#luther hargreeves fics
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redroses07 · 1 month
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Fix It Fic // Five Hargreeves x Reader Edition
WC: 3.1k
CW: Canon accurate violence, swearing, kissing, use of Y/N, Y/N is a bad ass, domestic fluff, angsty af.
Summary: A Five x Fem!Reader rewrite for the end of season four because I absolutely hated the ending. Five and Lila are not a thing in this fic, because that made me literally gag.
A/N: Hey luvs! I worked my ass off writing this fic because I needed to have a better ending for season four. In my mind this fic is canon. I hope y'all like it because I truly love how it turned out! Have an amazing day and enjoy! - Claire ♡
Five sat on the empty train, riding round in aimless circles. He had no intention of ever stopping. Perhaps he would die here, if death was even possible in this endless void. There was no reason for him to continue, they were out of options.
All he wanted to do was save his family, save you, but he couldn't even do that. At least this way he could escape having to witness the end of their lives.
He couldn't help but feel as if this was all his fault, if only he had listened to Reginald when he told him never to time travel. So much pain, so many lost lives, it never would have happened.
Five looked out the window, he didn't know what exactly for. Everything looked the same. Round and Round again, each identical station feels more hopeless than the last.
After an immeasurable amount of time, days? years? who knows. Something caught Five's eye.
He jumped up from his seat, following the dark figure out into the station.
Was that? No.
"Hey, wait!" Five shouted, chasing him down a staircase.
He rounded a corner, seeing a dimly lit cafe filled with all too familiar faces. The place was filled with several alternate versions of Five himself. It was an odd feeling for him to see himself this way.
Nonetheless, he took a seat across from the Five he had followed.
No more than ten seconds later, another Five served up two pastrami sandwiches. Five number two began to complain about the amount of sauerkraut on his sandwich, staring intently at the meal.
"What is this place?" Five asked, reaching for the cup of hot coffee next to him.
"It's a gas station. What the hell does it look like? It's a Deli." He could see that the alternate Five share his love of sarcasm.
He went on to explain how this was a place where all of the Five's from alternate timelines end up while trying to fix the "broken timeline" issue.
"Okay, so what shattered the original timeline?" Five asked.
"Not what. Who? I'll give you three guesses." Alternate Five held up three fingers.
"We did!" Another Five yelled.
Five wasn't surprised, everything always seemed to be caused by him.
"By we, do you mean my siblings?" Five asked.
"Yep, the morons."
Five rolled his eyes.
"When we come into existence, the timeline is shattered, and then we're stuck trying to save the world. How many times was it again?"
The number seemed almost impossible to fathom, but the more alternate realities, the more opportunity for the world to end. Alternate Five pointed at the wall, which was filled with every possible way the world had ended. Viktor's attempt at blowing up the moon was front and center. Seeing it gave Five an unpleasant sense of nostalgia.
Five came to realize that the commission was created by an alternate Five in an attempt to fix the timeline, but it was never successful since the Hargreeves siblings were the root of the problem.
"I have to get back." Five turned, rushing out the door. He heard the alternate versions of himself begin to speak, but his overwhelming thoughts drowned it out.
Five ran as fast as he could, getting back on the train and returning to his rightful place. With his family.
As Five entered the abandoned shell of his former home, the room's occupants turned to look at him.
The first person he noticed was you. You watched him with sad eyes, eyes he thought he would never have to gaze into again. Yet here he was, and undeniably, he had a plan.
You watched Five scan the room. Dark hair hung in front of his eyes, his chest heaved from running, or perhaps from anxiety.
"I didn't think you'd be back." You purse your lips, giving him a sour look. '
Facing your bitterness was the hardest part of all this for Five. Of course you had every right to feel that way, he had just up and left you. Although, in his mind that was better than having to watch you die.
"Yeah, neither did I." Five muttered.
Everyone looked at him, obviously awaiting an explanation.
"We caused this." Five began.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Alison sighed.
You stared at Five intently, wondering what had changed since he decided to ditch you and everyone else.
"The marigold that infected our mothers bringing forth our births had a side effect, it fractured the timeline, bringing forth the end of the world."
Five looked from person to person, attempting to read everyone's emotions. They were unreadable.
"Extracting the marigold from our bodies is the only way to stop the cleanse, and in short, fix the timeline."
Silence settled over the room. You weren't born with marigold as the Hargreeves were, but due to Ben's antics, this now concerns you too.
"Okay, but how exactly do we do that?" Diego asked.
Five looked over to Viktor.
"Viktor, you can use your powers to extract the Marigold from our bodies. Unfortunately Ben and Jennifer are too far gone to be saved, but their sacrifice will have been for the greater good."
Viktor let out an elongated sigh, and with little to no hesitation, he agreed.
"Okay, let's get moving before it's too late." Viktor said, speeding out of the room.
You followed closely behind, trying your hardest to avoid Five's gaze.
"Y/N, I-" You cut him off, this was not the time to be talking about all the mistakes he had made. Even if those mistakes led to the answer for all your troubles, they were still mistakes.
"We can talk about this later, if there is one."
Five sighed and watched you exit the room, not even bothering to look his way. He had fucked up big time.
You watched Viktor head towards the monster that was Ben and Jennifer. The creature growled, as it hurdled towards your group.
You turned back as you felt someone grab your arm, Five was standing behind you. You saw something in him that you had only seen a few times before, fear.
"Please. If we don't make it through this I want to make sure we're okay." Five begged for your forgiveness.
In any other circumstance you would not have given in this easily, but the dire situation has just begun to settle in. This could be it.
Neither of you wanted to leave this world with so many words unsaid.
Your gaze softened, and you followed Five away from the other Hargreeve's.
"I know what I did was wrong. With every bone in my body I feel that it was wrong."
He spoke loudly enough to drown out the oncoming chaos, but softly enough to omit any sort of aggression.
Five reached for your hands, and you reluctantly let him take them.
Five paused for a moment, trying to find the words that would mean the most, considering he was dealing with limited time.
"My worst fear is to see you suffer, and at the time, running away seemed like my only escape. I feel like I've already caused so much hardship in your life, and the thought of any more terrified me." His eyes stayed glued to you.
Five was the whole reason you had joined The Commission to begin with. He helped you to believe in a cause that you otherwise wouldn't have, and the two of you hadn't left each other's side since.
You didn't regret it per say, but you couldn't deny that you often wished for a different life. You would never blame any of your circumstances on Five though, and you hated how he always chose to blame himself.
"Nothing that has happened to me, or to anyone, is your fault. I think all of us share some responsibility, but blaming yourself is just wrong." You squeezed Five's clammy hands.
Five let out a sigh of relief as he was able to recognize forgiveness in your eyes.
"I love you." He said, fighting the tears that began to form in the corners of his eyes. The phrase was reserved only for you, as it is a concept that has always been hard for five.
Growing up with Reginald as a father, and a family that could win an Olympic gold medal in dysfunctionality, Five didn't exactly have a positive outlook on love.
"I love you too. We've been through worse, we'll get through this too."
Five pulled you into a tight hug, breathing you in as if it was the last chance he would ever get to hold you. The two of you were versed in the end of the world, this was not the first final hug you had shared. Five placed a soft kiss on the top of your head, and he didn't miss the small cry that escaped your lips.
You rarely cried, and when you did it was always around Five. He was the only person you felt comfortable enough with to show vulnerability. It was the perfect moment, and the past few days had worn down your patience. You reluctantly let a few tears slip loose.
"Get your asses over here love birds, Ben is here." Diego called from the other side of the room.
You and Five exchanged a look before running over to the center of the room and rejoining your family.
Ben growled ferociously, the red goo that dripped from his body falling around the room.
"Just so you guys know, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. So if we all die, I apologize in advance." Viktor said, clenching his fists on either side.
His newly improved orange power began to swirl around his body. He squeezed his eyes shut, clearly focusing on the task at hand.
You reached for Five's hand, interlocking your fingers with his. If these were to be your last moments, you wanted to make sure he was with you.
Five gripped your hand with everything he had in him, every bit of strength was to remind you of his presence.
With each moment that passed, the colorful plume of Viktor's powers grew, encasing not only Ben and Jennifer, but all of you.
You and Five watched as the all too familiar gold marigold specks began to float through the air. It felt odd, it didn't hurt, but it wasn't a particularly pleasant feeling. It was like your whole body was being poked by a prickly cactus.
The air turned cold, and all other sounds were overcome by the rumbling of Viktor's power.
An unbearable wave of exhaustion washed over you, and it became hard for you to keep your eyes open.
You looked over at Five, making eye contact with him one last time. He gave you his signature smirk, funny how in spite of everything he could still be himself.
The last thing you saw was Ben falling to the floor, the marigold protruding from him filling the whole room with a deep yellow glow.
And just like that, the world turned black.
· · ─────── ·☂· ─────── · ☂ · ─────── ·☂· ─────── · ·
Five opened his eyes, the bright light of day overwhelming his vision. The ground beneath him was soft, the tall grass tickling his fingertips.
Five sat up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the sun. He looked over next to him, and there you were. Just as you had always been, right by his side. Your chest rose slowly, a thankful sign that you were still alive.
Five looked beyond you, to see his siblings all scattered around the lawn. They were all exactly where they had been before the blackout. The empty patch of grass, of course, was where the Hargreeve's mansion used to stand.
Without the existence of their powers, The Umbrella Academy was never formed. It was strange, to know that what Five remembered, no one else did. It was like waking up from a strange dream.
However, one thing was missing, Ben. And of course Jennifer. Five wasn't surprised that they hadn't made it, considering how their bodies were overtaken.
Five watched as his siblings slowly began to rise from their temporary comas, their eyes heavy and glazed over.
Five nudged you slightly. Unable to wait for you to wake, wanting to share this beautiful moment with you.
You opened your eyes and felt as if you had awoken from a decades long slumber. The first thing you saw was Five next to you, a genuine smile on his face. That was something you had missed.
"Are we in heaven?" Klaus mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Well if this was heaven, I'd be awfully disappointed." Lila replied.
You laughed to yourself, and stood up on wobbly legs.
You all had done it.
"Viktor. I think you might have just saved the world." Luther announced.
Viktor smiled and looked down, maybe eventually he'd let himself take the credit.
You began to take in your surroundings. The sound of traffic in the distance, the wind stinging your cheek, the smell of spring air. It was all so normal.
"Guys, where's Ben?" Klaus asked, and your heart dropped.
"Klaus...we all knew he probably wouldn't make it.." Alison said sadly.
Just then, something caught your eye. Something yellow that stuck out in the patch of green.
"Guys, look!" You pointed at the unique plant.
"Marigolds." Five said softly, and you felt his hand close around yours.
Two beautiful yellow flowers sprouted from the earth, a reminder of what was sacrificed. A reminder of what had to happen for all of this to exist, and a symbol of hope.
~~ Two Years Later ~~
You awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside your window, a song that was often your wake-up call. You rolled over to see Five sleeping peacefully next to you. You weren't surprised. He always slept late, after all, he was an old man at heart.
It had been two years of living freely in the new timeline. You and Five now share an apartment next to Lila and Diego and their three kids.
Life wasn't without its challenges, but compared to everything else the two of you had been through this was paradise.
Viktor had started his own Cafe, a small shop on a street corner that had quickly become a local favorite.
Alison had landed a big movie role not long after everything returned to normal. Ever since it hit the big screen, she had no problem with job offers. She didn't even miss her power of persuasion.
Klaus still lives with Alison. He doesn't really do anything specific, he often refers to himself as 'self-employed'. But he was happy, and that was all that really mattered.
Luther had somehow reconnected with Sloane, who had re-appeared after the timeline was fixed. Of course she didn't remember anything, but it must've been fate because they got to fall in love all over again.
