#luv y'all <3
calicocritterz4u · 3 months
Actually, listening to Hozier and eating cinnamon toast and drinking iced coffee while I fantasize abt living in hyrule IS therapy, so jot that down
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beanbag0509 · 1 year
all 5 of my active followers when i finally post a drawing after a month
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imababblekat · 9 months
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A/N, "By popular demand, I present pt 2 to Chase! Thank you so much for all the love and support, it truly means a lot to me 💕
The panting breaths of the girl running beside you equaled your own, sweat trickling down your skin and you were sure hers as well. As a speed runner, even your feet began to sore in your tireless chance to escape New York's most threatening gang. You couldn't even begin to imagine how the brunette beside you felt, as she had been running in healed boots for what felt like miles. Regardless, you didn't spend much time thinking on either ones apparel, too occupied with escaping for your lives as you both rounded yet another corner in the maze of alleyways. Suddenly the girl grabbed your wrist, effectively pulling you down into another narrow back street.
"This way! We'll be safe if we make it down over here!", she informed, not once letting you go, though you wouldn't have fallen behind even if she had.
It was odd to you how she could have any idea of where the two of you even were, every alley looked the same; dingy and sketchy. Scaling across roofs with a clear look of what was around was your territory, but not an ounce of doubt came from you as you willing followed. If there was any chance to escape the ever enclosing Foot Clan, you'd take it!
However, you should have known that a clean getaway was not at all how the Foot let their targets go. Just as you and wavy haired gal made it into another alley she had directed you into, a few dark figures had jumped down to effectively block the exit ahead. A quick spin around, the area you both had came in from had also been blocked off by more clan members with brandished weapons. Your arms found the girls beside you, you both despite being complete strangers holding the other close as you were backed up against a brick wall. Nearly tripping backwards on a manhole cover, your eyes darted around for any chance to beat it, trained eyes finding multiple places to scale your way up and out of danger. Yet, still being held by the person beside you, you knew you couldn't just ditch her to the wolves. There was no way you could assist her in getting out your way, and you found your already panicked heart racing even faster as the Foot Clan closed in.
Back hitting the roughed apartment brick behind you, you groaned aloud.
"How'd I even end up in this mess?"
The girl beside you sensed your uneasness, and while she herself felt the same, she knew somethings, or rather somebodies, that you didn't.
"Don't worry, my friends taught me some tricks, and they'll no doubt be here soon anyways."
With what little comfort her reassurance meant to fully give you, you hadn't paid much mind to the strange way she'd put emphasis on friends either.
"Well I think showing off those tricks right now would be a really great idea!", you about shrieked as a few of the Foot lunged out, your body going stiff for the inevitable end.
Out of the blue, the few attackers who you were sure to be your demise, had been collectively knocked unconscious, bodies falling forward before your feet. You were left speechless, attention darting from their limp forms to the object that had rendered them defeated. A man hole cover, the exact one you tripped over earlier, tossed like a frisbee was what had momentarily saved your life. Speechless, you looked to the girl beside you, who had a strange expression of relief, to find her still holding your arms as you held hers, confirming that she had not been your savior. Not that she could have been of course; there was no way she could have gotten to the cover that fast, or even have thrown something that heavy! So who had saved you?
Your answer came in the form of four oddly familiar voices.
"Ahah, strike! Heck yeah!"
"That's bowling Mikey, not frisbee."
"There is such thing as frisbee bowling, Donnie."
"Is now really the time for a sports argument, Raph?"
No way. There was absolutely no way they were your saviors. Yet, low and behold, dishing out fighting moves you only ever saw in movies, were the four ninja mutant turtles you accidentally met some time back. While you had hoped to see them once again, you never thought you actually would. Here they were though, kicking serious Foot Clan ass, all the while arguing like true siblings and jesting your assailants. Each moved so effectively, working as a collective unit and taking out the Foot Clan as one, even if they had some attacks landed on them by the opposers. It was almost mesmerizing, watching how their giant forms moved around almost like a dance. It made you think back to that night they had chased you, how they were able to keep up with you and the thrill it had sparked.
The last of the Foot Clan had been taken out, weapons broken and then effectively tied up, the turtle masked in blue whose name you believed started with an L, clapped his hands together as though patting off dirt.
"Donnie, alert Casey and NYPD for pick up."
