--and I don't appreciate people like you showing up where I live! This used to be a nice community before your kind showed up!"
Cashier: *has a Quirk* =_= "Sir, this is a Death Mart."
mitsuki: *checking the wine rack and humming*
Inko: "Mitsuki?"
mitsuki: oh hey girl!
Inko: ^^ "Hello! How's it going?"
mitsuki: oh the usual. and yourself?
Inko: "The same. I was trying to find something for Izuku's workout diet. How's Katsuki?"
mitsuki: oh, you know how he gets. ^^; *mutters* beingalittleshit...
Inko: "Oh dear...I was worried after Izuku mentioned their last exam...It sounded far too violent." T~T
Cashier: =_=#
mitsuki: ! you got a problem with quirks, buddy?!
Customer: "I got a problem with ones that turn people ugly! This asshole didn't give me the right change--probably because his stupid eyes are on either side of his head."
Cashier: *blinks in annoyance*
Inko: "...Well, it takes all kinds, _sir_."
Customer: "Did anyone ask you two old hags?"
Customer: "Well, Dad raised me never to hit a woman--too bad I don't see any here!"
Inko: "... ... ..." *sets her purse down in her shopping cart*
mitsuki: you know what's gonna happen if you dont shut up, im going to punch my fist through your teeth, down your throat, grab you by the BALLS and PULL YOU INSIDE THE FUCK OUT!
Customer: "Probably the only action you've gotten in the last year."
Inko: *rolls up a sleeve...*
Manager: "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to--"
Customer: *swings his fist towards the manager*
Inko: =_=# "Some people nowadays are so inconsiderate, aren't they?"
mitsuki: *has the customer in a chokehold*
Customer: *high-pitch squeak* "Ow! Let me go, please! Owie owie owie!"
Inko: "Hold him still, Mitsuki--I don't want to have to deal another one..."
Manager: ._. "..." *dials the cops*
tsubaki: ^^;
Physician: =_=# <It is really pathetic that you two needed a dog to procure this sample from the creature...> *keeps it under glass* <Where did the dog even disappear to?>
tsubaki: <they left before you got here...>
Black Star: ._. "???"
Sang: <What a shame--we really could have gotten more information.> *smiles, pats Physician's back* <Good thing we have an excellent forensics team! I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this!>
Physician: =_=#
Sang: <Why don't you two see the town? It would help to acclimate yourself.>
tsubaki: that sounds like a good idea.
Black Star: "Yeah! Let's go find that blob monster in the sewers!" *has not heard of word of this in Korean*
Kro: "Oh! I can give you the tour!"
Vortex Cafe Master: "We heard the crash all the way down here...An entire car, through your window?"
Kunikida: =_=
cafe master's wife: did anyone get hurt?
Kunikida: "No, thank goodness. Our team was able to stop the vehicle."
Lucy: =_=
atsushi: and the consultation office was nice enough to offer their office temporarily while we do repairs.
Kenji: "Their plants are so friendly!" ^w^
*the cafe door opens*
Cervantes: "GOOD DAY!"
frances: hello dears~
Kunikida: *nods* "Ms. Burnett."
Kenji: "Hiya! Did you finish watering already?"
frances: indeed i have, young kenji. *looks at the cafe master* i'll have my usual please. *hands him the money*
Master: *smiles* "Right away." *begins brewing*
Damon: ._.
becky: -_-; did dad approve this?
Blair: "He wanted you to have a busy and productive summer! I heard the Death Scouts do all neato activities! First aid, weaving, build campfires..."
becky:....i guess i've always wanted to do scouts. 7.7;
Damon: "I was hoping to stay indoors and read?"
Blair: "You can read the Scout Guidebook--" *pulls out a pocket-size book*
Damon: "???" *opens it* "Oh, a bug guide!"
Chuuya: *fanning himself* "I just want to figure out something to keep busy, you know?"
naoya: i feel ya.
Chuuya: "And with the girls, that's a challenge, to keep them occupied, you know? It feels like I haven't had a night off..."
naoya: i could look after them for a day if you'd like.
Chuuya: "Oh, that'd help--thanks! What would you like to do with them--anywhere you'd want to go?"
naoya: i could take them to the zoo or mephyland or something.
Chuuya: "Not bad choices--although I'll have to ask Sonia first...That clown on the Mephyland logo is creepy."
stocking: zzzz....
Kid: *holds her, gently rubbing her shoulder*
stocking: *nuzzles up to him* =///w///=
Kid: *yawns* "Love you..."
stocking: hmhm~ ^^
Kid: "Want to just stay in bed?"
stocking: yus.
Kid: *smiles* "I love summer breaks..." *nuzzle*
stocking: mmmm~<3
Kid: *kisses her shoulder*
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 5.19
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time in trial 5 (trial 5!!!!!!!), first-time-me broke down with desperate, terrifying hope as Shuichi awakened to the possibility that Kaito might still be alive, Shuichi was amazing at pushing his emotions aside and focusing on the logic, Maki finally acknowledged that she never wanted to kill Kaito and that what she wants matters, everyone was friends, the camera had a pause button!!!, and then both Shuichi and Maki realised the truth that came with Kaito being alive and Maki ran away from it exactly like Kaito did back in Gonta’s trial, while Shuichi could face it but was being a little slow on the uptake in realising why Kaito did this.
We left off at the end of Maki’s Argument Armament as Shuichi pointed out that Kokichi only pretended to drink the antidote.
Shuichi:  “Drinking the antidote was part of his lie.”
Shuichi doesn’t properly go into this in more detail, but it was. Obviously Kokichi needed Kaito alive and therefore to give him the antidote – but in that case, why not just let him keep it when Maki gave it to him? Why even pretend to drink it in the first place? Because he wanted Maki to be sure that she’d killed Kaito and not Kokichi, to make it more likely that the trial would come to the conclusion that it was Kaito who died.
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I’ve seen some people assume, based on this image that shows Kokichi holding the antidote bottle with the cap still on both before and after “drinking” it, that he pretended to drink it while the cap was still on. But, like, no. Maki and/or Kaito would almost certainly have been able to see that. That’s just the artists not bothering to draw another image of the bottle without the cap on afterwards.
Shuichi:  “There’s a strong possibility that all of this was done… to make Kaito cooperate.”
Keebo:  “Make him cooperate?”
Exisal Kokichi:  “…”
No, Shuichi, that’s not even remotely it. Kaito is apparently staring at you in bewilderment wondering why you’d even think that.
Shuichi:  “He needed leverage. He gave Kaito the antidote in exchange for his cooperation.”
Keebo:  “In exchange for his own life, you mean.”
Shuichi:  “Kaito had no choice, he had to cooperate after Kokichi saved his life. That’s just Kaito’s character, and Kokichi knew that. He swallowed his pride with the antidote, and agreed to participate in Kokichi’s plan.”
What Shuichi’s saying here is that Kaito supposedly agreed to the plan as repayment for Kokichi saving his life, because Kaito is the kind of person who would always repay favours done to him, even from someone he kind of hates. And it’s not that I disagree that Kaito is that kind of person; of course he is. But killing someone and then deceiving his friends about it for an entire trial? Kaito’s own life would never be a big enough price to get him to do that.
Remember Kaito telling Kokichi, “I don’t want to survive if it means I have to stoop to your level”, back in trial 4? Not a word of that was untrue. Kaito has very much been stooping to Kokichi’s level for this entire case – putting on a mask, never saying what he really thinks, hiding the fact that he cares about everyone and hates how much he’s been hurting them, not to mention having committed murder and even hiding that too – but him doing that has nothing to do with his own life. Kaito would never be that selfish. The only price that’s worth all this to Kaito is the chance of saving everyone else.
Honestly, Shuichi is being kind of uncharitable to Kaito to think this. He used the phrasing “swallowed his pride”, making it clear that he knows doing this is going against all of Kaito’s convictions, but he believes Kaito would still be willing to live as someone who broke all of those convictions just to survive. No. Hell no. Not Kaito.
I suppose another part of the reason that Shuichi doesn’t figure out Kaito’s real motive for this yet is because everyone is still being misled by Kokichi’s gloating from a while back into thinking that Kokichi is the real villain and Monokuma is sort of on their side. Given that they’re still labouring under that very mistaken impression of things, it’d be harder to see Kaito as being on their side when he’s working with Kokichi. So instead, Shuichi comes up with this explanation in which Kaito was essentially forced to work for the “bad guy” even though he supposedly wouldn’t actually want to.
(This isn’t even getting into the part where this antidote situation isn’t even really Kokichi saving Kaito’s life, since Maki gave the antidote to Kaito in the first place and Kokichi stole it. Giving it back to him at that point isn’t saving his life, it’s letting events proceed as they would have done anyway! If Kokichi wanted to “save Kaito’s life” then he should have just done nothing and let Maki save his life by giving him the antidote. The only claim Kokichi can make to Kaito here is “I could have killed you to save myself, but I didn’t, aren’t I nice?” That’s something, sure, but it’s hardly saving him when he was already saved.)
Shuichi:  “I imagine this was all part of Kokichi’s plan to confuse us. You wouldn’t think that someone would plan their own murder.”
Keebo:  “He went so far as to give up his life… just to create this mystery?”
Shuichi:  “Only Kokichi could think of something so nefarious. Who else would agree to die just to execute their plan?”
Well, actually…
(Even with their memories of the Hope’s Peak story, though, the general public didn’t watch DR2’s killing game. So it’s fair enough that he doesn’t know about that.)
Shuichi is being somewhat uncharitable to Kokichi in this particular instance to call this move “nefarious”, because killing himself to confuse everyone isn’t precisely evil. It is definitely a thing that only Kokichi and few others would ever think to do, though. Only someone who was so messed-up at the thought of being in a killing game that they’d basically given up on their own survival right at the beginning would be so willing to throw their own life away if it meant they could achieve their revenge.
Himiko:  “He’s crazy… Why would he go that far?”
Monokuma:  “I bet Kokichi was determined to beat me at my own game, no matter what.”
Exisal Kokichi:  “…”
Yep, that’s exactly it. Monokuma knows Kokichi very well, just like Kokichi knew Monokuma very well. They really are alike.
Note the Exisal’s silence. I suppose more gloating at this point would only imply that they’re all correct to think Kokichi is dead, if there’s even any gloating left in the script that Kaito hasn’t already recited. The silence also suggests that even Kaito is still reeling from the thought that Kokichi would go so far.
Monokuma:  “But too bad! Shuichi figured out the truth!”
Exisal Kokichi:  “…Truth? Are you sure it’s not delusion?”
Shuichi:  “Delusion?”
Exisal Kokichi:  “A delusion so completely off the mark, to make you think that I died…”
So… this doesn’t quite sound like something Kaito would ad-lib. Meaning, apparently, that despite the Exisal’s silence last time as Shuichi reached the truth, Kokichi did in fact predict this eventuality and script some lines in response to it. Although… the fact that he calls it a “delusion” kind of sounds like he could have scripted this to be a response to something from Shuichi’s baseless desperation not to lose Kaito, rather than a response to Shuichi genuinely putting all the pieces together and figuring out the whole truth. So maybe Kokichi still didn’t properly think through the possibility that his plan would fail.
Exisal Kokichi:  “But, who cares what you guys think? This is between me and Monokuma. I don’t give a crap if the extras in this game get it right or not.”
Also very definitely scripted. Kaito doesn’t even remotely see the others as “extras” and cares so much about whether they get it right. At this point, if he were using his own words, he’d be trying to communicate to everyone that he’s on their side as much as he can without breaking character.
Given that this is scripted, it looks like Kokichi was expecting a disconnect between what Shuichi thought and what Monokuma thought. Maybe he didn’t predict that Monokuma would be relying on Shuichi so much. After all, relying on people was never a thing Kokichi himself ever did, and he always projected his own worldview onto others – and Monokuma is especially like him. And if he really did think Shuichi’s argument at this point would be just a “delusion” – as in, just baseless desperation and not concrete proof – it’d make even more sense that he wouldn’t be expecting Monokuma to put any stock in that.
Himiko:  “I’m fine with being an extra!”
Tsumugi:  “Huh? Why?”
Himiko:  “If we’re just extras, then even if we get it wrong, we won’t get kill—”
Monokuma:  “No, I’d still kill you all. Don’t put Kokichi’s words in my mouth.”
I love how gleefully bluntly Monokuma puts this.
And yeah, Himiko – Kokichi only called you that because it didn’t matter from his perspective whether you guys lived or died. Just like he didn’t (or at least, told himself and acted as though he didn’t) for Miu and Gonta.
Exisal Kokichi:  “If Monokuma gets it right, then he takes everyone’s lives, yeah? But if Monokuma gets it wrong, then he’d have no right to take everyone’s lives. If Monokuma doesn’t know who the culprit is, then this killing game can’t function anymore.”
Now here are some words that are almost certainly Kaito’s! This basically contradicts what he was literally just saying about not caring if everyone else gets it right or not and therefore lives or dies, since he’s sure sounding glad about the idea that Monokuma can’t kill them. I think this is Kaito realising that Kokichi’s scripted line about “extras” was hugely unhelpful in getting across his real intentions, and now he’s using his own words to try and communicate that he’s trying to save everyone.
Not once at any of the earlier points in which Exisal Kokichi talked about his intentions to fool Monokuma did he mention the part where it’d mean nobody else could be killed – because those lines were all scripted, and Kokichi didn’t give a fuck about saving anyone else. This is only coming up now because Kaito knows that Shuichi knows he’s in there, so he finally has the chance to get his real motives across now that he knows Shuichi will listen and understand that it’s coming from him. He’s trying to do what Kokichi never bothered to do in the script and get Shuichi to realise that he shouldn’t be helping Monokuma find the truth after all. …Even if it’s probably already too late for that.
Shuichi:  (Can’t function anymore…)
This line implies that Shuichi has finally realised the reason Kaito is doing this. But, uh, hold this thought and don’t get your hopes up yet.
Shuichi:  “Kaito… I believe in you.”
Exisal Kokichi:  “…Hm?”
Of course he does, Kaito!
…But maybe Kaito genuinely didn’t realise that, because this is the first time Shuichi has ever said so out loud.
He’s said as much in his inner monologue countless times, but until now, Kaito never heard it. Towards the beginning of their friendship, Kaito would have just assumed it was the case anyway, since being someone their sidekicks can believe in is the point of heroes like him… but he definitely doubted it during chapter 4 and the beginning of chapter 5. He’d also be worrying, having murdered someone and spent the whole trial lying to them all and hurting them, that Shuichi might think upon realising he did all this that Kaito had simply betrayed him, especially with Shuichi’s history of having people he trusted turn out to have murdered someone. It’s got to mean so much to Kaito to hear this.
Another thing I love about this moment is how direct it is. Kaito’s been participating in this trial, but he’s been isolated from everyone else for all of it; no-one’s been able to see the real him and the emotions he’s been going through. Even after they figured out Kaito was in there, Shuichi and the others have still only been talking about him, like he’s just an object for them to deduce around, like they might as well still treat him like they would Kokichi since he’s acting like Kokichi. This, though, is the first time Shuichi talks directly to Kaito, piercing through the Exisal separating him from everyone and properly acknowledging that he’s with them, and he’s listening, and he has been this whole time. That must have felt so refreshing for Kaito after all this. And of course Shuichi knows Kaito can’t and won’t respond to his words, but that’s okay; Shuichi just wanted Kaito to know this.
It’s also adorable that Shuichi is able to still believe in Kaito so strongly even though he hasn’t been able to communicate with the real, genuine Kaito for the whole trial and Kaito has seemingly been working against him this entire time. It takes an incredible amount of trust to do that. They are friends.
Shuichi:  (If you’re cooperating with this plan… you must have a reason. To determine that reason, I need to reveal the truth!)
…No, Shuichi, you moron! If you understood why Kaito was doing this then you should know that revealing the truth will do the opposite of helping him! Apparently, despite the line a moment ago that implied he’d got it, he still hasn’t cottoned on to why Kaito is doing this and what he’s been trying to achieve.
Another part of Shuichi missing the point and continuing to pursue the truth when he shouldn’t can be put down to his issues. There’s always been a part of him that never wanted to pursue the truth at all, but over four and a half trials he’s trained himself to push that part down and not listen to it to the point that it’s become instinctive. He’s always forced himself into the mindset of “if I don’t find the truth we all die”, such that it doesn’t even occur to him to re-evaluate this basic premise and realise it doesn’t necessarily apply here.
Of course, it didn’t apply from the moment it became apparent that Monokuma didn’t know the truth. Upon learning that, Shuichi should have figured that it was best to keep Monokuma in the dark – but it was easier to overlook that at the time because of all Kokichi’s gloating to make himself, and therefore his lies, seem like the biggest villain. However, now that Shuichi knows that Kaito is also trying to hide the truth, he should be more capable of realising that maybe this really is a good thing. Yet, even then, he’s stubbornly facing the truth, simply because that’s what he’s always forced himself to do.
Still, even with these reasons for Shuichi being slow on the uptake, they’re only something you’re likely to realise after the fact, and in the moment it can be quite frustrating and awkward to watch Shuichi continue to obliviously ruin what Kaito’s trying to do even when he should know better by now. It’s especially egregious in this moment in particular as we’re about to go into the Closing Argument, in which Shuichi will explain the truth even more clearly and explicitly than he already has done. This is of course happening because the game’s writers obviously want to still have an excuse to have a Closing Argument, even if they have to force it a bit.
But… ultimately, while this may be forced, it doesn’t actually affect the overall narrative in any significant way. The thing is, even without the Closing Argument, Monokuma is still already convinced that Kaito did it. That happened the moment Shuichi declared as such. It’s only after that point that Shuichi would ever start thinking about why Kaito did it and realise that he’s trying to save them, and whoops, maybe figuring out the truth and saying it out loud for Monokuma to hear was a mistake. After all, Shuichi always focuses on figuring out the facts before figuring out the people. So long as Kokichi was gloating so hard over his petty feud with Monokuma that he made himself look like the bigger villain on the surface, Shuichi was never going to consider the idea that maybe this plan actually benefits all of them until he’d figured out that Kaito was the culprit and therefore in on it too.
Which means that no matter how things went down, even if Shuichi hadn’t been quite as slow on the uptake as this, Monokuma learning the truth was unavoidable thanks to Kokichi being an attention-seeking idiot. The only thing that’d be different if Shuichi was being more sensible is that we wouldn’t have a Closing Argument right here. And I love this Closing Argument (as you will be able to tell shortly from how long I’m about to spend covering it), so I really don’t actually mind.
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Kaito doesn’t look very sure of himself as he holds his completed crossbow. He knew full well that his “plan” of threatening Kokichi with it was terrible and very unlikely to achieve anything of use, didn’t he. (And so does Shuichi, it seems, since he’s the one imagining Kaito making this face.)
(This is such a hilariously unambiguous Ambiguous Culprit Figure. Who could it possibly be wearing this big purple space jacket in a doofily asymmetrical way.)
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I would also like to thank this one panel of Maki in the Exisal as being the only other decent source of what the cockpit of an Exisal looks like.
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Fun irrelevant fact: despite being right-fisted based on the times we see him punch someone, apparently Kaito is otherwise left-handed. This actually makes a lot of sense – if you look at his various sprites, whenever he makes some kind of one-handed gesture, it’s always with his left hand. Him wearing the left sleeve of his jacket also fits with this, because if he was going to wear only one sleeve then it being the one for his dominant hand would prevent the flappy non-worn-sleeve side from getting in his way as much. (Any rightie fans of Kaito out there who’ve attempted to copy the way he wears his jacket and found it incredibly inconvenient and annoying? Flip it. It’s nowhere near as bad. No I’ve totally not done this myself what are you talking abou)
And since the question of which sleeve Kaito wears was briefly a plot point, this technically means that this is another very unusual way for a character’s left-handedness to be relevant in a murder mystery! Kaito and Gonta can be leftie bros.
Admittedly this image is just Shuichi’s imagination, but we can assume that his observation skills picked up on these hints from all his time with Kaito, letting him deduce that Kaito is left-handed and therefore imagine him this way here.
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Kokichi’s bewildered face here is pretty great. He was probably wondering (quite understandably) what the hell Kaito was even planning to do by threatening him with one arrow. And Shuichi is the one picturing Kokichi doing this, so yes, he is very aware that Kaito’s plan with the crossbow was pretty terrible.
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I also like the focus on Kaito getting angry before he fired – like I mentioned several posts ago, he probably wasn’t even planning to shoot Kokichi at all and did so because he lost control like he has a tendency to. (I bet Kokichi was taunting him about how stupid and pointless this plan of his was.) Again, this technically isn’t confirmed, but Shuichi is imagining it to be the case because he knows Kaito so well.
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Kaito quite rightly then immediately jumped on him and started fighting rather than continue to threaten him with a crossbow that no longer had any ammo.
Shuichi:  “But even with poison in his veins, Kokichi continued to spin his lies.”
Well. Some lies. Shuichi is still wrongly assuming that Kokichi was lying to deny knowing anything about the Remnants of Despair.
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I don’t believe Kokichi really looked this shocked at Kaito protecting him. I think he knew Kaito would do that and was probably quietly grinning at his plan working out. (But Shuichi wouldn’t know that, hence him imagining it like this.)
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Look at Maki panicking as she realises she just lethally poisoned Kaito! This was probably the moment she blurted out that the arrows were poisoned, you idiot, why did you do that!?
And Kaito apparently did remove his arrow in the main hangar, which really should have left some blood there outside the drag marks.
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The way Kokichi’s putting his hand on Kaito’s shoulder here kind of implies that this was the moment he explained the plan. But it shouldn’t be, because Kokichi would much rather have Kaito’s reaction to apparently missing out on the antidote be genuine. So I’m not sure why Shuichi is picturing this?
(Regardless, I very much enjoy Kaito in pain and realising that he fucked up and made everything worse because the arrow was poisoned and now he’s possibly going to die by Maki’s hand.)
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Kaito’s hand shakes as he reaches for the antidote, which is a lovely little detail that it was totally necessary of me to make a gif of to show here.
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Note Kokichi punching Kaito in the stomach (or close enough) to steal the antidote. He knows that’s Kaito’s weak spot since that’s where his illness is causing him the most pain. And okay, again, Shuichi’s imagination – but this suggests that that’s also where Kokichi punched Kaito at the end of chapter 4 and Shuichi is just imagining him doing the same here.
