#So I recast her face
thats-ill-eagle · 4 months
My problem with Viv recasting for Hazbin isn't just that she abandoned the very talented and passionate people who helped her make it big.
What irritates me even more is that they got unneccessarily replaced by (mostly) famous actors, who ended up either not fitting their characters in the slightest or just doing impressions of the pilot cast, while being up to thousands of times more costly.
Not only is it such a slap to the face to the original cast, even if they got let go a few years back, but it is such an unneccessary waste of Hazbin's budget.
Like, why the hell are we listening to Stephanie Beatriz sounding painfully bored, with her singing sounding completely different from her speaking, while she gets payed tens of thousands of dollars, when Viv could have either kept Monica or, if she found one, choose a new indie VA she thought SUITED the character better and saved quite a lot of money. Why are we listening to Blake Roman strain his voice to hell and back, trying to do an impression of Michael's Angel? Why does Amir Tamil literally sound like a higher-pitch Edward Bosco?
This just reeks of not-so-cheap publicity stunt. And not a good or a well-thought-out one.
The only solution I can think of in the present is, Jesus Christ, get Richard Horvitz out of voice directing role, because, while I'm sure he is a nice guy irl and a great VA, he absolutely sucks at voice direction and a LOT of issues with voice acting in HH could easily be fixed by someone more competent taking up the role (evidenced by the fact that Encanto shows that Stephanie can absolutely rock at voice acting).
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rosenbergamot · 7 months
“You’re annoying me.” Gem says to the mysterious shape in the water that’s been watching her fish for the past… oh, I don’t know, five days. Usually the thing will swim away quickly, or sometimes it will disregard her ire and continue to sit there as if it relished in her annoyance. Today it slaps its tail against the water, sending waves towards her.
“That was childish.” She blows a raspberry at it because she herself is the pinnacle of maturity.
It slaps the water again, splashing her and giving her a mouthful of briny seawater. She spits it out, unamused. Its tail is large, with deep blue scales that sparkle in the morning sun. Whatever this thing is, it's big and it loves to watch her talk to herself.
“You know we’re on the same side here, right?” This is a lie and they both know it. Fisherman and fish could never be on the same side. “Hey, how about if I catch anything I’ll give you some of it. But you have to promise to stop scaring the fish away!”
The tail slowly raises out of the water. It does not slap down like it did before. Instead, slowly, so slowly, a head raises out as well. She sees two deep eyes stare back at her, a head of messy brown hair, a smile sharp and intelligent.
“What?!” She gawks.
“You promise, mate?” It has a playful voice, melodic and feminine, and when it speaks its gills flare at its neck. “I don’t take too kindly to people breaking their promises.”
“You’re a person?”
It purses its lips. “Not really? What, you think a person looks like this?” She unearths her fingers from the water. The sea drips off of her long sharp claws. “Couldn’t do much with these if I was a person.”
“Uh… yeah!” She recasts her line, her eyes wandering across the pale skin until she reaches the chest and— oh! The… person? Creature? Whatever it is, it’s shirtless, and Gem doesn’t want to be caught staring. That’s so rude! She fixes her gaze on her rod.
It swims closer to her. It gets so close she’d be able to touch if she wanted. It rests its head on the dock, stares up at her with vertical pupils. She’s got silvery patchings of scales on her face.
This is… only a little bit different from what they’d been doing before. She can still handle it. It’s just… right there instead of in the water. And instead of just being a fish it is a very pretty woman with very sharp teeth. That’s okay! Gem’s okay!
She goes back to fishing, those eyes still on her. Eventually she hooks a salmon and cheers. The creature blinks at her as she puts it in her bucket.
“None for me?” She pouts.
“Oh, no! You’ll just have to wait!” She grabs more bait. “I need to feed myself, after all. I’m a busy woman, can’t have some fish lady taking all my food!”
A miserable sigh. It bonks its head back down on the dock. “You’re lucky I think you’re pretty.”
That catches her off guard. She accidentally hooks a bit of her thumb as she’s trying to hook the worm. She curses and shakes the blood off. The creature’s eyes follow it.
“Uh-huh… and why’s that?”
When she responds, she’s not looking at Gem. She’s staring at her bleeding thumb. Her long tongue comes out to lick at her lips. She grins at her.
“‘Cause I’d have just eaten you already if I didn’t.”
When she swallows, it watches the way her throat moves with attentive eyes. They sit there in silence for the rest of the day.
It ends up swimming away with five whole fish in her grasp. As she’s disappearing, she yells back to Gem:
“See ya tomorrow, pretty fisher lady!” Her teeth reflect the sun. “I hope ya catch lots of stuff tomorrow! For both our sakes!”
Then it’s gone, tail the last thing to leave, and Gem is left to wonder if she’s just invited something horrible into her life…
And if so, why is she excited about it?
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
okay let's do this again, for the last time this season, and what a way to end it!
i like that nami got to be included in the walk to arlong park, it was really nice!
the banter between zoro and sanji is already quite funny. i like that sanji is just earnestly trying to be part of the crew, but zoro's being a little bit bitchy because he feels like his place as the first mate is being threatened. later on in the episode when sanji starts calling out his move names, and zoro makes fun of him for it...how much do you wanna bet that the reason zoro starts calling out his attack names because his thought process is like "oh no, the shitty cook is also calling out his attack names what if luffy starts liking him better than me because i don't do it?"
as someone with dental trauma, seeing arlong's teeth fall out one by one was horrifying, thank you very much. it was well done
the fights in this arc were well choreographed, and i'm actually really happy that they all finished by around halfway through the episode because then we got a good amount of time to wrap everything up
it was really sweet when nami went running up to tackle usopp and zoro in a hug. i did feel a bit bad for sanji, but ehh it's understandable. she's been sailing with usopp and zoro for a while now! those are her boys!!!! and she didn't think she'd ever be able to sail with them again! she barely even knows sanji at this point
the scene after the tower comes crashing down and the straw hats are all waiting to see if luffy made it is great. nami looks like her whole world is ending again, because first she lost her mother, and now she might have lost her captain. and then everyone's relief when they see luffy come out is palpable! sanji doesn't even try to hide his relief! he's become so emotionally invested in this crew already and he's known them for just a few days
sanji's smugness when zoro comes back for seconds was cute, and i love their banter afterwards!
koby and helmeppo standing up to garp when they disagree with his orders was a good scene, and i liked their conversation about it afterwards at the end of the episode. each marine's personal code of justice is a big theme in the anime, and i like that they establish it here, and that it's what impresses garp enough to make him want to train them personally
we finally got the luffy vs garp confrontation! it was a good way to see just how small luffy is in the grand scheme of things, that he wasn't able to hurt garp at all. when luffy starts laughing and garp drops him and starts laughing as well, it was a good tension break. i really really wish that we got at least one grandpa hug before garp left...i know it never happened in the manga, but i crave that grandfatherly affection for luffy. but i know neither of these two idiots are like that. ace better fucking hug luffy at least once next season i s2g.
when nami is talking to bellemere's grave, and nojiko shows up wearing bellemere's shirt.....🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
the final conversation with luffy and koby was adorable! i loved the hug! also, i really like that koby was the first one to show luffy his bounty. a great way of coming full circle to the beginning of the season when he's standing next to luffy, looking at the notice board in shells town and luffy asks where his face is
the scenes where people see luffy's bounty!!!! makino grinning in pride!! kaya already looking healthier without kuro's poison! Zeff posting luffy's poster on the employee of the month board!!!!!!!! alvida and buggy meeting!!!! (if they make alvida lose weight or recast her next season i'm gonna kill someone)
helmeppo finally admitted that koby was his friend!!!! their little fistbump!! i've really come to like koby over the course of this season, and it's been great seeing his character arc
the mihawk and shanks conversation was great! shanks making jokes about his missing arm was hilarious, i love how irreverent he is
the redhair pirates are all SO proud when they see luffy's poster!!! and shanks' big, goofy, proud grin when as he stares at the poster just made my heart melt.
merry finally gets to fly the straw hat jolly roger again, i'm so happy for her!! luffy's absolute uncontainable joy at the sight of it, like he can't believe his eyes, was absolutely perfect!
the cast-off ceremony was fantastic! i really like the effect they did where their younger selves spoke in the voices of their older selves.
i could be wrong, but i think i heard we are in that last scene as they sailed off? which, amazing!
FUCK YEAH THAT LAST SHOT OF SMOKER!!! i can't wait to see more of him next season!!!
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littlebatgames · 3 months
Cowboys + Vampires = yes please
When I first started writing Vampire Therapist, this guy was the player character.
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Andromachos is 3000 years old. He's experienced, strong, and intimidatingly good looking. When I started putting him in front of the game's therapy clients, I found that Andromachos was so wise, he sucked all the humor out of the room. Beyond that, I think his clients were a little afraid of disappointing him.
I recast him in the role of mentor, and as an experiment, I recast the therapist as a cowboy, doing a silly voice in my studio. But it stuck. It turns out that a cowboy was just what the Vampire Therapist story needed. Cowboys are more attuned to the earth -- they "touch grass." They're more folksy, much easier to approach than a character like Andromachos. I also needed a character that would learn along with the player, which is how I came up with Sam Walls.
Here are some of our earlier renderings of Sam. Since he's *been through it*, we wanted to show some world weariness and humanity.
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He looks great! He's a very handsome fella, crushworthy in his own right. But the core of Vampire Therapist is in compassion and humor, so we needed to lighten up Sam some. If you've played the game, you know he's a pretty lighthearted fella!
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These are some of @nomnomroko's first renderings of Sam. You can see her style coming through here, retaining Sam's humanity but with the harder line style that we use on Vampire Therapist to make characters extra characterful and expressive. We decided on a mix of C and D, and got to work on some of the first pose renderings.
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You can see the benefits of the Vampire Therapist style coming through already in the highly expressive faces we needed to depict a truly compassionate therapist! Also, @nomnomroko's extraordinary hands.
