#fellowship of the Sun
posexandxname · 2 years
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Here’s a true blood meme I made since I got really into it recently
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Road to Rivendell by Joe Gilronan
As the sun sets low over the misty mountains, the companions make camp. Frodo wounded, sits crouched by the fire; Merry, Pippin and Strider watch on with concern, while Sam busies himself attending Bill the pony. Unnoticed on the distant bridge, a black rider observes the scene with malice, eager to report back to his fellow pursuers.
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achieve-the-sun · 2 years
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medievalcrockpot · 1 year
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fellowship of the clout
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The world was young, the mountains green,
No stain yet on the Moon was seen,
No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone.
He named the nameless hills and dells;
He drank from yet untasted wells;
He stooped and looked in Mirrormere,
And saw a crown of stars appear,
As gems upon a silver thread,
Above the shadow of his head.
The world was fair, the mountains tall,
In Elder Days before the fall
Of mighty kings in Nargothrond
And Gondolin, who now beyond
The Western Seas have passed away:
The world was fair in Durin's Day.
A kind he was on carven throne
In many-pillared halls of stone
With golden roof and silver floor,
And runes of power upon the door.
The light of sun and star and moon
In shining lamps of crystal hewn
Undimmed by cloud or shade of night
There shone for ever fair and bright.
There hammer on the anvil smote,
There chisel clove, and graver wrote;
There forged was blade, and bound was hilt;
The delver mined, the mason built.
There beryl, pearl, and opal pale,
And metal wrought like fishes' mail,
Buckler and corslet, axe and sword,
And shining spears were laid in hoard.
Unwearied then were Durin's folk;
Beneath the mountains music woke:
The harpers harped, the minstrels sang,
And at the gates the trumpets rang.
The world is grey, the mountains old,
The forge's fire is ashen-cold;
No harp is wrung, no hammer falls:
The darkness dwells in Durin's halls;
The shadow lies upon his tomb
In Moria, in Khazad-dûm.
But still the sunken stars appear
In dark and windless Mirrormere;
There lies his crown in water deep,
Till Durin wakes again from sleep.
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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doctorweebmd · 1 year
Hey today I officially finished my 2nd year of fellowship meaning I’m entering my research year aka the fuck around and find out era
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"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
'Here are all enemies of the one Enemy, and yet I must walk blind, while the sun is merry in the woodland under leaves of gold!'
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Political Cults and the Use of Cultic Tactics in the Recruitment and Mobilization of Participants in the January 6 Attack on the Capitol.
Statement for the Record 
by Dr. Alexandra Stein
 Visiting Research Fellow, London South Bank University
Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol 31 March 2022
A link to a PDF of the complete report is below
Sean Moon’s Rod of Iron Ministries is one of the three examples given in this report.
I would like to thank the members of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol for the privilege of presenting a statement for the record regarding cultic mechanisms involved in recruiting and mobilizing those involved in the Jan 6 attack.
Introduction I am a social psychologist specializing in the study of cults and totalitarian systems, and currently a visiting research fellow at London South Bank University in the department of Law and Social Sciences. I have over 30 years experience studying this phenomenon. My most recent book is Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in cults and totalitarian systems1. I would like to acknowledge the research and feedback assistance of Grace Connoy in preparing this document.
There is a great variety of ways in which certain political actors and groups are using cultic methods to influence the current social and political environment. The use of such methods is much more prevalent in our society than is generally recognized. This is important to understand in order to make sense of what may otherwise appear to be irrational behaviour at best, and certainly dangerous and destructive behaviour at worst, threatening our democratic social and political norms.
This statement doesn’t claim to explain all these destructive behaviours and forces undermining democratic practices, but there is clear evidence that cultic leadership and methods are at work to a larger extent than is often understood as there is a lack of public knowledge about what constitutes cultic mechanisms. I will briefly highlight the key features of these systematic coercive methods and discuss selected exemplar cases contributing to the Jan 6 Capitol attack.
Background Cults typically thrive in times of social fragmentation and breakdown2. There has been increasing social fragmentation in recent decades with rapid demographic movement, job instability, loss of social and community structures such as unions and social clubs3, unstable communities, and a sharp increase in relative inequality. Adding to this has been the rapid change in the role of women and minorities, along with a change of relative status due to job displacement. Decades of unmitigated cult formation and growth in both the US and internationally have laid a groundwork for the current situation where cultic influence is felt throughout society and, I would argue, has become endemic. The internet provides an accelerant to cult formation and recruitment.
One element that has fed into the environment leading up to the Jan 6 attack has been the contribution of groups that fit closely to a definition of what constitutes a cult, as well as more dispersed movements that use cultic methods. The definition I use in my work consists of five points:
1) A cultic or totalist system is formed and controlled by a charismatic authoritarian leader (which in later generations may become a leadership group).
2) It is a rigidly bounded, dense, steeply hierarchical and isolating social system. Looser front groups may exist for the purpose of recruitment, gaining resources and spreading propaganda.
3) The structure is supported and represented by a total, exclusive and isolating ideology.
4) The leader sets in motion processes of brainwashing or coercive persuasion designed to isolate and control followers. This involves social and psychological isolation, engulfment within a supposed benevolent cultic system, and the chronic arousal of stress and fear.
5) As a result followers are able to be exploited and potentially become deployable agents, demonstrating “hyper-credulity”4 and uncritical obedience to the group, regardless of their own survival needs.
The Jan 6th attack included groups that fit this definition. They include among others, a classic cult: Sean Moon’s Rod of Iron ministries, and one of the many far-right hate groups present: The Proud Boys. Others attended who may have been influenced by cultic propaganda, although not themselves yet consolidated into a specific group, such as those radicalised either by Trump’s rhetoric or through the QAnon channel. In general attendees came from a population that in many ways is already fully or partly recruited into a world saturated with cultic influence and, importantly, where fiction is presented as fact.
Further, there is extensive and long-standing intrusion into the highest levels of the government through the late Doug Coe’s The Fellowship, also known as The Family, a group that has many cultic elements5. Much of Trump’s base came from a wide network of mega-churches, televangelists, prosperity gospel and purity culture churches, such as the those led by Paula White, who gave Trump’s inaugural invocation in 2016, or Kenneth Copeland’s Word of Faith church. These, and many others, operate in a cultic manner and over decades have gained considerable influence in both government and among large sections of the public.
Charismatic authoritarian leadership Totalistic, ideologically extremist groups are controlled by a charismatic and authoritarian leader (or leadership group). Both charisma and authoritarianism are required as they are the source of the group’s central organizing dynamic of “love” (or perceived benevolence) and fear. Charisma alone is not sufficient, but when combined with authoritarianism, a highly controlling, bullying system that entraps followers can emerge. Such leaders are also sometimes referred to as malignant narcissists.
Full report here:
a further extract:
In 2021 the Rod of Iron Ministries purchased a 40 acre property in rural Texas supposedly as a “safe haven” for its “patriots”. Another isolated property in Tennessee houses families with children, dedicated full-time to the group. Many more such compounds are currently being planned. Among other activities, they are training members as part of their armed “Peace Police Peace Militia”12. This suggests increasing physical isolation in addition to an existing isolating, hierarchical structure inherited from the Unification Church.
In a cultic group the structure serves to isolate followers socially, psychologically, and sometimes physically, from the outside world. They are also isolated from fellow followers in that any doubts or critiques about the group are prohibited from being shared within the group. It is well known that Trump was quick to fire anyone who disagreed with him. Healthy debate and respect for minority opinions, normally important elements of democratic decision-making, are disallowed in a cultic environment.
Exclusive ideology
The exclusive ideology or belief system exists to justify and reinforce the position of the leader and the structural isolation of followers. The important feature of these ideologies is not so much whether they are left, right, religious or any other ideology, but it is rather the structure of those beliefs. That is: the ideology is total and exclusive allowing no other thought system to intervene, and claiming to have the single “Truth” and the answers to all possible questions for all time.
The source of all this “Truth” resides solely in the supposedly benevolent leadership: the leader is always right even when the leader is wrong. Cultic, totalistic ideologies paint the outside world in a highly fearful manner as the enemy, satanic, impure, or generally holding back the cause. Fear-arousing, Us versus Them narratives dehumanise outsiders and present apocalyptic visions. The leader is then positioned as the saviour from these fictional threats.
Along with other means, some methods of delivery of the belief system serve to confuse followers by either highly complex (and circular) or over-simplified, highly repetitive types of rhetoric. Critical thought is reduced to “thought-stopping cliches”13. The goal of the ideology is in fact to impose the group’s fictional interpretation of the follower’s experience so as to prevent followers from being able to think about their own feelings and experience independently. They are encouraged to “trust the leader” at all times as he has the plan and will disclose it as the follower is deemed ready.
continued here:
How Cult Relationships Work with Dr. Alexandra Stein
Chris Shelton: Sensibly Speaking Podcast #348
16 July 2022
comment: Excellent interview with Dr. Stein! I’ve heard her before, but there was a lot more information here than in other interviews. Thanks Chris and Alexandra!
