#luna's review
lunas-otome-blog · 2 months
Luna's Review: Jack Jeanne
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Official Summary:
Kisa is about to give up her dream of becoming an actor when she is given the opportunity to enroll at the prestigious all boys Univeil Drama School that she has always admired and dreamed of attending. She is granted admission with two rigid conditions: be chosen as the lead in the final performance and hide her identity as a girl!
Competition at the school is fierce and the rivalry is real! Will Kisa be able to forge powerful bonds with her all-male classmates while competing against them?
Will she be cast as the lead in the final performance at the end of the year all while keeping her secret?
Luna's Thoughts (Spoiler Free)
I don't particularly like rhythm games or stat building games — I'm more of a straightforward visual novel kinda girl. But I chose to play Jack Jeanne because I read a glowing recommendation on another game blog.
I admit, I struggled with this game at the beginning. The impetus for the protagonist joining an all-boys school was, in my opinion, too fast, poorly explained and lazily written, and I feared the whole game would feel that way.
But I was pleasantly surprised as the plot unfolded. Subtly charming, Jack Jeanne is a rare otoge that doesn't feel the need for epic events or contrived details. The straightforward plot follows the protagonist through a full school year during which she become confident in her skills as an actor, charms her fellow classmates and works toward her ultimate goal of catching up to her brother.
Once I got used to a few things, I found myself enjoying this game immensely. The character development is slow, natural and gorgeous. Every main character gets at least one satisfying arc, including the protagonist. The cast is complex and enjoyable — even the side characters are pretty well fleshed out. And I cannot believe how many side characters get full sprites, cgs and sometimes even character arcs themselves. Fitting to a game about theater, Jack Jeanne features a true ensemble cast.
This is a pretty unusual otoge, as the majority of the plot is common route, with some special scenes mixed in depending on who your affection is highest with. You don't get into a "route" until pretty close to the end of the game. When you do, though, the final performance is highly customized based on your love interest character.
The first time I heard the songs in this game, I didn't think much of them. During my second playthrough, I caught myself humming a few. After the third time, I downloaded the whole playlist onto my phone lol. Some of them are absolute BANGERS. I didn't particularly enjoy the rhythm games, but I acknowledge that's just a personal preference. The game does not penalize you for playing on super easy mode — thank god — so that's what I did most of the time. Even hard mode is pretty easy for the most part.
The game arcs are broken up into sections depending on what play/musical is being performed. Jack Jeanne does a great job of showing you rehearsal scenes without completely giving away everything about the story, so you still get to enjoy the play yourself during the performance. And every sprite gets a new, gorgeous costume for EVERY play. It made me genuinely excited to get to that portion of the game each time.
I do want to talk about the art in this game. The cgs are lovely, but tend to feel ethereal as they are painterly and many lack backgrounds, creating the illusion that the characters are floating in space. I liked them but they are a different art style than the sprites, which felt inconsistent. Add to that a rather adorable cel-shade chibi style, which is used for the stat-building scenes, and you have three completely different art styles used for this game. I'd have preferred some consistency.
I also wish Kisa had a sprite on screen, because we don't get to see what she looks like except in cgs. It's a bummer because she's so cute~
Other than that, all my other complaints have to do with the format of the game. Due to the nature of it being a stat builder, the pacing of the relationship pursuit feels off. You get these really lovely occasional heartwarming scenes with the character you're pursuing when they're triggered, but then they're not acknowledged in the next scene. It interrupts the flow of the plot. But if you're used to stat builders, this will probably not be a problem for you.
Gripes aside, Jack Jeanne is a thoughtful, delicate and delightful look into a group of students doing their best to advance their skills and follow their dreams. I highly recommend checking it out.
Here are a few spoiler-free tips of things I wish I knew before I started the game that will help you through it if you decide to play:
As this game is SUPER LONG and mostly common route, you'll be doing a lot of skipping after your first playthrough. Unfortunately, as there are lots of scenes that are gently customized based on your love interest, you can't just leave it skipping for long intervals. I recommend finding something else to do while you're skipping and just keep an eye on the game so you can breeze through the common portion.
You don't have to start at the beginning every time. For the first two performances, try to maintain equal affection and stat levels for each romanceable character before summer break, and then save. You can use this as a flexible save file and pursue your character of choice from here.
When you're ready to aim for a route, only take lessons in that character's stat until you get to level 30. It will take almost the entire rest of the game. Only see that character during days off until you max out affection. If your character isn't available during days off, go to Mona Star School and raise their stat. You need to get to level 30 to unlock a special post-game scene for each character.
"Weekend with Ion" is just a way to get extra rhythm game practice and you don't have to do it.
If you're playing the game right (IE not failing the stats or rhythm games), there aren't any "bad" choices; just choices that give you affection points for certain characters. When you get onto a specific route, choices are just flavor. Feel free to pick different things each time and see what happens.
Please find below my thoughts on the protagonist and each romanceable character in the order I pursued them. Don't read sections marked with spoilers if you want to avoid them!