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Costume choices. This was feeling a little formal, and we thought we could play to our strengths even more by showing a bit more skin. After more tweaks and shading, we had our man.
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It's incredibly gratifying to see players resonating with Sam's sweetness, patience, and compassion, and his character design really helps reinforce those characteristics. The most common word we get associated with him is "adorable," and although that might make him feel awkward, I guess one can't argue with reality.
Check out our Steam page to learn more about Vampire Therapist! We've made something fun and heartwarming and I'd love for you to wishlist it. If we do well, I've got some crazy ideas and characters planned for the sequel!
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thestrangeravatar · 8 months
i have some trouble with recognising faces so when claudia from iwtv got recast i didn't realize it, but i did notice something strange about her and it gave me the uncanny valley feeling, so i really just thought "wow they did such a good job of making her look less innocent and more monster-like" 😭
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So many people have spoken so cromulently about the brouhaha in Olympics women's boxing, and I share the frustration and anger over the shit way Imane Kelif is being treated for the crime of being an insufficiently feminine woman. I can't add any more to that.
But I haven't seen anyone talking much about the other fighter in the match, and -- look, I don't want to drag her, because I have never lost at the Olympics, and I've never been punched in the face, so who knows how I'd react to either. But there's something so repellent and gross to me about the prurient way media coverage has dwelled on Angela Carini's *weeping* and how she said it *hurt so much* and now she's so *unhappy* because her *dreams are dead.*
Like -- this woman is supposed to be an elite, world-class boxer! The pity and protectiveness we're being pressed to feel for her because she got in the ring and got hit real hard is just like -- what is happening here? They hit as hard as they can at the Olympics, that's like, the whole thing! Idk how weight classes work in women's boxing, maybe there should be more finely tuned categories, if it's so shocking to see a bigger person punch a smaller one, but this is like, *fucking boxing,* a sport where traditionally there was a non-zero risk of getting hit so hard you *died.*
It's just really off-putting to me to see all these self-proclaimed champions of female athletes talking about Carini using exclusively the language appropriate to domestic violence victims, rather than giving her any sort of dignity as a competitor.
Again, I'm trying really hard not to hang anything on Carini herself, because I get that "there's no crying in baseball!!!" is supposed to be the Incorrect Take and there's nothing inherently wrong with crying from pain or disappointment, but like. It's so gross and weird, and it's so not how any reporting would treat a man who lost a match. It's so obviously a matter of immediately divorcing her from her context as *an Olympic athlete* and *a boxer* in order to recast her as *a sad injured lady.* Really drives home the point about how weakness and vulnerability are load-bearing components of how these "radical feminists" perceive the nature of womanhood.
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geotjwrs · 3 months
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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The air was thick with anticipation on the set of "Summer Winter Fall Spring." The past few months had been tumultuous, with the film's production halted due to the allegations against Percy Hynes White. The studio had ultimately decided to recast Percy's character and reshoot most of the movie. After weeks of deliberation, they cast Y/N—a talented actor who had previously worked with Jenna Ortega in "Scream VI," "Beetlejuice," and "Wednesday" season 2.
Jenna had been the one to suggest Y/N for the role. She knew his talent and believed he could bring a fresh energy to the project. What she hadn't told anyone was how she truly felt about him. Working together had always been a joy, but over time, her feelings had grown into something deeper.
Now, with the last day of filming upon them, Jenna felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. She knew she had to reveal her feelings to Y/N before it was too late. But how?
The day began early, as usual, with the cast and crew bustling around the set, preparing for the day's shoot. Jenna found herself standing next to Y/N as they waited for their first scene.
"You ready for this?" Y/N asked, giving her a playful nudge.
Jenna smiled, trying to push aside her nerves. "Always. Just another day at the office, right?"
Y/N laughed. "Exactly."
Their first scene was a dramatic confrontation, their characters in the midst of a heated argument. As the director called action, Jenna felt herself slip into character, her emotions raw and real. Y/N matched her intensity, his eyes locking with hers, the connection between them palpable even through their performance.
As they finished the scene, the director called cut, and the crew erupted into applause. Jenna and Y/N shared a look, their breathing heavy from the emotional exertion.
"That was intense," Y/N said, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.
Jenna nodded, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through her. "You were amazing."
"So were you," he replied, giving her a warm smile.
The rest of the day was filled with similar moments—scenes that demanded their full attention and emotional depth. In between takes, they found themselves gravitating towards each other, sharing jokes and light banter to keep the mood light.
During one of the breaks, they sat together in the shade, sipping on iced coffees. Jenna looked at Y/N, his relaxed demeanor a stark contrast to the intensity of his performance.
"You know," she began, "I'm really glad you're here. I don't think I could've gotten through this without you."
Y/N looked at her, his eyes softening. "I feel the same way. You've always been my rock on set."
Their moments of connection weren't limited to breaks. In one scene, their characters shared a tender moment by a lake, the tranquility of the setting mirroring their own feelings. As they filmed, Jenna felt a sense of calm wash over her, the lines between their characters and their real selves blurring.
After the scene, Y/N turned to her, his expression thoughtful. "You know, these moments... they feel real."
Jenna's heart skipped a beat, but she managed to keep her voice steady. "Yeah, they do."
The day progressed smoothly. The scenes were intense but fulfilling, and the chemistry between Jenna and Y/N was undeniable. Everyone on set could see it—the way they interacted, the effortless connection they shared. As they wrapped up the final scene, the crew erupted into applause, celebrating the completion of the reshoots.
"Great job, everyone!" the director called out. "That's a wrap!"
Jenna felt a pang of nervousness as she watched Y/N interact with the crew, thanking them for their hard work. She knew this was her moment. Taking a deep breath, she approached him.
"Hey, Y/N," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "Do you have a moment?"
Y/N turned to her, a warm smile on his face. "Of course, Jenna. What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you about something," she said, glancing around. "But maybe somewhere more private?"
He raised an eyebrow, curious but obliging. "Sure. There's a little spot I found nearby that's really peaceful. Want to go there?"
She nodded, and they made their way to a secluded area just outside the set—a small clearing surrounded by trees, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves. It was serene, the perfect place for a heart-to-heart conversation.
They sat down on a blanket Y/N had brought, and for a moment, they simply enjoyed the quiet.
"You know," Y/N began, "I've always loved working with you. Every project we've done together has been incredible."
Jenna smiled, feeling her heart race. "I feel the same way. You're an amazing actor, Y/N. And... an amazing person."
He looked at her, sensing there was more she wanted to say. "Jenna, is everything okay?"
She took a deep breath, deciding to take the plunge. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you. It's been on my mind for a while now. I suggested you for this role not just because you're talented, but because I wanted to spend more time with you."
Y/N's eyes widened slightly, but he stayed silent, letting her continue.
"I've developed feelings for you," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't know how to tell you, but I couldn't let this project end without you knowing."
For a moment, there was silence. Jenna felt her heart pounding in her chest, fearing his reaction. Then, Y/N reached out, gently taking her hand in his.
"Jenna," he said softly, "I've felt the same way. I've wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn't want to risk our friendship or make things awkward on set."
She looked up at him, relief flooding her. "Really?"
He nodded, his eyes warm and sincere. "Really. You mean so much to me, Jenna."
She let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, a smile spreading across her face. "So, what now?"
Y/N grinned, leaning closer. "I think this is the part where we see where this goes. Together."
Jenna's heart soared as she closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a gentle, heartfelt kiss. It felt like the culmination of all the moments they'd shared, both on and off set.
As they pulled away, Y/N brushed a strand of hair from her face. "How about we start with a real date? No scripts, no cameras. Just us."
Jenna nodded, her smile bright and genuine. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."
The two sat together, the weight of unspoken feelings finally lifted. They talked about their dreams, their fears, and their hopes for the future. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the clearing, they knew this was the start of something beautiful.
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who's who in the zoo wilderness
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like many yellowjackets fans i am Obsessed with the flashbacks in the pilot episode - but while many theories are about who pit girl is or who the antler queen is i also wanted to have a look at who each of the creepy cloaked cultee's might be under their masks...
in the flashbacks we have nine characters -
pit girl (called "The Runner" in the script)
antler queen (called "The Shaman")
the one wearing beaver fur ("The Overseer")
the one wearing a skunk fur ("The Hunter")
the one in the pink hood ("The Butcher")
one wearing an owl
one wearing racoons
one wearing what appears to be a wolf
one wearing pants/leggings in a way that looks rabbit-like.
The antler queen is the name the fans have given the mysterious veiled figure - but the creators have been firm in saying that is an interpretation and not a fact. What we know about this figure is she's referred to as "The Shaman" and she's obviously a significant figure in the group - but not necessarily the queen/leader. I don't think this character is automatically the leader of the cult.
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The definition of a shaman includes:
A member of certain traditional societies, especially of northern Asia and of North and South America, who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.
The term shamanism comes from the Manchu-Tungus word šaman. The noun is formed from the verb ša- ‘to know’; thus, a shaman is literally “one who knows.” 
So of these nine, seven of them must be our seven known survivors:
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just a note: aside from sammi hanratty (misty) none of the other actors were playing characters in this scene - those roles were filled by body doubles. so i'm not going to be too specific in comparing looks to try and match these characters to our known characters. There's also the fact that these scenes were written and filmed for the pilot before the show was greenlit and since then the story has changed somewhat (for example - van most likely originally dying from the wolf attack but that being rewritten because they loved what liv hewson did with the character and wanting them to continue). So I'll mostly be focusing on the characters we know were absolutely intended to be there: Shauna, Tai, Natalie (confirmed to survive in the pilot) as well as Travis and Lottie (confirmed to survive later in s1).
Only one figure is 100% confirmed - the Overseer being Misty, as she is the only character seen to remove her fur mask at the end of the pilot episode.
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The other that is basically confirmed is the identity of the Butcher being Shauna.
