#lura luna
punningway · 1 year
The Inescaevable Subtlety of Nero Scaeva - Ch 22 - Fulsome
The Inescaevable Subtlety of Nero Scaeva - Ch 22 - Fulsome is up! Spicy chapter, with some emotional poignance as well. Their first threesome finally happened! This chapter rated E for Explicit.
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alliluyevas · 1 year
for my beloved followers interested in mormon polygamy name discourse, i have compiled and presented a list of the children of four different 19th century mormon polygamist men, ranging from 30 to 66 children. I included middle names when I could find them and the children are listed in chronological order of their birth.
Brigham Young:
Elizabeth, Vilate, Joseph Angell, Brigham Jr., Mary Ann, Emma Alice, Luna Caroline, John Willard, Brigham Heber, Edward Partridge, Oscar Brigham, Hyrum, Joseph, Moroni, Mary Eliza, Ella Elizabeth, Alva, Alma, Fanny Decker, Emily Augusta, Marinda Hyde, Clarissa Maria, Jeanette Richards, Zina Presendia, Evelyn Louisa, Hyrum Smith, Caroline Partridge, Ernest Irving, Nabby Howe, Willard, Eudora Lovina, Mahonri Moriancumer, Emmeline Amanda, Shamira, Alfales, Brigham Morris, Phoebe Louisa, Jedediah Grant, Arta DeChrista, Joseph Don Carlos, Louisa Wells, Susa Amelia, Lorenzo Dow, Miriam, Albert Jeddie, Feramorz Little, Alonzo, Josephine, Clarissa Hamilton, Charlotte Tallula, Ruth, Phineas Howe, Lura, Daniel Wells, Rhoda Mabel, Adella, and Fanny van Cott
Heber Kimball: 
Judith Marvin, William Henry, Helen Mar, Roswell Heber, Heber Parley, David Patten, Adelbert, Charles Spaulding, Henry, Brigham Willard, Sarah Helen, David, Margaret Jane, Abraham Alonzo, Isaac, Solomon Farnham, Samuel Chase, David Orson, Prescinda Celestia, Murray Gould, David Heber, Joseph Smith, Augusta, Cornelia Christine, John Heber, William Gheen, Susannah, Samuel Heber, Joseph Smith, Harriet, Newel Whitney, Willard Heber, Jacob Reese, Jonathan Golden, Horace Heber, Rosalia, Albert Heber, Lydia Holmes, Jedediah Heber, Hyrum Heber, Enoch Heber, Peter, Daniel Heber, Ann Spaulding, Sarah Maria, Jeremiah Heber, Mary Melvina, Andrew, Alice Ann, Eliza, James Heber, Joshua Heber, Washington, Mary Margaret, Moroni Heber, Sarah Gheen, Joshua Heber, Eugene, Wilford Alfonzo, Franklin Heber, Lorenzo Heber, Abbie Sarah
Joseph F. Smith:
Mercy Josephine, Sarah Ellen, Mary Sophronia, Leonora, Hyrum Mack, Donette, Joseph Richards, Alvin Fielding, Heber John, Joseph Fielding Jr., Alfred Jason, Rhoda Ann, David Asael, Edna Melissa, Minerva, Albert Jesse, George Carlos, Alice, Robert, Julina Clarissa, Willard Richards, Elias Wesley, John Schwartz, Franklin Richards, Emma, Emily Jane, Lucy Mack, Calvin Schwartz, Zina, Rachael, Jeanetta, Samuel Schwartz, Andrew Kimball, Ruth, Edith Eleanor, James Schwartz, Jesse Kimball, Asenath, Martha, Agnes, Silas Schwartz, Fielding Kimball, and Royal Grant
Parley Pratt:
Parley Parker Jr., Nathan, Olivia Thankful, Susan, Moroni Llewellyn, Alma, Helaman, Nephi, Julia Houston, Belinda Marden, Cornelia, Agatha, Abinadi, Lucy, Ether, Mormon, Mosiah, Malona, Lehi Lee, Henriette, Marian, Omner, Teancum, Mary Wood, Moroni Walker, Phoebe Soper, Isabella Eleanor, Sarah Elizabeth, Evelyn, Mathoni
also who had the best name taste and who had the worst
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numbuh900 · 6 months
Codename: Foals Next Door
A universe where everyone in the kids next door universe are My Little Pony ponies/creatures, also alot of the characters don't have human names and instead go by more Equestrian sounding names.
