#luche and ada
thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 7- Edging
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Yeah. Gonna cheat by pulling another couple from another story. This time the FFXV Modern AU- Magic and Miracles featuring Luche Lazarus and his wonderful spitfire of a wife- Ada.
Kinktober 2022
Day 7 Edging
Beads of sweat formed and fell from your form as you moaned and whined rather pitifully from around the gag tied around your mouth. But there was little you could do except either give him a thumbs up that you were ok because your hands were tied behind your back and he currently had you bent over a stack of pillows in the bed and was playing with a myriad of toys on you in between stuffing you full of his own cock too, which he currently had in a cock ring himself. Or you could flip him off when he noticed you were just on the edge of climax and he turned the damn things off to keep you from coming. But oh, you were going to make him pay for this because you knew how to return friendly fire and give as good as you got. 
Honestly you didn’t know if this was heaven or hell or a mixture of both. 
But you were currently restrained and couldn’t move, not that you would- had you not been. Because honestly? This was some of the best sex you had had with your partner in a while. And it definitely beat out the lazy sex before bed just so you could wake up early and get the kids to school- by a long shot. 
The kids were off at the grandparents for the weekend. And you and your husband Luche decided to spice things up a bit, your 10 year anniversary was still a few months away. And while you did have a Disney Cruise planned for your whole family, it seems he was wanting to celebrate it a bit early and a bit differently than the way you had been celebrating in the past.
You spent the day at the best spa in town. Getting everything you wanted from head to toe. The perfect cut and color and style for your hair. The lash extensions. The facial. The massage. The manicure and pedicure. Your makeup professionally done. You bought secret lingerie to wear under your dress. You got an undergarment slimmer to hide your mom belly you had gained carrying and birthing three kids. You bought this sexy as sin dress in the best shade of royal blue that complimented your complexion to wear and new “fuck me” heels and this new perfume that made you feel like you smelled like a goddess and made you feel as amazing as you looked at everyone in that spa complimented how hot and sexy of a MILF you were. And at least your husband saw the dress so he knew exactly what shade of suit to dress in so that you looked like a proper pair.
You met him at the very upscale bar that was close to the hospital he worked at as a minor CEO. You pretended not to know each other and he tried some cheesy pick up line he most likely had gotten from Google no doubt. But he tried. And you appreciated the effort.
And Luche looked great. He had always looked handsome but today? Oh he had turned the charm on and up to 11.  He too had gotten a new suit, shirt and tie for this, perfect shade to match your dress perfectly. And he had packed quite the goody bag for the both of you to enjoy this weekend. He bought and was wearing new cologne that made him smell amazing. He just got a hair cut and a custom shave from his barber. He looked like a million bucks. 
And according to him- so did you. 
Granted the fact that you had been wearing half that amount in the jewelry set probably helped, but he assured you that had you not been wearing anything, you'd still be the most beautiful woman in the world to him.
It was the most planned “spontaneous” thing you two had done since you gave birth to your last daughter Emma. Who was now..almost 3. And now you were trying for baby number 4. But the whole point of getting pregnant was so that you could climax and so could he. But he apparently wanted to have much more fun “before the finale”. And considering just how "stocked" this bag of tricks was, he was keen to try to use as much as possible and was particularly giddy to try- with your consent and permission of course, which is how you found in your current position.
Which is why after he took you out to the most amazing restaurant, he took you to this hotel, specifically to this suite. Had your bags, that he had spent all morning packing himself so that you would have everything you wanted and needed. 
‘Let’s try it,’ Luche said. ‘It’ll be fun’, he promised. ‘It’s the best’ he had assured you when he suggested the two of you try edging.  
Fun? In the beginning. Yes. 
The best? That was currently up for debate. 
But you did have a safety signal in place for when he could push you too far. And while you desperately wanted to cum. You also desperately didn’t want to lose this battle of wills either. 
Because you wanted him to remember something.
That the best part about sleeping with a redhed- is that you don’t sleep at all.
And you didn’t care if it was 2 in the morning. Hell you’d stay up till the sun came up. And tomorrow night was your turn to edge him. And right now, you were mentally keeping a tally of how many times he had denied you your orgasm and you were be going tit for tat with him- plus one or two. Depending on how much longer and further he took this. 
After the first round, you learned that if you just kept your voice down and did your best not to make any noise at all, that maybe you’d get a quick orgasm in- without him noticing. But Luche wasn’t having that at all. He wanted to hear it all. Even with the gag in your mouth. 
But the key was the gag itself. It came with a quick release. All you needed to do- to end this- was use your tongue to turn the ball that was in the gag that came with a button that you could push in with your tongue and the ball would fall out of the gag and you could tell him to stop. 
But perhaps that was the most tortuous part of all. Because you didn’t want him to stop. He had just stuffed something of a vibrating anal plug into you and an even bigger vibrator into your pussy and had a wand at your clit you were beyond exquisitely stuffed and your petite but powerful legs kicked at the bed and you let out a shrill pleasured cry because finally, please, after 3 hours. You wanted it. This was it. If you were going to cum, you wanted to cum on this as you used both hands tied behind your back to give him the thumbs up that this felt amazing and you were still cool with this and wanted this and before he could turn them off, you finally, finally came. 
That glorious, wonderful cascade of pleasure and he at least had the decency to let you finish before he pulled the vibrator out and replaced it with his own cock and finally came into you too so that such precious seed would hopefully take root.
But by this point, you were beyond exhausted. Pleasured, sated, but exhausted as the time of night finally caught up with you. And by the time he got the ball gag off of you and untied you and pulled that anal plug back out of you. You just laid there. Rather limply as he cleaned up both himself and you. But you were content to lay there. Eyes closed, catching your breath, ass still up in the air, supported by pillows while your arms simply were happy to lay next to you, your own semi closed hands on either side of your butt just up in the air. 
“Babe? You ok? Did I go too far?” Luche asked worriedly when he got out of the bathroom to see you had not moved once he took everything off and put it away. 
“I’m so tired. Like. This was fun. But. It feels like I haven’t slept in 36 hours and my body is jelly and my brain is fried.” You answered honestly as you were even starting just drool where your head laid. 
“Oh. Sorry. I guess we got a little carried away. Well good thing is- it’s a holiday weekend. And you have the next three days to catch up on all the sleep you want.” He tried to reassure you as he gently moved you to lay on your side while he rearranged the mountain of pillows and even carefully lifted your head to lay your head on a pillow before he put another where he would be sleeping before he turned the lights off, got into bed and gathered you into his arms. 
“Are you sure you’re ok? Are you sure I didn’t go too far?” Luche asked again as he tenderly kissed the crown of your head. 
“I don’t know. I’m too tired Babe. Ask me after I’ve slept for, 8, 10, 12, fuck it, 14 hours.” You mumbled as you could feel sleep drag you down. 
“Ah, I kept you up too late. Sorry, I got a little carried away.” Luche apologized again. 
“It’s ok. You owe me though.” You insisted as you buried your face into his chest. 
“Owe you what?” Luche asked.
“8 orgasms.” You answered which got him to laugh. 
“Ok. I’ll get right on that, after you’ve slept and sufficiently refreshed yourself and refueled. And I’m sure you’ll make me pay for every one of those when it’s my turn right?” Luche guessed with a fond smile. 
“Oh hell yeah.” You answered. 
“Ok. Goodnight Ada, I love you.” He cooed. 
“Love you too Lu, good night.” You murmured before you fell asleep within his embrace. 
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estefanyailen · 1 year
Hoy no fue un buen día,
las tormentas me perseguían.
En cada paso sentía como me moría,
y es raro, porque acá sigo todavía.
Vuelven los fantasmas,
caen las lágrimas,
vuelve mi desconfianza,
mis miedos se afianzan
el miedo al contacto,
el miedo a un abrazo,
el miedo a compartir un rato,
el miedo a volver con el corazón el la mano,
el miedo a estar sola de nuevo,
el miedo a pedir ayudar y no encontrar consuelo
Quisiera no recordar todo negro,
quisiera no haber perdido el conocimiento,
quisiera no haber tenido tanto miedo,
quisiera retroceder el tiempo,
que más quisiera,
que haber llegado de vuelta
sana y entera.
Sin saber que le pasó algo malo a mi remera,
que le pasó algo a mi campera,
que pasó algo bajo la luna llena
en un estado forzado de inconsciencia.
Me alejé como pude,
pero el recuerdo me hunde,
mi mayor miedo es creer ahora...
que sin importar cuanto luche
siempre alguien me derrumbe
Hoy el sol no brilla, y tal vez mañana llueva
pero todo se renueva,
"borrón y cuenta nueva"
De la mala experiencia, algo aprendí,
quedaron grabaciones y al oírlas reí,
incluso en el peor momento
hablando de amor me encuentro.
Compré polvito de adas
para poder brillar mañama,
mientras mi mente calma
y mi interior sana
pero nunca derrotADA 🦋~
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algundia3 · 1 month
Esta carta es para ti F honestamente me idealize tanto contigo a pesar de todo el daño las peleas tuvimos aprendí amarte con todos tus defectos y vi como una persona me amo también con mis defectos, escribo esto por que el pasado quedara ahí, aun quedan cicatrices del pasado, te ame como nunca había amado a alguien y es duro aceptar te fuiste pidiéndome perdón se que hiciste las cosas mal y es duro aceptarlo nunca me imagine te irias, alguien ame fuera así, en un dado momento yo también me quería ir sin acerté daño por que al final fueron años de pareja fueron momentos hermosos, pero también complicados, veo eres feliz y yo te deseo lo mejor, que luches por tus sueños que logres eso tanto soñaste, pero hoy decido irme a buscar a cumplir los sueños teníamos juntos me costará una vida, pero se que nos ira muy bien a los dos no te pedí te quedaras y yo decidí irme también por nuestro bien ,me dolió no sintieras lo mismo que estoy sintiendo ahora como el mundo se te cae a pedazos como la vida imaginabas nunca se va a llegar a formar , no te odio por que te llegue amar más que a nadie más que a nada, no entiendo en que momento me dejaste de amar yo se que las parejas son de 2 y quiero entender yo también falle así como tu y es verdad duele el alma mi corazón esta herido quisiera escuchar tantas respuestas pero se que nunca las oire por que se que seria hacerme daño a mi mismo me duele todo y se que alguna ves también te doli así que te agradezco todo a tu familia el apoyo incondicional así como siempre te vi mi incondicional me despido de la f que me enamoro la que se reía de todo que era cariñosa detallistas que nunca se rendía esa f amiga incondicional, cariñosa, amorosa que queria hacer las cosas bien la f real, a la última solo f solo te deseo lo mejor esa que al final me di cuenta de muchas cosas que no quise ver por el amor que le tenía a la anterior la confianza incondicional era inmensa , quiero creer muchas cosas no pasaron peronal final como una ves te lo dije todo sale a la luz , al final asi como siempre fui honesto , directo y talves frio , hay cosas me duelen tanto como me mentiste como trataste de solucionar lo que rompiste y no te culpo al final se que no perdi , gane años con una chica a la que ame muchísimo y me deja una enseñanza muchas veces por mas que quieras a alguien , esa persona no te dara esa lealtad y todo lo que tu le diste, me quedo con la linda chica me enamore y no con la que me despedí prefiero recordarte como la chica enamorada, loquita, extrovertida, ansiosa, la que se sentía sola y yo solo quería darle un poco de lo que ella siempre me mostró amor desbordado.
Te deseo lo mejor, va a sonar duro no deseo verte nunca más por que cuando alguien te ama no se le hace eso , para mi no tienes justificación, al final de cuentas las personas van y vienen me hubiera gustado nunca te fueras , pero desgraciadamente eso no me toco a mi decidirlo, me di cuenta tengo mucha gente buena a mi lado me hubiera gustado llegaras a entender y encontrar esas personas si valen la pena tener en tu vida, ojalá y algún día encuentres la paz, la felicidad o lo que usted busca, te deseo los mayores de los éxitos y mucho amor para tu familia , esa familia de la que me sentí parte y también quise mucho, así como las adas vuelan me toca volar y seguir mi destino el camino se partió en dos y pues esperemos siempre esos caminos nos lleven a lados mejores, solo el tiempo lo dirá que pasará con nuestras vidas, el destino nos guiará y solo se que si haces las cosas bien si dices la verdad, la vida te reemcoompensara, en esta vida todo tiene solución espero y encuentres la tuya, no te preocupes por mi, me compondre sólito, por que hay cosas que ni teniendo a todas las personas del mundo te puedan ayudar, talves no este contigo pero le lejos o cerquita estaré echándote porras por que al final tus sueños fueron míos y aunque ya no este ahí cuando los cumpls sentiré yo también los cumplí.
Nunca me quitaré la armadura para que no me vuelvan a lastimar.
Y vuelva a sentir todo el amor sentía por ti pero tampoco el dolor y en el oyó me dejaste.
Ojalá hagas las cosas bien por que esa es la fer la que puede enamorar al mundo y cumplir todos sus sueños.
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 14
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Ya'll, when I say, that the writer's block for this story practically parked it's 18 wheeler sized ass in front of me, like a boulder on a mountain road AND THERE WAS NO WAY AROUND IT, to the point that I didn't know if I ever would get to write it again and I had to take a break for...way too fucking long. Also- for the record, all of this still happens in my head in 2018, you know, when I started writing this story, because BY GOD, all these characters should have had their weddings and a small piece of happily ever after BEFORE COVID comes to fuck everyone over. But Hazel's dress, that's still 2022 Pnina Tornay, it's a fantasy story, I'm fudging the timeline, a little. Also Hazel's engagement ring? Chocolate diamond. She's a foodie. It made sense.
