#lu revali
skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
I really wanna see Legend roasting Revali when he tries to be arrogant...
Revali: How could an average nobody be the fated Hero? I, Revali, master of the winds, am far more qualified for such a task. Legend: It's funny how you think being an average nobody is a bad thing. I've saved the world multiple times over, and I come from nothing. I'm more of a nobody than your knight you hate, and yet I've accomplished more than you several times over.
Time: Master of the winds indeed. You certainly do seem to blow a lot of hot air. Sky [to Wild]: It's okay, Champion. Birds often puff out their feathers and squawk when they feel threatened. He's just sad and lonely.
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science-lings · 1 year
One might say that it was cowardly to run away, and therefore it was something you'd never see a group of legendary heroes do. In all fairness, it was a rare sight, but this was one of those times that they had found themselves severely underprepared and willing to make a tactical and speedy retreat.
Slower members of the chain had used or borrowed speed-enhancing items, leading to the fact that their leader was wearing bunny ears and Four, who had broken his ankle, was riding on Wolfie's back, gripping his fur as hard as he could.
If they weren't so out of breath, Wild was sure some of them would be screaming.
Even with items and Wild handing Sky a stamina potion every so often, the thundering footsteps only grew nearer. The colorful curses that Legend was muttering under his breath were slowly getting louder.
They stumbled over a natural stone bridge, not a single one of them noticing how the rock started to crumble beneath them and how high up they were.
Actually, Hyrule noticed and in his moment of hesitation, was scooped up by Warriors, wasting little time in their strategic withdrawal.
Thankfully they all made it to the other side of the bridge in one piece, unfortunately at the end of the bridge lay only cliffs that would take far too long to climb in their hurry. It was functionally a dead end. A dead end that Legend slammed face-first into as he failed to slide to a stop in his pegasus boots.
"Ah, come on!" the vet slammed his fist into the wall of tightly packed dirt.
"Well, it's been fun fighting with you boys..." Warriors sighed through shallow panting breaths, putting Four down to lean on the wall, but both of them were doing better than Time, who was hunched over with his hands resting on his thighs, his hair splayed messily around, hiding his face.
"Fear not, dear heroes!" Wild announced, his uncharacteristically confident voice coupled with another. His eyes suddenly a shade of golden green. His smirk reminded Time of when Urbosa was being channeled through Wild's body, but this time there was no rage, just enough assuredness to his expression to toe the line of being pretentious.
"Your savior is here!" Wild posed with his hand resting on his chest with a limp wrist with its counterpart splayed dramatically outward.
Definitely pretentious.
The champion knelt on the ground with his arms open, facing downward, before quickly flexing his wrists up. A flicker of ghostly wings overlayed his arms for a moment before the air around them spun, and he shot upwards in a funnel of wind.
He spent a moment surveying the area, spotting the army of monsters that were in pursuit just filing onto the bridge and both Wild and Revali had an idea.
Time slowed around them as they pulled out their bow, one bomb arrow, two bomb arrows, three bomb arrows, four. That's when Wild stopped counting.
If there was one thing the two of them shared, it was their skill with a bow, especially in midair.
A dozen sequential explosions happened rapid-fire, and the bridge crumbled before a single monster could make it across, some even being blown back from the blasts. A few yelped as the rock disappeared beneath them, sending them plunging into the deep chasm.
Thankfully Revali remembered to pull out their paraglider before his melodramatic moment was ruined by them plummeting to the ground. He landed gracefully on the ground, facing away from most of the heroes.
"You're welcome." He turned his head ninety degrees to side-eye the rest of the chain, letting them witness his eyes fade from green back to their normal tropical sea blue.
"Did you get possessed by Warriors this time?" Legend commented.
"Hey! I'm not that bad!" The captain protested.
Wild only laughed, sparing a thought to genuinely thank Revali, even if he was a bit cocky about the stunt. He would never say it out loud though, even dead the bird didn't need to add to his mountain full of pride.
Send me prompts?
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
I love how the AS!colors take the roles of the deceased champions. They would totally rock with those funky large Sheikah pets. Speaking of champions....care to elaborate on Loft's bunch?
Admittedly the Skyloft champions are among the less developed concepts I have so far, but I’m happy to share what I do have and the ideas I’ve got so far!
