#luke skywalker preferences
dailydragon08 · 5 months
I'd love to read about the Falcon gang realizing Luke has a crush on you, and I'm clumsily trying to hide it from them
I love this prompt so much, thank you for the ask! Sorry this one got away from me a little bit, I just really love writing about Luke with a crush/pining Luke.
My masterlist is linked in the pinned post on my page! Don’t forget, if you like the fic, reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Let’s start with Luke and what he’s doing. I don’t know if I would say he’s really going out of his way to try and “hide” his crush from you specifically, per se, but he’s also not shouting it from the rooftops. I could see all eras of Luke not really minding if you figure it out, just so you could maybe talk about it and see if being together is something you’d be interested in. But all eras of him tread a bit carefully at first (in my mind, ESB Luke is the most bold while ROTJ Luke is the most careful), just doing little things or sometimes purposefully giving little hints here and there to kind of test the waters and see how you react, if you like what he’s doing, if you’re starting to get more comfortable around him, etc. But oh boy, does he really want to hide it from the Falcon Gang – at least until he figures out how you feel and what path you’re taking forward. For one, he doesn’t want to annoy or burden them by constantly talking/asking about you, and for another, he wants to take things at his own pace and doesn’t want any of them to try and interfere to speed things up lest you get spooked and run the other direction. The older he is, the more he also worries about how being with him could put a target on your back and wants to make sure you can protect yourself and/or he’s able to protect you.
How clumsily he hides his crush on you would really depend on the era that he’s in. ANH Luke is the most likely to trip over himself, get caught most often staring at you with the biggest puppy eyes, and is always the first to rush forward and help you with something with an excited “I’ve got it!” He’s also most likely to let a compliment slip out that he thought was only in his head, then look a bit like a deer in the headlights when he realizes that was out loud. Once the rest of the gang figures it out, this era of Luke will talk the most openly (not completely spilling every thought in his brain, but just the most willing to talk at all about it) and ask the most questions about whether or not you’ve said anything to them or given them any clues as to your feelings.
ESB Luke is, like I’ve said in previous posts, a bit better about hiding his feelings, but it’s very obvious to those who know him. He still gets caught staring at you often and isn’t the best at looking away before you make eye contact with him. Now that he’s got more combat and Force-related skills under his belt, he’s a bit more protective of you (he always was, but now even more so because of his newfound confidence and rank) and is the most prone to jealousy out of his three eras. I could see both ANH and ESB versions of him going out of their way to try and impress you (and sometimes comically failing) if it seems like someone else is trying to catch your attention. Once he’s found out, he’s a bit more close-lipped, but will admit to liking you and being unsure how you feel about him. He’ll talk for a few minutes at a time about all the things he likes about you before saying he’d just like to take it slow and see where this whole thing naturally goes, but then that’s the end of the conversation.
ROTJ/post-ROTJ Luke is a bit more settled in who he is as a person, what’s happened to him, and who his father is, but he’s still going through a lot. How he handles his crush will really depend on exactly where in ROTJ he is. Between saving Han, finishing his training with Yoda and staying by his deathbed, finding out Leia is his sister, and knowing there’s a strong possibility that he’ll die facing Vader and the emperor, he’s got a ton on his shoulders. For this reason, I could see him becoming more distant because – despite still having strong feelings for you – he’s afraid to get involved and then leave you heartbroken if something happens to him. That, along with Obi-Wan’s ghost telling him to “bury his feelings deep down” and honor the original order’s no attachment rule, he’s also a bit confused on what his future will even look like and if having a crush will even be an avenue open to him. It’s my personal headcanon that post-ROTJ, as he learns more about who he is, the kind of jedi he wants to be, the kind of order he wants to cultivate, and the importance of connection and how it’s different than possession, he decides to do away with the no attachment rule and make teaching about connection (healthy) vs. possession (unhealthy) part of the jedi training. He did save his father because of their attachment, after all. So this era of Luke is the most likely to let himself really experience a crush and falling in love for the first time, in my opinion. He takes things slow and still gives you little hints here and there vs. big, grand gestures – but he also is doing things with the intent of letting you know how he feels while patiently waiting for you to either return the gestures/initiate a talk about your feelings whenever you’re ready, or is watching for signs that you’re not into what he’s doing. He’ll be sad, of course, but he’ll respect your wishes.