(Spoilers) Kisa Tachibana (protagonist)
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Kisa Tachibana is one of the best otoge protagonists I've ever played. I have a lot to say on her, so I'll get the bad out of the way first.
I was a little disappointed with Kisa's writing at the beginning. We know she looks up to her brother Tsuki and wants to be an actor like him, but she's given up on even going to high school because she needs to support her family. But the opportunity for her to attend Univeil comes up so quickly that her struggle and longing are not really fleshed out.
We also don't get an explanation on why her brother was allowed to go to a (seemingly expensive) drama school, nor why he isn't using his success to send money back to the family. In fact, the game just casually mentions Tsuki has vanished without a trace, and nobody seems that concerned about it. Kisa is sad but doesn't seem to question where he is or what he's doing, and nobody asks her about it, even after figuring out she's related to him. And no, this is never addressed, even at the end of the game.
Anyway, onto the good.
Kisa is an amazing otoge protagonist. She goes through not just one, but many character arcs, learning from and responding to her classmates (and even other classes) and becoming not just a better actor but also a better friend and teammate. Unlike a lot of otome game protags, Kisa doesn't get a lot of down time to reconcile her thoughts. Instead, you're left to largely understand her thinking and feelings through dialogue, making her feel less like the game's protagonist and more like a regular character. I didn't like this at first but I came to appreciate it as the game went on.
Every character teaches Kisa something about herself and something about acting. She learns how to feel comfortable in the spotlight, but she also learns it's just as important to prop up other actors. And she gets to go through different arcs depending on her romance choice.
She also has to learn how to perform as a Jack (male character) and struggles with this in a way that felt natural. She even ends up overcorrecting and finds it hard to go back to playing a woman.
My absolute favorite arc of hers is when she decides she has to embrace her femininity in order to make a show a success. This, to me, is the culmination of the whole game, as Kisa decides to risk being discovered in order to help her classmates shine. Of course, if you play all the routes, you realize she actually isn't doing a great job of hiding her gender at all lol. But fortunately she's endeared herself to her classmates so much that they don't mind.
Overall, 10/10 otoge protagonist.
(Spoilers) Kai Mutsumi
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I chose to play Kai's route first, because tbh I thought his sprite was ugly and I wanted to get it out of the way lol. I did warm up to it eventually. And I regret playing his route first because Kai is an utter cutie patootie and I fell hard for him.
He tells you really early on that he only sees himself as a way to highlight the Al Jeanne (female lead). So his character arc is about him acknowledging that he also wants the spotlight, and Kisa helps him by highlighting him.
Though Kai is usually quiet, contemplative and reserved, once he and Kisa have acknowledged their feelings for one another, he starts getting jealous, both of Fumi (as a rival) and of Tsuki-nii (as Kisa's inspiration.) It's heartbreaking but really satisfying to learn that Kai feels emotions just as intensely as everyone else but didn't know where to direct them. I love him so much!
Kai also gives you one of the only laugh-out-loud moments of the game during the common route. I won't spoil it but it involves a certain weasel in the forest.
Kai's is one of the more intense routes, so I would perhaps save it for a bit later if you're wanting to get the lighter stuff out of the way first.
(Spoilers) Suzu Orimaki
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Suzu is the genki character of the game, and the senpais make fun of his dancing at the beginning, so I thought the running gag would be that he sucks. But I was pleasantly surprised. Suzu is shown to be committed, a good actor and surprisingly quick with memorizing his lines, though he does make some stupid mistakes throughout. I adored him as the Sleepless King.
Suzu's route is the one I would call the most generic as far as otoges go. A lot of his route is him struggling with his feelings for Kisa. He starts to like her before he's sure she's a girl, and once he knows for sure, he has a really hard time hiding his feelings. To his credit, he also discovers Kisa is a girl on his own, showing he's smarter than we're led to believe.
If you wanted something more nuanced, maybe Suzu's not the character for you, but I really enjoyed it. The more a character struggles with their feelings, the better, imho lol. The cutest scene is after Kisa gives him sweets for valentines day, and he just can't handle how happy is is. You can't help but love Suzu!
You do actually get a lot of character growth as far as acting goes in Suzu's route — just not with Suzu himself. It's Kamiya — one of the side characters, who fanboys over the amazing Tanakamigi, one of Kisa's rivals in a different class — who gets to experience his own arc this time. While it doesn't feel totally resolved in the end, it was nice to see the game highlight some other characters as a result of the decisions Kisa has made.
I also really loved Mare-chan's little arc, as he learns to appreciate standing on stage with his brother. Actually, all the first years are highlighted in this route, which was fun.
Unlike Kai's route, Suzu doesn't confess to Kisa until the very end of his route — but it's very sweet when he does. Overall, Suzu's route felt like a very normal otoge route, but not in a bad way. He's very kind and protective of Kisa. It's hard not to like him.
