#abdominal pain before period
pepperstreak · 1 year
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hazardousbiproduct · 1 year
I always feel like I'm going to die on my period but now I have reason to believe I will
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pinkcarnatixns · 6 months
leah williamson | on your side
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synopsis your girlfriend gives you enough attention to last a lifetime when you wake up with your period [2K] contents more bf! leah, menstrual pain, slightly suggestive?
Waking with piercing abdominal pain and the morning sun barely shining through your curtains, you dreaded the familiar feeling in your gut.
Even worse than the dull ache of your abdomen was having to leave the warm cocoon your girlfriend had created around you while you both slept. Propping yourself up on one elbow from where you had been laid on her chest, you tried to jostle her sleeping form as little as possible. At the slight adjustment, she let out a series of angry grumbles, your body freezing up at the sound. 
You waited for a tense moment, subconsciously holding your breath as the crease between her eyebrows softened back out and her hands relaxed where they had been touching your naked waist. Peeling her arms off your body carefully, you took care to watch that her even breath didn’t change as you manhandled her enough to let you escape unnoticed. Watching her calm expression, golden hair splayed out manically around her, you felt a flash of frustration at the time with your girlfriend that biology had robbed you of this morning. 
Slipping out of bed, the change of temperature nipped at your exposed skin, clad in only a bralette and small shorts so as to not burn up next to your personal space heater. Desperate to return to your koala of a girlfriend and the affection you had been promised for the day off, you opted out of a sweatshirt and briskly padded over to your adjacent bathroom. What you hadn’t accounted for was the lightheadedness that accompanied the action, and as black spots danced in your vision, you grabbed onto the cold counter for support as you guided yourself down to the floor.
Anticipating passing out, you were surprised at the familiar, tender caress of Leah’s hands on your arms. Her touch helped ground you, and as your vision cleared it was to the sight of her crouched over you, looking terribly worried. Her next words were so gentle you nearly missed them, not wanting to spook you. “Hey love, you back with me?”
You slowly nodded your head, not wanting to be any dizzier, and let out a shaky sigh. “Yeah, I’m sorry I woke you Lee, just stood up too fast and got a head rush.” 
Usually being the one to coo over her and adoring taking care of the girl, you always hated making her worry. On many occasions, if Leah thought there was anything slightly off with you, she would drop anything and everything to dote over you- usually meaning that her dignity was the first to go. You were constantly teased for her actions when that side of her came out at training, quick to blush at your teammates’ poor caricatures of your girlfriend’s sappiness. 
Truth be told, you still got nervous butterflies when your girlfriend’s full attention was on you, even with nobody else around. However, you had both agreed to a time where you needed extra attention- your period. Leah, also dealing with debilitating cramps and other side effects of her endometriosis, knew what you needed and was quick to drop anything for you the same way you had done countless times for her. 
Her eyes flitted around your body, like she was looking for what was troubling you. Normally she knew when your period was going to come before you even did, but for it to come at this time was highly unusual. “What’s wrong honey?”
“I think I’ve got my period. I wanted to just deal with it and go back to bed.” You sighed, eyes welling up a bit at the embarrassment of having to be rescued from the bathroom floor and the frustration of it having to deal with it when you weren’t due for another week.
She took you into her arms, and you let out a relieved shaky breath at her just smelling like Leah. The faint scent of her shampoo and soap helped greatly to ground you, but as she pulled away slightly you kept your eyes on the tile, shy under the weight of her worried gaze. Her nail tickled the underside of your chin as she prompted you to meet her eyes, yours still a bit misty. 
Taking her appearance in, you giggled wetly and wiped away the few tears that had escaped. Your girlfriend, for all of her beauty, had her fringe sticking up wildly at different angles- looking like she had been electrocuted. To her chagrin, this had upped your mood greatly, the confused look that graced her face at your uncontrollable laughter spurring on your giggles even further. Calming down, your lips stay upturned in what you’re sure is a horribly lovesick smile as you reach your hands up to tenderly brush her hair back into place with your fingers. Letting them fall to the side of her face, you can’t help yourself but to drag the blonde into a heartfelt kiss, leaving her to bracket your legs with her arms to avoid toppling over at your sudden enthusiasm. 
Pulling away, her face is left rosy at her realization of her previous appearance and at the tender act of affection so early in the morning-  breaking out in a matching dopey smile. Delicately removing herself from your intermingled bodies, she stands and holds her hands out to you. “All right giggly, how about you get cleaned up and we can still have some cuddle time?”
You nod as she delicately helps you to her feet, leading your hands behind her back and letting them go to wrap around you once again- fondly kissing the top of your head as you embrace. In a similar state of undress to you, her bare skin feels wonderful against yours and staves off the slight chill from the cold bathroom tile. Reluctant to break apart, she looks you up and down once again before kissing your cheek for good measure and leaving you. “Let me know if you need anything, okay? I’ll be in the kitchen.”
You snort at the thought of your girlfriend’s cooking abilities, and can hear her yell as she makes her way through your shared apartment. “I heard that!” 
Exiting the bathroom, you feel warm at the sight of the bed made, your favorite sweater of hers perched atop the endless blankets that are normally kicked off in favor of your lover’s body heat. Slipping it on and already missing the blonde, you’re happy to find her exactly where she promised.
“All set?” She's stood in front of the stove, and your hands snake around her middle, nodding your head from its resting place between her shoulder blades. Trying to glance at what she’s making from your position, you tiptoe to look over her shoulder but can’t quite get a glimpse. Finding that venture useless at her height and your unwillingness to detach from her to get a proper view, you nuzzle back into your previous position but miss the earlier feeling of her skin on yours. 
You’re suddenly very glad for the oversized nature of the sweater she slipped on, as you suddenly slide under the back of it, making her jump at your cold hands. Letting out a satisfied hum at her soft skin warming your forehead, you’re jostled at the way her laughs echo throughout her whole body. “Someone’s clingy today huh?”
You pinch her, making her jump, and your voice comes out muffled from under the fabric. “You promised me cuddles and are now depriving me of them. Don’t think you’re so funny.”
“Come on out grumpy, you have to eat first and then I promise you can get all the cuddles you want.” She coos at you, and you consider pinching her again for her condescending tone but leave the warm cocoon you had created anyways. She turns around, resting her hands on your hips and stunning you with her sly smile that gets her out of the trouble she always finds herself in. 
The content that spreads all the way through to your toes is broken when she abruptly places her hands much lower, on your thighs- and hoists you up against her before placing you gently on the counter. You yelp at the action, and smack her arm. “Leah! A little warning would be appreciated!” 
The cold bite of the countertop is quickly quelled by the heat emanating from the stove she’s sat you next to. You’re about to complain further before she shuts you up with a hand on your thigh, causing you to suddenly feel much warmer. She shoots you a smirk at the way your words die on your tongue, and you half-heartedly roll your eyes at her, not very convincing with the way your lips can’t help but curl up at the edges. “No more complaints from the missus I see!”
She smiles wider at your lack of response, beginning to rub circles into your skin with one hand, as she turns back to stirring with the other. You glance over at what she’s making and are pleasantly surprised at what looks to be a pretty good assortment for breakfast sandwiches. You soften at the sight of cut up avocado adorning your beat-up cutting board, the girl forever hating anything green but paying attention to your love. Your gaze drifts back to your girlfriend to find her staring intensely at the eggs she’s stirring around, clearly trying her hardest to not let them get too… crispy.
You admire her in the comfortable silence that’s instigated by her concentration, furrowing her brow while placing ingredients gently atop one another. Momentarily, your gaze is brought to her hands as she turns the stove off, moving to dexterously put everything into place. You Blame your heightened hormones for your momentary distraction, as if you aren’t always smitten for the other girl no matter what she does. 
Broken out of your daydreaming, she appears in front of you proudly, plate in each hand. You resist the urge to laugh at the way yours is teetering slightly, stacked with almost everything in the kitchen that she knows you enjoy. “Voila! A meal fit for a queen.”
Grateful for her work but also just wanting to be close to the girl, you peck her lips gratefully while stealing your own plate and traveling over to the dining table- her hand gripped tightly in yours. Standing next to her, she quirks a confused eyebrow at you as you prompt her to sit down first. As she does, you place your plate next to her, and promptly sit down right in her lap. 
She laughs, but is quick to steady your hips with her hands, maneuvering you onto one of her thighs so that she still has space to eat her own breakfast. “Well hello there beautiful lady! A hello would’ve been nice but I’m sure not complaining.”
“Well I guess when I see such a handsome woman I really just can’t help myself! You can’t blame me!” You punctuate your jest with a pout, moving to place a sweet kiss to her lips before turning to your food. She melts at the gesture, frozen in a stare at your preoccupied form. At the weight of her loving gaze, you once again pinch her, a lot softer than your earlier attack. Snapping out of her stupor, one of her hands reaches for her fork while the other creeps under your sweater- returning to soothing motions over your aching muscles.
Barely able to keep your hands off each other, you both finish your meals in record time, the plates abandoned as you drag her back to your bedroom. Needless to say, she more than fulfills her earlier promise, and for the rest of the day you only leave her arms when she insists on getting you medicine or water. Falling asleep after the fifth movie of the day, you’re sure that she’s the best medicine on the market.
a/n: happy leah day everyone!! this was a super sweet request i couldn't help but to write. they are still open!
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running-with-kn1ves · 5 months
Sleepy Afternoons
A/N: Teehee ngl I just wrote this as a period comfort fic indulgent for myself. I hope you nerds enjoy it as much as I liked writing it!
CW: AFAB reader on period, jokes of breeding, using a dragon as a heating pad, pretty much just fluff
Synopsis: A lazy Sunday, the perfect start to a week on your period where you'll be constantly pestered by your dragon boyfriend.
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A dragon’s hoard in times long before consisted of fine jewels and immense mounds of gold, shiny objects as far as the eye could see. Whether it was stuffed in the depths of a cave or deep in the forest, a hoard barred spikes and “DO NOT ENTER” warnings; whether they were legible or not was never up to the righteous dragon’s responsibility.
Adventurers and bandits never heeded these signs of caution, getting stuck in the narrow holes meant for dragons to shimmy through or meeting their demise through puzzles and endless booby traps-- such monsters were thorough in keeping their treasure safe. Any item that caught the creatures attention could be found in their rich reservoirs, even if they were mere wave-smoothened stones from a lake, an old lover, or a prettily decked-out concubine that was too tempting not to take. 
