#luv vs the world 2
ethanryanpunal · 1 year
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 3 months
End Game: I wanna be your first string
A continuation of end game. This is stan tumblr's pov of Ginny's World Cup Semifinal match.
if you somehow got tagged in this, i am so sorry it was an accident
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The first semi-final match will start in just under an hour with England taking on Bulgaria!
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@ginwiz posted
i'm nervous, anyone else nervous?
@ginginweas replied: nervous? why would we be nervous? (i've vomited three times today)
@queezy-4-weasley replied: bulgaria's chasers still suck, so i have some hope
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@bitch-witchh posted
fuck bulgaria and fuck viktor krum!
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I'm trying!
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
don't make me bring out the spray bottle cat meme
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
Krum will likely get the snitch over Shah, but Bulgaria's chasers still suck
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasly
Shah could catch the snitch!
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
yeah and I could win an order of merlin
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry just finished the Frey Family case yesterday, so he should be able to make it to the game!
@harpies-hore reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
how do you know that?
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@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @harpies-hore
I listen to the auror scanner
@im-a-keeper posted
I am very excited to see England's chasers: Weasley, Alton, and Killick play against Bulgaria's beaters: Higgs and Ross. A fast, electric offense vs a brutal, widespread defense.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The England World team has entered the arena. They play Bulgaria in Round 2 of the World Cup.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch posted
do you think Ginny Weasley, Richard Alton, and Ophelia Killick need a fourth?
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
there aren't 4 chasers
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I wasn't talking about quidditch
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
i've been watching Higgs and Ross, and unfortunately they are on their A game today. I hope Gin, Oph, and Rick can handle them
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
weirdo, calling them Gin, Oph, and Rick like you actually know them
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @puddlemore-111
how have i not blocked you yet?
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@ginwiz answered
probably not yet since we haven't seen him, but he is going to be there
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@ginwiz answered
95% of my blog is Ginny, and the moment i talk about her boyfriend (someone who has been heavily involved in Ginny's life since she was 11), I get this stupid ask. Go take your hate somewhere else.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
Bulgaria World Cup team, lead by team captain, Viktor Krum, has entered the arena.
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@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @ginginweas
wait, whats the lore
@ginginweas reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
krum took hermione to the yule ball back during the triwizard tournament was happening. obviously there is no bad blood, but it's just funny to see him boo his fiance's ex
@quid-bitch posted
poor ron, only member of the golden trio to not have been with an international quidditch star
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
that's what he gets for being a Chudley Cannons fan
@drarry-is-real posted
lol so ron is there but harry isn't, even tho @hinny-luv-4-eva knows that he is free. wonder where he is then
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
well we know he is not hanging out with a death eater rn
@gin-will-win posted
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@ginginweas replied: NO WAY
@ginwiz replied: OH SHIT HAVE SO MUCH FUN!
@queezy-4-weasley replied: STOP I AM SO JEALOUS
@im-a-keeper posted
looks like the ref team will be the same team from the france game
#hahaha oh fuck
@harpieshore reblogged @im-a-keeper
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@gin-will-win posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
get fucked @drarry-is-real
@bitch-witchh posted
okay but why was he late?
@harpies-hore reblogged @bitch-witchh
what if i told you he was in England's locker room
@bitch-witchh reblogged @harpies-hore
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@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The semi-final match between England and Bulgaria has officially started with the release of the quaffle!
@gin-will-win posted
they are so fast in person wtf
@queezy-4-weasley posted
that bludger that nearly hit killick came out of NO WHERE
@bitch-witchh posted
merlins beard. why did no one tell me bulgaria was actually good now?
@ginginweas posted
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score?
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score again?
@harpies-hore posted
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@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
you all need to have more faith in ginny lol
@gin-will-win posted
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
i don't like that you know what is going to happen 5 seconds before i do
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
but omg yay!! she scored!!
@im-a-keeper posted
England only down 10-20 right now is somehow a miracle
@bitch-witchh posted
@gin-will-win posted
I have such a good view of Harry and he is such a nervous fan, omg. he is basically clinging onto the railing
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @gin-will-win
stop, he is so sweet
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
do you even like quidditch?
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
do you even have morals?
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
i think he is feinting
@im-a-keeper posted
Shah should start looking for the snitch himself instead of trailing Krum
@ginginweas posted
killick scored!! assist by ginny!
@harpies-hore posted
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@quid-bitch posted
omg they got their shit together
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz reblogged @ginginweas
Hermione looked so disappointed in them, im crying
@quid-bitch posted
what if i said ron is the hottest weasley
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
shut up
@quid-bitch reblogged @harpies-hore
they crucified jesus for being right
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
who the fuck is jesus?
@bitch-witchh posted
LOL the bulgaria chaser dropped the quaffle again
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @bitch-witchh
that's the bulgaria team i remember
@im-a-keeper posted
Alton just scored with an assist from Weasley! All England chasers have now scored! 50-20 in favor for England!
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Bulgaria's beaters are fucking aggressive
@bitch-witchh posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@Im-a-keeper posted
that was a NASTY hit by Ross. It looks like Ginny was hit in the face and knocked from her broom.
@ginginweas posted
that hit was terrifying
@harpies-hore posted
Oh shit! is she okay?
@gin-will-win posted
guys, there is so much blood
@ginwiz reblogged @gin-will-win
fuck, i hope she is okay
@gin-will-win reblogged @ginwiz
Richard caught her, and she is moving fine. I think it looks worse than it was.
@ginginweas posted
They showed Harry, and he looks so upset.
