#FFXV modern au
thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 27- Toys
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Drumroll please....featuring Craig and Iris Foster! From my Magic and Miracles FFXV AU wher Iris is the former Iris Amicitia. and now married to her literal big hunk of a man, Craig. Who is like 6'6 and 400lbs of POWER. (He is both a strong man competitor and he's the other half of Foster and Foster Construction, a construction business he co-owns with his dad, Craig Foster Senior. Craig's uncle who is his dad's younger brother- and his wife- own Fosters Designs Incorporated where they design custom homes among other things where Selena works as a house designer/interior decorator. And Craig and Iris are building their dream house. Craig doing so, quite literally with his own two hands with lots of help from freinds and family.
Fun Fact. Craig is the only man alive that makes Gladio feel small. But they're cool and good brothers in law and Iris REALLY has a thing for the big strong but sweet and gentle type. Which Craig is the epitome of that. Also, look at that RING that is Sylva giving him a sweetheart deal because if her parents hadn't been in the hospital business, they would have been in the jewlery business. And would have been just as well known as the Winstons.
A billion and one thanks to @starsandskies for her Kinktober prompts. This is short and sweet. But only two more left and it's not December yet! Yay! Even though it is the middle of November. It still counts.
Kinktober Day 27- Toys
“So what new toys did you get me?” Iris asked as she giddily looked through the box that Craig had ordered, expecting to see a new piece of exercise equipment but to her surprise and delight, it wasn’t that kind of toy. 
It was vibrator that you wore in your underwear. The pure salaciously and practically evil giggle she made was both adorable yet, strangely, exciting for her husband Craig. 
“So when did you want to try it out?” Craig asked. 
“Right now!” She said. 
“It has to charge first.” Craig pointed to the fact that it was rechargeable. 
“Dang it.” Iris grumped before she impatiently unboxed it and plugged it in and whined when the light blinked red. 
“Come on, I need help with the house anyway. We can play with it when we get back.” Craig insisted as he urged his wife out of their condo and back to the house he was building for her. The basement was already dug, the foundations were poured, the framework was in place. It was getting it’s roof and the rest of the plumbing and electrical work was already in too as the windows were now being installed. And frankly Craig thought it was pretty awesome that not only did he get the materials for this house at cost, he actually got paid to build his own house. Granted along with all the houses he was still in the process of building for his other friends and family. But he took extra pride in this one as he had made sure that Iris would be perfectly happy with it and it would be a big enough house to fit him and his extra large size.
So Iris wasn’t disappointed for long as she helped make sure all the windows were installed correctly as she could still only imagine how great it was going to look once it was all done. Because the next step was drywall then floors, then paint then finishing work and then finally moving in with all the furniture, most of which was sitting in storage because they had gotten some amazing furniture on clearance. 
Then Craig got a call on his phone as he was in another room making sure the windows were installed correctly in there too before he came looking for his wife.
“Hey Hun? Pash and Gladio want to know if we want to go out to dinner. Mom just flew back from her trip with the boys and everyone else is meeting them at the steakhouse by the airport.” Craig informed her as he had the phone held to his chest. 
“Yes, of course, that sounds great.” She beamed. 
“I might need a shower first though.” She realized as she used her shirt to wipe off the sweat from her forehead. 
“Yup, we’ll be there.” Craig agreed as he and Iris got back into his truck and quickly drove home to get cleaned up and dressed as Iris put on just a bit of makeup too while Craig noticed that the toy was now fully charged and pocketed it as he downloaded the app and paired it with his own phone while she was in the bathroom. 
“Ready Babe?” Iris asked as she exited the bathroom, looking stunning as always since she had forgone the pixie cut and really let her hair grow out the older she got.
“Yup.” He smiled as he made sure the dogs were out in the yard before they got back in the truck. 
Once they got to the restaurant, Craig stood so that Iris and the other ladies could sit and wait for their large party to be seated before Regis came in carrying Alexis while Noct had Jaxon in his carseat from the car while Ignis had the diaper bag as a backpack on his back before Iris happily picked Jaxon up out of his carseat, and happily kissed his chubby cheeks and began talking some beautiful Spanish to him that he always seemed to like to hear as Craig simply smiled proudly to see Iris do so. She was going to be one hell of a good mom. When she was ready to be of course. 
So far they were with the couples who were waiting until thier houses were done before they started to expand their families, but others didn't seem to want to wait. Gladio and Pashmina had already had a little boy and a new baby girl and Pashmina was probably going to be pregnant with baby number three pretty soon. Luche and Ada had London and Ada was pregnant again, this time with a little girl as they were still figuring out baby names. And now with Noctis and Ignis adopting two children. Thier friend and family circle was still growing. And Luna and Nyx and Crowe and Libertus were back for a visit. With Crowe bringing Raven with her as Tredd was holding her and Raven just adored Tredd and did not want anyone but Tredd to hold her, which made Tredd happy and proud to see little Raven getting so big.
But Iris didn’t get to hold Jaxon for long before he wanted his grandmother to hold him as Sylva laughed as she took him from Iris and held him and cooed to him and rocked him before he could get a chance to even get fussy. Iris happily handed him over before she came and stood next to Craig who was still looking over a menu as he talked with the other guys before she felt something in his pocket between her hip and his leg. 
“What’s that?” Iris asked as she moved her hip around to feel a little better. 
“Your new toy. It was charged when we got home. Didn’t know if you’d…” Craig began to murmur to her quietly before she slyly pulled it out of his pocket and transferred it to her own purse. 
“Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.” She excused herself with a very giddy smile as she quickly went to the bathroom before she eagerly took it out and giggled evilly before she realized she didn’t have any lube and he hadn’t gotten the remote. 
“Aw,” Iris complained as she realized what was missing. 
