#garlond girl
punningway · 1 year
Challenge: Draw/gpose your ship in this pose!
Cid and Lura tried, but Lura is a curvy lady, so they mostly just ended up cracking up.
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candycryptids · 4 months
beep beep QUESTION TIME!!!
what are each of your characters' favorite minion(s) and why? 👀
Bet you weren’t expecting SCREENSHOTS!!!! BAM…!! (I was trying to get into cozy town so these are speed-shots LOL it was a fun pseudo challenge gettin em all done in under an hour)
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Chuu’s favorite Minion is the Toy Alexander: a moving mini replica of the time traveling Machine-God? and it’s kinda hot? It’s one of the few machines she didn’t build herself but only because Cid and the Ironworks rushed to do it before she could, fearing the features she’d put into a tiny war machina-Primal. It’s like an action figure to her. It’s set a hilarious precedent though, and she’s still waiting for her Miniature G-Warrior. Chop chop Garlond!
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Tuesday’s favorite minion is Gigi, after he has a long talk with Keathan and he retires the Haurchefant Mammet for a spell, worrying for the negative impact it was having on his mental state. He finds a lot of kinship with Gigi, though, being black mage machines. …… he’s a little worried about what misadventures the Inspector is going to get up to next time, though. And that scrawny elezen and his dog, who seemed to conveniently be away whenever the Elezen Inspector Briardien came around….
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Nobody knows where that little baby Buffalo came from. Nobody stopped Tangy from scooping it up under her arm like a little purse dog and taking it with her when they moved to the Rising Stones, either. It’s just a little guy! She couldn’t leave it there all alone. What if something like a Pelican tried to eat it… also, it’s cute, and round, and the Rising Stones could use a Mascot anyways.
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Ishi’s favorite minion- that isn’t one of his increasing clowder of kitten adoptee’s- is the Odder Otter! He ADORES silly little mascot like creatures, so he jumped at the chance to have a little pal of his own to come on adventures. It even has its own little lantern! He might just cry thinking about it. When he finds out about the Abroader Otter he’s going to become inconsolable. Lmao.
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The OOC origin behind Colette’s baby bat is when her and Setsuna first set off on their journey together in Ul’Dah, a stranger came and pressed Bats into their possession. It was baffling, and funny. The IC origin is fuzzier, only that Setsuna and Colette have had them since they first started adventuring and they’re probably attuned to each other in some way. Either way, here’s Colette and aptly named ‘Bat’.
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Mochiie refuses to let anything bad happen to little Ryunosuke. Which is why he makes sure the jacket is on snug and fully when it’s raining, so the chick doesn’t run risk of catching cold while they’re traveling together. He has the problem Ishi has with adopting cats, but with Chocobo chicks. He’s pretty sure Ryunosuke is some kinda Hingan Pygmy breed, meant for Nobles to keep in their estates and on display, prized for their docile, lap-loving nature and silky plumage. He doesn’t get on very well with Cindy, or Sandy, but that’s not a huge surprise; the girls are strong personalities, spoiled with attention, and bigger, older birds from a breed meant for Combat, not pets. Mindy tolerates Ryunosuke but only because she knows he would fit perfectly in her mouth if she so chose to, and Mochi would be extremely upset in her if she did.
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Levraut’s favorite minion is. Naturally. Canonball :’3 the scrappy little wolf pup saved from the brink of starvation and then fed up, spoiled with plenty of attention and poor manners. He’s stolen a fair number of unsuspecting sandwiches… Lev is going to have to teach him the thieves code one of these days or they’re both going to get in trouble lol.
[shader for all is Neneko’s Gameplay Essence]
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #15: Wolf's Legacy
Prompt: portentous || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: Very mild spoilers for a few lore bits from the Endwalker Healer role quests.
“Thank you for coming today!” Commander Hext said cheerfully, waving Angharad and Eydis into her office and towards the chairs in front of her desk.
“Of course, Commander Hext,” Angharad said, smoothing her skirts as she settled into her seat with her daughter next to her. “How can we be of service?”
“Call me Lyse, please,” the Commander said, dropping unceremoniously into her own chair. “And, well, today’s business is more what we can do for you.”
“Is this why Synnove isn’t here?” Eydis said, one dark red eyebrow arching up.
Lyse smiled, but this one was grim, rather than the bright effervescence with which she had met them at the Resistance’s headquarters in Ala Mhigo. “Right on the nose,” she said. “As dear a friend as she is, she isn’t head of house and doesn’t have the authority to make decisions about what I’m about to tell you.”
Angharad and Eydis exchanged surprised looks. Eydis’s other eyebrow went up, curiosity sparking in the dark green eyes she had inherited from her grandmother. Angharad shrugged helplessly; she hadn’t the faintest idea on what this could be about.
A knock came at the door, and Lyse immediately bounced to her feet and across the space to open it. She stepped further out of the way. “Ah-hah, now we can begin.”
A young, dark-skinned man with blond hair rolled himself inside, a large stack of papers carefully balanced in his lap. Angharad recognized the stamp of the Garlond Ironworks on the wheelchair, it’s frame and wheels clearly a lightweight metal with how easily the lad maneuvered himself inside.
“Ladies, this is Arenvald Lentinus,” Lyse said, closing her office door behind him. “He works primarily with the Silver Griffins, but he’s been assisting with this project for the Council. Arenvald, this is Angharad and Eydis Greywolfe.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Lady Greywolfe, Mistress Greywolfe,” Arenvald said; his Abanian was faintly accented with a Thanalani lilt, not unusual among the children of the diaspora. He dipped his head in an abbreviated bow as he came to a halt next to Lyse’s desk. As he set the brake on his wheels, he used his free hand to transfer the stack of paperwork to the desk.
Eydis shuddered. “Please call me Eydis,” she said, her face twisted up like a displeased coeurl.
Angharad covered her laugh with a cough. “And please, call me Angharad. A pleasure to meet you, too, Arenvald, you’ve featured in more than one story from Synnove and the girls, and it’s lovely to finally have a face to put with the name.”
Arenvald grinned, and Angharad fought back the urge to pinch his cheeks. Ugh, what was it about Ala Mhigan lads and their disarming smiles? Absolutely precious.
As Lyse once more dropped back into her chair, Arenvald started unstacking the paper into separate piles. “How much do you know about this meeting today?” he asked.
“Not much beyond that it’s something requiring myself and my daughter in our capacities as the Greywolfe matriarch and the heir,” Angharad said, settling back into her seat and crossing her ankles.
Arenvald nodded and met her gaze head. “Right then,” he said. “A bit of background: I’ve been working with the Silver Griffins, an organization dedicated to assisting those Ala Mhigans who worked with the Garleans, willingly or no. Housing, physical and mental therapy, and so on.”