Whew, okay, I didn’t realize I had so much to say, sorry. Moving on…
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Leia is the first to realize what’s going on. Even if she hasn’t realized she’s Luke’s twin or Force-sensitive yet, she’s always been very in tune with him. If she knows you well, she’s shipping the two of you much earlier in the process and practically banging her head into a wall when Luke says he’s unsure if you return his feelings when to her, it couldn’t be more obvious. In this case, she wants so badly for him to just be direct about his feelings so you can make use of every second you have in your crazy lives, but she lets him make his own decisions. If she doesn’t know you that well, she’s keeping her eye on you to determine whether your interest in him is genuine and not just because of his fame, power, and accomplishments. As she gets to know you better, she comes around. In both situations, she’s doing whatever she can to play subtle wingwoman – especially with her rank within the rebellion, she’s making sure you two are on missions together as much as possible, your rooms are close to each other, you both always happen to have the same days off every time, she’s slipping little comments in to him about what your favorite things are, your hobbies, likes/dislikes, etc. If he really does want to take his time, Leia makes sure he’s armed with all the knowledge to best make use of it. Even though she’s chomping at the bit for you two to get together, she does still try to be (or at least, start out) gentle when she gives Luke advice or asks if he’d like to talk about you or his feelings, and is always combating Han’s horrible dating advice with reminders that he just do whatever comes naturally to him with what he knows about you – because at the end of the day, if you can’t like him for who he naturally is, then there’s no point to any of this.
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Han’s reaction depends a bit on Luke’s age. The younger he is, the more obnoxious and frequent Han’s teasing is. Especially if it’s before he and Leia get together, he’ll make comments to Luke about whether he thinks you’d make a good SO for him, or he’ll flirt with you when it’s just the three of you just to ruffle Luke’s feathers. As they both get older and become closer though, the teasing will die down a bit to comments about how Han notices Luke’s doe eyed-stare, suggests you won’t be single forever, and of course, gives the worst dating advice that have Leia and Lando face-palming so hard in the background. Especially once Luke becomes a jedi knight, really the most he’ll get is a gentle elbow in the ribs with some wiggled eyebrows, maybe followed by some prompting to go talk to you when you’re standing/sitting alone. At the end of the day, he really does just want his friend to be happy. Like Leia, if he doesn’t know you well, he’s watching you extra closely for a bit and maybe even trying to get to know you better himself so he can determine whether you’re a good match. Despite his devil may care attitude, Han is very attentive to his friends and is aware of all the pain Luke’s been through – that being said, he doesn’t want to watch him go through potential heartbreak after all that either. Again though, like Leia, he eventually comes around and counts you as one of the Falcon gang – although he’s a bit more oblivious to when you two are having a moment and the others sometimes have to comedically yoink him out of a room before he interrupts and ruins it.
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Although Lando also wants the best for Luke, he doesn’t know him or his background that well, so isn’t as protective. However, if you’re a newcomer, Lando is the most immediately welcoming of the group and can tell you’ll be a great addition – whether you and Luke get together or not. Lando is very astute when it comes to listening and watching and waiting for the right moment – so of course, he picks up on the subtle yearning glances, the slight blushes, compliments, any sort of physical affection Luke is willing to throw your way, how much more gentle he suddenly becomes with you (he was already gentle before, but he’s somehow even softer when you’re around), the way his face lights up when you walk into a room, etc. He clocks it immediately and at first, just lets it be since he doesn’t want to pry. Eventually though, when he and Luke get a moment alone, Lando makes a comment about how great you are to gage the jedi’s reaction and how willing he is to talk about it. He strikes me as a great listener and is very validating to all Luke’s feelings and concerns, but gently reminds him that someone like you won’t be single forever and does he really want to live with that regret of watching you get with someone else when he was never brave enough to really make a move? After this conversation, he immediately goes to Leia ready to make the Ultimate Wingman Gameplan and is ready with his full resources, funds, and even wardrobe to make whatever needs to happen a success. He and Leia may or may not orchestrate some “oops, we’re stuck in x situation together” happenings, or invite you two to things like fancy Rebellion/New Republic gatherings where they split up and help the two of you get ready in ways that wow the other, etc.
