#;; guh where did this come from
nyxypoo · 1 month
wanting to talk about my favorite food but not being able to write it in english but ik for a fact that however google translate is transliterating it is definitely wayyyy off
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
i love when you cant really condemn a character and their actions because sure what they did was morally wrong but also what choice would you have made? would you have done any better or made a choice that shattered their world any less if you were in their shoes having experienced the same things they had before they took the plunge?
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elstreem · 4 months
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Tried drawing Bedi again in his outfit from the summer CE but...I kinda half-assed this and it shows.
I really should learn which drawings to devote time to, sometimes I feel like I should be drawing better things...this sketch was on a whim and I turned it into a full illustration even if it's not all that good. Oh well.
Anyway, one of the the things I kinda messed up on was detailing Airgetlam even though he was gonna wear a sleeve over it, so I just. Awkwardly draped that part of the clothes over the arm to not waste it. Whoops. Even if it's the arm he should cover from the sun.
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hazbinsinners · 7 months
U r awesome
;; hi!! thank you!! :')
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ccraccz · 2 months
Hello! I'm I wanted to ask you if you could make a Wind Breaker boys react to childhood friend! Reader moving to or returning back to Makochi and seeing them again?
Or like how are they with a Childhood friend! Reader? (Specially for Sakura, he is my favorite character!)
Only if you want to, obviously!
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Characters: Sakura Haruka, Umemiya Hajime, Kaji Ren x GN!Reader
TW: bullying, a wee bit of angst, assault (?), fighting (duh)
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Sakura Haruka
You were unlike anyone else when he was in his home town
You didn't tell him that his hair was weird
or yell at him that he was a freak like the other kids
He never had a reason to have to defend himself against you
He saw that you tried to constantly play with him, pointing out at the park and asking your guardian to play just for a minute
if they would let you, he would see you attempt to beeline towards him only to be pulled away before you could reach him.
during school over at his home town, students would pick on him and teachers would treat him differently
but you didn't
you stayed indifferent even if it meant getting beat down and having to come back to school to a desk filled with degrading words and a bruised up face and body
He would defend you as much as he can when he sees you get picked on by other students due to you helping him
but right after beating them, he would constantly tell you that he "doesn't need your help", and that "you stop defending him"
Hell... he didn't even know your name...
so when he left, it felt like a a breath of fresh air, the weight of having to protect someone else being lifted off of his shoulders
so when he saw you in Pothos, talking to Umemiya and Kotoha
it was as if ice water was dunked on him
seeing you, a scar on your beautiful face, the same hair style, the same eye shape and color
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"SAKURA-KUN! HEEEY!!!" Umemiya calls out when the bell rings, announcing a new customer coming in. In front of the whitehaired male, you sat with an order of fried onigri in front of you and a cup of {drink}, a small blush on your face.
You turn around in your chair. 'That name.. It can't be...' Your eyes are wide as you stand up quickly. "S-Sakura..."
The same two toned hair color, the same heterochromatic eyes, the same pout and blush he had on his face when he saved you for the last time. He still looked the same...
You rush towards, him, being careful enough to not let the chair fall behind you, before tackling him.
"GUH!-" He grunts in response, holding your body to not send you both to the ground, his face bright red, nose bleeding slightly form the fight he just came from, eyes shaking from the sudden affection. He can't comprehend.
"Oh my goodness, Sakura!!" You call out, tears brimming in your eyes, hands gripping tightly "I didn't think I would see you here! Last time I saw you was when..." Your ranting fell on deaf ears as Sakura.exe overheated.
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Umemiya Hajime
You always played with him and the rest of the kids in the orphanage
and you didn't judge him like other did when his hair started to turn white due to the stress and trauma he had to g through when he first arrive to the orphanage
Your parents donated a lot of their things when they where going to leave to the orphanage, which meant that you donated a lot of your own things, like your favorite nightlight because you where no longer scared of the dark, or the large amounts of books you had in your room
he was sad that you had to leave, and so where the other children.
but he believes that YOU were the most sad of them all
the memory of you, sobbing into his small shoulder when you told him that your father got a new job opportunity in Yokohama and that you had to move still replays in his mind when he misses you
the cute nightlight that you gave the orphanage was still beside him, using it for when he's awake late at night and reading
so when he gardening around on the rooftop, the last thing he expected was a call from Hiragi talking about how some "Citizen wanting to meet him"
So he has Hiragi and his group bring you to the rooftop of his school for a small meeting
what he didn't expect is to see you
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Standing beside Hiragi, you huffed in exhaustion, the amount of stairs taking a toll on both your legs and your lungs.
"So... how do you know Umemiya?" the blond haired teen asks, hand on the nob of the door to the roof.
"Oh! We were friends when we where younger, but I had to leave for Yokohama because my father got a better job opportunity!" You explained, your words being enough to let him twist the knob and open the door to the roof top.
Walking behind him, your tummy churns in nervousness, anxiety running through your veins. Your hands are behind you, not wanting them to express your emotions unlike your eyes.
"Umemiya, here they are," Hiragi speaks up, rubbing the back of his neck with a large grimace on his face. Umemiya was crouched down, a small, blue, towel on his neck collecting the sweat that beaded around his neck and dripped down his face from the beating heat. He turns around when he hears Hiragi's voice, looking behind the male with a large, close eyed, smile on his face.
"Hello! Where you looking for me?" Umemiya asks loudly, before he open his eyes again and see you.
"Haji... I'm back..." Your eyes are wide. The small boy you were friends with was no longer shorter than you, his hair was no longer white atop of black, his smile was brighter than ever, and he was built.
Instantly after the nickname was dropped from your lips, his menacingly large form was in front of you, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he lifts you up into the air with a squeal of exitement.
"[name]!!! IT'S BEEN SO SO SO SO SO LONGGG!!!" he calls out in happiness.
From behind him, Hiragi takes a two gaskun-10's, watching the white haired male lift you and twirl around in happiness.
