#luke patterson x julie molina fic
g1rld1ary · 6 months
new release ; luke patterson x fem!reader
➻ synopsis: you'd been playing julie and the phantom's new album on repeat all day before luke comes knocking on your door, and you end up going to dinner with your favourite band
➻ word count: 2515
➻ content: she/her pronouns for reader
➻ wrote this on a whim tonight so enjoy my first luke fic lol !!
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You tapped your fingers impatiently against your desk, willing Spotify to reload quicker, visualising the album you knew was dropping in two minutes. Finally, after 120 seconds that could have been an hour, Julie and the Phantom’s new album was out and available, and you actually might’ve been the first person to listen to it.
You’d been following Julie and the Phantoms since their very first performance was put on YouTube. Admittedly you’d been hopping on the bandwagon — your friends had been raving about it at school and force-fed you their songs, but you’d been genuinely addicted to their music ever since.
Pressing play on the new album you got up, leaving it to play as you began on your errands for the day. You danced around your apartment, putting away the washing and vacuuming and humming along to the singles that had already been released.
Luke was on his way home from his morning run when he could have sworn he could hear his own voice. Stopping, he pulled an earbud out of his ear, looking around for the source of the music. And there, on the third floor, was you. You were out on the balcony, organising the cute set of outdoor furniture you’d shoved in there and dancing ridiculously to Luke’s personal favourite song of the album. He let out a quiet laugh to himself, admiring the carefree way you jumped around, miming the chorus you’d learnt into a can of what appeared to be bug spray. He smiled once more before heading into the building, musing about the odds of having a Phantoms fan live on his floor.
Back up in his apartment he could still hear the music, both your open windows making it sound clear despite not being obnoxiously loud. Luke just shook his head, heading straight to the shower and turning on his own music so he didn’t have to be victim to his own voice all day.
An hour later, you were still listening. You’d just finished the album and evidently wanted to commit it to memory before the day was through. Luke thought it was adorable, and he could feel the gratitude flowing through every inch of him. This was why he wrote music, to resonate with people and make them happy. Plus, now that he knew the cute girl who’d just moved into the apartment opposite him liked his band, he figured he could build up some confidence to talk to you.
Morning turned to afternoon, and you were still playing his album. Luke was flattered, but in slight disbelief. He couldn’t believe you weren’t sick of it yet, though he supposed you didn’t get the same ick he did when listening to his voice. Hearing you learning the words was another bonus, your voice floating in through his kitchen window as he cooked. He thought it was lovely, though far from professional. It was an unreal experience hearing your disembodied voice stumbling through the lyrics, making up ones you’d evidently misheard and improvising your own riffs on top of Julie’s.
Luke wondered whether it was possible to develop a crush on someone based on just their voice. Yeah he thought you were cute the few times he’d seen you coming or going through his street facing window, but your laughter when your voice cracked had him weak in the knees.
When you were still playing his music by four o’clock — you’d branched out to mixing in the rest of their discography by then — he was a little worried for your sanity. Flattered and grateful for the streams, but concerned all the same. At the same time he was worried for himself. He’d offered to host his band and friends for a private celebration of the album release after the official party the night previous, and he thought it may be a little on the nose if you were still streaming their music into the night. He could already hear Alex making fun of him for living next to a fangirl (he did secretly hope you were a fangirl of him though).
So, whilst it wasn’t exactly the meet-cute he’d hoped for, Luke found himself knocking on your door. He knocked again shyly when he heard you turn down the volume, clearly trying to see if you’d heard right. A few soft footsteps on the other side of the door and it was cracking open, your curious expression greeting him. You’d only just moved in and didn’t know anyone to be visiting.
Luke watched you go through the seven stages of grief in real time. Confusion at an unexpected visitor, recognition of him, and then a million shades of humiliation as you realised you’d been listening to his music all day and he could hear. God, you probably looked like an obsessed fangirl (you were, but you didn’t want Luke Patterson to know that). With an embarrassed sound coming from the back of your throat, you asked Luke to give you twenty seconds of privacy. He agreed politely and you shut the door quickly. Slapping a hand to your mouth, you let out a silent scream, trying to let out all your anxious, embarrassed energy as quickly as possible, shaking your limbs about so you could stand still when you inevitably had to grovel for forgiveness to Luke.
Reopening your door, you were taken aback by how at ease Luke looked. And how much hotter he was in person, but you tried to push that thought to the back of your head for the sake of coherent conversation.
“Hi,” You said, resisting the urge to ramble out apologies.
“Hi,” He replied with that stupidly charming grin he wore in all his publicity shoots. “I’m Luke.”
“I know.” Fuck, you didn’t mean to say that. “Um, obviously. I’m sure you’ve heard all the…” You gestured inside to your apartment where his album was still playing quietly. You should’ve turned it off.
“Please don’t be embarrassed, it’s really cute.” Now your blush was for a totally different reason, your favourite singer was calling you cute? You had to be dreaming.
“Is there something I can do for you?” You asked, still unsure of the purpose of the visit, though you weren’t complaining.
“Oh!” Luke looked as if he really had forgotten why he’d come, but covered himself with an easy laugh, “I was just wondering if you could turn down your music a bit? It’s not too loud or anything, it’s not bothering me! It’s just, I’m having the band over tonight and as much as we’re all proud of the album, it feels a bit conceited to have it playing as we hang out privately, y’know?” You were nodding vigorously before he could finish his sentence, spilling out apologies for even playing it in the first place.
“Seriously don’t apologise,” He assured you, catching your eye in a way that made you feel like you couldn’t look away (not that you would’ve wanted to), “I really appreciate you being a fan and supporting us.” In that moment, entranced in his deep honey eyes, you honestly would have done whatever Luke Patterson asked of you, you were completely his. Maybe your parasocial relationships needed some examining.
Forcing yourself to end the moment despite your internal desires, you averted your eyes to the floor and Luke coughed slightly, both of you somewhat dazed.
“Right, well, it was really nice meeting you. Big fan. Guess I’ll see you around?” You said awkwardly, stepping back inside the threshold of your flat. Luke nodded in the same manner, and you were about to shut the door when he called for you to wait.
“Do you wanna come over later? You can meet the band, and it’s always helpful to make some friends in the building. I, uh, know you’re new here.” You nodded, more than surprised, but you sure as hell weren’t gonna turn down this opportunity.
“Yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks.” Luke named a time and you parted ways, neither of you catching the backwards glances you both chanced.
Inside your apartment was a whirlwind of stress. What did you wear for a dinner with your favourite band with an hour’s notice? You might’ve actually tried on half your wardrobe before deciding on your favourite jeans (maybe the ones that made your ass look impeccable, but who’s to say?) and a simple top. It wasn’t the most exciting outfit you could have come up with, not by a long shot, but you didn’t want to make a single wrong decision tonight. All you needed to do was be completely perfect and impress Julie and the Phantoms and maybe get Luke to like you back. Easy stuff.
By the time you were meant to be going you’d managed to do your makeup in a way that didn’t make you want to cry — why did it always turn out awful when you needed it to be good? Slipping your favourite hoops into your ears you were ready, and gave yourself a quick pep talk in the bathroom mirror. You’d never been one for those self-love affirmations, but they couldn’t hurt, right?
When Luke opened the door and his face broke into one of those smiles that lit up the building’s corridor, your nerves quieted themselves somewhat. He swept you under one of his arms leading you further into the apartment as if you’d been friends for years. You tried to take in what you could, and were a little jealous of how nicely his place was decorated — yours was still loaded with boxes and junk.
“Guys, meet my new friend!” Luke announced, and all the heads in the room snapped towards you.
“Um, hi,” You said meekly, remembering to tell them all your name.
“She’s new to the building and I thought it would be nice for her to make some friends!” You smiled internally — Luke had the same personality as in all the interviews you watched, which made you glad. You didn’t know what you would do if he wasn’t all that you imagined.
The night started out a little awkward, at least for you. You were so stressed about making a good impression that you felt a little robotic, answers calculated to try and get the most amount of laughs or agreements. Luke noticed this and gestured for you to take the seat between him and Julie when the meal was served, figuring you’d have the most in common with her, and he was more than happy to talk your ear off if the opportunity arose.
“So, why’d you come to California?” Julie asked, and you explained that you’d moved for school, but it was cheaper to rent the flat than live in the dorms. That in itself was an easy avenue into talking about your roommate who was never around and the classes you were taking this semester. When you asked about Nick, who was sitting on Julie’s other side, he happily joined the conversation to talk about how they got together just after the Phantoms began to get world famous and their (first) show at the Orpheum.
The dinner was loud and messy, and you began to feel right at home. With Reggie flicking beans at Alex, and Luke’s boisterous laughter ringing over conversation, there was a familial ambience to it all.
After the meal the group migrated towards the TV, and you found yourself next to Luke again, sandwiched between him and Willie, who introduced himself as Alex’s boyfriend. You recognised him from Alex’s Instagram, but you left that fact out. You found yourself making easy conversation with them, being the four who got Luke’s couch, whilst the others made themselves at home in armchairs and other seats scavenged from around the flat.
As you spoke to the couple about a restaurant in LA they were recommending, you felt a hand land on your thigh. A glance in his direction showed it was Luke’s, of course, but if his expression was anything to go by he was all but unaware, still speaking passionately to Nick about something. You tried to conceal your blush as your turned back to the gays, but the knowing looks had you hiding your face in your hands.
A movie was turned on and the chatter dulled somewhat, turned down to whispers over the dialogue. You didn’t know how you’d ended up cuddled up into Luke’s side, but you were absolutely not complaining. His arm on the back of the sofa had migrated to sitting around your waist at one point, and you were really hoping he couldn’t feel your racing heartbeat. An accidental glance in Julie’s direction showed her and Nick wiggling their eyebrows suggestively, to which you simply made a bewildered expression, hoping it conveyed how little idea you had of what was going on. Unbeknownst to you, Luke was fighting the same losing battle with the rest of the boys, who were making childish kissy faces when you weren’t looking. Luke handled it better than you, merely shrugging as if to say ‘she’s cute — what do you want me to do?’
A few hours later and the night was winding down. You took your leave after Reggie, not wanting to risk overstaying your welcome and jeopardising the friendships you hoped you were making. The remaining guests all gave you warm goodbyes, begging for you to come back again. Julie even swept you into a tight hug, making you promise you’d DM her to go out for coffee soon. Luke walked you to the door, a gentle hand on the small of your back not going unnoticed by his friends.
“Thanks for coming tonight, I’m really glad we met,” He said, and his shyer tone caught you off guard, but made you smile nonetheless.
“Thank you for inviting me,” You countered, “It was really sweet of you to introduce me to all your friends.” Luke waved it off like it was nothing, which you were sure to him it was.
“Can I see you again soon?” He asked, suddenly looking remarkably like a little puppy.
“I’m only a door away,” You grinned, “You can see me whenever you like. Hey, congrats again on the album. I’d say it’s pretty good.” When you pressed a kiss to his cheek and bade him goodnight, Luke couldn’t have resisted his cheesy grin if he’d tried.
“I love being a rockstar,” He said when he returned to his friends.
“Shut up, man,” Replied Alex, “You’re too whipped to claim any rockstar benefits on this one.”
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thatbitchmabel · 7 months
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It’s not unexpected—for some reason, from Luke it was never going to be unexpected. His lips taste like oranges, and she recalls how he used to try and peel clementines in a ring without breaking the skin into bits.
From it always leads to you in my hometown by @willexmagic (must be logged into ao3 to read)
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girlstuffnorp · 4 months
It Must Have Been Love by Roxette is such a Julie x Luke song in my mind now...
(Yes, I've just watched that piano cover by Charlie Gillespie in Suze 🥺😍💖)
The version of the song that we all love, which appeared on the Pretty Woman soundtrack, was released in 1990, so Luke would have most likely heard it as a teen - whether by choice, or simply through pop culture of the time. Did his parents rent a VHS of it to watch at home? Regardless, I could see Luke really liking the song, even if it's not as 'hard rock' as his typical musical taste.
Maybe he learns how to play it because he knows that his mom really enjoys the song? Maybe he wants to prove to her that his music can be a force for good, to make people genuinely happy, and not something that she can object to as being too dangerous and something for him to abandon. He doesn't realise that all she wants was for him to be safe and secure in his life and future career, and that she would support his talent, just as long as he's safe...
Imagine if sometime in between the events of eps 8 and 9, Luke performs it alone on the piano in the studio, and Julie wanders in and listens - totally mesmerised - like a role-reversal of Julie performing 'Wake Up' in ep 1. I could see him beginning to play in the empty room as sort of confirmation/proof of closure to himself. He has made peace with his relationship with his parents, and while the whole 'being dead' thing isn't great, his mom and dad both know that he loved - loves - them now. He might have run out on them, but he still loves them.