Shuichi:  “Maki tried desperately to break into the hangar, even slashing the control panel.”
She did, but where is the panel of this in the comic??? I am Very Sad that there is not one. (So I fixed this.)
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But still, please enjoy this panel summarising Kaito’s desperate attempts to reassure Maki and tell her that everything’s going to be fine, just before one of Maki running away in anguish because nothing is fine.
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Kaito’s face after Maki leaves is not looking so optimistic. Even Shuichi didn’t think Kaito would be able to keep that up once she was gone.
Shuichi:  “After Maki had left, Kokichi took out another weapon. An Electrobomb…”
No, he didn’t! Kokichi definitely would have thrown the Electrobomb before Maki came back with the antidote. It’s extremely unlikely that he managed to do so in the literal seconds of Maki running from the window to the shutter to attack the control panel, and he should have wanted Monokuma to be blind to the whole antidote situation as well. The Closing Argument is just straight-up wrong here. (If they had drawn a panel of Maki slashing the control panel then maybe they’d have noticed this mistake and fixed it.)
Shuichi:  “Kokichi’s plan was to use the Electrobomb to knock out Monokuma’s surveillance cameras. That’s why he commissioned Miu to make the bombs in the first place.”
Yep, the game draws attention here to the fact that he very definitely had the gist of this whole thing planned before killing Miu. Mercy kill? What mercy kill?
Shuichi:  “Under normal circumstances, the culprit would never have agreed to such a plan…”
Of course not! But he was dying, and desperate to be a hero in the few hours he had left, and that’s why. …Shuichi still doesn’t know any of that, though.
Shuichi:  “But because the culprit owed him for saving their life, they agreed to Kokichi’s request. Ah, ‘request’ is a generous term. It was more like blackmail.”
Still a big nope on that one. That’s not giving Kaito nearly enough credit, assuming that he did all this just because he was coerced into it and that none of it was his choice. Kind of like how everyone assumed Gonta was purely manipulated into his murder plan, but then he turned out to have had more agency than that.
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...I was going to say this reluctance here is accurate, but actually, now that I look at it more closely and not on my tiny Vita screen, maybe this one is slightly off. He looks kind of angry and resentful at Kokichi, like he is being forced into this, like he’s hating Kokichi for not giving him a choice. No, Shuichi. Kaito would not. He had a choice, and he made it of his own volition. He hated himself over it, because it was his choice.
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This, however, is exactly as anxious and uncomfortable as Kaito would have looked as he forged the crime scene. He was not okay about any of this even though he chose it.
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Shuichi:  “Kokichi, with the support of the culprit, stood in front of the press’s control panel.”
I love how Shuichi is assuming without any evidence that Kaito physically supported Kokichi up there. Admittedly Kokichi was in pain and dying and probably needed it, but also, Kaito will support anyone, even if it’s someone he kind of hates and is about to murder!
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His arms are tucked in so that they are not visible on the video when the press stops, thank you very much Closing Argument at least for being accurate about this and clearing up my confusion caused by the localisation mistake. Admittedly sometimes the Closing Argument can have minor inaccuracies and mistakes like we’ve just seen, but it makes much more sense on this occasion to assume that this is canon to how things were and the video we see in the localisation is the inaccurate one.
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(I do also somewhat appreciate that they made sure to show Kokichi in pain as he presses the buttons, since he was still dying from “Lethal Torture Poison” at this point.)
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I adore the way Kaito’s eyes snap open in panic as the press gets lower. You can just imagine, as the press takes a tiny bit longer to stop than he was expecting, him having that horrifying split second of thinking that everything was a lie and Kokichi just wanted to get him in the press to kill him all along. (Even though that notion doesn’t actually make any sense because then why give him the antidote, that’s not something that’d come to mind in that brief moment of oh god am I going to die right here.)
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Look at how reluctant Kaito is as they switch places! He is so not ready to murder anyone. I like how they’re both not even looking at each other, too. Hard to look someone in the eye when you know you’re about to kill them/they’re about to kill you.
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Kaito’s arms shake as he comes to stand on the platform! Another very necessary gif I had to make for this.
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I also adore Kaito’s grimace (and more shaking hands) as he presses the buttons and becomes a murderer. It must have torn him apart to do this, no matter who he was killing or why, no matter that he was literally asked to. There’s no way Shuichi would picture his best friend doing this any other way.
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The emphasised silence after the deed was done is really nice, too. Just imagine how Kaito must have felt. It’s incredible that he managed to just pick himself up and keep going and get ready to lie to his friends on top of this. Kaito is amazing.
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And here’s some of him looking guilty and haunted by it afterwards. Also not looking in the direction of the press.
(He’d have had to get close to it to tear the cable, though. That can’t have been fun.)
I said I love this whole Closing Argument, and the main reason why is that almost every single one of the Ambiguous Culprit Figure’s expressions is, for once, completely accurate. This may be Shuichi’s imagination, and he may be currently wrong about the reason Kaito agreed to do it at all (hence the lone one that isn’t quite accurate), but he is incredibly correct in knowing that there’s no way Kaito would ever be able to do any of this without feeling reluctant and conflicted and awful the whole way through.
(And, oops, a couple of those weren’t screenshots. This is the best Closing Argument with the best expressions, and drawing my favourites but with Kaito’s actual face was one of the earliest bits of fanart I ever did for this game.)
Shuichi:  “And here they are now in this trial, pretending to be Kokichi. They’re trying to deceive Monokuma in order to defeat the true mastermind!”
Now this sounds more correct and more like something it makes sense for Kaito to be doing! Technically Shuichi isn’t supposed to have figured this out yet, but I don’t really care because this line makes Kaito sound like the hero he is.
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It’s neat how Kaito’s pose for the reveal shot is as if he’s piloting an Exisal. It’s also neat that he’s more in shadow than usual even after the reveal, to represent how Shuichi still can’t see him and can’t even completely confirm that it’s him.
(Also, the space background is pretty great.)
Shuichi:  “The culprit is in that Exisal. …It’s you, isn’t it?”
I love the sense of familiarity here. Again, it’s Shuichi piercing through the Exisal and addressing Kaito not as the culprit or the enemy, but as his friend who’s been here with them and somehow trying to help them this whole time.
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murdertrialimagines · 5 years
V3 Girls Finding Their S/O Dead
“Can you do a version with V3 girls reacting their s/o being killed in a killing game, but their s/o’s killer is one of their closest friends?”
I love this trope! Oooh and finally writing for the girls, I love it!! Story under the tag! WARNING: Mastermind Spoilers, Cussing!
Kaede Akamatsu
When this killing game first started, Kaede thought she would be lost completely
But when she met you and Shuichi, that completely changed
You guys were the trio of mystery solvers, having solved the first three trials with complete accuracy
And when you two got together, it somehow only brought you guys closer
But that seemed to and, despite everything you guys had gone through.
Your girlfriend had come to get you for dinner when she noticed your door unlocked, the shower running
She walked in, closing the door behind herself
“Y/n? Are you almost done? Dinner’s been waiting, it’s your favorite!”
She knocked on the bathroom door, jumping slightly when it pushed open
Kaede peeked in, gasping in horror
Her girlfriend, Y/n, laid on the bathroom floor, blood lining the sink and pooling at her head
Kaede stumbled back, and before she knew it, she passed out
When she woke up, she was in her own room, Shuichi sitting next to her
“Oh, good! You’re awake! Everyone was starting to worry about you”
Kaede sat up, trying to remember what happened. “What happened? All I remember is going to get Y/n and-” 
Kaede gasped, standing up “Y/n! Let me go see her-”
Shuichi grabbed her arm, pulling her back on to the bed “Kaede, I’m sorry for what happened, I really am, but I don’t think you can handle it. How about you let me investigate this time?”
Kaede shrugged from his grasp, heading for the door. “No, I have to do this. She was my girlfriend, I want to know what happened.”
Kaede returned to your room, forcing herself to breathe and look at the crime scene. She spent especially long scoping for each clue, wanting to make sure she got every detail.
When it came for the trial, Shuichi apologized one last time before heading into the elevator
They began the trial, and no one had ever seen Kaede this determined, not even when they tried to escape through the underground passage.
As she continued the trial, she noticed that Shuichi had been more quiet than usual, but it was probably just because of one third of their group were no longer here, right?
But when she noticed holes in his story, she started to question him
“Shuichi...did you do it?” 
When he didn’t answer, she asked again, watching as he looked away from her
She could feel the tears in her eyes, begging Shuichi to tell her it wasn’t him
When he continued to be silent, she began crying, resting her head on her podium
They all voted, her voting for herself
When Monokuma confirmed her best friend as her girlfriends blackened, she felt empty
She lost the two most important people of her life, all in one day, to each other
Shuichi said one last apology as he was led off, never once looking in her eyes
She refused to watch the execution, leaving as soon as it ended
She went to Y/n’s room and laid on her bed, staring at the wall
Why did it all have to end like this?
Kirumi Tojo
Kirumi ever only really opened up to Y/n
Kirumi learned to act sophisticated and patient with everyone, including her S/O
But when it was just them, Kirumi would loosen up a bit more, caring to make silly small talk or be lazy with her girlfriend.
Soon, Y/n started helping her open up to more people, 
making her friends she never really knew she wanted to make
Sadly, she never got to thank Y/n for that
She had made lunch for her and Y/n, as she did everyday, but Y/n didn’t show up when she expected
Deciding to go find Y/n, she went to her room, confused when she garnered no response
Kirumi went to her girlfriend’s ultimate lab, opening it without knocking, knowing if Y/n was in here, she wouldn’t mind her girlfriend coming in unannounced. “Y/n, lunch is ready. Are you busy with a project, because I can bring it he-”
Kirumi stopped speaking, replacing her words with a scream
Y/n, the ultimate Y/T, was propped up on a chair, rope burn around her now red and bleeding neck
Kirumi looked at her half-lidded eyes, dull and unfocused
Everyone rushed in, horrified at the sight before them. But nonetheless, they had to investigate the murder scene before them
Kirumi tried to throw off the shock that now covered her by doing what people requested her to do. When the investigation ended, with little clues on her end, they walked to the trial grounds
When the trial began, Kirumi helped out as much as she could, giving her insight wherever she felt it was needed
She was glad to be cleared of being a suspect almost immediately, having their now wasted lunch as proof of her day’s events
She always caught herself glancing at your space on the trial grounds, the red X over your face making your amazing smile causing her heart to ache
Before she knew it, they had narrowed it down to three people. 
Korekiyo, Ryoma, and Kaede
They began going over potential motives when Kirumi remembered something that had made her suspicious
“Kaede...you and Y/n have been rather distant lately, can you explain that?” Kaede began to give a response, which was quickly shut down by Maki proving that it contradicted her alibi
Kaede turned red, looking at Kirumi with scared eyes. 
“Kirumi, I am so sorry-”
“You don’t need to apologize to me, you need to apologize to everyone here who’s been affected by your actions. Including Y/n.”
Kaede’s eyes darted around the room, muttering a small sorry.When the voting ended, Shuichi and Kaede shared a tearful goodbye, before they all watched her be executed at the hands of their captor. Kirumi gave a calm excuse and left the group, going to her own room
After this incident, everyone noticed that she had become as reclusive as she was before she came here
Before she met Y/n
Himiko Yumeno
You had met Himiko formally when you showed interest in a magic trick she did. She was happy to have people be interested in her talent, quickly making friends with the people around her
You two grew very close, very fast. Soon enough, you guys had confessed your romantic feelings
She really just threw a letter and a plastic ring under your door but
You two had been hanging out in the AV room, matching documentaries on the possibility of magic. You had excused yourself to go get more drinks, as all the soda and water you had brought had run out
When you didn’t return for a while, she went up to go find you. She went to the kitchen, but found it empty, and strangely cold
She saw the fridge open, and moved to close it. When she pushed the door shut, it popped back slightly, something keeping it from closing. She looked down, shocked to see a hand and wrist poking out of the small crack in the door
She immediately felt tears in her eyes from shock and fear, noticing the small plastic ring that resided on the hand’s ring finger
She ran to the dorms, banging on the closest one, Shuichi’s. She pulled him towards the crime, gathering others along the way back
When they got there, a few of them screamed, the others giving out gasps. Himiko began to sob, holding her face in her hands
Gonta picked her up, holding her in his arms as the others investigated
When the trial started she had calmed down, leveling down to hiccups. She stayed like that the whole trial, occasionally begging Y/n’s murderer to come out. 
Whoever had committed this crime definitely felt guilty. So when it came to light that Tenko Chabashira, one of their best friends had done it, Himiko didn’t know how to feel
Tenko started yelling, promising that it was an accident
Himiko stood, shaking, eyes watering at what she was hearing. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, waiting for voting time
When it came, she was forced to vote her best friend as the one who killed her girlfriend
Tenko ran up to her, apologizing profusely. Himiko gave her a silent hug, crying into her chest.
 Finally, it was execution time. She watched as her best friend was dragged away, closing her eyes when the execution started
When it was over, she ran to her room, flopping onto her bed and sobbing into her pillow
In less than a day, she lost the two most important people in her life.
Maki Harukawa
When they first started their lives trapped in this school, Maki didn’t count on making any friends
She definitely didn’t expect to fall for you, the kindhearted Y/n she literally ran into in the hallway, who started crying out of fear for upsetting the newfound Ultimate Assassin
She helped reassure you that she wasn’t upset, and soon you guys started becoming close
It had always been the four of you, Maki, Shuichi, Kaito, and yourself
But you had always sensed one of them wasn’t fond of you
The four of you had been planning to train that night, like you always do. When you didn’t show up on time, Kaito suggested that you probably just weren’t feeling good, which only worried her more.
She didn’t show it though, and insisted she was going to just bring you out here, since none of you should be skipping training. 
When she got to your room it was unlocked, but not unusual since she’d come to your room when she had a nightmare about her past. 
She walked in, seeing you curled under the blankets. She walked over and put a hand on your covered body, retracting when she made contact with the damp blanket
She ripped the blanket off, eyes widening when she noticed the blood that strained your head and bed, turning it a now dark brown
She started yelling your name, turning you over and shaking you, puking when the smell hit her
Her screaming attracted her friends who were training and those who were still awake, all of them rushing to your room, giving panicked tones when they saw the scene playing out
Maki refused to let anyone pull her away from your side throughout the investigation, stroking your matted hair and whispering s apologies for not being there for you
When the trial started, everyone was silent, not daring to say anything to offend Maki. If looks could kill, everyone would be dead, and this killing game would be over.
This was the most she ever spoke in a trial, shutting down almost every contradiction to Shuichi’s words
She listened carefully to everyone’s words, but still didn’t expect it when Shuichi named Kaito the blackened
She listened to the whole story, how Kaito loved her and got into an argument with Y/n that got out of hand. Maki didn’t understand, how could she not have noticed? She was trained to read body language and things, did she let her guard down?
She refused to listen to Kaito as he tried to explain, punching him when he tried to get close
She looked away from him, pretending to in anger, when really she didn’t want him to see the tears streaming down her face.
She watched as the execution was performed, tears drying on her cheeks
She left before anyone noticed, all of them too busy in the rush of Kaito dying before Monokuma could truly execute him. 
She went to her room, locking the door. She laid on her bed and hugged a pillow, trying to pretend it was you she was holding, like every night.
She felt empty
She felt empty without you in her arms, Kaito by her side, and the happiness she once secretly held when you all trained.
Tenko Chabashira
Let’s admit, Tenko is really gay
When she first met you, she fell for you hard and FAST
You were perfect for her, and you two hit it off instantly
She was living the dream. Well, as much of a dream as you can have trapped in a killing game
But she had you, and that’s all that mattered. 
So when she found you face down in the pool, she didn’t know what to do
She felt...numb without you. She never really considered you dying a possibility, until now.
She tried to help investigate, but every time she looked at you she burst into tears, wailing and clutching Himiko
She did this until it was trial time, the only sounds in the elevator were the whir of the gears and her sniffling
When the trial started, she threatened everyone with a beating if they didn’t reveal the blackened, which to no ones surprise, didn’t work.
She gave a lot of input during the trial, stopping anyone when they said anything about her Y/n that could be taken as an insult
Tenko knew a lot of her words were useless, but she wanted to help any way she can
She almost praised the gods above when some off hand remark she made was able to help find the culprit
But when she found out it was one of her best friends, Angie Yonaga, she didn’t understand. Why would Angie hurt Y/n? Why would anyone?!
So when Angie simply explained that Atua told her to because Y/n was impure, Tenko almost became the next blackened
She jumped at the artist, having to be held back by Gonta to make sure she didn’t pummel her ex friend
She watched as Angie complied with Monokuma and walked to her own execution, soon regretting it when the despairing event started
She slept with Himiko that night, not knowing how she would ever get over you.
The third trial wouldn’t be this bad, right?
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi knew when she made your personality that it was more of a small treat for her, creating someone she knew she could be good friends with
But when she actually met you for the first time after the game started, she realized how much of an effect you had on her, drawing you two together instantly
She knew she shouldn’t let this affect her, but what better way to blend in than to have a close friend?
So when you guys became more than friends, she was ecstatic
You two would cosplay together, and in return she would help you with your talent’s needs
She loved you with all of her heart, even though she knew this fantasy would end eventually
But she didn’t expect it to end so soon, and didn’t expect it to end with her finding you dead in her dorm, clothing scattered and buttons laid over your closed eyes
She screamed, out of anger and horror
How come you died, in the first trial no less? Who did this?
Everyone gathered in her room, looking at the body
Tsumugi played the part of the mourning friend well
She watched as everyone investigated, shrugging off anyone who tried to ask if she was alright.
When the trial started, she started crying, knowing this killing game would be a lot more dull without you
She already missed you, you were the only one she really considered a friend.
Tsumugi tried to help out, knowing who probably did it had a bigger motive than it seems
So when it came out that Rantaro Amami did it, she knew what was truly happening
“I thought Y/n was the mastermind, with how close she had gotten to everyone to easily. Seems I was wrong, and all I did was take a good friend away.”
Tsumugi cried, listening to Amami’s explanation
But when it came to the execution, she made sure to stand in the back, stone faced as it played out. When it ended, she left with everyone else, head hung low.
She returned to her room, and when she deemed it late enough, she went to her secret room, laying on the couch inside of it
She knew it was a mistake to grow attached to one of her creations, but she couldn’t help it
She knew she loved you, and that’s all that mattered to her.
Angie Yonaga 
Angie knew she needed to know you the second you introduced yourself
Atua said so! And so did the fluttering in her stomach when you laughed at one of her jokes
You two connected instantly, you being supporting of her art and her to your talent
You spent every day together, and to her it made the whole killing game seem worth it. For a while, at least.
Angie knew you two needed some alone time, so when you asked her if you could spend the day alone in your own lab, researching something for your talent, she was more than willing to oblige.
But as the day went on, she could feel Atua telling her to check on you
‘There’s nothing wrong with just bringing Y/n a snack, right? Just a little check up!’
She had Kirumi prepare your favorite snack, and strolled to your lab, humming. 
She knocked on the door
“Y/n, it’s me! I brought you a snack, Atua said you might be a bit hungry from working so hard!”
When she didn’t get a reply, Angie twisted the doorknob, swinging the door open in one swing
She began to call out you name when she saw you, sitting in your work chair, leaned over the now bloody table.
Angie fainted when she saw the sight, and when she woke up, everyone was already there, Tenko comforting her
She sat out for the investigation, only wanting to be by you the entire time
So when the trial started, she had to pull herself away from your body, sulking to the trial grounds
She tried her best to find the culprit, calling out multiple people under the saying that Atua said it was them
When each try failed, Angie’s heart sunk more, wishing you were still next to her during the trials
Oh, how easier the first trial as with you by her side.
She listened to everyone argue, struggling to keep a smile on
So when it came out who the culprit was, Angie let it fall
“Himiko, how come? Y/n was blessed! Utterly divine!”
Himiko stood silent before bursting into hiccuping sobs
She gave an explanation but Angie heard very little of it
Atua was saying Himiko deserved the punishment, and she couldn’t help but agree
She watched as Himiko was executed painfully, her face blank
When it was over, she stayed until Tenko led her out and to her dorm, where Angie immediately left to her lab
She wanted to draw, paint, anything
But she couldn’t find motivation, something to draw besides you
After all, she just lost her muse
Miu Iruma
No one can deny that Miu comes off extremely intense, throwing shade at practically anyone that tries to correct her, even if she’s obviously wrong
So when you scolded her for being so rude, Miu didn’t understand the feelings she felt
She never noticed you at first, but this brought you into a whole new light
Miu suddenly saw all of you, your absolute beauty, your charm, the fact that she might’ve found you smoking hot
She started being more shy towards you, which only led you to being with her more, trying to get her out of her shell
She was ecstatic when you loved every invention she made, it gave Miu the motivation to create new things, some small gifts for you
You also loved every minute with her, practically jumping for joy when she nervously asked you on a date, which consisted of a small picnic and sleeping in the sun
But when she found you, laying dead in the same spot you had your first date in, she didn’t know what to do
Panic set in, Miu cussing out anyone that tried to talk to her, sobbing when they brought up your death
Her heart nearly gave out when it was concluded that you had been poisoned and brought here during the night
She helped investigate, drawing out maps with each possible suspect inked down, trying to figure out who had the position and motive to murder her girlfriend
When the trial started, she made crude comebacks to everyone’s input, only dying down when she realized she wasn’t helping
Miu listened carefully, only adding her words when she needed to refute suspicions or fill in where people were at the time
When her work payed off and she noticed a flaw in someone’s alibi, she let out a stream of scrambled curse words, throwing down her maps
“Motherfucker! Tsumugi, what the fuck?!”
Everyone gave Miu a confused look, and she laid out all of the evidence.
In return, Tsumugi only gave a half-hearted smile and a small speech on hope
Miu was pissed, to say the least. Tsumugi killed her girlfriend, and gave no motive?!
It took multiple people to keep Miu from pushing her down and kicking her head in.
Miu began sobbing, watching the execution and immediately going to her lab
She sat under the florescent lights for hours
Having thrown a fit, her lab was more of a mess than it had every been.