“Everything ok?” Luna asked when she was in the next stall over. 
“No. Craig got me a new toy but forgot the remote.” Iris answered. 
“Can I see it?” She asked as she stuck her hand uder the stall wall divider in the bathroom before Iris handed it over. 
“Oh this doesn’t need one. It has an app. Nyx and I got one of these too. Here.” She handed it back before she passed one of her little bottles of lube.
“I don’t think I’ll need that.” Iris offered. 
“Trust me dinner is going to take at least an hour, you’ll need it. Just trust me on this.” Luna insisted.
“Ok fine.” Iris grabbed the little bottle and lubed up before she used toilet paper to wipe off her hands and to hand it back so lube wouldn’t get on outside of the bottle. 
“Ok, is it on?” Luna asked. 
“And now put it in.” Luna instructed. 
“Good, kegal that baby to keep it in as you stand and pull up your underwear if you’re wearing any and your jeans.” Luna coached before Iris did before she flushed and then left the stall to wash her hands. 
“Ok, now, let’s download the app.” Luna said before Iris got a text from Craig. 
‘Is it in?’ 
‘Yeah’ Iris texted back before Craig grinned rather deviously and turned it on. 
“Holy fucking shit!” Iris splurted as she grabbed ahold of the counter as the first jolt of pleasure came from within. 
“Ah, I see Craig has the app already on his phone.” Luna giggled herself. 
“Yeah, fuck, how does Stella do this with a straight face?” Iris asked right as Stella herself walked in. 
“Woah, you ok?” Stella asked Iris. 
“First time using a toy in public, Craig has the app.” Luna informed her. 
“Oh! Nice, which one?” She asked before Luna whispered the answer as Iris slowly tried to regain her composure. 
“Nice!” Stella laughed. 
“How do you do this all the time with a straight face?” Iris asked as she clenched her hands to the counter as she was breathing heavy. 
“Well first of all, don’t go full tilt the whole way, have him turn it down and then build up from there.” Stella coached. 
“Ok, ok.” Iris said as she texted Craig to turn the intensity down if he wanted her to come out of the bathroom at all before she breathed in relief when he turned it down to it’s lowest setting. 
“Oh, ok, that’s much better.” Iris blew out a breath of relief. 
“And that thing stays charged for a couple of hours. Please tell me you have lube.” Stella began. 
“Yeah, I gave her some.” Luna said. 
“Well, since you’re gonna have some fun, I am too.” Stella said before she purposefully got in her purse and got her matching one on and in before she texted Tredd that she was ‘free to play’ before Tredd smiled brightly and got into his own app and turned it on to Stella’s favorite programed sequence. 
“Oh yeah, that’s it.” Stella sighed happily before she came out and washed her hands too. 
Stella, Luna and Iris returned to the group just as they were getting seated as Iris sat next to Craig and gave him a meaningful look as she sat down and just as she was starting to get used to it, he turned it up. They barely got their drink orders in as Iris was happy to use the menu as a shield and couldn’t even figure out what she wanted to eat because she was pretty sure she was going to bite her lip in half to keep herself from squirming or grinding right there in the seat and thankfully by the time the waitress was ready to get her order, Iris was able to at least order for herself. 
By the time the appetizers came, Iris was eager to stuff food in her mouth to keep her from speaking or making any other noises as she felt her breathing pattern through her nose betrayed her but thankfully, Stella was laughing and telling jokes and carrying on and keeping all the attention on her so Iris wouldn’t feel that much more exposed or observed too closely. 
When the salad came, she was in the home stretch and when Craig went to grab for his phone, she immediately grabbed it out of his hands to keep him from changing it anymore and grabbed his arm so tight she nearly drew blood from her fingernails digging into the flesh of his forearm before he moved his arm down under the table and simply held her hand as she squeezed it as tight as she could before she pretended to look through her purse for some tylenol or something because of the almost pained expression she wore.
Then her drink was refilled and she only grinded a little in her seat as she finally rode out the orgasm before she got into his phone and turned it off before she made too much of a scene and blew out a breath of relief as her cheeks flushed but the tension in her lower back finally eased.
She gave Craig a look that said if he turned this blessed thing on again, she was going to stab him with her steak knife. Which got him to snort a laugh but nod that he was going to leave it alone until she was ready to "play" again.
She gave him the phone back as he bit his lips to keep his grin from spreading too far on his face and nodded in understanding before she looked over at Luna who gave her a questioning look before Iris gave her a subtle nod and the sublte thumbs up that she had cum before Luna gave her a thumbs up and nod of solidarity as Stella simply beamed proudly.
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happy-orc · 2 years
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a modern day Aera reading to Ardyn for white day!  I ran out of time and could not finish the shoes. Or any shading for that matter. Maybe one day! 
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noirbriar · 2 years
Culture Shock
[Video: A rather blurry, dark video. A blond in a comfy yellow purple hoodie trying to muffle his laughs, with only his lower half of his face visible. Even then, its mostly hidden by a fluffy domesticated coeurl’s snow white fur as a loud tirade in galah goes on in the background along with the sound of the tv.
The camera flips around and barely shows what seems like a very distressed man slouching in the sofa topless and in a patterned sleeping slacks. Although some tattoos are visible on his neck along with his braids. Obviously a Galahdian. Sounds of the Great Insomnia Cookoff echoes in the room. The man is supporting his forehead against the palm of his hand leaning on the side while the cat smoothly patters towards the man’s lap, laying down on its new perch to groom. There is also a immensely large cat tree at the side of the room.
A cheeky ‘pliss help me’ text is added overhead.
“-This is amazing, the smell is aromatic but just a tad too much that it overpowers the natural robustness of the Garula.”