Alexandra Stein on cults
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er-osion · 6 months
Flower Crowns
pairing: Legolas x gn!Reader
summary: Legolas and reader are enjoying a calm moment on the journey to Mordor, reader makes a flower crown for Legolas and the elf must bear the teasing of his friend [‘Y/n’ used]
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none, fluff
You and Legolas sat in a meadow a few paces from where the Fellowship had set up camp. The sunlight was warm and wrapped around the two of you like a blanket. The green grass was soft and dotted with bright flowers all across the rolling hills. Very few were the times when the Fellowship was able to sit back and take a moment to breath and rest on the journey to Mordor. The hours of sun were spent walking, and occasionally running, on the track to Mount Doom. The majority of your moments of rest were at night, when it was time to sleep. But sleep was not the same as resting during the day. Thus, you and Legolas were very thankful for this short moment you got to spend calmly in the sun.
You look over at Legolas, who sat close to you. The blonde elf was gazing out across the meadow without much focus, mind surely wandering somewhere else. There was a ghost of a smile on his pale pink lips. The question of how soft his lips must feel suddenly popped into your head and you had to look away in embarrassment at the thought. You had met the elf prince at the Council of Elrond, and for the duration of the journey this far, you’d grown closer. Legolas was definitely the member of the Fellowship you spent the most time with. You deeply enjoyed the conversations you two had, but you equally enjoyed the ability to have comfortable silence with him. In all honesty, you’re starting to think you might be crushing on the Woodland prince. You’re not sure how to make any advances— or if you even should— but you know you want to spend more time with Legolas, and you know you want to be closer. And so here you are, sitting only inches apart from the elf, sharing a comfortable silence under the golden light of the sun. You’re looking at your surroundings and taking in the many wildflowers around you, when suddenly an idea strikes. You begin gathering a bouquet of these flowers with long stems to serve your plan.
Legolas noticed the sudden movement from his side. His attention was pulled from the beauty of the nature around him to the beauty of you. He cocked his head in confusion at your gathering of flowers, but said nothing and watched as you collected the colorful sprouts. Legolas watched softly as you settled back into your spot next to him, and he took your moment of distraction as a chance to inch a little closer to you.
“What are you doing, mellon nin?” Legolas asked curiously as he eyed your collection of wildflowers.
“You will have to see, mellon nin.” You replied coyly. Legolas let out a quiet chuckle at your response. But he did indeed watch as you began making something out of the flowers. Legolas watched, entranced, by how your fingers expertly braided the stems to connect each flower in your pile. You worked in silence, concentrating on not breaking the stems or the band of flowers that was becoming your crown. While you focused on your craft, Legolas focused on you. He admired your expression as you concentrated on the task at hand, your features were pleasant to say the least. He felt a little guilty, friends should not be having these thoughts of each other. Friends should not be admiring one another in a way that is more than platonic, yet here he is. Greedily, Legolas basks in your presence and he can’t tell if it’s the afternoon sun or your company that’s making him feel warm. He’s not sure what the stirring inside his stomach is, or the fluttering in his chest, but he’s become aware of the fact he’s only subject to such things when he’s around you.
It took you a few minutes, but eventually you finished your flower crown to much satisfaction. The bright colors popped under the sunlight, and it seemed fit for one of the fairies your mother used to tell you stories about. You smiled happily at your work. Legolas now was able to conclude what your project had been.
“It’s lovely. I did not know you were able to make such fine things out of flowers.” Legolas said with unfiltered admiration.
“Well then, now you know. My talents do not lie only in combat, I have many other skills as well.” You replied with a proud smirk, finally meeting his glowing eyes.
“I envy your craftsmanship.”
“Do you not know how to make flower crowns, Legolas?”
“I’m embarrassed to admit, I do not. It’s ironic—now that I think about it— that a Woodland prince does not know how to make a crown out of flowers.” Legolas looked down at his fingers and picked softly at the skin. “But yours is truly beautiful.”
A bold idea suddenly popped into your head, and a devious smile spread on your lips. You turned suddenly to face Legolas and then gently set your flower crown atop his head. The bright flowers lay perfectly on his silky golden hair. Your breath stuttered as you looked at the ellon, he truly seemed to be something out of a fairytale.
“There, a beautiful crown befitting a beautiful prince.” You meant to say that more as a tease, but your tone ended up a little too sincere than you’d wanted. Legolas’s eyes widened in shock at your forward comment and rose coloring began to dust his sharp cheeks. He opened his mouth to quip something back but shut it after failing to come up with a response and quickly averted eye contact with evident embarrassment.
“I-” Legolas cleared his throat and tried to start saying something but was interrupted when Aragorn’s approaching voice rang throughout your clearing.
“Pretty crown, Legolas. Though, I wasn’t aware it was custom for Mirkwood elves to bring their tiaras with them on life threatening journeys.” Aragorn walked up to stand in front of you and Legolas, wearing a teasing smirk and a raised eyebrow. Legolas let out a dry laugh and rolled his eyes while Aragorn continued, turning to you. “I take it you made this, Y/n.”
“You couldn’t tell by its outstanding appearance?” You responded sarcastically with a grin to match the ranger’s.
“I could tell by the fact that our favorite elven prince is wearing something only you could convince him to wear.” You began to laugh at Aragorn’s comment but then picked up on the underlying seriousness of his statement. There was something in your friend’s tone that was a little too genuine and it made your laugh die out rather fast in your throat. Thankfully you were saved from an awkward silence when you heard Merry and Pippin calling for you from the camp.
“Y/N!! Y/NNN! C’mere!! We need you to settle something, we need your help!!” You heard a loud rustling from where they were and then more shouting and you easily assumed the two hobbits were now roughhousing. You chuckled under your breath and began to get up from your comfortable spot in the grass. Legolas watched you get up with a saddened look that you didn’t notice.
“Apologies, it seems I’m needed elsewhere.” You turned and took your leave, heading back toward the camp to help Merry and Pippin settle their dispute.
Aragorn and Legolas watched you leave, and the elf’s longing gaze did not go unnoticed by the ranger. The Dunédain had the tack to wait until you had disappeared from sight before commenting on his friend’s apparent more-than-platonic watch over you.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.” Aragorn said slyly, walking closer to his friend.
“It’s a nice day.” Legolas deflected with a growing blush.
“A very nice day for you, considering how close you were sitting next to Y/n.”
“Oh, shut it. Don’t you have hobbits to be fretting over?”
“Don’t you have a friend who makes flower crowns for you to be fretting over?”
“It was a one off thing, you’re making a bigger deal out of it than it is. And correct your tone, Y/n is a friend, nothing more.”
“Oh, and friends often make each other flower crowns and gaze at one another longingly?”
“Aragornnn.” Legolas groaned in exasperation and got up from his sitting position, being careful to keep the flower crown from falling off his head. He would be incredibly sad if something were to happen to the crown. Aragorn chuckled under his breath and walked beside Legolas as they began trekking back toward camp.
“Maybe you’ll just have to learn how to make flower crowns as well, so you can return the favor.” Aragorn suggested with a hint of playfulness.
“…I think, after all of this is done, I’ll give Y/n a far more substantial crown.” Legolas muttered with a small self-satisfied smile. The ranger’s eyebrows raised in surprise at his friend’s confidence, but internally he looked forward to seeing such a day take place.
sindarin translations:
mellon nin - my friend
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dearharriet · 8 months
American Honey; Steve Harrington ⛱️
summary: it’s summer, and you’re in love with your boyfriend, steve.
word count: 2K
warnings: implied fem!r, drinking, lots of pet names (honey, baby, pretty, beautiful), lord of the rings references (+ fellowship spoilers!!), tickling, suggestive language
authors note: rly missing summer after writing this one 😭 also I made a mental yarn map between st and lotr while writing this that i can’t unmake I fear
Steve Harrington is an American Treasure.
Fresh out of the pool, he strides toward you, a limber hand reaching out for the beer he entrusted you with. It made you feel special, and Steve certainly entertained the notion. He’s always calling you sweet things—baby, pretty, beautiful, or your favorite—
“Honey.” His shining body is enveloped in shade as he steps under the umbrella you’re using.
He’s an American treasure. Patriotic the way that Colonel Sanders or Bruce Springsteen are. Spangled with freckles and moles like stars, stripes of hot skin on display. Red-shouldered from the sun, blue-lipped from a rocket ice pop, but his teeth remain pearly white.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, his warm fingers dampening yours as you hand the can off to him.
“‘Course,” you reply, breathless.
“You sure you won’t swim with me?”
You liked that. He never pretended he had the interest of the whole group in mind. Steve wanted you all for himself, and he wasn’t shy about it.
Smiling up at him, you shake your head.
“I don’t wanna get burnt,” you say. “And anyways, who’s gonna look after your drink if I get in?”
Steve steps closer to pet your hair. It’s a little awkward with his hands still being wet, but you accept it nonetheless.
“Lucky for you, I don’t really care about the drink. I only asked you to hold it ‘cause you’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
A smile creeps onto your face, which has turned red—sunblock be damned.
That’s another thing you like about Steve. He’s not really coaxing you into the pool. He knows you burn easy, and further, he’s trying his hardest not to touch your face. He’d watched you meticulously rub sunscreen over it just thirty minutes ago, and he’s sweet enough to remember now.
Worst of all, he knows your anxiety about burning stretches beyond just you, so he ordered the kids to sunscreen up just to put you at ease. It has you thinking undeniably fond, hungry, and binding things about him.
Steve is none the wiser, setting his beer down and rubbing a pruny palm down his chest.
“Could you get my shoulders again, babe? Think the chlorine washed it all off.”
You both know damn well it didn’t, but neither complains as Steve perches himself on the edge of your lounger and you rub sunblock into his broad shoulders.
