#low iron levels
roomstudent · 3 months
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healthmonastery · 10 months
Iron Deficiency - Causes, Symptoms, and How to Fight Back
In the grand theater of health, iron plays a leading role, but its importance often goes unnoticed until the curtains rise on an unexpected villain: iron deficiency. This common concern affects millions worldwide, sapping energy and dimming vitality. But fear not, for in this spotlight, we’ll uncover the causes, symptoms, and arm you with the knowledge to triumph over iron deficiency. The Iron…
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medicalnewshome · 2 years
When you hear the word vegan, you may conjure up images of tofu and Tofurkey, as well as fresh vegetables and beans. But did you know that veganism is more than just a diet? A growing vegan movement strives to cause as little harm as possible. To that end, adherents refrain from wearing certain types of clothing and activities, as well as eating certain foods. Read more about Veganism here.
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Dissociation culture is whyyyy did the floor just tilt
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pinkinsect · 1 month
god take my period cramps and give them to michael kaiser
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tj-crochets · 7 months
Hey y'all, possibly one of those questions with a ridiculously obvious answer, but can iron-deficiency anemia make you super tired? And if so, how do you fix that? (I got blood test results back but haven't talked to my doctor yet. He'll probably put me on iron supplements or something but I am so tired right now)
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shoyoist · 8 months
haven't talked about my girlfriend in a while so i'll tell you people that for better or worse, she truly is the sleepiest girl in the world. tells me she wants to put a movie on for her to watch and for me to have as background noise while i study, and two minutes later i'm turning the movie off because she's asleep. tells me all day about this game they want to play with me when i get home from work, falls asleep before we make it through the game's tutorial stage. i could be at work and receive an urgent text from her, only for her to leave me on delivered for hours and it's when i get home that i realize she's fine and that she just sent me the text and then fell asleep. she'll be telling me about the latest drama in their friend group and her voice just gets quieter and the pauses between sentences get wider and wider... until she's effectively talked herself to sleep. they tell me "i'm going to pull an all nighter for this assignment tonight! wake me up from this nap in an hour." and will not wake up until the next day, no matter what i do. we could be doing pillow talk and she'll tell me "i'm feeling eepy" in place of saying good night to me, and will just fall asleep instantly. she's so damn sleepy all the fucking time. i love her so much.
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weirdowithaquill · 8 months
Traintober 2023: Day 28 - Which Way Now?
Lost in the Fog:
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The Island of Sodor was hosting a visitor from the Other Railway. The visitor was a large, impressive tank engine who was helping out on Thomas’ branchline.
“I do love getting to pull trucks again,” the engine said cheerfully to Percy. “We don’t to pull trucks on my heritage railway.” “They might be fun, but you do have to be careful,” warned Percy. “Some trucks can be troublesome.” The engine chuckled. “Don’t worry about me, Percy – I’ll be fine!” Percy was doubtful. And yet, to his amazement, the visitor managed the trucks well. The trucks came along quietly, distracted from misbehaving by the songs the engine sang to them.
The visitor really did brighten up the yard every time they passed through. “Did you need a hand?” he offered to Toby as the old tram struggled with a long line of empty ballast trucks heading back for the Little Western. “That would be great,” grinned Toby. “Thank you.” With the visitor’s help, they managed the run in half the time it usually took – and better yet, his sing-a-longs kept the trucks from acting up.
“You really have a knack with the trucks,” mused Duck, watching in amazement as the big engine shunted them into their proper places. “I’m impressed.” “Thank you!” the visitor said. “That’s too kind!”
The visitor grew to be popular amongst all the engines. The speed and dedication they brought to every train won over even the gruffest of trucks and engines alike – not even James could think of a bad word!
Everyone was sad when it came time for the visiting engine to return back to their heritage railway. “Safe travels!” called Percy. “Don’t get lost!” warned Oliver. “Lost?” quizzed the engine. “That isn’t likely, is it?” “Well… no – but sometimes the signalman near Killdane nods off. Make sure you whistle to alert him to your presence.” The engine smiled. “Thanks for the advice, I’ll keep it in mind!” And with that, the engine set off into the setting sun.
Things went well at first – but then night fell. With it came the mist. The mist rose up out of every crevice, seemingly rising up out of the ground itself, swirling around and blanketing everything it touched in an impenetrable wall of grey.
