#lunch list
tsubaki94 · 9 months
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Phantom Comic Ch.4
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vamprisms · 7 months
sometimes in life you have to trick your brain into thinking it's video games
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
squeezing both of them
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svsss is funny for a lot of reasons ofc but one of them to me is that if somehow there was a third transmigrator who knew that the other transmigrators were the author and a hate-fan, and their options as to who's-who were
-guy who plays a pivotal role in both versions of the story, managed to go from one of the main character's greatest enemies to his husband, single-handedly saved the realms, has all encompassing knowledge of literally everything to do with pidw
-cannon fodder villain who is somehow still alive and only does paperwork
not in a million years would they pick who's-who correctly
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figcatlists · 1 year
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Dark, disturbing, and transgressive fiction
A list of books that deal with shocking, depraved, or taboo subjects. Many of them contain themes of violence, sexual perversion, or extreme psychological distress, so reader discretion is advised. Please proceed with caution, be mindful of your own limits, and maintain a well-balanced reading diet. This is a selection from my list of 160 books in this category that I published on my website, complete with links to Goodreads and Wikipedia for each title.
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gunthermunch · 2 years
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the strange couple that recently moved into the knowingly haunted house on block
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I need an AU where Rei has a crisis because he meets this gremlin child and the piercing looks and cockiness radiating from this six-year-old remind him so badly of his sworn enemy he assumes Conan is Akai's illegitimate son
This causes him to question the entire timeline
He adds "absentee father" to Akai's list of crimes
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calamitys-child · 4 months
Bought and sold and traded so many fantastic zines this weekend and honestly my favourite interaction I had was with a very shy but very very determined kid who asked politely if I'd like to trade them one of my angry political transgender poems for some drawings they did in class. I will treasure it forever it was so cute this kid has such a fun scrappy art style and I look forward to seeing them at future zine fairs with more little drawings. Weird queer accessible inclusive art fairs you have my heart always and forever 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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brother-emperors · 4 months
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it’s been a minute since I’ve made a desk post!
tbh I don’t have much to say, I finished chapter one of Trikaranos and the cave in chapter 2 is kicking my ass. every day I get closer and closer to a long form comic about whatever the fuck was going on with Ascanio and Della Rovere, but the emperor Valens is coming in hot ngl. When I got to the part of the biography that talked about how he and his brother were both ill at the same time, I spent the rest of my time reading it with the looming ghost of Caligula lurking in the back of my mind and it was a delightful experience, but I also can’t stop thinking about Valens now 🫠 RIP to my writing notebook that is rapidly running out of pages lmao
also happy lunar new year (or day before lunar new year, depending on your time zone)!! 🍊🍊🍊
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vote to quietly hang out with the other people who picked your option
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
BECCAAA Ive been thing about a concept of Bucky using pre-workout before sex and this man just going for HOURS. I could just imagine him being a cocky bastard about it and using us like a doll. He's an enhanced super soldier too so if you think your "normal sessions" were long then then again because its just non stop cardio.
This is the way I want to die 💳💥💳💥💳💥
God no, okay, I'm going to overshare but I've always found orgasms are so much more intense after taking pre-workout. I used to be really into weights training so that was usually how I'd reward myself after leg day. Epitome of "make your own legs shake if no one else is doing it for you" 🙃
And that made me think about what would happen if you both took pre-workout before sex? And the first time he makes you cum, he notices just how intense it is for you.
Like maybe you're underneath him, not able to do anything but take the punishing thrusts he's giving you. His head is right down in the crook of your neck, kissing and nibbling, worrying your skin between his teeth while he moans out his pleasure.
"Oh shit, right there." You gasp, desperately clawing at your partner's back as he nails your little sweet spot perfectly with every frantic thrust. You hear him chuckle proudly, his breath hot on your neck.
"Just like that, sweetheart? You need daddy to fuck you nice and hard?" He's so confident but fuck, he's not wrong. It's exactly what you need.
"Y-yes, fuck. Oh God, I'm gonna cum." You sob, your fingertips digging in to the small dimples on his lower back.
"Cum for me, princess. Cum on daddy's dick." He props himself up on his elbow, his eyes trained on your face because this is a sight that he never likes to miss.
His thrusts don't relent. He's learned over time that when you tell him not to stop, he really shouldn't.