Diego decided to put his skills acquired from his power to use and now taught axe throwing classes.
Lila had decided to help people who had ended up in a mental hospital, similar to how she had. She was working on getting her degree in psychology.
As for you and Five. Five kept his CIA job, and you decided to join him in his career. As the two of you had always done everything together, why not this too?
You felt Five stir next to you, letting out a series of groans. He slowly opened his eyes, a smile spreading across his face the moment he saw you.
"Good morning, beautiful." His morning voice is thick and deep.
"I love you." You whispered, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes.
Five leaned up to kiss you but you counteracted it by jumping out of bed. You pulled the blanket off of him and he whined in protest.
"Time to get up, Gramps, Lila wants us to drive the kids to school today."
Five rolled his eyes at the nickname. You snickered and kissed him on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to get ready.
After the two of you grabbed breakfast, you met Lila outside, Grace and the twins behind her.
"Thank you again for helping us out with this, I don't know how I'd ever get to work on time without you." Lila gave you a quick hug.
"Of course, whatever you need." You ushered her away, signaling that you could take it from here.
You were used to driving the kids places, and they always said you were their favorite aunt. Five however, could not surpass Klaus for favorite uncle.
"Alright guys, who's ready for school?" You said as you jumped in the driver's seat.
There was a chorus of enthusiastic cheers from the back, and you laughed.
"I was never that excited about school when I was your age." The kids had no idea how long ago that actually was for you.
You made sure to put on some kid friendly music, anything but Baby Shark. You dropped the kids off and made sure they all got inside safely.
"Anything else on the schedule for today?" Five asked you.
"Nope, we're both off today so I think the rest of our day is free."
"Great, we should do absolutely nothing." Five's eyes lit up with excitement.
You nodded in agreement and drove towards your home.
Once you arrived, the both of you threw on pajamas and cuddled up in bed. Five flung his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder, simultaneously letting out a big sigh.
"I love you." He mumbled in your ear.
Even after all these years he still made you blush every time he said those three little words.
"I love you more." You pressed a kiss to Five's nose and he scrunched it up before responding with a chaste kiss to your lips.
After breaking apart you and Five settled into each other's arms, excited to spend a calm day together.
He reached for the remote and flicked on the TV. The small kiss he placed on your forehead didn't go unnoticed.
As Five settled into this new life, he found it hard not to expect a new life altering crisis to pop up at any moment. But it never did.
As the day dragged on, nothing out of the ordinary happened; and you could almost say that it was an ordinary day.
Taglist: @xreader-writing @dorkyfangirl24 @dinorawrss @anne-oop @ladynaviamin @i-amtrash @patchesofdreams @sarbear33 @marinalor
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theplotdemandsit · 2 months
When Five finally makes it back home with his siblings, finally makes it back to the right timeline, he finds he’s still holding his breath. 
“Is it really over?” He thinks out loud. 
“I guess there’s only one way to find out,” comes Luther’s response. 
So they do. And everything seems…normal?
But as much as Five wants to sleep for ten days straight, he can’t help but feel on edge. He spends his time visiting each sibling, popping in for dinners or briefly making sure they haven’t felt anything out of the ordinary. One day Allison asks him if he actually wants there to be an approaching apocalypse. His eyes fall onto Claire who’s catching him up on High School Musical the Musical the Series.
“No,” he answers. “I really don’t.” 
They make time for family dinners every Sunday. They still bicker and maybe swing some fists every now and then, but everyone is fast to apologize and laugh again. With room to breathe again without high stakes, the hurt finally begins to heal. They had been family before, but it slowly begins to feel like a real family. 
And for the first time, they really get to know each other. For all the crap they gave Luther about the moon, they listen as he shares the misery and loneliness and betrayal he felt. Allison describes her time as a Black woman in the 60s without her voice. Literally. Viktor tells them about what it was like growing up powerless only to end the world twice. How he lost his memory and found the one he loved only to lose that too. 
Klaus manifests Ben (who is still a ghost but as alive as he could get) and together they tell of their adventures growing up and the cult Klaus accidentally created. In between laughs, they also learn about Klaus’s harrowing experiences with drugs and death.
And Five? He has over 40 years of stories, and at first he doesn’t want to share any of it. His time in the Apocalypse, his time in the Commission, murdering for the sole purpose of survival in order to get back to his family—it’s not a side to him he wants his family to know about. 
But at the same time for reasons he can’t explain, he does want them to know. For the first time, he wants to talk to his family, the family he worked tirelessly to save. 
Little by little, he does just that. Every now and then he will start a sentence with, “Back in the Apocalypse…,” during dinner or his visits with them. Silly ones at first, like the time he had the nasty Twinkie. The time he sang all the Beatles songs he could remember and pretended he was having a concert. The time he found Umbrella Academy action figures and reenacted missions with them. 
When it’s just him and another sibling, he starts sharing some of the hard stuff too.
He tells Allison how he starved during his first winter alone and hallucinated that she had helped him find food. When he woke up he found himself in a storage house full of canned goods and bawled his eyes out.
He tells Diego about the first time he killed someone. How the scariest thing was that he wasn’t shaking. 
He tells Viktor how he sometimes still wonders if he deserves everything he got for messing with time in the first place. How he’s afraid that one of these days he’ll wake up and be alone again.
He tells Klaus about the time he thought about giving up and ending it all. 
He tells Luther about Dolores. About how even though he knew he was crazy for talking to a mannequin, Dolores was the better part of him that salvaged his sanity.
He tells Ben (and Klaus, by default) that his biggest regret is not being there. That he tries not to think about how things might have been different if he’d stayed.
Slowly, slowly, bit by bit, the tension eases from his shoulders. He stops worrying so much about the world ending and how to keep everyone alive. Instead, he spends his time going to the park with Claire, helping Diego and Lila with the babies, having midnight food outings with Klaus, and listening to Viktor play his music.
At their weekly family dinner, Luther tells Five he has a present for him and pulls out a box of Twinkies, saying, “I know you want to try one.”
Five gives him a practiced glare and says, “I would rather swim in a pot of boiling oil.”
Before, his family might have stared at him like he grew two heads, but now they laugh and think his retort is hilarious. Luther opens the box and pulls out a bag of marshmallows instead, and Five can’t help but crack a smile. 
One day they ask him what his plans are—what’s next for the oldest sibling.
Five warms his hands on a hot mug of coffee. “I’m tired of thinking about the future,” he tells them. “Right now, I just want to spend time with my family.”
That earns him plenty of “aww”s and “You’re such a softie, Five.” He waves them away and tries to duck out of their hugs, but they get him in the end. And even if he could teleport, he doesn’t want to.
He hadn’t been looking for happy, but he found it anyway.
Now cross-posted on Ao3 under the same handle!
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loki-hargreeves · 1 month
I agree that the Umbrella Academy should've ended with them killing Reggie.
In addition, they should've gone to the academy together and there should've been a montage of them destroying the furniture and stuff they don't like while having fun and dancing for all that I care. Then it should've faded into a scene of the newly renovated academy, a family dinner where everyone's around the table together. Happily. All the siblings, and their loved ones. Everyone.
Five would finally get a decent cup of coffee. Klaus and Dave would be together. Diego and Lila would be happy and their kids would be there, as should Ray and Claire be with Allison. Luther should be with Sloane. Ben would accept both the Sparrow and Umbrella Academy (maybe he saw the original Ben's memories somehow), and Viktor would be happy and be the cool uncle he deserves to be... they should all be happy.
Hell they could've brought original Ben back as a ghost because Klaus would finally control his powers (I could accept ghost Ben visiting them from time to time despite what happened to him in season 2)
✨Bonus points✨ if the song that plays when they kill their dad and destroy the house is Welcome to the Black Parade.
Can you imagine the irony of them killing Reggie while this plays in the background?
"Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?" He said, "Will you defeat them? Your demons, and all the non-believers The plans that they have made?"
and actually, this is so fitting too for a scene of them kicking Reggie's abusive ass
"Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part
Just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song"
because the answer to saving everything is for them to kill Reggie together and heal, not to die and disappear from existence forever.
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youare-mysonshine · 1 month
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ktonyard · 6 days
I need a fix-it fic where the Hargreeves siblings all pack their bags and kill Reggie. Breaking and entering, kidnapping, murder - the whole chabang. The rest of the series could be them getting away with it. Revenge on their abuser is the closure that they needed.
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finnsfunworld · 2 months
the number of fics where the umbrella academy kids are being shipped with each other or even their FATHER is actually disgusting. the fact five/viktor is such a popular ship to where when you hit "relationships" in ao3 that ship is on there is disgusting. anyone who ships any of the siblings, i dont care if the show or comics gave them romantic feelings towards each other, you are disgusting. if you do ship any of them with each other or even their father i want you to block me right now so i never ever have to interact with you.
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momokodaisy · 5 months
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Extremely Late Umbrella Academy Textposts That Have Definitely Been Done Before (13/?) prev|next
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agaypanic · 1 month
i wanna watch the umbrella academy again (i only watch S1 when it came out) bc i like the cast, but ive heard about the show’s ending and what happens between five and lila and i do NOT wanna watch that💀
plus i wanna write fics for the characters (five’s look in the new season is so hot, the middle part was the move fr) so id obviously have to watch the show for character accuracy. but idk if i can live through the luther x allison stuff again and after everything ive seen/heard, i refuse to watch the last season. i am NOT built to handle angst and awkward/uncomfortable situations like that
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Once More (but with feeling!) S4 Rewrite Fan Script Episode 1
We Only See Each Other If The World's Ending
Hope you all enjoy!! Let me know what you think!!
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ameagrice · 2 months
CHAPTER ONE | “What The Dormouse Said.”
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It happened at six o’clock, November third. The sun was setting; the air was cool; the hit to the head was harsh, and quick. She thought of how lucky she was that the Handler was in the area. After all, that woman saved her life. Frankie owed her a debt.
And the Handler ensured that Frankie paid it off.
It started as field assignments—poisoning here, hiding there. Anything to keep the timeline together, only the one at first. Later, things changed; suddenly, Frankie was assigned work with the Infinite Switchboard, watching for anomalies in the timeline and defecting them.
Her life, put simply, was boring. Medication for her state, a lifetime of servitude to the Commission, and free pastries on Monday mornings, proceeded by flicking through timelines and noting anything out of the ordinary.
Anything could be an anomaly, which was why, when the radio in the cafe mid-evening croaked out the news of Sir Reginald Hargreeves’s death, Frankie figured it must have been an anomaly, because that man simply wouldn’t just die. Nonetheless, the news reports continued into the night and until morning, floating from paper to screen through the week until eventually, it stopped.
The sun shone for the first time that week on the last day of it, a beautiful Sunday. Dressing, fumbling with her jacket sleeves on the way down the stairs, Frankie Jones made the time to collect her mail. She made the time to sort through it, abandoning the junk and sitting at the bottom step of the porch to address the milky-white envelope, her name stamped across the paper. Fingers slipped under the lip of the note, avoiding a paper cut, pulling out the single, lopsided note inside.
And so, her life grew interesting.
· ─────── 𖥸 ─────── ·
As it turned out, she arrived far too late.
The foyer of the building she neglected to step foot in for twenty-two years was…empty. From what Frankie remembered of the place, it was just as echoing and cool as it was back then, and just as quiet. Sir Reginald Hargreeves liked his silence and solitude, and inflicted his ideals on the wards residing in his home.
She wandered around and around the seemingly empty home until her eyes found the family in the kitchen. Three men, two women and a young man. Quiet as a dormouse, Frankie waited in the doorway, just until somebody noticed her. First, the tall, muscular man, also known as Luther Hargreeves. Eyes blown and hand raised, shaking, he pointed at her, and the others followed his action to face her. It was like being behind glass in an aquarium.
“Does anyone else see the child in our kitchen?” He blurbed.
