#lowkey had fun writing it
solarmorrigan · 2 months
Silly idea I talked about ages ago with @azure7539arts, inspired by a similar event my workplace hosts every year. Would minors be allowed to participate in such an event? Probably not! But then again, it was the 80s, who can say for sure. Anyway, it's my birthday and I'll post nonsense if I want to <3
“I need you to buy me.”
Eddie looks up from his notebook, effectively jarred from his campaign-plotting fugue state by Steve’s declaration.
Steve is standing at the other end of the dining table, staring at him expectantly.
“Y’know, this is the part where someone usually follows up their completely bonkers demand with an explanation,” Eddie says slowly.
“At the charity auction,” Steve clarifies. “I need you to bid on me, and I need you to win.”
Ah, yes, that weird Rent-an-Athlete charity auction the school runs every year; anyone on any Hawkins High sports team could volunteer to be “auctioned” off in order to raise money for said sports team, to spend a day at the beck and call of the highest bidder (within reason, supposedly). It’s generally restricted to students, but occasionally, prominent alumni are invited to participate – and Steve certainly fits the bill, especially after the story the government spun about his heroism in the face of “serial killer” Henry Creel last spring.
“And what, deny all those pretty girls a chance to get at you?” Eddie asks drily (he’d never turned up at previous auctions himself, but you could hardly avoid gossip in a school their size; it had usually been some cheerleader bidding with daddy’s money who won a date– that is, a day with Steve Harrington).
“It wasn’t always a girl who won,” Steve says, crossing his arms over his chest. “One time it was Mrs. Dalton – you know, the lady on the school board who lives on my block? I just spent the day doing yard work for her. She gave me lemonade. That was pretty cool.”
“Right,” Eddie drawls. “And I’m sure she definitely didn’t sit outside and stare at your ass while you were working.”
“She did not– she– I mean she was on the porch, but, like– she wouldn’t have– she’s, like, seventy, Eddie,” Steve splutters, and it’s all Eddie can do not to laugh.
“Older gals have needs, too, Steve,” Eddie says, giving in to a smirk. “So she was checking you out from the porch, huh?”
Steve goes red. “Shut up, that isn’t the point. I’m trying to ask for your help.”
“Right, right, your absolutely reasonable request for me to buy you at market. Why, again?” Eddie asks.
“The kids are planning to bid on me,” Steve says gravely.
Eddie blinks at him. “Okay?” he says, when no further explanation is forthcoming. “You basically do most of what they ask, anyway, so…?”
“Okay, believe it or not, I actually say no to at least half of what they ask me to do. I would literally never get anything done if I gave in to all their demands.” Steve jabs a finger at Eddie, who holds up his hands in mock surrender. “Anyway, this is all Henderson’s fault.”
“It usually is,” Eddie agrees, nodding sagely.
“He decided that he was going to bid on me and then use that day to finally make me play your nerd game with you–” Eddie snorts, and Steve shoots him a look, “but Wheeler doesn’t want me to play, so he said he was going to bid against Dustin and make me do anything but sit in on a session with you guys.”
“So let Wheeler win.” Eddie shrugs.
“No! I can’t let fuckin’ Mike win, he’ll probably make me do something even more ridiculous!” Steve exclaims. "He’ll make me play chauffeur for him and El on a date, or something, and he’ll probably include the stupid hat.”
“Wait, I thought El broke up with him,” Eddie breaks in.
“No, they’re on again,” Steve says absently, shaking his head. “Which is why Max has been in a bad mood lately.”
Eddie bites back the reflexive need to ask “How can you tell?”, going instead with, “I thought she and Sinclair were on again.”
“No, they are. That’s why no one’s been actively murdered,” Steve says.
“How do you keep track of all of this?” Eddie asks, squinting at Steve.
“It’s a natural skill. And we’re getting off track,” Steve says quickly. “Normally, I wouldn’t be that worried, because Dustin regularly blows his savings on weird science gadgets or whatever, but then Lucas and Will started taking sides.”
“This is getting very involved,” Eddie says.
“So you see why I’m stressed!” Steve insists, smacking a hand to his forehead (personally, Eddie thinks Steve is stressed for many other reasons, but he figures pointing that out just now won’t be appreciated). “Lucas is on Dustin’s side, and that kid does odd jobs like nobody’s goddamn business; he actually has shit saved up. And usually I’d have faith in him being more, like, sensible than to spend it all on this, but the little shit is really fucking competitive.”
“Wonder who he got that from?” Eddie mutters.
“Okay, we do remember that I’m not actually biologically related to any of these idiots, right?” Steve snaps.
“Well now we’re just getting into nature versus nurture–”
“Right, sorry, continue.”
“Well, Will took Mike’s side–”
“Right? But anyway, I don’t know if the kid has much saved up, but between him and Wheeler, they might be able to win.” Steve sighs, looking far more world-weary than Eddie feels the situation really warrants.
“You know you don’t actually have to do what they ask you to, right?” Eddie points out.
Steve rolls his eyes. “If an auction winner complains to the school that the person they bid on didn’t fulfill their end of the bargain, they can get their money back. It’s a whole…” he waves his hand vaguely, “thing. Happened once when I was a sophomore; Deacon McNab. Lost a good chunk of change for the football team, and they vandalized the shit out of his car.”
“Ah, right. Forgot we went to school with literal psychopaths,” Eddie hums.
“So, I just need you to bid on me and win, so I’m not stuck wasting a Saturday on whatever the hell the kids are going to try to make me do. Or not do. Or– whatever,” Steve says.
“Okay, not that I don’t understand your predicament here, but I think you’re forgetting something kind of important, Steve,” Eddie drawls.
Steve’s brows draw together in question. “What?”
“I’m fucking poor.”
“Oh.” Steve shakes his head. “I didn’t mean– no, I will give you the money, you don’t have to spend a dime, man, I just need you to get me out of this.”
“Why not have Buckley do it?” Eddie asks.
“That was Plan A, but she actually has a date that night, and it’s kind of a big deal, so I don’t want her to cancel,” Steve says. “But I assumed you wouldn’t be busy.”
“Wow, rude,” Eddie scoffs, and Steve sighs.
“Fine, sorry, I just really hoped you wouldn’t be busy.” Steve gives him the most lethal set of puppy dog eyes Eddie has ever seen, as if there had been any chance from the beginning that he’d be able to say no. “Please?”