Also this universe still has stuff like human technology like cars, the internet, space travel and stuff. 2x4 technology is the same tho there are special trained magic user operatives in the FND, Celestia and Luna or any Equestrian legends are seen as just fairy tales but they have some hints of truth to them.
Celestia and Luna were FND alicorn operatives that fought against evil adult's together back in the midieval times, like with Numbuh Zero, some believe they existed while others say they were just myths.
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Comes from a long line of umbrum which is why he and his Dad don't have cutie marks.
Mom is a dragon named Ruby.
Dad is a earth pony(umbrum).
Doesn't have rocket boots like his human counterpart, just uses his wings instead.
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Like Scootaloo,he has trouble flying with his wings so me makes jetpacks and jets for himself so he can enjoy the rush of flight.
Has a special 2x4 tech weapon that shoots horse shoes.
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Her special attack is blasting rainbow blast from her horn, she's the magic expert of her Sector as she loves finding/making spells for Numbuh Five to use.
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Got his cutie mark when he knocked out a whole group of teens with the throw on one dodge ball.
Main attack is a hindleg flipkick love called "The BuckFlip"
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Her special talent is hunting for candy and being able to sense it.
Knows a few candy themed spells she learnt from Cree back when she was in basic training.
And now for the only villain I ponified, Father.
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Is an Umbrum and comes from a long line of them.
real name is Brimstone Burner.
Didn't discover his powers until his teens year's.
Headcannons for what creatures the other characters are
Toiletnator=Earth Pony
Fanny=Dimond Dog
Count Spankulot=Bat Pony
Numbuh 20,000=Sea Pony/hippogriff
Numbuh 60=Reindeer
Lizzie=Earth Pony(Secretly a alien plant pony)
King Sandy=Sea Pony/hippogriff
Crazy Old Cat Lady: Abyssinians
Miss. Goodwall=Minotaur
Lura Limpin=Earth pony
Mr. Boss=Dimond Dog
President Jimmy=Griffin
Ace/The Kid=Avian
KnightBrace=Pegasus pony
The Delightful Children From Down the lane: Lenny is a earth pony, David is a Unicorn, Bruce is a pegasus, Alessandra is a unicorn and Constance is a earth pony.
The interesting twins from beneath the mountain=changelings
The Common Cold=Earth Pony
Numbuh 30c=Seapony/hippogriff
Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb=Warlrus and Moose pony hybrids
Gramma Stuffum=Dragon
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fortunafavore · 1 year
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Lura Luna - Faerie
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 5, seventh episode "Maybe Tomorrow" which originally aired on November 1, 2022. The episode was written by Shanthi Sekaran and directed by Shiri Appleby. Spoilers ahead!
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Thank goodness for little Luna (Nora and Opal Clow) and Sameera (Lurae Muscat) in this episode because they're the only reason I felt semi-hopeful after watching this episode. That's not to say last Tuesday's episode wasn't good, because it was a great episode. It was honestly one of the best episodes of the series thus far. "Maybe Tomorrow" is art imitating life in every sense of the phrase and in this episode we get to see our characters grapple with the decision made by the United States Supreme Court on June 24, 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision in which the very same court ruled in January of 1973 that the Constitution conferred the right to have an abortion. I thought the writers of this episode did a great job of presenting a wide variety of viewpoints. 
I want to start off by saying that I was beyond horrified when I learned of the Supreme Court's decision back in June. The day Roe v. Wade was overturned was one of many instances in the last five years where I felt completely and utterly helpless. As angry and frustrated I was by the decision, none of those emotions came remotely close to the overwhelming sadness I felt for women in this country. The decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade felt like a direct attack on all of the women in my life and all of the women in this country and thankfully as evidenced by this episode, a lot of other people felt the same way. 
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Rather than an action-packed episode where we see our favorite doctors juggling several medical emergencies, we get to really focus on the characters and their thoughts and their feelings concerning the decision, and for the most part I thought this episode did a great job of showing the very real implications of such a decision.  Let's start with everyone's favorite oncologist.
I really wish we got to see more of Dr. Elizabeth Wilder's (Sandra Mae Frank) personal views outside of her being a medical professional. It's one of my main beefs with this show and the treatment of the character. We first met Elizabeth back in season four and I figured the introduction of a deaf character would open up new possibilities and storylines for the show. However, one season later, we still don't know much about her and what little we do know about her is often gleaned via one of Max's storylines. I wish the writers would give her something to do that maybe isn't dependent on whatever Max is doing. We do it for the other characters, so why not her?