That however, was centuries ago. Dragons, like the rest of us, must conform to modern society, technology too powerful and people too abundant to go around flying and terrorizing just to get one’s hands on a pretty penny.
Your boyfriend, once a ravenous creature with a cave of glittering gems and fine craftsmanship-- that he may or may not have maimed many blacksmiths to steal-- now resided with you in too big of a bedroom. You had argued before buying the apartment; who would need this much space? But his hoarder tendencies clearly made up for the abundance in space. Gaming consoles, silvery granola bar wrappers, aluminum dollar store trinkets, books with glittery covers-- the floor was almost unseeable with his trash and treasure mixed together. He wasn’t necessarily dirty-- in fact every item had its own spot and preferred place, which is why it killed a piece of him any time you threw away something that should not be “decorating” your shared home. 
Though as you practically took care of both of you, it was hard to keep up being the caregiver in the relationship. Especially, on your period. Sunday, what a perfect day, to realize you had a whole work week ahead of mood swings and lower abdominal pain, all mixed with the gory massacre you’d face every time you went to the bathroom. Your cramps didn’t usually come in this early of a start, but it seemed like nothing was going quite right today.
“T’s wrong, darlin’?” Your draconic, crusty-eyed boyfriend mumbled into your back. “Somethin’ hurting…?”
He had been asleep since noon, ignoring the stream of yellow shining down on him from between the cracks of the blinds. But with those poor eyes and slightly above average listening skills, he completely ignored the sun and heard your groans of pain as you curled into a ball. The aching in your lower tummy was like hellfire, crisp burning and somersaults of your organs unlike any other pain than usual. Nothing was helping, no cold rags or medicine, it was like your infinite headache and body pains were destined to consume you. 
“C’mon baby answer me, I wanna help..” He pouted again.
“Just my stomach..” You downplayed, not sure if you could handle his frantic coddling if he realized you’re period started. The last time you made the mistake of doing so, you had pads stacked to the brim in your bathroom cabinets and tampons in your closets, the mass shoplifting endeavor of his creating even less space in your home. Well, atleast you were set for the next fifty-seven or so cycles.
 “I just need to rest n’ I’ll be fine, soon…” 
Another wave of pain came through, head ringing as soft nails raked up and down your sweating back. 
‘When will this be over,’ you wondered. 
Maybe that horrible breeding endeavor your boyfriend was always obsessed with was worth it if it meant you wouldn’t have to suffer through this for nine months. Yeah, just nine months of morning sickness and bloating and growing a whole dragon-human parasite inside of you. But hey… the making part wouldn’t be too bad, and atleast you would be crotch-pain free. 
Man, now the pain was really talking through you.
“Yer period, right?” Your dragon wonders, scratching the back of his head. He’s more awake now, and you wish he was still passed out grabbing onto you, even through the sticky sweat from his body heat. “I’m sorry baby…I know it hurts. What’you want me to do?”
“How’d you even know..” You groan, almost annoyed at how keen he is. Next thing you’d know he’d be shoving some pretty pawn shop jewelry for you to hold to distract you from the pain.
“I don’t think.. You want to know. And well there’s the obvious, I noticed you changed the bed covers.”
Oh lord, was he talking about that split tongue-nose smell-ability ‘dragon thing’ again? Could your embarassment get any worse?
“Does that mean you’ve… EVERY TIME? Every time you knew?”
He sheepishly fell into the new sheets of warmth, those dark eyebrows lifted in innocence.
“Sometimes before you knew, I think.”
Officially, you wish your boyfriend was asleep again. Maybe you’d just strangle him to end this mind-numbing conversation. 
“What can I do?” He repeated. “Get you more pads?” 
“No.” You shut him down as soon as the words left his mouth. 
“What then? A snack, more pillows? Now’s the time to be babied, you know. Unless you’d be okay with me coming to work with you--” 
You groaned, partly to shut him up and to vocalize the squeezing, contracting inside of you. 
His clawed fingers came to cradle your belly, right below your belly button on your pelvic muscle. He rubbed, just gently, back and forth with a slight pressure as your head buried into the sheets beneath you. 
“Just this.. is fine..” You murmur, feeling hot, humid breath exhale against your neck, emerald green slits baring into your twisted expression. He was watching you, the way your body reacted, the little signals of discomfort. 
You heard a slight flutter of his wings as they adjusted, his body fitting against yours like a puzzle piece; it was nice to be the small spoon again, rather than cradling your needy dragon lover like a cocoon as he so often desired. 
The dragon slowly pushed a leg between your bunched knees that stuck together, getting easier access to your tummy. His palm was so warm, as the torso flushed behind you kept a reassuring prresence. You almost turned on your back to get his palm farther against your stomach, the slight pressure and warm temperature soothing the ache in your lower back and groin. 
“You know… I could always breed ya, then you wouldn’t have to--” 
“Don’t try to convince me right now.” you spat, turning into him as his hand worked magic, the other brushing hair off of your neck and cheek. “That’s not an option, especially right now.”
“Well, at the very least I can make you feel good. Might ease up some of the pain, yeah?” He laid back down to lean in closer. 
You sighed; he clearly didn’t understand the discomfort and embarrassment that his oh-so keen intimacy would bring you right now. You loved the sentiment, and maybe you’d be up for it if you weren’t solely thinking about your physical misery, but you barely had the fortitude to look back toward him. 
Your dragon buried his flared nose into the top of your head, lined against you like a perfectly shaped heat blanket. 
“You wouldn’t even have to do anything.. I’ll do whatever makes ya feel better.” His other hand snakes beneath your hip against the bed mattress, pulling you back toward his body even closer, if possible. The warm, spiked fingers tapping alongside your pelvic bone made your skin spark, your lower stomach buzzing with numbed pain and a fullness that made you want to sleep for another week. “I don’t like seeing you like this.” He frowns. “Your face.. You look so, uncomfortable.”
“Wow, thanks.” You jab, feeling a heated tail slither up your knee, to your thigh. It almost flicked in apology. “Mm.. Just stay my heating pillow and I’ll be fine.” 
“I can do that.” The confidence in his voice worries you, knowing he’ll do an unnecessary load of more than you asked for. Your fetal position was gently yanked free, a pounced creature on your back as you’re forced onto your stomach. “I’ll be the best spiky heating pad you’ve ever seen.”
The strong, scaled forearms of your draconic spouse come to wrap around your hips, a burning touch ringing from his skin, worming his way beneath your comfortable pajama pants and shirt, skin on skin as his body temperature rises to accommodate your desires. His forearms seem to ripple against you, fingers tickling your sides as his legs trap against your thighs from above, most if not every length of his body pulsating against yours like a live, scaly cocoon intent on making you his personal plush, and he your sweet, warm monster. 
“Feel better baby…” He kissed at the nape of your neck, sandpapery forked tongue popping out to lick away your sweat. “It’ll be over soon.. I’ma make it all better.”
You leaned deeper into the stuffy mattress sheets, the pressure on your abdomen welcomly encouraged as you push as far as possible into his fiery hands.
“I’m betting on it.” You muffle into the pillows, squirming your hips against his his body, warm chest and carved quadriceps surrounding you. The slight pressure of his inner thighs against your hips was welcoming, his mounted position atop of you seemingly odd to an outsider-- but you didn’t care how weird it might’ve looked, as the calm of your gutted abdomen took over. 
You yawned into the side of the pillow as you turned your head, lifting your hips just a little to soak in the heat radiating from behind you. 
“Awe’d, so sleepy huh? Need a little nap?” the dragon behind you poked. 
Who knew a murderous, millenium-old dragon would be sweet-talking you so gently-- just a few centuries ago he was murdering travelers for stumbling just a few steps too close to his prized hoard. 
“But I just woke up.” You protest, upset at the sleepiness of the afternoon that was rubbing off from your draconic lover on you. “Got too much to do, can’t lay in bed all day..like you.” 
You groan into the pillow as a wave of cramps hit you, only slightly set ajar by the gentle massaging of the skin above your pelvic bone. 
“Hrmm.” Your boyfriend thinks, shoving his warmly snout against your neck. “I guess it’s unfortunate that I’m not going to be letting you go then. Not allowed to get up until you feel better.” 
You laugh, taking one of your dragon’s toasty hands to your chest to hold onto. 
“I’ll be here all week, then.”
It was here you felt the safest, the warmest, the most vulnerable and easily devourable-- well, thankfully dragon’s didn’t particularly have a taste for the flesh of humans. Shutting your eyes, you let the guttural ‘hrmm’s’ of your dragon lull you to thoughtlessness. 
“If that’s what it takes..” He presses a deep kiss close to your forehead, relishing in the sweet scent of your hair. The huffs from his nose tickle the back of your ears, such petrichor warmth and humidity so reminiscent of past lazy mornings. “You’re not going anywhere, my diamond.”
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
———————— ☠️
“Sergeant, you’ve been sitting there for the past 30 mins. Do you seriously think you have that much time to waste?”
Your Lieutenant Simon Riley’s voice was dead yet firm in its tone, being evident that he wasn’t very pleased at the moment.
Placing yourself in his shoes, you’d be upset too, there was a mission coming up and much preparation was still needed, from ‘everyone’ in the team.
Trying to swallow the heavy rock in your throat, you tried to put down the pain of your humiliation from earlier, and replied lowly,
“No sir, but I’m waiting for someone-“
“For 30 minutes? Don’t you think that after 5-10 minutes of waiting it’d be very clear that they’re not coming back for you.”
‘Oh.. but why would they do that? Their supposed to help me-‘
“Sergeant? I asked a question-“
“Yes sir, you’re right. I apologize for wasting time and being delusional.”
With a confident tone you had replied, which was the total opposite of what you were feeling. And though you apologized, you stayed glued to that damned seat, clenching your thighs and the gut wrecking pain that seared from your stomach to your legs- who would’ve thought that period pains would make you feel like you’ve been shot and stabbed?
You bit your lip nervously at the scolding that was to come in a few seconds as you hadn’t moved, and neither had your Lieutenant Ghost, meaning he was waiting for you to move your ass up from the metal chair.