Just for show, Eddie lets out a long sigh, falling against his chair and letting his head flop over the backrest like he’s deflating.
“Thank you,” Steve groans, sounding so genuinely relieved that Eddie almost feels bad about how quickly his thoughts dip into the realms of the inappropriate. “Oh my god, I owe you.”
Eddie glances back up at Steve, tongue darting out to wet his lips almost unconsciously. “You know I’m not as easy to appease as a couple of fifteen-year-olds, right?”
Steve’s eyes drop for just a second—maybe down to Eddie’s lips, maybe not; who can say?—before he looks back up, cocking an eyebrow at Eddie. “I think I can handle it.”
Slowly, Eddie grins. “We’ll see.”
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butch-enjoyer-omo · 11 days
Props to the nonsexual omo enjoyers but personally I wanna fuck nasty
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zukkaoru · 5 months
risk it all ('cause i'll catch you if you fall)
Three times, Kunikida finds himself infatuated with people he should not want. Three times, he trips over the edge into the freefall people call romance. Three times, he is tugged beneath the waves and all he can do is hold his breath as he desperately tries clawing his way back to the surface. Three times, Kunikida breaks his own rules for falling in love.
on kunikida doppo, disrupted schedules, and falling in love
📗 8k words || kunichuuranzai, kunikida-centric 📗 written for / because of lena @littencloud9
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s2 episode 16 thoughts
damn. this was another episode i had to stretch out over TWO DAYS because a storm RUDELY interrupted me, but to say i was at the edge of my seat was an understatement. i was entirely invested. every beat was excellent. and most of my notes were asking the question: what is going on? so join me as i walk you through every single time i was confused (but in a good way)
so i read the synopsis and saw there was a mulder's sister mention........ interesting....
it opens with mulder monologuing about his quest in life to find the truth, and i'm into it, and then we see a helicopter... but it's HIM in the helicopter being medevaced?? so this monologue must be taking place at a later date? or is a sort of cosmic narration of his coma thoughts??
he is beat to hell and back and they are putting him in a TUB
scully bursts onto the scene and they try to be like "who are you" and she is NOT playing around, she's all "there's no time for this, a man is dying" queen.......
so he's still going on- either cosmically or in a sort of post-event narration- about "what happened on the ice" justifying his every belief. and also that he thinks that aliens are HERE and they are COLONIZING? which i feel is a bit of a jump. like aliens being a thing, okay, possible. colonizing earth? i mean, also possible, but like... don't they have better things to do?
they have him in the tub to prevent hypothermia but scully is yelling that THE COLD IS KEEPING HIM ALIVE and i'm wondering if she knows that because 1. it's obvious medical knowledge and she is simply out-doctoring these other doctors or 2. they're doing what you would normally do for a patient in these circumstances, but she knows there has been some sort of alien fuckery that needs to be addressed in a different manner
then, right as we hear that HIS HEART STOPPED, we get the little spooky song and the intro. my notes consisted of: HUH?? WHAT IS GOING ON??????
okay. jump back in time. two weeks earlier. yeah let's figure out what led up to this.
(i do get hooked when we jump right into the heart of the matter though. as a plot device i will be Sat for this convention sorry)
but my notes were still lingering on what i had just seen. first, that his face was broken as hell, and that makeup must have been unpleasant, and i can't imagine that being filmed being placed in a tub was much fun either
BUT, on the other hand, i think it's good that we're evening out the scales of each character almost dying. while he did get kidnapped in the s1 finale and almost die in the s2 premiere, scully's coma arc was a lot more dramatic, so it is good that it was his turn. we need to see them worried about each other in equal measure.
okay okay. back to the start of the episode. for real. two weeks before this whole ice bathing event, a ufo sort of thing crashed above a ship in the arctic. and the news is saying that a russian agent was rescued from a ship crash. because you can't just say it was a ufo.
cutscene to a women's health center in scranton. and my first thought was, please do not say we are gonna see some character come in with an alien pregnancy. and thankfully that is not where that went. because s2 is too early for that. work up to it a little bit, you know?
the doctor at the health center is watching the news, and he clearly recognizes the man they are shown being lifted from the crash. and he goes to run out the room.
oh? as soon as he escapes from the room.... he is being BEATEN by the dude he just saw on the tv. OH??? BIG NEEDLES???? foaming with green liquid??? the place is set on fire after that?? we have seen these needles with liquid used on aliens before....
dude, what's going on, i wrote in my notes... the girls are scared
okay, so here's what we have so far: three doctors who perform abortions have had their clinics set on fire, and their obituaries forwarded to mulder
(at this point, we see the credits which i'm used to ignoring, but this one has more names on it.... because DAVID wrote the story with MR. CARTER???? okayyyyy putting that yale degree to WORK!!!!!)
wait. we get visuals on the three newly deceased doctors. and they. all have the same face??? and no records on them at all.
they go to visit a suspect, who had a "have you seen this man" ad in his pocket for a local newspaper, so they go to that city and try to investigate
she thinks it's a setup because they have been given weirdly little information, and he thinks there are more doctors out there with the same face that need rescuing... lowkey agreeing with her but i know how these plot devices play out. so.
she's calling the number they gave her and serving looks on the phone, work, but a tip has been made that the next guy is in syracuse, so they're off on a new york road trip
an fbi agent is sent off to the scene, and we see the next same-faced doctor in syracuse, where he is talking with someone about "sharing the planet"... but. well. here's what my notes had to say:
so we see the fbi agent is very dead, but then he comes right back on screen, and we are dealing with a shapeshifter!!!!! the dead guy has been placed in the trunk of a car with some funky markings on his face. using the likeness of the dead fbi agent, he tells our duo that there was nothing to see at the address they located. and the killer shapeshifts again, leaving me thinking about how cool being a shapeshifter would be.
cut to skinner cam, who has become something like a strange cousin to me. he is PISSED that mulder went on a side quest without his permission because an agent DIED but mulder is very confused because he talked to the agent and he was very much alive? (but it was actually the shapeshifter, of course) and for once mulder is too stunned to speak
scully is at hooooome checking her compuuuuter and she is wearing a flannel!!!!! yes casual wear let's hear it for comfortably scully!!! make some noise!!!