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Kaji Ren
You were his first friend in elementary school, being his neighbor had his perks
he would save your when you were bullied, and you would help him calm down when he got a little to heated
he would hold your hand when you both would walk back home and you would bring him extra food from your home when he needed snacks
so when you came over for your weekly play date crying, he was really angry, wanting to know why you were crying
having to move to another city was scary, especially when you don't have your best friend there to save your from the possible bullies you might gain in the new school
So when you left, he was way more irritable and much more stressed, not having you near him to calm him down with your constant affection or words
When he met Hiragi and the rest of the main group that helped him out, it always felt like there was a small piece missing
and the guys could tell that there was always something off. but they couldn't tell what it was
you coming back to your home town in Makochi after years away from it was like a breath of fresh air
what you didn't expect is to be cornered by a group of highschoolers wanting to cause trouble
and he didn't expect to see you again, saving you the same way he used to when you both were younger
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It was that same move, that same hairstyle, those same angry but alluring eyes. He was annoyed seeing some stupid group taking advantage of a innocent person, Kusumi and Enomoto right beside him.
"Those damn, fucking..." Kaji mumbled under his breath, standing in front of he gang leader and wiping his face with the back of his hand, Enomoto right beside him. Kusumi stood in front of you, blocking your body and maybe even your view, his frizzy hair catching your eye.
Kusumi quickly types something on his notes app before showing you.
'Are you okay? You seem quite frazzled ( ;´・ω・`)'
You smile lightly, nodding before turning back to the fighting, watching every move your childhood friend did. Every move he did in front of you now was a more refined version of what he did back then. It was fascinating, and almost mesmerizing.
"Yeah, just..." You mumble "reminiscing the last time Kaji saved me when we where younger." Kusumi looks at you before looking down again and taps away at his phone.
'Yk Kaji? ('_'?)'
You chuckle, "Yes I do, we were neighbors-"
You sigh. "We were neighbors when we were younger, he used to save me constantly when we were in school!"
'PLZ THAT'S SO CUTE! 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。'
"What'rrrr you guys gigglin' 'bout overrrr therrre?" Enomoto asks, his tongue rolling each 'R' in the sentence.
'She was just explaining that Kaji used to save her constantly when they were younger! ( ;´・ω・`)'
You nod along before looking at Kaji, who is frozen looking at you. The stick of his Chupa Chups almost falling out of his mouth as he looks at you. You, who has changed, matured, but also you who is in constant trouble but know that you'd get help. He walks slowly, getting closer to you, almost as if if he were to move too fast, you would run away.
"[name]?" He mumbles, before being hugged tightly.
"I'm back Ren," You say, voiced muffled because of his hoodie.
[Kusumi and Enomoto look at each other before giggling and turning away from the affection you're giving their grade captain.]
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A/N: THIS IS ADORBS! LOVED WRITING THISSSS HHHHH I truly truly hope that you all enjoy reading this as much I as I loved writing this!!! (I might start writing for enomoto and kusumi, they're so so so so cute, i just wanna bite them-)
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jennifer-jeong · 4 months
Fluff + Angst | Boothill x GN!Reader Homecoming
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SUMMARY He thought he lost everything, but you were always here, waiting for him to come home
CONTENT Angst to fluff, happy ending implied basically, mentions of past traumas, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR NOTES Just read Boothill’s character stories… I am unwell… So I wrote this LMAOO enjoyyy GUH I just started playing the game but alas the hyperfixation is already here Also, Boothill, please actually come home please I have soft pity soon
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Boothill was visiting the Aeragan-Epharshel reserves, seeing what was left of his tribe, his distant family, and because honestly it was just one of those times where he was really missing home. It just hurt because home no longer existed for him. The memories still pop up sometimes. How he searched the entire burnt house for anyone, anything to rescue. It was years ago, but still haunts him, it always will. So that’s why he’s here. Just visiting because why not. No one quite knew him here, but it felt fairly cozy. The few buildings around the area were lively with families and they had farmland and livestock like he always did when he was younger. The sun was setting, lighting everything in golden and orange hues. He enjoyed the warmth on his skin, well, the skin on his face at least. A few of the townsfolk offered him some food since he was just passing by and because the town was so small, everyone knew when there was an unfamiliar face. They also wanted to help him because he helped where he could during the day, just helping people lift and move things, even catching a loose chicken. It was actually pretty nice and for the first time in a while, he smiled, just genuinely enjoying life, watching the sunset, sitting on a bench, eating his food.
It was peaceful and the warm breeze tousled his hair and brushed his face. But he also heard something insane, the name he hadn’t heard in years. It felt like it wasn’t even his name anymore but rather from a previous life in a different body. Worst or maybe best of all, it was your voice.
His eyes were blown wide, mechanical heart somehow racing. Was the robot body driving him insane? The doctor was pretty shady honestly, he wouldn’t have been surprised if she fudged his brain up too.
But still, curiosity made him look around for the source of the voice, even if it didn’t exist.
You watched him look around before shifting on the bench to fully turn to see you. Both your hands were hovering over your mouth, eyebrows upturned as your eyes couldn’t believe it.
When he turned, his eyes locked on your figure. Maybe you were just a hallucination, but hallucinations don’t age, don’t get more mature or taller. You look the same but different, and maybe that was enough evidence for him to believe he wasn’t psychotic.
He stood up slowly, taking careful steps towards you as your hands shook, adrenaline pumping through your body. It felt like it took hours for him to close the few meters between you but once you saw his eyes, you knew. It was him.
“Lord… It really is you,” you breathed out as you reached out slowly, not wanting to spook him but also barely believing that he was actually there. Your hands slowly cupped his face and he forgot how warm things like this felt. Tears pricked at his eyes. At this point he didn’t care if this was a hallucination or not, he just wanted to indulge himself for once. Just believe that he didn’t lose everything. That maybe he could still have you, one of his only friends outside of his family that he had while growing up. His first love that he never had enough time with, not even enough time to confess.
It was almost cruel how you felt the same and how much your heart ached upon seeing his teary eyes, frozen in disbelief, staring into yours. You brushed your thumbs over his cheeks trying to comfort him and show him you really were here.