And the longer the seconds passed, you grew more sick and worried, for Ghost wasn’t the most nicest to the newest ones in the team, he was actually very strict and took no excuses from anyone- including you.
Although you haven’t been on that side of him, but you’ve seen it and wouldn’t dare cross that bridge. So far you’ve been one of the best alongside Johnny Soap MacTavish, listening attentively and being the best shot on the job. But now you’re letting a natural cause hold you back, and in shame you couldn’t move or budge.
Not after you were mocked and belittled for it- and it wasn’t even your fault, but of course they all made you feel like it was.
A low gruff was heard above you, and Ghost’s large boots shifted on the ground before he practically barked,
“Well then move Sergeant!? What’d ya eat this morning that was to heavy for you to even get up eh?!”
And to put the cherry on top, when you’re in this abdominal pain, along with your daily sores from the job and stresses, you’re gonna get emotional and teary.
Especially when you knew it could’ve been solved a while ago when you had asked a teammate to help you out, but they had left you out to dry obviously, telling you to stay in that seat while they ran to your barracks to get new pants.
So now you kept your gaze on the ground, refusing to move a bit, not knowing how to explain or hold it all in, until you felt a strong grip on your arm as he lifted you up and spoke in a harsh tone,
“I’ll move you then-“
In panic you grabbed the collar of his vest and held onto the hand that grabbed you as you pleaded with desperate eyes,
“Lieutenant Riley please! Just- please.”
Your bottom lip now quivered a bit, and your eyes frantically searched his, hoping to find mercy in them so he could let you go, but he didn’t. He only locked his cold brown eyes on you, as he tried to read the situation.
That was Simon’s best tactic, he could read people like a book when he wanted to and wasn’t in a bad mood. And once he gave himself the chance to do so, he could clearly tell you were devastated and anguished, as your brows furrowed tightly and your eyes were growing glassy.
In regret at his actions, as he saw your state, Ghost immediately let you go and remembered Soap’s words,
‘Be more understanding of everyone’s situations, you may not always know why they are a certain way.’
He took a deep breath and pat your arm from where he had grasped you, not ignoring the fact how you flinched a bit and a fat tear was wiped away from your cheek by your shoulder. Simon was quick to mumble feeling guilty,
“I’m sorry Sergeant. Didn’t mean to be so harsh-“
“I bled through my pants pretty badly Lieutenant.”
He was ready to check you thinking it was probably an injury, but you instantly grabbed his jaw so he wouldn’t look, and quickly explained,
“It’s not an injury.”
You could see the way his eyes spoke confusion, as he questioned,
“Then what is it Sargeant?”
Your grip on his jaw loosened as you grew shy, realizing how close he was to you, and you grew more conscious of your state. As calmly as you could, you did your best to say the least but enough to understand.
“Please don’t let me say it... I’ve been humiliated enough.”
The gears in his poor head twisted and turned, as he tried to read in between in the lines of your words. He repeated your words in his head, and saw your state-
‘Oh.. OH.’
Ghost sucked in a deep breath and replied his thoughts,
“Oh. Sergeant- ok.. here.”
He quickly shrugged off his jacket, and like a carrying mother, he tied the sleeves around your waist, making sure it covered you were needed. He tapped your waist when he finished and ordered,
“Walk in front of me, let’s take you to your room.”
In a quiet voice you tried to reason, hoping he’d let you go on your own, as you were still a bit embarrassed.
“It’s a long walk Lieutenant- literally across the whole base-“
“Then we’ll go to my office, I have an extra pair of cargo’s.. they adjust to any size-“
He then held your cheek with his gloved palm as he assured you,
“I’m not letting you go on your own, I’ll help you.”
Nodding dumbly because of his sweet gesture, you agreed. And well, that settled it for you, he wasn’t letting you go on your own, so off you went.
Like a guardian angel his broad built covered your smaller form fully, and with a reassuring hand on your shoulder he guided you away to his office.
You felt small in front of his full build, but never insignificant as he treated you like a person, maybe he started off the wrong foot at times, but that’s who Simon Riley was.. he wasn’t used to being all nice and kind. But when he’d find out his mistake he’s pluck it out and make it right ten times more.
In the comfort of his little room, clearly showing he lived there as it smelled like his musky and citrus scent, and the decorations were to a bare minimum (it was actually just the little lamp and a few large bullet casings laid around in different places, like they were posing.
Oh and all the little gum wrapper things you made for him were all resting on his tiny window seal- anyways.. you were safe in his room.
He left you to change in peace after he made you stand in the pants for five more minutes- until you spilled the names of the soldiers that had humiliated you. You really didn’t want to cause them problems, especially with the Lieutenant himself who was stern and harsh.. but he made you understand that it was well deserved anyways.
Now you’re buckling up your fresh pants when you heard the door open and Ghost walk in, his head lowered as he began,
“You good Sergeant?”
Nodding to yourself you replied to him verbally,
“Yes Lieutenant.. thanks. They fit well.”
He took that as your signal of, ‘I’m decent you can look’ so he did, seeing his pants on you. Maybe they did look pretty big on you, but they fit, and were stainless.
Satisfaction with a hint of care in his eyes, he nodded with a soft grunt,
“Alright kid.. Oh and take these… they help with the.. the cramps?”
Smiling a bit at his shy voice coming out and at his attentiveness to what your body was going through, you replied,
“Yes.. the cramps.. thank you.”
“Hmm hmm.. now, be at the shooting range. I’ll be there in 5.”
Worry then crashed, wanting to hit you as you thought about the chance of seeing those soldiers again, but Ghost once again reassured you,
“Don’t worry Sergeant… I got your back. Go on to the range.”
Releasing a breath of relief you sent him a small smile then went, happy and confident to know you had your Lieutenant’s protection. Simon watched you walk away and he felt warmth in his chest, as he was able to provide help and be good to and for you.
Ghost hardly ever practiced shots or trained with you, afraid he’d hurt you or be too stern. But now he was afraid to leave you on your own, and be hurt by someone else. So he figured, you’d be safe and learn well from him, while he’d learn to keep his temper and tolerance in check, as he’d have you in sight.. a win is a win.
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farfromstrange · 2 months
Enduring | Matt Murdock x AFAB!Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x afab!Reader
Warnings: Angst, chronic (lower abdominal) pain, mentions of spotting (blood), self-loathing, allusions to Doctors Not Listening To Patients With A Uterus, health anxiety (warranted), non-sexual intimacy, hurt/comfort, self-indulgent, not proof-read
Summary: You’ve been experiencing chronic lower abdominal pain for years regardless of the point in your menstrual cycle. Some days, it’s worse than others, but when the first heatwave of the year hits New York City and you have another flare-up, your day takes a sudden turn for the worse. Thankfully, Matt is there to comfort you in any way he can.
WC: 3k
A/n: Even though I tagged my tag list, don't read if this could be triggering to you! So, I know pain is a very sensitive subject and everyone experiences it differently. I used my personal experience with pain and chasing a diagnosis to write this. That doesn’t mean it’s the only experience. Lower abdominal pain can have many causes, which is why advice from a medical professional is often necessary. That being said, I know how hard it can be to have been born into a female body and be treated like my pain is worth less for whatever reason just because I was born female. There is no shame in standing up for yourself in a man’s world that completely disregards women’s health. I had to learn it the hard way to the point it has taken a toll on my mental health, so I just needed to write a little comfort piece for my own peace of mind before my appointment on Monday. I wrote this for the sake of getting it out of my system, meaning it’s probably not perfect, but if you can relate to what I said in any way, feel free to read it and make up your own mind. (I will not be posting this on AO3 for now. I hope you can forgive me for that.)
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Matt always knows when something is wrong with you. 
Sometimes, he can smell it. Other times, it’s the way you taste when you kiss him or the sweat that clings to your skin, or when he goes down on you and your essence is slightly tangier than it was the day before. 
Matt knows when you’re ovulating because the changes in your hormones make him go crazier than he already is for you, and he is familiar with the metallic scent of blood when you’re on your period. He can tell when you start sweating more often, when your muscles tense up more than usual, or when you are slightly more emotional. He knows before you even do because he has to. 
You are miserable almost every day, really, but more often than not it happens around the time of your period. So, he pays close attention to the signs. When the painkillers stop working, or when you get more tired, or when you stop moving around as much. When you tell him you’re fine even though he can feel the muscles of your abdomen tensing under his touch when he hugs you. When he can tell you have been crying and he wasn’t there to help. He has to know because you need him. 
You’re not entirely dependent on him, of course; you have lived on your own before and while it was hell, you pushed through somehow. With him, you don’t have to be alone on the days you can’t get out of bed because the pain keeps you locked in a fetal position, or on the days you have to cower on the bathroom floor until you’re too weak to move. Matt has reached a point of knowing you where his four working senses don’t play much of a role in telling what kind of a day you’re having; he just knows. 
Tonight, he senses it when he comes through the door after work, finally escaping the raging heat from the streets that made him feel like he was dying on the commute home. He instantly loosens his tie to get some air into his lungs, feeble fingers working desperately to free himself, but it doesn’t take a second longer for him to realize something is wrong. It is nothing but a mere hunch—some kind of aura that emits from somewhere in the apartment that makes the hairs on his arms stand up. He calls your name, frantically searching for your heartbeat. Through the rattling of the fridge as it tries to keep up with the rising temperatures inside, he makes out the rapid drumming of your heart against your ribcage. If you’re not dizzy yet, he thinks, you soon will be. 
Upon hearing you huff from the kitchen floor, Matt doesn’t hesitate tossing his bag mindlessly into the nearest corner, followed by his keys before he makes his way to find you. He’s overheated, itchy, and sweating through his clothes, but not anywhere near as desperate as he is to get to you. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks.
Hearing the sound of his voice, you realize that what felt like five minutes must have been hours spent on the cool kitchen floor. You can’t even remember how you got there. The hours have blended into minutes, the tiles digging into your sweat-coated skin. You’re curled up in a ball, wearing nothing but one of Matt’s loosest shirts. You couldn’t stand the feeling of a waistband around your stomach, so you took your pants off, changing into the oldest pair of cotton underwear you could find. It’s all soaked by now, and part of you wonders if you did finally get your period or if your pores just decided to drench you for the fun of it. 
