#lullabies for the dallas boys
small-sinclair · 1 year
This is just a thought before I go to bed:
Bo looks down at the crib, his twin boys sleeping peacefully. He tucks them in then leans down and kisses their heads. Both boys are health, born strong and health. Memphis and Dallas. Dallas and Memphis. His little rockstars.
“Sleep well, lil’ bells,” he whispers to them.
He moves from the crib to his daughter’s bed. He brushes her hair to the side, kisses her temple, and starts to leave when a little hand reaches up and catches his.
“Can Daddy stay?” Jasmine whispers, clinging to her stuffed bunny. “Please?”
Bo’s heart melts as he gave a tired smile. The bed creeks under him as he lays next to his daughter. He brings her close to his chest and kisses her head. Soon, he starts humming a lullaby and feels that she is asleep.
He looks down at her then at the stars he put on her ceiling. Bo closes his eyes and felt… felt relaxed.
“I promise ‘ll always love ya,” he whispers, kissing her head again. Bo looks up at the stars and smile.
He’s a father, and he’ll be the best one ever. His heart is filled with so much love for his children that his chest might explode.
Bo holds his daughter a bit closer and closes his eyes.
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: The Dragontamer (Quentyn IV) [Chapter 68]
He stared at the candle for a long time, then put down his cup and held his palm above the flame. It took every bit of will he had to lower it until the fire touched his flesh, and when it did he snatched his hand back with a cry of pain.
"Quentyn, are you mad?"
No, just scared. I do not want to burn. "Gerris?"
I know someone who doesn't need this reminder.
"Men say that freezing to death is almost peaceful. Fire, though … do you see the candle, Gilly?"
She looked at the flame. "Yes."
"Touch it. Put your hand over the flame."
Her big brown eyes grew bigger still. She did not move.
"Do it." Kill the boy. "Now."
Trembling, the girl reached out her hand, held it well above the flickering candle flame.
"Down. Let it kiss you."
Gilly lowered her hand. An inch. Another. When the flame licked her flesh, she snatched her hand back and began to sob.
"Fire is a cruel way to die. Dalla died to give this child life, but you have nourished him, cherished him. You saved your own boy from the ice. Now save hers from the fire." - Jon II, ADWD
"I could not sleep."
"Are burns a cure for that? Some warm milk and a lullaby might serve you well. Or better still, I could take you to the Temple of the Graces and find a girl for you."
"A whore, you mean."
"They call them Graces. They come in different colors. The red ones are the only ones who fuck."
"If His Grace wishes for me to remove myself from court …"
"His Radiance," the seneschal corrected. - The Queensguard, ADWD
"Might I know which men His Grace has chosen to protect him?" - The Queensguard, ADWD
When His Grace had tried to put them under the command of a cousin, as he had the Brazen Beasts, Grey Worm had informed the king that they were free men who took commands only from their mother. - The Queensguard, ADWD
"May they defend His Grace against all threats." [...]
"His Magnificence," Reznak mo Reznak stressed. - The Queensguard, ADWD
"I am His Grace's to command."
"Not Grace," the seneschal complained. "That style is Westerosi. His Magnificence, His Radiance, His Worship." - The Queensguard, ADWD
"Your Grace," Ser Barristan called out.  - The Discarded Knight, ADWD
The box was his, though. His Grace made all the arrangements. - The Discarded Knight, ADWD
If His Grace needs a poisoner, he will look to you. - The Discarded Knight, ADWD
His Grace keeps two men by him when he sleeps. - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
"None, Your Grace."
Hizdahr sighed. "'Your Magnificence,' please. - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
"Dreams can lie, Your Grace."
"'Your Radiance' would serve. - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
"Where does the seneschal want His Grace to go?" - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
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"I disagree. Daenerys Targaryen is not the only woman in the world. Do you want to die a man-maid?"
Quentyn did not want to die at all. I want to go back to Yronwood and kiss both of your sisters, marry Gwyneth Yronwood, watch her flower into beauty, have a child by her. I want to ride in tourneys, hawk and hunt, visit with my mother in Norvos, read some of those books my father sends me. I want Cletus and Will and Maester Kedry to be alive again. 
Well that was painful to read.
Go home, Quentyn.
"Do you think Daenerys would be pleased to hear that I had bedded some whore?"
"She might be. Men may be fond of maidens, but women like a man who knows what he's about in the bedchamber. It's another sort of swordplay. Takes training to be good at it."
Love that we're all thinking the exact same thing.
"You cannot marry her. She has a husband."
"She does not love Hizdahr zo Loraq."
Hey Quentyn, was Rhaegar any less married because he didn't love Elia?
"What has love to do with marriage? A prince should know better. Your father married for love, it's said. How much joy has he had of that?" Doran Martell and his Norvoshi wife had spent half their marriage apart and the other half arguing. It was the only rash thing his father had ever done, to hear some tell it, the only time he had followed his heart instead of his head, and he had lived to rue it. "Not all risks lead to ruin," he insisted.
Man, lately the author has been aggressively driving home the point about love being poison.
<- The Kingbreaker, ADWD
Prince Rhaegar loved his Lady Lyanna, and thousands died for it. Daemon Blackfyre loved the first Daenerys, and rose in rebellion when denied her. Bittersteel and Bloodraven both loved Shiera Seastar, and the Seven Kingdoms bled. The Prince of Dragonflies loved Jenny of Oldstones so much he cast aside a crown, and Westeros paid the bride price in corpses. All three of the sons of the fifth Aegon had wed for love, in defiance of their father's wishes. And because that unlikely monarch had himself followed his heart when he chose his queen, he allowed his sons to have their way, making bitter enemies where he might have had fast friends. Treason and turmoil followed, as night follows day, ending at Summerhall in sorcery, fire, and grief.
Her love for Daario is poison. A slower poison than the locusts, but in the end as deadly. - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
I'm convinced! I bet he's as pessimistic about love as every bad guy in the story would have us believe.
"This is my duty. My destiny." You are supposed to be my friend, Gerris. Why must you mock my hopes? I have doubts enough without your throwing oil on the fire of my fear. "This will be my grand adventure."
"Men die on grand adventures."
He was not wrong. That was in the stories too. The hero sets out with his friends and companions, faces dangers, comes home triumphant. Only some of his companions don't return at all. The hero never dies, though. I must be the hero. 
In this story the princess rejects the frog prince, then the dragon burns him alive.
Adventure stank. - The Merchant's Man, ADWD
Quentyn sucked at the burned spot on his palm. "Dorne remembers Aegon and his sisters. Dragons are not so easily forgotten. They will remember Daenerys as well."
I don't doubt it.
"Not if she's died."
"She lives." She must. "She is lost, but I can find her." And when I do, she will look at me the way she looks at her sellsword. Once I have proven myself worthy of her.
"From dragonback?"
"I have been riding horses since I was six years old."
Mounted on the dragon's back, she oft felt as if she were learning to ride all over again. When she whipped her silver mare on her right flank the mare went left, for a horse's first instinct is to flee from danger. When she laid the whip across Drogon's right side he veered right, for a dragon's first instinct is always to attack. - Daenerys X, ADWD
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"I'll hear no more of this. You have my leave to go. Find a ship and run home, Gerris." The prince rose, blew the candle out, and crept back to his bed and its sweat-soaked linen sheets. I should have kissed one of the Drinkwater twins, or maybe both of them. I should have kissed them whilst I could. I should have gone to Norvos to see my mother and the place that gave her birth, so she would know that I had not forgotten her.
He doesn't seem that confident to me.
He could hear the rain falling outside, drumming against the bricks.
By the time the hour of the wolf crept upon them, the rain was falling steadily, slashing down in a hard, cold torrent that would soon turn the brick streets of Meereen into rivers.
Oh good, rain usually foretells positive things in this series.
Fire and water don't mix, and that's a fact. You get a good cookfire lit, blazing away nice, then it starts to piss down rain and next thing your wood is sodden and your flames are dead.
Gerris chuckled. "Dragons are not made of wood, Arch."
"Some are. That old King Aegon, the randy one, he built wooden dragons to conquer us. That ended bad, though."
I find this exchange extremely odd. It sticks out.
They do not understand. They may be Dornish, but I am Dorne. Years from now, when I am dead, this will be the song they sing of me. He rose abruptly. "It's time."
Hun, you're not even the heir to Dorne.
Better hope that song doesn't provoke laughter.
Within were three long hooded cloaks made from myriad small squares of cloth sewn together, three cudgels, three shortswords, three masks of polished brass. A bull, a lion, and an ape.
Everything required to be a Brazen Beast.
Any thoughts on these animals?
"How did you learn their word ["dog"]?"
"We chanced upon some Brazen Beasts and Meris asked them prettily. But a prince should know better than to pose such questions, Dornish. In Pentos, we have a saying. Never ask the baker what went into the pie. Just eat."
Or Wyman Manderly.
"I'll be the bull," Arch announced.
Quentyn handed him the bull mask. "The lion for me."
"Which makes a monkey out of me." Gerris pressed the ape mask to his face. 
Remember in The Merchant's Son when Gerris and Quentyn changed roles?
I think they should change masks.
The quartered carcass of an ox filled the wagon bed, along with two dead sheep. Half a dozen men entered afoot. Five wore the cloaks and masks of Brazen Beasts, but Pretty Meris had not troubled to disguise herself. "Where is your lord?" he asked Meris.
The Windblown sellswords disguise themselves as Brazen Beasts to get to the dragons.
Quentyn seems rather nonchalant about the huge woman not bothering to disguise herself. What a pointless risk.
Ser Archibald was giving the butcher's wagon the sour eye. "Will that cart be big enough to hold a dragon?" he asked.
The plan is to get the dragons out of the pyramid by chaining them to a butcher's wagon.
There are no words to express how stupid this feels.
"We were told these beasts are smaller than the queen's monster."
"The pit has slowed their growth." Quentyn's readings had suggested that the same thing had occurred in the Seven Kingdoms. None of the dragons bred and raised in the Dragonpit of King's Landing had ever approached the size of Vhagar or Meraxes, much less that of the Black Dread, King Aegon's monster. "Have you brought sufficient chains?"
The queen's monster, lol.
Only a monster would give a living child to the flames. - Jon I, ADWD
I can't speak to the accuracy of this. Aren't there competing theories within the universe over why they shrunk?
Four Brazen Beasts stood guarding the door. Three held long spears; the fourth, the serjeant, was armed with short sword and dagger. His mask was wrought in the shape of a basilisk's head. The other three were masked as insects.
Locusts, Quentyn realized. "Dog," he said.
The serjeant stiffened.
That was all it took for Quentyn Martell to realize that something had gone awry. 
Déjà vu! Wrong word, Quentyn.
<- The Kingbreaker, ADWD
Six Brazen Beasts were with him. All were masked as insects, identical to one another.
Locusts, Selmy realized. "Groleo," he said.
The basilisk's blade had scarce slipped from its leather sheath when the hammer's spike slammed into his temple, crunching through the thin brass of his mask and the flesh and bone beneath. The serjeant staggered sideways half a step before his knees folded under him and he sank down to the floor, his whole body shaking grotesquely.
Quentyn stared transfixed, his belly roiling. His own blade was still in its sheath. He had not so much as reached for it. His eyes were locked on the serjeant dying before him, jerking. The fallen torch was on the floor, guttering, making every shadow leap and twist in a monstrous mockery of the dead man's shaking. The prince never saw the locust's spear coming toward him until Gerris slammed into him, knocking him aside. The spearpoint grazed the cheek of the lion's head he wore. Even then the blow was so violent it almost tore the mask off. It would have gone right through my throat, the prince thought, dazed.
Look, he's doing an Aegon!