He started to question himself. Why did he never check out the towns whenever he came back to investigate the IPC on Aeragan-Epharshel? Your house had been destroyed but he never confirmed your corpses, only those of his own family. It was too much, he just assumed the worst at the time.
But now here you are, tears streaming down your face, looking as beautiful as the day he first laid eyes on you.
“Darlin’… what happened to ya fer all these years?” You asked, questioning where he had been but also what happened to his body. You closed your eyes as your eyebrows scrunched together, unable to control your emotions and crying at this point. You quickly pulled him into a hug, arms wrapped around his neck. Reflexively, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you in tight. Your chests flush against each other.
God how he wished he wasn’t cold metal right now. He wanted to feel you with his own skin, feel your warmth, how soft you were. But he could only barely make it out with the sensors on his body. Maybe he could get some upgrades? Link some more things to his brain?
He quickly snapped himself out of his own thoughts to finally respond to you. You shivered hearing his voice again.
“It don’t matter now sweetheart. All that matters is that I’m home,” he said slowly and shaky. You squeezed him harder as you started to sob into his shoulder. It made his own tears fall as he started to stroke your back.
“I thought I’d never see ya again,” you choked out.
“Same here darlin’,” he said, voice cracking.
“I’ll tell ya all about it, and ya tell me about yerself too,” he says between breathes, his throat closing from needing to cry. “I ain’t goin’ anywhere this time…
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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belliesandburps · 4 months
Ruggie Bucchi (on command, post stuffing, and soda chugging) please 😊
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(This will cover every Ruggie ask variant I got...because a LOT of y'all asked for Ruggie...)
Burping in public
"Shishishi! That's all I have t'say about THAT!"
"Whoopsies! That one just slipped outta me, didn't it!"
"Whew! (pats his stomach) Hehe, I had a BIG lunch..."
(blinks in surprise) "Huh, where'd THAT come from...?"
(smacks lips) "Ahhh, good ol' donuts still taste good comin' up too! Shishishi!"
Burping after chugging a soda
(smacks lips contently) "Ahhhh, that was brisk..."
(grunts) "Ngh, that ain't all of it...(takes a breath then grabs his belly with one hand) ...BRRRUUUUUUUUUPH... HHHUUUUUUUURRRREEEEEEEEUUUUUURRRRRRRPH!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh...THERE it is...(slaps his belly in relief)...WHEW...heh..."
(pats his chest and clears his windpipes) "Oof, heh, that had some POWER behind it, haha!"
(huffs then rubs his belly firmly with one hand) "Ohhhh man-*brruuOoOrruurrp!* Guh...*Urp...BWWOOOOOOOUUURRP!!!! Ooof...so bubbly..."
(greedily chugs the rest of the entire can in one go, crushes the can against his stomach, and lets out the single biggest burp you've EVER heard, then moans with abject relief, patting his belly in a heavily satisfied manner)
Burping after stuffing himself
"Ahhhh...(pats his belly)...ohhh man, I'm STUFFED..."
(snickers as he caresses his bulging belly) "Shishishi...my compliments t'the chef!"
(slumps back, enormous belly jutting up as he does so) "Urrrrgh...s-so...much...meaaaat...BUUUUUAAAAAAARRRRRUUUUUPH!!!!!!"
"Haaaahhhh...hehe...THAT'S where your lunch went, Herbivore...buuuut don'tcha worry...(pats his belly tauntingly)...it went to a worthwhile cause...my belly! Shishishishi!"
(grunts then thumps his gut to knock loose a thick afterburp) "Oof...'kay, maaaaaybe I overdid it, heh..."
Nauseous burps
(groans miserably as he rubs his stomach) "Urrrgh...ohhh that didn't feel good..."
(huffs, then lurches with another, much wetter belch that ends with him lurching and covering his mouth) "Hurp! Oh shit..." (rushes to the bathroom)
(cringes and covers his mouth) "Guh...that one didn't taste nearly as good comin' up as it did goin' down..."
(holds his churning gut with one hand and clutches his mouth shut with the other) "Hrrrmmmp! MMMMRRRRP!!!! Urrrrrgh...oh man, I'm gonna-hrlp-mph...b-be sick...urlp!"
(huffs and firmly rubs his belly from under his shirt) "Ooohhhh man...bruuup...BRRRAAAAAAAP!!! Guhhh...(stifles a large belch behind his fist and thumps his stomach)...oOoohhhh my belly..."
Burping to kink-tease
"Shishishi...ya oughta see how red your face is, herbivore..."
(sighs heavily with his tongue out) "Ahhhh, hehe, didja smell the peppers on that one?"
(snickers and rubs his belly) "Shishishi...loooooots more where THAT came from, herbivore..."
(holds up a finger) "Hold up...got another one for ya... (takes a deep breath, then belches as hard as he can right in your face, sighing heavily and breathing all over you after that) Hrraaaahhhhh...hehe, you're welcome..."
(huffs and grins cheekily at you) "Heh, y'like that...? (swallows down some air) BRRRAAAAAAAAAPH!!!!! Guhh... BRRRREEEEEEEUUUUUURRAAAAAP!!!!! (takes in several gulps of air, before grabbing your chin and forcing you to face him as he lets out the biggest, longest burp he can muster right in your face, intentionally dragging it out for as long as possible, then moaning with relief as his tongue hangs out lewdly) ...Haaaaaaaaaaahhhh...hehehe, how'd THAT one taste?"
Same-Size Vore
(sighs with relief and slaps his big, writhing belly) "Ahhhh, shishishi...ya really know how to kick up a storm, don'tcha..."
(leans back as his globular belly squirms on his lap) "Haaaahhh...I could feel ya squirm around in my tummy aaaaaaaall day long, but that's just gonna keep makin' me BBUUUUUUURRRRRRP!!!!! Guhhh, heh...and I kinda don't want'cha t'suffocate, shishishi..."
(sighs and slaps his gut heavily) "Whew! S'CUSE me! Must'a been someone I ate...shishishishi!"
(laughs and grips his bulging belly with both hands) "Hahaha! Holy crap, didja feel my belly shakin' around with that monster??"