Also, Yes, I do realize that I am face casting Alex Pettyfer twice. The first was as modern Ravus Nox Flueret, and then...as Dash Parr in my modern Incredibles AU Why So Jaded. Look, I just adore the guy ok? He's...incredibly good looking and talented, and HOT. They don't happen in the same alternate universe, it's fine, it's fine.
Anyway, so back to the road block, sorry, detour, anyway, so then, tragedy struck in my personal life, ok several tragedies kind of piled up all at once it felt like and shook me to my core, and suddenly those earthquakes, knocked that boulder off the road and opened up the creative roadway to this story again, then I wrote something truly horrific for this particular story. AND IT'S AWESOME, like it's brutal, will reach inside and grab your heart, put it into a blender before handing it back to you as you cry and say thank you, kind of awesome, so angsty.
But, I couldn't just...post it and not keep wrapping up other character's story lines because this was still "everyone needs to find their happily ever after" foundations laid. So. What that did, was give me a "if you want this- angsty thing to happen, how do you get the story from here to there, now that you don't have this fucking boulder in the way." and my brain finally went "I got it! TREDD IS AN ASSHOLE" and boom, problem solved. See I had- most of the components to this particular chapter, already written and mentally mapped out and planned out but the "go juice" to write it was empty.
But Tredd, lovable, asshole Tredd, gave me what I needed. I don't even know if I should tag who I used to tag...however long ago I used to post chapters to this story or if they have all changed their usernames and stuff or if any of them are still interested. But you know what? I'm gonna post it anyway. So enjoy.
Also, @the-immortal-marshal, thanks for sticking with me and hanging in there, THE PAIN IS COMMING NEXT CHAP. ENJOY the last moment of "peace and happiness where everything is perfect and nothing hurts" while it lasts.
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 14
“Hello Behbehs!” Selena cooed when she came home from school to her dogs and Duchess who eagerly greeted her before she got all the packages from the little stylish boxes she built out of pallets to create a little place for packages to be stored on her front porch before she and Ravus could get home and get them in their apartment.
“Ah thank goodness.” Selena breathed in relief when a couple of them were those pre prepared meal kits. Because with both her and Ravus being in school and both of them working too, they rarely had a chance to go grocery shopping anymore and the meal kits were a healthy alternative to fast food and surprisingly less expensive than take out and right now they were still in their “try everything once to find our favorites” stage. But Selena barely had them all unpacked and put away by the time her phone chimed.
‘Hope you had a good day today Darling’ Ravus texted when his phone chimed that she had made it home.
‘It’s been fine, busy, how about yours?’ Selena texted back.
‘Not great, I’ll be happy to call it a day soon.’ Ravus texted back as Selena frowned at her phone before she got an idea and raced up the stairs to get dressed in more business formal attire that was clearly flirtatious that covered up some ridiculously sexy lingerie and some really good ‘fuck me’ heels and put on some makeup and put her hair up in a quick bun then quickly left their apartment to go to Miracles Hospital where she parked next to Ravus’ car and purposefully strutted into the offices, using the badge keycard Sylva had made for her to get in before she made a B-Line for Ravus’ temperoary office while his was under construction before she checked in with Kathryn to make sure he was alone in his office before she opened his office door and struck a pose in his door frame with a smoldering look and a mischevious smirk on her lips that had Ravus’ jaw dropping to the floor at the vision she was.
“Hey. What are you doing here? Is there a problem with…?” Ravus began to ask as she closed the door, locked it then sauntered up to him and straddled his lap before she kissed him passionately as he eagerly held her and pulled her to himself as he kissed her back with equal passion that had Ravus thanking God that he put such an amazing, wonderful and sexy as hell woman in his life that could give him the one thing he wanted that he knew money could never buy- her love, priceless and perfect as it was. And with her love came devotion, loyalty, honesty, faithfulness and right now- desire and it was his life’s goal to make himself as desirable to her as he could possibly be because being the object of her affection was all he could ever want and he wanted her to feel as lucky that she had him for a partner- that he felt about her.
“How’s your day now?” Selena purred when they broke for air.
“Ah-amazing, I can’t, can’t complain.” Ravus answered truthfully, his mind desperate in it’s grasping for coherent thought as he was completely blown away and delighted by her little surprise visit as his hands traveled down her body, appreciating every nuance and curve she had.
“Good, now do you want to fuck me here or in the sleep studies wing, in the car or at home?” Selena asked and watched as he swallowed thickly as his own eyes grew a dark stormy gray with lust.
“Is there an ‘all of them’ option?” Ravus returned which made Selena smile brighter as he quickly hiked up her skirt the rest of the way to reveal that she had not been wearing underwear but was wearing thigh highs attached to a matching green silk garter belt ,which were his favorite kind of stockings as his cock tried to break through his pants trying to get into her as he gasped and ‘oohed’ in surprise and delight as she made quick work of his pants and underwear before she managed to seat herself onto him as he let his chair lean back and rest on a filing cabinet so they wouldn’t crash backwards and also so that Selena could ride him as hard as she wanted to without hurting anything as she opened up his silk dress shirt so that his chest and neck were bared to her before he yanked down her shirt and undid her bra so that her breasts, which had been pushed up to show her amazing cleavage before- were now bared to him in turn as he suckled as his hands went to her hips to guide her over him and when his other hand reached down to stroke her clit with practiced ease as he whispered some absolutely filthy things to her in French which he had discovered could get Selena all riled up and to hear and see and feel that was like a drug to him.
Selena could feel her orgasm approaching as her body and mind were in absolute bliss and to hear Ravus whisper, moan and growl in her ear in between kissing and licking and playfully biting every inch of skin he could reach as he drove up into her as hard as he could and rub her clit just right. Not too hard, not too fast, but as if he was delicately conjuring her soul through her pussy was the greatest pleasure she had ever known and she didn’t care what he was saying to her in French, but the way he said it, the way it rolled off of his very gifted tongue and the way he could enrapture her mind, body and soul so easily, as easy as he breathed and leave her so desperate for him, desperate for more. Just one more touch, one more kiss, one more thrust, one more profession of love, of promise, of adoration, everything. How she was his everything and how he was going to love her and cherish her for as long as he lived and she had the utmost faith in every word. And she knew that she was going to love him for the rest of hers. She didn’t care if he lost his fortune or the hospital or anything. She would keep him and he would keep her. And that would be all that mattered.
In rapid succession Selena came, her shuddering cry of bliss was the most perfect sound in Ravus’ ears as he smiled victoriously that he was able to give her the greatest pleasure possible before Ravus’ own face scrunched up as he came himself, a grunting, hissing moan. His cock throbbing but since his injections, there were no loads, other than an extra load of precum before they both collapsed in the chair as they held each other as Selena let her head rest on his shoulder as they recovered.
Selena traced random designs on his skin around his chest hair that was starting to fill in nicely along with more muscle mass that had started to build just in the last few months since he graduated highschool and gotten back from the most epic summer vacation. It was as if he was a late bloomer. All the bulky muscle he had always wanted was finally filling in the way he wanted it to and he was having to buy new suits and shirts because his old ones no longer fit him the way he wanted them to, but thankfully that glorious cock of his stayed the same, much to Selena’s utter and complete delight.
The only thing that hadn’t grown was thankfully his feet so that meant the man didn’t need to buy new shoes. Which was his own guilty pleasure and obsession, especially dress shoes. While they had gone cross country all summer, he and Luche would hit up all the thrift stores and speciality shops looking for old shoes to restore and when they had been in L.A. They had hit the mother load. All these places that had all the shoes from the old stars of hollywood, whether they became famous or infamous or never even made it on the map. But their very expensive and very good quality shoes were left behind. One shop in particular was run by a couple of older gentlemen that were so happy to see some younger guys were into this kind of thing that they gave them the deals of a lifetime and even Tredd and of course Ignis came along and between Ravus and Ignis, Luche and Tredd got quite the crash course education on shoes, in particular old dress shoes as the four of them practically bought the store out and had to ship out most of them back home because they wouldn't fit with their former travel plans. Ravus and Ignis were the way about shoes the same way some women were about fashion and purses.
Of course that wasn't the only "obsession" Ravus and Ignis had shared with Luche and Tredd, Ravus' mother and of course his grandparents were avid fountain pen collectors and when Sylva's parents had passed, they went over her parent's very, very extensive fountain pen collection that was in the thousands of pens large, Ravus insisted that about two dozen of them go directly to Selena so she could "impress" her more "financially affluent" clients she was starting to get as Sylva happily let those precious few go to Selena, then the rest were picked through by Sylva, Lunafreya who was also an avid fountain pen enthusiast as well as Ravus and Ignis who then coached Luche and Tredd of all people who showed an interest in what he called "rich people shit", just like jewels, yahts, jets, shoes and the like, which amused Sylva who humored him enough to go through what made a good fountain pen and what made different pens valuable and what the more "famous" or well known "name brands" were and what inks were best for which pens and corralating inks to the pens themselves as Luna did the same thing with Selena so that Ravus could coach Luche through the same thing too as the rest were divided evenly and "put away" so that they could become an "inheritance" for the next generation.
Meanwhile Ravus wasn’t the only one who had gone through some changes over the course of the summer and now fall, Selena too seemed to fill in quite nicely, she had gained some weight over the summer, her hips had filled out and her derriere had plumped out and her breasts had grown, filled in and rounded out and while she had gone up a few dress sizes, Ravus couldn’t be happier about the developments. Like she had transformed from lithe teen to full blown woman and he was all too happy to replace every piece of clothing in her wardrobe so that she was comfortable and could embrace her current body.
And with Selena landing what in her opinion was the dream job at Fosters as a junior designer and was currently designing all her friend’s houses as Oak Creek Estates under the supervision of a woman named Samantha Leeds, who had taken Selena under her wing and was showing her the ropes and helping get all the classes at the local college. Selena had had the hardest time understanding CAD but when she finally figured it out. She quickly excelled.
“So what’s going on?” Selena asked after they seemed to recover but were in no need to change their positions or state of partial undress.
“Something stupid in office politics.” Ravus huffed.
“Ok…” Selena urged.
“Some of the board members are getting greedy, in particular Mr. Greed, they look at how much Project Recovery is making them and they’re seeing dollar signs at the other pharma we produce.” Ravus revealed.
“But I thought your mom had a pretty good stance that when it came to life saving drugs like insulin and other medications like it- that you put a cap on all those so they’re affordable to everyone.” Selena frowned.
“She did, but the other board members see Luche and I coming onto the board and think they can get to us and pit us against mother or pit us against each other- thinking their greed is going to be contagious or something or that we’re too young to know what we’re talking about and too inexperienced to have valid opinions.” Ravus grumped before he kissed her forehead sweetly, grateful he could bare his heart and soul like this to her so freely.
“Well that’s not going to work right?” Selena said as she raised her head to fix him with a look.
"No, it's just frustrating to deal with until they retire, although I can’t imagine dealing with Roman or Ainsley is going to get any better, all I hear is ‘chip off the old block’ when Rob talks about them." Ravus shook his head.
"Is there any way we can get Mr. Greed to retire early? Get some peace before Roman and Ainsley come on board or is it not just Mr. Greed that’s giving you all the headaches?" Selena hoped.
"I wish it was just him. But it’s not. It just...comes with the territory. Besides if there was a way to make Mr. Greed and the others to retire early, I'm pretty sure my mother would have done it already. They've been thorns in her sides most of her life and they’re proving to be thorns in ours as well." Ravus mused as Selena frowned deeper.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your problem to fix, but thank you for listening.” Ravus thanked her gratefully as he held her comfortably in his arms. “And thank you for this, this was the best surprise.” He smiled appreciatively as he nuzzled her face with his.
“You’re welcome.” Selena smiled happily.
“Hey you wanna go out to dinner?” Ravus asked hopefully. “We could see if Lu and Ada wanted to join us?” He asked.
“Sure,” Selena nodded as she and Ravus worked on getting straightened up as Selena pulled her dress down a bit more so it was a bit more modest and pinned the top up to a much more modest height and by the time they got squared away and unlocked the door they saw Ada coming out of Luche’s office dressed similarly to Selena and Luche himself had the same love drunk smile Ravus was wearing.
“Hey,” Selena greeted as both Selena and Ada blushed before they looked pointedly at each other’s shoes then back up to each other before they both tried to stifle their giggles because they both knew exactly why the other was wearing those heels as they beamed knowingly at each other.
“Dinner?” Ravus asked as he self consciously smoothed his hair as Luche did the same as Luche gave Ada a questioning look and smiled when she eagerly nodded her head.
“Oh yeah.” Luche agreed before they all hopped into Ravus’ new Land Rover and drove to the restaurant that piqued their interest and hunger.
“So how’s the wedding planning going?” Ravus asked Luche while they looked at the menus.
“Good, still deciding on invitations, although we've narrowed it down to three different choices.” Luche answered.
“We did agree to use the same venue Sylva used when she got married.” Ada revealed.
“Yeah, that’s the same venue we decided on too.” Selena smiled happily.
“Do you have any ideas what dress you’d want?” Selena asked.
“Actually yeah.” Ada nodded as she scooted closer to Selena in the booth to show her the dresses she had found on Pintrist.
“Oooh, I like that one.” Selena agreed.
“It’s just going to be a challenge to find one that doesn’t drown me out. Because I’m so short and petite, but I don’t want to walk down the aisle in like 7 inch heels just to not trip over the dress.” Ada confessed as Ravus nearly lost it Luche’s grin as he had that ‘I wouldn’t mind’ kind of expression.