Before I continue though, it’s good to know that all the champions (with the exception of the Gorons) are humans on Skyloft.
Let’s start with Revali, a key element in the story. Revali takes on a sort of Groose-like role, and though he was never particularly friendly with Wild, the two had been close before. Well, close for them, as two very closed off and competitive guys. They were rivals and always used the other as a way to try and improve themselves. Wild had generally been the better swordsman, while Revali was the superior flier. Both were close in skill, and always eager to one up the other.
Then Wild returned from his fall and took Revali’s worry as hostility. Before, Wild had been excellent at reading him, but now there was just… Nothing. No recognition, none of the same competition they’d had before. It’s all gone. Wild is a stranger in his friend’s skin, and Revali would be lying if he said he didn’t resent him for it. That resentment doesn’t stop him from diving to the surface after Wild, though, and it doesn’t stop him from doing what he can to help. This is his world too, and he’ll be damned if he just stands idly by and lets some amnesiac dumbass do it all on his own.
Mipha is another key player. She’s Skyloft’s main doctor and healer, and everyone firmly believes that the goddess blessed her with healing magic. She and Wild had been close before he fell, though they’d never had anything official. She does her best to help Wild in his recovery, though she doesn’t believe he’ll get any memories back. If he does, it probably won’t be much. She understands that they won’t ever have what they had before, and of course grieves that, but she also wants to do what she can to help him. She’s the person Wild goes to if he wants to connect with the past he doesn’t remember. He goes to her for questions, because he trusts her to answer honestly. Besides, he does enjoy her company, he just tries to give her space because he’s sure it’s hard for her. Her and Sidon’s home is always open for him to stay at.
When Wild first arrived back on Skyloft, he stayed at their home. He planned to sneak out in the night, but Sidon caught him and convinced him to at least stay the night. Mipha realized then that no matter how much she wanted to keep him here where she could keep him safe and healed during his recovery, he’d try to escape anyway. She decided then that she wouldn’t try to make him stay, and just hoped that he’d come to trust her enough to come to her when needed (and he does).
Sidon is an entirely different matter. He knew Wild more as the guy his sister liked, but the two didn’t really cross paths all that often before (though did casually know each other, since Skyloft is a rather small place). Wild has begun to befriend him now, since Sidon doesn’t have the same sort of expectations others have since he didn’t know Wild all that well before. Nowadays he’s Wild’s hype man; he’ll cheer him on for a cool dive he did, a cool monster he killed, or for slaying a literal god. Actually, he refers to Wild as “the godslayer” quite often, and it’s one of the first things the chain hears from someone when they arrive at Skyloft. Needless to say, it sparks a lot of questions towards Wild and he answers none of them (at first; he admits some of it eventually but in the moment he’s more concerned with visiting his friends who are probably worried about him disappearing again).
Daruk is actually just vibing on the surface with other gorons. He meets Wild pretty early on, back before he visited Skyloft for the first time post-amnesia. He was covered in mud, walking on all fours, and being followed by a strange ghost-like woman and a giant bird. Wild didn’t speak to him (he hadn’t yet found his voice), but seemed content to listen to what he was saying. Daruk gave him some advice, pointed out some fruits that he’d seen other organic creatures eat (since he seemed hungry), and told him stories about places he’d been.
Later on, Daruk met Wild again. He was cleaner now, had started speaking, and was well into his recovery by then. He explained his situation with the memory loss over a rock roast (Fi sat back disapprovingly but couldn’t stop him from munching away). Daruk, being a comforting dad figure, listened intently and did his best to cheer Wild up after that conversation. It helps that Daruk is a friend who had never known Wild at all before the memory loss, and someone who didn’t understand humans like him well enough to really see how different Wild is from the rest of them. It’s a nice change of pace.
Urbosa’s role isn’t quite solid yet, but the idea I have for her is that she heads to the surface sometime after Wild does and ends up traveling with Flora and Impa in their quest, acting as another guardian and protector of her (as well as a motherly figure). Impa (based more on SS Impa than BotW Impa) and Urbosa do not get along at first. Impa thinks Urbosa is getting in the way of her duty and pointlessly interrupting, while Urbosa respects Impa for protecting Flora but isn’t thrilled that she’s sticking around now that she’s here to help. They eventually become good buddies, though, and even after it all goes down, Urbosa spends time with Impa’s elderly self in the temple.