Angharad nodded; she heard of the organization through Synnove. Eydis’s head was cocked to the side—clearly this was the first she had heard of it—though it was curiosity that primarily colored her expression.
“Very recently, part of that has included trying to track down families,” Arenvald said. “The Council’s been working on a similar project, mostly trying to find any living descendants of the old nobility before claiming any of the remaining estates for public use. Lyse has been helping us with going out into the field to find anyone we think might be a relative, either of a Griffin family or the nobility.”
“Gets me out of the office,” Lyse said, some of her cheer back. “And it’s inadvertently helped us reach more of the remote villages in the Spine.”
“Inevitably, the issue of House Wolfe came up,” Arenvald said, a slight grimace on his face.
Angharad couldn’t blame him. House Wolfe had gone extinct during the reign of the Mad King, its matriarch and her children executed on not-so-trumped up charges of sedition; if she had been slightly less outspoken, Liefhun Wolfe might have been leading the rebellion the day they overthrew Theodoric…but might have very well still fallen to the cannonfire of the XIVth Legion’s airships as they razed half the city. In any event, the destruction of House Wolfe, one of the oldest families among Ala Mhigo’s high nobility, and the seizure of its asset by the crown had thrown the houses into disarray, worsened by the occupation.
“By some miracle, we found copies of the original deeds in one of the palace’s lower basements,” Lyse said. “We think probably a sympathetic administrator was making copies of everything in the event of Theodoric’s overthrow.”
“So, we had the full measure of House Wolfe’s holdings,” Arenvald said, “but then we had to figure out who inherited it all.”
“Bloody old inheritance laws,” Lyse muttered under her breath.
…Angharad did not like where this was going. Eydis’s brow was furrowing.
“House Blackwolfe is gone,” Arenvald ticked off on one finger, naming the oldest of House Wolfe’s cadet branches. “Changing the name wouldn’t have affected inheritance, with all of House Wolfe’s cadets following matrilineal succession, there’s always a clear line of precedence, and certainly no one in Ala Mhigo would blame House Blackwolfe’s sons and daughters for abandoning that particular name, but Odeyla and Otelin Blackwolfe are confirmed dead as of three years ago, during an uprising in the southern mountains that the XIIIth put down. Neither had children.
“House Whitewolfe,” he continued, “we can’t find a single trace of. Sewell Whitewolfe may have changed his name entirely, he may have died, no one’s seen hide nor hair of him since the Fall, and the Council’s given the authorization to have him declared legally dead. House Redwolfe is confirmed extinct; apparently their last daughter didn’t escape, and was forcibly conscripted. Records we traced have her killed in Corvos.”
Angharad did not like where this was going.
“Congratulations!” Lyse said with manic cheer. “Eydis, you are the sole living descendent and/or relative of three of the oldest families in Ala Mhigo.” She gestured to the four piles of paper on her desk; they were very tall. “This is a list of all your new stuff!”
“Lyse,” Arenvald sighed.
“There’s no nice way of saying it, Arenvald, better to rip the bandage off entirely.”
There was a moment of stunned quiet as Arenvald put his face in his hands. Slowly, Angharad turned her head to look at her daughter. Eydis stared back with eyes that were as wide and horrified as her own.
Oh, thank Rhalgr, she had indeed raised her girl right.
“Absolutely not,” Eydis said, shaking her head frantically. “Nope. Nope nope nope, not one bit, no.”
“The Republic of Ala Mhigo is more than welcome to the estates of House Wolfe, House Blackwolfe, House Whitewolfe, and House Redwolfe,” Angharad said firmly, “with the caveat the buildings be used for civil purposes or public housing. Certain heirlooms, if they’ve been recovered, I’d like to examine, but likely most I would see donated to a museum or other historical institution.”
“I’ll take anything about any surviving accounts!” Eydis said, starting to calm as she realized she was on the same page as her mother. “Depending on the sums available, we might be able to reopen the Greywolfe weapons school.”
Angharad beamed at her daughter. She and Eydis and Havardr had only discussed such tentatively, but if those assets were still within Ala Mhigo, that would mean they wouldn’t have to deal with the headache of untangling their accounts from the Greene ones controlled by Isolde.
Both Lyse and Arenvald slumped in obvious relief.
“Oh, thank the Twelve,” Lyse said, putting her elbows on her desk and her face in her hands. “That was so much easier than I thought it would be.” She peered through her fingers. “Arenvald?”
The young man was already rummaging through the piles. “I’ve got some paperwork here about signing the properties over,” he said. “They’re copies, so you’re welcome to take them to a solicitor to review before you sign anything.”
“We’re going to turn you into a proper bureaucrat,” Lyse said with a grin.
“Do not speak that into existence, you menace.”
As Lyse and Arenvald settled into a sibling-like good-natured bickering, Angharad and Eydis put their heads together to go over the fine print. Eydis’s leg was bouncing, excitement starting to flood her, and Angharad reached out to grab her hand and squeeze it. Eydis squeezed back.
It was about time the family had a bit of luck go their way.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 5 months
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"So... does this mean you guys are getting back together?"
"Don't be stupid."
"I'm hungry."
"So go eat Alpha-"
"You can have some of my lunch, Ely."
"Oh so you're offering the kid lunch and not me? This is why we broke up, Garlond."
"She's a growing girl-"
"Cid, I'm twenty three..."
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mythriteshah · 9 months
Gratitude Be to Garlemald
There was commotion abound in the Imperial Palace. From within its glowing halls of blue and grey echoed the rhythmic footsteps of Garlean soldiers. From without, the muffled roar of warmachina could be heard, mixed with shouting commands from officers and soldiers alike. For a regular citizen of Garlemald, this would be a normal day.
The Empire had especially been in high spirits in recent days since news of Ala Mhigo's annexation spread, and whispers amidst the citizenry and nobility could be heard from every corner. One such official was a young girl of sixteen summers, with fair skin, hazel eyes, and tresses of platinum blonde. She stood quietly and tall outside an ornate set of double doors, her hands folded at her waist. Whenever a noble would cross her path, she would bow low and greet them with a gentle "Glory be to Garlemald" or "Ave Imperium".
While it was not her business to intrude upon whatever was going on behind the doors she guarded, she could not help but overhear the discussion at certain points - apparently some sentiments regarding a treaty, the royal family's ambitions, and a "Regalia". Some bells would pass and the din of shouting and machinery would subside. The sound of metal chairs scraping along the floor could be heard from behind the doors, and a moment later, they would slowly creak open.
The young Garlean pureblood had little trouble standing for long periods of time, for she had been trained to serve among the Palatinus. Her head was already bowed as the magistrates and senators began to pour out from the room...