He moves onto the second verse of the song.
The atmosphere seems to shift as he continues to sing, his fingers touching the keys. For the first time in forever, he listens to the words that he sings. Really listens to them - not just as a song to cheer his mom up. As a song with true, honest feelings. A love song. A break-up song - full of bittersweet regret and heartache.
Julie pops into his mind suddenly. Her look of sheer disappointment, anger, hurt and loss all wrapped up into one and shot in his direction at the knowledge of the boys' impending crossing-over. Their hands fading through each others' grip. Never touching, never intending to be in each other's space. Out of time, out of luck. Thrown together under the strangest of circumstances, and fueling each other's foolish fantasies. That this could ever develop into something that wouldn't wreck them both. The song grows in intensity, and so does Luke's performance, the emotions rising within deep within him, his fingers flying faster over the keys.
The rest of the song rushes by. He's singing, and playing, but it's as if it's all coming from somewhere so deep inside that it frightens him at how intense it is. Julie laughing, both of them working through lyrics and melodies together, her smile. The way she lights up the stage, dazzling the world without even realising just how magnificent she is. They had been through so much together, and yet? Would it all melt away like the first snow of the year? Wonderful to think of and experience in the moment, but causing nothing but hassle and bitterness once it leaves?
They had to cross-over - Caleb was forcing their hand. The boys had always thought about it - moving on, and what that would look and feel like - but now they had Julie, and the new band, and this bond... What was the point of it all? Why had the universe brought them all together? For he, Alex and Reggie to learn some life lessons and then poof into whatever dimension came next? Didn't fate realise that if he was placed in the vicinity of someone as magnetic and unique as Julie, that it would change him forever? How was he supposed to simply stroll into the sunset and leave her all alone again? More loss, more heartache. For it could never work. He was a ghost, and she was human. It was never meant to work, but why couldn't it? During those moments on stage, and even off-stage, there's a spark, a tangible connection that Luke has quickly become addicted to. Waiting for his next hit of sunshine and magic. Julie was magic. They were best friends, but that didn't seem to be the words to define what they had. Their bond was so much more, the two of them inexplicably tangled together for however long that Luke could stay like this. The song was coming to an end, seeming to begin winding down in a vain attempt to calm his racing heart and mind.
It must have been love...
Alex and Reggie were right.
He was in love.
But it's over now.
The final lyrics hang in the air as the piano music fades away. He finally stops for breath, his fingers aching for a break as he pulls them away from the keys. But it's over now. But it's over now. But it's over now.
If anyone were to ask, he would lie - justify the performance with the mom excuse. It isn't that far from the truth - that was the intention he had when he began to play, after all. Now, however, Luke was going to have to deal with the gravity of what he had just realised. Somebody was bound to get hurt whatever he decided to do - he needs time to think.
Julie doesn't make her presence known. She'll assume that it is the aftershocks of her conversation with his parents about Unsaid Emily - Luke working through his feelings in song. As she walks away, however, she can't help but wonder. Maybe that's why she searches for the song on Spotify, letting the words wash over her as the music plays in her earbuds before she falls asleep for the night.
It must have been love...
Funny how a song can completely change your perspective on things.
(This is like a strange headcanon/one-shot mashup - I kinda want to expand on this? I just love It Must Have Been Love as a song - can you tell?😂🥺💖)
(Tagging @1mnobodywhoareyou @60sec400 @floating-in-the-blue and @legolasghosty for enabling me rambling like this 😂💖)
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“ but you're here. so stay. “ + “ you know me better than anyone. you always have. “
I could have given you about a hundred more of these because they're so good and the ✨ vibes ✨ but let's go with these two. 🥰
A million years later I am here to (hopefully) deliver the ✨ vibes ✨ 😂
I love these two prompts paired together because there are so many directions one could take them. In the end, I settled for playing around with the idea of Julie and her "boundaries," and came up with a fluffy little missing scene that I envision taking place after The Orpheum. Hope you like it, friend! 💕
A Breach of Boundaries
Pairing: Luke/Julie | Word Count: 1,273 | Rating: G
SUMMARY: “I don’t remember saying I wanted you to leave,” Julie says after a moment.
“I thought it was implied,” Luke replies. “Julie rule number one: ‘boundaries.’ Julie rule number two: ‘stay out of my room.’”
“And here I was thinking you were all about smashing the rules,” she teases.
“I was— I am. But those rules are important to you…and you’re important to me.”
Fic under the cut OR read it on AO3!
Julie knows she should be sleeping. Her bones are practically aching for some much needed rest after one of the longest days she’s ever experienced, and she knows she’ll hate herself a little in the morning if she doesn’t go to bed soon. 
The adrenaline of knowing she’d somehow managed to save Luke, Alex, and Reggie had been enough to carry her through the long talk she’d promised to have with Carlos after they’d gotten back from The Orpheum. But that sudden burst of energy had run out about halfway through her little brother’s list of burning questions about the guys and their ghost status. She’d cut Carlos’ interrogation short after that, and while he’d seemed disappointed, his mood had instantly lifted when Julie had not only promised to answer more questions later, but had also promised she’d come and watch him play at his baseball tournament tomorrow.
Carlos had been all too willing to let her retreat to her own bedroom after that. But neither her current exhaustion nor the promise of an early day ahead seem to be enough to lull her to sleep. Not when what Julie really wants to do is to sneak past her dad in the living room and head back down to the studio so she can spend some more time with her newly solid bandmates. Even as she thinks it, she recognizes the thought for the lie it is. Because the truth of the matter is, there’s really only one person she’d been hoping to spend more time with tonight, and he might just be the reason she risks sneaking back out against her better judgement.
It’s Luke who ends up taking the decision to stay or go right out of her hands when he materializes in her bedroom. Julie doesn’t startle like she normally does whenever he poofs in unannounced— too wonderstruck this time over the way Luke had simply appeared in front of her like she’d willed him there herself.
“Boundaries, I know,” Luke says, getting ahead of her. “I just…”
He sighs, trailing off as though searching for the right words. It doesn’t really matter though because Julie doesn’t need him to elaborate. She already knows. Knows because she knows Luke better than anyone. And also because she needs it too. Had needed him near even before he’d poofed up into her bedroom. Because the feeble few moments they’d spent with their hands exploring the features their eyes had long since memorized just hadn’t felt like enough. 
There was also a small voice in the back of her head that she’d been trying to ignore ever since she’d left the safe and happy bubble of the studio. A voice that had quietly wondered if she’d still be able to feel him in the morning. Or if the magic of whatever had happened after The Orpheum would have worn off by then. It’s a bleak thought to say the least, and being forced to go back to the way things were at this point seems like it would be the cruelest twist of fate. Especially now that Julie knows what it’s like to really feel him. Now that she knows what it’s like for Luke to really feel her. 
The idea of never being able to touch him again is almost too much to bear, so she forces herself to push it aside in an effort to make the most of what she knows to be true in that moment. And what she knows to be true then and there is that they can touch each other now.
“You’re right,” she murmurs. “This…definitely counts as a breach of boundaries…”
Luke’s quick to nod in agreement, the corners of his mouth turned down into a solemn expression of understanding. There’s more Julie wants to say but she doesn’t get the chance. 
“Do you want me to leave?” 
He whispers it when he says it, and despite the fact that Luke doesn’t move from his spot on the floor, Julie knows he would disappear without protest if she asked him to. Fearing he might even poof out before she gives him an answer altogether, she takes a step toward him, and then another until she’s close enough to reach out and touch him. 
She lets out a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding when the pads of her fingers make contact with the back of his hand, the corners of her mouth quirking up into an involuntary smile when Luke instantly flips his hand over so he can slide his palm agains hers. 
Julie’s expecting it this time. For Luke to be solid. But she still marvels over the sight of her skin pressed against his. But that’s nothing in comparison to the way Luke effortlessly slips his fingers between hers, stitching them together like the spaces between her own were made just for him. It’s a perfect fit. Just like she always knew it would be. Just like they’re a perfect fit for each other in every single way that matters. But Julie hardly gets a moment to revel in the reality of that before Luke slowly brings their joint hands up just so he can brush a kiss across her knuckles. 
The barely there feel of his lips is so achingly sweet, Julie’s knees nearly buckle and give out from under her. 
“I mean it Julie,” he says, his breath fanning over the same stretch of skin his lips had just touched. “If you want me to go, I will.”
Distantly, she wonders if Luke can hear her heart beating wildly away beneath her ribs. The thought of the traitorous organ betraying the truth of what she feels for him might have caused her embarrassment once. But now? After knowing what it’s like to nearly lose him forever? It’s hard to remember why she ever felt the need to keep that secret at all.
“I don’t remember saying I wanted you to leave,” she says after a moment.
“I thought it was implied,” Luke replies. “Julie rule number one: ‘boundaries.’ Julie rule number two: ‘stay out of my room.’”
“And here I was thinking you were all about smashing the rules,” she teases.
“I was— I am. But those rules are important to you,” he continues. “And you’re important to me.”
It’s not anything she didn’t already know deep down, but hearing Luke say it steals the air straight out of her lungs all the same. It takes Julie a minute to find her voice again after that, but she makes good use of filling up the silence. Carefully, she reaches her free hand up to cup his cheek, reveling in the way Luke’s eyes flutter shut as he leans into her touch.
“They are,” she agrees. “But so are you. And you’re you’re here. So stay.”
Julie doesn’t say forever like she wants to, but it’s implied in the way her voice cracks on the final word. And in an effort to ensure there’s no more room for inaccurate implications, she rises up onto her toes and presses her lips to his. 
She draws back nearly as quick as she’d swooped in so she can gauge Luke’s reaction, but he doesn’t let her get far. Instead, he simply loops the hand in his grasp over one shoulder before wrapping both arms around her in an effort to draw her closer. His eyes hold her own steady gaze as he grins adoringly down at her.
“Okay,” he breathes out.
And then, there’s nothing left for Luke to do but lower his lips back down to hers and return the favor.
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missjoolee · 2 years
It’s early when Luke poofs into Julie’s room. He can hear her voice in his head saying “boundries!” clear as day, but he can’t help but want to be near. Last night they thought they would crossover, or jolted out of existence, but instead they’d remained. They’d hugged Julie and it was amazing. But he had had the chance to hold her face in his hands, thumbs caressing her cheeks, and the memory of her soft skin beneath his fingers, of her own hands gently holding his face, ran on repeat all night after she went inside to bed.
The sun was just barely beginning to light the room. He could hear Julie’s soft breathing as he took a few steps around the side of the bed. She was still asleep, laying on her stomach with one arm tucked close and the other resting above her head on the pillow. Her face was obscured by wild curls going every which way and Luke’s hands are itching to move them. To brush them away from her forehead and tuck them behind her ear. To gently sweep his fingers along her jaw as he brings his hand back.
He freezes, suddenly worried that the night before was a fluke and he will phase through her like before. So it’s with a mix of trepidation and anticipation that he reaches out, hand slightly shaking, to act out his thoughts and desires from moments before. Better to figure this out now when he doesn’t have to see the disappointment on Julie’s face.
It takes a second to register the soft feeling of her hair against his finger tips, but once it does, he has zero hesitation to continue the move and brush it away from her face. She looks beautiful and he can’t resist the urge to press a soft kiss against her forehead. As he leans back, her brown eyes are watching him. Again, he remembers he should have waited to come in here and he pulls his hands back from her. But the hand she’d had tucked near her chin catches his before it gets too far and he can see her brain starting to shed the layers of sleep as she wakes up. A small crease appears in her brow.
“Is everything okay?” Her fingers squeeze his lightly but the pressure builds the faster she wakes up. Crap. He didn’t mean to worry her.
“Yeah. I was looking for the kitchen,” he smiles down at her, squeezing her hand back. “Took a detour.”
She relaxes back into the bed with his words and readjusts her grip on him, now tugging at his arm to bring him closer. “If you stay with me, I’ll help you find it after my alarm goes off.”
Unable to resist her, he lays down on the bed. Their hands still hold the other between them. “Of course, Julie. I’ll stay as long as you like.”
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
i’m not the same as i used to be (i think i’m haunted by the things i’ve seen)
juke (obvi) // angst // could be AU, could be post-canon // 1.3k // ao3
A gentle nudge near her legs wakes her up, the old weathered leather beneath her bare arms sticking to her skin. Julie shifts, turning to change position and lie on her back, making sure to hold her makeshift pillow in place. Her fingers reflexively tighten their grasp on her pillow, the familiar material soft and worn out beneath her fingertips.