@bitch-witchh reblogged @ginginweas
Ross better hire some bodyguards because Auror Potter looks like he is planning his murder right now.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Harry's heart dropped out of his ass watching that. (my heart did too)
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry looks like he wants to jump down to Ginny to comfort her right now :(
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
if a player getting hit by a bludger makes her whiny boyfriend act like this, she should just quit and stay in the kitchen
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
harry is faking sadness right now, he would much rather be with his boyfriend than be at this stupid quidditch game
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @ginginweas
you already know who I voted for
@ginwiz posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
They fixed her nose and she is okay!!
@harpies-hore posted
STOP!! she just looked up at the stands and gave the "I'm okay" sign
@gin-will-win posted
Harry visibly sighed when Ginny waved to him. Hermione was rubbing his back and Ron gave him a reassuring shake
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
Every day, I become more and more thankful for the golden trio
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
After a nasty hit, and a presumed broken nose, chaser, Ginny Weasley, makes her penalty shot increasing England's lead to 70-20.
@harpies-hore posted
like we always say. ginny shooting a penalty shot = free points
@bitch-witchh posted
Bulgaria's chasers have now gotten so desperate that they are stooging
@ginwiz reblogged @bitch-witchh
and the refs have done nothing to stop them
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
I feel like I need to bring back the refs vs voldemort poll
@gin-will-win posted
Ross is out of control today. He just elbowed Shah
@harpies-hore posted
Shah gets hit in the face when he is the one player who a beater cannot touch with their body and yet the refs call nothing
@ginwiz reblogged @harpies-hore
hey @ginginweas, we need the poll now
@ginginweas reblogged @harpies-hore
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@im-a-keeper posted
I was really hoping that the ref team would have gotten better since the last match, but unfortunately they have not...
@bitch-witchh posted
lol while everyone was focused on Shah and Ross, Ginny scored again
@ginwiz posted
I fucking love Ginny Weasley
@qin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
@ginginweas posted
okay, someone needs to take Ross's bat
@im-a-keeper posted
Ross hits a quaffle out of the hands of Alton. And of course the refs say play on.
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch reblogged @ginwiz
I am not going to do that
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
krum on his way to go yell at his beater
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@quid-bitch posted
Krum can come yell at me next
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
@ginginweas posted
@gin-will-win posted
@im-a-keeper posted
Is Shah about to????
@queezy-4-weasley posted
England's Shah catches the snitch while Krum is distracted. England wins 240-20!
@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@bitch-witchh posted
@puddlemore-111 posted
A pathetic win for England. How the hell did they make it all the way to the Quidditch World Cup?
@harpies-hore posted
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@im-a-keeper posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@ginwiz posted
The entire team jumping on top of Shah, celebrating. What if I cry?
@gin-will-win posted
@bitch-witchh posted
Shah it seems I’ve grown quite fond of you tho there are no sexual urges or desires you come to me as a long lost friend whom I once picked apples with in papa’s orchard
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Ginny, Ophelia, and Richard are dancing around Shah, this is adorable
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore reblogged @gin-will-win
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@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@gin-wiz posted
@gin-will-win posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@harpie-hore posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
fuck you
@ginwiz posted
@harpies-hore posted
i am so single
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@quid-bitch posted
@im-a-keeper posted
What a thrilling game. I will never forget this. (also hinny are so cute)
@ginnyweasley posted
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Long Post is Long. Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Matt Maher; Clowning; Rhys Darby; Rosie; Samba; Max Trolling Reminder; Coyote Vs Acme Cont'd / Articles; Watch Party Reminders for Feb 11; SafeSpaceShip; Art Director's Guild Nominee; We Need to Be a Lighthouse! Game; AdoptOurCrew Choose Your Own Adventure; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Well as you can imagine, the David Jenkins IG is the big news of today. The clowning forecast has gone up significantly. Dad posted one of the late-blooming SaveOFMD banners in NY and attached Elton John - Candle In The Wind to the post. This song has some very specific significance to our fandom.
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Apparently back when we lost Lucius in Season 1, Chaos Dad posted this song to Nathan Foad. Src @cptn_brightsky's Twitter Post
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Now ADD to that... David Jenkins ALSO added this picture of Matthew Maher standing in front of a saveOFMD flyer found out on the street.
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NOW OF COURSE, we are all clowning, but I think as usual Chaos Dad is trying to give us info without giving us info since the fandom pays so much attention to every little detail.
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@saltpepperbeard has a theory that I'm down to clown with until I turn blue in the face. Src.
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So yeah, as always take the clowning how you will, but I'll be honest, this looks like great news to me. It really does. CLOWN ON MY FRIENDS.
= Other Cast & Crew Sightings =
Rhys Darby's going to be at The Bourbon Room Hollywood next Friday, 2/16 at 8 PM PT.
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== Rosie ==
Since doing cute stuff just doesn't stop in the Darby houshold, tonight I wanted to make a special shout out to Rosie Carnahan Darby, Rhys' Wife who has been active the last couple days. First and foremost, she knit a little blanket and hat for Samba's baby!
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Second apparently she's restocked the Awesomeness Comedy website with more Buttons McGinty books and Comedy Special DVD's in case you're interested.
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Oh and by the way, Samba loves the blanket:
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= Vico Ortiz =
Tonight Vico was out performing with Them Fatale Drag Kings at their last night at their home bar Redline! Just some shots from their IG stories, feel free to check out more.