(Spoilers) Soshiro Yonaga
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Sou shows obvious signs of being into Kisa, even during the common route, so I figured I'd get a nice little bit of angst in his route. I normally play the childhood friend route closer to the end, but while I really enjoyed Sou's role and growth in the common route, he was such a little jealous bitch in Suzu's route (lol) that I decided to play him next. He pissed me off so much haha. I thought it would be over when he punches Suzu after Suzu discovers Kisa is a girl — something like a send-off to his rival, knowing he can't compete. But he proceeds to be whiny and annoying throughout all the rest of Suzu's route, and this made me want to get his route out of the way.
Sou on his own route is a lot better. He actually impressed me with how straightforward he is. He's the first character (that I played) who confirms he is properly dating Kisa on his route, and his confession was really brave, direct and passionate. It's sad to think that he loves Kisa in every route but won't tell her. He even followed Tsuki to Univeil just to see her again T_T
I was very excited to see we'd be getting some Momonashi context in this route, because he's easily the most mysterious character in the game. You never really understand his motivations, and he always hides his thoughts with a smile. It excited me that he was chosen to be Amber's Al Jeanne this time around, and he is every bit as dark and horrifying as I wanted.
This is also the first route (I played) in which Kisa does not get the lead role by default. I nearly had a heart attack and thought I failed the route because it was so different from Kai's and Suzu's routes. Rest assured, this is what's supposed to happen and it all works out ok. Mitsuki's subtle understanding of the things going on around him is also critical in this route.
But back to Sou. He actually goes through a few different arcs in his own route. While I thought it ultimately ended up ok, I would have liked to see the version of Sou infected with Momonshi's darkness for a little longer. He's only there for a little bit before Suzu's anger snaps him out of it. The back-and-forth of Sou's route felt a little disjointed, and in some places too similar to his plot during the common route.
But ultimately I was very proud of him when he pumps up the crowd during the final performance. Sou comes a long way and his route ends with the promise that there's more to come. Good for you, Sou-chan!
(Spoilers) Mitsuki Shirota
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Mitsuki is the standoffish character, so he's the only romanceable character who is outwardly rude to you at the beginning of the game. I sometimes have trouble with this sort of character, so I was a little worried about him. But I didn't need to be — ultimately, he became one of my favorites.
Mitsuki is the most observant character in the game. He notices subtle changes and tells Neji to back off when he's putting too much pressure on people. And he's the first to tell Kisa he'll accept her no matter what. Mitsuki is so important to making this game work.
He knows he's good at singing, but when he's put in a starring role, he crumbles under the pressure. Obviously Kisa helps him stand up again, but it was really gratifying to know his aggression comes from a place of fear.
While learning to enjoy the spotlight is part of his common route arc, doing a Mitsuki playthrough really adds to this, as you learn how much Kisa's secrecy is weighing on him. He knows something's up right away, and as he comes to trust and admire Kisa, he begins feeling sad that she doesn't trust him enough to unload on him. There's a particularly poignant scene where he undresses in front of her — something we know he's afraid to do for anyone else. Mitsuki's cutscenes really emphasize his words to Kisa on stage as Rukiora and Chikachina, roles that parallel their own experiences.
I will say that, like Mitsuki himself, his route is very subtle as he quietly influences those around him. You don't get a lot of Amber students in this one, as his focus is more on the second years of Rhodonite and Onyx. He quietly fires them up, and it's so sweet to see how the second years, previously in the shadow of Tsuki Tachibana, become determined to do their best because of Mitsuki.
My only gripe for this route was that we didn't get any more Mitsuki background. His mother appears in a really intense cutscene toward the beginning of the game, so you know he's got family stuff going on, but we never really get any more elaboration on that.
Anyway, I love this boyee so much and I just want to give him a hug.
(Spoilers) Sarafumi Takashina
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Honestly, I shipped Fumi with Kai more than with Kisa. They had such a nice and supportive relationship.
Fumi is calm, confident and pretty. He tells Kisa he likes her early in the game. He's a mysterious character under a lot of pressure, but you wouldn't know it unless you participate in his cutscenes. If you pay attention, you'll notice he gives nearly everyone nicknames.
Fumi's main game arc involves him growing complacent with the theater because nobody can match him. It's up to Kisa (with help from Sou) to fire him up again.
I tend to have trouble with flirty characters, but Fumi is so confident and kind that I liked him quite a bit. Because he's so aware of his own skills, I was wondering what his next arc would be in his route. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's Kisa who gets to experience the most growth in Fumi's route as she struggles with the pressure of working alongside Quartz's star.
While perhaps not as dramatic as some of the other routes, Fumi and Kisa work together to understand each other, both on stage and off, and do their best to become suitable partners for one another. Fumi is also grooming Kisa to be the next star of Quartz, so there's a bittersweet dynamic of passing the baton here, too.
There weren't any dramatic twists and turns, but Fumi's route felt natural and gentle. It was a good conclusion for these two. He's also the only character other than Sou who confirms he's dating Kisa by the end of the route, which I appreciated.
(Spoilers) Neji Kokuto
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Neji is the least serious character in the game acting-wise. He's silly and jokes around, and never gives himself a huge role in any of his own plays. But he's ultimately the one pulling the strings, and he seems to have an extremely good grasp on every character's strengths and weaknesses. He's also the only character who doesn't get his own arc in the common route.