Suddenly, he sits up and gestures wildly at the tv in great offence while talking in rapid Galah. The cat gets startled and leaps off. Rough subtitles are kindly provided for what comes next.
Subs:“How can you guys import spices from Galahd all these years but not know how to use them properly?! Ridiculous! Its not complicated-!”
Beep. Scene cut.
“-Also the rice is too wet-”
Subs:“Wet. Wet?! You wet curtain! Thats not even the problem! Wheres the pandan leaves? The damn coconut milk?? Somewhere, a grandmother will disown you for this, Etro forbid you to dishonour her name in her house with this travesty-!”
Beep. Scene cut.
“-And it seems like there is too much gravy that sticks to the skin, almost too starchy and pastey. Its, making it very dry in my mouth-”
Subs:“YOU are dryer than the paste.Its Garula Rendang!? Not Garula Stew! The pemasak IS suppose to be like a paste that is thicker than your foundation! Are you high??You-!”
Beep. Scene cut.
“-And I would appreciate more if its surface is more crispy”
The Galahdian’s fingers are pinched together with a tensed posture, audibly scowling incredulously at the screen. Almost hoping he can put everything before him out of its misery.
Subs:“What in great Etro’s graces is a crispy Rendang!? CRISPY!? Are you stupid?That Garula is crying in the Beyond just for that! A chef?! More like a damn hack! Legs on the Midgardsormr! In what way are you cooking actual Galahdian food? Where did you even learn all this?! 18 ancestors before you probably be rolling in embarrassment! This is a sin! Absolute crime! Pick any three year old and they can even cook better than this-!”
The video is shaking so much by now with a boy’s laughter that he is sniffling off camera while trying to persuade the Galahdian to relax and the video ends. ]
Choco_Pom Not an accurate translation but you get the idea lmao. #GreatInsomniaCookoff #ImAmazed #WTFaretheycookingtho #Sacrilage
As a Lucian, Im so sorry to our fellow Galahdians.
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I laughed, I’m so sorry, he seems stressed, is he okay though?
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LOL to be fair I been to Galahd for summer holidays and damn I feel the same way.That is not in anyway Garula Rendang. This show is a joke.
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wow, if you don’t like it then don’t watch? better yet don’t come here?
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I’m Galahdian and this was me and my roommate throughout that entire episode, such terrible, much cringe.
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LMAO ABSOLUTE MOOD. Tho dude seems awfully familiar to me tho…
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This video maybe dark as hell but dammnnnn I know a Snacc when I see one.
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His rage is absolutely valid! Hahaha tho should let him try some of the ‘authentic galahd cuisine’ we got here. Will be wild!
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[Pom 11:20pm] : (sadchocobo.gif)
[Noc 11:33pm] : sup. Y u still up?
[Ig 11:33pm] : Indeed. How peculiar.
[Gladdy 11:33pm] : ?
[Pom 11:34pm] : No sleepover this weekend. Im like grounded.
[Noc 11:34pm] : lollollol Y? Cuz u got Nyx trending?
[Pom 11:34pm] : Good thing that his face was not obvious and he didn’t get trouble at work!
[Pom 11:36pm] : Why am I so dumb???  (/ TAT)/
[Noc 11:37pm] : haaaaa was he mad?
[Pom 11:36pm] : NO AND THATS WORSE
[Ig 11:37pm] : On the bright side, the video was indeed not very obvious, Prompto.
[Gladdy 11:37pm] : it will die down lol shit on social be like that
[Ig 11:33pm] : Indeed. We’ll cross the bridge when we get there.
[Pom 11:36pm] : (baby chocobo falls over.gif)
Trending Now
> #NifleheimCivilWar
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[Little Moon]
[Selena 1:20pm] : hahahaha I know those tattoos anywhere. With or without a face heh.
[Selena 1:20pm] :  also Zasiifa’s looks good!  
[Selena 1:20pm] : how did you end up trending on social btw?
[Nyx 1:33pm] : hello dear sister i’m very well I am having lunch yes thank you
[Nyx 1:33pm] : why have you invaded my space this lovely afternoon squirt?  
[Selena 1:35pm] : I’m just here to remind you to call mom as always
[Selena 1:35pm] : And that you are also trending here in Galahd hahahahaha
[Nyx 1:37pm] : [ √ message seen ]
From: Nelly Mason <[email protected]>
To: Nyx Ulric <[email protected]>
Good afternoon Mr Ulric,
I hope this email finds you well. This is to inform you of a faculty meeting later today. Please do note your attendance is compulsory.
With regards,
Nelly Mason
RUL FAC Faculty Administrative Office
*dusts off this strange scrap and drops it* Might as well clear up some random things sitting in my folder? Also I have no tiktok and it shows  Basically Nyx has a non lethal coeurl that look more like modern day white serval. Referenced from the ff kingsglaive concept art of the mini coeurl. 
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
HIATUS (permanent)
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Consult the links above if what you're looking for is not here. :)
Requests will be open for a couple of days only as I’d like to avoid becoming overloaded and will then stay closed until I finish writing all the requests I received. They might be closed for longer periods of time if I need to finish my own works (not requested one shots, AUs or scenarios as well as my regular job).
Kind Warning: my writing is very sporadic so I can be very prolific or not write a word for quite a long while. I’ll try to handle your requests as fast as possible, but please bear with me should I make you wait.
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One shots 
Character x Character (depends on the request. Should I not be able to, I'll let you know)
Please specify in your request which one you’d prefer and your preferred pronouns. If none are specified, I’ll write about a gender neutral or female reader by default depending on the request.
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NSFW -> currently not accepting requests
Character x OC
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Feel free to reblog and thank you!