It’s hard not to love everything about him. Not that you’re trying to stop, but you haven’t admitted to it yet, so maybe you are. Everything is terribly simple and domestic with Steve, easily imaginable as a forever kind of thing, and you’re desperately trying not to jump the gun.
What’s stuck with you time and again—like now—is your contentment in committing unselfish acts, as long as Steve is happy. Everything you do for him is sublimely fulfilling, and you can’t help but imagine that he thinks the same about you. Why else would he happily swim alone and bake away in layers of sunblock, if not because you’re happy first?
Feeling intimidated by all of the commotion around, you amalgamate all of these big feelings into a subdued kiss on Steve’s sticky shoulder. Your lips come away tangy with sunblock, but it’s worth it.
Taking it as a sign that you’re done, Steve turns around and gives you exactly what you want, leaning over your bare legs to kiss your waiting mouth. You think it’s a thank-you kiss, but then he’s leaning in for another, and another, his hand holding steady to your ankle.
When he pulls away he’s like a concentrated UV beam. His shoulder is hot where you draw shapes into it.
“Y’still having fun? We could go inside.”
Your legs press together.
“I know why you want to go inside,” you tease, poking his cheek, “and it’s going to have to wait.”
“Who says,” he challenges, pouting, “s’my house.”
Your eyes leave his face to watch the action in the pool. The kids are reenacting a Tolkien-related battle very loudly and dramatically, with Eddie as Aragorn.
“Everyone is here,” you remind him, nodding at the pool just as Will flays an imaginary Orc. Steve doesn’t even glance behind himself.
“So?” He mumbles, kissing your bottom lip. “I’ll tell them to leave.”
He’s so hard to resist like this, all gushy and lovesick. You push your fingers into the hair at his neck to pull him away and he hums happily.
“You’re terrible,” you chide, but you’re smiling, anyhow.
“Is it a crime to love your girlfriend?” A shock zips through you, but Steve doesn’t seem to notice what he's admitted.
“Steve!” Lucas—who is using his recent growth spurt to play Legolas—calls over, saving you from responding.
“Stop sucking face and get over here! It’s time for you to die.”
“Uh-oh,” you laugh, patting Steve on the back. “Sounds serious.”
“How come they always make me play Boring-mir,” he complains, turning back to you. He doesn’t seem very motivated to get up at all, practically lazing beside your legs despite the gang of nerds waiting on him.
“He’s not so bad, from what I’ve read,” you argue, glancing at the closed book by your side. “Though I think they should let you take a crack at Aragorn.”
Grinning, Steve stretches up to kiss you.
“Honey, I think you’re the only one who believes in me,” he whispers sarcastically, and then presses in again.
“Steve!”The kids all throw their hands up. Eddie continues to swing a pool noodle like a sword.
“Coming!” Steve gives you the kiss they interrupted, though it's missing the sensuality it began with. “Jesus, you guys, you see what I’m leaving behind?” Steve gestures to you, and you swat at his arm.
“Steve, stop.”
“No! It’s an impossible task,” he declares, arms out, loud enough so the kids can still hear him. Then, quieter, “you’re too damn gorgeous, gorgeous.”
“Resist temptation, brother,” Eddie calls. “The power of the ring cannot be wielded!”
Steve waves him off as he gives you one final, lingering kiss. Then he's up, trekking back into the sun.
“Don’t think you’ll kill me so easily this time, brats. I’m fighting for Mordor!”
“You’re fighting for Gondor, thick head,” Dustin snips, but screeches when Steve tackles him.
Smiling from your shady oasis, you leave your book forgotten at your side. Steve puts on a good show, taking imaginary hits for Merry-Erica and Pip-Dustin, cutting off forgotten lines with groans and tears.
You shake your head ruefully as the kids cheer and applaud his passing, not sure they understand the sacrifice made. Steve just smiles and bows, and you think maybe he doesn’t, either.
When he finally slumps down next to you again—dripping and warm and happy to be discharged—you curl into him and throw your legs between his.
“Tired?” You lean your head against the springy elastic slats and look at him softly. He nods and pulls you closer, his free hand and his thigh working together to open a new can of beer. He takes a swig and hands it to you.
“I don’t know how they can keep going. I feel like I need an IV.”
You laugh around the rim of the can.
“Maybe I can get you a glass of water, then, and keep this to myself.” You swirl the heavy can in front of him. Steve shakes his head.
“You wouldn’t dare. Beer is, like, basically water, I’m pretty sure.” You raise a skeptical brow, but hand it back to him. “It is! It’s sterile, baby.”
“I love it when you talk sexy.”
Steve throws his head back laughing, nearly dumping the can into both of your laps. You never take your eyes off of him, chest light with the high of encouraging a sound so sweet.
“Where did you even hear that?” You trace his collarbone as you ask, and then his adams apple. Steve’s eyes are still squeezed shut as he attempts to talk through his giggling.
Surely it wasn’t that funny, you think, watching him go red in the face. He’s working himself up more than anything, now. You don’t care. You add fuel to the fire, pinching under his ribs to watch him squirm and howl.
Steve practically throws the can onto the ground, writhing away from your menacing fingers.
“Baby—stop!” You’re laughing with him now, infected by his hiccuping voice. “Honey—honey, please——time-out, time-out!”
You stop, and he snags your hand to hold it away from him. Panting, Steve twists around to pin you on the chair, his free hand creeping towards your bare side.
“Payback…,” he whispers threateningly.
“No…Steve—“It’s too late, Steve’s hands are already working into your sides cruelly, and his mouth is blowing raspberries into your neck. You kick your feet wildly, pushing at his shoulder with your connected hands.
At your shrieking, everyone looks over, faces forming into a hash of reactions. Surprisingly—or unsurprisingly—no one intervenes. The boys boo at you, but it’s only as long-lived as the tickling itself.
“Sto-ho-ho-hoppp—“ you plead, and Steve yields, a satisfied smile on his face.
When you finally relax back into the chair again, chest rising and falling rapidly, Steve takes your hand into his and holds it over his torso.
“Hate you,” he puffs out, and then picks up the beer that started it all.
“Hmph,” you complain, and hold your hand out until he passes it over.
“I love you.”
You’re aiming for casual, but you miss the mark obscenely. It sticks in your throat and you end up saying every letter.
Steve is eerily silent, watching as you take a nervous gulp of PBR. When you try to pass it back, his receiving hand floats up to your face to wipe over your bottom lip instead.
“What was that?” It’s not a question so much as an encouragement, a request. You can’t even look him in the eyes, curling into his shoulder shamefully.
“Please don’t laugh,” you whine, mortified. How had he made it look so easy?
Steve snakes an arm behind you and rubs your back comfortingly.
“‘M’not, honey. Just wanna make sure I heard you right.”
“You heard me,” you confirm grumpily.
He hums a warm laugh.
Smushing your face into his bicep, you laugh, too. Like magic, the ease flows through your body again, as if it never left. Like the water in the pool, your conversations always slip and slide from childish to heart-pounding and back again. So far, the scariest parts of being with Steve have been the anxieties you invented along the way, and he’s never been unprepared for them.
Propping your chin on his peck, you cuddle closer to him, the warm day slipping into evening chill. Steve waits, patient as a Saint, fiddling with your hair and your top and your mind.
“You knew, didn’t you,” you whisper, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb. The near-empty can is still wedged between your bodies, cool against your ribs.
“Sure,” Steve admits. “But thinking it and saying it are different things.”
“True.” You swallow. “Were you waiting on me?”
“Mm, I guess.” He shrugs. “I know it doesn’t change anything if you don’t, but I think I wanted to hear you say it back. Yknow, when I told you.”
Nodding, you kiss the closest patch of skin you can find. Steve continues.
“And then I realized I’d never know if you’d say it back, so I thought I’d wait for you to say it first, which is dumb—“
“S’not dumb,” you assure him, “that’s what I was doing, too.”
Locking eyes, you both peel into laughter at the same time.
“That’s why it’s dumb,” Steve emphasizes. You crawl closer still, giving him the can to put down so you can close the last gap between your bodies. Steve sighs as your nose presses into his neck. “What am I gonna do with you, honey?”
“Terrible, awful, horrible things, I hope.”
You can feel him smiling, sense it.
“Nuh-uh, we’re in love now. Only love-making from here on out.”
You look out towards the pool, at the kids drying off and getting hungry.
You could hardly wait.
thank you for reading! 🦢
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oceandolores · 2 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | chapter 4
Dbf! Joel Miller x female reader
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"𝘏𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘴,"
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summary: life has been perfect, just you and him, but the shadows of both of you and Joel's past has been haunting you again...
warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, AU, No outbreak. (TW) mentions of substance abuse/alcohol use disorder, adult content, religion abuse, violence, blood gore, mentions of death, sexual abuse, sexual content, domestic violences, ped0ph!l1a, cann1bal!sm, human traff1ck1ng, r4p3, dad's best friend!Joel, HUGE age gap (i will not specify her exact age, but she's legal and Joel is 49), daddy issues, mentions of toxic family dynamic, Joel is widowed, Ellie is 16, angst, smut A LOT, forbidden relationship, soft and protective Joel, innocent and pure reader. your last name is Gibson. any other details will be explain throughout the story. inspired by the album Preacher's daughter by Ethel Cain and also mix with lana del rey vibes.
masterlist of the series
previous | chapter 3
next | chapter 5
The sun seemed to shine a bit brighter these days, casting a warm glow over your life since Joel had become more involved in it. His presence brought a newfound sense of safety and comfort, not just for you but for him as well. Joel, once a cold and distant figure, began to soften, melting into a warmer, more open person whenever you were around. It was as if the world belonged to just the two of you, and the bond you shared illuminated both your lives in profound ways.