despite looking very comfortable she is not pleased because someone sent her a disturbing email, and she wants to know if mulder got one, too- it's another of the same faced doctors, and this one is in washington. right in their area!
on his way over to her apartment, we run into.... A NEW CHARACTER???? his name is ambrose chapel, and he is allegedly from the CIA... do we trust him? what was he doing outside her place.
they go into scully's apartment and i'm like, dude, we couldn't have done this in a place that wasn't her apartment? but well. why not welcome a strange man in there?
he's going on about the soviet union and the genetic anomalies from twins being studied and turned into clones, who will be used to sabotage the medical system. and all the clones- who are called gregors- are being systematically eliminated in exchange for the knowledge that created them.
pause. no i actually don't want to analyze the alleged soviet gregors who will somehow poison the medical system. i'm looking at scully's apartment. she must have moved back into DC after being reassigned from the academy. so is this the same apartment as her first one? i can't tell. this gregor stuff is complicated and i'm admiring the art on her walls- it looks like little watercolors or postcards of beach scenes. that's so sweet.
so it turns out that this ambrose chapel is the one that placed the ad they had called earlier, and he says the gregors are trying to reach mulder, and they need to work together to protect them, i guess. weird cross department alliance. i don't buy it.
scully is sitting on her couch looked confused as hell. me too girl i'm just trying to figure out if this is the same apartment from s1. sorry to the gregors.
we next see someone in a room full of green liquid that looks like those big tanks of lemonade at the mall. it appears to be a gregor. i imagine that this is NOT lemonade and is instead sustaining some sort of alien creature....
but now we're back with our agents and ambrose chapel visiting a new gregor in a hotel. when gregor opens the door, he is really scared of ambrose. and there's also another lady in the room with him who is hiding. things were going real rapid fire at this point. my notes were just a series of questions, or statements followed by question marks to express disbelief:
"gregor JUMPS OUT of the window but somehow GETS BACK UP? and now he's running away??? so we get a chase scene. WHO IS THIS AMBROSE FELLOW??? and why is there a lady in the room hiding behind a curtain???"
mulder is going after gregor on foot when he gets HIT BY A CAR????
but he says he's fine and tells scully to keep going. ambrose is stalking this gregor like a cat, and gregor has no choice but to climb something to escape.
but noooo!!! the shapeshifter is back!!! the shapeshifter WAS ambrose?? the gregors must be able to sense who the shapeshifter is.
"ambrose chapel" tells scully that the gregor got away, but she steps in some familiar green goo that indicates things are not looking great for our gregor, and he is likely gone. too soon.
"how are you feeling?", scully asks mulder. "like i should have taken the crosswalk", he says LMAOOOOOO
scully is pointing out the obvious: this ambrose fellow is sus as hell. "what happened to trust no one?" "oh, i changed it to trust everyone, i didn't tell you?" LMAOOOO this man cannot stop running his damn mouth
he's all, i ran a background check on ambrose, and he is totally clear, he's been working at the CIA for 17 years! and she asks so WHY, if he has been working here for 17 years, does he need OUR HELP? and also the gregor was CLEARLY running from him, and not us!
he accuses her of being paranoid which 1. kettle calling pot black and 2. rude as hell??? she is speaking total sense here
OHHHH THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!! and again she is NOT wrong.
"you'll pursue a case at the expense of everything, to the point of insanity, and expect me to follow you. there has to be somewhere to draw the line" and is she wrong??? she does not get paid enough to deal with all of this, and he's endangering them... and he seems to just assume that she will do anything he asks of her.........
"if the pursuit of this case seems like insanity to you, feel free to step away from it" he says, in a way that is very judgemental and accusatory and not at all understanding of how wild this whole thing sounds. and i'm taken back to his opening monologue, how he was going on about the pursuit of the truth interfering with his relationships... exhibit a!!
she points out that SOMEONE DIED and he deflects by saying "those are the risks you take! you either accept them or you don't"
(now, when signing up for the fbi, i do not actually think "murder by alien" was on the risk of disclaimers signed so.)
((ugh he's pissing me off here. i get it, the bloodhound need to sniff out the truth without regard for anything else, let alone something as simple as safety. but could we maybe LISTEN to our partner???? just once????? GRRRR))
(also they keep calling ambrose chapel by his last name and its making me think of chappell roan, my beloved above all else. this is not very h-o-t t-o g-o of mulder to be ignoring scully's concerns)
despite the high levels of tension and voices being raised, she pulls out her shoe that had stepped in the alien gunk and shows him how it has been burned through. his eyes light up in fascination and he says we need to go get this tested now and also can you prepare an autopsy bay? we can't figure out how the agent in the syracuse situation died. and then HER EYES expand with childlike wonder and everything is momentarily right with the world again.
he comes down to the autopsy- perhaps as a form of apology for his earlier rudeness- and watches while she goes over the stuff. and everything looks normal except his blood was clotted somehow??
"skinner's gonna wanna know why you didn't file your report... what are you gonna say?" "just the truth. i got hit by a car!" LMAOOOO okay honesty king
(it was at this point i lost power and had to spend the rest of the night wondering what the hell was going to happen next until i could finish it the next day.... i truly deserve compensation for this happening twice in one week. what sick and twisted force is out there trying to keep me from running this blog, huh?!?!?)
okay we're back. mulder is going into skinner's office.
he must have came up with a report real fast, because he goes to give it to skinner, and he says he didn't call him to talk about that:
"your father has been trying to reach you. there's been a family emergency"
(proving once again that skinner is serving the same functions as a high school prinicpal)
he calls his dad, and his mom picks up... and he asks why she was at "dad's place".... MULDER CHILD OF DIVORCE CONFIRMED?!?!?
scully stops by his office with an address she found to go on, and he says you go there, and walks out. she asks where he's going and he said "home" and did not elaborate. and said nothing else.
(this pissed me off because RIGHT before scully was kidnapped, he had similarly made an abrupt exit on here and i thought that he would stop doing that and start saying a proper goodbye but no. he has not learned. ALWAYS say goodbye and tell your friends you love them when you leave- it is NOT negotiable!!!!!!)
she drives to the address and it is... very creepy... it's the room full of tanks that aren't lemonade but they look like it!!!!! and ambrose chapel (NOT to be confused with chappell roan!) is pushing the tanks over and stepping on the chunks of stuff that comes out of them... very gross...
scully calls mulder and asks him to please call back because she thinks she is in danger, and someone is following her, sitting outside her apartment, BUT HE IS BUSY!!! WITH FAMILY EMERGENCY!!! which she does not KNOW ABOUT because he DID NOT TELL HER!!!!
he arrives at his dad's place and i am not shocked that man is either from or has spent a significant amount of time in massachusetts, specifically martha's vineyard. like yeah. this isn't shocking to me. it just makes sense.
