#luc and kurt
antvnger · 7 months
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Yeah? Aw hey, thanks, Luc. That’s sweet of you to say. You and Kurt are a pretty awesome couple too, ya know.
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life-of-a-rat · 2 months
underated evil ai!!!!
i continue to campaign for EPICAC and Alpha 60 to be as popular as other evil sentient AI. like EPICAC has the exact same plot as electric dreams, but it is 30 years older, guys. go read it. you can find pdfs of it super easily and its only like 8 pages.
actually, fuck it here you go.
here's a google doc (not mine) of EPICAC: x
and here's a link to Alphaville on youtube: x
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neonshrike · 1 month
Saw this really neat summer-themed meiker and made some OCs!
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Lucille Novak (MCU) - Jade Costas (GB) - Penny Shannon (FO3)
Tagging @captastra @rhettsabbott @imogenkol @inafieldofdaisies @spaceratprodigy @bokatan @carlosoliveiraa @thedeadthree @cptcassian @shellibisshe @confidentandgood @cloudofbutterflies92 @risingsh0t @shegetsburned and anyone else who wants to make one!
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geekysteven · 2 years
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[Image description Alternate future Picard tending his vineyard with text "you know what, fuck you *slaughterhouse fives your picard*]
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sofia-in-nc · 3 months
Sharing my slow yet fun progress at modding here as well in case I go haywire ♥️ thanks to the folks at Baddieghest for the tips!
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1. F/MA pose Vivre sa vie (Jean-Luc Godard, 1962) inspired, prompted by a shot shared by @cybervesna on discord;
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2. F pose inspired by how V and Myers stealthily dealt with the Barghest at Akebono;
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3. F pose made for a group shot of Kurt and his LIs from Baddieghest (assigned to Aon)
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dizziedupthegirl · 2 months
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name; REMY. remy etienne lebeau
nickname(s); rem, rems
alias; gambit
species; mutant
abilites; energy manipulation
abilities also include:
. molecular acceleration . hypnotic charm .
closest friends; kurt wagner, morph, storm, scott, rogue
family; jean-luc lebeau (adoptive father)
significant other; rhylyn jade howlett/eclipse
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i feel like these posts should have more info but idk what to put...anyway meet my mans
asks are open! pick from a prompt here, or here! and all my drs can be found here 🥰
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remylebeaugambit · 4 months
Imagine the outrage if Jean Luc tried to sleep with Rogue, belittled her to Remy at every given opportunity, constantly brought up her ex terrorist past and referred to her as “that woman”.
But Rogue/Mystique and Destiny get a pass because of Marvels fake feminism.
And don’t even get me started on how Kurt constantly has to forgive and be the bigger person whenever it comes to his parents.
Yep, blatant double standards. "Modern" writing for you right there 😉
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If Halo was an 80s/90s (preferrably the latter) action film, who would you cast as who?
Jean Claude Van Damme is my Master Chief (a short, french John-117 who can do the splits and knows karate is so funny to me; plus, he technically played Chief in the form of GR44/Luc Deveraux from the Universal Soldier films).
Oh snap oh snap. I’ve got some thoughts for this one.
John - JCVD, Kurt Russel or Dolph Lundgreen
Fred - Michael Biehn or Karl Urban (depending on when in the 90s it was and how old you wanted him to be)
Kelly - Sarah Michelle Gellar? I’m having a tough time with her actually.
Linda - Linda Hamilton
And as a special surprise thing, Steven Seagal as Ackerson
Who would be in your cast?
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chellerbelles · 2 years
This scene occurs towards the end of the story. Major spoilers.
Rogue & Gambit Week 2023, Battle Couple
Hours later, Rogue and Gambit were back in their suite. He held her while she laid silently, all cried out.
When her powers returned to her, Wanda disposed of the little chicken that was left. So not to alarm the staff, the event continued, although much more subdued and filled with explanations, comparing notes, and speculation.
Kurt had been contacted by someone, presumably Mystique, claiming to be Jean-Luc. Jean-Luc had been contacted by someone who had introduced themselves as Kurt. Both had been invited to a celebration of Rogue and Gambit’s recent good news. When queried for details about this ‘good news’ the sender had expressed surprise that they didn’t already know and insisted that they shouldn’t be the one to tell. No one booked the room, leading all of them to believe that Mystique had done that.
Rogue shuddered in Gambit’s arms, and he looked at her with concern.
“You okay, chere? Stupid question. Did you want me to stay, or would you prefer to be alone for—” his query was cut off as she grabbed his closest hand.
“Don’t go,” she said, and there was an urgency in her voice that alarmed him. “Please don’t go.”