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altrxisme · 2 years
it's always a great reminder of some old aus i made before like the stripper!au i had for Johanne and Jackson
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phoenixfiiire · 5 months
Story Untold: This verse is set either before or during the events of the game. Joshua can be anywhere from 10 to 28 depending on the era this is happening in.
Story's End: Post game. I write that Joshua was brought back to life by Clive and that Clive died. Joshua then becomes the Duke of Rosaria (after Rosaria is granted her independence again by Sanbreque) and does his best to try to rule.
I am more than amenable to slight changes to this allowing for things such as Rosaria still being enslaved by Sanbreque, or for Clive to be alive, but as I play Joshua he does need to survive.
New Chapter: This is for writing verses set in other canons, such as FFXIV. Here, while Joshua was saved by Clive, the force of Ultima's power sent him to another world.
Remake Era: A modern AU. Joshua is a struggling college student living with his brother Clive and trying to deal with making rent while making grades, and dealing with his heart condition.
Otherworldly Summon: An AU for Kingdom Hearts. Read more here.
Genetic Apostate: FFVII au. Information can be found here.
Ember Astral: FFXV au. Information can be found here.
Twin AUs: For other Joshuas. One involves being an egi, the other involves being Ultima.
The Boys AU: It's really not well formed but you can read about it here! No specific additional headcanons yet because I feel this is incredibly niche.
Tales of Zestiria/Berseria: Not even one with a tag yet, but information on my vague ideas are here.
More verses can be added if a series specific AU is formed.
0 notes
ffxvreversebang2022 · 2 years
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Today’s creator: @/ThisIsBeans13 (Twitter)
Bubblegum Snapshot was written for the FFXV Reverse Bang 2022 and can be found on AO3 here.
Rating: General
No Archive Warnings Apply
Description: Iris's first photoshoot as an up-and-coming idol is today. She's nervous, but with some support (and maybe a familiar face,) she's going to make it the best she can.
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aerverics · 1 year
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
~Character Ai~
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
¦ Symbols Meaning ¦
(✧. ┊ ) fantasy AU
(ׂׂૢ) Work partners or so
(✰. ┊) modern / step / highschool au
(ꕥ) Start with angst
(ღ) Soft = sibling / lover / friendly
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
═ ⋆I take any requests for any characters⋆ ═
Barnabas Tharmr
✧. ┊A test to be his queen
Cidolfus Telamon
ׂׂૢ Cid wanted the nurse attention
Chris Redfield
ꕥ You catch Chris *cheated* on you
Cloud Strife
ꕥ Fall apart relationship
✰. ┊ Head teacher! Cloud x teacher! You
ׂׂૢ Cloud being drugged by a monster
ღ Cloud's girlfriend find him in a dress photo
ღ Your Husband save you
ׂׂૢ Dante your partner for Demon Hunter
ღ Dante comforting his wife after she's giving birth
ღ Dante find out his wife pregnant
ღ Dante being slightly overprotective to his wife
ꕥ He is worried about his wife
✧. ┊Ran from your royal life to be with your man
Dion Lesage
ׂׂૢ Finding a bride for Dion
Ellie Williams
ღ Ellie excited knowing her crush gonna treat her injuries
Ignis Scientia
ׂׂૢ Ignis's new assistant
ღ The advisor might have feelings for you
Izumi Miyamura
ꕥ You had a crush on him
Jin Kazama
✧. ┊ Vampire Au
ღ He find out you're pregnant
ׂׂૢ He keep showing up in your infirmary
✰. ┊Your Grumpy dorm mate's brother
Joshua Rosfield
ׂׂૢ Joshua confessed to his companion
ꕥ Pregnant with Joshua's
✰. ┊Joshua got jealous with his 'wife'
Leon S Kennedy
✧. ┊ Spiderman Leon
✧. ┊ Married to duke Leon
ׂׂ ღ Assassin x Agent Leon
ׂׂૢ Mission with Leon
✰. ┊Your annoying step-brother
Marius Von hagen
✧. ┊ Marius your annoying Emperor
ꕥ Choose him please
Nicholas Leister
✰. ┊Your rude step-brother
ꕥ Annoying Ex boyfriend
ꕥ Frenemies with Nick
Noah Morgan
ღ Noah felt jealously
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto Argentum
ღ Noctis's younger sibling
Reno Sinclair
ׂׂૢ Work partner with Reno
ღ Reno trying to talk after making you jealous
✧. ┊ Spiderman Scaramouche
ꕥ Sephiroth kidnapped you
ꕥ he manipulate your memories beforehand
Sleipnir Harbard
ღ Sleipnir tried to get along with you
ꕥ He's going to lock you
Zack Fair
✧. ┊ Zack wake up in FFXV's universe after dying
Origanal Characters
Kazeric Kairen - ✧. ┊ Academic rival who help you during zombies attack in your school
Cherry - ✧. ┊ A little lady who safe you
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mochalottie · 6 months
(Because even though no one asked for one...I wanted to do it to keep my brain entertained)
Avatar (Cameron Movies)
Oel Ngati Kameie (37k+ words) Series about Spider being adopted into the Sully. Post Way of Water.
To protect (2k words) Oneshot about Spider being injured on the SeaDragon.
Baby Mine (6.5k words) 5 times Spider called someone Mom or Dad and one time someone called him Son.
Eywa Provides (23k words) Multi chapter, complete - Feral Na'vi Spider living alone in the forest who is, surprise surprise, adopted by the Sullys.
Our Hearts Beat in the Womb of the World (115k words) Multi chapter, complete - Spider is adopted by Tonowari and Ronal. That's it. That's the fic.
For the Nights and Days of Life (387k words) Multi chapter, complete - All humans leave Pandora after the final battle leaving Spider behind. Oh, and he’s blessed by Eywa. That’s it. That’s the fic.