Joel was now a regular at church, attending Sunday services and every fellowship event with renewed purpose. His participation didn't go unnoticed, especially by Tommy, Ellie, and Maria, who observed the positive changes in him. Joel still remained a man of few words, guarded and cautious, but your presence had undeniably brought a light into his life, guiding him out of the shadows.
For you, Joel became the protector you desperately needed. Whenever your father’s temper flared, you could escape to Joel, finding solace in his arms. He calmed your storms, just as you eased his burdens, becoming each other's anchor. You often sneaked out together to the lake or climbed into the back of Joel’s truck to gaze at the stars. Those moments felt like the world stood still, with only the two of you and the infinite sky. Joel found himself no longer lost in the darkness; instead, he had found his light in you.
However, you both had to maintain a facade, keeping your relationship discreet to avoid the prying eyes of the community. Sneaking out, lying to your father about being at a friend's house, and stolen moments of intimacy became part of your routine. While you hadn't taken your relationship to a sexual level due to your trauma from Jamie, the nights spent cuddling, kissing, and talking were enough for Joel. Though he sometimes felt the stirrings of desire, he respected your boundaries, focusing instead on the depth of your connection.
Joel sometimes took you out of town, exploring Austin or Houston. You visited night markets, played in arcades, and strolled through bustling streets. Joel despised arcades, but the sound of your laughter and the sight of your carefree smile made every annoying game worthwhile. Every time you smiled, it was as if a sunbeam pierced through the clouds in Joel's heart, warming a place he had thought forever cold.
"Got another project comin' up," Joel said one evening as you sat together in his truck, overlooking the hills. "A big one. Tommy thinks it's too much work for the crew we got, but I reckon we can handle it."
"Tell me more about it," you prompted, even though construction details often went over your head. You loved hearing Joel talk about his work; the passion in his voice made you feel closer to him.
"It's an office building downtown. Gonna be a challenge because we gotta keep the old facade. Means a lotta careful demolition, precision work. Gotta bring in some new folks, too, ones who know their way around older structures."
You nodded, trying to visualize it. "Sounds complicated."
"It is," he admitted, a touch of pride in his voice. "But we got a good team. Tommy's been talkin' to some contractors. We need people who can do the job right, you know? Can’t afford any mistakes."
"I believe you can do it," you said earnestly. "You’re amazing at what you do."
He chuckled softly. "You’re sweet." Joel's hand reached up, his rough fingers gently caressing your chin. His touch was like a warm breeze on a chilly evening, comforting and electrifying at the same time. Joel’s gaze held yours, his brown eyes deep and intense, like molten chocolate, filled with something you couldn’t quite decipher but felt deeply within your soul.
Every touch, every look from him, made you melt. It was as if you were a snowflake landing on a sun-warmed pavement, vanishing into a pool of warmth under the intensity of his presence. You giggled, the sound light and musical, breaking the silence.
"What?" you asked, a smile playing on your lips.
Joel shook his head slowly, his smile spreading across his face, tender and genuine. "Nothin', darlin'," he said, his voice calm, gentle, and sincere.
Joel couldn’t fully grasp his feelings, but being with you made him feel alive in a way he hadn't in years. He knew this might be wrong, but it felt so good, like a burst of sunlight through storm clouds, casting colors on a world that had been grey for too long. Ever since Sarah and his wife had passed, his life had been a landscape painted in shades of grief and loss. Ellie had brought back some light, but what he felt with you was different, something more vivid, more profound.
His world had been a desolate canvas, splashed with only the darkest hues. But you were the burst of color, the brush of a vibrant dawn, illuminating the shadows that had consumed him. You were his beacon, guiding him from the darkness, painting his existence with the brightest of shades. And though it scared him, it also filled him with a warmth and a hope he hadn’t dared to feel in a long time.
After school, you found yourself in the familiar warmth of the kitchen, the comforting scent of vanilla and sugar filling the air. Your mother, in her element, was bustling around, gathering ingredients for a cake and cookies.
"Can you grab the eggs from the fridge, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice gentle.
You nodded, reaching into the refrigerator. As you handed her the carton, her hand brushed against your back, right where the still-healing bruises were. You flinched, unable to hide the sharp intake of breath.
Your mother's eyes widened, guilt flashing across her face. "I'm so sorry. Does..does it still...um hurt?" she asked softly, her voice trembling slightly.
You forced a smile, shaking your head. "No, Mama, it's okay. It's getting better."
She hesitated, her eyes lingering on you with a mixture of worry and sorrow. "I know I haven't... I haven't done enough to protect you," she said, her voice breaking. "I'm so sorry for that. I'm just... I’m so afraid of your father."
You placed a hand on her arm, trying to offer some comfort. "Mama, it's alright. I understand. Let's just focus on the baking, okay?"
Your mother nodded, her relief palpable. She turned back to the counter, trying to regain her composure. "So, have you noticed how Joel’s been coming to church more often lately?"
You tensed slightly at the mention of Joel, careful to keep your expression neutral. "Yeah, I noticed."
Your mother smiled, though it was tinged with curiosity. "You know, he’s changed a lot over the years. He used to be so different when Sarah and his wife were alive."
You couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity. You knew bits and pieces about Joel’s past but had never heard the full story. "What was he like back then?"
"Joel was a wonderful father and husband. He adored Sarah and Jane," your mother said, her eyes softening with nostalgia. "Jane and I were good friends. They were high school sweethearts, you know. Joel got Jane pregnant in high school, and they got married right after graduation. He worked so hard to provide for them."
You listened intently as your mother spoke, the rhythm of her words blending with the sounds of baking—mixing bowls clinking, the oven humming softly. Joel had never brought up his past daughter and wife when he was with you. It was as if a part of his heart was still locked away, guarded against the pain of revisiting those memories. You felt a mixture of sadness and curiosity, wishing he would open up to you but understanding his need to protect himself from that pain.
As your mother continued, you couldn’t shake the feeling that Joel’s heart was still closed off, like a house with the windows shuttered, sunlight struggling to seep through the cracks. "After they died, Joel was never the same," your mother said softly, her voice carrying the weight of her memories. "He isolated himself, barely spoke to anyone. He stopped coming to church, buried himself in work and alcohol. It was like the light went out of him."
You continued to bake, your hands moving automatically as you processed your mother's words. The more you learned, the more you understood the layers of grief and resilience that made up the man you had come to care for so deeply.
"Did you know his wife well?" you asked, curious about the woman who had once been such a significant part of Joel’s life. You felt a twinge of jealousy, knowing that Joel had once opened his heart fully to another woman, something he hadn't done with you yet.
Your mother nodded, her smile tinged with sadness. "Yes, she was one of my closest friends. Jane was kind and loving, always had a smile on her face. They were perfect together. Losing her was a blow Joel never really recovered from."
You felt a pang in your chest, imagining the life Joel had once had—a life filled with love and happiness that was abruptly shattered. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel empathy for him, understanding the depth of his loss and the strength it took for him to keep going.
Your mind swirling with thoughts. Joel had been through so much, yet he found the strength to care for Ellie and, in his own way, for you. He was like a fortress, strong and unyielding, yet vulnerable to the storms that battered him.
Your mother’s voice brought you back to the present. "Since he adopted Ellie, he's shown glimpses of the old Joel. But he still struggles. He’s still grumpy and distant. It was as if he built a wall around himself, shutting out the world to avoid more pain."
You couldn’t help but feel a surge of empathy for Joel. He had been through so much, yet he found a way to care for you and Ellie. "And now he's starting to come back to church," your mother said softly.
"It's good to see him more involved again. He deserves some happiness."
You smiled, though your heart was heavy with the knowledge of what you shared with Joel. "Yeah, he does," you agreed, hoping that somehow, against all odds, you could both find the happiness you deserved.
Your mom glanced at you, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "I wonder what’s changed in him," she mused. "Maybe he’s finally opening up his heart for another woman."
Your body tensed at her words. She continued, "Ever since he became a widower, there have been plenty of women interested in him. It’s a small town, you know. Everyone knows everything. But he's always been so... cold and distant. Joel is handsome, successful, and a gentleman. Don't tell your father I said that." She chuckled, and you just smile to her.
Inside, you couldn't help but agree. Joel was indeed handsome and a gentleman, so different from your father. Your father, who should have been the epitome of kindness and morality as a preacher, was anything but. His exterior was polished and righteous, but inside, he was rotten. Joel, on the other hand, seemed rough on the outside but was truly good at heart.
Your mother sighed, "It’s good for Joel, though. It’s about time he moved on and built a new life. Maybe he’ll find a nice woman his age, someone who can be a good mother to Ellie. Adam needs his Eve, after all."
Her words made you uncomfortable, a knot forming in your stomach. You couldn’t bear the thought of Joel with someone else. The jealousy gnawed at you, knowing your mother would lose her mind if she ever discovered you were the reason for Joel’s recent change. You also felt a pang of insecurity, realizing how much older Joel was, how he could practically be your father. There were so many women in town who were more age-appropriate for him, attractive and mature, whereas you felt small and insignificant in comparison.
You focused on mixing the batter, trying to push away the uncomfortable thoughts. "Yeah, maybe," you mumbled, not trusting yourself to say more.