"Already on it.", the later replied, sticking a thumbs up as he typed away at his phone.
Brain still trying to wrap itself around everything that had just occurred, you were unware that the girl beside you had left your grasp and let go of you as well, till you saw her run to the group of terrapins with a wide smile. The fact there was not an ounce of fear displayed by her confused you even more. Were these the friends she had mentioned? Does this mean you weren't the only one who knew about them? How many more people were aware of their existence?
You could feel an oncoming headache as your mind began to become overwhelmed with thoughts and more questions. Perhaps it had also been the recent, deathly danger you'd been in, but something in your fight or flight triggered mind decided that now was a great time to remember the accidental photo you had snapped of the turtles. The photo that you had kept.
"Oh no. . .", you whispered in a newfound panic.
Sure at the time it had seemed fine and even kind of funny to have left the four with a sort of bait to give you another thrilling adrenaline rush of the sport you lived and breathed. However, actually being faced before them now, and especially after what you just witnessed what they could truly do, you had to wonder what kind of negative reaction they would have to seeing you once again. Focus turning to a somewhat high up fire escape to the left of you, you decided you weren't going to stick around and find out.
"April!", Mikey happily greeted, hugging the girl as she bounded up to the four.
"Are you hurt?", Raphael asked, giving her a quick glance over as Donnie broke out his watch to scan her vitals.
April shook her head, looking between the four brothers with a heavy sigh.
"No, I'm just glad you guys showed up in the nick of time. Thought I was going to have to use some of the moves Master Splinter taught me."
Leo placed a hand on her shoulder, his tone serious but expression relieved.
"Well, it's good that you didn't have to. How did you get caught up with the Foot this time?"
"You say that like it's a normal Friday occurrence."
"April. . ."
The girl sighed, shaking her head trying to recall despite the slight offense.
"I was out with some girlfriends at a fancy dinner, when I swore I saw some waiter making some sort of deal with one of the Foot Clan. A cat by the back dumpster gave away my hiding place after knocking over some trash and next thing I know we're being chased."
The four brothers eyed each other, before turning back to their human friend. Something April had said didn't sit right with the them, and it had been Raphael to bring up the concern.
"Whose we?"
It dawned on April then what she had exactly said. Internally cringing at having forgotten the person she accidentally corralled into her Foot Clan escapade, she felt instantly bad. Who knew how much you were freaking out right now. Not only had you been chased down by a bunch of assassins and running around with a total stranger, but you just witnessed four giant mutated turtles. Recalling back on her reaction to when she first met the brothers herself, she could only imagine what kind of freak out you were going through.
"Oh shit, sorry! I got so caught up in everything I forgot! I ran into them when I was-wait, where'd they go?"
The boys looked back to where April had turned her attention, only to find the spot she'd previosuly been backed up into void of any other person. The sound of a loud creak alerted the group to an old fire escape, and the one person the turtles didn't ever think to see tonight.
"No freaking way.", Mikey gawked, him and his brothers staring at your frozen form as you stared down at them having been spotted.
What sounded like a low growl reverated from Raphael, his face twisting into an expression of what you assumed agression.
"You-", he started as you yelped and frantically tried to climb your way up the rest of the old ladder.
"Wait! We won't hurt you!", Leo shouted, shoving Raph aside to step towards you.
Pulling yourself up by another rusty rung you huffed, staring indigently down at the leader in blue.
"You threw a manwhole cover like it was a paper airplane!"
Leo rubbed the back of his head, trying to think of a convincing reason as to make the action not seem like a such a threat.
"Yeah, well. . ."
As the eldest tried to think up an exscuse, Mikey scooted around him, making poses to flex his muscles and wiggling his brow ridges.
"What can I say, Anglecakes? These bad boys aren't big for no reason-ack!"
If not for the predicament you were currently in, you would have found the yellow banded turtle's flirtations and even his brothers responding head smack to be quite humorous. Shaking his own head, Donnie took a try at convincing you. Despite being the tallest out of the bunch, he was the least threatening next to Mikey.
"You can trust us, promise! Look, Aprils human! Just like you! We'd never hurt her!."
"What about the photo?"