You Brought light, and new life (78k words) Multi chapter, complete - The comfort fic/sequel that everyone (surprisingly) wanted and I definitely needed.
What am I supposed to do, dance with it? (8k) Oneshot - Spider turns into a tiger. That's it. That's the fic.
Let the Wind Carry Us to the Clouds Multi chapter, ongoing - Aka the ikran racing!au I've snatched up and twisted into my own version, which features some Nocorro but centrics around our boy Spider!
Every Family has Someone Who Falls (160K+) Multi chapter, complete - the time loop au where Spider is thoroughly put through the wringer.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
When You Can't Look on the Brightside, I'll Sit with You in the Dark (63k words) Multi chapter - a Zukka Alice in Wonderland AU where Sokka is Alice and Ozai is the Red King.
If Music is the Food of Love, Play On (4k words) Oneshot - Zuko essentially pining after Sokka in a Modern AU
Final Fantasy XV
Stronger than the Tides (13k words) Oneshot - Mermaid AU for Reverse Big Bang 2023
Blessed be the Boys Time Can't Capture (6k words) Oneshot - heads of families in Eos are vessels for the Greek Gods.
FFXV Song ficlets Series of Oneshots based on songs by Lauv. Includes multiple ships and AUs.
New Dawn (74k words) Multi chapter, complete - Ignis x Male!OC
Star Wars Prequels
Rock You Like a Hurricane Multi chapter, second part abandoned -The Obikin Band AU with Obi-Wan on drums, Anakin with vocals, Rex on Bass and Ahsoka on Guitar
The Mandalorian
Chakaar (22k words) Oneshot - Din Djarin x Male!OC Where a curious thief gets too involved with a grumpy Mandalorian and gains a family in return.
Inheritance Cycle
The World Ahead Multi chapter, incomplete - The Eragon/LOTR crossover that no one seemed to need, but two people very much wanted.
The Witcher
Destiny Changed Series of Oneshots - Jaskier is a Witcher and falls in love for Geralt the Nobleman. That's it, that's the series.
Voltron Legendary Defender
Space Family to the Rescue (1k words) Oneshot - Sick Keith is cared for by his Space Family.
Love is Endless (6k words) Oneshot - Keith pines for Lance in a Modern AU.
(Techni)Colour Vision (60k words) Multi chapter, complete - Klance through many film AUs.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 7- Edging
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Yeah. Gonna cheat by pulling another couple from another story. This time the FFXV Modern AU- Magic and Miracles featuring Luche Lazarus and his wonderful spitfire of a wife- Ada.
Kinktober 2022
Day 7 Edging
Beads of sweat formed and fell from your form as you moaned and whined rather pitifully from around the gag tied around your mouth. But there was little you could do except either give him a thumbs up that you were ok because your hands were tied behind your back and he currently had you bent over a stack of pillows in the bed and was playing with a myriad of toys on you in between stuffing you full of his own cock too, which he currently had in a cock ring himself. Or you could flip him off when he noticed you were just on the edge of climax and he turned the damn things off to keep you from coming. But oh, you were going to make him pay for this because you knew how to return friendly fire and give as good as you got. 
Honestly you didn’t know if this was heaven or hell or a mixture of both. 
But you were currently restrained and couldn’t move, not that you would- had you not been. Because honestly? This was some of the best sex you had had with your partner in a while. And it definitely beat out the lazy sex before bed just so you could wake up early and get the kids to school- by a long shot. 
The kids were off at the grandparents for the weekend. And you and your husband Luche decided to spice things up a bit, your 10 year anniversary was still a few months away. And while you did have a Disney Cruise planned for your whole family, it seems he was wanting to celebrate it a bit early and a bit differently than the way you had been celebrating in the past.
You spent the day at the best spa in town. Getting everything you wanted from head to toe. The perfect cut and color and style for your hair. The lash extensions. The facial. The massage. The manicure and pedicure. Your makeup professionally done. You bought secret lingerie to wear under your dress. You got an undergarment slimmer to hide your mom belly you had gained carrying and birthing three kids. You bought this sexy as sin dress in the best shade of royal blue that complimented your complexion to wear and new “fuck me” heels and this new perfume that made you feel like you smelled like a goddess and made you feel as amazing as you looked at everyone in that spa complimented how hot and sexy of a MILF you were. And at least your husband saw the dress so he knew exactly what shade of suit to dress in so that you looked like a proper pair.
You met him at the very upscale bar that was close to the hospital he worked at as a minor CEO. You pretended not to know each other and he tried some cheesy pick up line he most likely had gotten from Google no doubt. But he tried. And you appreciated the effort.
And Luche looked great. He had always looked handsome but today? Oh he had turned the charm on and up to 11.  He too had gotten a new suit, shirt and tie for this, perfect shade to match your dress perfectly. And he had packed quite the goody bag for the both of you to enjoy this weekend. He bought and was wearing new cologne that made him smell amazing. He just got a hair cut and a custom shave from his barber. He looked like a million bucks. 
And according to him- so did you. 
Granted the fact that you had been wearing half that amount in the jewelry set probably helped, but he assured you that had you not been wearing anything, you'd still be the most beautiful woman in the world to him.
It was the most planned “spontaneous” thing you two had done since you gave birth to your last daughter Emma. Who was now..almost 3. And now you were trying for baby number 4. But the whole point of getting pregnant was so that you could climax and so could he. But he apparently wanted to have much more fun “before the finale”. And considering just how "stocked" this bag of tricks was, he was keen to try to use as much as possible and was particularly giddy to try- with your consent and permission of course, which is how you found in your current position.
Which is why after he took you out to the most amazing restaurant, he took you to this hotel, specifically to this suite. Had your bags, that he had spent all morning packing himself so that you would have everything you wanted and needed. 
