#luffy x s/o
vaadalt · 2 years
Monster Trio : s/o being annoyed by somone [GN]
OI OIIIIIII ! I'm not dead, just a slow ass potato. Sorry for the waitin' !
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Ah Luffy… We must not believe, but the monkey is far from innocent. At first glance, he won't say too much, watching out of the corner of his eye. S/o is talking to two people who are a little too sticky for the monkey taste. As long as the expression of n/a indicates that everything is fine, it will be fine.
Oh boy, when he gets mad… OH BOY. It's very simple, the two people who speak to s/o will just fall unconscious under the dumbfounded gaze of s/o. Luffy used his royal fluid to knock them.
At this time s/o does not really understand what has just happened. But will be quickly snapped out of thoughts, grabbed by Luffy's elastic arms.
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Small evening in a bar, s/o gets up to get a drink at the counter. S/o will be accosted by three people, who will begin to hold the conversation.
The green will put its only valid eye on the frail silhouette of s/o. He will watch, lurking in the shadows. The slightest wrong move, and when it will happen… Everything was fast, he will get up. Arriving in the back of his s/o, dominating in size the people who speak to s/o. Zoro's murderous look cut them short of the discussion, as s/o turns to see a softened-faced Zoro.
"are you okay baby?" while his massive hand will come to rest on s/o's head, which will cause a happy squeal. "I'm good Greenie."
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As Sanji negotiates with a local merchant, for food. S/o had ventured nearby, looking at what might be useful for the crew. Before a man comes and talks , flirting heavily.
Sanji being well behaved finished his discussion with the merchant, just before approaching s/o, putting a hand around the hip of his lover and giving a dark look toward the man infront of s/o. Who will dare disturb S/o like this, Sanji thought.
The person who quickly understood that s/o was not a free soul, will leave without saying goodbye. Which raises eyebrows from s/o who glances at Sanji, who smiles at s/o.
" Shall we continue, my dear love ? ''
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msfantasy-anime · 1 month
Sorry, I’m … married!
Monkey. D Luffy x Reader
Summary: An overly zealous marine by the name of Shimoi Zappa is enraptured by your beauty and just will not take no for an answer. Your final rejection comes in the form of a blow to his face which earns you a bounty and DoA wanted poster.
A/n: not my best, but I’m setting up the story to pushing Y/n into the straw hat crew for future adventures.
Part I • Part II • Part III •
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It’s been long since you parted ways with your ‘husband’ and the straw hat pirates on the docks that day.
Despite his incessant pleas, to join the crew. You were adamant on having a your own adventure. You weren’t quite ready to give up your freedom to serve in a wanted pirate crew, the world government chasing you until you are caught.
Piracy was always a dream of Sabo, Luffy and Aces, but yours was just to explore the world.
Despite all your reasonings, the tearful parting left you feeling unsure if you made the right decision. The New World is far more dangerous than the redline ever could be, maybe joining a strong and rambunctious pirate crew would’ve actually led to even greater adventures.
You continued to contemplate, your eyes glazed off into the distance sunset horizons as the merchants ship that granted you passage is offloading supplies onto a marine base island.
The captain of the merchants ship encouraged you to explore the island, but the marines on an isolated training island is begging for trouble. All of the officers are hyped up on self-importance, they’re all itching to prove their self worth by dominate any and all around them regardless if it was warranted enough. You’ve traveled enough to know that there are just as many corrupt marines as there are good marines. But you have truely had your fill for a life time and avoid them where possible.
It’s better to just stay nice and close to the ship and leave as soon as humanly possible.
Unfortunately, your train of thought comes to a crashing holt when you feel the intense sensation of being watched.
Springing from your seat, you turn around quickly, to see the creeping figure of a marine, slinking up behind you.
“Oh dear, oh my, what a sight you are.” The tall creepy marine exclaims, his cheeks blushing. “I knew you’d look pretty considering how gorgeous you look with just your back turned! My name is Shimoi Zappa. May I have your name miss?” The marine swoons. His flirtations make your stomach sink.
“Errrrrrm… it’s Y/n.”
“Y/n?! What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” He swoons yet again, making you wildly uncomfortable.
“Gee, thanks.” You dead pan, looking towards the merchants ship, begging silently for help escaping this weird encounter.
“Please Miss, my heart has never yearned for another like it has for you. Please do me the honour of becoming my wife!” With one knee to the ground, he snatches your hand and places a weirdly wet kiss along your knuckles.
“UGH! No, thanks anyway.” You try to add politely on the end, whipping the back of your hand.
Falling completely onto his hands and knees, he begins to sob hysterically into the ground. “No?! Why?!” He sobs once again, grabbing your hips pushing his teary eyes into your abdomen, making your squirm in discomfort.
“Sorry, you see I’m…” Your mind reels in search of the perfect answer that won’t offend the creep whilst also strongly reaffirming your unavailability. “Im married!”
“This cannot be, this can’t be! Where is this husband of yours.” He asks, looking around, as if a man would pop into immediate view. Your jaw clenches in irritation, why couldn’t he just believe your words?
“Well, he’s off exploring the world-“
“Without you?! What kind of husband abandons his wife like this?! He mustn’t be a good husband if he leaves you alone out in this world full of creeps.”
“Please reconsider leaving that useless husband of yours and marry me instead.” He begs once again, grabbing your hand once again and giving it a pleading squeeze.
“Listen buddie, shut up about my husband. He’s a great man. Someone as vile as you will never understand.” Your usual amicable nature goes flying out the window. The overbearing flirting was one thing, but no one will ever disrespect Luffy to your face and live to tell the tale.
All commonsense goes flying out the window as you hand a devastating heavy hit to his face, knocking him out instantly.
“Hey Luffy! Come and look! There’s a new pirate bounty out.” Brook exclaims excitedly.
Luffy launches himself with bountiful energy, keen to see his new bounty. Only to be faced with the non other than your bounty.
Monkey. Y/n 100,000,000 berries. Dead or Alive.
“Hahaha! She said she didn’t want to join because having a bounty would make it hard to travel- but the dumby went and got a bounty anyway! Hahaha!” Luffy cackles. “Huh? Hey, did you guys notice that Y/n has my last name? That’s weird- I wonder why they did that.” Luffy questions scratching his head.
“100,000,000 million berries! What did Y/n do?!” Nami asks Brook in horror.
“The article says that Y/n was visiting the marine training island on a merchants ship when she punched a marine after talking poorly of her husband Monkey. D Luffy.” Luffy’s cackle continues until it comes to an abrupt halt.
“What island was she on again? Let’s go pick her up on the way to Big Moms.” He announce with a wide toothy smile.
“Great, maybe we can also steal some food while we are at it.” Nami agrees, returning back to the helm.
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lovely-kaizoku · 1 year
kiss On the cheek
Warning:SFW, Kisses on the cheeks, fluff
Feat:Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Sanji, Zoro
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•"huh?" He said as he he touch his cheeks. "Do you like it?" Luffy smile at you. "What was that for?" He asked. You approach him and touch his face, "i just wanted to give my mana kiss on the cheek" luffy start laughing as he pull you closer.
•"eh?!" Ace was surprised when you give him a kiss on the cheek. "Is there something wrong ace?", You asked. Ace let out a sigh and he hug you tight. "Its just i got surprised" you smile and press another kiss in his cheeks.
•"......" He will slowly look at you with a surprise face. "Why?", He said as he slowly blush. "Its just your so cute" you daid as you pinch his nose. "I love you sabo-kun" sabo can't handle the sweetness and he just give up.