The one with dark hair, dressed in black, hummed. “Girl Scout gone lost, maybe?”
“Could be an orphan, looking for the money of Sir Reginald Hargreeves—” the one in the skirt said.
They wouldn’t have remembered her rightly anyway—they had all been too young to recall her, just as she had almost forgotten them. All born on the same day, at the same time, but only one lacked anything real.
“I’m eighteen. And you sent me a letter, Klaus Hargreeves.”
Said man gasped dramatically, inhaling so hard he coughed and spluttered, falling backward off the table. Klaus landed a mess of long limbs on the floor, at the feet of the young man Frankie barely recognised. Klaus’s hands grasped at the table ledge, pulling himself up.
“Little Frances? Shouldn’t you be…bigger?”
“Shouldn’t you be a little more dressed for your dad’s funeral?”
“I’m sorry,” said Allison Hargreeves in an expensive outfit, hair glossy and set. “Why are you, like, twelve? I mean, Five’s explained to us about himself, but…are you a ghost? I mean—”
“She works for the Commission.”
The room grew silent, but the boy did not.
“She travels through time,” he turned his dark eyes to her. Five Hargreeves, the image of sophistication and mess all at once, a twenty-year-old in oversized clothes eating a peanut-butter sandwich. His eyes turned flinty, jaw set. “Isn’t that right, Frances?”
And, well…
She couldn’t say no.
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I’m actually thankful for Umbrella Academy season 4 because it was SO bad that previously dormant fan fic writers are so enraged and disgusted with the ending that they’re coming out of hibernation and starting to write fics again.
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d1ana-m0nd · 2 months
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : It's a well known fact that Sir. Reginald Hargreeves adopted 7 children to save the world from it's impending doom. Though, the number of children will change from 7 to 8 once a close friend of his, Rita Rossweisse was on her death bed and requested him to take in her child, who fortunately was born on October 1st 1989.
➢ Word Count : 11,660
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
➢ Content Warning : In this chapter, triggering content are present: self harm (bitting yourself), panic attack, and gore, skip the triggering parts if necessary. Please read this chapter at your own discretion.
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Chapter 5: Number 5
When the boy in school shorts finally woke up, Luther cornered him into spitting out the truth: why he was running around the city like a headless chicken, evading the other numbers, and why he had caused so much destruction ever since he arrived from the future. Five reluctantly admitted to Luther that the end of the world was nearing.
“When's it supposed to happen? This... apocalypse.” Luther asked — the first person in the family who showed concern for the apocalypse.
The young male looked down as he fidgeted with his fingers, “I can't give you the exact hour, but... from what I could gather, we have four days left.”
“Why didn't you say something sooner?”
“It wouldn't have mattered.” Five replied; his tone sounded like he had lost hope.
The way he acted… It concerned you, but you didn't want to butt in. You couldn't help but wonder, were you the one to blame for his state? If you hadn't stopped him or had used your intuition beforehand, you could have helped him avoid the worst-case scenario.
The larger male furrowed his brows and interjected, “Of course it would! We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing.”
“For the record, you already tried.” Five corrected his brother, which took Luther by surprise. “What do you mean?”
“I found all of you. Your bodies.” The brunette kept his gaze downward. You found this state of his rather unusual. He always had his chin up, and he always looked people in the eye, regardless of the size difference. Right now… he looked so small and meek compared to the front he usually puts up.
“We die?” The dirty blonde was in disbelief, refusing to believe what he just heard.
For a brief moment, Five was taken back to the time he discovered their bodies. The day he never thought he would witness; the way their lifeless bodies were lying on the ground, unmoving, and either hidden underneath the rubble or stabbed by a reinforcing bar. The hazel-eyed boy glanced at you for a brief moment, but you didn't catch his gaze.
“Horribly. You were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ended the world.” He added, not having the strength to look at his brother's devastated expression.
Number One asked, “Wait, how do you know that?”
Five took out a cloth and revealed the glass eyeball to his brother, “This was clutched in your dead hand when I found you. Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down,” He then passed it over to Spaceboy, silently hoping that he would recognize the glass eyeball.
“Whose head?”
The boy sighed, disappointed but not surprised that this was the result. His brother knew nothing about the eye. “Like I said, I don't know.”
“Well, there's a serial number on the back. Think maybe you could try…” The dirty blonde tried to suggest that, only for Five to interrupt him. “No, that's a dead end. It's just another hunk of glass.” He glances at you, making you flinch at your spot, then looks away immediately, which raises suspicion in Luther's eyes.
Luther then returned the eyeball to Five.
Just in time, the man in black-clad arrived and then slammed the door open to the boiler room. He marched towards where Five sat with an angry expression etched onto his facial features, as bloodlust and rage seeped through his aura.
“Piece of shit! Do you have any idea what you just did?” Number Two shouted, marching right over to his ‘little’ brother.
Spaceboy stands up, alarmed by Diego's hostility. The same could be said about the boy, though he seems calm. You drew your staff and made Diego trip, causing Luther to catch him and then lift him to prevent him from touching a hair on Five's head. It seemed like Diego had no way out, but you decided to keep your staff in hand just in case things got too out of hand.
The Latino grunted as he tried to fight back against the larger man's hold on him, “Let me... Get your ape hands off of me!”
“I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down.”
Reluctantly, the male being held up inhaled deeply, and then exhaled. Once he stopped resisting his brother, he was released from air jail. “Fine.”
“Now, wanna tell us what you're talkin' about?”
Number Two scoffed, “Our brother's been pretty busy since he got back. He was in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then at Gimble Brothers, after the guys in masks attacked the academy, looking for him.” He said whilst jabbing a finger at Five's direction, as though telling him everything was his fault.
“None of which is any of your concern.” The younger male hissed.
In Five's mind, he couldn't help but agree with his brother’s statement. This was precisely why he didn't want to get anyone involved, but seeing as Cha-cha and Hazel plan to get their whole family involved… He had no choice but to work with them.
“It is now,” Diego declared as he panted, "They just killed my friend.”
“As for you, Rossweisse.” The knife-wielding vigilante glared at you, making you gulp, "Why didn't you say anything about Five running amuck the city?”
You were about to say something, but your lips shifted into a straight line. You didn't want to say something out of impulsivity. The last thing you wanted to do was mess up, so you had to think of a reasonable lie…
"Because I told her too.” Five lied on your behalf, "I didn't want you all to get involved.”
You were shocked that he lied on your behalf, though you were internally grateful. However, you were too shocked to process what you just witnessed. You were warned not to interfere with him, yet he was now trying to help you? If that was the case, the world was truly ending.
Everyone went silent due to the ‘younger’ male's words, though they didn't seem to doubt it; they were just shocked over the fact that he stood up for you. Luther then turned to Five and asked, “Who are they, Five?”
“They work for my former employer. A woman called The Handler. She sent them... to stop me. Then, as soon as Diego's friend got in their way, well, fair game.”
The Latino scoffed, “And now they're my fair game. And I'm gonna see to it they pay,” Then he headed out of the boiler room with a huff, bloodlust still seething through his body.
“That would be a mistake, Diego. They've killed people far more dangerous than you.” The younger brunette tried to discourage him.
“Yeah, we'll see about that.” Diego slammed the door closed on the way out.
Luther turned to Five with a confused look, “Former employer? What's this really about, Five? And don't give me any of this ‘It's none of your business’ crap, all right?"
"Well, it's a long story.”
The small brunette paused and looked up at Luther, silently asking him if he wanted to hear the whole thing. The larger male sat down and gestured for his ‘younger’ brother to continue with his story.
The boy started with a sigh and briefly explained what he went through with “The Commission” and what he went through as he worked for them: The Commission ensured the preservation of the time continuum by manipulating events and eliminating threats. The Handler arrived in the future to recruit Five as a hitman for the Commission, though she was unaware that Five was brewing up a plan to return to the past and prevent an impending apocalypse while biding his time.
The two of the numbers remaining in the boiler room listened to Five's story and explanation of the commission. As he spoke, you began to slightly understand why Five was avoiding getting the others involved because they would get involved in his mess. Ultimately, his efforts were in vain due to how the whole academy was now involved.
“Hopefully, Vanya was not roped into this. ” You silently pleaded. Though you kind of doubted it considering how she has stopped coming by the academy, since the intruders barged into their house and her siblings hurt her feelings.
As he explained, you got up and grabbed a glass of water for the boy while Spaceboy gave him some aspirin from Diego's cabinet. Once finished, the loyal duo sat down in their respective seats.
“So... you were a hitman?”
Luther's eyes widened, “Uh... I mean, you had a code, right? You didn't kill just anybody.”
“No code. We took out anyone who messed with the timeline.” Five answered briefly, his tone was monotone, but you could tell he didn't particularly enjoy the thrill of the job.
“What about innocent people?” The larger man shot back.
“It was the only way I could get back here.”
Luther was appalled by his ‘little’ brother's response. How could he treat death so lightly? “But that's murder.”
The brunette looked away, then let out a ‘tsk’ till he looked Luther in the eye again, irritation laced his gaze. “Jesus, Luther, grow up. We're not kids anymore. There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people, goin' about their lives. But when the world ends, all those people die, including our family.”
Everyone in the room went silent. It was true, after all. People are driven by desires - as others would say, selfishness. It's rare to find people who do things out of compassion. This statement can be applied to the individualistic society they lived in; Everyone wanted to stand out in their own way, and it was rare for someone in this day and age to do things out of compassion without something in return. Nowadays, people grow up looking out for themselves just to live their lives.
As the silence reigned, Five sighed and remarked, “Time changes everything.”
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
Klaus just returned from the past. Not only was he more brittle than he already was, but he was bloody, as his clothes were torn up, barely holding onto his body as he had just crawled out of hell. His brain was an orchestra playing an insane melody, making his head pound and his heart weigh heavier. With a heavy heart, he returned to the place he called ‘home', the Umbrella Academy.
Number Four rushed, but instead, he made a slow beeline to the bathroom. He undressed and slowly prepared himself to take a bath. Despite the eeriness of the room, he let himself indulge in the atmosphere; The darkness mirroring the absence of light in his heart. It felt oddly homely to him. It made him reminisce about the nights he'd shared his love, with his beloved Dave in each other’s embrace. He closed his eyes and wept, feeling the overwhelming sorrow and grief of losing his lover wash over him.
Although the brown-haired male was sluggish, he started himself a bath. Once the tub was filled, he sat at the bottom and let the water run. Even though the tub was overflowing with water and bubbles, it was nothing compared to his emotional state.
The seance sighed, then wore a pair of headphones to distract himself, his way of escaping his hell. However, the more he indulged in his escapism, the more the music in his ears was swelling and distorting per second as the sounds of the past were added into the mix, bringing him back to the day he dreaded the most.
Sounds of a helicopter whirring and gunshots overlapping as he shook Dave’s torso. “Dave!”
“Dave!” In an attempt to keep his lover alive, Klaus kept screaming his lover's name over and over again in anguish and desperation. However, he failed as he slowly felt his significant other's pulse fade.
That was enough to sober Klaus from his immersion. He sat up straight and wiped away the bubbles from his face in an attempt to wake himself up. As he washed away the soap suds, neither his mind nor his heart wouldn’t stop reminding him of his loss. As he scrubbed away the dirt and blood, he couldn’t help but wonder why he had to be the one who survived.
Would Dave be in the same state as he was if he lost Klaus in war?
Would he just pretend not to be in pain and forever hide his true self from the world to protect himself from their judgment?
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Once Five finished filling in the missing pieces for you and Luther, you three quickly returned to the academy to do what you needed to do. However, as you were about to return to your room to digest the information you had just received from Five, you saw bloodied footprints that led to Klaus' room. Worried for the seance, you headed to his room and lightly knocked on the door that he didn’t bother to close.
