#lugnut and strika are having a time to themselves
Autobot intelligence decoding hastily encrypted Deceptacon message from the Nemisis to Charr.
It's Lugnut and Strika doing a sexy video call. Because Lugnut needed to replace that farce with his beloved. The fact his Strika body didn't get yeeted too says much.
Ratchet who vaguely remembers facing looking at Lugnut like "seriously? I was in the last generation that got made with those bits." Their's a distinctive dong and a yelp of pain as Sentinel accidentally broke his spike seal and pressurized with his pannel closed. "Frag me," Ratchet groans too disillusioned to be suprised.
"Ancient grounder's arent my type!" Blitzwing's red face retorts.
Oh Luggy, oh Strika.
ah yes Ratchet, trying to remember the last time he had sex
Ratchet immediately being proven wrong is hilarious, and Blitzy taking him literally is amazing
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cf8wrk4u-us · 2 years
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Art done by the talented @kusakichan15
This is my TFA O.C, Galatea.
Her main job on the Nemesis was to run maintenance, check the security scensors, and oversee the crews fuel supply.
Just stuff the upper ranking Decepticons didn't really want to bother with.
She idolize Megatron and Strika, almost as much as Lugnut does.
To her, Megatron is her factions greatest leader and and saviour. And with his leadership the Decepticons will once again dwell on Cybertron.
A place she's never seen since she was forged on New Koan at the tail end of the war.
She's a grounder vehicle model so she draws a lot of inspiration from Strike who is a tank and still has made it up the upper ranks despite lacking wings. She and some of her other cadets were also given lessons by her and my O.C still considered them the best moments of her life cycle despite the metal ache she had after.
Anyway her life is disrupted when on particular day the ship picks up scanners of an unusual high energy signature. One that her leader informs them is belonging to the All-Spark.
Apparently being carried on an Autobot commercial ship.
Galatea is excited and feels so lucky to witness her leader finally getting his hands on the ancient relic that could turn the tides of the long ended war. Soon they could all return home!
That all falls away as Megatron form exploded right before her optics and ship becomes damaged.
All the commanders on board are quickly making it into escape pods and feeling like she has no choice leaves along with them.
Only something wrong happens with her pod and instead of taking her to the nearest Decepticon/Neutral planet it sends her through the same worm hole as the Autobots ship.
While the TFA gang found themselves underwater in stasis and Megatron was render unconscious Galatea was wide awake when she landed on Earth. In the woods just outside of Detroit.
Her communications are damaged as is her escape pod, circuits frying up in the atmosphere. Just barely shielding her. So she has no way to contact her faction of call for help.
Basically she's stuck on her own on an alien planet filled with organics.
So yeah she's rightfully scared, frustrated, and nervous.
Galatea is forced to spend the next 50 years on earth, quickly adapting to her surroundings and doing her best to live among the humans in disguise.
Because there's no energon and oil is the only alternative is to find a way to gain earth credits/money to feed herself. She finds a carrier and disguise that feeds both those needs.
As a bookmobil or traveling bookstore!
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Galatea taken a real shine to human literature and books in general. It's one of the things that helps her learn about earth culture in the beginning before she was confident enough to go through the internet.
And even before her crash landing she did have a habit of taking notes in her Data Log back in the Nemesis. Now she journals things in physical paper, things she would usually never write while in her faction. The underlying fear being that it would one day be discovered.
So yeah her bookmobile disguise keeps oil in her tanks and provides a bit of a hobby. One she dosent give up even after she learns how to hack money from the organic bank system.
So yeah she's stuck on this planet but learns to make do with the situation, thinking any time now someone should come looking for her.
In the mine time she sells her books all across the country and actually gets a pretty great appreciation of where she's living. It's not always easy with mud, rain, stingy customers who treat her business like a library, and REFUSE TO SHELF ITEMS BACK PROPERLY!
But she makes do.
Till 50 years later and certain Autobot scum pop back up.....
Read a day in her life here!
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birthdaycakeplate · 3 years
With Optimus as the littlest little spoon in existence. Help him.
- - - - - - - - - - -
🌟Optimus can’t deny that’s he’s.... ‘intrigued’ by the very surprising relationship he’s noticed between Megatron and his subordinates- Strika and Lugnut.
The terrifying femme tolerated nonsense even less than Megatron did, and her attitude matched Lugnut’s serious and straightforward approach to... everything, quite well. Learning they were conjunxed was easy to accept. Quite a fitting pair they made.
Curiously, though, Megatron had apparently wedged himself into the mix- Well, no. No, Optimus supposed the *truth* was more likely that Megatron had effortlessly attracted the attention of the two with his dangerous charisma, as well as by their sheer devotion to the glorious mech and his cause.
However they came to be, Optimus continued to struggle and fail to look anywhere else but at the thunderous trio when they were all in the room together.
Who could possibly ignore the flicker in Megatron’s optics when Strika *shamelessly* took him by the hips and swayed?
How Megatron spread a palm down her chest and followed it towards that thick waist, cinched the infuriatingly slightest bit at the middle.
What else was he supposed to think about when Lugnut practically jumped out of his chassis when he was invited over by an expectant pair of searing red optics, beckoning him to come enthusiastically grope at his partners? Of Megatron knocking his hips back into a fretfully sincere Lugnut, eager with what to explore of his talented, striking leader first?
No matter how brief and easy to miss the moments were, how could he look anywhere else?
He’d become completely entranced by the displays since his fist accidental viewing of their wandering servos in a secluded corridor. The surreality of it... the shock that they would do something so publicly only subdued by the fact that most war frames he’d come to know thus far seemed right at home making private berthroom matters public.
The prospect of the interactions between them away from prying eyes -like Optimus’, for example- thrilled the smaller bot. What did they get up to when he wasn’t there to see it? When no one was? How did they balance themselves between one another- how did they *share*?
Optimus hadn’t imagined being thrust into this position as enacting mediator -and essentially ‘babysitter’- so soon into a truce. Or ever, considering the constant disrespect he received from Autobot high command of his competent capabilities. But here he was-
And here he was being a lecher about it, too.
A young bot without an ounce of the experience or fortitude of these giant war frames, leering at them from over his datapads and morning energon rations.
He honestly, foolishly thought he hit rock bottom when he was sentenced to captain of a repair crew.
And maybe wistfully dreaming about the possibilities of ‘Cons treating each other like genuine, doting lovers in the privacy of their quarters *would* have been the true end of his disgrace... *If* he hadn’t been *caught* doing so by one of the mechs in question.
“Something Ultra Magnus wants to bring to my attention, Autobot?”
Optimus barely restrained himself from jumping at the sound of that baritone voice, draped across his throne. It wouldn’t due for Megatron to think he finally had some power over him, but especially during peace time when he was expected to roll over and keep tensions low.
He’d raise hell whenever he very well wanted, because it was always only ever deserved in Megatron’s case.
“Then keep your optics to yourself.” The ex war lord sneered. Tapping a claw against his thigh.
Optimus instantly knew what he was referring to- apparently Megatron had caught him staring at the lingering touch of his servo along the low of Strika’s backstrut during their little briefing.
Optimus turned a vibrant color and whirled away to shield his face with his datapad. Pretending in earnest to take notes all at once.
Megatron, thoroughly confused, watched his wiggling finials curiously.
