Kagadrinette headcanons.
We all know crack ships are a dangerous adventure because sometimes it's really difficult to find works about them. But OT3s?
So I'm gonna show some of my headcanons for Marinette x Adrien x Kagami. How is this ship named? Kagadrinette? Adrinettgami? Maridrigami? LuckySwords? Last one is quite cute, maybe. I'll go for that and Kagadrinette.
Kagami fell for Marinette after they started hanging out. Mari invited her to her squad. At first it was difficult since the only one who liked her besides Marinette was Rose. Alya thought she was mean, Mylène was scared of her, Juleka didn't want her to hurt Rose and Alix didn't really care. They were so wrong! Thanks to Mari's effort they started warming to her. But Kagami kept being close to Marinette.
One day Kagami notices she was jealous. Jelaous of Alya. Why was Marinette still thinking so high of her? She trusted Lila!
Kagami talked to Adrien, her closest friend and crush. He informed her of Lila's situation and all.
Adrien liked Kagami since Frozer, but was always so blinded by Ladybug. The day he discovered Mari was Ladybug he was ashamed. He didn't know Marinette would be his type! Yes, Adrien likes strong, harsh women.
After the reveal (not only them, of all the team), Marinette at first didn't want to talk to the cat, she never considerer not knowing her crush. She realized everything she knew about him was just his reprimed self.
Those days Kagami was there to help her. She was also surprised, but didn't really care because she knew Adrien in a more personal level, she always knew Adrien wasn't that perfect boy (I don't care about what she said in Oni Chan lmao). So she encouraged Marinette to keep searching for the real Adrien, even if Ladybug was Adrien's crush and Kagami knew it.
What nobody expected was that Marinette started liking Kagami. She never thought of herself as bi, so at first she thought it was just strong friendship and devotion. But thinking about Adrien and Kagami confused her sooo much.
One day after an Akuma attack, both Chat Noir and Ryuko noticed Ladybug was evadind them. Yes, she kept leading the team but wasn't strong as always. They chose to talk to her.
Aaaand that's when Ladybug confesed she liked both of them. Even if things were so akward with the cat, she still liked him. And Kagami... oof.
Ryuko coldly said a "me too". Chat Noir blushed sooo hard and nearly vanished. Both. Girls. He. Liked. Liked. Him.
Things started really akward. They didn't know what to do. Marinette was the one who talked about that thing... polyamory? She was so nervous. Adrien thought it was okay, he didn't have all that much contact to the world so he didn't see nothing wrong. But Kagami at first didn't like the idea. That was wrong. Love is between two people! What would her mother think? ... Screw that. It took some work, but finally she wanted to be with them.
It was difficult. At first they started hanging out as a group of friends, sometimes they took each others hands but nothing more. When they came out, ppl were really divided.
Mari's parents never thought of the possibility of a loving triad, but they supported her daughter no matter what.
Gabriel didn't like it. He didn't want Adrien with a girlfriend, so with two?? One day Adrien got really angry and made things clear to him: It was time for his freedom. Gabriel realized he could do nothing about that. At least he liked the girls his son got...
Tomoe never agreed. She was a traditional woman. She thought it was just a silly game, but soon she realized Kagami was serious about it. Tomoe didn't think her daughter was prepared to be in a relationship, and she didn't agree with it not being a couple. It was soooo hard but finally they made an agreement about it.
Surprisingly Kagami is really shy. Marinette is always the one to start physical contact, Adrien is usually flustered but likes ir and Kagami is just a blushing mess.
Marinette's ice cream represents both Adrien and Kagami, she didn't realise it till the day the three went there on a date. Peach represents Kagami's lips, mint represents Adrien's eyes. Same for Adrien; strawberry with chips represents Ladybug's suit and Kagami's civilian attire, blackberry represents Kagami's hair (I like to think it is darker than Mari's) and blueberry represents Mari's eyes. Kagami's ice cream would be something like black chocolate (Chat's suit and Mari's jacket), raspberry (Mari's color scheme) and lemon (Adri's hair).
When they have to patrol around alone, they usually start cuddling. Sometimes Rena catches them and laughs while taking pictures.