Everything hurts. Your muscles are tense, yet at the same time they are so incredibly weak, you don’t react when the front door opens. He’s worried, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. It is as though the pain has made you entirely apathetic, coiling in your lower stomach and spreading into your legs like a parasite. All you can do is succumb to it. 
Matt’s feet come into view. The purple cast of the billboard outside falls upon him, painting the shadow of a halo above his head. It’s ironic, really; the man you love as your knight in shining armor, a Catholic looking like an angel in artificial neon light. 
His gentle voice reaches for you, “What’re you doing on the floor?”
He doesn’t ask if you’re okay because he knows it is futile, but even that question you don’t know how to answer. What are you doing on the dirty kitchen floor?
You clear your throat, trying to sound nonchalant when you answer, “It’s too hot up there.”
He crouches down. “Just too hot?”
You sigh. “No.”
It was a good day until it wasn’t, and then you were in pain again and all the days you spent feeling a little more like yourself are suddenly gone with the wind. The tears wrap a noose around your neck for the second time today, your eyes burning with faint resistance. Every time you think it gets better, it gets worse again. And every time you try to pretend that maybe things are looking up for you and it isn’t as endless of a pit as you thought, the exact opposite proves itself. You’re tired; you’re in pain and you’re tired and you feel so silly for letting it dim the light Natt pointed out a few days ago that he had so deeply missed, but there is only so much hope you can have.  
This isn’t the first time he has found you like this, but it truly never gets easier. Hearing the strain in your voice, the quiver in your entire being as you try to catch your breath, telling yourself not to fucking cry. It never gets easier to know how much you beat yourself up for something that isn’t your fault. Because the doctors that were supposed to listen failed you, and now the road to relief is paved with bricks you can barely climb over. You are on your way now, finally, but the future is still not certain. In the end though, what kills him the most is that he can’t help you. 
Matt reaches out, his hand shaking as he aimlessly brushes his fingers over your forehead. “Cramps?” he says.
You nod weakly. 
“Since when?”
“I don’t know,” you confess, and that is when the glass overflows. 
With a click of his tongue, he wipes the first of your tears away. His brown eyes bore into your soul, completely bare in front of him. Your body is like a complex crafted melody only he knows how to decipher.  
The tears quickly form a barrier between you and the tiles. Matt tilts his head. The faintest hint of copper clings to your skin. “Did you get your period?” he asks. 
You shake your head. “Just… some spotting.”
“Explains the blood.”
He is way too nonchalant about it, you think. The way he accepts your version of normal even though you feel like a failure trapped in a body that refuses to work like it is supposed to.
“How’d you get here?” he asks again, his voice so soft you want nothing more than to hide your face from him and cry some more. 
He refuses to let you go, gripping your chin to the point it almost hurts. “I was trying to do the dishes and then–” a broken sob gets stuck in your throat. “It hurts and it’s hot, and I can’t breathe.”
He gently cradles your face in his hands. “I know,” he says like he can read your mind. And maybe he can.
Your chest heaves with every breath you take. “I couldn’t stand anymore, so I laid down. On the floor,” you tell him. “I just… I didn’t get anything done today.”
“Doesn’t matter.” 
“It does. I–”
He cuts you off, “No, sweetie, it doesn’t. I can wash the dishes, but I can’t replace you.”
His dedication hurts. You used to be called sensitive and not worth the drama, but with him, you count, and that hurts because you are barely hanging on by a fragile thread. You don’t know how to ever give back to him what he has given you. The countless nights you patched him up after he got his ass handed to him do not seem to matter much compared to what he does for you. 
He studies your erratic heartbeat for a moment. “You want a heating pad?” he offers. 
You physically cringe at the thought of a hot water bottle when the entire city could function as one, and you are quick to deny, “Too hot.”
Matt chuckles. “Yeah, I figured.” He brushes a damp strand of hair away from your face. “Have you taken anything yet? Advil? Naproxen?”
You growl. “You know none of the pills they gave me fucking work!” 
He doesn’t seem deterred by your tone. All he does is smile softly at you, fingers tracing invisible patterns on your skin.
“I know,” he says. “I’m just trying to help.”
“Well, nothing’s helping,” you retort. 
“That why you’re lying on the floor?” 
Another tear rolls down your cheek and past your cracked lips. “I told you. Nothing helps.”
Snapping at him for only trying to care may be petty of you, but there is nothing you loathe more than feeling so utterly helpless. 
Matt moves closer, your words pearling off of him like he is made of stone. He doesn’t even flinch. 
“Okay,” he murmurs. “Can I try something else?”
The voice in your head is screaming, what else is there to do? You are tired of trying everything and nothing ever working. Two more weeks until you will meet with a new doctor, but those two weeks might actually kill you. That’s what it feels like, anyway. 
He sighs, “C’mere.” Without another word from you, Matt slides his arms under your sticky frame and lifts you off the ground. His skin offers a stark contrast from the cold kitchen tiles, but he’s clean, and he smells like home. Not this place, not this city, but him. 
“Where are we going?” you ask.
“Bathroom,” is all he tells you. 
Your brain is too slow to even dare protest. He carries you to the bathroom, setting you down on unsteady legs. 
“May I?” he asks. You nod, but even as he pulls his shirt over your head, he doesn’t once let go of you. 
You close your eyes. The pain in your abdomen is dull yet searing. You try to focus on anything else, but just when you think it’s getting better, it breaks through again, burning through you like a wildfire on the blade of a hot knife. And that makes you sad. It makes you so sad and angry you don’t know what to do with yourself. You want to scream and cry and tear the apartment apart, but you’re exhausted and tired and you know that if this pain keeps rippling through you, you might fall apart. 
You hate when he sees you like this. When you’re falling apart and there’s nothing either of you can do, and you blame yourself even though there is nothing to blame yourself for. Matt knows that. You sometimes wonder if you are a burden to him and he just won’t tell you because he doesn’t know when to stop. To stop caring, to stop helping, to stop trying to change everything. But then again, he has always told you that loving you isn’t a burden. If you get lost in the what ifs, you might actually fall apart.    
“I’m gonna start a cool bath,” Matt murmurs next to you, snapping you out of your thoughts with his gentle baritone of a voice. “Just stay here.” 
You nod weakly, too exhausted to argue. The thought of immersing yourself in cool water, even for a few minutes, seems like a small mercy. 
Water starts to run in the distance. His belt hits the floor, followed by the fabric clinging to his skin. You’re afraid you might get dizzy if you open your eyes. Dizzy because of the pain. Dizzy because of him. 
The cabinet behind you rattles when he reaches for it. “Claire gave them to me, but you took these before,” he says, skillfully working on the cap of an orange capsule. “They’re a bit stronger than Advil.”
You don’t protest, you simply let him place one of the pills in the palm of your hand. He is right behind you with his hand on your waist when you take them, swallowing with a handful of water. There’s nothing sexual in the way he touches you, just a tenderness born from years of knowing each other’s bodies inside and out. 
Maybe that is why you could never be a burden to him; he has felt like one for most of his life, and the last thing he wants is for his love to feel the same way. And he needs you to remind him that he is everything to you, too, his hands never wavering when they find your skin. You’re his lifeline as much as he is yours.
The cold water hits the inside of the bathtub, pattering down like raindrops on a windowpane. Matt gently tugs you closer to him and guides you toward the tub. At first, when he lifts you in, the cool water is a shock to your overheated skin, but it doesn’t take long for you to welcome the change in temperature. 
He eases you between his legs once he is sat, your back against his chest, wrapping his arms around you. His hands come to rest on your lower stomach, close enough to allow you to pull your legs up to your chest. It’s the only position that doesn’t hurt. 
You remember nights spent crammed in the same position, not because of you but because of his nightmares. The roles were reversed then. When it’s too hot outside, he needs the world on fire to burn a little less bright. Today, you finally realize what he must feel like on days like these. 
“How’s that?” he asks, his breath warm against your ear.
You nod. “Better,” you whisper. Better isn’t perfect, but the pain is just dull now, and the gentle movement of his fingers against your sore muscles lulls you into a state where you can breathe. It’s not perfect, but it is as good as it gets. 
Your head falls back against his collarbone. “Thank you,” your voice is barely above a whisper when you tell him.
He shushes you, lips moving to your temple. The gesture is supposed to say, don’t thank me. But it feels wrong not to. 
You lift your head enough to look at him, finally, your eyes fluttering open to look back into his hazel orbs. “Matt…” 
“Yeah?” he breathes. 
“I don’t know what I would do without you,” you confess. It’s a truth you’ve grappled with, the stark realization that his presence has become indispensable. It is a burden, to be loved so fiercely, as much as it is an addiction. Because a life without him seems like a sheer impossibility you don’t ever want to face again. 
Matt holds his lips against your skin, smiling. “Good thing you never have to find out, hm?”
You chuckle weakly. “You sure about that?”
“What if you get sick of me?”
“Then I’ll be sick of you for a few hours,” he says, “and you’ll be sick of me ‘til we’re not.”
Your eyes roam his face for any indication that he might not be telling the truth. “That easy?” you ask. 
He nods, fingers coming up to find your lips. He touches them for a moment, exploring the soft skin there. Instead of kissing you though, he halts.
“What?” You frown. 
Matt shakes his head. “Nothing. Just… You’re gonna be okay,” his voice is barely above a whisper. “I’ll make sure of that.”
A whimper breaks from your chest. He believes it wholeheartedly, but it is incredibly hard to hear it out loud because you don’t believe it. You press your lips together, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill over again. “I just wish it didn’t have to be this way,” you whisper. “I wish I could be… normal.”
Again, he nods, fingers brushing over your cheek to catch a stray tear. “You are normal,” he insists softly. “Your pain doesn’t make you any less. And ‘cause I know how strong you are, I know you’re gonna be okay.”
“Even if I’ll be ill for the rest of my life? Even if I–”
“Of course,” he stops you. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out. I promise. Not ‘even if’ but regardless of whether it’s endometriosis or… or something else. Your pain is a part of you, but it’s not all of you. I love all of you.”
There is no stopping the avalanche of tears that is forced down the hill by his words. They hit you harder than an arrow to the heart. 
You crack under the weight of your emotions. “I love you,” you whisper. Those three words mean the world, but they feel inadequate to describe what you feel. 
“I know,” says Matt. “I love you too.”
