#roronoa zoro x s/o
vaadalt · 1 year
Random thought on Zoro.
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OKAY OKAY OKAY! I think it only interests me, but I imagine Zoro being a haiku enthusiast, and writing it too. Imagine... All the times he takes the wrong path, or when he gets lost... Imagine, it's just to be quiet, five minutes... just enough time to contemplate the beauty of a place ,being impregnated. Grabbing his notebook to scribble a few words, before setting off again on a daily routine.
Beneath his looks of a tough insensitive guy, I can see him being a big marshmallow, hiding to cry. There is no screaming, no heavy breathing , just tears flowing, without a word. Without a sound, just with his bottle of sake
His love language is service acts. The first to bring food back to his s/o, or to wear s/o if them are too tired. On rare occasions, he recites haikus, for that he must feel very confident and comfy with s/o.
naps together are a must.
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Zoro jealous headcanon
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Charakter: Roronoa Zoro Content: Zoro being kinda hot when jealous
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-First and foremost, Zoro is not a man who gets jealous easily. He is a man of principles, and so is his partner. He trusts you completely and takes pride in the fact that someone as desirable as you is his. He feels fortunate to have such a wonderful person by his side.
-However, this doesn’t mean he is immune to jealousy. He isn’t perfect. When he senses that someone else might be trying to win you over, he shifts into possessive mode. Some insecrutities he never thought he would have suddenly pop up once he sees that someone flirts with you.
-He won’t hesitate to march over and tell the person to back off, making it clear that you’re not interested. His calm yet intense demeanor is so intimidating that it even gives you goosebumps. Often, just one look from Zoro is enough to send anyone running, but sometimes he has to confront them directly.
-As much as it bothers him that he can get jealous, you find it kind of hot. The way he straightens up, making his already impressive physique even more imposing, the way he cracks his neck and makes his veins pop, the way he crosses his arms and gives that deadly glare to anyone daring to flirt with you—you could fuck him then and there.
-Don’t even think about teasing him about his jealousy. He will deny it completely. The idea of him losing his calm and getting jealous? Pfft, you must have imagined it. It’s so out of character for Zoro that he’s even surprised by his own feelings of jealousy.
-Zoro is the quiet, jealous type. He might be a bit grumpy that day, and you’ll need to reassure him that everything is fine and that you’re not going anywhere. A few sweet words of affection and a kiss here and there will help. He’s like a little kid who got the wrong present for Christmas—grumpy as can be.
[Click here for more Zoro content!]
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miyu-d · 9 months
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Reacting To Your Moods
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( Zoro x Reader )
Warnings: None I guess. [SFW]
-When you get sad over something, he brings a sake bottle and sits beside you.
-"So, what happened?' he asks you calmly and listens to your venting while drinking his sake.
-If you start to cry suddenly, he gets startled and comes closer to you.
-"Oi..!" He has no idea what to say. But he wants to comfort you.
-He awkwardly says, "Everything will, work fine... Okay?" 
-If you don't stop crying, he will sigh and hug you, letting your head rest on his chest. He prefers to comfort you like this more than with words.
-On the days where you get irritated over almost everything for no reason, he just tries to avoid you and exercise all day.
-If a huge argument starts over about something, he tries not to say anything back. Yes, he is annoyed. But he is the type who gets out of the room in the middle of the argument, saying,
"Tsk, this is going nowhere."
-And comes back again after both of you have cooled down.
-When he sees you happy and smiling over something, it brings a slight smile to his face too.
-He watches you from afar.
-Even if he doesn't have much brain capacity, he keeps everything that makes you happy in his mind.
-If you have a phobia or get scared of something, he will quickly notice it.
"Oi Y/N, Are you okay there?"
-If you are in private, he will hold you in his arms until you calm down.
-If you are in public, he will put a hand around your shoulder and let you know that he is with you.
-There are cons to dating a man this handsome, not to mention how talented a swordsman he is.
-You know he is loyal, but when you see girls stare at him and try to flirt with him, you can't help but get jealous.
-Even if he notices an attack coming from miles away, he will never notice your burning jealousy, even if you are standing just beside him.
-If Sanji or Nami notice it, they might give him a good yell. Sanji will kick him and say,
"Baka Marimo. How could you make a lovely lady jealous like that, huh?"
-Zoro himself will notice that you are acting weird. But, of course, he has no idea why. He will ask you directly what's bothering you. And after you tell him everything, he will say,
"Huuuuuh? When did that happen?" in shock.
When he sees you sad about it, he comes to you. Then he grabs your waist and pulls you closer to him. He looks into your eyes. His other hand runs through your hair.
"You know that you are the only one for me. Right?"
He gives you a charming smile. Then he slowly leans on you and kisses you gently.
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crusty-chronicles · 8 months
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An: I wanna face plant in his tits. 👉👈
Zoro knows you're stupid
He knows
But he'll still take your advice like you actually know what you're talking about
Resulting in it back firing at him 90% of the time
"Hey! Which snakes are poisonous again?" He asked after getting bit by one.
"Red and yellow will kill a fellow. Red and black are friends of Jack." You recite proudly, remembering what Robin thought you.
"Okay, so what does this count as."
He holds up a bright yellow snake.
"Um.... Probably not venomous."
It was indeed venomous and poor Chopper had a heart attack trying to come up with an antidote.
Especially after Zoro kept insisting 'he was fine' and 'he'd tough it out.'
Honesty, he doesn't care if you're stupid most of the time.
Luffy's just as dumb and look at him.
Well, maybe don't. But it doesn't change the fact that he's already following one idiot around.
What's one more?
You leave out food? For the ants??? So they don't get hungry?????
"You're gonna cause an infestation in the kitchen...Wait, never mind. You're doing a good job."
He'll help you put the blame on Ussop just so Sanji can continue to suffer.
"What do you mean you broke the fish tank!?!? Franky's gonna be pissed!"
"That stingray was looking at me funny."
You gesture towards a fish that was not a stingray.
Honestly you give him a headache most days.
But he's too lazy to worry about what you do
As long as you don't rope him in.
He also won't baby you.
Rather, he helps cover up whatever trouble you caused or just laughs off your antics.
Partner in crime, at least until Nami finds out
Then you're officially on your own.
He still loves you tho
Just from a distance 👉👈
You probably came along a little after Thriller Bark.
Joining from the island they were currently resting at because according to Luffy, 'They're really cool.'
Which is never enough reason to join the crew.
But it's not hard to see what he meant when he asked you to 'do the thing' and you tore a tree up from its roots.
Yeah, you can stay
Just don't cause trouble.
He warms up to you after a while.
Namely seeing you interacting with Nami and her actually smiling.
If Nami likes you, then either she was gonna hurt you or you must've been genuinely a good person.
(It's because she'll tell you to do something and unlike their captain, you don't complain.)
You also get on Sanji's nerves, which immediately puts you in his good graces.
There isn't an isolated moment or anything leading up to him falling for you.
He was just watching you mess around with Luffy and Chopper when he realized he liked your laugh.
Then your smile
And when you caught him starting, you waved with an overly excited expression.
Like a puppy
And it makes heat flood to his cheeks, forcing him to turn away.
Zoro is about as romantic as a rock.
There's no way he's going to court you
If you're expecting a date, then I've got some bad news.
However ☝️
Zoro's way of flirting is inviting you to train with him
You're the only one allowed in the Crow's Nest when he's in there.
