#lune thinks
lunarcloak · 1 month
Ok but like. Why is Kaiser so interesting. He was already interesting before this chapter, but this makes it so much cooler. And the parallels with Isagi are so much more profound now.
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The blue roses. The torn football under Kaiser's shoe and the perfectly new football next to Isagi. Almost as if one of them had to claw their way up from misery and the other had a blank slate of a life to begin with. One born from abuse and the other support.
The lavishness surrounding Kaiser-- all things he's put his blood, sweat and tears into bringing for himself. The practical equipment behind Isagi-- nothing extravagant, but everything that enhances what he already has within himself. Kaiser's looking at Isagi, but Isagi is only looking at the path ahead.
The blue rose motif. We already knew about it, of course, but it's so much more profound and bittersweet now. Everything he wants to attain, but also everything his mother symbolises to him. The torn blue petals at his feet are almost poetic, in that sense.
God damn. What a fascinating character. If Rin was Isagi's foil in terms of their playstyle and personality, then Kaiser is his foil in terms of their positions mentally, upbringing and circumstances.
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artofdyingslowly · 8 months
do you ever hear someone playing a piano nearby and you just stop and close your eyes and take a deep breath and realize that maybe life is beautiful after all and everything is gonna be okay and there is so much left to live for
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sommerregenjuniluft · 15 days
@jegulus-microfic june 1st — pride — 1804words — nsfw! aka regulus purchases something and james is fortunate enough to unpack for @itmeanssungod & @veryinnovative
It’s been a while since Regulus started toying with the idea of trying out packing for himself. 
He doesn’t have too much dysphoria during sex anymore—which he is grateful for—since he’s completely healed from top surgery and especially with partners he knows. 
But lately Regulus has found out it feels really fucking good to just- keep the strap on afterwards. Just haphazardly yank on his boxer briefs once they’re done, purple tip peeking out over the top of the hem, and sex drunkenly stumble into the kitchen to get himself a gatorade from the fridge. Evan prefers water, which they keep in the room, and Barty prefers to crank open a window and smoke one.
It’s empowering in a way, he guesses. He’s still living with his brother and James is over more times than he is not. Just liking the company of a busy house full of people he reasons with a shrug every time the topic comes up. Missing the old days in a dorm.
Regulus is pretty sure there’s truth in that statement but he’s also not stupid and convincing himself he’s only imagining the looks James is sending his way has only worked for so long. It’s near ridiculous to think he’s been oblivious to it for so long.
But Regulus isn’t anymore because when he’d gone to get his gatorade James had, to spell it out politely, nearly died from choking on his pasta salad when he’d looked up from his phone and at Regulus.
So with the arrival of pride Regulus had saved up and treated himself with the purchase of a flaccid strap on. It matches his skin colour nearly perfectly, the head showing from under the foreskin. It’s got a nice feel to it, it’s proportionate to his body when Regulus looks at himself in the mirror and it’s comfortable where it’s hanging between his legs and resting in his underwear when he puts his clothes back on. It’s a little ridiculous but he knows it’s important so Regulus allows himself to tear up about it a little. About how bone deep good it makes him feel about himself.
He’s in grey joggers and a form fitting black T-shirt. Regulus turns to the side in front of the mirror, cups himself through the soft material of his pants. Barely audible he can hear James humming to himself in the kitchen. Regulus smirks.
“James,” Regulus greets as he enters the kitchen.
“Oh, hi, Reg,” James says, lifting from over the stove and taking out his airpods from where he was bobbing his head to the music playing on them. 
Regulus plops himself on a free spot on the counter and picks up a bottle of sauce he doesn’t recognise to busy himself with reading the label. “What are you cooking?”
James hums and proceeds to explain to him where he found the recipe on social media and what health benefits it has and how good it’s going to taste.
Regulus half listens and half plots internally how he’s going to subtly make James aware of his newest possession.
“Can I do something to help?”
“Err,” James blinks for a moment, then he lets out a chuckle, “The Regulus Black offering to help in the kitchen on his own volition? How much money do you need?”
Regulus rolls his eyes and swats him in the chest. “I was very much being sincere, for your information. But I can go of course, if my presence is not needed,” he says and makes to stand up.
“No no,” James replies quickly, raising his palms in a pacifying manner. They’re closer now and Regulus can see where James’ brain has momentarily paused its task of persuading Regulus to stay in favour of simply staring at him. His curls, his eyes, his lips. 