The once open wounds of the blood you shed just to find him are nothing but scars now—scars you can learn how to live with once you accept that there is nothing wrong with you. Being a human being with an illness, both mentally and physically, doesn’t make you any less worthy of love. It doesn’t make you any less worthy of life. 
With Matt by your side, you are no longer alone in this. You have him, all of him, and that makes all the difference. 
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Matt Murdock (Angst) Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @itwasthereaminuteago @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @thychuvaluswife @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch @thatonegamefish @amberritonicole @pigeonmama @bohemianrhapsody86 @a-gir1-has-n0-name @winkev1 @callsign-ember @chittaphonstar @buckyyyismahhlife @trublu2u @xnatyx @zomtart @abucketofweird
Also tagging: @moncherriis
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dilfsfordinner · 8 months
a/n- this fucker is nasty, but my uterus is taking over my brain so idc
warnings- IF YOU DON’T LIKE BLOOD, DON’T READ, PLEASE, fem! bodied reader, period oral sex (fem! receiving), fingering, cramps and talk of periods in general
Since the torturous days of puberty, every year you had been suffering from the claws of your monthly blood week, your period somehow always finding a new way to piss you off, this time being the fact that you were getting pelted with an endless slew of pitchfork-esque cramps.
A warm bath didn’t help, sitting didn’t help, and somehow, sleeping didn’t either because the pinching twists in your uterus followed you into your dreams as well.
It didn’t matter that it was Saturday, if you couldn’t relax it wasn’t really the weekend. It didn’t help that the sky was gloomy either, clouds blocking the one thing that could possibly lighten your attitude. Toji didn’t seem to notice your very irritated mood, or the countless side-eyes you had been throwing at him since the beginning of the day, he just continued to prep breakfast, seemingly clueless to the war raging in your insides.
Groaning, you threw the heavy, down comforter off of your burning limbs, struggling to the kitchen in a very shaky fashion. You couldn’t even be mad at your man for not noticing, he was caught up in making food for the both of you, and you had to admit, it smelled wonderful.
You seemed to forget that his senses were unnaturally heightened, so dragging your feet and muttering under your breath did very little to conceal your presence, let alone your emotions. Making an effort to wrench the fridge open, you scanned for something sweet, preferably watermelon or something that wouldn’t make you feel like shit after eating, but to no avail, you were left with no fruit finds, a huff leaving you as you placed your hands on your hips, staring at the shelves as if you could make something just magically appear.
Warmth radiated from behind you, strong arms wrapping around your waist as Toji rested his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “What’s the matter, pretty,” he murmured, kissing the soft panel of skin beneath your jaw before turning his attention to rubbing soft circles on your waist.
A half-moan, half-sigh was pulled from you, his actions relaxing the tense muscles coiling inside of your lower half, cramps calming briefly at the deep massage his fingers delivered. “My period,” was all you managed to breathe out, trying to appreciate the short-lived relief he gave you, your limbs almost going lax in his hold.
Toji stiffened against your back, his muscles tightening in some protective, almost primal way. He wished he could take your pain, even for a second, because the sight of his love struggling to eat, walk, and even stand for a week of every month was torture in itself.
“Do you want to eat now?” he asked softly, continuing his massage just below your navel. You were actually excited to eat, excited to finally satisfy one kind of abdominal ache, that was until a sharp, stabbing sensation ripped along your lower, left side, most likely caused by the long fingers kneading the muscles there.
Gritting your teeth to prevent a cry, you pushed Toji’s hands away, shrugging out of his hold to stomp back to your bedroom, anger, as irrational and undeserved as it was, fizzling off of you and pointedly toward Toji. Yes, your period made you the “stereotypical”, hormone-crazed, emotional woman, but you had an excuse, you were cursed with some of the most inconvenient pains, which inevitably caused your attitude to turn, well, a little.. sassy.
Toji, however, knew exactly how to quell such sass, as bold as it might seem. So, carefully, he followed behind the angry breadcrumbs of muttered insults you purposely said aloud, to join you in the warmth of your bedroom. There, Toji watched as you plopped on the end of the bed, the action causing your arms to fold over your stomach in pain, curses spewing from you as his presence was accidentally, or maybe, intentionally ignored.
Gathering his courage to approach the beast groaning on the bed, Toji made himself known by pushing open the door, his footsteps light as he made his way over to your hunched figure. Your hands came up to cover your face, a sigh shaking your shoulders as a ticklish sensation enveloped your feet.
There, kneeling before you, was your very caring, very concerned husband, his large hands cradling your feet, the warmth of his palms even hotter than the fluffy, woolen socks that adorned your toes. He didn’t say anything, his face perfectly calm, peaceful in the warm light of the lamps you had placed around the room.
Green eyes came up to meet your hidden gaze, your fingers split just so to peek down at him. “Let me help you,” was all he said, voice hushed, his hands continuing their massage further up your legs, and even then, he never broke eye contact. “Please,” he whispered, those eyes of his so genuinely interested in pleasing you, taking care of you, you couldn’t help but trust him, letting your hands fall away to slowly nod at him.
Humming gratefully, his hands skated up your thighs to grasp the waistband of your pajama pants and undies, fingers teasing the delicate skin of your navel. “Lie back for me,” he murmured, hands still as he awaited your response. Apprehensively, you let yourself sink into the thick blankets beneath you, watching as he lifted your legs to slide your clothes and undergarments off.
“Wait, Toji, I’m-”
“I know,” he hushed you, kissing the inside of your knee before pulling his black sweater over his head, leaving him bare from the waist up. You thought he was trying to get something for himself, but no, he used the sweater for you, one hand lifting both of your legs up so that he could slide the knit material under your bottom. A.. towel of a sort?
Finally realizing what he planned to do, you snapped your thighs closed, huffing to sit up on your elbows, Toji looking up at you with amused eyebrows, his head tilted knowingly. “I’m bleeding,” was what you settled on, surely thinking that that was enough to steer him away from anything remotely sexual.
Toji just looked at you, his gaze not faltering, almost like he was challenging you for a better excuse, “And?”
“It’s gross!”
“No, it’s not. Besides, it’ll help you relax.”
Holding eye contact, he lowered himself to leave a kiss on your ankle, continuing up until his nose nuzzled the top of your thigh. “Trust me,” he whispered, his arms snaking underneath your thighs hesitantly, before he was tugging you to the edge of the bed, the crook of your knees fitting perfectly over the curve of his shoulders.
Biting the inside of your cheek, your eyebrows furrowed, debating letting him have his way with you, a checklist appearing in your head; One, he was clean so there really wasn’t the need to worry about infections or uti’s, especially because he had washed his hands a bunch while making breakfast. Two, he hadn’t eaten so his mouth was clean after recently having brushed. The third was where you really struggled. Did he really want to? Was he really not disgusted by the fact that you were currently leaking blood?
His low eyelids and eager kisses answered your questions enough, the doubts you had disappearing one by one, so with slow movements, you settled back onto the blankets, body relaxing in his hold.
Now, there was no word to describe how good it felt to have “relations” on any regular day, but on your period, it truly felt other worldly. The second Toji’s mouth left a kiss to the curve of your pubic bone, it was like your cramps took it as a sign to stop their infernal pounding, like even they knew what was to come.
Those kisses didn’t stop at the top, oh no, they continued to places much lower. There was a pause in his sweet ministrations before a gentle lick was being delivered up your slit, Toji’s tongue stopping at the top of your crease before he started to suckle the little bud there, your clit wasting no time sending electric bolts of pleasure up your spine.
He continued to suck and suck, circling his tongue, up and down, and side to side all while you shivered in his hold, chest rising and falling faster with the need to pull in air, your hand coming down to rest in his silky hair, inky strands slightly askew from the restless movements you used, your fingers raking through his locks.
It went on like that for what seemed like hours, his tongue pattern routine in your mind. You were so close to falling off the edge, all of your pleasure funneling to one spot in your core before you felt something nudge your entrance. Said “thing” was long and expertly trained on the subject of fingering, Toji’s middle finger pushing into your hole, a breathy sigh of his name leaving your lips.
With the added appendage, the sensations you were feeling increased tenfold, that familiar heartbeat throbbing in your cunt making your hips restless in his hold, Toji never relenting, continuing his strokes added with the plunge of his finger.
Looking down, he was certainly a sight to behold. His eyes were closed, eyebrows drawn together, cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his lips, his chin- they were red, smeared with a dripping, ruby substance. Humiliation burned throughout your body, your hands about to cover your face before a certain noise stopped you. He had groaned, you realized, and not only that, it had sounded desperate, throaty and utterly him. He really didn’t mind.
A second finger began to push into you, the cold band of his wedding ring entering the warmth of your cunt, two different types of liquids squelching from the curl of his fingers, trickling down the inside of his palm. The skin of your entrance was taut around his fingers with every plunge inside, a pink ring beginning to accumulate at the base of his knuckles, your white liquids mixing with blood to create an interesting mixture of telltale orgasmic signs.
His mouth was messy, tongue delving to tease your hole before licking back up to your clit, his fingers and lips sometimes trading places to stretch your sanity even thinner. You looked so pretty, your nipples peaked under the material of your shirt, your chest heaving, and your face, which was barely visible to him, was cast to the side, eyes closed and mouth open, panting his name and other mindless words he couldn’t focus on enough to decipher.
“Toji, I’m-” you couldn’t even finish your shaky sentence, Toji finding it in him to make sure you finished in the most overwhelming way possible, his strong arms curling around your thighs, anchoring you to his mouth to prevent you from running away.
With a brush against that spongey spot inside of you and a particularly deft suck to your clit, you came with a shudder, your thighs shaking and squeezing him, heart beating so fast it felt like blood was emptying into a hollow place in your head. Easing his fingers out of you, Toji slowly detached his mouth from your cunt, licking his lips, gazing fondly at your very lax limbs and panting chest.
A dip in the mattress told you that he had seated himself next to your spent form, your eyes too tired to actually open and see. The fingers of his clean hand stroked down your cheek- comforting and calm. “How do you feel?” he murmured, fingers continuing their strokes down the side of your face until you opened your eyes.
You hadn’t even realized until he’d brought it up, but the agonizing, devilish cramps you were pelted with before were now reduced to nothing but a dull ache, sharpness and nausea free from the chamber of your insides. “A lot.. better,” your last word was quiet, like you didn’t want to admit that he was right about the whole thing after all.