The hoodie used to smell so strongly of him, but now only a faint memory of a scent remains.
She lets out a sigh, her mind ready to be pulled back into unconsciousness, when an achingly familiar voice laced with amusement drifts up from the floor near the end of the couch.
“Aren’t you gonna be late for school?”
Julie’s eyes pop open in shock, her body freezing in place.
continue reading on ao3
N- no this is impossible, her mind must be tricking her-
“Jules, I’ve told you so many times already, we really can’t rely on my smarts to get through life.” He pauses to exaggerate a loud sigh, then continues. “You gotta be the smart responsible one here.”
Julie’s fingers twitch, her body thawing out and eager to jump out of place even while her brain and her heart struggle to follow.
She’s never hallucinated this clearly before, and she really didn’t want to have to talk to dr. turner about this during next week’s session, but what if…
No, maybe it’s safer if she just ignores it…
“Come on boss,” she feels the nudge again by her feet. “You got this.”
Those three words sound too familiar for her to ignore, etched into her heart as they were. Julie sits up in a rush before she can change her mind, causing the room to start spinning. But she barely notices, barely gives herself any time to adjust, as she jumps off the couch and into Luke’s lap, her arms automatically reaching up to wrap around his neck and pull him to her.
They both nearly topple over, Luke quick to recover, using his arms to keep them steady. She hears the sound of a pen clattering onto the ground, quickly followed by the distinct thud of a writing journal. A second later, Luke’s warm hands find their way to her waist.
“What happened? What’d I do?”
Julie shakes her head, only taking a deep breath in response and burying her face further into the soft skin of his neck. She can feel his chest moving with every breath he takes, can feel the vibration of every word he speaks.
Everything felt so…surreal.
“Hey, hey, what’s up?” His voice, still holding that teasing tone she loves, grows softer as he continues. “Does the thought of having to rely on my smarts for the rest of our lives make you that sad?”
Julie moves back an inch at his words, her heart hammering away in her chest.
She pulls her arms back from around his neck, her fingers tracing the curve of his collarbone and up the sharp angle of his jaw as they make their way up to his face. She pauses for a second, hands trembling in place, before gently placing the tips of her fingers against his skin.
She starts to trace his features with the pads of her fingers, trying hard not to exert any pressure in fear that he might evaporate right before her eyes, right between her fingertips. She doesn’t dare to look up, keeping her gaze locked on her shaking hands as she starts to feel her eyes well up with tears.
“Is…is this a dream?” her voice sounds strange, rough, even to her own ears. Julie tries to swallow the lump permanently lodged in her throat, and finally allows herself to take a chance and look up. Her eyes track up to meet his gleaming ones, the movement slow and tentative. “Are you- are you really here?”
Luke stays quiet for a second, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes the only sign that he had heard her. She feels his hands squeeze her waist as he chuckles beneath her, his breath fanning her cheeks and making her shiver — just like it always did.
“Oooh, a dream? do you dream about me, Jules?” he waggles his eyebrows at her, his already blinding smile only growing wider.
All Julie could do was stare.
Was this real? it felt real — the sight of him in front of her, the feel of him holding her on his lap; even that faint luke scent invaded her senses.
Julie wanted so badly to believe but…her heart had already been shattered to a million pieces once before. She wasn’t sure she could handle any more heartache.
Her eyes frantically search his face for a sign of reassurance, her heart already increasing in tempo. He looks so real.
She lets out a sob as her hold on him tightens, a clawing feeling in her chest suddenly making her feel desperate to cling on to this moment.
“I miss you,” she rasps out, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “I miss you so, so much, Luke.”
The expression on Luke’s face softens at her words, his smile dimming a fraction. He pulls his hands away from her waist, fingers finding their way to her face just like they always did.
He tenderly cups her cheeks in the palms of his hands, holding her close as his thumbs try to wipe away the never ending stream of tears.
“I’m right here, Julie,” he whispers, his lips ticking up at the corners. he tilts his head to the side, eyes solely focused on her. “If you miss me, all you gotta do is look.” He pulls her forward, resting her forehead against his. “Look at me all you want. I’m all yours, you know that.”
Julie can feel herself slowly relaxing into him, her body melding into his embrace — can feel her traitorous mind giving in to the hope that this might be real — all while her heart beats faster with anxiety.
She takes a chance to ease her eyes closed for a moment, to let herself focus on the warm feeling of his skin, of his breath mixing with hers — but the moment her eyelids slide shut, she knows she’s made a big mistake.
It starts off quiet, a small faint tickle of a familiar sound itching at the back of her mind. But as it grows louder and louder, pushing forward until it’s impossible to ignore — she realises she’s run out of time.
She wrenches her eyes open, desperate to see him again, feel him underneath her fingertips, but as his smiling face comes into focus, it only lasts for a split second. Suddenly her alarm is ringing as loudly as it always has, alerting her to the start of a new day.
Julie reluctantly opens her eyes — blinking once, twice — and finds the view of an empty studio being greeted by the rising sun staring back at her.
Fresh tears run down her wet cheeks, the teardrops not stopping until they dripped onto the already tear-stained cotton of his blue hoodie. Julie takes in a shuddering breath, wrapping her arms around her waist, body curling in on itself as she tries to stave off the cold seeping into her bones.
She’s always cold these days, rarely ever warm.
At least not when she’s awake.
Julie reaches out blindly to switch off her alarm, phone slipping from the edge of the coffee table to the floor with a crash. She listens to it clatter onto the ground without so much as a blink, only moving to turn around and face away from the sunlight.
It was just a dream, but it had felt so real.
Julie clenches her jaw and squeezes her eyes shut as she buries her face in his hoodie.
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 2 years
The Mercer Legacy - Epilogue
Pairings: Reggie/Luke/Reader, Willex, Carrie/Julie/Flynn
Warnings: none
a/n: hey so it's been a minute... these funky little guys have truly been haunting me for years now and I've wanted so badly to give you more TML but I just haven't had the inspiration. But I was on a call with @bright-patterson and they mentioned giving TML an ending and I immediately knew what that would be. So, here is an epilogue of sorts.
Masterlist TML Masterlist
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Of course the whole thing had to end with the whole crew heading off to college together. Alex, Wilie, Reggie, and Luke are all sharing a dorm (the kind that has 2 2-person bedrooms) and Y/N, Carrie, Julie, and Flynn are all sharing a dorm (the kind where they each get their own bedrooms). And they all live happily ever after or what have you.
I can't guarantee that I'll ever officially write the middle bit to this series but maybe I'll open it up as an AU and you guys can request little scenes here and there if there's any interest! Regardless, I hope this brings you all some closure <3
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayenneferburnham @n0wornever @bright-molina @reg-peters @calamitykaty @sunsetcurvecuddles @dream-a-little-bigger-x @bright-patterson
TML Taglist: @marinettepotterandplagg @everyonesannoyedwithme @percico-heronstairs @starjane312 @ifilwtmfc @jatphatones @cherrymaybank @sorrowfulfragmentation @stargazing-dreamer-girl @daisybutterlions @mynameisntluke @willex-owns-my-heart @cucumbers-and-olives @90ssunsetcurve @avngrsinitiative @thatfandombitcch @genevieve-the-adventologist @axgelre
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sunset-swrve · 1 year
Excerpt from an au fic I'm writing:
Julie joining the band felt a little like fate, like all of their lives intertwining and tangling together like the balls of yarn his mom used for knitting. If he said as much out loud, he knew it would sound ridiculous. Fate and destiny were such distant concepts even through his rosy worldview, blurry in the peripheral of eyes set on going out and doing. But, the thing was, whether fate existed or not, Luke knew that his thread of life was pulled taut over the frets of a guitar. He'd felt it the moment he played his first note. The moment he wrote his first song. The moment he stepped onto a stage for the first time. And when Julie Molina sang, he could feel that thread strumming, coming to life like the hum of his electric. If she didn't join, he'd still play until his fingers wore down to the bone. But, in his very soul, he knew that his heart would always search for her harmony, and that was as close to fate as he'd ever gotten.
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felicitysmoaksx · 11 months
JJ’s Fic and Moodboard Masterlist Updated 7/14/24
Best Friends Brother AU || One Chicago || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese: Police Officer || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Single Dad!Severide || One Chicago || Kelly Severide Centric
Halstead Brothers Adopt Reese || One Chicago || Gen
Merlyn Twins au || One Chicago & Arrow || Tommy Merlyn & Connor Rhodes
One Chicago x Jatp Fusion || One | Two | Three || One Chicago & Julie and The Phantoms || Mult-ship
The Andi AU || One | Two || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric & Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
The Resident x One Chicago Crossover || One | Two || The Resident & One Chicago || Gen: Conrad Hawkins & Sarah Reese
Ballet au || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Voight Family Values || One Chicago || Gen and Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese as a Former Black Widow || One Chicago & Marvel Studios || Gen: Sarah Reese & Bucky Barnes
The Sisters Halstead || One Chicago || Gen: Makayla Ward & OC
MCU Spiderman Meets The Amazing Spiderman || Marvel Studios || Gen
Mockingbird || One Chicago & DC TV || Gen: Sarah Reese & Dick Grayson & Mult-Ship
Severide & Reese Step-Siblings au || One Chicago || Gen: Sarah Reese & Kelly Severide
Burgstead Pregnancy AU || One Chicago || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Superstar Juke AU || Julie and The Phantoms || Julie Molina x Luke Patterson
NHL Star! Connor Rhodes || One Chicago || Connor Rhodes Centric
What if Paulo took Daisy with him when he left Clump? || Irreverent || Gen: Paulo Keegan & Daisy
Some Kind of Haunted || One | Two || One Chicago & Criminal Minds & CBS FBI International || Gen: Brian Lang & Connor Rhodes && Connor Rhodes x Sarah Reese
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Interlude: What If || Chicago Med || Complete || Drabble || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
DC TV/Chicago Med Crossover
Mockingbird & Co.
The Same Little Breaks In Your Soul || Chicago Med || Arrow || Titans ||  WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 11 months
✍️ + Kat Patterson?
Kat my girl yes! Could still change something more but this is what I've already planned! (Actually, most of this are things added but whatever lol)
Major thing of all: Julie and Luke relationship. If in the show is "Cuties! They like each other! Cuties cuties!" in Kat's fic is more like "Lmao my sister likes you, I'm going to set you two up"
Gonna give Bobby/Trevor an actual personality and I will explain why he did what he did
Way more songs for everyone
One of my favourite hc ever: Alex and Luke had a thing. Decided they were better as friends, but still...
All canonically queer btw
Julie still "sings" Perfect Harmony but with someone else 👀
Molinas are way more present bc I love them
And Carrie as well!
(Luke x Reggie? Maybe so, maybe so 👀)
Caleb gets punched in the face bc he deserves it
Willie actually interacts with the others and not just with Alex (even if I love them)
Fic will get an actual finale (don't know how/what, but it will)
Maybe more things coming but that's what I'm thinking about rn
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rafecameron · 4 years
request: The guys all went to college and Luke meets his roommate Julie instant attraction but neither want to mess up there room situation but one week it changes and Luke gets sick with the flu and Julie takes care of him, and while bed ridden truths are admitted about falling for each other and they get together please
pairing: luke patterson x julie molina
word count: 9.7k
a/n: my first time writing for juke and this got long...hope you enjoy! also requests are currently closed!
Luke was sure he had never felt excitement quite like this before. Sure he got excited when playing a gig or basically every time he practiced, but this was different. Picking up a guitar was bouncy adrenalin and electricity, this was like vibrating with hope and pride. He had done it, he had gotten into college - something most people thought wasn’t possible. Now he was free and independent, he could do whatever he wanted, he was practically an adult. He pinballed down the hallway, leaving his friends at their rooms and hurriedly searching for his own. He was sure even a bad roommate wouldn’t be able to dampen his spirits. He stops in front of room 205, double checking on the paper he had been given and once certain this was his room he placed the key in the lock and entered his new home for the first time.
His face was taken over with a frown, one of amusement more than annoyance, the sight in the room as not as he had expected. He had anticipated two beds, a couple desks, a wardrobe, maybe a roommate unpacking his stuff. The furniture was as expected, but both beds were littered with clothes and possessions, a suitcase laying open and half unpacked on one.
“Oh my god!” A female voice interrupts his assessment of the room, “I was hoping you wouldn’t be here yet.” She chews on her lower lip as she looks around at the mess she had made, “I swear I’m not usually this messy, I just packed a lot of stuff...A lot of stuff.” She repeated herself more quietly as she looks from the mess and back up to the cute boy in the doorway.