The visitor peered into the darkness, trying to see which town they were passing through. The station signs were obscured – several station lamps flickered and died and a chill danced in the air, winding around the visitor and doing its best to freeze their boiler into ice. The visitor still battled onwards.
“We can’t stop here…” they said, narrowing their eyes to try and spot a familiar shape. “It’s the middle of the mainline. No trains can stop here.” “Then which way now?” asked the engine’s driver. The answer lay just up ahead, where a signal light shone green, piercing sharply through the mist to illuminate the world around it.
“Someone must be expecting us,” hummed the driver. “That’s good!” A station platform appeared on the engine’s left, and they slowed to a stop, waiting for some sort of instructions on where to go. The driver and fireman looked back, and then the driver groaned.
“That stupid signalman! Come on, you need to go remind him that he needs to drop the signal back to red.” “And you?” “I’ll go find us some hot coffee in the station house. This seems like a big station – there’s got to be someone around.” The two left their engine sizzling nicely under the station canopy, heading off to complete their respective tasks.
Normally, this would have been fine – and had the engine been anywhere else, this would have been a routine stop. But the name of the station illuminated by a flickering station lamp was Killdane. “Um… shouldn’t we whistle?” asked the engine. But his crew had already left.
The engine’s eyes darted around. Something felt off about this station. It wasn’t the electric wires running above the tracks, nor was it the eerily still lines of coaches and trucks in the sidings. No, there was something else. Maybe… the second set of points that felt like they shouldn’t be there?
“Oh, why hello there,” grinned a deep, almost gravelly voice from behind the engine. “Um… hello?” The visitor had never heard that voice before. There was no face to put to the sound – this voice was completely new, and it scared them slightly. “What’re you doing on our line?” “I’m waiting to continue on,” the engine replied firmly. “We’ll take you,” the voice replied. Before the engine could question that, they were buffered roughly from behind. There was the deep, almost howling honk of a diesel horn, and the engine was suddenly being shoved forwards, out of the station.
“Hey! You can’t do this! Stop! Stop! Driver!” The visiting engine’s driver sprinted onto the platform, just in time to see the shape of a long train of scrap leave the platform where their engine had previously stood.
The engine tried to apply their brakes – but they couldn’t. They tried to call out for help – but no one answered.
The diesel pushed the poor engine down a long, overgrown path that led down through a bricked path between rows of town houses. The mist was even thicker down here, engulfing the poor engine and making it almost impossible to see what was ahead.
At least, until the mist began to clear around a large industrial estate, littered with the rusting remains of engines. “Oi! You can’t do this!” shouted the engine. “I’m preserved! Preserved!” “No one will come looking here,” sneered the diesel, shunting the engine into a shed. “Your crew can’t save you now, steam kettle.”
The steam engine sat, cold and alone, in the shed. Ahead of them, a pair of massive sliding steel doors were clamped tightly shut. Suddenly, the engine felt a jolt. The scrap trucks had been shoved behind them.
Two identical diesels in grimy green paintwork with wasp stripes oiled up on either side of the visitor. “This time, there’s no escape,” one sneered. The other just shot the poor visitor an unidentifiable look.
The two rumbled backwards again – and then the engine felt another jolt, and they all began to roll forwards. The giant steel doors groaned open, revealing a room bathed in red. Molten slag bubbled on either side of the track, and a giant claw loomed overhead.
“This engine’s not for scrapping!” begged the engine. “I just want to go home!” The claw didn’t stop its descent, lowering down, down, down…
With a sickening crunch, it ripped into the visitor’s boiler, lifting the engine up into the air, and dragging it over to the molten slag.
“Just another poor soul, gone to meet its maker,” sneered Arry. Bert didn’t reply. He just silently rumbled away, a goal set in his mind.
This time, Arry wouldn’t get away.
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Una Chin-Riley's Nails: A Comprehensive Guide
Hello friends I spent an obsessive amount of time trying to compile a list of Una’s nails for all of her appearances in Star Trek and this is what I came up with.
The Cage:
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Number One is rocking some shiny, blue nails in this episode! It almost looks like they might have a silvery French tip too but it's difficult to tell.
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After sorting through like 1000 screencaps the best I can wager is some kind of shiny topcoat with maybe a creme French tip?
Short Treks:
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Looks like another shiny topcoat here! Or maybe a pale pink? Either way, very nice.
Strange New Worlds:
I absolutely could not get a clear shot but they look vaguely black?