•"ack!" He said as he get stunned by the moment. "Sanji-kun are you ok?", You worriedly asked. "Sanji slowly look at you with his mout wide open" You give him a smile and his nose just bled. "sanji-kun!!"
•"Oi!" Zoro got surprised. "What?" You said with a smile. "Did you just kiss me here?"he said pointing his cheeks. You nod your head of course. "is it bad?" You said. Zoro pull you close to him. "Im covered in sweat y/n" you smile and hug him tight. "I didn't care" zoro start laughing.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #11: Luffy (One Piece)
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I feel like Luffy would thrive with an S/O who's just as, if not more, stupid than him.
And he genuinely cannot tell you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Combined, you and Luffy have one semi-functioning braincell
And 90 % of the time, Nami has it
And there you go jumping right in after him.
Ussop and Chopper are standing by the railing horrified and screaming with everything they've got because 'YOU CAN'T SWIM EITHER!!!'
"How did their bounty increase by 20 million!?!?" Nami exclaimed having seeing your newest wanted poster.
Luffy, who was walking by and heard, suddenly had stars in his eyes.
"Really!?!? They're so cool 🤩"
And Nami is smacking the back of his head as hard as she can
This man loves you with his whole heart and has known you since you were both children
Ace had found you sneaking out Dadan's shack with a huge pile of food and captured you.
"What do we do with them?"
"We could kill them." Sabo suggested.
"Excuse me, I really need to use the bathroom." You wiggled against the rope binding you.
"Like that's gonna work on us!"
"No, excuse me for being rude and leaving. You guys are funny but I really need to pee."
And they hadn't realized you'd already torn through the ropes until you got up and walked away.
They are completely dumbfounded and a little impressed.
Well except for Luffy who had been watching because he wasn't allowed to talk to the 'captive' during 'interrogations'. Whatever that meant.
He's getting up and chasing after you with a huge grin.
"Hey! Come back! I wanna be friends with you!!!"
And Ace and Sabo are the running after him before he can catch up, lecturing him about leaving weirdo people like you alone.
"I mean what kind of person just tears through rope and walks away all unbothered????"
"Me! I do that!"
Cue the screams because how did you manage to climb the treehouse without the ladder???
You meet up again several years after you all had set sail.
Ussop spotted something floating in the water shortly after the crew already left from thriller bark.
A person to be exact.
A person on a wooden plank.
And before he could inform anyone about it, Luffy was already stretching himself over to the castaway.
His eyes bugging out when he saw who it was.
Your expression matching his.
"Long time no see. How have you been?"
And the crew is peaking over the Sunny curiously. Because who the hell was this that their captain seemed to be very friendly with?
Friendly than usual considering he his arms were wrapped around you several times, picking you up and swaying you.
"The pirate life is hard. My ships keep sinking. Say, mind if I hop on yours for a while?" You asked hopefully.
There was something even more hopeful in Luffy's as he set you down.
"I've got a better idea. Join my crew!"
The crew warms up to you almost instantly considering you have the same bright personality as their captain.
And the ones weary of you (Zoro, Nami, and Ussop) become convinced when they see you fight and pull your weight.
"Hey, Luffy! Can we try that one move we used to do when we were smaller??"
All you get is a nod in return before he slingshots you towards a Marine ship.
The result?
You basically cannonballing into the side, only to reappear on the deck as it sinks. Reaching back for Luffy's hand as he lifts you up and flings you towards another. Jumping on after you to join the fight.
Your teamwork is practically unbeatable.
And the fact that you can keep up with Luffy perfectly cements your place on the Sunny.
It's no secret Luffy loves you.
And it's no secret you love him back.
The Pirate Empress Boa Hancock?
She's cool, he guesses.
Shirihoshi the mermaid princess? The most beautiful woman in the world?
She's a huge crybaby.
You? An idiot who broke the aquarium after tapping too hard on the glass to get the 'pretty fishy' to notice you?
You're his.
He doesn't make a big deal out of the way he feels.
He doesn't get all blushy or nervous around you
Instead he feels pure happiness and the most at peace he's ever been
Luffy will not try to court you the way a certain cook might court the ladies on the Sunny.
No big or grand gestures
Also not shy showing you affection.
He's known you for so long that gestures like that come naturally.
Holding hands to explore a new island?
Wrestling with you on the deck of the Sunny?
Sharing and stealing food from each other's plate?
Trading around Shanks' straw hat on the daily?
Double check
The closest he'll get to confessing is at a time where the two of you are alone in the crows nest together.
"After I became the king of the pirates, let's keep having adventures together." And he'll put his signature strawhat on your head.
"Who says I'm going anywhere? This is the ship of dreams right? Well my dream is for us to stay together forever. So make it come true, captain."
It's at that point he realizes he'd follow you anywhere you asked him to. The same way you were following him now.
Will Luffy baby you?
You're insane if you think he will.
Because it's just the two of you encouraging each other to do stupid shit.
Actively trying to outdo each other
Luffy catches a huge fish?
You're jumping in the water because you saw a shark.
You broke into the kitchen at night to steal from the fridge?
Luffy is lugging it out so you two can have a midnight snack in the middle of the deck.
Both of you are being chased by Pacifistas?
It's a game to see who can destroy more.
"Do you think if I start training after I eat I'll throw up?" You asked.
"Let's test it out!" Luffy encouraged.
Only to find out that yes, you will in fact throw up training after eating.
"Well now we know!"
Luffy will call you the most bizarre nicknames he can come up with.
Get used to: Meat stick, pork chop, swimmy (because you cannot swim for the life of you), cannonball, and some messed of version of your name. (Think of how he calls Law and Kidd, Traffy and Jaggy)
But occasionally, in the rarest moments known to man, he will call you his treasure.
Luffy will get incredibly jealous if someone outside of the crew talks to you.
With the Strawhats, he doesn't care. You all need to get along anyways.
Brook wants to play you a song to see if it's okay?
Fantastic because you two have the same taste in shanties.
Zoro wants to train with you and see if he can make his attacks any stronger?
Hell yeah! Kick his ass!
You're Sanji's taste tester?
Sneak him something out will ya?
Franky and Ussop want to test out a new invention on you?
So cool!!!!! Tell him what it does when you're finished!!!
He's over the moon with you spending time with them.
But if it's a marine, another pirate, or just a random citizen, he's fighting them.
He's incredibly immature and will not let anyone get too friendly with you.
Luffy will bite, and he will not let go until that person apologizes and leaves.
Man or woman, doesn't matter.
He's throwing hands, gum-gum gatling all the way.
Second gear if he's pissy enough.
All in all, you two don't need a brain to be able to tell you love each other.
Next Up: Uryu Ishida
An: I'm back baby. 🫶 (Also yes I watch one piece in dub pls don't bully me 👉👈)
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When of op boys cook for their s/o
Warning: Fluff
Feat: Luffy, Sanji, Law, and Doflamingo
Monkey D. Luffy
-he will gladly try but sadly failed
-Luffy was so determined to make you something to eat because he notice that you are in a bad mood that day
-He will Sprinted straight to the Kitchen and start to make you some food to comfort you
-After a couple of Hours Luffy will gladly present to you the food that he Sanji made just for you
-Luffy will also proudly Puff his chest out when you complemented his Cooking skills because girl he deserves it
Sanji Vinsmoke
-The King of making you feel better
-Sanji will cook you the most delicious and delicate dish you wanted everytime
-He will not complain nor leave bad comments about you at all
-Fir Sanji your Happiness is his Happiness too so get ready to be pamper with kisses and Affection if this man was your Boyfriend
Trafalgar Law
-Law was kinda good too when it comes to cooking
-But he was still not as good as you though but he will eventually try his best just to cheer you or Obliged your wants
-Law Will probably had tge chance to cook your favourites in a perfect way and he will also leave some kisses for you even if his crew mates were around
Donquixote Doflamingo
-Not a good Cook sorry
-Doffy has so many excellent cooks to his Castle so why he would bother to cook for you?