“Are you excited to go back to Kleinfelds?” Selena asked.
“Very much so, I’m already packed.” Ada confessed.
That weekend, the whole crew went back to Klinefelds for Ada to do her dress shopping. As Sylva made sure that Ada’s parents and Luche’s parents were in the middle couch while the boys made sure to keep Luche preoccupied while all the girls happily rallied around Ada as they all had their own ideas of what Ada should wear while Morgan got Sylva’s picks and other dresses into the room.
“Ok, this is Crowe’s pick.” Morgan said as she brought Ada out in the first dress.
“Aww,” they all awwed.
“You’re drowning in it though Love.” Ada’s mother noted as others kind of grimaced and nodded in agreement.
“So what do you love about this dress?”
“I love the bling, I love the tiered layers, it’s just a little too poofy.” Ada offered Morgan.
“Ok, so let’s try again, we’ll be right back.” Morgan offered the crew.
“Ok, so this is a mermaid, fit and flare,” Morgan announced as she brought Ada back out.
“It looks amazing, I just can’t really move because it’s so restrictive.” Ada realized as the rest of her family put in their 2 cents about it before she was back and tried even more, trying on her mom’s picks, Linda’s picks then finally getting to Sylva’s picks but Sylva made sure that Morgan didn’t tell Ada that they were her pick’s and instead urged Morgan to introduce them as her picks before sneaking one into Morgan’s hands that was brand new that had not been there when they had been there last.
Ada softly gasped when she saw it, it was perfect, it had the tiered layers but it also had lace and glitter and just a little bit of everything. It was perfect and when she put it on, she couldn’t help but cry. It was a soft, blushed ivory. It complemented her red hair and her skin tone gorgeously. She felt like a proper bride in this and she could see in her mind- so clearly- how Luche would probably cry tears of happiness if he saw her in this. This was it, this was the one.
“There’s that smile.” Morgan grinned victoriously as she looked at Ada in the mirror after she cinched the corset back closed and got it looking like Ada was born into this dress.
“This is it, even if all of them hate it, this is it.” Ada insisted.
“Well then let’s show them.” Morgan insisted.
Everyone could tell that Ada’s smile practically came from her toes, she was practically glowing with happiness as Sylva got choked up which caused Linda and Ada’s mom Amelia to start crying as all the girls started gasping and cooing before Morgan happily snagged an appropriate veil and put it on her and that’s when they were all practically sobbing.
“It’s perfect Love, absolutely perfect. It has those tiers that you love and the lace is so romantic.” Amelia cried as she squeezed her husband- Richard’s hand who was also getting choked up as they passed a box of tissues down the line.
“You look stunning Ada, really, just perfectly beautiful.” Linda praised as she had already made her peace with Ada being a daughter in law.
“And it still has enough sparkle and glitter to it, that even in low light, you’ll glitter like the jewel you are.” Sylva added.
“So, are you saying yes to the dress?” Morgan asked.
“Yes, I’m saying yes to this dress.” Ada confirmed happily before Amelia got up off the couch and hugged her daughter tightly before her dad hugged her tightly too along with her brother who had also been flown in for the event with his fiance.
A week later, Hazel and Sylva returned to Klinefelds as Sylva had flown out Hazel’s sister Mei and her mother Huan and her dad Tommy along with Titus' mother Helen and Titus’ sister Jenny in for the appointment. Helen and the rest of her family had been all too happy to welcome Hazel into the fold. Once Titus was thirty and then almost 40, Helen gave up on the idea that Titus would ever get married and settle down, especially when the rest of her children were giving her grandchildren at this point but it seemed she was too hasty when Titus finally met Hazel and seemed to get with the program and settle down “properly”.
Meanwhile Huan and Tommy were also over the moon that Hazel was finally settling down and even though Billy wasn’t wild about the age difference at first, the more he and Titus got to know each other, the better they got along, Tommy was happy that Titus made Hazel happy in addition to Titus’ character and stability and profession and Huan was so happy to learn that Titus was a good man, who had a house and was planning on building another with Hazel and when Titus and Hazel adopted Brutus who was Kona, Kahlua and Sasha’s sibling, while Tredd and Stella adopted Brutus’ brother King. To Huan- a grand-dog was close enough to a grandchild, for now. While she was always proud of Hazel for earning her own way though the world and earning enough to take care of them in their retirement, she had been on Hazel since she was in her twenties to have someone take care of her. And it seems Titus had finally come along and to do just that.
“So what are you looking for?” Meredith asked Hazel after everyone had been introduced.
“I’m looking for a very simple, not too many embellishments, comfortable, light weight wedding dress. Titus and I are getting married at the beach next May, right after school lets out, because he is highschool football coach. It’s going to be a very small, intimate wedding with just family and really close friends.” Hazel answered.
“Aww, that’s awesome, is there a price point we’re comfortable with?”
“Ten thousand.” Hazel answered.
“Ooh, more than enough to work with, well let’s go.” Meredith urged as she brought Hazel back into a dressing room to get changed before she went hunting for the perfect dress.
“Simple, light, comfortable.” Meredith echoed over and over again as she combed through the back room, her almost encyclopedic knowledge of the backroom to her aid as she went through all the dresses before she found several that would fit those criteria.
Charlotte came into the bridal shop, a giddy grin on her face as she came and “snuck up” on her family as Sylva turned her head and smiled at the newcomer.
“Surprise!” Charlotte announced to her family.
“Charlie?!” Tommy smiled happily as he got up and gathered up his daughter into his large arms. She may have been a wanted criminal and fugitive, but he was always happy to see her and to him, she would always be his "little Charlie".
“I thought you were overseas?” Tommy asked.
“And miss this? Nah, it’s Hazel’s first big day before the big big day, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Charlotte happily murmured into her dad’s chest before Tommy put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and introduced her to Titus’ family who were completely oblivious as to Charlotte’s true identity as Charlotte sat next to Sylva.
“It’s nice to see you again. Different kind of exciting this time,” Sylva offered with a mischievous grin that Charlotte mirrored.
“I take it you didn’t get any kind of trouble from the last time we were in each other’s company.” Charlotte offered.
“Nope, not a peep, thank you.” Sylva reassured her.
“You’re welcome, this was wonderful, thanks for letting me know, when you get to know their wedding arrangements, forward them to this number, I doubt the groom would be comfortable with Gil and I coming but I want to send them a proper wedding gift that won't be on any kind of gift registry, at least domestically.” Charlotte nodded as she handed Sylva a slip of paper written in Mandarin as Sylva read it quickly, nodded and put it into her billfold just as Hazel came out in her first dress and stopped when she saw Charlotte.
“Charlie?” Hazel gasped in excitement as she saw her sister.
“Hey you, don’t you look beautiful.” Charlie greeted as she set her large, heavy purse on the seat and came over and embraced her sister.
“I didn’t think I would see you again.” Hazel admitted as she hugged her sister tight.
“Sylva invited me, hope you don’t mind.” Charlotte explained.
“Nope, not at all.” Hazel readily assured her sister.
“Is Gil here too?” Hazel asked.
“He’s doing business, as usual, plus I don’t think Dad would be cool and I know your fiance wouldn't be cool if Gil and I showed up to the wedding itself, so this is the best I can do and this is exposed enough without making things difficult or uncomfortable or "unsafe".” Charlotte excused.
“I get it, I'm still really happy to see you and that you're here. It means a lot, especially to Mom and Dad, and of course me as well.” Hazel nodded as Charlotte nodded in unison.
“So is this your dress?” Charlotte asked, changing the subject.
“This is just the first one, you came just in time.” Hazel answered.
“Well then let’s get to it.” Charlotte insisted as she returned to her seat.
“So this is dress number one. What do we think?” Meredith asked.
“It’s nice, I’m not in love with it, but it’s nice.” Hazel answered honestly.
“It makes you look like you’re wearing a tent.” Huan criticized as Helen and Jenny nearly choked on their spit and looked at Huan in alarm as Charlotte akept her snickering quiet enough to pass it off as a cough as Mei just rolled her eyes and complained to her mom in Mandarin that she was being too harsh.
“You don’t look like you’re wearing a tent, but the cut isn’t quite right. You need a more flattering shape to the fabric.” Charlotte offered.
“Agreed.” Sylva nodded.
“Well, that’s what first dresses are all about, finding what elements can work and what elements won’t.” Meredith explained before they tried on a few different picks as Charlotte looked around as did Sylva at the other dresses on display at the other dresses in the store.
“That one,” Charlotte and Sylva said at the same time once they both locked eyes on it and pointed to it.
“Well go get it then, bring it to her, it will mean more to her if you do.” Sylva encouraged before Charlotte got up and strutted across the floor to get the dress in question before she asked to see which room her sister was in before she came to the appropriate dressing room, a security guard shadowing her.
“Try this one.” Charlotte suggested as she handed the dress over to her sister as Hazel gasped softly when she saw it before Charlotte saw her way out and went back to the group and waived the security guard back a little farther so his presence was not felt by everyone else.
“And?” Sylva prodded.
“She had the gasp and the smile.” Charlotte answered as she checked her phone.
“Please let this be the one, I’m running out of time.” Charlotte whispered as she looked at the time on her phone and read the messages her henchmen were sending her as they stood guard a short distance away as her driver himself was scanning the police channels as Gil’s other men were monitoring the area.
Hazel came out a short time later, wearing a smile that shamed the sun, moon and stars as everyone else gasped and oohed and awed.
“Now that’s the dress, you look exquisite Hazel.” Huan finally complimented as Charlotte and Sylva gave each other a meaningful smile as Hazel nearly burst into tears as Jenny and Helen were already crying too.
“It’s perfect, but still incomplete.” Hazel began as she stood up and pulled a special box from her bag and took out a set of jade jewelry and put it on Hazel as Huan and Mei cooed and practically giggled as they put it on her as Charlotte gave Hazel a special sachet as well before Charlotte’s phone chimed.
“Do you have to go?” Hazel asked as Charlotte’s eyes watered as she tried to put on a brave, happy smile but nodded yes.
“Thank you for coming and for all of this. Thank you for being my sister. I love you so much.” Hazel thanked her as the two hugged before Charlotte got to hug every member of her family as Sylva got to get a quick picture of them all together, both with Charlotte’s phone as well as other members of her family so that each one would have a picture of this moment to treasure forever before the Henchmen came over and cleared their throats to get Charlotte’s attention as Charlotte hugged her parents, specifically her dad one last time.
“I have to go, I love you.” Charlotte bid her family before she used her handkerchief to dry her eyes and left with the henchmen as her driver was already anxiously out front, waiting to take his Empress back to a safer, less ‘exposed’ space.
“How come she couldn’t stay?” Helen asked.
“She’s a very busy woman. She lives half a world away and she probably had to fly back pretty soon, and security at the airports is a nightmare.” Sylva delicately excused as she waived it off.
“But now that we found the dress and the veil and obviously the jewelry. Let’s get settled up and get dinner shall we?” Sylva encouraged with a bright happy smile.
When Sylva came back home from flying and taking care of all the other guests, she came home to see all of her kids and their fiances and their friends as they had made a really nice dinner for everyone as Pelna and Yasmine, Gladio and Pashmina, Prompto and Cindy, Luche and Ada, Libertus and Crowe and Craig and Iris were on their way as well as Luche’s family and Ada’s family.
“Hey! So how did it go?” Luna asked as she gave her mom a big hug.
“Good, Charlotte came and surprised Hazel and the family.” Sylva revealed which caused everyone to freeze and look at each other worriedly.
“Charlotte Stevens?” Luna asked, taken aback by the news.
“Oh don’t look so surprised, when Charlotte and Gil used the jet they left a single phone number for the pilot to give to me and said I get to use it once. And I knew Charlotte wouldn’t want to miss the milestone in Hazel’s life because Charlotte knows she probably won't be welcome at the wedding since Cor is one of Titus' groomsmen, so I used it and told Charlotte the plan and she was very grateful for the invitation since no one else in her family knew how to get a hold of her to tell her. Besides, Titus’ family was blissfully ignorant of who she really was and Hazel’s family got to have a nice little reunion within the realitive safety confine of a public space and Charlotte got to see Hazel in her wedding dress as a good sister should. It was fine, I mean she had to be carrying four guns on her and who knows how many knives on her person, she had to have two guns in her outfit and at least another two in her purse and her four henchmen were armed to the teeth as well and she could only stay for about an hour but Hazel found the dress and everyone gave it their stamp of approval and Charlotte gifted Hazel some really pretty jade jewelry which is customary for a Chinese bride to receive which honored that part of her heritage and traditions, which was really nice, it was a lovely time.” Sylva waived off as she got the picture and showed everyone the family picture she took.
“She has got to have the biggest balls in the world.” Tredd noted, impressed when he saw the picture.
“She’s got you beat, that’s for sure.” Stella teased.
“She’s got everyone beat.” Sylva laughed.
“So is this everyone or are more coming?” Sylva asked.
“More are coming.” Luna reported.
“How many more?” Sylva asked before her doorbell rang and slowly then all at once, everyone came as everyone started pulling all the components at the table, setting it up for a large extended friends and family meal before Luche and Ada came in last, both of them having anxious smiles on their faces.
“Is everything ok?” Sylva asked Luche as she tried to keep her knowing smile to a minimum.
“Yeah, yeah, everythings great.” Luche reassured her.
“You sure?” Sylva asked as she looked from Luche to Ada who had the same anxious smile on her face.
“Ok, so we have some news and we wanted everyone to be around to make the announcement and we don’t exactly know how it’s going to be received.” Luche hinted.