“I’ll stay.” He promised her. “I’ll stay as long as you need me.”
There was silence for a moment before Rogue continued: “I need you to talk to me. To hold me. To do… whatever you can to keep me grounded.”
Gambit frowned. “Of course. What do you mean, keep you grounded?”
“Mystique, the Mystique in my head, she’s pretty angry about how her real self is dead,” Rogue said. “She isn’t feeling inclined to accept that her life is over, since she herself is just a copy of the real thing. She’s trying to take my body for her own.”
“Is that possible?” Gambit asked, alarm in his voice.
“In the past, strong personalities have managed to take over for short periods. I’m sure that any control that Mystique managed to get over my body,” and he thought Rogue sounded more like she was talking to Mystique than himself, “would only be temporary, but I have no desire to indulge her because she can be vindictive and I don’t doubt she’d do a lot of damage before she inevitably fades. I’ve clearly given her far too much leeway over the years. It’s time for her to go back with all the others!”
“Good to know. Alright, well, hmm… What to talk about?” he considered. “The only thing coming to mind is the elephant in the room.”
Rogue snorted. “Which one?”
“The one that says: we’ve only been fake dating for a week and a half and I already know we’re definitely not going to be able to go back to having a professional relationship when we get back to New Orleans. And that’s even without my family thinking we’re dating.”
“Ha! Did we ever even have a professional relationship to begin with? You flirted with me from day one.”
“And you even flirted back sometimes.”
“Yeah… I’m going to do more than just flirt back when we get back,” Rogue admitted with a sigh. “I’ve opened Pandora’s Box, and I already know… sooner or later, you’re going to come by the garage, and I’m going to invite you up to my apartment. If we’re alone, might not even get out of the garage.”
Gambit chuckled. “I can’t begin to tell you how many fantasies I’ve had that have started the same way.”
“Heh. The first time you asked me out, I wasn’t at all tempted. My previous break up and having to move and start again… It was all too raw. But when you asked me out the second time, yeah, the second time I was sorely tempted.” Rogue narrowed her eyes and turned around in the bed to face him. “And don’t think for one minute that I bought your line about ‘forgetting’ that I don’t date clients. I don’t care how many years it had been by then, you remembered perfectly well. You were just testing the waters.”
“Didn’t test them thoroughly enough if you were tempted,” Gambit replied with a grin. “Or maybe I should’ve waited a little longer.”
Rogue shook her head. “Mama has been telling me for years I should hurry up and sleep with you and get you out of my system.”
Gambit frowned. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”
“Feel pleased that I know better than to take her advice. Mystique wouldn’t know a healthy romantic relationship if it bit her on the ass.”
“Well, to be fair, she probably gets bit on the ass a lot. Or did.”
Rogue snorted with laughter. He grinned, and lifted his hand to brush a few strands of hair out of her face.
“So, chere,” he said softly. “If I were to ask you out a third time, is there any chance I’d get a yes?”
Rogue covered his hand with her own. “Yes. And that is a yes. But also a, we can’t do anything right now, because Mystique is a major mood killer.”
“I guess she’s being pretty obnoxious at the moment.”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” Rogue sighed. “I don’t think I can sleep until I’ve got her contained.”
Gambit kissed her nose, then sat up. “I’ll go make us some coffee than.”
Rogue smiled. “Thanks.”
Gambit chatted aimlessly while he made up coffee. He dropped the spoon he was using and bent down to pick it up.
A blue tentacle barely missed his head. He was better prepared for the next, rolling out of the way. Duel tentacle arms bashed into the panelled wall behind him with every dodge.
“Rogue, chere—”
“I know you’re there.”
“Don’t let this shadow push you around!”
A tentacle wrapped around his foot, and another grabbed his arm, pining him in place. He began charging up the floor, and allowed the charge to spread up the walls.
“You kill me,” he said to Mystique, “I’ll take you out with me.”
Mystique looked at them, the around the room at the intensifying magenta light that continued to spread.
“Rogue may have only seen my powers in action once or twice, but let me assure you, if I let go, this whole room will blow,” he said firmly.
“Hmm, there was a time when that may have worked,” Mystique said smoothly. “But the problem is, this time, I’m in Rogue’s body, and I have her powers at my disposal.”
A wrenching pain filled him, almost like he couldn’t breathe.
He was in a room, of sorts. At the front was a ‘viewscreen’ that was looking into their hotel room, Mystique’s tentacles wrapped around his ankle and arm on the floor. The magenta light was slowly fading. Before the viewscreen was a console, and at the console was Mystique.