Ryuko is very protective about her lovers. She's usually circling above them while Air Dragoning.
Chat likes that his two girls both wear red. He can find them easely.
They work really good as a team. Ladybug isn't the lovey dovey type who would like them to stay away from battle; she feels safer with them around. Chat is always protecting her and Ryuko always takes the offensive for her while she makes the plan.
Ladybug is the brain, Ryuko is the brawns and Chat is the beauty. Everybody agrees.
Adrien and Kagami both try so hard to sneak Mari into the fencing team. Their dates usually end with them doing matches.
Kagami ended threatening Lila. Nobody's gonna do trouble for her Mari.
Their friends are ok with them, nobody really has problems. Sometimes Kim makes silly jokes about them, but they're innocent. They like to double date with Ninalya and sometimes other pairings like Julerose.
Mari and Adrien are more open about their feelings, Kagami is colder. So they usually tickle her to get her to relax. Kagami hates that and they end up silly fighting on the ground. They're so loud.
They like to have sleepovers every two weeks. Tom and Sabine are ok with it, Tomoe at first didn't let Kagami but after agreeing to conditions she lets her. Adrien doesn't want to tell the girls, but he actually shouldn't be there. He escapes.
They like to see movies together. Kagami always goes for horror movies. She doesn't hesitate, she's never scared. But she likes to see Marinette scared, holding her tigh and hugging both of them. Adrien doesn't have time to be scared because he's always laughing. This usually ends up in a silently silly fight on the ground.
When they sleep, Mari is always on the middle. She's a cuddly person, so she wants to be in the center. Adrien's in the right, next to a window usually. He likes to sleep seeing stars (or clouds at least). Kagami's on the left, she doesn't really like light while sleeping. As they are separated by Marinette, Kagami and Adrien try to hold hands to also be together.
When they awake, they are nearly dead because Marinette is a bear. She sleeps in a weird position with her arms and legs threatening Kagami and Adrien's breathing. They both think she's so cute.
Kagami is the first to awake. She's a light sleeper. If she sees light, she can't sleep. Adrien is the second, he always finds the dragon holder awake being bored. Marinette is soooo hard to awake. They start kissing her to not upset her.
Aaaand I think that's enough for this ship! I think it's a really cute ship. Since I am both Adrinette, Adrigami and Marigami shipper, I though this could work.
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facetiousfanatic · 5 years
I've never heard people describe my artstyle like sour candy, thank you tho lol
hahah yeah I make weird metaphors lmao. But that piece really does feel like that! Tangy and refreshing and leaves a sweet taste in your mouth :)
this guys art is so good yall go follow him !!! (also he is literally dave strider in the flesh its insane) 
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camilashenaningans · 4 years
Hey! You! You know what you dilfd.
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Sorry, i think you said a typo, im hungry..
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extraterezi · 5 years
I assume that your artstyle means that you're deathly afraid of your own mortality, and that you're also a really chill person
skjadghsd aight haha. One of those two things are true *eyes emoji*
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p-pamda · 6 years
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skenpiel · 5 years
Yo how d'ya record audio for the singing things, I'm alone in my house (altough not for long hhh) and curious bout how I sound singing a silly trulledur
on iphones theres an app called like voice memos or something and then i just upload that to soundcloud! and i only ever did that like twice the other ones are just recording and posting videos uvu
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thelostmoongazer · 6 years
yyyyyyyyyyyyooooooooo, sorry if this is in the FAQ (couldn't find it, didn't know where the links where) but I love that sketchy look that you have in your drawings, and I've wanted to imitate it but I've never found the right brush but te one you're using looks v nice bro! So if it's not too rude to ask, what brushes/program do you use?
i havent updates my blog theme and links in god knows how long so i dont blame you gkchbfersjbf (i really should do that..)
but i actually use the Design Pencil in Clip Paint Studio!
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officialspec · 6 years
Yo fam, how many cows are you worth wink wonk
this is literally THE funniest way anyones flirted w me on this site thank u so much
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barzum-and-baizli · 6 years
really didn’t expect that one!