He's a man who admires strength, what can I say.
Toss him over your shoulder, punch him, hell lift some weights and he's 💗💗💗
It's also a way for him to show off
Slightly flexing to see your reaction. But of course, you're stupid so you don't really notice when he does it.
Tell him he's strong and he'll carry that with him the rest of the day.
If your weapon of choice is also a sword, he's smitten
In the stupid way tho. Like trying to teach you his techniques or critiquing yours.
"You're not doing it right." Is an excuse to correct your form and touch you
If he really loves you, he'll invite you to nap with him.
Sit on his lap or he'll sit on yours. He doesn't give two shits.
Either way, he's tired and wants to cuddle.
Let's you smoosh your face between his boobs if you ask nicely.
Only you 🫵
He'll glare if someone's watching and laughing.
"Yeah? Jealous it's not you?"
Zoro loves fighting with you
He won't hold you back if you want to fight
Not only can you keep up, but you move a little faster than him.
Seeing you sink marines gives him a feeling of pride.
Like, look at you!
That's his S/O!
He'll be excited to see your bounty go up along with his.
NEVER go exploring on an island alone
You two will not be found for days
Somebody who isn't an idiot and has a good sense of direction has to go with you.
It's probably Sanji tbh
Does Zoro get jealous?
He doesn't have the attention span to get jealous
Someone's flirting with you?
Eh, you don't notice it anyway. That person can try but they'll never get anywhere.
You haven't been spending a lot of time with him?
He'll just sleep with the full confidence you'll be back when he wakes up.
He just isn't worried about you losing interest
BUT he'll be damned if that cook comes anywhere near you.
Again, about as romantic as a rock.
He's not gonna be calling you lovey dovey names.
He also finds it embarrassing.
You won't catch him pulling that 'Nami-Swan!' crap.
He'd rather die
But on a very rare occasion where it's just the two of you, he'll call you baby or babe.
Nothing other than that
And he'll deny he ever said it
No confession to be found
He likes you and you seem to like him, so you're his.
Unless you say otherwise, you're dating.
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bonkers-4-hatter · 4 months
@aurodontdoit asked: Hi there, I love your blog! May I please request some romantic headcanons of what Zoro looks for in a potential s/o? Thank you for your time, I hope you're well. :3
Of course hun! I hope you enjoy these headcanons and I'm so, so sorry it's taken me so long to get to this request. I'm doing much better, thank you for asking! I hope you're doing well. <3 <3
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Headcanons of what Zoro looks for in a potential S/O:
Loyalty. This man is loyal to his captain and crew and he needs someone just as loyal to stand by his side. Anything less than the uptmost loyalty is a no for him.
Someone who can take care of themselves or at least as the drive to learn how to. He's a pirate, things will happen and he can't be near his S/O all the time. He needs to know they'll be open to learning how to protect themselves.
He's very blunt to people. He needs a S/O that can handle his bluntness, especially when he's around others including the crew.
Of course once with his S/O, he'll try to not be so blunt with them in private, at least he'll try to at least.
Has to be kind. He needs a S/O that's not scared to protect others or help others if they need it.
Doesn't care about what they look like, what matters is if his potential S/O has good morals and a good heart. Looks mean nothing to him. If you have good morals and a good heart, you're beautiful to him.
They need to have a good sense of direction. Like, please help this man so he doesn't get lost all the damn time. He won't say it in public, but he'd be grateful to his S/O for making sure he's going the right way.
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firstdivisiongirl · 8 months
The First Annual 25 Days of a One Piece Christmas 2023
Christmas is not to far away! This year I’m doing an event! My first event actually! Every day in December up until Christmas, I’ll be releasing at least one Christmas one shot (depending on how many requests I get). Every day, I will put out a fic of my own and (hopefully) a request. Below are a list of prompts to pick from! Send me a character and the number of the prompt you want! That’s it! Make sure to follow the rules.
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I have a 25 prompts to pick from! More on the rules to follow!
First Christmas Together
It’s snowing
Are you going to help or standing there dancing like a fool?
Christmas proposal
It’s 5am go back to sleep
How did you know? I only ever told one person
So you just decorated without me?
I can’t believe we got each other the same present
Watching Christmas movies
Christmas karaoke
All I want for Christmas is you
Santa is real, who do you think brings the presents?
I need you to pretend to be my s/o for the family Christmas party (for this one please please pick a gender)
Ice skating
Christmas shopping
Sleigh ride
Christmas Eve
How could you do this on Christmas day?
Wait, you’ve never seen (insert Christmas movie here)?  We’re watching it right now (for this one please pick a Christmas movie
But I want this tree!  But this tree is nicer!
Cuddles in front of the fire
Last Christmas, you broke my heart.  But, I’m still not over you.
Don’t eat those, they’re for Santa
You’ve been playing the same song for 3 hours.  Please play a new one.
● Only one character per prompt.
• when requesting, put the characters name, and either fluff/angst/comfort with the corresponding number of your prompt. (EX: hello! can I have Luffy with #4?)
• pick only one prompt.
• characters I will NOT write for: Blackbeard and his crew, Celestial Dragons (except Corazon and maybe Doflamingo), the admirals, Moria, Big Mama Pirates (except Katakuri), Beast Pirates (except X-Drake and Yamato), and Minks (unless platonic). Everyone else is OKAY!!
Specify the reader's gender
• Requesting will last up until all of the prompts are gone or until December 1st, whichever comes first
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bokutosbiceps · 7 months
bodyguard boyfriend
eustass kid/monkey d luffy/roronoa zoro/trafalgar d water law/vinsmoke sanji x gn!reader | fluff | ~900 words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit, cursing
a/n: okay, this was heavily inspired by @pileofmush because she wrote such a beautiful match up for me + zoro that i started to think about how some of my fav boys would be protective over their s/o !! this is more comedic than romantic but i had such a good time writing it :3
18+ MDNI
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eustass kid isn't afraid to straight up tell someone to fuck off. he’ll sneer at them through gritted teeth as he stands behind you, keeping a protective hand on the small of your back. if that alone is not enough to send anyone in a twenty foot vicinity scurrying away, he'll approach whoever has their eyes set on you.
“what the fuck do you think you're looking at?” kid will cross his arms and make himself look bigger, which really isn't necessary with his nearly seven foot frame. “get lost, you piece of shit, or i'll make you regret it.”
if this person isn't stupid, they'll immediately obey and never show their face around you again.
you're always oblivious to others’ attention, though, since kid takes care of it so quickly.
“where'd you go?” you’d ask, looking over your shoulder as kid returned to you.
“nowhere, doll, nothin’ to worry about.” he’d say gruffly before assuming his rightful place next to you and draping an arm over your shoulders.
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monkey d luffy doesn't ever get jealous! he doesn't mind if you talk to other people who may or may not be attractive to you, and he doesn't mind if people blatantly hit on you. it's not like he’d ever really pick up on the fact that someone's flirting with you, anyway.
there are times when he becomes protective, though, and that is if someone is harassing you relentlessly, despite your attempts to free yourself from the situation.��
he’ll place himself between you and the assailant, his arms outstretched as he herds you behind him. all he has to do is glare at them, and the cheerful boy who'd been by your side is quickly replaced by your strong and capable boyfriend, who’d fight the gods themselves to keep you safe and sound.