However, I was disappointed with some of his cutscenes during the common route. While I appreciate that he deals with the deep trauma of losing his father with humor and spontaneity, I thought it was an oversimplification for him to say he's afraid of women. The resulting scenes don't feel serious enough and it didn't feel natural that Kisa would fall for him.
If he were simply afraid of falling in love, which is what ultimately led his father (allegedly) to losing his creative flow, I could understand that a bit more. But to have him attend an all-boy's school just because he feels like all women are a risk seemed like a strange move for a game that has been really inclusive about gender so far. It felt very off-putting for Neji, who often puts himself into a female role, to fear women.
But once he realizes Kisa is a girl — once he realizes he knew it all along and was trying to block it from his mind — the tone becomes very dark and sad. My heart was pounding as I felt the weeks go by with no script for the final performance. It was thrilling simply because I didn't know what to expect. It's so different from the other routes.
But I wish Neji was able to express his emotions a bit more. In the end, even as he was contemplating throwing himself into the sea, he wasn't able to be completely serious. I would have appreciated a scene where his walls fully break down, in which he's able to fully embrace Kisa as a woman and appreciate the weight of his own feelings.
I also never felt like Crowley, the character Neji plays in the final performance, was suited to be a main character. He never opens up or shows any weakness. He's just a silly guy and didn't feel like the lead at any point.
I did like how Neji ultimately decides to move forward, even being unable to write. But of course, at the end, Neji is suddenly able to write again. I knew it was coming, but it was a rather convenient ending.
Ultimately, I felt Neji's route was the least successful. I wish he got more growth in his own route. I did love him proposing to Kisa at the end though. It felt very in keeping with his character.
(Spoilers) Kisa Route
This is the route you get if you choose not to spend Christmas Eve with anyone, and it's the closest this game gets to a true ending.
Boy, does it deliver. It ties in all the themes from the game into a really strong ending, where every character feels valuable and Kisa gets to lead Quartz to a strong finish. We also finally get an explanation for the title of the game, as Kisa takes on a special role — neither male nor female, just the protagonist who everyone falls in love with.
A fantastic final route for a fantastic game!
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heidismagblog · 2 months
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survivalistghost · 6 months
whatever interpretation of god kdramas seem to have looks right
first we had the little girl god from doom at your service
then we had the multiple MaGos from hotel del luna
now we have the old beggar lady from my demon
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kpopscatterbrain · 6 months
Kdramas/Movies with strong female characters
Eve (2022): Lee La-El (Seo Yea-Ji) When Lee La-El was little, her father died unexpectedly. Powerful people were responsible for his death. After her family was destroyed, Lee La-El prepared for the next 13 years to take revenge. Starting by targeting Kang Yoon-gyeom, one of the main culprits who orchestrated the death of her father. Along the way she becomes torn between her desire for revenge and her feelings for Yoon-gyeom.
It's Okay To Not Be Okay (2020): Ko Moon-Young (Seo Yea-Ji) Ko Moon-Young is a popular children's book author with antisocial personality disorder. She had a troubled childhood and a turbulent relationship with her parents. She develops romantic feelings for a psychiatric caregiver after a coincidental encounter and often goes to extreme lengths to get his attention.
Hotel Del Luna (2019): Jang Man-Wol (IU) Jang Man-Wol is the moody owner of Hotel del Luna. The hotel catering to the dead has been bound to her soul in order to atone for the sins she committed 1,300 years ago. Through the new manager Gu Chan-sung, the mysteries and the secrets behind the hotel and its owner are revealed
My Name (2021): Yoon Ji-Woo (Han So-Hee) Yoon Ji-Woo’s father gets murdered suddenly. She wants to desperately take revenge on whoever is responsible for her father's death. She starts working for a drug crime ring that her father was a part of. Ji-Woo joins the police department as a mole for the drug ring.
Vagabond (2019): Go Hae-Ri (Bae Suzy) Go Hae-Ri is an NIS agent and is currently working undercover at the Korean embassy in Morocco. She is tasked to help the bereaved families of a fatal flight. She helps Cha Dal-Geon whose nephew was on the flight uncover a darker and more sinister conspiracy than they expected.
Sisyphus: The Myth (2021): Gang Seo-Hae (Park Shin-Hye) Gang Seo-Hae is an elite warrior. She can take down the biggest men with just her bare hands. She is a sharpshooter and a bombmaker. She learned these skills to survive in a world that is dominated by gangsters and military cliques. One day she time travels to save a genius engineer.
Mr. Sunshine (2018): Go Ae-Shin (Kim Tae-Ri) Go Ae-Shin is an orphaned noblewoman and a member of the Righteous Army. Her parents were independence fighters who died in Japan due to their colleague's betrayal. She trains as a sniper. An american soldier Eugene meets and falls in love with Go Ae-shin. 