Once more, the brothers looked to one another. They had been so busy fighting crime since your chance encounter that they hadn't had time to track you down and retrieve said photo. All they could do in that moment was trust that you wouldn't show it to anyone till they found you again. It wasn't easy either, their mere existence frightened people into literally calling them monsters before. If evidence of them had been spread to the wrong person, it could put their lives in even more danger. Yet, they had to. They had to hope and trust in faith that you, the person who gave them a run for their money across New York's infrastructure, wouldn't dare expose them. Perhaps they could use this as reasoning for you to find reliance in them as well.
". . .you show it to anyone?", Raph question with a tilt of his head.
"N-no, of course not.", you replied, still a little apprehensive of the terrapin in red.
"Well, if we trust that you didn't, then how about you trust that we ain't gonna hurt ya?"
It was surprising that Raph out of anyone would come to such a resolve. Thus far, the only interactions you've had with him all involved you thinking he'd tare you in two if given the chance. Yet, here he was, putting out an offer of freedom from suspicion or doubt, even if it was a little rough around the edges. You looked down towards the ground for a moment, thinking through your thoughts. Not once had the ninja brothers ever truly given any indication that they would hurt you. Hell, they just saved your life from the Foot Clan! Maybe they weren't as mad about the polaroid as you thought.
A sudden creaking noise cut you from your thoughts. Taking a glance at the old ladder you'd hastily began ascending, you had only a second to see the old rusted metal snap, before you felt a sudden plummet in your stomach and rush of air. A scream flew from your throat as you fell fast, knowing that from the height you were once at, hitting the pavement below would render you unconscious at the bare minimum. Seconds from taking a serious fall, you felt the suddenness of being securely caught by two strong arms.
"Whoa there!", Mikey cooed, straightening up as he safely carried you.
You opened your eyes to unintentionally lock with his. You hadn't realized how pretty they were. Crystal blue, like the sky on a lovely spring day. You also took note of how firmly he held you. Tight but soft and careful enough as to not crush you. The strength of his muscles made carrying you like carrying a feather, but with such great self control as to not let you be crumpled or taken away by an intense breeze. With this realization and a rosy blush overtaking your cheeks, you made a comment that had the cheese ball of a turtle's heart flutter just as much as he made yours in this moment.
"With how you caught me in that trust fall, perhaps you're not so bad after all, huh?"
tags; @varra-ren , @boa-hoa , @dressycobra7 , @genesis378
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chmydarling · 6 months
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*whistles innocently before throwing a snowball at you*
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marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ scenes & themes: my perfect stranger - back-to-back ⟣
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onlyblackcoffeez · 7 months
let's play the game "will they notice I'm drunk at dinner"
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m4gp13 · 1 year
The TA discord was having some thoughts and I gotta talk about it. Percy and Al having a city-levelling battle like Hector and Achilles, except Percy is the Hector and Al is the Achilles. The olympians were objectively in the wrong but Percy fought for them because they were his family and because his friends fought for the olympians. The trojans started the whole debacle by kidnapping Helen despite the big deal thing and refusing to let her go but Hector fought for them because Troy was his home and where his family was. Achilles fought because his people made a deal to protect their ally's marriage and this fairly noble cause snowballed into a ten year war in which no one is really fighting for anything meaningful by the end but Achilles makes a last stand, not for the greater war effort but avenge the people he loves. Al joined the war for a noble cause that got lost along the way but made his final stand in rejection of the gods' subjugation of his people and to avenge the friends he lost during the war.
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capricores · 1 year
happy new years guys!! i hope you're all having a wonderful day/night so far <3
i'm not sure about everyone else, but it really doesn't feel like a typical new year! i think with the heaviness of the mars & mercury rx (especially considering the signs are inconjunct, which makes things extra tough), it kind of just feels like another day!! if you have a day chart, you might feel extra impacted by the mars retrograde as compared to night chart babies. definitely take it easy if you're feeling off/stressed/etc, and perhaps use january as a time of reflection, and focus more on putting plans into action in march! (or, in january - if it feels right for you!! but if you feel overwhelmed or lack motivation for any sort of resolutions or planning, just know you aren't alone, the sky right now is a bit "heavy")
personally i tend to celebrate the new year as per the astrological new year (aka first day of aries szn as the new year) which feels extra right because that'll be around the time mars is no longer rx nor in the shadow period!!!
anyway!! how are you all feeling?! any thoughts about 2022/2023, plans/etc?! personally the only thing on my mind rn is genshin impact girl groups, and relaxing as much as possible in january until mars and mercury chill out!!! 2022 was rough!!