“It’s cool.” Luke finally shrugs, the mess suddenly forgotten as his struggles to pull his eyes away from the girl in front of him, “I’m Luke, by the way.” He holds out a hand and she surges forward to take it in hers.
“Julie.” She smiles, she had the kind of smile that was contagious, it caught onto Luke instantly and his face lit up, her hand felt soft in his own and he almost didn’t want to let go.
“Here.” The girl - Julie - quickly grabs her clothes off the second bed, throwing them into her opened suitcase, “I already chose a bed, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” Luke says as he places his bags down onto the bed which was to be his, “Are you sure there’s room to put all that.” He chuckles watching her cram jumpers into an already full drawer.
“Not at all.” Julie huffs, hands on her hips as she turns around, blowing a piece of hair out of her face, “But I gotta make it fit.”
Luke chuckles and turns to his own bag, unzipping it and starting to pull out his things. Lucky for the girl he hadn’t brought much stuff, he knew he wouldn’t need much room so offered some of his storage space to her, which she was more than happy to accept. Luke had never imagined he would be sharing rooms with a girl, not that he minded at all - in a completely non creepy way. Julie seemed cool and energetic like himself, he was already certain they would get along like a house on fire and couldn’t wait to introduce her to his friends. It also didn’t hurt that she was one of if not the most gorgeous girl he had ever laid eyes on, he wouldn’t make a move due to the room situation but it wouldn’t hurt anyone for him to admire her from afar.
They spent their time unpacking getting to know each other. He found out that she was in the music program like himself, and that she also enjoyed horror movies, karaoke and onion rings. He was sure this girl couldn’t get anymore perfect if she tried and he thanked the heavens that they had placed him in a room with her.
“So are you here alone?” Julie asks, taking a seat cross legged in the middle of her bed once all her belongings were in their new homes, “I came here with my best friend, she’s down the hall. She’s pretty bummed that we didn’t get to share but at least this way we get to meet new people.” She shrugs.
“That’s cool, I came with my friends too.” He falls back onto his bed, leaning against the headboard and kicking his legs out in front of him, “They’re also down the hall.” He points in the opposite direction to the way she had, “Two of them are sharing somehow, Alex and I got split up but like you said, it’s the perfect opportunity to meet new people.”
“I love my best friend but I think if we shared a room it would be a disaster. You saw how many clothes I have, she has double that, maybe even triple!” She laughs, “She’s a style icon.” she adds using her friends own words.
“So there’s basically two of you?” Luke chuckles, “I’m excited to meet her, if she’s anything like you she’ll be great.”
“Wow, we’ve only just met and you’re already over there with the flattery!” Julie teases, “But really, I’m excited to meet your friends too, they sound great. I mean, Reggie sounds a little...odd, but still great.” She chuckles, “Oh! We should plan a night to hang out before lessons start! Like go for a meal or have a movie night or something.”
“Actually that’s a great idea!” Luke agrees sitting up, “I’m gonna go see how they’re settling in, I’ll pitch the idea and see when you want to do it.” He jumps off the bed and heads to the door.
“I best go see what Flynn’s up to before she yells at me for not coming to hang out quick enough.” Julie rolls her eyes but the smile on her face shows fondness.
The pair say their goodbyes and walk opposite ways down the hallway. Luke knocks on the door which he had left Reggie and Bobby at, happy to see that Alex was already sitting inside on the edge of one of their beds.
“Hey guys, how's the rooms? How’s the roomie, Alex?” He asks, helping himself to one of the cans of drink on Bobby’s side table.
Alex’s grin reaches from ear to ear, “I have the best roommate ever and I think I’m in love.” Alex replies with a content sigh.
“I do not want to hear this story again.” Bobby shakes his head and takes the can from Luke’s hand, taking a sip as he shoots his fellow guitarist a glare, “How’s your roommate?”
“Sorry to tell you this dude, but I think I have the best roommate,” He chuckles, “Not only is she gorgeous, but she’s seriously so cool. She sings and plays piano and we’re into all the same stuff.”
“Woah wait!” Reggie launches himself up from where he had been laying across his bed, “You’re rooming with a girl?!”
Luke chuckles at his friend's shocked expression, “Yeah man! Apparently they do that here! She didn’t even seem surprised she was sharing it with a guy.”
“I’m gonna go see if it’s too late to switch!” He makes a mad dash towards the door and Bobby grabs a hold of the back of his shirt.
“Don’t even think about it.” he pushes his friend back into the room, “Besides, with your luck you’ll probably end up with the worst roommate ever. A star wars fan or something.”
“There is nothing wrong with star wars!” Reggie defends with a pout, “You’re just too sour to admit you like it.”
Bobby rolls his eyes, an amused smile on his face, “If that’s what helps you sleep at night man.” He shakes his head and plops down into the chair at his desk, “So, what’s on the agenda?”
“Well actually, me and Julie were thinking we could all hang out, her friends here too.” Luke bounces on his heels as he relays the plan.
“Oooh, Julie!” Reggie grins sitting back down on his bed.
Luke picks up the nearest item, a toothbrush, and throws it at his friend, laughing as it bounces off the side of his head.
“Hey! That wasn’t very - Oh, I was looking for this! Thanks!” He smiles at the object and places it on his bedside table.
Alex and Luke share a look as Bobby lets out a groan, “Maybe I will let him switch rooms.”
“Anyway,” Luke drags out the word and bounces into the room, “We were thinking we could go out for food or something, before lessons start. You guys will seriously love her.”
“I think you love her.” Alex comments, a knowing smile on his face as Luke leans over to whack him across the back of the head.
“I only just met her!” He complains.
“Yeah, but you love her.” Reggie joins in.
Further down the hallway Julie is being subjected to the same levels of teasing from the girl she calls her best friend.
“Okay so wait, tell me again.” Flynn demands as she paces in front of her friend who was perched on the edge of her bed.
“I’m not telling you again!” Julie laughs, “Do you want to hang out with them or not.”
Flynn shoots her a glare before stopping her pacing and smiling, “Okay, fine. But only so I can see if this guy is good enough for you.”
Julie rolls her eyes, “That is not the only reason! Beside’s, it doesn’t matter anyway. Even if you are right, which I’m not saying you are!” She adds as Flynn grins wider at her, “It’s not like anything could happen. We share a room, could you imagine that in a break up? That’s too much to risk.”
Flynn sighs, she knows her friend is right, but that doesn’t mean she won't continue teasing her about her ‘super cute roommate’ forever. As soon as Julie had reached her friend's room she had started gushing about how cute he was, how much alike her he was and how much she couldn’t wait for her friend to meet him. Flynn knew when her friend had a crush, and boy did this girl have a crush on Luke. Even if she wouldn’t admit to it.
“So tomorrow night?” Julie confirms as she hovers in her friend's doorway.
“Yes! Now go, flirt, have fun.” Flynn shoos her from her room, poking her head out the door to watch her friend walk away, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” She calls, slamming the door before she could reply.
Julie whips around, mouth open ready to shout back when she hears the slam of the door. She just smiles to herself and shakes her head, hating how well Flynn could read her. So maybe she did have a little crush on Luke, but she was sure it was just because he was cute. Once they got to know each other properly and became friends it would fade away into nothing. Besides that, she meant it when she told Flynn it could never happen. There was too much to risk. And would a cute boy like Luke like her back? Not a chance. She entered her new room, humming to herself as she thought about a messy head of hair, surprised to see sed head of hair back on his bed.
“Oh, I didn’t think you’d be back.” she comments as she shuts the door behind herself.
“Is that a problem?” Luke asks, looking up from the notebook in front of him with a slight smirk.
“No problem,” Julie shakes her head, “Flynn is down to meet up. We were thinking tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow works fine for me and the guys.” Luke agrees, scribbling something else in his book before closing it and tucking it under his pillow.
“Songs?” Julie asks and Luke nods his head.
“No snooping!” He warns her with a pointed finger and a chuckle.
Julie holds up her hands as she walks around her bed, “Wasn’t thinking about it.” She defends herself.
They spend the rest of the night talking, about anything they can think of. Homelife, Julie talks about her mum, her dad and her little brother, throwing in little bits about her aunt. Luke tells her about his rocky relationship with his parents, something he doesn’t usually like to talk about. Julie just felt like someone he could confide in. Like she would understand without ever judging. They talked about music, what they liked to listen to, what they liked to play. Luke couldn’t help but smile and feel a little sad when Julie spoke about how she used to write songs with her mum. She promised to play him one sometime if he showed her one of his which he instantly agreed to.
By the time they stopped talking and called it a night it was well past a normal bedtime hour. Luke was certain he’d never talked to someone that much when he had just met them. He went to sleep that night feeling like the luckiest guy around. The next couple years were going to be some of the best of his life.
Luke spent the next day in his room finishing up some songs he had been working on before the trip up to college. Julie had gone to help Flynn unpack - apparently the girl was struggling to find places to store her masses of clothes and shoes. The girl returned in the afternoon to find Luke in the exact same spot she had left him in at lunchtime.
“Have you not moved once?” Julie laughs, hanging her jacket up on the back of the door.
“Uh, not really.” Luke replies. He looks up from his writing, watching the girl tie her hair into a quick ponytail at the back of her head before sitting down at her desk.
“Well you best make a move now, we’re meeting for dinner in an hour.” Julie informs him, emptying her makeup bag onto the desk and pulling her small mirror closer for her to see.
“Yeah, it wont take me long to get ready.” Luke replies, dragging his eyes away from the girl and back to his book, “I’ve almost finished this last bit.”
Julie hums in reply, tilting her head back as she applied a fresh coat of mascara to her lashes. Once Luke had finished scribbling - planning on revisiting it the next day to make any edits with a fresh head - he looked up and watched Julie getting ready. He was mesmerized by her, sitting at her desk, humming along to a tune in her head as she applied make up and finally brushed out her hair with her fingers.
“You know, all this time you’ve sat watching me you could have been ready by now.” She turns to him, a smug smirk appearing on her lips as he looks away quickly, a pink blush rushing to his cheeks.
“I wasn’t watching you, I was just,” He thought for a second before chuckling, “Watching you.” He admits.
“I know, I could see you in my mirror,” She teases, “Learning how to apply eyeshadows?”
“Something like that.” Luke grins, the blush insistent on staying on his face as he climbs off of his bed to finally get changed and ready.
After he was ready - after Julie complaining the whole time about how long it was taking when he promised he would be quick - they made their way out into the hallway to meet their friends. Introductions were quick and conversation was instantly flowing as they made their way out of the building and towards their chosen restaurant. Alex had invited along his roommate Willie who he was already infatuated with. Willie already seemed to notice that Alex was into him and seemed to return the feelings, joking around with each other on the walk like they were in their own little bubble.
Luke couldn’t have been more happy for his friends. Alex who was anxious about this whole thing, worrying about who he would be rooming with and if they would be okay with him being gay, seemed pretty happy with his new set up. Bobby and Reggie were bickering as usual, the playful arguing between the two nothing out of the ordinary. Luke walked at the back of the group with Julie and Flynn, listening to the two girls - mostly Flynn - chatting away.
He already felt perfectly at home, more comfortable in his surroundings than he had felt in a long time. He hadn’t been worried about his old friends getting along with his new one, but he was still grateful that there was no awkwardness. It felt like they were already well onto their way in being their own little family and it sparked a warmness inside Luke which he hadn’t imagined. They boys had been his main family for a long time now and he was excited to invite more people into that circle. Luke wasn’t usually a quiet person, but he was enjoying taking a step back for once watching his friends goofing around.
Once inside the restaurant Luke placed himself between Reggie and Bobby, half to stop the arguing for an hour or two and half because Julie had sat herself on the opposite side right in front of him.
“Are we getting starters? Please tell me we’re getting starters.” Reggie grabs up a menu the minute he hits his seat, opening it up and scanning the options.
“We can get starters.” Luke laughs, picking up two menus and handing one over to Julie.
After everyone had ordered and drinks had arrived the conversation soon turned to music, a usual topic for him and his friends. Flynn was telling them all about Double Trouble, which Julie kept reminding her was not their band name. And Reggie jumped straight in to tell everyone about Sunset Curve.
“Do you think we should scout the area? See where we can get gigs?” Bobby suggests.
“Definitely!” Flynn beams, “I’m a good manager, I’ll get us all gigs.” She throws her hair over her shoulder as she talks, a proud look on her face, “I booked all our gigs back home.”
“Queen of marketing.” Julie agrees pointing a thumb over to her friend.
The conversations flow through the whole meal, never a quiet moment even when they were all stuffing their faces. It was amazing how a group of people could all be so different yet so similar at the same time. Luke had to wonder if they had met under different circumstances if they would all still be friends, he liked to think they would.