The boy stood staring, as still as if he too were made of stone. His hand was on his sword hilt, but he seemed to have forgotten why. - Tyrion V, ADWD
And both will burn, isn't that cute? Cousins. ❤️
The dragons, Prince Quentyn thought. Yes. We came for the dragons. He felt as though he might be sick. What am I doing here? Father, why? Four men dead in as many heartbeats, and for what? "Fire and blood," he whispered, "blood and fire."
Almost like "fire and blood" will never be the answer.
He did not want to do this, but he saw no other way. Why else would Daenerys have shown me the dragons? She wants me to prove myself to her. 
Do you see how her thoughtless little test got us to this point? Stupid idiot (both of them).
Then he will die here, Daenerys thought, unless there is more to him than I can see. "Is he still within?"
"Drinking with his knights."
"Bring him to me. It is time he met my children." - Daenerys VII, ADWD
Gerris handed him a torch. He stepped through the doors.
We have a torch sighting!
"The flames will burn so long as you live," he heard Cersei call. "When they die, so must you." - Jaime VI, ADWD
Rhaegal was chained to the wall and floor the last time I was here, the prince recalled, but Viserion hung from the ceiling. Quentyn stepped back, lifted the torch, craned his head back.
For a moment he saw only the blackened arches of the bricks above, scorched by dragonflame. A trickle of ash caught his eye, betraying movement. Something pale, half-hidden, stirring. He's made himself a cave, the prince realized. A burrow in the brick. The foundations of the Great Pyramid of Meereen were massive and thick to support the weight of the huge structure overhead; even the interior walls were three times thicker than any castle's curtain walls. But Viserion had dug himself a hole in them with flame and claw, a hole big enough to sleep in.
Lots of people have speculated that Viserion is nesting, so he (?) may lay eggs. I'm not sure what the point of that would be.
Not to mention, as far as we know, Viserion is a male and they can't change their sex.
As Archmaester Gyldayn notes in his fragmentary history, there is no record that Vermax ever laid so much as a single egg, suggesting the dragon was male. The belief that dragons could change sex at need is erroneous, according to Maester Anson's Truth, rooted in a misunderstanding of the esoteric metaphor that Barth preferred when discussing the higher mysteries. - The World of Ice and Fire
Viserion (Daenerys) breaking his chains, and attempting to claw himself out is symbolic. It's not that deep.
"This one heard the Astapori scratching at the walls last night," the little scribe said as she was washing Dany's back.
Irri and Jhiqui exchanged a look. "No one was scratching," said Jhiqui. "Scratching … how could they scratch?"
"With their hands," said Missandei. "The bricks are old and crumbling. They are trying to claw their way into the city."
"This would take them many years," said Irri. "The walls are very thick. This is known."
"It is known," agreed Jhiqui.
"I dream of them as well." Dany took Missandei's hand. "The camp is a good half-mile from the city, my sweetling. No one was scratching at the walls." - Daenerys VI, ADWD
Viserion launched himself from the ceiling, pale leather wings unfolding, spreading wide. The broken chain dangling from his neck swung wildly. His flame lit the pit, pale gold shot through with red and orange, and the stale air exploded in a cloud of hot ash and sulfur as the white wings beat and beat again.
A hand seized Quentyn by the shoulder. The torch spun from his grip to bounce across the floor, then tumbled into the pit, still burning. He found himself face-to-face with a brass ape. Gerris. "Quent, this will not work. They are too wild, they …"
Oops, there goes Quentyn's torch.
Gerris is a good lad.
Last and longest the beast stared at Pretty Meris, sniffing. The woman, Quentyn realized. He knows that she is female. He is looking for Daenerys. He wants his mother and does not understand why she's not here.
Is that why the author hasn't disguised her?
When the Windblown were too late to get out of his way, Viserion let loose with another roar. Quentyn heard the rattle of chains, the deep thrum of a crossbow.
"No," he screamed, "no, don't, don't," but it was too late. The fool was all that he had time to think as the quarrel caromed off Viserion's neck to vanish in the gloom. A line of fire gleamed in its wake—dragon's blood, glowing gold and red.
The crossbowman was fumbling for another quarrel as the dragon's teeth closed around his neck. The man wore the mask of a Brazen Beast, the fearsome likeness of a tiger. As he dropped his weapon to try and pry apart Viserion's jaws, flame gouted from the tiger's mouth. The man's eyes burst with soft popping sounds, and the brass around them began to run. The dragon tore off a hunk of flesh, most of the sellsword's neck, then gulped it down as the burning corpse collapsed to the floor.
That's probably not great news for Volantis.
George saves his most stomach-churning writing for the dragons, it's great.
"Down," the prince commanded. You must not let him smell your fear. "Down, down, down." He brought the whip around and laid a lash across the dragon's face. Viserion hissed.
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And then a hot wind buffeted him and he heard the sound of leathern wings and the air was full of ash and cinders and a monstrous roar went echoing off the scorched and blackened bricks and he could hear his friends shouting wildly. Gerris was calling out his name, over and over, and the big man was bellowing, "Behind you, behind you, behind you!"
Quentyn turned and threw his left arm across his face to shield his eyes from the furnace wind. Rhaegal, he reminded himself, the green one is Rhaegal.
When he raised his whip, he saw that the lash was burning. His hand as well. All of him, all of him was burning.
Oh, he thought. Then he began to scream.
We love Dragon x Other parallels!
It slid away from Paul's axe, armor rippling, and its crystal sword twisted and spun and slipped between the iron rings of Paul's mail, through leather and wool and bone and flesh. It came out his back with a hissssssssssss and Sam heard Paul say, "Oh," as he lost the axe. Impaled, his blood smoking around the sword, the big man tried to reach his killer with his hands and almost had before he fell. - Samwell I, ADWD
Thus concludes the story of Quentyn Martell.
If you spotted any reason why Quaithe would be warning Daenerys about this supposed "sun's son" feel free to point it out, cause I got nothing.
Final thoughts:
You need to familiarize yourselves with this theory, because it's one of the all-time best (worst).
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divine-toh4 · 2 months
Kitchen Fan Lullaby
WARNING!!!!! This poem contains triggering topics, such as su!cide, pet loss, add!ction, breakdowns, being trans, abus!ve parents, and briefly mentions flashbacks. You have been warned!!!!
Do you know what this song sounds like?
It sounds like
Falling asleep,
With my baby Pepito,
Snuggled into bed with me.
It sounds like
Hugging my dad for the first time
After I got off the plane from Dallas
(The second time).
It sounds like
Hugging my sister,
As she cries in my arms,
And I whisper strength in her ear,
Because our parents are fighting,
And I don’t want her to hear.
It sounds like
My dad telling me to leave
Because I found his stash
And was upset because he lied to me
about relapsing.
It sounds like
My mom screaming at me,
While she watched my brother hold me down
To stop me from hurting myself
and others.
It sounds like
Swallowing pills
Or tying a knot
Or stepping off a ledge
And into the great beyond.
It sounds like
My mother rocking me and my sister,
My sister still nursing,
The blue light of the VCR TV screen shrouding us,
While she hummed me a song to get me to sleep.
It sounds like
Running through the brush,
Up on the hill,
Behind our house,
Searching for dragons to fight and capture.
It sounds like
The song I sing to myself
Every time I’m in the shower
And I can’t stop the flashbacks.
It sounds like praying to a god,
Who I’m almost sure doesn’t exist,
Because there’s a chance he’s real,
And could turn me into a boy.
It sounds like
And heartache.
And longing.
Longing for something
To pull me out of this misery.
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starr-finn · 2 years
Hi girlie what's up :>
Headcanons for how Sokol, Dallas, Hoxton and Bain sleep with their s/o?
(sleep with as in, zzzzzzz)
Hiiiiiii!!! I'd love to write this for you!! hope you don't mind but I decided to throw in Wolf and Houston to make this more interesting!
Prompt: how Dallas, wolf, Houston, Hoxton, Sokol, and Bain sleep with their S/O
Author's note/ warnings???: Absolute fluff, literally tooth-rotting, absolutely nothing but fluffy stuff ngl, mentions of the web series, and Dallas' day job in his (aka manager at first world bank, imma say he only works there on Saturdays and Sundays, weekdays he's on heists)
Homeboy is a workaholic
but when he knocks out, he is fucking out
So, when you do drag him to bed, he's out in seconds
normally, you're laying on his chest, his arm wrapped around you
Normally, it's super quiet, like super quiet, so quiet you can hear every little sound outside and inside, it's weird
Dallas doesn't care about how you sleep, as long as you're with him tbh
ok, so he sleeps with one of those super thick weighted blankets, why? because they tend to be warm and he likes that
hope you like being toasty in the middle of the night cuz oh god-
sleeps with the AC on tho, at least he does you that courtesy
he wakes up at 6 on days he works at the bank, 8 on days he works on heists
all and all, he's cuddly when he's sleepy
Wolf is normally in bed by around 10-12, he will drag you to bed when he's sleepy, so I hope you have a schedule in place
he either sleeps laying on top of you or with his arm wrapped around you
bro sleeps with the AC on the coldest setting it can be on and then he has like 2 thick blankets, bro didn't have 2 blankets before, when you moved in tho, he bought like 8 super thick blankets
he wants you to be comfy after all ❤️
he sleeps in his boxers because fuck pajamas tbh
does not care if you sleep in your underwear
he drools in his sleep, also growls sometimes, and just makes noise in his sleep
bro is also a fighter in his sleep
he tries not to flop all over you, but if your fine with it, he'll probably lay on your chest
he's so soft with you tho
Now this boy is so nervous to sleep with you at any point
so, how do you handle it? his arm is tucked under your head and you're just snuggled into his chest
He's so shy about it, like omg this cute ass man blushes like a damn fool every time you snuggle into him
he sleeps with a thin ass blanket, but he has the heat on, he normally keeps his house pretty cool, but his room is incredibly warm, its super cozy
he has like 5 water bottles on both bedside tables because when he sleeps, he sleeps like a rock
he also rolls around a lot while sleeping, pretty boi here happens to wake up laying on your stomach
this dude sleeps in a tank top and sweatpants
He wakes up at 7:30 because he runs on a very, VERY tight schedule, he will not make you follow it through, wake up whenever he doesn't mind
he talks in his sleep, it's cute to hear
he also stays in bed an extra 30 minutes just to stare at your sleeping face, he thinks you look adorable
He sleeps whenever the hell he passes out
drag him to bed when you're ready to sleep, and he'll just stare at you, smiling like an idiot because he thinks your cute
Bros the big spoon, all the time, either with you facing him or facing away from him
he often hums to you while you sleep, maybe actually singing every so often, he has one he sings for you specifically he calls 'an angels lullaby'
he enjoys burying his face into your hair
he keeps the bedroom cool, its nice, and he has this nice fluffy white blanket he sleeps with
sleeps in his boxers and a tee shirt, he doesn't care what you sleep in
he snores a lot, not loudly, but he does snore
he wakes up at 6 am, normally he just stares at you until you wake up
when you do he's smiling like an idiot, he loves you
Sokol has a weird sleep schedule, he sleeps early and wakes up at like 5 to go on a run, he's very strict about it
He'll drag you to bed at like 8, he normally accidentally wakes at 5, or when he takes a shower at 7 when he gets home
you eventually get used to his schedule