(although if that were the case, he'd be MUCH more obnoxious about the patriots and the red sox, and before he mentioned going to dodger's stadium and having a shirt from the new york knicks.... so what's the truth?!)
his dad is on the porch and is being kinda weird- do BOTH our agents have a strained relationship with their fathers? and his dad shakes his hand and it's Weird. but he sees his mom is talking to someone inside.
SISTER REVEAL??? it was the girl who was inside the house when the agents and ambrose showed up to find the gregor! AND i think it's the same girl that gave them the map back in binghamton... but i could be wrong?
in the morning he gives his mom a kiss and tucks her into bed. aww.
then he walks outside and it looks like he is either gonna start hyperventilating or crying, but his "sister" is on the porch and he goes over to talk to her- what do you say after 22 years?
she says she was returned around age 8 or 9, and placed with a family, and that she couldn't remember anything until doing some hypnotherapy a few years back, and the memories of her family and all of the horrific testing returned.
(and sorry i'm not buying it. idk it just doesn't seem to add up!!!!!)
but he's hugging her so it's probably best he can't hear me say that. my guess is someone is trying to distract him from the truth.
but, she already knows what is going on... she says a bounty hunter is after her "father" (which confuses mulder because... same dad?) but she corrects herself and says the man who adopted her is one of the gregors- and he is an alien- and they'll be after her soon, i guess for maybe knowing the truth?
at this point in the episode we begin a series of phone calls in which both parties repeatedly miss each other's calls and i was like whyyyyy. whyyyyy.
anyway scully is leaving. she's in a jacket and she's taking the bus and i love her so bad. she says where she is going on the phone but i assumed she was lying because it was in public.
and mulder's "sister" is saying that the hit man can disguise himself as anyone. so he's trying to reach scully, who is back at the site of the lemonade-looking alien tanks.
she pulls a lock picker out of her fanny pack because that is my baby.
and when she goes in all the alien stuff is smashed. she's looking at the alien meat on the floor. and she picks something up and. OH FUCK, i yelled at my screen. i hit pause SO FAST. she was holding a PULSATING ALIEN EMBRYO. but some guy is in the back!!!!!
she tries to get him to stop whatever it is he's doing but he says "you cannot hurt us" and then all of the remaining gregors with the same face are in the room!!!!!!
so she puts them in maximum security but the windows on the cars weren't blacked out and i feel that they should have been. and just as i make note of this we see the shapeshifter hit man... NO!!!
scully ACTUALLY goes to the motel she said she would, and they miss calls 2 MORE TIMES... i will start biting!!!!!
and back where the gregors are being watched, the guards switch, and a new fellow walks in... and i guessed it was the shapeshifter, and yes indeed it was, he busts out his needle that turns the gregors to acid....
there's a knock at scully's door at like 11:30 at night and she goes and gets it and it's mulder!!! where were you, she asks, when her phone starts ringing...
and who is on the other end but... mulder.........
no.... shapeshifter......
this is so unfair because had the power NOT been knocked off i could have seen this episode yesterday and then part 2 tonight. but now i shall be forced to wait until TOMORROW to see what happens. soooooo evil.
i should have known we were gonna get another two-parter when we were halfway through the episode and still no mention was made of any ice. you know, the ice we began with?
anyway. i really really liked this episode. the pacing was great, as much as i complained about their argument i thought it was excellent conflict, we learn more about mulder, but i do not believe that is really his sister. sorry. and if it IS her i'll be forced to issue a formal apology but until then i remain doubtful. has anyone considered doing a blood test. this predates 23 and me.
aughhh i need to know how he ends up an ice cube!!!!!! and i will have to wait until tomorrow. and while i technically COULD watch part 2 tonight i want to have a real good bit of time dedicated to breaking it down
(i saw the episode after the next one is about zoo animals and i was like hell yeah this is what i love about this show. we get some heartbreaking alien infiltration content and then some possessed elephants)
((WAIT. ARE THEY REALLY GONNA GET TO GO TO THE ZOO??? LIKE I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF?? but it's a zoo of ANGRY animals so it's not even going to be relaxing??? this is SOOOOO unfair...))
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simpingresponsibly · 2 months
Please write the small town dteam au
I didn't have much plotted out for it but I remember
- Sapnap is the youngest but the only one who has a license so he has to drive them everywhere (they're in the country so nowhere is in walking distance)
-Sapnap drives his dad's massive white ram truck and only pretends he has road rage to impress some of his other friends 😭
- Dream is a hockey boy and he has flow. I'm so sorry everyone him having flow was important to the plot
- George insists on Timmies runs every time they're going somewhere but never pays for it because he's not the driver and so can't pay at the drive through
There was some other stuff I think there was dnf going to a drive in theatre in sapnaps truck and also the three of them hanging out in the park after dark to get high or something
It was very reminiscent of 2010s small town Ontario high school and I think that's why I didn't do it was because it felt too self indulgent
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greasydumbfuck · 1 month
ignore that this is a skyrim video and in polish but this is the polish VA of frank castle in the 1994 show and its the voice frank has in my head always. and i feel a strong need to share that with you guys bc i think it is a good voice
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viveela · 1 year
When it comes to Stan and Kyle, realistically/in canon how do you think they’d actually confess to each other?
Hmm...the way SP handles and adds to its overarching canon makes it hard for me to imagine it. But, if I just viewed Stan and Kyle's characters right now and thought only about how it'd go if they liked each other... Well, their dynamic is complicated and distant. There's also a lot about them to consider.
Kyle's a romantic, but he's had so many failed relationships. He also hates being ostracized. Rejection would terrify him as the possible outcome of his bond with Stan ending and others finding out and gossiping a out it would be an absolute nightmare for him. Then there's Stan's who's more bitter and very depressed. I think a lot is from his home situation but also Cartman's wake up call (saying he never stands up to Kyle). However he still is possessive and jealous about his best friend status with Kyle despite everything. He also has a weird perception of relationships now for sure especially due to the on and off one he currently has.