“Master Klaus?"
“Oh… thank God, it was just you, Rosey…” A sense of relief washed over him, which was odd coming for him. He was usually the relaxed one, so why was he so tense?
"Is everything-” You hold back your tongue, recalling that Klaus was not fond of opening up. Instead, you chose different words, “- Do you need anything? It seems like you had a rough night."
Number Four chuckles, “Sure. I know Pogo probably told you not to get me any more alcohol, but can you get me some?"
You nod and leave him to his devices as another set of footsteps approaches his doorway. Unbeknownst to you and Klaus, someone else saw the trail of blood leading to his room and followed the trail to the seance's room. The lanky man was scratching his back as he picked up a random shirt and threw it on.
Feeling a familiar sharp gaze on his figure, the curly-haired male muttered, “Oh, boy…” Klaus sighed to himself. He did not want to deal with Five right now, though he knew he would have to face the little guy. He was persistent when it came to something he needed.
The boy in school shorts knocked on the door, “You okay?”
“Hey.” Klaus turned to the small brunette and paused, "Yeah, I just... long night."
“More than one, from the looks of it.” His eyes narrowed, most likely looking for any details that pertain to Klaus’ rough shape.
“Yeah.” The jittery man nodded along as he fixed his appearance.
The boy noticed his jittering and silently took note of it, then pointed at the jiggling accessories that danced along Klaus’ neck as he moved, “Don't remember the dog tags.”
The lanky man grunted and then looked down at his chest, “Yeah, they belonged to a friend.” He tried his best to keep his lips in a straight line, whilst the dog tags jingled again as he reexamined them.
You grabbed some random alcohol from the bar and then headed back to Klaus' room. On the way there, you saw a familiar small brunette male in the hallway; instead of proceeding further, you chose to keep your distance from him and listened in on the two siblings' conversation. The servant leaned against the nearest wall and hid your presence as best as you could.
“How about that new tattoo?” Five gestured to the inked drawing engraved onto his adoptive brother's body.
The taller male stiffened then tried to shrug it off by acting nonchalantly, “You know, I don't totally remember even getting it. Like I said, it was a long night.”
“You did it, didn't you?” Five smiled as he saw that hope was finally within his reach.
Although the younger brunette didn't mean to come off weird, Klaus felt unnerved that someone like Five was smiling. “What are you talkin' about?”
“You know, I can recognize the symptoms, Klaus.”
“Symptoms of what?”
“The jet lag. Full body itch.”
The seance ended up sighing in defeat. He hated how Five practically knew everything and became more of an asshole than he remembered. Weirdly enough, it felt comforting to him that Five never changed; He was still the same person he knew, despite the shit he went through.
“The headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain. You gonna tell me about it?” The younger male smirked as he slowly approached his rarely sober brother. With each step, his eyes glinted with a hint of hope that he could finally prevent the apocalypse.
The lanky male finally gave in, “Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you, they took me hostage instead.”
“And in return, you stole their briefcase.” Five added as he paced around the room, tapping his chin as he began mentally laying down a plan.
“Yeah.” The Seance confirmed, his thoughts swirling from recalling the night. He seemed fine but he couldn't stop thinking about it. Even if he wore a smile and carelessly taunted his kidnappers, he was still scared. However, the loss of Dave hurt more than the physical torture he went through. “I thought there was money in it, or I could pawn it, you know, whatever.”
Number Four sighed, "And then I opened it."
“And the next thing you knew, you were... where? Or should I say when?” The Boy turned his head to Klaus, his eyes glinting as he felt that he was nearing what he was looking for, the very thing that would serve as the salvation of mankind, the briefcase.
“What difference does it make?”
“What diff-” Five stopped walking, his shoulder slumped at his brothers. He was caught off guard by his pessimism but he continued anyway. “Okay, how long were you gone?”
The curly-haired male breathed out a breezy yet tired reply, “Almost a year.”
“A year? Do you know what this means?”
“Yeah, I'm ten months older now.”
The younger male quickly interrupted, “No, this isn't any sort of joke, Klaus. Hazel and Cha-Cha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase. Where is it now?” He turned his head and began looking for the briefcase, eager that he finally had something to work with, though it quickly dissipated.
“Gone. I destroyed it. Poof.” He mockingly imitated the explosion with his hand.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“What do you care?”
“What do I care? I needed it, you moron! So I could get back, I could start over-” The smaller brunette angrily rambled, then paused as Number Four began standing up. “Just... Just... Where are you going?”
“Interrogation is over, just... leave.” The Seance said, but he is the one who ended up leaving the room instead of Five.
Number Five was left by himself to ponder about his situation, the mess was unbearably stressful, putting him under a lot of pressure. He ended up sitting on his adoptive brother’s bed as he fidgeted with his fingers or played with his hair to help calm himself down. Comically, the room he - unwarrantedly - chose to settle himself in reflected his mental condition, the same could be said for the whole family, even Rossweisse herself. It was an unspoken mess that everyone became used to and chose to accept, thus causing them to end up the people they are now.
You noticed Klaus leave his bedroom, and you left your hiding spot as you hurriedly ran up to his side with the alcohol in hand, ready to give it to him. The ‘physically’ younger brother noticed your figure ran past him and called out to you, “Oi, Y/N gimme that bottle.”
At first, the servant was caught off guard but nodded, and gave the bottle of alcohol to Five. After doing so, she hurried to Klaus' side to try and make sure he was doing alright, not wanting his - seemingly - deteriorating state to get worse than it already was. Inaudible words were whispered under the young man's breath when he was left alone. The boy then began scribbling down something on the memo pad, and once Five finished, he harshly ripped it.
The curly-haired male headed downstairs with you in tow. The once shell-shocked man began gaining awareness of his surroundings. The whole academy was a mess, he just caught a glimpse of Pogo fixing Grace, whilst the chandelier from the center of the house became a centerpiece for the floor instead.
He stopped his tracks, as he examined the aftermath of what he missed out on. “What happened here?”
“A lot happened while you were gone…” You replied as you anxiously tapped on your arm, “In short, it's those masked people's fault.” The seance nodded along as he observed the damage that was left by the intruders.
“You look like shit.” A fully equipped Diego pointed out as he walked past his brother.
The lanky male mindlessly nodded, used to his siblings' assholery, “Why, thank you.”
“Where are you going, Master Diego?” You quipped, making Diego jump a little since he didn’t notice you were in the same room.
“Can I-?” The Latino cut in before Klaus finished his question. "Nope."
“I'm not giving you a ride.”
“Oh, come on, man. You know I can't drive.” Klaus whined and slightly shook his brother’s shoulders in a weak attempt to convince him.
The Kraken tried to dismiss it but, as his stutters took over, “I don't c…”
“Okay, great.” The Seance pats Diego's back while the Latino groans. “I'll just get my things. Two minutes.”
"You're stuck babysitting him this time, aren't you?" The clad in black groaned and threw the ‘younger’ girl a questioning look.
"I wouldn't say I'm babysitting him.” She shook her head, dismissing Diego’s statement, “No one's ordered me to look after Klaus. I'm doing this out of concern, he's been acting odd since he returned.”
Number Two shook his head in acknowledgment, but he didn’t buy it. You have always been the honest type, but ever since a certain old man’s death, you have been acting weird, and not the usual weird that he was used to.
Amidst the discussion of his father’s funeral, you were the only one who was on guard and taking Luther’s words seriously. Albeit, he understands why Luther would pin you as the suspect. He knows you are more likely to kill the old geezer since you were the only number left behind, and the only number who stayed by their father’s side like the loyal dog you were. However, the Latino believed you didn’t kill their old man, but you had to know something about his death at most; Diego believed you didn’t have a motive unless you were ordered to do so. For now, he will keep you within arm's length.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
Throughout the car ride, Klaus was unusually silent, which worried Number Two and Number Zero. He was downing the alcohol he swiped from home, quicker than the drugs he purchased. Diego glanced at his brother to check on him, as he silently gestured for you to talk for Klaus.
“Master Klaus, are you alright?” You tilted her head, hoping for a response, but Klaus took a swig of his drink, refusing to let out a word about his sorrows.
“Wow.” The Latino let out an empty laugh, “This is a first, my brother Klaus is silent. Last time you were this quiet, we were 12; Ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels, tripped over, and broke your jaw.”
The lanky man kept drinking, which prompted Diego to play dumb as he shot a question. “How long was it wired shut again?”
“Eight weeks.” The servant replied.
Diego wore a pleased smile and nodded along, “Eight glorious weeks of bliss.”
“Hey, just... just drop me off here.” The curly-haired man sat up straight and gestured at a veteran bar that was close by.
His brother glanced at the bar and furrowed his brows. Despite the number of questions that were going through his head, he pulled up causing the car to screech, “You sure you okay, man?”
Unfortunately for Diego, Klaus didn’t reply because he was quick to sigh and exit the car with the drink in hand. You were about to follow him into the bar but, the man clad in black stopped you from taking another step.
“Don’t, they won’t let you in because of your powers.” You silently nodded, understanding your own powers' drawbacks.
The servant anxiously waited for her masters to return; You did your best to keep yourself distracted but, even with every distraction you did. You could not help but let your eyes drift to the veteran bar out of concern. When they came out of the bar with bruises littered across their skin, she wore a relieved smile and let out a grateful sigh. For the duration of the car ride, you did your best to pick up the pieces from Klaus and Diego’s conversation to fill in what you had missed.
“You got a big mouth, you know that?” The Kraken grunted, side-eyeing his brother.
The curly-haired brunette was chuckling to himself, “Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego.”
“Everything's a big joke to you, right?”
The lanky man did his best to quickly take out the drug from its packaging, despite his sluggish state. An angry brother glared at him and yanked the drug from his brother's hands. “Would you stop it? Why are you putting this shit in your body?”
You silently agreed with Diego but didn't express your thoughts about it. Everyone has always known Klaus was the type to use something to escape rather than live life as it is; he can’t bring to help himself, no matter how many times he has been sent to a drug rehabilitation center or arrested for his shenanigans. It became tiresome, but the best they could do was put a house over his roof and not enable him till he decided it was time to stop.
Though, now that you thought about it… was it a good idea to bring alcohol to Klaus earlier? Or did Five see your mistake and decide to take away the bottle to help Klaus?
Begrudgingly, Number Four looked away and blew a raspberry.
“Check this out. Hm?” The Latino proudly showed off his well-built torso, “My body is a temple. All that shit you do, it's just weakness.”
“Oh. Well, weakness feels so good.” The seance took out another drug he was hiding and tried to consume it but, his brother hit the back of his head. “What's goin' on with you? Huh?”
“Don't hit me, asshоlе!”
Diego angrily ruffled his hair, then jabbed a finger in Klaus’ direction, “Don't tell me everything's alright! Because I saw you in there, you were crying like a baby!”
“Because I lost someone!”
You and the man dressed in black were taken aback, seeing this side of Klaus was not a normal occurrence since he usually hid his emotions through escapism. Even at Ben’s funeral, he didn’t grieve as hard as he was right now… He cried, yes, but he didn’t look like the death of his brother impacted him as much as the lover he lost.
“I lost someone. The only…” He paused, then looked away, sorrow glazing his orbs. “The only person I've ever truly loved more than myself.”
“When did Klaus settle down with someone? ” You asked yourself, trying to recall when that happened.
The curly-haired man dug through his pockets and took out another stash he hid, “Cheers.” then swallowed it this time without any interruptions from Diego.
“Well, you're luckier than most. When you lose someone, at least you can... see them whenever you want.”
Number Two adjusted the rearview mirror and caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, “That's our man.”
You perked up, followed Diego’s gaze, and saw a familiar man who wore the same suit that caused the fire at the prosthetics building. Klaus glanced at the side mirror out of curiosity as his eyes widened, “Hey, I know that guy…”
“How could you possibly know that-”
“He and a really angry lady tortured me. I barely got out with my life.”