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== Max Trolling ==
Gentle reminder luvs, if you're going to IG, or Twitter to troll Max posts, let's try to remember not to post OFMD/Negative comments on any posts that are celebrating underrepresented groups. We want to support those groups. Please note however, if you'd done it previously and didn't know, don't beat yourself up! We all make mistakes, just please try to keep it in mind going forward! (If you can delete your previous posts, great, if not, again not the end of the world).
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== Coyote Vs Acme Cont'd / Articles ==
Why Deleting and Destroying Finished Movies Like Coyote vs Acme Should Be a Crime
This article is from yesterday but this blurb was pretty damn specific so I wanted to make sure if you missed it you got to see some of the reasons why Max did cancel OFMD.
"Some of the company’s tactics post-merger were garden-variety ruthless, like eliminating 87 series from its streaming platform Max, so that they won’t have to pay union-mandated residuals to the talent that created already-existing programs or pony up funds to produce more seasons of existing ones (such as “Our Flag Means Death,” one of the company’s most popular and critically acclaimed comedies—canceled after just two seasons)."
= Watch Party / Event Reminders =
Feb 11: Q+ and AdoptOurCrew Season 2 Live-Rewatch Party
Times: 2PM GMT, 9 AM EST, 6 AM PST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
= Feb 11: Relax I'm From the Future Watch Party! =
Sunday February 11th, 1 PM PT. 4 PM ET, 9PM GMT
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== In Person Events: San Diego CA ==
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February 11, 2024 at 4 PM at Maritime Museum of San Diego
Costumes & Cosplay Encouraged! Location: Maritime Museum of San Diego 1492 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101
= Art Director's Guild Award Nominee! =
Sorry, I forgot to add this one yesterday!
Ra Vincent - Nominee for Half-Hour Single - Camera Series. Src: @AdoptOurCrew and ADG
Check out the Design Presentation: OFMD_s2_art.pdf
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== We Need To Be A LightHouse! ==
Have YOU heard of this awesome new Monkey Island Inspired Point and Click Adventure Game by @blueberreads and @eldawee? They've been working on it for months and it's FINALLLLLLLY HEEEERE!
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These folks are so incredibly talented! Please go check it out here! https://dawee.itch.io/lighthouse If you're using a MAC OS you'll most likely need to download an executable at the bottom of the main page. Just FYI! If it prompts you with the "you downloaded this from the internet" error just click OK. I already started playing with it and I'm in love.
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I pushed Ed and he asked if I wanna do something weird xD Okay no more spoilers, GO CHECK IT OUT!
== AdoptOurCrew Choose Your Own Adventure Game!==
In honor of the s2 watch party with Q! tomorrow, @adoptourcrew did a really adorable choose your own adventure game on twitter today! They did polls and let the majority pick which direction they wanted the story to go!
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Since it was a lot of pictures I made a separate post so you can see the whole story: @adoptourcrew Choose Your Own Adventure here on tumblr. Please check it out!
== Love Notes ==
Alrighty lovelies. It's been another busy day. Lots of clowning, lots of hope, lots of emotional roller coasters. I hope you had a good time and generally it was more positive than negative. I have a lot I want to say, but my brain is still pretty foggy. So I'll make this short.
Sometimes when things go well, our brain gets excited and then they overcompensate when we calm down. It starts to think a lot more negatively because it had so much extra dopamine for a time. When that happens, little things can be really devastating. I just want you to remember that we all make mistakes and YOU, you beautiful imperfect being are not your mistakes. They hurt, and we learn from them, but they don't define us. Try not to listen to your brain if it's telling you otherwise. You are so very wonderful.
Anyway, I hope that makes sense.
Here's a picture I found today I thought really applied to all you wonderful people. Thank you to all the folks who reached out to me and checked in and sent me love when you knew I was struggling (there are too many to list and I don't know if you want to be tagged so please just know how much I appreciate you). I love you all so much, and I'm so lucky to how found people who make me feel like it's ok to be me.
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight is once again animal themed. I wish I'd made that Taika gif last night for the lovebirds theme, but here we are.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 8 months
America's Master List
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The First of the new Master Lists for 2024! It still needs to have all of the newest works but some of them are on here already! Thanks for reading! There are so many of there crazy things their might be multiple for America XD jebus. But this is for you, like me, Alfred F. Jones simps, who need their content.