“leave ‘em alone.” he'd say lowly, and that's the only thing he’d have to do. afterwards, he'd wrap his limbs all the way around you and rub his cheek against yours, speaking to you in a soft voice but with a huge grin on his face to try and cheer you up.
“you doin’ okay? i got rid of ‘em for ya. you'll never hafta worry about ‘em again!”
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roronoa zoro is hyper aware of all of his surroundings. every time you're in public, he notices anyone and everyone who happens to even look in your direction. you'd never know it, though, since he's always good at keeping his cool and aloof in most situations.
“i don’ like the way that person is lookin’ atcha.” zoro would grunt, keeping one hand on his swords and the other wrapped around your waist, fingers pressing into your skin.
“ro, there's no one looking at me. calm down.” you'd say with a chuckle. “be my boyfriend, not my guard dog.”
he'd narrow his eyes at you, a very subtle frown grazing his lips, but he'd comply nonetheless. you're right, after all, there's nothing to worry about. 
so he'd just resort to being glued to your backside, hands on your hips and head on a swivel, glaring daggers at this person until they slink away. once they're gone, he'd smirk and huff a satisfied chuckle, letting himself relax as he rests his head in the crook of your neck and closes his eyes. yeah, he's not too worried about it.
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trafalgar d water law doesn't typically get jealous. if he does, he'll hold it in his heart and let it weigh heavy on his chest and just send death wishes to whoever is taking your attention away at the moment. it's very easy for him to get you out of these situations, though. he doesn't really want to deal with conflict, he's too tired for that shit. so he has a very simple solution.
he’ll approach you and the unwelcome stranger, sighing and taking his hands out of his pockets.
“room.” law raises his hand, sending a devious smirk from underneath his cap toward the stranger. “shambles.”
and then the stranger would be gone, simple as that.
you'd turn to law with an exasperated look. “you just can't help yourself can you?”
he would just exhale a chuckle and pull you close with one arm, not saying a word.
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vinsmoke sanji becomes aggressively aware immediately after anyone of the opposite sex expresses even the most minute amount of interest in you. it could be a smile that looks just a little to friendly or a glance that lasts a little too long, he's on it.
he won't let you notice, though. he'll keep his loving and cheerful demeanor, speaking to you in a sweet voice and continuing to call you by your pet name whenever you speak to him. but he's going to be stalking around you, blocking the pursuer’s line of sight with his body while keeping his hands on your hips.
“i’ll be right back, darling!” he’d tilt your chin up to place a sweet kiss to your lips before quickly approaching the stranger and grabbing them by their collar, dragging them out of the area. 
he wouldn't physically harm them, but he'd shove them against a wall and threaten the fuck out of them. “if you ever so much as look at my precious y/n-chan again, i will personally deliver you to hell.”
then he'd be off, running back to your arms with such zest and sweet excitement!
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taglist: @kingofthe-egirls @chopperwithouthishat @usoppsstar + mush but she's already tagged lolol
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butterfluffy · 1 year
strawhats + d. mihawk with a healer!s/o
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· what would it be like being a healer, and an s/o to these people?
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | strawhats, d. mihawk (separate)  x gn!reader | multi-character headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — idk, none, ig? mistakes may be present tho.. so do ignore them, thanks.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed, sorryyyyy..!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: finally writing to clear out my inbox aAaaaAahhHhhHHHHh
req by @n0body-1mportant
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This trouble maker captain right here is always injured lol
So that said, you always go on healing your big, trouble maker baby
Wild card : Though he can take punches, kicks, and even stabs without screaming in pain—Luffy starts whining like a poor puppy everytime he comes to ask you to patch him up.
“Y/n...! Look, look, I'm heavily injured! I'm reaallyy hurt! Won't you heal me!? And, and! Won't you give me a kiss, too, for doing a great job in beating that bastard's ass!?”
Same as his captain, the first mate is always injured—due to fights, his harsh training, and other causes
..Despite always being injured, Zoro hates getting himself patched up. But if you're the one doing the healing so he could get better, it's all good for him!
Wild card : Zoro doesn't care if he's greatly bleeding out during a fight—but outside a fight, if he got the smallest cut, Zoro immediately dashes to you to get himself healed up..!
“Hey, so, I was peeling myself apples a while ago using that ero-cook's damned knife—now I got this cut. Heal it now, and eat these with me, yeah?”
Nami very much hates getting herself injured, especially getting scars
So Nami is quick to rush to you to get her injury fixed
Wild card : this happens quite rarely, since as said above, she hates getting scars—but, nami sometimes get herself injured on 'places' to see you flushed when she asks you to heal it~
“Babyyy..! Look, look! Look at my perfectly beautiful legs here! They've got a scar! Their beauty has been tarnished, so, please.. Take care of them, yeah~?”
Usopp avoids getting himself injured at all cost.
And when he does get injured, he screeches as he dash towards you with tears on his eyes, asking you to heal his injury ASAP.
Wild card : I have this headcanon for Usopp where he's a real clutz, so he always has an injury here and there, and wounds that he doesn't know where it came from.
“Y-Y/n..! W..When I woke up, I saw this new wound on my arm..! I..I don't know where it came from—it's probably from the spirits that I've angered, waaahh!!”
(it was caused by Luffy. He was dreaming that Usopp was a piece of meat, and bit him during their sleep. 💀)
As the left hand man of the ship's captain, Sanji is always out on a fight to support his captain, so injuries are unavoidable.
He's developed durability to the beating up he receives and shows it off his coolness to you, BUT AFTER THE FIGHT, he whines.
Wild card : This perv right here always has a nosebleed everytime you go patch up his beaten up ass, causing you more trouble.
“My loveee..! I'm injured, I'm badly hurt..! Everything's so painful, so please, heal me with your magic kiss—*you kiss him* *he nosebleeds*”
Robin isn't a big fan of getting injuries during combat, or whenever.
Though despite being injured, she handles it like a Queen! (You don't.)
Wild card : As said above she handles her injuries like the Queen she is, BUT, you don't—you're more panicked when she's injured as she stays calm while telling you some morbid jokes.
“Darling.. Please calm down. I'm not going to die, you know? All I got is this small scratch the size of a severed finger, so, don't worry about me too much, okay?”
SUPEEEERRRRR Franky right here who's a barely gets himself injured.
↑ Why? Because, he's a cyborg, a cool one who will barely get a scratch..!
Wild card : ...When Franky does get injured for some reason being during a fight or where else, he starts crying like a small child to you as he asks you to heal him...!
“Waaahh! This damned injury hurts so bad..! It's SUPEEEERRRR painful, I'm gonna cry! Y/n, Y/n, quick, quickly, heal me and ease my pain..!!”
The greatest swordsman? Injured?? Pfft, not a chance.
Though when he's going against strong fellas, he gets some scratches here and there, which he deals with by himself—not wanting to bother you.
Wild card : Mihawk doesn't show it, but, he loves, and finds it cute when you insist on helping him with his injury that he already had managed, or can obviously handle fixing by himself.
“My dear... I already fixed my injury, so don't worry about it. But.. If you really insist on using your ability to speed up the healing process.. Alright. I'll let you.”
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© butterfluffy 2023
⠀⠀ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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luna0713hunter · 9 months
"one more kiss? please?" with zoro we’re he’s just so needy for his s/o and cant stop kissing them cause he’s so in love aahh
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Author's note : YAY!MY FIRST ASK!!!thank u for sending this request!!i hope you enjoy it darling! ◉‿◉
"one more kiss?please?"