The well-dressed man went into his car and started the engine. Once the hitman began driving away, Diego immediately started the car to tail him. Fueled by his anger in his veins; He did his best to maintain both his wits and his anger, to give Detective Patch’s murderers the taste of their own medicine. Whilst you and Klaus were just there for the ride.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
In Five’s bedroom, fast chalk tapping against the wall could be heard, reminiscent of a teacher jotting down important points against the chalkboard. At the moment, the boy was in his bedroom, busy scribbling down equations and solving them at his own pace. Unknowingly, this led to him vandalizing his whole room. He was standing on his knees on top of his bed whilst he was busy solving his final equation. Delores sat on a nearby chair, sometimes chipping in if needed.
“Oh, I think I’ve got something Delores. It's tenuous, but promising.” The small brunette turned to Delores.
If the mannequin could move, it would have shaken her head and wore a concerned gaze. “No offense dear, but do you think this’ll just… work?”
“It won’t ‘just work’, it has to work. This is the only solution I have that doesn’t involve the others getting endangered.”
“Well, it seems that I have to remind you then.” The mannequin’s vacant look is replaced by a (non-existent) smug expression, “You messed up your time travel, twice, thus resulting in you going too far into the future and messing up your body.” She gestured to Five’s fifteenth-year-old body.
He clicked his tongue and averted his gaze as the color red and embarrassment took over his cheeks. “Numbers have never failed me.”
“They did fail you once, which ended up with you getting this body and little time to stop the apocalypse. You sure you want to mess up - possibly - your second and last chance to fix things?”
This time, the young man was struck with reality once again. Delores was right yet again, and he hated it, this was his last chance and he couldn’t mess up. He wanted to face it head-on, which made him forget he needed time to stop and think, or things could fall apart based on one mistake. Out of instinct, he clicked his tongue with an irritated look thrown in Delores’ direction, making the imaginary woman laugh.
An uninvited guest walked into the room, taking in the mess of numbers and letters all over the room, thus making the bedroom look like scratch paper. “Who you talkin' to? What is all this?”
“It's a probability map.”
“Probability of what?”
“Of whose death could save the world.” Number Five turned to the dirty blond-haired brother and added, “I've narrowed it down to four.”
Luther approached the list of names and gestured to it. “Are you saying one of these four people caused the apocalypse?”
“No, I'm saying that their death might prevent it.”
“Oh.” Spaceboy stared at the equations littering the room with amazement, though it seemed like he was not registering what Five explained. The sound of chalk scratching on walls continued till Luther disrupted it, “I'm not following.”
“Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum. The butterfly effect. So all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, wherever they may be, and kill them.” Five explained as the gears in Luther’s head spun. Once he was able to digest the information, his eyebrows shot up as he finally understood what Five meant.
“Oh, yeah... “
The dirty blond-haired man read one of the names and asked loudly, “Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?”
“I believe he is a gardener.” In haste, the Five got off the bed and jotted down the names on a copy of Vanya’s autobiography.
Number One whips his attention to Five, “You can't be serious. Wait, this is madness, Five!”
The boy in schoolboy shorts brought out a sniper case under the bed and opened it to reveal a sniper. Catching Luther by surprise, “You... Wh... Where'd you get that?”
“In Dad's room. I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros.” He took out the sniper from the case and carefully examined the weapon’s build, “It's similar to the model I used at work. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable.”
“But you can't... This guy Milton is just an innocent man.” The ape hybrid man argued.
The small brunette furrowed his brows, “It's basic math. His death could potentially save the lives of billions. If I did nothing, he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone.”
“We don't do this kind of thing.”
“We are not doing anything. I am.” Five corrected.
Which prompted the dirty blond man to be more assertive. “I can't let you go kill innocent people. No matter how many lives you'll save.”
“Well, good luck stopping me.” The boy turned his back and was about to walk away.
“You're not going anywhere.” Luther grabbed Delores and provoked Five more by hanging the top half of the mannequin outside the window. Five’s eyes widened and he immediately swerved as he positioned himself and pointed the sniper at Luther.
“Put… her... down.” He used the tip of his gun to gesture to Luther to place the mannequin down.
“Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone today. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this.” The large man insisted, gesturing to his brother to lower the weapon down. Though Five scoffed at his words, his actions were betraying him as his hands were trembling from the thought of hurting his brother or losing his ‘lover’.
“It's either her or the gun. You decide.”
Seeing his brother’s silence and hesitation, Number One quickly took the window of opportunity - literally - and threw the mannequin out the window. Five reacted swiftly and teleported to Delores’ side to save her. Meanwhile, Luther ran to the sniper and pointed it downward to avoid shooting anyone by accident.
The young man cradled his imaginary lover in his arms and double-checked if she had gotten hurt. “Phew.”
“I can keep doin' this all day.” Luther looked down at the weapon and then at Five, “I know you're still a good person, Five. Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore.”
The young brunette sighed, then turned to his brother, “There is one way. But it's just impossible.”
“More impossible than what brought you back here?”
Five sighed as he held onto Delores tighter and looked into the matte eyes that looked back into his hazel orbs, a smile - that he was imagining - present on Delores’ face. The conversation he had with his ‘wife’ earlier rang throughout his head as he couldn’t stop second-guessing himself and his choices. He won’t say it out loud, but he was just as lost as the others; he knew what he wanted but he was not sure what he was supposed to do. With every plan he created, he felt like he was straying farther from his goal, and he didn’t want things to get worse or get his family involved, and now that they were.
He couldn’t help but question if this was a fruitless endeavor. But then again, he can’t just stand around and do nothing.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
A short-haired woman in a dark navy suit walked into the motel they just checked into then walked away. As for the man who wore a matching uniform, he stared down at the room in contempt as he irritatedly breathed through his nose.
“Singles instead of doubles. What's next, futons on the floor?” He whined as he lazily placed the donuts that he purchased from Agnes’ donut shop on a nearby round table.
Cha-cha sat on the edge of the TV stand, “What difference does it make? We're only here another night.”
“Well, that's easy for you to say. I've been in every pawn shop all over town, lookin' for our briefcase.” Hazel picked a bed and gently put down his suit jacket on the bedside cabinet then turned on the lamp attached above the bed. “You've been relaxing in the library.”
“Well, at least we know somethin' on the family that can help.” The woman held up Vanya's autobiography that she had borrowed to show to her partner, “It's like a Hargreeves family handbook.”
“Let me tell you, they're a real freakin' mess.”
Meanwhile, the Latino parked outside the inn. You and Klaus watched Diego do his thing. He lowered himself as he attached something at the bottom of the hitmen’s car then connected the device to the object he attached to the car. You weren’t sure what he attached to the car but, you assumed it was a tracking device.
“I’m surprised Diego has a tracking device but can’t purchase his place.” You silently giggle, though you presume he didn’t buy it but swiped it from the academy and brought it along for this mission.
“Number Five can time travel without a briefcase, but not that well. The big oaf lived on the moon for a few years. The little girl you fought with is a 31-year-old but she stopped growing up when she turned 15; while her blood can accelerate the recovery process of injuries. The junkie can conjure the dead, which explains why he knew about the dead Russian yesterday. And the idiot in the mask can curve anything he throws, usually knives.”
Whilst Cha-cha was summarizing the information she gathered from her intel gathering, Hazel found himself zoning out. He walked towards the window to peek in case someone was listening in to their conversation or someone was having a stake out nearby. Fortunately for him, he did discover that someone did tail them, so he can stop listening to Cha-cha ramble. Unfortunately for him, Cha-cha was going to scold him later for not being careful and they would be forced to move to a different motel now.
“Well, he's the one we need to worry about right now.”
The hitman gestured to the window with his head tilting in the same direction, “Cause he's in the parking lot, hiding behind an ice cream truck.”
Hurriedly, the hitwoman hurried to the window to check if her partner was telling the truth. Her brown gaze noticed a green car and a slightly banged-up car. She narrowed her eyes a little to try and figure out if the person sitting in the driver's seat was someone from the academy then, they made eye contact with Diego.
“Bingo.” The one clothed in black smirked when he made eye contact with the ones he was tailing and mentally took note of the room they stayed in. When the well-dressed woman took notice of his smirk, she took the curtains from Hazel’s hold and hastily closed the curtains.
Number Four chimed in before he took a short sip of his alcohol, “You do know that killing these people is not gonna make you feel any better.”
“Yeah, but when it's done…” The Latino turned to his brother, with a small smile as Klaus was chugging his drink, “...I'm gonna sleep like a baby.”
“Sure you will.” The drunk man’s lips curled up a little, his tone doubtful.
“I feel like Diego is just here to look for a punching bag.” You internally commented knowing that neither of your masters asked for you to speak nor for your opinion.
On the temps commission side, they were preparing themselves for their getaway just in case another mess occurred. Cha-cha was double-checking her handgun: if her magazine still had bullets, and if she lubricated her gun well. Whilst Hazel sat on his bed ready to open up the donuts he purchased, someone knocked on the door catching both hitmen’s attention. They both stealthy neared the door while Hazel peeked who was at the door through the window.
“Motel clerk.” The man said in a low volume, not wanting to be overheard by the clerk.
Cha-cha opened the door a little and took the note from the motel clerk then read the note. “It's from Five.”
“How'd he find us?”
“Well, he was us. He knows all the protocols. He says he has the briefcase. He wants to set up a meeting. Come on, we're late already.”
“What about our friends outside?” Hazel gestured to the window, “Last thing we need's a tail. Manila, 1902.”
Cha-cha pointed at the ice bucket, “Let's just go with the ice bucket.”
The hitman let out a reluctant groan. Nonetheless, he grabbed the ice bucket and robotically made his way out of their motel room and went to ‘grab’ more ice then left the room. Diego was intently observing the other hitman then quickly prepared himself before heading out to the motel room the hitmen were staying at.
He eyed you and his brother, “You two stay in the car.”
“What are you talkin' about? This guy tortured me.”
“I have a plan.” The knife wielder asserted and left the car in you and Klaus’ care, as he made his way to the cartoon-masked hitmen’s room.
The lanky man spoke with a drunken smile that did not make you feel reassured, “Rosie, stay here, ‘kay?”
“Master Klaus you should really listen to Master Diego-” You tried to discourage Klaus but got shot down, “I’ll do fine.”
“Master Klaus you said it yourself, they tortured you and you aren’t in the right state of mind. We wouldn’t want you to endanger yourself in another crossfire.”
“I’m fine Y/N, trust me but, you can come along with me if you want to keep me in check?” The servant reluctantly sighed and tagged along with Klaus… again.
Number Four and Number Zero followed the direction Diego went. They saw a familiar physique at the top of the stairs ready to tackle the door down. Well, he was planning on tackling it down, till you and Klaus walked up to him.
“So, what exactly is the plan here, big guy?”
“I told you both to wait in the car.” The Kraken glared at you and Klaus, though it felt like the glare was mostly directed at you since he did expect you to keep Klaus in check.
The curly-haired male drank his alcohol and then pointed out, “Yeah, but you also told me that licking a nine-volt battery would give me pubes.”
Number Two looked mildly amused but the look was quickly wiped off as he donned a serious one then whispered. “We were eight.”
“Sorry, Master Klaus insisted we come along. I didn’t want to leave him in your care while you fight, so I decided to come along.” You said shamefully as you looked at your feet, and pushed your thumbs against the other anxiously.
As expected of the drunk man, he brazenly took a step forward ready to charge forward but you and Diego grabbed onto him before he could do anything brash.
“Uh-uh, uh-uh…” The man dressed in black grabbed his brother’s arm and dragged him back to the bottom of the stairs and pushed him in the direction of the car, as you followed their trail like a lost puppy following its owners.
