#lower abdominal pain
riversideer · 1 year
Understanding the link between abdominal pain and digestive disorders
Our abdomen is home to almost every essential workflow of our body. It is responsible for many things except just the digestion of food. Our body will feel the pain and effects if our abdomen is incorrect. It is home to many vital human organs such as the pancreas, stomach, intestines, etc. all these organs make up and form the abdomen, which helps us stay alive. Our abdomen can work in different ways. To digest food, supply nutrients to other body parts, and discharge waste material. All these are duties of our abdomen. But if our abdomen is sick or is not working right, such cases can lead to severe problems. And in extreme cases, it can be lethal as well.
We often feel discomfort or pain in our abdomen at some point in our lives. It can be due to several reasons. If something goes wrong, it can affect our stomach, and we can feel discomfort. It is called abdominal pain. Abdominal pain can be temporary and usually goes away in a short period. But when the problem is intense, it can stay longer and develop into severe abdominal pain, a situation where you should consider getting medical attention.
Several reasons can cause abdominal pain:
Lack of sleep
Change of routine
Food poisoning
Bad food digestion
Or other serious medical issues
One of the significant reasons for abdominal pain is digestive disorders. Sometimes we feel like eating a lot of food but eat very little. You feel full. That’s terrible digestion. If you eat more food, it can lead to abdominal pain. It happens because you might be experiencing some digestive disorder.
When we have digestive disorders, we can feel an immense amount of abdominal pain. It can be due to faults in our abdominal organs, food poisoning, eating a lot of spices, or any other out-of-the-box activity which disturbs the routine of our abdomen. Abdominal pain is directly linked to digestive disorders. It can be explained by adding sugar to the water. The more you add, the sweet it becomes. The same is the case for digestive disorders. The more intense they are, the more abdominal pain you will face.
There are many types of digestive disorders. Such as:
Bloating is a condition in which our abdomen feels full and tight. It can look swollen as well. It can be caused due to many reasons, such as Swallowing air, constipation, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Irritable bowel syndrome, and lactose intolerance. These things can be cured with medical attention and a proper diet.
Constipation – When your abdomen cannot digest food properly, this leads to uneven patterns of discharging food waste. This condition is called constipation. It can be caused by overeating, eating a lot of spices, etc. 
Diarrhea – When you experience loose motions. It can make you feel weak and dehydrated. It can be treated by eating a proper diet and taking reasonable medical precautions.
Heartburn is a burning sensation felt just below or behind the breastbone. Mostly it comes from the esophagus. The pain starts in your stomach and goes to your chest. If you are experiencing heartburn very often, you might have GERD. It needs to be treated medically. 
The link here is simple. Abdominal pain is an ordinary condition that numerous reasons can cause, and one of them is digestive disorders. Digestive disorders can range from moderate to severe. Digestive disorders must be treated medically, and doctor consultation is a must. Digestive disorders can cause abdominal pain. High-risk digestive disorders can cause severe abdominal pain and can lead to severe health issues. Sometimes death too. So you are advised to eat healthily, eat green foods often and check if the food is ok to be consumed. It can save you from abdominal pain and digestive disorders. You can avoid eating spicy and other harmful foods that lead to digestive disorders.
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iinkribbons · 3 months
Did I wish to spend my birthday writing? Yeah I did.
But what I did do — play video games all day & my best friend helped with my achievement hunting. That just hit different I’ve rarely had people just sit & help me with my achievement hunting on the level he did.
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backpainsolution · 1 year
Release back pain
Exercise can be helpful in relieving and preventing lower back pain. Here are some exercises that can be beneficial:
Pelvic tilt: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscles and press your lower back into the ground. Hold for 5 seconds and release.
Knee-to-chest stretch: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Bring one knee up to your chest and hold for 15-30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
Bird dog: Start on your hands and knees. Lift your right arm and left leg straight out, keeping your back straight. Hold for a few seconds and then switch sides.
Bridge: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips up toward the ceiling, squeezing your glutes. Hold for a few seconds and then lower back down.
Cat-cow stretch: Start on your hands and knees. Arch your back up like a cat and then lower it down like a cow. Repeat several times.
Cobra pose: Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Press up through your hands, lifting your chest and arching your back. Hold for a few seconds and then lower back down.
Child's pose: Kneel on the ground and stretch your arms forward, lowering your forehead to the mat. Hold for several seconds.
Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your exercises. If you experience pain or discomfort during any exercise, stop and consult with a medical professional.
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excalirebagel · 1 year
Weirdest thing about post-op sterilization recovery is that laying down is the thing that hurts the most. Standing is okay and sitting up is mostly painless. But laying down makes my guts protest
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Have you watched Dead Boy Detectives?
unfortunately no... I have netflix so maybe one day (I saved it to my 'to watch' list)
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newsnuki · 4 months
গর্ভাবস্থায় তলপেটে ব্যথা হলে কি করণীয়?