"Are you certain parting with that woman was wise?" spoke a magistrate. "Though a savage she may be, the Duskwight has proven herself to be a Magitek genius rivaling that of House Asina - perhaps even that of Garlond's!"
"Even that may be a stretch," replied a female praefectus, "but there is no mistake that she served us well; she had even earned her place among us as a citizen through said genius alone. What is one mind to spare, when we've but thousands? Not to mention the coin paid was far greater than negotiated - generous, even..."
The hushed conversations continued until they were no longer within earshot of the girl, and the committee had all but vacated the area. The last to exit the room were an unexpected sort: a pair of Dunesfolk Lalafell, garbed in habiliments from the more tropical, southern regions of Ilsabard - specifically Thavnair. The male was turbaned and had a well-kept goatee of ice blue, and always had an intrepid aura about him. As for the female, she had hair as white as the snow which fell upon the Magna Glacies, and orbs of silver. She was elegant and graceful in her mannerisms, never wasting a single movement in her steps.
Following them were several other purebloods who bore the colors of the Populares faction. As the doors behind them closed, she would raise her head and turn towards the departing guests...
"Lord Higuri?" she uttered. They would coast to a stop to acknowledge the girl. "I... wanted to extend to you my family's gratitude for your deeds. Though we also wanted to warn you... to not get your hopes up. With recent events unfolding as they are, the movement for your Ilsabard Branch may not be likely to pass."
The male chuckled and approached the girl, stroking his facial hair as he did.
"My dear girl - Miss Youmei, was it?" the Lord Higuri - also known as Fafastima - replied, to which the girl nodded. "We are well aware of the history of your people, and understand that their obstinance is well-founded! But even Garlemald cannot deny generosity when it is presented to them! And even should the door close on this deal, our time in Ul'dah has taught us that there are always more opportunities to be made! But thank you for your kind words, Miss Youmei, and give our own regards to House Kyria! Make no mistake that this will not be the last you see or hear of House Higuri!"
A fade to white, and time fast forwards to the present day. An older Youmei snaps back to reality as she takes in her surroundings: she is within an airship, bound for the Near East. After spending so much time on the home front, she was finally given leave to relax as she awaited new orders. Look off the starboard bow she would shield her eyes from the bright afternoon sun which loomed above, and the port of Yedlihmad came into view. The heat was a welcome sensation to the Garlean shieldmaiden - a stark contrast to the heat and humidity to which she was accustomed by necessity.
As the ship made its descent, she caught the glimpse of some sort of cart or carriage approaching the port town from the west, being pulled by what appeared to be hippos, and some strange bipedal... marid...? holding the reigns. Taking in all the colors and vibrancy, the only familiar sight was the emblem on the hood - the emblem of the Higuri Regalia. When it arrived, a Lalafell of amber-malachite hair and dressed to the nines in gold jumped from out of the carriage to approach the pier.
Stepping cautiously out of her ship, Youmei had safely arrived at her destination, having stepped foot upon Thavnair for the first time. While her tenure in the militum took her to places far and wide, she never had the luxury or fortune to venture so far south.
"Welcome, Miss Youmei, at long last... to Thavnair!" the Lalafell greeted with a bow, sporting a posh accent that only a noble could possess.
"Baroness von Suna!" was all Youmei could get out before the locals swarmed her, gasping in awe as they barraged the Garlean pureblood her with questions and requests alike - some questions involving Magitek, and others pushing to have their wares sampled. Youmei could only chuckle sheepishly as she was out of her element, but the Lalafell was quick to scatter the crowd with her bladed cane, lightly brushing away the ambush so as to give her breathing room once more. "So sorry about that, dear. Shall we proceed?" she said as she gestured to the cart.
As they embarked, they would begin their journey outside the port town and into Thavnair proper, with the Baroness catching Youmei up to speed about general knowledge surrounding the region. As they were bound for Radz-at-Han, they had plenty of time to pass away, and the carriage's leisurely pace extended it considerably.
Making a brief stop at the Hippo Riders' headquarters in Svarna, Youmei would be introduced to the little meyhane they had established, partaking in the local delicacies - the most popular among them being lassi. Her roots as a merchant allowed the Garlean to become fast friends with the Arkasodara Matanga, and after a warm meal and rest, they were on the road once more.
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"Baroness," Youmei began, "There's... something that has been on my mind that I must divulge." Von Suna arched a curious brow at Youmei, silently gesturing her to continue... "Though it's obvious that I share a past with the house you serve, there is no mistake that my people are yet seen in a negative light. I've served under the yoke of several imperial legions, and have bore witness to many of the atrocities inflicted by each. Each fight I came out of secured a better future for Garlemald - at least I thought so until the grand deception and purpose of the Empire was revealed. There are a small number among us that wanted our fight to actually have meaning beyond bending all to the will of the ivory standard. I've witnessed Othard's unique and majestic mountains; seen the vast lakes and plains of Aldenard, and even found beauty in the Dalmascan Estersands. Though I grew as a soldier, so too did I grow as a person, hoping that our hunger for conquest and Eikon extermination would one day subside. I remained loyal to Garlemald, but knew in the back of my mind that there was a chance to make things better for us - I just never imagined it would involve the devastation of our homeland."
The delicate features upon her face tensed as Youmei's hands balled into fists within her lap. Staring at the Baroness, she continued:
"Because of the magnanimity shown by House Higuri years ago, my house and several others began to foster hope for a better Garlemald. By the grace of the non-aggression treaty were Lord Fafastima and Lady Mimizo even able to step foot into the capital to discuss trade matters; we had even voted in favor of them establishing their Ilsabard Branch Headquarters... But we knew better than to be sure of the movement passing. The Higuri's beliefs differ vastly than the stories I've heard regrading those from Ul'dah's society - the ones who only seem to be drawn by the allure of profit. As a merchant by trade, we respected such ways of thinking, but greed often gets in the way of their train of thinking..." She paused and inspected the gown the Baroness wore and her cheeks would flush a bright pink. The gown worn bore an esoteric symbol that denoted the selfsame greed of which Youmei spoke. "N-No offense. I know you've made your own strides towards Garlemald's restorations in recent moons -"
The Baroness could only laugh in response to Youmei's sentiments. Then, she would begin to loosen her updo and remove her shaded spectacles, revealing her onyx orbs as her hair trailed messily down her neck, stopping at her upper back.
"None taken, Miss Youmei!" she replied. "I was never Ul'dahn by birth anyway!" What struck the Garlean as odd, however, was the sheer fact that the Baroness's accent dropped, now giving way to a more traditional, Near Eastern dialect. "The Baroness is an alter ego I've assumed when the Regalia had risen to such prominence that even those serving House Higuri knew the delightful sting of opulence! While Baroness von Suna - the dangerous lady with gil in the pockets - may be Ul'dahn, Susuna Suna is Thavnairian, tried and true! We adapted fast to the ways of Ul'dah's upper class, and establishing the Baroness persona was done to help better spread the influence of His Eminence! My sisters do it as well, and it has worked in our favor for some time!"