From this prompt
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Warnings : none really,maybe slightly suggestive?,lots of kissing,fluff fluff fluff,just Zoro being needy for his s/o's affection
The gentle rocking of the hammock you were laying on was enough to make you unbelievably calm.
The room was empty;Sanji deciding to start dinner early and giving you and Zoro some privacy.
The small sounds of kissing and soft pants were the only things that could be heard in the quiet of the room. In the rare moments of intimacy,Zoro had dragged you down on his hammock to lay on top of him.
With his hands on your hips as you straddle him, nothing else seemed to matter at that moment when your lips were pressed firmly against his;your own hands wondering from his face to his toned chest.
It was rare to see Zoro like this;the usually cool and stoic man begging for your attention,and yours only;not letting you pull even for a breather and immediately chasing your lips as soon as you part for even a second. And despite loving this man with all your heart,needy Zoro was absolutely your favorite.
"Babe," you whisper as soon as he lets you pull away;your voice shaky and your eyes glazed over, "we need to go."
"why?" And he doesnt even let you answer,as his lips lock with yours again as his hands wonder from your hips up to your waist.
"its almost time for dinner." And you almost laugh when you have to put a hand on his chest and push in order to stop him from capturing your lips and shut you up again. And Zoro huff,before pressing his lips to your neck,and making you shiver when he speaks next as you can feel every word against your sensitive skin.
"you cant possibly tell me you want to leave me like this for dinner."
You let out a small sigh as he trails his lips against your throat.
"to be fair,Sanji makes mean desserts."
"babe," he particularly growls, "if you want dessert,you dont need to leave the room to get it." And his arms wrap around your waist to pull you impossibly closer until your chest is pressed against his. He moves his face so his next words are whispered next to your ear, "I'll give it to you right here."
The sound has you shivering once more; Zoro's voice always making you weak in knees.
"So,love," when his nose brushes against yours,your eyes flutters shut, "one more kiss?please?"
He's not even finished before your moving your lips against his again.
If you were in your right mind,you would've laughed at how needy Zoro sounded. But when he slowly turns you around,until your the one laying on the hammock and he's on top of you this time,all the thoughts fly out of your head.
Good thing Sanji knows to save you guys dinner,cause you dont think you'll be leaving the room anytime soon.
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xkotaro16o · 1 month
Hiii! Can I request some hcs of Katakuri and Zoro with a fem! S/O that's small and cute but can literally mess you up terribly?
If not that's alr, just keep well <3 drink water
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—𝙾𝙿 𝙼𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚂𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝙵!𝚂/𝙾 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚄𝚙—
Summary: Headcanons where OP men have a small and cute S/O, yet they can mess you up terribly.
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x F!S/O, Charlotte Katakuri x F!SO.
CW: Fluff, grammatical error, OOC.
A/N: ALRIGHT, I HOPE I GET THIS 1 RIGHT GKJGHASJEGNJA (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) Feel free 2 tell me if i get it wrong tho (つ╥﹏╥)つ I HOPE U LIKE IT MASJEBGAMJFNWNJ ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ I THINK IT'S VERY OOC AHHHHH ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა
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—𝚁𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚊 𝚉𝚘𝚛𝚘—
Marimo likes to tease you about your height. But he likes to hold you when he's sleeping as well, you're just so small and it feels better when you're in his arms. Your personality is also adorable? That's it, he's going to tease you more.
Even though Zoro likes to tease you, he has a soft spot for you. At first, he was... Pretty tense. How can't? He has A CUTE AND SMALL S/O!! Even Sanji didn't believe it and didn't accept this fact (until now actually). After he got comfortable around you, he isn't that tense again!
The two of you are a pretty unique couple. A big and tall guy who has intimidating look is walking beside a small and cute girl who doesn't look dangerous (at first look, people might think you aren't dangerous).
Not to mention, he was surprised when he saw you fighting the enemy for the first time! Um... So you were THAT STRONG this all time? Well, looks like he shouldn't underestimate you again next time.
But after he knew you can mess the enemy up so terribly, oh damn. Proud Zoro in the corner. You see that adorable person who's beating those marine? That's his S/O.
"Huh? Did that curly cook bother you again, babe?"
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—𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎 𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚒—
Dear, what? Katakuri is with a small and cute S/O? Oh no, mochi boy at first was very tense around you, he was scared that he might hurt you. Poor big mochi man. Jokes aside, he's willing to help you with anything if you can't... Reach it? Everything is just... Huge for you.
No need to be worried, he has a very soft spot for you. But do know it takes time for him to feel comfortable around you. Brûlée is fond of you! Her big brother deserves someone like you!
Meanwhile the Minister of Flour tends to blush and gets all shy around you (he hides it behind his scarf!). Ah, how lucky he is, he feels like he doesn't deserve this.
But when he saw you fighting, he... Didn't believe it. Um, S/O? So, uh, you're strong? Ah, that's... Very surprising for him. Still, he prefers to protect you and gets worried if you fight the enemy!
People looks at the two of you in disbelief. A very huge and intimidating man who's popular as one of the Three Sweet Commanders of Big Mom Pirates is walking beside a cute and small girl? That's... Alright. No one is brave enough to speak their minds in front of Katakuri anyway.
"Please let me do it for you, sweetheart."
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Back to Masterlist <-
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You Take Care of Their Hair
You get High with Them
Zoro,Luffy,Corazon Child Series
Crocodile, Law, Sanji Child Series Pt. 2
You Take their Hat
You Cook for Them Even though You such at It
How Strong the Old Man Gene's Are
They Lay on your chest
You give them a Massage
You give them Facemask
Drunk + Spiked
The Moment they fell in love with you
Just a Peak
You Die at Birth
Weird Relationship Milestones
Useless Skills
Unique Kinks
You Accidently send them a Nude Pic
How They Say They Love You
Buggy The Clown
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I'm your Biggest Fan (Completed)
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
My Heart Breaks (Completed)
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Theater Brat (Completed)
Theater Brat
Theater Bart Pt. 2
Theater Brat Pt. 3
Fell In Love Alone (Ongoing)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Jessica and Roger Rabbit Effect
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
My Anchor
Solo Act
Not Flashy
Your Seat Awaits
Trouble Comes in Pairs Pt. 1
NSFW Alphabet
Not all Silver and Gold
Buggy find out about thirst traps
Pain and Pleasure
Switch Things Up
Boardwalk Artist
Poppy Kisses
First Bounty
Modern AU Buggy -> Part 2
Secret Headcanon
Ocean Eyes
Drunk teasing with bestie
You get him a Corgi
Paints on S/O
Below the Surface
Helping Hand
Drinks and a Truth
Roronoa Zoro
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Favorite Bartender
N$FW Alphabet
New Parent Zoro
Dancing With Swords (Ongoing)
Part 1
Luffy D. Monkey
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Luffy realizing he's in love with you
Warm Mornings
Thunder Buddies
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Moral Support
Friend Like Me
A Girl to Love
Part 1
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Bar Adventure
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My Shooting Star
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Call Me Sir
Only Us
NSFW Alphabet
Tag Youre It
My heart lies with you
Fight for pleasure
Look up Darling~
Daddy Mihawk
How and Why?