A teasing flick to your forehead hinted that he knew very well how right he was. “I told you,” Toji grinned, watching as you rolled your eyes playfully, using your jello-like arms to try and push yourself into a seated position.
Being right next to him, you noticed just how dirty you had gotten him. The bottom half of his face was stained red, pinkish lines from your liquids trailing down his jaw and down his neck. Holding a laugh, you gestured to his figure, “You need a wash.”
Moving past him, you bent to pick up your discarded clothing that had been thrown haphazardly in the moment. You should’ve known he was planning something because as soon as you grasped your pants, a slap was delivered to your bum, a gasp coming from your lips as your head whipped to face the culprit, Toji’s arms crossed, eyes looking suspiciously humorous.
Twisting to see what he’d done, the slap he’d delivered had left a handprint, two imprinted fingers stained red on your skin, your previously clean body now sullied by your own blood. Scowling up at him, you watched as he strolled to the bathroom, saying over his shoulder, “Now you do too.”
With a muttered curse, the balled up pants you had in hand somehow made their way soaring across the room to hit the black haired man right to the back of his head. There’s one thing that never changed- if your period wasn’t the one pissing you off, Toji certainly knew how to take up that position.
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
period comfort with damian priest?
i definitely needed this request
damian priest x reader
‼️mention of period cramps and blood
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waking up you felt immediately something was off. when you felt wet between your thighs and some lower abdominal pain, you connected the dots, realising your period started a few days earlier.
you scoffed, not wanting to wake up and leave the comfort of your bed but at the same time you couldn’t handle the pain and the acknowledgment of being dirty down there. luckily you didn’t get damian’s sheets dirty but your pajama pants were a dark shade of red, your panties as well.
damian was currently in the gym, finishing his workout and when he realised that it was past 10 am and you still didn’t greet him with a good morning kiss, he knew something was off too. he thought about two options, either way you were still sleeping in or you were sick. he didn’t really think that you were sick as last night you were okay so he imagined you wanted to sleep a little more.
he took his time to take a shower and prepare some breakfast for you. twenty minutes later he got into your shared bedroom only to find you gone.
from the noise that came out of the bathroom, he quickly guessed where you were but it was only when he saw your face in distress that realised something happened. he slowly laid your breakfast on the nightstand “are you okay amor?” he gently asked when he met your eyes.
“that time of the month…” was the only thing you said before coming back to bed with a clean pajamas.
he knew how painful it was for you that time of the month so he always tried his best to make it a more enjoyable for you, at least, he would try to ease the pain and make you feel better.
“why don’t you eat some breakfast i made for you while i prepare your medicine and your hot water bottle? how’s that sounds?” he smiled at you.
“okay princesa, here’s your pancakes and coffee, i’ll be right back” he kissed your cheeks before leaving the room only to return ten minutes later with painkillers and your fluffy hot water bottle “did you like your breakfast?” he smiled at you.
“i loved it…thank you” you genuinely smiled at him. he was the first boyfriend you had that had no problem being around you while you had your period. your ex always said you were “too moody” or “being too dramatic” so you always suffered in silence but with damian was different.
he’s been supporting since the beginning, always making sure you weren’t in too much pain. but sometimes it wasn’t just the pain making you feel uncomfortable. it was everything else. the greasy hair, the dry skin, your lack of sleep, mood swings, you going from being cold to being hot in just a few minutes. damian learned to deal with your pain as well. learning the difference from when you were just in pain or when your whole body, emotional and physical, was in pain.
“take some pills, they will ease the pain a little bit, you can keep resting if you want” he smiled, sitting on the bed next to you.
“thanks…” you accepted the pills and threw it down without fear “i’m not tired tho…maybe we can cuddle a little and watch a movie?”
“that sounds perfect, do you need me to open the window a little?” he asked, seeing the way you were violently kicking the blankets away.
“please do…i feel burning” you chuckled making him laugh.
it was actually a pretty cold day outside. damian usually didn’t care about the weather, even if it was cold, he could handle it. you, on other hand, couldn’t stand being in hot places and cold temperatures as well so seeing you so desperate for cold air made him smile a little “here you go…tell me if it gets to cold okay?”
“i will, i promise, now come to bed i wanna cuddle with you”
“okay okay i’m coming” he chuckled “here’s your hot water bottle, this should help with the cramps”
“it usually helps…thank you so much for everything dam, i appreciate it so much…i love you” you said snuggling into his chest while positioning your hot water bottle over your lower belly.
“you don’t have to thank me mi amor, i love taking care of you” he genuinely said making you smile.
you didn’t how you found someone like him but you did and you felt like you were the luckiest person in the whole entire universe.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Period Simulator
"TWST guys try a period simulator" request from @stygianoir
Summary: Vil/Malleus/Idia/Crowley/Crewel/Rook x gn!reader
CW:mentions of blood in Malleus' part, mentions of periods, but no mention of reader's gender. Has reader had a period, or do they just want to torture their boyfriend? That's up to you 😊
Part Two Part Three Part Four
"I got something at Sam's shop yesterday," you said as you entered your boyfriend's room. "He literally has everything!" You pulled out a machine from your bag. "It's a period simulator," you gave your best sad puppy eyes, "would you be willing to try it for me?"
Well…he could never deny you anything.
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If it weren't for the sweat on his brow, you'd never know anything was different. You find yourself impressed by his ability to keep a calm facade up when he's in pain, but it does make you question how often he's in pain if it's this easy for him to get by.
He only cracks when you return to your room at the end of the day.
"Get this damned contraption off me!"
You've never heard Vil snap like that before, and the glare he gives you when you giggle is absolutely priceless. 
He makes you give him a lower back massage in the spot where the nodes were sitting. He won't let you stop until you're thoroughly worn out and ready to apologize for putting him through that.
Don't even bring up a labor simulator even as a joke. He might kill you.
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His posture is atrocious, so the back pain is something he's used to. He acts all high and mighty until you turn up the nodes on his abdominals.
Immediately cries. Begins begging you to take them off. Starts offering you the royalties to every single invention he's ever made, if you just have mercy on him.
Ortho is very helpful in reminding him this is his own fault.
"'Period simulator? Psh, that's gonna be the easiest side quest ever. Even a noob could pull that off.' should I continue playing the audio?" God, you love that little robot.
Mans has only ever met people who were dead who experienced periods, so his ignorance is staggering. This definitely has opened his eyes to.
"Y/N, you know I love you more than anything right? Can you please save your boyfriend from the big bad machine?" He's looking at you with the prettiest pout and saddest eyes.
Maybe you should let him suffer a little more.
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Takes it off immediately. It never comes up again.
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Rook wants to go all the way with the roleplay. He agrees to use the period simulator if you bring him chocolate, and snuggle with him while you watch his favorite movie. Which isn't the point of the exercise, but he's so excited to "Experience this beautiful aspect of life that [he] could hardly fathom without your gentle guidance." So you kind of just give in.
Like Vil, you wouldn't know he's in pain. Unlike Vil, the way you know is that he's somehow even more affectionate and clingy than usual. Like how? How is it even possible?
Normally, when you snuggle, he's wrapping you in his arms so that he feels like he can protect you, (From what? Who have you killed?!) But today he wants your arms as tight around him as possible, like he's grounding himself.
Unlike Vil, he wants to try labor simulator. You take off the period simulator, and he pulls one out of his backpack, cause he's a weirdo. (I love you boo, but seriously, when did you buy that?)
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The machine just blows up when you try to put it on him. He's more disappointed than you are, he was very curious about this human phenomena. You get access to two more, and both of them explode as well. Eventually, he finds a spell that just gives him the symptoms instead.
Unlike the machine….the spell does all of it. Cramps, blood, back pain, hormones; your boyfriend is a mess.
Tries to go about his day normally, but you get paged to his class halfway through, and find your sad fae man sobbing over his desk. Everyone around him is panicking, cause why the hell is the Malleus Draconia sobbing in magical history class?
When he notices your arrival, he poofs over to you, and teleports to a tower in the Valley of Thorns, with no doors or windows, and begs you to comfort him until the spell wears off in a few hours.
The way you care for Malleus actually earns you some Sebek points. He's much more accepting of your relationship after this. (Just don't tell him it was your idea, he doesn't know yet)
Malleus repays every kindness tenfold, no matter how trivial you think it is, so after this, he is buying you presents and food, and nuzzling his face against you like a cat whenever you two are together, no matter where you are. 10/10 recovery from our squishy boy.
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Same vein as Vil and Rook. But unlike them, there are no tells that he is in pain. 
Halfway through the day, you ask him if it's even on. He confirms it is, and you're just left in shock at how tough your man is. (Like we all know, but come on! Give me something!)
Your only tell, if it even counts as a tell, is that when you pull away to go to your next class, he holds on for a second longer than usual.
At the end of the day, still doubting it was working, you put it on yourself, and quickly rip it off.
It's working.
He laughs, and cradles you close to his chest, assuring you that yes, he was in pain, but there's nothing he wouldn't push through for his best pup.
Why is he taking care of you? Seriously, he's perfect. You only wore that thing for a second, but damn, you'd think you were the one who wore it all day.
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seafumes · 7 months
Cramping 🙁
synopsis: itto helping you deal w/ ur cramps
genre: fluff
cw: writing this while cramping so very self indulgent, implied fem reader, no specified pronouns, period cramps but can be seen as just abdominal cramping, itto being the dumb bf he is
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As inexperienced as he is, he knows a bit about the topic, with the help of Shinobu of course.
He tries to do everything to help you, which leads him to fussing over you 24/7. (not this time tho! he's a little tame in this one)
Golden retriever bf 4ever, he just wants to make sure his fav person is okay 🙁
you writhe in bed, twisting and turning, just trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.
but you can't.
and who's to blame? your cramps.
you sigh, eventually finding yourself in fetal position, accidentally kicking the blanket off you and your boyfriend who's snoring away beside you, unaware of your pain.
well, the boyfriend you thought was unaware.
in such a quick motion he rolls over facing you and calls out to you, nearly causing you to jump out of your own skin; and temporarily taking your mind away from the pain.
"[name].." he says, still quite drowsy from just waking up.