Anyways, he normally sleeps with both his arms wrapped around you, holding you against his chest with your face buried in his neck
he normally hums you to sleep, running his fingers through your hair, kind of smiling to himself
he never really tired to get dressed for sleep, he doesn't care really
he tries to stay awake later to talk to you, but he just can't
he sleeps with an incredibly soft blanket, it feels so nice
more often than not he wakes up tangled into you, almost like as close as he can get is never close enough
he always kisses your forehead before he leaves to go on his morning run
oh lord he's not used to this
Bain is so anxious about cuddling with you, every night, even if its been years since you both god together
he sleeps cuddled up to you, he kisses your forehead every 10 seconds until he falls asleep
sleeps in a grey sweater, and red flannel pajama pants
he has the AC on, 24/7, because he's so hot all the time
he sleeps with weighted blankets, no reason why he just likes them
he's either laying on top of you/you laying on top of him, or he's on the exact opposite side of the bed, with no in-between
has a few knives next to his bed because he's paranoid
he spends a few hours on his phone in bed
he's normally asleep by 1 AM, despite having been in bed since 9 PM
hope you like this one guys! this one took so long ;-;
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wqbytop100 · 2 years
Top 100 for the week ending February 26,2023
Back To You---Lost Frequencies, Elley Duhe, X Ambassadors
Lovesick----Alan Walker, Sophie Simmons
Unholy---Sam Smith, Kim Petras
***Heaven---Niall Horan
Reborn----SIDEPIECE, *Kyle Walker remix
Dancing's Done---Ave Max
Money On The Dash---Elley Duhe, Whetham
Red Lights----Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, *EMBRZ remix
Never Gonna Not Dance Again----Pink, *Sam Feldt remix
Lay Low----Tiesto
When I Talk---Kx5 f/ Elderbrook
You Know What I Need---PNAU, Troye Sivan
Sparks----MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa
I Can't Wait----Tiesto, Solardo, Poppy Baskcomb
Flowers---Miley Cyrus
I'm Good (Blue)----David Guetta, Bebe Rexha
10:35---Tiesto, Tate McRae
Out Of My Mind----Little Image
Left & Right---Ownboss, FAST BOY
Afterparty---Loud Luxury, Hook N Sling
Shut Up----Alan Walker, UPSAHL
Drifting Away---Audien, Joe Jury
Save Some Room---Shallou
I'm Not Dead Yet----Mike Posner
Rely On Me---Sigala, Gabry Pointe, Alex Gaudino
No Love For You---Regard, Drop G
Gimme That Bounce---Mau P
Forget You----FAST BOY, Topic
New Gold--Gorillaz, Tame Impala, Bootie Brown, *Dom Dolla remix
Solitude----Snakechips, BIA, Lucky Daye
Good Life---Hayden James, Emie
Tra Tra----HUGEL, BLOND:ISH, Nfasis
What A Life---John Summit, Guz, Stevie Appleton
Serotonin Moonbeams---The Blessed Madonna
How Many Tears---Kygo, Sam Felt f/ Emily Warren
High----Neil Francis, Paw Paw Rod
Show Me----John Summit, Hannah Boleyn
Wings ( I Won't Let You Down)----Armen Van Helden, Karen Harding
It's Quiet Now---Honey Dijon, Dope Earth Alien
Different Kind Of Lonely---Camp Kubrick, Don Diablo
Creppin'----Metro Blooomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage
Bel Mercy---Jengi
Sete---BLOND:ISH, Francis Mercier, Amadou & Mariam
Anything But Wet---I. O. Lights
Chasing Shadows---Alex Warren
Koo Koo Fun----Major Lazer, Major League Djz, Tiwa Savage, DJ Maphorisa, Diplo
Blood Upon The Snow---Hozier, Bear McCreary
Heartbeat----James Arthur
Feel Alive---TELYKAST, Sky Blu
Body Breathe---LP Giobbi, Monogem
Infinity----Dubdogs, Bhaskar
***Sing Your Lullaby---R3HAB, Mike Willams
Kill Me---Alok
Pouring Rain---Guz, Camden Cox
Need Me Right---Anabel Englund
Where Do We Go From Here---Garth Emery
Be Right There---Diplo, Sleepy Tom, *HUGEL remix
Chasing Cars---Sofi Tukker
Anyway----CASH CASH W/ Ruth Anne
Pearls---Jessie Ware
Stay Above---Lukas Graham
Whistle----Jax Jones, Calum Scott
The One----INJI
Pegasus----MEDUZA, Eli & Fur
If I Live Forever---Vintage Culture, Izzy Bizu
Something's Coming----Cheat Codes, Lady A
How To Drive---Alexander 23
Heartbreak Feels So Good----Fall Out Boy
Nervous System---JOSEPH
Ghost Again---Depeche Mode
Here----Tom Grennan
Sleepwalking----Matt Sassari, Goodboys
Hurt That You Gave Me---Cheat Codes, Brett Young
Shockwave---R3HAB, Afrojack
Just The Kinda Feeling---Yotto, Lost Boy
Borderline---Tove Lo
Firewalk---Margan Page, Lissie
Can't Tame Her---Zara Larson
If We Ever Broke Up---Mae Stephens -96
High Heels - Party Down Under---Flo Rida, Walker Hayes, Sam Feldt
Tornado---Hi-Lo, Oliver Heldens
Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There---Dolly Parton
Gimme Back My Soul---Medium Build
Running Up That Hill---Betty Who
Merchants---Sans Soucis
Who We Love---Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran
Break Up With That Guy---Virginia To Vegas
You Only Love Me---Rita Ora
Can I Get It Back---Jordana Bryant,*R3HAB remix
***Heart Want's What It Wants----Bebe Rexha
On My Mind---EDX
Loop---Martin Garrix, Dallas K, Sasha Alex Sloan
Drugs From Amsterdam---Mau P
Weekend On A Tuesday---R3HAB, Laidback Luke
Makin Time---Sultin + Shephard
Can't Change For You----Bankrol Hayden, Charlieonnafriday, Arden Jones
All Falls Down---Alonestar, Jethro Sheeran, Ed Sheeran
Gone are;
What's It Gonna Take---Cheat Codes, Michael Tenpenny Hooked (Hot Stuff)----RIKA, Galantis I'll Be Around----Elderbrook, Amtrac Let Em Go----Matt Hansen
0 notes
haechannabelle · 2 years
haechannabelle presents: my official Faves List™️
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⊹˚˖ ︶꒷꒦︶︶꒦︶꒷ 🌸 ︶꒦꒷︶꒦︶꒷︶ ˖˚⊹
welcome to my very self-indulgent post in which i will be listing all (well, a lot) of the kpop groups, idols, songs, music videos, and choreo that i love. it's for science or something. here goes! ♫♫♫ find my faves playlist here !
✰ biases: doyoung (ult), haechan
✰ bias wreckers: renjun, kun
✰ fave songs: daydream, love on the floor, touch (nct 127); teddy bear, go (nct dream); miracle (wayv); rain day, ok! (nct u)
✰ fave mvs: favorite, sticker, punch (nct 127); go (nct dream); turn back time (wayv); make a wish (nct u)
✰ fave choreo: cherry bomb (nct 127); black on black (nct 2018); the 7th sense (nct u)
➤ stray kids
✰ bias: lee know (ult)
✰ bias wrecker: changbin
✰ fave songs: taste, venom, domino, god's menu, insomnia
✰ fave mv: venom
✰ fave choreo: domino, double knot
➤ seventeen
✰ biases: hoshi (ult), mingyu, vernon, minghao
✰ bias wreckers: seungkwan, s.coups, dk
✰ fave songs: lilili yabbay, ash, fear, lean on me
✰ fave mvs: fear, lilili yabbay
✰ fave choreo: fear
➤ enhypen
✰ bias: jungwon
✰ bias wreckers: jay, jake
✰ fave songs: fever, blessed-cursed, upper side dreamin'
✰ fave mv: future perfect (pass the mic)
✰ fave choreo: upper side dreamin', blessed-cursed, future perfect (pass the mic)
➤ ateez
✰ biases: mingi, seonghwa, yeosang
✰ bias wrecker: san
✰ fave songs: blue summer, desire, guerrilla, aurora
✰ fave mv: the real
✰ fave choreo: deja vu
➤ twice
✰ bias: jihyo
✰ bias wreckers: momo, chaeyoung
✰ fave songs: more & more, dance the night away, make me go
✰ fave mvs: feel special, fancy, what is love
✰ fave choreo: more & more
find even MORE idols, groups, songs, mvs, and choreo that i love under the cut ! thanks for reading ! &lt;3
➤ baekhyun (exo)
➤ yunjin (le sserafim)
➤ soobin, yeonjun (txt)
➤ ryujin, chaeryeong (itzy) ➤ juyeon (the boyz)
❈ OTHER GROUPS/SOLO ARTISTS I LIKE ❈ (+bias, if i have one/more)
✰ aespa (ningning)
✰ blackpink (jennie)
✰ the boyz (juyeon)
✰ cix
✰ cravity (tayoung)
✰ fromis_9
✰ itzy (ryujin, chaeryeong)
✰ le sserafim (yunjin)
✰ new jeans
✰ oneus
✰ onlyoneof
✰ p1harmony
✰ red velvet
✰ RM
✰ seulgi
✰ sunmi
✰ txt (soobin)
✰ verivery
✰ woo!ah!
✰ xdinary heroes
✰ xeed
➤ the boys: thrill ride, got it
➤ bts: black swan
➤ billlie: b'rave ~ a song for matilda
➤ cix: 458
➤ cravity: bad habits
➤ fromis_9: escape room
➤ got7: eclipse, lullaby, poison
➤ hoshi: spider
➤ itzy: dalla dalla
➤ iz*one: highlight
➤ mamamoo: hip
➤ onlyoneof: gaslighting
➤ p1harmony: swagger, bop, doom da doom
➤ pixy: villain
➤ purple kiss: memeM
➤ red velvet: bad boy
➤ seulgi: anywhere but home, bad boy sad girl, los angeles
➤ stayc: run2u
➤ taemin: want
➤ taeyon: LOL ➤ taeyong, jeno, hendery, yangyang, giselle: zoo
➤ txt: puma, blue hour
➤ treasure: jikjin
➤ verivery: o, photo, G.B.T.B.
➤ victon: time chaser
➤ woo!ah!: round & round, woo!ah!, purple
➤ xdinary heroes: lunatic
➤ xum: ddalala
✰ baekhyun: bambi
✰ bts: black swan
✰ chungha: bicycle
✰ everglow: first
✰ exo: obsession
✰ key: gasoline
✰ nmixx: dice
✰ red velvet: russian roulette
✰ txt: blue hour
➤ cravity: bad habits
➤ got7: eclipse
➤ hoshi: spider, tiger
➤ le sserafim: antifragile
➤ new jeans: cookie
➤ onlyoneof: gaslighting
➤ red velvet - irene & seulgi: naughty
➤ sf9: KO
⊹˚˖ ︶꒷꒦︶︶꒦︶꒷ 🌸 ︶꒦꒷︶꒦︶꒷︶ ˖˚⊹
if you read this far, i am kissing you on the forehead with gratitude ! this was mostly to satisfy my OCD brain that needs to sort things, but i also hope it starts even one conversation, because who doesn't love talking about their faves ?? okay that's all for now, bye ! ~ sincerely, annabelle (skzandnct)♡
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scientia-rex · 8 years
So this thing I'm not writing
This epic Sports Night fic I am definitely not writing because I have lesbian ballerina spies to worry about and then an actual book deadline. Something I've noticed about particularly older fics in this fandom is that they have this tendency to acknowledge early on that Danny and Casey are both super fucked up. Danny's got the obvious anxiety disorder. (Generalized? Social? I can't say for sure, but from the questions Abby asks I would have to guess social.) Casey occasionally gets written as the golden retriever perfect boyfriend but thank God most people at least seem to NOTICE that he's also a rigid, neurotic mess. The general misogyny goes unremarked. It was an era where if there were Strong Female Characters (TM), the kind Sorkin writes, we were content. We made jokes at our own expense. God, look at women! So clingy and crazy! Always expecting men to respect our essential humanity when we know they have more important and manly things to do! So writers write Sally and Dana and Lisa and Rebecca the way Sorkin saw them, which is a shame, because all of them deserved better. Especially from us. But writers will acknowledge that the male leads are fucked up. Often write a decent scene where they behave like the kind of spoiled giant children they are. Convinced (like Sorkin) of their inherent specialness and greatness. And then--then they will get into the Romance, and suddenly they're both masterful communicators who know exactly what to say to make it all right. And my suspension of disbelief falls apart like wet tissue paper. Because that's not how these guys, who are CLEARLY both fucked up, who struggle with masculinity, would be about emotional communication. Watch them! Casey barely even grasps that Dan HAS an anxiety disorder! Dan sulks! Casey pouts! They have petty, vengeful moments on a nonstop basis! They would literally rather drink than talk about any feelings whatsoever! They are BAD AT THIS. Communicating in relationships is a skill. It must be honed. Neither of them have ever honed that skill in their lives. If you think for two seconds that, of all pairings, THEIR denouement would involve them rationally discussing things and then venturing hand in hand to the bedroom to have very enlightened and unambiguously consensual safe sex, which they would have already cleared the air about re their emotional expectations, you are FUNDAMENTALLY MISTAKEN about these jerks. And I love them, they're great characters, but listen to them TALK, especially about women! They ARE jerks! So anyway, I'm not writing this. I'm not writing about they met and then Lisa and Casey's marriage dissolving while Casey grasped at straws with vulnerable and emotionally naive Dana and then we get to the show and then we follow Danny's nervous breakdown and the show's near death and miraculous resurrection and then eventually Casey in particular grows the fuck up and learns to treat Dana with some respect and understands why exactly the dynamic with Sally was so bad and meanwhile Danny slowly learns to live with his anxiety not like a black cloud hovering over him but as a chronic medical condition he can manage, and in the end they're still huge dorks who in their middle age shack up and Charlie is like, okay, whatever, I guess Danny definitely can't be said to be trying to replace my mom, and they have a semi functional blended Jewish-Protestant family. ...I'm not. Yet.