So with all that in mind...here's my take:
The two have developed feelings and it changes their dynamic once again.
Stan upon realizing this felt exhausted. There's too much already going on in his life and this is just adds to it. Exhausted he decides to just push the problem away and shut it all out. This causes him to be more unresponsive around Kyle.
Meanwhile, Kyle upon realizing his feelings gets conflicted. His romantic history isn't the greatest and rejection is scary. He's not sure if Stan's even like that. Sure his dog was gay and he's supportive, but does that truly mean anything about what Stan is specifically? He decides it'd be best to never act on this. But also Kyle now craves Stan's attention more than ever. He leans into his wants by behaving more clingy towards Stan, maybe even trying to asking odd questions here and there to gauge if maybe he would have a chance.
This goes on for a while and at first Stan was just sort of watching it happen. Not receptive but also not reacting. Eventually he can't handle this shift in Kyle and he starts trying to avoid him out of confusion and frustration. He doesn't want to deal with any of this right now.
Kyle notices this and it just makes his feelings jumble up. He's hurt, this isn't how Stan used to be around him. Usually it didn't take much to get his friend to go along with things. How can he deal with his unreciprocated crush like this? He grows more desperate and tries much more forcefully to get Stan to spend time with him, practically begging for his attention at this point.
This doesn't go on for too long before Stan gets highly aggravated and riled up. He's trying so hard to ignore everything happening externally and internally and this is making it impossible. Not to mention this switch up in their friendship happened out of nowhere. Where did this even come from? This boils within Stan before he finally snaps at Kyle one day, stopping him in his tracks from continuing further.
Now on the defensive Kyle snaps back and they're now arguing. Their entire relationship as a whole is being brought up and thrown back and forth at each other; both frantically pointing fingers and pent up frustrations spilling out. It doesn't take long before Stan breaks and goes from yelling to crying. His true state comes to light and he finally expresses how their distance has affected him and that it's really been messing with his head —especially now with the newfound feelings he's been having lately. Kyle's silent for a moment taking this all in before bombarding Stan with apologies for everything, feeling stupid.
The implications from Stan's words earlier aren't lost on him though and once things calm down, he then takes the chance to confess his own feelings as well while also admiting he misses being close to each other. Now they're both feeling like idiots and reconcile, deciding to be more open with each other and figure out how to move their relationship further from here.
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clowningaroundmars · 9 months
still suffering from bad motorcity brainrot so my brain conjured up a funny ass scenario where the gang finally learns more about texas' family.
well, more than just "texas has a real big family"
based off of chris p's confirmation that texas was going to have cerebral parents who are the exact opposite of him
Mike is of course the first one to interrupt the conversation and greet him, noticing all the screens his best friend had pulled up. Then, when a semi-preoccupied Chuck didnt immediately answer back, Mike sat up and leaned his elbows on his knees.
Chuck shuffles in on socked feet to the pile of Burners casually lounging in their main living room area and chatting.
"Hey, Chuckles. I said good morning!"
Chuck looked up suddenly, as if just realizing where he was.
"O-OH yeah hey guys, morning ahaha..." Chuck ran a nervous hand through his hair, revealing a furrowed brow that Mike immediately noticed.
"What's with all the screens so early in the day? You're usually halfway through breakfast before pulling one of those up," Mike chided jokingly.
"Uh so, like, late last night--"
"Morning. You mean early in the morning," Mike grinned, and then exclaimed when Chuck reached for a pillow to toss at his face.
"Last night..." Chuck continued, "I noticed something going on with the east gate. It's weird, the battery we found should have been full enough to last us 'til the end of the year but uh... yeah it's totally drained now, guys." By now, Chuck was taking a seat next to Mike and letting his friend lean into his space to study the screens. "And I was lookin' at the new motion sensors we installed recently and it seems like it drained fast right after someone... or something moved near it a couple nights ago."
Julie waggled her head, considering Chuck's words. "Could be a lot of things, honestly. That fusion battery wasn't really meant to last long anyways, it was only a temporary fix at the time."
"Yeah but if someone's trying to siphon off battery power from the gates, that could be a real big problem in the future," Dutch put in.
Texas kicked his legs in the air from where he laid on a beanbag at everyone's feet. "Wait, the eastern gate? Isn't that gate the one that was havin' problems that one time Kane busted in like about a year ago?" He crunched on some mystery substance in a plastic container.
Most likely something from Jacob's kitchen.
Mike laughed. "The very same, buddy."
"Tch'aaww that gate's lame. It keeps breakin' all the time! I wouldn't be surprised if it's just old and basically turning into total junk."
Julie turned to Mike and Dutch. "Y'know, he might be right--"
"Duh, Texas is always right!"
"...That gate really does have some history. It was the first offically maintained entrance into Motorcity years ago when Deluxe was first being built. I'm pretty sure Kane abandoned it on purpose after our crazy battle with those Ultra Golems."
Mike shook his head. "So he most likely cut the power from that gate then, huh. Makes sense why the battery's almost dead! That's a lot of heavy lifting for only one battery."
Chuck stopped typing on his screens for a second. "Why didn't we just scavenge for a newer battery after you beat that big robot Kane sent in? We secured that gate after, didnt we?"
Dutch and Julie smirked at each other.
"Someone might've gotten a bit distracted by an opportunity that ended up bein' a little too good to be true," Dutch elbowed Mike.
Mike guffawed and immediately tried to downplay the mistake. "Aw man, I mean yeah-- that, aaannd also we got that distress call from Doc Hudson not long after, too... so I mean--"
"Mmnn yeah, gotcha." Chuck deadpanned, returning back to triple-checking his maps and motion sensor logs.
"Anyways," Texas cuts in, "that gate's old an' dusty. It totally needs an overhaul, Texas-style. Hoo-WAH!!" He kicks his legs in the air in a flurry and uses the hand not holding his container to do a quick karate chop.
Everyone looks at him.
"Texas," Dutch starts patiently, "we're not construction workers, man. That's up to the Motorcity council to decide when the whole thing gets fixed now. I'm pretty sure they'd know about the power being cut off by now."
"Yeah, they should since I just pinged one of the council members about it too," Chuck piped up.