"you kicked the blankets off, somethin' wrong?" he questions, yawning and stretching as he sat up to look at you better.
you mutter something along the lines of "i'm fine," turning your gaze away from him.
he could see you weren't though, looking intensely at the way your hands rubbed at your stomach, seemingly trying to alleviate the pain.
"is it.. um.." he didn't know how to bring it up, but with his eyes drifting off to the side, and a hand scratching the back of his neck, you could already tell what he was trying to ask.
you smile at this, chuckling lightly before another wave of cramps come in. this one being slightly worse than before. you grimace in pain, but you nod at his question.
he thinks for a second, an idea popping into his head.
his body moves before you can even register what he's doing,
he takes your slightly smaller form and wraps his arms around you, you back leaning into his muscular chest.
he was surprisingly warm, it was nice, and comforting.
"i..i think heat helps with this..?" he states quietly, his voice wavering as he places his hands on your stomach to replace yours. (poor thing just wants to make sure he's doing it right🙁💞)
you relax into his embrace, your eyes finally closing without worrying about too much pain.
even though his hands don't take away all of the pain, it's enough for you to get back to sleep, and you're more than thankful for that.
you'll have to remind yourself to thank him properly once you wake up.
an: i haven't written in a while, hi!!! new writing style so i hope y'all like it! 'm currently rotting in my bed cuz of my cramps so i decided to write, again, hope u enjoyed 💞
reblogs r appreciated as always!💞
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esmedelacroix · 8 months
3 days til' Christmas
in which husband!miguel o'hara helps you through abdominal pains in your pregnancy⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
4 days til' christmas ← previous part
When they first started you panicked a bit. After having a phone call with your doctor you were able to calm down. That morning you had woken up with the usual vomiting but you also had cramps and you were spotting.
Your doctor reassured you, letting you know that it was completely normal to be spotting during pregnancy and there was nothing to worry about.
'If anything abnormal happens, you should definitely come to the hospital though,' Miguel thought it was your period finally coming back. You were glad you shook him off your tail because he was starting to suspect something was wrong.
That relief didn't help that it felt like something was stabbing you in the abdomen. The fact that you felt that pain while you were growing a human in there made you even more upset.
Miguel was in the kitchen making you some tea and getting you Advil to have with your water. You curled up in a fetal position, teeth digging into your plump bottom lip, fighting away the tears that stung your eyes.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop your tears from spilling. Just then Miguel walked in with your medicine, tea, and something for you to eat. "Did I keep you waiting?" Miguel asked as he sat next to you and helped you sit up against your bed frame.
He wiped your tears as he watched you take your medicine and slowly drink the tea he had prepared. Miguel always hated to see you in such pain during your period. He didn't like it when you cried. He didn't want you to feel distressed ever.
So he did what he could and he ran his hands through your hair in the way you liked. Your head was nuzzled into his chest, his heartbeat helping slow down your thoughts. Miguel was your safe space. He was your shelter from the storm of all your spiraling emotions.
"I love you," you mumbled into him.
"I love you more," he answered, planting a kiss on your temple. If his furnace of a body wasn't warming you up, the blood rushing to your cheeks from how soft and gentle Miguel was with you.
The two of you agreed on having yet another lazy day together. It broke Miguel's heart when you winced in pain occasionally holding onto him tighter when you felt sudden shocks of pain.
He couldn't do anything but rub your back and caress your stomach until it was time for your next dose and you could feel better again.
He knew that a lot of the time when you were experiencing cramps you played music or did something to distract yourself so he decided to put on one of your favorite comfort shows.
He didn't understand your deep emotional connection to a one-season animated show with only 10 episodes until he watched it with you and understood. Not only was the plot amazing, and the show hilarious, but it was also action-packed.
It also satisfied his urge to constantly match-make and gossip about things that are just not his business. You hated to enable this side of him but it was so silly to see him geek about things.
You enjoyed seeing Miguel talk about things that he was passionate about. It made his eyes light up in ways they never had before you truly got to know him. He loved when you asked him questions about his job and the specific sciences he studied all the time. He loved to teach you about the things that interested him so much that he dedicated his life to discovering different multiverses.
Most of all you loved it when Miguel came home to you. because every time he left to run the Spider Society there was a chance he wouldn't come back. You hated to see him all tattered up from a fight. But you loved to help him clean up. You loved being gentle with him when he was being treated the opposite way the whole day. You loved making him feel safe and the relieved look on his face the moment he saw you.
There was not a single period when you felt like you would be able to make it past the cramping stage until now. The overwhelming feeling of love and affection for Miguel overpowered the feelings of lain. Miguel was the father of your child and you couldn't have wanted anyone else to be that.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve Eve and Miguel is taking me out on a date. Just have to get through two more days, then I can surprise him. You thought to yourself as you snuggled into Miguel and allowed his own snores to carry you to slumberland.
. . .
next part → 2 days til' Christmas
taglist: @aripet22@to-the-endoftheline
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bearbirth · 10 months
If I just ignore it, it will go away
I hadn’t seemed pregnant. It must have been one of those cryptic pregnancy things… I hadn’t had any bump, or not a large one. I thought I had just gained some weight. Who knew a one night stand would lead to something like this. But I didn’t know. I went to my job as a school teacher like normal that day. I had been having some abdominal pain but I had attributed it to my period or something other than a looming due date. The pains had been getting worse and worse as the day progressed.
By the 3rd period, I was groaning softly. I had gone to the bathroom half an hour before thinking I had peed myself. Darn bladder issues. I’d been having more and more of these accidents lately. Little did I know it had been my water breaking. Soon enough the pressure intensified. I’m leaning on my desk, panting softly as I try to ignore it to teach my class. I’m shifting back and forth, just trying to get though the period.
“Hooo…. Hooo… and so- hooooooo…”
My class seemed to notice something was up. The head was coming through my cervix. I had started to push. It was so painful. I just wanted to scream. But instead I told everyone to start their readings prematurely. I sit down, spreading my legs under the desk. I push hard, despite the urge in the back of my brain not to. What if I was about to push out an organ! It hurt enough to be that and I felt like I needed to poop something out.
“nnhh… oh god please… I can’t afford to go to the hospital.”
I mumble under my breath between pushes. Another half hour goes by and now it’s too much. The head starts to spread me open and I stand up shakily.
“Oh…! OH GOD!!! Oh god IT HURRRRTS!!” I scream.
my students look up fearfully as I lean over my desk and push. The head is bulging under my my skin. I scream in pain as it begins to form a tear drop shape. “NO NO PLEEEEASEE AAAAHHH!! NNNGHHHHH NNNNHHHH!!”
I grip the desk hard. I’m shrieking as the head crowns. My hips and legs shake as the burning pain intensifies to an ungodly level. Suddenly with a gush and a push, the head comes out between my legs. Finally the pain stops and I sit down.
“S-Sorry class. Continue your reading… Mmghh…”
I reach down and cup the head. Now I would just have to keep the body until the school day ended.
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miss-multi45 · 4 months
Sleep Token x GN/FEM!Reader
random Sleep Token thing. IDK I thought of this late last night and would've wrote it but my period had me bawling my eyes out. This it about the reader being on their period.
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It was a usual rainy and misty day at the Manor, and all the windows were closed to keep the cold from interfering with the comforting warmth of the large estate.
All except one.
Yours was wide open, the rain pelting against the outside walls was pretty much the only thing distracting you from these godforsaken cramps. And it didn't help that the hot water bottle you had made yourself was on its last legs of being hot against your lower stomach.
Eventually, you gave in and decided to just nod off, you knew it would be hard but it was the only thing you actually wanted to do.
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After around an hour of you in a deep state of sleep, the cold winds coming from your room caught the attention of the vessels.
"Why is it still so cold? Didn't you close all the doors and windows?" IV spoke, directing his question towards III.
"Yeah, I could've missed one, though." III replied, getting up out of his seat on the plush sofa.
"Oh, I know which one you missed." Vessel butted into the conversation. "Y/N's. They haven't come out of their room since yesterday afternoon."
That puzzled III, since when did you ever leave your windows open? "They wouldn't have done it themselves?"
"Well, maybe they're sick." II caught onto the discussion, but it was worrying why you hadn't left your room in nearly a day.
"I'll go close their window. If they haven't found it by now, they're probably asleep." Vessel sighed as he got up, trudging up the hardwood stairs as II trailed along behind him on the short journey to your room.
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You didn't hear the door open, because of course you didn't. And you didn't hear the two vessels talking quietly so you wouldn't wake up.
"Yep. Window's open." Vessel confirmed, II shuddering at the deathly cold room.
"Are they okay? They're just a lump under the duvet." The shorter vessel tiptoed over to your covered up sleeping form, bending over and resting his head on your thigh.
He was about to excavate you from under the thick blanket when he felt something squishy from underneath the duvet. Pulling it out, he revealed a barely lukewarm hot water bottle with a black and blue knitted heat protection cover.
Vessel had already closed the cold window when he turned around and saw II holding a hot water bottle. "Is it still warm?"
II cradled it in his hands, lifting up the wool neck of the cover to determine the temperature of the water inside. "Not even room temperature anymore."
Vessel nodded, as if he knew why you hadn't left your room. "I'll go refill it." II however, was still confused as to why you hadn't left this room.
"Ok..but why haven't they come downstairs?" He left your room with Vessel in front of him, handing the taller creature the hot water bottle.
"Period. It takes a painful toll on the bodies of those who get them." Vessel answered, being the most knowledgeable on this subject after the three Vesselettes.
"Oh." II said, the word spoken in a sudden realisation tone.
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When you woke up, the window was closed and your cramps were diabolical. Your hand shot down to your outside abdominal cavity and you felt no sign of your hot water bottle.
However, you did hear your door open behind you. And you definitely heard footsteps coming towards your bed.
You knew it was a vessel, you just didn't know which one it was. The mystery vessel lifted up the duvet just enough to slide a freshly heated hot water bottle against you lower stomach.
And when they pulled their hand out from under the blanket, you felt them gently rub your body from on top of the duvet. You let out a quiet hum of tiredness and gratitude, which made the vessel chuckle in return.
"You're doing brilliantly, love." Vessel whispered a few inches away from your ear, before walking towards the door and closing it behind him as he left you in your tired state, allowing you to sleep once again.
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enjoy my fellow period havers.