The Glory (2022): Moon Dong-Eun (Song Hye-Kyo) Moon Dong-Eun was a victim of high school violence. She waited for the bully ring leader get married and have a child. Now she is the homeroom teacher of her tormentor's child. Her cruel revenge plot begins.
Tomorrow (2022): Koo Ryeon (Kim Hee-Seon) Grim reaper Koo Ryeon is the leader of a crisis management team. The teams objective is to save suicidal people. Choi Jun-Woong (Ro Woon) is a young job seeker who is unable to secure a job. One night, he accidentally becomes a new member of the crisis management team.
Remarriage & Desires (2022): Seo Hye-Seung (Kim Hee-Seon) Seo Hye-seung who lost everything in an instant after her husbands affair and su*cide. She signs up to a matchmaking company Rex for the upper class, and participates in the race of her desires for her revenge.
Under The Queen's Umbrella (2022): Queen Hwaryeong (Kim Hye-Soo) Queen Hwaryeong is supposed to act with grace and dignity, but she has troublemaker sons. The queen decides to abandon strict protocols to transform her sons into deserving princes through education and personal growth, all while navigating the complexities of motherhood and royal life.
Juvenile Justice (2022): Sim Eun-Seok (Kim Hye-Soo) Sim Eun-Seok is an elite judge with a personality that seems unfriendly to others. She hates juvenile criminals and gets assigned to a local juvenile court. There, she breaks custom and administers her own ways of punishing the offenders.
Kill Boksoon (2023): Gil Bok-Soon (Jeon Do-Yeon) Gil Bok-Soon is a single mother and a contract killer working for M. K. Ent. Highly regarded by her peers, she has a 100% success rate and is one of a few killers rated "A" by her company. Right before Gil Bok-Soon is set to renew her contract, she gets involved in a kill or be killed confrontation.
Ballerina (2023): Jang Ok-Ju (Jun Jong-Seo) Ok-Ju used to work as a bodyguard. Ok-Ju is friends with Min-Hee, who is a ballerina. Min-Hee asks Ok-Ju for a favor. She wants Ok-Ju to take revenge.
The Witch: Subversion (2018): Ja-Yoon (Kim Da-Mi) A young girl escapes from a mysterious laboratory where she was trained to become a murder weapon. 10 years later, the girl, named Ja-yoon, is living a normal life, apparently without any memory of her past, she becomes involved in a crime.
Special Delivery (2022): Eun-Ha (Park So-Dam) Eun-Ha is a special driver for deliveries. She delivers anything or anyone for the right price. Her success rate is 100%, but she gets involved in an unexpected delivery accident.
Brave Citizen (2023): So Shi-Min (Shin Hae-Sun) So Shi-Min used to be a boxer in her student days. She now works as a contract teacher at a high school. She confronts a school bully, who frequently torments other students.
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belpheg0r-luna · 6 months
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buldakdrama · 11 months
5 Fantasy K-Drama to take you on a trip to Fantasia
K-dramas have always been the biggest and best escape for us fans. After a long and tiring day at work or school, all we want is to melt down into the couch and watch our comfort Kdramas for the ultimate healing. This comfort may add up with some thrill and excitement and take the overall experience on a different level when the theme of the drama deals with fantasy.
Just imagine, a bowl full of snacks and a magical mystical drama to make you forget about all the struggles about the day - exciting, isn’t it? 
This is what brings us here today to write about the 5 fantasy K-dramas that will leave you wailing for more. So, let's get into the list, 
1. Goblin - The lonely and great god (2016)
When the talk is about fantasy k-dramas, there is no way Goblin - the lonely and great god can be missed!  This 2016 drama is undoubtedly one of the exemplary ones in kdrama history. It tells the story of a military general Kim Shin, played by Gong Yoo, who is framed and killed as a traitor. He, however, becomes an immortal Goblin because of the curse he receives from the almighty. The only person to help break his curse is Goblin’s Bride, played by Kim Go Eun as Ji Eun Tak. This drama also features Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na in two very interesting roles. The storyline progresses as the Goblin meets Ji Eun Tak and falls in love on the way to seek his respite from his immortal life. Ji Eun Tak also accepts magical changes in her life brought by the Goblin. This drama is a perfect inclusion in your list if you fancy supernatural boyfriends. Moreover, the magical elements, such as seeing ghosts, opening doors to different places, flying cutlery, summoning Goblin with a blown-out candle etc., can work as the perfect distraction of the heavy angst hidden behind. All in all, this drama certainly has the potential to become one of your most favorite dramas of all time and that is why you should give it a try if you have not yet. 