—— ———
Lugnut was marginally less aware of Optimus’ staring, sitting through his evening fueling with his bonded at his side, basking in the almost imperceptible stroke of her fingers about his hip joint -apparently Strika’s favorite place on a mech. Totally oblivious to the optics watching them from afar.
Lugnut sat the whole course, murmuring in a way that Optimus had thought impossibly quiet for the boisterous ‘Con, unaware of his prying stare. Occasionally Lugnut leant in to return a touch to Strika’s powerful bicep in quiet awe of his lover’s strength- repaid tenfold by her following an assault on a certain part of him that was out of Optimus’ range of sight. Earning Lugnut’s approving growl.
Out of Optimus’ sight, yes. But goodness, could he imagine.
He turned a color he doubted he’d ever had before, shocked to the core at no end by the boldness of war types.
And then his luck ran dry, as it often did, and Optimus was left inhaling and choking on his cube from a few tables away when a piercing optic swept over him, looking him up and down.
Lugnut was bound to notice him eventually, and Optimus visibly paled.
Lugnut, who’d never learned of subtlety or patience, or letting small perceived slights on his person go, rose from his seat in his full glory and threw a servo towards Optimus -who nearly slipped down onto his aft, he’d gone so tense.
“You! Autobot! Explain your fixation for my mate and I at once!”
Optimus desperately fought for practically to override embarrassment. Explaining himself articulately and quickly would end the confrontation in a timely manner and reduce any further embarrassment.
Only he had nothing to say for himself. He *was* staring and he....supposed he *was* fixating.
So lying was the only option he had enough working processor power to think of at the moment, and it was never his forte -or his preferrence.
But desperate times...
“I wasn’t, I- I wasn’t looking at you.” He forced the waver from his voice.
Strika had never looked at him like *that* before, but back on Earth, Lugnut had looked like he wanted to kill him plenty, so that was normal.
“I was just thinking to myself, and-and I let my optics wander. It had nothing to do with yo-“
“Such weak lies!” Lugnut bellowed, forcing all optics in the near vincity that Optimus had been struggling to ignore to turn back on him in question.
“Your faceplates are flushed! You’ve been *watching* our coupling- your Autobot gaze is *unworthy*!”
Optimus thought he might faint from the head rush of Energon to his face.
Lugnut was nano-kliks away from revving his engine to the point of exhaustion, he was so loud.
And Optimus had no one to blame but himself...
“I- I’m so sorry!” He yelped, effectively damning himself and confirming the unfortunate truths Lugnut spoke.
He bolted out of his seat and speed walked -because he was definitely *not* running away right now, he *wasn’t*- to his designated quarters.
The few others who’d been present for the show parted way.
He didn’t know if he felt better or worse for having some of their sympathy.
——- ——-
“Jou judge our velationship unfairly. Vut does an Autobot know about the affairs of ‘Cons?”
Optimus, having lost himself in another hour of the report he was making back to Cybertron -as if they’d read it- felt his spark nearly extinguish.
He answered before he even turned to face her, desperate to avoid another skirmish like last time.
“Nothing- absolutely nothing, ma’am. *Commander*.”
And he’d never claimed to.
All he ever claimed was that feeling pinned to his pathetic little place in the command center of his single desk and monitor by a sweltering hot war frame at his back was the stuff of nightmares.
He was no coward -hideously humiliated by his recurring run ins with this particularly enchanting femme or not- and found a handful left of his old brazen self to dare and stand. Turning to face her in the few inches between his desk and her chassis. In his pathetic little cubby, he had nowhere to run. Which he definitely did *not* do last time.
Strika had earned his direct and honest respect around the time he started tracing Megatron’s digits across her supple thigh, anyway. He would at least give her this much. A small, unknowing, apology.
“Hm. So explain now vhy you stare at my berthmates so incessantly.”
Good lord.
Optimus’ finials flattened and pinched the slightest bit pink at their tips. Sharp as a whip, Strika would no doubt have realized she was chasing her prey into a corner at the sight- which meant the pounce would soon follow.
“Are they- I don’t, um... I don’t think I-I do that, ma’am.”
A furious lie- maybe he was much more inclined to lying when his opponent was the grizzly, gargantuan Strika, then.
“Oh?” She said, almost sounding rather amused by that. Where as Megatron’s approach was cruel sarcasm and Lugnut’s blatant fury, Strika’s must be the sort where the femme enjoyed to play with her food until it had thoroughly humiliated itself and was good and tender.
Optimus bit his bottom lip, Energon confusingly rushing from place to place and blotching his frame in a colorful hue.
Strika, sadly perceptive, but intrigued, was very forward about her thoughts on the display.
“Jou fluster easily. How quaint.”
Maybe she was using that word incorrectly. Or maybe she was being condescending.
Optimus was shushed from condemning himself further by a servo brushing at the tip of his audial fin and stroking it downward, silencing him immediately.
Time seemed to stretch on for light years as that digit stroked down towards his jaw, over to his chin, and grasped it in a firm hand to *lift*.
Back his helm went, face tilting towards the dim light above.
“Hmm. Gracious. Look how pretty.”
Strika stared down and Optimus stared back- wide optics and parted lips.
She turned to call to someone over her shoulder then.
“Don’t jou zink so, my Lord?”
Optimus, incapable of moving his helm, darted optics over to the blur of a dark figure with the light in his eyes, fast approaching behind her. Glaring red optics appearing curiously over her shoulder and seemingly out of nowhere.
Optimus went very still.
Silence followed, both mechs clearly unsure of themselves. Prompting Strika to encourage the lord in question a bit more.
“Lugnut caught him staring at us vile we shared our love.” The phrasing was purposely made whimsical and romantic.
As expected, it triggered a fresh, warm flush in the little mech’s faceplates.
“Zen he decided to vudely interrupt him, and ze poor thing ran away.”
Strika tutted sympathetically, and Optimus thought he might melt from embarrassment -or from gratefulness.
She leaned into Megatron’s side and murmured,
“He vas just enjoying ze show.”
Optimus made an aborted noise between a whine and something of protest.
But it was sadly all too true. He had been enjoying it... Save his spark, he needed therapy.
He hadn’t meant for it to go this far.
Optimus was just curious! He was just fascinated by the idea of these war scourges sharing affection, and trust, and loving whispers between one another. He was just floundering in the surreality of it- just unable to tear himself away from the amazing chance to witness war frames acting civilized and familiar. And careful and earnest. He was just...
He was just...
A little lonely....
Optimus remembered all too vividly his own mockery of a trine with Sentinel and Elita. He once had his own bots to come ‘home’ to- several soft hands touching him and hauling him into a heady embrace. Petting at his sensitive finials and kissing him goodnight.
The three of them against the world.
He was at a loss of how to process the three nefarious warriors’ own love triangle when he saw it for the first time, and never really learned how to move past it. Not in a way that was probably healthy.
He shouldn’t of poked his olfactory into their lives like this. He shouldn’t have assumed he was entitled to witness these things for himself, no matter how much he missed these moments in his old life.
“Hm. We should endeavor not to interrupt him next time.” Megatron finally spoke, snapping Optimus out of his daze.
Strika’s field bubbled and surged against the other two.
“Better yet, ve should *invite* him next time.”