Mihawk with his S/O
Love under the Stars
Morticia and Gomez Effect
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Its Done
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Young Love
Part 1
Part 2
So Annoying
Trafalgar Law
In Another Life
Capitan Kuro X Reader
Alvida X Reader
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vaadalt · 2 years
Monster Trio : s/o being annoyed by somone [GN]
OI OIIIIIII ! I'm not dead, just a slow ass potato. Sorry for the waitin' !
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Ah Luffy… We must not believe, but the monkey is far from innocent. At first glance, he won't say too much, watching out of the corner of his eye. S/o is talking to two people who are a little too sticky for the monkey taste. As long as the expression of n/a indicates that everything is fine, it will be fine.
Oh boy, when he gets mad… OH BOY. It's very simple, the two people who speak to s/o will just fall unconscious under the dumbfounded gaze of s/o. Luffy used his royal fluid to knock them.
At this time s/o does not really understand what has just happened. But will be quickly snapped out of thoughts, grabbed by Luffy's elastic arms.
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Small evening in a bar, s/o gets up to get a drink at the counter. S/o will be accosted by three people, who will begin to hold the conversation.
The green will put its only valid eye on the frail silhouette of s/o. He will watch, lurking in the shadows. The slightest wrong move, and when it will happen… Everything was fast, he will get up. Arriving in the back of his s/o, dominating in size the people who speak to s/o. Zoro's murderous look cut them short of the discussion, as s/o turns to see a softened-faced Zoro.
"are you okay baby?" while his massive hand will come to rest on s/o's head, which will cause a happy squeal. "I'm good Greenie."
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As Sanji negotiates with a local merchant, for food. S/o had ventured nearby, looking at what might be useful for the crew. Before a man comes and talks , flirting heavily.
Sanji being well behaved finished his discussion with the merchant, just before approaching s/o, putting a hand around the hip of his lover and giving a dark look toward the man infront of s/o. Who will dare disturb S/o like this, Sanji thought.
The person who quickly understood that s/o was not a free soul, will leave without saying goodbye. Which raises eyebrows from s/o who glances at Sanji, who smiles at s/o.
" Shall we continue, my dear love ? ''
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love-fictional-ppl · 5 months
I have a request for One Piece Men (Monster Trio + Ace, Sabo, Law, and Kid) having a S/O who is a tiny little lady who has a high metabolism and thusly has an appetite that could rival Luffy’s.
I imagine them sitting in a restaurant eating dinner, and their S/O is eating a steak half the size of the table and comes with a side of prawns and a baked potato, and some uppity “Almond Mom” sitting at the table next to them says out loud that “Women shouldn’t eat such large portions, because it’s unladylike and makes men feel uncomfortable.” And Reader replies to this with “Oh, I’m very sorry if I made YOU uncomfortable ma’am. You see, I have a high metabolism, and I need the energy for later cause I plan on banging my boyfriend here like a screen door in a hurricane later.”
YESSS I personally can relate to this other than being a tiny little lady😭🤞 I decided to make this 2 parts so in the second part will be sabo law and kid. I hope you like this and ty for the request🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Petite!Fem!Reader w/ a high metabolism
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Summary: look at the request silly goose🤭
Pairings: Monkey D. Luffy x fem!reader, Roronoa Zoro x fem!reader, Vinsmoke Sanji x fem!reader, Portgas D. Ace x fem!reader,
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, drinking, kinda crack
Monkey D. Luffy:
Honestly seeing you scarf down almost everything Sanji cooked turned him on is what peeked his interest
Food will be one of your few common interests, but food has definitely started arguments
One time you took a potato off his plate without asking… he yelled, borderline barking, at you
Next week the roles were reversed…
If he knows you haven’t eaten in awhile he’ll run to you wherever you are on the ship, handing you a piece of meat
But now to the good stuff😎
After stopping on an island and wandering in the local town for a hour or so you and Luffy decide to stop somewhere to eat.
Upon arrival, you and Luffy sit at a table together and order almost everything in the restaurant’s supply. The face on many of the customers and even workers were shocked to see how much you two ordered. Neither you nor Luffy had a care in the world while you devoured your food.
While taking a moment to wipe your mouth, you hear a woman say, “Girls like her are the reason we use our manners. it’s unlady like and makes men uncomfortable-“
“My boyfriend doesn’t seem uncomfortable. Matter of fact, the only one here who looks uncomfortable is you. See, right now I’m storing as much energy as possible because me and my boyfriend are going to be fucking like rabbits. Teach your daughter to be cunt if you want but don’t bring me into it.”
After hearing you respond the woman sat there shocked for a good minute then, she snatched up her daughter’s arm and dragged her out the restaurant, fuming.
Luffy simply chuckled, “That was hot. Can we go back now?”
Roronoa Zoro:
At first he thought you were just a female Luffy
Honestly he probably only got to know you because he saw you kick a grown man off his feet (Zoro thought it was hot)
After getting to know you and understand why you eat so much, he would start giving you food
Once you two become a couple tho he especiallyyyyy makes sure you eat
Now for the story
After a long day of Zoro getting you both lost, he decided that he needed a drink. Upon that revelation you found a nearby cavern.
Zoro ordered himself a couple rounds of drink while ordering you almost everything on the menu. Zoro every now and then snatched a couple fries but mostly left the food to you.
While you’re both enjoying your company, you hear a shrill voice say, “women like her are the reason we use our table manners, girls aren’t supposed to eat like that, it makes men uncomfortable-“
“I’m not uncomfortable,” Zoro quickly responds.
“The only uncomfortable one is you, miss. Now if you don’t mind me I need as much energy for tonight as I can get, because my very much so not uncomfortable boyfriend is going to rock my world.”
The woman simply kept her mouth shut and went back to eating.
Zoro laughs heartily, “that lady has never seen Luffy eat, that’s actually disturbing compared to you eating. Let’s pay and go home though, so I can ‘rock your world’”
Vinsmoke Sanji:
When he first met you he used his cooking skills to try to win your heart
It worked
He honestly loves to cook for you tho
Brings you with him to shop for food so that you can pick what you want him to cook
Which tbh is how yall would get into the situation
“Woahhhh!” You say mesmerized by all the different products. “Look, Sanji, that would be super yummy.”
Sanji who will do whatever you ask, picks up the item you were looking at. Arms full of food, you’re talking about everything you want Sanji to cook for dinner.
All of a sudden you hear a woman say, “hear what she’s saying? No girl is supposed to eat that much food. It’s unhealthy and men find it disturbing.” The little girl she’s talking to simply nods.
Aggravated by the woman’s words, you respond, “It actually is healthy thank you. Girls can eat however much they want. Men don’t find eating disturbing and I can tell you that, because my boyfriend right here plans to cook this food for me and our crew.”
“Damn straight,” Sanji back you up proudly.
Having nothing more to say, you both walk away from the woman and head toward the docks for the ship.
Portgas D. Ace:
The first thing he said to you was “got quite the appetite, huh?” With a smirk on his face ofc
Like 30 seconds later he accidentally fell asleep
Overall just likes to tease you about your appetite (in a nice way tho🫶)
Has compared the way you eat to Luffy
One time asked if you can unhinge your jaw to eat
Similar to Zoro tho he probably was just going to get a drink with you when some cunt said something
Honestly in your opinion you ordered less food than usual, more than most people would order, but less than you would get.
You and Ace are talking about your latest adventure over some food and drinks, when you hear, “You see how much she’s eating? It’s unnatural and makes men feel uncomfortable.”