Not only was Shauna... literally the butcher in the past and the present ("Shauna, you're the best with the knife, so you'll handle the body. I mean cut it up." - Misty in 1x10) but when Shauna kills Adam she has flashbacks that include the Butcher bleeding the Runner's corpse.
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Then there's the Runner, and given that she dies gruesomely she is not one of the survivors, but is one of the yellowjackets who survived past the end of s2.
Aside from her face, she is the character we see the most of physically (so i will mention her physical appearance in relation with who her character might be) - she has long dark hair and lighter/olive coloured skin.
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based on this we know that pit girl is most likely either Gen or Mari (my vote is mari, and i wrote a meta on why). now that gen has been recast for s3 :( i'm thinking it's almost definitely mari.
that's 3/9 and where the clearest examples stop.
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I think the animals were chosen with intention, both by the costume designer and within the story by the characters. whereas the other masks seem more for the sake of warmth (like the raccoon pelts sort of sewed together into a hood) this one feels a lot more symbolic. like can you even skin an owl while keeping the feathers??
I think this is a reference to Tai's connection with the "Other Tai" - the one who comes out in sleepwalking, and somehow knows the lay of the land (where the symbols are, where the other yellowjackets are) in a way that Tai doesn't understand. The imagery of having a character appear to literally have two faces just screams Tai to me.
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From some very basic research it seems that owl can symbolically mean: wisdom, a guide in the dark, death, visions, etc.
While this could relate to Tai, it could also relate to Lottie.
While as the audience we know Lottie is schizophrenic and without her meds, the others have taken Lottie's visions as signs from the wilderness and treat her as the resident seer. While she's clearly trying to pull away from that role and the responsibility it entails by the end of s2 - the other yellowjackets already look to her as someone with the knowledge to guide them through the wilderness.
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There's also the clothing. While most clothes seem to be passed around communally (a sweater Misty & Mari wear in s2 is the legwarmers on the owl and the mask on the skunk) there are some items that are reserved for specific characters (like Shauna wearing Jackie's butterfly shirt).
In the '96 timeline Tai wears a lot of patterned blue and purple clothes, some of which almost definitely become part of the outfit for this owl character.
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There's also the vest - it could be an animal fur but it has some of similarities to Lottie's fluffy coat, especially one that's become dirtier while stranded without the cabin. This coat is only worn by Lottie. The raccoon character also wears a similar vest, so it could just be fur, but Lottie's coat resembles the owl character's vest more based on the colour, or the coat could have been split in two.
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Overall I think the owl character is most likely Tai.
in doomcoming and in the hunt in the future the upper half of tai's face is covered and it makes sense to me that trend would continue in all her hunt outfits. there's also the repeated imagery of eyes within her story - the man with no eyes, her grandmother's eyes, sammy's doll on the altar missing an eye, so her outfit having a taxidermy owl with no eyes tracks.
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unfortunately not many clear images exist for this character. i'm not even sure if the pelt they're wearing is a wolf, it could also be a bear, but i'm going with wolf for now.
i think this is Travis. travis is the other hunter of the group and it makes sense that the characters furs might come from their own hunts/kills. symbolism wise travis does fit a wolf as well - loyalty, protection, strength. wolves are closely tied to the bonds of packs and family, making sense that travis would be the lone wolf as he's lost his father and brother out here.
tai and van are also associated with wolves - but i don't think either of them would want to wear one all the time, given that van was attacked by one and tai is haunted by them.
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the wolf character also has some small details that fit for travis' character. their face is covered from the eyes down, something travis often does throughout season 2. the wolf, owl and skunk characters are also the only ones (that we can see) wearing fingerless gloves. given that the last time travis saw javi happy was him being gifted gloves by natalie, and that much of their clothes would have been destroyed in the fire (but not javi's, which were most likely still outside) i can see travis wearing javi's gloves.
The Hunter / Skunk
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i think this is Natalie. before the season 2 finale i would've said this was 100%. now knowing that natalie is their new leader, there is the possibility that she is the antler queen character, which i will talk about later, but for me this character only makes sense as natalie.
nat's the hunter! even as a new leader, she's still the most capable and knowledgeable in hunting. travis is very much her second while she leads the hunting trips. it also makes sense that as the leader she would be the first one to check The Runner, to stand over the pit. both an 'honour' and a duty.
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natalie's also been the one standing over the bodies so far. she's the one waiting outside with jackie's body at the start of 2x03, she's the one who takes jackie's remains and has a short memorial for her. she's the one who stays outside the longest, standing over travis with javi's body. obviously not definitive but does work with the skunk character.
as for the clothes - the hunter wears the iconic co-ed soccer shirt, pink converse, and for a mask the cloth is currently a sweater within the show.
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the shirt begins the show as van's - but almost every character has worn it now (including tai, travis, akilah, etc.). the pink connverse have never been quite as clear, but it appears that might have originally been shauna's (a darker colour that most likely faded over the 19 months) and have been worn by at least lottie, gen & tai. the sweater that the mask is made of has been worn by misty, mari & mel. so none of that narrows anything down sdjflsakhfl;h
i think the skunk is quite a specific choice too. could be about seeing things in black & white, about keeping your distance, etc. there's not a lot about skunk symbolism but it mainly seems to involve confidence, courage and direction. these are interesting when paired with natalie, given that she fits some very well but struggles with others.
it's also implied in the original pilot script that this character is natalie.
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while we do see the hunter pulling up the runner's body with the rope, the scene with natalie does not make it into the episode. it does suggest that when filming the pilot this character was thought of to be natalie though. of course, as the show progressed this may have changed.
still in 1x10 when it's decided that shauna will cut up adam's body, natalie is the one who volunteers to help her, while misty is the one who directs all of them, mirroring this scene with the butcher (shauna), overseer (misty) and hunter (natalie).
some say that the hunter is van - has a similar build and the general blankness/darkness that van has by the end of s2, as well as being the shirt's og owner. but van wasn't supposed to be there in the initial conception of this character. while it may have changed now, for me this character is natalie.
Raccoon & Rabbit
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I'm honestly not sure who these two might be. One is most likely Van, given that we know she survives.
Early on there were theories that Jackie was the Rabbit, due to her association with rabbits, which makes sense, but now we know Jackie's dead. Then they were possibly Javi, but he's dead too. As for symbolism, I'm not sure who of the remaining Yellowjackets fits either of these characters.
I think the creators were purposefully ambiguous to leave themselves with options. If the audience doesn't know who is who, they have the opportunity to change the story slightly as the show progresses (like with Van surviving).
The Shaman / Antler Queen
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while initially thought to be lottie, as she is set up as the leader in the wilderness, the season 2 finale revealed that natalie was the new leader. both of these characters could be the shaman, but i feel as though it makes more sense for natalie to be the hunter. even though there are moment that in retrospect hint that natalie becomes the leader (misty's devotion, natalie stating that she lacked a purpose after they were rescued, tai and shauna's conversation about nat being the reason they're alive), there are no clear references to natalie being the antler queen character in the story so far (although that could have been hidden on purpose for the reveal).
in the adult timeline the others are terrified of the antler queen in a way that's different from their reactions to the symbol from the wilderness. when they receive the postcards or realise the symbol is under travis' body they are disturbed, they have a distrust of the symbol and everything it reminds them of.
but their reactions to the shaman are different. she appears in shauna's flashbacks when she kills adam, in natalie's visions/hallucinations after she overdoses, and in lottie's visions/hallucinations after hearing natalie's experience and in her office with the fake therapist. each of them are utterly terrified when she appears.
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i think who the shaman is depends on what her role truly is. as i've already said, the "antler queen" is a title made up by the fans.
The Shaman does appear to be the leader of the group, sitting in the centre of the semi-circle, being elevated, everyone waiting for her go-ahead to begin the feast, and everyone waiting for her to leave first.
If The Shaman is the leader, then she is Natalie.
This is supported by the editing in the pilot episode - at the '96 party when Natalie gets high, she stands by the fire and sees Misty standing across from her. It then cuts to the Overseer bringing the Shaman the cooked feast.
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Chief Mourner:
If the Shaman is the chief mourner, it would depend on who the Runner is. If she's gen, the Shaman would most likely be mel in this instance. if she's mari, the most likely mourner would be akilah. the shaman doesn't appear to have akilah's dark skin, but body doubles were used and her face is veiled. if akilah has already died, the mourner might be lottie or gen.
It would be interesting with the idea that the antler queen changes from person to person. That they're all still terrified of "her" when what she represents is you losing the one you love most, you being the one with the most grief.
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This is supported by what's happened with the two acts of cannibalism so far in the series. Shauna is Jackie's chief mourner, she is the one to light her funeral pyre, she is the one to give the go ahead that they should eat Jackie's body ("She wants us to." - Shauna in 2x02). Travis is Javi's chief mourner, and he is also the one to give the go ahead to eat Javi's body, everyone rushing in for the 'meat' after Travis has put Javi's heart on the pan.
However the Shaman is never seen eating. Both Shauna and Travis have the first bite of their loved one, whereas the Shaman only nods for the feast to start. It's possible this is part of a ritual that evolved over time, but it's still puzzling.
Spiritual Advisor :
if the antler queen is some sort of spiritual advisor, then she's most likely lottie. this fits with what we've seen in the '96 timeline already, with lottie's wilderness connection and the reverence shown to her by other team mates. even though lottie abdicates her role of leader in the s2 finale and claims she 'can't hear' the wilderness anymore - it's clear this is because of the weight of the responsibility to keep them alive, as well as her grief and guilt over javi's death.
still, several of the others seem confused at lottie's decision, and only seem to be accepting natalie as the leader because lottie said so. if this is something that creates tension within the group, it makes sense that natalie might appoint lottie a role where they can still look to her.
natalie as the leader/hunter is the one brining in the kill, but lottie as a spiritual advisor/shaman is the one leading the ritual.
this is supported by how in the adult timeline when they are having another hunt, it's lottie that leads it, not natalie. though that may be because lottie was the one to initiate the hunt. lottie also still acts as a spiritual advisor, with the others coming to her for advice.