‘Let’s try it,’ Luche said. ‘It’ll be fun’, he promised. ‘It’s the best’ he had assured you when he suggested the two of you try edging.  
Fun? In the beginning. Yes. 
The best? That was currently up for debate. 
But you did have a safety signal in place for when he could push you too far. And while you desperately wanted to cum. You also desperately didn’t want to lose this battle of wills either. 
Because you wanted him to remember something.
That the best part about sleeping with a redhed- is that you don’t sleep at all.
And you didn’t care if it was 2 in the morning. Hell you’d stay up till the sun came up. And tomorrow night was your turn to edge him. And right now, you were mentally keeping a tally of how many times he had denied you your orgasm and you were be going tit for tat with him- plus one or two. Depending on how much longer and further he took this. 
After the first round, you learned that if you just kept your voice down and did your best not to make any noise at all, that maybe you’d get a quick orgasm in- without him noticing. But Luche wasn’t having that at all. He wanted to hear it all. Even with the gag in your mouth. 
But the key was the gag itself. It came with a quick release. All you needed to do- to end this- was use your tongue to turn the ball that was in the gag that came with a button that you could push in with your tongue and the ball would fall out of the gag and you could tell him to stop. 
But perhaps that was the most tortuous part of all. Because you didn’t want him to stop. He had just stuffed something of a vibrating anal plug into you and an even bigger vibrator into your pussy and had a wand at your clit you were beyond exquisitely stuffed and your petite but powerful legs kicked at the bed and you let out a shrill pleasured cry because finally, please, after 3 hours. You wanted it. This was it. If you were going to cum, you wanted to cum on this as you used both hands tied behind your back to give him the thumbs up that this felt amazing and you were still cool with this and wanted this and before he could turn them off, you finally, finally came. 
That glorious, wonderful cascade of pleasure and he at least had the decency to let you finish before he pulled the vibrator out and replaced it with his own cock and finally came into you too so that such precious seed would hopefully take root.
But by this point, you were beyond exhausted. Pleasured, sated, but exhausted as the time of night finally caught up with you. And by the time he got the ball gag off of you and untied you and pulled that anal plug back out of you. You just laid there. Rather limply as he cleaned up both himself and you. But you were content to lay there. Eyes closed, catching your breath, ass still up in the air, supported by pillows while your arms simply were happy to lay next to you, your own semi closed hands on either side of your butt just up in the air. 
“Babe? You ok? Did I go too far?” Luche asked worriedly when he got out of the bathroom to see you had not moved once he took everything off and put it away. 
“I’m so tired. Like. This was fun. But. It feels like I haven’t slept in 36 hours and my body is jelly and my brain is fried.” You answered honestly as you were even starting just drool where your head laid. 
“Oh. Sorry. I guess we got a little carried away. Well good thing is- it’s a holiday weekend. And you have the next three days to catch up on all the sleep you want.” He tried to reassure you as he gently moved you to lay on your side while he rearranged the mountain of pillows and even carefully lifted your head to lay your head on a pillow before he put another where he would be sleeping before he turned the lights off, got into bed and gathered you into his arms. 
“Are you sure you’re ok? Are you sure I didn’t go too far?” Luche asked again as he tenderly kissed the crown of your head. 
“I don’t know. I’m too tired Babe. Ask me after I’ve slept for, 8, 10, 12, fuck it, 14 hours.” You mumbled as you could feel sleep drag you down. 
“Ah, I kept you up too late. Sorry, I got a little carried away.” Luche apologized again. 
“It’s ok. You owe me though.” You insisted as you buried your face into his chest. 
“Owe you what?” Luche asked.
“8 orgasms.” You answered which got him to laugh. 
“Ok. I’ll get right on that, after you’ve slept and sufficiently refreshed yourself and refueled. And I’m sure you’ll make me pay for every one of those when it’s my turn right?” Luche guessed with a fond smile. 
“Oh hell yeah.” You answered. 
“Ok. Goodnight Ada, I love you.” He cooed. 
“Love you too Lu, good night.” You murmured before you fell asleep within his embrace. 
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happy-orc · 1 year
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Wanted to give Ardyn a happy AU for his birthday. They deserved better 
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5 Fics for March
So, since I decided to claw my way out of my writing funk (at least for NSFW writing), I figured that I would see if there were any specific past ideas or prompts that anyone wanted me to write or something new. I wanted to give the choice over, so that I would stop stressing so much about what I should write or which prompts.
SO! I am going to write FIVE fics for the month of March (hopefully).
These fics will be of my choosing, so you can submit multiple prompts and ideas. It will then come down to me to decide which ones I'll write.
I'll try and make a post tracking the submissions, if it takes the whole month to get five (which I hope not -_- )
Now, with all that being said, here are some guidelines, of sorts:
No vague prompts
Check my tumblr archive or ao3 to see what I write
If it is a previously prompt or idea, link it
No gore, super dark, hardcore noncon
No spam submitting the same prompt over and over
Alright! Hope that will kick my writing muse into work!
List of the fics that I have written for this challenge:
1.) To "Sleep" Together (SVSSS, Cumplane, Consensual Somno) 2.) Pleasing the Warrior (FFXV, CorNoct, CorNyxNoct, God AU) 3.) Living Armor & Its Usage (AC:O, Alexios/Kolossus, Alexios/Hermes, Living Armor) 4.) Kitchen Surprise (MDZS, MingXian, Modern AU) 5.) Toys to Test (AC:O, Alexios/Kolossus, Alexios/Hermes)
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
for the 500 follower special, idia + 75?
I love how all of my gamer knowledge reappeared as I was writing this lol.