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daydadahlias · 1 year
oh my god jess i saw the jellycat mood board u just rb’d and got the link copied to send it to you AND THEN I REALIZED THAT U JUST RB’D IT LMFAO not only have u pavloved is with the cows but you’ve pavloved me with jellycat too
i play y'all like a fiddle
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emp-blast · 1 year
friend central baybeeeee <3 anon
what happens in friend central stays in friend central...
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sparklingchim · 2 years
guess for the next chapter of lwh (sorry I'm way too invested and excited ab these two frustrating dorks) jk overhears jimin and oc (either flirting, kissing or doing something) he obviously gets jealous and gets angry? the punching emoji suggests either he punches jimin 💀 or he goes and boxes and pretend the punching bag is jimin
oh jungkook doesn't pretend, he means real business 😑
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4twenny · 2 years
U ARE SO ICONIC! CREATIVE! GORGEOUS! i wanna marry all ur sims ♥️
i will explode how can u say this?????????/ I LOVE U !!! my sims would be honored to be in UR presence goodbye 🤚🏿
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Followed for the profile pic, stayed for the memes/laughs 😋
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hazbinsinners · 4 months
U r awesome
;; hi!! thank you!! :')
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mundanemiseries · 10 months
// anyhoo i am...probs gonna pass out for the night but can i just say
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i am...lowkey feelin myself in terms of rp and stuff a good bit again and im...v happy about it like...probs still not writing a lot a lot but feeling more in the groove of it atm so long as i don't get....hilariously sidetracked yknow?
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dakotalun · 11 months
"Oops" | Eddie Munson
pairing: Eddie Munson X Fem Reader
summary: Part 1--Eddie "accidentally" sends a tasteful pic to his best friend.
warnings: mutual pining, pet names (sweetheart), strong language, description of naked Eddie
word count: 3.4k
Part 2
a/n: went a little crazy at 3am the other night and wrote this. Part two will be up later this week!! Luv y'all <3
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Eddie is your best friend of many years, the two of you being inseparable from the moment you met. So when you got a text from him tonight you don’t think much of it, figuring it was just a dumb meme he saw or a random thing from today.
What you didn’t expect to see was a picture of Eddie standing in his bathroom, towel slung over his shoulders with a prominent boner happening.
His hair is wet as if he just got out of the shower and hadn’t bothered to dry it yet. The long dark brown locks stick to his neck and chest in a way that can only be described as godly. The tattoos on his skin are glistening but covered by the towel around his neck and as you move your eyes downward the path of hair that leads to his dick is delicious.
And talking about his dick it is, mag-fucking-nificent! The way that it hangs there, the tip swollen and red, leaking the smallest bit of precum. It has your mouth watering.
You nearly choked on your own spit when you saw it. Never in a million years did you think that Eddie would be sending you of all people nudes. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t wonder what he was packing but you never really indulged in those thoughts, until now. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the screen, memorizing every little detail in the photo.
Eddie sends another text but you’re too distracted to see what it is. Then a stream of texts start flooding in from him.
You giggle at his frantic typing, noting all the typos. Curiosity gets the better of you and you scroll up a little to see what he had said after he sent the picture. You’re eyes go wide at the words displayed on your screen.
‘Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you. Jerked off twice while in the shower and I’m still hard. Wish you were here with me right now ;)’
You had no clue who this was really meant for but if it was meant for you you would 100 percent be on your way to him right now. The bottom half of the picture stares back at you as your eyes acan over the text again and again. You can’t deny the small hint of wetness that you feel on your underwear while looking at the two.
Twice? He came twice and is still hard. Whoever he thought about must be really hot if he can go 3 rounds without breaking a sweat. Could he go more?
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone receiving a call, from none other than Eddie himself. You sit up in bed and pull your knees towards you as you answer his call.
“Sweetheart I am so so so sorry I sent you that. It was clearly meant for someone else. If I had known it was your contact that I was on I would have never sent that at all. I want you to know that I don’t go around sending nudes to everyone or anything, I’m not a slut I was just-”
“Eddie it’s fine. No need to apologize. I figured it wasn’t meant for me anyways.” It pains you a little at the thought that someone else was supposed to receive that message from your best friend.