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Things We Gained In The Fire pt 4
part 1, part 2, part 3, •, part 5
A Prince In Snake's Clothing
Word count: 1348
Rating: teen
Pairings: Intrulogical, Royality
Warnings: mentions of death, past child neglect, post-martial nudity, Remus tries to have spicy times (it doesn’t work out for him)
Janus couldn’t sleep.
At home… when he had home…
At home he and his siblings slept on one big pile with his dad’s tail curled around them. It was comfortable, safe.
This was not safe. He was in a room he’d never been in before, in a place he’d never been to before, trying to sleep on a bed which was a whole new experience for him—
And his family was gone.
Janus choked on a sob. His family was gone.
His mom would never sing him lullabies again, and his dad would never carry him around in his tail again, and Iris would never take him flower picking again, and Alexis would never challenge him to another race, and Silas would never teach him any new card games, and Marcus would never ask him to tie his shoes for him, and Ellis would never ask him for another story, and the twins, Dallas and Travis, would never say their first words… they were gone.
They were all gone and Janus wasn’t and it wasn’t fair!
Virgil mumbled in his sleep before turning over and grabbing onto Janus’s sleeve with his chubby toddler hands. Janus’s expression softened.
Virgil reminded him so much of Ellis; when the knights had evacuated them, he’d found Virgil crying behind a boulder, and couldn’t bear to leave him there, so small and all alone. So, Janus put Virgil on his back, like Alexis used to do when Ellis was tired, and carried him until the knights had set up a temporary camp for the night.
For his part, Virgil had been thrilled to have someone giving him attention; he didn’t even seem to understand what was happening — the fire, the destruction of their homes, the overcrowded camp, none of it seemed to make any impact on the boy at all. Janus had wondered often that first night where Virgil’s family was.
(Everything he’d learned about Virgil since seemed to point to an answer that Janus wasn’t ready to deal with yet.)
And then they had gotten to the castle, and Janus was faced with the realization that he had no idea what would happen now. He didn’t have a family anymore, and neither — he was pretty sure — did Virgil, so where did that leave them?
Janus hadn’t been willing to find out.
It’d been easy enough to slip away from the crowd, especially since he and Virgil were both relatively small. His plan wasn’t the most thought out, but he’d figured they could find place to lie low until nighttime, then maybe they could find a place to hide out for a while. It had been pure luck that they’d stumbled on the kitchens, and even more luck that they found that little crevice to hide in without being seen.
Of course, luck had run out when Logan found them.
Janus wasn’t sure what to make of Logan, or Patton. They both seemed nice enough, and Virgil seemed to like them, but Janus couldn’t help but be suspicious. Why would they so readily help them when Janus and Virgil had clearly broken rules and trespassed where they weren’t welcome?
And not only had Logan and Patton given them food, but Logan had given them their own bedroom to sleep in. Now he was lying in a bed, exposed and vulnerable, in an unfamiliar environment, with only Virgil to keep him company.
So yeah, Janus couldn’t sleep.
The sun was just beginning to shine through the curtains when Remus woke up. Usually, Logan would wake up first, but one glance at his husband’s face proved that Remus had beat him today.
He smirked and threw a leg over Logan, straddling his hips. When that didn’t wake the King up, Remus moved on to peppering kisses along his jaw.
“Wakey wakey, Logie,” he murmured into his husband’s ear.
“Hmm?” Logan groaned, just barely beginning to stir.
Remus kissed his way down Logan’s neck, intent on starting something. When he reached Logan’s sleep shirt, he pulled the collar down and began sucking a hickey onto the newly exposed skin there.
“Remus,” Logan moaned, finally opening his eyes.
“‘Morning, love,” Remus beamed, moving from Logan’s neck to claim his lips instead.
Logan was just threading his fingers through Remus’s wild bed head when a knock came from the door.
“Your highnesses!” Patton called chipperly through the oak. “I brought you breakfast!”
Remus groaned, rolling off of Logan and onto his back next to him.
“One moment, Patton!” Logan called before turning his attention to his naked husband. “Go get dressed.”
“No,” Remus pouted petulantly. “He ruined my morning, the least I can do is ruin his.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Patton has seen your brother naked,” he said calmly.
“NO!” Remus screeched loud enough that Patton must have heard him through the door. “WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT TO ME!?”
Remus dove into the closet and slammed the door behind him, which Logan took as a sign that he would either be fully dressed when he emerged, or wouldn’t emerge until Patton left again. Either way, Logan grabbed his glasses, adjusted the collar of his sleep shirt to hide the hickey, and went to answer the door.
“Goodmorning, Patton,” Logan greeted as he opened the door. “I hope you slept well last night.”
“‘Morning Lolo!” Patton beamed as he pushed a serving cart full of food into the room. “I slept as well as I could have, given the circumstances. I made you your favorite breakfast! And I brought some chocolate chip pancakes because I figured the kiddos could use something special, and I didn’t want them to have to eat with the rest of the villagers…”
Patton’s smile faltered, and Logan frowned. Patton was right, Logan didn’t want Janus or Virgil to have to spend any more time than they had to around the villagers who seemed to have cared so little for their lives, but he hadn’t thought of what to do with them. Yes, they could eat their meals with Logan and Remus instead of in the dining room with the rest of the villagers, but long-term, Logan wasn’t sure.
“What kiddos?” Remus asked, emerging from the closet — to Logan’s amusement — dressed immaculately, with only the skin of his face and hands visible in his high-collared tunic and dress pants.
“You didn’t tell him?” Patton asked, wide eyed.
“He was asleep when I got in last night,” Logan explained. “It seems,” he said, turning to his husband. “That we found the two missing villagers. They are children — orphans — who were hiding in the kitchens. Due to the dismissive and appalling way the village elder spoke of them yesterday, I have elected to place them in my childhood bedroom instead of a guest room, and I feel that it would be best to keep them away from the rest of the refugees.”
“You put them in your childhood room?” Remus asked slowly, a smirk creeping across his face.
“I did,” Logan confirmed.
“You found two orphans and put them in the room meant for the Royal Children in the Royal Suite?”
“…I’m a dad!?” Remus beamed, bouncing up and down happily.
“Wha- no! No, you’re not a dad! We are not adopting these children!”
“I have to meet them!” Remus insisted, ignoring Logan’s protests.
“And they need pancakes!” Patton agreed eagerly.
“Fine,” Logan sighed. “Just let me get dressed first.”
A few minutes later had Logan knocking on the door to Janus and Virgil’s temporary room while Patton and Remus practically vibrated with excitement behind him. “Janus? Virgil? It’s Logan and Patton, may we come in.”
No response.
Logan knocked again. “We have breakfast for you.”
Still no response. Logan frowned, behind him, Patton started shifting his weight nervously.
“Maybe they’re sound sleepers?” He suggested hesitantly.
Logan nodded, that was plausible… It was also plausible that Janus had decided to leave in the middle of the night and take Virgil with him.
He knocked one last time. “We’re coming in!”
Logan swung the door open to reveal… an empty room.
Look, Remus is just down to be a parent at all times
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @imma-potatoo @knight-shives
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“MARE ! JUDE ! Get yer asses over here !” The voice is slurred , almost angry and nasally as it screeches out . Two pairs of foot steps , one heavier than the other are heard on old floorboards . “Took you damn long enough . Here . Take care o’ this . It’s yer brother .”
The bundle of squirming old rags is thrust into the young girls arms , her eyes wide as she takes in the sight of a baby . She hadn’t known her Papa’s newest wife was pregnant . Fussy babbling comes from her side , and she bends down , showing the babe to the three year old on the floor .
“What’s his name , Papa ?” She brushes dark curls out of the babes face , letting her curious brother hold the babies hand in his own .
“Hell if I know or care . Call it what ya want . Just a spare , anyway .” She winces at that , holding the baby closer to her chest . He’d have to have a name . . .
“Papa ?” The babe is held protectively to her chest , eyes fearful as she addresses her father for the second time .
The sound of the butt of a shotgun being slammed to the ground echos in the house , the baby lets out a startled cry and the young girl is quick to hush it . “Damnit , Mare , what the fuck else you got to fuckin’ ask me ?”
“How — How am I supposed to pick a name for hi —“
“Fuckin’ hell .Ya whiny bitch . How the fuck am I supposed to come up bullshit like that , Mare ? Just take care of the damned thing ! Fuck ! I got more important shit to do .” With that he shoved in a bullets to his gun , let it snap into place and cocked it , heading out to the barn .
She winced , holding both close to her their Papa stomped off . She let out a sigh of relief to be alone with just her brothers . Looking down at her newborn brother for a moment , she smiled softly .
“Hi , baby boy , I’m Marigold , yer big sister , and this is Jude Jr , yer big brother . It’s nice to meet you .” Jude Jr smiled , saying a babbled “hello” while pressing a kiss to his baby brother’s chubby cheek . Humming a soft lullaby the sound of a the tv catches her attention . A football game on the screen . The blue helmet of the Cowboys spins proudly as their roster is announced for the game , and the girl perks up , smiling wide , “Welcome to the family , Dallas .”
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alaskaramos · 3 years
Ponyboy Curtis Headcanons
• He gets jumped by a group of Socs.
• He almost gets drowned by one of the Socs.
• Johnny kills Bob.
• Johnny Cade is his best friend.
• He and Johnny end up running away from home to hide in a abandoned church.
• Ponyboy loses his virginity to Johnny.
• One day Dally visits them.
• After Dally took them to eat at Dairy Queen, there is a fire at the church.
• Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally saves the kids from the fire in the church.
• When Ponyboy and Dally visit Johnny in the hospital after the rumble, Johnny is on the brink of death.
• Before Johnny dies, Ponyboy sings him a childhood lullaby, “ You Are My Sunshine”.
• Ponyboy kisses Johnny on the lips and tell him he loves him before Johnny dies.
• Before he dies Johnny tell Ponyboy, “ Stay Gold Ponyboy, Stay Gold”.