“Let him go!” Rogue shrieked while trying to throw chains around Mystique.
“And deprive you of his company? Heaven forbid,” Mystique replied.
Gambit grabbed a couple of the chains as Rogue swing them around Mystique. He pulled.
“What?” Mystique exclaimed as she was jerked back.
Rogue pushed Mystique back as Gambit pulled hard on the chains. She placed her hands on the console and immediately through the viewscreen could they see Rogue’s body shapeshift back to normal and release Gambit’s body. Rogue turned and glared at Mystique.
“No! No! This body is mine!” Mystique shrieked. “Mine!”
“I’m sorry, Mama,” Rogue said, even as Mystique’s psychic form shifted and tried melting through and around the chains. “But you’ve officially outstayed your welcome. You’re dead. I don’t like it anymore than you do, but it’s fact. The sooner you accept that, the happier we’ll all be.”
Gambit grabbed more chains and flung them around Mystique. Only then did he see where the chains were coming from: the midst of a crowd mingling opposite the console. How many people were there, he didn’t know. Most were translucent, like ghosts. Some were so transparent they were hard to see. They all seemed to wander aimlessly, talking nonstop, but the noise level was nowhere near as loud as Gambit would’ve expected from such a crowd normally.
“I’m not dead,” Mystique insisted as she slipped and slid through the chains. “As long as I exist, I live!”
Her liquid psychic form lunged for Rogue. Rogue held up her hands and Mystique splashed onto an invisible shield. The chains merged together and began a suction hose, which Gambit grabbed and aimed right at Mystique.
“No! Noooo!” she cried as she was sucked into the hose.
Then, silence. Or as close to silence as it would ever get inside of Rogue’s mind.
“She taken care of now?” Gambit asked.
Rogue studied the crowd beyond. “I think so. Yes. I have her locked in a vat.” She sighed. “I feel so awful about this.”
“Don’t. She was trying to steal your body.”
“It’s not just that. If I had just gotten control sooner…”
“Aww chere,” Gambit said as he wandered up closer to Rogue, but not so close he could get to the console. “We’ve all got things in our past we wish we could’ve done differently. Well, we can’t do anything differently in the past. All we can do is try to make different mistakes in the future.”
Rogue barked out a laugh and Gambit grinned at her.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she said.
“So,” Gambit pointed his thumb at the crowd behind him. “I guess that’s where I should be going.” He wasn’t looking forward to it. It looked like a hellish place.
“Oh, eventually, but you’re much too recent an absorption to be comfortable in there right now,” Rogue said.
“Is anyone comfortable in there? Or are we all too insubstantial to notice?” He couldn’t hide the bitterness.
Rogue was silent for a moment before replying: “The mind is tricky. What you’re seeing now is just a projection. It changes all the time. Also, this is just the ‘control room’, as it were. Beyond that wall of people is something else entirely.” She held out a hand to him. “Come on. Mystique didn’t hold onto your body long enough to cause any real problems. You’ll be awake in a few hours, easy.”
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antvnger · 11 months
Trick-or-Treat! I have come knocking on your door asking for a treat. You can give me whatever you wish! Then go to your friends Tumblr door and ask them for a treat! Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 (don’t answer until October 31)
Hey Luc! I got something special for you! I was gonna save it til Christmas, but honestly I really can't wait.
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It's a LEGO Kurt you can take with you anywhere!
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kiforditom-szetszedem · 10 months
Aki kérdezné, ki volt az én Mesterem, hát többen voltak, volt pár zen mester, pár őskeresztény sivatagi szerzetes, Ignác, a loyolai, Frank Herbert, Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut jr., David Duchovny, nem az ikszes, hanem a kalifornikátor, a másik David, de nem a csillagos, hanem a Larry, Jean-Luc Picard, Szokratész, bolond Jocó, önmagam és vagy 600 sarlatán, akiken évekig tartott átlépni, mert csak arra voltak jók, hogy rájuk figyeljek s nem a lényegre.
És ezek csak a hímek, a többieket számra sem merem venni s fel sem bírnám sorolni.
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neonshrike · 10 months
Tagged by @corvosattano to do this OC interview thing! I did it with my current main two, as well as some ones I wanted to develop more. This was fun!
Tagging @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @bbrocklesnar @the-laridian @the-lastcall @marivenah @nightbloodbix @shellibisshe @perpetuagf @birdswings and anyone else who would like to do one!
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Name: Lucille Ilene Novak
Nickname: Luc (But never Lucy.)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’10
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: American, born in Everett, WA.
Fave Fruit: Mango
Fave Season: Autumn.