-He might eventually try it when he sees you upset or stressed out with your day
-but in doing that Doffy may also needs a lot of assistance because who might know what may happens if you let this man get into the kitchen and start cooking
-sorry y/n but don't be surprised if Doffy was Rushing towards you and lift you to his arms because the Donquixote Castle was caught up in fire.
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hyunjin-amore · 10 months
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
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Luffy would react with a mixture of shock and delight when his significant other sat on his lap.
The suddenness of the action may have surprised him at first, but once he realizes what's going on, he's probably going to smile broadly.
Given his carefree and impulsive nature, Luffy would find the situation entertaining.
He could jokingly put his arms around his significant other and give them a firm squeeze, expressing his love in his own special way.
All in all, Luffy would greet the occasion with his usual warmth and determination.
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Zoro may look surprised at first when his significant other sits on his lap. He might wag his eyebrows or give them a suspicious look. Zoro, though, is not one to display a lot of emotion or affection externally, so he might keep his cool. He may also experience some initial discomfort or awkwardness because he cherishes his privacy. Knowing Zoro, though, he would quickly adapt to the circumstances and make an effort to ensure his S/O was comfortable.
Zoro could put his arms loosely around his sweetheart's waist to give him stability and security. Even though he might not publicly express his feelings, his deeds would say a lot. He may recline a little to find a posture that suits him and his significant other. Even though he doesn't express it visibly, Zoro would value physical proximity and intimacy.
It's critical to remember that Zoro is a unique person who cherishes his privacy and independence. Therefore, it's wise to always get his permission and make sure he feels comfortable making this kind of physical contact.
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Sanji would react very differently from Zoro when his significant other sat on his lap. Given Sanji's passion and romantic nature, his reaction would probably be a mixture of surprise, delight, and subtle flirtation.
Sanji would most likely be surprised at first, his eyes going wide with shock before a beguiling smile appeared on his face. He would quickly encircle his significant other in his arms and draw them nearer to him.
Sanji would be ecstatic about the chance to be physically near his significant other and would probably show it by giving him tender pecks or cheek kisses.
Sanji might also indulge in his flirtatious side, using this as a chance to show off his charm and chivalry. To make his significant other feel special and loved, he could whisper kind remarks in their ear or playfully tease them.
Sanji would savor the private moment spent with his significant other because he values beauty and romance in life. It's crucial to remember that comfort and consent are crucial in every circumstance, so it's advisable to talk and make sure that both partners are comfortable with this level of physical contact.
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illusioninfnty · 1 year
day 6 ; dry humping
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↠ monkey d. luffy x reader
fandom: one piece word count: 1.1k warnings: nsfw 18+, dual virgins, luffy and reader are inexperienced, jealous!luffy if you squint, takes place a bit after opla season 1 so luffy is aged up
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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“Luffy?” You call for your captain, peeking your head into his quarters. “Is everything okay?”
You noticed that your cheery and optimistic captain had been unusually quiet the past few hours. He never had gone that long without some sort of exclamation or crazy action, and his odd behavior was worrying to you. So when he finally retreated to his room, you decided to follow to see what was up.
“Oh!” Luffy’s eyes widen, as he says your name, clearly surprised to see you. He sends you a smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be?” You shrug, going inside and closing the door behind you. You take a seat next to him on his bed. “I don’t know,” you start. “You just seem…distant. You can tell me what's bothering you.”
Luffy sighs, taking off his hat to run a hand through his curls. “I don’t know how to describe it. I feel just so frustrated. But no matter what I do, I can’t get rid of it!”
You were confused too, unsure why Luffy wasn’t able to brush this off like he always did. Until a lightbulb went off. You remember Sanji mentioning urges that men get sometimes, and how they need a woman to fix it.
“It sounds like you might have some tension, you know, down…there.”
Luffy pauses, taking in what you said, before his eyes brighten. “I think you’re right!” he exclaims. “Oh wow, that makes a lot of sense now.” He goes quiet again, a sheepish look spreading across his face. “I don’t know how to get rid of it, though.”
You bite your lip, heat rising to your cheeks. “I think I’m able to help you with it.”
Luffy jumps up and grasps your shoulders. “Alright!” he cheers. He sits back down next to you and looks up at the ceiling, seemingly in thought. “That actually makes a lot of sense. The feeling always gets worse whenever I’m around you. I guess you have to be the one to fix it then, huh?”
“O-oh.” You stutter. Not only did you just discover that your captain (who you may have had a tiny bit of a crush on) was sexually frustrated, but he was like that because of you. A wave of heat rushed down your body.
“Yeah.” You confirm to Luffy, hoping to not seem too excited about this whole situation. “I just have to get on top of you.”
Luffy nods, spreading his legs and leaning back on his forearms, inviting you in. You immediately notice the boner he’s sporting, which makes you heat up even more. You seat yourself right on top of it, causing the two of you to moan harmoniously.
You start to move yourself on top of Luffy, his clothed cock hitting your pussy in the perfect spot. The fabric of your underwear rubs against your clit, causing your wetness to begin to stain it.
You reach your hand down to palm him through his shorts, hoping that you're bringing him pleasure from at least one of two ways. Luffy looks up at you with curious eyes.
“How’d you know to do this?” he asks you.
“I heard Sanji talking about it. He says guys feel like that a lot. Pent up, ‘s what he called it.” He goes quiet for a moment. “Have you done this with him?”
“W-what? No!” Your hands scrunch up in his vest and you swallow hard. “This is actually my first time doing anything like this,” you admit sheepishly, eyes downcast.
Luffy grins. “Yeah, me too!” he says brazenly. “Guess we’ll figure out how to do this together!” He laughs. 
You send a matching grin back as you continue to grind on top of him. You’re practically sopping now, an audible sound happening when you rock back and forth on Luffy. His cock throbs furiously, and you gasp when he grabs your hips.
He starts to rock back onto you, pumping his hips upwards into you. You lean forward as the sensation weakens you, and Luffy buries his face into your neck.
“Feels good…” he mumbles into you. You hum in agreement as you squeeze your eyes shut in pleasure.
You increase your pace, wrapping your arms around Luffy as you both press close against the other, grinding each other uncontrollably. 
Luffy suddenly stills your hips and moves you onto the bed, face down and ass hanging off the edge. You gasp in surprise.
“Want to try this,” he breathes out as he hovers over you. You’re met with him thrusting against you from behind, hips moving wildly as he lets out low groans behind you. Luffy wraps his arms around your midsection, holding you in place.
You’re strung out and helpless as Luffy humps into you, his pulsing cock hitting against your clit. Your wetness has fully soaked your bottoms, and Luffy is able to thrust his cock between your clothed lips with ease.
Your captain moves with reckless abandon, hips jutting against your own. Neither of you can talk past groans and whines. This act feels primal, both of you desperately chasing your release.