• Johnny dies of the burns and injuries he suffered from the fire.
• Dally commits suicide by cop.
• Ponyboy faints as he sees Dally get shot to death by the cops.
• He has a mental breakdown after the series of events.
• Due to the trauma he had experienced, he becomes selectively mute and succumbs to a deep depression.
• He develops depression, anxiety, ptsd, bulimia and suicidal ideation, self-harm, and a drug addiction due to the trauma he experienced.
• He gets bullied at school for his involvement in the death of Robert Sheldon who tried killing him.
• He becomes self-destructive by self medicating to numb the pain.
• He parties at night and is sexually promiscuous with both men and women.
• He is bisexual.
• His hair grows back long again very quickly however he keeps on dying his hair blonde.
• He dated Tim and Curly Shepard once.
• He secretly dated Angela.
• He attempts suicide several times.
• He drifts away from the gang because hanging around them reminds him of Johnny and Dallas too much.
• He falls in love with M&M Carlson.
• Ponyboy falls in love with M&M because he reminds him of Johnny and because he’s innocent.
• They begin on dating.
• Ponyboy takes away M&M’s virginity.
• He starts crying when he visits M&M in the hospital after M&M overdoses on LSD because he’s scared that M&M will die just like Johnny.
•M&M’s father comforts Ponyboy as he’s crying in his arms.
• Shortly after M&M recovers from his accidental drug overdose, M&M breaks up with Ponyboy.
• Ponyboy is devastated when M&M breaks up with him.
• Ponyboy dates M&M’s older sister Cathy to spite him.
• He regrets dating Cathy so much.
• After Sodapop and Steve get drafted to the Vietnam war, he moves out to live at Buck Merrel’s place.
• On the anniversary of Johnny and Dally’s death, he visits the cemetery that they are laying at.
• When he’s at the cemetery, he sees Bryon Douglas.
• Bryon is visiting his dead friend Charlie to thank him for saving his life.
• They comfort each other and becomes friends.
• After Sodapop’s death, that was the absolute last straw for him.
• Ponyboy packs his belongs with him a suitcase, and runs away from home after Sodapop’s death and never comes back.
• Ponyboy calls Tim Shepard to tell him he’s running away and never coming back and to not have people look for him.
• On the day Ponyboy runs away from home, Darry comes home to find him gone and Ponyboy’s room clean and empty.
• On the kitchen table, Ponyboy left a letter for Darry to read.
• In the letter, he stated,
“ Dear Darry,
I’m going away for a while. I’ve decided to leave because I absolutely can’t take it anymore living here. Sodapop’s death was the absolute straw for me. I’m sorry that I left you like this. I’ve cleaned my room and took everything with me. I told Tim Shepard about where I was going. I’ve decided to rebuild my life and start over again in New York City. I’m going to miss you a lot”,
Yours Truly,
• Darry cried after he read the letter.
• Darry cried after he read the letter because he realizes Pony’s gone for good and will most likely never see him again.
• Darry regrets being too harsh on him.
• Ponyboy gave the middle finger to the window as he was on the bus to New York.
• As Ponyboy arrives to New York City he meets a male taxi driver by the name of Kurt.
• Kurt gives him a free ride to the big Apple and gives Ponyboy money to eat at a diner.
• Ponyboy kisses Kurt’s cheek after he leaves the car.
• He meets a female waitress named Ashley and stays at her place for a few days.
• He becomes attached to Ashley quickly.
• One morning, he wakes up to a green apple and a letter by his side.
• He notices Ashley is gone.
• He reads the letter from Ashley stating this
“ Dear Ponyboy,
I went away for a while. Get some snaps. Stay here for as long as you want. It was nice knowing you.
• Ponyboy cries as he takes a bite out of the green apple.
• He leaves the apartment and runs down the streets of New York for unapparent reason. * cue Hometown Glory by Adele plays as he runs through the streets*.
• He ends up becoming homeless.
• He meets another runway teenage boy named Brandy and they live in a abandoned building together.
•Ponyboy discovers he has a talent for singing and Brandy can play the guitar and drums.
• They perform at a cafe for money.
• They meet two other runaway teenage boys and form a boy band together.
• They end up becoming rich, famous, and successful.
• Ponyboy ends up becoming a famous actor and stars in a show with Paul Newman.
• In his late teens, he stars in a movie with Steve McQueen portraying the role of his troubled angsty rebellious teenage son former model recovering drug addict whose mother is in a coma from a boat- racing accident.
• He wins several awards for that role.
• He ends up becoming a supermodel as well.
• He gets a tattoo of “ Stay Gold Ponyboy, Stay Gold”, on his right arm in memory of Johnny.
• He gets a tattoo of “ Get tough like me and you don’t get hurt”, on his left arm in memory of Dally.
• Once a year on the death of their anniversary, Ponyboy travels back to Tulsa to lay flowers at their tombstones.
• He ends up getting a tattoo of Paul Newman and Steve McQueen when they die.
• He gets a tattoo of his parents and Sodapop’s names on his back in memory of them.
• He marries an older rich man for his money.
• After his husband dies, his two children commit suicide.
• He gets a tattoo of his husband and his children’s names on his right arm.
• Ponyboy suffers from a mental breakdown and Darry moves back in with him in New York.
• Darry and Ponyboy build a life together.
• People think that they are married only for Ponyboy to explain that they are siblings.
• Ponyboy lives by himself after Darry dies.
• Ponyboy dies peacefully from old age in his sleep at 100 years old.
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kpopprincess416 · 3 years
My Favorite K-Pop Songs (Incomplete)
A.C.E: Undercover, Savage
aespa: Black Mamba
Agust D: Agust D, Daechwita
APink: NoNoNo
ASTRO: Blue Flame, Baby
ATEEZ: HALA HALA, Say My Name, Pirate King, Treasure, Illusion, Wave, Aurora, Wonderland, Answer, THANXX, Inception, Fireworks (I’m The One)
Baekhyun: UN Village, Stay Up (feat. Beenzino), Diamond, Candy, All I Got, Cry For Love
Beast: Fiction
BIGBANG: Fantastic Baby, Bang Bang Bang, Last Dance
Blackpink: How You Like That, Lovesick Girls, Kill This Love, Whistle, Boombayah, DDU-DU DDU-DU
BoA: Better, No. 1
Boys Republic: Get Down
THE BOYZ: No Air, The Stealer
BTS: We Are Bulletproof (Pt. 2), Run, Dope, Fire, Save Me, Blood Sweat & Tears, Begin, Lie, Spring Day, Not Today, Boy In Luv, Tomorrow, Cypher Pt. 2 (Triptych), N.O, I Need U, Moving On, House of Cards, Black Swan, Louder Than Bombs, Mic Drop, On, Dionysus, Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey), Home, DNA, Dimple, FAKE LOVE, The Truth Untold, Magic Shop, So What, Idol, Euphoria, Serendipity, Epiphany, Airplane Pt. 2, Danger, Heartbeat, Stay Gold, War of Hormone, Life Goes On
Chanyeol: SSFW
Chen: Beautiful Goodbye, Watch Out
Chung Ha: Snapping, Stay Tonight, Bicycle
CIX: Cinema, Jungle
CL: Hello Bitches
CLC: Hobgoblin, Helicopter, Black Dress, No
D.O & Yoo Youngjin: Tell Me (What Is Love)
DALsooobin: Katchup
DKB: Sorry Mama, Rose
DREAMCATCHER: BOCA, Break The Wall, Odd Eye, Chase Me, Good Night, You & I, Endless Night, Deja Vu, Scream
EVERGLOW: Bon Bon Chocolat, Dun Dun, La Di Da, Adios
EXO: Lightsaber, Love Me Right, Drop That, Tempo, Sign, Gravity, Bad Dream, Lucky One, Monster, Artificial Love, White Noise, Cloud 9, Growl, Mama, History, What Is Love, Overdose, For Life, Lotto, Love Shot, Obsession, Power, Universe, Call Me Baby, Eldorado, Playboy, Thunder, The Eve, Ko Ko Bop, What U Do, Forever, Going Crazy, Chill, Lucky
EXO-CBX: Hey Mama!
f(x): Electric Shock, Red Light, 4 Walls
(G)I-DLE: DUMDi DUMDi, LATATA, Oh my god, 
GAIN: Paradise Lost
Girls Day: Something
Girls Generation: I Got A Boy, Hoot, The Boys, Catch Me If You Can, Party
GOT7: Breath, You Calling My Name, Not By The Moon, Never Ever, Hard Carry, If You Do, Lullaby, Just Right
History: Might Just Die, Queen
Hwasa: Maria
HyunA: Bubble Pop, I’m Not Cool, Good Girl, Red
iKON, Bling Bling, Love Scenario, RHYTHM TA
IZ: Memento
IZ*ONE: FIESTA, Panorama
IU: Palette (Feat. G-Dragon), Eight (Feat. Suga)
Jackson Wang: Pretty Please
Jennie (of Blackpink): Solo
Jessi: Nunu Nana
Kai: Mmmh
KARD: Bomb Bomb, Dumb Litty, Gunshot
Lay: Lit, Namanana
MAMAMOO: AYA, Egotistic, Hip
MCND: Ice Age, Spring
MOMOLAND: Baam, Bboom BBoom
MONSTA X: Who Do U Love?, Stuck, Shoot Out, Fighter, Beautiful, Oi, FANTASIA, Beautiful Night, ZONE, Love Killa, Follow, DRAMARAMA, Newton, Hero,  Alligator, Shine Forever
NCT: BOSS,Baby Don’t Stop, TOUCH, Black On Black,  
NCT 127: Wakey Wakey, Chain, Gimme Gimme, Fire Truck, Cherry Bomb, Baby Don’t Like It, Limitless, Kick It, Regular, SIMON SAYS, Highway To Heaven, Superhuman, Punch
NCT Dream: Chewing Gum, My First and Last, Ridin’, Boom, We Go Up 
NCT U: From Home, Make A Wish (Birthday Song), Coming Home, Boss, The 7th Sense
NU’EST: Bet Bet
Oh My Girl: Twilight
PENTAGON: Sha La La, Shine, Humph, Basquiat, Dr, Bebe, Daisy
PinkFantasy: Lemon Candy
PRISTIN: Black Widow
Rain: Rainism
Red Velvet: Bad Boy, RBB(Really Bad Boy), Peek-A-Boo, Psycho, Red Flavor, Dumb Dumb, Zimzalabim, Russian Roulette, 
Red Velvet- Irene & Selugi: Monster
Rose: On The Ground
SEVENTEEN:  Mansae, Left & Right, Hit, Fear, HOME;RUN, Clap, Don’t Wanna Cry, Shining Diamond, Highlight, Very Nice
SF9: Good Guy, Now Or Never
SHINee: Don’t Call Me, Lucifer, Married To The Music, Replay, Sherlock (Clue + Note), Dream Girl, Everybody, Ring Ding Dong
SISTAR: Touch My Body
Solar: Spit It Out
SOMI: Birthday
STRAY KIDS: Miroh, Double Knot, God’s Menu, Hellevator, District 9, My Pace, I am YOU, Back Door 
Sunmi: Gashina
SUPER JUNIOR: Devil, Sorry Sorry, Mr. Simple, Bonamana, Magic, Mamacita
SuperM: Jopping, One (Monster & Infinity), 100, Tiger Inside
T-ARA: Sugar Free
Taemin: Move, Criminal
TAEYANG: RingaLinga, Eyes Nose Lips
TXT: Can’t You See Me, 9 and Three Quarters (Run Away), Cat & Dog, Crown, Blue Hour
Treasure: Boy, I Love You
TVXQ: Catch Me, Mirotic
TWICE: I Can’t Stop Me, Fancy, Feel Special, More & More, Cheer Up, Dance The Night Away, Knock Knock, Likey, Yes Or Yes, TT
UP10TION: So Dangerous
VIXX: Chained Up, Scentist, Shangri-La
VICTON: What I Said
Wanna One: Boomerang
WayV: Turn Back Time, Bad Alive (English Version), Kick Back, Moon Walk, Love Talk, Take Off
WINNER: Really Really
Wonho: Open Mind, Lose
Woo!Ah!: I Don’t Miss U
X1: Flash
2NE1: Come Back Home, I Am The One, I Love You, Falling In Love
2PM: A.D.T.O.Y., Take Off, Hands Up
4MINUTE: Crazy, Hate
Park Hyoshin: Wild Flower
Day6: Congratulations, Days Gone By, Time Of Our Lives, Shoot Me, I Wait
T.O.P: Doom Dada
ONEUS: Vlakyrie, Lit
AB6IX & Lee Dae Hwi: Rose Scent Kiss
B1A4: A Lie
EXID: Me & You,Ah Yeah
Taeyeon: I (Feat. Verbal Jint)
I.O.I:  Whatta Man (Good Man), Dream Girls
3YE: Stalker
Wendy: Like Water
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doeilovr · 3 years
-kpop tag game
tagged by: @sunflowerforhaechan (thank youuu berry :3)
tagging: @xuxinoir (am I annoying? lol) and anyone who wants to do it :)
song that got me into kpop: Fake Love by BTS
song that gets stuck in my head: kind of a song? It’s Doyoung’s “now I know”
favourite male group: NCT :3 SuperM, BTS, GOT7, TXT
favourite female group: Mamamoo, Red Velvet
favourite underrated male group: hm idk I don’t listen to that many groups, but Enhypen is really good if that even counts as underrated
favourite underrated female group: I really don’t listen to that many groups :/
favourite male soloist: Baekhyun
favorite female soloist: Younha is really good
favourite male choreography: I thought 90’s Love by NCT U was really catchy, also You Calling My Name (I love the intro? hello?) and Move by Taemin (dudeee)
favourite female choreography: HIP by Mamamoo was one of my favorites and I really liked ITZY’s Wannabe (the iconic shoulder dance haha)
favourite sub unit: I couldn’t decide between any NCT unit honestly :0
favourite senior male group: i hate to admit it but Sorry Sorry by SuJu is kinda catchy, sooo not the group just the song lol also Shinee doesen’t fall into this category right (?)