America and England with an S/O (Human AU)
Cardverse Senario
Cardverse Scenario: White Queen Taken from a Different Kingdom
Yandere America Cardverse
Yandere Demon America Headcannons
Demon Games: America
Spicy Yandere! Demon America  
Yandere Demon America w/Strong Escapee S/O 
Yandere Demon America with a Priestess S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ a Yandere S/O 
Demon America w/ S/O that won his Bloody Money Game 
Demon America w/ Jealous S/O  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins pt.2 (Spicy) 
Yandere Demon America w/ S/O who has awful parents  
Yandere Demon America w/ Demon Princess  
Yandere America x Reader (That has traits similar to Francis)  X Yandere France 
Yandere America with a Metal Head Darling with a Guitar
Yandere Mob Boss America 
Yandere Spain, Germany, America, North and South Italy with a wife who just found out that they're a mob boss
Yandere Demon America, England, Russia w/Ghost Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Smart human 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere Demoness S/O that captures him  
Yandere Demon America w/ Ancient Monster Darling 
Yandere Demon America w/ Angel Darling  
Birthday Drabble Demon America Club 27  
Yandere Demon America w/Dark Witch Darling 
Yandere Demon America: Family life with S/O
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Canada that love the same S/O 
Yandere Demon America & Russia w/ Supernatural Hunter Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Witch Darling pt.2  
Yandere Demon America x Right Hand Demon Darling  
Yandere America X Male Reader X Russia Captive  
Yandere Demon America x Dumbass reader 
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere Demon America x Dark Witch Darling p.3  
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Russia  
Yandere Demon America with Chaos Lord p.2
Yandere Demon Germany & Russia with a Chaos lord 
(I'm sure you're tired as hell from seeing the word 'Yandere' aren't you? America vs Russia as demons 
Yandere Demon America X Doomguy reader 
Yandere Demon America with a Succubus reader 
Yandere Demon America x Chaos Lord 
Yandere Demon America with an escapee human 
Demon America w/ Pervy Sage like S/O  
Yandere Demon America with a Heathen Goddess darling 
Yandere demon America with a Nephilim Darling 
Yandere Demon America and Japan with an Oni darling 
Demon King America with an experimental dragon darling 
Yandere America with Platonic Yandere Demonness 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader : Someone tries to assassinate you 
Yandere Demon America with a Half Human / Half Demon Darling 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right-Hand Woman p.2 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right Hand Woman P.3
Demon America with a Fem! S/O and a box of Chocolate
Yandere! Angel America & Germany in Luv with a demon 
America X Reader X Britain p.1  
America x Reader X Britain p.2 
America X Reader X Britain p.3 America Ending 
America x Reader X Britain p.4 England Ending  
Epilogue w/America  
Yandere Alpha 2p! America Headcannons 
Yandere America rejecting his Omega S/O only to realize that he misses them
What dog breeds that the Allies and the Axis are in the Omegaverse
Omega America Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America and Germany w/ a darling that committed suicide 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling p.2
Omega America tormenting his darling 
Differences between Yandere Alpha America and Yandere Omega America
The Emperor for Evil America 
The Sun, The Devil, Temperance, & Tower America, France, Romano, Spain, & Russia 
The World and High Priestess with the Allies 
Justice and the Devil 2p America
Club-27 pt. 2
The Longer Series (Or Lore within the stuff I write) I'm trying to work on: The Golden Nightingale, Peacekeepers (Omegaverse) and possibly Mating Season (Demon AU however that's likely to be more headcanons than storytelling)
Golden Nightingale Intro
Chapter 1: Tourmaline Daydream
Chapter 2: The Chaos
Mating Season
Yandere Demon Kings Lands 
Just more ramblings about how the Omegaverse AU is written 
Explanations on how you’re categorized in the Omegaverse 
Omega America on suppressants 
When two Alpha’s fight over an Omega 
How the capturing process works in the Omegaverse 
The successful Omega Rebellion hypothetical
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djservo · 8 months
crashes in in a fashionably late kind of way.. january is finally over!! 31 days felt like 300 but now that we’re on the other side of it, what books did you read to start 2024? what was the vibe any standouts has it changed what’s on the horizon?
I've started keeping a physical calendar again so you'd think having the month splayed out in front of me so directly and constantly would be grounding but week after week I was just like Omg how is there More.... we made it thru tho god bless xx January was fun!!
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in terms of my pre-planned monthly reading themes, January was a grace period where I let my whims guide me so I'm surprised at how many themes incidentally overlapped?? Naomi Klein referencing The Fire Next Time, the theme of internet doubles and online dark corners in Doppelganger essentially being the core of The Sluts, the dark spiraling mystery of The Sluts akin to the dark spiraling mystery of Mysterious Skin, yada yada yada. I luv when the dots inadvertently connect!! right place right time vibe!!
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
it's been really nice starting my reading off with Baldwin these past few years, something grounding about immersing myself in sharp indictments of the US amidst the usual new year wide-eyed blitheness. this one was only 2 essays but both gripped me just as much as his longer collections. I imagine it's hard to sort of reframe arguments, pleas, and points you've been talking about for years when things still haven't changed, but each new (to me) Baldwin essay reads so fresh in the way that he contextualizes these core points within different interactions + relationships. I think Ive said this before but it's also so rewarding to read an author's works chronologically because you can kind of follow how their frame of mind sharpens/adapts throughout the years and in a way you grow with them, and his first essay (a letter to his nephew) kinda feels like the culmination of that growth laid out with such care. super special
Doppelganger by Naomi Klein
totallyyyyyy consumed + dizzied by this wow I can't believe it took me this long to read Naomi Klein. I think I'd been intimidated by the size of her books + my incorrect assumption that something so research-heavy (bc boy does she research!) will read too dense, but everything here was laid out and tied together so smoothly + accessibly (I feel like I use that word a lot for nonfiction which is probably my subconscious quest to entice ppl to read more nonfiction hehe) This read like partial investigative deep dive into the online world of conspiracy theories/Qanon cesspools + partial mystery novel about her own experience with Naomi Wolf (her 'doppelganger')?? idk it feels weird to relate someone's lived experience to a spectacle like that but it really was like edge of seat level curiosity/uncertainty/etc. just so engrossing and thorough and THRILLING, the epilogue made me gasp!!!