“What? Come on.”
“For once in your life, I need you to listen to me, okay? Now, go back to the car. If I don't come out in two minutes, that means I'm probably dead.” The Latino placed his calloused hands on Klaus’ shoulders, despite the rough texture of his hands the gesture was gentle and warm. “So... That happens, go get help. Okay?”
The seance let out his breath hesitantly but, weakly shook his head in agreement, as he placed his hand on Diego’s forearm. “Yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay.”
One last time, Diego patted his brother’s shoulders and then headed upstairs. As for you and Klaus, this time you took the lead and guided him back to the car. The anger that was building up within Diego was nearing its explosive stage. With every step he took he couldn’t help but recall his ex-girlfriend’s smile and seeing her lifeless expression as she laid on the floor. Once he came face to face with the door, he didn’t hold back and took out all his anger on the door, wanting this whole thing to end as swiftly as possible, not caring whether he would die in the process or not.
As his foot made contact with the door, it was surprisingly easy to open. Diego looked around the room that the hitmen checked in and it was empty, the hitwoman was not there. He scanned the room and noticed that neither of their belongings were present, only the sound of horse neighing, the sound of gunfire, and the sound of a crowd screaming on television occupied their room.
Out of nowhere, he heard an engine revving from the outside. The knife wielder lowered his guard a little as he was curious as to the source of the sound, and then he approached the railing. The vehicle that the masked hitmen used ran past the motel and shot up the place. The bullets flew out from different directions hitting everything they came across, one of the stray bullets was in the course to hit Diego, till you showed up and used yourself as a shield.
Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you stood in front of your master, willing to die in his stead. The fear of pain and the fear of death were quickly discarded as the life of the pupils of Umbrella Academy mattered more than yours, that’s what the patriarch of the household reminded you every day, so you would remember your purpose. The bullet went through your shoulder, the crimson liquid trickled down your shoulder blade as the color red bloomed onto your clothes and the searing pain followed.
For a brief moment, the pain was sharp and severe but the pain dulled down as the adrenaline took over you, making the servant dismiss the injury. However, every time you moved you couldn’t prevent your body from wincing as the sensation of the foreign object was poking in your shoulder. While Klaus came in clutch and grabbed his brother and you out of the way. The gunshots eventually died down, allowing the three to relax as you leaned against Diego’s side for support.
“Oh, man. See? You used to think I was an idiot.” Klaus giggled to himself, which prompted a small smile on your face. You were glad he lightened up a little.
Diego rolled his eyes, “I still think you're an idiot.”
The sound of tires screeching alerted Diego to the car speeding up to leave the three Numbers behind. The Latino straightened himself and placed his knives back into their rightful place as he ran down the stairs. “They're getting away!”
“You're welcome by the way!” The lanky man carefully cradled you in his arms and carried you downstairs as fast as he could without hurting your injured side.
The man clad in black groaned as he did his best to run up to the car, “Shit! Get in the car.”
The curly-haired man did his best to catch up but when he saw the flat tire he slowed down. “Oh…” You and Klaus said in unison.
Out of frustration, the Kraken kicked the wheel and groaned in frustration. He began pacing back and forth as he fidgeted with his knife by throwing it in the air and spinning it before repeating the pattern.
“Was this all part of your master plan? Hm?” His drunk brother cheekily asked, even though the look on his face said that he knew what the answer was to his question.
The frustrated male shot him a glare as warmth crept up his cheeks, “Shut up.”
The servant and the seance laughed together as the other man turned his attention to you, “For now, we need to apply first aid on Rosie, okay? She took a bullet for you.”
Diego silently agreed and went to get his first aid kit in his trunk. As he was preparing the required materials, he couldn’t help but question himself for his initial suspicion regarding Number Zero. He always knew you were loyal to the academy, though he didn’t understand if you could do things on your own accord or have to follow orders. Earlier, you protected him even though their father didn’t order you, nor did he tell you to protect him. Don’t get him wrong, he is thankful that you stepped in but, he still didn’t understand what prompted you to do that.
However, if their father had something to do with how you could easily throw away your life, then all he can say is that his ‘father’ deserved his death.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
Spaceboy drove one of their father’s cars into an isolated place. While Five sat in the passenger seat with the ‘time travel machine’ briefcase seated on his lap. Luther stopped the car in the middle of the barren area. It was the perfect meeting place; The location was isolated from society, and there were more electric posts compared to the number of buildings, trees, and civilians. Through this they could avoid getting more people hurt, so Five chose a fairly good spot.
The small brunette looked out the window, an indescribable look that Luther was familiar with, yet something he couldn’t decipher so quickly. Said boy sighed then finally spoke, “You know, I never enjoyed it.”
“What?” The larger male turned to the young man.
“The killing.” Five clarified in a hushed tone, his gaze on the road. “I mean, I was... I was good at my work, and I... I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure.” He let out an irritated sigh, “I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind.”
“Yeah, well, you were gone for such a long time.” Luther agreed with a slight nod as his fingers drummed on the steering wheel. “I only spent four years on the moon, but that was more than enough. It's the being alone that breaks you.”
In spite of the one-sided rivalry, they put it aside to agree on one thing they shared in common. Isolation drives people insane. Wanting to change the subject, the dirty blond-haired male eyes the fake time machine. “You think they'll buy it?”
The young man shrugged and tried to sit comfortably, “Well, what I do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing his gun. If the Commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit. Oh, not to mention the fact that they'll be stuck here until they get it back.”
“Well, I should hold onto it.” The ape hybrid man suggested to which Five raised an eyebrow, “Hm?”
“In case they make a move on you.”
“Okay, Luther, but be careful. I mean, I've... I've lived a long life, but... you're still a young man. You got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it.”
Number One wore an expression that was akin to confusion and gratitude. He did appreciate receiving advice from an elder, someone like Five who cared for him… who showed it weirdly. However, his younger brother- er- brother’s appearance does not match the wisdom he withholds. It felt and looked contradicting in his eyes, even his heart and mind did not know how to take in the advice, nor disassociate Five’s appearance from the wisdom he accumulated over the years.
In the distance, a light blue car was approaching the meeting spot. Both Numbers came out of the car and stood by each other’s side. Said car stopped a few feet away from the other car, the familiar masked hitmen came out of the car with their guns, then they slowly approached the middle of the road with Five meeting them there halfway.
The hitman carried a handgun that was pointed at Five though, the boy seemed bothered by something else. Since he merely raised a brow at the guns and gestured to the masks that the two wore. “Are the masks really necessary?”
The duo quickly discarded the masks but Hazel still kept his gun pointed at Five. Then Cha-cha finally spoke, “So, where is it, kid?”
“Wow, that's how you're gonna start.” The small brunette feigned an amused expression, he clicked his tongue then, turned to the car that Luther stood by. “You know, we can get right back in our car and call it a day.”
The well-dressed man lightly pressed his finger on the trigger, an obvious threat that anyone could pick up on. “You won't even make it halfway there.”
“Maybe.” The boy in school shorts gestured to his stronger brother, “But as I'm sure you found out in your previous foray, my brother is not your average giant.”
“He's right. You dropped a chandelier on him, got right back up.”
“By the time you took him out, he'd smash your precious briefcase to a pulp.”
Hazel quipped, “Probably us too, right?”
Discovering that they were at a stalemate, Cha-cha raised a question with a displeased look on her face. “So, how do we help each other?”
“I need you to get in contact with your superior so I can have a chat with her. Face-to-face.”
“About what?” She narrowed her eyes at the boy, suspicious of his proposition.
“Well, I don't believe that's any of your concern.”
The woman was hesitant to trust the ‘traitor’ of the commission but she shrugged it off. “Just don't tell her about the briefcase.”
“Fair enough.” Number Five nodded as he backed away slowly and returned to Luther’s side.
The woman in a bob cut headed to the nearest phone booth and began dialing down their superior’s number, while the larger brunette still had his gun directed at Five as he slowly walked backward and to his partner’s side. From time to time, the dark-skinned woman would look over her shoulder to check if Five or Luther were doing anything dubious.
“What happens now?” Number One asked.
The boy stuffed his hands in his pockets, “Now we wait.”
Only the sound of the wind whistling was heard, till an inaudible chime at the distance could be heard thus catching four people’s attention. Even if they had different goals, they all had the same question, “What the fuck is that? ”; They all kept their eyes on a bright vehicle that was heading in their direction with the music at full blast, it was playing the orchestra tune of ‘Ride of the Valkyries’.
“Is that her?” The dirty blond-haired male asked but, the brunette didn’t have an answer to his brother’s question because he was just as confused as he was.
As the ice cream truck passed by the Boy and Spaceboy, they incidentally caught a glimpse of the culprits: Y/N, Diego, and Klaus. The curly-haired man waved at his brothers as he was carelessly steering the wheel, while Diego and you were holding on for your dear lives. Ironically, the one who looked like he was the most scared - Diego - is the same person who was screaming at Klaus to go faster, and the only sane one - you - was discouraging your masters from becoming more reckless. At this point, Five and Luther were not surprised, just confused at the abrupt appearance.
The short brown-haired boy thought aloud, “What the hell are they doing here?”
Diego shouted as he closed his eyes and held onto his seat, “Go faster!”
“With pleasure!” The seance laughed maniacally as he stomped on the gas pedal resulting in the ice cream truck accelerating.
“I beg of you Master Klaus please don’t!” You pleaded as you finally understood why his driver’s license was taken away.
“It's a setup!” The hitmen began shooting up the ice cream truck and the defenseless numbers, the sound of their bullets echoing as they landed a hit on the truck. Swiftly, Luther used himself as a shield for Five as his brother hid behind him.
The colorful truck hit the assassins, they were supposed to be thrown backward and then rolled on the floor, yet they were frozen in mid-air the truck collided with their torsos but the after-effect never happened. The other stray bullets that were headed to both the ice cream truck and the two numbers were slowing down and then stopped altogether. Confused, Five came out of his hiding spot, whilst you were busy trying to process why everything froze, you tried to shake Klaus and Diego’s sides but neither of them responded. You were about to go outside the ice cream truck and check out what was going on when a new voice spoke up.
“Neat trick, isn't it?” Before Five there stood a tall sophisticated woman with silver hair: She wore a dark coat, sunglasses, and a small hat with a small veil attached to it, while carrying a briefcase in her other hand. With her free hand, she removed her veil and glasses to reveal her devilish expression that neither the sunglasses nor the veil could hide.
You froze up in your spot, your hand withdrawing from the car door. Even though you have never fought with villains by the Umbrella Academy’s side, this woman gave off the same air as the villains that the other Numbers spoke about as children.
“Hello, Five. You look good, all things considered.”
“It's good to see you again.”
You peeked from the car window, trying to hide your presence from both of them. You couldn’t help but be in awe of the small brunette. He stood before the mystery woman with his hands in his pocket, as though she was not a big threat. Though, knowing him, he was probably holding a weapon hidden in his pockets ready to charge at the woman when the opportunity came.
“Feels like we met just yesterday. Course, you were a little bit older then.” She joked then added. “Congratulations on the age regression, by the way. Very clever. Threw us all off the scent.”
The former assassin of the Commission merely rolled his eyes. “Ah, well, I wish I could take credit. I just miscalculated the time dilation projections, and... Well, you know. Here I am.”
“You realize your efforts are futile.” Five’s former superior faux a smile, “So why don't you tell me what you really want?”
The young man said, “I want you to put a stop to it.”
You felt a drop of sweat drip down your forehead as your face shifted into a look of disappointment; you expected more from Five, and that’s why you didn’t think he would resort to this. Though, you suppose you couldn’t blame him since at this point a lot of people were getting involved: the academy, Diego’s ex-girlfriend, and civilians. He probably assumed compromising with the enemy is the best solution for now.