favourite senior female group: i know of SNSD but I don’t really listen to their music :/
favourite disbanded male group: I honestly think I ever stammer any group that disbanded
favourite disbanded female group: same here i guess :)
favourite band: DAY6 all the way, they have so many bops :0
favourite male dancer: Ten is one of my faves (but NCT is full of so many great dancers).. also I have to say Kai and Taemin :)
favourite female dancer: BoA is a really great dancer (I was shocked by her performance at MAMA 2020 with Taemin.. was it MAMA??)
favourite male rapper: I have to mention BTS’ rap line, also Taeyong and Mark and probably Stray Kids’ Felix (I like his voice hehe)
favourite female rapper: Moonbyul :) and also I think Jessi (she’s so cool)
favourite male vocalist: Jungkook, Doyoung, Haechan and Taeil (the holy trinity lol).. omg this is so hard I wanna mention everyone
favourite female vocalist: Taeyeon and Wendy (divine voices)
favourite male debut: Replay by Shinee haha and Congratulations by DAY6
favourite female debut: ITZY’s Debut was awesome, DALLA DALLA :)
favourite mv: I have to mention Moonwalk by WayV and Fake Love by BTS :) also may I mention Eternally by TXT!
favourite underrated song: All for Love by WayV (like WayV needs even more appreciation)
favourite male b-side: if I start we’ll be here all night
favourite female b-side: guys my playlists are full of boy groups :/
favourite comfort song: No Longer by NCT U and Spring Day by BTS
top five boy groups + fav songs: let’s see.. I do love NCT and BTS’ entire discography
No longer, Yestoday, Faded in my last song, All for Love, Dear DREAM, Dive into You, 119, Moonwalk, Love Song
Better Days, Tiger Inside, Monster & Infinity and No Manners
Spring Day, Tomorrow, Crystal Snow, Rain, Love is Not Over and Interlude: Shadow
Blue Hour, Eternally, Run Away and Can’t you see me (such a cool group)
You Calling My Name, Lullaby, You do (omg what a BOP) and POISON
top five girl groups + fav songs: ok listen I don’t even stan give gg but I will try hehe
Red Velvet
Psycho, Red Vlavor and Take it Slow :)
HIP and Gogobebe :)
groups planning to stan: does one really plan that or does one listen to one song or see one funny clip and suddenly goes omg I am in love.. that’s the real question here ;)
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unbreakabletrust · 3 years
Men of a Certain Age: 50 States of Denial
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1971 Astor Piazzolla (born in 1921) y Su Quinteto “Primavera porteña (nueva versión)” From Concierto para quinteto (RCA Victor) Released in 1971
1972 Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan (born in 1922) "Raga Sindhi Bhairavi" (excerpt) From In Concert 1972 (Apple) Recorded live in 1972; released in 1973
1973 The Modern Jazz Quartet (feat. Milt Jackson, born in 1923) "Regret?" From Blues on Bach (Atlantic) Recorded in 1973; released in 1974
1974 Chet Atkins (born in 1924) and Merle Travis "Boogie for Cecil" From The Atkins-Travis Traveling Show (RCA Victor) Recorded and released in 1974
1975 B. B. King (born in 1925) "Lucille Talks Back (Copulation)" From Lucille Talks Back (ABC) Released in 1975
1976 Tony Bennett (born in 1926) and Bill Evans "A Child is Born" From Together Again (Improv) Recorded in 1976; released in 1977
1977 Ralph Stanley (born in 1927) and the Clinch Mountain Boys "Oh Death" From Clinch Mountain Gospel (Rebel) Recorded and released in 1977
1978 Serge Gainsbourg (born in 1928) "Sea, Sex, and Sun" 7" single A side (Philips) Released in 1978
1979 Chet Baker (born in 1929) and Wolfgang Lackerschmid "Five Years Ago" From Ballads for Two (Sandra Music Productions) Recorded and released in 1979
1980 Ray Charles (born in 1930) “Compared To What” From Brother Ray Is at It Again (Atlantic) Released in 1980
1981 George Jones (born in 1931) "You Can't Get The Hell Out Of Texas" From Still the Same Ole Me (Epic) Released in 1981
1982 Johnny Cash (born in 1932) "We Must Believe in Magic" From The Adventures of Johnny Cash (Columbia) Album recorded in 1981-1982; released in 1982
1983 James Brown (born in 1933) "Bring It On...Bring It On" From Bring It On! (Augusta Sound) Recorded and released in 1983
1984 Charley Pride (born in 1934) "Stagger Lee" From Power of Love (RCA Victor) Released in 1984
1985 Jerry Lee Lewis (born in 1935) "Keep My Motor Running" From Class of '55: Memphis Rock & Roll Homecoming (America) Recorded in 1985; released in 1986
1986 Kris Kristofferson (born in 1936) and the Borderlords "They Killed Him" From Repossessed (Mercury) Released in 1986
1987 Merle Haggard (born in 1937) "Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Star" From Chill Factor (Epic) Released in 1987
1988 Fela Kuti (born in 1938) and Egypt 80 "O.D.O.O. (Overtake Don Overtake Overtake)" (excerpt) Recorded live at Lagos Sunsplash in 1988; never officially released
1989 Dion (born in 1939) "Written On The Subway Wall / Little Star" From Yo Frankie (Arista) Released in 1989
1990 The Pharaoh Sanders Quartet (feat. Pharaoh Sanders, born in 1940) "Polka Dots and Moonbeams" From Welcome to Love (Timeless) Recorded in 1990; released in 1991
1991 Harry Nilsson (born in 1941) "How About You" From The Fisher King Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (MCA) Released in 1991
1992 Lou Reed (born in 1942) "What's Good (The Thesis)" From Magic and Loss (Sire) Recorded in 1991; released in 1992
1993 Lucio Dalla (born in 1943) and Tosca "Rispondimi" From Henna (Pressing) Released in 1993
1994 Barry White (born in 1944) "Come On" From The Icon Is Love (A&M) Album recorded in 1993–1994; released in 1994
1995 Neil Young (born in 1945) Untitled Track #9 From the Dead Man soundtrack (Vapor) Recorded and released on movie soundtrack in 1995; officially released on record in 1996
1996 Donovan (born in 1946) "Deep Peace" From Sutras (American Recordings) Album recorded 1995-1996; released in 1996
1997 Buckwheat Zydeco (born in 1947) "Allons a Boucherie" From Trouble (Mesa) Released in 1997
1998 Jimmy Page and Robert Plant (born in 1948) "Most High" From Walking into Clarksdale (Atlantic) Released in 1998
1999 Papa Wemba (born in 1949) "O'Koningana" From M’Zée Fula-Ngenge (Suave) Released in 1999
2000 David Johansen (born in 1950) and the Harry Smiths "Delia" From David Johansen and the Harry Smiths (Chesky) Recorded in 1999; released in 2000
2001 Keb' Mo' (born in 1951) "America the Beautiful" From Big Wide Grin (Sony Wonder) Released in 2001
2002 Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto (born in 1952) "Duoon" From Vrioon (Raster-Noton) Released in 2002
2003 Robert Cray (born in 1953) "Time Makes Two" From Time Will Tell (Sanctuary) Released in 2003
2004 Elvis Costello (born in 1954) and The Imposters "Button My Lip" From The Delivery Man (Lost Highway) Released in 2004
2005 Gang Of Four (feat. Jon King, born in 1955) "Ether" From Return the Gift (V2) Released in 2005
2006 Easy Star All-Stars feat. Sugar Minott (born in 1956) "Exit Music (For a Film)" From Radiodread (Easy Star) Released in 2006
2007 Robert Pollard (born in 1957) "Rud Fins" From Coast to Coast Carpet of Love (Merge) Released in 2007
2008 Grandmaster Flash (born in 1958) "Good Times (playing around at home) 2008" Recorded in 2008; released on YouTube in 2021
2009 Youssou N'Dour (born in 1959) and Le Super Etoile "Ndakarou" From Spécial Fin D'Année 2009 (Xippi) Released in 2009
2010 Public Enemy (feat. Chuck D, born in 1960) "Say It Like It Really Is" From Bring The Noise (The Hits, Vids And Doc Box - Greatest Sites And Sounds (Chapter 2 1999-2009)) (Slam Jamz) Released in 2010
2011 Toby Keith (born in 1961) "Made in America" From Clancy's Tavern (Show Dog-Universal) Recorded in 2011; released in 2011
2012 Bill Orcutt (born in 1962) "The Star Spangled Banner I" 7" single A side (Palilalia) Released in 2012
2013 My Bloody Valentine (feat. Kevin Shields, born in 1963) "Wonder 2" From m b v (m b v) Album recorded in 1996–1997 and 2006–2012; released in 2013
2014 Koshi Inaba (born in 1964) "念書" ["Written Pledge"] From Singing Bird (Vermillion) Released in 2014
2015 Dr. Dre (born in 1965) feat. Kendrick Lamar, Marsha Ambrosius, and Candice Pillay "Genocide" From Compton (Aftermath) Released in 2015
2016 Anthony Joseph (born in 1966) "Caribbean Roots" From Caribbean Roots (Heavenly Sweetness) Recorded and released in 2016
2017 The Mountain Goats (feat. John Darnielle, born in 1967) "Wear Black" From Goths (Merge) Recorded and released in 2017
2018 Kenny Chesney (born in 1968) feat. Mindy Smith "Better Boat" From Songs for the Saints (Blue Chair) Released in 2018
2019 Beyoncé, Jay-Z (born in 1969), and Childish Gambino feat. Oumou Sangaré "Mood 4 Eva" From The Lion King: The Gift (Parkwood) Recorded and released in 2019
2020 Brad Mehldau (born in 1970) "Suite: April 2020: XII. lullaby" From Suite: April 2020 (Nonesuch) Recorded and released in 2020
2021 Snoop Dogg (born in 1971) feat. Mozzy "Gang Signs" From From tha Streets 2 tha Suites (Doggy Style) Album recorded in 2020–21; released in 2021
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baebywendy · 4 years
My favorite Kpop releases in 2020
Girls - Nature
Girls by Nature is my favorite Kpop release of 2020 because of the mystery the song gives. The song makes you anticipated with what the solution is but it never gives it to you and you want more. This isn’t a bad thing especially with the music video. This music video was creepy but it was creepy mostly because of the mystery aspect. Throughout the music video, you keep asking yourself why or what and towards the end none of the questions are answered. This song also gives me a nostalgic feel from old Kpop in a way but it fits so well with 2020. The song itself, just kept bringing me in and the music video as well. When I first listened to this song, I was left in confusion because of how the music video ended. I kept listening to the song and watching the music video to figure it out but nothing. The song itself is just a really interesting song and the music video brings alive the song even more. If you watch the music video there two versions one normal and the other one uncensored. If you watched the uncensored trigger warning, there’s blood, there’s stabbing and mental distress throughout. Nature had a release before this called Oopsie My Bad and that song I liked but it wasn’t enough to bring me in but Girls did that for me. I’ve listened to videos with this song on a hour loop and the sad thing is, I never noticed it being that long because I just enjoy the song so much. This song truly captured my attention and I’m interested to see Nature’s future.