Optimus didn’t dare to move, to ex vent or twitch or faint- or anything that would remind them of his presence down there beneath them. Pinned between them and his desk.
He didn’t even dare to hope- rather easy with fear and confusion muddling his processor.
There was no way that meant what he thought it did.
Megatron, however, had been seeming to test something in Strika with vague, careful words, and was seemingly *thrilled* all at once with the result it’d given him.
“Yes! Yes... hmm, I think you’re right.” He practically beamed, and it was so unlike the terror of Kaon he’d always known, Optimus wondered if he’d fallen through a black hole into another dimension this morning.
Optimus felt something uncomfortable stir in his belly and squashed it with a vengeance.
He was just projecting. He was just overthinking. He was just *imagining* things. He-
Megatron began to speak again over Strika hailing their third party on her comlink.
“I did have my suspicions, for some time mind you, but I never believed them to be true. That our little Autobot here was simply *shy*.”
Optimus flinched, spark in his throat.
“My, Optimus~ You should have told us you’d like an invitation sooner. I see no harm in another mech joining.”
“Especially vun so pretty.”
“Hmm, yes~ Right as always, Strika.”
‘I think there’s been a mistake’ was overruled by “Erm, um, um I-“ so Optimus promptly cut his rambling there.
The war frames focused their attention down on Optimus, trapped perfectly in their clutches. Delighting in his shuttering optics and trembling servo ‘trying’ to ‘pry’ Strika’s hand away from his chin to offer something like protest.
She mercifully lowered it away to rest on his collar, stroking down the expanse of his shoulder plating. Promising more fervent touch when the time was right again- which was horrifyingly, thankfully now.
Optimus steadied his gaze down to the third pair of pedes coming to fit themselves in with their partners’. Thick and green, and powerful enough to crush him with one stabilizer.
The gang was all here now, and Optimus waited for either that protest he’d attempted several times to make to finally come out, or the final nail in the coffin to be struck.
It was the latter, just his luck of course, as he could hear Megatron hum low into Lugnut’s audial that “Our curious little Prime would like an encore, Lugnut. My loyal subordinate~”
“An encore, my lord?”
“He vus most impressed with your prowess, conjunx. He vants to zee more.”
“Oh... He is?”
A large black servo, Megatron’s, cupped Optimus’ cheek in his palm and lifted his trembling gaze up once again to meet several starving, smoldering optics- angling his face towards Lugnut’s in particular. Strika resumed her gentle stroke down to his windshields, and all Optimus could do was stand and soak in the gentle touch to sensitive glass.
“Yes, Optimus simply suffers from a touch of shyness.” Megatron grinned -absolutely deplorable mech.
Optimus’ finials flicked in irritation. The effect dampened by the way he leant heavily into his tormentor’s servos.
“Won’t you show him there’s nothing to be nervous about?”
“Show him zere is plenty of jou to go around, and he needn’t vorry. Ve all get our due.”
Strika removed her warm palm to tug at a finial and prompt a full body shudder from Optimus’ painfully overclocked frame.
“Is simply time he got his.” She crooned.
“Primus.” Optimus effectively articulated.
Then someone he’d assumed would sooner smash him through the wall for insulting their dearest master at every available chance back on Earth had their mouth on his, purring happily and loudly at the way Optimus pliantly went slack against the desk behind him. Confirming that Lugnut’s prowess was truly as unmatched as this silly little Autobot had hoped -thank you for that humiliating assumption, Strika.
if I could shame anybody in the world, it would be myself and Optimus. Oh, look at that, I just made a whole thing embarrassing us both.
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Would Megan be slightly jealous with Orion dancing in front of other customers, or would he not really care? Idk he gives me jealous vibes
Megatron doesn’t interfere with Orion’s on stage performances so long as on lookers keep their hands to themselves and Orion isn’t worn out from pervious performances, among,,,other things
If Orion seems to be having a good time, no he would not pull him off stage. However Megatron early on in their initial introductions did make a humble request that if Orion were to be offered a private dance with another patron, he should politely decline and instead greet Megatron for a near triple compensation, no ‘performance’ expected of course unless Orion feels particularly grateful
This was Megatron’s polite compromise and unspoken, clear message that Orion is off limits
Dances aside, no other patron dares so much a stare at Orion off stage for too long as it’s no secret that the Boss has staked his claim.
Megatron escorting Orion off stage to personally deliver him to his private booth is more than enough of a warning.
There have been a few unlucky new comers who didn’t know the base rules from the get go and made the mistake of so much as pulling Orion a little closer to gift a compliment—the sheer look of ghost white panic from these mecha when regulars tensed at this grave mistake was nearly just as satisfying to enjoy as it was to have Lugnut or Strika pick them up by the throats to be tossed into god knows what dumpster. oh the little things :D
Megatron is absolutely the jealous type, yes—but not in the possessive sense, think more protective! Gentlemen do not restrain their lovers, they instead put themselves in between the potential risk. Sure a dumb newbie patron isn’t gonna whisk his lover off his feet and away from him, but Megatron likes to be needed every once in a while. Idk, puff his chest, kiss Orion incoherent just to remind everyone that he is lucky enough to have this beauty, NO ONE ELSE!!!
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petitelepus · 4 years
Shattering the Magnus?, Part 1
Me and my friend RunnyInks were talking and bonding over our shared love for Transformers Animated and this piece was born! Please enjoy!
The war was over and Decepticons won. Autobots are reduced to Decepticons’ and your slaves, pets and toys. How did it all come to it? It was Sentinel’s fault.
The war was over. The Decepticons had won and all because Optimus Prime hadn't had Magnus Hammer to fight against Megatron. Why he didn't have it? Sentinel hadn't let Ratchet take the hammer with him back to Earth. Instead, Sentinel took the hammer and sat on his throne, holding the hammer to purely show his status as the new Magnus to Cybertron.
Optimus and his team were defeated and taken as prisoners. Decepticons lead by Megatron himself attacked the Cybertron and they used the Elite Guard to wipe the floor. Autobots didn't stand a chance with Sentinel leading them with his weak leadership.
You and the rest of the Decepticons stood in the middle of the plaza, surrounding the defeated Autobot soldiers and watching as your mighty lord Megatron appeared on every screen and skyscraper, with the Magnus hammer in his hands.
"My Decepticons, this day shall be remembered as the day we took over what was rightfully ours. Cybertron belongs to us!"
Every Decepticon cheered while the defeated Autobots hung their heads in defeat and the civilians covered in fear.
Megatron continued, "As my first order as your new ruler, every mech or femme who identified as an Autobot is therefore from this day onward nothing but a slave to serve their owner! For those who took no action during the war, don't be afraid, you are all welcome to live with us in harmony. Taken that you don't have anything against your new management..."
No one fought against your lord's orders and the air was filled with cheering Decepticons. You were so happy your armor rattled against your protoform and you and other Decepticons clapped each other on the back for the good job you all did. The first thing your lord Megatron did was to arrange you all a place to stay.
You were one of the Cons who got their new home quickly because you fought in frontlines in Team Chaar. You got yourself a nice spacious apartment, but just as you were done settling down, you got an invitation from your commando's commander Strika to join her in a secret location.
You transformed and quickly flew to the spot she had told you to meet her at. You rushed to meet her and saw that the whole team was there already. You transformed and saluted her. "At your service, Strika ma'am!"