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2. Hotel Del Luna (2019)
Till this date Hotel Del Luna is one of the most unique dramas to be ever made. From the plot to the characterization, everything is unmatched. This 2019 fantasy drama deals with the story of a supernatural hotel, where the souls of deceased people come and rest for a few days before they carry on their journey towards their next life. Hotel Del Luna is run by Jung Man Wol, played by IU, who is bound to this hotel in a neither alive nor dead state due to the sins she committed in her lifetime. The only way Jung Man Wol can break free is by seeing off the very last guest of the hotel. However, for that she needs some assistance and that is provided by the hotel’s new manager Koo Chan Sung, played by Yoo Jin Goo. The story unfolds one by one as Man Wol and Chan Sung solve various issues associated with the guests of the hotel, gradually seeing off the staff Man Wol has worked closely with. This magical theme of the drama goes hand in hand with the philosophical development. Man Wol and Chan Sung duo sometimes fight evil spirits with magical powers and sometimes they root for helping out their ghost guests with their (freshly-ended) life conflicts as they keep on entertaining the viewers without a single boring episode. Hotel Del Luna not only brings a magical refreshment but also enriches the viewers with some crucial life lessons in a very philosophical way. And that is what makes it a must watch for you.
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3. Tale of the Nine tailed (2020)
Are you interested in Korean folklore? And do you enjoy horror? If yes, then Tale of the Nine Tailed is the right drama for you. This 2020 drama tells of a tale associated with a Gumiho, nine tailed fox and his immortal journey to find his first love’s reincarnated version in 2020. Lee Yeon, played by Lee Dong Wook, is a nine tailed fox who gave up his mountain spirit position to find his first love, A Eum, again. A Eum is now reincarnated as Nam Ji Ah, played by Jo Bo Ah, who comes across Lee Yeon while looking for her lost parents. The story progresses when Lee Rang, Lee Yeon’s brother (played by Kim Bum), wakes up the imoogi in order to take revenge on his brother. Imoogi, played by Lee Tae Ri, is the main villain of the story and makes the drama more and more intriguing. The drama is sometimes bone-chilling, sometimes packed with action and sometimes deals with loneliness of the characters’ lives. Again, if you are a fan of the supernatural boyfriend trope then you are bound to enjoy Tale of the Nine tailed.
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4. The King: Eternal Monarch (2019)
Fantasy mixed with royalty, that too in modern context? Perfect, isn’t it? Yes, that is what you get from The King: Eternal Monarch. The story of this 2019 drama sets in place when the King of Kingdom of Corea, Lee Gon, played by Lee Min Ho, finds a door that leads him to a parallel world, and he lands in Republic of Korea. There he comes across Lieutenant Jung Tae Eul, played by Kim Go Eun, someone he already knew but never got to see before. They fall in love as the story progresses but start to face several complications as two different worlds start mixing up with each other due to the villain’s advances. The fantasia of this drama lies in the magical power of a royal flute, which can open doors to several different versions of the universe, can delay death and age, can change, stop and help in traveling through time. The drama is a perfect example of a rom-com with a magical backdrop, a perfect choice when you need something light-hearted yet thrilling to enjoy.
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5. The Sound of Magic (2022)
“Annarasumanara” – the sound of magic, is the most realistic fantasy drama to be included in the list. This 2022 drama represents a perfect picturization of struggles and survivals. The story deals with the life of a young, intelligent yet poor schoolgirl Yoon Ah Yi, played by Choi Sung Eun. She fights for her survival each day as she tries to pay off her father’s debt while paying for her and her sister’s school fees all alone. By the turn of events, she meets Ri Eul, played by Ji Chang Wook, who is a magician sheltered in an abandoned amusement park. Ri Eul brings a wave of magic and happiness in the tough life of Yoon Ah Yi and soon they get another companion, Na Il Deung. Na Il Deung, played by Hwang In Youp, is Yoon Ah Yi’s classmate and the top student, who is immensely burdened with his parents’ expectations. Both of them try to find a respite from their real life struggles with the help of Ri Eul’s magic. With only 6 episodes this drama can make you cry and smile at the same time. The character of Ri Eul is so mysterious yet so touching that it will leave you wanting for more, especially because of the twist in the end.
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So, this is our list of 5 fantasy Kdramas that will take you on a trip to fantasia. Nevertheless, Doom at your service, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, Moon Lovers: Scarlet heart, My Love From The Star etc. are some of the standard recommendations that you can go with without any hesitation.
-- Admin Nika
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laf-outloud · 2 months
So, this was a very character focused episode of Walker! I absolutely adored Cassie and Liam's interactions, like a brother/sister vibe (which, could happen in the future).
I had hoped that with Stella growing up, we'd be done with all the bad decisions, but I guess Sadie's too much of a bad influence (and without Hoyt's charm).
I'll admit that I liked Cordell's communication issues when talking to Geri, but I'm still missing the chemistry between them. It certainly does feel like two people who've known each other forever, and even though they said they wanted to know everything about each other, I have to wonder if what they don't know is all that interesting. Jared did a great job portraying Cordell's hesitation, though (and where I thought the staccato speaking style actually worked.)
Poor August still seems so lost. I know Bonham's glad he found something to focus on, but is boot camp the right thing? Wouldn't it be better for Augie to still have other hobbies that help keep him well-rounded? Trey seems to be keeping a very watchful eye on him, which can only help.
Also loved Cordell and Abby's little sit-down. I melt every time he calls her Mama.
I'll be interested to see what happens with that cliffhanger. Apparently, not everything is as it seems! All in all, a good episode that seems to be leading up to some very exciting stuff!