After dinner they walked to the ice cream parlour down the street and then made their way around the small town looking for bars and venues. Flynn was typing away notes on her phone about each place they stopped to examine, searching for phone numbers and emails she could use to book them gigs. As the evening wore on the group slowly began splitting up, Willie and Alex going off so Willie could show him some skating tricks as promised.
“Bobby and I were thinking we should go bowling! There’s an alley the other side of town that looks good.” Reggie explains.
“Bowling?” Luke pulls a face, “I hate bowling.”
“You hate bowling?” Flynn exclaims, “Why don’t you like fun? I’m in, I’m going to thrash both of you.” She points to the boys, “Julie?”
“I’m good.” Julie laughs, “You go have fun, and you better win!”
“Oh, I will.” She smirks before hurrying off with the guys leaving just the two of them behind.
“You hate bowling?” Julie asks him.
“Yeah, it's so boring!” He complains, “You throw a ball, knock over some pins, then sit for ten minutes waiting for another go. No thanks.”
Julie laughs and shakes her head, “Flynn’s right, you don’t like fun.”
“Hey I like fun, okay!” Luke defends himself, “That’s just not fun, unless you’re five or Reggie.”
“Whatever,” Julie shrugs, “So what should we do for the rest of the evening?”
Luke thinks for a moment before turning to her with a smile, “We could show each other those songs we promised?”
“Okay!” Julie beams, “But you’re going first.”
She walks off ahead of him back to their dorms, throwing a smile over her shoulder as he follows on behind. Inside their room Julie pulls out her keyboard and sets it on the desk ready to perform, sitting in her chair and waiting impatiently as Luke tunes his guitar.
“C’mon!” She moans, “It sounds fine, just play something!”
“It sounds fine?” Luke laughs, “It’s so out of tune! Do you even play guitar?”
“No, but I know what one sounds like.” She rolls her eyes.
Luke finishes up tuning it, opening his notebook onto one of the new songs he had been writing, “Okay, this isn’t planned to be an acoustic song and I haven’t really worked out a solid melody yet, but I think I can make it work. It’s called Bright.”
Julie nods her head, crossing one leg over the other and resting her hands on her knees as he began to play a few chords. He played through the song, making up the melody for the lyrics as he went along and making mental notes of the bits he liked. He didn’t look up while singing because he was nervous. Luke Patterson was actually nervous about performing for the first time in his life. But then again, he had never performed to just one pretty girl before who was also a musician, he felt more vulnerable than he ever had before. Like he was laying his soul bare for her to see and judge. It was an exhilarating feeling, he loved it no matter how anxious he was feeling.
He looked up slowly as he strummed the last chord, Julie was staring at him, a smile on her lips. She found that watching him was one of the best things she had seen, she loved when someone got lost in the music they were playing and Luke did just that. His voice was unique, not quite how she expected him to sound but she loved it, it sent tingles through her body and made butterflies erupt in her stomach.
“That was,” She breathes out, trying to think of a word good enough to explain how she felt, “I don’t even have words. That was amazing. Your voice is beautiful and those lyrics, wow, Luke that song is seriously amazing.”
Luke beams at her, the nervousness in his system being stamped out by her compliments and replaced with elation. He places his guitar at the side of his bed and brings his legs up to sit cross legged on his comforter.
“Thanks! Like I said, it’s just rough at the moment.” He rubs the back of his neck, not being able to find the words to express how he felt about her complimenting him.
“Well if that was rough you’re making me feel really bad about mine.” She half jokes.
“Oh come on, I bet yours is amazing, let me hear it!” He places his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, smiling over at her in anticipation.
“Okay,” She stretches her arms in front of her, nodding her head once, “I’m kind of cheating, this is one my mum wrote for me, but it’s one of my favourites. Remember that song I said I found on the piano after she…” She trails off and Luke nods his head to show he remembered, “Well this is it. It’s called Wake Up.”
Luke grins as she turns to her keyboard, a little sad that he wouldn’t get to watch her face as she sang. Her fingers touched the keys and the room was filled with the sweet sound of her playing, soon accompanied by her voice. Luke was instantly taken aback by the sheer power this girl had inside of her. He could tell she was feeling every word that left her lips, her head tilted back at points as she let the music wash over her. He almost didn’t notice when she had finished, too lost in his trance to realise she had turned to face him.
“Well?” She asks, lower lip between her teeth, a little nervous that he had yet to say anything.
“Wow.” Was all he managed out in a breathy voice.
Julie blushes and lowers her head, a soft laugh leaving her lips. Luke pulls himself together and sits up again, shaking off the feeling of floating and situating himself back in the moment, “Julie, that was incredible!” He jumps off his bed, arms and hands emphasising his emotions, “That was...I can’t even describe it! You have a talent, a real talent, I’ve never heard someone sing like that. It was...mesmerising.”
“Stop!” Julie turns and buries her face in her hands, shoulders shaking a little as she giggled, “Stop, you’re making me flustered!”
“I won't stop!” Luke bounces towards her, “You need to know how insanely talented you are. I’m gonna tell you every day for the rest of your life.”
“We’re gonna be friends for the rest of our lives?” She teases, trying to change the topic of conversation.
“Well I hope so.” Luke says as he sits back down again, “I’d be pretty sad if we weren't. I’m gonna be there when you take over the world with your voice.”
Julie laughs again, moving to sit on her bed facing Luke, “Well I’d be happy to have you there. You can open for me.”
Luke knows that was meant to tease him but he just smiled and nodded, “It would be an honour.”
“Alright, okay, enough of the flattery! If you carry on, my head might get to the same size as yours.” She laughs.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Luke looks at her feigning shock.
“Oh c’mon, Mr ‘Sunset Curve are the best band on the planet’, and Sir ‘I’m the best rockstar this world will ever know.’” She raises her brows at him.
Luke looks at her for a moment, a genuine smile on his face before he holds his hands up, “Okay, I may have said that.” he agrees.
“May have? You said that like a half hour ago!” Julie throws a pillow at him before pulling her legs up under herself.
“Alright! But someone has to praise me; it may as well be myself.” He grins, throwing the pillow back over to her.
She leans over, picking the tv remote off her bedside table and chucks it over to him, “You choose the movie, I’m going to put joggers on.” She hops off the bed, picking up some comfy clothes on her way to the bathroom.
Luke quickly gets changed himself and lays back on his bed, flicking through the movies on netflix for something to watch. He goes straight to the horror section, skimming over the selection before landing on Dead Silence.
“Ever seen this one?” He asks, pointing the remote at the tv as Julie walks back into the room.
“Is that a puppet?” She frowns.
“It’s a ventriloquist doll.” Luke rolls his eyes, “See the mouth?”
“Sounds creepy, put it on.” She throws her clothes into her hamper and crawls under her covers, pulling them up to her chin ready to watch the movie.
“Is that so you can hide quickly?” He teases at how she was tucked away.
“Shut up and play the damn movie.” she glares over at him playfully.
Luke chuckles and hits play, his eyes moving between the screen and the girl throughout the movie.
The following months were extremely busy for the group of friends. Between balancing school, homework, hang outs and practice it was hard for any of them to find time to themselves. It was exhausting and Luke was looking forward to the weeks off of school that came with the winter break. He hadn’t planned on going home over the holidays, perfectly fine with staying by himself in the halls. His rocky relationship with his parents had only worsened  while he was away, neither of them liking the fact that he was studying music instead of something ‘useful’ as they put it.
As the last classes of the year rolled around Luke was finding it increasingly hard to stay focused. He had never been good at school even if it was a subject he liked. He found it hard to stay focused on one thing, especially if it wasn’t something of his choosing like the current lessons. He couldn’t comprehend why he needed to learn about classical music in order to be a rockstar. Sure, he appreciated the art form, he enjoyed any sorts of music. But that didn’t mean he wanted to study it nor write a thesis on the matter.
It also didn’t help that he couldn’t get a certain dark haired girl out of his mind. The hopes of his little crush on Julie fading as time went on were futile, his infatuation with the girl only growing the more he got to know her. She wasn’t just a pretty, no, beautiful face. She was talented, caring, smart, funny, everything you could ever want in a person all wrapped up in one. That made it increasingly hard for him to forget his growing feelings and focus on her as being nothing more than a friend. Sure he thought that maybe she flirted with him at times, but she shared the same teasing nature with Reggie and Alex too, Flynn even, so he convinced himself it meant nothing.
So he made a vow with himself to never tell the girl how he felt, even if it would break his heart the last thing he wanted to do was make her feel uncomfortable - which confessing his feelings would surely do.
Once his last lecture of the year was over he slammed his books shut, shoving them into the bottom of his backpack where they would stay until the new year. Tonight was the last night they were all going to be here together. Reggie, against his best wishes, was going home for the holidays much like Bobby, Flynn and Julie. Alex was going to be spending it with Willie’s family, they had been dating for two months now. Luke was the only one going to be left behind, and despite all of his friends begging them to go back with one of them, he declined every invite. He’d rather be alone than invade anyone’s time with their families. Besides, it would give him plenty of time to work on new songs for the album he and the guys were planning. He was sure by the time they all returned he would have at least half of the songs ready to rehearse.
The group had planned to go out that night for a little holiday celebration of their own. Flynn and Julie had found a karaoke bar on the other side of town which they had been dying to show the guys, so tonight seemed like the perfect opportunity to go. Luke flew into his room, throwing his bag into a corner to be forgotten about.
“That doesn’t look like packing.” Luke frowns as Julie sits on her bed, her laptop open in front of her and her glasses pushed up on her nose.
She looks up at the sound of his voice, half closing the laptop as she moves her glasses to rest on top of her head, “Oh, change of plans, I’m not going home.”
Luke’s frown only deepens as he pulls his beanie hat off his head and throws it onto his bed, “How come? You were excited to see your family.”
“I know,” Julie replies, “But they’re visiting other relatives for the holidays and it’s a pretty long drive from here, so I said I’d go up for the new year instead.”
“Oh, right. Well I’m sorry, I know how excited you were to go home.” Luke offers a small smile.
Julie quickly waves him away with her hand, “Don’t it’s fine, I’m still getting to go home just...later.” She smiles, “I’m sorry for you, you’re gonna have to put up with me for longer.”
Luke laughs, kicking his shoes off and sitting down on his bed, “I’m sure I can cope with that.”
“Are you ready for karaoke tonight?” She asks, finally shutting her laptop completely and moving it to the side, “Flynn hasn’t shut up about it all day.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to show you all up.” He laughs.
That night the karaoke bar was packed, mosty with students from their college. The group each had a turn on the stage while rounds of drinks kept flowing. As the night wore on the group got increasingly intoxicated, their fake ID’s which they didn’t often use finally coming in handy.
“Oh my god!” Flynn slaps her hands down onto the table gaining everyone’s attention, “You two,” She points a finger at Luke and then Julie, “Duet, now!”
“What?” Julie laughs, “Noooo, c’mon no one else has done a duet!”
“Yeah! If anyone’s dueting it’s you and Reggie, I’m down for some country rap.” Luke jokes.
“No.” Flynn points another finger at him, “I’ve been dying to hear you sing together. How many times have I said your voices would fit perfectly together? Thousands! Now get up there and sing!” she points to the stage dramatically.
Luke and Julie both try and protest but their friends all quickly join in on Flynn’s side.
“I would love to see a duet.” Willie agrees with nods from the group, “C’mon! What’s there to be scared of?”
“We’re not scared!” Luke defends, though on the inside he may have been a little petrified.
It was hard enough hiding his feelings for Julie on the best of days, but singing with her? On stage? Being that close to her while performing, having her look into his eyes and sing? He was sure he would spontaneously combust which would not be a pretty sight for anyone.
“You’re chickens.” Bobby decides, “Both of you. How about you just admit you’re in love and get up there and sing about it.”
“What?” Luke sputters while Julie looks on wide eyed, “We’re not - we are not - I am not - We’re not in love!” He finally blurts, “Fine, you want a show, we’ll give you a show.” he stands up from the table, his competitive nature and the alcohol getting the better of him.
“We will?” Julie asks before standing up to join him, “Yeah! We will! You just sit and watch.” She points around the table before the pair march off to choose a song.
“I mean, it will be fun.” She agrees with a shrug as they look through the song book, “We would do a christmas song?” She suggests.
“What, like fairytale of new york so I can insult you?” He chuckles, “Maybe not.”
“Something from a musical?” she points to a couple songs from the likes of high school musical and chicago.”
Luke shakes his head at that idea too before finally spotting a good song. “That one!” They both exclaim pointing to the song at the same time.
“Hm, I never took you for a dirty dancing fan.” Julie muses as she looks up at him.