His hands on your waist tightens as he humps into you and his groans are loud in your ear. You arch yourself into him, attempting your best to rub yourself against his cock.
He moans out your name into the crook of your neck as his body covers your own. “You feel really great,” he continues, his voice cracking. He moves faster and faster against you, seeking his peak. 
Your hands fist the bedsheet as you bounce back and forth against his thrusts and grinds against your clothed pussy. “Luffy!” you cry out. You can feel his hips start to move out of rhythm and he lets out a final low moan before you feel the stickiness of his cum seep through his shorts and onto your own.
Both of you are panting furiously, tired from your romp. Luffy rolls off of you, collapsing next you on the bed. You turn yourself onto your back and lean towards him, basking in the pleasure you just received.
Luffy turns his head towards you. “I don’t want you to do that with anyone else on the crew.” He says, with more seriousness than you’ve heard from him all night.
“I wouldn’t think of it.” You hesitate to continue as you prepare for disappointment with your next statement. “But—if you want, we can do this again soon. If you’d like to.” You mentally hit yourself in the head for stumbling over your words so embarrassingly.
He sits up, seemingly recovered from his orgasm. “Are you kidding? You don’t even need to ask! ‘Course we are!”
You laugh, wrapping your arms around your captain and giggling into his chest.
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cozage · 1 year
congrats on 2k!! for the event, I was wondering for option one, with Sanji, zoro Luffy and laws reaction to their s/o covering their face with kisses, leaving lipstick marks?
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law Total word count: 730
Lipstick Stains
Oh you already know this man is inches within his life. Nothing gets him so weak in the knees like physical touch and affection. 
He relishes in your kisses during the moment, letting you go on as long as you want. You can never give him too many kisses, really. 
After the fact, any time he passes by a mirror, he stops to admire your love and your handiwork. He just stares at all the marks you left on him for a few minutes, his hands lightly passing over each one. 
Some of the crewmates (Zoro and Usopp) make fun of him, but he just smirks and says “What, boys? Jealous?”
He struggles to wash it off. He’s a very clean person, but he hates to wash his face after you’ve marked it all up. You can very often find light traces of your lipstick still across his face the next day because he scrubbed so gently while bathing. 
Whenever you cover his face with kisses, Zoro…tolerates it. He doesn’t love it, but he doesn’t hate it either. 
Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t look at himself in the mirror much, so he doesn’t notice the red-stained marks you had left all over his face in the process. 
A few things tipped him off when he went down to dinner, though. Sanji is stifling a laugh at him, which isn’t uncommon. But Robin is also giving him a cheeky grin. Usopp and Luffy are both looking anywhere but at him, trying not to burst into laughter. 
And you…your cheeks are flushed red with embarrassment. He rushes to the bathroom and looks at himself in horror. It took him a minute to realize exactly what was all over his face, and he let out a small string of curses as he grabbed a towel and desperately scrubbed at them. 
He comes back to dinner, his face beet red (from embarrassment and excessive scrubbing), and sits down next to you, pretending like nothing happened. 
After that, he always ALWAYS checks himself in the mirror after you come visit him. 
Luffy loves to battle with you on who can give the other person more kisses. Everything is always a game with him. 
He wears your kisses around without even knowing it for a while, until Nami says something about it. 
At her words, he rushes to the mirror and looks, admiring his face and all the proof of your love. He’s kind of jealous that you can mark your kisses so easily. 
That’s when he gets an idea. The next time you two have a kissing war, he offers to put on lipstick as well, that way you can tell for sure who won. 
And that way, you get to see proof of his love too. 
The two of you parade around the ship with your faces covered in shades of red and pink, showing off your new designs and laughing the entire time. 
Law is not a man who enjoys physical touch. But if you’re alone…he’ll allow it. Sometimes, he might even enjoy it. 
Especially if he’s in his study and you come in and curl up in his lap, softly kissing his face to try and get him to come to bed. You can be very persuasive. 
“Go on to bed,” he finally says, shutting his book. “I’m going to get some water and I’ll be in a minute.”
He doesn’t pass by a mirror, or else he would’ve noticed the new addition. Instead, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo see it as he grabs water from the kitchen. 
“Love the new look, Captain!” Shachi teases, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. “You should keep it like that!”
Law reaches up to inspect his cheeks, but he can’t feel anything. He looks at Bepo, confused. 
“It’s kind of…everywhere,” Bepo says, trying his best not to crack a smile. 
Law quickly rushes to a mirror and finds his face covered in lip marks. He races out of the room without another word and back to you. 
“Y/N,” he says, trying not to get angry. “Next time, please inform me when you’ve…redecorated.”
You giggle and pull him into bed, adding another kiss mark to his forehead. Scrubbing it all off can be a problem for tomorrow.
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arkive78 · 2 months
One Piece Fic Recs that occupy my mind nonstop
After really getting into One Piece this past spring, I've been reading as much as tumblr and AO3 have offered me in terms of One Piece content. It's been hard to keep track of everything that I have read, however, certain stories/headcanons/posts linger in my mind and I thought I'd share them with you!
Minors DNI with fics marked as NSFW and for anyone, be sure to read the content warnings the authors have mentioned!
Hope y'all enjoy!
Childhood Crush by @analogwriting
does involve violent themes, please be sure to read content warnings for each chapter
Will You Let Me? by @fanaticsnail
NSFW, Pollen AU
Dreaming of You by @fanaticsnail
this also includes Heat and Kid
The Break (Kid x reader x Killer) by @standfucker
Gore, graphic description of injury/pain/first aid, hurt/comfort, confessions, highly oblivious reader
Rotation (Heat, Kid, Killer, Wire x reader) by @standfucker
explicit NSFW content
Loving you is easy by @sheerxfiction
A world we are both in by @my-love-is-sunlight
Kiss by @my-love-is-sunlight
Patching Up Ace's Wounds by @nina-ya SFW
there are more of this prompt with different characters btw!
Help by @sanjisprincesswifey
Open Flame by @willowbelle
Ace + back dimples by @tetzoro
Fated Reunions by @tetzoro
Coward by @mimi-ya
Need by @maddddstuff
Bloom by @tetzoro
brazen by @mydearlybeloathed
"we should get married" by @grandlinedreams
wake him up! by @sleepymarimo
The Right Direction by @willowbelle
with hearts aligned by @eelnoise
2 years overdue by @heyitsdoe
pumpkin by @cloudzoro
touch-starved Law by @maroronoa
the death of me by @weneeya
too sweet for me by @my-love-is-sunlight
there are no conditions by @cozage
Hidden symptoms by @escenariosinfumables
A secret by @missmugiwara
18+, suggestive
you can talk to me, but you already know by @mydearlybeloathed
clueless by @grandline-fics
Bachata by @fanaticsnail
Sapsorrow by @fanaticsnail
has both SFW and NSFW so make sure to read the chapter warnings!
Creative Cures by @discordantwritings
Remember Me by @fanaticsnail
Dancando Lambada by @fanaticsnail
Always return to you by @discordantwritings
Multiple characters
Hey Doc by @fanaticsnail
some NSFW themes depending on the drabble
so very very funny
The Kissing Booth by @fanaticsnail
Paulie, Luffy, Hongo, Smoker, Aokiji, Heat, Crocodile, Sanji, Shachi, Law, and Zoro (right now)
my favorite ones are: Luffy, Smoker, Heat, Shachi !