Fave Flower: Rose, but she's really not a flower person.
Fave Scent: Ocean, since both of her homes are by it.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee, usually taken black. She doesn't like tea very much.
Average Hours of Sleep: Depending on how late she has to be out and how bad her nightmares are that night, she sleeps about 5 hours on average.
Dog or Cat Person: Cat person, dogs are a lot of energy and noise for her and she really adores Kurt's pet cat Dima.
Dream Trip: New York City
Favourite Fictional Character: Ellen Ripley.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: One, just a regular blanket on top of her made bed since she doesn't like to get too warm.
Random Fact: Lucille's favorite food is any type of noodle dish.
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Name: Brenna Elaine Ross
Nickname: Bren
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 4'11
Orientation: Undecided
Nationality/Ethnicity: American, born in Willowdale, VA.
Fave Fruit: Orange.
Fave Season: Summer, it's the one that messes with her asthma the least.
Fave Flower: Sunflowers, she likes the idea of getting lost in a tall field.
Fave Scent: Eucalyptus, especially when accompanied by steam.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Tea, she actually shares her dad's favorite kind: sencha.
Average Hours of Sleep: 8 hours, she stays up just a little bit late with her games.
Dog or Cat Person: Dogs! They make her so happy to see just walking around and has a great time when she gets to play with one.
Dream Trip: Tokyo
Favourite Fictional Character: Eevee
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: Three, she likes to stay warm and cozy!
Random Fact: Brenna won a Mario Kart tournament at Culver. She was almost a decade younger than most of the other people and one of the only girls.
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Name: Jasmine Miranda Ramirez
Nickname: Jazz
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5’9
Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Filipino-American, born in San Francisco, CA.
Fave Fruit: Cherries, she has a few articles of cherry clothing too.
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: Plumeria, since her favorite colors are white and pink.
Fave Scent: Cherry blossom, her go-to soap/perfume choice.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: All three! She drinks coffee the most, however.
Average Hours of Sleep: She tries her best to get her 8 hours.
Dog or Cat Person: Both, but she had a cat growing up.
Dream Trip: Paris
Favourite Fictional Character: Elle Woods
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: Two, maybe three if it's really cold.
Random Fact: She basically charmed her way into a Stark press conference once.
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Name: Tristan Mateo Castillo
Nickname: Tris
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5’8
Orientation: ?
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mexican-American, born in San Jose, CA.
Fave Fruit: Pineapple
Fave Season: Summer, it just feels like there's more to do then.
Fave Flower: Poppy, especially red and orange ones.
Fave Scent: Barbecue.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee mixed with powdered hot chocolate.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5-6 on worknights, 12+ when he can sleep in.
Dog or Cat Person: Dogs, they all tend to like him.
Dream Trip: Indianapolis
Favourite Fictional Character: Luke Skywalker (shh)
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: One, since his place has terrible AC.
Random Fact: Tristan owns a pinball machine he found at a sale with Kurt.
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neonsoundbite · 10 months
Luc, I’m really thankful to have you as a friend. You’re sweet and kind and smart, and you make Kurt ridiculously happy too.
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Thanks Scott, that’s very kind of you. I’m happy to be your friend, and Kurt makes me ridiculously happy too.
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snowboyclarkov · 11 months
Beyblade World Tournament: MD12-MD17
The early second half of that one random comparison tournament thing I'm doing because I can. Nothing more needs to be said. I still think the fact that Phi and Hyde don't have a known surname looks off compared to all the others.
This is used in the event of all the peeps having the original beys. Mainly because Hasbro beys are about as appealing as Sage hentai, and also because on Hasbro beys, the hax don't exist.