Youmei blinked her eyes at the revelation. Then blinked once more before bursting into laughter herself, having been had all this time.
Their conversation would seem to have teleported them a great distance as it did not take long for the Wakeful Torama to come into view - the towering gaja statues that guarded the entrance to the Gate of First Sight which led into Radz-at-Han proper. Their destination was slowly approaching, but there was yet sentiments to divulge - which the Baroness - or Susuna Suna - would gladly do.
"You're absolutely right about one thing, Miss Youmei," she started, "Our Lord Thiji could've taken that route; he could have been counted among the many other Monetarists whose hands are in the pot of Ul'dah's politics - driven only by profit and maintaining the status quo; he could have likewise been lauded in a similar light to the so-called 'goddess of merchants' Rowena, with the Regalia having identical mannerisms to her 'House of Splendors'; he could have easily betrayed what it truly meant to be a noble worthy of the name and status; he could have forsaken it all to be led only by that most deadly of sins: greed, greed, greed... But he didn't. Somehow, some way, he had been enlightened by Nald'thal and the Sisters that a far greater destiny awaited him and those whom he could evangelize into the ways of prosperity - a true prosperity that could only be had if it was shared. He always said that, 'the rich must get richer, but those riches mean naught if not used for good.' He found that balance: where he could share his wealth to aid those less fortunate in his own way while still having pockets deep enough to beggar the predatory gaze of the Syndicate. It swayed even I - the Apsara of Greed - the one Angel blessed by the Mythrite Sultan to embody all that is avarice - to embrace its more... benevolent aspects. The hunger to want more turned into a force of good, and I used that greed - that drive to make richer the rich - to further my lord's ambitions."
As they approached the gated checkpoint, the two ladies would disembark from their cart. Susuna - quickly re-assuming her guise as the Baroness - tipped the Radiant guards for their service before leading Youmei down the bridge into Thavnair's capital.
"I thank you for helping clear my mind... Baroness," spoke the Garlean maiden. "I see knew that our gratitude in Lord Thiji was well-founded, but your words have proven to me that the Regalia is more than just a fashion emporium - it is a beacon of prosperity and opulence, achieved through the cooperation and generosity of others."
Pleased by her words, the Baroness twirled her blade-cane happily in the air before lowering her shades to shoot Youmei a wink.
"And in due time, my dear..." she had also retrieved her posh accent, "...Garlemald will know opulence once more. And whilst you await your new orders, you are long overdue for a tour of the city... Lady G!"
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efrmellifer · 1 year
II. Heartwood (Bark)
what assistants are for.
“Seeing how you dress for combat, I’m always a little surprised by the practicality of your gathering attire. Look at that—flat boots!”
Etien blushed and avoided Erenville’s amused gaze, instead looking at the toes of those same flat boots. “The combat gear is something of a recognition thing… so I have a very specific silhouette, in case there’s reduced visibility.”
“But heels?”
“They’re magicked to not do the usual damage six-ilm heels would do to my feet and legs, especially jumping around like I do, but you’d be surprised the help the heels do to let me get a better look around, or at least be close to eye-level with my colleagues. But it’s probably not something you’ve had to think about, given--” she looked up finally and gestured at his height with a little laugh, then met his eyes with a grin that was half a hopeful projection of confidence and half already laughing at her own joke to support that confidence. “And what are you doing looking at my legs, anyway?”
“Nothing untoward, I promise,” he replied.
Etien shook her head, smile still pulling at her lips and ears flicking with how she scrunched her face up. She fixed her hatchet and scythe on her back, and pulled out the map. “So where are we headed?”
Erenville tapped the spot on the map, and Etien tipped her head, tracing the path with her eyes. “All right. Making our own ways?”
“Did you want me to ride with you?”
She shrugged. “You’ll fit on the bike, so whatever you want is fine.”
“It hardly seems fair that you’re my assistant and yet you’re the one ferrying me around a place I’ve been working at since long before you first set foot here.”
Etien exhaled hard through her nose. “Isn’t that what assistants are for?”
She held back her Isn’t that what Eorzea’s Errand Girl is for? He didn’t need or deserve her bitterness about something that had nothing to do with him.
Instead, she fished in her pocket as she waved and walked away.
Once she’d gotten up the stairs, she brandished her Garlond Ironworks key to the attendant at the entrance of Labyrinthos, then returned back down the stairs walking the motorbike, coming to a stop where Erenville had waited, then hopping on and starting it. “Come on, then!” She called over the motor with a tilt of her head.
He slotted in behind her, holding on carefully as the motorbike started across the white stone and under the archway, onto dirt paths toward the Hatching Canal.
Having reached the spot they aimed for in the Mornveil Forest, Etien turned off the bike and kicked out the stand. She looked over her shoulder, and Erenville hopped off the seat, shaking himself off.
With a nod between them, they got to work.
It was quiet as they did, no chatter, just the sound of their tools against the trees and the rock, and the occasional hum as Erenville looked over the list and reiterated what was next upon it to Etien.
It was an easy rhythm, and working within it, they were nearing done in short order. Now the chatter picked up again, over the thwack of Etien’s hatchet against trees.
“So Potentilla said to me the other day—Etien?”
She knew better than to take her eyes off the tree when she was swinging a hatchet around. She knew better, and now she was paying the price in a rather peculiar way.
She hadn’t hurt anyone, and for that she was grateful.
But still… she looked back to the blade still lodged in the bark, and removed it with a click of her tongue.
“What in the gods’ name…?” she mumbled, looking into the distance again.
“What is it?” Erenville asked, trying to see what she was looking at, what would have so thoroughly disturbed her that she would be careless, that would break her focus.
There was another Miqo’te in the distance, pickaxe on his back.
Why would that…?
“What are looking at? M’ynstrel? I was surprised they Forum was still recruiting, but he’s a new addition to the Gleaners. He’s a very skilled miner, and very knowledgeable about where the richest ore veins are, from his exploration of Eorzea. He said he was inspired to travel because of the Warrior of… Light...”
Etien’s eyes were glassy, and he wasn’t sure how much of that she’d really processed. But she hadn’t stopped staring, and it was at M’ynstrel.
“That’s my little brother,” Etien said quietly. “This is the first time I’ve seen him in nine or ten years.” The tears in her eyes slipped over her lash line and she wiped at them with the back of her wrist. “I’m… I’m happy for him.” She shook her head and got back to work, gripping her hatchet and really following through on the stroke that had been prematurely stopped last time.
She didn’t look like she wanted to talk about it right now, then. He turned back to the list from the Forum.