Leslie F*cking Jones by Leslie Jones
my one + only spotify audiobook experience, cut short amid the last chapter bc I ran out of hours and no longer am a spotify premium user so I just read the rest </3 but that turned out to be fun bc I saw what a stark difference it was to listen vs. read this. the audio rules bc Leslie totally goes off script to add anecdotes (one of the reviews was like 'she was NOT reading what was written!!' LMAO so true.. and I love her for that!!) + an emotional depth I don't think could've been sufficiently captured in written form - her laughter and her palpable anger and her literally crying over... such a robust journey! I was an SNL fan basically my whole life til I went to college so I always love stories about it and I really admire how she didn't hold back in her criticisms. I feel like former members (especially those somewhat fresh off the slab in a way) feel like they have to be eternally grateful to their experience when so much of it is so clearly draining and thankless. doubled expectations because she's a woman, tripled because she's a Black woman, and therefore expected to just bend over and take it (her words) but she never does!! she never tries to compromise her own experiences like "this happened... but at least this happened too and they actually were nice in this way-" NO!! she compartmentalizes the good and the bad so distinctly so there's no misunderstanding, and I just really really admire that, the lack of kissing ass in an industry where that's practically what fuels your career/reputation!! she rocks + is such a funny storyteller+ I'm so glad I listened to this
The Sluts by Dennis Cooper
ofc had to squeeze my old man in... I think this was actually the book to first put Cooper on my radar so it was super fulfilling to finally get to it (even tho I devoured it in just 2 days.. a shame bc it was a slay to read this in public) Supremely up my alley with its 2000s internet mystique, the perfect backdrop for a twisted mystery + ruminations of Internet As Performance Art™, the internet as roleplay, what's real + what's just fantasy/fetish, etc etc. so so so good and while still sick and horrifying as his writing is known for, perhaps the most readable for an uninitiated reader of Cooper's works?? even then I'd say this is still for a very particular reader tho idk i can never get a pulse on what a majority of readers are into these days!! I really loved this though and I'm sure it'll be in my top 5 for the year thank u once again for the twisted ride denny !!!
My People Shall Live by Leila Khaled, George Hajjar
feels more like political ethnography than personal memoir. there is some of Leila's backstory and family and personal relationships sprinkled in (her husband is given maybe 5 lines total LOL), but so much of her being is clearly centered around Palestinian resistance + revolution, so recounting her political work within a collective was her truest form of autobiography as that was indeed her life/livelihood. wild to read how intense she was even from childhood, how Down she was to sacrifice things and put herself on the line... literally getting plastic surgery after hijacking a plane in order to be able to get involved in more demonstrations without being recognized like god!!! intense life-altering decisions and it's like she doesn't even bat an eye or show any regrets/wistful 'what if i hard a 'normal' life?'!! that eric andre margaret thatcher meme but instead "do you think leila khaled effectively utilized girl power by hijacking a plane?'' LOL I mean... ! 🤭
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
SILLY + ABSURD!!! a bit of a hike to get there but once I hit it, it was hard to put this down (as is my experience with a lot of classics, I find) I think I really enjoy magical realism rooted in political/cultural landscapes, or maybe I just really like wacky shit (it made me think a bit of Catch-22 which I also had fun with!!) + this didn't disappoint!! truly giggled aloud at some parts, the ridiculousness of it all!!! makes me wanna deep dive into the history of the Soviet Union but I feel like I'll need to clear at least an entire month for that .... will have to plan accordingly 👩‍🔬
Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim
heartbreaking and dark but handled with a lot of care. I guessed the "twist" (which feels indelicate to call it that but I cant think of another word rn) early on but I think that just heightened the slow unraveling of it + made it that much more emotionally grueling to get thru. perhaps that was even the point! I'd been meaning to watch the movie for like over a decade at this point but wanted to read it first so now having read and watched it I'm glad it was now vs. me at 10 or whenever bc dumb tween me likely wouldn't have processed it well enough and the darkness would've overshadowed the journey itself. sometimes it's important to wait I guess is what I'm trying to say!!!
I definitely want to squeeze in another Naomi Klein this year if possible, maybe some Russian/Ukrainian lit. I've focused on Baldwin's nonfiction these past years so I might pick up a fiction of his this month + ofc Cooper wherever I can squeeze him <3
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fandomandangstlover · 10 months
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mwhehe get cursed lol!!! they r so very fun to doodle. luv makin the curse marks
this is based off of an idea that's basically. hey wouldn't it be funny if there's more cursed items other then The Axe? wouldn't it be fucked up?
anyways ah'm gonna rumble about said items under "read more" because brain won't Shut about it & it's just vibrating in my brain.
spoiler warning ig
Box — Totem of Chances
- curse of binding but Worse. you cannot get rid of it. it stays with u even after it's used & that basically means infinite lives. that isn't a good thing though.
- since box's stuck with it, he's basically just. Enchanted x100. annoying buzzing that turns into painful vibration after its use. holding enchanted items makes it much worse.. like, "it's talking to me & causing me pain" kind of worse.
- he is. in pain. constantly. could barely think, especially after dying. u saw how he was with 2 canon lives. imagine 5, or 6!.. he isn't having a good time.
- starts losing himself the more it's used. starts letting his instincts take over because he physically Cannot think normally anymore. so. instincts it is!
- did try to get the totem away from himself. it didn't end well.
- loopy as hell. a lil insane. he's not okay.
Nether — Crown of Knowledge
- mad scientist? mad scientist!!
- in exchange for knowledge needed, nether loses either 2 years of his lifespan or bits of his sanity. he can't choose which one he loses. F
- could be removed for the first few days of its use. after using it a good amount of times, let's say.. 3 times, it became stuck on his head. it's sorta digging into his head. ow.
- gets the worst headache possible. enchanted but it's only his head. his brain feels like it's being suffocated. there is NOT enough blood going to his head.
- crown talks to nether. its sole purpose is to keep itself & its user alive. very annoying. it's curse of binding if given a voice. (crown does have curse of blinding too because. y'know. curses.)