“Are you kidding? I love that movie.” He laughs.
With their song chosen they make their way onto the stage, each picking up a mic as the opening notes to Time of my Life plays out, cheers erupting from their friends at their choice of a love song.
They start off singing on their own sides of the stage, sharing the occasional glance. But when the song really kicked in they met in the middle, Luke’s mic forgotten at his side as he shared Julies. They dance around the stage, singing to each other like they were the only two people left in the world, the crowd and bar around them completely forgotten. He got lost so easily in her eyes, like nothing else mattered when he was staring into them. By the end of the song he stepped back, letting Julie take the last notes as he held her gaze, her words sung to him and him only.
They were finally brought back to reality at the sound of cheering around them, both of them tearing their gaze away and back out to the room. Flynn was jumping up and down clapping while his friends banged loudly on the table trying to create the most noise in the place.
“That was amazing guys.” The DJ comments as they hand their mics back, “Cute couple.”
“Oh we’re not a…” Julie trials off with a shrug as the man walks away, Luke shares a nervous laugh with her as they make their way back to the table.
“That was pure fire!” Flynn jumps up at them.
“The chemistry was just oozing out!” Reggie comments earning strange looks from the pair.
“We asked him not to use that word.” Alex sighs, “But he’s right. It was intense.”
“It was just karaoke guys.” Luke rolls his eyes as he takes his seat, “Nothing to write home about.”
“Yeah, you wanted a love song, we gave you a love song.” Julie comments, sitting beside Luke and grabbing her drink.
“Whatever guys, keep denying all you want. We’ll be playing at your wedding one day.” Alex laughs, ignoring the burning faces of his friends as he grabs Willie’s hand, “Anyway, we better get going. Early flight in the morning. You guys have fun!”
The night drew to a close not long after Willie and Alex departed, the remaining group stumbling towards the dorms, each of them singing loudly and slightly off key.
“I love you guys.” Reggie grins as he leans against the wall outside his door, “Like, really love you. You’re my real family.”
“We love you too bro.” Luke pulls him into a hug and pats him on the back, “Now get to bed, you’re getting soppy.”
“Yeah, leave me to deal with him.” Bobby rolls his eyes, “Don’t even think about trying to cuddle me.” he warns.
Luke throws his arm around the girls shoulder as they head back to their own room, neither of them doing a good job at keeping the other walking in a straight line. They stumbled into the walls and doors, both of them shushing each other obnoxiously loud as they giggled. Finally back in their room they both collapse onto their backs on Luke’s bed, their laughter slowly fading away until the room is cloaked in silence.
“Reggie’s right.” Julie comments.
“About the chickens? I don’t know, I don’t think they can really-” Julie cuts him off with a laugh.
“No! About us, our group. We’re a family, and I love it.” she sighs.
Luke’s mouth forms a small ‘O’ shape before he nods in agreement, “Yeah, couldn’t ask for a better family.” he agrees, reaching down and taking her hand in his, the alcohol dampening the nerves he usually feels around her.
She squeezes his hand, laying her head against his shoulder where she soon fell asleep, leaving him alone to sober up with his thoughts. Would it be such a bad thing if he told her? He played it out in his head. Imagining if she did feel the same. He could tell her, she’d kiss him, they’d go on dates and meet each other's families. They’d fall stupidly in love and have the best time of their lives. He liked the sound of that. But he couldn’t stop the tiny pessimistic side of him from rearing its ugly head. Because she could not like him back. Or everything could go exactly how he wanted but something could happen. He could do something stupid like he was known for, resulting in Julie having a broken heart. He couldn’t bear that. Then they would fall out, and it would be awkward, because they share a room. They would have to see each other every day and he would be awkward and she would be bitter. They’d end up arguing a lot, and eventually hating each other. Never seeing each other again once college finished. Maybe she’d even move out of the room completely. He gulped at the thoughts.
No, definitely best not to say anything.
The next morning Luke woke with a sore head, the hand that had been holding Julies now empty. He sits up onto his elbows with a groan, squinting his eyes as he looks around the room.
“He lives!” Julie cheers and Luke whines at the volume of her voice, “Sorry,” She laughs, “Not feeling great?”
“Something like that.” He mumbles rubbing the balls of his hands into his eyes.
“Well lucky for you I’ve taken the liberty of ordering food worthy or curing a hangover, I’ve just gotta go collect it.” She throws her bag over her shoulder as she heads to the door.
“I’ll come with you.” Luke says, sitting up with a grimace.
“Please don’t,” Julie holds a hand out to him, “You look like you might throw up if you move any more. I’ll be ten minutes.” She disappears out the door without another word and Luke flops back down onto his bed.
The day passed without any sickness from Luke, his hangover slowly feeling less painful as the evening drew in. Still feeling a bit groggy he was sure it would be gone by the morning, so he got an early night, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows.
Except the next morning the grogginess didn’t disappear, if anything it had worsened. His head felt fuzzy and his throat was like sandpaper. He turned to look at Julie, his body aching at the small movement.
“Am I dying?” He asks croakily.
“You sure sound like it.” Julie replies, looking up from her book to look at him, “And look like it.” She quickly puts her book down and hurries over to him, the back of her hand meeting his forehead, “Luke, you’re burning up.”
“I feel like I’ve been hit by a train.” He groans, “A train on fire.”
Julie rolls her eyes, helping him to sit up and pushing up the cushion under his head, “It’s just the flu. I told you not to go out the other night without a jacket!” She slaps him on the arm earning a whimper from the boy, “Next time you’ll listen to me. I’m going to the store to stock up on food anyway, I’ll get some medicine and soup.”
“Soup.” Luke groans out.
“Yes, soup. And you will eat it.” She points at him in warning before grabbing her jacket off the hook, “And I’m going to wear this, so I don’t get ill like an idiot.”
“You’re so sweet to me.” He mumbles, pulling his blanket up around his neck, “Can I have reese’s?”
“Sick people don’t get peanut butter!” She calls as the door shuts behind her.
Luke stays cocooned in bed until Julie returns with supplies. Luke watches quietly as she unpacks everything, then she makes her way over to him with a bag of all sorts of medicines, Luke grimaces at it.
“Don’t pull that face.” She slaps at his hand, “If you would have listened to me you wouldn’t be in this situation. Now, I have day medicine and night medicine, to help you sleep.” She places the bottles on the side table, “Cough sweets, pain relief tablets, cold and flu tablets, tissues.” She pulls everything out as she speaks.
“Are you trying to overdose me?” Luke asks.
Julie rolls her eyes, opening the packet of cold and flu tablets, “No, I’m trying to make you better so you’re not dying for the whole holidays. That would be no fun for me.” She hands him two tablets and a bottle of water. “You can take these up to four times a day, the day medicine twice and the night medicine before bed.”
Luke pouts at her as he swallows the tablets, “But I don’t want any of that.”
“Tough, I’m making you soup.” She hops off his bed and grabs the can of soup, readying it in the microwave for him.
Luke eats the soup, no matter how much he doesn’t want to. It leaves a funny taste in his mouth and he eats one of the cough sweets just to get rid of it. Julie chooses a christmas movie for them to watch, making sure the volume is on low so it doesn’t hurt his head.
“Can you sit with me?” Luke asks from under his pile of blankets, unsure as to why he had asked and feeling a little embarrassed that he did.
Julie pauses in her stride for a moment before changing direction to his bed, she sits beside him on top of the covers, letting him rest his head against her arm, “If I get ill I’ll kill you.” She warns jokingly.
“I promise not to get you ill.” he replies, knowing full well he has no control over it at all.
Julie spent the next couple of days caring for the boy, giving him medicine, making him food and keeping him comfy in bed. She estimated that it should take around three days for him to start feeling normal again with all the medicine she was giving him. So on the third night she gave him what she hoped would be his last dose of night medicine and tucked the blankets under his chin.
“I’m not even tired.” He complains, the blanket muffling his voice as he pulled it half over his face.
“Well you will be when that kicks in, we have this argument every night.” Julie sighs with an eye roll as she screws the cap back on.
“But I want to stay up with you.” He complains again.
“You can, tomorrow night when you’re hopefully feeling better.” He moves to get up from his bed but he reaches out and grabs onto her wrist.
“Can you at least sit with me?” He pouts up at her.
She laughs at him, perching back on the edge of his bed, “You’re so needy when you’re ill, it’s kinda cute.”
Luke frowns up at her, wanting to be called anything but cute by the girl he liked. “I’m not cute.” He argues.
The medicine already having the desired effect at making him drowsy, but he tried to fight it in order to spend more time talking with Julie. He tugs on her arm until she's laying next to him, his fingers moving down to hers and wrapping them together, he's pleased when she doesn’t move away from him.
“I’m glad you stayed back.” He mumbles, watching as his fingers fiddled with hers, “It’s selfish but I like your company.”
Julie smiles lightly, “I like your company too Luke.”
Luke smiles, a little lopsided in his dozy state, “I really like your company.”
“Well I really like your company too,” Julie laughs, “It’s not a competition.”
Luke shakes his head, burying his face into his pillows, “You don’t get it.” He mumbles out, Julie frowning as she strains her ears to hear what he’s saying, “I really like your company.”
“Yes Luke, you just said that.” She chuckles, “You don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re not making any sense, time for sleep.”
“No!” Luke complains, grabbing her hand tighter as she tries to get up, “You’re not listening to me!” He whines.
“I am listening to me! You said you really like my company! Twice!” She laughs.
Luke lets out a dramatic sigh, letting his head drop down onto the pillows again, “Forget it. You don’t care, you’re just laughing at me.” he mutters with a pout.
Julie sighs, feeling a little bad but knowing he was only acting this way because of the medicine, the boy probably had no idea what he was even saying.
“Okay,” She sighs, “Go ahead, what do you want to say.”
Luke sighs, chewing on his lower lip as he peeks up at her, she nods for him to go on, “She’s amazing,” He whispers, “Too amazing for me. She deserves the world, I could never give her that, but I wish I could.She means so much to me and I love her.” He mumbles, face half buried in his pillows as he lets his eyes drift shut, Julie had to wonder who he was talking about now, “I’m in love with Julie.” he adds in his half asleep state before finally letting the dreamland take him.
Julie’s mouth gapes open, eyes wide slightly as she stares down at the boy gripping onto her hand. She shakes her head, pushing the hope deep down inside of her. He’s off his face on flu drugs, he has no idea what he’s talking about. Hell he didn’t even realise it was her sitting next to him, he didn’t mean what he said. But part of her wished he did. She gives his hand one last squeeze before untangling herself and climbing into her own bed, ready for a night of restless fidgeting as she played what Luke had said over and over again in her head.
By the time morning came Julie was certain she’d gotten no more than two hours of sleep. Luke was sitting up in bed, scrolling on his phone when she turned to face him.
“Hey, you’re up!” Luke grins, his smile dropping slightly at her disheveled appearance, “Oh no, you’re not sick are you?”
“No, no,” Julie shakes her head, “I just didn’t sleep very well.” She sits up with a yawn and a stretch, “You seem to be feeling better.”
Luke nods his head, “So much better. I feel human again. Thank you for taking care of me,” He bites his lower lip and looks down at his covers, “I’m sorry I get a little much when I‘m sick.”
Julie laughs softly, a little disappointed that he hasn’t mentioned the night before, clearly he didn’t remember anything at all, “It’s fine. I didn’t mind.”
“Well you gotta let me make it up to you.” He says, pushing his covers away so he could climb out of bed.
Julie quickly shakes her head, “No, really, there’s no need.”
“I want to. You’ve spent the last three days looking after me, it’s the least I can do.” He argues.
“Well, it’s been snowing outside. And you’re still probably not one hundred percent, you probably shouldn’t go anywhere.” Julie tells him, always the voice of reason.
She also didn’t like the idea of going somewhere with Luke right now, his words from the night before still swimming in her head. If they did anything that even resembled a date she might break and say something she regrets. Like how much she’s in love with him and how he’s all she can ever think about.
“I guess you’re right...Okay then, we’ll order pizza, on me, and we can watch a movie? Not really an amazing thank you but, it’s a start?” He offers.
Julie sighs, the look on his face one of hope which she couldn’t say no to. Besides, they were stuck in the same room, it wasn’t like she could avoid him. She agrees, and his grin is wide enough to force one out of her as well.
So that evening they sit on their beds, stuffing their faces with pizza and garlic bread as they watch awful christmas movies and laugh over how bad they are. The previous night pushed into the back of her mind for the first time that day until Luke spoke up, his serious tone enough to pull her eyes from the movie and over to him.