She gathered the sample of the tree, setting it in the bag and sighing.
“I know Gleaners work alone,” she said, slipping off her gloves and wiping at her eyes again, “but take care of him, would you? Just… make sure he’s okay from time to time.”
“Well, if you’re my assistant,” Erenville began.
“Right,” Etien replied, sounding a little hesitant. “There is that. But I’m not always here. Just, if you get the chance. You don’t need to be his best friend or anything.”
“If he’s anything like you, I might not mind it.”
She smiled, flattered and kind of enjoying the idea of M’ynstrel and Erenville being friends. “He’d be lucky to have you.”
“Do you intend to talk with him?”
“Yes. Eventually. I’ve missed him.”
He decided not to ask.
She let out a dry bark of a laugh. “It wasn’t his fault. I left for vastly different reasons. But as it turns out, saving the world is kind of an all-consuming task, so I never ended up going back like I might have.”
“Not even to visit?”
“Have you ever?”
Now it was his turn to laugh. “I see your point.”
“And you took such good care of my sheep,” Etien teased.
“All right, all right. But you’ll have to help me in the archives in exchange.”
She nodded, with the start of a smile. “What are assistants for?”
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elliewiltarwyn · 8 months
Top 5 Mounts! I love seeing which mounts people are drawn too!
ohhh, that's not something I think about often, and I'm lucky enough to have acquired a hefty number of rare ones, so this is going to be fun and sentimental! and maybe a little humblebraggy im sorry im not trying to be! :D
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like many players I'm sure, Shadowbringers was when the game really for good hooked me for life, and Ryne is a significant part of that. I loved her character so much that I was overjoyed when I realized the raid series was not only going to expand on her as a character, but give her a girlfriend.
But that's not the only reason; Eden's Promise is also the tier my static formed and we began to take on savage raids, and one of my greatest memories of this game is defeating the final E12S boss alongside them like 0.7 seconds before she enraged. The Oracle of Darkness is still one of my favorite fights in the whole game, and between that, the fact that the whole raid storyline is a handwrapped gift for lesbians who have Ryne as their favorite character, and a personal fondness for FF8 YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I SAID IT SUCK IT GAMEFAQS BOARDS FROM 1998...well, getting to ride Actually Eden in this game kind of rules.
I do wish it played The Extreme though. :V
2. Sunforged
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Meanwhile, Abyssos was extremely memorable for, unfortunately, much different reasons. A lot of our group started facing a lot of personal problems IRL, and we had to say goodbye to some very good friends we had made and then bring new ones up to speed on the tier, so it took us an immensely long time to make it all the way to P8S, prog both phases of the fight, and get eight clears for all of us; we were struggling so much that even when the tier unlocked, we weren't able to clear him more than once a week. I still think P8S is too rough around the edges and I like the fight a lot less than the other Pandaemonium finales - not necessarily poorly designed, but extremely demanding to the point it was actually taking a toll on us.
...So basically, to me the Sunforged represents us dragging our broken, battered bodies over the finish line of the raid tier, succeeding despite all the shit both it and real life threw at us. We fought really fuckin' hard for this fucker, and as difficult as it was I'm really, immensely proud of us for managing it.
Also the mount itself is just sick af. Big fire snek!
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and it turns into a godsdamned phoenix for flight, come on!!
3. Garlond GL-II
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i mean come on this thing was built for biker girl femroes!!
4. Megaloambystoma
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I am BEYOND LIVID that the Axolotl mount is locked behind Savage. Savage is for neckbeard no-lifers who play this game 24/7. Give them a crappy Magitek mount or something but cute mounts do NOT belong to raiders!!!
okay but seriously look at this dope. what a good boy. and in addition to being cute AF he ALSO has a sentimental story about my static's experiences with the relevant raid tier: for some strange reason, for the last bits of phase 1 and all of phase 2 of P12S in particular, I was the one who ended up studying the fight, writing down explanations, walking the group through the mechanics, and making callouts. it'd be a little aggrandizing to claim that Pallas Athena is my victory because obviously it's the whole group's... but it is the fight that somehow made me the one confident enough to lead my friends through it.
So in a weird way, this little dope is like, a representation of my self-esteem. I love him.
5. Fat Cat
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I'm a cat person. I was morally obligated to buy this. Pay no attention to the mount description that posits that it is either a VOIDSENT using a BLOATED CAT'S CORPSE AS ITS CORPOREAL VESSEL, or a DECEASED PET REANIMATED by one well versed in the NECROMANTIC ARTS. these are lies and slander. look at this :3 face. is this the face of someone who would hide their true insidious voidtinged nature? clearly not. stop worrying about it. you don't need to sleep with a knife under your pillow with this baby around. >:3
this was really fun to reminisce and write about, thank you @disciple-of-frost for the ask!!
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otherworldseekers · 1 year
Find the Words
Tagged by @sasslett Thanks!
I’ve been given 4 words to search for in my works. Here goes...
Weapon: Something’s Gotta Give chapter 2 
“Do not bring Garlond into this,” Nero growled. “I’ve suffered enough comparisons to the darling of the Garlean Empire and the Alliance to choke on.”
“Only because you put yourself there to be compared. But it’s not your fault. Cid is a genius.”
“And I am not? I, who brought the Ultima Weapon, the masterpiece of the Allagans, back to life?”
“If I were you and I hoped to be tolerated in Eorzea in the future, I wouldn’t go around bragging about that,” Severia pointed out helpfully. 
“Hmph,” Nero hmphed in a hurt tone. “It was an accomplishment to rival any of Garlond’s.” 
“Well, you’ll just have to prove yourself with something else that isn’t a weapon of mass destruction.” Severia set about rinsing out the cups with the remaining hot water and packing away the tea things.
“Weapons happen to be my specialty.”
“Maybe that’s your problem.” 
Nero scoffed. “I fail to see the problem.”
Star: Something’s Gotta Give chapter 2
Nero frowns as he stares up at the stars, surprised to feel how much it has dismayed him to see her like that. He is baffled and alarmed at the depth and sincerity of his own words to her. When had he come to see her that way? When had she gone from puzzle and problem to person? But there was no doubt that she had. When he thinks of her now he thinks not of her power or her renown. 
He thinks of her eyes, fiery and flashing, and never wants to see such emptiness in them again. He thinks of the smile he has seen her favor her friends with and wonders if it is possible she should ever show it for him. The delicacy and strength of her hands. The alluring scales that peak below the hem of her shorts. Not to mention her tail… He tries to stop himself, but the images come to his mind unbidden. 
“Fuck,” he says under his breath. And when he finally sleeps that night he dreams of her.