Texas shakes his head like a father explaining something to a child who isn't understanding what he's saying at all. "Yeah duh I know, guys, I'm not dumb!"
Dutch bites back a mean retort. Julie smirks again behind a carefully placed hand.
"I could just go to my mom and tell her everything! Then she can just send her construction worker dudes to tear down the thing and like, I dunno, hook it up to our own power supply or whatever. No effort on our part!" He flexes an arm casually.
A pause.
Mike was the first to speak up. "Wait, what? Your mom?"
"Uh, yeah, you guys didnt know my mom's head of the council?"
Dutch does a double take. "Head of the council?!"
"Yeah, Stretch. Head of the Motorcity council! She's been leadin' it since I was like a tiny Texas baby. She just keeps gettin' re-elected, heh. Makes sense since she's cleaned up and expanded a lot of stuff, I guess."
"...And she gave birth to you?!"
Mike elbowed Dutch back, hissing "dude!" under his breath. Chuck snorted.
Texas, as usual, lets the insult sail right over his head. "I know right? Both my parents are totally lame and boring. Not like Texas, hwa-CHAA!! They don't know anything about martial arts movies, sweet Muay Thai kicks or Texasifyin' stuff! They just wear boring suits and go to like a million meetings! My dad's not like in city council or whatever but he's a uh... a... what's-it-called. An archic-tech. He doesn't even build the stupid buildings and junk, he just designs 'em."
Everyone stares for a couple of seconds, Dutch rubbing his chin in disbelief.
"Wait, your dad's an architect?" Chuck asks incredulously.
Texas shrugs and stuffs his mouth with the mystery food. "Yeah? I thought I told you guys all about this!"
Mike leans forward and asks Texas directly, "does your dad only design buildings? Or does he help your mom with the city planning too?"
Texas munches for a few seconds before answering. "Mnnyeah, he's like... he plans and draws pretty much everything in Motorcity, like where the hotels and shops and stuff can go. He designed the whole downtown area I think. Obviously they're not done fixin' up the place, but the public bathhouse was his idea, so."
"He's an urban planner, Texas! Wow, not just an architect either, he does both!" Julie admires out loud.
Dutch leans back on the couch dramatically and sighs. "The bathhouse, oh damn."
Everyone took a quick second to reminisce about their trip to the bathhouse with fond smiles. It was a gorgeous Greek-inspired building as tall and beautiful as it was comforting, a recent addition to the bustle of downtown Motorcity. It had sleek marble walls, cozy alcoves for private meetups, grand staircases seemingly everywhere and polished golden accents gleaming in every corner.
The building was split into two sections with a giant-- and equally beautiful-- indoor garden separating the halves, and a courtyard with a net in the middle stationed out back for friendly games of volleyball or tennis. The bath itself sat like a reigning king in the front, right past the fancy lobby and locker rooms. In the back half, the indoor pool stayed open for swimming only in the summer. During the cold winter months the pool was frozen and turned into a makeshift ice skating rink.
Both pool and bath were massive and alive day after day with Motorcitizens relaxing after a hard day's work, meeting up with friends, or just taking the kids out to a fun day of swimming.
It was everyone's favorite spot to relax and hang out during chilly days thanks to the saunas as well.
Motorcity's gang members have officially sectioned the bathhouse and the immediate area off as a neutral zone, strictly banning violence and disputes from there. That decision was introduced by Julie and quickly adopted after everyone figured it'd be hard to tell which member was from which gang when they were all naked.
Knowing that Texas' father-- of all people-- was the man most likely responsible for that slice of heaven in an otherwise grimy and dark city was... well, it was weird.
"So," Chuck said, scratching his head, "your dad designs things and your mom orders the funds around. For, like, the whole city."
"Yyyup." Texas answers.
"Sooo... what does the rest of your family do?"
Texas takes a minute to think. "My grandma owns a shop downtown. All my sisters are out studying with people, doin' apprenticeships n' stuff. They mostly like to build and program stuff, one of them's over at the Cablers' right now. Oh yeah, my oldest sister is in a band! She's the lead guitarist and everything! She's badass, like Texas."
Dutch nods slowly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Uh huh. Mhm. This idiot's family is super smart and accomplished. Now I've seen everything."
Mike huffs out a laugh. "Wow, Tex. That's uhm... yeah, that's great! Think we can shoot your parents a quick message and maybe pass along some ideas?"
"I've got tons of ideas for a more efficient electrical wiring system!! With better security in place too! And a failsafe just in case!" Chuck blurts out. He then realizes his excitement and leans back self-consciously. "AHA-- ahem, that is if they're uh, if they're, y'know-- if it's not too much to impose on them, of course!"
Mike smiles warmly at Chuck and turns back to Texas. "No, I think they'd probably love the help, right Tex?"
Texas guffaws, spewing a few crumbs everywhere. "Tchyyyeaah!! Texas' parents are always so dang busy all the time like... ugh. Yeah, Skinny over here would probably be their favorite guy for a while just for takin' on some o' the work."
Chuck grins and opens up a new screen with some schematics, and gets right to work.
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maulfucker · 7 months
This song is making me want to start yet another fic to never finish,, "Tell me... Where is your hideout? Who are we running from? I'm starting to think that you were right, and now I'm afraid of letting go of your hand...." Maul giving up on his Mandalore plan and deciding to just stalk Kenobi to tell him about his vision. Staying illegally in Obi-Wan's room because I love putting these guys in situations (and because Maul would NOT leave him alone until Obi-Wan actually accepted Maul is right, which he won't). Following Obi-Wan to Utapau and helping him escape after the clones attack, feeling equal parts vindicated and enraged (because he was proved right but Sidious still won). Them being on the run together....
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months
what piercings does Danny have in your CFAU?