I’m not entirely sure what to do with Riju yet, but I have a few concepts. I do think that her family will eventually become the gerudo, and currently are known for only having daughters. She and Sidon both go on a quest with Wild on the surface, but I haven’t figured out what those quests are specifically. Anyway, she’s got a lot of pressure from her family and her quest with Wild is a break from that, but also accomplishes something that she believes will make them proud. That’s why she goes on the mission in the first place, but by the end of it she’s more focused on enjoying her time with Wild and exploring the surface. (She does make her family proud though, and when Urbosa hears about what she’d accomplish, she’d insist that she was always proud of her).
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marvelfangeek09 · 2 years
The Guide of the Dead
It was one of their nights together. The Hero of Spirits wasn’t quite sure what to think of these other heroes. He felt completely out of his depths here. All of these heroes, great swordsmen and defeaters of great evil. They have all done so much in their lives, where he only got through his journey because Zelda was at his side. And now he doesn’t even have that.
However, he can recognize that he does have some of his own talents. For one, he’s pretty sure none of them have even any rudimentary grasp on engineering. He’s working on making a sort of miniature cannon that will hopefully allow him to be less of a burden in combat.
Oh, and he can see souls. There’s that too.
Which is why he volunteered to take one of the shifts. He needed to talk to but he needed everyone to be asleep first. The Hero of the Wild doesn’t seem to realize that he was followed by ghosts, and there was no need to worry anyone. And besides, he doesn’t need anyone thinking that he was a weirdo yet.
As he looked around, waiting for everyone to fall asleep, studying everyone’s souls. He’s never seen so many interesting souls before in one place. Looking at The Hero of Hyrule for example, there was a certain brightness to his soul. Not only did he contain a large fragment of divinity to him that everyone seemed to have here, but there seemed to be something else to it as well. Something ethereal, magical maybe.
The Hero of the Skies spirit was strange in a way that he hasn’t really seen before. It almost looked like his soul was connected to something. It was hard to tell whatever it could be, but it didn’t seem like whatever he was connected to was Hylian. 
Similarly, there was something not quite Hylian with The Hero of Twilight and the Hero of Legend. While they were similar to Hylian souls, there was something off about them. Their souls looked almost… animalistic. And not only that there seemed to be some sort of darkness clinging to them. It wasn’t the same, the darkness looked different on both of them. But there was definitely something there.
Whatever was up with Wild’s soul, it was much more difficult to notice. It took Spirits an incredibly long time to notice, and he probably wouldn’t have if he wasn’t looking at the ghosts that were following him around. There was almost two souls, stacked on top of each other. One looked very ancient, almost completely faded away. But there was something else strange going on with him. Mainly those four ghosts who are constantly surrounding him.
He wanted to be careful with this. Not only did he want to reveal his ability, but he also wanted to not freak Wild out too much. He didn’t know how he would react, and it could easily be very bad. So here he was, waiting for everyone to fall asleep. He just hopes that everyone here is a light sleeper.
After waiting for a little while, he walked over to where the ghosts were watching over Wild. He sat down, giving them some space. “Hey, I’m Link.”
The ghost all looked at him strangely. “Is he talking to us?” The tall gerudo whispered to her group.
“How is that possible? No one should be able to see us. Even Link doesn’t see us anymore.” The zora whispered back.
“Just ignore him,” The rito said, hastily propping his beak up in the air. “If we don’t interact with him, perhaps he will leave us alone.”
Engie just smiled at them, “You guys know that I can hear you, right?” 
The rito glared at him, “Alright that’s it. Urbosa, kill him.”
 She glared at him, “I’m not electructing a child.”
“I'm sixteen, actually. Just short.”
“Shush,” the rito glared at him.
The Goron suddenly let out a huge laugh. “You hylians surprise me everytime. Just when you think that you know it all, they surprise you.”
“Daruk!” The zora, despite being much smaller, floated up and got up in his face. “This is serious! He knows that we are here!”
“So,” Engie said. “Are you going to introduce yourselves? I mean, it’s only polite.”