Skin: Something’s Gotta Give chapter 5 (upcoming)
Severia Zetsuen stared at her reflection in the mirror as attendants of the Golden Saucer hovered around her checking for stray pieces of lint or misbehaving hairs. They had her dressed-up like a doll in a gown that simultaneously had more fabric than any other garment she owned and showed more of her skin that she would ever have dared herself. Her hair was freshly washed and pinned up at the base of her skull while shorter tendrils had been delicately curled to frame her face.
Now the Saucer employees all stood back admiring their handiwork. “You look just stunning, Ma’am,” one young Hyur girl said gleefully. 
Severia felt stunned herself. She’d never in her life worn such expensive clothes or had her hair and makeup done by experts. The results were certainly fashionable, but she almost felt she wasn’t herself anymore. She didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but this whole ordeal was becoming… well, an ordeal.
Smirk: Something’s Gotta Give chapter 1
“Nero tol Scaeva, at your service, Warrior of Light.”
“You were the masked stranger in Revenant’s Toll!” 
“Guilty as charged,” he says and smiles in a way that makes her mind go blank for several seconds. It’s an open, friendly smile, not at all like the tight smirk he had worn below in the passage to Syrcus Tower. It transforms him.
“I… um…” She finds herself staring and stammering. For the first time she really looks at him. There is something about his eyes, deep set beneath heavy brows, and their delicate periwinkle blue, that makes his gaze seem more intense than it ought to be. Her gaze traces the strong jaw, the prominent cheekbones, the expressive eyebrows and rests on the single curl that falls down over his forehead, somehow softening his features. He makes, if she is honest with herself, a very attractive picture. But she is not prepared to be honest with herself, so she ignores the odd and unfamiliar sensation in her stomach and gets back to the matter at hand.
(Now, I am going to chicken out and not tag anyone cause I’m not sure who writes and hasn’t been tagged. Sorry.)
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I am not having a good well not having a good time right now. Um.... what is it like when Estinien comforts Agni when she feels insecure about her weight ? ( I am sorry if my request is so angsty from what I usually ask )
(No worries <3)
When Estinien woke following a night of very passionate lovemaking with his lady, he expected to find her curled into him, still asleep. He did not expect to find himself alone in bed.
What's that? Crying? From the bathroom? Oh fucking hells. He rubbed his eyes and rose from the bed. As he went towards the bathroom, the crying became louder. Shit. Fuck. I wonder if she had a nightmare. Fuck. Must make her feel better. Must comfort her. "Agi? What's the matter?"
Startled, Agnes wiped her eyes quickly. "O-oh! Nothing, love. Everything's fine. Go back to sleep." She fumbled for her glasses on the sink and then they fell to the floor. Luckily they're quite sturdy.
"I'll get them." He mumbled, bending over to retrieve them. He offered her a warm smile when he handed them to her though whether she can see it is another story.
"Thanks. Everything is--"
"Not fine, clearly. What's wrong, sweet girl?" He moved behind Agnes and hugged her tightly. "Why are you crying?"
She choked out a sob. "Because look at me! I'm so fucking ugly! I feel like a giant useless blob! How can you love all of this?"
Oh Agi. Tis a bad day for you already, but I will try to make it better. He placed a few kisses on her neck. "You're not a giant useless blob. You're gorgeous, inside and out. I...I cannot explain why I love you, all of you. I simply do. In mine eyes, you are the most beautiful woman on the star." No one compares to you. Not a single person. You. Only you.
"Then your eyes need to be fucking checked." Agnes snorted, tears still falling down her pale cheeks.
Think, man. Think! Still holding her, Estinien's chin now rested on one of her shoulders as he looked into the mirror. "Agi, look in the mirror and tell me something you love about yourself."
Blinking, she looks like she's short-circuited like one of those Garlond machines. "I...well...my tits are great."
A truer statement has never been spoken. "Aye. They're so soft and pretty...and fit perfectly in my hands and mouth. Go on, another thing."
Agnes rolled her eyes. "Love, please..."
"Humor me, my lady. Tell me something else you love about yourself." Please Agi. I know you can do this. I know you can.
"Alright, alright. I like that I'm tall."
"Aye, my love. So tall and so beautiful." You're easily the tallest hyur woman I've ever met. His hands began to roam under her t-shirt, making her gasp a little.
"Ah...yes...I also like...my smile...my face isn't--"
Estinien kissed her neck. "No, no. Only good things." There's some blush on her cheeks now. And no more fresh tears. I think this is working...helping...I hope so. I hate seeing her cry. It breaks my heart each time I see her cry.
"I like...my hips. I think they're very sexy." Her whole face has turned red. Such a lovely sight, my sweet sausage roll is. Agnes was now panting softly as his calloused hands continued to touch her. "'Stinien...naughty man...I'm doing what you told me to do and you're distracting me..." She teased and turned her head to kiss him.
"Heh, a welcome distraction I hope?" He chuckled and kissed her again. Fury take me, I love kissing her. Touching. Everything. Anything. Her. I love her so damn much.
Her expression changed to something Estinien read as a mix of sadness and wistfulness. "Maybe someday, I'll see myself as you see me."
Shaking his head, he gave her a squeeze. "No. See yourself as beautiful in your own eyes, Agi. You must find that in you, not through me." He then smiled. "And I know you will."
She doesn't look convinced, but I will still hope.
Agnes left his embrace and shrugged. "Perhaps, love. But onto something more pleasant...breakfast? Or would you like something else first?" She pulled off her t-shirt and then yanked his face to hers, kissing him soundly. "Because I would." She whispered wickedly like the wicked witch she is! "I love you so much, my grumpy dragon...pray show me how much you love me..."
Summoning Nidhogg's aether, Estinien growled and lifted a smiling Agnes, carrying her bridal style. "My lady, my love, my goddess, I'll do much more than that."
One day you'll see yourself as the beautiful woman you are. One day.
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aetheryic · 7 months
@minarcana said: a teenage girl drawing to a stop in the st adama cathedral, eyes huge as she regards the hooded man before him. "you… i know you! you're cid nan- er, cid garlond! a-and you're here, and that means you didn't die!" and he's even being taken care of by someone else, and- valentina tears up a little bit, launching forward and grabbing marcus(cid)'s hand with both of hers. she's blabbering, emotional at a 'viator' who isnt, you know, exploded. "there's someone who's garlean and people look for you when you disappear and, you,-" she's crying, cid seems to be in his own form of distress she hasn't noticed though the blabbering, alphinaud is there, normal evening in st adama's.
his days here at the church were oft so uneventful and slow. a peaceful existence, one might have assumed, if not for the nagging sensation he didn't truly belong there. a safe refuge for anyone who needed it -- and marques clearly needed it. father iliud was kind to bring him under his wing, a simple nobody from no where ...
yet it only took a few short minutes for such a mysterious past to shatter around him, ice cracking beneath his feet and threatening to submerge him. marques glances at the boy standing off towards the entrance of the cathedral, noting the clear expectation in his gaze. then he turns to valentina again, trying his damndest not to fall apart in front of two worried teenagers.