Regulus raises his eyebrows.
“You– ehm,” James starts, swallowing, “You caaaan– set the table?”
“Are you asking or telling?” Regulus inquires, taking another half step closer and delighting in the small intake of breath from James.
“Telling,” James answers. “Please.”
Regulus nods, biting back a smirk, and steps around James to get cutlers.
After he’s set those out he waits for James to go back to stirring the pasta that’s cooking on one of the back burners, right underneath the shelf with the plates. 
Regulus comes up from behind and sets a hand on James’ hip. “Pardon,” he murmurs and then stretches up on his toes, pressing his crotch right into James’ backside.
It has its desired effect immediately.
James’ breath hitches and in the next second he’s making an aborted noise deep in his throat.
Regulus’ lips twitch upwards at the corners, “Something wrong?”
James shakes his head, his voice cracking on the m-mh he makes, not opening his mouth. His hand is completely still where he’s got the wooden spoon gripped.
Regulus hums, leans in impossibly closer, really rubbing himself into James’ ass. James lets out a wheeze. Regulus tilts his head, mouth right next to the other’s ear, “How many do we need?”
“Hm?” James’ voice is thin.
“How many do we need, James?” Regulus repeats, fingers over his hip tightening marginally.
“Ah- um, what? Sorry, I’m—”
“Plates, James,” Regulus tuts, grinding his hips forward slightly, “How many plates?”
“O-oh,” James seems to take a deep, steadying breath, “Five?”
Regulus hums and then with one last little thrust grabs the plates before lifting back down and extracting himself.
He can feel James’ eyes glued to him the whole while Regulus is setting them on the table, neatly next to the cutlery. It fills Regulus’ entire body with a warm feeling. Eventually he saunters back over, coming to a stop right next to James, who is currently indecently staring at Regulus’ crotch. If it was anyone else in any other situation Regulus would have already punched them in the nose but this is different. This is Regulus purposely instigating and James stepping right into the trap Regulus has carefully placed between the foliage.
“Something you wanna ask?” Regulus ducks his head, catching James’ gaze where it’s evidently trained on his lap. 
He doesn’t quite manage to suppress his grin this time. James seems to notice that, sputtering at first before realisation dawns on his face.
“You– oh, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” James replies, eyes narrowed slightly, flush high on his cheekbones regardless.
“Doing what?” Regulus asks innocently. He sets his elbows on the counter behind him, jutting out his hips teasingly.
James groans obscenely and then proceeds to cage Regulus right in, settling two palms on either side of Regulus’ elbows. 
“Regulus.” There’s a warning quality to the way James presses out his name.
“James,” Regulus purrs, angling his face to look up at the older man through his lashes.
James breathes out roughly through his nose, pupils dilating. “You’re packing, aren’t you?”
“I might be.”
“And you wanted me to know.”
Regulus makes a non-committal sound.
“God,” James curses, “You’re so infuriating. Do you know how hard it is to not—” 
He doesn’t finish the sentence. James’ eyes are roving over his face for clues and Regulus guesses if James is taking the inch, Regulus might as well give him the mile. Or, rather, the rest of the inches.
“You wanna see it?”
James’ mouth opens soundlessly. It takes a moment before he answers. “It?”
“My cock,” Regulus explains, licking his lips. “It’s new.”
James moans quietly, “Yeah, Reg, I wanna see your cock, fuck.”
Regulus sets his hands against the muscle connecting James’ neck and shoulder, “Can you get on your knees for me?”
“Is the sky blue?” James retorts, eyes glazing over as he sinks down in front of Regulus without further prompting. When he looks back up at Regulus with big, Bambi brown eyes from behind his glasses he looks so sweet Regulus considers briefly if he might be in over his head. “Can I?” James asks, gently hiking his fingertips into the band of Regulus’ sweats. 
Regulus nods and with that James pulls the clothing down.
There’s a little bit of nervous yet excited sweat breaking out on Regulus’ palms but before he has the opportunity to overthink, he already hears the groan punching out of James. 
“Fuck, Reg,” James whispers. “Oh, Christ, you’re so gorgeous. Look at him.”
Regulus sucks in an unsteady inhale and twists his fingers into the unruly mess that is James’ hair, having to hold onto something suddenly.
“You like it?” Regulus rasps.