“If it’s what I think it is, I will do my best to lead the way in accepting the announcement with all the happiness and joy that such an announcement garners. But I also want to be the first to offer my congratulations.” Sylva reassured them both.
“Thank you.” Luche and Ada breathed in relief.
“Come on, dinner is getting cold.” Sylva encouraged them before they all came into the kitchen where everyone was getting something to drink with their dinner.
“So Luche and I chose wedding invitations!” Ada happily announced as she handed every couple an invitation as well as one to her parents and one to Luche’s parents as well.
“Wait, I thought we agreed on May 18th, this is in December..only three months, it’s the weekend before Nyx and Luna’s wedding?” Linda pointed out.
“Well that brings us to announcement number two. We’re pregnant, or rather Ada is.” Luche announced as there was just a hint of nervousness to his excitement as Sylva was the first to squeal, almost an excited scream in delight, only half a second before Crowe did which got everyone else to cheer joyfully as Sylva came over and hugged them both and offered her first “official” congratulations which got Linda and Ada’s mother Amelia and Linda to get over their initial shock and plaster on happy smiles and congratulate them before Ada was swarmed by the girls with hugs and congrats as the first ultrasound pictures were passed around that she had gotten the day before.
“So how far along are you?” Sylva asked.
“Ten weeks.” Ada announced as Tredd, Nyx and Ravus shared a rather knowing smile, but no money was passed between the three because Tredd and Ravus had “seen it” when Sylva had as well. Crowe especially was super happy because she wasn’t the only one pregnant anymore as her own little baby bump had seemed to pop out since her own wedding.
“Baby bump!” Crowe happily cheered as she gently bumped her little baby bump into Ada’s belly which got Ada to giggle as the two hugged tightly and couldn’t stop laughing.
“Congratulations man!” Libertus congratulated Luche as he hugged him super tightly.
“Thanks.” Luche laughed into the hug before he got more congratulations from everyone else as even Tredd was, for once, gracious.
“So what are you hoping for?” Tredd asked.
“A healthy baby and a non complicated delivery.” Luche answered honestly.
“Good. Ok, everyone listen up! Taking bets on due dates and gender, where’s a white board?” Tredd suddenly turned, raising his voice to shout over everyone as he received a mixture of laughter and groans from some of the adults as Sylva laughed the hardest as Tredd took the whiteboard off the fridge and the little marker and erased all the important reminders after taking a pic of what was on it so none of it would be lost.
“Ok so that technically puts Crowe five months ahead of Ada so if gestation is 40 weeks, that’s basically ten months and Ada is already ten of those 38-40 weeks in- that puts us at...holy shit you’re due on your original wedding date- May 18th. OK, So, taking bets on three day spreads May 18th, 19th and 20th? Any takers?” Tredd continued undeterred.
“You asshole, I announce my fiance is pregnant and you immediately turn it into a bet?” Luche laughed, not surprised by his friend’s behavior, but was hoping he would have at least five minutes before Tredd turned into “The Lovable Douche Asshole”, the lovable part was questionable though most of the time.
“May 12th through the 15th, and a boy and the winner gets bragging rights but all the money and proceeds go to Luche and Ada.” Sylva said as she fished several hundred dollar bills out of her wallet and handed them to Ada before discretely handing Tredd another one too.
“Sweet, first better, Sylva Caelum, May 12th through the 15th and a boy.” Tredd repeated as he wrote that down and put a note in his phone.
“Oh what the hell. Twenty quid on the 16th-19th and I want a granddaughter so I’m betting on a girl.” Amelia offered as she handed Luche and Ada the money with a laugh of her own.
“May 9th-12th, a boy.” Ignis said as he handed Luche a few hundred dollars as well.
“May 19 through the 21st and a boy as well.” Luna giggled as she handed the couple a few hundred dollars too.
“May 14th through the 17th, boy as well.” Ravus added as he gave Luche most of the money in his wallet.
“Amelia it looks like if it is a girl, you’re getting amazing odds, five to one, that’s pretty awesome.” Tredd grinned at Amelia.
“Oh hell, I say May 21st through the 24th, also a girl.” Linda added as she gave Luche and Ada some money too as soon Luche and Ada were holding wads of cash and laughing as their friends were giving them money as Tredd was taking “bets” from everyone as everyone joined in on this impromptu gamble.
“Ok, so this isn’t so bad.” Ada had to confess to Luche as they tried to organize their “winnings” into a “gift bag” that Sylva had on hand before they all sat down to eat dinner as Luche nodded his agreement to that. That had gone way better than he was fearing as Selena, Stella and Luna all looked at their fiances with thinly veiled suspicion as they were looking at each other knowingly as they also noticed that Sylva also seemed particularly smug as they all happily enjoyed a very nice friends and family dinner as they discussed baby shower ideas as well as when to plan all the bridal showers and such and made a new, accelerated timeline.
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alia-turin · 7 years
Tumblr media
ada x luche
Since I’m a bit suck and I absolutely cannot write I decided to put my energy into some aesthetics for my OC.
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aldakat31415 · 4 years
Ranpo x reader (ranpo is a bird change my mind)
You weren't the brightest of minds. Not that you were stupid, but being around the ADA had made you realize something. You were just average.
Not having a power, you didn't do all the more difficult work the others did. All you really did was file papers and sort through office stuff. It wasn't really different from any other job, with the exception of the gifted few who worked there.
Lately an issue had been pressing on your mind. The Agency wasn't safe anymore. You, without a power were defenseless to the wims of anyone who didn't like the company. After everything that had happened with The Guild and The Port Mafia you weren't sure if this is where you belonged anymore.
After you had finished your work you went directly home. Or at least that's what you had planned to do. Right now you were sitting on a park bench in the cold, staring out at a cruel unforgiving world. At least the nights stars kept you company.
And the reason for all of this?
You were thinking about leaving the agency. You were scared out of your mind whenever you went to work. Unsure as to when the next attack would be. You had seen some of your coworkers almost die, and had some moments yourself. Yes, you had known that it would be difficult. You were a detective agency, violent and horrible things you would see everyday. But that wasn't the same as being captured and almost tortured time and time again. You were a regular human, you couldn't do this like they could.
The only thing.. well person, that kept you around was someone the rest of the agency looked up to in esteem. A very silly man yes, but one who was anything but average. Capable of firguring out cases from the smallest of clues. But it wasn't his intellegence that had you so enthralled, it was the small friendship you two had.
You had met him before you had even come to the agency, an aspiring detective is what he had been. You didn't know what you wanted with life back then, you still didn't know now. But you were glad his dream had come true.
You didn't know him for very long before the agency, that much was true. But he was the reason you had gotten the job in the first place. After you had gotten fired and were almost on the streets, he had set it up with his new boss to let you become the secretary. That was a reason you were hesitant to go, the agency had saved you. He had saved you.
But it wasn't just the job that he had gotten you. It may seem small, but he also saved you from the dull menotony of life. He would sit next to you and talk after he had finished his own work (sometimes when he didn't finish it..), and he would bring you little trinkets he had found while he was out. Small things he had bought at gift shops. You had a small drawer that looked like a crows nest, havibg collected all these weird things. But it was cute and you thought it was sweet that he got you these things. He kinda reminded you if a bird himself..
Othertimes he would share his snacks, often bringing you a lot to make up for when you had forgotten your own lunch. He was sk nice to you and the agency had often teased you about it. Maybe that's why you started havung feelings for him.
You had felt guilty that he had been doing so many nice things for you, and you not doing the same for him. So that's when you started to help him out too. Bringing him coffee in the morning and helping him with his cases. You didn't think you were much help, but he said he didn't like to be alone when working. So maybe that counted as helping?
You two had also started going out for luch together and going to movies. After a while of fighting about it, it was decided that you would buy the movie snacks. And because Ranpo is Ranpo, you would always be broke afterward. Not that you minded, you lived spending time with him regardless to how expensive his snack taste was.
And then you had realized you loved him.
It would be dumb to say that snacks were what had changed your view of him. But it was kinda true. You two had been going to see a movie when he got an idea in his head and wouldn't let it go. He would pay for the entire thing.
You thought that was ridiculous and has no idea how he even thought of that being ok, let alone trying to make it happen. But he had been stubborn the entire trip to the theatre, and wouldn't stop even once we had gotten there. So when I had finally given up, I asked him this one question. Why?
"If I had known you for a month or even a year I would have let you buy them for me every time without thinking much about it. But, I've known you for almost four years, and during that time youv'e become my closest friend. I know we've only really known each other during the Agency, but we've become so much more than coworkers.. and you may think im silly for putting so much into snacks. But it's become our thing, so snacks are about as dear to me as you are.. so if their so important i don't want you to be the only one buying them. It's probably dumb, but.. it's one of those things I just have to do."
His words still rang clear in my mind, i had liked him before then sure. But after that i knew there was nobody else like him. Which would make it almost impossible to leave the agency.
Do i feel like editing this? No. Deal with the spelling mistakes.
Oh, and here
I cant figure out how to properly link it, but part two is in there somewhere.
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rcmoi · 5 years
Las decisiones más difíciles son las que mejor nos hacen, porque son las que cuestan y por ende valen toda la maldita pena del mundo, sé que es una redundación pero ya no puedo permitirme a mi mismo ser igual, estar igual y sentir lo mismo; tal vez no lo entiendas, o si, pero la cosa es que agradezco a Dios por el año que viví, fue un año con muchos valles y muchas crestas, para ser sincero fue un año maravilloso, porque nunca antes había vivido y aprendido tanto por experiencia propia. Me conocí mejor, corroboré que yo soy más que suficiente, me enamoré, ame como nunca antes lo había hecho, me rompieron el corazón, me destrozaron al punto en el cual jamás imaginé que podrían hacerlo o incluso yo permitirlo, también hice nuevas y excelentes amistades, recaí en el basketball por los motivos equivocados, reestructure mis pensamientos, batalle por un amor, y vaya, aprendí que por mucho que luches por una persona no va a ser tuya ni te va a corresponder sí esa persona no esta dispuesta a abrirte un poco su corazón, su vida, a darte una oportunidad y de demostranos que tan feliz o no se puede llegar a ser juntos... También reconozco que me aferré, me aferré a algo que quería, me convertí en el Beta, deje mi fase y estado natural Alfa por ti, y bueno, conocí esa otra parte de mi. Hubieron y pasaron tantas cosas que veo que existe un balance en cada acción o desicion que tomé, corroboré la tercer ley de Newton eh xD jajaja, como sea; Inicie el año extrañando a Lety, orando y esperando que ella saliera del hospital y se pusiera bien, continue afrontando lo que anhelaba que nunca tuviera que pasar, su muerte, pero en un principio lo tomé muy tranquilo, pero en el fondo esa paz era porque tenía fé y confianza en que ella iba a revivir, ya lo había hecho en tres ocasiones en el pasado, e incluso de situaciones que aparentaban ser más fuertes que está... Pero no fue así, Lety si falleció y yo explote, cambié y todo a la vez, ya nada era como pensaba o lo veía, fue como abrirme una herida, pero no tenía tiempo de sanar, tenía que seguir con esa herida abierta esperando contener ese dolor y daño que podría provocar. Con el paso el tiempo, mis profesores me ayudaron a reunir dinero para poder apoyarme, empecé a enfocar mi mente en que no podía esperar o pasarme el rato sufriendo porque no me llevaría a ningún lado, Lety había muerto, no podía cambiar eso, pero que tonto fui, me lo dijo Landa: - "Rios, tómese el tiempo que requiera para vivir su duelo, porque sino después la va a sufrir, no va a ir bien en la escuela y se va a atrsar o ni a terminar va a alcanzar", sinceramente no la escuché demasiado porque yo estaba conciente de lo que había pasado, de que ya lo había aceptado y de que estaba continuando, porque yo no sufro como los demás, porque yo soy más fuerte y por eso el duelo no lo necesito y mirame; Landa fue mi oráculo.
Después apareciste tu, con tu hermoso cabello, tus ojos lindos y tu maravillosa sonrisa, llegaste a iluminar mi vida, a ponerle un poco de sabor, a recomponer mi sopa xD Llegaste y me escuchaste, me hiciste reír, me hiciste pasarla bien sin estar pensando todo el tiempo en mis problemas, y eso fue algo grandioso, con el paso del tiempo y a pesar de nuestra situación de "amigos con derechos" yo te empecé a querer de una manera anormal, no era lo que yo esperaba o planeaba por lo mismo del como habíamos quedado, pero wuao, eres única, eres especial eres increíble, y te empecé a querer, cada vez me interesa más por ti, cada vez entrabas más en mi mente y bueno te fuiste convirtiendo en una de las razones por las cuales quise intentar ser algo para ti y también tener algo contigo. Pero sabes, yo no quería presionarte ni forzar nada entre nosotros, quería que las cosas se fueran dando y eso lo haría más bonito y especial, poco a poco me empecé a enamorar de ti. Te quería cuando besaste a Azael, y ya estaba enamorado cuando te acostaste con tu ex, es por eso que lo perdoné aunque no tenía nada que perdonar, es por eso que lo supere y seguí contigo, hasta el punto en que estaba seguro de que te amaba. Después me dijiste que querías estar sólo conmigo y fue algo grandioso, me sentí super feliz, me emocione y estaba gritando y saltando de la felicidad, pero sólo trate de denotar calma y te respondí que yo también quería y te prometí fidelidad y darte tu lugar, después me respondiste con lo mismo, mis mismas palabras y eso hizo un Boom! 🤯 en mi interior, y me ilusione y decidí disfrutarte a cada minuto, a cada segundo, a cada instante y fui el hombre más feliz sobre la existencia infinita misma que existe. Ese mes y medio a tu lado fue estar en las nubes, en el paraíso en mi cuento de adas, fue hermoso y maravilloso. No sabes lo emocionado que estuve en tu cumpleaños y el que me permitieras pasarlo contigo fue simplemente increíble. Después de ese mes de en sueño vino la primer tormenta, tu ex novio apareció y lo jodido todo, desde que le contestaste, así de simple, desde ese momento todo se jodio, el resto no vale la pena contarlo porque resumiendo fue intentar que tu estuvieras conmigo, me puse a ti como opción, como plato de segunda mesa e incluso para cuando quisieras... sabes ahora entiendo lo difícil que es rechazar o hacer a un lado a la persona que amas pero debes amarte más tu para ser firme y seguir intentando algo que estaba funcionando y que se estaba dando, como sea, el hubiera es uno de nuestros mayores enemigos porque nos hace perder nuestro ahora, y bueno hasta este momento lo comprendo con total claridad y sabes, yo quiero avanzar y quiero seguir viviendo mi ahora, trabajar para lo que quiero lograr y cumplir mis metas, y así como yo lo quiero yo quiero desearte a ti que seas plena, que te realices y cumplas todo aquello que te propongas, que cada adversidad por la que pases seas capaz de hallar la bendición que viene disfrazada.