Children of the Comet:
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Looks like they are solid gold. In some shots there almost could be black stripes but it might just be reflections. So I'm going with solid gold.
Ghosts of Illyria:
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One of my favorites! Black with a gold V at the cuticle!
Memento Mori:
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Gold stripes over plain nails. Very chic and modern! How she managed not to chip them in the midst of saving La’An and then almost bleeding out I shall never know but I have made respect for that as someone who chips my nails just by looking at them.
Spock Amok:
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Back to the black with a gold V! Except in some shots these look dark blue more than black, while others definitely look black. Hard to tell. I'm leaning black tho.
Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach:
I cannot find a single shot close enough to tell for sure but they look dark so I'm guessing they are black.
The Serene Squall:
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Once again I struggled to get the screencap BUT if you watch at 19:43 in the episode THEY ARE THE SHINY BLUE!!!!! Absolutely gotta be a reference to The Cage. So nice.
The Elysian Kingdom:
Again, can't find a screenshot close enough to tell for sure, but they look blackish.
All Those Who Wander:
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Looks to me like they are black with some thin, gold stripes!
A Quality of Mercy:
I can find absolutely no shots of her nails whatsoever. None. I am devastated.
Anyway, I really love the fact that Una has fun nails and that they put that detailing into her costuming. I think it’s awesome that Una is so tough and smart and somewhat serious, but she has the most amazing nails that, in the context of the show, she probably does herself. It’s just a neat little detail about her character that I really enjoy, along with her fun 60s hairstyles. 
Someone from the SNW costume and makeup department PLEASE release a nail guide for Una so we can see all you hard work in full!
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leefi · 4 months
im getting infused
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citrlet · 5 months
very personal and probably tmi in the tags for literally no reason other than to vent
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age-of-moonknight · 3 months
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“Soldier,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #3.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Vengeance of the Moon Knight#Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol. 2#Vengeance of the Moon Knight 2024#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Soldier#Tigra#Greer Nelson#I love this distinction between what Moon Knight does/did in vol. 9 compared to other heroes#don’t get me wrong I obviously love Spider-Man (and only to a slightly lesser extent Daredevil) but this is a cool difference#feels a little more grounded almost like community defense as opposed to a high-flying cape issue#also fascinating comparing to a drug implying these low level villains are thrill seekers/adrenaline junkies#but most critically…hmmm….this may just be more indicative of my own perspective than anything (bear with me)#but interestingly those last two text boxes on finding the balance between keeping a group too scared to make a move#and not so scared that they get desperate/have nothing left to lose#is very similar to the basis of a theory of counterinsurgency#that an iron fist can keep a group from developing means + will to organize but the ruling regime must be careful#to not be too cruel or else it will push the group into survival mode/win it sympathy from the local or international population#(it’s very reminiscent of Machiavelli’s The Prince)#Mind you it’s a theory usually entertained by authoritarian regimes where people have few de facto civil rights#and its efficacy/sustainability’s debatable as it takes one hiccup with the regime (markedly weak ruler/secession crisis/natural disaster/#excessive use of force/etc) for the insurgency to flair up again#Marc’s past with the CIA is mentioned in this issue so I wonder if that’s what this is all about#but uuuuuh yeah do with that info what you will sorry hahaha#don’t mind me rambling in the tags
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isaacathom · 6 days
went to the doctors to get my bloodtest results (low iron and vitamin d, okie dokie) and sat there for an hour and a fucking half watching sitcoms and standup on the tv in the waiting room before she CALLED ME.
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theheroheart · 6 months
As an adult who celebrates (heavily secularised) Christmas, including now actually inviting people over for dinner and stuff, I now understand the reason behind going overboard making the house look nice.
It's not about appearances or upholding tradition or anything like that. We're only inviting people who don't really care, and I only care about traditions that make me happy.
A) It's fun to decorate and do something a lil fancy once in a while!
B) It's a good fucking excuse to actually make yourself clean the house properly, after putting it off all year.
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tj-crochets · 2 months
EYY CONGRATS ON THE BLOOD! That must be such a relief!!
Thanks!!! It really is!!!
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icharchivist · 11 months
achievement: chronic fatigue officially acknowledged by a doctor with a "truth be told it's a miracle you even managed to drag yourself here considering how low your iron levels are, you should barely be able to move" mention, like hell yeah
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