“Who’s uncomfortable you?” Ace asks. The woman looks up just to see Ace fell asleep right after speaking.
You decided it was your turn to say something, “it’s not unnatural, I have a high metabolism and I need my energy at that because tonight I plan on taking him for a ride.”
You turn back to your food and continue eating, after a minute or so, Ace woke up. He had asked what happened and you filled him in on what you said.
He laughed, “that’s my girl.”
Part 2
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luffyvace · 5 months
Hello there hope your doing super well ~ . As request are currently open could I please headcanons with law ,sanji, zoro. +feel free to add characters. With a s/O thats super sweet to everyone almost too sweet. Also cute. But some choice to take avngenre of y/n kinddess. And once y/N found out that is all fake. They become like a sad puppy. All sad.
Thanks for your work.💙💜
I’m doing wonderful dear anon<3 thank you for asking! Oh my I’ve never written for law, I don’t know much about him because I’m still at the impel down arc in the anime soo I hope sanji and zoro will be alright~ :)
y/n sounds so sweet! They must be protected!! (Also you used s/o and y/n so I will too, in this case no pronouns will be used ♥︎)
enjoy your hcs love! And thank you for your request! (may be a bit ooc for zoro?)
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Zoro and a cute and sweet reader!~
what an adorable oxymoron<3
you love to cuddle and curl up on top of him when he’s sleeping
He’s a big guy so he’s sure to provide warmth
zoro doesn’t get your need to help others and being so kind to people
or how helping others makes you happy
but zoro is emotionally strong—maybe not intelligent but strong
so he knows when to draw the line for you if your accidentally being overly helpful
or if your tiring yourself out/overextending yourself
he brings a sense of balance to you in that aspect
the fact that he can do that for you is comforting and makes you feel protected
which Zoro is protective of you because of how naive you are
Zoro is very wary of strangers for you
your too sweet and assume that person is just having a bad day or that’s they’re natural face
but behind you is your big scary dog (zoro) who is glaring daggers at the person he knows actually has an evil intent towards you
Zoro is there most of the time so he doesn’t let people take advantage of you
but the times he isn’t around?
once he finds out he gonna slice that person into dice and make them return whatever they had you get them, etc
he doesn’t it like it at all and can immediately tell when someone is trying to get over on you
After the situation is handled he drags you away (getting you two lost) and says
“Seriously! You needa be more careful y/n!”
he doesn’t really notice how down you are for a while
until he turns around to ask you something and you sorta have this sad puppy look on your face
”what’s wrong with you?”
he’s not gentle about it or anything but he does care
when you tell him it’s because your sad that everyone your kind to betrays you his protectiveness heightens
”what do you wanna impress those people for when you have the world's greatest swordsman..”
he kinda muttered it to himself
but you heard and immediately perked up
you clang onto his arm and walked all the way back to the sunny like that
(might I mention it took a while since Zoro was leading..you knew the way but you decided to just let him 🤦‍♀️😂💗)
Zoro overall does appreciate what you do for him and the crew tho
how you count his push-ups and bring him the drinks/food you asked sanji to make him
it doesn’t go unnoticed so don’t worry :)
as far as y/n being cute he doesn’t notice every time
or have a big reaction when he does
he only blushes a little sometimes, again, when he notices
it’s easier to make him bashful than it is to make him blush with a cute face/smile
He does think your innocence is a bit cute tho!
…..along with naive, but still cute!
”seriously..how come your always getting yourself into trouble” (he blushes a little and turns his face away, pouting slightly)
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Sanji x such a sweetheart reader is practically meant to be!!
Your both equally sweet and serving
especially sanji since he was raised in an environment where he had to serve people
you guys always insist on helping each other
your love languages are most definitely acts of service and quality time
you two do each other favors all day
”let me help you!”
”no I’ve got it sit down, relax!”
that conversation goes both ways between the two of you multiple times a day
Sanji loves to cook for you so ask him any time of day!
he never has a problem with it and wants to do it actually!
You two are equally emotional people and probably empathic
you guys feel for other people so you feel the urge to help those in need
your weakness is being too kind and his is being too much of a gentleman
you guys are actually really similar in a sense
which you all don’t mind because you can relate to each other
sanji however knows when to take a break
not to say that you don’t but you just tend to overwork yourself for other people’s sake
to which sanji puts a stop to :)
he runs you hot baths, massages your shoulders and washes your hair
You do the same for him since you’d feel bad if you didn’t
he very much appreciates this
its not every day someone takes care of him
you guys then eat the delicious hot meal he prepared and snuggle up, falling asleep together
You guys also take the chance for vacation every time you see one
Pirates have to be prepared for the worst of adventures on every island
so as soon as you see the opportunity to relax you two leap to have a fun beach day
sanji is absolutely a SIMP for how cute you are
he is SO fond over you and is always gushing and bragging (to zoro) how cute his s/o is
like literally he doesn’t shut up about how adorable you are!
a cute lady with a sweet personality??
yes please.
He definitely warns you after the first few times he sees you getting taken advantage of
it’s a sweet and gentle chat about the dangers in the world and how you can’t trust everyone
even if you don’t trust them! set boundaries and don’t let them walk all over you!
if you feel too many bad people are around don’t give them the benefit of the doubt! find a straw hat and stick with them!!
”y/n-Chan you’ve gotta use your discernment to see who is being mean and who is worthy to trust..!”
like yes some strangers are kind but some will see how sweet you are and use that against you!
absolutely does not let a man take advantage of you and will immediately kick him away
with a women tho he will probably go get robin or nami
maybe even simply take you away and let it go if it’s just a regular woman
but if it’s a pirate who’s trying to back you into a corner yeah he’s for sure getting the straw hat girls
he will offer himself instead and tell you to go get someone from back on the merry/sunny
Or maybe if you can fight he’ll root for you!
not that he likes that fact that another woman is being hurt in the process..
but if he has to choose between his woman and another one that was disrespecting his woman??
as for sad puppy y/n he notices right away and immediately does whatever he can to cheer you up again
he bakes you sweets, runs you a bath, makes you drinks, makes you laugh, buys you whatever you want just to see you smile
and again if it was a guy who did this to you he’s 100% getting the boot 💥💥
your sure to cheer up soon with all that sanji does for you
especially with his warm cuddles n kissses ♡
thank you once again for your requests my love! Today is a very busy day..I have a lot to get out.. 😅
Overall I hope you enjoyed your hcs!
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thus-spoke-lo · 8 months
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Tables Don’t Talk // Roronoa Zoro x afab!reader // NSFW/18+ Kink: Forniphilia [a kink/fetish involving a person being treated as a piece of furniture]
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CW: afab!reader; no pronouns used to address reader, but gendered pet names used [ex. good girl]; alcohol use [reader and Zoro]; mild degradation and objectification; praise; vaginal fingering; light d/s dynamics implied WC: 2k // Fictober Masterlist
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Zoro’s had too much sake.
That’s it—Zoro must have had too much sake, you reason as you straddle his lap, your thoughts barely coherent through a fog of your own whiskey-tinged lust as he leaves bruising kisses down your neck. His low grunts and your soft moans reverberate in the moonlit quiet of the crow’s nest, big hands gripping your hips and squeezing at the plush of your ass while you brace yourself on the hard, warm muscles of his chest. He must have had too much sake, you tell yourself, he would never mean such a thing—then he says it again.
“I wish I could just set my boots up on you,” he murmurs against the softness of your exposed shoulder. “Make you into a pretty little table.”