“I’m still sorry. Is there any way I can make it up to you?” His voice sounds smooth like spreading butter onto fresh pancakes.
“Hmm,” You fake thinking about what you want even though you know exactly what it is you want, “You’ve gotta tell me who that text was really meant for.” Silence. For a whole minute there is just silence on Eddie’s end, you’d think he was dead if it weren’t for the fast pace of his breathing.
“Sweetheart,” The nickname is not helping the situation you have going on right now, “You don’t mean that. Can’t I just take you to breakfast or buy you a new outfit?”
“Nope.” You respond popping the ‘p’ as you say it. “Either tell me who it was meant for or I send it to the groupchat.” You were bluffing. You couldn’t let the others see him like that, that was for your eyes only. Not that anyone needed to know that.
“You wouldn’t dare,” His voice turned deep and threatening.
“Try. Me.” You challenge back.
Eddie groans, “Fine. You win,” A smile spreads across your face, “It was meant for Callie. This girl in my chem class, we’ve been talking for a little bit.”
You’re a mix of emotions right now; happy that Eddie found someone he’s interested in and took his shot, confused because he never told you about it, sad because you thought he trusted you with things like that, and slightly jealous because you want to be the one Eddie sent nudes to, purposefully.
“Sweetheart? You still there?” You completely forget that you’re still on the phone with Eddie until he says something.
“Uh yeah yeah I’m here. I’m um happy for you Ed. Glad you found someone. Look I gotta go to sleep, big test tomorrow, talk later. Bye.” You hang up before he can say anything else. 
Why did you feel this way about all this? You shouldn’t be thinking of Eddie in this way, he was your best friend. Best friends don’t think about going down on each other, or the way it would feel to have his cock inside you, or the moans he would release when he finally cums in you.
You shake it off and lay back down, setting your phone on your nightstand to charge. You try for half an hour to fall asleep but your mind can’t stop thinking about that damn picture. So you unlock your phone and go back to your messages with Eddie, looking to see if he deleted the picture or not. And to your luck it was the latter, the picture and text below still there for your viewing pleasure.
You’re still horny from the initial thought of him so it doesn’t take long for your hand to wander under your shorts and underwear to your clit. The thought that your fingers were his and the way he would whisper in your ear egging you on to finish.
The images of him jerking himself off in the shower flood you, his hand on the cold tiles, water hitting his back as he fists his cock, rubbing it slowly at first but becoming impatient and going faster until he cums all over the wall and his hand.
The image of his face when he does and the moans that would leave his mouth is what throws you over the edge yourself. Wishing it were him between your legs pulling it from you not your own fingers. Finally your body is tired enough to let you go to sleep, dreaming of Eddie once more.
You’re sitting with Eddie and the rest of Hellfire at lunch a week later. Neither of you have talked about what happened that night, both too embarrassed to say anything.
Things were normal though, Eddie would pick you up and drop you off to and from school. You’d talk on the phone every night about whatever happened that day that the other wasn’t there for. You liked the thought that the text didn’t hinder your friendship but you can’t help but be a little jealous about Eddie fucking someone else. It’s not like you were expecting him to confess his hidden undying love for you the next day but the realization that Eddie really did send you that accidentally; hurt.
The freshman are talking about some video game coming out when Eddie lean over to you.
“Whatcha’ thinking about?” There’s a smile on his face, one that you always loved seeing.
“Nothing,” You go back to eating your fruit.
“Alrighty then. Hey I was wondering what time you wanted to come over tonight?”
Your eyes grow wide, mind going back to the text, “Why?”
“Um it’s Wednesday. Horror movie marathon night, remember?” His head cocks to the side a little, his hair falling into his face. It reminds you of a dog questioning what it’s owner has in their hand.
“Oh right yeah. Um I don’t know if I can make it tonight.” That was a lie, you had nothing going on. But being in the trailer alone with Eddie after knowing what he looks like naked is not what you need right now.
“Awe come on! I rented Scream, Saw, and Halloween for tonight. You can’t make me watch them all alone,” He lowers his voice and leans closer, “What if I need protection from the bad guys?” His big doe eyes large and pleading with you.
You roll your eyes and push his face away from you, “Ugh fine. I’ll be there, how’s 8?”