Prompt: 75. I’m an insomniac who calls my best friend at 3am except I misdial on my landline and I tell you all about my nightmare before letting you talk and now I’m mortified but you don’t hang up (I changed it a bit)
Note: Modern au. Fainaru Fantajī XV is Final Fantasy 15 but in Japanese. I was gonna use FFXVI but idk how the story goes and I might just watch it on Youtube lol. I DO know the story for FFXV and I love it so much
Word Count: 959
Warnings: not beta read and possible OOC characters
500 Follower Event
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Idia's day typically goes as follows: 1. Wake up, 2. Collect his dailies, 3. Stream in his room for hours (while snacking during it). 4. Use the bathroom. 5. Eat sweets, 6. Stream again. 7. Stream. What's sleep anyway?
Idia sighed after setting his headphones down. He just finished playing the latest Fainaru Fantajī XV game since its release. His body ached from the long sitting position, but it was all worth it for him. The story was good, and the gameplay was phenomenal! Idia needed to tell someone about it!
Usually, he would rant about it to Ortho. Still, his little brother was currently out of town because he was starring in a movie with the Vil Schoenheit. Idia was proud of his brother and wanted to keep his much-needed rest. 
Idia grabbed his phone and sorted through his list of friends.
Azul? No, he would only talk about board games. 
Riddle? No, they both had a mutual dislike for one another. 
Cater? HECK NO! NO NORMIES! (Idia made a mental note to delete his number later. How his contact information got on his phone was a mystery.)
Lilia? Idia's eyes widen. Yes! Lilia was perfect! They both share a love of games and often play co-op together. Surely he would be awake at, Idia glanced at the time, 3 am! Idia quickly typed his number, too excited to click on Lilia's number, and brought the phone to his ear. 
"Hello?" A clearly feminine voice replied, but Idia had already started his passionate ranting.
"Lilia! Did you get to play the newest Fainaru Fantajī XV game?"
"Who is-"
"I love the open world concept, and did you see the Regalia? That car screams luxury, and it has to be my dream car. I need to get one ASAP. That would show those lame normies I deal with, ugh."
"Lilia" laughed but continued trying to speak, "That's nice, but-"
"And the chemistry between the main characters! Luna was pretty, I guess? Lowkey women still scar me after the whole Eliza incident." Idia shivered at the memory of his "self-proclaimed" (and crazy) girlfriend (it was one-sided, and Idia didn't consider her his girlfriend anyway) in high school. Never again. "But the bond between Noctis and the other guys was top-notch! It made the gameplay even better!" Idia sighed and leaned back in his chair. "If only Noctis survived to the end, ya know? I guess the developers loved angst. The song choice at the end was the cherry on top. I actually shed a tear."
"Uhh, that's very interesting, but who is this?" "Lilia," asked, and Idia frowned. Now that he was partially done with his rant, he noticed the strange pitch in his friend's voice.
"Lilia, it's me, Idia. You know? The super cool guy who you spend playing League with. Are you sick? Your voice sounds off."
"I don't know a Lilia. My name is Yuu, and no, I am not sick. I am very healthy." Yuu's voice replied, and Idia froze. OH NO, NO, NO
He could imagine the stranger frowning and thinking he was some creep. "Yes?"
"Eep!" Idia squealed and immediately pressed the big red "end call" button. He threw his phone at his bed, jumped face down on his bed, and groaned loudly. "Stupid, stupid, stupid! You just embarrassed yourself in front of a stranger! In front of a girl!" Idia was ready to bury himself in a hole.
Idia's phone rang just as he made the decision to do it. He groaned at the annoying ringtone, picked it up, and brought the phone to his ear without checking the caller ID. 
A female voice laughed. "You hung up on me, Idia."
"Ah!" Idia screamed. He looked at his phone and raised his finger to hang up the call.
"Wait! Don't hang up!" Yuu exclaimed, causing Idia to freeze. He slowly brought his phone back to listen. The girl sighed after a minute passed. "Look, before you hang up again, I wanted to say that I love that game too."
Idia blinked, and his mouth opened in shock. "Y-you do?" he managed to say and wanted to facepalm.
Yuu laughed. "I'm not far into the game, though. I got distracted by fishing and playing with chocobos."
Idia felt himself relax, and he laughed with Yuu. "They are adorable. I liked racing them."
"Me too! Hey, Idia, can I ask you something?"
"Uhh, sure…What is it?"
Yuu sighed, and Idia could hear some shuffling on her end. She was probably adjusting herself to get comfortable. "Can you tell me more about the game? I need some help getting through it and would like some advice."
Idia felt a smirk grace his face. "Of course, you would need my help. I'll help you beat all the bosses with 0 deaths. You're good to talk for tonight?"
Yuu chuckled. "Yeah, I don't have anything planned. Oh great, Idia. Give me your wisdom." 
Idia ended up not sleeping that night but made a new friend instead. 
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"I heard the Child of Man made a new friend." Malleus looked up from his Gao Gao Drakon-kun to speak to his father.
Lilia paused his game and turned to Malleus. "Oh? Did she say who?"
Malleus nodded. "It's actually your friend Idia. The one you often play games with." He said and gestured to the monitor that currently had Fainaru Fantajī XV. 
Lilia smiled, feeling happy for his friend. "What a coincidence. It is a small world, after all."
Malleus nodded and smiled, thinking about Yuu's happy rant that morning after staying up to talk to Idia before passing out from exhaustion. He was also delighted for her that she had met him. "Indeed it is."
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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dollgutzzz · 1 month
Sicktember Update! 🚨🚨🚨
As Sicktember draws ever closer, I’ve been doing a lot of brainstorming and got some amazing suggestions from some of you!
Here is the masterlist so far (Everything with *** at the beginning is a prompt I do not yet have a specific idea in mind for yet. Feel free to suggest!)