"You came. Good." Strika turned and motioned you and others to follow her into the building. "We're late!"
You all followed your superior and teammates to the darkened halls when you started to hear things. Shouting and cheering. The deeper you ventured the louder voices got. When Strika pushed curtains to the side you saw the source of all the noises.
A bar? Cons left and right were drinking, eating, and laughing. You looked carefully and you almost jumped out of your armor. All the Cons present were the biggest and most vicious Decepticons who had been in war. You could see the Shockwave himself nursing a drink and the triple changer Blitzwing... Right at a table with Megatron himself! 
You felt like a sparkling having its first piece of oilcake. You were a soldier in front lines, yes, but you had never met the Megatron himself.
"Strika, over here!"
Strika followed the voice and you, Cyclonus, and others followed her to the table where... Megatron himself sat!
A huge Con with one crimson optic waved at you. You recognized him, he was Lugnut, one of Megatron's greatest warriors. Strika sat next to the mech and motioned you all to take a seat around Megatron's table, which you did. Suddenly Megatron stood and cleared his intake and the whole bar went quiet and all optics were on the warlord.
"I think you all deserve to know why we are here." Megatron cleared his intake, "Because you all fought by my side, I see that it's only fair you get your reward before others. You all get to choose your slaves first, here and now!"
You all cheered and curtains were swept aside and lights were pointed on the mainstage. A mech you knew as Swindle walked up to the spotlight and smiled as he welcomed everyone, winking at Megatron's way.
"Now you know I don't do these things for free, but when the good old warmonger like Megatron asked me to deal with these little Autobots, how could I say no?" The mech laughed and snapped his servos as the first line of Autobots were brought to the stage. They were some nobodies you had never seen but bidding still started strong.
A waiter brought you drinks and you idly sipped yours as you watched Autobots being bought and taken from the stage by their new owners. Oil Slick, Blackout, and Spittor got themselves some nice bots and left to take them to train their slaves. Time passed, but Swindle kept the auction interesting and cons left one by one until only your table was left.
"And now everyone, the bots you have been waiting for...! Team Prime and Elite Guards!"
You watched with optics wide how the Team Prime who fought so hard against Megatron was brought to the stage. They were all chained in stasis cuffs and were unable to fight back. You browsed your options when you heard something.
Your optics widened as you watched a dark blue bot with orange lines being dragged by two huge bouncer Cons to the stage. Swindle chuckled and as he motioned towards the mech, the light followed and shined on the Autobot.
"Here we have THE MAGNUS, whose thirst for power cost Autobots everything! Can I get a laugh?" Swindle asked with a laugh of his own and the elite Cons around you laughed.
The blue bot grounded his denta together in fury and he opened his mouth to yell, but this blue and red in cuffs hushed at him. "Just play along Sentinel...!"
"YOU MIGHT HAVE NO SHAME IN SERVING THESE SCUMMY DECEPTICONS OPTIMUS, BUT I AM THE MAGNUS AND-!" He got cut off as one of the bouncers snapped a gag over his mouth and the whole room laughed as he tried to shout over his gag.
"Now that we got a good laugh, would anyone like to throw a joke? No, seriously, I'll auction him for laughs!" Swindle laughed but he stopped the moment you jumped up and slammed your hands on the table. "I'll take him!"
"Ha ha ha, now that is a good joke! Got anything else?"
"No, seriously, I'll take him!" You shouted when suddenly a huge shadow fell over your form. You turned and saw the Megatron himself looking down on you. You swallowed and bowed. "My lord."
"You have been a promising soldier. Are you certain you want this Autobot?" He asked and you nodded. "I have never been this certain, my lord."
Megatron stared at you for a minute before he looked at Swindle and nodded. "Give her the false Magnus."
"Yes, lord Megatron." Swindle grinned and snapped his servos and the bouncers picked up the struggling Autobot and gave him to you. You grinned as he glared at you and you were about to leave when one of the bouncers slipped you something.
"What's this?"
"The key to the gag. Though, if I was you I'd throw it away. This bot is obnoxious."
Sentinel shouted over his gag and you hushed at him like a carrier would and nodded to the bouncer. "Thanks, but I'll like them loud."
With that done, you left. It was interesting, but you couldn't help but to feel content when mechs and femmes left and right looked who you got in your claws. The Sentinel Magnus, one who had doomed them all. You got to your apartment and when you had made sure that your door was locked, you took out the key and waved it at Sentinel's face.
"Wanna talk, big boy, or would you prefer to have the gag on?" You asked and if the looks would kill you would be a melted pool of metal by now. You laughed lightly and opened the gag and put it away. The second the gag came off, he started shouting.
"I demand you release me immediately you disgusting Decepticon or else!"
You laughed and leaned down to get a better look at him and you pinched his cheek. "Now you know I can't do that! You wouldn't survive a day on the streets! You know what they do to a failure Magnus like you?" You laughed and Sentinel's glare on you hardened.
"Oh, how I look forward to having you with me." You said with a smile when something suddenly hit your cheek. You blinked and touched your wet cheek and came to the conclusion that Sentinel had just spit on your face.
How insolent. You should punish him. Anyone else would have done the same if he had done that to them. You imagined all the ways you could punish him. A good whipping with electro whip would certainly be in order, but you weren't that mean. He made an honest mistake, he didn't know any better. You could forgive him that.
You wiped the oral lubricant with your servo and looked at it before bringing it to your lips and licking it off. Sentinel squinted his bright blue optics at you defiantly, but that defiance was wiped off as your crimson optics shrunk into slits and you flicked your long forked glossa against his cheek, smearing your own oral lubricant at him.
"Oh, I'll enjoy playing with you...!"
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nexusconjunx · 4 years
LETTTSSSS GOOOO AAAAAA THIS GOT SUPER LONG I tried to list everyone I can remember and who has some backstory sdjsjdkdj
Disclaimer: I’ve only read MTMTE/LL. My knowledge about any other continuity is based on Fanfic and random tumblr meta I’ve read.
Also, in theory, all of these characters are from different universes and wouldn’t have met, if it weren’t for those meddling Lost Light shenanigans…  There is a very loose background story connecting all the different universes.
(Namely, the LL that hopped universes keeps on hopping, and because unfortunate circumstances, it keeps homing in on Megatron. This is due to their first jump landing them in a SG universe where the Decepticons lost, and the resident Starscream shoved all of his surviving companions into different universes to save them. Of course, the LL wants to help, but Starscream thought it was a VERY good idea to first get his lover leader back and messed with their technology. It stops being funny after the third time they find themselves at the hands of very a pissed and murderous war lord.)
But enough of that! They do find a few Megatrons that are a bit more chill. I wish I had pics of all of them, but alas. One day. All of them get nicknames, because else it would be very confusing.
 TFA Megatron: Codename “Juno”, he/him, far over 17 million y/o. HF age: 60 - 70
He’s from a heavily modified AU where he was constructed as a kind of middle man between the protectobot high command and the warframe army. Even back then the civilian bots didn’t like to be confronted with the people that fought their wars for them, so they build new ones. Juno is at least glad that he got a pretty face out of the deal.
He learned to fight relatively late, had been sent to the battlefield as a last resort in a loosing battle against some organic planet, and Strika saved his life. They have been best buds ever since and go through thick and thin.