“Perfect! I’ll order the pizzas, do you think you could make those amazing cookies for us?”
“You mean for you?”
“No. I mean for us, I would never eat all the cookies myself.”
“You did like 3 weeks ago! There were 30 cookies there and I had none of them.” You stare at him as he thinks back to then.
“Nope don’t remember which means it didn’t happen. So will you?” There are those puppy dog eyes again.
“Whatever but I swear if you eat all of them again I’ll castrate you.”
Eddie’s hands fly to his groin, protecting it from your threat. “Ouch, sweetheart. Didn’t know you hated my dick that much.”
I don’t. Just hate that it’s not mine. You thought, but you just rolled your eyes and continued on eating lunch until the bell rang.
Eddie rushed around his room looking for his favorite shirt when you showed up for movie night. You let yourself in, per usual and set the cookies down on the coffee table before heading to Eddie’s room. He was squating in front of his closet when you come in, you don’t announce yourself just stand there staring at his back.
He got a few new tattoos since last summer, two of which on his back. A skull and crossbones along with a knife wrapped in barbed wire. You haven’t seen them in person yet, it still being too cold to sit out in the sun. But looking at them now was a pleasure, the detail popping out as his muscles flex.
Eddie huffs and stands, defeated about not finding the shirt he wanted. He turns around and finds you standing in his doorway.
“Jesus! Why didn’t you say you were here?” His hand is over his heart as he catches his breath from the unintentional jump scare.
“I texted you like 20 minutes ago that I was on my way. Figured you knew I’d be here soon,” You say as you enter his room fully to sit on his bed.
“I did not see the text, I was in the shower,” The mention of this brought back memories of the photo, and what you did whilst looking at it, “Anyways pizza should be here soon and I’ve got beers and soda in the fridge.”
Eddie walks around you to his dresser, grabbing a random shirt and throwing it on. You’re sad at the loss of his bare skin but quickly shake the thought away. You get up from his bed and head to his living room, Eddie following in toe.
“So what are we watching first? I’ve seen Scream a few times but the other two I haven’t seen,” Eddie remarks as he grabs two beers from the fridge, opening them before handing you one.
You mumble a thanks before taking a sip, the bitter liquid coating your tastebuds. “I’ve seen Scream and Saw but not Halloween. Heard good things about it though, at least that’s what Robin said, Steve had other opinions.”
“Lemme guess pretty boy hated it and wished he never saw it?” Eddie laughs as he sets up Halloween on the tv.
“Yeah pretty much,” You laugh along. The thought of your friend sitting there watching the movie curled up in a blanket next to Robin bringing a smile to your face.
Eddie finishes setting up the movie and walks back the kitchen. He grabs a bag of chips and some dip before returning to your side on the couch. He opens the chips and pops one in his mouth, crunching it loudly.
You smile at the normalcy of everything right now, it’s as if nothing ever happened between the two of you. Which if we’re being honest nothing really did happen, Eddie just sent you a nude on accident. It’s not like you kissed or anything. Not that you’d hate it if you did.
You snack on the chips and dip with him while waiting for the pizza to show up, never starting the movie without it. The two of you talk about nothing in particular while you sit there. Eddie tells you about the upcoming DnD campaign he’s been working on.
His eyes lighting up and hands flying around erratically as he explains what he planned, the animation in his character brings an even bigger smile to your face.
Just as Eddie concludes his explanation, inviting you to come sit in and watch it at the end, the doorbell rings notifying the both of you that the pizza was here and it was now time for movie night to begin.
Eddie pays the guy and happily walks over to the couch and sets the food on the table in front of the two of you, he can’t even wait til the movie starts playing to begin eating. You laugh at him as he opens and closes his mouth quickly trying to cool the hot pizza in his mouth, you just hit play and start watching the movie.
The pizza is gone, same with half the bag of chips and the cookies. Eddie actually let you eat  a few of them before he scarfed down the others. You’re nearing the end of Scream, the third and final movie of the night when you look at your phone for the time. 12:25 stares back at you, you groan knowing that your parents are going to kill you for coming home so late on a school night.
Eddie hears you and turns to see why you made that noise. You just wave him off and go back to watching the movie, watching as Skeet Ulrich gets shot for the final time in the head. A few minutes later the credits roll and Eddie turns off the tv, letting the trailer fade into silence.