Your mother didn't seem to notice your discomfort. She continued to chatter about the town gossip, but your mind was elsewhere. You wondered if Joel ever thought about these things—marry a nice woman and built a new life? You knew he cared for you, but could he see a future with you, or was this just a fleeting moment in his life?
As you finished the cake and placed it in the oven, you couldn't shake off the thoughts swirling in your head. Joel was a beacon of light in your life, but the future felt uncertain. You wished you could ask him, but the fear of his answer kept you silent.
The cookies were done baking, and your mother placed them in two jars. "Take these over to Joel’s house and then to Tommy's," she said, handing you the jars and placing them in a sturdy tote bag to make it easier to carry on your bike.
You nodded, appreciating the excuse to see Joel. As you rode your bike through the familiar streets, the wind swept across your face, carrying the sweet scent of summer and the promise of evening. The sky was a canvas of blue and orange, painting a picturesque scene straight out of a movie. You loved this town—the southern charm, the way everyone knew each other—but part of you hated it, longed to escape its confines and the shadows that lurked within your home.
Arriving at Joel’s house, one of the bigger ones in the neighborhood, you parked your bike in the driveway and grabbed one of the cookie jars. Knocking on the door, as you always did instead of using the bell, you expected Ellie to answer since Joel’s truck wasn’t in the driveway.
The door opened, and instead of Ellie, it was Joel standing there. His face softened the moment he saw you.
"Hey, Mr. Miller," you said, deliberately using his formal title to tease him a bit.
Joel chuckled, his eyes warm. "Hey, doll."
You lifted the jar slightly. "Mom sent some cookies. She thought you might like them."
Joel took the jar from your hands, his fingers brushing yours. "Oh, that's nice of her, well, do want to come in?"
"Maybe for a little," You followed him inside, the familiar coziness of his home wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. Joel set the jar on the kitchen counter and turned to you, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.
"You alright?" he asked, sensing your unease.
You smiled, trying to brush off your worries. "Yeah, just... thinking about stuff."
Joel stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently cup your chin. His touch was rough but tender, sending shivers down your spine. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
You nodded, looking up into his eyes. They were deep pools of warmth and safety, and every time you looked into them, you felt like you could melt. "I know," you whispered.
For a moment, you just stood there, lost in each other's gaze. Joel’s eyes held something you couldn’t quite decipher, a mix of emotions that made your heart race. You giggled nervously, breaking the silence.
"What?" you asked, feeling self-conscious.
Joel shook his head slowly, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Nothin'."
You giggled again. "You have to stop looking at me like that."
Joel raised an eyebrow, still smiling. He's leaning in to kiss you, "Like what?"
You blushed, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. Before Joel could kiss you, you both heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Quickly, you stepped away from each other.
"Oh, hey, I thought I heard someone knocking," Ellie said, entering the kitchen.
"Hey, Ellie," you greeted her. "My mom and I made some cookies, and she sent you some. I thought I’d drop by for a bit."
Ellie grinned and walked over to you and Joel. She glanced at Joel, noticing his slightly flushed face, and raised an eyebrow. "You okay, Joel?"
Joel cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, just, uh, a bit of dust or somethin'."
Ellie opened the jar and took a cookie. "These are great. Thanks!" She turned to you. Joel took a cookie as well, taking a bite and nodding in approval.
"You made this?" Joel asked, looking impressed.
You blushed a little. "Well, I just helping my mom."
"I take that as a yes and this is good," Joel said, his eyes warm.
"Thank you," you replied, feeling a rush of warmth from his compliment.
Ellie turned her attention to you. "So, how’s school? I haven’t seen you much lately."
You shrugged. "Just busy with a lot of things."
Ellie nodded. "I heard you’re in charge of the church dance troupe for the event next week."
"Yeah," you said, smiling.
Ellie smirked playfully. "And I heard Pastor Ben picked you as soon as he saw you. I think he likes you."
Joel’s expression changed, his jaw tightening slightly. "Who's Ben?"
Ellie glanced at Joel, oblivious to his jealousy. "Pastor Ben is the new young pastor who’s going to be taking over while Father Gibson is away for a couple of weeks."
"Yeah," you added. "He’s just helping out while my dad is on a trip to New Orleans for the church."
Ellie nodded enthusiastically. "He's super popular with the girls at school. They all think he’s really handsome."
You laughed lightly, trying to diffuse the tension. "He’s just being friendly, Ellie."
Joel’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he forced a casual tone. "How old is he?"
"Not sure," Ellie said, shrugging. "Maybe late twenties?"
"Oh," he said.
Joel's face remained impassive, but the tension in his jaw betrayed his emotions. He didn’t want to show too much, to let on how much it bothered him that someone else might have an eye on you. After all, anyone would notice your beauty—your presence was like a beacon, drawing people in with your pure, radiant light. Men and boys alike found themselves captivated by you, your allure almost heavenly. Joel, despite not being religious, found himself silently praying that he could keep you to himself.
He knew that your beauty wasn’t just skin-deep. There was something about you that felt untouched, ethereal—a stark contrast to the gritty world he had come to know. You were his salvation, a glimpse of purity and hope in his otherwise dark and turbulent life.
Ellie changed the subject, sensing the awkwardness. "Anyway, are you excited about leading the dance troupe?"
"Yeah, it should be fun," you replied, grateful for the shift in conversation. "It’s a lot of work, but I think it’ll be worth it."
"Maybe you want to join, Ellie?" you said teasing her, "Oh hell nah," Ellie answered making a disgusting face, you chuckled.
Joel remained quiet, his eyes flicking between you and Ellie. You could tell he was still processing the idea of Pastor Ben, but he seemed to be trying to push it aside.
"Well, thanks for the cookies," Ellie said, taking another bite. "They’re delicious."
"Glad you like them," you said with a smile. "I should probably get going. I need to drop the other jar off at Tommy’s."
Joel’s expression softened as he looked at you. "Let me walk you out," he said. As Ellie remained engrossed in the cookies, Joel gently took your hand, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"When is your father leaving for New Orleans?" Joel asked in a low voice as he guided you towards the door.
"Tonight, around eight," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
Joel’s eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief as he leaned closer, his breath warm against your ear. "Can you sneak out tonight?" he whispered, his hand lightly caressing yours.
You smirked and nodded, a blush spreading across your cheeks.
Joel’s eyes darted around, ensuring no one was watching. "I’ll pick you up behind your house at nine," he whispered, his voice a mix of excitement and caution. His rough hand felt like a contrast to your soft skin, a stark reminder of the different worlds you both came from, yet a perfect match in this moment.
You felt a flutter in your chest, a combination of anticipation and desire. His touch was electric, sending a rush of warmth through your veins. You wanted to hold onto this feeling, the thrill of the forbidden, the secret moments that were just for the two of you.
Joel leaned in and pressed a quick, sweet kiss to your cheek, ensuring no one was watching. You felt your heart race, the sensation of his lips lingering on your skin.
"I’ll see you later," he murmured, stepping back slightly. "Take care."
You nodded, trying to contain your excitement. "You too," you said softly, your voice tinged with the happiness you felt inside.
The whole way to Tommy’s house, you couldn’t stop blushing. Riding your bike, you felt the wind rush past you, the world around you vibrant and alive. The sky was a brilliant canvas of blue and orange, the southern landscape unfolding like a scene straight out of a movie. Each pedal felt lighter, the anticipation of the night ahead filling you with a sense of freedom and exhilaration.
Reaching Tommy’s house, you parked your bike and grabbed the jar of cookies. Knocking on the door, you took a deep breath, the smile on your face unshakeable. Tonight held the promise of something special, and you couldn’t wait to see Joel again.
The house was a quiet, still tableau of ordinary life, its corners cast in the muted hues of nightfall. Your mother’s soft, tired footsteps echoed as she busied herself with the last-minute preparations for your father’s departure. From your vantage point in the dimly lit room, you could hear the rumble of his stern, authoritative voice as he issued his final instructions for his absence.
“Behave yourself, Evelyn. Take care of your duties.” your father’s voice cut through the air like a blade to your mother, “Make sure the house is in order," He said to your mother.
Your mother then called you from downstairs. “Come say goodbye to your father before he leaves.”
You descended the stairs with a heavy heart, each step a reluctant march towards the formality of your father's departure. His figure loomed large in the dimly lit foyer, his stern face illuminated by the flickering light from the chandelier above. The space around him seemed to shrink under the weight of his presence, a constant reminder of his authority and control.
Your father, already dressed in his traveling attire, turned to face you as you approached. His expression was as impassive as ever, his eyes scanning you with a critical gaze that never quite softened. “I expect you to behave while I’m away. Keep things in order, take care of your house duties with your mother and don’t let any mischief slip through. Pastor Ben will be in charge for the next two weeks."
You offered a formal, almost mechanical embrace, your body stiff as you pressed against him. The touch was brief, a quick and emotionless exchange that spoke more of obligation than affection. His words felt like a final checklist, a list of expectations that you had long learned to adhere to.
With a nod, you managed a polite, “Yes, daddy."
As he turned to leave, he gave one last instruction, his voice trailing off as he stepped toward the door. “Remember, be a good Christian girl. Stay close to God. Make sure you’re not a burden to your mother.”
After he had gone, your mother’s weary voice called from the kitchen. “Sweetheart, would you like something to eat? There are leftovers in the fridge. I’m quite tired and I think I'm gonna go to bed early,”
You shook your head, feigning a lack of appetite. “No, I’m full, Mama. I’ll just head to bed.”
