#lump sum
attollogame · 5 months
Will Non Patreon subscribers have to wait until all three routes are released on Patreon until we get new game content??? That means at least a year and a half (6 months × 3)
well i am trying to write a little faster LMAO.
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empty-styrofoam · 2 months
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Balance we won’t know. We will see when it gets warm.
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bon iver - blindsided - 0.57-1.06 you can hear faint heartbeat you can thank me later
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lastraintolondon · 13 days
lump sum
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Durante mi segundo año en Londres tuve mi primera ruptura “de verdad” (me dejó por mensaje). Era plena pandemia y sólo se podia salir a pasear una vez al día como gran cosa. Ese día, la banda sonora de mi paseo fueron los 40 minutos del disco For Emma, Forever Ago de Bon Iver (en orden, fundamental). Juro que después del final de Re:stacks (la última canción del disco, que acaba con 1 minuto de silencio en el que se puede escuchar a Justin Vernon soltar la guitarra y hacerse paso entre el crepitar de la madera de su cabaña de exilio en Wisconsin), me sentí infinitamente mejor.  Desde entonces, cada vez que estoy un poco triste, me pongo mis airpods y repito este proceso. 
Mi primera noche en Londres, llegué sola con dos maletas inmensas a la residencia de estudiantes que sería mi hogar durante todo ese año. Para mi sorpresa e inocencia, la habitación únicamente contaba con un colchón desnudo lleno de pelos negros larguísimos de la anterior inquilina, una cocinita abierta completamente desequipada a dos metros de la cama, y un baño minúsculo que descubrí en mi primera ducha que estaba totalmente taponado por los pelos de mi predecesora.
Esa noche, sentada (entre lloros) en el colchón en el que iba a tener que dormir envuelta en el único abrigo que me había traído, lo último que me quedaba para evadirme (sin wifi) era el Itunes del portátil que me habían regalado (cedido) mis padres antes de irme, con toda la biblioteca musical de nuestros viajes en coche al norte de España en verano. De repente sonó una canción que siempre me había encantando, pero de la que no sabía el nombre y mucho menos había escuchado realmente la letra. Lump Sum, de Bon Iver (del disco mencionado anteriormente). La voz rota y reconfortante de Vernon narraba como lo había dejado todo atrás para exiliarse en una pequeña cabaña aislada del mundo a componer (uno de los mejores álbumes de la historia si me preguntáis). Mi primera amiga de la universidad me tatuó el título de la canción en el hombro ese mismo año.
Llevo 3 sesiones de láser para quitármelo. Durante mi vida en Londres, ese tatuaje fue como un tótem para mi. Pero, no obstante que For Emma, Forever Ago sigue siendo mi disco favorito, creo que cada vez me hace menos falta. Al fin y al cabo, siempre hay que dejar algo atrás para volver a empezar.
En la foto: Justin Vernon, aka Bon Iver, en su cabaña cerca de Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
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reachingworldlive · 9 months
Winning the Lottery? Lump Sum vs. Annuity: Which Should You Take?
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Tips For Building and Preserving Wealth.
How To Build Wealth? Building and preserving wealth is a goal shared by many individuals. But, it can be a challenging task that requires strategic planning and discipline. With the constant fluctuations of the economy and ever-changing financial landscape, it’s essential to have a long-term perspective. Having a solid understanding of the best practices to achieve and maintain financial…
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gupta-investment · 1 year
In order to get a lump sum payment at the policy's maturity, endowment plans assist the insured in routinely saving over a cer
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how much money do you guys think mcr made off of destroya being in that one episode of teen wolf?
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
I had an extremely baffling encounter in my complex the other day wherein a nice looking lady was hovering around looking lost and frustrated. I made eye contact and rolled down my window and she hurried over in delight.
She was trying to get ahold of the people in the apartment next to mine and asked if I knew them. I said, sorry, no. She looked so crestfallen that I added, “Look, I’m a stranger and you have no reason to trust me, but if you have something you need to give them I’ll pass it along. I can leave a note on their door.”
She was absolutely ecstatic and said yes very gratefully. She told me she works for a company that just pays you to watch TV and was trying to get them to opt in. My scam senses started tingling as she gave me the pitch for her company but she didn’t ask for info or anything.
She was so grateful she ended up giving me the gift basket she was carrying as thanks for delivering the message. She asked if I’d like the opportunity if they turned it down. I cautiously said yes and took her info to give to the next door tenants.
To my surprise when I looked into it the company was completely legit, no associated scams popped up at all and it’s basically like winning the lotto to be one of their families. I scoped out the neighbor and saw the note and the packages on their doorstep had gone but they never contacted me. So I got to text her and say they didn’t seem interested, but I was.
She came by today to go over everything and talk about it and I’m pretty jazzed for it in general. So like, being a nice person pays off sometimes.
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wuggen · 1 month
The thing about the thousand a day vs ten mil lump sum thing is that I place a very high value on not having to think or worry or care about finances. I am not interested in optimizing the amount of money I'm making if there is an available alternative that allows me to live comfortably and help my loved ones to do the same without ever having to think about finances ever again. Sure with a ten million lump sum you could set yourself up to make more than a thousand a day with even the safest possible investments, but consider that a thousand a day is more than enough, it's stable and guaranteed without me having to do any financial setup, and I don't give a fuck beyond that
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spiderversegf · 18 days
i love you rico nasty
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ithidunes · 3 months
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More! Pen! Madness! Yippie🎉
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globby · 1 month
I’m getting a 4k pay increase (bc I’m below the new floor that was just negotiated)!!! Not including like 4.5% in other increases in august
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scp-69 · 5 months
i think car insurance should be free if youre cute
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my usaa savings account exists essentially to pay off my student loan payment. which gets larger and larger. and that’s not even the one that’s about to start payments this fall. yippee
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rhysnolastname · 19 days
car insurance so expensive,…..been shopping around. switched this morning which saves me $1000 a year. yay. still very expensive……
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