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Anywho, rather than getting Eizabeth's personal feelings concerning the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, we got to see her treat a pregnant patient with advanced stage uterine cancer. I did find it ironic that the best course of action for the patient was to have an abortion but what I didn't see coming is the patient being pro-life. Admittedly this wasn't my favorite storyline of the night. I thought it was rather clunky but I think I understand what the writers were trying to show by having this patient end up at New Amsterdam on the day the ruling was announced. I am someone who believes all women should have autonomy over their bodies and a part of that means that if a woman doesn't want to undergo certain procedures especially of the life-saving variety then they should have the right to decline treatment. 
Where this storyline goes off the rail a bit is when Elizabeth decides she is going to perform an extremely risky procedure on the woman in lieu of chemotherapy which would actually be the patient's best chance at surviving the cancer. We literally just had an episode where Elizabeth advocated for a patient to have a surgery that resulted in the patient being paralyzed. We also saw her shame a patient for not wanting to have his arm amputated, even going as far as to wanting Iggy to declare him incompotent so that she could do the surgery anyway. What's extremely suspect about these two examples is that in both cases both patients were black. I'm not crying racism or anything of the kind but the optics concerning Elizabeth's bedside manner this season isn't looking too good especially when in this episode we see her bend over backwards to accomodate her white patient and her white patient's pro-life views. Ultimately the surgery doesn't work and Elizabeth knew it wouldn't from the very beginning and we are left with a very bleak conclusion to this story.
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Let's move on to the plot involving Dr. Lauren Bloom. Like Max and Iggy and Elizabeth, Lauren, too, isn't handling the news too well and while leading a tour of the hospital for underprivileged high school kids aspiring to go into medicine, she reveals to Dr. Floyd Reynolds that she had an abortion five years ago which so happens to be around the time the two of them were dating. I'd totally forgotten that when the series debuted, these two characters were coming out of a relationship. I didn't get the sense that Floyd was upset by her decision to have an abortion even though I felt like the episode wanted me to believe that. I believe Floyd was trying to make sense of why she felt the need to hide it from him which is a very valid reaction. Floyd's reaction puts Lauren on the defense which leads to one of the best moments of the episode. Lauren delivers an impassioned monologue about how she's had two abortions over the course of her life - one when she was in college and the one she had five years ago although it's important to note that she thankfully doesn't mention Floyd by name. 
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The whole point of this speech is that while Lauren had two very valid reasons to justify her reason to have her two abortions, when it comes to abortions, a woman shouldn't have to have a reason. Her body, her choice. Floyd apologizes to Lauren at the end of the episode and while I'm a firm believer that there are many apologies owed by many men to many women in this country, this case didn't require an apology. I sincerely believe that Floyd did nothing wrong. However, I understand why the writers did what they did. They needed a means of getting Lauren to deliver that monologue and this provided them the opportunity.
Now, perhaps I'm biased but I thought the best storyline of the episode belonged to Iggy. For the second week in a row, we get to see Iggy at his best and it makes me hopeful about evolution of his character going forward. While walking with Gladys whose perspective on the Supreme Court decision doesn't get explored, Iggy comes across a beligerent male protester becoming aggressive with a female, pro-choice protester. Iggy inserts himself in between the two and ends up decking the man. Iggy is usually a hug-it-out kind of guy and rarely, if ever, resorts to physical violence but I imagine like myself, he was feeling pretty helpless and acting  out, even violently, gave him some sort of catharsis.
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Iggy ends up getting arrested for punching the asshole protester and is told that the charges against him will be dropped if he apologizes to the man. Iggy refuses to do so, so Karen Brantley (Debra Monk) calls in the big guns. Martin (Mike Doyle) arrives and convinces Iggy to do the right thing. When Iggy still refuses to apologize, Martin points out that if he gets put in jail, he will end up with a criminal record which could place their family in jeopardy should the overturning of Roe v. Wade leads to other Supreme Court rulings being overturned, i.e., marriage equality. Iggy, reluctantly, apologizes and when he returns home later that evening, he is feeling pretty hopeless. Sameera, Iggy and Martin's oldest child, announces that she will not be going to camp in South Dakota because of the Supreme Court ruling which is the glimmer of hope we needed at the end of this episode.