Exhausted, Miu collapsed in her work chair, looking at the last thing she had been working on.
A promise ring, made with your favorite gemstone
A promise she didn’t even get to make.
Sorry this took literally a week, I’m so backed up with rehearsals and classes and I actually caught the flu yesterday! I’m glad you requested this though!
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hoodlessmads · 5 years
Bloom Into You Chapter 41
…is maybe the literal cutest thing I’ve ever read.
I love how that teacher’s like, “What the hell were you doing in the student council room this late?” and they’re like, “Sorry, we just needed this key so we could go have our soapy love confession scene in there but you can have it back now.”
And they’re not quite full-on holding hands on the way home, but they’re just kinda
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Just kinda
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The panel layout on the page where they’re both laying in bed awake thinking about each other is so lovely. How Yuu looks like she’s looking at Touko but she’s actually not because they’re in their own rooms but she actually is because they’re on the same page literally. And Touko’s adorable “that all just happened” expression as she’s holding her hand.
I find it interesting that as the manga has gone on and as the anime has gone into production and aired, the manga itself has begun to embrace those water themes more and more. Like, I don’t remember water being such a huge deal at the beginning of the manga, but it’s a highly prevalent visual motif in the anime. We see Yuu underwater when she feels distanced from her friends in the classroom, there’s underwater lighting at some points in the opening iirc, and this all comes to a head beautifully in the actual aquarium scene where they are underwater, with Touko looking up at the fish and stuff above them and Yuu leading Touko by the hand into the light, which she had previously felt so distant from. Anyway, it’s just nice how several of the past few chapter covers have featured Yuu underwater reaching toward the surface/the light, and this title talking about sea charts reminded me of that. I guess it’s meant to be like, she’s above water now. On the ocean, which is this whole new thing to navigate.
I love how Yuu comes skipping into school all pumped about her friends’ lives and literally anything at all because she’s in such a good mood and how shy she gets when asked if anything good happened, and the fact that she immediately took that charm out of the drawer and put it on her bag. Like, Yuu in this whole chapter is a whole ass “FINALLY” mood.
I love how the panel layout and our sense of time almost makes it look like Touko has been standing at the door to the classroom for a minute trying to gather the courage to face Sayaka the same way, as though things haven’t changed between them, or at least to face her at all. She goes in looking all determined, like she’s decided she’s going to say something to Sayaka because Sayaka deserves it and it’s only right, but then stops at “Good morning,” and doesn’t end up saying anything else, kind of chickens out, just looks over pensively wondering if she should say something, and if that’s not a Touko ass thing to do I don’t know what is lol. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s still brooding about what to say after school, trying to be all responsible, determined to be the liaison between friend and girlfriend. And meanwhile Yuu and Sayaka are as functional as ever and come to an understanding and reaffirm that they are best friends for life in like two seconds before Touko can even finish thinking about it. God, I adore Yuu and Sayaka’s friendship so much.
But the main point that the classroom scene got across for me was that things aren’t the same between Touko and Sayaka now. It’s awkward. It’s different. There’s a distance between them now that wasn’t there before. And while they will still be friends after this (for a while, if we believe the second light novel to be canon), this is definitely the beginning of them slowly drifting apart. I think it’s a good thing. Sayaka especially could use the opportunity to move on. Staying as close of friends as they were just wouldn’t be a healthy scenario for either of them, especially now that so many things have come to light that they previously kept secret from each other. As much as she does know her weaknesses and still love her, it still feels like there’s a part of Touko that Sayaka never really knew. They have both changed and grown so much since the beginning of the series, and the people they are now just aren’t as compatible as they once were, as friends or otherwise. I hope Sayaka comes to realize this sooner rather than later so that it can start hurting less.
Honestly this chapter filled my heart with fluffy cuteness like a water tank about to bust from too much pressure and I almost died from it, but that ONE panel with Sayaka’s face after she sees Yuu’s charm broke me. Nakatani is a master. That facial expression was just so raw. I hate to see her hurting like that. Sayaka is truly too good for this world. God, please future girlfriend, please love her well.
But Yuu and Sayaka’s friendship waters my crops. That cheek slap and stretch routine is a blatant gesture of unbridled affection disguised as fake irritation and you cannot convince me otherwise. This whole scene. Ugh, she’s so…nice?
Touko’s flustered reaction at seeing Yuu and Sayaka being such legitimately chill friends and having worked out all their issues while she was brooding and being anxious will never cease to amuse me. I love her, I try to defend Touko so much, but it’s scenes like this that prove once again that she’s actually just the yuri equivalent of a fuckboy, god bless her heart. I do adore her.
It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen disaster gay Nanami Touko so I was quite glad to see her make several appearances this chapter. They’re both trying so hard to be chill during the student council meeting but they both helplessly look up at each other at the same time. Or perhaps Yuu looks up helplessly and Touko is just dead ass staring at her, smitten. And Touko is so determined to type very important things afterwards. How is Nakatani so good at drawing cute ass snapshots of cute ass people? And I love how they’re…are ya’ll holding hands with your feet now? It’s adorable. Keep doing it.
Maki is that audience insert.
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Doujima’s still completely oblivious that there are lesbians in this show.
So Yuu. I am always a huge sucker for when characters who are traditionally pretty unemotional get to a point where they’re so emotional that they can’t help but display that emotion in a way that’s uncharacteristic of how they’ve been up to this point, but for that reason is so incredibly satisfying to watch. It is so satisfying to see this adorable person that we’ve come to know and love finally get to this point. Yuu is honestly the best part of all of this fluff, by far. Talk about acting experience. This whole time, she’s worn the world’s greatest poker face, and now that she can finally let herself be the absolute gay mess she actually is, she’s just barely keeping it all in and it’s so adorable and gratifying. You wouldn’t have known this girl could get so red and flustered but damn if she isn’t and it is so fucking cute.
She’s so eager to finally say Touko’s name (with senpai), and in spite of how flustered and head over heels she is, she’s still the same functional and straightforward Yuu we’ve always known. She comes right out and tries to DTR within like an hour of having the initial thought. The response: “Girlfriends? I haven’t thought about it. I guess we are.” Touko, this is why you’re a meme.
And on the flip side of Yuu being so embarrassed, Touko’s all, “Stand aside, I’m Character Development Touko now. I’m not the flustered disaster lesbian you once knew. I’m Smooth Touko now. I’m the new and improved Kiss Your Tears Touko. I troll Yuu about saying my name and not the other way around. I’m smooth as hell now.” But then as soon as “Touko-senpai” comes out she’s just like “fuck.”
Their conversation about happiness at the end is really moving to me, because they’ve moved past the “ureshii” happiness they were talking about last chapter and they’re now talking “shiawase,” which specifically refers to lasting happiness. If that isn’t the deepest most romantic shit. I also feel like bringing up the way Yuu casually mentioned the idea of girlfriends living together at some point in the future and it was just kind of glossed over as if this girl is not already playing the long game with Touko and I’m crying inside. Because I genuinely believe they’ll get there and I always thought so, but this nod from canon is glorious. (You’ve been dating for one day, Yuu, chill.) But in all seriousness, Yuu, you absolute head over heels in love sap. This talk of girlfriends living together and this repeated mention of lasting happiness (has me feeling all types of ways) tells me where Yuu’s head is at. How serious her feelings actually are. Like, that’s marriage material, bitch. She’s that happy. I’m just…so happy for her.
I find it interesting that we haven’t really been in Touko’s head since she texted Yuu on the train in chapter whatever, and not since the confession scene last chapter. We’ve mostly been with Yuu ever since. Even that one classroom scene I would argue is more from Sayaka’s point of view. I hope next chapter we get a little more from Touko’s side. I have a feeling we’ll get something like a Touko-centric chapter at some point, as I feel her personal character arc and the whole thing with her sister still need some polishing off before we can bring the story to a close. But that’s just me.
In some ways, it’s a shame that there’s so few pages left before the end of the story. Yuu and Touko’s new relationship is completely uncharted territory for them now (not to unintentionally make a pun on the chapter title). That period of excitement and uncertainty at the beginning of a new relationship is always one of the most gratifying things to explore in a story for me, so I wish we had more time. There are so many interesting things to explore with this entire cast of characters that just won’t get explored, simply because of time constraints. Still, the flip side is that ending it here in volume 8 will give Bloom Into You the succinct, satisfying conclusion it deserves to a well-structured, well-paced arc, with absolutely no excess anywhere in sight. Bloom Into You is such a brilliant exercise in telling a complete, engaging story while trimming all the fat. Some romance stories can end up feeling bloated in terms of pacing and structure, but I have a feeling this is going to be just perfect. (Unless Nakatani Nio, actual manga genius and icon, somehow manages to fuck it up. Not likely.)
Once again, I’m excited to see where Nakatani takes us and the characters next. I can’t wait to see certain characters’ reactions to the new relationship, like Akari, Koyomi, and Rei. And god, I would love to see more of Yuu and Touko navigating this new relationship, what it means, what the rules are, how they define it to themselves and others. Basically, I just want to know what happens next. Is that too much to ask? Can’t I just know what happens next? God damn it.
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maki-and-sushi · 6 years
NDR3 Boys meeting their crush irl after they die in the game.
Anonymous said: If it's not too much could I request NDRV3 guys reacting to meeting their crush alive? Like the killing game was like (SPOILERS) DR2 in virtual reality, and their s/o died in it. Basically a non-despair au sort of thing.
So this was a really interesting prompt! Actually, DR2 is my favorite game (over all, I still feel like NDR3 had the best setting, and ryoma and kokichi will forever hold a place in my heart, but I really like the dynamic of the characters, and I love their interactions. I just really love DR2 okay) IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW ALREADY: This basically is just one big spoiler for the twist ending of DR2. (and also the ending of ngr3)
Warnings: Language, Angst >:)
EDIT: for ryoma, I put that kirigiri killed him... and unless kirigiri can suddenly time travel, that didn't happen... lol! I ment to put kirumi, but I guess I was thinking about another prompt. Thank you for pointing it out!
Also: feel free to call me on my bullshit! - mod katie
Shuichi Saihara
When you first died, he was devastated. the only thing that kept him going was the fact that people needed him, they needed him to carry on. the only way that they could get out of this alive was him. He needed to do it. He needed to do it for you. your death would not be meaningless.
the stress was too much, sometimes. but he carried on. it was all he could do.
In the end, they stopped it. They stopped it all. No more killing game. Danganronpa would end in it's 53rd season. he would gladly accept punishment if it meant that this would all end. if it meant there would be no more people who died. sacrifice one for the majority, right?
He remembers that feeling of relief, when it all faded to black.
But then woke up.
He was confused, to say the least. He woke up in this.. Pod, of sorts. he remembers thinking it was like something out of a sci-fi movie. His wasn't the only pod, either. He watched as one by one, as the pods all around him started to open, revealing people he never though he'd see again.
there was himiko, and there was Kaito! Kii-bo, maki, Everyone! everyone besides Tsumugi was there!
And as that thought struck him, he searched frantically for the one person he had yet to see. Spinning around, he saw your confused face as you looked around. confusion that quickly turned to joy as you spotted him. Dodging teary reunions and embracing forms of the people who were reunited at last, he ran to you and embraced you.
holy crap, he feared it was a dream. he feared that if he squeezed to hard, or if he looked away for even a second, that you would disappear and he would wake up, cold and alone, back in that hellish game.
he felt your shaking form as you cried, sobbing for joy, sobbing from relief. you held him in a bone-crushing grip, as if you and him shared the same fear.
suddenly, more and more people joined in on the hug, some crying, some not. they joined until everyone was huddled together in a big, comforting embrace. Sure, there would be hell to pay for people who had killed, just as there would be trauma for those who died. they had gone through so much, it had unmistakably changed each and every one of them.
but right now, they were all here, and they were all alive. they would make it through this. together.
 Kaito Mamota
Kaito didn't want you to worry about his condition. he didn't know what suddenly brought it on, but he was stronger than whatever this was. he would beat it.
at least that's what he told himself.
he remembers when you saw him cough up blood for the first time. how shocked and afraid for him you were.
he remembers your face, when kokichi picked him up in the exisal. how horrified you were.
he remembers you crying throughout the class trial while he hid in the red exisal.
he remembers it all. up until the last moment, the thought of you being freed, being able to leave this place, even at the cost of his own life..... it kept him going. He was going to be a hero! and you.... you would be safe.
Darkness. he remembers the darkness. the floating lights that danced like stars behind his eyelids, through his mind. he felt weightless. he thought this must be what space was like, vast ... cold.... Suffocating. For the first time he could remember, he hated this space.
Then, he heard a voice. your voice. You, sobbing.... It didn't feel right.
Next, he felt the sharp pains in his head, taletell throbbing of a migraine as suddenly the entire world rushed into his skull. All of a sudden, as if he had been struck by lighting.... He was awake.
with a gasp of breath, drawing air into aching lungs.. he briefly felt the phantom pain of his rasping cough.
but that didn't matter. because you were there, above him, staring at him like you had just been granted your one true wish. With a pained cry, you enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug, burrowing your face into his shirt. sobbing, shaking, you refused to let him go.
he... he was alive.
He drew you impossibly closer into his arms, letting a few tears of his own escape. he was here, you were here, and with a start, he realized that everyone was here.
he didn't know how it happened. he didn't really care to, either. he had been given a second chance and he was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
 Korekiyo Shinguji
You and Korekiyo had admired each other from afar for so long. the subtle compliments, the cautious glances. you both knew what kind of situation you were in. you also found that your heart didn't particularly give a fuck what kind of situation you were in. you found him lovely.
His vast knowledge of seemingly everything astounded and entranced you. his love for humanity was admirable to you, and his comforting words (often directed only to you, you would never find out) made you feel safe. safe in his arms, safe from the horrible situation you were in.
maybe that was why you liked him. as the ultimate Psychologist, you often found yourself pondering this killing game. On darker days, you would ponder motives for killings, chances of survival. It was a relief when you found yourself on the lighter topic of love. You mused that in a terrible situation such as this, that it might be his ability to provide comfort, or his willingness to forgive small mistakes, such as emotional out lashes, that drew you to him.
 Whatever the reason, your heart refused to acknowledge just how ridiculous this crush was. You also refused to make a move, believing yourself foolish.
one of your biggest regrets was not saying anything before you died.
When you awoke, you didn't quite know what to do with yourself. you observed some of the tearful reunions of the the classmates around you (participating in a few of them yourself), reflecting on your death. you had unfinished business.
With steely determination like that of a hunting cat, you gathered your with and went to korekiyo.
You had been given a second chance, you weren't about to throw it away.
nope you couldn't do it.
you stopped just short of reaching korekiyo, intent to turn around and do it another time, but before you could run away you felt yourself being stopped by two lanky arms hugging you from behind.
Turns out you didn't need to confess. Korekiyo beat you to it. he was intent on never letting you go. You found that you didn't seem to mind.
 Rantaro Amami
You had the biggest crush on him. it wasn't hard to fall for him, really. kind... sweet.... calm and collected... he was your hero in this dire time.
it made you mad when he died. why would anyone kill him? he hadn't done anything to anybody! you had often found yourself seeking comfort from him, talking about anything and everything to keep your mind off of this depressing reality. you remember him talking about his sisters, with such affection in his eyes. you had jokingly suggested that he might be the 'ultimate brother' with how he talked about them. he had rolled his eyes at you, and shoved you in a playful manner. you remembered that day fondly, joking in the library
the very library he had been found dead in.
you couldn't help but let a few tears out. tears for this boy, who had been so hopeful for the future, for his ultimate talent. This man who has assured you that everything would be fine.
you wouldn't forgive whoever did this. You couldn't forgive them.
After that trial, you couldn't really bring yourself to have much hope for the future. You wouldn't be burdened with the weight of living much longer, however.... Because of someone's selfish reason, you had to die. you hoped your killer got what was coming to them.
Waking up after was almost like a dream. You found yourself having a hard time believing that all of that... all the pain and emotion you felt... wasn't real.
You were grateful, though. because if you had awaken, that meant...
Rantaro was there, helping people out of the pods they had awoken in. helping, he was always helping 
Noticing you, however, he stopped trying to help a (rather confused) kirigiri, and after a quick goodbye, was at your side.
with gentle hands he helped you out of your pod, making sure you were steady on your feet before drawing you into a hug.
In that moment, you felt like you could take anything the world threw at you.
 Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta thought you were the nicest person he had ever met. You had been there to comfort him during class trials, you had shared his passion for bugs, and let him talk about bugs for hours on end, and better yet, you actually listened!
it didn't hurt that gonta thought you were the prettiest person he had ever seen.
when you were found dead, it broke his heart. you and him had been sweethearts for a week before this horrible game had ripped you away. Gonta had never cried so hard.
he was never the same after that. His words felt hollow, and there wasn't a day he didn't think of you. And when it came down to it, he all too willingly accepted his death.
When gonta woke up and saw you above him, he thought he was in heaven. when you smiled down at him and kissed his cheek, he decided that you must be his guardian angel.
You had started to cry when he said that, tears of joy falling down your face. you started laughing and kissing his face all over again. You kept telling him that he was safe, that you were all safe at last.
Gonta suddenly got serious, however. he vowed to you that he would never let anything happen to you, ever again. You stopped sniffling for a moment and told him with a fierce expression that you were going to protect him too!
And with that, you and gonta started crying all over again.
 Ryoma Hoshi
 Ryoma had treasured you. you always seemed to be positive, pulling him out of his funk whenever he got too far gone. you made him hope for the future, you made him wish he could be a better man.
he knew how he felt about you, and he knew how you felt about him. but regardless, he wasn't going to make a move. Someone like him, be with someone like you? Even if you both weren't trapped in a crazy killing game, He knew that you would eventually get tired of him, or even worse, you would see him for what he really was.
it hurt, really. To see you try so hard to try to confess, and him playing dumb at every turn. How he wanted to just accept your feelings, to tell you he felt the same....
no, being with him was a weakness In this environment. and you would never be able to stand a criminal like him anyway.
so, he made peace with being your oblivious close friend. but oh, how he longed for more.
He had accepted death rather easily. he was ashamed actually, with how easy he gave up. he knew you would be disappointed.
Ryoma awoke to someone saying his name. he was confused, because the last thing he remembered was kirumi about to kill him.... had she...not been successful?
Ryoma opened his eyes.
Huh... no he was probably dead. that was the only possible explination for seeing kaede above him... kaede, who had been killed in the last trial. kaede, who had made a grave mistake.
Which surprised him, because he thought for sure he was going to hell. unless kaede was in hell with him...?
While he was having this dilemma, kaede looked at him, waiting for some kind of response.
'sorry.. did you say something?' ryoma asked, hesitant.
"I just said that if you needed help getting out of your pod, I'd help you."
noticing his confused look, kaede gave him a quick rundown of what happened
".... and apparently, it was all just a simulation. that's what shuichi told me."
shuichi, huh? maybe he should go get the full version from him. After nodding to kaede signaling that he did need help, he got to the floor and looked around. sure enough, everyone around him was hugging and crying and having a big reunion.
before he could stop himself, his eyes locked on you.
you were smiling and hugging angie, and were none the wiser about his eyes on you. he figured that was for the best, after all, if he pushed you away enough then you would eventually stop coming back. maybe then you would move on and you wouldn't waste time on a criminal like him. he turned and walked away, too lost in his own depression to notice you running to him.
With a sudden lurch, he found himself buried in somebody's arms, his face in their neck. He was tense and uncomfortable, until he heard your sobbing voice say his name.
Suddenly, he was boneless and hugging you back just as hard. he tried soothing you by petting your hair, trying to calm you down, to quiet your sobs.
You told him through your tears how glad you were that he was alive, that you were here with him. you then did something that baffled him.
You apologized.
You apologized for not being there to protect him, not being there to save him. When he heard this, he started to cry with you. He apologized for giving up, for succumbing to his darkness.
he took your face in his hands and pressed his forehead to yours.
He had died, once. seeing you now, knowing how it must have hurt you... no. he wasn't going to let you go another day. he wasn't going to give you up. He was going to be incredibly selfish.
Looking deep into your eyes, he said the words he thought he would never get to say again.
"I love you"
and with that, you kissed him.
 Kokichi Ouma
You would never forgive yourself. out of all people, at all times, you chose Kokichi Ouma, in the middle of a Killing Game, to have a crush.
You could practically kick yourself at how obvious you were. you giggled whenever he caused mischief, you gave googoo eyes whenever he was in the room. Whenever you two would banter back and forth, you always felt heat chasing up your neck and onto your cheeks. And from that smirk, that little smirk, he always gave you ...the little fucker knew. he just liked to see you flustered.
you hated how easily you could be manipulated by him... while you wouldn't bow to his every whim, all he had to do was start to flirt or get in your personal bubble for you to cave to his demands.
It was often your crush that got you into trouble with the others. you were often the first to defend kokichi, trying to give reason to some of his more nonsensical actions. trying to make him less like the bad guy. it wasn't your fault that you saw a softer side of him sometimes, and it wasn't your fault that you wanted the others to stop persecuting him for every little thing...
You knew you were biased. you knew.
...Gonta had been too far. you know what the others thought of him now but... It had been gonta's decision.... you knew kokichi probably manipulated him but.... but the raw, unadulterated pain and emotion in his eyes when he explained to gonta....
You were confused. and a little hurt. but god, your feelings didn't waver.
if anything you just wanted to help heal this broken boy.
And after the trial... You knew he was lying. He wasn't the mastermind. and that wasn't your bias. This was obvious, out of all his lies, this was the most obvious one of them all....
so why did they fucking believe him?!?
you, true to your intentions, still tried to find holes in his logic. still tried to clear his name. You didn't notice the looks maki was giving you.
When you woke up, it was as if the entire fucking sun was shining in your eyes, with a migraine the size of Russia to match.
with a groan and a dozen or so curses, you sat up and stepped out of the-
holy fuck were you in a pod or some shit?!?
you jumped out of the pod thing, trying to separate yourself from the machinery that was foreign to you... and immediately cursed, louder this time, as vertigo and your migraine came back to bite you in the ass. you swayed, about to fall, when all of a sudden, arms were around you, holding you to someone.