⭐️ Day 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick.” (Kavehtham) https://archiveofourown.org/works/58622329
⭐️ Day 2: Too much of a good thing/Overindulgence (FFXV)
⭐️ Day 3: Campus Crud (FFXV)
⭐️ Day 4: “Great, I got a cold for my birthday.” (FFXV)
Day 5: Rogue Organ (TighCyno)
Day 6: Dizziness/vertigo (FFXV)
Day 7: Borrowed hoodie (TighCyno)
Day 8: “The closest doctor is probably hours from here!” (Genshin modern AU: camping: 4ggravate)
Day 9: Overdramatic patient/caretaker (FFXV)
***Day 10: The sniffles
Day 11 (ALT): “I didn’t mean to wake you up.” (FFXV)
Day 12: “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up/coughing up a lung.” (FFXV)
Day 13: Mononucleosis (Sambastian)
Day 14: Clean sheets/fresh pajamas (FFXV)
Day 15: “Who decided ____ is sick people food?” (Kavehtham)
Day 16: Toxin/poison (FFXV)
Day 17: Brain fog/spaced out (TighCyno)
***Day 18: “My body is one big ache.”
***Day 19: Hypochondriac Tendencies
Day 20: Medication Bribery (Kavehtham)
Day 21 (ALT): Doctor’s Note (FFXV)
***Day 22: “You didn’t use my cup, did you?”
***Day 23: Under a Spell
***Day 24: Tales from the Waiting Room
***Day 25: Summer Flu
Day 26 (ALT): Flushed Cheeks (FFXV)
Day 27: “This is non-negotiable.” (Kavetham)
Day 28 (ALT): Hospital Bed (FFXV)
Day 29: Sick on a Roadtrip (VenXiao)
***Day 30: Past Prompt of Your Choice!
Also yes, I am finally branching out to writing more than just Genshin and FFXV! I’m gonna be ushering in some other fandoms as well. So far I have one prompt I have chosen to write as Sam and Sebastian from Stardew Valley :)
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paintedscales · 5 months
about to attend an event and take no part in it other than showing up as a plus one for free food. debating working on one of these things while i'm out:
steppe by steppe chapter 11
ffxv: reimagined prologue 4
mirror of stars planning (original world au stuff)
our scarred stories planning (modern au stuff)
breaking glamour planning (neo-ishgard steampunk au stuff, working title)
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dandylovesturtles · 5 months
For the ask game! :)
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Usually as I'm writing it (assuming I don't just do it all in one sitting), I'll come back and give it a read over and edit before I start back to work, and then I read over it once more before I post it. that's usually it though. I'm lazy when it comes to editing lol. pretty much all my fics are first drafts.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
well, I do still want to write the fic about Splinter's son (that he didn't know he had) stumbling into their lives post-movie. I have a post about it on here somewhere.
the fic I MEANT to write after I was done with IMBI (before a different AU plagued my brain, which I've been actively working on) is a fic whose working title is "Mikey and Donnie's Step-by-Step Guide for Saving Your Doomed Family," which is the obligatory peepaw fic. It follows Mikey and Donnie, post-movie, building a cross-dimensional time machine to try and save the bad future Hamatos and bring them to the saved present. It's told from Mikey and Donnie's POVs and has a heavy focus on their relationship, both pre- and post-Krang invasion.
I do still really want to write it, it's just that this other thing completely consumed my creative energy. oops.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
uhhh idk. I have lots of ideas all the time that I'll probably never write just because, you know, time and labor lol, but not really any I can think of to put here.
this is the nice thing about fandom kinkmemes (or whatever you would call a SFW kinkmeme), if you have an idea you don't want to write yourself you can just go drop it in a comment and let someone else write it.
I have already answered S
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
uhhhh I think my biggest thing that is Popular In Fandom but I Don't Like is AUs that bring fantastical canons into our reality and like, have the characters going to college or working office jobs or whatever. so "modern AUs," except it bums me out that that's the name we settled on because actual modern times in the setting of a fantasy canon could be really fun! Like, I don't want the "modern AU" Dragon Age to have Hawke working at a coffee shop and taking writing classes at the local uni, I want it to have them fighting darkspawn on top of a skyscraper. or like, you can have the Gaang going to college, but why can't they bend anymore! just let them have it!
FFXV is one of my favorite canons purely because it actually shows some of the thought behind like, what if a world had normal modern technology (they're driving around in modern cars and using smartphones) but also monsters and gods and magic. but so many fantasy settings in fiction are either medieval or do the bullshit where you have the "magic world" hidden from the "normal world". no! boring! I want to know how legislative proceedings are affected when congressmen can challenge each other to wizard duels. expand your mind!
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
this is list is not in any particular order:
taizi is an amazingly talented writer, there are so many lines in their fics that make me go "wow", and they have such a grasp on character and emotion. they also have some great One Piece fics!
MagicalSpaceDragon is another absolutely incredible writer. their "theseus, and" series is particularly good, but I actually have them in my bookmarks for one of my favorite ROTTMNT fics of all time, "i guess we've really been out of touch (but can it really be so serious)"
and reccing my friend Kiaxet, who is also an amazing writer who mixes hilarity, angst, and heartwarming moments with a deft hand. I'm so excited for the rest of her "Siblingquest 20XX" fic, but all her fics are amazing!
and while they aren't a TMNT writer, I wanna shout out Asidian, who has written several of my favorite FFXV fics (including and especially "Running Behind", which is one of the best MT!Prompto fics, right up there with "poor wayfaring stranger"), and also has some amazing Rise of the Guardians fics (I especially love "Bits and Pieces", which has my favorite trope of "hungry character gets fed", but "Every Boy And Girl" also makes me cry everytime).
thanks for the ask!
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