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the other option for a spiritual advisor is Tai. Not necessarily tai though... but Other Tai.
Much about Other Tai still remains a mystery. Is she another personality, a response to the trauma and repression, some sort of possession from the wilderness? In the adult timeline Lottie says that Other Tai is a part of Taissa, but Other Tai's conversation with Van in the woods raises questions about this.
Van: How do you know where you're going? Other Tai: He shows me. Van: Who's "he?" Other Tai: The one with no eyes. Van: Is that who you always follow? Other Tai: Only when she lets me. Van: Okay there's a "she" too, am I "she?" Other Tai: [shakes head] Van: Then who is "she?" Other Tai: Taissa. Van: Then who are you? Other Tai: [gives Van a look before walking away]
Other Tai's ability to track the whereabouts of the other survivors (Javi, Natalie), her connection to the man with no eyes, and knowing where all of the symbols are imply something more supernatural then just "sleepwalking".
Other Tai is the one to participate in cannibalising Jackie, she's strongly implied to be the one who pushes Taissa to continue running for senate even after she told Simone she would drop out, and she is the one to behead their fucking dog and make an altar in their basement. The creators and actors have talked about Other Tai and explain that she has Tai's best interest in mind, but she is willing to do what Tai wouldn't do to get it. Other Tai has a connection to the wilderness and the supernatural, she desires power and can become violent. She could very well be The Shaman.
"I don't know how bad it's going to get this time, but you know how bad it can get." - Tai in 1x06
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Group Hallucination:
It's been theorised that the Shaman / Antler Queen doesn't really exist at all.
With the show toeing the line between visions, hallucinations and grief-induced psychosis with multiple characters (including Lottie, Tai, Shauna, Natalie, Travis) it's possible that as the group spirals more and more out of control and into ritualistic cannibalism - a way that they attempt to cope is through this Shaman. A 'physical' manifestation of the Wilderness itself. Something that gives them permission to feast on the flesh of their teammates, but does not eat herself, because she's not really there.
We only see The Shaman during the feast scene, and in other's visions/hallucinations. We know there are seven known survivors, but during the pilot's flash forward scene we see eight. Only if The Shaman doesn't exist, it's our seven survivors and a hallucination sitting around the fire.
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So in the end my main theories/predictions/headcanons stand as:
Mari as The Runner / Pit Girl
Misty as The Overseer / Beaver
Shauna as The Butcher / Pink Hood
Natalie as The Hunter / Skunk
Tai as the owl
Travis as the wolf
Lottie as The Shaman / Antler Queen
the one I am least sure of is The Shaman, she could still be Tai or a hallucination, and I look forward to finding out!
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zeebee3 · 20 days
Dramione Month Day 5: Undetectable Extension Charm
Implied NSFW
The readout glowed orange. 
Granger’s eyes narrowed at it, then flicked to him. 
“It’s saying there’s an Undetectable Extension Charm in the vicinity.”
Shit. Draco contorting his face into something adjacent to mild curiosity rather than guilt. “Oh?”
A huff through her nose announced her displeasure at his lackluster reaction, attention skimming around the room. “Why would there be an Undetectable Extension Charm here? Isn’t this a Muggle hotel?”
“Last I checked,” he muttered. Which had been numerous times from booking to arrival, particularly when realizing that they’d been put in the same room. Wizarding hotels allowed for things like transfiguration and conjuring. In the Muggle world, tampering was strictly banned. 
With her attention elsewhere, he took a covert step backwards toward the — gods — solitary double bed. Perhaps he could Vanish it before she—
“That was rhetorical.” In a swift motion, she turned on her heel, facing him. “Obviously I know this is a…what are you doing?”
He froze mid-step, hands darting away from the zip of his weekender with a speed that only made him look more suspicious. The crease between her brows indicated as much.
“What do you have in your bag?”
He shook his head, feigning innocence. “Hm?”
She stepped closer, peering up at him and then down at his bag. When her wand raised, he grit his teeth and prepared for the inevitable. With the full force of her intention directed at it, the bag lit up like a jack-o-lantern. A flash of amber up at him and then, before he could stop her, she was tearing into it and his secret was exposed. Why had he obeyed that last-minute impulse to pack it, and therefore have it right on top?
“Is this…” She turned it over in her hand, chin tucking back in surprise. “Malfoy?”
“I thought we would have separate accommodations,” he defended, staunchly not looking at it nor her. The drapes were a horrible pattern; he dedicated himself to memorizing it. “Look, just put it away and we’ll forget you ever saw it.”
The tilt of her head was worryingly thoughtful, even in his periphery. “of course, but…why does it have an Undetectable Extension Charm cast on it? Aren’t these, erm, supposed to be snug?”
Snug. Heat flashed through him, as it so often did with her. Fucking detail-oriented, clever little witch.
He thought fast – hopefully faster than her.
“It doesn’t – it’s my bag that has it.” 
She raised a brow, head tilting further to inspect the dark leather bag beside her. “No…no, I don’t think so.” 
He was about to argue that there was no way she’d be able to tell by just looking – given the undetectable part of the charm – when she swished her wand again and recast the scanning charm. 
The toy on top glowed a bright orange.
Well. He carded his hands through his hair helplessly. 
Her eyes went from narrowed to wide. “Oh. I see.”
Salazar spare him, he hoped she didn’t. “You do?”
“Yes. It’s a decoy. Something that, if stumbled upon by someone else, would never be touched let alone inspected.” As if to prove a point, she plucked it up, fingers curled around the narrowed end. 
Granger, touching a sex toy. 
Granger, touching his–
Thinking thoughts was hard enough, let alone verbalizing them. He did his best.
“I’m…not following.”
“It’s a concealed storage place, isn’t it?” The expression on her face was entirely too innocent to be holding something he frequently fucked. When she inspected said fuck-point and pushed an exploratory finger inside, he nearly choked. 
Merlin fuck. 
“Granger, don’t—what are you—”
Her eyes went unfocused, fingers digging around with a determination that was doing unfair things to his trousers, every twist tightening them until he had to shove both hands into his pockets to conceal the effect. 
“Please stop,” he tried weakly, only half meaning it.
“There’s nothing in here,” she said, then finally withdrew her fingers. It took no effort at all to pretend that they were slick with arousal and needing to be sucked clean. 
“No,” he agreed, licking his lips absently. 
“Oh!” Her voice had gone up half a register. “Right. Well. Sorry for…” 
In the middle of gingerly setting it back into the opening of his bag, she paused. 
“But then…but then why does it have an extension charm on it?”
“Erm.” How to explain it as discreetly as possible? “It’s a feature it came with, for those who…need the…extra space. The charm keeps it from being cumbersome to hold or travel with.”
It was immediately clear that she didn’t understand. And fucking Merlin, why must she always understand?
“I don’t fit in the standard size,” he tried. 
Was it possible to die from mortification? Perhaps if he was lucky, he’d pass out from the lack of oxygen being sent to his brain, what with how much blood was currently being routed to his cheeks and…elsewhere.
After a moment, the coin dropped. Her eyes went wide, then snapped to his trousers. “Oh.”
“You asked me,” he reminded her quickly, in case he was about to be hexed for discussing his cock with her. “I never would have mentioned it if you hadn’t asked. I’m not that sort–I don’t go about harassing women with comments about my—” He cut his rambling off and her eyes finally rose.
“Your massive cock?” she finished, voice forcibly light. 
Said cock twitched. Inside his pockets, he made fists to provide further tenting space. “Er, yeah.” 
“Hm.” The sound was abbreviated but carried a note of curiosity. When her eyes slid back to the discarded toy, his stomach dropped. No. Please. Please no.
It looked more at home in her hand the second time, hefted with the confidence of someone intent to discover or destroy. With a quick flick in his direction, she curled her littlest two fingers down and pushed the front two back inside. 
He had to close his eyes. 
But even behind the curtain of his lids, he could hear what she was doing, the unmistakable sound of silicone being explored. Imagination had always been an escape for him but now, it was a self-made weapon. He couldn’t stop himself from filling in a picture to the sounds: fingers wetting and stretching, preparing a wet, snug place for him, then reaching for him; stroking him to unbearable stiffness before slotting him inside; letting him stretch it the rest of the way.
Fucking Merlin and all Four fucking Founders. 
He needed to sit down, but locked his knees and snorted a harsh exhale through his nose at the ceiling instead.
She spoke a moment later, voice mild but not completely unaffected. “It feels quite…large. Do you really need this much space?”
Jaw flexing, he dipped his chin in a curt nod. There was no point lying, not when she could find the answer out by simply stepping forward and gripping him.
Fuck. He tried to banish the image but could practically feel her warm, small palm cupping him, the little sound of pleased confirmation she'd undoubtedly make. Godsdamnit.
Her voice brought him back to the room. “Why have you shut your eyes?”
“Have a guess, Granger,” he deadpanned. 
Another short pause, and then the sound of fingers sliding free. He bit the inside of his cheek, hard.
“Does it bother you that I’m touching it?”
Was she serious?
He huffed an incredulous laugh. “Yes.”
“Oh.” The weight of her gaze was tangible even with eyes closed; his fists flexed in response, feeling her gaze right between them. “Oh, I see. Yes, it seems like it’s bothering you quite a bit.”
This fucking witch. With a sharp inhale, he opened his eyes, tilting his face down to find amber already fixed on his.
“Shocking as this may seem to you, but yes: I find what you’re doing incredibly arousing.” 
It was her turn to wet her lips, something he watched with unconcealed hunger. If she was going to acknowledge how turned on he obviously was, then he saw no reason to keep up the ruse any longer. Slowly, he unfurled his fists, palms resting flat on his thighs and allowing the full extent of his interest to show, testing the tensile strength of his expensive trousers.
For a moment, she didn’t breathe. Didn’t blink. He basked in the silence of her rapture, heart pounding against his ribs. 
And then she flicked her eyes back up to his. 
“May I ask you a personal question?” 