"don't you ever fucking do that again, you dipshit. Don't ever put your life on the line for me ever again, you got it?! Don't.....Don't you .... fucking..." and with that, Kokichi started to cry.
You were shocked why kokichi, big bad, supreme leader kokichi was crying.
 When you asked him as much, he looked at you like you were an idiot.
"because I care about you, you stupid idiot!" he said, trying to dry his tears.
Gathering you close and holding you tight, he whispered to you
"please don't leave me again.."
You couldn't tear yourself away, even if you tried.
You were always the one to defend him, when the others were being robophobic. when they treated him like nothing more than a hunk of metal.
you and him would talk for hours and hours, you explaining what it would be like to do certain things as a human..him, sharing his experiences as a robot. you called it a 'culture exchange'
the more the two of you shared, the more k1-bo felt like he needed to protect you, like he needed to comfort you, to keep you safe.
when the final trial came around, you were so tired. tired of the death, the destruction, everything. He wanted to shield you from this torment, to put a smile on your face.
He wasn't really aware of what he was doing in the last part of the trial. all he remembers is the voice in his head...louder, louder, until..
s i l e n c e
When he .... Awoke? was that the right word? Well, when he finished rebooting, he realized he was plugged into a machine. the next thing he realized was that you were in front of him, making sure he was all right.
When he reported that he was perfectly fine, you weakly smiled and paused.
'Do.... Do you remember anything, kiibo?" you asked, trying to keep your voice light. When he responded with what he last remembered, you looked like you were about to cry.
"are, are you alright? Do I need to go get some bandages?" kiibo asked, trying to see if he could fix what was wrong. You let out a choked sob and hugged kiibo tight.
"don't you scare me, don't you do that to me again, kiibo... I was so worried.."
when he asked what he had done to make you so worried, you weakly told him that it didn't matter, that you would tell him later.
And it was the very concept of later, that implied you would be around for a while, that made him absolutely hum in delight.
When you felt the vibrations, you giggled through your tears and kissed him on the cheek.
You would be all right, you both would be.
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lonelypond · 6 years
Casual Lunacy, Ch. 44
Love Live, NicoMaki, 2.1K, 44/?
Summary: How is our favorite werewolf/redhead coping with a night at the theatre?
Tuesday’s Gray, Part 3
Intermission. A break. Outside. Away from Nozomi. Away from so many misleading sensations. Smells not matching voices, actions not matching emotions. All a muddle, and Nico at the heart of it, Nico and Kashima, magic and musk strengthening with every gasp or confident stride. Nozomi alert to Maki’s every twitch. Sensation overflow. Barely a moon buried under banks of clouds, barely a thrum, low levels of late evening noise. Weather was going to get bad, Maki could smell the wet, waiting snow. But she could breathe here, for a few minutes before she had to go back inside, to finish the full Fangs experience. Maki wanted this to be over, so over, so she could just go back to Nico’s place and…
Maki howled, softly, suddenly lonely and longing for a caress and Nico to lean into. But no, back inside, to watch Nico on stage, ruby eyed dynamite unleashing all that vitality, creating moments, catching the interest of anyone watching, like she did at the party, heartbeats raised, heads tilted, everyone’s eyes following Nico. Nico thrived on the attention, her delight coming through every sense. And Maki was happy for Nico, really she was, although suddenly waking from a new lovers haze to find herself so connected to someone so connected to so many others’ reactions was a shock. Then, as Maki was processing this new Nico, who wasn’t really a new Nico, just a Nico who had kept all her focus on Maki for too brief a while and was now renewing her contacts with the world, there was old Nico suddenly surging on the Lakefill, surprising Maki, leading Maki into that tiny control room and stripping away all the emotions, leaving them both breathless with the physicality, the fierceness of the bond between them. That had been…unsettling. And sexy, sensual, provocative, risky, raw. But Maki kept returning to how off balance she had felt as Nico bounced out of the room, blowing a kiss, heading to conquer the stage as confidently as she had just conquered Maki. And once again, Maki had found herself sliding, unsteady on breaking, drifting ice over emotional depths she was afraid to be tossed into.
Sister One, also known as Deidre, and Sister Two, Amira, were sitting in the green room, gossiping together, a few feet away from where Eli had settled at the mirror.. Eli had a decent working relationship with them, but they were senior theatre majors and Eli’s junior status and minor in dance meant they hadn’t interacted much before this show. Deidre and Amira knew everyone in the theatre department and had long been Kashima confidants.
“Can you believe Nico skipped the CosPlay party at Chapin last week?” Amira complained as she searched for her mascara.
“I know. She hasn’t had time for anything this quarter. First, it was this part, then work, then that redhead.” Deidre checked her hair in the mirror, redoing the tie holding it up and back.
“She’s in the audience tonight. I hear she’s a freshman. And loaded.”
Diedre sniggered, “Oh, is that why Nico is keeping her to herself.”
Amira quickly applied her mascara, “You know I’m really not going to mind if Nico gets mad at us and Kashima for this. She barely talks to me anymore anyway.”
“Kashima’s doing Nico a favor.” Deidre took a lipstick out of Amira’s bag.
“Exactly.”  Eli found herself scooting her chair down as she brushed her hair, but when Amira caught her paying attention, the brunette nudged her companion, “Hey, Eli, what do you think about Nico? She’s BFF with your girlfriend.”
Eli was a bad liar but…Eli shrugged, “She could be nicer to Nozomi.”
“I know. Nico always wants it like “Nico Ni”” Deidre mocked Nico’s pose, “thinks it should be. Getting a part this big just made her ego even more inflated. She’s been nagging Kashima about her singing when what Kashima really needs support. Which is why Kashima comes to us.”
Amira nodded. “And we give her love.”
Eli watched her two fellow vamps smile mysteriously and wondered if just asking what was up would get her anywhere. Should Eli even care? Kashima wasn’t the problem. Surely Nico was up to handling intracast spats. She seemed to have Kashima pretty well heeled.
Eli decided to continue being a friendly vibration. “I’m just glad we don’t have solos. Kashima looks so pale before she sings.”
“She claims it’s on purpose, to add to the ‘King of the Un-dead’ effect,” Deidre sniggered, “But I know she’s just trying not to throw up.”
Someone’s phone pinged. There was a groan as a voice announced to the dressing rooms, “Bad snowstorm tonight. Hope we get out of here before it starts.”
“Yeah. Maybe we could get started soon….” another grumble, “I have a test tomorrow.”
Eli stood, “I’m going to find a stage manager and see what’s up.”
It was just so cute. But Nozomi had to not giggle because the first couple times she almost, Maki shot her glare full of neon threat. But there was Nico’s Big Bad Girlfriend, curled up in her seat, holding her backpack like a teddy bear, huge eyes watching the stage as Nico lived Mina’s fight against Dracula, whimpers and low growls escaping the tensed redhead. Nozomi swore she saw Maki bite into her bag when Mina was under hypnosis, describing what she saw through her bond with Dracula.
Fortunately, Maki knew when Nico set foot in the audience part of the theatre, otherwise she  might have jumped when she felt the arms slide over her shoulders. But she did stiffen. Maki could tell Nico was surprised by that reaction, but Maki was about ready to run howling laps around the Lakefill to get the moody darkness of Fangs out of her head. She now knew what Nico meant when Nico complained about how screechy the music got, and how hard it was to keep that out of her nightmares...add musical cues to Kashima bending threateningly over a swooning, vulnerable Nico and Maki knew she would be the one having nightmares tonight.
“Hey, pretty girl, wasn’t Nico brilliant?” Nico kissed Maki’s cheek, throwing Maki right back to the chair, before the show, heart racing, suddenly as empty as the room...Maki shivered. “Whoa, are you cold, Maki?”
Before Nico could continue, Nozomi let out all the amusement she’d been keeping in for the past hour, with a booming laugh, “She’s TERRIFIED, Nico-chi. Almost bit her bag in half, didn’t ya, Maki?”
Nico glared at Nozomi, while Maki shoved her backpack a little away from her. Maki was at the end of the row of seats so Nico slid into her lap, fingers tangling in red silk before pulling her girlfriend in for an embrace as she whispered, “It’s no good if Nico’s not convincing on stage. But Kashima doesn’t even nip me, I swear.”
Nozomi continued to giggle, Maki was too embarrassed to look up and let her head drop to Nico’s shoulder, inhaling confident Nico masked in the fakery of makeup and the Kashima overlay. Olfactory thrall. No clear scent, no clear head…
Maki sat up, eyes catching Nico’s. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Isn’t it the other way around?” Nozomi leaned over to poke Nico.
Nico swatted at her and stood up, “Shut up, Nozomi. Come backstage with me, Maki, I have to change and grab my bag.”
Maki was restless. Nico wondered if it was having to sit still for two and a half hours while so much “happened” on stage. Or the aftermath of what happened before rehearsal. As sexy as it was to have Maki so frantic for Nico’s touch, there had been an odd mood, an unfamiliar expression on her lover’s face, one that Nico didn’t have a name for.
Nico slid her arm through Maki’s. The snow had started and the sky was layers of gray clouds, shedding wet, heavy flakes.
“So are you ready for opening night now?” Nico opted for a less pressing question, one that might encourage Maki to share any thoughts looping in her mind.
Maki shrugged, stopping to stare up at the sky and let a few snowflakes hit her in the face, “I suppose.” She grinned, “I won’t bite Kashima now that I know how it ends.”
Nico leaned in, “She’s really improved, thanks to you. You saved Nico.”
Another shrug, “You would have done fine. People know you’re…” Maki considered, translating wolf through partly human senses into human language was puzzling sometimes, but then she remembered one of Nico’s favorite claims, “a star.”
“So they respect Nico.” Nico bounced at the confirmation.
“Or fear you. Machiavelli got that right.”
“Who?” Nico asked.
“Dead Italian guy. Wrote books.”
“Another poet?”
Maki snorted, “Playwright. Actually philosopher. It was the Renaissance, people were a lot of things.”
“Triple threats. Like Nico.”
Italian philosophy seemed heavier than snow so Maki changed the subject to one sure to distract her lover, “But not as cute.”
“Aw, Maki loves Nico.” Nico nuzzled.
Maki’s noise of agreement was subdued enough that Nico suspected their pre show encounter was at the base of Maki’s odd mood.
“Did Nico leave Maki too…” Nico let the question trail off, not sure how to read the redhead’s mood.
Maki picked up her pace. Nico pulled her back, “Maki.”
Maki hung her head, expression shadowed by her hood, “We should get you home.”
“Us home.” Nico corrected. No response. “Maki, what’s going on?”
Maki collapsed into a crouch, and Nico reached out to touch her shoulder as the redhead muttered, “Don’t know.”
Nico crouched as well, “Tell me what you're thinking. Maybe I can help.”
Maki picked up some snow and started to form it into a ball, “Acting is weird.” She stood and threw the snowball at a streetlight.
“Is Nico weird?”
“No.” Maki shook her head as she shoved her now red hands in the kangaroo pocket of her hoodie, “You were actually pretty amazing. I was so worried for you even when I knew you were fine.”
“So why don’t you want to come home with me?” Nico stood, pulling Maki’s hood back far enough that she could see her eyes, which were full of swirling green and shadows. Nico knew there was something big that Maki wasn’t articulating, but Nico was almost certain that pushing the skittish redhead on the subject of their sex life’s debut performance in a semi public location would just lead to a howl and run. Careful phrasing. “We missed the cuddle part.”
Maki’s eyes glinted amethyst ice, “You didn’t miss it. You were on full thrill.”
“Did you?” Nico’s question was soft as they stood in a pool of light, disconnected and awkward.
“I don’t know. Maybe…” Maki turned, arms out, “I’ve just...it’s been…” Maki took a deep breath, “I’ve felt so many things, so many people, closing in all evening...that and the...I want… I need...to play...to hear...something that makes sense.”
Nico didn’t have a piano. Maki had had barely a moment to breathe since Nico took her hand and dragged her into the Wirtz Center. There hadn’t been any calms, just increasing tension,  rising restlessness, the knowledge that something was going to break through, to rip out from under Maki’s skin, a howl or leap or a...storm. Maki swept a hand through some falling snow, wondering what this mood might manifest...she could hear the screechiness of the Fangs orchestra merge with the softer fall of a cello in snow and the quick hammering of her heart as Nico...Maki felt her fingers twitch, wanting to search out the notes that would transform this whole evening into meaning.
Nico watched Maki for a moment, as Maki stared off into the distance, unaware of anything other than whatever was going on in her head. She’d have to get used to that, Nico realized, but thoughtful Maki, thoughtful Maki was Depth and Beauty carved against the snow. Nico could certainly hold that image in her heart until playful, flirty Maki returned.
“Maki?” Nico’s touch on her arm was firm but when Maki looked down, Nico’s smile was warm, “You can head home. Nico can manage from here. It’s only a block.” Maki sniffed, uncertain. Nico was concerned, but calm, loving, detached.  Some of the pressure lifted and Maki grabbed Nico, spinning the smaller woman off the ground, hugging her. Releasing Nico, with a howl, Maki sprinted off. Bemused, Nico shook her head, counting snowflakes for awhile as she watched Maki disappear into the gray. She was positive an affectionate Maki would remember to call or text at some point, but right now, Nico respected this mood she was on the outside of. Besides, she could use a good night’s sleep. It was already a hectic week.
A/N: Tuesday extended itself for more chapters than I expected, but Maki had some things to process before we could progress.Merry Wives is hectic as we approach going off book.Take care of yourself. And do something you love.
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Bleeding Out (1/?)
Summary: Love Live zombie AU. Muse find themselves fighting for survival when the city is suddenly attacked by the living dead. Together with allies they find along the way, they have to find a way to fight through the horde to safety.
Warning(s): Violence, gore (ish), angst, strong language.
Maki stretched as she looked up from the piano, a yawn escaping her. She hadn't really been able to get much sleep recently because of how much Nico had been sleeping at her house. About a month ago, people just started disappearing without reason. Maki turned to Nico who was busy sorting through papers in the music room. Cocoa, Nico’s youngest sister was one of the people who went missing. Maki sighed as she thought about what to say to her, everything she thought of felt like it would make things worse. Maki walked towards the window, looking out at the afternoon sky before her attention went down to the school running track. Hanayo walked around slowly, lost in her her thoughts. Even from the second floor, Maki could see that Hanayo had something troubling her and it wasn't hard to figure out what. Only Nico and herself knew about Nico's sister so it must have been about Muse. Maki glanced over to Nico, trying to think about how the girl felt about the split. When Honoka announced it, Nico had been too busy thinking about her sister to pay attention. It wouldn't have surprised Maki if Nico didn't even know.
"Is there something on my face?" Nico sat up right, turning to Maki suddenly. "Because you've done nothing but stare at me for while now." She stretched, still looking towards the redhead, awaiting her answer. "Just lost in thought." Maki answered, turning back to the window. She hadn’t even known Nico could see her looking at her. "...Whatever." Nico muttered as she returned to sorting the paper into the correct draws. She didn't care enough about what Maki was staring at. She just hoped to any gods that would listen that her sister was okay. "Are you sleeping over again tonight?" Maki asked as she stood up from the piano stool, having finished cleaning the piano. She turned her attention to the smaller idol. "I mean it's fine, but I'm going to need to change the sheets..." "No." Nico replied quickly, keeping her attention on the papers she was sorting through with no real purpose. They were supposed to be cleaning the music room, but she couldn't stop thinking about her sister. "I shouldn't stay at yours every night." Maki sighed as she looked away, wiping the cloth in her hand over the windowsill. She enjoyed Nico staying at her house. It looked like they were together, though she would never actually admit that to Nico. She didn't really know how long it had been since her feelings for Nico had started, maybe when she’d joined Muse or maybe after. All she knew for sure was that Nico was the person she cared for the most, the person she had the strongest feelings for. She just didn't know how to tell her. The main reason she hadn't was because of Nico's sister disappearing. She wished Nico could find something out about what had happened to her sister, just so she could go back to the normal Nico. "Well, how about one last night? I had something planned for tonight." Nico frowned as she turned to Maki, sceptical that she actually planned anything. Normally it was always Nico who suggested things to do. "Fine, but what do you have planned?" Maki turned away, hiding her blushing face. She only had one chance left. One chance left to tell her how she felt about her. "You'll find out later. Geez, trying to ruin the surprise..." Maki replied with a huff, returning to cleaning the window. She had to tell her how she felt before Nico finished the year, afterwards would be too late. --- Rin looked towards Hanayo in confusion, watching as the quiet idol walked slowly around the school running track, her hands together in front of her. She had no idea how long Hanayo had been walking around aimlessly or even when she started. All she knew for sure was what was bothering her. "Kayo-chin!" Rin yelled, running over as Hanayo turned around, the gap being closed pretty quickly. "What's up? "The sky..." "Ha!" Rin sighed as an awkward silence fell over the two first years before Hanayo stopped, looking towards Rin who had taken another step. "I can't believe Muse is ending..." Rin let out a soft sigh, looking down to the ground. She had been trying not to think about it until then. "Kayo-chin..." She spoke softly, walking over to her quiet friend, throwing her arms around her as soon as she got to her. There was nothing they could do about the end of Muse. The third years were leaving. It wasn't fair, and wouldn’t feel right to continue the group without Eli, Nico and Nozomi. They were like a small family. "Muse is the only place I feel...special. Like I belong somewhere." Hanayo took a shuddering breath as she sat on the floor, her head in her hands. "I don't want it to end. I want us all to stay together forever." A soft smile tugged at Rin's lips as she sat beside her best friend, pulling her closer. Hanayo didn't resist, allowing herself to fall into Rin's side. "I know it's hard, nya. But we need to be strong." Hanayo furrowed her brow but didn't lift her head from Rin's shoulder. She was so warm, something she hadn't felt in a while. "We need to be strong for Eli, Nozomi and Nico, nya. They must be having the worst time out of us all. Nico barely said a word in the last meeting too." Hanayo nodded slightly as she thought back. She was right. It looked like Nico was too busy thinking about something else. "Okay." Rin smiled happily as Hanayo lifted herself off Rin, tears in her eyes. "Time to stop being a crybaby. We need to be strong for everyone else." Hanayo smiled softly, wiping the tears away with her sleeve. "That's the spirit, nya. Let's go." Hanayo nodded confidently at Rin's suggestion, getting helped up by Rin. She knew she shouldn't be wasting the little time they had left by crying. She needed to make good memories with the third years before they go. --- "Where is she?" Kotori questioned to herself as she walked down the hall, looking for someone she had never met before. The day before a club application form was sent to the student council asking to start a club named 'The Hero Club'. She had to find the president of the club, a second year like her, Honoka and Umi named Izetta, to ask her what the club was about. As the Student council treasurer, it was her job to decide the funds between all the clubs in the school. Depending on what the club was about, she would need to decide how much funds they would be given. Kotori turned the corner quickly, her eyes immediately fixing on a girl with short scarlet hair standing in the middle of the next hall handing out the club's flyers, clearly hoping to get new members. "Looking for others who want to help people too." Kotori stopped just short of the girl after hearing her speak. The club was about helping people? She hummed thoughtfully as she thought back, wondering if there was anyone who had made a club like that before. Maybe her mother would know? Izetta smiled as she turned around, her eyes widening in shock as she spotted Kotori looking at her. She couldn't believe one of the members of Muse was standing just in front of her. "Excuse me. Are you Himura-san?” Izetta jumped at the mention of her name, not sure what to think. On one hand she was happy Minami Kotori of all people knew her name, but on the other hand it meant that the student council had picked her out for something. "Yes! I is Izetta...I mean I AM Izetta." Izetta shuddered, looking down nervously. Kotori must have thought she was stupid. Her brow furrowed as she suddenly heard laughter, causing her to look up slowly. "I'm sorry..." Kotori started saying, holding her hand to her mouth as if it would stop the laughter coming out. "Just take your time. I only need to ask you a few questions concerning your club in the Student Council room. Do you mind coming with me?" Her tone was polite, a contrast to the laughter which had escaped her before. She couldn’t help it. Izetta looked too adorable when she was nervous. "O-Okay." Izetta answered slowly. She thought that she was in trouble for something. Kotori waited for Izetta to reach her side before she started to walk down the hallway. "Did you transfer here? I'm only asking because I would recognize a name as cool as yours." Izetta beamed with happiness at Kotori's question. Kotori thought her name was cool. Her favorite member of Muse liked her name. She didn't know when, but she must have died and gone to heaven. "Yes. My sister had to go away with the military so I agreed to be a transfer student and stay at the Principal's house." Kotori turned around, only just realising what her mother meant by someone might be staying with them. "Cool. That means you will be staying with me and my family. This is great, we can talk and play games." Kotori announced excitedly as she continued walking with Izetta close behind her. Izetta couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was going to be staying with Kotori. She could die happy now. "I'm so excited.” Kotori continued when Izetta didn’t verbally reply. “The only other girls who have slept over at my house are Honoka-chan and Umi-chan...before they became a thing." Izetta frowned in confusion as she heard sadness in the last part of what Kotori said. She knew that Kotori and Honoka were close and that they was close to Umi too. So why was Kotori upset?
Izetta pause as she felt her phone suddenly start to vibrate. “Could you wait a minute, Kotori-senpai?” Izetta inquired as she reached into her pocket for her phone and pulled it out, checking the caller ID. “It’s my sister.”
“It’s okay. Take your time.” Kotori smiled as she turned her attention to the club application form. At a rough glance, she could only see Izetta’s name on it. It explained why she was handing her flyers out to other students. When Honoka wanted to make Muse, she was lucky that Umi and herself were willing to join it with her. Because Izetta was a transfer student, she didn’t have anyone like that.
“Hello?” Izetta questioned, speaking into her phone without realising she had turned the speaker on. “Are you there, Onee-chan?” Kotori hummed thoughtfully to herself again, wondering what it would be like having an older sister. If she did she hoped her older sister would be like Eli or Nozomi. Someone she could go to if she ever wanted to talk about anything bothering her.
“Hi Izetta!”
“Hi little Saya!”
“Is that your sister?”
“Will you guys go away!’
Izetta flinched in pain, pulling away from the phone quickly realising she was on speaker. She had no idea who the first three excited voices were, but the last one was definitely her sister.
“Sorry about that, Izetta. My squad were being idiots again!” Saya explained through the phone with quiet laughter in the background from her squad. Izetta didn’t know much about her sister’s squad other than there were two men and two women including her sister.