(grunts and thumps his writhing gut) "Mph, hey! Settle down in there or I'mma chug more soda and keep burpin' til you're deaf!"
Burping to irritate
(grins) "Whaaaaaat? That wasn't me! (bats his eyelashes innocently)"
(snickers) "Heh, y'think THAT was bad? Wait 'til it all starts settlin'...(slowly rubs his stomach)...woo boy, I'm gonna burpin' aaall night..."
(mock pouts) "Tch, you're right! Where ARE my manners, huh?! (swallows air and holds his stomach firmly) ...ssSCUUUUUUUUSE......mMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEE-EEEEEEEUUUUUUUURRRRRAAAAAAAAPH!!!!!!!!" Ahhhh...(gives his belly a few pats)...there we go!"
"Shishishi...my bad! I'll hold it in next time...(swallows air and stifles a BIG burp that reverberates heavily in his puffed out cheeks...then blows his fetid gasses directly at the person chastising him)"
"Sorry, I'll try'n keep 'em quiet...(intentionally burps in the person's ear)...well, I hafta make sure ya still HEAR 'em, right?? Shishishi!"
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minefield-of-a-ninja · 6 months
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*images credited to Kim Kardashian Twitter, and CW photo stills
Anonymous Prompt: I really want demon dean stalking someone but I don’t know how to do that with consent? But guh just the thought of him.
Characters: Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Tags/warnings: 18+ only; this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester; stalking; exhibitionism; voyeurism; mutual masturbation; dirty talk; horny on aisle 3; fuck it, we ball
Words: 2,400
Author’s notes: #Mutual Masturbation for @jacklesversebingo
This did not turn out the way I'd planned, and it's not nearly as dark as I thought it would be. But I still love it! I hope you love it, too.
Thank you @brrose-apothecary @talltalesandbedtimestories @sam-is-my-safe-word @runawaydr3amerao3 @bigmouthlass for idea bouncing, and @stusbunker for the proof read and green light.
For some people, the passage of time is beautiful and magical; the smallest things are to be cherished. For others, time passing reinforces our connection with the world, marking each pulse of the rhythm of life. For her, time measures the loss and emptiness of what isn’t or will ever be again. 
Today is a milestone birthday for her. The days leading up to it have been punctuated by discoveries of new lines, bulges, and other undesirable changes to her body that remind her she’s steadily failing.
Since she had just two appointments this morning, she decided to close her office early and hit the pool shared by her HOA. Her neighbors are mostly professionals without children, and it’s Tuesday; she’s sure she’ll have the pool to herself to languish in the wet heat of July in the Midwest.
That annoying fucking saying ‘it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity’, comes for her breath and doesn’t leave. It seeps into the lining of her lungs, heavy and damp, slowing and weighting each step she takes toward the south-facing bank of chairs. Once she reaches the chair she always uses, she drops her canvas tote to the concrete and shrugs out of the sheer wrap before shuffling out of her sandals.
She bends to rifle through her bag for her tanning oil, and a faint chill begins to weave its way up her spine. 
Dean is sitting in the front seat of the Impala, swallowing the last bite of his Biggerson’s double bacon and cheese when she snags his attention. She walks with the measured confidence that speaks more of a dare than of enthusiasm. She’s alone, and everything about her vibe tells Dean that she’s more than comfortable with that. 
She doesn’t miss a beat as she makes her way to a randomly chosen lounger in a line of another dozen exactly like it. She lets her bag slip from her grasp, and her robe floats from her straight shoulders to join it at her feet.
She’s small in stature but she looks strong and fit—thick thighs and sculted arms, a narrow waist, and curves upon curves. Dean's never cared much about short, tall, fat, thin; he likes women and sex, and if he hits it off with someone, he’s down to fuck.
But this woman is a work of art.
He watches her dig through her bag, dragging his gaze from her delicate ankles and smooth calves and thighs to the generous curve of her ass. He imagines wrapping arms around her, lifting her to carry her to... bed, most likely.
He chuckles to himself. 
She takes a seat half-upright with her legs outstretched and applies oil to her bronze skin. He wishes he could rub it in for her. He lets himself believe she can read his mind, that she's doing this for him, putting on a show just for him. 
Why not? 
When she unties her bikini top to expose her full, heavy tits and dusky nipples, he doesn’t think twice about popping the button on his jeans and pulling his hot, persistently hard cock from his boxers.
As she had hoped, she’s alone at the pool. The small cluster of townhouses where she lives and the complexes on either side are as quiet as any Tuesday afternoon. Other than the birds and squirrels in the trees, she’s got the place to herself.
Well, and the old black Chevy parked at the Biggerson’s next door and the shadowy figure within. She may be cynical, but she’s self-aware, and she’s going to squeeze every drop of pleasure from this bland existence as possible. 
She’s always been an exhibitionist, definitely a thrill-seeker.  She pulls the tie at her neck until the triangles, scarcely covering her breasts, fall away. Then she splashes oil across her collarbones, letting it heat and drip down and around, and between her breasts. 
She flicks her shaded eyes to the car before hefting and massaging the full mounds of flesh, then sighs and nuzzles into her lounger. She bites her bottom lip hard as she pinches and twists her puckered nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.
She notices the figure shifting in the driver’s seat. They don’t start the engine or exit the vehicle. Instead, they lift a palm to their mouth and, she imagines, they spit before the hand disappears out of her sight once more.
“Fuck,” she whispers with a smile as she settles her head back against the plush headrest, dragging one hand down her torso and pushing it into her bikini bottoms.
That smirk.
Dean looks around the parking lot to find no one else around—it’s as empty as her pool area. He looks back to see that she’s planted her feet on the ground on either side of her chair, her legs spread open, and one hand working rough and slow in her bikini bottoms while the other pulls at her nipples.
“Fuck yes, sweetheart. Do it for me,” Dean mutters, twisting and pumping his cock. 
He grunts and groans as she pulls her hand from her bathing suit and lifts it to her mouth. She raises her head, then, and pushes two fingers between her luscious lips. She sucks and licks her fingers, taking her time, and Dean wishes she wasn’t wearing those mirrored sunglasses. He wants to see her eyes.