After the organic wars there was a short rest period on cybertron, but soon war frames were pushed to the edges of society, the rise of Megazarak, Juno joining him, the great cybertronian war, Junos overthrowal of Megazarak, and eventually Juno lost the war, but all the Decepticons (war frames and civilian alike) retreat to a new home planet.
Juno himself is. Old, worn, but still very much at the top of his game! He never crash lands on earth, but he does end up being captured by Autobot high command, and our Lost Lighters arrive just in time for him to break out.
He, Strika and Lugnut end up hopping universes with them when the LL is attacked by the TFA autobots, and Juno is delighted by how fucking shitty every other Megatron is. He won the fucking moral high ground game by loosing the war! He has bragging rights. He might still have done terrible things, but, shush!! Let him have this.
The subsequent name change comes because he really doesn’t like being shot at. Plus, after 17 million years, its time for a rebranding! His favourite activity is beating up (killing) other Megatrons. Not just because they are assholes, but to prove that he’s still got it! AU optimus primes look at him like “how did u do that” and Juno be like “What, like, is it supposed to be hard?”
He’s also delighted to tell you that, no, he does NOT fucking know who Optimus Prime is.
Besides all that, he’s the “sick cat of the multiverse”. He might be a super soldier, but you can bet that one day he’s gonna have a sparkattack and randomly die. He has a ton of scars and as a HF, a lot of them are visible. His spark is not really the strongest anymore, due to the previous loss of a conjunx, and by honour of being old as balls.
His storyline is basically “Have fun while you still can, and admit that you would really love to be in a polycule with Strika and Lugnut”.
 TFA Megatron: Codename “Junior”, he/him, just scratching 1 million. A baby. HF age: 20
He’s basically Juno from an earlier point in time. Doesn’t yet know Strika, has no battlefield experience. A real baby. Lies about his age to get into bars. Probably shouldn’t do half the stuff he gets up to.
Junior and Juno develop a father-child bond, but both would deny it under torture. Until Junior saves Junos life, that is, but they don’t talk about that.
He hates his nickname and is soon best friends with Rodimus who finds his existence delightful, because they are the same breed of young reckless dumbass.
 G1 Megatron: Codename “Molly”, she/her, only available as human, age: 50
Just an older gal living her best life in some desert. Wears tight leather pants, high heels and white shirts with a deep neckline. Sings Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” very well and very loud at her favourite bars karaoke nights. A delight to be around, if she says so herself. Still yearning for that sweet trucker gal she met on the road years ago.  Might still have ties to gangs. Drives a motorcycle.
This universe is more of a rest stop for the LL, and coincidentally it’s also a Wings!AU. Molly has Californian Condor wings.
 IDW Megatron: Codename “Billy”, he/him, only available as human, age: ~ 200
A right mean bastard. Lives in the Magnus Archives universe, and a Hunter Avatar by nature. Although, he wouldn’t define himself as such. Sure, he’s a hunter, but doesn’t that encapsulate so many more fears? The fear of being Watched in the Dark, and Slaughtered for Meat in the End?
He would say that he has had honest and good intentions. He thought himself so great when he was young and killed his first monster! But then the monsters didn’t stop. And after so many years, well, he paved his road with good intentions, and it’s leading him right down to hell. He might have killed a few more humans than necessary. But oh, it is for the greater good! And he can hardly stop now.
Someday, there will be a new, fresh hunter, with enough determination to finally take him out. He’s made his peace with that. He does hope they will stuff his shaggy hide and display it in a trophy room.
Only Megs so far who wears plaid shirts. Is actually nice to be around, if he isn’t actively after you. Hunts Pigs for sport.
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Also the only one I’ve drawn so far. His Hunter form would be a irish wolfhound. With a few more jaws than neseccary.
I think that’s all of the bigger ones so far ssdjsdjsdhshshdlf. Juno really is my favourite (if you cant tell).
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domo-arigat0 · 5 years
I’ve been thinking about a TFA Dragonformers AU - with heats and all the other tropey dressings - so be warned for valveplug being mentioned below.
In this AU, Dragonformers have two modes: “flight mode” - their winged form - and “ground mode” - their humanoid shape. They shift between the two pretty frequently, depending on which one is more convenient in their immediate environment. Much like the show, the dragons were once split into factions, the Autobots and Decepticons, but the Autobots won the war between them centuries ago, and it’s widely believed that the Decepticons have either been eradicated or fled the continent.
The Autobot Clan is a loose confederation of dragons that covers about half of the continent , with the dragon city/warren of Cybertron as its center. This is where the dragons’ leaders and their most sacred treasures reside. Flocks of dragons can make their home anywhere in this territory, but they get more and more scarce the farther away from Cybertron they get, so the Autobot High Command has a practice of establishing certain posts on the edges of their territories where they assign guards to watch the borders - or send the screwups that they don’t want hanging around Cybertron anymore.
That’s the situation that Optimus and co. are stuck in. Ratchet has been assigned to this lair for centuries, but the other four bots have all been sent there for their various failures. Even though Ratchet technically holds rank as the oldest, Optimus finds himself the de facto leader of this misfits.
All five of them are different breeds of dragon. Prowl’s type is known for their natural camouflage and semi-nocturnal nature, and Bumblebee is one of the “mini” type, though he’ll bite you if you say it. His kind are small, lightweight, and amazingly fast, often employed as messengers or scouts. Bulkhead is a proper mountain dragon, who was raised among energon-miners - he finds their rough and unrefined lair perfectly homey. Optimus belongs to one of the few Autobot breeds most known for their fighting; he’s the largest and strongest of them, save Bulkhead. Ratchet is actually so old he’s considered a “proto-breed” since he was born before the Autobots began breeding for types and strength, and so has patchwork coloring and no breed strengths beyond his medical training.
Heats are the only times when dragons are fertile, though many can and do mate outside of that. However, for a match to be fruitful, two dragons have to synchronize their heats, which can only be done if a courtship is performed beforehand. Under the Autobots, commanding officers are the ones who decide who earn the right to hatch a clutch, but outside of that it’s common for a dragon who isn’t in heat to help out a friend of theirs who is, though some dragons prefer to go unassisted. Dragons in heat tend to distance themselves from their flock if they go into heat - another product of Autobot rule, since other dragons can become distracted from their duties by having them around. 
Ancient dragons used to fight each other for the right to court particularly desirable mates, or sometimes even their intended mate in order to earn their respect, but of course that’s a barbaric tradition that isn’t allowed anymore.
Ratchet is so old that his heats come rarely, and when they do he just slumps off to the farthest parts of the lair to read old medical scripts. Heats make him rather moody. Prowl of course isolates himself in nature, where he meditates and tries to overcome his body’s urges. Optimus also tends to isolate himself, though he does it by giving himself lots of tasks and assignments to distract himself with.
On the other hand, Bumblebee and Bulkhead have been taking turns helping each other through their heats almost since the day they met, even though their relationship isn’t romantic. However, Bumblebee is currently trying to work up the nerve to ask Prowl to spend his next heat with him.