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Dazzle Dazzle- Weki Meki
Dazzle Dazzle by Weki Meki was such a cute song and it just makes me smile when I listened to it. Dazzle Dazzle aesthetic in the music video was something that I loved and the outfits as well brought the song more alive to me. Weki Meki had a successful year and all the title songs they had were also some of my favorites of this year. I picked Dazzle Dazzle to be my favorite out of the others because it’s so playful and it was something I was actually craving this year. I love all types of concepts but I couldn’t help myself wanting a cute song and this song gave me that. Not only is the song cute but the dance is also very cute and it matches the song perfectly. It's a song that I play when I clean because it makes it more fun or whatever I'm doing fun. I hope Weki Meki gets more recognition in the years to come because their dances and raps are some of my favorite within girl groups.  
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Monster - Irene and Seulgi
Monster by Irene and Seulgi made me feel like a vampire killing men at midnight but looking sexy. The beginning of the song is already eerie and it drives you in with the loudness of the bass. Then Seulgi starts singing and it makes you feel like your captured in a trance. Seulgi’s voice throughout the song is one of her best vocal performance to me because it shows her technique and how well she can use it. The deepness of her voice brings out the sexiness the song has and it’s only the first line. Then Irene’s voice comes in with a deep and again sexy voice but it’s softer then Seulgi’s. Irene’s voice through the song isn’t battling selgui and vice versa. Their voices match perfectly for the song and the concept itself. This song and naughty was my favorite but I picked monster as the winner because of how much I loved the overall themes in the debut. The music video brought out the monster within the girls and throughout the video, it’s a battle of dominance. Monster is literally one of my favorite releases and I listen to it almost everyday, it’s a strange lullaby but I don’t fight it.
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Scream- Dreamcatcher
Scream by Dreamcatcher is my second favorite title track by Dreamcatcher and this track rocked the kpop scene gathering more fans and getting more sales. The beginning of the song starts off with a track from Lord of the Rings or any final battle sequence. Dreamcatchers voices are soft and beautiful making the instrumental more demanding, the contrast is what makes every Dreamcatcher song so good in my eyes. The chorus of the song has a devil voice in the background that you hear but don’t truly notice it until later on. The rapping also comes in and it fit so well with the song, it just gives another layer of the song. The devil voice comes back with Gahyeon voice, as if the demon is within her as she sings it. Then towards the end the devil is just part of the song and it makes it known that it’s always been there. I actually had a hard time deciding between Scream and Boca because both were fantastic but Scream won because I enjoyed the demons voice in the song and the beat of the song itself. Boca is also a really good song and I recommend to listen to it but back to scream. The lyrics of scream as well talks about how words can hurt and how it just makes you want to scream because of it. The devil within the song is the people that are sending the hate and towards the end they gain control back even if the demon's voice is still heard. Scream is a good song if you want to pretend your fighting or you just want a song to make you feel empowered.
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Not by the Moon - Got7
Not by the Moon by Got7 is my second favorite Got7 song because its beautiful and the music video is one of my favorites that came out this year. Dare I say it, this is my favorite boy group song that came out this year. Let me start off with the melody of the song first, the melody itself just screams royal and elegance to me. Something that I’ve seen in Got7 is the transition into more mature songs and how much I love the transition being so organic. On my favorite album list, Breath of love: Last Piece is there and I talk about how JYP didn’t touch it but within this JYP touched it. Even though JYP touched it, it doesn’t mean I hate it. I wanted Got7 to have the chance having creative outlook for once on a title track. Now back to Not by the Moon. This song made Got7 vocals sound so beautiful and it also gives their vocals a mature sound. As a person that went to a film school, the sets in this music video is so well done. The sets themselves are seen to be extravagant and at the same time simple, the sets don't clash with one another and they fit perfectly with each other. The music video and the outfits sold the theme of royal and it made me like it even more. But now let me thirst over JB in this era. Did you see that man? His outfits and his hair gave me everything. It got so bad that youtube was just showing fancams of him during this era and yes, I watched every one. Not only that, when he was dancing in the background with him being the fine piece of man he is; kept catching my eyes and I couldn’t focus on Young-Jae or Yugyeom. Thirst session over. Not by the Moon is a good sequel to the maturity that You Calling My Name gave and I can't wait to see more by Got7 in 2021.
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Wannabe - Itzy
Wannabe by Itzy was the first Itzy song where I didn’t have to listen to it more than once to like it. With DALLA DALLA and ICY, it took awhile for those songs to become my top in my playlist. With the first listen of this song, I knew this was going to become my favorite by Itzy but then Not Shy came out. Wannabe and Not Shy were neck to neck in my book but Wannabe won because of the tune itself. The tune of the song does such a good job on showcasing their voices that there is no battle between them. Wannabe wasn’t something I expected with Itzy after ICY, I expected a song close to ICY but was given the opposite of ICY. Itzy theme is self love and being different, this song is continuation of that theme. This song does what DALLA DALLA does with demanding eyes to be on them but does it in a slightly more mature version of Itzy. The song still is playful but to me it has a sprinkle of mature in it. Now let's talk about the legendary shoulder move. This move changed my life, just watching it being done was so satisfying and I can't explain why it was. The dance break is my favorite dance break within Itzy, it's just so cool to see them move. Wannabe is a good extension if Itzy's themes and I can imagine it becoming a staple in their discography.  
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Dream of You - Chung Ha and R3HAB
Dream of you by Chung Ha and R3hab was a song that made me the hoe in me come out and I wanted to dance. It was so hard to pick what Chung Ha song I wanted to put here because all of them are so good and so different from one another. Stay Tonight gave me club kid, Play brought the dancer out but I was wearing a red dress in this one, Bad Boy was a easy song to listen to with two different voices that blend well together and then Dream of You. Dream of You brought out a different reaction, I was shocked because of the dancing that was on my screen and then the lyrics. When I heard Chung Ha say lingerie, my mind combust and I was just stuck replaying that part. The song does a good job to show Chung Ha voice but not only that shows her dancing skills that never fails to impress me. With every release she has, I know I’m going to get the full package no matter what. Somehow, she always raises the bar with her music videos, outfits, dances, and her vocals. I know she has Covid and I hope she has a speedy recovery, I also hope theres no long term effects on her health from this. I think Chung Ha is on her way making herself a legend within Kpop and I can't wait to see that for her.
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Yours - Chanyeol, Raiden, Lee Hi, Changmo
Before I get into the song, Chanyeol in a suit with nothing underneath his jacket and the only thing I can see is two necklaces makes me want to become a flight attendant. Not only did he give me that look but he also gave me ripped jeans and a blazer, this man is going to give me a heart attack and I'm going to say thank you. Anyways, Yours by Chanyeol, Raiden, Lee Hi and Changmo was a song that I played the most at night because Chanyeol’s and Lee Hi’s voice was so soft that it could easily put you to sleep. This was my third most played song of 2020 on Spotify for good reason. For starters Chanyeol is my man and I gotta support his hoe ass but another reason is just how peaceful this song is. I had a hard time because I wanted to put Minimal Warm because that was another song I listened to at night and is currently on my 2020 favs on itunes. The hoe in me wanted to give both but I realized that Yours won because Chanyeol rapped in the beginning of Yours and I am a simp for rapper Chanyeol. The song just makes me feel like we're driving to the beach and making a small video when we get there. This song was a light hearted summer song and boy did it make me fall more in love with Chanyeol's hoe ass even more. Lee Hi's voice is a nice addition that makes the song feel even more light and her voice is just nice and smooth. Changmo rap also didn't change the song and it continue the them of light hearted summer song. This song is my lullaby most nights and Chanyeol I miss you on instagram.
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Helicopter - CLC
Helicopter by CLC was another long awaited comeback and there was fear because there was a rumor that disbandment was going to be CLC'S next step. I waited for any news and then I saw Yeeun on Good Girl and it made me realize a comeback is coming. When I heard the second teaser of Helicopter, I knew I was going to like the song and I was right. This is one of the best comebacks of 2020 in my opinion because how long we waited for it. Helicopter is as song that I think defines CLC as a whole with the lyrics, the dance, the attitude, and the music video. "I go up in the sky Jumping over the time and space, I changed everything for this moment. A night covered in a veil, passing through a long day. I’m gonna make it big, no doubt. There ain’t no star that cannot shine, let’s hang out at the top." I think these lyrics express everything we want CLC to achieve and what they want to do as well. This song is their driving force to become better and no matter they will reach the top. This song gives you the empowerment to do anything and never give up just like CLC. I'm excited to see more from them and make sure to check their covers, my personal favorite is fly me to the moon.
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To be or Not to be - Oneus
To Be or Not to Be by Oneus wasn’t the song I expected after A Song Written Easily because of how different they are. The shock on my face when I saw the teaser for it and the excitement I had because it was new for them. I’ve been a fan of Oneus since they debuted and they’re actually in my top ten boy groups. Their past songs have been dark but To Be or Not to Be was truly one of the darkest songs that they have done. The music video showed off the darkness of the song so well that it didn’t feel like a music video but a movie. This is my favorite music video that came out in 2020 because of the production and the sets that was in it was just so beautiful. The music video is more story telling then other music videos that they have done but it matches at the same time. The rapping in this song was so good, it demanded attention and the deep voices they had just matched so well with the song.  The dance that they had with this song truly blew me away and there parts in the dance where I was shocked, the throwing of the members just matched the song so perfectly. Now lets talk about music video. This music video again was my favorite music video that came out of 2020 because of the story telling it had. In the very first shot, it was light from the sunlight and they were seen wearing white clothing at table with a white table cloth but when the song starts the scene changes into a darker scene. In writing, white is the symbol of purity, innocence and simplicity so when the scene changes to black, you can still see them wearing white but the environment is darker now. As the song moves forward it transitions between the dark and the light. Within the music video, there's flashes of red and red is seen as a overlay in some parts. In film and writing red is the color of anger, passion, love and desire. The useage of red throughout the video makes the song comes more alive. I'm going to stop talking about the music video now because I can just go on for hours on it. The music video and song blend so well with each other that it truly does feel like your watching a movie. I hope they can continue this film work in later videos because it made the song even more special.