“It’s okay. You all seem close.” Izetta quickly turned to Kotori, smiling softly at her. She didn’t mean to take up so much of her time, but she rarely got to talk to her sister. “How are you?”
“I’m fine, and yeah. We’re like a little family.” Saya answered honestly with a gentle sigh, thinking about all of the missions her squad had been on together. “Anyway. Have you made it to the school alright?”
“Yes, and I’ve met up with someone living where I am too.” Saya snickered to herself as heard the pride coming from her sister’s words.
“Well done, Izetta, but I’ve gotta go. I’m sorry I can’t talk to you more…” Saya let out a defeated sigh, wishing she could talk to her sister more before she had to go.
“It’s okay Onee-chan. Your job is important. Bye.” Izetta said softly though Kotori could tell that she was upset she couldn’t talk to her sister for longer. She didn’t mean to listen in on the scarlet haired girl’s conversation but she couldn’t help it. Izetta still had the phone call on speaker, most likely unintentionally.
“Okay, sorry for the wait. I’m ready when you are.” Kotori nodded with a smile, walking slowly so Izetta caught up.
“Are you okay? Sorry for interfering but you sounded upset.” A small smile tugged at Izetta’s lips as she listened to Kotori. From what she’d hear about Kotori, she didn’t expect anything less from her, caring about other people. Even those she had only just met. That was why she was her favorite. “I’m perfect. Thanks.” Kotori nodded as they continue walking, noticing Izetta was holding onto her sleeve. Izetta hadn’t been at the school for long, probably less than a week. Kotori couldn’t blame her for not knowing how to get around.
Izetta jumped at something warm suddenly wrapped around her hand, her cheeks burning up as she glanced down at him. Kotori’s hand was locked with hers, their fingers interlocking as they walked.
“I just realised you probably don’t know your way around yet. So let’s hold hands so you don’t get lost. Is that okay?” Izetta could only nod slowly in response, completely speechless at what was happening to her. She was actually holding Minami Kotori’s hand. It had to be a dream.
Izetta’s smile got larger as they continued to walk to the Student Council room. She felt like she was going to burst into a skip at any moment. She knew joining that school was the right choice.
Nozomi opened the door to the club room slowly, the fact that door was unlocked proving that she was right. Eli stood in the dark room with her phone against her ear, tension filling the air.
“Fuck!” Eli bellowed, flinging her phone across the room before she slammed her fist against the table.
“Easy Elichi.” Nozomi spoke quickly, rushing over to her best friend. She had no idea what could make Eli so angry. Eli was someone who rarely lost her cool. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking great!” Nozomi flinched at Eli’s sudden tone, but she knew immediately that she didn’t mean to be mean. Eli turned away from her, looking down at the table and her red fist. “I’m...I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Nozomi spoke softly, pulling the blonde close and into a warm embrace. “I know you didn’t mean it. What’s wrong?”
Eli shuddered in Nozomi’s tight hold, the tears she had been holding back flooding thick and fast. “I can’t find Arisa.”
Nozomi closed her eyes, resting her head on Eli’s head. For Eli, family was the most important thing for her. If she thought Arisa or Raven were hurt, she would obviously be angry.
“We’ll find her.” Nozomi muttered into Eli’s ear, running her hand through her long blonde hair. “Does she not have her phone?”
“She has it, but…” Nozomi frowned at the vague answer as Eli pulled away from her, walking over to her phone. Luckily, the phone case stopped it from smashing. “The phone line is completely down.”
Nozomi eyes widened in shock at the news. It explained why her father hadn’t called her yet when he promised that he would half an hour ago.
“That’s not it either.” Eli began, walking to the window of the club room. “People all over Japan have been starting to go missing, Arisa and Yukino are just two of many.”
“Yukino-chan’s missing too?” Nozomi couldn’t believe it. It explained why Honoka had been so isolated from everyone recently, barely saying anything. She looked up suddenly, movement catching her attention. “What the hell…?”
Eli frowned as she looked out the window, her hand shaking. All across the city, large black clouds of smoke were starting to rise up. “Smoke? What the hell is going on?!”
Honoka stood at one of the exterior stairwells, looking down with only her thoughts as company. She had no idea where Kotori was and Umi was too busy with archery so all she could do was wait. She could’ve gone to any of the other members of Muse, but she’d decided against it. When she announced Muse was disbanding everyone had taken it hard, herself included. They all needed time.
Her breath shuddered as she rested her head on her arms, her mind constantly bringing up worst case scenarios about Yukino. It had been a week since she went missing and her mother had been at every police station many times over looking for her. Honoka couldn’t understand what could've happened to her. It felt like her life was falling apart. First Muse, now her sister.
“Hey! This is private property!” Honoka jumped at the loud familiar voice of the gym teacher, looking towards the school’s open front gate. The gym teacher walked towards a strange figure shuffling forward with the school nurse following.
Honoka couldn’t help but watch, noticing the strange black smoke rising around the city. The gym teacher got closer to the strange man, a wooden bat in his hand. “Get out of here!”
“Mr Lobo. Please don’t be so rough. He looks inured.” Honoka squinted, leaning further over the railing to get a better view of the stranger. The nurse was right. She could see blood dripping from the man.
“Okay, call an ambu…” Without warning the man sprung forward, the tattered clothing he was wearing falling off as he pounced on the gym teacher. Honoka stumbled backwards, her eyes wide in horror at the stranger. The stranger stood atop of the gym teacher with a huge chunk missing from his side, blood still spilling out from the wound but it didn’t look like the man even cared.
“Leave him…” The nurse started to say, her voice shaky with fear. The stranger suddenly opened his mouth, unhinging it like a snake and sicking his teeth into the gym teacher’s neck. Honoka could barely believe what she was seeing, her entire body shaking uncontrollably. The stranger yanked it’s head back, tearing the gym teacher’s throat out with ease. Honoka span around quickly at the sight of the gym teacher’s blood, everything she ate recently flooding it’s way back out her mouth. She felt like her stomach was trying to get out of her mouth.
She peeked back over, panic flooding through her body as one after another more half mutilated people rushed through the gate. One after another they got to students and teachers, tearing them apart and eating them. Honoka didn’t know what to do, she was stuck.
“Honoka-chan!” Honoka flinched at her name, something pulling her to the side. She span around quickly, ready to try and fight off whatever was attacking her. Kotori and a redhead stood a step lower than her, both of them out of breath. “We need to get somewhere safe.”
“The roof!” The redhead answered quickly, looking around while trying to block out all of the screams of pain from the other students. Those things were tearing them apart and there was nothing she could do about it.
Honoka nodded, still shaken up by what she had seen. Like it or not, almost everything she loved and knew was gone.
“One second, Elichi.” Eli turned around sharply at Nozomi’s statement, her eyes widening as Nozomi began to open the door.
“Nozomi don’t!”
Nozomi frowned in confusion, opening the door fully before Eli finished talking. On the other side of the doorway stood a tall woman with only a few strands of white hair still attached onto her rotting head. Nozomi stumbled back as the woman turned to her, no life in her eyes. The woman began to move into the room, her right arm falling off on the way inside.
“Get back!”
Nozomi jumped at the familiar voice, barely having anytime to react before Eli dashed past her. Eli jumped as she got to her friend’s side, slamming her fist into the walking corpse’s face. The creature stumbled back, falling to the ground with the door slamming shut again behind her.
Nozomi was speechless, watching the blonde push a table in front of the wooden door. She couldn’t believe what was happening. The dead were walking around eating people. She felt like she was in a nightmare.
“Goddamnit!” Eli’s yell snapped Nozomi out of her thoughts quickly, making her turn to her friend. Eli stood at the window with one of her feet on the wall beside it, trying to yank the window open. “Of course Nico would remember to lock the windows now!”
“...What do we do?” Nozomi asked softly, trying to stop her hands from shaking. The screaming she was hearing was that of students, people she might have known being ripped apart and eaten. How could she not be scared? She looked up from her hand at Eli, watching in awe as the blonde snapped a chair’s legs off, ready to use it as some kind of weapon.
“Okay, we need to get to the roof. It’ll be the best place to go, and hopefully everyone else had the same idea.” Eli explained as she practiced swinging the makeshift weapon. Nozomi shuddered as she looked down to Eli’s hand, they were shaking just as much as her’s. She didn’t understand how Eli could stay so calm.
Eli took a deep breath as she looked out the window once more. This time blood was scattered on the ground. She couldn’t understand how something like this could happen. They weren’t in a horror film. Her breathing grew heavy as she looked behind her, watching Nozomi trying to help barricade the door by putting a chair on top of the table.
Eli grunted, slapping herself on the cheeks.She couldn’t let herself get distracted. She had to protect Nozomi and she knew that Arisa was out there somewhere. She had to be strong, for them.
“We need to get out of here. They’ll get in eventually anyway.” Eli stated, turning around back to Nozomi. “But we can’t do that unless we get rid of her outside.” Nozomi nodded slowly, surprised about how quickly Eli had adapted to the situation. This was the first time she had ever seen Eli so serious, but then again it was the first time their lives had been in danger.
Eli jumped at the sound of glass smashing, doing a double take. Nozomi stood a few steps away from the window, surprised she managed to break the window with the chair.
Eli could only look at her friend in surprise as she use the chair leg Eli snapped to get rid of the rest of the glass. She couldn’t just rely on Eli to do everything. It wasn’t fair on her. She already had Arisa’s disappearance to deal with without this adding to it. “There’s an outdoor staircase to the left of this room. Maybe we can get across to it.” Nozomi suggested as she looked down at her breasts. “Though, it might be hard to balance with these big things.”
Eli sighed, the statement forcing her to look at Nozomi’s bust. She had looked before in secret, everyone had, they were too big to ignore. She found it stupid that even with the world feeling like it was ending, her face could still turn so red when she was looking at her friend’s breasts.
“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure there’s a bandage in here if you want to wrap them up.” Eli suggested before she realised she went past looking and was now staring at Nozomi’s breasts. She turned away quickly, back to Nozomi’s face which had a mischievous grin on it.
“Okay…” Nozomi replied in a devious manner, reaching into a draw to pull out one of the longest bandages.
Eli face went flushed again as Nozomi reached down towards the bottom of her shirt, undoing the buttons one at a time. Eli covered her eyes quickly, parting two of the fingers slightly so she could see. She could hear Umi in her head yelling ‘shameless’.
Nozomi grinned as she leaned closer. Eli couldn’t stop herself, all she could see was Nozomi’s purple bra. “We don’t have time for this Nozomi. Those...things could get in any minute…”
“And yet you’re still peeking.” Nozomi replied with a chuckle, wrapping the bandage tightly around her bust. She felt like she was suffocating, but at least they were a hell of a lot easier to handle.
“Let’s go.” Eli stated quickly, vaulting out the window carefully so she landed on the other side. She could see the staircase and it looked like there wasn’t any of those monsters on it.
She turned quickly around, helping Nozomi through the window. She was surprised how much the bandage actually worked. Her breasts now looked to be around the same size as Honoka’s.
“You’re staring again Elichi.”
“Sorry.” Nozomi giggled at her best friends flustered face. She looked down, immediately regretting doing so. They were really high up. A drop from there wouldn’t kill them, but it would cripple then and leave them like a buffet for those monsters. She felt a hand slide into her own. “Hold my hand. We’ll take it nice and slowly.”
Nozomi smiled softly at the blonde, her hand locked with Eli’s. She was glad she was with Eli when whatever was happening started. She wouldn’t have been able to do anything by herself. She just hoped her dad was safe.
Hanayo ducked, narrowly dodging one of the ‘Walkers’ as Rin had started calling them. They were on the second floor of the school and trying to get to the roof, but everywhere they went the walkers were blocking their path. The only reason she hadn’t been killed and eaten so far was because of Rin and how quickly she adapted to what was happening. She had never seen the excitable idol act so serious before, taking charge.
“This way, nya.” Rin said with a firm but quiet voice, walking with her back against the wall and Hanayo’s hand in hers. She could barely keep herself from shaking with fear, but she had to. She could feel Hanayo’s trembling through her hand. She couldn’t let Hanayo know she was just as scared.
Rin jumped at the sudden voice, barely having time to turn and look before the door behind her swung open with a pair of hands grabbing her. Rin panicked as she got pulled into the room with Hanayo, doing the first thing that came to her head.
Rin didn’t hear the voice as she swung her elbow back, hitting what she was guessing was one of the walkers holding onto her. The grip loosened, letting Rin quickly turn to the voice she cut off, her fist darting into it’s nose.
“What the FUCK Rin?!” Rin eyes widened in horror at the familiar voice, only just realising what happened. Nico and Maki stood in the music room, blood dripping from their nostrils. “You elbowed me in the FACE!” Nico yelled in anger before she realised she was being to loud. Those monsters were starting to notice.
“I thought you were a walker, nya!” Rin replied quickly, watching as Nico wiped the blood away with her sleeve. “And I was aiming for your stomach, it’s not my fault you’re so short, nya…”
“‘Walker’? Damn it, Rin.” Maki replied angrily, taking the tissue in her pocket and wiping blood from Nico’s nose. “Don’t name them.”
Maki and Nico flinched as Hanayo rushed over to them, wrapping her arms tightly around them. “I’m so happy you two are okay.” Hanayo stated, holding them tighter. She was scared that Rin and herself were the only ones left.
“Have you seen anyone else?...Also, sorry.” Rin muttered, sitting down with her back against the wall. She was so tired.
“No. We’ve been stuck in here since the end of the world started.” Nico answered honestly, earning herself an annoyed glare from Maki. “What? It’s true.”
Maki shook her head before speaking. “We need to get to the basement. I bet that’s where everyone else has gone too.”
Hanayo took a quick glance under the door, seeing a large cluster of feet stumbling around outside the room. “Let’s wait for a little, until it’s clear.”
Everyone nodded at the suggestion, getting comfortable in the room. Maki gritted her teeth as she looked out of the window again. Why did this have to happen? Who did this? Maybe Nico was right about it being the end of the world.
“Help!” A female student yelled out, pushing herself back across the floor with her feet in an attempt to get away from one of the walkers. She closed her eyes as the walker leaped at her, hearing a loud thud shortly after.
“Are you okay?!” The girl opened her eyes slowly. The first thing she noticed was long blue hair. Sonoda Umi stood beside her with one of the bows from the archery club in her hand and four other students behind her. Umi glanced around. She knew either the roof or the basement would be the safest places to go but she was sure Honoka or Kotori would have gone to the roof. So that was where she was going, trying to help as many students as possible on the way.
The girl nodded her head slowly, taking the hand Umi was holding out. Umi took a deep breath before yanking on the arrow inside the walker’s head. “Don’t worry. I’m going to take you somewhere safe, trust me.”
The girl fell forward, tears running thick and fast from her eyes as she held onto Umi’s shirt. Umi looked down at the walker, vaguely recognizing him. His name was Tsukasa and he was part of the school’s newspaper club. She couldn’t believe what was happening, everything was normal only an hour ago. All she could do was tell herself that they weren’t people anymore. They were monsters. She had to kill them.
“Let’s go.” Umi walked forward a couple of steps, leaving behind the small group so she could see what was behind the next corner. Luckily, it was clear of walkers. The closest staircase to the roof was just two corridors away. Once they got to the roof, they would be able to barricade it and stay safe.
Umi spun around quickly, drawing her bow at the sound of a loud thud. Her blood turned cold, her eyes widening in horror and terror at what she was looking at. A woman with long grey hair on all fours, the size of a small car stood just behind the small group of students, large chunks of skin and flesh peeling off it’s withered body. It’s feet bent into place, large claws piercing out from each of its toes and fingers, all stained in blood with a few drops dripping from them. Umi shuddered as it looked towards her, a large grin cracking into place on it’s face.
“RU…” Umi’s yell was silenced by the screech unleashed from the beast, watching in panic as two more arms burst out from it’s sides. Within a second or two, it was too quick for Umi to tell, the creature had slashed at the group many times over. Blood, skin and organs splattered across of the walls of the corridor with barely anything left to prove a small group of students were even there.
Umi shuddered again, her grip on the bow loosening. She told that girl to trust her, that she was going to lead her to somewhere safe. Instead, she led her to the slaughter along with others who didn’t deserve it. In Umi’s eyes, their deaths were on her.
Umi looked back towards the creature, flinching as she realised it was staring at her, that terrifying grin on it’s face again. “DIE!” Umi yelled, firing an arrow towards it. Her eyes widened in horror as it slashed at the air, knocking the arrow away like it was nothing. Umi started stepping back as the creature moved closer, her eyes locked onto it. She knew arrows weren't going to work, or at least when it’s attention was on her. She needed to get away. Get to Honoka.
“The basement is this way, nya.” Rin stated as the four of them walked carefully down the corridor, a few steps away from the staircase they went down. They were surprised that there wasn’t any of the walkers, but none of them wanted to say anything in case they jinxed it. Rin stopped suddenly at the sound of running, not sure what to do.
“What do you think it is?” Maki whispered as she scanned the area around her. The corridor they were on had no doors, nowhere for them to hide.
“Don’t know, nya. But if it’s the walkers, i’ll have to change their name…”
“Shut up, Rin.” Nico stated, irritated at the first year. The four of them stared in the direction of the noise, trying to get themselves ready for whatever was about to turn the corner. They had no idea what to do, but she wasn’t quitting on searching for a way out.
They all jumped in surprise as Umi sprinted around the corner, skidding a little as she continued running for her life towards them. “UP THE STAIRS NOW!” They all turned looked at her in confusion as she continued running towards them. A second later the a creature appeared behind Umi, crawling quickly after her across the ceiling, blood from Umi’s small group dripping from it’s four of claws.
The four of them looked on in horror, not sure what that thing was. It barely looked like a human anymore. They all gasped as they felt Umi tackle into them with everything she had, barely getting them out the way of the creature’s lunge. Umi hissed in pain as she felt her back grow wet, blood soaking into her clothes. Se thought she had managed to get out of the way with everyone else.
Maki eyes widened in horror at the sight of Umi’s blood and the large slash wound in her back, quickly snapping out of her daze. “The staircase!” Maki yelled when she stood up with the others close behind her. Quickly they each grabbed onto Umi, bringing her to her feet as the creature span around on the floor. They fell into the stairwell just as it pounced, crashing against the door Umi slammed shut with her foot.
The four of them watched in fear as the monster clawed at the door for a few seconds, eventually moving away. They couldn’t believe they actually survived that thing, but thanks to Umi they did.
“What the hell was that?!” Nico was the first to ask what everyone else was thinking, turning towards Umi as if she would know. “What...the fuck is even happening?!” Nico voice was shaky. Her entire body was too.
“Nico-chan, calm down…” Maki stood up a minute or two after Nico, resting her hand on the older girl’s shoulder.
Nico span around quickly, knocking the hand off her shoulder in anger. “How the fuck do you expect me to calm down knowing my brother and sisters are out there either dead or terrified?!” Nico bellowed towards Maki, swinging her hand towards the window. The screaming had stopped, but they could still see blood all over the place and smoke coming from the city. “And what about Cocoa?! She’s probably been eaten by-” she was cut off as Maki stormed over to her and drew back her arm, delivering a swift slap to Nico’s cheak, leaving a red hand mark in her wake.
Everyone else looked on in a state of shock at Nico holding her hand against her cheek. Maki let out a long sigh before she pulled Nico close to her, wrapping her arms tightly around her. It wasn’t long before Nico gave in, letting the tears she had been holding back for a while run free. Nico moved closer to the red head, her tears soaking into Maki’s blazer. As much as she would Have loved to keep Nico hanging on her for longer, Maki knew that they still had Umi to worry about. She was still hurt because she saved them.
“Let’s catch our breath in here and head up when we’re ready.” Everyone nodded at Hanayo’s suggestion before she turned her attention back to the chaos happening outside the school. When she wished for everyone to stay together, she didn’t mean during the end of the world.
Honoka shuddered as she looked out from the metal fence around the rooftop, towards the burning city she loved living in. She still couldn���t get the sight of her teacher being torn apart out of her head, each time she remembers it she feels like she’s going to throw up. “Why?...” Honoka muttered to herself, her head in her hands. “Why is this happening?”
Honoka sniffled, struggling to hold back her tears anymore. She had no idea if A-Rise were okay, or even if her mother or Yukiho were. She paused, thinking about her younger sister. She hadn’t been seen in a while. The police didn’t have an answer for where she went and now with the dead eating people, she couldn’t help but be even more worried.
She turned at the sound of footsteps approaching. Eli stood a short distance behind her after leaving Kotori, Nozomi and the random girl Kotori dragged along with her talking together. “How you holding up?”
Honoka didn’t answer immediately, her breath shaky with fear. “Aren’t you worried about Arisa-chan?”
Eli flinched at the sudden question, not realising she didn’t look worried. She had just been trying to act calm in front of everyone so no one panicked. “Of course I’m worried about Arisa. She’s my sister, and it’s killing me that I can’t make sure she’s safe but I’m worried about everyone else too. You included.”
Honoka’s eyes widened at the statement, watching in confusion as sat down on the ground her and everyone else from Muse practiced so hard on. “...Me? I’m fine, just a bit shaken up.”
Eli frowned in irritation at the strange facade Honoka was trying to do. “Stop lying, Kotori told me about what you saw.” Honoka tried to reply quickly, but she couldn’t think of anything to say. “And Arisa told me about Yukiho.” Honoka turned away. She should have known that Arisa would of told Eli and probably her brother too. “Honoka…”
“Okay, fine!” Honoka yelled, turning sharply back to Eli. “I’m terrified! Umi-chan, Maki-chan, Nico-chan, Rin-chan AND Hanayo-chan are all god knows where and I don’t know if they’re dead!” Honoka shuddered as she realised what she’d said. She didn’t mean to yell, Eli was one of her best friends, it was just that all of the pressure was getting to her. “I-I’m sorry…”
Honoka froze as Eli jumped up, pulling the orange haired Idol towards her. “It’s okay.” Eli whispered into Honoka’s ear while wrapping her arms tightly around the smaller girl. She had known Honoka would have tried to keep what happened to herself. It wasn’t long before the tears Honoka had been holding flooded thick and fast from her bright blue eyes.