“Hey, Julie?” He asks, as she looks at him his eyes are focused down on his pizza, “So...I wasn’t going to bring this up, but it’s been bugging me all day. Did I, uh,” He chuckles nervously, “Did I...Say some things last night?”
Julie looks at him in shock, sure he had completely forgotten. Her silence answers his question and his face turns a deep red, “Oh, god.” He groans, “I’m so sorry. I never meant to say that stuff, the medicine just...I’m so sorry. Please don’t feel awkward, can we just forget about it?”
Julie offers him a small smile, her shoulders deflating a little at his words, “Of course. It’s completely forgotten.” She forces a smile onto her face, “No awkwardness.”
Luke frowns over at her, in the months he had known the girl he had gotten to know how she worked and he could tell the smile taking over her face wasn’t genuine, “What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Huh? Nothing! Nothing’s wrong! Why would something be wrong?” Julie asks, shoving a bite of pizza into her mouth.
Luke raises his eyebrows at her, “Because I know you too well, what’s wrong?”
Julie looks over at him, the pizza half way back to her mouth again, she lets out a sigh and drops it back into the box, wiping her hands on a napkin, “Can we just forget about it?”
“Absolutely not. C’mon, tell me, I don’t like seeing you sad.” Luke prods her to talk to him.
Julie sighs again, contemplating if she should just lie to him, but the look of a kicked puppy on his face was too much for her. She caved.
“I guess, a part of me just kind of hoped you meant those things.” She shrugs looking anywhere but the boy in front of her, “I mean I know you would never, but hearing you say that...I guess I just got my hopes up.”
When she’s met with silence she looks up, eyes meeting Luke’s which held a look of shock, “Now can we forget I said that? Y’know what, we should just forget everything about this night. Maybe we should just start again? Get back into bed and pretend it’s morning!” She laughs nervously as the boy continues to stare at her, “Luke,” She whines, “Please say something so I know you don’t hate me.”
Finally Luke smiles, shoving his pizza box to the side and launching off his bed. Julie barely has time to comprehend that he had moved when his lips landed on hers, forceful but sweet, the taste of pizza and garlic between them. She moves her hands to rest on his chest, one of his supporting himself on the bed, the other holding her face. The kiss is slow and much too short for Julie’s liking, she stares wide eyed at the boy when he pulls away.
“I did mean it. Every word of it and I’ll say it every day if I can. You’re amazing, and I love you more than anything. You’re the best person to come into my life and I never want to be without you. Julie, I’m crazy in love with you and it’s not going away.” He breaths out.
Julie’s mouth forms a grin and she jumps up, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss as he wraps his arms around her waist. They stay locked together, lips moving in perfect sync until the stop for breath.
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear that.” Julie comments.
“I think I can take a guess.” Luke grins back, pulling her against his chest and placing a short sweet kiss to her lips before hugging her tight, “Am I still drowsy from drugs or is this really happening?”
Julie laughs against his chest, “I don’t know, let me pinch you to see if you’re dreaming.” She pinches his side and he jumps back quickly.
“Ow!” He complains and Julie just laughs.
“Definitely not dreaming.” She concludes, tiptoeing up to kiss him again, “That is something I will never get bored of.”
“You can say that again.” Luke agrees, grabbing her around the waist and falling back onto his bed with her as she squeals.
Of course a tiny part of Luke was still worried about anything going wrong, him being a notorious fuck up meant he would try his best to never do anything to harm this relationship. But the bigger part of him was so incredibly happy he could hardly contain it. The smile on his lips he was sure would be present for days, weeks even. He got the girl, the amazing, talented, sweet and caring girl. And he had no plans on ever letting her go.
They spent Christmas wrapped up together in blankets, doing nothing but talking, kissing and enjoying each other's company. Luke had never felt so happy and content on Christmas before, the girl in his arms the best present he could have hoped for this year and any year to come. When it finally came time for Julie to go home for new years she convinced Luke to come with her. Not that he took much persuading, a few kisses and puppy dog eyes and he cracked like porcelain and agreed.
Luke was glad she had forced him to go home with her, because her home was exactly that. A home. It was warm and cosy and he felt instantly welcome. Her little brother loved having him there, calling him the big brother he never had and showing him everything he got for christmas. Luke ended up playing with his cars and robot figures for hours and loving every second. He’d never had a younger sibling before, he now realised how much he had missed out on and was happy he and Carlos could both have the siblings that they had always wanted in each other.
Her dad was more than happy to have him there. He couldn’t stop thanking him for making his little girl happy and Luke couldn’t stop replying telling him how amazing she was. He felt like he was at home, a real home where he belonged. Ray invited him back for every break, Christmas especially, and he quickly accepted. His arm tight around Julie’s shoulder, his lips pressing a kiss to her hairline.
“You’re amazing.” He whispers to her.
She looks up at him, smiling wide and leaning up to press a quick kiss to his lips, “You’re amazing. Welcome to the family.”
tags: @chrlsgillespie @makebank @crybabyddl @gillespe-txt @themadnesscycle @wokealex @shellyysauruss-rex @fangirlsonthin (strike through means it wouldn't let me tag you sorry!)
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tallulaballula · 2 years
Don’t talk to me, I’m picturing Julie and Luke dressing up as Eddie and Chrissy for Halloween.
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missjoolee · 2 years
@claire8216​ requested 82! This prompt had a small existential crisis from me that really doesn’t matter but you know! What’s life without a little crisis here and there? 😅 Unedited to keep it real (flashes fake gang signs to look cool)
Pick a number between 1-102 (7, 13, 17, 23, 31, 45, 82, 97) I am working on them slowly so please be patient!
Luke blinks slowly at the page, his grip on the pen loosening. God, what time is it? Maybe they should call it quits for the night. He looks around but they haven't had a chance to get a clock yet. Tapping his phone screen, nothing happens. Dead. Sighing, he recalls he hadn't charged it last night because the charger was at the bottom of one of his moving boxes.  Thankfully he'd spent the afternoon unpacking after he'd gotten off shift at the diner.
He gets up to plug the phone in and Julie only gives a tilt of her chin in acknowledgement that he's moved away, her pen still flying across the page.  Smiling, he leans against the wall to wait for the devise to power back on, taking in this gorgeous scene.
Last night the room had felt weird. The walls laid bare, boxes shoved into a precarious tower in the corner, the mattress directly on the floor. His mom wouldn't let him take the bed frame. Something about it once belonging to his great uncle. It was a lot of change and while he's definitely better about it than Alex, he wouldn't lie and say it was the best sleep of his life, finally out of his stifling childhood home. Even if the room still didn't feel like him yet, having gone through the majority of his boxes helped to at least breathe easier. But now, seeing Julie lying on his bed, lost in the words of a song he's sure will win them awards, he realizes how much she's becoming home to him. No matter where he finds himself, he will always be alright if she is right there with him. His eyes drift closed.
The tinny startup sound alerts him that his phone is turning on, the battery finally charged enough. Dragging his eyes open, he checks the time.
Shit! Fuck!
"Shit, Jules, we have to go!"
All tiredness leaves his body as he searches around for his car keys. He'd put them in his pocket yesterday when he gotten in from the last trip of bring things in. Yesterday's pants. Shit, shit how does he already have so many clothes piled on the floor? He scatters clothing around him in a flurry. Not finding them, he looks around trying to figure out where they might have gone. His eyes cross over Julie who hasn't moved, only paused her pen to look at him.
"Don't just sit there, it's after 3! Your dad is going to kill me!"
Ray is a very lenient man but even he has his limits. Luke is frantic as he starts rummaging through the open boxes.
"Where the fuck are my keys?!"
Her soft hand slides up his cheek and pulls his face to look over at her. She's no longer on the bed, but she's also not rushing to gather her things so he can take her home. Why isn't she rushing?
Laughter dances in her eyes as she calmly says, "We don't have to leave. Did you forget I moved into the dorms last week?"
He blinks at her, still feeling in crisis mode as his brain slowly supplies him with the memories.
"Also, he would've killed me. I take responsibility for myself, thank you very much."
He snorts at that. She does take responsibility for herself. And Ray is notoriously bad at staying mad at her long enough to enforce a punishment.
His arms wind around her waist and pull her to his chest. She's still looking up at him with a soft smile, and he could drown in her eyes. He rests his forehead on top of hers and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a slow "fuuuuuuuuuuck", trying to slow his heartrate down. Her hands slide up his back before slipping into the ripped armholes of his shirt, pressing cold fingers against the skin of the small of his back.
Suddenly, he's aware of the fact that they are alone at his apartment. A fact that he'd been very aware of when he first opened the door to let her in earlier. He'd stared down at her with a goofy grin that she had reciprocated. No parents, no Aunts, no little brothers to interrupt them. No curfew. That's when Reggie's elbow had dug into his pec as he pushed Luke out of the way (read: into a wall) to hug Julie. There were, after all, still bandmates.
But no bandmates right now. And no place they need to be. His nose drifts down her temple as his hand drifts up to the nape of her neck, pulling her into a kiss.  Warmth spreads throughout his entire body, set aflame everywhere they touch. The kiss intensifies as she presses closer and his hands begin to wander.
She pulls away all too soon, her hand pushing lightly against his chest as he tries to follow. Breathing hard, he looks down into her eyes which are darker than they were before.
"I have class at 9am. We should probably go to sleep."
A groan leaves his body at the idea of stopping, but he knows school is important to Julie and it's her first week of classes.
"Okay, yeah. Let's go to bed."
A different type of thrill thrums through him. For the first time, Julie is going to sleep in his bed. She will be the first thing he sees in the morning when he opens his eyes. That's something he could get used to. He'd take Julie anyway he can. Tangling their fingers together he drags them back over to the bed. He goes to empty his pockets and he pulls out a car key.
"They were in today's pants??"
Julie snorts from where she is putting on a pair of his basketball shorts. "Did you forget you went to work today, too?" She shakes her head in amusement. Apparently he is more tired than he'd thought.
He lets out a small laugh as he shucks his pants and pulls his shirt over his head before climbing into the bed. (climbing down? it's so close to the floor!) She slides in next to him and he can't help but pull her close for another kiss. Now that he's laying down, exhaustion floods him. He pulls back and she's staring at him tenderly.
"Love  you."
"Love you too."
There's a soft smile before she is settling her head against his chest. He relaxes into his own pillow, sleep already trying to pull him under.
"Goodnight, Boss."
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
a lil snippet based on this au idea, enjoy
you’ve got mail
juke // fluff, humour; au // 1.6k // ao3
“Okay, so let me get this straight — you’re telling me that a cute white boy showed up on your doorstep with his package-” Flynn is cut off, getting a face full of pillow. She pulls the pillow down, leaning on it with a smirk stretching across her face, waggling her eyebrows at Julie.
“I’m sorry, a cute white boy showed up on your doorstep with your package, and now you’re on an ordering spree hoping he shows up again?”
Julie knows how ridiculous she sounds, can hear how ridiculous it is without her best friend’s incredulous tone, but she….can’t help it. No matter what she tries to do she can’t seem to get that boy’s twinkling eyes or adorable smile out of her head. She’s reached a point where she’s convinced herself that if she sees him again, maybe she’ll finally realise that she’s just built him up in her head and that the reality of him pales in comparison. And then she can move on.
She’s explained this logic to Flynn, but her best friend just keeps throwing looks her way, shaking her head and muttering words like “crazy,” “thirsty” and “needs to go out more.”
“No boy is worth that much hassle. How many times have you ordered something hoping he shows up anyway?”
Julie mumbles a reply, ducking her head down to hide behind a curtain of curls.
“What? I didn’t get that, Jules.”
Julie mumbles her answer again, barely injecting any volume into her voice.
“Girl, speak up, it’s like you’re on mute over there.”
“Seven times!” she bursts out, face emerging from behind her hair as she looks up towards the ceiling before covering her face in shame.
It’s quiet for a moment, with only the sound of the show they still had running in the background breaking through the silence.
That is until Flynn bursts out laughing.
“Oh. My.-” are the only words she manages to get out before she succumbs to her laughter.
All Julie can do is hang her head in shame, cursing UPS for their choice of hire.
continue reading on ao3 here
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
=“Do You Like It?” Pt. 2=
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Description: Luke finds out the truth about his present.
Warnings: Angst if you squint. Overworking yourself, small argument, and a whole lot of FLOOF.
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=“Do You Like It?” Pt. 2=
Band practice. It used to be Y/N’s favorite time of the day--it still is. She loved to watch the passion in Luke’s eyes when he played a killer riff, or hit a note just right. She loved to take notes on the little imperfections, but now… She can’t even write a single word without pain shooting up her arm. Nor can she demonstrate how she thinks it should sound without her legs nearly giving out on her, or her back sending what felt like someone stabbing her a million times. This didn’t go unnoticed by the boys, especially the overprotective, lovable, touchy Luke, known as her boyfriend. “Alright boys…” She lowers her wrist after looking at her watch for the time. “It is time for me to go to work.” 