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Once Chewie (platonic) realizes you’re not a threat to one of his closest friends, the two of you become his OTP. He has a sneaking suspicion, but is usually busy with Han and/or fixing yet another part of the Falcon that broke, so isn’t around as much to collect evidence and the others have to fill him in. Not many people can understand his language, so there’s not really a risk of him spilling the beans. But he’s 100% doing little things here and there to meddle, like pulling you both into a giant group hug and squishing you together, pitching the Falcon while he pilots so you fall backwards into Luke’s lap, bumping into one of you so you’re now standing or sitting close together, physically pushing Luke towards you with a grumble in Shyriiwook, etc.
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R2 has to be the one to explain what’s going on to C-3PO (platonic). At first, the protocol droid goes, “wait, what do you mean?” But once he figures it out, everyone has to reach to cover his mouth as he starts to cry in the middle of the busy hangar, “oh my goodness! That’s wonderful to hear that Master Luke fancies mph-hmmphh-umph-mmmm!” To be honest, no one really wanted to tell him in the first place because he’s so bad at keeping his mouth shut, but 3PO overheard some comment someone else was making and just wouldn’t stop asking questions. Cue everyone constantly covering 3PO’s mouth until you and Luke get together, as he almost makes comments and spills the secret many times – and sometimes, they just shut him off mid-sentence. He’s not allowed to be alone with you again until after the two of you get together, but when it’s just him and R2, he’s constantly raving about how he’d love for his master to be happy and how he’s using this to study what two humans who are interested in each other romantically do. Of course, he’s been programmed to know about it, but seeing it in real time is fascinating to him and is where the majority of his comments that almost get him in trouble come from.
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R2-D2 (platonic), like Chewie, can’t really rat Luke out verbally – but also follows the Wookiee’s example and meddles to get you two closer faster. He even stole Chewie’s methods of bumping into one of you from behind to get you stumbling into each other’s arms and pitching the ship so Luke has to catch you before you fall. When he’s really feeling like a little shit, he’s been known to lock the two of you in tight spaces together for an extended period of time. When one of you gets injured or needs help, he always immediately rushes to find the other, even if there are other people close by who could help – and sometimes even blows things a little out of proportion just to get you two alone together. Like he’ll rush to tell Luke you’re trying to get something up from a high shelf and are about to fall and Luke runs in to find your footstool the tiniest bit wobbly, but otherwise stable while you’re not even that far off the ground.
Taglist: @kaleidoscope1967eyes @masterlukessaber @coffeeorsomething-irl @eveningserenityyy @victorian-nymph @lxstfathier @rogue-kenobi @lavandula-ipsum @sonofthedunes @pomplalamoose @lex-the-flex @ilovemarkhamill
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kitcat22 · 3 months
Au in which jango is a little bit more fucked up by the killing of his people, followed by his years in slavery and instead of requesting an unaltered clone, he wants one that will age slower than the average human.
Maybe he tries to excuse it as wanting more time to enjoy being a parent and more time to train Boba but really it comes from his desperate need for someone that is completely his and won’t grow up and leave him before he’s ready like everyone else he loved. He’s lost his parents, he’s lost Jaster, he’s lost Arla, he’s lost the true mandalorians, he can’t lose Boba.
This obviously majorly fucks up Boba.
Either his mind ages at the same rate as his body meaning he’s a 10 year old, traumatised, orphan bounty hunter for even longer in a world that does not care he’s a child and will take advantage of that
His mind ages past his body and you get a body horror situation similar to Claudia from Interview with a Vampire, where he has an adult mind but a body far to immature for him.
Like the psychological horror of being treated like a young child and expected to act like one when you are in fact an adult. The inability to make any friends as the only people around you outage you even more rapidly than before, leaving you utterly isolated in the white hell that is Kamino, except for your father who has kind of ruined your life
I think this really emphasises that even though Jango loved Boba he was not a great parent, probably wouldn’t even call him a good one, while also adding to Boba’s not great mental state and identity issues.