You snort a laugh at the suggestion, and the way his warm breath tickles your skin. “Why the hell would you wanna do that?”
“I dunno,” Zoro mumbles with a shrug of his broad shoulders. “Because I can.”
“Oh can you, Zoro?”
“Yeah.” He grins, nipping at your jaw. “Because you’ll let me.”
“Who says I’d let you?”
“So if I told you to get on your hands and knees for me, you wouldn’t?” He pulls away from you, thick fingers digging into your sides as he holds you still and lifts his hips against you, letting you feel the swell of his clothed cock against your heat. The arrogant grin that’s painted across his face says he already knows the answer to his question.
You sigh and groan, feeling a flood of arousal between your thighs, knowing you don’t stand a chance against that smug smile. “You know I’d do anything for you.”
He runs his tongue along your lower lip before taking it in his teeth and giving you a nip. “Then get down on the floor.”
“You’re serious?” you muse, eyebrows raised.
“Only if you want to, baby,” Zoro whispers, his thumb running over the sore spot on your lip from where he bit you. “Not gonna make you do a damn thing, you know that.”
Of course you know that, he’d never make you do anything you didn’t want to do, which is exactly why you always want to. It’s why you always follow direction—on your knees, lay on your back, open your mouth for me sweetheart and show me that pretty tongue—knowing that listening and obeying earn you the sweetest rewards from your swordsman. Obedience begets generosity, and he was nothing if not a giving man.
You hold his gaze and grips his wrists, tugging at them until he releases his vice-like hold on you. He bites his lip as he watches you slither to the floor, arranging yourself on all fours in front of him, the perfect approximation of a footstool if you say so yourself. “Like this?”
“That’s perfect, baby.” He wastes no time before he sets one heavy boot-clad foot on your back, then the other, crossing his legs and placing his arms behind his head. “Mm, I could get used to this.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. Nice soft thing to put my feet up on at the end of a long day? Much better than some shitty wooden table. Much prettier to look at, too.”
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye and can already see the shit-eating grin that’s settled on his face as he reclines and shuts his eye; he looks like he’s won a game you didn’t know you were playing. You let him have his fun for a few moments, finding yourself starting to enjoy the weight pressing down onto your spine, before you waggle your hips, trying to tempt him into something else. “Zoro, come on. I’m lonely down here.”
“Hey.” He cracks open his eye. “Last time I checked, tables don’t talk.”
“Zoro.” You add a few more O’s to his name as you whine and shoot him a glare, one that only makes him laugh—you’re no threat to him on your hands and knees like this, trapped underneath him, a lovely little object for his personal use.
“Let’s see what a good piece of furniture you can be.” He takes his boots off your back and plants his feet squarely on the floor. “Here, hold this.”
He grabs your half-full whiskey tumbler from beside him on the bench and leans down, setting one hand on the small of your back to steady you before gingerly setting the glass in between your shoulder blades. You shift at the sudden feeling of the glass’ weight, and it goes tumbling to the floor, splashing alcohol into your forearm.
“Tch. Look at all that good alcohol gone to waste.” Zoro stands from his spot on the bench and slowly begin to walk around you, arms crossed, almost inspecting you, this unruly piece of furniture. He squats down in front of you, roughly grabbing your chin in between his thumb and forefinger and tilting your head up so you meet his patronizing gaze. “You need to be a better table.”
He releases your chin and gives you a couple soft taps on the cheek before picks up the glass from beside you and fills it again—this time with a little more liquor. You watch silently, anticipation coursing through you with every beat of your obedient heart, waves of desire crashing on your shores. It was a request made on a whim, an off-handed remark that you wouldn’t have even acknowledged normally—yet here you are, eagerly waiting on your hands and knees for the man you desired, willing to act as his footstool if it means pleasing him.
“Alright, let’s try this again,” Zoro says as he carefully rests the glass on your upper back, pressing it down into your clothed flesh before releasing. You dip your chin towards your chest to straighten your back, spread your fingers wide on the smooth wood floor to give yourself balance, and breathe carefully—slow and measured, in through your nose and out through your mouth. You close your eyes and focus on the rhythm of your breaths, feel the weight of the whiskey glass almost start to settle into your body like it’s meant to be there, your concentration only occasionally broken by the soft groans that come from Zoro as he watches you with a perverted fascination.
At last, he grabs the glass and you relax your posture, turning to watch him down the amber liquid; he gives you a wink as he licks the last drops from his lips. He kneels in front of you again, leaning down to gently press his lips to yours, just enough for you to taste the vapors on his breath, just enough to make you whimper when he pulls away, aching for more.
“Good girl,” he growls, words that make you vibrate to your core, make you press your thighs together to stem the urges, try to quell the insistent need. “I think this is too easy, though.”
“What do you mean ‘too easy’?” you rasp, watching as he pours another glass of alcohol, this one fuller than all the others, almost spilling over the rim. He begins to circle you again like the tipsy apex predator he is.
“What did I tell you, baby? The furniture doesn’t talk.” He drops to his knees behind you and grips the waistband of your shorts and your panties, yanking them down over your hips, rough hands picking up each of your trembling legs in turn to tug your clothing down and off. You hear a low hum from behind you, feel a warm palm start to caress the swell of your ass, trailing down and across your thigh. A gasp leaves your lungs as a wide finger runs over your slit, running through the slickness of your folds.
“Mm, so wet,” Zoro coos, pressing a fingertip against your entrance, hissing through his teeth as he feels the way you pulse. “You like serving me, don’t you?”
“I dunno. Maybe.” The lie that you quickly conjure is hollow, tinged with an unmistakable need.
“Maybe?” he chuckles, sliding one thick finger inside you, then another. “This doesn’t feel like maybe, does it?”
“N-no,” you stammer, choking on a moan as he thrusts his fingers inside you, pushing them deep, deeper still until his knuckles press into you. The warmth that spreads through your thighs as he plunges in and out of your needy cunt is so all-consuming that you barely register the weight of the whiskey glass being placed onto your lower back. Zoro crooks his fingers, pressing against that spot inside you that sends sparks down your spine, and your hips shudder in response—just enough to cause rivulets of liquor to dribble out of the glass and onto your body.
“Careful now—you spilled,” Zoro admonishes you, voice tinged with condescension as he licks the spilled whiskey off your bare skin, still lazily pumping into you. “What do you think will happen if you knock it over again?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Well, try not to find out then.”
You bite down on your lower lip and clench your eyes shut, trying to ignore the way his fingers feel moving inside your heat, how you vibrate inside with every stroke of your walls. You try to ignore the way your stomach tightens and the way your thighs shiver, as they always do when he hits every spot in the way only he knows how—he’s studied your body with the same intensity that he trains, learning just how to have you writhing under him with little more than the flexing of his fingers inside you.
“Zoro, please,” you keen, tension coiling so tightly inside you that you could snap, “please, I wanna cum.”
He pauses his ministrations, chuckles low and deep as he places a soft kiss on your hip. “And when did my little table start making demands?”
“Zoro, please, I need it. I need you.”
“Only because you asked so nicely. Be good just a little longer, and you’ll get what you want.”