" while i'm inclined to remind you both my name is marques ... i ... cid garlond, you say ? " he can't deny how familiar it is to hear. the longer he gazes at valentina, the worse his own concern grows. slowly he tugs his hand away, only to hug the girl tight to his chest. " an' here i was asking you to investigate the guys watching me ... you're garlean too, i take it. " he releases a heavy breath, blinking away his confusion before lowering his hood. " that's me. cid. shit, that's me. "
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punningway · 1 year
Cid and Lura <3
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travelling-hydaelyn · 3 years
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someone help him
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aki888 · 2 years
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ffxiv Image dump: 59
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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✨ Oracle of Light ✨
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yugirimistwalker · 3 years
So here we are... The Ultima Weapon will almost certainly be housed in the depths of the complex. This is it, my friend! Gaius! Ah, Cid, my boy... You are late. There is something I always meant to tell you, yet the time never seemed right. It concerns your father. ...What of him? In the winter of his years, Midas came to abhor his part in Meteor. He told me that he wanted nothing more than to wash his hands of the whole sordid business. But he did not wash his hands of it. He helmed the project until the day it killed him! Come now, Cid... you must know that he did not have the luxury of choice. By the time he realized his error, it was too late. Meteor had him completely in its thrall. Shortly before his... transformation, mayhap sensing that something was amiss, your father confided to me all the regrets of his life. Most of them concerned you. Early on in your career, he realized that while you had a talent for devising armaments, it would never fulfil you. Long before you knew your own mind, he saw that you would be far happier using your knowledge for peaceful purposes, and the thought touched him. He was a changed man for it, though he could not let it show. You blew holes in this place just so you could say this to me!? What is it you want, Gaius!? I want you at my side, Cid. Take up your father’s mantle, and become the Empire’s lead engineer. It is your destiny. My father had a change of heart - you said so yourself! Besides, I have long known my destiny, and I assure you, it lies not with the Empire! A pity. And what of you, adventurer? Will you not consider making common cause with me? No? And I can expect no better answer than this? So be it. It was your strength that made me proffer my hand in friendship, and it is your strength that makes me proffer now my blade. Save as an ally, you are too dangerous to be let to remain. Run, Cid. Or stay. It makes no matter. You cannot escape the past. Gaius, wait! ...Damn it! Knowing Gaius, he is headed for the Ultima Weapon. If we find him, so too will we find our quarry. With these instruments, we can monitor every nook and cranny in the castrum. I think it’s time we divided our forces. Pray go on and give chase. I’ll track your movements from here and guide you through the complex. We’ll stay in contact via linkpearl. Be careful, all right? Ah, there she is! I trust you recognize our old friend. “Maggie,” was it? They must have shipped her here from Centri. Considering all she’s been through, it’s a wonder she’s still operational. Tough old girl! Now that you’re suitably armed, you can blast open that bulkhead. The external walkway will take you back there. Follow it till you come upon a way down to the lower level. That bulkhead is composed of a special alloy. Extremely tough. Ordinary fire won’t leave a mark, I’m afraid. You’ll need to divert all power to the magitek cannon, as I did so memorably once before. As you may recall, the armor’s core is like to expire from the strain, but there’s no help for it if we want to press on. Now, listen well. Press...<buzzzzzz>...the control...<fizzzzzz>...engage ancillary...then fire away. Don’t mind the warning lights. You’re a natural at this! All right, the way’s clear, but it’s just you and your own two feet now, so be careful. You have been leaving a fine mess in your wake, adventurer. Is someone there!? Garlond, old friend. How it warms the heart to hear your voice again after all these years. ...Nero? Is that you!? You sound well. It would seem this savage land agrees with you. The highest ranking tribunus of the XIVth... It was you all this time? Tell me, Garlond. How long do you intend to keep all the glory for yourself? Uh...what? You’ve lost me. Don’t play the fool with me. Ever since the Academy, I have been condemned to live in your shadow. By all objective measure, I was the more talented of the two of us, yet that fate counted for naught beside your privileged birth. You were admired as the young prodigy simply because your father was the great Midas nan Garlond! When you defected, I felt sure my star would finally rise... But by disappearing, you acquired the status of a legend - your reputed genius gaining credence merely by dint of your absence! Instead of cursing you for a traitor, the people actually came to think of you more fondly! To this day, you are still the young prodigy of magitek! I, meanwhile, have ever been made to feel second-rate - I who have continued to serve our nation faithfully. Whenever I fail to excel - why, it is only to be expected! Yet when I exceed all reasonable expectations, people proclaim that I walk in the footsteps of the great Cid nan bloody Garlond! Nero, I... I don’t know what to say. It matters not a whit what I achieve. Your existence has rendered mine worthless. Even Lord van Baelsar saw fit to offer you a place at his side - and this in spite of your betrayal! Did he extend any such offer to me - the man who has remained loyal to him for all these years? Why, no. He did not. Long have I endured this injustice...but no more. Lord van Baelsar is in the midst of activating the fully powered Ultima Weapon. It is my magnum opus - the creation that will win me the recognition I am due. I will not let anyone interfere. Nero! What are you-!? Ever since I first set foot in this benighted land, I have watched you - ever move you have made, every step you have taken. You have felled eikons, a feat made possible by the Echo, a peculiar power which shields you from their corrupting influence. It is of little wonder that my lord has taken an interest in you. As have I, if truth be told. It is my desire to harness your power for use in the Ultima Weapon. Should I succeed, Lord van Baelsar will surely take notice! Beside this, Garlond’s achievements will be as child’s play! Come, adventurer, and yield to me the secrets of your power! This changes...nothing... Ahahahaha! The Ultima Weapon is activated, and it brims with the power of eikons! Nothing can withstand its might! Are you all right!? What of Nero!? ...Fled!? Damn it! In the instant prior to the blackout, the instruments detected a massive power surge from the deepest chamber. Gaius is certain to be there! We have no time to waste! Word arrived from the Alliance a short while ago. It seems the Order of the Twin Adder has completed its blockade of Castrum Centri. What hands they can spare are hastening this way even as we speak, and likewise for the Maelstrom. All that’s left is to destroy the Ultima Weapon! ...I should warn you: the chamber which houses the target appears to be saturated with aetheric energies. There’s bound to be heavy interference. But even if we lose contact, you must go on. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, all right? Look for the lift’s control panel - it’ll be somewhere nearby. Take the lift down, and you should find yourself in the chamber of the Ultima Weapon. Keep your eyes peeled - Gaius could be waiting for you down there. Oh, and don’t even think about dying. You’re too bloody useful! The interference is getting worse. I don’t think the connection will last much - Tell me...for whom do you fight? Hmph! How very glib. And do you believe in Eorzea? Eorzea’s unity is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built on deceit. And its faith is an instrument of deception. It is naught but a cobweb of lies. To believe in Eorzea is to believe in nothing. In Eorzea, the beast tribes often summon gods to fight in their stead - though your comrades only rarely respond in kind. Which is strange, is it not? Are the “Twelve” otherwise engaged? I was given to understand they were your protectors. If you truly believe them your guardians, why do you not repeat the trick that served you so well at Carteneau, and call them down? They will answer - so long as you lavish them with crystals and gorge them on aether. Your gods are no different from those of the beasts - eikons every one. Accept but this, and you will see how Eorzea’s faith is bleeding the land dry. Nor is this unknown to your masters. Which prompts the question: why do they cling to these false deities? What drives even men of learning - even the great Louisoix - to grovel at their feet? The answer? Your masters lack the strength to do otherwise! For the world of man to mean anything, man must own the world. To this end, he hath fought ever to raise himself through conflict - to grow rich through conquest. And when the dust of battle settles, it is ever the strong who dictate the fate of the weak. Knowing this, but a single path is open to the impotent ruler - that of false worship. A path which leads to enervation and death. Only a man of power can rightly steer the course of civilization. And in this land of creeping mendacity, that one truth will prove its salvation. Come, champion of Eorzea, face me! Your defeat shall serve as proof of my readiness to rule! It is only right that I should take your realm. For none among you has the power to stop me! I had not thought to be so hard-pressed. Your strength is...most impressive. Such power befits a ruler! Yet you lack the resolve to put it to proper use. A waste. Allow me, then, hero, to do that which you will not! Bear witness to the true power of the Ultima Weapon! But the Ultima Weapon is all-powerful! Why does my enemy still stand!? Can her strength truly be so great? It is the blessing of Light that confounds you. Lahabrea. Your foe acts under the protection of the Crystal she bears. So, this is what empowers her. Beyond mortal limits. If you are to prevail, the hammer of Darkness must needs be brought to bear upon the shield of Light. And so it shall, for the Ultima Weapon is host to a power of which you are as yet ignorant. Speak plainly, Ascian. The Heart of Sabik. It is the Weapon’s core - an enigma whose surface even the vaunted scholars of ancient Allag failed to scratch. The magic within has lain dormant for eons. Of what magic do you speak? A spell without parallel. Ultima. I sought the life force of the primals for no other reason but to quicken the core. For the true power of the Ultima Weapon lies within its now-beating Heart! Lahabrea... What have you done? No more than was necessary...for my god to be reborn. Damn you, Ascian! The hour is at hand! Behold but a sliver of my god’s power! And from the deepest pit of the seven hells to the very pinnacle of the heavens, the world shall tremble! Unleash Ultima! Ahahahahahaha! Such devastation... This was not my intention... Oh, Hydaelyn...it seems the task of keeping your champion alive has exhausted what strength you had left. Van Baelsar... Your enemy’s shield is broken. The rest I leave to you. We will speak later, Ascian. But first, I must deal with you. The question of who is mightier remains! Come, adventurer! Let us find the answer together! No... No, no, NO! Uh! Heed me... The subjects of a weak ruler must needs look to a higher power for providence... and their dependence comes at a cost to the realm. The misguided elevate the frail... And the frail lead the people astray. Unless a man of power wrests control...the cycle will never be broken. You... You of all people must see the truth in this. You who have the strength to rule... Pathetic. You boasted of unrivaled power. You were entrusted with the ultimate weapon. The ultimate magic! And still you failed. So much for the glory of man. The growing imbalance afflicting the planet must be redressed. If it is permitted to worsen, the very laws of existence - both aetheric and physical - will be warped beyond all recognition. Know you the root of this corruption? Hydaelyn! Like a parasite, she must be burned out if the planet is to recover. And naught but the return of the one true god will ensure her complete excision. Yet to pave the way for the master’s return, a chaotic confluence of untold proportions must needs be brought about. And that will necessitate the presence of the primals. needless to say, both you and your Scion accomplices can not be suffered to interfere in this endeavor. You will not leave this place alive. It is past time your flame was extinguished...“Bringer of Light.” If thou wouldst pierce the shadows...make thee a blade of Light. What!? The Light...it binds them... They are too many! Aaaaaaaaarrrgh!!!
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elliewiltarwyn · 1 year
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place? For nature question!
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC? 🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering? …. These too as well plz if u are okay with that 😆🙈
Of course, thank you! :D Let's see...
🌻: Ellie has a fondness for the calm of the forests, as that's where she ended up after the nadir of her life and began to recover. In conjury training she learned to both aetherically attune with the elementals and literally attune by sitting in quiet meditation on a large boulder, preferably somewhere near a flowing, bubbling brook. She prefers it way more than the griminess and hustle of the Steps of Nald'thal in Uldah, but she did grow up in Limsa Lominsa, so she's not averse to the kind of city that's on the sea with a slightly salty taste in the air, either. Mia, for reasons I haven't fully worked out yet >.>, is enraptured when they go to Elpis, feeling attracted to the surface-level beauty and purity of the unsundered world in spite of herself. Lily's answer is probably similar to Ellie's, she definitely doesn't like loud noises and civilization. I think I'm realizing they're all "disappear into a hut in the woods" kind of girls as I'm typing this xD
🌵: Ellie started out as fairly well-built as most roegadyns are, but didn't put it to much use until she began to follow the path of the dark knight during Heavensward. When she realized she was committed to it, she began to really focus and train to hone her resilience so she could stand at the vanguard to protect everyone, and she's utterly ripped now as a result and extremely proud of it. Which annoys Mia somewhat, because she was doing that from the beginning having always been a gladiator and paladin, but Ellie's results were much more obvious. Lily, having always focused on being swift and lithe over muscular strength, can get laid low by any decently powerful punch to the face, which she's not particularly proud of :3
🌱: Ellie starts to find herself fascinated by the technical details of the sorts of bonkers gadgets Cid and the Garlond Ironworks come up with, especially things like her coffee machine. I don't think this means she signs up with the Ironworks, but she likes to poke at those appliances to see what makes it work; ...I think in a modern AU she'd be really into building her own PC xD. Mia hasn't read through a full book in years and really wants to just sit down and relax with one. I think when things have died down, Lily, wanting to put her hands to good use, starts to get into gardening; she knows jack all about kinds of flowers and the intricacies of growing your own fruits and vegetables and all that, but she's enjoying figuring that out on the fly. I think this means she does the gardening manually on the island sanctuary instead of having the mammets do it automatically.
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