Y nada Jaqui, te amo, cuidate y se feliz.
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militerium · 2 years
Pertahanan Perairan Ukraina
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Beberapa kali kapal perang Russia berhasil di lumpuhkan oleh pihak Ukraina, dari mulai kapal bendera Armada Laut Hitam Moskva, hingga berita terakhir beberapa kapal pendarat pasukan. Apa saja persenjataan pertahanan pantai angkatan bersenjata Ukraina saat ini? Neptune Missile
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Neptune missile adalah salah satu sistem pertahanan pantai Ukraina untuk menghadapi serangan dari laut dilengkapi dengan persenjataan misil, diantaranya RK-360MT yang berpangkalan di kawasan pantai, dengan peluncur yang yang ada daitas platform kendaraan truck taktis 8x8 KrAZ-7634NE (TM-360). Truk Kraz-7634NE berkekuatan 460 hp, dengan transmisi otomatis, yang telah dimodifikasi sehingga dapat mengusung empat tabung peluncur berisikan misil siap tembak. Sistem misil jelajah ini di lengkapi dengan misil anti-kapal permukaan R-360. Misil Neptune dapat dioperasikan dalam berbagai kondisi cuaca sepanjang tahun, dapat mengkonter electronic countermeasure maupun tembakan dari pihak sasaran. Misil RK-360MT Neptune ini termasuk persenjataan pertahanan pantai baru milik jajaran Angkatan Bersenjata Ukraina. Dibeli dari LUCH Design Bureau dengan penyerahan pertama pada tahun 2021. Misil Neptune, image: topwar.ru Misil Neptune memiliki jarak tembak terhadap sasaran sejauh 300 km, dengan pendorong motor roket untuk awal peluncuran dan mesin turbo jet MS-400 buatan Motor Sich, Ukraina. Homing head untuk misil dengan ultra-high viewing angle yang mampu mendeteksi dan meng-capture target pada jarak diatas 50 km, dibuat oleh Radionics, Ukraina. Kekuatan satu Divisi terdiri dari 6 unit kendaraan peluncur USPU-360 dengan 24 misil-anti kapal permukaan siap tembak – setiap unit didukung dengan bekal ulang misil sebanyak enam misil untuk setiap unitnya yang diusung oleh kendaraan bekal ulang TZM-360 – dan kendaraan transport Tm-360. Secara teori, setiap divisi memiliki kekuatan 72 unit misil R-360. *) USPU-360 merupakan sebutan dari unit misil Neptune, empat unit tabung peluncur pada satu unit platform kendaraan taktis truck 8x8.
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Sistim pertahanan perairan Neptune Ukraina Selain misil Neptune, baru-baru ini Ukraina juga beru menerima kiriman misil Harpoon dari Denmark serta self-propelled Howitzer kaliber 155mm M777 dan M109 Paladin yang sudah dimodifikasi dari Amerika Serikat. Penempatan gabungan Neptune dan Harpoon tersebut juga termasuk di selatan pelabuhan Odesa. Kawasan pelabuhan Odesa selama ini diblokade oleh kekuatan Armada Laut Hitam Angkatan Laut Russia. Kapal-kapal perang Russia beroperasi antara Pesisir Donuzlav dan Sevastopol. Armada Russia juga tidak menjauh dari batas pantai guna menghindari sistem pencari sasaran RF pada sistem senjata misil Ukraina yang kurang peka untuk jarak dekat. Keterbatasan tersebut juga berlaku pada misil Harpoon dari produksi varian Block 1, Block 1C, dan Block 1G, dikarenakan adanya AoU – Area of Uncertainty – pada RF seeker, saat seeker diaktifkan, misil akan membidik sasaran dengan radar cross-section yang besar.
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M-109 Paladin untuk Ukraina, image: defensenews.com Akibatnya probably of acquisition (PACQ) akan berkurang secara drastis pada saat kapal mendekati daratan. Pada varian Block 2 telah dilakukan modifikasi dengan pengurangan AoU dan penambahan sarana GPS untuk memantau sasaran yang dekat dengan daratan. PACQ: The target acquisition probability modeling method of long-range anti-ship missile based on search theory – semakin dekat sasaran dengan posisi misil, maka daya deteksi untuk mengakuisisi target akan semakin berkurang. Alternatif lainnya adalah dengan penggunaan sarana IIR (Imaging InfraRed) dengan kemampuan serangan akurasi pin-point apabila target berada dekat dengan daratan.
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Naval Strike Missile NSM (Naval Strike Missile) didukung dengan ruang A2/AD (Anti Acces/Area Denial) dengan ukuran lebih dari 185 km, sementara jarak tembak misil Harpoon kurang dari 140 km. Ukraina bukan saja berupaya untuk memperkuat sistem pertahanan pantai, tetapi juga berupaya untuk mematahkan kekuatan Laut Armada Laut Hitam Russia. Dengan diblokadenya pelabuhan Odesa dan dikuasainya kawasan Laut Hitam oleh kekuatan laut Russia, Ukraina tidak dapat melakukan ekspor hasil buminya – terutama gandum – ke berbagai Negara pembeli. Untuk mengurangi kemampuan blockade Russia, Ukraina harus mampu membangun A2/AD pada sistem pertahanan pantai mereka guna mampu mematahkan kekuatan laut Russia yang masuk kedalam zona A2/AD.
Bantuan Swedia
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RBS-17 Swedia, image: gp.se Pemerintah Swedia akhirnya menyetujui untuk mengirim dukungan bagi Ukraina berupa beberapa perlengkapan dan peralatan militer, termasuk sistem senjata misil pertahanan pantai jarak pendek RBS-17 (Robot-17). Bantuan lain dari Swedia berupa bantuan keuangan bagi Bank Sentral Ukraina sebesar SEK 500 juta atau setara dengan US$52,4 juta, dan akan ditambah sebesar SEK 578 juta atau US$60 juta. RBS-17 merupakan versi manpack dari misil anti-kapal eprmukaan AGM-114C Hellfire. Pihak Kementrian Pertahanan Swedia menyatakan bahwa sistem senjata RBS-17 ini merupakan permintaan khusus dari pihak Ukraina.
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Mistral Firing Adapun misil anti-kapal permukaan jarak pendek RBS-17 merupakan laser-guided missile system yang biasa digunakan oleh Brigade Amphibi Belgia dalam menjaga kawasan pantai dan pesisir Swedia. RBS-17 memiliki hulu ledak seberat 9 kg, memiliki jangkauan tembak sekitar 8 km. Unit misil memiliki panjang 163cm dan diameter 17,8cm. Diperkirakan pihak Ukraina akan menempatkan misil RBS-17 ini bersama dengan misil berpemandu Brimstone yang dipasok oleh Inggris. Perkuatan Dengan Drone Laut
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Drone boat, image: dronedj.com Amerika Serikat telah membantu Ukraina dengan mengirimkan drone boats (USV – Unmanned Surface Vessels) untuk dioperasikan di Laut Hitam dan sekitar pelabuhan Odesa. Bantuan tersebut merupakan bagian dari paket endorse yang senilai US$800 juta. Menurut juru-bicara Pentagon John Kirby, paket USV ini merupakan bagian dari military assistance Amerika Serikat yang baru bagi Ukraina. Diharapkan akan membantu sistem coastal defence Ukraina dari serbuan pihak Russia. USV beroperasi secara mandiri, men-transmit real-time video dan data lainnya ke monitor di darat, sehingga akan membantu pihak pertahanan pantai dengan data beyond-the-horizon intelligence tanpa perlu menempatkan manusia kedalam risiko bahaya. Data yang dapat dikirim berupa pergerakan kapal-kapal perang Russia, dan dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber informasi bagi penentuan pentargetan sistem senjata yang berada di wilayah pantai/adaratan.
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Angkatan Laut Ukraina (Ukrainian Navy) Armada Kapal Perang Ukraina Angkatan laut Ukraina telah banyak kehilangan kapal perangnya pada saat peperangan dengan Russia pada tahun 2014. Kekuatan armada Ukraina pada saat ini diperkirakan sebagai berikut: Kapal Aktif - 1 unit kapal cepat misil kelas Matka - 1 unit korvet kelas Tarantul - 3 Unit kapal patrol kelas Island - 3 Unit kapal patrol kelas Gyurza-M - 1 unit kapal patrol kelas Zhuk 1400M - 1 unit kapal pendarat kelas Ondatra - 1 unit kapal pemburu ranjau kelas Yevgenya - 10 unit RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) type Metal Shark (panjang 7 meter) - 74 unit RIB kelas Wing - 7 unit RIB kelas Willard - Sekitar dua puluhan kapal pendukung/bantu dari berbagai jenis. Kapal Dalam Persiapan - 2 unit Fregat kelas Oliver Hazard Perry - 2 Unit kapal Patroli kelas Island - 2 unit Kapal Pemburu Ranjau kelas Sandown Kapal Dalam Konstruksi - Korvet kelas Ada - Fregat kelas Volodymyr Velykyi - Kapal Serang Cepat Kelas Barzan
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Kapal Moskva Russia, image: The Times Kerugian Pihak Russia di Laut Selain kapal bendera jenis Kapal Penjelajah Moskva pada 13 April 2022, Russia juga kehilangan dua kapal patroli yang dilumpuhkan oleh laser-guided missile dari drone TB-2 Bayraktar. Russia juga kehilangan kapal pendarat kelas Alligator yang terbakar dilaut akibat terkena hantaman misil balistik Tochka dari pihak Ukraina. Diperkirakan bahwa Armada Laut Hitam Russia juga telah kehilangan kapal pendarat kelas Saratov. Kehilangan kapal-kapal amphibi dari Armada Laut Hitam Russia tersebut dierkirakan bahwa pihak Russia akan sulit untuk melakukan aksi serangan amphibi ke kawasan pantai Odessa. Garnisun Odessa diperkuat dengan Brigade Tank (Cadangan) ke-5 yang didukung oleh Batalyon Tank T-72. Di Laut Hitam Russia masih memiliki setidaknya tiga unit Fregat kelas Admiral Grigorovich, serta belasan unit kapal perang dari berbagai jenis dan kelas. Dengan kekuatan laut yang dimiliki oleh pihak Ukraina saat ini, hampir mustahil untuk menghadapi kekuatan Armada Laut Hitam Russia. Read the full article
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tourneyid · 2 years
DeanKT Sebut Beberapa Pemain Evos Icon Bisa Ke MPL ID Season 10
DeanKT Sebut Beberapa Pemain Evos Icon Bisa Ke MPL ID Season 10.
Aldean Tegar atau yang biasa disebut dengan DeanKT, merupakan Vice President dari Evos Performance. Ia menyebutkan bahwa beberapa pemain dari Evos Icon akan bisa naik ke MPL.
Tim tier 2 dari Evos yaitu Evos Icon baru saja mendapatkan gelar juara di MDL ID Season 4. Dimana mereka berhasil mengalahkan tim Alter Ego X di babak final.
Tim dari Evos Icon memiliki beberapa pemain bintang yang pontensional seperti Tazz, Falah, Pendragon dan banyak lagi. Mereka semua berhasil melalui 1 musim yang sangat baik di MDL kemarin.
Performa Evos Icon di musim ini dikatakan sangat baik dibandingkan dengan tim Evos Legends yang hanya mampu memperoleh peringkat 4 di MPL ID Season 9.
Dari situlah banyak pihak-pihak yang berharap bahwa para pemain Evos Icon nantinya dapat memperoleh kesempatan untuk naik ke MPL dan mengisikan slot pemain dari roster Evos Legends di season depan.
Dilansir dari Youtube milik DeanKT, ia membenarkan bahwa nantinya akan ada beberapa pemain Evos Icon yang naik ke MPL di musim depan. Hal tersebut tentunya harus melewati trial season terlebih dahulu dari setiap pemainnya.
“Bisa dibilang ready (siap) MPL kali ya beberapa pemainnya, dan mungkin kita lihat misal ada next trial season depan, ya mungkin ada beberapa nama yang mungkin sudah kalian expect (tebak) untuk ada di MPL kali ya, seperti itu”, ucap EVOS Luch.