“I just want Yukiho back…” Honoka wept into Eli’s shirt, holding tightly onto her arms. She just wanted things to go back to the way they once were, before everything went to hell.
“UMI-CHAN!” Honoka and Eli jumped at Kotori’s sudden voice, quickly turning around just in time to see Kotori and Nozomi walking quickly over to the door leading to the roof. Hanayo and Rin stood with Maki and Nico to their side, Umi barely standing in between them with her arms hanging onto their shoulders. Honoka froze for a moment, as she spotted a large trail of fresh crimson liquid making the path they had taken.
“Umi-chan! What happened…” Honoka’s blood froze as she looked past her best friend to the thing standing behind her. The creature that chased down Umi before stood behind her, it’s claws ready to swing. “RUN!”
Umi flinched at the sudden order, but quickly remembered why she had yelled the same thing only a short time ago. Without hesitation, she pushed herself forward, knocking herself and the four girls with her onto the roof with a hard thud.
“What the hell Umi?!” Nico barked in anger, looking up off the ground. She barely had a chance to look at the creature again before Nozomi slammed the door shut, pushing herself against it as a barricade. Nico stood up off the floor and quickly rushed over to the other side of the roof with Maki following, looking for something they could use as a barricade instead of Nozomi’s body. If it felt like it, it could probably stab it’s claws through the door and really hurt her. Her eyes rest on a large table they had brought up but forgot to use lying on the ground. It looked like it would be sturdy enough to stop the creature from getting through, the only problem was that it was too heavy for only Maki and herself to move. “Honoka! Eli! And whoever you are! I need your help with this!” Nico yelled, moving a short distance from the table to see Honoka, Rin, Hanayo, Izetta, Nozomi and Eli all pushing against the door. Honoka, Izetta and Eli all looked back to Nico in concern. They could barely hold the creature back with six of them, if they lost three they might not be able to stop it.
“Go!” Kotori yelled in pain, struggling to hold the door close. “If we don’t block the door...then all this was for nothing!” She spoke quickly, getting nudged back for an instant before she pushed back against the door harder than before.
“No, We can’t just…” Honoka started to argue, not ready to leave her friends to fend for themselves.
“Kotori-senpai’s right, Honoka-senpai!” Izetta interrupted, looking back towards Nico and Maki standing near the table. “If we run we can get the table here before it breaks in.”
“...Damn it, fine!” Honoka growled in anger, the three of them sprinting away from the door and towards Nico and Maki. “Where is it?”
“There!” Maki answered quickly, herself and Nico already holding onto the bottom of the table. Honoka, Eli and Izetta grabbed onto the bottom of the table too. Together, they all started rushing towards the door. Izetta’s eyes widened in horror as she started to notice one of the arms were about to get through a gap between the door it’s frame.
“We need to ram, move out the way!” Kotori turned to Izetta and nodded at her command, moving to the side with Rin and Hanayo just as Izetta and the others slammed the table against the door. The door slammed shut with a large thud, ripping the arm off of the creature as it closed. The creature screamed in pain, it’s cries echoing throughout the school before it sprinted away down the stairs and out of sight.
“What...the hell...was that?!” Honoka asked in a panic, her breath heavy thanks to all the running she was doing. “That thing looked like it came from hell...or Nico’s closet.”
“What?! Why me?!” Nico complained, falling to the floor with everyone else. That was the hardest they had done something in a rather long time. Everyone let out a little giggle before Izetta’s attention shifted to the severed arm of the creature, or more accurate to the strange thing sticking out of it. She frowned, leaning closer towards that looked like it was a name tag.
She could hardly see the name written on the tag because of the blood, but if she concentrated she could read it. “‘BW-Prowler’ what the hell?!” Izetta said to herself before she turned to everyone from Muse. They were all far too exhausted to handle more weirdness so she guessed she would tell them about it later. She didn’t like the fact that the creature had a name tag inside of it. It meant that someone had sent that thing to the school. Whatever the reason, all she knew for sure was that the world she knew was gone.  
...To Be Continued.
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Let It Burn (30/?)
Next chapter of LIB guys! Thanks for all of the comments, reblogs etc. As I mentioned, this is a bit of a longer chapter so I hope you enjoy.  Warning(s): Swearing, violence, suggested sexual scenes.  “I think it’s almost time.” Nico said quietly as she glanced over at Hanayo. The younger girl was sitting right next to her, suddenly looking very anxious. “I don’t want you to go again.” Hanayo curled her arm around Nico’s and pressed close to her as if she could keep her there by doing so. “I don’t want you to come back hurt.” “Better than not coming back at all.” Nico quipped though it only made Hanayo clutch her tighter, even more worried than before. “I’m sorry. I’m going to be fine. Look…” She paused, waiting for Hanayo to stop huddling against her arm and furtively look up at her. “Whatever tests these bastards are doing on me, they’re buying us time. If they didn’t need us alive we’d be dead by now.” “They haven’t done anything to me yet.” Hanayo said in a small voice.
“Because they know I’d kill them if they touched any of my friends.” Nico lied, forcing a smile. She knew that the only reason Hanayo was still alive was because she’d made it clear that if Hanayo had died she would find a way to do the same. It wasn’t as though she cared all that much about her own life but they needed her alive, at least temporarily while they tested her. “It’s a good thing.”
Hanayo shook her head. “They hurt you.” She said, her eyes brimming with tears again. “I hate seeing Nico-chan hurt. It’s not right.” “I know, believe me I know…” Nico smiled and placed her hand on Hanayo’s head. Her knuckles were bruised and cut from where she’d tried to fight back against the guards who’d fought her. She had to fight back, she had been told, to see how much she could endure. “I can take it. If it means getting you out of here, I can take a few beatings.” Just as she said that the door opened and a guard stepped into the room. Hanayo threw her arms around Nico who winced in pain. She wasn’t even sure what hurt anymore, just that everywhere seemed to throb in different ways. “Please come back.” Hanayo pleaded desperately. “I can’t do this without you.” “Can we get a move on?” The guard who’d come to get Nico asked impatiently. “We don’t have all day.” “Don’t worry.” Nico painstakingly returned the hug to reassure the first year. “I will come back. I’m not leaving without you.” “You’re not leaving at all.” The guard, growing quickly impatient strode over and grabbed Nico’s arm, dragging her off the bed. She let out a yelp despite herself as his hands closed around her bicep. There was a long gash there, she knew, stretching from her shoulder almost down to her elbow. “NICO-CHAN!” Hanayo cried out, moving to get off the bed. The guard easily shoved her back down with his free hand.   “It’s fine, Hanayo.” Nico winced, doing her utmost to resist the urge to fight back against the guard. “Just stay here and don’t cause any trouble. I’ll be back soon.” “Maybe you’re smarter than I thought.” The guard said condescendingly. Nico glanced back at Hanayo as the guard dragged her from the room, finding worried eyes staring back at her. A moment later she was being pulled down the corridor by the guard holding onto her. She didn’t fight against it, aware that doing so would be pointless. She didn’t have the strength to fight them anymore. The only thing she’d really had going for her was her ability and she didn’t even have that now. “I’m told you’re trying something a bit different today.” The guard said as they turned a corner. “I’m going to stay and watch it you don’t mind.” Nico looked up, frowning at the lecherous grin on the man’s face. “What?” “You’ll see.” The guard stopped in front of a door and drew it open, shoving Nico roughly inside. “I’ll be watching.” “Wha…?” Nico turned around only for the door to be shut in her face. “Damn it!” “Nico!” Nico froze at the sound of her name. Slowly, she turned around and as she’d expected found a blonde standing across the room from her, clad in a gown similar to the one she was wearing. “You…” "Ciao Bella! We haven't been in the same room in two days...hmm you seem down, Shining Nico." “ENOUGH with the random English and Italian, you’re so ANNOYING!” Nico exclaimed loudly, her fists clenched at her sides. “It’s bad enough that I’m in this place, it’s worse that I always get stuck with you!” The blonde gave a short laugh. “I’m not You, Nico. I told you my name already, remember? You forgot?!” Nico growled under her breath. “Fine. Mari. Are you happy now?!” Mari shook her head in response. “I’ve been thinking about escaping. I told you last time, remember?” “How could I forget. My head still hurts from all of the talking you were doing.” Nico said with a roll of her eyes. “You’re not going to talk about it today, are you?” Mari was unfazed by Nico’s retort. “Well I was thinking of helping you and your girlfriend get out too.” “W-Wha…?” Nico’s eyes widened in surprise. “S-She’s not…” “Just joking!” Mari said brightly, earning herself a yell of frustration from Nico. “Really though, we do have to escape. I have a plan but…” “Ohara-san, please remember why you’re here.” A new, male voice chimed in over some kind of intercom. “Let’s begin.” “Yeah, yeah. Sorry in advance, Nico.” “Wha-” Nico barely had time to realize that Mari was rushing toward her before she was knocked off her feet. She hit the ground with Mari on top of her and the wind rushed from her lungs in a strangled gasp. “M-Mari!” “Just go with it.” Mari muttered, landing a somewhat light blow to Nico’s ribs. “They want us to fight so we have to look like we’re doing this properly!” “Fine!” Nico locked her legs around Mari’s and with a force of strength, reversed their positions. Smirking in victory, she raised her hand and tried to bring it down only to find it wouldn’t move. “Eh?!” “I’m sorry.” Mari narrowed her eyes at Nico, thinking about forcing her to stand up. “HEY!” Nico yelped as she found herself standing up, not of her own accord. It was like she wasn’t in control of her limbs anymore. “This is so freaking unfair!” “Just shut up and follow my lead.” Mari got to her feet and walked toward Nico. Behind the glass across the room she could see the guard, watching them intently. She planted her hand on Nico’s shoulder and pushed her back against the glass, leaning close to her face. “Trust me.” Nico swallowed thickly, her eyes wide as she nodded her agreement. Mari’s lips turned up briefly at Nico’s agreement before her gaze shifted over her shoulder to the guard. Their eyes locked through the glass and she focused intently on his hand, forcing it to reach down and grasp his gun. “Now Bella, watch and be amazed.” Mari let go of Nico’s shoulder, allowing her to turn her head slightly more toward the glass. “Just watch this.” Nico shuddered at the breath against her ear but she didn’t have time to ponder on it before she heard gunshot followed by the sound of glass breaking. She felt a hand on her head, drawing her close and quickly realized that Mari had tried to shield her from the breaking glass. It hadn’t worked all that well as the glass still hit her. Another gunshot followed the first, then a loud thud, like a body hitting the floor. “Mari…” Mari let go of Nico and focused on the two doctors in the next room instead. It was never especially easy to control two people at once but she did it anyway, focusing intently. Nico watched in surprise as Mari forced the doctors against each other, one of them reaching for a knife that lay nearby. Next to her, Mari was imitating the attack, clearly controlling the two of them. She closed her hand into a fist and brought it down in a stabbing motion. Nico winced as the doctor with the knife easily stabbed the other doctor in the stomach before turning the knife on himself. “Mari…” Nico watched in horror as Mari seemed to buckle. “Controlling two people and...more than one body part takes it out of me.” Mari straightened up, flashing a bright grin. “No, I mean…” Nico motioned toward the three bodies in the next room. “I have people I love too, Nico. People I need to get back to.” Mari’s voice was serious one moment but the next she was grabbing Nico’s hand, seemingly back to her usual self. “Now Bella let’s go and save your girlfriend and get running toward the shining light of freedom!” “You can’t be serious for more than a minute can you?!” Nico asked angrily. “It’s a joke!” Nico growled under her breath. There was something about this girl that reminded her undeniably of Nozomi. It both made her chest ache and comforted her at the same time. “Damn it, let’s just go!”
--- Kotori stayed three paces behind Umi, Honoka and Eli as they walked. She had tried to keep up with them originally but having to listen to how the three of them were together was just annoying. Neither Eli nor Umi made any kind of secret of their feelings for Honoka. Not to her, each other or anyone else. Honoka on the other hand, accepted the affection from both of them and returned it equally. Kotori wasn’t sure what was going on with the three of them but it unsettled her. She didn’t fit in anywhere at Honoka’s side now. Her place had been taken. She glared at Eli’s back as they walked. She was glad she didn’t have to listen to what the three were saying. It would have just annoyed her more. “Are you okay, Kotori-chan?” Finally those blue eyes that always seemed to make her heart skip a beat focused on her as Honoka looked over her shoulder. “Do you want to take a break?” “No, we’re almost there. I’m…” “Yikes, look out!” “HONOKA!” Umi grabbed Honoka and pulled her toward her, stumbling back a few steps herself. Eli glanced up, her eyes widening when she spotted what Umi had. Remembering Maki’s words from the previous day she went up in flames and hurried toward Kotor, positioning herself in front of her. The telephone pole hit the ground a few feets from them, sending glass and debris flying everywhere. Shielding Kotori with her body and her face with her arms, Eli focused on keeping her flames alight while Umi swept Honoka up into her arms and turned away from the impact, shielding her as best she could. “CHIKA-CHAN, WHY DID YOU THROW THAT?!” “Uh...it seemed like a good idea. Sorry, Riko-chan!” Another girl laughed in response. “Hopefully Kanan-chan can see in the dark!” “You-chan, it’s not funny! More guards are going to come because of Chika-chan being reckless!” Riko barked. “Chika-chan, I didn’t say you could use You-chan’s ability so you could do that!” “Well you wouldn’t let me use yours and Kanan-chan wouldn’t let me use hers even though it’s so much cooler…” Chika complained miserably. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone! I-I just want to save Mari-chan...” “So much for sneaking in…” Umi muttered, gently placing Honoka back down on her feet. She turned to confront the newcomers but Eli was already storming toward them. “Eli, be careful!” “Umi-chan!” Honoka exclaimed as Umi rushed off after Eli. She grabbed Kotori’s hand and followed too. “At least put yourself out first!” Umi hissed though Eli paid no attention to her. “Eli!” “Who the hell are you people and why are you throwing poles around?!” Eli demanded, coming to a stop in front of Chika. Almost immediately the other two were in front of their friend, sizing her up. Eli blinked in surprise. There was three of the redhead. “You!” She pointed toward Chika whose eyes widened in alarm. “What the he...ow!” Her wrist was suddenly grabbed by an irate looking You who growled under her breath. “OW, OW, OW!” “You-chan!” Chika cried out. “Ah, sorry!” You let go of Eli’s wrist, her own hand slightly burnt. Fortunately it seemed Eli had the presence of mind to rid herself of flames as soon as You had touched her. “Sorry, I guess I got a bit rough. J-Just don’t point at Chika-chan!” “Well don’t hurt Eli-senpai!” Honoka was suddenly right next to Eli, taking her hand into her own and carefully looking over her wrist. Chika gasped at the sight of Honoka and nudged You and Riko out of the way. “Honoka-onee-chan!” “Eh?” Honoka did a double take. Chika smiled broadly, unfazed by Honoka’s confusion. “It’s me. Chika!” “Ah, Chi-chan!” Honoka exclaimed in realization. “Of course!” Chika charged forward, hugging Honoka tightly. “It’s been so long, I missed you so much!” Umi grimaced as she stepped toward Eli. “So what are you all doing here? And what were you saying about guards before?” Riko, the girl who had created two clones of herself, spoke up. “We’re looking for our senpai, Mari-chan. Our other senpai, Kanan-chan, already went on ahead. That’s why um...a lot of the guards have already been taken down. She’s...in a hurry to get Mari-chan back.” “We’re looking for our friends too.” Eli said with a distasteful look toward Chika who was still somehow hanging on to Honoka. “We were hoping to be more subtle about it though. So...who are you again?” “I don’t think that’s going to be possible.” You said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Kanan sort of rushed in all guns blazing though I don’t think she set any ala-” She was cut off by the sound of an alarm suddenly blaring from the compound in front of them. “Ah, that was bad timing…” “Ya think?!” Eli growled irritably. “Do you even know how many guards are in there?” “Um...Dia-san says maybe a thousand?” You said, scratching her head. “I think she might be overreacting though. She does that…” “Well looks like we’re on the same team so it’s time to fire it up!” Chika exclaimed brightly. She clenched her hands into fists, focused intently and they went up in flames a moment later. “H-Hey!” Eli exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. “I thought you just threw that pole! How do you…” “I borrowed your ability.” Chika answered with a shrug of her shoulders. “Or...copied it. You still have it too. Thanks for this by the way, it’s really cool.” She held up her hands, examining the fire. “Blue flames. So cool…” “Don’t you have to ask someone’s permission before you take their ability?” Eli huffed. “Wait, does that mean you get to keep it?!” “I can only use four at a time.” Chika explained, still staring intently into the flames that surrounded her hand. “Right now I have Dia-san’s, Hanamura-chan’s, You-chan’s and yours...what was your name?” “Ayase Eli.” Eli answered gruffly. “I think I’ll just call you Gaki.” Honoka laughed nervously and rubbed Eli’s arm. “Be nice, Eli-senpai.” She glanced to Umi for support but Umi was glaring over at Chika too. “Ah...um, Kotori-chan!” “What?” Kotori asked, stepping forward. She was surprised when Honoka grabbed her hand tightly. “Nothing, I just want you to stay close to me is all.” Honoka answered with a shake of her head. She turned back to Chika and the other two, failing to notice Eli and Umi pouting. “So what do we do now? We’ve lo-” “Honoka!” Umi stepped toward Honoka, grabbing Eli’s hand on the way. “Look at the side of the building.” “Huh?” Honoka followed Umi’s wide eyed gaze to the side of the building, her heart leaping to her throat when she saw two girls skirting around. “W-What?!” “ARISA!” Eli yelled, taking a step forward. It was too late though as the girls had already disappeared inside. “What...what the hell do they think they’re doing?!” She turned quickly toward Honoka. “Is she out of her mind?!” “Wha…?” Honoka shook her head. “Yukiho? Why would you think it’s her idea?! She doesn’t do things like this, it’s...oh god, what if something happens to them?!” “Well stop arguing and let’s go!” Umi grabbed Honoka’s hand too and hurried off toward the building. “Damn it, they’re coming!” You exclaimed as the double doors at the front of the building flew open and guards flooded out. She raised both her fists above her head before bringing them down hard onto the ground beneath her feet, splitting the concrete. The impact knocked a few of the guards off their feet. “Riko-chan, take Chika-chan!” You exclaimed as she picked up a slab of concrete. With ease she threw it at some guards. “Go and get Mari-chan, I can handle these guys!” “N-No! You need help, You-chan! Riko-chan, stay here with her!” Chika flinched as the guards reached the gates and opened fire. Luckily You had managed to create a trench of sorts for herself. Riko, who had grabbed Chika and pushed her to a wall shook her head. “Are you crazy?! You think I could just abandon…” she tensed as she felt someone approach her from behind but upon looking over her shoulder there was nobody there. A moment later she felt Chika being wrenched away and quickly tried to grab her again. It was too late though as she was out of her grasp. Looking around, Riko couldn’t see her anywhere. “CHIKA-CHAN?!?!” Riko ducked, covering her head as a spray of bullets hit the wall she was hiding behind. “YOU-CHAN, I CAN’T FIND HER!” “Don’t worry!” You called back. “I think it’s just the quiet girl’s ability. Cloaking or something. I’m sure Chika-chan’s going to be fine. Now hurry up and clone yourself so you can help me!” Riko took a deep breath before she jumped out from behind the wall and sprinted to where You was. She slid to the ground in the makeshift trench next to her. “Do you think we can trust her with her?” She focused briefly on her ability, creating two clones of herself to focus the gunfire of the guards. “Chika-chan?” You asked apprehensively. She hoped so but she couldn’t say she was sure. “I think so. She doesn’t seem as hotheaded as the other two.” Riko reached for her knife at her belt and stood up, throwing it. She didn’t wait to see if it hit, dropping back down next to You instead. “That doesn’t make me feel much better…” “Have you noticed how all three of them like to be around Honoka-san?” You asked, grabbing another piece of road from behind her. Riko watched with her mouth slightly ajar as with little effort, You threw the large block of cement toward some guards. She was sure it didn’t matter how many times she watched You use her strength, she would never get used to seeing it. “You mean like me, you and Chika-chan?” Riko asked when You crouched back down next to her. “Theirs seems more...complicated.” You said thoughtfully. “You must have read about it in that trashy ma…” She trailed off as Riko looked at her innocently. “Ah, nevermind. It just seems complicated.” “And I thought our seniors were bad eno-” Riko was cut off, ducking back down next to You as the guards opened fire again.