Also consider Book of Boba Fett with Fennec Shand now taking orders from a teenager and Din getting his ass saved by one. Han, Luke and Leia having beef with a teenager.
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tatooineknights · 1 year
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
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Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) #4
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Can’t get over Luke fucking Skywalker.
He is in a forest that is filled with ysalamiri that cut him off from the Force, he is surrounded on all sides by Imperials who want him dead, vornskrs who want him dead, and a Mara who wants him dead. His right hand is acting up because he took out a power supply. He has no idea where he is, he doesn’t even know what planet he’s on! Mara has threatened to shoot him, point blank, like four times already.
And he just lays down in the middle of the woods, with only Artoo and Mara to protect him from the bloodthirsty creatures ignoring everyone else to attack him specifically (vornskrs) and is perfectly content. He drifts in and out of sleep. He makes casual conversation with Mara.
Mara is over there like “I know I want him dead, but before I kill him, I’m going to force him to tell me why the fuck he is the way he is.”
Bro, Luke in Heir to the Empire??? Chef’s kiss. He almost gets killed saving Mara from getting killed by a vornskr, he is literally bleeding out, Mara made him drop his lightsaber again, and he has to ask permission to talk to Artoo. And he just, comforts Artoo? Just gives Artoo a lil pep talk? Tells him “Oh, everything looks fine, I’m okay, we can fix everything that broke off of you, we’re all good :)” Luke has his back turned to the woman who has threatened to kill him for breathing, and he’s just throwing out little compliments for Artoo.
Everyone is like: “Luke. We cannot let the stormtroopers and their ship of reinforcements go under that arch, they will kill as all.”
Luke: :D
Everyone: “Okay, we’re letting the stormtroopers and their ship of reinforcements go under that arch, hope you know what the fuck you’re doing, Luke.”
And Luke drops the entire arch on the enemy. He doesn’t even have the Force, he just cuts through stone with his fucking lightsaber without the Force, after being held prisoner for a few days then walking through a deadly forest for a few days.
I’m with Mara, on this one. Why is he the way he is??? Everyone else is like “yo what the f Luke???” and hoenstly, same? Luke just crushed the enemy and is like “Wow, good to see Lando again.”
Mara spends all of her internal monologues going “Why aren’t you panicking??? What is wrong with you??? You should be scared, why are you dozing off???” Luke, meanwhile, spends most of his going “Well, I’m sure it’ll all work out eventually” and “I know that I can do Jedi things, but I’m kind of a dick sometimes, am I doing the Jedi a disservice?” and “Oh cool, Artoo is okay.” Like, come on, Luke, have some concerns about the situation, please, the vornskrs are out for your blood specifically!
Anyway, tldr: Luke is so fucking weird /affectionate
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omgahgase · 1 year
idk man but i just picture din as this amazing cook who can whip up an delicious, healthy meals for grogu out of like 3 lame ass ingredients and luke is just never allowed in the kitchen bc he somehow burned water so din told him one day "i'll do all the cooking" and he does. and he's good at it.
but give this man a recipe for a cake or pie? no. absolutely not. he will serve you a blackened brick and think nothing is wrong with it. din's homemade cookies? this man is a mandalorian, he'll make the spiciest space chocolate chip cookies you've ever tasted. and that's if they make it out of the oven edible and not charred. not even grogu can stomach his baked goods. boba, cobb, and fennec have all told him that he's a terrible baker, and din's response is always, "you guys are just picky."
"yeah, vod, i choose to keep my teeth. not chip them on those abominations."
"bo is right—"
"don't call me that."
*chuckles* "bo is taken. call him booba."
"can it, shand."
din just shrugs and plops his horrendous snickerdoodles on the coffee table like they didn't just rattle the entire surface. meanwhile luke is in the kitchen with han saying that he "absolutely baked this bread! i'm capable of it!"
han takes another slice and gives luke an incredulous look, eyebrow arched and overly bushy. "sure, kid."
"i did!