“Alright, dear,” she replied, her tone soft but tinged with fatigue. “Don’t forget to pray before you sleep.”
You watched her retreat to her room, her movements slow and burdened. The house felt emptier as she disappeared from view, and you knew it was time to execute your carefully laid plan.
With a quiet sigh, you slipped out of bed and crept to your window. The night was still and serene, the air cool against your skin as you pushed the window open. The backyard, bathed in the soft glow of the moon, felt like a secret world just waiting to be explored.
You carefully climbed out of the window, landing softly on the grass below. The night sky was a canvas of stars, each one a twinkling reminder of the possibilities that lay beyond the confines of your everyday life. The cool breeze ruffled your hair, carrying with it the scents of the garden—jasmine, freshly cut grass, and the distant promise of freedom.
In the darkness, Joel’s truck waited, a silent sentinel against the backdrop of the night. The vehicle was cloaked in shadows, its lights off to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. Your heart raced with anticipation as you approached, the thrill of the forbidden making your steps lighter and faster.
Sliding into the truck, you were greeted by Joel’s familiar presence. His face, partially illuminated by the dim interior light, softened as he saw you. A warm smile spread across his lips, his eyes sparkling with the same excitement that you felt.
Before you could say a word, Joel’s lips met yours in a passionate kiss. It was a moment of pure, unrestrained connection, the outside world falling away as the heat of his touch enveloped you. The kiss was fervent, a melding of stolen desires and whispered promises, each touch a testament to the intimacy you shared.
Joel’s hands were rough and warm, their contrast to your soft skin sending a shiver through your body. As he pulled away, his eyes held a deep, unspoken affection that spoke louder than any words could. “Hey there, darlin’,” he murmured, his voice a soothing balm in the quiet cabin.
The truck’s engine roared to life, a low, rumbling purr that vibrated through the seats. The world outside seemed to blur as Joel drove through the empty streets, the city lights casting fleeting golden streaks across the windshield. Each streetlamp was a beacon in the darkness, guiding you through a night that felt like a dream.
With every mile that passed, the weight of your ordinary life lifted, replaced by the vivid colors of this stolen moment. The night sky above was a tapestry of dreams and possibilities, a perfect backdrop for the intimate adventure you were embarking upon.
The truck rolled to a gentle stop at the top of a secluded hill, its path winding through the darkened landscape like a secret road leading to a hidden sanctuary. The night sky stretched out above, an endless canvas dotted with twinkling stars, their cold light a delicate contrast to the warm cocoon of the truck's interior. Joel’s touch was a constant comfort, the warmth of his hand against yours a promise of the intimacy you shared.
You and Joel made your way to the truck's open bed, where a soft blanket had been laid out. The fabric was cool beneath you, but the warmth of Joel’s body beside you quickly dispelled any chill. You settled in together, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace as you both lay back to gaze at the sprawling expanse of the cosmos.
The night was a silent witness to your closeness, the stars above flickering like distant, celestial eyes. The moon hung low, casting a soft, silvery light over the landscape, making the moment feel surreal and dreamlike. Joel’s presence was a soothing balm, his breaths steady and calming against the backdrop of the night.
As you both lay there, the peacefulness of the night was punctuated by your conversation. The topics ranged from trivial to profound, each word a thread weaving the tapestry of your shared moment. The serenity of the night made every laugh and whisper seem more intimate, more precious.
Then, Joel’s voice broke the quiet, a hint of curiosity lacing his words. “Tell me more about this Ben,” he asked, his tone light but edged with something you couldn’t quite place.
You chuckled, rolling onto your side to face him. “Ben? Oh, he’s just this new pastor. He’s always paying attention to me, it's weird...my friends keep telling me like he likes me, but he's not really my type. He's...too boyish,” you said, trying to convey your disinterest.
Joel’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Boyish? He’s an adult.”
You smiled, playfully snuggling closer. “Yeah, but he’s not you.”
Joel’s eyes flickered with something akin to jealousy, though he quickly masked it with a nonchalant shrug. “Jealous?” you teased, noticing the subtle shift in his demeanor.
Joel gave a soft chuckle, his laughter mingling with the ambient sounds of the night. “I’m not jealous.”
You continued to tease him, your light-hearted jokes breaking through the quiet night air. Each laugh and playful nudge seemed to draw you both closer, your bond solidified by the shared humor and intimacy of the moment.
However, your mind wandered back to the conversation you’d overheard with your mother. The stories of Joel’s past, of Sarah and Jane, lingered like shadows at the edge of your thoughts. A wave of curiosity and a tinge of apprehension washed over you.
“Joel,” you began tentatively, your voice barely above a whisper, “how come you never tell me about your life?"
"What do you mean, doll?"
"About Sarah and Jane,"
Joel’s body stiffened beside you, his hand retracting from its position on your waist. The shift was palpable, a stark contrast to the easy closeness you’d just shared. His face hardened slightly, a veil of discomfort settling over his features.
He looked away, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. “What do you want to know?” he asked, his voice guarded and distant.
You felt a pang of regret, your heart aching at the sight of his discomfort. The stars above, once a symbol of wonder and possibility, now felt like distant witnesses to a moment of unspoken pain. You struggled to find the right words, the metaphors of your own emotions becoming tangled in the reality of Joel’s guarded heart.
“I...I just want to understand,” you said softly, your voice trembling slightly. “I know about your life, but it feels like there’s so much more you haven’t shared.”
"And you knew about mine, all of it," you said again.
Joel’s silence was heavy, a deep, almost tangible weight that pressed against your chest. The night seemed to stretch on forever, the stars above a cold, indifferent audience to the emotions playing out beneath them. The warmth of Joel’s touch was still there, but it now felt like a fragile thread, tenuous and delicate.
Joel’s gaze softened, but the weight of his past seemed to anchor him, pulling him into a place he wasn’t ready to share. “It’s not easy to talk about,” he admitted, his voice trembling with a mixture of regret and sadness. “Some things are just too hard to revisit.”
Your heart ached at his vulnerability, and you reached out, your voice gentle. “You can open up to me, Joel. I want to listen. You always listen whenever I’m down. I’m here with you,”
Joel’s eyes flickered with a storm of emotions, a mix of frustration and something else, but he remained quiet. You pressed on, your fingers lightly grazing his hand. “Do you ever think about them?"
A tense silence followed, Joel’s expression darkening. He clenched his jaw, struggling with the weight of his emotions. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said, his voice strained and edged with anger.
You tried to close the distance, your hand still resting on his. “Joel, it’s okay to open up.”
But before you could say more, Joel’s frustration erupted. “I just don't want to talk about it!” he snapped, his voice sharp and louder than you’d ever heard.
You flinched, your heart racing as the sudden intensity of his reaction hit you. The night, once a haven of comfort and connection, now felt oppressive, the stars above seeming distant and indifferent to the turmoil unfolding below.
Joel’s eyes widened as he saw the fear in your gaze, and his anger dissipated almost immediately, replaced by regret and sorrow. “Fuck, I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice breaking. “I didn’t mean to—”
You tried to steady yourself, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. “It’s okay,” you whispered, though your voice wavered. “I’m sorry."
Joel’s face crumpled with remorse, and he pulled you into a tight embrace. “No, no, it’s alright,” he said urgently, his hands trembling as they held you close. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.”
You let yourself sink into his embrace, the warmth of his body a balm against the sharp edges of your fear. Joel’s arms were strong and reassuring, his apologies sincere as he gently stroked your back, his touch a contrast to the harshness of his earlier words.
The night around you seemed to settle, the tension easing as Joel’s grip tightened, holding you as if he could shield you from the weight of his own emotions. The stars above continued to shine, their distant light a reminder of the vastness of the world and the smallness of your own worries in the grand scheme of things.
Joel’s voice was soft now, filled with the weight of his remorse. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just...I just can’t talk about it right now.”
You nestled closer against Joel, the warmth of his body enveloping you in a cocoon of comfort. “It’s okay, Joel,” you murmured softly, your voice a gentle caress against the backdrop of the night. “I’m sorry to push you, but I want you to know that I am here. Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’ll be right here, just like you are for me.”
Joel’s fingers brushed against your hair, a tender gesture that spoke volumes. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, a whisper of affection that traveled down to your cheek and finally to your lips. The kiss was brief but sweet, a promise of connection and understanding. He pulled you back into his embrace, both of you gazing up at the star-speckled sky.
The vastness of the night felt like a canvas, stretching out endlessly before you. You could feel the weight of your desires and dreams mingling with the cool night air, and a yearning for freedom began to take shape in your heart. “Joel,” you said softly, breaking the comfortable silence between you. “I want to go out. I want to get away from all of this. Will you come with me one day?”
The sincerity in your voice carried a longing for escape, for a fresh start where the past could no longer cast its shadow. You wanted to run away, to leave behind the chains of hurt and disappointment and start anew with Joel by your side. The dream of leaving it all behind, just the two of you, was intoxicating—a chance to be free from the constraints of your everyday lives and the ghosts of your pasts.
Joel’s eyes met yours, a flicker of determination lighting up his features. He could see the raw honesty in your gaze, the hope that shimmered like the stars above. “I promise you,” he said, his voice steady and sincere, “one day, we will. We’ll get out of here and start fresh. Just you and me.”
You felt a flutter of relief and happiness at his words, as if a heavy weight had been lifted from your heart. The idea of a future together, unburdened by the past, seemed within reach now, a possibility painted against the backdrop of the night sky. Joel’s promise was a beacon of hope, a light guiding you through the darkness.