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Hmph! - WJSN Chocome
Hmph! by WJSN Chocome was the song that I wanted all year and then I was given it, after complaining. See when you complain sometimes you just win and this is my example of that. I can say how playful this song is but I don't even think that word does it justice. This song was so cute and adorable when I first heard it I fell in love with it. In the beginning the song is already bringing you in with the unique beats that I have never heard before. The music video matches the weirdness of this song and it takes the cute to the next level for me. In the music video it shows the dance and the dance is so cute with the song. The whole song, music video, outfits, and dance is the cutest thing I have seen this year. I hope WJSN does a concept like this in the future or maybe another song by WJSN Chocome because I love it and i support the idea of it.
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La Di Da - Everglow
La Di Da by Everglow is such a contrast to the last comebacks that they had in past but at the same time it fit with the concept they have established for themselves. When I heard La Di Da teaser I was excited because on my favorite album list, The Weeknd album was my favorite of 2020. This song gave me the vibes of blinding lights and I enjoyed it. Not only that but the part Everglow, forever lets go was the most unexpected break of a song that I have heard but it's my favorite. I hope that becomes their intro when they do interviews because its a cool saying to me. The raps brought more depth to the song and it made love Aisha even more. The outfits of this era was so pretty and I like anything with sequins. The dance had voguing in it and being a huge fan of drag queens, if I see any type of voguing I’m living for it. I know Sihyeon and Yiren tested positive for covid and I hope for a speedy recovery and I also hope this doesn't cost long term damage. 
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Honorable mentions:  
Arisong - Cignature
1 billion views (feat. Moon) - EXO-SC
My Day is Full of You - Zico, Wendy
Butterfly - WJSN
Lovesick Girls- Blackpink
Feel Good - Fromis_9  
God’s Menu - Stray Kids
Secret Story of the Swan - Izone
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parkmin--seo · 4 years
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luxor task 007 - minnie’s favorites part. 2 
breath - got7 // last piece - got7 // love killa - monsta x // how you like that - blackpink // ddu du ddu du - blackpink // kill this love - blackpink // blood sweat & tears - bts // on - bts // fake love - bts // remind me to forget - kygo // delicate - taylor swift // so am i ( ft. nct 127 ) - ava max // boombayah - blackpink // 100 ways - jackson wang // wannabe - itzy // bad boy ( english vrs. ) - red velvet // who ( ft. bts ) - lauv // feel special - twice // someone’s someone - monsta x // lullaby - got7 // one in a million - mark tuan // pretty please - jackson wang // shoot out - monsta x // why not? - loona // dalla dalla - itzy // bbibbi - iu // waste it on me ( ft. bts ) - steve aoki // never ever - got7 // you calling my name - got7 // if you do - got7 // page - got7 // hard carry - got7 // replay - shinee // i can’t stop me - twice // fancy - twice // cherry bomb - nct 127
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weeb-alcove · 4 years
2019 English Playlist
In English: 
“99″ - Barns Courtney
10ft - Eileen Yo
5 Seconds of Summer Babylon Easier Lie to Me  Teeth
88rising History Midsummer Madness ♪ from their album Head in the Clouds II ♬ Breathe I Love You 3000 II Indigo Strange Land These Nights
Affection - Between Friends
Aftertaste - Whethan
Ain’t Goin Back - Russ
Alan Walker Are You Lonely Different World Do It All for You Lily  On My Way Play
All Fall Down - Johnny Glenn & Ally Hills & Just Juice
All Over Again (remix) - Lost You & Michael Moawad
Another Summer Night Without You - Alexander 23
Aphrodite - Rini
Ariana Grande Esta Noche ♪ from her album thank u, next ♬ bloodline in my head NASA
Arms Around You - XXXTentacion & Swae Lee & Lil Pump
Ava Max Freaking Me Out (Bingo Players remix) Not Your Barbie Girl So Am I
Bae - Trevor Wesley
Bars and Melody Lighthouse (Dave Winnel remix) Waiting for the Sun
Bazzi Caught in the Fire Focus Mine Myself No Way!
Beat of My Drum - Powers
Benee Evil Spider Find an Island Glitter  Monsta Want Me Back  Wishful Thinking
Better Not - Louis the Child
Big Sean Berzerk Single Again
Billie Eilish everything i wanted  When I Was Older ♪ from her album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? ♬ 8 bad guy bury a friend ilomilo  my strange addiction wish you were gay  xanny 
Birthday Party - AJR 
Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz
broken - lovelytheband
Caffeine and Dopamine - Keepitinside
Camila Cabello Find U Again  Señorita  ♪ from her album Romance ♬ Bad Kind of Butterflies  Liar My Oh My Shameless  Should’ve Said It
Cardi B Money Please Me
Catch Feelings - Henry Young & Zachary
Céline - Gallant
Cemetery - Coin
Chanel - Frank Ocean
Chase - Aaron Carpenter
Cherry Cola - Kuwada
Cigarette - offonoff & Tablo & MISO
Clairo Sofia Throwaway
Close to Me - Ellie Goulding & Diplo & Swae Lee
Cold - Boy In Space & unheard
Come My Way - Plvtinum
Conan Gray Generation Why Greek God  Maniac The King 
Creep - Radiohead (GAMPER remix & Dadoni & Ember Island)
Crush - Lucian & Tiffany Day
Crying My Eyes Out - Stephen Puth
Crystal Dolphin - Engelwood
Dangerous Love - Justice Carradine
David Guetta Better When You’re Gone Blame It on Love
Daya Insomnia Left Me Yet Wanted
Don’t Be Gone Too Long - Chris Brown
Don’t Lie to Me - Lena
Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa
Eric Nam ♪ from his album Before We Begin ♬ Congratulations  Love Die Young
Everything - TobyMac
Eyes Wide Shut -  Glades 
Falling - Trevor Daniel
Fine - Rufus
Finneas I Don’t Miss You at All  Let’s Fall in Love for the Night
Fitz and the Tantrums Hand Clap Out of My League
Flower - Johnny Stimson
Friends - Feyde
Funeral - Miguel
G-Eazy 1942 Nadie Como Tu 
Get Away - Ed Black
Giants - Becky G & Keke Palmer & Soyeon & Duckwrth & Thutmose
Glass Animals Life Itself The Other Side of Paradise 
Greyson Chance Boots Shut Up
Halsey Eastside Graveyard
Heart in Tokyo - Good Gasoline
Heartstrings - STVN & Jenna Carlie
Her - Alex Aiono
Hey Violet Better by Myself Queen of the Night
High School - Umi
Hometown Smile - Bahjat
Honne  Crying Over You  Day 1
How Do You Sleep? - Sam Smith
IDK - Bruce Wiegner
I Fall in Like Too Easily - Ashton Arbab
I Feel Love - Suggi
If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes
If You Need Me - Julia Michaels
If You’re Over Me - Years & Years
I Heart You - Baby Ariel
I’ll Be There - King Henry & Sasha Sloan
ILYA - Fly By Midnight
In Betweenin’ - Austin Brown
Indiana Massara Apology Smoke in My Eyes
i think i love you (but i dont like you) - push baby
It’s Not You It’s Me - 6LACK & Bea Miller
Japanese Denim - Daniel Caesar
Jaymes Young Infinity  Northern Lights 
Joji Sanctuary  Test Drive Yeah Right
Jonas Brothers Only Human Sucker
Juliet - Sebastian Javier
June - Sage Charmaine
Just My Luck - Tia Ray & Kehlani
Kailee Morgue Go to Sleep Headcase
Katy Perry 365 Harleys in Hawaii
Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy
Lalala - Y2K, bbno$
Last Hurrah - Bebe Rexha
Lauv Drugs & the Internet I’m So Tired
Lava Lamp - Dandi
Left to Right - Marteen
Lennon Stella La Di Da Polaroid Workin’ on It
Lifeguard - iamnotshane
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Love Me Wrong - Allie X & Troye Sivan
Love You Like That - Dagny
Madison Beer Fools  Hurts Like Hell
Maggie Lindemann Friends Go Would I
MAGIC! Girl at Coachella Lay You Down Easy 
Make You Mine - Public
Mango Love - Shawn Wasabi & SATICA
Mask - joe.k
MAX Love Me Less One Two Things Worship
Middle of the Night - Monsta X
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince - Taylor Swift
MØ Blur Don’t Leave Kamikaze Nostalgia  On & On  Red Wine 
Mona Lisa - Valntn & Peter Fenn
mxmtoon Blame Game Prom Dress
My Family - Karol G & Migos & Rock Mafia & Snoop Dogg
Nobody - Emilee
No Sleep - Martin Garrix & Bonn
Nostalgia - The Beamish Brothers
NOTD Keep You Mine Romantic (NOTD remix) So Close
Ocean Man - Ween
October - Alessia Cara
Oh Wonder I Wish I Never Met You Super Love
Only You - Cheat Codes & Little Mix
On the Low - Justin Park
Pardon Me - Dion
Permission - New Hope Club
Pharmacy - Isaac Dunbar
Pink - No Rome
Post Malone ♪ from his album Hollywood’s Bleeding ♬ A Thousand Bad Times Circles Die for Me  Goodbyes Take What You Want 
Quinn XCII U & Us Wayback (remix)
R3HAB All Comes Back To You Don’t Give Up on Me Now Lullaby This Is How We Party
Raincoat - Kieron Lee & Chloe Ho
Rebels - Ivy Adara
Red Sippy Cup - Ellis G & Tristen the God
Rei Brown Picture Frames Real Love
Rescue Me - OneRepublic
Right Now - Nick Jonas & Robin Schulz
Rolex - Ayo & Teo
Roots - Galantis & Valerie Broussard
Roxanne - Arizona Zervas
Ruel Free Time Real Thing Younger
Say It to My Face - Maty Noyes
Selena Gomez Bad Liar I Can’t Get Enough
Sick Thoughts - Lewis Blissett
Skeletons - keshi
Speechless - Dan + Shay
Stay Home - Faye Risakotta
Sugarplum Elegy - Niki
Summer Love - Hyu
Summer Time High Time - Cuco & J-Kwe$t
Summertime in Paris - Jaden & Willow
Suncity - Khalid & Empress Of
Superfruit - Maude Latour
Sweet Little Lies -  bülow
Swimming in Your Feelings - Haven
Talking Loud - Jennifer Zhang
Tell Me - Mika-Intersection
tell me how you rly feel - adam&steve & Lostboycrow
Tessa Violet Bad Ideas Crush
Thank You - Junny
The Chainsmokers Family Kills You Slowly Takeaway
The Vamps All Night All the Lies Can We Dance  Just My Type  Middle of the Night Missing You  Somebody to You  We Don’t Care 
Think About Me - dvsn
Tired - Jasmine Sokko
Tomorrow Tonight - Loote
Virtual Reality - ieuan
Waste My Time - Grace VanderWaal
Why Don’t We Come to Brazil I Don’t Belong in This Club I Still Do Mad At You  Unbelievable  What Am I (Casualkimono remix)
Why Don’t We - Austin Mahone
Why Haven’t I Met You? - Cameron Dallas
Woke Up Late - Drax Project & Hailee Steinfield
Yellow Hearts - Ant Saunders
Yoandri All the Way Bravo Cherry on Top It’ll Be Ok Only You
You & Me - Marc E. Bassy
You Got Issues - spring gang & Amaranthine
Young the Giant Apartment  Cough Syrup
Zayn Rumors There You Are
In French:
Tous Les Mêmes - Stromae
In Spanish:
Rebeca - Mc Livinho & Gerex & Maejor
Teléfono - Aitana (remix with Lele Pons)
Monster Gambling in Tokyo - Idealism
Sorry I Like You - Burbank
Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit
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