That she was checking with him about that now, after everything she’d already intruded on, made him bark a laugh. Withdrawing a hand from his pocket, he scrubbed roughly over the lower half of his face. 
“Yeah, Granger. By all means.”
“We’re not even going to be here for a full weekend.” Her eyes flicked to his hand and then back. “You couldn’t go two days without…that is, the normal way isn’t…sufficient? You really need this to…?” 
It was moderately comforting that she seemed equally as tongue tied as him, although he had a sense her fluster was less the painfully-aroused-and-mortified sort and closer to the I-just-found-my-coworkers-sex-toy sort.
“No, I don’t need it but I knew that after spending a full day with you, I knew I’d want something more than just my han–” He broke off because what the actual fuck, Draco? 
But she’d heard his confession regardless.
“Because I irritate you that much?” Her eyes were intent on his. 
So this was it. 
This was the moment he’d half dreaded, half yearned for – the moment when he laid it all out on the table for her to pick through and, likely, discard or maybe – just maybe – find something she considered worth taking home.
He sighed, defeated. “Because you drive me crazy. In…just about every possible way. And I knew that I’d need to deal with it.”
She wet her lips, rolling them together as she considered him. “By fucking this?”
His nostrils flared on his inhale, chest expanding with the force of it. Granger, discussing his wanking practices. Looking at him like he was another case study to unpack (and Merlin – he was very willing to be). Granger, interested. Picking things up. 
He took the opening like the starving man he was.
“Yes. By fucking that.” He held her eye. “Or whatever else might be made available.”
The invitation lingered in the air, and then she tossed the toy in the general direction of his bag and his stomach swooped. Two steps and she was right in front of him. One more, and her hands were winding up around his shoulders.
“Luckily for us, the only item left on today’s agenda is ‘go to bed’.” She smiled up at him, amused and intrigued. “So…shall we?”
He pulled her into his chest, awed. “Really?”
“Yes, I’m quite sure. Unless there’s an item I forgot…?”
Clever, wicked, wonderful little witch. 
He dipped down and kissed her.
(Part two here)
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Here's what you missed on Hatchetfield...
Okay so Nerdy Prudes Must Die is happening in a month's time and I'm aware that lots of people who enjoyed guy who didn't like musicals and black friday might not have had time to watch nightmare time. While Nick has said this musical will be fully stand alone and no knowledge of nightmare time is required, nonetheless some of you might be curious about what we've learned that might come up
Presenting a tldr lore drop for nightmare time:
1) Wiggly has brothers (aka the Lords in Black)
You remember Wiggly from black friday? That ugly green little fucker? Well turns out he has brothers. They call themselves the Lords in black because they're pretentious little fucks and they all have different 'powers'.
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Itemised list
Pokey (pokotho) - mind control type stuff, likes to make hiveminds
Wiggly (Wiggog Y'wrath) - idk you saw black friday whatever the fuck goes on there
Blinky (blinklotep) - massive eye, likes watching things
Tinky (T'noy karaxis) - fucks with time
Nibbly (nibblenephem) - massive mouth, eats shit
You've actually met Pokey before - remember the blue shit from guy who didn't like musicals? That's the same blue shit leaking out of the cracks in pokey's face in the picture above.
They also have a sister called Webby that I believe Hannah references in Black Friday. We don't know much about her but thus far she seems like a good guy
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2) Grace Chasity is a nerdy prude
Remember the girl Bill is trying to set Alice up in guy who didn't like musicals because 'at least she's nice to him in church'?
Well turns out Alice was right. Grace Chasity is a nerdy prude. And also coincidentally one of the main characters of Nerdy Prudes Must Die (to be played by Angela Giarratana).
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We meet her in nightmare time 2 (episode 2 part 2) which takes place at a religious camp designed to educate people about the perils of pre marital sex.
Grace Chasity is, well she's many things, but she is very much the stereotype of an American evangelical Christian. She even showers with a swimming costume on so as not to tempt herself into sin.
Despite all this, however, she is a devious motherfucker who will absolutely fuck you up
3) You remember Ted from guy who didn't like musicals...
Well not only are he and the homeless guy the same person (time travel, its a whole thing, blame the yellow guy from the Lords in black photo)
But also we learn that his surname is Spankoffski (because of course it is) and he has a 'nerdy little brother' called Pete Spankoffski who will be one of the leads in nerdy prudes. In nightmare time he's played by Nick Lang but in nerdy prudes he'll be played by Joey Richter
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We meet Pete in nightmare time 2 (episode 2 part 2) but we've actually met him before in guy who didn't like musicals. You remember hot chocolate boy? The one who had very low blood sugar?
Yup you guessed it that is one Peter Spankoffski
(If you've been super out of the loop and are wondering why he was recast and for that matter where the heck is Robert anyway just trust that that is a whole thing im not going to get into and it's for the best he's gone)
4) Meet the Lauters
Two more characters who have been announced for NPMD who we met in nightmare time 2 are Stephanie Lauter (Mariah Rose Faith) and her father Solomon Lauter (Corey Dorris)
Steph is actually pretty nice and chill on the inside but definitely has a reputation for being a bit of a party animal/wild child.
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This isn't helped by her father who is the mayor of hatchetfield and from what little we see of him will always put his career before his daughter.
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Steph and Pete hook up in nightmare time so look out for a possible romance between these two
5) What the fuck is a Holloduke?
You may have seen the word 'holloduke' batted a lot around this fandom lately which refers to the ship of two characters that we've been introduced to through nightmare time.
While it's unclear if either of them will appear in nerdy prudes, given that both Kim and Curt are in the cast and they go a long way out of their way in nightmare time to show Kim's character getting a job at Hatchetfield High in set up for *something* a lot of people think there's a good chance she at least will be appearing.
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The Hollo of these characters is called Miss Holloway although at the end of nightmare time she ends up ret conning herself and is forced to assume a new identity as Miss Holiday so if we meet her in nerdy prudes that will likely be her name. She is a witch who has a deep love for all things 80s. We don't know a huge amount about her but that might be because she's cursed(?) so that anything she reveals about her backstory will be instantly wiped from the mind of the listener.
Curts character is an ordinary social worker called Duke who among other things works with Hannah and Lex when they're having troubles with their mum. He's in love with Miss Holloway/Holiday, and it's reciprocated, but due to the curse(?) et al things keep not quite working out for them.
They're both absolutely wonderful people who deserve the world and are absolute OTP fodder
6) The Gift
We don't know a huge amount about this yet but we do know that some people in Hatchetfield, notably including Hannah from black friday have something called 'the gift' which gives them some loose powers
Most people grow out of the gift as they go through puberty, for instance Lex also used to have it, but they may be able to use it in some scenarios (such as manifesting a firearm from the black and white as Lex does in Black Friday)
People with the gift were historically persecuted in Hatchetfield by a group of people called 'the hatchet men' who may or may not have turned them into trees(?)
7) The Black Book
There is a book of spells called the black book which Miss Holloway/Holiday uses to do her magic
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moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
mad props! 04
summary: in the week leading up to the show, your grades begin to slip. whatever will you do... word count: 1820 a/n: hiii i rlly enjoyed writing this chapter bc some of the stuff in here has definitely happened to me lmao. if you feel up to it, reblog and tell me what your favorite song from any musical is in the tags! songs mentioned: 'Chip On My Shoulder' - Legally Blonde the Musical (Original Broadway Cast Recording) prev next
“Max, you’re a little flat, hun.”
The choir director pulled her shawl tightly around her as Max–the chosen casting for Emmett Forrest–ran through some of his sung lines for ‘Chip On My Shoulder’. 
The brown-skinned, dark-haired boy was an excellent actor; he breathed life into the words on the script and delivered them with all the earnestness and humor required to play Emmett. Hell, he even improvised his own jokes.
But he couldn’t hold a note to save his life. 
For some lines, Max could get away with half-singing, half-talking, but he was practically tone-deaf once the song got more involved. The choir director–Ms. Johnson–had to be called in to help get him somewhere that was at least within the ballpark of the correct pitch. His high notes remained painful to all present in the room, no matter what she did.
You huffed from your spot on the fake park bench, resisting the urge to scratch your scalp beneath the itchy wig. Everyone had heard the exact melody on the piano by now. Hear it, sing it. Like Spanish vocabulary, you couldn’t comprehend how people got that sort of thing wrong.
Harmonizing with Max went about as expected; you lost your place several times because of the distracting dissonance between your voice and his, like hearing a parrot and an eagle squawk at the same time.
Regardless, it was too late to recast Max now. He had a leading role with too many songs and lines to memorize. 
“Alright, take five!” the director yelled with a clap of her hands. 
A collective sigh could be heard as students dispersed for their well-earned water and bathroom breaks, the tension in the air dissipating. You stepped carefully off of the stage, when you heard a snicker in your direction.
Miles was in the middle of painting a cardboard sorority building in an obnoxious shade of hot pink, shaded with strokes of fuchsia and cyan that managed to work together somehow. You frowned at the fact that you couldn’t say anything bad about it.
The boy struggled to hold back a laugh, looking up as you stood over him with crossed arms.
“Something funny?”
Miles stood to meet your eyes, carelessly wiping bits of paint onto his pants.
“That frumpy-ass 613 wig you got on, for one,” he replied with a teasing grin. “Are you gonna wear that for the actual show?”
You rolled your eyes.
“No, for your information, I’m not. This is a placeholder wig,” you ripped it off of your head for emphasis. “Why are you even here, anyway? Don’t you got posters to make?”
In actuality, you knew about the art club lending some of its members to paint sets for the show. But you wanted to make sure Miles knew he was unwelcome.
“Just doin’ what I do best,” he shrugged. “You should be grateful for my sacrifice.”
You snorted, “What ‘sacrifice’?”
Miles jabbed his thumb behind him towards the left side of the stage, where Max was going over his lines. “I gotta listen to that nigga sing for over an hour. I’m sacrificing my time and my ears.”
Despite yourself, you laughed brightly at the comment, causing a more genuine smile to spread across Miles’ face. You looked pretty when you laughed.