“You realize what you're asking for is next to impossible, even for me. What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'être.”
The boy pulled out a gun and angled it to Handler’s head, “Yeah? Well, how about survival as a raison? ”
“I'll just be replaced.” The tall woman shrugged, her fake smile not faltering. “I'm but a... small cog in a machine. This fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse... is just that. A fantasy.”
Her heels clicked as she took steps to close in the distance between her and Five “I must say, though, we're all quite impressed with your initiative, your... stick-to-itiveness, really quite… quite something. Which is why we want to offer you a new position back at the Commission, in management.”
“Sorry, what's that now?” He chuckled in disbelief as he lowered his gun a little, obviously intrigued by the proposition.
“Why would they offer a job after his betrayal? ” You asked yourself, your brows furrowed at the mysterious woman.
“Come back to work for us again. You know it's where you belong.”
“Well, it didn't work out too well the last time.”
The silver-haired woman shook her head as she corrected him, “But you wouldn't be in the correction division any longer. I'm talking about... the home office. You'd have the best health and pension, and an end to this ceaseless travel.”
“You're a distinguished professional in-” The Handler looks down at Five’s uniform with a strained smile that was tempted to chuckle, “-schoolboy shorts. We have the technology to reverse the process. If Rossweisse came along with you, her blood could be of use to speed up the reversal process, and I heard she’s a good fighter, yes? She could be of use to the correctional division.”
The servant’s eyes widened as you straightened up a little, you were tempted to speak up and accept the offer so you could finally redeem yourself. But, Five’s words brought you back to reality.
The angry boy replied, venom seething through his words. “I’m the one you are offering the deal to, not her so leave her name out of your mouth.”
You slouched in your hiding spot and averted your gaze to your master. This was confusing… Why didn’t he just accept the offer? This way you could redeem yourself for your past mistakes and he would return to his proper age. It was practically killing two birds with one stone yet, he chose to discard a tempting offer. However, now that you think about it, there is a chance the commission would use that offer to their advantage but, if this was about not getting others involved anymore, it’s kinda pointless now… They need as much help as they can get to arise victorious from this apocalypse.
“I mean, you... you can't be happy like this.” The woman pointed out in a soft tone as she casually pushed the gun down.
Number Five insisted, his grip on the gun tight but the weapon was pointed downwards. “I'm not looking for happy.”
“Master Five please don’t lower your guard! ” You silently cried as you readied your retractable staff ready to intervene. Though, you were hesitating because every time you tried to help or obey an order it seemed like you always messed things up. The thought of not being of any use to the academy but, being the cause of chaos resulted in a tear running down your cheeks then another.
Tears began streaming down your eyes followed by your nose sniffling uncontrollably, you did your best to wipe your tears away with your sleeves. The irrational fear of the Monocle or the other Numbers seeing you like this was at the back of your head, you didn’t want to get caught- No, you can’t get caught. Not right now. The familiar wave of panic washed over you, more irrational thoughts flooding your mind as your rationality and sense of reality slipped. Your breaths came in short, desperate gasps that you struggled to quiet down but, it only grew louder. The feeling of your head pounding and your head spinning overwhelmed your senses that you couldn’t process what was going on anymore in the outside world; The only thing you could think of was that you had to stop, you were a mess. This is not how a servant should be acting, this is not what the patriarch of the household expected from you. Out of desperation, you dug your fingers into your skin to wake you up from your despair, whilst you used your free hand to bite on to muffle your cries.
Whilst you were spiraling in your misery, the high-ranking commission individual and the traitor were busy conversing.
“We're all looking for happy.” The cheeky woman’s smirk widened slightly, noticing that her target was faltering, and then she caressed Five’s cheek. “We can make that happen. We can make you... yourself again.”
The small brunette sighed and gestured to his siblings who were frozen in time, “And what about my family?”
“What about them?”
“I want them to survive.”
The silver-haired woman turned her head to check on Five’s siblings, “All of them?”
“Yes, all of them.” He confirmed with a firm tone.
“Even Y/N Rossweisse?” The woman wore a Cheshire grin as she tilted her head a little as though she was recalling something. “From what I recall in Vanya Hargreeves’ autobiography, she’s deemed like a servant and an outsider of the family. And the book even states you dislike her, you sure you don’t want to use the opportunity to get rid of her?”
The boy clicked his tongue, “Dislike is different from hate.”
“She may not be a Hargreeves but there are people out there who will cry for her. Heck, the others might get mad at me if they find out I abandoned her. ” He internally remarked.
Five may act like he does not care about anyone but, he is observant. He knows how close Diego is with you for your shared fear of needles, how close you were with Vanya because you always followed her around, how you always did your best to stop Klaus from causing any more trouble for himself and others, and probably Allison since she grew a soft spot for children ever since she became a mother.
“Well…” The Handler retrieved her glasses from her coat pocket and equipped them again, “I'll see what I can do.” She brought out her hand to Five, “Do we have a deal?”
“One thing.”
While time was still frozen, the brown-haired boy hurriedly grabbed the gun that Hazel dropped and removed the magazine then threw both of them in different directions. He then turned his attention to the bullet heading towards Luther’s direction then adjusted its course. Once he was satisfied with his work, he finally shook the Handler’s hand. For a brief moment there was a bright light and the sound of electricity zapping, when they disappeared time took its course.
You were so busy trying to calm yourself down that you didn’t notice that everything went back to normal. The orchestra tune of ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ continued its chime and the ice cream truck continued moving forward then, the truck collided with the assassins’ torsos, thus they were thrown a few feet away whilst groaning in pain. The stray bullets that were shot earlier finally penetrated the truck and missed Luther. The colorful truck kept moving till it crashed against the masked men’s car, resulting in Klaus and Diego being thrown back in their seats but, due to your position you were thrown forward consequently your head crashed against the dashboard which led you to pass out.
“Good God, Rosie!” Klaus hurried to your side. He carefully examined your state. You were bleeding, a large gash on your forehead as brittles of glass were lodged onto your skin with remnants of tears still present across your skin.
Panicked, Luther looked around because one of his siblings who had common sense just vanished. “Five?”
“Oh! Ow!” The man dressed in black cried out in pain.
Spaceboy frantically screamed, “Five!”
The dirty blond-haired man kept looking around for Five but, when he saw the hitmen began shakily gathering themselves despite being recently run over and getting hit in the torso. He turned his gaze to his family who were still in the ice cream truck, he noticed that they had not left the vehicle yet. They probably needed a distraction.
Luther shook the briefcase to catch the enemy’s attention, “Come get it!” Then he quickly threw it as far as he could.
The ape-man hybrid ran for the ice cream truck to assist his siblings, while Cha-cha ran for the briefcase and Hazel ran for the discarded gun. Once he arrived, he quickly scooped up your passed-out form in his arms as Klaus aided Diego to the other car. Oddly enough, they managed to assist the injured ones, while they were screaming their lungs at each other as they retreated to the car.
“No!” Hazel got a hold of the gun and tried shooting at them but there was no magazine, “Shit!” he grunted and threw away the gun out of frustration.
“Get in the car,” Luther ordered as he placed the knocked-out H/C maid in Klaus’ arms and Diego hurriedly scooted over to give you and Klaus more space.
The larger male went to the driver’s seat and hastily started the car, as his brother anxiously screamed. “Luther, go! Go! Let's go!”
When Number One finally managed to get the car working, the engines revved its excitement for their escape. When he pressed the gas pedal the tires began screeching and they finally left their perpetrators in the dust. From the back of the car, Klaus flipped off the hitman with two middle fingers, “Woo!”
“Damn it!” The man approached Cha-cha’s side to check on the briefcase but all they saw was random junk in the briefcase. The woman threw the decoy and kicked a random junk as she screamed, “Shit!”
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freetobeafcknriot · 2 months
the more I think about it the more I don't get how the hargreeves siblings were the problem like sure, s2 and s3 were on them but it was cause-effect to the very first apocalypse in 2019 and literally none of that would have happened if reginald had been just a tiny bit less of a shitty father to begin with. i get that the 43 children were anomalies but how was it on them for just existing ?
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frost-queen · 1 year
Under the Sparrow's umbrella (Umbrella!Reader x Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
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Loud footsteps made you all slowly turn. Still half confused about the sudden change in interior. Your eyes widened at the sight of him at the upper level. – “Ben!” – you exclaimed happily. The Ben at the top grabbed the railing, jumping over it as he landed firm on his feet. He slowly rose while you were gaping in awe at him. – “Ben!” – Klaus said loudly, opening his arms to go and hug him. Ben pulled his nose up, slapping his arms away. – “You are trespassing hobo.” – he commented in detest.
Klaus pressed his hand to his heart, shocked. – “You hurt my feelings Ben.”  - Klaus said making Ben scoff. – “A matter of fact… you all are.” – Ben continued, tugging his hand in his pocket. – “What’s with the uniform?” – Five questioned. It was only now that you all noticed it. The change of color and emblem on his uniform. – “You wouldn’t get it schoolboy.” – Ben responded. Five clenched his jaw, ready to jump at him if Luther hadn’t held him back.
Your eyes widened seeing more people appear on the upper level. – “Need any help brother?” – a girl spoke. Ben held his hand up. – “I can handle these…” – his gaze went obviously up and down cocky over your posture. – “Children.” – he addressed glancing at Five. Five gritted his teeth as you held him back by his shoulder.
“We aren’t trespassing this is our home!” – Luther called out. – “We are the Umbrella academy.” – he said looking at his siblings to back him up. – “You are dead.” – he added pointing at Ben. Ben scoffed loud. – “Clearly I’m not!” – he said. – “And this is the Sparrow academy.” – he explained as his siblings came downstairs. – “Sparrow?” – Diego whispered out, looking at Victor. Victor shrugged his shoulders. You stepped forwards making Ben glance intrigued at what you might say.
“Maybe this is all kind of messed up. I mean we did just time-jump back here.” – you concluded. – “But that man…” – you pointed at the portrait of Reginald. – “Is our father.” – you finished. Ben chuckled, eying you up and down. – “Oh right! Time-jump well maybe father saw how useless you all are and decided he needed to adopt other children. Children who wouldn’t be so worthless.” – he pushed you back by your forehead.
You stumbled back as Diego caught you before you could trip. – “Sparrow Ben is a dick!” – you told him seeing him nod. Clearly this Ben wasn’t like the Ben you knew. The Ben you grew up with. Ben glanced over his shoulder to his siblings by his side. – “Let’s show them out.” – he smirked, expression hardening on you. – “That one’s mine.” – he grunted out. You swallowed nervously slowly backing up.
Ben moved his body as his tentacle arms shot out. You screamed loud when they lurched towards you. You quickly dove under the coffee table as a tentacle missed you. Eyes widened when the table got lifted up. Ben tilting his head murderously enjoyable at you. – “Gotcha!” – he laughed out. You shrieked moving your hands up to block his next attack. Ben smiled greedily when he forced his tentacles down to you. You gasped hard when your brother Five popped up near you, knelt down.
In a split second he had his arms around you, teleporting with you. Ben’s tentacles went down, grabbing thin air as it made him glare. You re-appeared in the hallway, gasping loud. – “Definitely not our Ben.” – you breathed out. Five held his finger up telling you to wait while he teleported again. – “Umbrella girl.” – you heard Ben call out tauntingly. – “Come out and play.” – he went on making you tense your jaw. So not your Ben.
You left your hiding place, spotting Diego throwing knives coming into the hallway backwards. He nearly bumped into you, ready to throw knives at you. – “Watch me sis, I got knives!” – he scolded you. Diego and you backed up when Ben came in the hallway. – “There you are!” – he said as you were standing behind your brother, hand on his shoulder.