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jonatbender · 6 years
Yo I got this concept art for my friend @luckyswords homestuck godform and I’ll probably post it sometime soon
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daily-karkat · 7 years
To dave strider: Who on the meteor has the B O O T Y?
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fuckin score
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filibusterfrog · 7 years
Is it normal that I now start screaming "FROG!" instead of "FUCK!"?
very normal. let them in.
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festidae · 5 years
You deserve so many much more notes wtf!
aha thank you!!! i just started this blog a little over a month ago so i'm not expecting much atm but i appreciate that u think so :3
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I'm sending asks ... Are you proud of me yet?
oh hell yeah my dude
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amazingay · 6 years
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Thank you so much! I’ve only seen bha once so hope this is accurate enough. :)(For @luckyswords )
Send me art requests!
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stardial · 6 years
it’s my birthday so here’s a list of the people who have meant the most to me since i got tumblr
@askt3algurl - you’re my first follower ever and i appreciate you so much even though you’re not that active on here. you’re also one of my favorite homestuck artists and you’re definitely one of my favorite blogs on tumblr. we haven’t really spoken with each other but i’d love to get to know you :D @roryss-art - holy shit where do i even start with you. you’re one of the best friends i’ve ever had (no joke) and also my first actual internet friend. you’re extremely nice and you’re also a great artist. i’ve known you for 3 months and during that time you’ve improved so much. like seriously your art is so good! @roxys - holy shit i can’t even believe i’m getting to tag you in a shoutout for my mutuals. you were one of the first homestuck related blogs i ever followed, long before i got this blog. you’re also right now my number one favourite blog on all of tumblr and one of my biggest idols, and the fact that you are one of my first ever followers is still crazy to me. you probably won’t see this, but if you do, i just want you to know how incredibly happy i am to be your mutual! @luckyswords - your blog got deleted so i can’t see when you followed me but i’m pretty sure you’re also one of my first followers. we haven’t really talked much but you’re one of my most active followers so i thought you deserved a place here. i since i don’t know you very well i don’t really know what to write but i just want you to know that i really appreciate you. we’re meeting at närcon summer and i hope to get to know you better there!
@calibornn - you’re also one of my first followers and you replied with “ily” to a post where i said i loved all my followers and that made me really really happy so you get a place on here as well. @imstuckathome12 - you’re another one of those “holy shit this person actually follows me?!” people. you’re another one of my favourite tumblr blogs, and i also look up to you a lot. i got so incredibly happy when you started following me! i’ve recently gotten the chance to talk to you and like, you’re so nice! your blog is one of the most welcoming blogs on tumblr, it just makes me feel so happy about myself! i don’t really know how to finish this but yeah, i really appreciate you! @land-of-bandaids-and-catnip - holy shit you’ve done so much for me where do i even begin. without you i wouldn’t be where i am today. first off, you messaging me and really trying to become my friend really boosted my self-confidence a lot since i kinda look up to you. you also introduced me to loads of new people, and you’re the reason i’ve actually been confident enough to try and get to know some of my idols. i have so much to thank you for. @maidofsalt - holy fuck. if i remember correctly you are either the first or the second homestuck blog i ever followed. you are so cool and i still can’t believe that i’ve actually gotten the chance to talk to you multiple times. your art is so good and you’re just such a great person. i get so incredibly happy every time i see you interacting with my posts and stuff. like seriously, thank you so much!
these are the people who have done the most for me since i started actively using tumblr 4 months ago. i want to mention that first off, even if you weren’t mentioned here i appreciate you a lot and i definitely notice you liking my posts and stuff. secondly i need to mention that the people i mention here are exclusive to tumblr only. i have a couple of mutuals who i know irl, and you all mean the world to me, but i wanted to make this post for my followers and mutuals specifically. there are a lot of people i didn’t mention. the only reason for this is because i don’t have the time to mention everyone. i’ve already spent 2 hours on this and i really need to go to bed, but i just want you to know that if you’re reading this, it means i appreciate you so much, because i love every single one of my followers, and i get so happy when you guys engage with my posts. thank you all for a great 4 months. i love you all
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