James answers with a slightly delirious laugh tumbling out of him. He shakes his head in awe, fingers digging into the soft muscle of Regulus’ thighs. “Reg, don’t slap me, I’m just being sincere when I say I wanna take you into my mouth so badly.”
Regulus dampens a moan into a sigh, “You can.”
James rips his gaze away from his cock, a starstruck look in his pretty, dark eyes when he gapes up at him. Regulus nods his reassurance.
“Oh fuck.” 
Then James is sucking Regulus’ flaccid strap into his mouth. Working his tongue around it, hallowing his cheeks and really giving it his all. Like his goal is to get Regulus as hard as fast as humanly possible.
And Regulus knows it’s logically impossible but he swears he can feel James tonguing at him, getting terribly aroused by the image and feel of James giving him a fucking blowjob right there in the kitchen. A small noise slips out of Regulus and he accidentally tightens his grip in James’ hair. James responds beautifully, moaning around Regulus in his mouth and eyes fluttering like he’s getting off just as much on all of this as Regulus is. His lips stretch prettily around the silicone and Regulus thumbs softly at the stubble on James’ jaw.
There’s a moment where their eyes meet when James takes him all the way into the back of his throat, making the end of the strap push back against Regulus’ centre, where Regulus has the sudden realisation that he’s going to come if James keeps this up.
And that is decidedly the moment the front door opens, the laughter of their friends echoeing through the hallway.
James keens when Regulus pulls him off and quickly tugs the waistband of his sweatpants back up and pulls on James’ shirt until he stands as well. He looks like a kicked puppy as Regulus ushers him back to the stove, shoving the wooden spoon against his chest to stir the probably totally overcooked pasta. His mouth is twisted into a pout or maybe that’s just them being swollen from having Regulus in his mouth. 
Fuck it.
He takes James’ jaw in a loose grip to get his attention again. “Finish this after dinner?”
James’ answer is a bright smile and a quick kiss he steals himself against Regulus’ wrist.
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arianwen44 · 6 months
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So I think Lune and Karlach would get along too well… 😂
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cattamouche · 6 months
do you guys think scaras handwriting would be neat or messy?
to me, he has always come off as a perfectionist, so I feel like that would definitely apply to his handwriting as well. like ik his penmanship is crazy. maybe a little too crazy. sometimes he gets carried away with trying to make his letters pretty that they're almost unintelligible type of crazy, and he would hate you for not being able to read it but it's literally not your fault that he's tryharding (yes it is. why else do you think he would put extra care than usual into his handwriting when it's only meant for you to read?).
he doesn't want his letters to look like slop but he accidentally overdoes it, which does look pretty at first glance, but then you actually try to read it and there's too many loops, it's a bit messy and a little too slanted. there are imperfections in his perfectionism and it's something he hates but it's so endearing that you can't help but laugh a little, to which he promptly sighs and mumbles little jabs at you (that he really doesn't mean, but you already know that), before he begrudgingly takes the paper from your hands and reads it to you in slight embarrassment.
and you really can't complain because there's nothing more comforting than the soft sound of his smooth voice :)
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justkillingthyme · 21 days
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Happy Luke Lunes!
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neptunianrefrain · 2 months
still thinking about this thing that i said to my brother ages ago and i think you guys wanna think about it too so here
(paraphrased slightly) "so you know how wedding rings are worn on the left hand's ring finger right? cuz it has a direct connection to the heart right? well note how v2 left behind her left arm after the first fight. She was proposing to you. And you rejected her. or the whiplash is the wedding band and the knuckleblaster is the engagement ring believe what you want"
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radicalredrasp · 1 month
Movies I wish had a tv show
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rottin6 · 2 months
mdni. 18+ | bartylily. @sommerregenjuniluft i truly hate u cw: smut [spit kink, cockslapping, facefucking + name calling]
barty's hand is somehow wrapped in lily’s hair to the point where she can’t move and her fucking neck aches. his flexed veiny forearm sends her a shove that buzzes in her head. she breathes out a moan while keeping her eyes closed. it's all so much, in such a delicious way, and she obeys by opening her mouth when she sees that familiar motion of him pulling her head back. as expected, a thick tip scrapes against her taste buds and smacks against her hanging tongue before plunging down her throat.