Beberapa nama seperti Tazz, Pendragon bahkan LJ menjadi perbincangan saat itu, dan bukan tidak mungkin mereka bisa naik ke MPL, terutama LJ.
from WordPress https://tourney.id/deankt-sebut-beberapa-pemain-evos-icon-bisa-ke-mpl-id-season-10/ via IFTTT
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joyyywd · 4 years
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Reposted from @sm_lovecats 💚New Rescue - Mama Cat with 2 kitten💚 Tadi saat akak mau makan siang didekat klinik, akak ketemu satu mama cat dengan mulut berdarah.. darah juga ada dibeberapa bagian tubuh yang lain (slide akhir).. Akak kemudian panggil dia untuk dibawa berobat.. Saat dipanggil dia datang tapi ga mau dipegang.. Dia kemudian jalan sambil lihat kebelakang.. seolah2 dia suruh akak untuk ikuti.. Karena dia masuk ke perumahan lewat cela pagar.. akak akhirnya pulang ke klinik dan minta dibantu mas Romi buat tangkap.. Kita akhirnya berangkat bawa motor krn harus muter.. Sampai dilokasi ternyata benar dia punya 2 anak.. Makanya dia sengaja mengarahkan kesana untuk kasih tahu itu.. Kalau tadi dia akak tangkap kasihan anak2nya ga ada yg urus.. 😢 Benar2 mama yang baik.. 🥰 Sekarang mama dan anak2nya sudah aman.. Tadi sudah dicek dokter dan ada luka dimulutnya.. 😢 Si induk juga sudah disteril sekalian.. 🙏 Bantu akak ya teman2 untuk bisa menolong mereka dan anak2 bulu yang lain yg membutuhkan.. 🙏 Kasus Shasa dan PC belum selesai.. ada kasus induk ini lagi.. Kemarin juga akak nemu kucing buta malnutrisi parah dan saat ini sedang rawat inap diklinik.. 😭 Teman2 yang berkenan membantu bisa melalui rek. BCA 8680011576 an. Sadewi Beri ket. KLINIK Terima kasih sebelumnya teman2.. Tuhan berkati.. 🙏 _____________________________________ This noon when I looking for luch around vet, I meet with this mama cat.. Her mouth and some of his body are covered in blood.. 😨 She comes when called but refuses to be held.. She practically told me to follow her.. Turns out she had two kids.. Maybe she was worried if I just helped her then her children would be left alone.. 😢 They all save now.. and mama cat was check by vet.. She has a wound inside her mouth.. The mama cat was also sterilized when she had the oral parts treated.. 🙏 Please support us to help them with donate through paypal : [email protected] Thank you so much.. 🙏 #gadingsmpunyacerita #babysmpunyacerita https://www.instagram.com/p/CM-f5Y2BA-u/?igshid=10dsk0f83e3u4
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 13
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ok, I didn’t mean to take...(doesn’t bother to look at how long since it’s been since I’ve posted anything for this story because the guilt will kill me) however long (feels longer than forever) to update this story. I literally had it all planned out in my head. And then when I went to write it my brain went “fuck you, I am on fumes, I need a break, I’m done.” and it didn’t matter how much I tried to restart or jump it- no go. So I moved on. I went back to school, I’m getting my licence to be a massage therapist, I’ll be doing that until July of next year which I’m currently on break with until Tuesday. But GOOD NEWS. I was going through my tumblr and I still find all these RaeLena pictures and when I went back to this- I found, lo and behold, FUEL. So I started this back up and this baby is running! Wooo! @the-immortal-marshal​ and @warnjai-17​ hopefully you’re still here to enjoy this 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 13
The morning of Crowe’s wedding day was bright and brisk and the trees around the farm seemed to have come into spectacular color just for her. The sunrise was especially beatuiful and Prompto and the photographer got some outstanding pictures of it. 
The horses had been washed the day before and kept in their squeaky clean stalls so they didn’t get dirty right before the ceremony. Crowe woke up feeling so happy and excited because today was the day her and her best friend were getting married and Chelsea had worked overtime in making sure every detail was perfect and to make sure Crowe only had decisions to make in a timely manner but no actual work to do through the whole process so it had been a breeze. The girls had all stayed at Sylva’s house and she had had another caterer come in and make everyone breakfast and a team of hair and makeup artists to make sure each girl shined like the jewel she was as Luca and Lilly and all the other little sisters of the those in the wedding party got to get glammed up too. 
Meanwhile Libertus woke up with the worst hangover and felt like death warmed over. He had stayed up half the night, him and his friends around a campfire on Craig’s farm and drank and just talked, some of it was casual, most of it was deep though while Tredd did manage to keep his mouth shut about Ada being pregnant. But he sure did hint at it to Luche which Ravus and Nyx picked up on as Ravus was suspecting that the reason his mother favored Tredd as much as she did was because he had the gift too. 
Craig Sr. and his wife Charla were already hard at work making a mountain of food for the boys and they chuckled to themselves as they watched all of them wake up to the smell of food and come in, each one’s hair crazier than the last as they all did the zombie shuffle to get the food before sitting down at the table as the guys downed pot after pot of coffee and ate in relative silence as bottles of Tylenol, Advil and Aleve were passed around. 
“You boys alive over there?” Craig asked before there was a chorus of groans as an answer which cracked Craig Sr. and Charla up. 
Meanwhile Hazel was sleeping blissfully away in Titus’ bed before the smell of her own breakfast woke her up only moments before Titus came in with their breakfast on a tray. 
“Good morning Beautiful.” Titus cooed to her as her eyes fluttered open before she smiled adoringly at him as she stretched. 
“Good morning, what do you got there?” She asked as she sat up, keeping the blankets up to cover her nakedness but moved the pillows to the headboard so she could sit up comfortably. 
“Breakfast.” Titus beamed. 
“Aww,” Hazel fawned as he gave her the tray and then got back into bed before they cuddled together with the extra large tray over Hazel’s lap. 
“This is really sweet,” Hazel gushed as she started to dig in to the bowl of berries before she pulled the lid off of the plate to see an engagement ring sitting on top of some french toast and gasped as Titus’ heart beat so hard in his chest he thought it was going to break his ribs as his mouth felt like it was full of cotton all of a sudden. 
“So, I was thinking, I know you really like your apartment and I really like the peace and quiet and space of the country, but I thought we could find a happy medium if we built a house together, Oak Creek Estates still has a bunch of lots available and if…” Titus was cut off by Hazel quickly attaching her mouth to his and kissing him as deeply as she could from her spot under his arm as his arm curled around her before his other hand went up to gently caress her gorgeous face, hoping she could understand what he was trying to say because words were failing him but actions never would.  
“Yes, that’ll be perfect, a fresh new start for both of us.” Hazel beamed happily as she had already slipped the ring on before Titus moved the tray over to the floor before he really got to enjoy his fiance for breakfast which is what he really wanted. 
As the clock ticked down Libertus went from hungover to happy to nervous and by a surprise, Luche was too. 
“Cut it out, they’re all gonna think you’re playing with yourself.” Tredd teased as he sat down next to Luche after he came back into the house from helping the firework guys set up all the fireworks for the night before he sat down on the couch as Luche frowned over at him. 
“Cut what out?” Luche tried to deflect. 
“You keep fingering that engagement ring thing in your pocket, it looks like you’re trying to jack off.” Tredd chuckled as Luche frowned. 
“How…” Luche began as Tredd gave him an unimpressed look. 
“Really? You really wanna play dumb? Come on, let me seee.” Tredd questioned as Luche humphed before he pulled it out and handed it to Tredd. 
“I do, I will marry you.” Tredd gushed in an overly feminine way. 
“Oh my God, stop.” Luche rolled his eyes as Tredd opened the fancy slim ring box to see a paper flower fold out holding the ring. 
“Aww, this was one of Victor’s rings for Ravus wasn’t it?” Tredd asked as Luche sighed deeply. 
“Yes, I bought it off of him.” Luche admitted. 
“Of course you did, you spent what? A whole dollar?” Tredd teased. 
“Ravus gave me a price and I paid it, no negotiations needed.” Luche defended. 
“A whole five dollars because you don’t cary singles anymore blue blood.” Tredd grinned triumphantly. 
“I hate this about you.” Luche sarcastically quipped as he tried to take the ring back but Tredd pulled it out of his reach. 
“Hey, hey, don’t get all huffy. I think it’s nice- a whole 20 carats just on the center diamond and that has to be...another 5 carats in the bezels and blue diamonds are coming back into fashion again, platinum?” Tredd appraised as Luche just frowned deeper and deeper. 
“Since when do you know anything about jewelry?” Luche asked.  
“Since mom adopted me too and has been taking me under her wing and teaching me the same shit she’s teaching you but I get the super fun hands on versions, and she is paying me in stock options now and recognizes that I have a good eye and can spot a fake a mile away.” Tredd answered casually as he gave it back. 
“Wait paying you? Paying you for what?” Luche demanded. 
“You didn’t think you were her only eyes and ears did you?” Tredd grinned smugly. 
“How much is she paying you?” Luche pressed. 
“Eh, it started off as 5k here, 10k there, now it’s stock options and percentages and 401ks and trust funds and all that which I find I like much better, especially since I’ve been reinvesting that money in said stocks. Project Recovery alone has quadrupled my money in just the last couple of months alone and Sylva says I have the same gift she has in that oracle shit. I see things with my special eyes that you don’t.” Tredd teased as he poked his finger near Luche’s ear as he batted his eyes suggestively at Luche.  
“Stop,” Luche batted Tredd’s hand away. “What do you see that I don’t?” Luche questioned. 
“I knew before anyone else did that Crowe was pregnant.” Tredd grinned. 
“You got lucky.” Luche countered. 
“Did I? Did I also get really super lucky when I knew Ada was pregnant over the summer on the cruises?” Tredd revealed. 
“What?” Luche blinked. 
“Yeah, I saw that before Sylva did, And that fifteen grand? That was to keep you two from fucking so you wouldn’t lose your mind when she lost that pregnancy. Which sucked by the way, but hopefully it doesn’t happen again.” Tredd revealed. 
“You…” Luche didn’t know if he should laugh, cry or just go bang his head against a wall. “How? How did you know?” Luche demanded. 
“There’s just a lot of subtle changes that most miss but to me they just all add up for some reason.” Tredd shrugged. “But looking back, aren’t you happy you didn’t fuck her senseless on the cruise?” Tredd asked. 
“...yeah.” Luche ducked his head with a sigh. 
“Well I knew the moment those two got together that it was gonna crash and burn in a matter of months. She’s always been your girl, she was just the last one to realize it.” Tredd offered which made Luche and Tredd both grin lopsidedly at each other. 
“Thanks.” Luche thanked him. 
“You’re welcome. By the way, I want to be a groomsman.” Tredd insisted which made Luche snicker a laugh. 
“Oh do you?” Luche returned. 
“Hell yeah, am I or am I not the Bro who was purposefully a douche to save you from that clusterfuck?” Tredd prodded. 
“You are that douche.” Luche laughed. 
“So I’m a groomsman?” Tredd prodded. 
“You are the douchiest of my groomsman.” Luche chuckled. 
“Good,” Tredd grinned victoriously as Ravus and Nyx came up. 
“Oh is that Ada’s ring?” Nyx asked. 
“Yeah, I was thinking I was gonna pull a Rae.” Luche admitted as he handed it to Nyx as Ravus smiled proudly. Happy that the ring was going to go to a “brother”. Besides that still left a few to save for his children to use when they would get engaged. 
“Awesome,” Nyx smiled happily before he gave it back. 
“Shower is clear.” Craig called out after he got out of his since every shower was being used on the property to get all the boys ready as Luche got the ring back as he got up and claimed the empty shower. 
“So what else do you see with your special eyes?” Ravus asked Tredd once Luche was well out of earshot. 
“Jesus, you have the ears of a rodent Beavus.” Tredd rolled his eyes. 
“Ada’s pregnant again isn’t she?” Ravus grinned. 
“Sssshhhh!” Tredd shushed him as he quickly looked around to see if anyone else had heard that. 
“See? Told you.” Ravus put to Nyx who gave him an unimpressed look. 
“Does he know?” Nyx gestured to where Luche went. 
“No, absolutely not, and none of us can tell him either, we gotta let Ada find out on her own and have her be the one to tell him, we can’t spoil this for him. I mean you know me, I’m all for spoiling shit but that’s the special shit you don’t spoil.” Tredd urged them. 
“So what do you think it’s gonna be?” Ravus put to Tredd curiously. 
“Pppfff, boy.” Tredd snickered. “Watch they’ll name him something super British, like London or Oxford or something so English the Royal Family will be like ‘calm it down now’. “ Tredd predicted. 
“London.” Nyx and Ravus grinned. 
“Any other girl preggers?” Nyx asked Tredd. 
“Right now? No. About to be? Oh yeah,” Tredd laughed. 
“Who?” Ravus and Nyx asked as Tredd looked at them unimpressed before he looked over to Gladio pointedly before turning back to them. 
“No way,” Nyx shook his head. 
“A hundred bucks, they’re going to be expecting in the next say...four months?” Tredd offered as he offered his hand for a shake. 
“Deal.” Nyx agreed as he shook Tredd’s hand as Ravus just shook his head, knowing Tredd was right and knew that Tredd had the same gift he had. Which instead of denying it or downplaying it or getting jealous, he felt a sense of relief that he wasn’t the only one with it. 
Once all the girls arrived the boys got the horses saddled and ready to go as the guests started to arrive and take their seats. The weather couldn’t be more perfect, small, almost cartoonish puffy clouds rolling in the sky, it was warm enough to be comfortable but not chilled enough to be cold but that message didn’t seem to get to Libertus who was sweating buckets so much so that everyone thought he was going to lose 10lbs in sweat alone and Chelsea was grateful she had extra shirts for Libertus to change into and basically bathed him in deodorant and antiperspirant and loaded him up with anti-nausea meds as his own mother and Crowe’s mothers gave him the pep-talk of the century as Chelsea was copying that down for future use. 