There’s a human town on the other side of the mountains that the group ends up spending a lot of time around, fighting off monsters and bandits and stuff for the people’s sake. Everyone is scared stiff of them at first, but once they realize these dragons aren’t bloodthirsty at all they warm up pretty quickly to their saviors.  The townspeople mostly repay the Autobots for their help by cleaning them up afterwards, which is massively nicer when the person helping them has hands small enough to get the spaces between their scales.
Isaac Sumdac is the local engineer/alchemist, and Sari loves hanging out with the dragons when she isn’t playing his assistant. She’s actually a young magical prodigy, especially with healing magic.
Life is going well until one day, the ancient Deception dragon Megatron comes roaring in out of nowhere and attacks the town. It takes all of the Autobots’ efforts, Dr. Sumdac’s science, and Sari’s magic to repulse him, and even then Megatron safely retreats into the wilderness. It turns out he was locked in a stasis spell in a cavern under the town, and Dr. Sumdac’s experiments have woken him up and freed him from his prison.
As Megatron establishes himself in the area, seemingly intent on retrieving something buried in the Autobots’ lair, more and more Decepticons start coming out of hiding to join him. Since the Autobot High Command doesn’t believe that the Decepticons could be regrouping, the group finds themselves and their human allies as the only ones standing between Megatron and the safety of the continent. 
Shippy highlights of this AU include:
The Constructicons hitting on Bulkhead super hard as soon as they turn up, because he’s the biggest and curviest and strongest dragon around and they want to start a clutch with him. Bulkhead is less than charmed that they’re only after his body. Alternately, this happens with Strika and Lugnut.
Bumblebee’s ideas on flirting and his panicky crush running up against Prowl’s own conceptions of proper behavior.
Blitzwing turning up out of nowhere one day and demanding Prowl fight him for the right to mate with Bumblebee.
Lockdown is a Bad Touch dragon and also possibly an egg thief who can’t stop trying to seduce Prowl.
Jazz coming around and trying to subtly court Prowl because the Council gave him permission to start his own clutch and pick his own mate, and he’s getting kind of infatuated with Prowl even though he doesn’t want to admit it.
When Arcee turns up again she and Ratchet start up a little courtship of their own, which is surprisingly tender. She tops.
Optimus and Megatron’s No Good, Very Messy, and Increasingly Complicated Courtship.
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Final review on tfa!!
(Warning:will contain spoilers, possible profanity. )
This show had a LOT of hype that it deserved. Lets start things off with what made this show right!
Pros: This show was incredibly different from the other series! It was much more easier to find moments to comment on (aka very memeable), and there was such a freshness to it that made it a delight to watch! Beast wars was a product of its time, and it was good, a classic really, but tfa? Was a product of THIS time. Full of bots who needed to discover themselves first, bots who needed to struggle with their pasts, and bots who seeked growth and redemption. It had a fresh humor to it as well, with moments for ANYONE to enjoy. Be it humor, action, or just pure gay robo fuckery, you can't watch this show and say you didn't like it. Similarly to beast wars, i felt connections to the characters. Both of them had me hooked, with a steady rise in me forming attatchments to these characters, and both portrayed them very well, but in different ways. This one did so via flashbacks, while beast wars focused more on present. I loved how quirky everyone was, how there were SO many to like, and that they even became human for a bit. The art style isn't PERFECT, but damn if i didn't like my variety in the styles. There was just...so much love put into this project. From the voice acting, to the animation, down to just the SMILES of characters that made me fall for them all. It made me feel things, and thats what a good art does.
Cons:I have but a few gripes with the show. One. The humans. Don't get me wrong, i love that they were experimenting here, but it was really just Sari, Sumdac, Nanosec, Fanzone, and Slowmo that mattered to be at all. From your wide cast of humans, thats pretty bad. But hey, im picky. Another thing I'd complain about, is that you guys REALLY beat a dead horse with Ratchet. I get it, he was important to Omega supreme's plot, but he just... he really didn't catch a break. Another thing id like to complain about, is how much you guys left out! I know you guys got cut off from season four, so idk what your plans were, but there was a sense of emptiness at the end. Like a book with words missing. And could we get a bit more fluff? An honorable mention of Strika being Lugnut's consort?? You guys have a canon ship do SOMETHING with it, even if it was tiny. Also. You made Meltdown and Dirt boss exist.
Verdict:9/10! This show was FANTASTIC. It had so many well thought out elements and characters, and there was just pure PASSION poured into this. The voice acting is great, it has good amounts of fluff and action, and there's hardly a dull moment. But what i think, strikes this show to be as popular as it is, is the characters. The voices, the motives, the arcs. All done in a tv show with mtmte quality. This show is an absolute delight. It was an honor to watch with you guys, and im very happy to say...
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Im proud of each and every bot involved 💟
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wemblingfool · 7 years
Transformers Animated: Season 4ever
Potential Season 4 stories we could have had, if TFA had not been cancelled:
Lord Chumly hunting the Dinobots
Prometheus Black finally creates his organic transformer (Savage/Noble)
Jazz talks Bumblebee and Bulkhead into forming a band. Episode villain: Soundwave!
Someone commissions the Constructicons to create new Dinobots, but who, and why? Answer, Lord Chumly is back and no longer a hunter, but an animal adventurer, and wants to open a Dinobot Theme park.
New Starscream clones have appeared. A trio (AMTC: Vanity, Dirge: Emo, and Machine Wars: the part that's actually a competent leader), but a forth clone shows up wanting to help the Autobots (Jetfire/SG), insisting he was held captive by the others, forced to use his scientific mind to make them self sustaining without the original.
Strika comes looking for Lugnut. Strika wants snu-snu.
Recapturing SG/JF Starscream, MW puts him back to work. And with the help of ALL the clones, and Forestonite or Nucleon, "Good" Starscream is able to resurrect the true Starscream in a new clone body. (Either G1 or G2 colors)
Rodimus Prime and the Angry Archer go head to head to see whom is the greatest archer in the land.
One story arc over season 4 and 5, is the fall of Sentinel.
Optimus took down and brought in Megatron. He can't stand that. As his cracks start showing, the public is losing confidence in him, while Optimus is the celebrity he always wanted to be.
And either he's defeated in election, or through plot, optimus somehow restores Ultra Magnus.
And when Sentinel loses his temporary Magnus title, he blames Optimus for EVERYTHING.
This was Optimus's plan all along! To sully his image and steal his spotlight!
And while the Decepticons have spent a season and a half trying to figure out how to rescue Megatron, or if they even should, Sentinel does it for them, and joins him as Nemesis Prime!
Autobots- With Prowl gone and Optimus needing to spend more time on Cybertron, the Detroit Autobot team is in dire straits.
Earth is still in danger from Decepticons, so Optimus sends Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Sari back. Joining them are Jazz, as acting commander when Op isn't around (though he'd rather just chill and take in all the groovy things Earth has to offer), and Arcee whom is Sari's combat and Cybertronian Histories instructor.
With Megatron and his top lieutenants in prison, the decepticons are in disarray and more of a revolving door than the previous seasons, with a few guys trying to make a name for themselves.