গর্ভাবস্থায় মহিলাদের নিজের শরীর সম্পর্কে সতর্ক থাকা উচিত কারণ এই সময়ে তাদের শরীরে অনেক পরিবর্তন ঘটে। একটি সমস্যা যা কম বেশি সকল গর্ভবতী মহিলাদের মুখোমুখি হতে হয় তা হল তলপেটের ব্যথা। 
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কিন্তু জানেন গর্ভাবস্থায় তলপেটে ব্যথা হয় কেন ? গর্ভাবস্থায়, মহিলাদের বিভিন্ন কারণে পেটে বা তলপেটে ব্যথা হতে পারে। জরায়ু লিগামেন্ট বা পেশী প্রসারিত হওয়া কিছু সাধারন কারন। তলপেটে ব্যথা হবার সাথে সাথে কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য, গ্যাস বা লিগামেন্টের ব্যথা দেখা যায়। 
Watch this video to learn: what to do if you have stomach pain during pregnancy.
গর্ভাবস্থায় তলপেটে ব্যথার ব্যবস্থাপনা করতে স্ত্রীরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ-এর সাথে পরামর্শ করা উচিত। যদি জানতে হয়  গর্ভাবস্থায় তলপেটে ব্যথা স্বাভাবিক নাকি ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ অথবা কিভাবে কমাবেন এই ব্যথা তাহলে এখুনি ক্লিক করুন lower abdominal pain during pregnancy
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maxinhealthcare · 6 months
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unitedhospital · 6 months
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roberteospeedwagon · 6 months
i think my appendix might have burst but i’m not sure and my parents are asleep so i can’t even check with them to see if i’m hyperchondriacing or not. and i can’t get my dad to drive since my mom and i can’t and, again, my parents are asleep. short on money so i can’t even play it safe and call an ambulance jic
i think this might be it for me
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mouscedesking · 8 months
The irritable bowl syndrome do be irritating my bowels
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If there’s one thing I feel I can unambiguously brag about, it’s that I’m great with patients who are in pain crises. I’m tenacious and stubborn about lowering 10/10 pain to something more manageable. I got a patient in “25 out of 10” pain at start of shift down to a 4 by midnight and it only took opioids, Tylenol, muscle relaxants, ice packs, warm blankets, fresh coffee, repositioning, an abdominal binder I scrounged up, a phone call to the surgeon to get lidocaine patches ordered, and some serious chit chatting with the patient while we waited for all that to kick in. We didn’t end up needing IV medication, we didn’t have to increase opioids, we didn’t need to add any medication that would potentially delay discharge, and the majority of what I did is all stuff she can also do at home so it’s a sustainable pain management plan. This is my absolute favorite thing with nursing, I love love love managing pain, I know I talk about it a lot but it’s the most satisfying thing in the world. I love watching someone emerge from a horrendous haze of pain until they feel like a person again. Also I’m scheduling this to post well after my shift is done so that I don’t jinx anything, also while I was writing this post I had to take a quick break for two hours half way through because someone started having a seizure. My job is wild. I used to be a barista.
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ancureclinic · 1 year
Knee Pain Treatment in Chinchwad Pune Knee pain can be caused by a variety of factors such as injuries, overuse, arthritis, or other medical conditions. Treatment for knee pain will depend on the underlying cause, severity of pain, and other individual factors. Here are some common treatments for knee pain: Rest: If your knee pain is due to an injury or overuse, it is important to give your knee proper rest to allow it to heal. This may involve avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain and using crutches or a knee brace to reduce pressure on the joint. Ice and Heat: Applying ice or heat to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Ice can be applied for the first 48 to 72 hours after an injury, while heat therapy can be used for chronic pain or stiffness. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. A physical therapist can develop an exercise program tailored to your specific needs and goals. Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can help relieve knee pain. In some cases, stronger prescription medications may be necessary. Injections: Corticosteroid injections can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Hyaluronic acid injections may also be used to provide lubrication to the knee joint. Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or replace damaged knee joints. This is typically a last resort when other treatments have been ineffective. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment for your knee pain. In addition to the above treatments, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding high-impact activities, and wearing supportive shoes can also help prevent knee pain.
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soloh · 1 year
When I'm having new pain that's in a weirdly specific spot or radiating in a strange way/odd direction that I'm not used to, late at night, I'll normally just Google it to look for ways to ease that pain so I can sleep. Occasionally though, I'll google things and almost every result will conclude I should seek immediate medical attention. Like tonight. Only it's 1:10am, I'm pretty sure it's just another ovarian cyst being a dick, and I would like to sleep, not spend 6+ hours at the hospital being treated like a hypochondriac or drug seeker only for them to go "yeah female reproductive organs suck sometimes" and send me home.
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buckyalpine · 9 months
Dark Dr.Bucky x innocent reader
Look, proceed with caution. Things are not always as they seem. Dirty. Nasty. Filthy. Dark. All the smut. Imagine Dr. James Barnes, highly known and well respected in his profession, devilishly handsome and so young compared to others in the same field of work.