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The final plot of the episode involves Dr. Max Goodwin and Karen Brantley. Max is clearly rattled by the Supreme Court decision but doesn't have a chance to sulk because Karen wants it to fix it. At first her request seems unrealistic and frankly bizarre but it was kind of fun watching Max get to be Max without any restraints. My favorite part of this story involved Max enlisting the assistance of Todd Benson (Darren Pettie). Max comes up with the idea to create a fleet of floating abortion clinics located on federal waters. This would enable women in states that will be most affected by the the ban to have safe abortions. The plan, of course, fails but what it leads to is Max doing so we often don't get to see him do - listen. Max listens as Karen talks about one of her friends from college. This friend got pregnant and decided she didn't want to have the baby. Karen ended up going with her friend to a salon with an abortion clinic in the back. The procedure did not go well and afterwards Karen dedicated herself to fighting for a woman's right to choose until Roe v. Wade passed in 1973. From Karen's point of view, seeing something she fought so hard for be reversed nearly fifty years later must be so devastating. 
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Like Iggy, Max is left feeling pretty hopeless. When he tries to talk to Luna about it later that evening, Luna reminds him that maybe tomorrow will be better. Honestly, the only thing that is keeping me going these days is knowing that maybe tomorrow things will be better than they are today. 
We are seven episodes into this season and while there have been a few bumps in the road, for the most part this season has done a good job of bringing back the kind of storytelling we got in the first season. I'm happy that a show like New Amsterdam decided to tackle such a controversial issue head-on. I wish we got more episodes like this one and knowing that we are only getting closer to the end of this show makes me so sad every time I think about it. Kudos to the writers, the actors, and the director for delivering such a powerful hour of television. It makes me curious to see what will happen next. Until next time ...
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swforester · 2 years
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Twins of Deacon Elijah and Mrs Wealthy Talcott died on July 7th, 1808. Luna and Lura were 11 days old.
Quarryville Cemetery
Bolton CT 10/14/22
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erospendragon · 11 months
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"Bold Eros Rafael Ludicanti.
If you only knew who you are, noble warrior.
What you've done.
What you can do.
My brave rebel baby brother."
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"Yes, sis."
"Don't be afraid."
"Yes, sister."
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Recent photograph.
"Welcome, Queen Bee.
In here, we are the best we can be.
Take care of my kid brother, lucky girl.
And make sure you never lose him.
Life will completly loose its meaning once he's gone.
We are Demonesses.
You kind of fit in here.
Make sure we are real before you take the next step.
Everything will change.
Earn it."
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vintagenames · 7 years
Names of the 1880s
The Weird and the Wonderful
Two-Syllable Girls’ Names
Abbie Abby Ada Adah Adda Addie Adele Adell Adelle Aggie Agnes Aileen Aimee Alba Alcie Alda Alice Aline Alla Allene Allie Alma Alpha Alta Altha Alva Alyce Alys Amber Amie Amy Ana Angie Anna Anner Annie Annis Ara Archie Arie Arrie Artie Audrey Aura Ava Avie Avis Bama Becky Bella Bena Bennie Berdie Bernice Berta Bertha Bertie Beryl Besse Bessie Betsy Bettie Betty Beulah Birdie Birtha Birtie Bonnie Bridget Bulah Caddie Calla Callie Cammie Cara Carey Carol Carra Carrie Cassie Catherine Cathrine Cecil Cecile Celeste Celie Chaney Chanie Charlie Charlotte Cherry Chloe Chrissie Christene Christine Cinda Clair Clara Clarence Clarice Classie Claudie Claudine Clemie Clemmie Cleo Clora Clyda Connie Constance Cora Corda Cordie Corine Corinne Corrie Corrine Daisey Daisie Daisy Dana Dayse Debbie Della Dellar Delphine Dena Dessa Dessie Dicie Dicy Dillie Dinah Dixie Docia Dollie Dolly Dona Donna Donnie Donnie Dora Dorcas Doris Dosha Doshia Doshie Dovie Dulcie Easter