“Wanna tell me what that groaning was about?” Eddie asks turning to face you completely.
“Nothing, just didn’t realize that it had gotten so late. Parents are gonna kill me if I go home at this hour.”
“So just stay here,” He says with no hesitation, “You still have a few clothes here after last movie night. They’re just siting in my drawer.”
You think about it for a minute. You and Eddie have had sleepovers in the past, nothing special about them, just two people sharing a bed, occasionally cuddling because of the small size of it. But now the thought of it made you nervous, having him so close to you, so near yet not being able to touch him. It killed you, but it’s better than going back home right now and having your mom and dad rip you a new one.
“Alright, I’m gonna need to shower though. Coach had us run the mile today at practice and I still feel disgusting.”
“Yeah no problem, you go ahead and shower, I’ll clean up here.” He stands and starts clearing the trash from the table. You get up too and head into his bathroom, but no matter how hot the water is or how long you stand under it you can't get the thought of the picture and the words under it out of your mind.
He was right here, jerking off to the thought of someone. You scold yourself for thinking about him like that, again. But you couldn’t help it.
Recently you’ve thought about him more and more; his smile, the dimples that show when he’s really happy, how animatedly he talks, the way his hair is always unkempt but still looks so damn soft. You thought about him in ways you never did before seeing that picture; his arms, his muscles, his hands, his rings. Everything about him turned you on and you needed it to go away.
Eddie finished up cleaning and sat down on his bed, beer in hand while he took out his metal lunchbox for a joint. You walk into his room, towel wrapped around yourself, hair dripping wet from the shower. He stops his actions to just stare at you, the same way you did earlier that night.
“Uh could I borrow some clothes? I don’t have anything to sleep in,” You say wrapping your arms under your boobs, pushing them up ever so slightly.
Eddie clears his throat, “Yeah, sure.” He gets up and walks over to his dresser, rummaging through it to look for something you can wear tonight. He pulls out a pair on your underwear that you “left” there a while back and one of his Hellfire shirts. You denied his offer of some pants, saying they would be way to big on you and you’d rather just sleep in the shirt.
Eddie’s mind went straight to the gutter at that thought, you sleeping next to him, in just his Hellfire shirt and a pair of underwear he stole from you. His dick was growing hard just thinking about it. He quickly got back to looking for his joint and lighting it upon it’s appearance. He took a few hits while you changed in the bathroom, his mind slowly fogging over.
You return, hair still slightly wet with the towel in your hand. You toss it into his hamper before laying on his bed, grabbing his beer and taking a sip. You lay back and close your eyes, letting the serenity of this moment wash over you. Eddie offers you a hit but you decline, being that you don’t ever mix weed and booze together.
He finishes the joint while you finish his beer. The two of you just sitting there with the light sound of whatever record Eddie has playing. Your thoughts are quiet for the most part, just soaking in the time with your best friend, until you think of something. A question you’ve been meaning to ask for a little bit.
“Hmm?” He responds head leaning back onto the wall where a headboard should be.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, hit me.” You reach your hand out and hit him in the thigh.
“Ouch! Not literally, I meant with the question, sweetheart.”
“I know,” You giggle.
“Brat,” He mumbles back.
“Anyways, I was gonna ask -and you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to it’s just something I’ve been thinking about- but did you really not know it was me you were sending that picture to?” The words lay heavy on your tongue as you say them aloud. You’ve been thinking about this for a while, it’s hard not to.
How did he not know it was you he was texting, your name was right there at the top of the screen. And if he was sending it to someone else how could he not double-check to make sure he wasn’t sending it to someone like Wayne or Robin.
He’s quiet for a moment, thinking about the best way to tell you that, yes he did know it was you he was sending it to. And yes he knew it was stupid but he wanted to try something to see if you felt the same way about him that he does you. Eddie’s loved you for about a year and a half now, never saying anything to anyone in fear of running your friendship.
But that night he was watching a show and one of the characters did this thing where they pretended to send a text to someone “they didn’t mean to”, to see how they’d respond. He thought that maybe this was an easy way of figuring out how you felt about him. But when you didn’t respond to his photo or texts he got scared and called you. Needing to clarify what he sent, and why.
Eddie Taglist: @ali-r3n @dixontardis
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