Butterz — Shield of Judgement
- shield has Thorns, Fire Aspect, Unbreakable & Curse of Binding. all of which are the highest level possible.
- shield influences butterz to want to use it all the time. & it is pretty effective, so.. why wouldn't he use it?
- gets enchanted x10 as well. he got the highest protection level possible. he is stuck with humming in his head & he is not enjoying it.
- slowly turns his view of the world into black vs white. grey started to sound unbelievable to butterz.
- turned very judgemental. he is side-eyein' EVERYONE. he is judging everyone n' everything & will only be giving people what he thinks they deserve.
Lava — Axe of Sorrows [the only canon one]
- bro this man is TERRIFIED of the other cursed item users, minus Nether. Box basically became Immortal & Butterz got plot armour. even Nether lost his mind but had the knowledge to still cause harm. what did Lava turn into? nothing. he's still normal. to an extent. & very much mortal.
- axe feeds on sorrow. & lava is making everyone around him suffer. So. also because souls gets stuck in the axe if they're killed by it. & the souls suffer a lot. so free meal baby wooo—
okay that's all i got rn. hav fun with this!! ig!!
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tremendouskoalachild · 8 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
Thanks for the tag @bluntblade! We're pretending star wars isn't a thing because it would get really monothematic otherwise lol
1. The Last of Us - Ellie Williams
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(thanks so much for this gif! the trailer it's from still gives me chills)
l love Ellie so much. She's my daughter and she's literally me. She has hella PTSD and survivor's guilt and she will get more of both! Witty, talented and so good. She loves so much. She's so fucked up. She's even gay 🌈
2. His Dark Materials - Lyra Silvertongue
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Pretty sure Lyra's character development rewired my brain as a kid! She's a lovable child with many flaws and grows into a wonderful girl striving to make herself and the world better. She loves so much.
3. A Song of Ice and Fire - Daenerys Targaryen
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(I mean her book character but I wanted to keep the gifs on theme a bit lol)
Dany beloved... She's a child she's a mother she's a conqueror. She inherited such a weighty legacy but all she herself wants to do is protect other girls. She loves so much. Her last chapter was 🔥🔥🔥 and she's gonna be so fucked up if we ever get the next installment.
4. Dune - Lady Jessica
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She has so much interiority and agency for the story she's in! So much intelligence, control and POWER! She loves so much!
5. Blade Runner - Luv
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Love my fucked up replicant murder daughter. She wants recognition! She wants love!! She's the best angel of all!!!
6. Red vs Blue - Agent Texas
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She's so fucking tragic y'all. Saving the universe and having existential crises entangled with extremely fucked up family drama. And still finds the time to kick Grif in the balls. Most badass character in her show by far. SHE LOVES SO MUCH
7. Alien - Ellen Ripley
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Do i even need to say anything. She's Ellen Ripley.
8. Harley Quinn - Poison Ivy
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Social anxiety queen!! Protects the environment! Very fucked up but considering the cast of this show she's well-adjusted actually. Supportive friend to Harley. Then supportive girlfriend to Harley. Love my girl.
9. Spiderverse movies - Miles Morales
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We've all been crazy about him for half a year now. I love him and so do you.
10. The Traitor Baru Cormorant - Baru Cormorant
Cheating a bit since I haven't finished the book let alone the series but she's so!!!!!!!
no-pressure tags: @gaymothperson, @kaleidoscope1967eyes, @system-of-cells-interlinked, @my-last-brain-cell-is-socrates, @laz-laz-ace-pilot, @voidcat-senket, @ireallyamabear, @the-force-awakens, @drpepperfucker, @ct-hardcase
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Group F Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Dadish, a cartoon radish with a happy face. the second image is of Turnip, a teal mouse. it looks like they're wearing little shorts. end ID]
Dad radish
Little guy!!! Littlest dude!! Best mouse in the world. They’re so scared of the dark and nervous about messing things up but they do their best!! They go through the dark tunnel to meet you and deliver an important message!! And while they may have gotten lost on the way back, you’re able to help and together you escape! (Also canonically they sent a birthday card like months too late and also got lost going from the donut shop to their house which is like two blocks) luv them my favorite little guy <3
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james-jobs · 9 months
Top 10 2010s Mixtapes Part II
1. Polo Sporting Goods (Retch)
2. Blue Chips 2 (Action Bronson)
3. LiveLoveAsap (A$AP Rocky)
4. Vices (Da$H)
5. Tha City (Robb Bank$)
6. LUV vs The World (Lil Uzi Vert)
7. Dreamchasers 3 (Meek Mill)
8. Days Before Rodeo (Travis Scott)
9. Rich Gang: Tha Tour ( Young thug & Rich Homie)
10. Playboi Carti (Playboi Carti)
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weird-dere-fics · 1 year
I got another exchange deal with u :3
Share me about your spider sona and I'll share mine 🤗 (if u want to of course)
How did the spider ended biting them? Any fun facts? Do they go to the spiderverse society? If so how did they joined?
Do they take a role in Miles situation?
Luvs u UwU 💕💕💕
Ane mi hermana, amorcita hewwo 💖. Abrazos para ti 💋💋💋.
Spoilers are okie lol I’ve seen both movies now uwu.
Imma be real I haven’t really thought about all the backstory of how she got bit n stuff yet 👀. Was just thinking about the spider suit designs owo.
But now I am thinkin 🧠. Will let you know when I have a pretty good idea of what it’s gonna be uwu.