Competency, Stupidity, Duality by @fanaticsnail
kid, zoro, and killer
Post Injury by @standfucker
law, shanks, rosinate, blackbeard, mihawk
gore content warnings
Gremlin Reader by @standfucker
Straw Hats, Whitebeard Pirates, Heart Pirates, and Kid Pirates
literally the funniest fucking thing I've ever read
they hurt you while controlled by a devil fruit by @grandline-fics
zoro, law, shanks
angst, descriptions of injury, and hurt/comfort
Beauty scars by @cozage
law, kidd
borderline NSFW
Truth or Dare by @cozage
Ace, Shanks, Luffy, and Law
SFW + NSFW, the NSFW section is clearly marked by the author
Oblivious flirting by @cozage
Law, Luffy, Ace
A Plushie Substitute by @cozage
Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Law
Five things he says when he thinks you're asleep by @imasimpforshanks
Law, Ace, Shanks
the moment they knew you were the one by @imasimpforshanks
Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Sanji, Shanks, Law, Sabo
Falling in love with them by @imasimpforshanks
Ace, Law
OP to you being clueless to their flirting/feelings part 1 by @astelren
Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Zoro Sanji, Izou, Cavendish, Rayleigh, Law
there's a part 2!
Being scared to have sex with them by @strawhatsoraya
Zoro, Law, Kid, Ace
obviously NSFW
Calling them my love by @lehguru
Law, Sabo, Ace, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo
Kid, Zoro, Law, & Sanji with a s/o afraid of having sex by @eustasskidagenda
there are 2 other parts with different characters!
A celestial dragon wants their fem!s/o by @uramakimochi
Zoro, Sanji, Law
there's another part too!
Hand placement by @cloudzoro
Ace, Crocodile, Law, Mihawk, Nami, Reiju, Robin, Sanji, Tashigi, Zoro
god the ones about the girls are SO GOOD
affectionate + strawhats by @lehguru
OP boys in a relationship by @moonydustx
growing old together by @usernameforaboredcat
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
one piece boys rescuing you by @badgerbl00d
law, zoro
heartstopper by @sleepymarimo
luffy, sanji, zoro, law
party games they'd play as an excuse to kiss you by @imasimpforshanks
luffy, zoro, nami, ace, law, shanks
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msfantasy-anime · 1 month
My Little Brothers Wife
Monkey D. Luffy x Wife!Reader x Platonic!Sabo
Summary: a requested short story on Koala delivering the news of Y/n’s bounty to Sabo.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV
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Koala’s head leans back, letting the cool breeze blow out the strands of hair from her face. A moment of peace shattered when a rolled up news paper drops from a sky delivery, right into Koala’s lap, spraying the pages everywhere.
“Freakin birds I swear-“ Koala’s quite cursing halts seeing a wanted poster Monkey. Y/n, 100,000,000 berries, your full photo on display for all its glory. “WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?!” She screams to her self, haphazardly strewing the news articles until she locates the bounty explanation.
Monkey. Y/n, wanted dead or alive for a 100,000,000 berries after brutally assaulting a Marine Officer for implying husband, Monkey D. Luffy, of negative behaviour. Y/n’s unprovoked attack and straw hat pirate association has earned her a large bounty for a new comer. It is yet to be confirmed if Y/n is part of the straw hat crew or acts independently.
Koala bolted throughout the hideout with the wanted poster in hand to the only man with an explanation. “SABO!” Koala yells, shoving the wanted poster so close to Sabo’s face, all he could manage to see was a big ‘W’. “Look at this! Can you believe this? I thought we were friends and she didn’t even bother inviting me to the wedding! Did you know she got married?! Why wouldn’t she tell me?!” Koala pouted.
“Calm down a second would’ya. I can’t even see what you’re talking about.” Pulling the poster from Koala’s hand, she retreats with her arms crossed over her chest, a grumpy expression holding stead.
Monkey. Y/n.
A small smirk breaks across his lips. It’s good to see your still alive and well, and wrecking havoc like you swear you wouldn’t when you last met.
“Well Koala, what do you want me to say? I even officiated their marriage.” He says with a taunting smile, making Koala gasp in betrayal. “Relax, those two have been married for 12 years now.”
“12 years?! But they’re only-wait… 12 minus… hey, that doesn’t make any sense! You’re saying they got ‘married’ when they were only kids? So it’s not real.”
“No. It’s real.” Sabo says smiling softly once again as he looks at the wanted bounty. “That’s my little brothers wife.”
“So, you’ve got a bounty now.” Sabo says into the transponder snail.
“I got a what?!” You yell back into the snail, the volume of your exclamation causes the sound waves to crackle.
“It reads Monkey. Y/n wanted dead or alive for 100 million berries.” Sabo says which only makes you scoff.
“I didn’t even do anything! How did I get that large of a bounty?!”
“It says you assaulted a marine officer.”
“……he had it coming! No one talks trash about Luffy. Man, this is so embarrassing, now the world thinks I’m married to that loveable doofus.”
“At least you finally have a family name right?“ The transponder line turns silent. Sabo knows you well enough that your smiling. But what he wasn’t expecting to hear what you admitted next.
“Yeah … it is actually. Monkey is a cool last name…and now it’s mine.”
“Seems like Luffy finally worn you down huh? So, will you join his crew?”
“I decided that-“ a loud explosion sounds off in the background. “THE SHIP IS UNDER ATTACK! Ugh! I gotta go Sabo, I’ll talk to you later.”
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bokutosbiceps · 10 months
bodyguard boyfriend
eustass kid/monkey d luffy/roronoa zoro/trafalgar d water law/vinsmoke sanji x gn!reader | fluff | ~900 words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit, cursing
a/n: okay, this was heavily inspired by @pileofmush because she wrote such a beautiful match up for me + zoro that i started to think about how some of my fav boys would be protective over their s/o !! this is more comedic than romantic but i had such a good time writing it :3
18+ MDNI
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eustass kid isn't afraid to straight up tell someone to fuck off. he’ll sneer at them through gritted teeth as he stands behind you, keeping a protective hand on the small of your back. if that alone is not enough to send anyone in a twenty foot vicinity scurrying away, he'll approach whoever has their eyes set on you.
“what the fuck do you think you're looking at?” kid will cross his arms and make himself look bigger, which really isn't necessary with his nearly seven foot frame. “get lost, you piece of shit, or i'll make you regret it.”
if this person isn't stupid, they'll immediately obey and never show their face around you again.
you're always oblivious to others’ attention, though, since kid takes care of it so quickly.
“where'd you go?” you’d ask, looking over your shoulder as kid returned to you.
“nowhere, doll, nothin’ to worry about.” he’d say gruffly before assuming his rightful place next to you and draping an arm over your shoulders.
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monkey d luffy doesn't ever get jealous! he doesn't mind if you talk to other people who may or may not be attractive to you, and he doesn't mind if people blatantly hit on you. it's not like he’d ever really pick up on the fact that someone's flirting with you, anyway.
there are times when he becomes protective, though, and that is if someone is harassing you relentlessly, despite your attempts to free yourself from the situation. 
he’ll place himself between you and the assailant, his arms outstretched as he herds you behind him. all he has to do is glare at them, and the cheerful boy who'd been by your side is quickly replaced by your strong and capable boyfriend, who’d fight the gods themselves to keep you safe and sound.
“leave ‘em alone.” he'd say lowly, and that's the only thing he’d have to do. afterwards, he'd wrap his limbs all the way around you and rub his cheek against yours, speaking to you in a soft voice but with a huge grin on his face to try and cheer you up.
“you doin’ okay? i got rid of ‘em for ya. you'll never hafta worry about ‘em again!”