When it finally came time for the actual ceremony, the horses suddenly decided to shit where they stood at the back of the aisle before Chelsea and her team tried to hurriedly clean it up, the horses then tried munching on the flowers on the sides of the aisle, there was practically a whole hive of bees there to collect the nectar from all the flowers even though Sylva had a case of Epipens which thankfully didn’t need to get used but thankfully, at least- there were no mosquitoes and Libertus was thankfully laughing too hard at the horses being horses to cry too much because the sight of Crowe in a wedding dress coming down the aisle to him was overwhelming to him. 
Because Crowe’s smile shamed the sun. She was radiant and beautiful and practically glowing and Libertus had never seen her look so beautiful in his life. It was perfect and after the vows, Libertus finally seemed to ease up and become himself again. 
At the reception Sylva went ahead and practically glued herself to Linda, Luche’s mother as Luche was slow dancing with Ada because she had caught the bouquet in the bouquet toss, thanks to Sylva organizing her girls to guarantee it and thanks to Sylva also organizing her boys- Luche caught the garter belt and now they were dancing together, the rest of the world falling away. 
“I really like the fairy lights.” Ada noted at all the twinkle lights around them. 
“Would you want fairy lights at our wedding?” Luche asked and Ada didn’t give a second thought to his choice of words before she began telling him all about what she would want for their wedding. 
Meanwhile on the sidelines-
“Linda, you better get used to the idea of them being together.” Sylva urged as Linda gave her a side eye. 
“Look, it’s very simple, it’s either Ada or this cum guzzling gutter trash.” Sylva continued as she pulled up a video of Beth on a porn site that had Linda choking on her winecooler and looking particularly aghast. “That could have been your daughter in law who by the way flirted and eye fucked before she actually did fuck Chinese billionaires trying to get the best deal possible while Luche was sitting right next to her and would have been way more unfaithful to him than Ada ever will be again, Ada is allowed to sow a wild oat or two in her youth, and now that she’s done that and seen that the grass is indeed not anywhere near as green as it is with Luche and I can tell you that she won’t be making that mistake again.” Sylva assured Linda. “Now, count your blessings as you read this.” Sylva furthered before she pulled out a prenup and it had Linda grinning from ear to ear as she read it.  
“You see the line we have to walk as mothers is to let our children enjoy life and live it how they want to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t put them in some safety gear, I’ll have Ada sign this before we go wedding dress shopping but here’s the deal-” Sylva lowered her voice. “You and Luke will be nothing but nice, happy and supportive of Luche and Ada from here on out. I have already talked with Luche and he’s ok with me paying for a bulk of the wedding expenses, all I’m asking you and Luke to pay for are the invitations and Ada’s parents will be buying Ada’s veil, fair enough?” Sylva put to her. 
“That’s more than fair.” Linda nodded in agreement with a thankful smile to Sylva. 
“Good, now, watch your son propose and be happy about it.” Sylva nodded to the dancefloor where Luche had gotten down on one knee and proposed to Ada as Sylva was smiling brightly while Linda plastered on a smile, happy that her son was at least protected and grateful that Sylva had adopted him and cared for him as her own because the Lord knew she wasn’t willing or ready to pay for much of anything else as Sylva offered her own winecooler over to Linda to clink with a knowing smile when Ada said yes. 
After that, that’s when the party seemed to get into full gear, the moment the sun began to set they lit the fires in the fire pits inside the bale circles so people could sit on the bales and make smores since the wedding had been catered by a competition BBQ joint that had all the BBQ and steaks anyone could ask for. There was a mountain of throw blankets to keep the guests warm as they did this and then at the finale- that’s when Tredd- being a fireman and pyromaniac- set the fireworks off which everyone fully enjoyed before the party sent Crowe and Libertus off on their honeymoon which Sylva got them a cabin and a hunting excursion out in the northwest. 
Luche and Ada barely made it home and in the door before they were on each other and removing the remainder of their clothes and made it to the bottom of the stairs before Luche had pinned her to the wall and started fucking her hard up against it, Ada’s engagement ring nearly getting snagged in his hair as Ada scratched his scalp roughly as the loudest and longest pleasured moan left her throat. 
“Oh Luche!” Ada keened as the back of her head hit the wall behind her, knocking the picture of them hanging next to her head slightly askew as Luche’s hips pounded into hers. 
Luche proposing to Ada after she caught the bouquet came as a surprise to Ada but not really to anyone else, but that was all that mattered to Luche. Ada was completely wrapped up in wedding fever and the joy and excitement of the moment to notice anyone outside of Luche. Their relationship was better than it had ever been since she came back to him and together they both worked exceptionally hard to make the other happy. 
Ada was blown away by the drop dead gorgeous ring Luche proposed with.
Luche had wanted his proposal to be more eloquent but in the end, he just went for simple and straight to the point. 
When Ada had said that she liked something about the decorations for the wedding, Luche found himself asking her what she would like for their wedding and Ada had answered it without a second thought and before Ada realized it she revealed what she had always wanted and fantasized about as a little girl and Luche was grinning ear to ear and when she was done Luche didn’t hesitate to just get down on one knee and offer to give her everything she had just said and pleaded for the chance to make all her dreams come true as everyone quickly gathered around them with eager eyes and ears to hear her answer and Ada didn’t even get to see the ring before she said yes and when she did see the ring, her eyes nearly popped out of her head and her jaw fell and rolled away on the floor. But she readily had him put it on her finger. 
From there, it was like they were velcroed to each other and receiving all the congratulatory wishes before Chelsea made a point to make sure they had her business card and to give her a call when they wanted to set a date and get things in motion before Luche repeated, almost verbatim what Ada had just said to her as Chelsea quickly made notes, using up the last half of her notebook since the first half was already full of notes for Hazel and Titus’ wedding plans that she had gotten earlier before she left Luche and Ada to enjoy more congratulations since Ada was the last to be engaged and didn't notice how Chelsea had then gone to Sylva, Linda and Luke as well as Ada's parents who Sylva had gathered together to force a congratulatory toast between them all before Sylva informed them that she would be paying for the bulk of it if Luche's parents were willing to buy the invitations and if Ada's parents would pay for Ada's veil since wedding dresses could be so expensive, that she would take care of the rest since Luche was like another son to her and brother to Ravus which she received very little argument to. 
Luche felt he smiled more that night than he had in the previous year combined. But he was so happy. Finally things were coming together. He had the dream job, had fantastic friends, supportive family and the girl of his dreams and everything was perfect and he couldn’t ask for more. 
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alia-turin · 6 years
A tinny bit of angst, but that is unavoidable. 
Fic Title: Not Strong Enough Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14 Rating [Warnings]: M [mention of body injury] all chapters will have different warnings Pairing: Luche x OC, Nyx x Luna Summary: 3 years have passed since Noctis disappeared and Luche finds himself on the side of unfamiliar road with no recollection how he got there Note: I was listening to Apocalyptica’s Not Strong Enough while writing that hence the title. It’s VERY suitable sing for the fic.
Tagging: @birdsandivory @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @lazarustrashpit @jojolosthermojo
If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know.
Luche had just managed to fall asleep when the door opened and the noise from someone walking in put him in alert mode. In a matter of seconds of he was on his feet, gun in his hand, but it was too late. Someone grabbed him, pressed him hard against the wall and used their forearm to hold him in place.
“You, stupid idiot!” as a familiar voice shouted that in his face, Tredd turned on the lights. Luche needed a moment to figure out what was happening. Cor and Nyx were in Imperial uniforms, obviously free. Ada was holding Cor’s shoulder trying to pull him away from Luche, but the man was determined. How the fuck did the tree of them turn out here? Why there was no alarm sounding?
“Cor, let go of him.” She tried to pull him away again, but the Marshal didn’t seem to care and he had blocked Luche’s body well enough that he couldn’t fight back…easily.
“If it wasn’t for his stupid stun these two guys wouldn’t have just walked in hoping for some good time.” Cor barked back and Luche continued to look confused.
“And if it wasn’t for his stupid stun neither of us would have a mean to defend themselves.” She meant ‘me’. Luche sensed. It wasn’t the other two that needed means to protect themselves from ‘some good time’. But she said us. Of course, she will say us, it was just like her, the rest above herself. “Cor, please.” Her voice was worried and desperate and the Marshal eventually stepped back.
Luche wasn’t going to let it pass like that, however. He had enough of Cor’s attitude toward him and he launched himself at the Marshal, the man ready to meet whatever he had in mind but Ada moved between the two of them.
“That is enough!” she was angry, he hasn’t seen her that angry often. “You stop blaming him for everything.” She said that at Cor and Luche give him a victorious grin. “And you stop acting as if you have to constantly compare yourself to him and beat him in some imaginary game that exist only in your head.” She said that Luche and the smile disappeared from his face. “We are okay, I am okay but we have a problem and neither of you is of any use while you try to measure whose dick is bigger.”
“Technically…” Tredd said as he was just playing with his knife, not impressed by what was happening. “You can solve that issue for them, here and now.”
“Shut up Tredd.” The four of them said at the same time. The redhead almost looked shocked that everyone’s anger was directed at him now.
“How did you get here?” Luche finally asked after he managed to push the though of fighting with Cor far enough in his brain to make it almost irrelevant.
The three of them looked at each other but it was Nyx who responded.
“Well…long story short, you inspired two guards to check on her.” Nyx gave him a very serious and meaningful look, Luche didn’t need more details to understand where that was going and he could feel his whole skin flushing in anger. “She set one of them on fire, Cor turned the skull of the other one into buddle of blood and gore. I put the uniform of the guard that didn’t become roasted dinner and we managed to get the uniform from another one down the hallway. We couldn’t just stay there, there were two corpses in front of us with no explanation how they became corpses if we were restrained.”
Luche’s looked at Ada concerned she looked fine, but t was his fault she was in that situation. He told Titus he wanted her and Titus had said in front of witnesses do whatever you want.
“Are you okay?” he asked concerned which earned him a snort and an eyeroll from Cor. “Hey I didn’t ask you.” Luche fought back. Cor was going to answer but Ada turned toward him and pleaded him with a look.
“I’m fine.” She finally said. “But we need a way out. Now. If they find the guards…”
“You did say you need to get them out of the cell…” Tredd said with a shrug and he was right. They needed that and somehow, they had managed to get out of there by attracting minimum attention at least for now.
“Can you get to the explosives?” Luche asked.
“I can. I will need help if you want them placed fast.” Tredd switching quickly to serious mode.
“Okay.” He nodded. “You guys set the explosives, the armory is on the way so you get your weapons we will secure some sort of exit.”
“How about the civilians?” Ada asked and Luche just stared at her. “No.” was her answer. “No, you are not sending that place flying with innocent people inside.”
“She is right.” Nyx agreed and he didn’t even need to look a Cor to know he also agreed. Luche wasn’t heartless, and deciding that some sacrifices have to be made wasn’t easy on his consciousness, but he also wasn’t going to risk their lives for group of people who might have willingly agreed to follow Glauca.
“We cannot lead group of people without anyone noticing.” Luche argued then he realized who he was talking to. “Fine. Set the explosives, I will take care of the rest.” Now he had to figure out how to take care of the rest without taking care of the rest.
 Ada followed Luche down the hallway trying to figure out how serious he was about the civilians. She knew. Or at least she started knowing him better after Insomnia. In Insomnia she knew he was smart, calculating and wouldn’t leave anything to chance. After Insomnia she had learned that he could be cold and calculating wasn’t necessarily a positive trait in his character. He would sacrifice whatever he had in order to get what he wanted. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an alarm.
“Shit.” Luche cursed as he froze in his spot. “They either found he bodies or Tredd and the rest.”
“We need to help them.” She said looking back at where they came from.
“No.” he shook his head and she could feel her breath freezing in her chest. “I will get you out of here, and then I will help them.”
“Luche, I can help you, I’m not helpless, stop treating me as if I will break.” It wasn’t the time to argue but she argued. She was done with him and Cor constantly having the need to protect her or save her from something. She was capable and knew how to deal with trouble, she was stronger than she was in Insomnia in any sense, he didn’t need to hold her hand.
“Please don’t argue with me over that.” He said as calm as he could. “I’m not risking your life and that is none negotiable.”
“Touching.” Glauca’s voice came from behind them and they both turned toward him in panic. “And then I thought your loyalty is with me not with Insomnia.” His words were directed at Luche.
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Luche gave him a confident smile and attack the general.
Glauca pulled his sword and fought back, Ada had no weapons on herself but she had enough magic to probably send him back from the hole he crawled from.
It didn’t end as she planned. After ten minutes Luche was on the ground his leg severely bleeding Ada was in Glauca’s feet barely able to stand, her whole body shaking. She had to rethink her statement of having enough magic.
“Your feelings make you weaker, Luche.” Glauca pinned his sword on the ground and leaned forward, his hand on Ada’s neck but this time he didn’t strangle her. He just made sure she is kneelng, her back straight, his massive hand on her jaw. “Now, she is going to watch you bleed and then…I haven’t decided what then.”
“Fuck you.” Luche growled through pain, Ada could see his black pants getting damp with blood.
“How long do you think before he bleeds out? Hour? Maybe should speed up the process.” She could hear the general’s ugly laughing.