“Oh my god, he sucks, right? Spent the whole damn song looking for the note.”
“Too late to replace him now, though. Show’s in two weeks.”
You nodded.
There was a brief pause before Miles asked, “So what made you sign up for theater? I was kinda surprised to see you on a stage.”
You gave him a wary look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” he raised both hands in defense, “You just seemed like more of the quiet type, that’s all.”
I signed up to avoid you, you thought, but didn’t say aloud; That would’ve given him the satisfaction of knowing that you thought about him that much.
Instead, you answered, “I used to do theater at my old school. Got the lead part most of the time, if you can believe it.”
There was an arrogance in your voice as you said that last bit that soured Miles’ expression. 
“I believe you, no need to convince me,” he said flatly. “Legally Blonde’s an interesting choice, though.”
You shrugged, “The part really lets me show my voice off, so...”
“Showin’ off,” Miles muttered beneath his breath, “Sounds like you.”
“Excuse me?”
Before you could start to argue, his eyes went wide, like he’d just heard a noise that no one else could hear.
“It was really nice talking to you, Y/N, but I gotta go,” he said, spinning on his heel and bolting towards the auditorium door. “Watch my stuff for me!”
Your jaw dropped in offense. Was he allowed to just bail on a club activity like that? And with the gall to ask you to watch his things for him. You totally did, though.
Once you got home, your feet throbbed and your muscles ached from all of the choreography. You were just barely out of your school uniform when you decided to lie down for a quick nap. Or what you thought was a ‘quick nap’.
The blaring of your alarm made your heart jump as your eyes flew open, half of your face damp with drool. The early morning washed over your room in a pale blue shade, and the sight would’ve relaxed you if not for the sudden realization that you weren’t in your pajamas.
You shot up, wiping the side of your face with your sleeve. Your Spanish and AP Physics notebooks were still strewn across your bed, along with several worksheets that had remained blank. Unfinished.
…Oh no.
Your heart was practically in your throat when you explained to Mr. Sanchez why you didn’t have any homework for him to collect. 
The man noticed your glassy eyes, and held up a reassuring hand in the middle of your frantic explanation.
“That’s fine, it happens,” he said gently, “Just bring in the missing work tomorrow, and it’ll only be ten points off. Don’t make it a habit.”
He adjusted his glasses, and returned to grading the pile of worksheets on his desk as you trudged back to your desk, a pit forming in your stomach over those precious ten points.
“You good?” Miles asked as you sat down, concern coloring his features. He ran a finger over a small band-aid on his right temple. “You look like you’re about to cry.”
You buried your face in your arms on the desk.
He sighed, “I dunno why I even asked.”
Unfortunately for both you and Mr. Sanchez, missing assignments did, in fact, become a habit. 
You began to spend more time lingering in the auditorium after everyone had left, practicing your line delivery. Adding little details, like extra hair flips or twirls. The spirit of Elle Woods had practically taken over your body.
You got home later and later into the evening, sometimes flopping down onto your bed and falling asleep before your head could even hit the pillow. This new ‘habit’ had you scribbling down vocab words and formulas in a frenzy, balancing your notebook on your lap on the bumpy bus ride to school. The flashcards that you had made for Mr. Sanchez’s class were now sitting untouched at the bottom of your bag.
By Friday, it landed you in front of his desk for office hours after you received your very first ‘F’. 
“As you’ve probably noticed, Y/N, your grades have fallen a significant amount in a very short period of time, and I’m a little concerned,” Sanchez slid your weekly grade report towards you and placed his finger on your Spanish grade. “What’s going on? This is very unusual for a student like you.”
Your sweaty fingers clutched the sides of your seat as you stared down at the report. How did you let it get this bad? Elle Woods would never.
“I-I just…”
You shook your head. “I’ve just been busy with extracurriculars and stuff, so assignments slip my mind sometimes.”
“You’re having trouble balancing them with your schoolwork?”
“Yeah, basically,” you leaned forward, looking desperate. “Can I still re-take that quiz? I didn’t really get to study, and–”
“Oh! That’s actually what I called you in for, one second.”
Sanchez rose from his seat, and made his way over to the door.
“You know about our Study Buddy system, yes?”
You nodded slowly, skeptically. “Am I getting a ‘Study Buddy’?”
“Pre-cisely. Come in!”
He opened the door, and you almost groaned audibly at the lanky figure that appeared at the entrance.
Miles entered with a friendly smile on his face that dropped the second his eyes landed on you.
“Oh. You.”
The Spanish teacher sat back down and gestured towards him.
“Miles here is both a native speaker and beyond proficient in this class. He was so kind as to sign up for the program, so I thought it might be nice to pair him up with someone in the same period.”
Shocked into silence, you were unable to say anything other than a quiet “Okay” as you stared blankly in front of you.
Study buddies. With the guy who didn’t even study. This had to be some kind of sick joke.
“He’ll be giving up a bit of his lunch time to tutor you in my classroom. I’d also highly recommend you two study with each other after school as well, if you can make the time. Sound good?”
“Yes,” you both said in miserable unison. 
“Well, that’s all,” Sanchez waved his hand. “You’re both dismissed. Have a lovely weekend!”
“You too!” you smiled tightly as you got up and made a beeline for the door, nearly bumping into Miles as you did so. 
Your weekend would be anything but ‘lovely’.
You fixed Miles with a glare as soon as you got out into the hallway.
“I’m not giving up my lunch period for you,” you yell-whispered. “I hope you know that.”
He took a step towards you and fired back, “Neither of us have a choice, your highness. If we’re not both up here during lunch, I get in trouble, and you gotta take the L and fail this class.”
“I’d rather fail, then. I don’t give a fuck.”
“Oh?” he laughed mirthlessly. “You were in tears over a damn ‘89’. Makes no difference to me, but I think you do give a fuck.”
You opened your mouth to shoot back a rebuttal, then closed it. Miles raised an eyebrow.
“I’m lying?”
Miles leaned forward until he was only inches away from your face. “Then cooperate. Or we both lose.”
You sighed in defeat, “Fine.”
He nodded curtly, then left to go grab his things from his locker.
In a forced attempt at courtesy, you called out towards his back, “See you next week–”
taglist (comment to be added!): @vhstown @alaoraangelix @shuna-boin
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t0ast-ghost · 29 days
The last one… it’s been coming for awhile…
Here’s my thoughts on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
(Spoilers for- well— everything)
- Before watching this movie I was trying to figure out why they chose this name and was told by my mom it’s a Shakespeare reference which.. I should have guessed
- “A Nicholas Myer Film” Cool! Now we know who to blame or bow to
- The music is so fucking intense I’m worried now
- I know Christopher Plummer is famous, I can’t place the face though and I want to say I know the name from the muppet show
- WAIT. Michael Dorn… WORF
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- Wanna let y’all know that there was a guy (Harve Bennet) who wanted to create a completely different sixth movie that would’ve been more like a prequel where they recasted everyone to have an “academy era” movie with Kirk, Spock, and McCoy shenanigans. Gene Roddenberry didn’t fucking like that idea (cause only he knows how to cast apparently)
- explosion :)
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- Teacup that tells you what ship you’re on. I now understand why everyone hates Quark trying to spread his own brand when Starfleet clearly is trying to push their own into every single crevasse
- It’s nice that they gave him the ship he kept saying he was hoping for in voyage home
- I won’t make a fart joke out of “gaseous planetary anomalies” and I definitely won’t say that Q did it
- DAMN NOT THE TEACUP. NBC Hannibal would fucking hate this movie
- Forgot how much I freaking love George Takei and I am so happy they gave him more stuff to do in this movie
- Falling… for about 7 seconds which is about 4 seconds more than normal
- Fairly certain that’s Janice Rand (5:32) (edit: it is! Hi Janice!!!)
- “We have no need for assistance,” and “Stay out of the neutral zone,” sounds like challenge
- Kirk says “What are we doing here?” STARRRING IN THE SIXTH STAR TREK MOVIEE BABEYYYY
- Scotty bought a boat, Uhura teaches seminars at the academy, I love hearing about their lives, keep going
- “Where’s Spock?” Asked in the saddest wettest voice. Kirk’s got his priorities straight. Er- well- not straight exactly but they’re there
- Them trying to hide that the “special envoy” is Spock when Kirk is sitting there looking at him like this
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- Sorry babygirl not taking in any of that information. I am taking in those beautiful eyes tho <3
- Ooooh starting this one off with Kirk and Spock on opposite political sides
- Kirk being the one who has to offer the olive branch probably because Spock thought he could trust him to be on the side of peace (which was a miscalculation cause he’s probably still pretty angry with the whole “you Klingon bastards killed my son” thing…)
- “I remind you this meeting is classified” as everybody splits off into chattering gossip
- Kirk actually getting angry at Spock for “volunteering” them. The giant empty room with Kirk in the shadows and only Spock in the light (plus that random person standing in a dark corner for some reason) augh the mise en scène is wonderful
- I don’t even know how to unpack all that. Kirk so prejudiced against the Klingons (finally taking a more antagonistic stance) and saying “You should have trusted me” WHICH IS WHAT SPOCK HAS ALWAYS DONE. Because he trusted that Kirk would ultimately want peace no matter how battered and broken he became.
- They changed Spock’s ears, made the points more curved into themselves
- Why does every new lieutenant like quoting regulations to Kirk? How many does he just regularly break?
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- I love how shape her hair is (draw it draw it draw it dammnit)
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- Whenever creating a Star Trek movie you need someone on the production team who loves the ship departing from space dock scenes
- “I can never forgive them for the death of my boy.” Kirk says my boy
- Okay yes, Valeris should have knocked before entering his room but Kirk should also know to lock his door when he’s talking to his diary
- Why is Valeris so involved in this movie? First she’s talking to Kirk and now we’re following her to Spock’s? Strange (my guess. She’s evil.)