When reminded of their poor etiquette, most of the spirits seemed to straighten up. “Of course,” the zora said. “I am the Zora Champion, Princess Mipha. This is the Goron champion Daruk, Lord of the Gorons. The Gerudo Champion Urbosa, Chief of the Gerudo. And this is the Rito Champion Revali.”
Engie noticed the angry look of Revali, at his lack of a title. But was quickly distracted by Daruk. “How are you three still so formal? It’s been a hundred years! Live a little!”
“It may have been many years Daruk, but I am still royalty to the Gerudo. You should have some formality as well.”
“One hundred years? I’ve never seen a spirit last quite so long before. How come you haven’t moved on?”
“We had no choice. Our spirits were trapped in the Great Beasts once they were plagued by Calamity Ganon. There was nothing we could do but wait and hope for the best,” Urbosa said. 
Engie made a mental note to ask about this Ganon guy everyone keeps talking about. He must be important.”Well, it looks like you’re free now. How did you manage to get out?”
Unconsciously, they looked down towards Wild sleeping next to where they were talking. “When Link woke up, he was able to free our souls from the divine beasts. We all owe him much.”
“He took his sweet time getting there though. You’d think he would try to be more hasty.” Ravali said.
“So, have you been following him since then? Ever since he rescued you?”
“Well, there isn’t much to do otherwise. What are we going to do, just float around aimlessly?” Daruk grumbled.
Engie nodded, “I understand. It’s hard living in a world where you can’t talk to anyone or touch anything. I had a friend where that happened, and it was really hard on her. Have you been able to talk to him?”
“Not for a while,” Urbosa looked towards the horizon. “We used to be able to talk to him often. But it seems to have faded as more and more time passed. Perhaps he has no need for us now that he has defeated Ganon.”
“Don’t say that!” Mipha said, “Link would never do something like that to us!” “Yeah, he’s too much of a bleeding heart to do that.” Revali snorted.
“You say that like caring is a bad thing.” Mipha said.
“It’s definitely annoying.”
“Have you considered that you can’t speak with him anymore because he believes that you have moved on. Belief can be a very powerful thing sometimes.”
“So is he just pretending to not notice us then?” Revali asked.
“He’s making up for you picking on him for all those years,” Daruk laughed.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. It might just be that his belief that you have moved on is so absolute, that his mind cannot accept that you may still be here. I’m sure part of his motivation for fighting lies in hoping that you three could find peace. Which begs the question,” Engie paused before asking, “Why are you still here?”
They all looked at him incredibly confused. “What do you mean, little guy? Where would we go?”
“Not here in this camp, but why haven’t you moved on yet? It’s been one hundred years as you said, surely it will be alright to move on?” He spread his arms, doing his best to look non judgemental. “I’m sure that’s what he would want for you isn’t it?” “You don’t know what you're talking about!” Revali spat at him. “You don’t know anything about Link, he needs us to be there for him!”
“Aww, don’t talk like that, Rev. You know that the little guy is tough.” Daruk said.
“Oh, come on. He’s just lucky that he got Mipha’s healing first or he wouldn’t have even made it to us.”
“Stop it,” Urbosa floated between the two of them. “You know that’s not fair to Link. He’s plenty capable of taking care of himself. Just because we have helped him before, it doesn’t mean that he’s helpless.”
“But doesn’t he have a point?” Mipha spoke up. “I wasn’t there when he needed me. Not when he woke up, not when he…” her voice trailed off as she looked uncomfortably away. “Shouldn’t we still try to be there now? I would hate myself if I couldn’t help him anymore.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t see it that way. Wouldn’t you think that he would want you to get some rest? Some much deserved peace?” he asked.
They all remained stubbornly quiet at this point.
“Well,” Engie stood up and stretched. “Just think about what I said. If you need to talk again, you can talk to me about it. I’ll help however I can.”
He went back to his own little pile of stuff, giving them their space. You never know how spirits were going to respond to him, and that’s under normal circumstances. Usually he wasn’t dealing with ghosts that lived a hundred years and have recently been forced to travel through time and space. But, that went pretty well. At least they seemed to actually listen to him. And they didn’t even try to kill him. That’s always a plus.