Danny’s got double lobe piercings on both ears, and then helixes, and an orbital on one side! Then he’s got an eyebrow piercing on the right side of his face. I don’t have any particular reason for why he’s got piercings as an adult, I just thought it’d be a fun way to indicate a physical change from when he was 14 and last saw the Waynes, to the next time they see him. Although with this version of Danny (rather than my original, unserious beta version of CFAU), it probably would follow that he'd potentially get piercings when he was older. (So not a total shock)
#dpxdc#dp x dc#cfau#childhood friends au#cfau danny#piercings#danny did his lobe piercings at home but the upper parts were done by a professional in the ghost zone#his ghostly healing means he couldnt go to a human piercer it’d heal in an instant#i’ve considered giving him snakebites. or a tongue piercing#guys with piercings >>>#playing dress up with your characters is the best part of making an au!#its also lowkey a relic to what my original childhood friends au was like in my head when it was still more of a 'daydream au'#which was more cracky and unserious. it leaned more into danny being more like his pre-canon self ie: meekish and shy when he was in gotham#so him having piercings/being more confident/cursing/etc the next time they saw him would come off as more of a drastic change considering#the last time they saw him (when jason was alive) he was a skittish and quiet kid. bookish. him turning out all goth-rock and punkish and#willing to throw hands with anyone he sees. would have been a big “huh??” moment for jason and co#hey wouldn't it be fun if jason had a childhood friend who moved away when he was a kid and returned to kill#the joker after he died? and that friend looked almost unrecognizable from his memories?#'daydream aus' are what i call aus that aren't all that serious and stem from listening to music and daydreaming. they're largely silly#unserious. and more “hah wouldnt this scene/idea be fun” and would've been harder to write down as a longform au. cfau stemmed from me#listening to music and going and then it spiraled from there.
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itsjaywalkers · 4 months
laurie have you ever pondered on what jarty might look like in your boxer au. i’m just very curious about the dynamic between those versions of them in general (i wuv u 🫶🫶🐛)
yes i have!! mostly bc they interact a lot in the fic and also bc of all the foursome talk there was about jeggy + rosekiller a while ago!!
james and barty hate each other with a Passion in the boxer au. it's raw and visceral and personal, even though there's no History between them. they didn't have a fight that made them become enemies or have some sort of diagreement. they just don't like each other, fundamentally
sirius and james also heavily dislike each other in this fic, but it's not as bad. they argue a lot but they can still pretend in front of the cameras, even if it can feel slightly strained occassionally. they're also Respectful when they get on the ring. sure, they taunt each other and fight with all their might, but neither of them plays dirty or breaks any rules. between barty and james is the complete opposite, they can't do interviews together and their matches tend to get cancelled midway through. that, or they both end up straight disqualified
i think they have more in common than they think, but their core traits or like . the strongest parts of their personalities clash very directly, and the personas they wear publicly kind of represent what they both hate the most??? like, james is arrogant to the point it's obnoxious, but he's charming and extroverted and loves having everyone's attention on him. while barty is also arrogant, but doesn't brag as much as james does, he's more reserved and . aggressive, doesn't do well with ppl and he doesn't give a fuck about what other think of him or about curating his image to appeal to the masses. james thinks barty is an asshole and not really a good person and barty thinks james is fake and hollow and a liar. but they don't actually Know each other
i have a hard time seeing them working romantically. i wouldn't say it's impossible, but it'd be . very complicated and frustrating and it wouldn't be healthy at all. they also wouldn't have a conventional relationship i feel like. they're always trying to one up each other and they fight over literally everything and james lets himself be controlled by anger way too easily, while barty, despite being sort of?? comfortable with conflict?? and enjoying chaos is a lot better at keeping his cool and getting the upper hand in that way. there would a lot of imbalance between them and that would drive both of them up the wall. both of them want to be in control at all times
that being said, there is a certain sexual tension between them. they hate each other so bad that it turns into Want sometimes, they just repress it or deny it to themselves, bc that's basically their arch nemesis, they're supposed to want them dead, not bent over a table you know?
if reg or evan weren't in the picture i feel like that sexual tension would remain unresolved for a lot longer, but they'd still fuck at some point. maybe even become some sort of twisted fuck buddies idk. they do have a lot of sexual chemistry, but they're both Proud and Stubborn so it'd be a long, exhausting process to get them to a point in which . they find their footing when it comes to sleeping together
evan and reg being there completely erases the possibility of their dynamic turning romantic, but it makes their possible Fucking more accessible?? surprisingly lmao. bc their respective partners give them the excuse to seek each other out (reg is down for either a foursome or a threesome, simply bc it's barty, and evan isn't actually interested but gets off on barty being turned on + watching him so he'd agree too). and having intermediaries would also help to keep them in check and aid them in finding how they can work while having sex aka barty tops, but they switch it a bit when it comes to dom/sub dynamics, since they're capable of both but have a clear preference to being the dom (that's another thing, until reg doesn't top james for the first time and he finds out he's actually very into it he would've never allowed barty to top him. that, or it would've taken him A While)
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A means to no end
I got a massive case of brain worms from this post by @pockettgcf so...behold, writing. Thank you for allowing me to write this wonderful idea! I hope I did it justice!
Never thought I'd see myself as a HuaYin shipper but I can never pass up a good opportunity for angst.
Enjoy <3
It's easy to forget that Yin Yu used to be a god - he knows it is.
(He wishes he could forget it too).
Godhood had always felt, to him, like too heavy of a cloak draped over too fragile of a body, the weight of solid gold to be withstood by thin porcelain encasing.
It was no wonder that he broke the way he did.
But shameful as that had been, it had given Yin Yu purpose. He no longer faded into the shadow of others' lights, no longer had to feel the sting of inadequacy and the humiliation of a defeat that was never even settled in battle.
Instead, by Hua Cheng's side, all Yin Yu had to do was be useful. Not shine, not inspire, not pretend away his bitterness and play by unwritten rules of a world he had never truly felt like he managed to become part of.
To be useful is a great honor, Yin Yu had come to realize.
But as much as he tries to rescind his past as a god, Yin Yu can never separate from it. The grandeur, the worship of godhood, difficult as it may have been, it had tasted sweetly - words of prayer, of gratitude, of praise, promises of devotion and offerings... shallow as that may have been, Yin Yu often missed them, the honeyed taste of worship and trust, of adoration.
The longing for that kind of thing had only increased as he had come to learn of Hua Cheng's boundless love for the fallen Crown Prince of Xianle. Xie Lian, twice ascended as a martial god and twice fallen into disgrace - and through every terrible tribulation, unknowingly carrying the faith of a man whose devotion transcended life, death and the limits of rationality.
It was absurd, nearly, to adore somebody the way Hua Cheng did, as both a god and a secret lover, from afar but so close to one's heart, holy and sinful all at once.
And Yin Yu wanted nothing more than to know what that could feel like.