Are they blue? Green? Brown?
Is she watching him like he’s watching her?
After what feels like the longest and most uncertain staring contest, she pushes her fingers back between her legs. She doesn’t immediately put her head back, though. This time, she licks her lips and grips the edge of her chair with the hand she isn't using to fuck herself.
“That’s right, good girl, show me how you like it.”
He grips the steering wheel as he pumps himself until her mouth drops open and she starts to tremble. Her gorgeous tits bounce and her hips undulate, and, before he knows it, he’s spurting hot over his fist. 
She slams her head back against the headrest, sweating and panting even more than she was from the afternoon sun. She feels gooey and giddy, and light. She opens her eyes and heaves a sigh of satisfaction, pitching forward to look across the pool to Biggerson’s parking lot.
A flash inside the car lights a cigarette, and she catches the first glimmer of the dark stranger. He holds her gaze for a beat, the flame’s reflection dancing in eyes so dark they appear black, before throwing the zippo closed and roaring from the empty lot.
She sighs again as she sits up straight and ties her top back in place before standing, stretching, and striding toward the pool to dive in. The water is cool and calm as she strokes from one end of the pool and back again three times before barrel-rolling to her back to aimlessly float. A light breeze ruffles the leaves overhead, making the sunlight flicker like a strobe. 
After a while, she draws a deep breath before tucking into herself to blissfully sink to the bottom of the muted 4-foot depth.
“Sure.” Dean nods and rolls his eyes as Crowley nags him on the other end of the line.  
Crowley gave him a job, which is what brought him to her town, and he really should do it—to calm The Mark and keep the peace with the King of Hell—but he’d rather be knocking on her front door. 
Seeing her yesterday has completely derailed his plans. It’s been years since he felt an instant connection with someone like he feels with her. Separated by the green vining through the black chain link and shade inside his car, he felt her. He wants to feel more. 
“I’ll take care of it, OK?”
He isn’t lying, not really; he’ll take the guy out, just not right now. He’s... preoccupied.
“Now, Dean. Not tomorrow, not next week-”
“Yeah. I know. I’ll get it done. Bye.”
Dean cuts the line and tosses his phone to the passenger seat then looks up just in time to see her exiting her townhome. She’s wearing those stretchy kinds of pants women wear to the gym with heeled boots and a leather jacket. Dean has no idea what the fuck that outfit is all about, but her ass looks incredible. She takes even steps with her head held high. The view from behind her is infuriating. With every stride, her ass plumps and sways, and her wide hips tease him relentlessly.
He fires up the engine and puts the car in Drive before carefully pulling away from the curb to follow her. 
He pictures what she’d look like bent over the hood of the Impala. He imagines yanking those stupid fucking pants down to her knees and kicking her heeled feet wide. She’d moan and arch her back, presenting her perfect, bare ass to him. He’d smack it, and she’d yelp, begging for more. 
She’d beg. And he’d grab a fistful of her shiny black hair to twist and squeeze as he slammed inside her over and over.
“Fuck,” he groans, pressing the heel of his palm down onto his ever-present and now throbbing erection.
He watches her toss her hair as she turns into a storefront six blocks from her front door, and Dean slides into another parallel spot and waits.
The drugstore door closes behind her, and she’s instantly enveloped by artificially cooled air. One of the many things she despises about midwestern summers is the necessity of air conditioning. She procrastinates turning hers on inside her townhouse every season as long as possible, but when her clients begin to complain, she gives in.  
She doesn’t waste time browsing for anything other than what she came for—eye cream. Yesterday’s existential crisis is a distant memory, surpassed by him. 
She thinks it’s silly that he’s trying to be stealthy, parking a block down the road, like she didn’t see that ridiculous car of his in front of her house before she even opened her door. This game of cat and mouse is fun for her, though. There’s mystery and suspense. It distracts her from the mundane.
She pays for her eye cream and drops it into her handbag before replacing her sunglasses over her eyes. She doesn’t know the rules of this game they’re playing, but she’s never played by anyone’s rules except her own, so it doesn’t really matter.
Back out in the heat, she pauses before heading toward the restaurant to meet a friend for lunch. Sunlight beams off the chrome bumper of his car, making her squint even with her sunglasses on. She shields her eyes and tosses him a smirk, then turns to walk the other direction.
She sees him now, and she saw him yesterday.
That fucking smirk of hers is the guarantee he needs. Every step she takes and every move she makes is an invitation, and he has to think long and hard about whether that’s a good thing or not. Because he’s sure that not only does she see that he’s watching her, but that once she sees him up close and personal, she’ll see who he really is.
She’s a kindred spirit. He knows this as well as anyone knows when they find that person, that connection. He doesn’t know what the connection is exactly, but he knows it’s there, and it’s undeniable.
But can she hold her own with him?
He decides to follow her with renewed purpose. 
After lunch, she stops at a consignment shop, the florist, and the liquor store. She wanders along the selection of wines, row by row, waiting. She doesn’t have to wait much longer, though.
“Lotta choices, huh?”
The ticking of her heart speeds up from the sound of his thick, masculine voice. It’s only been 24 hours, but she’s been on tenterhooks, willing him to approach her, and it’s finally happening.
Then she turns to face him and gasps.
He’s gorgeous—tall, broad-shouldered, perfectly proportioned, defined, angular jawline, thick eyelashes, and a mouth that has her rapidly dampening her underwear. But it’s his eyes that give her pause. 
Sparkling obsidian. She wasn’t imagining what she witnessed yesterday. Then he blinks to reveal the most exquisite jade. Her skin crackles with anticipation. He’s like no one or thing she’s ever seen before.
She wants to know everything.
“Small talk? After all we’ve been through together?” she murmurs, shifting into him like he’s a black hole that will never let her go. 
She can’t- won’t deny him.
He narrows his gaze and slowly tilts his head, studying her face. 
“Honey, we can talk about anything you want.” He scans her bright, whiskey eyes and the straight bridge of her nose leading to the enticing pitch of her top lip. “But I’d rather do something else with my mouth.”