He waited a good while longer, looking at the stars. Zelda tried to teach him the constellations. Apparently, it was very important in their history about tracking the stars so they could always return home. He teased her, asking what could a princess who never leaves the castle need directions for. But now he wished he had paid closer attention to her lessons, because he really hopes that it was just his bad memory that couldn’t recognize a single constellation. He wanted to at least be looking at the same sky as Zelda.
He couldn’t help feeling the slightest bit jealous of Wild. He knows it was kinda silly, but at least he had someone watching over him. He just feels so lost without Zelda by his side.
He got up and woke Twilight to take the next shift. As he laid down to sleep, he hoped that the spirits would actually take his advice. He knows that there would be nothing more lonely than living in a world where you can’t be seen or heard. They do all have each other though, that has to be somewhat helpful. Still, after all they have seemed to go through, he hoped that one day they would be able to find peace.
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bokettochild · 2 years
What does shade think of the champions? And what do the champions think of shade?
Shade has quite a wide variety of opinions about the Champions.
He really likes Daruk, who wouldn't? The big guy is friendly and caring and very genuine and encouraging. Wild both loved and felt safe with the Gorons, and while Shade already liked them as people, that just made him like the big Chief even more. His Cub is happy, so he is too. Personally, he didn't care so much for hanging around Daruk, but mostly because he didn't like being petted by a hand that knocked him off his paws by accident more often than not.
He likes Mipha, she was kind to Wild since he came to their time. Shade didn't really support a romance between them, partly because he knew she would die and also for other reasons, but he was glad Wild had a friend and supporter when he needed it. He was extra thankful when he found out about the healing, because good heavens does his Cub need that Personally, he didn't spend time with her, she was a bit wary of him even after Wild assured her he was safe. They do share a Look though whenever Wild does something reckless, so they have a mutual understanding.
With Revali, all Shade can think about at first is how much the bird reminds him of Legend when he's being cocky, or Warriors when he was trying to draw attention and act haughty or something. As he got to know him, he did become a bit frustrated with Revali's attitude, but at the same time, he is reminded of the boys, so... Personally, Revali did not like Shade, he thought it showed a sign of weakness that the hero needed a wolf to trail after him and protect him. This of course meant that Revali did not spend time with Shade, so Shade didn't get much of a better impression of him.
As for Urbosa, Shade really liked Urbosa. She's sort of the only adult who acts like an adult, and she was the one looking out for the younger Champions, as well as Zelda, which he really respected her for. Besides that, she and he had a lot in common: leaders, dry humor, height (when he was hylian) liked messing with their kids, all the fun stuff. They got along well too, not so much in a talking way, but more interaction wise. She respected him and he her, and they were good to just chill together. In a way, he considered her a friend (even though he could have been her great-something-grandfather).
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drlessy · 3 months
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requested by vivianheart101 on insta :) Twilight annoying Revali- kinda HAHA (he is aware of Revali being a bitch to Wild before.) I need more of Revali + Linked Universe tbh
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dalemon · 5 months
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pspsps have some Groose and Sky content, along with Revali and Calamity Link being unlikely Best Friends for life, trust me its totally canon.
(OH, and Wind loves Tetra and everybody knows it but him lol)
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A worried Princess, a dedicated knight, a time-travelling Guardian, and nine very lost Heroes from the past. Hopefully, it'll be enough to avert calamity.
I rewrote Age of Calamity but now all of the LU boys are here too.
Wild Has The Champion Powers
gratuitous use of headcanons
(author elaborates on none of them)
Wild Angst
Temporary Character Death
Tags May Change
Some Swearing
Genderfluid Wild
Word count: 120,354
Finished: Yes
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lunawolfiefoxy · 2 months
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<- Cover
Part 2 ->
Hey look! I actually got it out!
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candy8448 · 4 months
Midnight ramblings
Why are all of my favorite characters the little emo boys who are packed with so much salt? XD 💀 is this the teenage angst?
Jayfeather (warriors cats), Ray (the promised neverland), Revali (breath of the wild), Legend (linked universe)
Heck, even Ishigami from Kaguya sama to an extent XD
Always the lil angsty guys
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gerudoevernight · 2 days
Your Last Rites
Silence again as Wild turned away. She could do that, she was good at silence.