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Don’t let me on kinkmemes, I steal the prompts, strip them down and rebuild them like the weirdest looking revved up hot-rods that only vaguely resemble their original purpose and kind of decidedly unsexy unless you’re into that sort of thing
In this our first installment: Jailbreaks, basic premise building, the Magnus Hammer, fighting, a sad lack of banter, more fighting, and Decepticon sedatives
“Decepticons! Transform and rise! UP!” Megatron roared, slamming one of his swords against his heavily plated forearm. He was met by answering screams and clangs, an unholy cacophony to rupture the usual foreboding silence over Trypticon prison. The pathetic Autobots swarming the area panicked like the ant-droids they were, looking for a leader and finding none. General Strika was quite thorough in that regard.
“Time estimate,” he barked into his comms, freshly restored to him.
“We require five breems to reroute the power to necessary areas,” Oil Slick reported, speaking over what sounded like a great deal of cursing in the background. “Possibly more. Why do the Autobots build so small?”
“Understood,” Megatron said. “Strika, status?”
“Holding,” she said. “All of their anti-aerial measures have been disabled, so we have far less to fear. Ground troops are scaring out any Autobots that remain within our perimeter while our fliers keep it clear.”
“Good,” Megatron said. “Is there anywhere you need me?”
Strika snorted. “Keep flying in plain sight and be a pretty figurehead. The troops have missed you, my lord, and if you get hit by a sniper it will be an excellent reminder to keep a look out.”
Megatron grinned. “So dismissive of Autobot warriors, still?”
“More that I am almost entirely certain that you are too stubborn to go offline any time soon,” Strika said. “You disappear for fifty solar cycles and return with the location of the Allspark, nearly take Omega Supreme for the Decepticon cause, and if nothing else you finally offlined Starscream. If you were to take a sniper shot to the cranium, I am convinced that you would come back with the ability to see the future, or talking to Unicron or some such nonsense, if it didn’t just bounce off that thick helmet of yours.”
Megatron barked out a laugh, although he kept a wary eye on the buildings that cut through the horizon. Since Trypticon was a fortress refurbished into a prison, it was surrounded largely by empty land, but you never knew. It was crawling itch in his plating to not know, but he was so familiar with the feeling that he was able to dismiss it with ease. Besides, he was finally free, out from his cramped cell and the ridiculous Autobot demands, back at his rightful place as leader of the Decepticons.
Back in control. Anything else was secondary.
“Movement! Airborne enemy mech, incoming!”
Well, nearly anything else.
A neat turn brought him to face the mech marked on his radar, distinctive red and blue not quite zipping through the skies, but moving at a good clip for being someone never designed for flight.
“General Strika,” Megatron purred, swinging his swords through a quick kata in warm up, “I do believe this one is mine.”
“Do not engage!” Strika snarled. “Our goal is extraction, not a rematch! You cannot-”
“Cannot what, General?” Megatron asked, speeding forward to meet the young Autobot. He heard Strika take a sharp invent and let it out with a hiss. She wouldn’t get the full effect of the dominant coding he was leaking everywhere like a new-sparked idiot over comms, but she would certainly know it was there.
“I ask,” she said carefully, “That you remember that we must return you home safely. Engage the puny Auto-scum if you must, but please pull back when we are ready to warp. Else I will shoot you out of the sky myself and drag you along the ground.”
He considered her proposal. It was tactically sound, after all, and submissive enough to please his frazzled coding. He could forgive the last line, as Strika herself had more highly dominant code than submissive, and he was no doubt putting her through a good deal of stress.
“Understood,” he said. “I will withdraw on your mark, General.”
Megatron spun through the sky, for no purpose other than the joy of flight and to revel in his new found freedom. It was also a semi-impressive looking maneuver that the Autobot in front of him wouldn’t be able to replicate without sending himself into an ungainly downwards spiral. He was only mildly disappointed that his opponent didn’t try to mimic him, instead keeping his approach simple and level.
“Optimus Prime,” Megatron said pleasantly once they were within audio range. “So glad you could join us for such a momentous occasion.”
The young Prime didn’t respond, choosing instead to glare over his battlemask, as if that were more intimidating than his attempts at banter. His grip on the Magnus Hammer shifted in preparation.
“Still depending on your toys?” Megatron asked with an indulgent smile. “Face it, Autobot,” he sneered, “Could you even defeat me on your own?”
Optimus’ expression didn’t change, nor did his posture.
“Very well then,” Megatron said. “Our actions will speak for us.” He raised his swords in preparation.
Optimus’s eyes flicked towards them, and he held up a hand, one finger extended.
Megatron stopped, nonplussed by the universal signal for ‘please wait, I am doing something right now’.
“Sentinel,” Optimus said, enunciating clearly, “I am here already. I am going to mute your comm channel now, so if you need to contact me, please do so through official channels. Give my regards to-” he paused, looking at Megatron. “Well. You know. Optimus, out.”
Optimus resettled himself in the air uncomfortably, wobbling slightly as he miscalculated his balance. “You were saying something, Megatron?” he said in the exact same neutral tone.
A too-small prison and officious Autobots leering at him for cycles had not been kind to Megatron. This was his moment of triumph and control, of proving that no puny Autobots could contain him, and to have this one in particular practically ignore him was simply the last strand to the fraying wire.
To the Pit with presentation. He roared in challenge as he ascended, and the heavens answered with thunder and lightning in return, crashing into Trypticon below. Strika’s plan must have been nearing completion, then, to elicit such a dramatic atmospheric reaction. Sparks danced across the ground below as his troops flinched, some trying to hide before correcting themselves, others almost gearing up for a fight they knew they wouldn’t win.
Anyone with dominant coding could issue a challenge as he just did; few could ever hope to match the sheer intensity and presence behind his. After all, most Cybertronians would never encounter a pure dominant code type in their very long day-to-day lives. Blitzwing’s Random face had laughingly described it as running into a steel wall when they were expecting clouds, and mechs reacted accordingly.
Except for Optimus Prime. He remained hovering, what little expression that was visible above his battlemask unchanged. Or, wait. There was a small twitch to his optics, one Megatron found himself sporting when Lugnut was feeling particularly obsequious.
Megatron dove at Optimus, awaiting an answering scream of challenge or defeat. Instead, the Autobot looped the Magnus Hammer in a long, crackling circle. His mask dropped to show his snarl, complete with pathetically blunt dentae.
“Slag off,” he growled, and threw back his head and howled. The Magnus Hammer sang with him in a hymn of thunderclaps as it practically pulled him through the air, encasing them both in a  corona of electricity. It was a sight to behold, but what held Megatron frozen was the compulsion behind it.
If pure dominant coding was rare, then it’s only match, indeed what possibly surpassed it in rarity, was a pure coded submissive.
This was not Optimus answering his challenge as an equal; this was Optimus denying his challenge any ground, unable to answer and not needing to as he flew through the storm, untouched, the Hammer itself serving as his leading partner, an avenging angel uncaring of such mortal squabbles.
It was beautiful.
It also hurt like the Pit, as the Magnus Hammer connected with Megatron’s side, crumpling plating and frying circuits. Megatron pinwheeled through the air like some sort of novice, trying to digest the last few kliks.
“My lord, we must go now!” Strika yelled over the comms as thunder crashed. “Before the build-up fries us!”
“Understood,” Megatron croaked, sparks crackling between his lips as they parted. “I may need some assistance disengaging.”
“It is already there,” Strika said, and Cyclonus dropped abruptly from the clouds, no engines running to give him away, and his foot slammed into the wings of Optimus’ jetpack. Yielding to physics, one snapped off entirely, and Optimus was sent spinning away, only barely retaining his grip on the Hammer.