lily gives a sharp lurch. as he fucks her face and moves her around like a fleshlight, she drools from the corners of her mouth. very much a willing and obedient toy for barty. his hips buck to meet her, pushing his cock inward with every thrust, regardless of how much she suppresses and works through her gags. it moves quickly. as he uses her, that aching in her spine gets worse. he watches her reaching her highest potential and pushing herself to the highest. barty knows she’s going to push off the second she grasps his thighs, so he decides for her by folding over and pulling himself out. before the pressure collapses, a thick thread of cum and spit tie the two of them together, glossing lily’s legs and chest like a satin ribbon. she loves it harsh, so he’ll give it to her harder and harder, over and over. 
he jerks back her neck and pulls back his hand, slamming it violently into her ass cheek. it comes off harsher than it is, and lily’s skin burns right away. her sex bursts with elation, spilling across her bare thighs and onto the floor as she cries out. barty gives her another one, slapping her in the same place with the tips of his fingers, harder than the last, intensifying the pain each time, as if he wasn't happy with the first. she whimpers when it hits, pulling away instinctively, but the hold on her hair is tight. 
he tells her, "look at me," but she’s not quite ready for that. breathing deeply through her nose while her pussy pulsates with a yearning to be filled, she holds back tears. she can still taste his dick—a mixture of sweat and bitter pre-cum—as well as the odour of both of their bodies. "i said, look at me," barty says, yanking her over by her hair and giving her another forceful pat on the cheek to make sure she’s listening. lily’s eyebrows rise as the sting on her ass gets worse, and she’s hungry for another. he holds her jaw, turning her to face him, and lily’s nails stretch out to grasp his forearm. barty tongues his upper lip, slightly beaded with sweat, as she opens her eyes to see him. “that's right. fuckin’ slut like you still does what she’s told, huh?” he asks incredulously, "you fucking love having your throat fucked?" without waiting for a response, he arches himself up to tower over her, thrusts his hips forward, and pushes his cock towards her lips until it pushes through. it slips in, and as soon as he has any room to move, he pulls out, and lily gags when it slaps across her face.
“open up." it's already obvious to her what barty plans to do when he tells her. she lowers her head eagerly and sticks out her tongue for him to see. he tightly pinches the bone on either side of her chin as he cups it in his fingers. "you want it that bad, huh?" he asks, and lily can tell he believes she’s too eager for him by the way his lips curve. with the little space he allows her, she meekly nods her head when he gives her a small shake. "do me a favour, tell me if it tastes like my cig." he says, before he gathers up the spit and shoots it into her mouth. he's fucking with her; he knows it tastes awful. as she swallows back into her throat, she flinches and instinctively closes her eyes. 
lily can't help but pull a face. he pats her cheek and asks, seemingly caring, "aw, don't like it?" barty knows she’s wet in her pants and slick as fuck right now. "keep it open for me, angel, go ahead and swallow." she obeys, listening like a good girl, and parts open her mouth. "fucking freak." he tells her, “would you listen to anything i tell you?" and for barty, she honestly would. "let me see." lily opens her mouth to show him, sticking out her tongue in case he thought she was hiding some underneath. with his hand on her jaw, he moves her around while looking inside her mouth. she swallows, trying to show him there’s nothing inside, yet he wants to go farther with it. "nah, lemme check." suddenly, two fingers slide inside her open lips and she gags, saliva gushing forth. as his fingers carelessly wriggle through all of her soft tissue, making her lurch, barty snickers at her. drool pours out from around his fingers as he keeps lily as still as possible while she tries not to gag repeatedly. he pushes his hand in more as she attempts to keep hold of him inside her. "you look fucking pathetic, you know that?"
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robinfollies · 6 months
does it matter if we change, does it matter at all? / don’t you worry about me, friend, don’t you worry at all 🌙✨
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v1model · 7 months
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i am deciding to scrap this one i liked it but i don’t know what else to add and its too similar to another one i’ve made
edit 2: fixed image for clarity
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lunarcloak · 27 days
Blue Lock Chapter 262: Visual Storytelling
Can we talk about the visual imagery this chapter?? Kaneshiro is always cooking but Nomura cooked extra hard this time with his own illustrative storytelling
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An almost entirely white panel. Except for the black spot of Kaiser's hunched figure. Almost as if he's the stain on an otherwise perfect game from BM right now. (He's thrown off balance.)