And by exciting, I mean Detective Luna, lol! Two glances in the promo for next week and I'm done!
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frenchnewwaves · 1 year
novels read by gossip girl’s audrey hope!
ornament and silence: essays on women’s lives from Edith Wharton to Germaine Greer, by Kennedy Fraser:
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the white album, by joan didion:
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black swans, by eve babitz:
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the complete poems, by anne sexton:
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the days of abandonment, by elena ferrante:
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msmed08 · 12 days
Here's another fanfic recommendation! I honestly have not seen Hotel del Luna, but this one here is a cross over fic between the two! I know KSH also had a cameo in this kdrama, and i just might watch after reading this. I think that's where the connection lies - Baek Hyunwoo becoming the guy he cameos because of regrets in his life in QoT. Goodness, the angst, the pain, the torture...! Plus give me a supernatural/persephone/hades type of fic and i am game! Seriously guys DO NOT skip this! Read, Enjoy, Follow and Bookmark! Happy reading!
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larsisfrommars · 27 days
Wild Wild Reviews
The Night Of The Deadly Bed
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Overall Score
Story: 4/5
Dame: 4.5/5
Villain: 4/5
Gadgets: 5/5
Disguises: 4/5
Bonus Points: Gay Subtext: 2.5/5
The Yikes Dated Factor: 0/-5
Score: 25/25
Tier: S (100%)
Previous Review
The Story
This episode is up there as far as quality, it almost feels as though THIS should’ve been the pilot as opposed to TNOT Inferno. It’s finally got all of its limbs (meaning Artemus has his proper characterization which is what was missing in the pilot) and doesn’t have the same racist trappings as the previous installation. All the major elements pay off, the mystery isn’t sloppy, the villain and lady of the week are well written. The biggest drawback is that stupid unnecessarily complex death trap that gave the episode its name. Why does the hotel even have that?!Why didn’t Jim get sedated enough for that to even be an issue?! It’s so dumb that it borders on Batman series levels of comically avoidable. It’s just not quite a 5, gotta reserve that for the best of the best.
The Dame
Our lady of the week is Barbara Luna! Whom I know as Marlena from the Star Trek TOS episode Mirror Mirror!
Say it with my y’all, I. Love. Gatita!! She’s so awesome and one of the best female characters this show has ever had. Which is WILD cuz we’re like 2 episodes in and there’s a 102 more. She’s intelligent and brave, she’s got her own personality and motivations. She is working for the baddie to protect her people who’ve been enslaved by him. She even fights back in her own way by giving his girlfriend food when he’s trying to starve her, not to mention attacking one of the guards! The relationship she develops with Jim feels genuine and relatively well developed. The only reason she’s not getting a perfect 5 is because she gets treated and written as “exotic” in the first half of the episode but that’s not a fault of her as a character.
The Villain
Our villain of the week is played by JD Connor!
What a great and hateable villain, he is cruel to women and minorities, he’s got an overdeveloped sense of class, and he’s got delusions of grandeur. Also he’s idea of a train killing train to take over the US with is extremely unhinged and silly which is exactly what we need in our Wild Wild West villains. He’s not perfect though. He lacks a certain uniqueness that would have him stand out amongst other egotistical traitors and invading powers that frequently pop up in this show.
The Gadgets
They knocked it out of the park again with the gadgets this episode. Particularly the explosive coal which was such a fun Chekov’s Gun this episode, with satisfying high stakes pay off. We also see our good friend knock out gas featured, and the first but not the last instance of Artie accidentally getting KOed by his own invention lol. The ring was also a neat gimmick and I’m kinda disappointed we don’t really get to see it again.
The Disguise
Artemus’s disguise in this episode was fun, well thought out, and useful. He successfully infiltrated the labor camp where Jim and Gatita’s village were being held. He used it (and a drunken rendition of one of my fav Spanish folk songs “Malagueña Salerosa”) to rescue Jim, and he also exploited it as means to start a revolt while Jim planted the bombs! The only reason it’s not a 5 out of 5 is because he didn’t really do a specific character, he was just trying to blend in which isn’t as insane or enjoyable as his more fleshed out personas.
The Gay Subtext
(Don’t ship it? Skip it!)
A joke could be made about Artemus giving Jim a specially made ring and to “wear it in good health”. There’s also a moment where Gatita feels like she could be making a joke about Jim being bi when she talks about “looking for a girl, now you’re looking for a man” which I think is hilarious even if it wasn’t intentional. Then of course we have our regularly scheduled story beats of Artemus looking like the world just fell out from under him when he thinks Jim is dead, and looking bitter (or dare say jealous) and exasperated when Jim makes out with the woman of the week at the end of the episode.
The Yikes Dated Factor
When I put yikes dated at 0 that does NOT mean there was nothing problematic in the episode. However there was very little that was straight up cringeworthy that made me embarrassed on behalf of white people or made me wanna turn the episode off. There were microaggressions and casual nationalism for sure, but no shoe polish or wildly inappropriate caricatures. For the time this show was made it was very respectful and for that I will give this episode props!