Her eyelids flutter and he chuckles, teasing the backs of his incisors with the tip of his tongue. He reaches for her, tucking one hand under the back of her hair and bringing her the last few inches closer. 
“Like what?” she whispers, and he meets her trembling lips with a firm, insistent kiss. 
“I think you know,” he mutters, turning and pressing her against the selection of Australian whites.
She hums, draping her arms around his neck. “I wanna hear you say it.”
Dean drags her flush against him by her waist and twists his fist in the back of her long, raven hair. And he tells her what she wants to hear.
“I’m gonna taste every inch of you.” He mumbles against her throat and lower. “I’m gonna suck those beautiful tits and bite your tight nipples.” He pushes a knee between her thighs and lifts until his leg meets the hot, damp crotch of her thin, stretchy pants, then scrapes his teeth over the shell of her ear. “And I’m gonna lick and play with your little clit until you're begging me to fuck you. And then I’ll lick you some more.”
She grinds over his thigh. “We gonna do this here?” she breathes. 
Dean huffs a laugh as he steps away, setting her back on her own two feet. He holds her hand and her gaze. “Yeah, I know how much you like an audience. But I want you naked and I don’t wanna share you.”
She swallows and nods. “What’re we waiting for?”
Dean grins and spins toward the door, leading her out into the afternoon sun.
Dean Winchester Masterlist | MJ’s Masterlist
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Part 5.5 - After the reward, from Simon's perspective
Slasher Handler Masterlist
NSFW under the cut.
CW: Blood, bodily fluids, genitals, aftercare and cleanup, afab reader, feminine terms used for reader
When you finally go limp in his arms, Simon pants against the back of your head for a full minute. Holding you steady as you thrashed and cried, calling his name, calling him God, had taken more out of him than he’d expected. And that was before your nails scoring across his scalp blindsided him. The pain had knocked him into the kind of orgasm that makes a man worry about cramping.
He’d like to stay buried in you forever. But that’s not very practical, so he unwraps his arm from around your neck. It takes him longer than he would ever admit to be able to brace on his shaking arms and sit back on his heels. He allows himself a moment to roll his neck and shoulders while he takes stock of the both of you.
The sheets are a mess. He’s a mess, thighs and pubic hair soaked and tacky from the way you’d squirted. You’re no better, wet and shining down your legs. Your thigh is burning hot when he pushes your legs apart to get a look at where he’d come inside you. There’s no damage to your intimate parts when he uses gentle fingers to part your swollen folds, but you are puffy and hot. Seeing you dripping with him makes him lick his lips.
Blood drips from his eyebrow to land in the curve where your ass meets your leg.
He brings a hand up to swipe at his face, amused to find just how much blood is flowing from his hairline. Head wounds always bleed so damn much. He absently wipes his blood across your back before heaving himself up to stand next to the bed.
“Fuck,” he groans, looking down at himself. Your fluids are running down his leg.
He grabs a couple of towels from the closet in the all. Gives himself a perfunctory wipe down and applies pressure to his scalp as he retrieves water from the kitchen. When he returns to the bedroom, you’re shivering, in little bursts. It’s the work of a couple of moments to lift your hips enough to spread a towel under you. Then he climbs back over you, tucking you close.
Something in his chest turns over when you make a little noise and nudge your head a little bit closer. A drop of his blood falls to the side of your mouth. He smears it over your lips with his thumb.
Ten minutes later, you give a full body shudder and whine just at the edge of his hearing. He drops the towel he’s been propping his head against and leans down a bit to look at your face. It scrunches the way he’s seen you do when your alarm goes off. Then you’re groaning, shivering your way through what would normally be a full body stretch but looks more like the worlds least effective twitch. He doesn’t fight the urge to kiss your eyebrow when your eyes open, nuzzles the top of your head to smear more of his blood on your face.
You work your mouth for a few moments, obviously searching for something profound. You settle on, “Guh-uh.”
Not for the first time, Simon finds himself helplessly charmed. “’S ‘at so?” He tilts his head to better watch the way you lick his blood from your lips. “Interestin.’”
Your face scrunches up, and you give an aborted wiggle. “Muh?”
“Made a mess of me,” Simon continues, like you’re actually talking to him. He grins at the thought of how much you’ll stammer and blush when you get a good look at the bed. You’ve undoubtedly stained the mattress. “Got a towel, but we’ll need to change the sheets.”
Your sad kitten eyes are so full of emotion. “That much?”
Simon lets himself make a soft sound and an understatement. “Surprised me.”
You surprise him again when you slur, “’M sorry. Didn’t mean to hurt you.”
So you did notice the blood. He feels his face go soft. “Go to sleep, Precious.”
You hum and shut your eyes. He thinks that’s the end of it, but one of your arms twitches and flops its way up until your hand is over his heart. “Stay.”
His blood burns. “You’ll never be rid of me, luv.”
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Hello, thank you for all the work you're doing! You're truly incredible! I have read through pretty much all of the hurt/comfort and protective!crowley/aziraphale fic I could find and I was wondering if you had any recommendations where one of them is only slightly hurt (or anything that isn't full on whump) and the other gets really overprotective and/or takes care of them
(no worries if not!)
We really appreciate all the work and effort you put into this blog! Thank you, you are life saviours
Hi! Here are some minor hurt/non-whump hurt and protective fics for you...
Of Rosaries and Burnt Palms by midnightdragons (G)
"Guh, shit, fuck," Crowley swore, clearly attempting to miracle the burn away but to no avail. He looked up at Aziraphale, who was frozen in shock and dismay, and his golden eyes, for once uncovered by his sunglasses, were so — so distraught, so full of distress and pain and betrayal, and — and did he think there was a chance that Aziraphale — that the angel had —? Aziraphale wears a rosary round the bookshop, and does not think of the consequences.
Safe and Sound by AmyPound (T)
Aziraphale enjoys a refreshing walk home from a new Thai restaurant but faces confrontation. Luckily Crowley's protect Aziraphale sense is always working.