"this is best kirffing bread i've ever had. it tastes like the holy land and carbs had a baby. i don't even believe if there's a holy land, but dank farrik, this bread can take me there."
"han...it's just bread."
and just like that, luke discovers that he can bake like a man mad. whatever he envisions, he can make with ease. cookies, snickerdoodles, cupcakes, pastries. he can bake it without so much as reading the recipe twice and din is flabbergasted.
"how can...how do you do that?"
"do what, my love?"
din waves his hand in a blobby, misshapen circle with luke—and his disaster of a kitchen whipping up some sort of blue macaroon for grogu that din knows comes out perfect every single time—in its center.
luke chuckles and moves around the island to place a floury kiss to his cheek, smearing some left over batter into the scruff of his chin.
"call it a gift."
"is this some sort of...force thing?"
luke laughs again and din hopes he kisses him one last time bc he deserves it for bringing forth such a lovely sound.
"no, it's just a me thing."
din hums, still not 100% convinced it's not luke and his confusing, space wizard magic, offers to help. only, luke shoos him out of the kitchen, brandishing his batter ladened spoon, dripping sticky all over the floor din just cleaned that morning.
"absolutely not. the last time you helped me, you mistook the sugar for garlic powder. chewie threw up, my love. i've never seen chewie throw up.
"...that was one time."
luke pats his cheek with delicate fingers, and if din wasn't already leaning into his touch, he would've griped about the batter trickling down his jaw.
"one time too many. it's fine, i can handle myself in here. now, get going. go on, out of my kitchen."
luke hops up onto his toes to press a fleeting kiss to din's lips and—really, it should be criminal how easily luke can turn off din's brain with one simple touch bc he didn't even notice how he ended up in the living room with both grogu and the family loth-cat trying to lick the drying batter off his face.
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oceanofsoup · 1 year
I like to think that when Luke and Anakin experienced rain for the first time they just stood out in it for as long as they could.
Little 9 year old anakin standing out by the steps of the temple as the light mist grows to a downpour, qui-gon watching from just inside to stay dry. He brings him back inside after a bit, not wanting to be responsible for letting anakin get sick so soon after bring him to the temple.
19 year old luke experiencing a days long thunderstorm shortly after arriving on yavin 4. The first day of the storm he dissappears and no one can find him for a while. Leia ends ups finding him a while later outside the base, hidden away, letting himself realize everything that has happened in such a short time. In the following days he can be found out it the rain whenever he's able to sneak away.
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dailydragon08 · 8 months
headcanon post idea: everyone’s reactions when you tell them you’re proud of them (ex. after a tough mission or bc they’ve been having a hard time mentally/emotionally)
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Although she’s used to the spotlight from being royalty and a revered leader in the rebellion, Leia isn’t very used to genuine praise. She’s usually the one praising someone else (or yelling at them, more likely) and the most she’s gotten in the last few years is a quick “good work” when she delivered the plans for the first Death Star before the Battle of Yavin. So when you first make her look you in the eye and genuinely tell her that you’re proud of her, she freezes for a minute. The last time she really heard that from someone who meant it was her parents, so it hits her a bit harder than she expected and she doesn’t completely know what to do with the feeling. She’s so used to being the rock for everyone else – and keeping her inner thoughts a secret was part of her job and how she stayed safe for a long time – that she takes a while to show any sort of big emotion in front of people, and even then will only do so in private. She gives you a small smile, nod, and quiet thanks before redirecting the attention to you, how much you helped, and says how she’s proud of you. But she will concede to an “I’m proud of us” before giving your shoulder an affectionate squeeze.
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Luke also hasn’t heard a genuine “I’m proud of you” in a long time (not that the OT gang isn’t proud of him, they just typically don’t say it in words), but he tends to be a bit more emotionally available than his sister on a more regular basis. He can’t keep the emotion off his face and for a second, you’re afraid you said the wrong thing as his big, blue eyes start getting glassy. It means the galaxy to him, especially from someone who knows everything that happened with Owen, Beru, his father, and the emperor, not to mention all the weight on his shoulders in regard to rebuilding the Jedi Order from scratch. He collects himself soon after, but still gives you a warm smile and “thank you” before wrapping you in a tight hug. He tells you he’s proud of you as well and there isn’t anyone else he’d rather have on his team, holding the hug for a bit longer than you expected (but you, of course, would never be the first to let go).