Your eyes falling on the knife he was holding. – “I’ll take that.” – you told Diego, plucking the knife from him. – “Wha…?” – before he could be more visibly confused, you threw the knife at Ben. It scraped his arm, sliding his vest a bit open. The knife clattered to the ground as you smiled embarrassed at him. Ben grunted looking at his torn vest. Diego gave you a brotherly slap against the back of your head. – “Don’t touch my knives.” – he called out. – “Diego not the right time.” – you told him between a held up smile. – “No Y/n I already told you; you don’t touch my knives.” – he continued holding his finger up.
Meanwhile Ben cracked his knuckles readying himself to attack you with his tentacles again. – “Diego Run!” – you shouted, pulling him with you by his vest. His eyes widened seeing the tentacles speeding his way. Diego quickened his pace, taking the front as he was dragging you along now. You made it outside just in time. Out of breath you encountered Klaus sitting on the porch. – “Oh there you are I was starting to wonder if any of you were going to show up.” – he casually said making Diego nudge his legs to get up.
Not a moment later busted Allison, Luther, and Victor out. Five teleported a second later, adjusting his vest. – “Now this is a major issue.” – he said stroking his hand over the back of his head. – “You think!” – Allison blurted out. She scoffed loud taking a walk. Luther going after her which led to Victor following to Diego and Klaus following. You motioned to Five with your head to come along. He nodded giving you a weary smile.
Ben clicked his tongue hatefully at you. You rolled your eyes at him. – “Is Luther here? I know you have him so don’t even try to lie to me.” – you called out, letting yourself in the Sparrow Academy without approval of him. Ben scoffed, grabbing you by your wrist to a stop. – “Listen princess, what if we have him?” – Ben said as you pulled your hand out of his grip. – “Maybe he finally has seen how much more potential this family has considered against yours.” – he mocked, knowing it would taunt you.
You tensed your jaw, glaring at him. You turned away from him, shouting loud in the hallway. – “Luther! Luther come down!” – your voice booming loud in the hallway. Ben grabbed your hand to stop you as he immediately flinched his hand back after coming in contact with yours. He rubbed his hand. – “So you do have abilities. For a while I thought you were their mascot.” – he replied with a sneer. You smiled sarcastically at him, showing him your hand as electricity moved around your fingers.
You had given him a small electric shock the moment he grabbed your hand. – “Luther! Come out we are going home!” – you yelled loud. Ben grabbed for your shoulder as you flung your arm back to release his touch on you. – “Listen squid, you touch me one more time and I’ll fry you!” – you threatened. Ben chuckled. – “I’d like to see you try.”
He didn’t have to say that twice. You let electricity surround your hands, extending your hands out to him as the electricity hit him flat in the chest. Ben got flung against the wall, dropping coughingly down. He pressed his hand against his chest watching you walk off. – “Luther! Luther where the hell are you?” – you shouted for his attention. As you were about to step on the stairs, your path was blocked by Christopher. He changed color while bleeping something.
“You want to have a go cube?” – you taunted having enough of being held back. Christopher turned a bright red as you acted faster than him. You electrocuted him. His entire cube shivering till he dropped to the ground. – “Luther!” – you screamed out stepping over the cube. You came upstairs, hearing Luther’s voice come from out of a room. You went in, trying not to be amazed by the gym set up in the house. – “Y/n?” – Luther said confused jumping up.
Sloane sitting beside him as she stopped smiling. You pointed at him. – “We are going home!” – you made clear. Luther looked briefly down at Sloane, hesitating. – “Luther I said we are going home!” – you repeated not wanting to stay one minute longer with the Sparrows. Out of breath appeared Ben behind you. – “Luther you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” – he said rather warmly and caring.
It made you frown, staring stunned at his sudden friendliness. – “Shut up!” – you told him, having enough of his ego. – “Luther. Let’s go home.” – you said in a friendlier tone. Luther was still hesitant as you could practically hear Ben snicker in your ear. – “Luther I am your family. I’m your sister… please come home…I need you.” – you begged as Ben snorted loud at your confession.
You let your hand be surrounded by electricity as you touched Ben’s side. He jumped aside at the sudden sting in his side. Luther sighed deep, apologizing to Sloane. He walked over to you as you hugged him. Or rather he hugged you, lifting you up and squashing you in his tight embrace. – “Let’s go home sis.” – he said patting you on the head. You stuck your tongue out to Ben to rub it just that little bit more in his face.
Ben gave you a smile full of mockery back. God how much you hated him. How you also hated that he was exactly like the Ben you knew only raised more messed up. Ben stepped aside allowing you to leave with Luther. – “Are we just going to let them leave?” – Jayme questioned loudly. – “Let’s just kill them now!” – She insisted on. Ben held his hand up to silence her. Looking back to you for as long as he could.
Jayme was running after you. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw her approaching. Her expression hard and tense. Puffing loudly, you tried to keep in front of her, outrunning her. – “Hey Umbrella!” – she called out tauntingly speeding up. You felt her grip to you closer, her hand moving over your back to put you to a stop. You came to a halt as she had grabbed a hold of your hair. – “I wasn’t done talking.” – she said teasingly pulling you back by your hair.
You inhaled sharp through your nose, at the brink of giving her a piece of your own mind. You stepped back as she kept moving backwards. Feeling a sudden tug on your hair, made you turn your head to look. Ben’s hand firm around her wrist as he had pulled it off you. – “What are you doing?” – he said coldly, pushing her wrist to her it made her stumble backwards. Jayme puffed some hair out of her face. – “Getting revenge on the umbrella.” – she called out, glaring at you.
Ben glared right back at her. You observed their interaction with curiosity. Ben glanced your way, softening his expression. With a touch of his hand on your lower back, you felt your heart flutter for him. – “Ben let me just…” – Jayme started launching her hand at you. Ben caught her by the wrist again. Her hand clawed out inches away from your face. It made you widen your eyes brief, taking a subtle step back to have her hand out of your face. He swayed his finger to the side, shaking his head.
Jayme gritted her teeth, slapping her hand out of his grip, accidently hitting him in the face. Ben touched his cheek from the impact. Your eyes widened and hardened with anger. – “You hit him!” – you called out. – “How dare you hit him!” – you added while Ben waved his hand at you that it was alright. You called out a war cry, jumping at Jayme. You wrapped your legs around her while slapping her on top of her head. Jayme was receiving the impact trying to get you off. – “Get her off!” – Jayme screamed irritated.
Ben simply crossed his arms, smiling teasingly at you. You jumped off her, puffing loud. Jayme glared, readying her teeth to spit at you. Before she could spit at you, you electrocuted her. Her body spasmed till she dropped unconscious to he ground. – “I knew you could handle yourself.” – Ben said teasingly. You smiled sweetly at him. – “I just electrocuted your sister to the ground.” – you told him getting closer.
“Aren’t you getting revenge?” – you whispered standing as close as possible to him. Ben smirked. – “Would you like me to?” – he spoke back. You shrugged your shoulders. – “Try me Sparrow.” – you teased with a flirty smile. Ben’s gaze lowered to your lips as he briefly licked his. You moved your hand forwards as he grabbed it, quickly spinning you around till you were held against his chest.
He took in a deep breath, moving his head down to your shoulder. – “I could just use my abilities on you.” – he pondered with a chuckle. You cleared your throat drawing his attention to the hand he was still holding upwards of yours. A few sparkles of electricity moving around your fingers. He moved his hand over yours, clearly not bothered by the faint electricity running around it. He stretched your arm out, squinting his eye.
He then removed his hand from on top of yours, whispering shoot in your ear. You released a shot of electricity as it flung across the room, hitting a lightbulb hanging on the wall of the hotel. The lightbulb exploded making Ben smile. You turned your head to the side, glancing up to him. Turning your posture more, you were facing him again. Your heart pounding loudly. It has always beaten for Ben. Whether it be Umbrella Ben or Sparrow Ben.
Ben slowly parted his lips. – “I know you loved this other Ben.” – he whispered to you, moving his palm against your cheek. Hardening his grip as he moved his hand further back to your neck, grabbing you there. – “I think I’m gonna steal you from him.” – his last words ended as he forced his lips onto yours. You completely melted under his kiss, Sparrow Ben all you could think about. How much you hoped Umbrella Ben would forgive you for. Even though he was already long gone.
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colour-me-katie · 5 months
The Umbrella Academy ideas that are stuck in my head (part 2): Training
A fanfic idea where Klaus was involved in his siblings trainings cause Reginald saw he wasn't making enough progress in is own and "You must contribute somehow Number Four". But no one knew what each others individual training involved cause they hated taking about it. But one day after the not-apocalypse or whatever the conversation gets brought up and one of them mentions that Klaus was involved in the their trainings and they all are like....wait he was in mine too. And Klaus is like "yeah, I always preferred your trainings over mine" Then they ask Klaus what his training was and if anyone else was involved but he doesn't want to tell them about the mausoleum or how he later found out that Reginald used to kill him/let him die and time how long it took him to come back.
Luther (I'm not really sure how to include Klaus in training for him yet)
Diego's training included having him throw knives and things at various targets until his hands ached. Then Reginald wanting him to practice curving the projectiles so he made Klaus stand in front of a target (cause he knew Diego had a "weakness" for Klaus and also that Klaus couldn't die, not that he told anyone that) and made Diego throw knives at him. Later upgraded to Reginald throwing the knives and making Diego try to stop or repeal them. And he messed up sometimes and got so upset at hurting Klaus but Klaus is just like "Don't worry Di I trust you not to hurt me on purpose" and "It's okay Di, it's just a scratch". And Klaus just got used to the pain and build up a high pain tolerance.
Allison's training included rumoring over and over until her throat hurt. But she needed to rumor someone for Reginald to see the effects and how different wording and even languages changed the results. So Klaus got picked cause he was the best at/knew the most languages so he could understand (maybe because of the ghosts). And Allison kinda hated doing it to him but was afraid of Reginald and wanted to prove herself so she just made Klaus do a bunch of things. And Klaus got used to the idea and feeling of his body and mind not really being his own and kinda just dissociated after a while.
Five's training included practicing jumping until he felt like passing out. Then one day Reginald wanted him to practice with another person and chose Klaus. And Klaus got so dizzy and sick the first time he threw up so Reginald forbade him from eating on Five's training days cause "I will not stand you making a mess Number Four". Klaus didn't tell anyone and when asked why he doesn't eat sometimes he just said he wasn't hungry. Later Klaus thinks back on this when he is living on the streets and is already familiar with the feeling of hunger.
Ben's training didn't involve Klaus because it was too dangerous even for Reginald. But Klaus was always there when Ben was finished. And he would drag him to the bathroom and clean him up and then they would cuddle under blankets together in Ben's bed and Klaus would talk about anything and everything just to distract Ben from thinking too much about the Horror. And sometimes Ben hated when his stomach was touched cause it hurt or he was afraid that the Horror would just react without his control but other times when they would cuddle, Klaus would lay his hand or even his head again Ben's stomach and for a moment Ben knew how much Klaus trusted him and how much faith he had in him and in that moment it made Ben feel safe and in control.
Viktor obviously didn't have training like the others but he remembers when he would learn a new song and finally be able to play it through without messing up and wanting to show Reginald or his siblings but was afraid they wouldn't care. But Klaus would come into his room sometimes and listen to him play and he would sit on his bed and fall asleep. Viktor admits that at the time he thought Klaus was just bored and it hurt that he never listened to the whole song. But present Klaus says that he wasn't bored but that Viktor's room never had any ghost (unlike his other siblings who became murderers/haunted way to young) and his music was so beautiful and peaceful. That Viktor's room was safe, that Viktor was safe. And feeling safe was something Klaus rarely felt as a kid but in those moments with Viktor he was able to relax and actually sleep.
Anyway I just want a hurt/comfort fic with Klaus and his siblings.
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