Watching Over You by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
Aziraphale is relaxing in Rome when he spots a disoriented Crowley. He saves the demon from nearly being run over by a cart, then realizes Crowley has been drugged. Worried, he takes his friend somewhere safe and watches over him.
Hell in a Handbasket by SaunterVaguelyDownward (T)
“I’m leaving, thanks for the wine.” Aziraphale blanched. “Crowley! Please. The last time we argued it almost led to the apocalypse and the time before that I didn’t see you for over one hundred years.” “And whose bloody fault were both of those?” he snapped. Aziraphale froze. “Mine, dear boy,” the angel replied simply and sincerely. He inhaled deeply, gathering himself. “Which is why I refuse to let it happen again.” His eyes were pleading, his expression serious as he reached out slowly and let his hand land gently on Crowley’s shoulder. The demon flinched and Aziraphale recoiled, his face filled with hurt. Crowley’s jaw clenched. “Well, maybe it’s my turn to be unreasonable.” In which the only way Crowley can be saved from a demonic curse is if his angel admits feelings of true love. But there's no way Aziraphale could ever possibly feel that way about Crowley...
This Time, The Princess Does the Rescuing by die_traumerei (E)
Crowley does not like horses. Horses do not like Crowley. But when Aziraphale's mount comes back without her long after she should have been home for a camping trip, there's no question of Crowley going out to find her and bringing her home. (In which Crowley rescues Aziraphale -- of course -- and brings her home. Featuring a lot of worried princess, a little bit of hurt, a ton of comfort, a touch of sick!fic and lots of conversation while they're both confined to bed. The same bed, needless to say.)
a moment's silence by viperinz (T)
Crowley rubs a hand down his face, sighing. “Then you know that you shouldn’t have done that.” “It was the only choice I had. If you got smitten—” Aziraphale swallows, feeling his back throb in pain. “You would have died right where you stood. I could not allow that.” Crowley’s mouth turns into a thin line, his fury radiating through the room. “So, what? It was better if it was you rather than me that took the hit?” “Yes!” Aziraphale exclaims, sitting up in bed. He winces as his back protests the movement, but he needs Crowley to understand. “You deserve better than what I was able to ever give you, and you need to help Muriel and the Messiah. If I ceased to exist, nothing would change the outcome of stopping all of this.” “No, you don’t get to say that.” Crowley walks up to the bed. “If you think I’ll ever stand to lose you again, then you’re bloody wrong. The outcome would be different because I wouldn’t have you, you daft thing.”
After everything is said and done, Aziraphale has to learn to adjust to life on Earth after seven years of being in Heaven. Luckily, Crowley is there to help him heal, and to give him the love that he feels he's lost.
- Mod D
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zpiderwebs · 1 month
A/N: it's literally 4am..HUZAHHH I wanted to write this soo badd mmnngghhfff..also, this is the first actual time I write in..a very long time that has to do with my own idea...sorry if it's not good </3
𖦹[△"Who are you..?"△]𖦹
[In control! Bill Cipher (Ford) x GN! reader]
Summary: [Basically Bill in Ford's body. That's all. Reader witnesses it all and Bill is very...icky about his Sixer.]
Warnings?: Just kinda angsty and lots of swearing coming from reader and Bill just being a complete dick and doesn't care about hurting reader's feelings...guh..apologies in advance!
(;´∀`). Enjoy!!
Four goddamn months.
It's been four dreadfully long months since you've last had a decent conversation with him. He hardly pays attention, hardly even needs you down in the basement, and now his fucking home is full of..triangles. You thought it was another one of his little silly quirks..but no. "Meditating" sessions have turned into hours. Hours of him being locked down in the basement, refusing you to even take a peek down at the portal. What the hell were you even needed for anymore? Did he just need your damn help on the calculations and mathematic brain and that's all???
God, it all bothered you so much.
You felt like you were wasting so much time just sitting on your ass all day, not even having any type of interaction besides with yourself when your half asleep and mumbling whatever crosses your mind.
Ford. Ford was a great and smart man when you became friends through Fiddleford back at Backupsmore. But now, after he dragged you all the way to a small town called Gravity Falls that was nowhere near where you last lived...you've never felt so isolated and alone. The one man you once considered to be a great friend and a smart guy..turned out to be just a mess.
He barely eats anymore. Barely sleeps or even takes care of himself. Only ever coming up for more bitter coffee and heading back to the basement without a word to say, brushing pass you. He worries the hell out of you...and your not sure how long you could keep going at this, allowing him to destroy himself mentally and physically.
Well, you have hit your limit.
It was a late night. You had woken up to a loud sound coming from the basement. You didn't realize you had fallen asleep reading a book on the couch. You quickly sat up and walked towards the basement door. Reaching for the doorknob, it didn't stop when you slightly turned it.
It was unlocked.
Sucking in air through clenched teeth, you gripped the doorknob even tighter. You knew you shouldn't, but you needed to make sure your only friend at the moment was okay. Slowly, turning the cold knob, you pulled the door towards you. Once it was open, you heard Ford talking to himself and..laughing? That was..new.
You began to descend the stairs, slowly making your way down. Barely a few steps down, you heard another crash that was followed by another laugh.
"What the fuck..?" You quietly mumbled to yourself. Once you reached the ground, you quickly scanned the area and saw Ford hunched over his desk, writing something into his journal. You walked over, making sure not to startle him with your new presence.
"Ford? You..alright?" You called out. Suddenly Ford's body jumped as he dropped the pen he was writing with. He quickly flung his head to look at you with...weird eyes.
His eyes looked odd. Was the lack of sleep finally catching up to him? Then, a wide smile appeared on his face as his eyes stayed glued to yours. Creepy. That stare sent shivers down your spine as you swallowed hard and bit the inside of your cheek.
"Hey, toots. Didn't think you'd come down here." Ford chuckled, awkwardly standing up as he quickly made his way over. You took a step back.
'Toots'? Since when the hell did he start using nicknames like that?
"Uh, well, you were making a lot of noise and...I just wanted to check up on you. First..time you fucking speak to me in..months practically. What's up with that?" You rubbed the back of your neck, awkwardly looking away. Fuck, you sounded desperate...and you were.