You lay there, side by side, under the vast expanse of the universe, the stars shining brightly above you. The night felt endless, full of potential and promise. The warmth of Joel’s presence, the softness of his touch, and the certainty of his promise wrapped around you like a comforting blanket, making the future seem just a little bit brighter.
In the quiet moments that followed, you allowed yourself to dream of a different life, one where the past was a distant memory and the present was filled with endless possibilities. With Joel by your side, the journey ahead felt less daunting, and the dreams of escape and freedom seemed like they could one day become a beautiful reality.
The sun cast a warm, golden light over the school grounds as you and your classmates, including Emma, practiced your dance routines for the upcoming church event. The afternoon air was filled with the sounds of music and the rustle of your movements as you and your friends rehearsed, perfecting every step and spin. The new Pastor Ben, fresh from Mexico with his wife Jemima, observed with an encouraging smile, his presence adding an extra layer of excitement to the practice.
Pastor Ben, young and charismatic, was the center of attention for many of the girls. His charm and good looks had quickly made him popular, and you could see why. Though you knew he was married, the admiration from your friends was palpable. Jemima, his wife, had been less present in the community, focusing on settling into their new life. You hadn’t interacted with her much, and you were more familiar with Ben’s friendly demeanor and the sparkle in his eyes that made him somehow likable among your friends.
As the practice came to a close, you and Emma walked outside the school, discussing the day’s rehearsals and sharing your thoughts on the choreography. The conversation was light-hearted, filled with giggles and the occasional sigh as you both reflected on the challenges and progress made.
Suddenly, Pastor Ben appeared beside you, his presence both surprising and pleasant. “Afternoon, girls. How did the practice go today?” he asked, his attention clearly focused on you.
You could feel the warmth of his gaze as he continued, “Any difficulties? How are you finding the choreography?”
You answered, your voice steady but with a hint of nervousness, “We’re making good progress. There were a few tricky moves, but we’re getting there.”
Ben nodded, his eyes never straying far from you. “You’re doing really well. I’ve noticed you’ve been putting in a lot of effort. It shows.”
Emma, ever the enthusiastic friend, chimed in, “Oh, we’re just working hard! It’s been a lot of fun, though. Don’t you think Pastor Ben has been so encouraging?”
Ben smiled at her but turned his attention back to you. “I’m glad to hear that. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone’s doing. Is there anything you need help with?”
You felt a mix of emotions—flattered by his attention but also a bit uncomfortable given the context of the situation. Ben’s genuine interest was clear, but it was hard not to feel like you were under a spotlight.
“Thank you, Pastor Ben. I think we’re okay for now. It’s just a matter of practice,” Emma said.
He nodded, “If any of you ever need any extra guidance or just want to talk, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help.”
As Pastor Ben walked away, you felt a twinge of relief mixed with lingering confusion. You were still processing the interaction when Ellie’s familiar voice broke through, startling you slightly.
“Oh, that’s Pastor Ben,” Ellie said, a playful tone in her voice. She tapped you on the shoulder, making Emma and you turn to face her.
Emma grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Yep, that’s the new hot pastor,"
Ellie looked between you and Emma with a knowing smile. “So, what’s the gossip on Pastor Ben?”
Before Emma could answer, you asked Ellie if she was heading home. Ellie shook her head, her excitement palpable. “Nope, I’m going out with Joel. We’re going to practice shooting. You know, for deer hunting. Joel and I usually do this.”
Just then, the sound of a truck horn pierced the air, and Ellie waved enthusiastically. “Ah, there’s Joel now. See you later, guys!”
You watched as Ellie walked toward the truck, your gaze meeting Joel’s for a brief moment. You tried to hide your blush, feeling the familiar flutter in your chest whenever Joel was near.
Emma then suddenly said, "Ah the town's DILF,"
You choked caught off guard. “What did you just say?”
Emma laughed, leaning in conspiratorially. “You know, DILF—‘Dad I’d Like to’—you know the type. Joel’s like the ultimate Southern gentleman. He’s got that rugged charm. He looks like he works with his hands, and I bet he smells like Marlboro Reds. Everyone’s talking about how lucky Ellie is. Goddamn, he's just hot,"
You felt your cheeks flush deeper, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. “Emma, stop. He’s much older than us.”
Emma raised an eyebrow playfully. “Oh come on, you’re telling me you’ve never thought about Joel that way? I mean, he’s your dad’s best friend in high school, but just tell me you have right?”
You glared at Emma, trying to hide the twinge of jealousy you felt. “Emma, that’s inappropriate."
Emma pouted in mock innocence. “Oh, come on! Don’t be so uptight. We’re just talking. I’m sure you’ve had some thoughts, especially with how close you are with Joel right?"
You shook your head, trying to suppress the tumult of emotions bubbling inside you. “Seriously, Emma, I don’t want to talk about this.”
Emma grinned, undeterred. “Alright, alright. I’ll drop it. But you have to admit, Joel’s a pretty interesting guy.”
You gave her a half-smile, trying to brush off the teasing. “Emma..."
Emma’s grin remained as she walked alongside you, her excitement infectious despite your lingering discomfort. You both made your way home, your thoughts tangled with the events of the day.
As you approached your house, Emma’s voice broke through your thoughts. “Hey, you know what? My parents are out tonight. How about a sleepover at my place? We can hang out and have some fun. It’ll be a nice break before graduation.”
You hesitated, “I don’t know, Em. I’ve got a lot to prepare for graduation.”
Emma’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Oh, come on! It’ll be fun. Jim will be there too, and he’s a blast. Plus, you’ll have me to keep you entertained. What’s the harm?”
You raised an eyebrow, trying to mask your reluctance. “I don’t want to be the third wheel.”
Emma’s expression softened as she playfully pleaded. “Oh, please. It’ll be fine. Just come hang out. If you don’t, my parents might not let Jim over if it's just both of us. Pretty please?”
You sighed, weighing your options. Emma’s persistence was hard to resist, and you knew it would be a good chance to take your mind off things. “Alright, alright. I’ll come. But let me ask my mom first.”
Emma’s face lit up with joy. “Yes! Thank you! I promise we’ll have a great time.”
As you walked inside your house, you found your mom in the kitchen, preparing a simple dinner for herself. The smell of food filled the air, a comforting reminder of home.
“Mom, Emma invited me to a sleepover at her house tonight,” you said, trying to sound casual. “Is it okay if I go?”
Your mom looked up, her face reflecting mild surprise but also understanding. “A sleepover? Well, I suppose it’s fine. Just be sure to come home early tomorrow."
You nodded, relieved by her response. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll be back early.”
With your mother’s approval, you quickly gathered your things and headed back outside to meet Emma. Her excitement was palpable as she waited for you by the front gate.
“Great! Let’s go!” Emma chirped, grabbing your hand and leading the way.
As you walked to Emma’s house, your mind was still clouded by the earlier events. The thought of spending the evening with Emma and Jim was a welcome distraction from the swirl of emotions you had been feeling. You hoped it would be a chance to relax and clear your head before facing whatever came next.
Hours later, the three of you were lounging in Emma’s cozy living room, the soft glow of the TV casting shadows on the walls. After an exciting board game session, you settled down to watch "Gone with the Wind." Emma and Jim sat close together on the couch, their whispered conversations blending with the movie's dialogue. You tried to focus on the screen, but their growing intimacy was hard to ignore.
Emma giggled softly, her voice barely above a whisper. You glanced over just in time to see them exchanging a tender kiss. Their kisses grew more passionate, and soon they were making out fervently. You turned your attention back to the movie, trying to block out the sounds of their affection, but it was no use.
"I'm going to take Jim to my bedroom," Emma said, her cheeks flushed. "Is it okay if you stay here alone?"
You nodded, your heart pounding. "Yeah, it's fine. I want to finish the movie anyway."
Emma smiled and led Jim to her room, leaving you alone in the dimly lit living room. The hours passed slowly, the film a distant backdrop to the thoughts swirling in your mind. Their muffled voices and occasional moans filtered through the walls, filling you with a mix of curiosity and discomfort.
The next morning, you woke early and decided to make breakfast for everyone. The smell of sizzling bacon and fresh coffee filled the kitchen as you worked. Emma was the first to join you, her hair tousled and eyes bright.
“Thanks for breakfast,” she said, giving you a warm smile. “Did you have fun playing board games last night?”
You returned her smile, feeling a genuine sense of friendship. "Yeah, it was fun. Thanks for inviting me."
Emma smiling to you, "You're a good friend," you smiled at her.
You hesitated at first, then asked the question that had been on your mind. "So, uh... about last night... did you and Jim...?"
Emma blushed slightly but didn't shy away. "You mean, am I not a virgin anymore? Yes. and I'm really in love with Jim. He's so kind and supportive. We’re thinking about getting married after we graduate, moving to a big city like Austin or Houston to start our lives together. He can work in a garage, and I'll stay home."
Her words made you think of Joel, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. "Have you ever been in love?" Emma asked, noticing your pensive expression.
“I don’t know,” you replied hesitantly. “I think about someone a lot, but I’m not sure what it means.”
“And have you ever... you know, had sex?” Emma asked.
Your body tensed, the memory of Jamie’s forceful actions coming to mind. You decided to lie and shook your head.
“Typical preacher’s daughter, stay pure, hon,” Emma said, her tone sincere rather than mocking.