Fun facts tho:
I wanna base her design [its tee ofc btw] off of two things: 1) cultures of the African diaspora and 2) the stars.
She swears glasses (cus I do lmao n she’s my sona) and I’m kinda playing with the idea of making her eye parts of the suit her prescription so she doesn’t have to wear glasses when in the suit. Thinking about even making them work like transition lenses n changing color when she’s inside vs outside.
Thinking about including vibranium stuff in her suit too 👀👀👀. So maybe she’ll end up having ties to Wakanda (Black Panther) or smth.
I haven’t decided if she’s gonna be a part of the spider society yet. But I mean I assume every spider aside from miles is??? So like idk. If she is a part of it, I think she wouldn’t go very often at all. Maybe has been there like twice or three times at most, and uses her watch to see spider friends in other worlds mostly. How she would have gotten recruited (if I even decide she was) I’m not sure of yet.
Do they take a role in Miles’s story? I have no idea lol. It’s possible, but we’ll see as I flesh her out more uwu.
Now feed me ur spider facts n tidbits >:3 🧡🧡🧡
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leloest · 2 years
2022 Best Rap Albums/Mixtapes
1.     Danger Mouse x Black Thought – Cheat Codes
2.     JID - The Never Story
3.     Denzel Curry - Melt My Eyez See Your Future
4.     Ab-Soul - Herbert
5.     Nas - King's Disease III
6.     Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
7.     Freddie Gibbs - Soul Sold Separately
8.     Rome Streetz – KISS THE RING
10.  Future - I NEVER LIKED YOU
11.  Pusha T - It's Almost Dry
12.  Conway the Machine - God Don't Make Mistakes
13.  Black Star - No Fear of Time
14.  Benny the Butcher - Tana Talk 4
16.  The Game – DRILLMATIC Heart vs. Mind
17.  Ransom - No Rest For The Wicked
18.  Westside Gunn – 10
19.  Che Noir - The Last Remnants
20.  Westside Gunn - Peace "Fly" God
21.  Joey Bada$$ - 2000
22.  Phife Dawg – Forever
23.  Elzhi – Zhigeist
24.  Black Soprano Family - Long Live DJ Shay
25.  Meechy Darko - Gothic Luxury
26.  Smino - Luv 4 Rent
27.  Metro Boomin - Heroes & Villains
28.  Flee Lord - Ladies & Gentlemen
29.  Cormega – The Realness II
30.  Mach-Hommy - Duck Czn: Tiger Style
31.  Lloyd Banks - The Course Of The Inevitable 2
32.  Vado – Long Run Vol. 2
33.  Duke Deuce – Memphis Massacre III
34.  Billy Woods – Aethiopes
35.  Open Mike Eagle - Component System with the Auto Reverse
36.  Armand Hammer-WHT LBL LP
37.  IDK - Simple_
38.  Ka - Languish Arts
39.  Symba - Results Take Time
40.  Quelle Chris – Deathfame
41.  Copywrite - The High Exhaulted II
42.  Action Bronson - Cocodrillo Turbo
43.  Lupe Fiasco - Drill Music In Zion
44.  Maxo Kream - Weight Of The World
45.  Roc Marciano - The Elephant Man's Bones
46.  Drake & 21 Savage – Her Loss
47.  Megan Thee Stallion – Traumazine
48.  Cam'ron & A-Trak - U Wasn't There
49.  Kxng Crooked x Joell Ortiz - Harbor City Season One
50.  Lil Baby -  It's Only Me
51.  Quavo & Takeoff - Only Built For Infinity Links
52.  Royce da 5'9" - The Heaven Experience, Vol. 1
53.  Rod Wave - Beautiful Mind
54.  DJ Khaled – GOD DID
55.  Boldy James & Futurewave – Mr Ten08
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okamirayne · 2 years
I was curious if you would ever write something else for NejiShika? I know you wrote a whole series for BTB (while also writing a ton of Original work, which, wow, you're amazing) but if you ever got another idea for NejiShika would you write it? Or is the BTB series a "just kind of happened" one time thing? I think I remember you once said you were inspired to write BTB because of a dream you had of Shikamaru and you found that Neji was just the perfect other half for that version of him and that's the only reason you started writing the pairing. I guess I was just curious if you would ever write something else with the pair since BTB is such an amazing series and I love your characterization of them. Also, is HHU the last one in the series? Or are you planning anything else? Sorry for the rambling, I just wanted to ask 😅
Hey there, Anon! Thank you for dropping by with your ASK, Luv ☺️
I was curious if you would ever write something else for NejiShika? […] if you ever got another idea for NejiShika would you write it? Or is the BTB series a "just kind of happened" one time thing?
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Do you mean would I write more about them together in the BtB world? As in, additional stories to add to the BtB series. Or do you mean would I write an entirely different NejiShika/ShikaNeji fic outside the BtB-verse? Because yes to the former, no to the latter.
I think I remember you once said you were inspired to write BTB because of a dream you had of Shikamaru and you found that Neji was just the perfect other half for that version of him and that's the only reason you started writing the pairing.
Correct! I couldn’t see who Shikamaru was chasing in the dream, but when I began to follow the plot bunny consciously all roads led to Neji.
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It was such an organic and intuitive thing, as well as a logical one. It was always meant to be.
I guess I was just curious if you would ever write something else with the pair since BTB is such an amazing series and I love your characterization of them.
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Oh yes, I believe I would. Aww! Thank you so much! I’m super excited and happy to know their characterisations hit the spot for you. The characters are always my primary concern and I try my best to do justice to them, bearing in mind any creative leeway/divergence from canon with the story/pairings.