"Dr. Barnes will see now" The red head at the front desk beckoned you to the room, directing you to sit on the large reclining examination chair.
"Y/n?" James strode into the office, offering a warm smile before sitting at his desk to look over your file. He nods before coming over to you again, going through the motions of checking your heart, breathing and blood pressure first. "It says you've been experiencing some lower abdominal pain?"
"Y-yes-um, lower, lower than that" You mumble out as he lightly prods at your stomach to pin point where you're feeling discomfort. You had been too embarrassed to specify where you felt cramping. You really just needed someone to prescribe you something stronger than a Tylenol.
"Are you sexually active?"
"No" You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat up, holding back a whimper when a wave of pain made you feel like doubling over.
"Alight, I’ll examine your pelvic floor and I’ll take a blood test just to be safe. Put this robe on and then lie back for me and place your legs on the stirrups"
Your eyes grew wide at the flimsy gown he gave you, slipping it on in the bathroom, before making your way back. You’d never felt so exposed, desperately wishing you could close your legs, heat blossoming at your core when you saw him slip on gloves.
"You may feel a little discomfort but it's normal" He reassured you, applying gel to his finger tips before prodding his fingers to your entrance, the sudden coolness making you gasp.
He continued to push his fingers in, pressing against your walls, curling them, hitting a spot that nearly made you scream.
“Does that hurt?” He asked out of concern seeing your eyes glossed over, though you shook your head.
It felt good.
So good.
You struggled to bite back a whimper that nearly escaped, wishing you could stop your arousal pooling out of you the more his fingers stretched you. He shoved them all the way in before drawing them back out, your sticky slick neatly dripping onto his palm.
He hummed, using his other hand to press down on your belly making the feeling of his fingers even more prominent, your cunt starting the flutter and clench around his fingers.
You wanted to die from embarrassment at the sounds that wanted to escape, a different kind of heat starting to spread through your thighs, making your pussy feel tighter and more sensitive.
“Let me just- Without warning, he started thrust his hand, adding a third finger, pumping in and out of you till you nearly ripped the plastic from the chair from your grip alone. You felt so close, so close to something you couldn’t describe, chasing a feeling you wanted over and over again.
“D-dr. Barnes” you stuttered out, nearly squealing when he flicked your clit with his thumb before rubbing tight circles onto your bundle of nerves. “Dr. Barnes!!!”
“It’s okay, almost done” he gave you a soft smile but something in his eyes darkened as they fell to your sopping hole, his fingers moving wildly until blinding pleasure took over and you let out the scream you’d been holding in. Your juices dripped onto the table, sweat covering your body, hardly feeling the same cloth he wiped you down with.
“Your prescription should be at the front to help with the cramping” he helped you onto your shaky feet, chucking when you nearly lost your balance.
“We’ll schedule another check up for next week”
Bucky's POV
So fuckin' tight
Bucky was glad he had his white coat on or you would’ve seen his erection pressed painfully against his slacks. He didn’t need to examine anything to know what was wrong but he couldn’t help it, not with those soft doe eyes you kept batting.
As soon as you spread your legs open, he couldn’t help but get more greedy. He fully intended on just checking on you but every time you bit back a whimper, he needed more. He saw the way your eyes rolled back, the way you were soaking his hand.
Your hope shifted to chase more of them and who was he to deny you.
That button between your legs was too tempting. He told himself not to, he couldn’t go that far but he could feel you craving it and any semblance of control he had went out the window. He couldn’t just leave your cute little button untouched when it was so pretty and swollen.
He nearly came in his pants as soon as he started to play with it, working you up till you were creaming on his fingers. His jaw hardened, breathing through his nose to keep his composure as his cock started to throb, thick ropes of cum soaking his pants.
He was addicted to you.
Maybe next time he’d take care of you using his cock. Convince you only his fat thick length would make his bunny feel better. He’d have you spread out on the table again, pushing the head in to warm you up.
He’d promise his cream would make you feel good. His cum was special, you needed all of his juices and he’d give you every drop. He’d fuck you and stretch you till you were in tears, pumping you with load after load.
He pulled his semi hard, cum soaked cock out of his pants, locking the door before furiously jerking himself off again, needing to calm down before his next appointment.
He couldn’t wait for next week.
I’m so sorry, I wrote this on my break, back to work.
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databaseworlds · 2 years
What Is Abdominal Pain? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
What Is Abdominal Pain? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
Signs and Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Abdominal ache may additionally take numerous unique forms. In addition to how extreme it is, stomach ache can be described in the following ways: Generalized Pain This refers to ache felt in greater than half of of your belly area, and is standard of belly viruses, indigestion, or gasoline as the purpose of your pain. Localized Pain This refers to ache felt…
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healthyrex · 2 years
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