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Here, in the first picture, this is Isagi's view of where Kaiser is right now. On top of a puzzle piece— a symbol of Isagi's power, and also a symbol of how off kilter he is. The second picture is part of a larger paneling of how he's being left on the ground as Isagi runs past him in a flurry of puzzle pieces. Almost as if Isagi's kicking the pieces of his perfect puzzle astray, leaving him to rebuild them from scratch. (The theme of this chapter.)
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You can tell he's only barely listening. Eyes are always a huge indicator of visual storytelling— i picked this up from looking at BSD panels for too long. Here there's virtually no pupils, smaller, wider eyeballs because he's not listening to Ness's words. They're going in one ear out the other. Because Ness's words are superficial— He's trying to help, he is, but that is desperately NOT what Kaiser needs right now. He needs to figure out how to FIX this. Not to retreat back into the safety of his cocoon so that he can pretend he's still the star on the field.
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NOTICE HOW EVERYTHING IN THE SECOND PANEL CAN DIRECTLY BE RELATED TO ISAGI. The offer from Reale— what if Yoichi gets it instead of me? The throne in this team— what if Isagi takes that, too? Am I about to lose everything I worked to get myself? The whole world is watching my worst performance in years. I can't lose here. I can't be defeated here. Not here, of all places, in Blue Lock.
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Negative colouring. The previous, prominent memory I have of this is when Rin went to his "flow" state. It's specifically to emphasise the "HUMAN" wording. It's usually used to showcase a very prominent moment, in this case it's Kaiser realising exactly what the core of his worry is right now. It isn't the defeat, not beating Isagi, not anything. At the moment, he's afraid of losing the very humanity he had thought he clawed himself into. To emphasise this, the black and white being reversed are to indicate that time almost freezes, completely changing his perspective and line of thought at that moment.
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Less dramatic, still negatively scaled panel. Emphasising how he's really digging into his psyche here and going "Oh, I'm scared. I'm afraid of losing everything I've got for myself." The last time this happened was when his secret money stash was found— he didn't care as much then, because there was nothing to lose that he hadn't already lost. But now? Now, it matters a lot more. Because he's built himself up on an entirely shaky foundation. Note how he's also sliding below here, losing his footing, like he's lost the stable ground he thought he had.
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The angle of this panel makes it look like he's climbing upwards, and he's just lost his grip on the wall before him, and is in the process of falling. It's extremely well done.
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Plenty people have already pointed this one out— yeah Isagi's just reached a height that's similar to Noa's. The position Kaiser thought he used to have, but now he's not even on the staircase to victory and the treasure he thought he would attain soon is now inching towards his most challenging rival to date.
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You will never see him this tired, this defeated, or this melancholic ever again. At this point, his eyes are no longer that wide, shocked stare of not seeing. Now he's comprehended his stance, and he's come back into himself.
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Each petal is a memory, a visual representation of the crumbling of the rose he once held. It's gone now, there's no rose in his hand anymore (nothing for him to hold onto anymore). When you have no roses in hand, you grow a new bouquet. When you have nothing, there's nothing to lose if you go reaching for something to hold onto again.
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But HERE, the petals can be interpreted in two ways— either he's being reformed from the petals of a new rose (blank petals, not representative ones). OR, you can interpret it as those very petals dissipating from his being, leaving him as this black, blank slate to rebuild himself. Zero— as in no colour, no petals, no gardens to flourish anymore. Only way to move now is up.
Also I'd like to draw your attention to the negative paneling again— inverted this time, the exact opposite of the previously conveyed emotion. Now he's the one in the black, working to redefine himself. He's already redefined the external aspects.
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Your Zero— Your Beginning. I LOVE this page, even if it's a repeat. It conveys so much. Kaneshiro and Nomura are such a GOOD TEAM
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A black hand clasps around the core memory— the memory of when he truly had only his football. He can't let that petal float away, that's one he wants to keep. That's the idea he wants to hold onto. He crushes the petal into his hand, assimilating it into his new beginning. That's the one he'll hold onto, to recraft the person that is Michael Kaiser.
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lunearobservatory · 5 months
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can someone please come get this man he's in my goodnotes and won't leave
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lunerabo · 5 months
if you wanted to blindfold Kokushibo in bed you’d have to wrap up his whole face
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nostalgic-muffins · 6 months
trans LEVI💥 trans SATAN💥 trans BELPHIE💥 trans LUCIFER💥
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lunesart · 9 months
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she’s info-dumping
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