Also, is HHU the last one in the series?
Yes, insofar as a post-war conclusion. That said, the BtB story, right the way through from the first instalment to UtS, is meant to be a standalone series regardless of HHU. HHU is pure masochism on my part 🤦🏻‍♀️
Or are you planning anything else?
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I never say never. Ideas pop up. It’s just hard to commit for several reasons.
1) Severe bloody Burnout recovery 😭 🔥
2) My brain currently holds 3 separate novel series, all of them big-world stories. Which is a hell of a lot to hold in my brain cavern.
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These original characters and their worlds are my heart and my kismet 💜
3) I am clearly challenged when it comes to writing one-shots…I fail so hard…
4) The investment of time/energy vs the payoff of writing fanfic (especially when you’re a masochistic moron like me who writes LONG SHIT). Understandably, and rightly so, fanfic doesn’t pay for the investment put in, so a lot of the payoff for me (and a lot of fanfic writers) is the reader-feedback exchange regarding the story/characters (otherwise I guess we’d just write it for ourselves, you know?) and sadly readers don’t necessarily engage as much anymore even though they may devour the content. Which is why I absolutely adore, admire, and am so grateful to reviewers 💜; to those who did, still do, and who were so outstandingly supportive of me in the past and still are to this day. They are beautiful treasures. That’s why I always aim/aimed to deliver the best I can/could for them and not short-change them. I’d never have finished the BtB series without them. 💜
As for Rambling? No way! Absolutely no need to apologise!! I’m very, very touched you care enough about the series/characters to ask 💜
Thank you! ☺️
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4liveblogging · 4 months
I do not like ka-bu-to. Sending love 2 kagami, tsurugi, and hiyori, but omg that season exhausted me. Couldn't finish it for like a whole year. Biggest reason-> tendou. Crazy cause I love decade but couldn't stand that guy.
Big difference is that tsukasa, despite being the most capable guy ever, is not taken seriously by the ppl around him because he's unbearable vs. Tendou who everybody ever is like 🥹 despite being obnoxious. Part of it was the setting, like kagami was like ( get a load of this guy ) but everyone at work who wants to hire him was up his booty bad. The other part was the wholly unnecessary general public fawning crazy over him. Urgh. Sometimes it was funny but mostly it was like there's no way ppl wouldn't be rolling their eyes at this guy. I don't know if it was a failing to write someone charming(ie. The classic every character says this person is likeable but we're not going to show it) or something else. It was not entertaining to me regardless.
Plus +++ the natives/worms basically getting zero 0 context/elaboration till the last eps. 😲 huh. That was the most flabbergasting part 2 me. That inoue writer guy can not end a story. Decade, 555, kabuto, (kiva if random reviews r 2 be believed). Me thinking decade ending felt rushed because of a shorter running time. 😉 Still luv decade tho because tsukasa is the funniest dude in the world. They said we need a crazy guy 2 destroy the riders. Enter dude who couldn't be less of a hero(was Literally a de factor gang leader). Anyway, point is, these series all have unexplored concepts/rushed endings because of the common factor(inoue). Sorry writer guy, but it is what it is. Prolly will not watch kiva 4 this reason. Can't be frustrated while watching kr. Not how I like 2 spend my time.
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hiphopnewsonline · 1 year
Lil Uzi Vert Reaches Settlement in Lawsuit Over 'LUV Vs. The World 2' Track "Strawberry Peels"
Lil Uzi Vert Reaches Settlement in Lawsuit Over 'LUV Vs. The World 2' Track "Strawberry Peels"
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essentialpolaris · 2 years
Draw lil uzi vert album cover youtube
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The world 2 is an album by american rapper lil uzi vert that was released on march 13, 2020. Here's lil uzi vert's new project for download. How to make your own lil uzi album cover! Source: dia The world, not only with the title but with the record scott and ramona (and perhaps it also music sports entertainment hnhh tv society life reviews interviews digital covers features. The images follow a tweet from july in which the rapper appears to confirm the project's title, eternal atake. Neon lil uzi vert vs the world, hand painted wearable art, using angelus paint. How to make your own lil uzi album cover! Source: How to make your own lil uzi album cover! Uzi always has good covers. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Turn your home, office, or studio into an art gallery, minus the snooty factor. Printed with durable, fade-resistant inks. Independent art hand stretched around super sturdy wood frames.
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The second part of the caption implies that the song could be off the upcoming lil uzi vert vs. High quality Lil Uzi Vert inspired canvas prints by independent artists and designers from around the world. No refund returns or exchanges on orders. from i. ℗ 2019 atlantic recording corporation for the united states and wea international inc. KSI VS THE WORLD : ksi in 2020 Anime rapper, Mini canvas art, Anime. In August 2017, Lil Uzi Vert released his debut studio album, Luv Is Rage 2, where it reached number one on the Billboard 200 Albums Chart. LIL UZI VERT VS THE WORLD 2 DROPPING TONIGHT!!! + Cover. Lil Uzi Vert cover art for his album 'Eternal Atake' was inspired by a. Lil Uzi Vert has also collaborated with Migos on 'Bad and Boujee', which became Lil Uzi Verts first US Billboard Hot 100 number-one single. World new music free vert ve mp3 mixtape online download lil vs uzi the mixtapes liluzivert.
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27+ Custom Lil Uzi Vert Vs The World Cover Art PNG.
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ogcactusjack · 4 years
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Pull up in a Rolls same color as pour-up
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