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roronoa zoro is hyper aware of all of his surroundings. every time you're in public, he notices anyone and everyone who happens to even look in your direction. you'd never know it, though, since he's always good at keeping his cool and aloof in most situations.
“i don’ like the way that person is lookin’ atcha.” zoro would grunt, keeping one hand on his swords and the other wrapped around your waist, fingers pressing into your skin.
“ro, there's no one looking at me. calm down.” you'd say with a chuckle. “be my boyfriend, not my guard dog.”
he'd narrow his eyes at you, a very subtle frown grazing his lips, but he'd comply nonetheless. you're right, after all, there's nothing to worry about. 
so he'd just resort to being glued to your backside, hands on your hips and head on a swivel, glaring daggers at this person until they slink away. once they're gone, he'd smirk and huff a satisfied chuckle, letting himself relax as he rests his head in the crook of your neck and closes his eyes. yeah, he's not too worried about it.
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trafalgar d water law doesn't typically get jealous. if he does, he'll hold it in his heart and let it weigh heavy on his chest and just send death wishes to whoever is taking your attention away at the moment. it's very easy for him to get you out of these situations, though. he doesn't really want to deal with conflict, he's too tired for that shit. so he has a very simple solution.
he’ll approach you and the unwelcome stranger, sighing and taking his hands out of his pockets.
“room.” law raises his hand, sending a devious smirk from underneath his cap toward the stranger. “shambles.”
and then the stranger would be gone, simple as that.
you'd turn to law with an exasperated look. “you just can't help yourself can you?”
he would just exhale a chuckle and pull you close with one arm, not saying a word.
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vinsmoke sanji becomes aggressively aware immediately after anyone of the opposite sex expresses even the most minute amount of interest in you. it could be a smile that looks just a little to friendly or a glance that lasts a little too long, he's on it.
he won't let you notice, though. he'll keep his loving and cheerful demeanor, speaking to you in a sweet voice and continuing to call you by your pet name whenever you speak to him. but he's going to be stalking around you, blocking the pursuer’s line of sight with his body while keeping his hands on your hips.
“i’ll be right back, darling!” he’d tilt your chin up to place a sweet kiss to your lips before quickly approaching the stranger and grabbing them by their collar, dragging them out of the area. 
he wouldn't physically harm them, but he'd shove them against a wall and threaten the fuck out of them. “if you ever so much as look at my precious y/n-chan again, i will personally deliver you to hell.”
then he'd be off, running back to your arms with such zest and sweet excitement!
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taglist: @kingofthe-egirls @chopperwithouthishat @usoppsstar + mush but she's already tagged lolol
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded Stronk S/O Masterlist
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#1: Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
#2: Ging (HxH)
#3: Robin (One Piece)
#4: Byakuya (Bleach)
#5: Kakashi (Naruto)
#6: Sebastian (Black Butler)
#7: Jinx (Arcane)
#8: Giovanni (Epithet Erased)
#9: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
#10: Kurapika (HxH)
#11: Luffy (One Piece)
#12: Uryu (Bleach)
#13: Gaara (Naruto)
Ging Part 2 (Hxh)
Killua (HxH)
Zoro (One Piece)
Gon (HxH)
Kisuke (Bleach)
Itachi (Naruto)
Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Hiei/Kurama: How they react to someone insulting their S/O
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OP boys when their s/o was insecure about their boobs size
Warning: Slight mention of NSFW, Slightly Angst, Fluff in the End
Feat: Luffy, Kid, Sanji, and Crocodile
Monkey D. Luffy
-He will give you a confused look when sees you looking at yourself at the mirror
-Luffy will approach you and ask you what's wrong and when you eventually tells him that you're insecure about the size of your breast he will gave you a breathy Laugh
-Actually Luffy doesn't care about the size if your chest because he loves you for who you are. And if you're still insecure about it he will wrap his arms around you and pamper you face with kisses and show you how wonderful your body was
Eustass Kid
-like Luffy He was very confused when you tells him that
-Kid doesn't care about your Body. For him the Internal beauty is more important than the External beauty so he will just gave you an annoyed look as walks towards you
-He will grab your chin and tells you how much he loves you for who you are and Please y/n don't be so insecure about this piece of flesh because its nothing
Sanji Vinsmoke
-Confused like the first two
-Sanji loves and lives for you. He doesn't care about your body Image because he loves you for who you are
-He will also invites you for a romantic date and shower you with lots of affection that you deserved
-“What's the matter with you??” He will give you a very confused look before the telling you that you're being paranoid and ridiculous
-Crocodile will point out how much he loves your size so why so bothered about them
-Crocodile will eventually find a very memorable way to show you how grateful he was on you
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bitchimasnake-sss · 10 months
"doing laundry and taxes with you" ft. the monster trio!
ft. (domestic!) luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader in which, you make their house a home (a/n: im sick and needed some comfort so this got very long im so sorry!!) warnings: nsfw towards the end! nsfw stuff includes car-sex, in public, dirty talk, rough sex, penetration, squirting, sanji takes a picture of you choking on his dic- (ahem, not sorry); MDNI (thankyou very much okay byee) m.list
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they are so precious to me 😭😭
- whatever you do, don't imagine domestic!luffy - don't imagine cold mornings when you're under the cover with him. he's holding you tightly, snuggling against you and whispering a soft, "good morning, baby" - do not imagine him coming back from home and holding you by your waist when you're doing something, nuzzling into the crook of your neck as you asks you how your day was - don't think of him as one of those guys who start a tickle fight when poke him once and laugh at him - absolutely do not imagine his as one of those s/o who are down to make everything into a game "whoever loses mario-kart makes the dinner, okay?" he grins, pulling you down onto the couch with him "oh really?" you laugh when he holds you tighter, "i really want some pasta tonight then" - he ended up making pasta that night - but as i said, don't imagine luffy as that because he is certainly that man and more - he will fret over you when you fall sick, trying to make you laugh your way out of a fever (canon). he won't leave your side, no matter how much you insist that you're fine "what do you need? water? soup? pizza- oh wait no that's unhealthy" a pause, "wait, do you want a pizza? it'll probably be fine if you eat one tbh, right??" - also the kind of guy who will ask his friends to turn their car around (because in no parallel universe do i believe luffy knows how to drive ffs) because you only said "love ya" and missed the i (how dare you, he's heartbroken now) "yn!!" he's yelling from the driveway, "YOU FORGOT TO SAY I LOVE YOU!!" so now you're sticking out your head out of your apartment window, looking down at a pouty luffy, annoyed zoro and unbothered sanji - also, man has TERRIBLE separation anxiety - (people now know that wherever you are invited, luffy is invited too "what are you doing here?" nami hisses as she vaguely looks at luffy, "this is supposed to be a girls night out!" luffy shrugs, "pretend im not even here" yeah, luffy that's kinda hard when you're practically draped over your girlfriend the entire night) - but as it's been established, don't fall for his perfect acts because he is the kind to park in a distant corner of a grocery store parking lot and beg for you to let him fuck you "it'll be quick," he's whining, tugging you towards himself and kissing you senseless, "baby, i promise. just one hit." - he's feral, holding you flush against himself as he fucked you with your top still on and your hands holding tightly against his neck - your arousal drips into his thigh and he's groaning about how good you feel, you feel him thrust into you harder and now you're spasming and cumming around his girth - he didn't infact let you go after one hit. - you both walked into the grocery store 37 mins later with your faces flushed, hair tousled and a familiarly uncomfortable wetness nesting between your thighs - (cause i know he's fucking nasty and he will absolutely make you walk into that store with his essence still inside you. sorry, i do not make the rules :/) - eitherways, best guy ever - he's the perfect s/o that never lets you have a dull moment in your life as long as his annoying ass is around