Eda Eddie Edith Edna Ednah Edyh Edythe Effa Effie Ela Elaine Elda Elise Ella Ellar Ellen Ellie Elma Elmire Elsa Elsie Elta Elva Elvie Elza Emma Emmer Emmie Ena Eola Era Erie Erma Erna Essie Esta Estell Estelle Ester Esther Estie Etha Ethel Ethyl Etna Etta Etter Ettie Eula Eulah Euna Eunice Eva Evie Fannie Fanny Flora Florance Florence Florssie Frances Frankie Freda Frieda Frone Fronie Fronnie Gena Genie Georgia Georgie Gertie Gertrude Gina Gladys Glenna Golda Goldie Gracie Gussie Hallie Hannah Hannah Harriette Harry Hassie Hattie Hazel Hedwig Helen Helene Helma Hennette Hermine Hessie Hester Hettie Hilda Hilma Hortense Hulda Huldah Icy Ida Idell Ila Ina Inez Inga Ira Irene Iris Irma Isa Iva Ivah Ivy Janette Janet Janie Jannie Jeanette Jeanette Jennie Jenny Jesse Jessie Jettie Jewel Jewell Jimmie Johnnie Josie Jossie Judith Judy Julie Junie Katherine Kathleen Kathrine Kathryn Kathryne Katie Kattie Katy Kittie Kitty Kizzie Lacy Lanie Laura Lea Leah Leda Leila Leitha Lela Lella Lemma Lena Lenna Lennie Lenore Leo Leone Leslie Lessie Leta Letha Letta Lettie Letty Libbie Lida Liddie Lidie Lila Lilla Liller Lillie Lillis Lilly Lily Lina Linda Linna Linnie Lissie Littie Liza Lizzie Lola Lollie Loma Lona Lonnie Lora Lorene Lotta Lottie Louie Louise Loula Lovie Lucie Lucile Lucille Lucy Ludie Lula Lular Lulie Lulu Luna Lura Lutie Lyda Mabel Mabelle Mable Madie Madora Maggie Mallie Mamie Mammie Manda Manie Mandy Marcia Margaret Margeret Margie Margret Marie Martha Mary Mathilde Matie Mattie Maudie Maybelle Mayme Maymie Mazie Meda Mellie Melva Mena Merle Mertie Meta Metta Mettie Mignon Mildred Millie Mima Mina Minda Minna Minnie Minta Mintie Mittie Mollie Molly Mona Myra Myrta Myrtie Myrtle Nancy Nannie Nealie Nella Nellie Nena Neppie Netta Nettie Neva Nina Nola Nolie Nona Nonie Nora Norah Norma Ocie Oda Ola Olga Olie Olive Ollie Oma Omie Ona Onie Opal Ora Orpha Osa Osie Ossie Ottie Pansy Patience Patsy Pattie Patty Paula Pearlie Peggy Phebe Phoebe Phyllis Pinkey Pinkie Pollie Polly Prudence Queenie Rachael Rachel Reba Rella Rena Rennie Reta Retta Rilla Rillie Rita Robbie Roda Roena Rosa Rosie Roxie Ruby Ruthie Sabra Sada Sadie Sallie Sally Sammie Sannie Sara Sarah Selma Sena Shirley Sibyl Sidney Sina Sophie Stella Sula Susan Susie Suzanne Tella Tempie Tena Tennie Tessie Texas Thea Theda Thelma Therese Thursa Tilda Tillie Tina Tishie Tressa Tressie Ula Una Vada Vallie Vannie Velma Vena Venie Vera Verdie Verna Vernie Vertie Vesta Vida Vina Viney Vinnie Violet Virgie Viva Wanda Wilda Willa Willie Wilma Winnie Yetta Zada Zelda Zella Zelma Zena Zetta Zilpha Zoa Zoe Zola Zona Zora Zula
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mundoaion · 7 years
Rango S Luna Diaria
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punningway · 1 year
The Inescaevable Subtlety of Nero Scaeva - Chapter 21 - Grave
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punningway · 1 year
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The Inescaevable Subtlety of Nero Scaeva: Chapter 4 - Off the Hook
The 4th chapter for my #FFXIVwrite2023 fic is posted!
The Inescaevable Subtlety of Nero Scaeva: Chapter 4 - Off the Hook
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punningway · 1 year
Ironworks Triad
I love them. 🧡💙❤️ I love how they balance each other. I love how they make each other better. I love how they get to the point of really understanding each other. Their little family means so much to me. Cid, Nero, Lura, I wish you endless happiness together, you lovely nerds.
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punningway · 1 year
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Them 🧡💙❤️
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punningway · 1 year
The Ironworks Triad
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Lura and Nero are both absolutely in love with Cid, and something new and tender is growing between them, as well.
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punningway · 1 year
Lurabell and the Crystal Disney Castle
#ffxiv #gposers #luraluna #disneyfan #tinkerbell #crystaltower| #nyanyastudio #unorthofox #eastlaketea #scherana #kea
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punningway · 1 year
Challenge: Draw/gpose your ship in this pose!
Cid and Lura tried, but Lura is a curvy lady, so they mostly just ended up cracking up.
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