Zoro pulls out of your dripping cunt, and you whine at the sudden emptiness; he drags his thick fingers down your slit, landing at your aching clit. Your legs tense and the glass wobbles, but you still yourself despite the urge to buck your hips, press against his fingers and grind against his hand until you extract your pleasure from him. Deep breaths in and slow breaths out, you clench your fingers into fists on the floor and fight the urge to grind against his hand and take what you need—but no, you won’t give in. You’re a good table, after all, and good objects get rewards.
“Look at you, controlling yourself so well. You’re such a good girl for me, you know that?” He takes the glass off the small of your back and sets it beside you on the floor. “Now you can lose control.”
The tension finally snaps and pushes you over the edge in a burst of ecstasy, rhythmic convulsions overtaking your body. You say his name over and over as a plea to continue, as a thank you for the reward he granted you, as a means of showing you know who you belong to, down to every shiver and spasm.
“Mm, that was fun,” he murmurs, swiping his fingers through your drenched folds as you twitch and quake through the last waves of your orgasm. “You make a nice table after all.”
“Do I?” You can’t help but laugh at how absurd it all is, how debased you feel being reduced to Zoro’s own personal coffee table—yet it leaves you with a strange sense of fulfillment, too.
“Yeah, you do. But you know what?” You hear the rustling of fabric, and suddenly feel the throbbing head of his cock pressing against your still-pulsing entrance, pushing slowly into you. “I actually think you make a much better cocksleeve.”
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Him with a defiant s/o
Pairings: Roronoa Zoro x [gender neutral] Reader Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Headcanons about how they act when you're stubborn af. Tags: Sanji is very soft about it / He is doing his best, but / Zoro is a little desperate / he's very boyfriend
Requested by @mizzhellsingsstuff (Ello! May I get sanji and zoro headcanons with a defiant [gn] reader? 🙏)
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Sanji Vinsmoke
• Sanji is very possessive of his kitchen and also loves pampering you way more than considered healthy
• You have tried to cook a few times, but Sanji will always come with the same lecture about how he is never too busy to cook for you. So, you don't ever have to even think about touching a single spoon with the intention of cooking when you're in his presence because what kind of boyfriend and cook would he be if he allowed his partner to cook while he is right there??
• Kinda boring because the way Sanji makes every food delicious along with the way he cooks so passionately really makes you want to try to do it yourself
• Extremely hard task, and it’s not really because cooking is hard but because you need to calculate exactly when you’re going to use the kitchen since whatever sort of sixth sense Sanji has makes him be there every time you touch a dish even if you’re just meant to put the dish in the sink so it can be washed later
• Then night watch, it is. Nami, Robin, Zoro and you are the only ones who know how to unlock the fridge, putting the luck on your side
• Everything is quiet and only the sound of the sea interrupts the silence all over the ship when you walk around the kitchen, finally able to start working on this recipe you found a while ago; it’s simple, really, just some specific pancakes you decided to try since they fit your taste
• It’s kinda therapeutic and you can’t help but to feel somewhat like Sanji, even risking wrapping the apron around your waist while you work
• You picked on a few things just from watching Sanji, like knowing which pan to use and how to prepare it before pouring the batter, but... something still seems wrong. A sigh escapes your lips as you put the first, poorly done pancake on a plate, but one ruined pancake turns into two, then three, then it also starts sticking to the bottom of the pan and the smell of the burnt bits make you want to just fucking toss the pan in the wall. How does Sanji make it all seem so easy? No way, you’re—
• “I knew it,” the voice says from the doorway of the kitchen and you almost have a heart attack and toss the still hot pan at Sanji all at the same time; he seems something between laughing and scowling as he moves closer, with a sharp sigh. “What did I tell you?”
• Sanji’s still in his pajamas and a small smile grazes his lips when he sees from close what you’re doing and also notices the apron, so he can’t help it anymore, shaking his head with a sigh as rubs his sleepy face and tries to get a grasp of what’s going on
• Despite the annoyance and throwing comments at you all the time just so he can annoy you back, Sanji still guides you through each step of it until the pancakes start coming out perfectly
• When you’re able to do it properly—or at least as well as you can—, Sanji stops guiding you through each step and instead stands there hugging you from behind with his head resting on your shoulder. Having his strong arms around your torso and his warm torso pressed to your back in a way you can feel his gentle breathing is so... So comfortable, somehow making you fall in love with him even more
• “You can go back to bed now,” you whisper quietly; you’ve finished, but you don’t want to move just yet since it’s so comfortable, but all you get in response is a soft groan as Sanji buries his face to your shoulder
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
Zoro Roronoa
• You are supposed to stay back. You’re not fighting this time. You already had a hard time during the last fight, you are still recovering, so why don’t you just fucking sit back? Zoro can’t understand what goes through your fucking mind so you act up like that
• He almost has a heart attack when he is unsheathing his third sword then the enemy he would attack is suddenly hit by no one other than you. You, who should be in the medical bay of the ship or at least somewhere safe
• But you're you, right?
• Still, standing back isn’t that hard.
• “Stop pushing me back, Zoro! You’re always fighting when you’re supposed to rest, too! Besides, I already said I’m fine!” You groan as you try to push him out of the way, but Zoro doesn’t give up because, fuck, do you wanna die or something?
• Zoro is so. Tired. Like, why won't you listen to it even when Chopper and Luffy tell you to?
• Because both of you almost get hurt when Zoro is trying to get you to back off, he decides he needs to address the situation differently
• He can’t risk your pretty body getting any more damaged, but he also doesn't know how to get it through your damn thick head that you should go back to at least watch the ship along with Brook and Usopp if you don't want to lie down to rest (as you should)
• Considering that, Zoro decides he won't stop you directly (he can have some brain cells missing, but he will use all the ones he has when it comes to situations like that regarding you), so he starts trying to block the attacks before they reach you until he can draw the enemies' attention off you AND he has to do that without making it too noticeable because he doesn't want to hear you complaining later
• He only lets some stupid dumbass fight you because he knows it won't take even a tenth of your strength to end him and it probably will give you some sense that you're actually in the fight
• It’s nerve wracking, to be honest, keeping an eye not only on the people around but also at you—he is gasping and changing trajects every time he glances at you, doing his best to protect his pretty partner
• When everything is done and you two are back at the ship, Zoro has that gloomy expression while standing beside you in the medical bay with his arms crossed because, hah, who knew some stitches would open? Funny thing
• You look at Zoro with that sweetest smile ever while trying not to flinch while Chopper fixes your wounds for the second time already, but it doesn't even seem like Zoro is aware of your attempts
• Finally, Chopper leaves the room and Zoro takes a seat on the chair beside the bed and his sharp sigh cuts through the silence of the room
• "You need to learn how to listen to orders."
• You scoff. "And let you fight alone?"
• Zoro is annoyed, but not angry because he sorta can relate to you (he won't admit it) and also appreciates the way you care about him enough to sacrifice yourself like that
• He does try to keep his stern face despite all the pouts and pleas you try to muster up because you need to know you can't get away with it
• Damn it, Zoro can't risk losing you, and it would be easier to protect you from someone else rather from having you destruct yourself like that because then he can't do anything
• It does end up on Zoro holding you close while you sleep because he can't handle making you feel bad or uncomfortable
• The way he holds you is so comfortable and his body is so warm—resting while cuddling him is perfect, even more since Zoro spends most of his days right after an adventure napping, so napping with you is just a bonus, even more if it keeps you from roaming around the ship while you should be resting
• Zoro hates being awaken during his naps, but if it’s because you’re thirsty or needing something else, he won’t pipe a word in complaint
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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