--- “No, No...stop!” Honoka tossed and turned, distress evident on her face. “Stop it! Nozomi…” “I’m here, I’m right here.” Nozomi, holding tight to Honoka’s hand was near tears herself as she watched Honoka’s distress. Kneeling on the bed, her hand on Honoka’s forehead, Maki had her eyes closed, focusing intently. She’d even taken off the glasses Kotori had given her, something that had taken Nozomi by surprise. “Nozomi, I need you to calm her down.” Maki said through gritted teeth. “Tell her it’s just me.” Honoka whimpered again, louder this time. “Please…” “Nozomi!” Maki emphasised. “She knows it’s you, that’s the problem!” Nozomi snapped, angered by the fact that Honoka only seemed to be getting more upset. “I-I’m sorry, I just…” Maki opened her eyes, focusing on Nozomi for a moment. “Then take my hand and tell her you’re with me. Does she trust you?” Nozomi bit down on her lip in an attempt to stem her tears and nodded her head. She took the hand that was offered to her, keeping Honoka’s hand securely in her other. “Be ready.” Maki said, closing her eyes again. “Her barriers are lowering. I think I’m getting through. It’ll be disconcerting but I’ll be with you. Just stay calm and whatever happens don’t let go of our hands.” Nozomi nodded even though Maki couldn’t see her. “Just focus…” Maki whispered though she was clearly talking to herself rather than Nozomi. “Almost, almost…” Nozomi gasped as the room around her seemed to fade away. She wasn’t looking but everything about the area seemed different, from the temperature and the feeling of the air to the sounds from outside. There was no sound now and everything was completely still. She opened her eyes, finding herself in a dark room. There were images on the walls, all around her. To her, they looked like videos. She tried to move forward to get a closer look at one but she was stopped when Maki’s grip tightened to an almost painful degree.   “What…?” “Stay with me, don’t wander off!” Maki exclaimed loudly though when Nozomi tugged at her to walk forward again, she didn’t resist. Nozomi examined the wall in front of her closely, recognizing Eli in some of the videos. But not her Eli, a slightly older Eli, one who looked taller and more mature than her Eli. Her hair was down in most of the videos, she noticed, and in all of them she was with Future Honoka. She stepped closer to the screen, her gaze focused on Eli. Eli was staring at Honoka, her eyes soft and more full of love than Nozomi could ever remember seeing them. She watched as Future Honoka looked back and Eli quickly looked away only to be teasingly poked by an amused Future Honoka. Around them, she could hear their muffled laughter. “She really did love her…” Nozomi mused quietly. The screen changed quickly to another scene and she inhaled sharply as she saw her future self holding Honoka from behind, Eli in front. The three of them were in bed, innocently enough. “I’m sorry.” Honoka whimpered, pressing her forehead to Eli’s knuckles where she was clutching the blonde’s hand in front of her. “I’m so sorry, I keep…” “Don’t be an idiot.” Future Eli interrupted though her tone was soft. Adoring almost. “I don’t want to hear apologies from you. I never want to hear it, okay?” Future Honoka choked back a sob and Nozomi watched as Eli shuffled closer, soothingly stroking her hair. Honoka was too thin, she noticed immediately. Much too thin, and she was covered in bandages and scars. “It’s not your fault.” Future Eli said, her voice trembling. “Stop blaming yourself. It’s her fault and the second I find her, I…” She trailed off as Honoka seemed to only cry harder. “Damn it.” “How could she...why…?” Nozomi watched as Eli’s face contorted with grief and the blonde turned her eyes upwards as her own tears formed. “I don’t know…” “I want Kotori-chan.” Honoka pressed her face into Eli’s chest and sobbed quietly. “But I can’t...she’s mad at me b-because I can’t trust her like I used to. Before…” “You can stay with us.” Future Eli said, her voice thick with emotion. “For as long as you want to. We’ll be here for you.” Honoka shook her head. “Nozomi shouldn’t have to put up with…” “I’m not putting up with anything, especially you.” Honoka flinched at the sound of Future Nozomi’s voice but quickly relaxed when the comforting embrace from her friend tightened. “We do this because we love you.” “Nozomi…” Maki protested quietly though she fell silent when the image on the screen changed again. “Give me my damn lighter back, Honoka!” A taller, older version of Maki growled angrily as she reached out to grab something from Honoka’s hand. She cursed when Honoka laughed and flitted away. “Come on, just leave me with one!” “No smoking, Maki-chan.” Honoka said, her eyes sparkling with mirth. “It’s bad for you.” Future Maki, clad in a white lab coat, planted her hands on her hips. “You’re bad for me. If I wasn’t so stressed about you and Eli trying to get yourselves killed maybe I wouldn’t have to smoke!” Honoka’s smile slipped from her face. “Oh...I-I’m sorry.” Future Maki sighed and rubbed her temples. “No, it’s...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like...oh fine, you can hang out in my office, just don’t touch anything you aren’t supposed to!” “Thank you, Maki-chan!” Honoka flopped down onto the couch. “You’re the best!” “Yeah, yeah.” Future Maki’s gaze lingered on Honoka for a moment before she walked toward the door. “I’m going to check in with Kotori, to see if she needs anything.” “Kotori.” Maki mumbled, inadvertently leaning close to the screen. She was sure she wasn’t dating anyone in the future, especially Kotori. The image on the screen changed again to Honoka and Kotori sitting close together. They were outside, on some kind of wooden swing that squeaked noisily whenever one of them shifted. Neither seemed to mind though. Kotori was pressed close to Honoka’s side, her head resting on the other girl’s shoulder while Honoka toyed with her hair. “Hey, Kotori-chan.” Honoka mumbled, her breath blowing up a few strands of Kotori’s hair. She waited until Kotori looked up at her, an inquisitive look in her soft eyes before she spoke again. “I was thinking about what we’re going to do...after this. I was thinking that maybe when this is all over and A-Rise are gone we could go away. Just the two of us.” Kotori’s brow furrowed in confusion. “You mean run away?” “Um...I suppose.” Honoka answered sheepishly. “Well...all I mean is that I want to get away from here. I want to just be with you. Forever if I can be. I just want...a normal life for the two of us. I want to start new. Just you and me. That’s why...” She paused for a moment, fishing something out of her pocket. “Well…” “Oh my god…” Maki muttered as Honoka brandished a small box. Nozomi too watched with bated breath. “Honoka-chan…” Kotori gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. “A-Are you…?” “Maybe.” Honoka gave a small smile as she opened the box to reveal two rings. “I don’t want to do it yet but I want to...promise that when this is over we’ll do it. Minami Kotori, there’s nobody I love more than you. There never could be. And I-I know you think I’m careless with my life but I’m not. Because...it’s not just mine to be careless with. It’s yours too.” She choked on emotion, falling silent for a moment. “Change it.” Maki muttered as she watched tears form in Kotori’s eyes too. “I can’t watch this, I can’t concentrate.” “I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I know it’s not worth much but I really do love you. If you feel the same, I…” Honoka was cut off by Kotori taking her face in her hands and kissing her deeply. “Change it, Nozomi. Please, I can’t…” Nozomi glanced toward Maki, finding her eyes awash with tears. She realized with a start that if the images had hurt her they would definitely have hurt Maki, having to watch the person she thought of as her girlfriend agree to marry someone else. “Yes.” Kotori answered on the screen. “Yes, of course I’ll…” Turning back to the screen, Nozomi took a deep breath. “Senpai…” The images on the screen changed immediately to Future Honoka and Nozomi on the ground, Honoka on top of Nozomi. “Senpai?!” Nozomi’s hands roamed over Honoka’s body. “Did they hit you? Were you shot?!” Future Honoka shook her head. “You’re worried about me, huh? You must really like me if you want to keep me alive this much.” “Idiot!” Nozomi’s voice was suddenly thick with emotion, her arms going around Honoka tightly. “Idiot, idiot, idiot! Why are you such a damn idiot?” Future Honoka gave a throaty chuckle. “Yeah…I love you too, Nozomi-chan.” “Idiot.” Nozomi muttered again, shaking her head. “I told you to stop hitting on me. Come on, get up. I’m taking you home. Or to a hospital. “To my hotel room.” Honoka elected. Feeling Nozomi’s grip loosen, she pushed herself to her feet. “No hospitals.” “Of course not. You’re too stubborn for one.” Nozomi quipped as she watched the older woman give her a goofy grin. “Damn straight, little lady!” Maki watched, quickly dashing tears from her eyes. “So she can smile like that.” She mumbled, glancing toward Nozomi whose gaze was fixed intently on the video playing out. The scene changed to a bedroom, Honoka and Nozomi staring each other down. Honoka looked angry and distressed while Nozomi looked like she was close to tears. “Well you’re not!” Honoka exclaimed loudly, her hands clenched at her sides. “Stop trying to help me. Stop thinking that just because you’re here I’ll tell you anything. This is all wrong. You’re not my Nozomi-chan and we don’t…there’s nothing between us, okay? I don’t need you, I’m only here to…” “You’re full of crap.” Nozomi’s voice shook with emotion. “You said it yourself, I’m your best friend. And you’re my…” “Nothing!” Honoka’s voice had grown progressively louder as she spoke. “I’m not anything to you! All you see me as is a fucked up version of your friend that you have to fix! Some kind of project like…” She was cut off as Nozomi strode forward and slapped her sharply. Her head jolted to the right. “Screw you.” Nozomi’s eyes were laced with tears as she spoke but she sounded mostly angry. “If I ever hear you say anything like that again I swear I’ll…” She trailed off, not entirely sure what she would do. “If you don’t know how much I care about you you’re an idiot.” She visibly softened as she watched Honoka’s features crumble with grief. “I hate seeing you hurting. I hate feeling how much you hurt.” “I hate all of this.” Honoka’s voice was thick with emotion. “I hate how messed up everything is. You and Eli, Kotori-chan…I hate that you’re not my Nozomi-chan. It doesn’t matter how close you think we are, you never will be. My friends were precious to me, they can’t just be replaced with…with…” “What?” Nozomi asked when Honoka trailed off. “Go on, you can say it. I don’t care how much you try to hurt me, I’m not going anywhere. I’m here with you and that’s where I’m staying. I love…mmph!” Her eyes widened as Honoka slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes glinting dangerously. “Don’t say that to me. Don’t ever say that to me.” Future Honoka slowly let go of Nozomi, lowering her hands back to her side. “Why not? You’re my friend and I lo-” Honoka lurched forward, kissing Nozomi hard and the girl fell silent. Honoka didn’t pull away right away though, she held Nozomi close to her, feeling her respond hesitantly to the rough kiss. Their teeth clashed uncomfortably and Honoka took it upon herself to deepen the kiss, feeling Nozomi’s hands wander over her back. As she pressed closer, pushing her tongue past parted lips she heard a soft, almost indistinct moan from the third year. She quickly pulled away, startled by the sound. Nozomi bit down hard on her lower lip. It was odd watching it play out though she remembered exactly how it had made her feel. “C-Come on.” She said, shaken up. She turned away from the screen, still holding Maki’s hand. “Let’s go and find Senpai.” “Eli-senpai…” A breathy moan stopped Nozomi short as she tried to tug Maki away from the screen. There was no mistaking that was Honoka. Swallowing heavily, she turned back to the wall where two scenes were playing side by side. She recognized Honoka’s hotel room and the bed she’d slept in so many times. More than that she recognized the bare forms of both Honoka and Eli. “Oh no…” On the opposing side she watched as Future Honoka curiously approached a slightly ajar door, coming to a stop right outside it. Holding her breath, she looked inside, her eyes widening when she saw Eli on her knees, Nozomi crouched in front of her, her hands on her shoulders. It was clear the memory was from Honoka’s own time. “She told me…” Future Eli’s voice was barely understandable as she tried to speak through tears. “She told me she asked and...Kotori said yes. She…” She leaned forward then, her forehead resting on Nozomi’s knee. “I heard them anyway...she was saying they’re running away, they’re...she’s leaving me.” Future Nozomi gently shushed Eli, running her fingers through her distraught girlfriend’s hair. “It’s okay.” “It’s NOT OKAY!” Eli yelled between sobs, looking up at Nozomi. “How can it be okay when she’s...and...I’m telling YOU of all people.” Nozomi smiled softly. “I’m the only person you should tell. Just because you feel strongly for someone else doesn’t mean you love me any less.” Future Honoka backed away from the door, slowly for a few paces before she turned and ran away. “I don’t think she wanted us to hear that.” Maki muttered, having lowered her hands to watch what was going on. Thankfully what was happening on the other ‘screen’ seemed to be skipping ahead. Eli turned onto her side and wrapped her arms around Honoka, burying her face into her chest. “Honoka…” “Hmm?” Future Honoka mumbled, brushing her fingers gently through Eli’s hair. She waited for a moment until Eli looked up at her, tears shimmering in her bright blue eyes. “What…?” “Tell me…” Eli choked on the lump in her throat and had to pause for a moment before she continued. “Tell me you love me. If…if you do. Don’t lie.” Honoka’s chest ached. She felt like she would cry herself, at witnessing Eli’s pain. “I love you, Eli.” She reached down to brush Eli’s tears away with her fingers and gently kissed her lips. “I love you.” Maki glanced at Nozomi, finding her staring at the screen, biting down hard on her lip. “Hey.” She whispered, laying her hand on Nozomi’s arm. “Look, it’s...it seems kind of obvious that those two have a connection. They’re always going to fall for each other. This time it’s just happened early and our Honoka chose Umi so even if it doesn’t seem like Eli is available now she probably will be soon, right?” She watched Nozomi closely, hearing her exhale. “Unless it’s not just Eli you’re worried about?” “Of course it is.” Nozomi answered softly, her eyes on the screen. She watched what happened after. Eli leaving Future Honoka alone in her bed. “Have you seen the way she looks at her? I don’t know if she’s ever looked at me that way. Even my future self can see how they feel.” “Nozomi…” Maki protested meekly. “And maybe I don’t want to see my...Honoka’s future self being close to someone else. Does that make me selfish?” Nozomi huffed out a sigh. “Can we please just leave? I don’t want to watch this anymore.” “So...you were jealous of Honoka and Eli because they slept together?” Maki asked inquisitively. “What?! No! It’s not like that. I said I’m jealous of her being close to someone else, not that I want to...ugh, just forget it.” Nozomi argued, shaking her head. “Maki-chan, can we please just go and find her? I’m tired of arguing about this.” “No, stop! Don’t come near me!” The sound of Future Honoka’s voice echoed around the room and both Nozomi and Maki instinctively turned to see what was going on. On the screen, a video played, of Honoka being backed into a corner. As a guard grabbed her she put up a fight but it was clear that she was weak. She looked thinner and frailer than she should be, especially dressed in the flimsy hospital gown she was wearing. “I think we can’t leave.” Maki said quietly as she watched Future Honoka being pinned against the wall, her hands held behind her back as she struggled. She was injected with something and a moment later she stopped fighting, clearly too weak to do so. “I think we have to see this through.” “Lift it up.” Another guard, older than the first spoke as he approached with what looked to be a gun in his hand. Future Honoka grunted her disapproval as her gown was pushed up her back. “Time to tag you like the monster you are.” The older guard snarled as he stepped forward. “No…” Nozomi whispered, her grip on Maki’s hand tightening. “Maki-chan, what are they doing?!” Maki frowned at the screen. Honoka was clearly sweating, unable to move much. “I think they tranquilized her. It doesn’t work the same with ability users...” “What are they going to do?” Nozomi asked desperately, turning to clutch onto Maki’s arm with her other hand. “The guard has a needle gun o-or something, right?! What…?” The sound of a buzzing motor suddenly filled the room and Nozomi looked back in time to see the older guard approaching Honoka with the gun. “Wait…” Honoka screamed in pain as soon as the needle pierced through her skin. “Keep her still.” The older guard ordered sharply, triggering the other guard to grab Honoka by the nape of the neck, pushing her face against the wall. He pressed his front partially against her back to keep her pinned there, making it impossible for her to do anything else. Powerless to move, Honoka could only sob and scream into the wall, tears tracking their way down her cheeks as the tattoo was forced onto her skin. “Senpai.” Nozomi choked out, her hand clutching at her chest, over her heart. Tears were sliding down her own cheeks too and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. Maki looked away, blinking hurriedly. She couldn’t imagine their Honoka going through anything like that. “Nozomi, you don’t have to watch.” Nozomi shook her head. “I don’t care.” She answered gruffly as she watched the final digit being tattooed into Honoka’s back. “I want to watch everything.” Maki looked to Nozomi in surprise. She was about to point out that it might not be the best idea, both for Nozomi herself and for Honoka when the scene changed. She was silent as she watched Nozomi turn back to the ‘screen’ in front of her, the older girl giving a sharp intake of breath. “Maki-chan, don’t look.” Nozomi’s voice was so serious that Maki couldn’t have kept her eyes away from the screen even if she’d wanted to. She turned back to the screen but no warning from Nozomi could have prepared her for the sight of Kotori lying on the ground. “Honoka-ch…” Kotori couldn’t finish what she was saying as she choked on the blood in her throat. “H-H…” “It’s okay, Kotori-chan. You’re going to be fine.” Honoka desperately pushed up Kotori’s shirt to expose the bullet hole in her abdomen. Her hands visibly shook as she uncorked a vial and poured red liquid into the wound. “I-I don’t understand…” “H-Hono…” Kotori weakly reached for Honoka’s hand but it was clear that her blurred vision was making it impossible to grab it. Maki’s free hand went to her mouth, a choked sob tearing it’s way from her throat as she watched. Honoka tightly grabbed Kotori’s hand, her own eyes welling with tears. On the other screens, Maki could see the fight still going on. She could see Nico standing in front of her future self, guarding her with her body but her gaze was fixed mostly on Kotori. “Kotori.” Honoka’s voice was harsh but filled with emotion. “Don’t you dare die. If you do…” Kotori used her remaining strength to reach up and grip the collar of Honoka’s jacket, pulling her down. Their foreheads collided awkwardly but neither seemed to care. “I-I…” Kotori struggled to speak despite her throat being mostly clear of blood now. “I love you…and….Umi…tell…” She trailed off and turned her head, coughing up more blood, some of it hitting Honoka’s cheek. “Please. Don’t…” Future Honoka gripped Kotori’s hand around her collar as if trying to get her to hold on. The sound of footsteps echoed around them and Nozomi and Maki watched as Umi suddenly appeared on the screen, dropping to her knees next to Honoka and Kotori. “Umi…” The name left Kotori’s lips as a weak yet content sigh and Honoka’s eyes snapped open.
“I’m right here.” Umi’s voice was choked as though she was near tears herself. She placed her hand gently on top of Kotori’s head as Honoka was desperately gripping her hands. “Stay with us, Kotori. It’s going to be okay. I promise.” A choked whimper escaped Kotori’s lips though a small smile lingered on her lips. Slowly, her eyes began to shut. “Kotori-chan!” “Koto-nee!” Maki’s yell rang out in sync with Honoka’s as her knees gave out beneath her. She fell to the ground, barely feeling Nozomi adjust her grip on her hand. “No. No, no, no…” She leaned forward, tears spilling their way freely down her cheeks. “Not her. Anyone but her.” “Maki-chan, it’s not real.” Nozomi crouched down next to Maki, placing her free hand on the tearful girl’s cheek and forcing her to make eye contact. “Not for us. You told me that, remember? You told me before we came here.” “It feels real.” Maki choked out, her hand going to her chest. “I could sense her a second ago and now I-I can’t.” “It just feels real because you…” Nozomi was cut off by a loud thud. She looked back up to the screen along with Maki, finding Umi had fallen too, her hands at her throat. The two of them watched, clutching each other tightly as Honoka desperately tried and failed to save her. Nozomi barely managed to resist the urge to look away. There was so much blood and every one of the people under attack were her precious friends. There was nothing more dear to her than them. “Honoka, move!” Eli’s voice rang clearly around the room and a moment later she was there, tackling Honoka to the side to get her out of the way of another attack. She jumped to her feet after, turning back to the fight. With a low, angered growl her body was engulfed in flames once more. “I’ll kill you.” She snarled furiously. She pulled her hand back, seemingly to attack. “Elichi…” Nozomi murmured, her heart in her throat. She knew what she was about to watch, minus the details, but she couldn’t turn away. “Oh?” With a wave of Erena’s hand, Eli’s flames went out. “I think you’re the ones dying. It just a matter of who’s next.” Her gaze shifted to Honoka. “I’ve been waiting so long to kill you, I’m not sure how I’d like to do it.” She took a step forward, causing Eli to tense and reach behind her to pull Honoka close to her back. “Maybe I should kill you like I killed the mousey one over there. Piercing your heart with darkness seems fitting.” “I won’t let you touch her.” Eli said angrily, letting go of Honoka’s wrist. “Oh Eli.” Erena lifted her fist and the meager flickers of flame Eli had forced to ignite again went out. She didn’t stop there as Eli fell to her knees with a choked cry. Nozomi gasped sharply, gripping Maki tighter. She’d never been able to tolerate seeing Eli in pain. She listened to her future self cry out but she was more concerned with Eli and Erena. “This isn’t right...she helped me so why is she…?” Her musings about Erena ended abruptly when the girl in question summoned a shadow and sent it flying toward Honoka. The next few seconds happened in a blur. Eli went up in flames again and dove toward Honoka, her hand going to the back of the girl’s head to draw it protectively against her shoulder as she shielded her. The blonde’s body jerked and then she stilled completely, her hand falling away from the back of Honoka’s head. “ELICHI!” Future Nozomi’s voice cried out. As Honoka pulled back, Nozomi could clearly make out Eli’s dead and unfocused eyes, coupled with the red covering the front of her shirt. She was gone. Nozomi’s eyes prickled with tears she could do nothing to hold back. “No.” Honoka whispered brokenly, touching Eli’s cheek. “E-Eli-senpai…” A sudden scream seemed to catch Honoka’s attention and she looked up in time to see Future Nozomi shove her way past Tsubasa. She ran to her knees, falling next to Eli. She pushed Honoka away, taking Eli away from her. “Elichi.” Future Nozomi pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Elichi, wake up. Wake up!” Nozomi wasn’t sure she could watch anymore. She was sure that watching her future self cry over Eli’s death would just bring about her own tears  so she focused solely on Honoka instead, watching as she looked down at something in her hand. Eli’s cross. “S-She’s gone.” Honoka mumbled. Her hand closed around the cross in her hand and she leaned forward, tears filling her eyes. She seemed to fold in on herself, biting down hard on her lip to hold back a scream. “This is it.” Nozomi mumbled as she watched Honoka’s body shake. It was obvious, the point where Honoka had broken completely. With Kotori and Eli dead she simply didn’t have anything left. “Nozomi.” Maki whispered when Future Honoka finally seemed to pull herself together enough to look around. Her grip was suddenly tight. Much too tight. Nozomi looked to where Maki was suddenly staring, bile rising in her throat as she watched Nico cutting at every inch of her own skin she could. She was crouched over a completely still Maki. “You’re okay.” She choked out, gently drawing Maki’s head to her shoulder. “Why would she…?” Maki was cut off as a laugh echoed around them. Future Nozomi’s crying stopped too and she slowly lowered Eli to the ground and got to her feet. There was hatred on her face, a look Maki didn’t recognize. The older version of the girl holding her held out, palm up and a moment later Erena cried out in pain and sank to the ground, clutching at her chest. “Hurts, doesn’t it?” Nozomi gasped, reflexively holding Maki closer to her as she watched her future self walk forward. It was obvious what was happening. She wa collecting every bit of pain from around the room, forcing it into Erena. What bothered her more than what she was doing was the satisfied look on her face as she did it. She wondered if she would do the same if anything happened to Eli. Probably, she thought. “Erena!” Tsubasa cried out, starting to move forward. “Stop!” Anju stopped Tsubasa in her tracks, a smirk on her lips. “I’ll deal with this.” Nozomi growled under her breath. Feeling Maki look up at her, she explained. “That’s Anju. The shapeshifter who pretended to be me. The one who hurt Kotori-chan and broke me and Elichi up.” Maki was about to ask how Nozomi knew so much when the girl on screen transformed into someone very familiar and her jaw dropped. She watched Tsubasa chuckle and hand over the dagger she’d used on Umi. “No.” Honoka muttered, hurriedly shaking her head. “NO! Nozomi! Nozomi, don’t listen to her!” Nozomi watched with baited breath as Eli - or rather Anju in Eli’s form - approached her. “Nozomi stop.” ‘Eli’ spoke softly. “E-Elichi?” Nozomi winced as her future self turned to ‘Eli’, her tears starting afresh. Within a couple of seconds she had thrown her arms around the blonde. “I thought...I thought…” “Shhh.” ‘Eli’ hushed Nozomi gently, her hand gently coming to rest on the back of Nozomi’s head. “It’s alright. I’m right here.” “Damn it. Damn her.” Nozomi glanced at Maki, finding her seething, her cheeks red and flushed with anger and seemingly every part of her body tensed. The redhead’s outrage on her behalf was touching for some reason. Swallowing thickly, Nozomi turned her attention back to what was happening in time to see ‘Eli’ thrust a knife into her future self’s stomach. She grimaced at the sight. She knew Eli would never hurt her. That’s what made it so hard to watch. It seemed her future self knew that too as in her last moments she realized it wasn’t Eli she was with. “Honoka.” Nico stood up from the ground and turned toward Honoka. She was soaked in blood. Her clothes, her hands, arms, and even her face was covered in it. “Go back! You need to fix this!” “I won’t.” In an instant, the room around Nozomi and Maki disappeared and they found themselves in the classroom instead, surrounded by the dead bodies of their friends. Maki clamped her hand over her mouth, gagging at the scent of blood in the air. “I won’t leave you!” Honoka insisted, causing Nico’s eyes to widen in surprise. The momentary hesitation was enough to give A-Rise room to attack again and Erena pulled her arm back, sending a shadow flying toward Honoka. It hit her in the shoulder, knocking her back a few feet. She landed next to Umi, hitting her head on the solid floor. She was dazed for a moment before she felt someone drag her to her feet by the collar of her shirt.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” Tsubasa smirked, brandishing her knife from her belt.