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- i will stand by what i've always said. soft zoro is the best zoro. 'nuff said, i will die on this hill. - but god, nobody can ever imagine how soft domestic!zoro is with you by the way he shrugs and grunts off any and all people around him (except for his crew) - frankly speaking, you didn't expect this either when you started dating him - you would have never imagined this green-haired, stoic-faced, dry-ass motherfucker to hold onto you tightly and lightly close his eyes whenever you forced him to see another horror movie - he claimed watching horror movies was the equivalent of mind torture but followed along cause you seem to like them (you don't probably like them that much, you just like his heavy figure against yours as he snuggles in deeper and deeper against you) "this is so stupid" he hisses at the girl in the screen, groaning when she blatantly ignores him, "she will die if she follows the fucking voice!!" you don't fail to notice how shrill his deep voice can get whenever there's a jumpscare (but he will blame the wind for that noise, never admits what he knows is true) - he is so soft in the way he offers to shampoo your hair when you drag him into the shower. his calloused fingers are light, gentle, against your scalp and you can't help but smile when he flashes you a small smile and asks if it's fine - domestic!zoro is so soft in the way he would carry you bridal-style/on his back everywhere (wdym you only had to go to the kitchen?? he can carry you there, he's strong, do you not believe him?) - also, we all have sorta established that he's not a pda guy but my lord, behind those four walls, he needs to be around you one way or the other - doesn't matter if he is just standing at the bathroom door, making small talk as you do your skincare for the night or he's holding onto your hand as you both lay sprawled on your bed, looking at your phones - but don't let his softness make you forget that this man is a piece of shit. - he will purposely stand in front of cabinets and cupboards when you cook and flash you a innocent smile when you get annoyed; he will finish your favourite conditioner even though he said "i don't that conditioner too much"; he will purposely order you random stuff online and everytime you'd open it thinking it's something cute but it'll end up being something green and (cutely) stupid - (you now possess 5 mushroom figurines, 12 frogs doing random shit, a green cheap light saber, a lowkey-fucked up painting of baby yoda and green paper-clips. he doesn't even like green all that much, he just loves to annoy you) - but as i said, don't fall for his sweet facade because he will stop you at the door and fuck you against it before you're heading out in that skimpy dress (yes, he fucks you in that dress) (ofcourse he doesn't mind your dress riding up as long as people can see the marks he left on your body) "ah" he groans, thrusting upwards as one of his hands hold you firm against the door and another plays with your swollen clit, "sorry for ruinin' your makeup, baby. but look at you, you look so pretty, getting fucked right now" - he's sure the neighbours can hear the wood creaking against your weights and your high-pitched, feverish moans as you beg him to fuck you harder (it's the fourth time this month) - he forces his fingers (which were slick with your arousal) down your mouth and watches as his fingers rub away the lipstick into modern art "much better" he would sigh against your skin when he was done, "have fun at the party, babe" - he holds back a laugh cause he knows you can barely walk, much less party (not to mention, you gotta re-do your makeup now.) - so he goes with you, lending you his arm as support so that you wouldn't walk so wobbly "that dress still looks too good on you" he will whisper against your ear, "meet me in the bathroom in five, let me fuck you again" - as much as he is a menace, you wouldn't have it any other way - god, iamsodownbad for him <3
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it's him officer, he is the one who altered my brain chemistry!
- vinsmoke sanji is the perfect pinterest boyfriend. argue with the wall, i don't entertain wrong views. - what i mean is, he is the boyfriend/husband who will be up to bake a cake at 3 in the morning and eat it with you as the sun rises, he is the one who will hold you hand and groggily lead you to an ice-cream vendor at 1 in the night because you really wanted ice-cream, he is the one to take a thousand photos in any outfit you wear "yn" he's changing his angles every second, shutter of the camera snapping photo after photo, "you look so beautiful, so marvelous, charming, ah- mesmerizing, my love!" - he is the guy to hold your hand in a horror house no matter how scared he himself is. but you call tell by the way his fingers tightly close around yours whenever a jump-scare comes on (no, he is not being strong because he wants to look tough in front of zoro, tf you talking about??) - he is the man who will be looking for halloween decor on the first of september and christmas decor on the first of novemeber, takes the task of decorating his house very seriously (yes, he will out-do linda this time! so what if she bought a life-sized snowman?? he will pay luffy to become one, fuck linda.) - sanji is the guy that posts his girlfriend religiously (at one point, ussop asked you if you were holding him on gun-point and making him post you so much) - by religiously i mean for every one photo of himself, there's six of you like baby calm down nobody's gonna take her away - he also surprises you a lot (with nice surprises, unlike zoro.); he bought you a candle on your one-month anniversary and repurchases it every time you run through it - grocery store runs followed by cooking together is basically your idea of a weekly date - very on-brand with his theme but he has so many candids of you (a whole secret album with the title "my love <3"). there's pictures of you laughing at chopper's new onesie, hitting luffy in the face after he stole your sushi, tasting his cookies, tasting his dic- ahem. - it shouldn't come as any surprise that he has a huge thing for clicking pictures/ taking videos of you as he abuses your body in a way that has you crying for god "san-" "like that, moan out my fuckin' name, darling. tell me who's fucking you like this?" "you" you moan harder, eyes clamping shut, "you you, fucc-k you, sanji" - there's a video on his phone of his dick sliding in and out of your wet cunt as you moan and suck on your bottom lip; there's pictures of you sucking on his dick, giving the camera your prettiest doe-eyed look; there's a video of you squirting around his fingers, face red and body soaked as he keeps going and you're cumming a second, third, fourth time (that's his favourite video, it's insane how many times he comes back to that video) - he loves ruining you with slow sex as he makes you focus on the boring movie or show you're both watching - he gets off off how you try to maintain your composure but then come undone "yn, my love" he rasps in your ear, "come on, keep holding on for me. i'm gonna fuck you so well if you just keep taking me like this." - he ruins you and then gets you the best aftercare - ugh stan sanji for a good life.
a/n: the way i write sanji has me confused as to if i truly am a zoro girlie lmaoo. hope you liked it!! req are always open (also im sorry to the people who requested and i havent gotten around to it, i am just running low on fuel lately) m.list
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cozage · 1 year
Omg what the heck 2k!?! I’m so happy for you like I remember when you started this blog some time ago, and you blew up fast 😭 also that era when you got shadow banned. I wanted to request the monster trio with option 1. So how about a meeting their S/O after the 2 year gap but they ended on argument so now what would they say after not seeing them for two years.
A/N:😭😭i forgot about the shadowbanned era omg. I almost stopped writing completely then. That was a CRAZY time. Thank you for reminding me of that LOL 
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy Total word count: 750
A Postponed Apology
“My love! You’re safe!” Sanji tackled you, both of you falling to the ground entangled in one another. 
He pushed back the hair from your face and covered you with kisses in between his words. “You’re here! I missed you so much!”
“Sanji,” you laughed, trying to push him off. “You’re smothering me!”
“I’ll smother you forever!” He pressed his head against your chest, humming pleasantly as he listened to your heartbeat. “I’ll never leave your side ever again!”