You swallowed, feeling a mix of discomfort and curiosity. “How does it feel like?”
Emma’s expression softened. “Well, when you’re with someone you truly care about, it can be really special. It’s not just about the physical aspect, but the emotional connection. It’s like sharing something deeply personal with someone you love and who loves you back. It can feel very intimate and fulfilling.”
You nodded, trying to understand her words. “But isn’t it scary? Does it hurt?”
Emma smiled gently. “It can be, especially the first time. But when you’re with someone who respects you and makes you feel safe, it’s a lot easier. It’s important that you feel comfortable and loved.”
You took in her words, feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. “What if I’m not ready for that yet?”
Emma reassured you. “That’s completely okay. There’s no rush. It’s important to wait until you feel ready and comfortable. And remember, there are other ways to show affection and care for someone.”
You felt a bit of relief. “Like what?”
Emma leaned in slightly, her voice gentle. “Like, for example, giving him oral pleasure. It’s a way to show that you care about him and want to make him feel good. But it’s really important that you’re comfortable with whatever you choose to do. Communication and mutual respect are key in any relationship.”
You blushed, feeling a mix of curiosity and embarrassment. “I don’t know much about that. It sounds kind of… complicated.”
Emma smiled warmly. “It can seem that way, but you’ll learn what feels right for you and your partner as you go along. The most important thing is to have open conversations and make sure you’re both on the same page.”
You nodded, absorbing her advice. “Thanks for explaining."
Emma’s words lingered in your mind as you processed what she had said. The idea of intimacy was something you hadn’t explored deeply, shaped by the teachings you’d grown up with. Your father’s sermons had painted it as an ultimate sin, a taboo wrapped in layers of guilt and religious doctrine. The notion of sex had always been shadowed by the fear of moral failure, a breach of sacred promises that could never be undone.
Emma’s perspective, however, was a stark contrast. She spoke of intimacy as a beautiful, shared experience between two people who cared deeply for each other. It wasn’t just a physical act but a manifestation of affection and connection. It was a way to express love, to show that you cherish someone in the most personal and vulnerable way.
You thought about Joel, and how his kindness had touched you. His presence was like a gentle light breaking through a stormy sky—offering warmth, comfort, and a sense of security you had rarely felt before. The idea of pleasing him, of sharing something deeply intimate, seemed like a way to express your gratitude, to show him how much you valued his care and support.
It was as if you were standing at the edge of a beautiful, uncharted garden, its entrance hidden behind a veil of mist and uncertainty. The garden represented a space of connection, where the blossoms of affection and mutual respect could flourish. The thought of stepping into this garden with Joel was both thrilling and daunting. It was a step into the unknown, where the flowers of shared experiences and emotional intimacy awaited.
You contemplated the possibility of finding a way to share this garden with Joel, to offer him a gesture of affection that went beyond words. Maybe through a physical expression of care, you could bridge the gap between your feelings and his, creating a shared space where love could grow and flourish.
Emma’s reassurance and gentle explanations provided a new perspective, one that allowed you to see intimacy not as a forbidden act but as a potential expression of love and appreciation. You wondered if perhaps, in time, you could navigate this new terrain with Joel, guided by mutual respect and deep affection.
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I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew:
Of wind I sang, a wind there came and in the branches blew.
Beyond the Sun, beyond the Moon, the foam was on the Sea,
And by the strand of Ilmarin there grew a golden Tree.
Beneath the stars of Ever-eve in Eldamar it shone,
In Eldamar beside the walls of Elven Tirion.
There long the golden leaves have grown upon the branching years,
While here beyond the Sundering Seas now fall the Elven-tears.
O Lórien! The Winter comes, the bare and leafless Day;
The leaves are falling in the stream, the River flows away.
O Lórien! Too long I have dwelt upon this Hither Shore
And in a fading crown have twined the golden elanor.
But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me,
What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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sillylotrpolls · 8 months
(Relevant text below the poll)
Inspired by this post by @roselightfairy and replies by @herrhasen, @enide-s-dear, @unnamedelement, @dragonfirez, and @carlandrea.
If you'd like to refresh your memory of the Fellowship at its bitchiest (and Boromir at his best), the relevant text is below the cut.
Excerpted from The Fellowship of the Ring, Book II, Chapter 3: The Ring Goes South
Gimli looked up and shook his head. 'Caradhras has not forgiven us.' he said. 'He has more snow yet to fling at us, if we go on. The sooner we go back and down the better.'
To this all agreed, but their retreat was now difficult. It might well prove impossible. Only a few paces from the ashes of their fire the snow lay many feet deep, higher than the heads of the hobbits; in places it had been scooped and piled by the wind into great drifts against the cliff.
'If Gandalf would go before us with a bright flame, he might melt a path for you,' said Legolas. The storm had troubled him little, and he alone of the Company remained still light of heart.
'If Elves could fly over mountains, they might fetch the Sun to save us,' answered Gandalf. 'But I must have something to work on. I cannot burn snow.'
'Well,' said Boromir, 'when heads are at a loss bodies must serve, as we say in my country. The strongest of us must seek a way. See! Though all is now snow-clad, our path, as we came up, turned about that shoulder of rock down yonder. It was there that the snow first began to burden us. If we could reach that point, maybe it would prove easier beyond. It is no more than a furlong off, I guess.'
'Then let us force a path thither, you and I!' said Aragorn.
Aragorn was the tallest of the Company, but Boromir, little less in height, was broader and heavier in build. He led the way, and Aragorn followed him. Slowly they moved off, and were soon toiling heavily. In places the snow was breast-high, and often Boromir seemed to be swimming or burrowing with his great arms rather than walking.
Legolas watched them for a while with a smile upon his lips, and then he turned to the others. 'The strongest must seek a way, say you? But I say: let a ploughman plough, but choose an otter for swimming, and for running light over grass and leaf or over snow-an Elf.'
With that he sprang forth nimbly, and then Frodo noticed as if for the first time, though he had long known it, that the Elf had no boots, but wore only light shoes, as he always did, and his feet made little imprint in the snow.
'Farewell!' he said to Gandalf. 'I go to find the Sun!' Then swift as a runner over firm sand he shot away, and quickly overtaking the toiling men, with a wave of his hand he passed them, and sped into the distance, and vanished round the rocky turn.
The others waited huddled together, watching until Boromir and Aragorn dwindled into black specks in the whiteness. At length they too passed from sight. The time dragged on. The clouds lowered, and now a few flakes of snow came curling down again.
An hour, maybe, went by, though it seemed far longer, and then at last they saw Legolas coming back. At the same time Boromir and Aragorn reappeared round the bend far behind him and came labouring up the slope.
'Well,' cried Legolas as he ran up, 'I have not brought the Sun. She is walking in the blue fields of the South, and a little wreath of snow on this Redhorn hillock troubles her not at all. But I have brought back a gleam of good hope for those who are doomed to go on feet. There is the greatest winddrift of all just beyond the turn, and there our Strong Men were almost buried. They despaired, until I returned and told them that the drift was little wider than a wall. And on the other side the snow suddenly grows less, while further down it is no more than a white coverlet to cool a hobbit's toes.'
'Ah, it is as I said,' growled Gimli. 'It was no ordinary storm. It is the ill will of Caradhras. He does not love Elves and Dwarves, and that drift was laid to cut off our escape.'
'But happily your Caradhras has forgotten that you have Men with you,' said Boromir, who came up at that moment. 'And doughty Men too, if I may say it; though lesser men with spades might have served you better. Still, we have thrust a lane through the drift; and for that all here may be grateful who cannot run as light as Elves.'
'But how are we to get down there, even if you have cut through the drift?' said Pippin, voicing the thought of all the hobbits.
'Have hope!' said Boromir. 'I am weary, but I still have some strength left, and Aragorn too. We will bear the little folk. The others no doubt will make shift to tread the path behind us. Come, Master Peregrin! I will begin with you.'
He lifted up the hobbit. 'Cling to my back! I shall need my arms' he said and strode forward. Aragorn with Merry came behind. Pippin marvelled at his strength, seeing the passage that he had already forced with no other tool than his great limbs. Even now, burdened as he was, he was widening the track for those who followed, thrusting the snow aside as he went.
They came at length to the great drift. It was flung across the mountainpath like a sheer and sudden wall, and its crest, sharp as if shaped with knives, reared up more than twice the height of Boromir; but through the middle a passage had been beaten, rising and falling like a bridge. On the far side Merry and Pippin were set down, and there they waited with Legolas for the rest of the Company to arrive.
After a while Boromir returned carrying Sam. Behind in the narrow but now well-trodden track came Gandalf, leading Bill with Gimli perched among the baggage. Last came Aragorn carrying Frodo. They passed through the lane; but hardly had Frodo touched the ground when with a deep rumble there rolled down a fall of stones and slithering snow. The spray of it half blinded the Company as they crouched against the cliff, and when the air cleared again they saw that the path was blocked behind them.
'Enough, enough!' cried Gimli. 'We are departing as quickly as we may!'
And indeed with that last stroke the malice of the mountain seemed to be expended, as if Caradhras was satisfied that the invaders had been beaten off and would not dare to return. The threat of snow lifted; the clouds began to break and the light grew broader.
As Legolas had reported, they found that the snow became steadily more shallow as they went down, so that even the hobbits could trudge along. Soon they all stood once more on the flat shelf at the head of the steep slope where they had felt the first flakes of snow the night before.
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petaltexturedskies · 8 months
I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been; of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.
J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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