#luke McDonald
posexandxname · 2 years
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Here’s a true blood meme I made since I got really into it recently
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bridgertonworld · 3 months
📸Season 3 on film
By Nicola Coughlan
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@dinlukeweek 2023 prompt: 70s DinLuke
I love the movie, The Nice Guys, and this gave me an excuse to rewatch it lmao
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didanagy · 1 year
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dir. bill condon
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bespectacled-bookwyrm · 3 months
Flora: McDonald's is selling hash browns for a pound!
Layton: How many would you like?
Luke: All of them.
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skyler-pog69 · 3 months
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Jude me based on my kin list, be honest. The bigger the character is the more I kin them.
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heart0fclay · 1 year
Lucky Luke for a McDonalds ad
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probablygayattorneys · 9 months
Damn it, someone didn’t properly tag their spoilers again and a huge part of Azran Legacy was just spoiled for me. Yeah, I learned Emmy was actually Theodore Roosevelt the entire time. :/
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aceyanaheim · 1 month
The "I'm an optimist that's why I'm like this" tags were influenced by a lot of things but also
When I was still teaching there was this Republican teacher who taught with me and hearing her say while she thought my headphones were on that "ppl like me" were weak and I
You ever feel over 2 decades of anger over abuse slam into you at once?
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nathalieskinoblog · 2 years
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ambrozians · 8 months
Jade or Luke for the 4 headcanons
jade my boo omg <33 i have so many hcs for her so lets see if i go overboard or not.
headcanon a (realistic): no one will ever catch her lacking when it comes to appearance—hair is always done, nails painted, face beat, etc. work can and often is hard on her body, so she sticks to a strict wellness routine to ensure that she stays in tip-top shape physically. generally, this consists of low-impact exercise (b/c work is high-impact enough), a healthy but non-restrictive diet, and the monthly massage and facial combination. she’s not much of a hugger but will never pass up an opportunity to hold her daughter in her arms, and rarely does she try to slip out of roy’s grasp when he holds her at night.
headcanon b (bit unrealistic but funny): if she is frustrated or *cough* overstimulated enough, she will start to mix languages and create sentences/phrases that only make sense to her. usually, it’s a mix of vietnamese and french with some cantonese sprinkled in.
headcanon c (heartbreaking): it is difficult for her to believe that all the trauma inflicted upon her in her life thus far is not her fault. when she spends time with lian, she thinks she must not have been this kind and loving because if she was, she never would’ve been discarded. deep down, she understands that there is nothing she could’ve done to warrant the life she has, and knowing that both enrages and saddens her.
headcanon d (unrealistic but idc): lian taught her how to play mario kart and can convince her to sit down and play every once in a while. her go-to character is peach because baddies stick together 😘
ask game
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bridgertonworld · 3 months
Florence feeding us with bts
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sasa-chan · 1 year
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Day 16:
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Beauty and the Beast (2017)
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Truths to Live By - One Day at a Time
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by William McDonald
“Heaven and earth shall pass away; but my words shall not pass away.” - Luke 21:33
The Word of God is not only eternal; it is absolutely sure of fulfillment. Jesus said that not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until all be fulfilled. A jot is a letter of the Hebrew alphabet that resembles a comma or an apostrophe. A tittle is a stroke of a Hebrew letter; we might compare it to the bottom stroke of a capital E that distinguishes the E from the F. In other words, Jesus was saying that God’s word will be fulfilled down to the minutest details.
Julian the Apostate, a Roman emperor who lived A.D. 331-36, decided that he would disprove the Bible and discredit Christianity. The particular passage he chose to disprove was “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” He began by encouraging the Jews to rebuild the temple. According to Gibbon in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, they went to work eagerly, using even silver shovels in their extravagance, and carrying the dirt in purple veils. But while they were working, they were interrupted by an earthquake and by balls of fire coming from the ground. They had to abandon the project.
Almost 600 years before Christ, Ezekiel predicted that the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem would be shut and that it would remain shut until “the prince” would come. Many Bible students understand “the prince” to be the Messiah. The gate, subsequently called the Golden Gate, was closed up by Sultan Seuleman in A.D. 1543. In Kaiser Wilhelm’s plan to capture Jerusalem, he hoped to enter by this gate, but his hope was dashed. The gate remains closed.
Voltaire boasted that the Bible would be a dead book in 100 years. When the hundred years had passed, Voltaire was dead and his house had become headquarters for the Geneva Bible Society. Ingersoll made a similar boast. He said that he would have the Bible in the morgue in 15 years. It was he, not the Bible, who went to the morgue. The Bible outlives all its critics.
You would think that men would wake up to the fact that the Bible is God’s eternal Word and that it will never pass away. But then, as Jonathan Swift said, “There’s none so blind as they that won’t see.”
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uh, hey 🐈
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oflightningandstars · 2 years
If any of you see me posting ideas about a crossover au where Angus McDonald and Luke Triton solve mysteries together... yeah that tracks
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