“Glauca!” Cor shouted from behind making the other man turn. He made sure to position Ada between himself and the Marshal. She couldn’t see Luche now, his hand was holding her jaw hard and he had moved his other hand on her forehead. She had only one direction to look at and that was Cor.
“Marshal.” Another laugh followed. “I hoped I could leave you dead in the ruins of Insomnia, but seems like I would have the pleasure now.”
“Let her go, stop hiding behind innocent.” Cor had found his sword and pointed it at Glauca.
“She is far from innocent, Marshal you know that. She is a weapon just like you and me. Probably slightly less dangerous weapon certainly a very pretty one, but still deadly. A servant of a kingdom long gone. Tell me, Cor, who do you serve now that your master is gone and you have no leash?” Ada could feel her heart beating faster and faster as the general spoke. His grip was tight around her head, he needed a slight move to snap her neck. She looked at Cor pleading him to do something. His eyes looked at her trying to reassure her but she knew there was little he could do. She tried again to look at Luche, but couldn’t turn enough.
“Let her go and we can decide the argument who is better.” Cor made a step forward, but Glauca just squeezed her jaw visibly hard and that made the Marshal stop.
“We decided that argument three years ago, Marshal. I won. Your precious city is ruins, your king is dead, you have lost everything.” Glauca laughed. “Shall we play a game. You are fast right? Do you think you can reach me before I break her neck?” Ada looked at Cor in panic. His expression was stoic, no fear or any other emotion was crossing it. “I will count to three, on three you attack, I twist her neck, let’s see who will die first. One.” She could see Cor trying to decide what to do. “Two…”
A gun shot echoed in the hallway and she felt the grip around her ease. Ger body leaned forward but her instincts and reflexes told her she can’t just sit and watch now. Glauca was still recovering from the gunshot, his eyes fixed on Luche. Ada grabbed his leg and burden it with as much magic as she could gather while Cor practically flew past her and jumped on the general. She forced her body to get up and walked toward Luche while the two of them were fighting.
“Are you okay?” Luche managed to say it before her, his hand on her face.
“I’m.” she answered and looked behind her where Cor and Glauca were still fighting. She tore whatever was left of his pants to reach to the wound. The bleeding wasn’t as bad as she thought, but there was still too much blood. “Need to stop that.” She placed her hand on his leg and started casting a spell.
“Don’t use magic.” He warned her and she stopped pressing her hands over his wound it attempts to stop the bleeding. “I will be fine.”
“No, you are not.” She looked at the Marshal who had just impaled Glauca to the wall.
“Is he okay?” Cor walked calmly close to them, Ada looked for any visible injuries but there were none.
“No.” Ada answered.
“Yes. I’m fine.” Luche responded and gave her a serious look.
“Nyx and Tredd are behind somewhere, I will check on them on send one of them to help you.” Cor said that as an order and they both just nodded.
He left them, the two of them and Glauca’s corpse. Ada looked at him, part of her feeling happy he was dead part of her mourning the man she knew as Titus Drautos. But the captain was long gone and what was lying now in puddle of blood was just a monster.
“Hey look at me.” Luche said seeing where her eyes were pinned. “I owe him one now, huh?” he made the fakest smile she had ever seen, but that didn’t worry her. His face had been mostly drained from blood.
“Luche, let me..”
“No.” he stopped her. “You are shaking, you went too far, again. I’ fine it’s just a scratch.”
She knew it wasn’t just a scratch. Sure he wasn’t going to die now, but she couldn’t drag him out in her condition and the Six knew how long it would take the other three to come. She had to risk it.
“Luche, I cannot lose you again.” She pressed harder on his wound.
“I’m not dying.” He tried to smile but on his pale face it looked scary rather than reassuring. “Just…talk to me...tell me again what you thought of me the first time you saw me. Back in Insomnia.”
“The…” what a silly thing to ask, but she indulged him. He needed distraction. “I thought you were too confident. Scary confident. And handsome. When you were showing me around the HQ you just made it all sound so…easy and simple. It wasn’t love at first sight mind you.” She forced a laugh. “I did find you attractive but I thought you would never be interested in me. We worked together and we were so different. You were outspoken, popular…I was new, knew how to find my way around people but you wouldn’t see me giving motivational speech before a mission.” It was true. She was used to changing environment, meeting new people, but she had never been a leader in any shape or form, he was and that go her right away. She remembered absolutely blocking any possibility to fall in love with him despite the close friendship they had developed until Crowe had told her that he likes her. Then she started thinking what if…and that what if turned into something bigger than just what if. He was next to her when she lost her family, at a moment when she had blocked the whole world he had broken in and made her relax. “You remember when you lockpicked my door?”
“I was worried.” He laughed. “I thought something bad happened to you. It was after your father’s funeral wasn’t it?” Ada nodded. “You weren’t answering my texts or calls, first I thought I was dumped, but then Crowe told me you weren’t answering hers either. You couldn’t possibly dump us both.”
It had been a strange time. She was losing her family and although she knew she had friends she wasn’t sure how to deal with that. She did the easiest thing, told Titus what had happened and that she needed some rest, he had agreed. But then Luche did something nobody else had done for her, and that wasn’t just lockpicking her door. He had taken care for her and was there for her. For someone who was used to dealing with most things on her own, that had been a big deal.
“That was when I finally gave you a key from my place.” She smiled at the memory. It was a bitter sweet memory, but time had made I mostly sweet. Things like that were making it hard to believe that he was capable of what he did in Insomnia. Things like that made it hard for her to hate him or even stop loving him. He had been with her when she thought there was nobody to help her. “Luche, I’m sorry.” He looked at her confused, but then felt her spell working on him and tried to puch her hands away, but was too late. It was already working on him and she could feel herself getting dizzy.
“Ada, no!” he roared in anger, but it was too late.
“It should be…” she started but couldn’t finish. It all became foggy and eventually dark in front of her eyes and then she fell on the ground, last thing she was before losing consciousness was Glauca’s body on the ground.
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moon-xxvi-always · 5 years
Alguien como yo jamás vas a encontrar .
Estoy tan decepcionada de ti . Ya tienes a alguien más ¿para que buscarme? ¿Tienes noticias? Dicelas a tal . Quieres salir ,manejar bici, o necesitas que alguien te escuche o te dé algún consejo ,apoyo ,ayuda ... busca a tal . Me perdiste y ahora verás y entenderás el grave error que cometiste .Al darte cuenta qué tal persona no te dará lo que yo ,atención ,cuidado ,amor ,fidelidad ,confianza ,te impulse a ser mejor persona ...verás que te equivocaste ,pero sabes? Yo ya no volveré a ti y el día que me veas con alguien más espero y seas feliz así como yo lo seré ,pues me perdiste y espero y tal persona valga tanto la pena como para romper años de relación ,aunque solo tú arruinaste todo esto . Te deseo suerte y felicidad . Debo olvidarte y sanarme de ti para comenzar a amar a alguien más , el alejarme de ti es algo deprimente pero sabes? Me siento tranquila ,pues yo di todo sin fallarte y tú vivirás lamentándote toda tu vida por haber perdido a alguien que daba todo por ti . Ya lo entenderás ,va a pasarte ,todo da vueltas . Y por favor ,deja insistir en comunicarte conmigo espero y ya no lo hagas ,para nada ni para hablar . Para que me quieres ? Ya elegiste a alguien más ,es ilógico . Yo no comparto al parecer tú si lo querías así pero ... yo no soy liberal y nunca lo seré . Espero y no te dañen tanto como tú lo hiciste conmigo pues no es nada lindo ... quedé traumada y Completamente rota . Otra vez caí al hoyo pero está bien mejoraré y amaré de nuevo . Todo tiene su final ,eso es cierto y aunque me negué a que pase ...no puedo tapar el sol con un dedo .Todos saben todo lo que di y luche no necesito más . Y ahora este cuento de Adas con altas y bajas ...más bajas . Se terminó ,luche tanto para que esto no pasara pero bueno ..pasó . Insisto que no hubieras vuelto . Tú no cambiaste ,tú solo perfeccionaste tu táctica y qué pena que en ves de mejorar tú ser ,solo lo malogres más ,me dijiste una noche que tú habías “cambiado” para no ser la misma persona tóxica ahora entiendo que fue una excusa por que tú atención ya lo ocupaba alguien más ...
Si tú al menos me hubieras querido un poquito no me hubieras llamado como si nada .despues de lo que hiciste ... actuaste igual que todos los hombres ,cuando golpean a su pareja o la engañan luego hablarles como si nada .. “me pagaron” “vamos a comprar “ “vamos al cine” que irónico que tú días antes hablaste del tema ...terminaste siendo como ellos,como todo aquel que lastima sin ningún remordimiento . Tú no me haces bien ,déjate de engañarte no me eres fiel ,no me tratas bien ,tú no me amas ,solo me quieres allí como una mascota . Y no , no vales la pena y yo merezco más ...o al menos alguien fiel que me respete siendo sincero . Algo que tú jamás has sido y serás .
Gracias por esta gran experiencia y lección . Aprendí mucho y perdí demasiado .
Pero está bien . Solo no hagas como si nada, ten un poco de conciencia sabiendo lo que me hiciste y déjame libre ,deja que alguien si me de lo que merezco . Tú no puedes ser fiel y está bien así eres ...no quiero cambiarte pero si puedo irme y eso haré .
Ya no quieras arreglar nada ,no digas que me amas , que quieres recuperarme ,que estás arrepentida . Alguien que ama ,mejora no sigue lastimando a alguien más, cuatro años ,son cuatro años en lo mismo ,te dije que no habías cambiado ...que solo te duraría meses y mira...no me equivoque .¿como puedes decirle te amo a alguien y a la vez estar con alguien más? ¿Como puedes mentirle en la cara a alguien que de verdad te amó bien? ¿Tienes corazón? .Sabes? Yo si te había incluido en mi vida pese a todo ,hice planes para nuestro futuro pero creo que estuvo mal . Ahora si estoy segura de que tú no me amas , deja de engañarte y por favor . Déjame , deja que conozca a alguien que si vale la pena , no me tortures con algún mensaje o algo así .
Tú ya elegiste entiende eso , no puedes tenerlo todo . Elegiste a alguien más y yo he dado un paso al costado para que seas feliz a su lado . Ahora déjame sanar para volver a amar .
Acabó lo nuestro ,lo destruiste y se terminó . Por tus actos . Ve la realidad . Nuestra realidad es que ya no hay un nosotros .
Por alguna razón ayer me pasó algo que me hizo ver , reaccioné , al ver como me habías engañado por tanto tiempo ...entendí que en verdad tú no me mereces . Y ahora tengo otra visión, otro pensar de ti .
Solo se feliz sin lastimar a otros y por una vez aprende a ser mujer de una sola persona . Así como yo lo fui , inténtalo al menos . Suerte .
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anugroh0 · 5 years
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Mau wadah bekal gratis?? Lagi ada promo Buy 1 Get 1 Free nih 🥳🥳 Setiap pembelian Bougenville Set akan mendapat Duo Mini Luch Set GRATIS 🤑🤑 Mantap kan 😍😍 Makan bersama keluarga di rumah lebih menyenangkan karena meja makan makin cantik dengan Bougenville Set Duo Mini Lunch Setnya untuk wadah bekal si kecil ke sekolah atau Ayah ke kantor 🤩 Yuk buruan diorder Bun, promo ini hanya ada di bulan ini loh, dan bisa arisan juga loh 😍😍 Gak percaya? tanya deh ke wa.me/628 #wadah #medina #halal #bekal #makan #plastik https://www.instagram.com/p/B4FtPRthxLm/?igshid=17pisaenfqaqp
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ahmadsalehnst · 6 years
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Seseorang itu tidak akan pernah bosan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berulang-ulang jika hal tersebut ia perlukan, sukai atau cintai. Contohnya makan, tak kan ada orang yang bosan makan, apalagi makanan yg dimasakkan dan disiapkan orang yang dicintai. Thanks my wife. Happy luch guys. (at Teleperformance Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsUO7Zggb0W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tblerr09mc83
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ao3feed-ignoct · 6 years
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Tt26cf
by Candyholic85
a collection of drabbles in chronological order of the summer vacation the whole group has and beyond, into the collage years, into marriage, into adulthood, into parenthood and even farther than that- That kind of BEYOND. Is a continuation of Magic and Miracles that is a high school AU/Hospital AU. Where everyone lives, no one dies (for the most part) and everyone get's a happily ever after.
Words: 14154, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Magic and Miracles Series
Fandoms: FFXV - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Nyx Ulric, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Selena Ulric, Crowe Altius, Libertus Ostium, Luche Lazarus, Ada, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Original Female Character(s) of Color, Original Female Character(s), Pelna Khara, Tredd Furia, Stella Nox Fleuret, Iris Amicitia, Original Male Character(s), Sylva Via Fleuret, Sylva Nox Fleuret, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Clarus Amicitia, Cor Leonis, and all of these guys' parents
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Cindy Aurum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Original Female Character(s), Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Nyx Ulric, Ravus Nox Fleuret/Selena Ulric, Crowe Altius/Libertus Ostium, Luche Lazarus/Original Female Character(s), Pelna Khara/Original Character(s), Iris Amicitia/Original Male Character(s), Stella Nox Fleuret/Tredd Furia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII/Sylva Via Fleuret, Clarus Amicitia/Original Female Character(s), Titus Drautos/ Original Female Character, Cor Leonis/Original Female Character(s), Sylva Nox Fleuret/ Regis Lucis Caelum
Additional Tags: Fluff, Romance, Smut, Adventure, Occasional angst, Modern AU, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Rock Band AU, Summer Vacation, hospital au
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Tt26cf
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