“So do it.” Honoka whispered, her venomous words a stark contrast to the tears sliding relentless down her cheeks. “Put me out of my misery.” “No!” Nico’s voice rang out in sync with Nozomi’s own cry of protest. Nozomi let go of Maki and scrambled to her feet, rushing for Honoka. She lunged toward her, tackling her to the ground. She had feared when she would finally see the day that Honoka gave up completely on her own life. She knew it was going to happen eventually but it was too soon. The room around them dissolved, back to the darkness from earlier and Nozomi found Honoka staring up at her. “Nozomi.” Honoka whispered, reaching up with a shaky hand. She brushed her fingers against Nozomi’s cheek, her eyes awash with tears. “You’re...you’re really here. My Nozomi, not…” Nozomi struggled to choke back a sob. “I told you I would come for you.” She pressed her forehead to Honoka’s, taking a shuddering breath. “Please wake up. I miss you so much. I’ve been waiting but you’re not waking up and I didn’t know what to do. I just want you back.” “Y-You’re better off without me.” Honoka argued tearfully. “I said horrible things before, I-I practically forced myself on you...I’m not who you want me to be.” “Idiot. I need you. I don’t care what you said. We’ll talk about it later. None of it matters!” Nozomi exclaimed desperately. “Please. Please just come back to us. To me. I need you more than anyone else does! I know it hurts, okay? I know you can’t do this forever and one day...” She trailed off, unable to fathom the idea of losing Honoka. “Just for now. Just give me some more time with you. I need more time.” Honoka’s arms went around Nozomi’s back and she drew her close, hugging her tightly. “Just a little longer.” She whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. “I don’t think I can do this much more.” Nozomi didn’t need to protest as she felt herself being drawn back to reality. She opened her eyes, finding Maki already putting her shades back on. “What did I tell you about letting go of my hand?!” Maki scowled irritably. “You could have been lost in there!”
“Senpai would never have let me get lost.” Nozomi murmured, turning to Honoka. The older girl was still for a moment and Nozomi felt dread creep up on her before she noticed Honoka’s brow furrow. “Senpai?” Honoka groaned and lifted her hand to her head. “If I’d known my head would hurt this much I think I would have stayed asleep.” She said, her words slurring slight. She blinked open her eyes, squinting for a moment before she found Nozomi. “Hey…you were so desperate to talk to me you had to chase me through my dreams, huh?” Maki shook her head in amusement. She could practically hear Honoka’s smile in her voice. “Idiot!” Nozomi clearly wasn’t as amused as Maki was. “Damn it, I thought you were gone!” “And leave my cute kohai alone?” Honoka teased, painstakingly pushing herself into a sitting position. “Of course no-” She was silenced abruptly by Nozomi leaning in and kissing her. The sudden movement almost had Honoka falling back onto the bed in her weakened state but Nozomi’s hands were there, at her back and at the back of her head to support her. Almost unwittingly, she melted into the kiss, grasping Nozomi’s arm to draw her further onto the bed. “Ah...I may be blind but I can still hear you, you know.” Maki said, blushing. Nozomi quickly pulled away, her own face turning red. “S-Sorry, I just got carried away.” “Blind?” Honoka echoed, her voice suddenly serious. She turned toward Maki, gaping at the sight of her shades. “How?” “Tsubasa sent someone. The girl who attacked you.” Nozomi said, soothingly rubbing Honoka’s shoulder. “She had acid too and she um...hit Maki-chan with it.” Honoka moved to her knees with a grunt of pain and reached for Maki’s shades, carefully removing them. She ignored the way Maki flinched and looked at her eyes, taking in how unfocused they were. They were a duller color too, she noticed. “It’s fine, Kotori has been taking care of me.” Maki said quietly. “It’s not fine! Why the hell hasn’t Nico healed you?” Honoka demanded to know. She looked between Nozomi and Maki but they were both silent. “What? What’s going on?” Nozomi took it upon herself to answer. “Nicocchi and Hanayo-chan were taken by CORPS. Elichi, Honoka-chan, Umi-chan and Kotori-chan went after them.” Honoka stared at Nozomi blankly for a moment. “You’re telling me two of my friends are missing and my future girlfriend and my two best friends went on what has to be a suicide mission?!” “By future girlfriend you mean…?” Nozomi quirked an eyebrow at Honoka. “And it’s not a suicide mission. They know what they’re doing. I wouldn’t have let Elichi go otherwise.” “Kotori-chan.” Honoka answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She got up from the bed and made her way to where her clothes were neatly folded on the chair next to the bed. “I’m dating Kotori.” Maki said firmly as she put her shades back on. “Our Honoka already chose Umi. And...I guess Eli to an extent. Kotori is not your Kotori, she’s mine!” “Maki.” Honoka winced as she carefully removed her IV. Her Maki had shown her how to, mindful that Honoka would end up ripping them out. “I’m not trying to be mean but Kotori and I are always going to end up together. It doesn’t matter what’s in the middle.” “Are you…” Maki stood up from the bed, her fists clenched. “Are you serious? Not everything’s going to happen the way it did for you. You coming back has changed all of us. I’m not going to be cold toward everyone or smoke. Nico-chan isn’t going to be emotionless forever. She’s showing more emotion every day! And...and Koto-nee and I rekindled our friendship. We didn’t do that in your future, did we? Honoka is madly in love with Umi and she has the guts to admit she loves Eli too s-” “Maki-chan!” Nozomi cut in sharply as Future Honoka did a double take. Maki turned to her with a wounded expression, as though she had been waiting for Nozomi to agree with her. “I’m sorry. Just leave it alone, okay?” “Why should I?!” Maki demanded. “I love Kotori so why should I have to listen to her saying she’s going to take her from me eventually?! And Honoka loves Umi and Eli anyway, you can see it in her eyes!” “Maki-chan, not now!” Nozomi insisted, trying to keep the two from arguing. “We’ll talk about it later!” “Yeah, well I didn’t say my past self isn’t an idiot!” Honoka retorted, pulling on some jeans. “Kotori knew how she felt about me long before I realized how I felt about her. Just like in this timeline. Have you seen the way she looks at my past self? Besides, it’s not like she hasn’t kissed me before.” “But Honoka doesn’t see Kotori that way!” Maki insisted, her tone taut with frustration. “She loves Umi! And Eli too but she doesn’t see Kotori as anything other than her best friend!” “God damn it, shut UP!” Honoka yelled, whirling around to face Maki. “It doesn’t matter how my past self sees Kotori now because Kotori loves her. Has she even told you you’re her girlfriend yet?” She waited a beat for Maki to reply but she didn’t. “You know it doesn’t matter. If my past self doesn’t see sense Kotori-chan is always going to have me.” “Okay, okay!” Nozomi stepped between the two of them, holding her arms out at her sides. “Both of you just SHUT UP! Honoka, Maki-chan just saved your life. Stop being so cruel. And Maki-chan, you need to think about how Honoka feels.” “How she feels…” Maki winced in pain, gripping her head. “How SHE feels? Damn it…” “Okay, Maki-chan. Sit down.” Nozomi instructed, moving toward Maki. She lowered her voice when she was close to the redhead. “I know you’re upset but yelling at Honoka isn’t going to help. You saw her past, you know how she feels about Kotori.” “I don’t CARE!” Maki’s voice rose though she cringed immediately after. “Ow…” The door opened suddenly and Rei walked in, worry on her face. “What’s going on in here?!” She glanced in shock between Maki, Nozomi and Honoka. “You’re awake? How…” She trailed off, realizing what must have happened. “Oh Maki…” Maki swayed on her feet, her eyes watering. It was too much. The pain in her head hurt too much, the images of Kotori dying were still with her and now she was faced with the reality of Kotori leaving her. “It hurts…” Rei moved to her daughter, quickly steadying her. “I told you not to do this, Maki…” “I love Koto-nee.” Maki said wearily as she leaned into her mother. “I love her and she’s going to take her away from me.” “She’s NOT yours to…” Even Future Honoka was silenced by the fierce glare Rei shot her. “Whatever.” “I see you’re feeling better.” Rei said sharply as she gently guided Maki back to the bed. “Nice to see you’re making the most of your time by bullying my daughter.” “Mom, what am I going to do…?” Maki murmured as Rei helped her lie down on the bed. “Koto-nee...I just...I don’t want to lose her again.” “It’s alright.” Rei soothed, gently running her fingers through Maki’s hair. “You’ll be healed soon and everything will be fine, I promise. Just get some rest.” “I just want to see her again.” Maki whimpered. “Mama…” “I know, I know…” “Nozomi.” Honoka looked to Nozomi as she pulled her jacket on. She pointedly didn’t look at Maki, feeling guilty for hurting her. “Are you coming?” “Huh? Oh yeah.” Nozomi tore her gaze away from Maki. “Yeah, let’s go.” Rei stood from the bed and stepped in front of Honoka, levelling her with a serious look. “I know you’re vital to the future but if you even think about hurting my daughter, I’ll…” “I have no interest in hurting her.” Honoka interrupted bluntly. “She’ll be hurt enough without me adding to it.” “You don’t know anything about her.” Rei stopped Honoka leaving with a hand to her chest. “You have no idea how much she’s endured. She deserves to be happy.” Honoka gritted her teeth together. “Just tell me. In the future, has Maki even opened up to anyone about her childhood? Do you know what happened to her?” “Maki-chan isn’t...she doesn’t talk about her past. Or her feelings. She likes to be alone.” Honoka answered stiffly. She wanted to leave but she didn’t think she could refuse Rei’s questioning. “She doesn’t know how to...do relationships.” “Of course she doesn’t know how. She didn’t have a real friend until she was four. She didn’t play with other kids or see the outside world. Until Yume brought Kotori over to play. That was the happiest I’ve ever seen her. And then of course they fell apart.” Rei glanced toward Maki who seemed to be sleeping comfortably. “After Kotori started elementary, Maki became isolated again. She didn’t know how to control her ability and non-ability users are afraid of her. Maki’s always hated people being afraid of her…” “I know.” Honoka mumbled, remembering the many times she’d hurt Maki by flinching away from her. “But now she has Kotori back and I’m sure you can understand why she doesn’t want to lose her again.” Rei finished. “I know you don’t mean to hurt her but she’s still a teenager.” Honoka gave a terse nod. “I have to go.” She said, grabbing Nozomi’s hand and edging around Rei. --- “This is weird.” Chika commented as she allowed Kotori to tug her along. “I’ve never been invisible before.” Kotori gave a hum of acknowledgement. “So how do you know Honoka-chan?” “We were neighbors when I was younger!” Chika answered brightly as they approached the door to the building. “Honoka-onee-chan is a year older than me so I uh...looked up to her a lot. I used to follow her around a lot. It must have been pretty annoying, I guess…” “I’m sure she thought it was sweet.” Kotori replied with a shake of her head though she knew Chika couldn’t actually see her. “I had a friend just like you. She used to follow me around all of the time. She was so shy…” She chuckled softly to herself as she thought of how Maki had acted when she was younger. “Are you still friends with her?” Chika asked interestedly as they reached the door. “No, she’s my…” Kotori paused, realizing she’d been about to say ‘girlfriend’. “Well um...yeah, we’re really good friends now though we were seperated for a while.” “Oh.” Chika followed Kotori into the building and lowered her voice. “Kind of like me and Honoka-onee-chan.” “Kind of.” Kotori said agreeably. “Why kind of?” Chika asked inquisitively as Kotori guided her down the hallway. “Is it different somehow?” “Well...kind of.” Kotori said again. “Maki-chan and I are closer now. I guess you could say she’s my um...girlfriend now.” She was glad she was invisible so Chika couldn’t see her blushing. “I just um...don’t like to say that much. It’s complicated.” “Huh? Why is it complicated?” Kotori gave a small laugh. “You’re curious, huh?” She paused for a moment before answering. “I had feelings for someone else before Maki-chan and I became friends again. And I still have feelings for them. It’s...Honoka-chan actually. She’s one of my two best friends.” “But Maki-san isn’t your best friend?” Chika asked inquisitively. “What’s she then? And...well, I thought Honoka-onee-chan was with the dark haired girl. Or the blonde one...Eli-san, was it?” “Don’t remind me.” Kotori said with a resigned sigh. “It’s like they’re all she thinks about now. But her future self is dating me. In the future so…” “Wait, what? Her future self?” Chika asked in confusion. “Can someone see into the future? That’s so cool, I want to try!” “Uh...no. It’s complicated. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this.” Kotori muttered. “You-chan and Riko-chan say I’m a good listener.” Chika said sincerely. “Maybe that’s why. I like helping people with their problems.” Kotori laughed softly. “You’re pretty cute, you know? Honoka-chan is lucky to have you as someone who looks up to her.” “I-I don’t know about that.” Chika said with a nervous chuckle. They turned the corner and she paused, making sure nobody was there to hear them. “So does Maki-chan love you?” “Um...yes.” Kotori answered thoughtfully. She didn’t have any doubt that Maki loved her. Maki had told her before and she would never lie about something like that. “And I love her. But love is...well I don’t know if I love her in the same way she loves me.” Chika hummed in response. “So you’re just with her because you don’t want to hurt her? That’s really...stupid and cruel. It’s wrong to just play someone like that. Just because you have feelings for two people at the same time doesn’t mean you can’t love them both in the same way. Or even the same amount. I think.” Kotori was surprised that she didn’t feel affronted by the harsh comment from this girl she had just met. “Speaking from personal experience?” “Wha…?!” Chika shook her head quickly. “Of course not! I don’t have feelings for anyone a-and I’m sure nobody likes me in that way. It’s just common sense, isn’t it? And...you said Honoka-onee-chan is the other person you love. Is Maki-san her friend too?” “Yeah.” Kotori answered quietly. “Yeah, she is.” “I’m sure she wouldn’t want you to hurt Maki-san either.” Chika finished. “So maybe if you’re using Maki-san it would be best to end it before it goes too far? Tell her the truth...though I guess that might cause some problems too, with your friends…” “Look…” Kotori drew to a stop, Chika with her. She wished she could ease up on using her abilities but she couldn’t risk being spotted by security cameras. It seemed she’d had the fortune of finding her way into a section of the building that wasn’t swarmed with guards. She wasn’t about to push her luck. “You seem nice and...I don’t mind talking to you about this for some reason but...maybe we shouldn’t talk about it right now, especially considering you don’t even know my name.” “It’s Kotori-chan. Honoka-onee-chan said it.” Chika said obliviously. “But if you don’t remember my name it’s…” “Chika-chan. I know.” Kotori sighed and continued on her way down the hallway. She closed her hand around the necklace around her neck, her thoughts straying to Maki. She just wanted to make sure Nico and Hanayo were safe and then get back to Maki. She wasn’t sure what to make of that though. “Let’s just focus on what we’re doing. We have to find our friends.” --- “These guards are never ending.” Honoka panted as she pressed herself close to a wall, taking cover from the onslaught of guards. “I wish Kotori-chan had followed us. This would be a lot faster. We need to hurry up and get to them before they do something stupid.” “They’re going to be okay.” Umi said reassuringly from next to Honoka. Having run out of things to throw she’d been forced to duck out of the fight. “I don’t know why they’re here to begin with.” Eli said breathlessly as she joined them. “You need to talk to your sister when we get to them, this is crazy!” “MY sister?!” Honoka exclaimed angrily. “This would never be Yukiho’s idea. I told you, she’s more responsible than that. Maybe you should look at your own sister. It’s obvious she’d try to be like you!” “Honoka.” Umi warned gently, grabbing Honoka’s hand. “It’s nobody’s fault.” “Arisa doesn’t KNOW better!” Eli stepped out from behind the wall, throwing out her hands to send a wall of blue flames toward the oncoming guards. “Yukiho SHOULD!” “Arisa-chan’s no more of a child than Yukiho is!” Honoka growled, seemingly not hearing what Umi was saying. “You act like Yukiho is dragging Arisa-chan out and convincing her to do things but it’s the other way round and you know it! Yukiho can’t resist Arisa-chan. She always ends up following your lead. Your sister has your charm. And she has my sister wrapped around her little finger.” “Hey, hey, HEY!” Umi interrupted loudly before Eli could argue. “Stop it! Just stop it, okay?! You two aren’t meant to be fighting, you’re meant to be leaning on each other. It’s what you do, isn’t it? What good is yelling at each other going to do when you’re both already scared enough?” Both Honoka and Eli looked suitably rebuked but neither of them said anything for a moment until Honoka spoke up. “I-I’m sorry, Eli-senpai…” “Damn it!” Eli hit the wall they were cowering behind with the side of her fist. “I’m sorry too. Let’s just find them, okay?” She turned to Honoka and held out her hand. “Would you mind teleporting me behind those guards? Maybe we can take them by surprise.” “Yeah.” Honoka hesitated for a moment before slipping her hand into Eli’s. “Of course.” She closed her eyes, focusing intently on teleporting herself and Eli behind the guards across the room. She felt the familiar sensation of her surroundings fading out of focus and new surroundings fading in. As soon as Eli felt her feet hit solid ground she threw her hands out, taking the remaining guards down with a wave of fire. “Finally…” “SHINY!” Eli whirled around at the sound of a new voice, throwing her arms out defensively. “No, no, no!” Nico exclaimed quickly, grabbing Mari’s arm to draw her behind her. “Eli, it’s fine. It’s okay. Mari’s...insane but she’s on our side.” She cast a glare over at Mari. “Would you quit it with the English? No wonder everyone tries to kill you.” Mari grinned at the comment. “Maybe I’m just hiding my true feelings. Besides, I like to annoy you, Bella!” “Nico-chan, what happened to you?!” Honoka was suddenly at Nico’s side, engulfing her in a painfully tight embrace. Thankfully it was brief before Honoka pulled away. “You’re...hurt?” “Long story.” Nico winced, leaning heavily on Honoka. “I...they gave me the cure. Took away my ability and now I’m dying.” “Dying?” Eli asked frantically, stepping forward. “No. No, you can’t be! I’m not going to let you die, you can’t!” “I am.” Nico took a deep breath, struggling to stand up straight even with Honoka’s help. She felt Umi grasp her arm too, to help. “I need to get back to Hanayo before it happens. I promised I’d get her out. She doesn’t know. I don’t know if she can walk, she twisted her ankle pretty bad.” “I’ll carry her.” Umi volunteered. “If her ankle’s hurt it’ll be faster anyway. Honoka and...your new friend will help you.” Nico scowled. “If you’re talking about…” “Mari!” Mari announced, perking up at having been addressed. “Oh my god, are you some kind of prince? You look like Kanan!” Umi blinked in confusion. “Prince…? What?” “Umi-chan is my girlfriend.” Honoka said sharply, earning herself surprised looks from both Umi and Eli. “Eh...I’m just saying. Umi-chan’s not...a prince.” “Don’t pay her any attention. She’s weird.” Nico mumbled, nodding toward Mari. “I like her.” Eli announced with a shrug of her shoulders. “Of course you would, she’s a blonde Nozomi!” Nico winced as she shifted. “Mari, please try to act normal. I don’t have the energy to punch you…” “So hot, I like you too!” Mari answered in fluent english. “Ugh, ENOUGH with the English!” Nico groaned. “You remind me even more of Kanan.” Mari smiled flirtatiously over at Eli who blushed and looked away. “D-Don’t speak to Eli-senpai like that, she’s my…” Honoka trailed off, wondering how she could even begin to explain. “My...special person.” Eli beamed at the slip up. “Just hers. In general.” “They’re both yours?!” Mari gasped exaggeratedly. “How scandalous!” “I’m going to kill her.” Nico whimpered, her head falling to Honoka’s shoulder. “I’m seriously going to kill her.” “You were going to say it, weren’t you?” Eli asked, sidling up to Honoka. “I will be if you want me to be, you know…” “E-Eli-sen-” “INTRUDERS, STOP RIGHT THERE!” A male voice rang out around the courtyard. Umi looked up sharply, searching for the source of the noise. A guard turned the corner and she drew her knife from her belt and threw it. It hit the guard square in the chest and he fell to the ground. He was quickly followed by more men though. “Everyone scatter!” TBC.
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