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Han pretends to be affection-averse, even though he isn’t – but, hey, he’s got a reputation to maintain. He splutters for a minute before recovering and saying something along the lines of, “Yeah, I am aware how awesome I am, kid, and I’m glad you’ve finally realized it, too. Ya know, I’m gonna remind you that you acknowledged my greatness next time you get on me for somethin’ – in fact, here,” he holds his comm right in front of your mouth and hits record, “why don’t you say that again so I have some proof?” You bat the comm away and tell him how insufferable he is before you both go back to what you were doing before. But, when he thinks you’re not looking, you can see the dopiest smile across his face.
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Lando takes it the most in stride. He looks surprised for a minute, before smiling, thanking you, and putting a hand on your shoulder and giving it an affection squeeze and light shake. “You’re not so bad yourself,” he says before remarking on how you two make a great team, even going so far as to list specifics of exactly why you work so well together. He wraps his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk back to base, a new spring in his step that you can’t deny is adorable.
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Chewie (platonic) immediately says something in Shyriiwook that you think (hope?) sounds happy before enveloping you in a bear hug that almost crushes your ribs. You hang on for dear life, half laughing and half struggling to breathe, patting the Wookiee’s back before begging him to put you down before he accidentally crushes you. He mumbles something that almost sounds like the cadence of an apology in his language before setting you down and affectionately petting your head.
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R2D2 (platonic) chirps, whistles, and wobbles on his two outer legs happily and is then adorably glued to your side the rest of the day. Han and Lando tease you about how you’ve found yourself your own personal servant, but Leia and Luke think it’s adorable, and even Luke comments on how much R2 loves you when he’s out of earshot. C3PO translates at some point, telling you how much R2 appreciates the compliment and that he enjoys working with you before the astromech is zipping away again to refill your water bottle for the third time.
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C3PO (platonic) gives you a surprised “oh, my” before thanking you profusely. He even gives you a little bow and says, “You’re too kind. I enjoy our work together as well and you do a marvelous job at everything you set your mind to.” You give him a smile and a thanks before turning back to what you were previously doing, laughing quietly to you overhear him walking down the hall going, “Oh, Master Luke, you won’t believe what just happened!”
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nickeverdeen · 5 months
Star Wars masterlist
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Luke Skywalker
Qui-Gon Jinn
Han Solo
Din Djarin
Padmé Amidala
Nothing yet
Sorting your side:
Nothing yet
Anakin Skywalker
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Padmé Amidala
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Luke Skywalker
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Leia Organa
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Han Solo
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Poe Dameron
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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U know, I just saw this: Luke initially carried Grogu with his right arm, and Din usually uses his left.
Was Grogu trying to reach for a finger to hold onto? And then being disappointed???
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tbookblurbs · 9 months
Heir to the Empire - Timothy Zahn
3.5/5 - Solid entrance to the trilogy, SO much of modern Star Wars should be thanking Zahn for the logic he sets up here
5 years post-RotJ, the New Republic has a fragile hold on the galaxy, but the Empire still lurks in the shadowy corners.
This was my first foray into the Star Wars literary canon universe (RIP) and it was actually a lot of fun! Zahn manages to capture the voices of Luke, Han, and Leia in a surprisingly distinct fashion while creating a villain that is sufficiently clever so as to be terrifying. I may be biased because I enjoyed Rebels, but I digress.
The introduction of (mad) Jorus C'Baoth, a clone of an older Jedi master, makes the whole plot much more interesting and raises the stakes for both sides. Despite Thrawn using C'Baoth, the Jedi is so clearly unstable that it's unlikely to be a tenable command. I thought C'Baoth's insistence on bending people to his will was almost gross in its desire at times, but he plays his role well.
The book does lose itself at times in technical descriptions and Mara/Luke's trek through the forest takes a bit longer than it should, in my opinion.