"Daddy, fuck." You groan, your legs trembling as your orgasm takes over. You feel your body clench and tighten in a way you're not quite used to. The intensity is overwhelming in the very best way. You feel the burning arousal creep up your spine, spreading right to the tips of your fingers. It's the most unrestrained kind of pleasure and Bucky knows it.
"Fuck kitten, you trying to make me bleed?" He smirks, fucking you through your high. You hadn't really noticed the way you'd been scratching at his back, desperately trying to pull him ever closer.
"You've gone so fucking stupid. That's cute. I'm not nearly done with you though. I want to feel that pretty pussy gushing for me." Before you have a chance to catch your breath, he has a hand around your neck, squeezing gently.
"Cum again. Right fucking now." He's smug because he knows you will. He's more than able to drag another orgasm from you and his thrusts are giving you no other option.
"M-make me." You stutter, letting out a pathetic moan when his lips ferociously collide with your own.
"I was hoping you'd say that."
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imminentinertia · 22 days
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The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2004)
20 years ago today since the Cannes premiere
One of the most unsettling films I've ever watched, and one that I don't think I'll ever get properly over, low ratings notwithstanding. It's a film that stabs you hard and keeps twisting the knife.
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someiicecube · 21 days
Do you think Solomon likes soup? If so what kind?
idk what prompted this ask, but it's so out of left field I had to answer.
Lots of soup mentioned below the cut.
Firstly, we have to establish whether or not Solomon would eat soup.
The simple answer? Yes, of course he would. If it was served to him at a fancy dinner as a side— yes, he would eat it. If you made it for him whilst he was sickly and bedridden? He would give the world back to you… or most likely he'd want to return the favor one day— huh, what do you mean you don't want him making anything? He feels better now! Hey, why are you pushing him out of the kitchen? :(
One cannot simply ask whether or not Solomon has a favorite soup or not.
Like any person, he has his preferences and whatnot. Solomon prefers the classic savory kinds of soup, as he sees the dish as more of a side or something simple you make when feeling under the weather. Sour and overtly spicy flavors are things he tends to avoid. And with his dislike of the ocean, he reads to me as someone who wouldn't be privy to having any fish or seafood in his soup. Meat or vegetable-based soups are preferred.
Though, the soup he's most caught eating would be those instant noodle packets (with an egg mixed in) that he's totally not making at three am cause he forgot to eat a while ago. Oops—
But what kind of soup specifically?
Something that reminds you of home, is a common answer. But, frankly speaking, that guy has a fucky memory, so what can he remember of home? Sure, he does remember that he did have a favorite soup in his youth, but the flavor of which was something that has been lost to time and his old man brain.
So, if Solomon no longer (or has since forgotten) a soup that reminds him of home, what could be put in place of that?
That would be something made by someone he loves dearly— now if you read that as being you or someone else in universe, I'll leave it up to reader interpretation.
Hey, if that man's childhood home is lost to time, that's life. Sure, it's a sad thing to witness, but it was bound to happen— that's just how human civilizations work, they're built up, people flourish, centuries pass by, and then a new one takes its place.
But back on the soup and Solomon calling you his new home— home is not always a place, it can be a person (actually it can be a place if you consider 'your heart' a valid location).
Something made by you (whether under duress; looking at Solomon's cooking here) is always something Solomon would like. Of course, he still takes in his own preferences, but he's lucky that you do as well.
Yes, he does tend to delegate soup to be a side dish, but at home he doesn't mind making it the main course. Perhaps it's just him, but there's just something about sharing a warm bowl of soup on a cold night and sharing that with your beloved that… strikes him, makes him feel soft in side, and has a smile spreading across his lips as he takes in the moment.
Maybe it's the homemade soup making him feel all warm inside. Maybe it's the private company he's sharing with meal with. He'll never know. What Solomon does know, however, is that, he doesn't mind having soup if it's made by you.
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potahun · 7 months
The way He Xiaohui puts the emphasis on "him" when she tells Fang Duobing that "hey, I ran into him on the way here" and "I invited him for lunch too", like she knows her son has a massive crush on Li Lianhua and she's going to play match-making for him
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tj-crochets · 18 days
What if you crocheted the cigar? Would that help the size problem? My brain is thinking: MR 6, INC 6, (SC, INC) 6 and then just SC to length and then color change to grey or red for the cigar end?
Depending on the yarn, you could get a nice texture to the cigar too.
Crocheting the cigar is definitely an option, and depending on the scale I was going for that's pretty much the pattern I was thinking too, I just have to admit I know nothing about cigars or what their texture usually is lol
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