- “It is a reminder to me that all things end.” Like your life. Twice. Also that’s a nice sentiment and all but it’s so sad with the context that even his own original timeline ends
- “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end.” YEAHHH OLDER SPOCK he’s got a more balanced view on the world and himself
- OKAY I absolutely adore the costume design, especially for Gorkon. Like the golden clips in the hair? The red suit adorned with studs and the giant silver necklace?? The beard??? Amazing
- I like that there’s a “chief of staff” for the Klingons. It’s like the manager at a party city
- “They all look alike” BRO THEY MOST FUCKINGLY DO NOT
- I love the chief of staff being so confused over what the napkin roll thing is. I feel that.
- Ah yes my favourite meal. Blue. With a side of orange of course.
- “I offer a toast. The Undiscovered Country…” Welp. He said it. Time to wrap up the movie
- YEP ITS SHAKESPEARE BABEYYY (thank you Spock for saying that it’s Hamlet, act III, scene I, cause I didn’t wanna look it up)
- “You’ve not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.” Quoi???
- Spock actively trying to stop Kirk from starting a war
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- I think this is such a good part where the Klingons are trying to state their worries. The gradual (or not so gradual) need for assimilation to be apart of starfleet. This is a particularly big problem for the Klingons because so much of their culture has been entwined with violence which Starfleet seems almost hellbent to take away. As well as hearing troubling language such as “human rights” thrown in their faces
- IM SORRY. Kirk. You didn’t. You didn’t just compare someone to hitler.
- Spock looks actually so fucking pissed at Kirk
- “If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.” Gorkon dropping all the good lines
- McCoy just standing there adjusting his outfit and looking like the most tired man alive
- “I’m going to sleep this off.” “I’m going to go find a pot of black coffee.” Both Kirk and McCoy leaving Spock :(((
- The shaky swoop of the camera as Kirk and the rest of the bridge realize that somehow they just fired on the Klingon vessel
- Don’t care about the rest of the movie I just love the scene where everything starts floating on the Klingon vessel
- Love me some good ol’ bad 3D graphics blood
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- Times like this I wish I’d never skipped my tlhIngan Hol classes
- Floating dead Klingons. What. A. Scene.
- Aw Fuck Dude. The one guy getting gravity back online and everything falling to the ground and blood splattering and AUGHHH. Every time I think this scene can’t get better, it does!
- HIII MCCOY!!! He got to rush onto the bridge just to ask “are we firing torpedoes” and I appreciate that :)
- Kirk and Spock fighting over who should go to the Klingon ship and Spock saying “perhaps you’re right” and then putting his hand on Kirk’s shoulder made me more nervous than it should have. Darn you Wrath of Khan! You’ve given me trust issues. (but you're telling me this isn't supposed to look like a nerve pinch???)
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- Also Kirk ultimately still trying to maintain peace. It’s his knee jerk reaction to this. He’s got what he’s said he’s wanted when incased in his own emotions about loosing his son but he knows it’s not right
- and finally, yay! McCoy gets to go on the mission!
- The actor for the Klingon that greets them is so good at the rage mixing with grief and sadness
- McCoy to the rescue!!
- Either Klingon blood is pink (like in that one game) or they wanted to keep it pg-13
- “He’s gone into some kind of damned arrest!” McCoy proceeds to straddle the Klingon on top of the table so he has leverage to do proper CPR… I have no thoughts on this that I’d like to share
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- I do not believe McCoy’s punches would be strong enough to restart a heart. I’m sorry but they look so puny
- The blood bubbling as Gorkon dies is so fucking good oh my heart
- This is all happening at 2:00 fucking AM??? No wonder Kirk is tired
- “I sympathize, Mr. Scott.” Love when they make Spock say he ‘understands’ or ‘sympathizes’
- SAREKKKK!! Hehe hiiii
- “We are experiencing technical malfunction. All backup systems inoperative.” “Excellent. I… I mean, too bad.” A banger scene from Uhura and Chekov
- Rosanna DeSoto as Azetbur (the Chancellor’s daughter) plays the part so well. Again their portrayal of grief and anger while trying to get to peace is so fucking amazing. LOOK AT HER FACE
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- Maybe I’m not so happy about McCoy being on this mission after all…
- The giant circular judgement chamber is so fucking cool
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- The sparking gavel <3
- I love the beginning of a translator translating all the Klingon’s words
- That one Klingon that laughs at McCoy’s joke, wanna be friends?
- “You say you are due for retirement. May I ask, do your hands shake?” “Objection!” “I was nervous!” “No. You were incompetent.” This is like watching reality tv for me. That’s some good drama
- phew thank goodness they’re not killing McCoy. He’s too pretty to die
- The back and forth slow zoom in on McCoy & Kirk and the judge didn’t have the intensity they were going for but I appreciate the effort
- “Better to kill them now and get it over with.” That’s nice Scotty
- Oh shit Spock loosing both of his husbands in one sentencing. That cannot be good for the economy
- “An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth.” Ancestor? You mean fucking Arthur Conan Doyle?? Or Sherlock??? Either way that’s a hecking lore drop
- They’ve got a murder mystery aboard the Enterprise, this is my dream
- Hey babe, new Klingon dog beast just dropped (Jackal Mastiff)
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- I let out an audible “aww” of pity when I saw McCoy wrapped up in a blanket
- I can’t believe I’m only halfway through this movie what is even happening anymore
- Had a brief pause to voice crackedly yell a little bit. Something along the lines of “I do not care. I do not care! I don’t care! I just want Spock- I just want them with Spock! I do not care!” And then let myself breathe for a second or two (and then made chicken nuggets). The outburst was born of a deep sadness from the fact that they can’t just be happy and retired together. Ok, back to the movie.
- Martia just handed Kirk a blunt change my mind
- “Somebody up there wants you out of the way.” of course, it can’t just be about actual politics between the Klingons and Federation, it has to actually be about Kirk and somebody trying to kill him. Dang it.
- “But the killers may still be among them.” …wait a damn minute.. you’re saying there’s imposters- *pulled away forcefully*
- I love how every commanding officer comes into the kitchen absolutely furious that someone fired a phaser
- On that note: why is there a kitchen? And why are they preparing various cooked birds? Who’s having a banquet tonight?
- What kind of bullshit evolution puts a species genitals in their knees?
- Hate how Kirk just lets McCoy go treat the highly dangerous being alone
- YASSS SULU!!! Now get your rest you beautiful man
- Spock will literally leave no stone unturned for his husbands
- Either Martia has some really good prosthetics in the cave or she’s wearing someone else’s skin… NEVERMIND haha she’s just a shapeshifter
- Chekov was so proud of himself dammit. Too bad he was so utterly wrong
- Also Valeris is so expressive, kinda loving it
- The planet seems kinda nice in the daylight.. minus the dead body I’d say it’s pretty similar to winters in Canada (yes I made the joke, please delete it before posting) (edit: nope <3 just like Canada. Made your bed, lie in it)
- “Leave me. I’m finished.” Goddamn this man’s worst enemy is the cold. Both times McCoy just gives up and tells Spock or Kirk to leave him (First time being in All Our Yesterdays)
- “If they’re even looking for us.” Bones. Spock would literally NEVER leave the both of you. That aside the rest of the Enterprise crew also loves you like crazy
- Everyone laughing on the channel with the Klingons is so funny
- Holyy shit. Is Kirk going to fight.. himself???
- McCoy angel <3
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- “I can’t believe I kissed you.” Yeah. Me neither. You didn’t actually have too.
- Poor McCoy holy cannoli oil. He’s knocked out and when he wakes up immediately gets trampled by two versions of his husband
- “Since you’re all going to die anyway, why not tell you.” When I go to watch the cinema sins video (I know I’m sorry) on this movie I bet they’ll say “klingonposition” or smt like that here
- If it’s just Chang that wants Kirk dead that’s so disappointing
- McCoy looks over and sees this
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- “What you want is irrelevant, what you’ve chosen is at hand.” SPOCK IS ANGRYYYYY SPOCK IS PISSSED
- Please someone let McCoy take a shower, he stinks
- The distorted wavy angle that almost feels like it’s going side to side dutch angles with each of Spock’s footsteps as he nears Valeris
- Valeris is fucking crying omg what the actual fuck
- I honestly don’t know how to take that apart. I’m still shocked and screaming a little. The reactions from each crew member being just absolutely horrified
- I’m still reeling from that but I gotta acknowledge the fact that Spock says “I prefer it dark” when Kirk enters his quarters. So did I as a teenager and my mom would tell me it was bad for my eyes
- “You and the doctor might have been killed.” “The night is still young.” They are three months from retirement. Goddammnit let them just get to be retired together on a farm or condo or smt. I don’t give a shit just let them rest.
- “Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.” NO THEYRE NOT IN THIS CONTEXT. That was kind of a big point made in this movie. I think the point you’re trying to make is ‘everyone in the whole galaxy forever will always make mistakes.’
- “Doctor, would you care to assist me in performing surgery on a torpedo?”
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- Chang just said, “ah the games afoot” why are there so many Sherlock Holmes references in this one? Like I know they have a hard on for famous literature but this one is named after a Shakespeare quote. Just saying it’s a bit crowded.
- They really wanted McCoy to say smt doctory while making the torpedo so they chose “we’ve got a heart beat”
- I think it would’ve been better if Chang said to be or not to be in Klingon like they did at the dinner table
- So they saved the day? Yay? Kirk and McCoy should legally not actually be there- oh they’re all clapping for them who cares
- Kirk did not just fucking quote Peter Pan. Shut the fuck up.
- McCoy’s look says it all. And by that I mean just let him retire with his husbands. Oh my goodness.
- Just for my mom I'm mentioning the flared pants (Spock and McCoy look kinda goofy tho)
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- Ohhh so this is where they change it from “where no man” to “where no one”
- And the Enterprise rides off into the sun. What kind of Grease ending is that?
Awwe okay all of their signatures at the end was a nice touch
I don’t have much more to say here, I forgot how fun but time consuming it was to do these thought posts. I really really appreciate everyone who likes these posts because it means y’all took the time to read this which is just something so meaningful to me.