Revali wasn't.
"You did my funeral rites?"
The question was quiet, like a whisper in a storm of silence. She looked over at him. There was that look again - she thought she saw disbelief and shock, but also hope. She nodded. "Nobody else who fought beside you was still alive."
"You, though."
A short Linked Universe - Age of Calamity crossover I wrote.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
if I'm not too late, some wild backstory please? 💕
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“There’s no way he can do it.”
“You really think that?”
“I’m telling you, it’s so spicy even Daruk struggles with it.”
Urbosa laughed. “Revali, you’ll never learn, will you?”
Looking over to see Link and Mipha huddled together under a shared blanket, she called, “Hey, Link, we have some curry for you to try.”
Link brightened. “Curry?”
Mipha furrowed her brow. “Where did you find that?”
“Never mind that,” Urbosa said dismissively with a careless wave of her hand. “You both need to come try it.”
“Not Mipha too,” Revali hissed quietly. “I like her, I’m not trying to kill her tastebuds.”
But it was too late. The couple walked over and sat in front of their teammates and each accepted a bowl. One bite in and it was apparent who was right and who was wrong in the debate.
Link lipped his lips in delight and started to wolf down the curry while Mipha immediately spluttered. Urbosa handed her friend a small canteen with milk to save her from the burning while Link happily devoured his portion.
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iridescentgleam · 1 year
flight of the wilds for wip wednesday 🥺🥺
Here you go, Crow! :D A little Revalink for you 💛
(WIP Wednesday Game)
With his thoughts wandering the way they were, he didn’t even realize how far he had wandered his way up the spire until he almost ran face-first into a sign. He couldn’t read the script on it, unfortunately not possessing the ability to read Wild’s Hylian, but he did notice the arrow pointing out towards the right, so he looked in that direction like it might give him any clues as to what he was supposed to be reading.
The first thing he noticed was the vast deck that hung off of a cliff, likely indicating it was a landing, of sorts. Given that the Rito were creatures of flight, that would make sense. It was also embellished with a crest painted in a stark snow-white color, standing out from the rather plain wood that made up the landing. He had very little idea of what the symbol meant to the Rito, but he figured it was important for it to be painted the way it was, with bold strokes and clean lines.
He made to step out onto the deck when he noticed that there were two figures at the far end, their legs dangling off of the side as they stared out at the horizon. The smaller figure had its head resting on the shoulder of the larger one in a way that spoke to casual intimacy. Both of them were cloaked in shadow, hidden by the light of the rising sun, but he could tell with very little effort that one of the silhouettes belonged to a Hylian and the other to a Rito. The early morning wind seemed to flirt with the Hylian’s hair, tousling the brilliant golden braid that hung down their back and instantly, he knew who those two figures were, basking in the early light of dawn.
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r0achezz · 7 months
I had the weirdest crossover idea rn.
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Okay...everyone talks about Wind being able to speak to spirits and ghosts. And I fucking live for it
But hear me out.
Twilight can too.
When in the twilight realm people turn into spirits. They are ghosts in that other world that Twilight had to focus and listen too.
The more he uses the shadow crystal the more he bonds to twili magic. And I believe at this point he can focus his senses and understand animals just the same as when a wolf and focusing his senses is how he could hear the spirits.
Imagine a night where Wind has been listening to all the spirits in camp bitch and complain for whatever reason, be it that the chain is fighting as well or it was just a bad day in general. His head is about ready to explode and he wants to snap and just go completely feral.
Twilight notices Wind glaring off in the distance over someones shoulder *cough* Revali *cough* and looking like he's nursing a headache and just quietly goes over and scoops the little hero up with a whisper of "Let's go find somewhere quiet"
Wind just goes limp in his arms the further they get from camp and all it takes is a small question and Wind just absolutely lets out all of his frustration. Bitching about everything he wants to yell at the ghosts and his opinions in general until he's completely deflated.
Does he realize Twilight had the same growing headache? That the ranch hand can see the many other companions on their adventure? Maybe, maybe not..but from then on if the spirits are driving him up the wall he asks twilight to go with him on a walk and they talk about it until Wind can finally rest.
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drlessy · 1 month
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i really do wish we had more interactions between these two ;;
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