Meanwhile, Leia is just as cool and capable as she's ever been, and I really enjoyed Zahn showing that she was frustrated and struggling with her Jedi abilities, particularly since they're never mentioned with any seriousness. Han was sweet and obsessed with her, as he should be, but this further explains Han's connections in the underworld. Lots of space-politicking, which I really liked, and a solid entrance to the trilogy.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
For Day 8 of @writersmonth, for the prompt “watermelon”, some Skywalker triplet shenanigans! This takes place between ANH and ESB, so they still don’t know about being triplets just yet:
"What did you say this was called?" Luke asked.
"Watermelon," Leia replied, amused. "It tastes good, I promise."
Lucy turned the red fruit over in her hands, squinting at it. "A whole fruit just for water?"
"It has a bit more water than most melons," Leia agreed, "but all fruits have water in them anyway, Lu. That's where the juice comes from."
Fair enough, Lucy supposed. She and Luke exchanged a glance, and he shrugged and took a bite. She followed suit.
She understood immediately where the name had come from—every pore of it oozed water. The texture of it was nice, though, and it only had a short burst of sweetness.
Lucy loved it.
"Well," Luke said slowly, "it's...I mean, I don't love it, but it's not awful."
"It's wonderful!" Lucy protested. "Not too sweet."
"It could be a little sweeter," Luke argued.
"True, it could be, but it's still tasty as is!"
Luke shrugged. "To each their own, I guess."
"Well," Leia sighed, "at least one of you has good taste."
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Doctor Aphra #8
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gay-mafia-stickball · 2 years
will somebody who’s better at art than me please draw r2d2 as a dog?? i just think that’s something i need to see.
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dailydragon08 · 5 months
hi! if it's ok I'd love to request a scenario for the star wars gang please :) I'd love to see how they all react to a genderfluid s/o (if you have any questions plz dm me :D)
thank you!
Thanks so much for the ask! Sorry this took so long, I was on a bit of a semi-hiatus, but am back now and working on the other asks in my box! Also, thank you to @kaleidoscope1967eyes for some of the suggestions in here!
I think everyone would kind of be in the realm of similar reactions here, but with a few small differences. Everyone is very accepting about you being gender fluid and doesn’t make a huge deal of it, but are very protective of you in different ways. Eventually, they all get a knack for being able to tell whether you’re leaning more masc, fem, or somewhere in between for the day just by your clothes and hairstyle and will adjust pronouns accordingly if necessary.
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Growing up as royalty and a major player in both the imperial senate and the New Republic, Leia is always on top of the latest fashions (which I wish they explored more in other media, but I digress). I think she’d be so interested in helping you adapt different clothing and hairstyles to how you were feeling that particular day and loves finding an outfit that either matches or sort of rhymes what you’re wearing to any events—or even just day-to-day wear. Being royalty and a politician, she’s traveled a lot, so this isn’t a new concept to her at all, and she thanks you for telling her with a warm smile and shoulder squeeze before getting down to business for the day. She’s very adamant that you not only have all the gender-affirming things you need day to day, but also that your preferred pronouns are written correctly in all official documents.
And if someone tries to misgender you or discriminate against you in any way whatsoever, Leia will give them the biggest dressing down of their life – no matter the time, place, or audience – and make sure they know to never pull anything like that ever again. By the time she’s done, they’re standing there like a chastised, guilty toddler as they apologize to you. If she had to, Leia would glare down and lecture the entire senate until they not only got it right, but didn’t even think about forgetting or getting it wrong ever again.
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Luke is very accepting and wants you to feel safe and welcome with him above all else. He would make sure to give you a soft smile and thank you for telling him before opening up a discussion to make sure he was doing everything he could to support you and learn how he could improve. He does research on his own as well and if you’re also Force-sensitive, he will get you as many custom-made Jedi robes as you want so you have options for whatever you’re feeling day to day. He checks in with you frequently, both verbally and through the Force, to make sure you’re feeling okay and check if you’re using different pronouns from the day before. If you’re comfortable, he starts doing a daily check in via telepathic connection each morning so that even if you don’t have time to talk or are several rooms away, he’s still well informed.