Thank you all so much <3
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eponadolls · 4 months
BJD Sales
Hi everyone! I will have several big expenses over the summer (wisdom tooth removal, newer car, potential ADHD and pcos evals/diagnoses, etc) and I want to make sure they are as... least-impacting as possible on my savings, especially since most are medical and I have no idea how much my insurance is actually going to cover... so any reblogs and shares are always appreciated!
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Most things will be cross-posted on Den of Angels, Instagram, and Facebook. Additional information will be under the cut. I ship from the USA and due to postal concerns, I can only send the large, high-value packages within the USA right now.
Allergen warning: I live in a pet-friendly, non-smoking household near a corn mill.
Harucasting Smile Maji head: She’s some kind of tan resin, but I don’t 100% remember which one. Her previous owner split the head and body so the coa went with the body. I remember her previous owners name & email, but I don’t recall their instagram handle. Maji has thankfully NOT been recasted so I do not worry about her legitimacy, but I wanted to be upfront about that detail. Her magnets need to be reglued and she still has faceup residue. As with any of my Harucasting dolls, in respect to Haru’s wishes, I will only sell his dolls to pro-artist/anti-recast individuals.
$100 + shipping
5stardoll Elf Elaine: She was painted by her previous owner and given a mani-pedi which is chipping as well as pretty purple body shimmer. Her face still has faceup residue on it. She’s really cute but I need to make room — I am willing to sell her head separately, though. According to her card of authenticity she was produced in late 2018. I believe she is in normal pink skin.
$170 + shipping
Latidoll Blue Yern:
Yern is a slim MSD sized doll and the Blue (MSD) line has been long discontinued. Yern still has her coa and Latidoll manual, as well as the emblem in and outside of her head. I am not sure of the specifics but her torso has had some kind of mod job for mobility reasons?
Yern is from early 2009 and has certainly yellowed, but her yellowing appears to be consistent. Yern would probably benefit from a restringing with thicker elastics but I can get her to pose and stand just fine. Her s hooks were replaced and she has traditional/standard bjd s hooks in her wrists and ankles. For whatever reason one elbow likes to stay slightly bent. Yern will be shipped UNSTRUNG so that would be a good opportunity for her elastics to be changed; she still has an o hook for her head.
Her faceup is holding up really well considering it is quite old but please be aware that it is old, has some wear, and it is not factored into the price I am selling Yern at. The biggest sign of wear I noticed as a small dark streak near her temple.
She has some damage near her foot/ankle. Considering her age I think she has been holding up really well.
$100 + shipping
Dollzone MSD Girl Body: normal pink resin. Arrived from Alice collections in late 2022, spent most of its time in the box. Asking $200 + shipping.
Harucasting Big Geuru: She is in neul medium tan. She has a face up by @tonocha331. She has an extra pair of hands and comes with her box and card of authenticity. She will come without clothes or eyes.
She has some small s hook scratches in one wrist from a previous owner and several small scratches on her belly. Her face up seems to be in overall good condition other than three shiny spots on the side of her head. $550 + shipping
Logandolls Primrose: Primrose in light tan (coffee) with additional heel feet (strung) and an extra pair of hands. She does not come with a company box but she has a card of authenticity and comes with a blanket that I believe logandolls made for her. Received in a trade from my friend @groovyblueworld! She will NOT come with a pair of eyes. If desired, I can ship her in an old Dollzone company box for extra protection. Ordinarily she would cost $480 new but I am asking $440 + shipping - you basically get the extra hands and feet for free and an extra $10 discount. I can also sell a Flower Primrose faceplate in Resinsoul normal for an additional $40.
$440 + shipping
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itsmymeaningoflife · 7 months
I’m not 100% sure on the timelines at the min but from what I’ve followed I think it’ll work…
My soul needs Cailey Fleming to still be playing Judith when Rick and Michonne finally come home. Daryl and Carol too. That girl IS Judith. She looks so much like Lori and Shane (don’t shoot me it’s true) but she captures being Rick and Michonne’s daughter so well. That girl has the Grimes mannerisms down. And I need it to be HER that meets Rick. I need it to be HER that sees her mom again after all this time. I need it to be HER that welcomes home her Uncle Daryl and Aunt Carol. I need it to be HER whose little face we see finally happy and safe when her whole family is home and reunited. Not some recast older version. I NEED IT TO BE CAILEY. Please let the timelines work. Please let Cailey be the right sort of age when they film it (if it’s not already filmed)
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Katie Killjoy was such a fun cheeky critique of the girl wash your face feminism that actually had some really good ideas. Her praying mantis design wasn't well translated, but some little tweaks and she was actually a super solid character who was just delightfully hateable.
To have the cut throat man-hater corporate ladder climbing glass ceiling pounding angry woman with a bright red smile recasted into a man feels insulting. Like the LAST thing I want to hear is a MAN (with a background in seriously misogynistic writing for jokes) criticizing feminist ideology under the guide of being a female character. Any joy I had in that Katie was the one actually really well made character because she was just suited for Vivienne's own internalize misogynistic writing has become a literal void in my soul.
Men can play female characters, sure, this is not the show or character for that. Not Brandon. Not this character. Literally the only character who could insult me more was if a man played Vaggie. Because lesbians are just wannabe men right huk huk huk (I'm literally a lesbian this is sarcasm).
Like this feels like a south park joke, but the joke is that they hired a man to play a hyper aggressive feminist caricature to show how men pit feminist factions against each other to maintain the patriarchy. But like, she did that for real. Unironically.
Katie Killjoy is one of those characters I don't feel I ever properly appreciated, but do now that Vivzie's trashed her.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but Vivzie tried to "fix" these characters, and in doing so she broke them.
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ykiwrite · 2 years
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description: after an accident on set, it was upon you to take care of your girlfriend for the time being
words: ~+800
This Saturday traffic did not benefit you when it was needed the most. Afternoons sun piercing through your windshield worsen it. Not to dwell on the lengthy line of cars ahead of you.
It wouldn't be fair to blame anyone. Most of the people behind the wheel were waiting to come home after work but not you. Quite the opposite.
You were rushing from home and currently stuck at the last turn that allows you to reach fellow actresses set.
After getting a call from unknown number that there was an incident, all sorts of thoughts rushed through. Props to the caller for being so considerate with describing what happened (he wasn't), it raised your panic.
Stepping on your pedal, you rushed to the building you're well accustomed to visiting.
Few familiar faces let you pass in no time. Dashing down the labyrinths of the set, you were told to find the 'Scream' room written somewhere. Jenna might bring you on sets but this was first time for the Scream one.
Having general and rough layout of this place in your memory, as far as memory serves there were few more corners around to pass.
Spotting a crowd blocking one specific doorway, you thought this must be it.
With no time to scatter, you came up to the person with visible caps lock "crew" letters printed on.
"Sorry, is this Scream set?" Which provided you with the gentleman's answer, "Yeah, and you are?"
"My girlfriends on the set, got a call there was some accident." As you pushed through with no remorse, the man was calling for you to slow it down from behind.
Ignoring him completely, you searched around the room jammed with presumed staff and equipment. Strolling across where you spotted the medics, you felt your uneasiness getting prominent.
"Is Ortega here? Is she-" your eyes caught her sitting on the chair with her leg wrapped in a cast. A silent wave of relief went through you.
The more you stood there, the more you realized the atmosphere wasn't blue at all. The only person in worries was the director holding a tense, loud conversation over the phone. Likely about who to recast instead.
Jenna seemed unbothered. So far.
Your name being yelled unfroze you from the spot. Her arms already extended and a surprised look on her face called you over.
Drowning in her hug, you assumed it was painfully obvious to everyone around how emotional it was. All the troubles left forgotten.
"How did you even know? I was about to call you to tell you." She said as you kneeled to her level.
"Jenna, for the love of god, i thought you died on the set how dramatic the call was. I was speeding down to the set." You admitted, slightly out of breath. Finding the difference between her relaxed self and your panicked one amusing to the point it made you pissed.
"Really? I have no idea who called, probably someone from the cast in a hurry? I'm sorry, did you panic that bad?" She said laughing through the whole sentence.
"Let's just get you home. Don't expect any special treatment since i see you're doing amazing."
Jenna had to rely on crutches for the time being. And you, partially.
Being a quiet night, no chores left unfinished and most importantly your girlfriend being taken care of. For a week straight, you counted, it's a deserved rest.
She insisted on staying in and far from human contact 'till she gets better. You, on the other hand, tried to get her moving but it was effortless.
"Do you have any idea how nice it is to be locked up in our apartment, with your best, most beautiful girlfriend ever?" Your lover poured out while stretching on the couch. Lazily scrolling through movies with no worries in mind.
"Yeah, keep talking about yourself like that," as you decided on what snacks to bring to the couch.
" I wasn't though? I'm talking about youuuu. Come here already."
"What're we watching?" You asked throwing the bags on the couch. Catching a sight of her unkept hair, shirt too big, eyebags from the last night's movie marathon, you let your eyes linger on her. Sure, make up is nice, fancy outfits pretty but this is ahead of it.
"Sounds good?" She asked, proudly catching you staring.
"Sure." Not sure of what you agreed to, you continued, "When's the last time you posted anything since the injury?"
She reflected, "I don't know, a long time?"
"Your team texted me to convince you to post something. Give an update at least. You got fans outside this four walls, you know?" You tried to reason with her while unlocking your own phone.
Holding up her hands to rub her face in irritated manner, she replied "I know, i just hoped to get some rest."
With your camera prepared, you said softly, "Hey Jenna." Knowing that will make her turn around, you kept going.
"I love you."
The second she smiled and looked over like it was her last time she will see you, you took the photo as planned.
"Here, give them an update, c'mon. They are surviving on crumbs." You chimed, plopping down to her side. Notification going off letting her know the photo is sent made her whine.
"Anything for you."
notes: god i wish
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