The music dies down, all the boys giving concerned glances to one another. “Again?” Luke asks, carefully, setting down his guitar on the stand. “That’s like the fifth shift this week.” His large, evident frown made Y/N weaken. 
“I took up a couple of double shifts is all,” she pauses. “I’m doing it for the band.” 
That was always her excuse for overworking herself, it was her version of ‘I’m fine’.
“Y/N, why aren’t you asleep?” The door to her bedroom swings open, exposing both her brother Bobby, and Luke. Tired expressions on their faces.
“Why aren’t you?” she replies, not tearing her gaze away from the piece of paper in front of her. 
“We were… Someone woke us up,” Bobby informs, annoyance laced through his voice. 
“Bobby!” Luke snarls.
Bobby looked to appear guilty of his tone. He waves it off. “Never mind that, don’t you have a test tomorrow?” 
Y/N shrugs. “I do…” she sighs. “But, that doesn’t matter right now.” She moves her attention to them. “I have this great song idea--” 
Luke rushes over to her, she flinches slightly, knowing what was coming. “You need to get some rest, it’s three in the morning.” He twirls a piece of her hair, soothingly despite his argumentative words.
“Says teenage boys,” she mutters. “And stop acting like you’ve never done this before.”
“It’s for the band!” she whines, cutting him off. 
Or that one time…
“Y/N,” her father, Tony, starts. Her, Bobby, Luke, Reggie, and Alex looked up at the tall guy that stood in the doorway of the living room. 
“This won’t be good.” Y/N gulps, closing her songbook.
“What is this about you failing three of your classes?!” 
Y/N’s eyes squint in embarrassment. “Dad! Not in front of the band,” she whisper-yells.
Luke turns to give Y/N a confused, and almost hurtful expression. “Y/N, you said you didn't need help with your assignments that--” 
“You had it ‘under control’,” Alex finishes, leaning forward to fixate on Y/N’s eyes. 
“Maybe I fibbed,” she mumbles incoherently.
“You even helped me with my assignments,” Reggie comments. “And yet--” 
“You’re not doing your own?” Bobby asks.
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Wow, you guys have been spending way too much time with each other, finishing sentences, that’s crazy, a little weird, and cre--”
“Y/N!” Luke exclaims. 
“Luke!” she mimics, teasingly. 
“Maybe it’s time for us to help you with school,” Luke suggests, but Y/N dismisses the topic immediately. 
“No! You guys need to focus on your music, the band,” she bickers. “That should be your main priority. That’s what it should always be.” 
“But, you are the heart of the band, our music. So, focusing on you, helping you, would basically be the same thing as what you’re telling us to do,” Luke signifies. 
Y/N left feeling defeated. “You don’t need to worry about me, I’m doing this for the band. Everything I’m doing right now, rather than school, is all for the band.”
Tony crosses his arms. “Then maybe it’s time to take a break from the band.” 
“You always say that,” Luke blurts.
“And every time, it’s true,” Y/N responds. 
“But, what about me?” Luke asks.
Y/N purses her lips. “What about you?” 
“Whoa,” Luke chuckles. “Me. Luke Patterson…” Y/N’s eyes avert to her shoes. “Your boyfriend.” He whistles, waving a hand in front of her face to gain all her attention back. “Hello?” 
“I-I don’t see what point you’re trying to make here,” she stammers. 
“I rarely see you,” he claims.
“You live in my garage Luke, we always see each other. I’ve been here for an hour, right here, on this couch, watching you.” Her tone started to get short as her exhaustion kicked in.
“I mean seeing you. As in my girlfriend, our friend, all we’ve been seeing is our manager.” Luke picked up on her mood, channeling the same energy.
Y/N gets closer to him. “I’m right here, Luke, what more do you want from me?”
“You’re about to leave.” 
“Because I have to!” Y/N shouts.
“We should stop this,” Bobby tells Alex. “It’s scaring Reggie.” He gestures to the boy with his hands covering his ears. 
Alex nods in agreement. “Let’s do it.” 
Bobby and him take steps towards the pair still arguing. “Guys!” Bobby moves in to separate them. “Let’s just think about this for a second.” 
Y/N sighs, exasperated. “I really have to go to work, if I don’t, dad will kill me.” 
“What does your dad have to do about this?” Luke questions, even more confused than before. “Is this some kind of punishment for you?” 
Bobby slowly backs away. “It’s going to be a bloodbath in here any moment,” he guessed.
“You can say that,” Y/N answers to Luke. “I just may have done something that requires me to… Work a little harder to gain some money… Back…” She was nervous. Fidgeting with her fingers, as her palms grew sweaty. “This is it, this is when he finds out.” She loudly sighs, closing her eyes. “A lot of money.” 
“How much?” He glances at Alex, Reggie, and Bobby for any sign of the answer, but they were uselessly just watching this scene play out.
“A thousand,” she squeaks, inaudible. 
“What?” He leans in a little closer.
“A thousand,” she repeats at the same level of volume. 
“Y/N, you need to speak a little louder.” 
She takes a deep breath, holding it. She opens her eyes, gaining the courage to just tell him the truth. “A thousand,” she says, loud, and clear. 
“A thousand?!” he chokes out. “What did you do that’d cost a--” he cuts himself off. He glimpsed at the still flawless looking guitar hung on the wall. “Did you--did you buy that on your own?” 
She looks away from his gaze, embarrassed. “I have to go.” Y/N leaves before he can reply. 
His jaw drops. “Y/N!” he calls out, but she ignores him. He spins on his heels, pacing over to the boy. “Did you guys know?” 
Their silence gives him the answer he dreaded. “We tried to convince her to tell you but… She’s very stubborn, as you know,” Bobby explains. 
“I just--I wish I knew.” Luke roughly pushes a hand through his hair. “I would’ve…” he pauses. “I should’ve been more appreciative.” He stares at it. “That’s it! I’m taking it back to the shop, and selling it.” 
Ignoring his friends, he goes and grabs the guitar. His rush movements, knocking over Y/N’s songbook that laid on the table. Alex is the first to read it, his eyes catching a neatly decorated card that had ‘To Luke Patterson From Y/N’, written boldly on the front. “Luke,” he calls out. Carelessly setting the book back in its spot. “Before you make any hasty decisions, I suggest you read this first.” 
Luke narrows his eyes, seeing his name. He sets the guitar down, plucking the card away from Alex’s hands. He frowns. “I’ve never seen this before,” he admits.
“We’ll give you a minute.” Alex grabs Bobby and Reggie by the collars of their shirts, practically dragging them out of the garage. 
Luke doesn’t move at first, but rather standing there by the piano. He admired the colors, and designs carefully drawn on the thick paper. She always did like things to be perfect… Especially for him. He sits down on the couch, opening the card. 
Dear Luke,
You have always been my sunshine. You illuminated everything around me when things were dark and grey. We’ve had our ups and downs, but in the end we were together. That night you knocked on my window, soaking wet from the rain, and crying. It was the first time I saw my sunshine blocked by clouds. Hey, look at me, I guess you do learn things from book club after all. I missed it, I missed my sunshine and seeing you smile, because I love your smile. You have the prettiest smile that you can’t help but smile at. I wanted to take your pain away, just like how you take away mine. Which is why I got you the thing you’ve wanted since you told me. And please, don’t worry about paying me back. Your happiness is the best payment I can ask for… I hope you know that I’d do everything for you without needing anything in return. So, go be my rockstar with your new guitar. 
Love Y/N.
Luke stares at the words, blankly. 
“Luke?” the boys call when he stumbles out of the garage. 
“You guys have to help me.”
Y/N was miserable at work. Stress drowning every ounce of ability to actually do her job. “I’m so sorry!” she says when she runs into someone, having leftover drinks spill all on them. “I’m…” Her voice fades, when she sees her boss with his arms crossed. 
Another worker comes over to take care of the mess, and the customer. Her boss gestures to her to come to his office. “Sit,” he orders.
“I don’t want to sit if you’re going to end up firing me,” she simply establishes. “Easier exit strategy.” He doesn’t say anything, but just holds out his hand. “No,” she whines. “You don’t understand I need this job. I’m literally taking double shifts right now. I’m good with people, and I just…” She groans. “If my dad finds out I was fired he’ll kill me. And how am I supposed to help my brother, and my boyfriend’s band without a job. I’m their manager, you know,” she rambles, but the man pays no close attention to what she’s saying.
“If you are doing your job as manager right, then you should have no problem making money.” 
Y/N’s jaw drops a little. She sniffles with a nod, untying her apron. “Fine,” she whispers, handing the apron to him. “But, if you don’t say the words it doesn’t count, so let me do it for you… I’m quitting.” She turns on her heels, but stops. “I’ll be back Friday for my last paycheck.” 
Glares were sent her way when leaving the restaurant. When she gets outside she allows her tears to fall. Stepping into the driver's seat in her car, she breaks down. Sobs escape from her mouth. “Why me?” she cries. 
Once settled down a little, she begins to drive back to the house. 
She slams her car door, confused to hear music coming from the garage. Not the band’s music, but… “Surprise!” 
The boys pop out, with huge smiles on their faces. 
Y/N’s eyes wander around to the fairy lights, the snacks and drinks on a portable table, and all the blankets and pillows outside with the projector set up. “What--what is this?” she asks in shock, yet happiness radiates from her.
“Do you like it?” Luke hugs her from behind. 
“I love it,” she replies. “But, why? It’s not a special date… Is it?” She raises an eyebrow in curiosity.
Luke doesn’t move, allowing Bobby to take over. “We rarely appreciate how much you do for us, and we thought maybe it’s time to let you know just what you mean to the band, and to us… Our family.” 
“You work so hard for what we do,” Alex continues. 
“You deserve a lot more credit than we give you,” Reggie adds. 
“It’s true,” Luke chimes, softly, into Y/N’s ear. “We all agree that… You truly are the rock of this band.” 
Y/N nods, biting her lip. “Thank you… I just feel like I’m not good enough to manage you guys,” she confesses.
Luke frowns, spinning her around to face him. “Don’t ever say that. Who else would buy me a thousand dollar guitar?” 
“Who else would laugh at my jokes the way you do?” Reggie accounts. 
“Who else would give me free therapy sessions?” Alex appeals.
“And what better person to handle our craziness than my own twin sister?” Bobby emphasizes, gesturing to Y/N. 
Y/N shrugs. She looks at the dark, cloudy sky, hoping she won’t cry anymore than she has. “I don’t know,” she whispers.
“Y/N?” She looks at Bobby’s, mentally noting his tense tone. “Why are you home so early?” 
All eyes were on her now. She holds onto Luke’s hands to keep her from drowning in anxiety. “I--I got fired--quit,” she corrects quickly. “I quit.” 
“It’s… It’s for the band,” Y/N cuts off Luke, calmly. “Now!” She claps, replacing her frown with a smile. “What movie do you have planned for our night?” She changes the subject. 
Luke shakes his head. “Your night…” He pushes a piece of hair back behind her ear. “Your night, your choice.” 
Y/N’s eyes avert to all the boys before landing on Reggie. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” 
Reggie grins widely. “Does it start with S and end with S?” 
“Wha--No!” Alex groans.
“Star Wars!” Y/N and Reggie squeal, running off to retrieve the disks for the marathon. 
Bobby lands himself beside Luke. “Think she’ll be alright?” He wishes he could read his twin sister a little better than he can presently, but that’s why he had Luke there to help.
Luke not paying attention just responds with a hum. “She has the prettiest smile.”
Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added, or remind me if you’ve already asked): 
@lovesanimals​ @charliegillespiewife​
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futureoutoffocus · 2 years
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if it’s okay with you, it’s okay with me
Julie/Luke | 16k | 4/4 - NOW COMPLETE!
Luke should probably look into finding his own place with the frequency he has ended up in LA over the last year, he thinks, as he drops his bags into his room at his parents’ house.
This is his fifth time back in the city. But unlike the other times, this marks the first time he’s back not for work reasons. Instead, he’s in town for what Reggie is calling “The Willex wedding.”
(Yeah, Alex is not too happy about the name.) ---- Or: Luke rights some wrongs, lets go of the past and finally gets the happy ending he deserves.
Sequel to the road not taken (always leads to you)
EDIT: This fic is now complete and it was written for @julieandthephantomsbb this year! It’s a mini bang, so expect over 10k once all chapters are posted. Big thanks to  @itsthebooks for creating such a great moodboard for this chapter!
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