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smokeweedeattherich · 6 months
I figured it's time I talk about my surgical transition experience. There's plenty of false narratives out there and I want to counter what I can with truth and personal experience.
The first procedure I received this year in late January was a transvaginal ovarian-hysterectomy. That means they cut out my uterus and ovaries (and the connecting fallopian tubes) without making any abdominal incisions (removed through the vagina). I'd had a consultation with the surgeon performing the operation a few months prior where we discussed any concerns and went over potential side effects as well as specifying I wanted my ovaries removed as well. When the day of the procedure came I went to the hospital, the nurses were really kind and I got to see the surgeon again one last time for any last minute concerns before I went into the surgical suite.
Waking up post surgery I was elated to learn the surgery had gone super smoothly, the surgeon said I'd lost less than a teaspoon of blood. I stayed in hospital for the remainder of the day and ended up going home around 9pm. They'd given me a pain meds prescription, and that kept things during recovery at a quiet 2-3 on the pain scale. Most of what I felt was a general soreness in the area, it was a lot like the sensation of period cramps. It took only 3 weeks before I felt pretty much 100% I still wasn't fully healed but by then there wasn't any pain, even slight.
Now I'm just nearing the end of my 2 month full recovery time and I'm clear to have penetrative sex. The worst part of the recovery I'd say was the basically instant menopause I had to go through for a while. The hot flashes were the worst, get a fan for yourself if you're planning on getting this procedure.
The end of February is when I got my second procedure, a double masectomy aka top surgery. Normally transition surgeries wouldn't be so close together in timeline but I had school starting in May but I couldn't emotionally afford to wait until the semester is over to get the surgery done. Additionally, political circumstances also lead to me making the decision to push up the date of my surgery, I was terrified that if I was to wait another year that it might be illegal by then.
Similar to the first operation, I'd had a consultation appointment several months prior that addressed any questions and concerns to help me decide if the procedure was right for me. I was way less nervous this time around because I'd already been through one surgery and had a better idea of what to expect in terms of pain and recovery.
The experience of check-in and preparation for the second surgery was pretty much the same as the first with one exception, I decided to forego the nipple grafts last minute (and I don't regret the decision. less risk of complication/infection, I wouldn't likely retain sensation, getting nipple tattoos instead gives me direct control over size and shape) so I had to meet with the surgeon beforehand the day of. My direct input was accommodated and my questions answered the day of, it was awesome.
I went under anesthesia feeling a sense of peace that I'd wake up feeling more like myself than I had since before puberty. I'm a month recovered now and I'm just so pleased with the results! The pain was so worth it!
Feel free to ask respectful questions about my experiences.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hi there! I love your headcanons and I was wondering if I could make a personal request. Let me know if this is a no-go.
I have PMDD, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, basically PMS [premenstrual syndrome] but 20x worse. It usually resolves upon the onset of the crimson wave. But not all the time.
I have been struggling really badly with the deep depression, insomnia, and self-image issues brought on by my disorder.
Do you think we can see how the Batch handles their fem reader S/O struggling with this disorder specifically? And maybe, if it's not too much, a part 2 with some of our favorite regs?
Thank you so much!
Aloha my dear!
Oh, this is a heavy hitter, I know where you are coming from. So many people out there have no idea how freaking much this can affect someone's life. PMS is already a hard thing to deal with, but PMDD brings it to yet another really shitty level. Don't worry, I got you 😊
The Bad Batch x Afab!Reader HCs - Struggling With PMDD
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Warnings: Mention of PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and its symptoms /Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
AC: I'm using Techs Part first to introduce PMDD and its symptoms to those who might not know what it is. So don't be surprised about Tech's Part being longer than the others, there is a lot of information in there. So please read Tech's part, to understand what this is all about 😊
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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The first experiences he has with you in this context are frightening for him. Apart from the fact that you suddenly seem like a completely different person to him, he is really worried about you. But Tech wouldn't be Tech if he didn't get to the bottom of this.
It takes him a little while to find the right material.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a much more severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It may affect women of childbearing age. It’s a severe and chronic medical condition that needs attention and treatment. Lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines can help manage symptoms.
The exact cause of PMDD is not known. It may be an abnormal reaction to normal hormone changes that happen with each menstrual cycle. The hormone changes can cause a serotonin deficiency. Serotonin is a substance found naturally in the brain and intestines that narrows blood vessels and can affect mood and cause physical symptoms.
What are the risk factors for PMDD?
While any woman can develop PMDD, the following may be at increased risk:
Women with a family history of PMS or PMDD  
Women with a personal or family history of depression, postpartum depression, or other mood disorders
Other possible risk factors include lower education and cigarette smoking
Talk with your healthcare provider for more information.
"Healthcare provider?" he mumbles softly between reading, "As if any of us have such a thing"
Symptoms of PMDD appear during the week before menstruation and end within a few days after your period starts. These symptoms disrupt daily living tasks. Symptoms of PMDD are so severe that women have trouble functioning at home, at work, and in relationships during this time. This is markedly different than other times during the month.
There is a chart with symptoms and he worriedly starts to read it.
The following are the most common symptoms of PMDD:
Psychological symptoms
Lack of control
Difficulty in concentrating
Severe fatigue
Poor self-image
Emotional sensitivity
Crying spells
Trouble sleeping
Fluid retention
Swelling of the ankles, hands, and feet
Periodic weight gain
Diminished urine output
Breast fullness and pain
Respiratory problems
Eye complaints
Vision changes
Eye infection
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Abdominal cramps
Pelvic heaviness or pressure
Skin problems
Skin inflammation with itching
Aggravation of other skin disorders, including cold sores
Neurologic and vascular symptoms
Numbness, prickling, tingling, or heightened sensitivity of arms and/or legs
Easy bruising
Heart palpitations
Muscle spasms
Decreased coordination
Painful menstruation
Diminished sex drive
Appetite changes
Food cravings
Hot flashes
His brows are drawn together critically. With a heavy sigh, he says quietly to himself, "Oh boy…"
Tech makes it his business to see that you are examined by a proper doctor, given appropriate medication, and change your diet. He sometimes seems stern and matter-of-fact, but only when he notices you neglecting yourself. Tech also pampers you to counteract the psychological symptoms, with picnics, massages and the like.
Don't worry too much, Tech's got your back. He won't give up on you.
His senses already tell him what connections exist with your condition. But of course he is not a doctor and therefore informs himself accordingly without your knowledge, Tech helps him. What he learns frightens him, Hunter is really worried, and he makes it his mission to make this time, these symptoms, easier for you. Apart from making sure you always have the medication you need at hand, he is also much more attentive and caring than usual during this time.
You can let yourself go and not have to worry about anything, Hunter takes everything in hand and has it under control. He is especially gentle and forgiving with you during this time. You mean a lot to him, and he does his absolute best to help you.
He doesn't argue with you when you get your moods, if you want to be alone he respects that, but keeps an eye on you from a safe distance, just in case.
This sweet man really throws himself into the task of helping you. Whether it's getting your medications, preparing food, massages, and running relaxing baths, Echo has it all covered.
With him by your side, you will want for nothing during this difficult time. He is also not easily scared away, he is as patient as he is stubborn. You don't have to go to the doctor alone, Echo will accompany you.
He organizes your medication, your diet and everything else you need, if you want. If you don't, you must tell him clearly, because Echo will automatically see his task in taking care of everything.
He is warm, and lively. Contrary to the expectations of most, he is also very sensitive and attentive. Of course, he does not miss the fact that something is wrong with you. Of course, he is worried and wants to help.
Talk to him honestly, try not to withdraw, and you will have a steadfast supporter and caretaker in Wrecker. He likes to spoil you, make sure you are taken care of and have your medication.
Wrecker is happy to adapt to you, you just need to communicate with him and let him know what you need. Taking care of you is very easy for him, he likes to do that. Knowing that he can make things easier for you is also good for him in this situation. So confide in him, there is absolutely no reason to pretend in front of him.
He is a bit more complicated at first. Of course, you are incredibly important to him, and he also has a certain empathy, but he often stands in his own way when it comes to emotional, interpersonal things.
At first, he can't really deal with it at all and is looking for some distance at this time. But in a small conversation between brothers, in which Hunter makes it clear to him that his behavior sooner or later can seriously damage your relationship, Crosshair first informs himself more precisely about the existing problem. Finally, he approaches you with the knowledge he has gathered and tries to discuss with you what you can do together as a couple, what he can do as your partner to make the whole thing easier for you.
You talk about medications, doctor visits, relaxation techniques, and home remedies to combat some symptoms. It doesn't take long for the two of you to work out a certain routine that you can both manage and that he can use to help you get through this time okay.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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thaisibir · 3 months
SEES members react to period pain simulator
(Go here for "Phantom Thieves react to period pain simulator")
Makoto: sits through every level from 1 to 10 with a straight "I don't care" face, but silently hopes that Mitsuru won't get any ideas to use it for some execution
Kotone: keeps saying it's fine and smiles through the pain, even when she's crying inside by level 8
Yukari: giggles hysterically even up to level 10 because she finds it ticklish, almost falls off the dorm sofa from rolling around on it so much
Junpei: thinks it can't be any worse than a kick to the balls, promptly proven wrong when he starts bawling and begs to stop it at level 4
Mitsuru: reacts to every level with hand to her chin and a thoughtful pensive "hmm," comes away inspired by many creative ideas to use it for some execution
Akihiko: treats it like taking punches to the gut in a boxing match, makes it to level 10 looking strained and sweating, asks where he can buy the simulator so he can use it for his core strengthening regimen
Fuuka: blessed with baseline level 0-1 cramps, makes it to level 6, expresses much sympathy for girls who have to deal with high level cramps
Ken: tolerates up to level 5 before he can't put up a brave face anymore and bails, in utter disbelief when told that periods can hit girls as early as his age
Koromaru: reaction not known or recorded, no one has the heart to stick on the pads and put him through fake pain
Aigis: lacks pain receptors to process real pain, but through connecting the pads to her circuitry she gets the closest approximation to it, concludes that menstrual cramps are indeed an unpleasant aspect of the female experience
Shinjiro: had a Shadow-inflicted abdominal wound from his middle school fighting days with Akihiko and Mitsuru, a sensitive area to this day, so he doubles over swearing and wincing from the simulator
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