The way he defends you differs a bit from his sister. If someone misgenders you or makes any sort of unnecessary comment, he’ll immediately interrupt and correct them. His face and tone stay as calm and serene as ever thanks to his Jedi training, but you can feel the irritation flowing off of him if it’s anything more than an innocent mistake. If this person continues with their behavior, he’ll correct them again and ask them to be respectful and make it clear in no uncertain terms that he sees any disrespect to you as disrespect to him and that the two of you will be walking away until they can conduct themselves better. Afterwards, he’s checking in on you and apologizing for the experience so gently and doing whatever it takes to make you feel better.
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Han being Han of course makes some harmless, playful remark the first time your style drastically changes in front of him. But once you explain you’re gender fluid, he takes it in stride with a “good to know; so what are we doing for lunch?” He tends to be more observant than people give him credit for – especially with those he cares about – and although he gets good at knowing what you’re feeling that day with a glance, still decides to make a “Gender of the Day” game. Traveling around on the Falcon with him puts you in constant proximity and you find yourself stealing his shirts and jackets quite often on more masc-leaning days (which never hesitates to pull a cocky compliment or pickup line from him).
Anyone who dares to make a snide comment gets Captain Solo in full force, with a low “listen here, pal” as he leans across the table and makes sure they know if it happens again, they’ll not only have an angry sharpshooter on their hands, but also a pissed off Wookiee.
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To follow up, Chewie (platonic) also is immediately accepting and although you can’t understand his language, you overhear Han keeping him up to date with your pronouns every day. Eventually, you learn from C-3PO’s translation that Chewie goes out of his way to ask someone in the OT gang every morning (and sometimes directly comes to you with the protocol droid’s help) just to make sure he’s got it right. He’s more than happy to help Han defend you as well and even when it’s just the two of you, he gives an ominous growl as he stands up to his full seven feet if anyone gives you trouble.
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Similar to Leia, Lando is also well-traveled and an avid lover of fashion. This isn’t a new concept to him at all and in fact, when the two of you meet, he’s already asking what your preferred pronouns are. Like the princess, he’s also always elated to help you adapt your fashion choices and has many things custom-made for you – you can hardly say you like something or wish an aspect of a piece of clothing was a little different before he’s already buying it or having his tailors work on it. He even gifts you some articles of clothing that are a two (or even three!) in one via folding a flap a certain way, zipping something, etc. so that one shirt or pair of pants can double as either more masc, fem, or in between.
He's extremely protective of you, no matter who is giving you problems, and will always insert himself between you and the perpetrator with a hey before correcting them in a tone that leaves no room for argument. Especially with his higher rank in the rebellion, he can easily have someone removed from the room if needed and if Chewie’s nearby, employs the Wookiee’s help as well.
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R2-D2 (platonic) chirps and beeps while wobbling on his outer legs to let you know he understands and is more than happy to support you. Although you can’t typically understand his noises, he still will sneakily change code in official documents or computer systems to reflect correct pronouns and if someone’s giving you a hard time, he’ll use one of his little retractable arms to give them a little shock.
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C-3PO (platonic) of course is aware of gender fluidity, but has never met someone like you – at least, not that he remembers before his memory was wiped. Ever since then, he’s been glued either to Leia or Luke’s side, so hasn’t had a chance to experience much outside of the chaotic workload the rebellion usually requires. But he’s so interested and excited to ask you questions if you’ll allow, but also makes sure to educate himself on his own. You have to hold back your laughter sometimes when he excitedly comes to you about some new piece of information he found as if you didn’t know it yourself – but of course, halfway through his excited ramble, he remembers who he’s talking to and goes “oh, I’m so terribly sorry” before offering to help you in any way he can, always interrupting and correcting people when needed, and if they don’t back down, telling them point blank “well, I think you’re rather rude.”
Taglist: @kaleidoscope1967eyes @masterlukessaber @coffeeorsomething-irl @eveningserenityyy @victorian-nymph @lxstfathier @rogue-kenobi @lavandula-ipsum @sonofthedunes @pomplalamoose @lex-the-flex @ilovemarkhamill
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skysgalaxy · 1 year
OOC Anakin is adorable and hilarious tbh when it comes to him being Vader and Luke
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