How could it possibly feel like to be the object of such powerful affection that the one that worships you stubbornly clings to existence even after death, drags himself through trials of blood and despair to amass enough power to avenge the ridicule you've been put through - and even as the entire world turns its back on you, his unwavering belief never falters, and even saves you in the end?
Once again, Yin Yu sinks into the bitter, familiar well of envy.
With every word of love and worship he hears come from Hua Cheng's mouth, Yin Yu feels more and more desperate to hear those words for himself, to feel so wanted, so important... so seen.
He wants so desperately for Hua Cheng to see him - see him not as his servant, but as the god he used to be (the god he tries so hard to pretend he is not) and give him even a fraction of the faith he lays over and over across the altar of a god that may no longer even exist.
(Oh, how Yin Yu wishes that temple was his, that faith was in him, that love was for him!)
It is one late night in Qiandeng temple that Yin Yu decides lying to himself is far less painful than hatred born of bitterness.
And as the alcohol lowers Hua Cheng's defenses to the point that tears slide out of his one remaining obsidian eye, Yin Yu reaches to offer him comfort.
Gods, he used to believe, exist to offer comfort, solace to their believers.
Even if Hua Cheng doesn't believe in him.
"Will I ever find him? Is there any point to this?" Hua Cheng asks, voice barely above a whisper, every word suffocated into the stench of alcohol and despair.
His eyes look up at the carefully carved statue of his god, his gaze loving but desperate. "Where are you, Your Highness?"
Right here, Yin Yu wants to say but knows he cannot. It isn't his statue that Hua Cheng anguishes at the feet of.
If only it had been him.
(Why would it have been him?)
"Chengzhu, you've had enough to drink. Let me help you return home."
"Home? Don't be ridiculous, Yin Yu, I have no such thing!"
It stings when Yin Yu hears it, but he doesn't falter.
"Your house, then."
And he reaches to help the other man upright on his feet, only to find himself pulled into his arms instead.
It is sudden and unexpected, uncharacteristic and bold - and Yin Yu knows this is not something Hua Cheng would ever do if he was sober.
(Or maybe he would. Yin Yu traitorously hopes he would).
It sounds both like an order and a plea - and the loose hold Hua Cheng has on him is enough indication that he is allowed to escape if he wishes, if this crosses too many boundaries, if this is unwanted.
He does not.
Instead, Yin Yu gently allows his arms around the other's body and positions him to lay against his chest, cradling his shivering form.
"I'm here." Yin Yu says, soft and comforting and kind, and he tries not to imagine that Hua Cheng wishes the man holding him was somebody else instead. "I'm right here. I won't leave you."
Not like he did.
(Yin Yu knows that this is not what happened, he knows Xie Lian had never intended to abandon anyone, much less his most devoted believer he never even knew of. But he is bitter and resentful of this nebulous man that's been given this much of the kind of faith and love Yin Yu craves, and so Yin Yu will allow himself to think himself above him)
"Stay." Hua Cheng says, again, and Yin Yu smiles softly at him though the man cannot see him.
"I will always be here for you."
And he says it not like a servant or an aide, but like a god, like the god he wants to be - right now, in this temple, in this night.
"Have faith in me."
To be useful, Yin Yu had come to realize, is a great honor.
To be used, not so much.
Not even when he freely allowed it to happen.
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cheemken · 8 months
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hc that Iris was the one who got him his jacket
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This is not the fic anyone asked me to write, but alas it is the fic I have written. So yah!
If u enjoy smut involving lots of negotiation, a false start, and soft dom Grantaire, then I have 15K of fic for u.
Please leave kudos/comments if you enjoy! This one was a lot of fun to work on <3
*** Summary:
“Yeah,” Grantaire says. “If we’re going to insist on putting our kink life into neat little boxes, I guess I would say I’m a switch.”
Enjolras makes a vague humming noise, but doesn’t elaborate further.
“Why do you ask?” he prompts.
Enjolras looks at him, head tilted to one side, for a moment, and then shrugs one shoulder. When Grantaire raises an eyebrow, he adds, “It’s just- It’s been a long while, since the last time I subbed. I was wondering if you would be interested in switching up our dynamic, sometime?”
Grantaire damn near falls off the bed.
“You sub?!” he says, in a tone of voice which is closer to being a squeak than he would have liked. “You?!”
Word count: 15,283
Pairings: Enjolras/Grantaire
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#i hope no one reads this bc my avpd is crazy rn and i cant be affectionate#BUT...#i know there are some good ppl in the world#many ppl on tumblr (and twitter) has been very kind to me#i know not everyone are bad ppl#im just stuck in this bpd mood where only ONE thing is true#and i constantly feel so hurt and trampled on and disrespected#and i feel like i cannot trust anyone#so my brain hones in on that i feel unsafe w everyone#but okkkk listen i know i know some ppl are very nice to me#and i appreciate that more than i can ever have words for#so.. like yeah i've gotten some asks but i cant reply bc i cant be social directly#but no i dont hate everyone on here or think every single person is awful#like when ppl are nice to me no i dont think theyre horrible#but with my trauma brain... and my past experiences#i get very sensitive sometimes and i feel like everyobe are lying to me and making fun of me#and everyone is in on a joke abt me that im unaware of#and i feel like if i lay myself bare i'll only be taken advantage of and humiliated#i just feel right now very weak and like all my skin's off#and im walking around like a huge wound and if someone even breathes on me it hurts so much#so im sorry for being mean and saying so many rude things rn im just kinda falling apart#but i still have capacity to recognize that ppl are nice to me on here ok i just dont know what ro#what to do with it*** bc im not used to that#im used to ppl bullying me or being mean and i hate that but i just cry and hurt myself and i know what to do#when someone's nice to me i feel like the world is upside down and the sky is like green and the water is red i dont get it#anyway.. yeah i hope no one reads this and when i ramble and write a lot the chance of less ppl reading gets higher#anyway... i just wanted to write this and get it out into the universe#bc i sometimes do things to isolate myself even further bc i've never had community or support or comfort or friendships so lowkey i dont#even want to nurture things that can lead to that bc idk what to do with that. how to not fuck it up.#anyway... idk what im saying or thinking even
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silkpages · 29 days
sometimes in life you've just got to curl up in your bed at two in the morning and read the toxic wattpad werewolf fated mates romance that you've been thinking about since you were thirteen - and that's okay.
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