“My lord,” Cyclonus said shortly, pulling up to hover beside Megatron. “Can you fly closer to the fortress unaided?”
“Yes,” Megatron snapped. “But I cannot transform at the moment.”
Cyclonus nodded. “Then I am sure the medical team will wish to see you,” he said neutrally. “Let us hurry.”
Megatron descended, thoughts whirring furiously. Cyclonus remained several feet back, field tucked below his plating, a nearly invisible presence even now. Megatron was uncertain how the mech even presented; it had never come up before, and he hadn’t seen the other’s reaction to his challenge or Optimus’ response. In calmer days, it wasn’t a problem. Today, it made him bristle.
He tucked those feelings away and stood straight as he landed, pain ignored for now. Strika looked him over critically, unfooled, but nodded approvingly anyways.
“My lord,” she said, field restrained and projecting as much submission as she was capable of. “As you command.”
“Decepticons,” Megatron said over comms, voice rough, “Let us return to our brethren with this piece of our home.”
Thunder boomed, rattling struts and shaking windows and so much lightning crashed into Trypticon that even those with specialized optics couldn’t see past the blinding light. When it all faded, Trypticon was simply gone, and the Decepticons with it.
Two flier remained, though. They drifted through a grid search pattern until they spotted what they were looking for, at which point the spiralled in to land practically on top of Optimus Prime in his crash crater.
“Optimus Prime, sir!” Jetfire said cheerfully. “Is good to be seeing you!”
“Less good to be seeing Decepticons are all gone,” Jetstorm said just as happily, leaning over to help Optimus stand.
“But is good, because Ultra Magnus is awake!” Jetfire said, looping one of Optimus’ arms over his shoulder.
“But is tricky, because we cannot be telling him about all of problems at once without relapse,” Jetstorm said as they started walking towards the city proper, dragging the Hammer behind them.
“We is thinking he maybe be mad at Commander ours, but not all problems his! Now some are yours,” Jetfire said.
“I’m glad I could help,” Optimus said flatly, faceplates stuck in a mullish expression.
“We be glad too!” the twins said together. “Happy times all around!”
“So very happy,” Optimus agreed dully as they made it past the cleared land around Trypticon and back into the Autobot friendly expanses of the planet-wide city, as marked by numerous posters reminding everyone to do their part with energon rationing, war-time production, constant vigilance for spies, and of course, to know your place in The Great Autobot Machine.
“Sir is not happy,” Jetstorm confided to Optimus.
“Sir thinks you are being disrespectful and forgetting own code,” Jetfire confirmed.
“Submissive glitch should not be making decisions like this!” Jetstorm said in a very bad impression of Sentinel’s voice.
“Cannot be thinking straight, not fit for duty!” Jetfire said with a slightly worse impression.
Optimus groaned. “I can walk, you know,” he told the two of them. “I’ll comm and Ratchet and-”
The twins shook their heads vigorously. “Who you think be sending us?” Jetfire demanded.
“Said he would be telling Sentinel we be goofing off at work if we did not come back with you and all pieces!” Jetstorm added indignantly.
“I’m missing a wing to my jetpack,” Optimus tried.
They gave him a pitying look and kept walking, and Optimus let himself be dragged along. Well. At least he had a medical excuse for why he couldn’t go see Sentinel Acting Magnus and Ultra Probably the Actual Magnus. His processor was already aching from Megatron’s over-the-top pompous ass dominant challenge, and he didn’t want to deal with more inane dominant posturing for the next stellar cycle.
“Optimus Prime,” Megatron began in a thoughtful tone, sitting on an examination chair in the med-bay, “is a pure submissive.”
General Strika, recognizing the tone, immediately turned and administered a Class F Decepticon Emergency Sedative by punching him the face and into unconsciousness.
“I am not dealing with him until I have had time to reunite with my consort and gotten our people back into some form of order,” she said, glaring at Scalpel, the doctor on duty. “See to it.”
Scalpel cackled and saluted. Dominant coding and command structure meant nothing in a Decepticon medbay if you got to the sedatives first.
An authorial aside note from my editing process that I liked way too much to delete entirely, goes where the asterisk (*) is
[The disrespect is fucking real, Megatron realized. He supposed his saving grace was that General Strika wasn’t here to point and laugh. Well fuck that.]
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Starscream snaring at Sentinel because those are new sparks they're not ready for adult frames until a certian age. "And you dare call yourself their mentor!"
"But that's ridiculous! I'm that age now and I've been a perfectly fine grown up for ages!" Sentinel shrieked as BA hollered from the ceiling "What do you mean we're just now adults as of a few months ago! I'd have conjuxed this afthelm if he hadn't shown his real colors when this," waves at her spidery self, "happened right before graduation!"
Cue Starscream and Megatron realing the sire of their sparklings is bairly legal.
The Deceptacon atacks are now attempts to aggressively parent most of the autobots on earth. Deadlock is called to distract Ratchet. Lugnut is asking Strika how she feels about adopting a pair of Autobot younglings who have proven themselves capable warriors. "THEY ARE WORTHY, MY TERROR. WE SHOULD PROVIDE THEM SOME YOUNGLING AND MECHLINGHOOD. CURSE THE AUTOBOTS FOR FORCING NEWSPARKS IN ADULT FRAMES!"
Yeahhhh, Starscream rightfully has so many strong opinions on this and Sentinel n BA are so confused and thus are resorting to anger
Megatron feels bad about their fights with team prime now doesn't he
He does
Also, sdgssd that's fucking hilarious because considering how Sentinel Minor was Bumblebee's boot camp leader, would this mean that Bumblebee and Bulkhead are exactly teenagers in this verse
Lugnut I swear to fuck, yes. Guerilla adoption tactics time
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
you've said that the war is dieing and a surprising amount of decepticons have returned to cybertron. With this in mind could a new golden age start eventually?
Yes the war is dying off! The Decepticon ranks have no where near the amount of soliders the once did after the uprising—many deserted or decided to give sanctuary a go back on New Cybertron—there are still many loyal and persistent soliders that still hope to build up the army once again and take Cybertron back for themselves. So while yeah the DJD is having the best open season of their life rn, the Cons ranks are dwindling!
(Honestly I don’t have much set in stone yet for what the Cons are up to in the AU, I just know that bots like Megatron, Shockwave, Strika, and Lugnut would NOT give up so easily ITS A WIP)
The war is considered practically over as New Cybertron is aiming for a peacetime with hopes of restoring Cybertron back to what it once was in the Golden Age! The species as a whole was not sectioned off into ‘frame type factions’ (Autobot being Civilian, Decepticon being heavy duty Warframes) while in the Golden Age, Cybertronian flora and fuana still thrived on the planet, cities like Vos and Velocitron still stood strong— basically yes, the main goal of New Cybertron is to restore their Golden Age all those eons ago!
Programs and such have already been put in place to ofc rehabilitate bots damaged by the war, give bots on both sides fair trials/sentencing, restore city ruins, and bring back the environmental beauty of the planet itself.
It’ll take time and patience to get systems in place that will work for the benefit of everyone on mind.
New Cybertron has a whole lot of work ahead of them but they’ve definitely scratched the surface of the mountains they need to move to secure their future.
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