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ogradyfilm · 1 year
Andor: The Terrible Mundanity of Evil
[The following essay contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
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How does a totalitarian regime solidify its reign? Through fear and intimidation? Although the Star Wars saga’s nefarious Empire is no stranger to flashy shock and awe tactics (as evidenced by their propensity for planet-obliterating super weapons like the Death Star), Andor—the franchise’s most recent Disney+ series—reexamines this brute force strategy. Tyranny, writer Tony Gilroy argues, is at its most insidious when it subtly permeates all aspects of everyday life, desensitizing the populace to its presence; the machinery of subjugation becomes normal, mundane, inevitable. Indeed, the inherent inefficiency of the bloated, underfunded bureaucracy—the false promises, the inconsequential concessions, the tangled web of red tape—becomes so utterly boring that it’s almost a comfort.
The show’s prison arc—which finds our protagonist incarcerated (without trial) on a remote penal island—explores this theme in miniature. The facility’s security staff is surprisingly minimal; instead of being locked behind iron bars and beaten with truncheons, inmates are forced to perform monotonous menial labor on an assembly line—twelve-hour shifts every day until their sentences expire. The work is as competitive as it is repetitive: the most productive teams are granted insubstantial “rewards” (food that tastes marginally better than their usual flavorless nutrient paste), while those that “neglect their duties” are severely punished (remote electroshock torture). Additionally, certain trusties—such as Andy Serkis’ Kino Loy—wield a modicum of authority, acting as overseers and enforcing the guards’ stringent quotas. These methods serve to dehumanize and isolate the victims, reducing them to individual cogs in a much vaster mechanism: by exhausting them with tedious tasks, making them resent one another, and convincing them that they pose no significant threat, their jailers ensure that they become too resigned to the abusive treatment to deviate from the routine, much less rebel.
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Fortunately, the Imperials fail to account for one crucial factor: compassion. Despite his stern exterior, Kino legitimately cares about the men under his supervision, encouraging them to endure their fatigue and despair because he genuinely believes that silent, submissive obedience will guarantee their survival. Thus, when he discovers that their toil is for naught—that the calendar counting down to their scheduled release date is a total fabrication, and they will merely be transferred from factory to factory for the remainder of their natural lifespans—he immediately joins Cassian’s uprising, using the skills that he’s acquired as a foreman to inspire cooperation and unity among his former subordinates:
There is one way out. Right now, the building is ours. You need to run, climb, kill! You need to help each other. You see someone who is confused, someone who is lost, you get them moving and you keep them moving until we put this place behind us. There are 5,000 of us. If we can fight half as hard as we've been working, we will be home in no time. One way out! One way out! One way out!
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Once they finally breach the exterior doors, however, Kino reveals that he can go no further: the final stretch of their escape requires them to paddle across turbulent waters, and he never learned to swim. He knew from the beginning that he wouldn’t be able to reach freedom, participating in the revolt solely for the benefit of his comrades—a sacrifice that perfectly mirrors the iconic monologue delivered by Rebel spymaster Luthen Rael during the episode's conclusion:
I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude.
When confronted with such altruism, despotism wilts and decays—as all systems of oppression should.
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thefatfeministwitch · 5 months
Blood Sex Magic by Bri Luna | Book Review of Shadows
An intimate, illustrated collection of spells and stories to infuse our lives with ritual, history, and magic from the visionary artist and infamous witch Bri Luna, founder and creative director of “The Hoodwitch.” Blood Sex Magic is an invitation and an awakening—a guide toward a life of connection to self and spirit, to the seen and unseen realms, and to magical traditions past and future. Bri…
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qilinkisser · 3 months
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oh my god I need this so badly. I must buy this.
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survivalistghost · 1 year
reasons to watch hotel del luna
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theweeowlart · 7 months
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Thanks for the kind words! ★★★★★ "I love the simplistic beauty and vivacity this miniature has captured, of such an elegant and enigmatic little moth!" D.D. https://theweeowlstudio.etsy.com/listing/1375499925
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belpheg0r-luna · 1 month
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I feel like I can put my trust in Andrew Joseph White to always deliver on a promise of a great book. I was especially excited for this book because I knew it was a personal story for the author and having read it I can wholeheartedly say that all eight years of caring this story in his heart is clearly felt by the reader. This story became especially personal to me because of the political situation in my country. Reading it corelated with me trying to find my course of fight in the political environment of my country, So the strong theme of self discovery and desire to be brave and fight for the right and fruitful cause that's prevalent in this book really helped and inspired me . Also, as someone who has ADHD and is still trying to understand if I have autism, Miles, his family, Amber and Dallas were extremely relatable and I'm forever grateful to the author for the care he puts in his characters. The conversation and the relationship between Amber and Miles brought me to tears(not for the first or the last time during the reading process) I've made a home out of these characters and this book and I will be missing them forever (or till the book comes out and I embark on one of my many re-reads of it).
Book comes out on the 3rd of September. Read it!
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