Your fingers ran through his hair as tears filled your eyes. You hadn’t expected this reunion to go so smoothly. You had expected Sanji to never speak to you again, maybe even come back with a new crew member recruit. You wouldn’t have blamed him, not after all the horrible things you said to him. 
“You’re not mad?” you whispered softly, afraid your voice would betray you. 
“Why would I be mad?” he asked, still listening to your heart beat in your chest. “I’m just grateful you’re okay.”
“But our fight…” Tears spilled out of the corner of your eyes and down your cheeks.
“Our fight?” he asked, clearly confused. He pulled his head away from your chest to look you in the eyes, and you could see his soul shatter at the fact he was making you cry. 
“Do you mean the one from two years ago?” he asked. “Darling, don’t even worry about that. All that matters is that we are here together now, and I’m never letting you go again.”
It took your eyes a second to adjust to the darkened room, but Zoro’s voice rang out. 
“So, you’re the second one to arrive, huh?”
You hadn’t expected Zoro to be there. He was always getting so lost, you had assumed it would be anyone but him. 
“Nobody else is here yet?” you asked, joining him at the bar. 
“Just you and me.”
Silence filled the air, the heaviness of your last conversation still weighing on your shoulders. 
“Don’t apologize,” he said. “It was two years ago. It’s not a big deal.”
“No.” You shook your head, finally turning to look at him. “I should’ve never said those things. If I had known-”
“But you didn’t know.” He sighed, picking his beer up and taking a long drink. “Are you still upset about it? Do you even remember what we were fighting about?”
“Well no, but-”
“Then it doesn’t matter. We’re together now. Let’s make up for lost time instead, okay?”
You smiled, relieved at his words. He had never been one to hold a grudge. 
You kept your distance from Luffy until everyone went to sleep. It had been a long day full of emotions, and he was busy enough with his captain duties. The last thing you wanted to do was inconvenience him any further. 
“Sanji!” Luffy called, entering the kitchen. “I’m-oh! Hey!”
Your heart quickened at his voice. You weren’t ready to face him yet. Even if you knew you had to. 
“Hey Luffy,” you whispered. “Sanji went to bed, but he made this ice cream sundae. You want it?”
Luffy’s mouth grew into a big smile, his eyes growing wide. He grabbed a spoon and slid into the booth next to you. “You’re the best! You know that, right?” 
You gave an awkward laugh. “I guess we need to talk, huh?”
Luffy looked at you, a blank and confused look on his face. “Talk about what?”
It was hard to look at him, but you forced yourself to. “Our last conversation?”
He was trying to remember, you could see his brain going into overdrive as he recalled your last moments together on Sabaody. Finally, he shrugged and shoveled a scoop of ice cream into his mouth. 
“I don’t remember our last conversation,” he admitted. 
You raised an eyebrow. “The fight? Because if you want to break up-”
“Why would I want to break up with you?” Luffy asked. “That’s the last thing I want.”
“Well, I said some pretty harsh things, Lu.”
He knitted his eyebrows in concentration, trying to remember. For a minute you watched him, and you could’ve sworn steam was coming out of his ears. But he shook his head. “Sorry, I don't remember that at all.”
You laughed. You should be surprised or offended. But that was just Luffy. “So we’re good?” you asked.
“Of course,” he said, offering you a bite. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
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butterfluffy · 1 year
strawhats + d. mihawk with a healer!s/o
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· what would it be like being a healer, and an s/o to these people?
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | strawhats, d. mihawk (separate)  x gn!reader | multi-character headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — idk, none, ig? mistakes may be present tho.. so do ignore them, thanks.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed, sorryyyyy..!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: finally writing to clear out my inbox aAaaaAahhHhhHHHHh
req by @n0body-1mportant
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This trouble maker captain right here is always injured lol
So that said, you always go on healing your big, trouble maker baby
Wild card : Though he can take punches, kicks, and even stabs without screaming in pain—Luffy starts whining like a poor puppy everytime he comes to ask you to patch him up.
“Y/n...! Look, look, I'm heavily injured! I'm reaallyy hurt! Won't you heal me!? And, and! Won't you give me a kiss, too, for doing a great job in beating that bastard's ass!?”
Same as his captain, the first mate is always injured—due to fights, his harsh training, and other causes
..Despite always being injured, Zoro hates getting himself patched up. But if you're the one doing the healing so he could get better, it's all good for him!
Wild card : Zoro doesn't care if he's greatly bleeding out during a fight—but outside a fight, if he got the smallest cut, Zoro immediately dashes to you to get himself healed up..!
“Hey, so, I was peeling myself apples a while ago using that ero-cook's damned knife—now I got this cut. Heal it now, and eat these with me, yeah?”
Nami very much hates getting herself injured, especially getting scars
So Nami is quick to rush to you to get her injury fixed
Wild card : this happens quite rarely, since as said above, she hates getting scars—but, nami sometimes get herself injured on 'places' to see you flushed when she asks you to heal it~
“Babyyy..! Look, look! Look at my perfectly beautiful legs here! They've got a scar! Their beauty has been tarnished, so, please.. Take care of them, yeah~?”
Usopp avoids getting himself injured at all cost.
And when he does get injured, he screeches as he dash towards you with tears on his eyes, asking you to heal his injury ASAP.
Wild card : I have this headcanon for Usopp where he's a real clutz, so he always has an injury here and there, and wounds that he doesn't know where it came from.
“Y-Y/n..! W..When I woke up, I saw this new wound on my arm..! I..I don't know where it came from—it's probably from the spirits that I've angered, waaahh!!”
(it was caused by Luffy. He was dreaming that Usopp was a piece of meat, and bit him during their sleep. 💀)
As the left hand man of the ship's captain, Sanji is always out on a fight to support his captain, so injuries are unavoidable.
He's developed durability to the beating up he receives and shows it off his coolness to you, BUT AFTER THE FIGHT, he whines.
Wild card : This perv right here always has a nosebleed everytime you go patch up his beaten up ass, causing you more trouble.
“My loveee..! I'm injured, I'm badly hurt..! Everything's so painful, so please, heal me with your magic kiss—*you kiss him* *he nosebleeds*”
Robin isn't a big fan of getting injuries during combat, or whenever.
Though despite being injured, she handles it like a Queen! (You don't.)
Wild card : As said above she handles her injuries like the Queen she is, BUT, you don't—you're more panicked when she's injured as she stays calm while telling you some morbid jokes.
“Darling.. Please calm down. I'm not going to die, you know? All I got is this small scratch the size of a severed finger, so, don't worry about me too much, okay?”
SUPEEEERRRRR Franky right here who's a barely gets himself injured.
↑ Why? Because, he's a cyborg, a cool one who will barely get a scratch..!
Wild card : ...When Franky does get injured for some reason being during a fight or where else, he starts crying like a small child to you as he asks you to heal him...!
“Waaahh! This damned injury hurts so bad..! It's SUPEEEERRRR painful, I'm gonna cry! Y/n, Y/n, quick, quickly, heal me and ease my pain..!!”
The greatest swordsman? Injured?? Pfft, not a chance.
Though when he's going against strong fellas, he gets some scratches here and there, which he deals with by himself—not wanting to bother you.
Wild card : Mihawk doesn't show it, but, he loves, and finds it cute when you insist on helping him with his injury that he already had managed, or can obviously handle fixing by himself.
“My dear... I already fixed my injury, so don't worry about it. But.. If you really insist on using your ability to speed up the healing process.. Alright. I'll let you.”
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© butterfluffy 2023
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