Battle Smarts
Break Potency
Burst Resistance
Launch Strength
Special Moves
Aiger Akabane = ACH
Alexander Shakadera = XCL
Arman Kusaba = ASH
Arthur Peregrine = APO
Bel Daizora = BFY
Boa Alcazaba = BAL
Clarkov Sahaidachny (Furutani) = MRN
Dante Koryu = DRA
Delta Zakuro = DVL
Free de la Hoya = FAF
Gwyn Reynolds = GEN
Hikaru Hizashi = HLO
Hyde = HAD
Hyuga Hizashi = HPR
Kurt Baratier = KHA
Lain Valhalla = LUC
Lui Shirosagi = LNO
Pax Forsythe = PDM
Phi = PHN
Pri Forsythe = PDR
Rashad Goodman = REG
Shu Kurenai = SPR
Silas Karlisle = SAT
Valt Aoi = VTY
Matchday 12:
HPR 10-7 VTY
HAD 7-10 DVL
KHA 6-10 HLO
BFY 8-11 APO
PDM 10-7 SAT
ASH 4-13 MRN
GEN 13-5 BAL
REG 10-8 FAF
Matchday 13:
PHN 8-10 HLO
DRA 10-8 APO
ASH 7-11 SAT
GEN 8-10 ACH
SPR 13-5 BAL
XCA 5-10 FAF
Matchday 14:
HPR 10-7 ASH
GEN 8-10 DRA
SPR 8-10 BFY
XCA 7-11 PHN
MRN 12-4 HAD
LNO 6-11 LUC
Matchday 15:
ACH 10-8 XCA
SAT 5-12 SPR
APO 10-9 REG
LNO 9-10 GEN
LUC 10-8 ASH
HLO 7-10 DRA
VTY 9-10 BFY
HAD 7-10 PHN
KHA 6-10 PDR
Matchday 16:
HPR 6-11 MRN
ACH 13-6 BAL
SAT 4-13 FAF
APO 12-7 XCA
LUC 7-10 REG
DVL 11-6 ASH
HAD 3-11 PDM
KHA 3-15 BFY
PDR 10-8 PHN
Matchday 17:
APO 10-8 ACH
LUC 12-3 BAL
HAD 6-12 REG
KHA 6-12 GEN
PHN 9-10 DRA
Current Standings
Dante Koryu | Dragon
Gwyn Reynolds | Genesis
Aiger Akabane | Achilles
Rashad Goodman | Regnar
Lain Valhalla | Lucius
Hikaru Hizashi | Helios
Pax Forsythe | Pandemonium
Clarkov Furutani | Mysurarni
Bel Daizora | Belfyre
Lui Shirosagi | Lúinor
Free de la Hoya | Fafnir
Valt Aoi | Valtryek
Shu Kurenai | Spryzen
Pri Forsythe | Pandora
Hyuga Hizashi | Hyperion
Arthur Peregrine | Apocalypse
Delta Zakuro | Devolos
Phi | Phoenix
Alexander Shakadera | Xcalius
Silas Karlisle | Satomb
Arman Kusaba | Ashindra
Hyde | Hades
Kurt Baratier | Khalzar
Boa Alcazaba | Balkesh
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infj-zen · 1 year
Voices in figure skating
Interviews with popular figure skaters
How well are you able to recognize similiarities in vocal qualities and speaking patterns between figure skaters of the same MBTI types who are talking about their athletics careers?
Another listening series for falling asleep and helping to cure insomnia
INFJ Karen | Evan | Pascal | Todd
ENFJ Lia | Rachael | Sasha | Anthony | Mervin | Igor
ISFJ Meryl | Satoko | Katia | Mitchell | Paul
ESFJ Isabeau | Jessica | Kaetlyn | Mirai | Alissa | Michelle | Surya | Sandra | Dylan | Scott | Todd
INTJ Bradie | Kaitlyn | Brooklee | Evan
ENTJ Piper | Kristi | Jeffrey
ISTJ Lindsay | Holly | Emily | Madison | Nancy
ESTJ Starr | Olivia | Ashley | Meagan | Polina | Maia | Kimmie | Tara | Yuka | Elvis
INFP Madison | Michal | Victor
ENFP Ashley | Allison | Nam | Joe | Brian
ISFP Christina | Mariah | Tessa | Ilia | Jason | Lewis | Jean-Luc | Nikolaj | Guillaume | Patrick | Charlie
ESFP Hannah | Amber | Kaitlin | Laurence | Kirsten | Oksana | Elizabeth | Ye | Camden | Roman | Jason | Zachary | Adam | Elladj | Asher | Emanuel | Kurt | Scott
INTP Oona | Vincent | Chris | Kevin
ENTP Karina | Tomoki | Christopher
ISTP Gabrielle | Jayne | Nathan
ESTP Madeline | Gracie | Gabriella | Debi | Zachary
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Luc × older than 21 × Scorpio × self shipper
My only f/o is Kurt Wagner, the Nightcrawler. I don't mind sharing Kurt, as my Kurt is from a unique universe separate from any established timelines.
Please DNF if you're a proshipper, start a lot of drama, are homophobic, transphobic, ace exclusionary, are a MAP, so on and so forth.
Tags below the cut
Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler | #everything is blue
Hank McCoy, Beast | #
Jean Grey, Marvel Girl, Phoenix | #
Kitty Pryde, Sprite, Shadowcat | #
Logan Howlett, Wolverine | #
Scott Summers, Cyclops | #
Peter Parker | #
Piotr Rasputin | #
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