Ford took some time to answer, like if he wasn't actually expecting you to keep a conversation going, hoping you'd just day 'Oh, okay' and scram.
"Oh well..I dunno. Too busy." Ford shrugged. Oh, that answer pissed you off.
"Busy? With what? Seriously, Ford. What possibly could you be doing down here, just hunching over your damn desk and writing in your journal. The least you could do is eat something. All you live off of is coffee? Don't you understand how bad that is?" You huffed. You haven't felt this..angry in years. The last person you wanted to upset you was Ford.
"Why does that concern you so much? Your so concerned over him that you can't even think straight, toots." Ford chuckled, his...weary yellow eyes looking into yours as he took a step closer.
You huffed. His way of speaking sounded off. "It concerns me because you can get yourself killed this way, Ford. How am I supposed to know if you do drop dead when your always locked down here? I wouldn't even know if you hardly speak to me anymore in the first place!"
Ford groaned and rolled his eyes. "God, you humans and your dumb relationships and emotions. Boring! Your all so clingy, depending on attention and empathy from others. It's pathetic."
You raised a brow. Ouch? What the hell was he talking about now? "Ford, seriously, just talk normal. And..I wanted to ask you, what's up with all this stupid triangle worship stuff and..all this 'meditation'? Your really worrying me."
Ford only sighed before pinching his nose and looking at you dead in the eyes. "Alright listen, toots. And listen good because I'm not repeating myself. I'm not Ford. I'm Bill. I'm his biggest and only muse. He doesn't need you or anybody anymore. He has me and that's all he needs. You were nothing but a pure tool for him to use until he didn't need it anymore, and that'd be..now! So, you've been doing nothing this whole time while me and little ol Sixer have been having a blast." Ford..or..now Bill that was in Ford's body, chuckled.
You were..dumbfounded. What..? "H-huh? Okay, Ford, is this some sick joke?"
Bill chuckled and made his way closer to you, causing you to back up..only for your back to hit the wall.
"Oh, no I'm not joking, toots. I'm in control of Sixer right now. And right now, I'm telling you to leave. He doesn't need you anymore. He doesn't need anyone. Your just a waste of space and a mere tool he used and doesn't need anymore. Back into the tool box!" Bill laughed.
As he continued to laugh at his own words, your mind was trying to comprehend what the fuck was going on. "Who are you...? What are you...?" You murmured out. Bill only chuckled against.
"I'm Bill Cipher. I'm this man's muse."
"What do you want with Ford? Were...you the reason we started building that dumb fucking portal!?" You snapped but suddenly a six fingered hand was slapped onto your mouth.
"Now, let's not disrespect my work or insult it with that dirty mouth, toots. Watch your words. It's simple, really. Ford is what I've been looking for, and I'm what he's been needing. He doesn't need a pestering worthless being like you around him. Your always nagging, begging for attention like some lost puppy. It's pathetic, really. Don't you have anything else to do in your sad life?" Bill's smirk widened, letting out a laugh.
"Of course you don't. You've been thrown under the bus and now your trying to crawl your way out, but that's not possible. He doesn't want or need you anymore, face it. He used you for what he needed. For that smart little brain of yours and that's all. He didn't actually care for your friendship, he was just playing along."
You felt a lump build up in your throat. That's not true..or is it..? Well..he is in Ford's mind. Is that what Ford really thought of you and only needed you for..? You pulled away from the hand before speaking up.
"That's not true-!"
Suddenly-- the hand slapped against against your mouth, shutting you up. "Yes it is! Just accept it already! Your worthless. All you'll ever be good for is to be used and thrown aside. Ford never gave a single shit about you. Your nothing." Bill frowned, speaking through gritted teeth as he glared.
"Now...you can leave his sight, leave him alone. He doesn't need you anymore."
Bill then let you go. You didn't say a word as he walked back towards the desk and sat back down. You wanted to bash something into his head..but that'd mean hurting Ford's body in the process too. His words had already stabbed way too deep into you.
Fuck, you felt like crying...it hurt. It all hurt. Was that really what Ford thought about you? All he ever needed you for? You felt your eyes sting.
You simply wobbled upstairs without another word. You laid awake, starring at the ceiling until you felt hot tears stream down the sides of your face. Everything hurt.
The next morning, you left without word. You thought about leaving a small note or even a letter..but if Ford never said those things and Bill was just lying, he knew where to find you and tell you the truth or write...
But it hurt that 30 years later,
he never wrote to you.
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coff-in · 4 months
aaAAAA I've been lurking and um um um I have brainrot from two of the previous asks >_> What if what if
Younger Sister Reader from the I love you more than I should post x Yandere Andrew post Decay route?? And they have the same toxic thing going on from that one post where Andy threatens to off himself if the reader moves an inch from his side. Like all I can think of is Andy having a shit ton of romantic feelings for reader that the reader is just coming into realization about while also reeling from the fact that, yk, Ash is dead? Andy telling his baby sister that he doesn't want to live if he can't have her (romantically, carnally, etc.) I just really want a jealousy scene where reader like...looks at another man and Andy is like "So. You want me to die?" and then reader has to comfort her older brother in a variety of ways that are decidedly not very sibling-like. Andy basically going "date me or I die" and reader is just. panicking.
notes from coff-in: i had trouble writing a ficlet or headcanons for this for some reason so it's just me fucking word vomiting my thoughts directly. also also also, thank you!!! i would've never thought people come to lurk on my blog, GUH IT'S SUCH AN HONOR!!! ur going to make my heart explode
[fem] reader-insert, [reader] is 1 year younger than ashley, incest, NSFW
i think it would mostly play out the same as yandere andrew with the older sibling but with more incestuous overtones. all i can think about is andrew and baby sister [reader] going out shopping or something. baby sis [reader] asks one of the employees where she could find some seasonings or something and the employee points to the aisle and leaves, then andrew comes up behind [reader] saying “did you really need to talk to him? hm? maybe you just wanted to ogle at him up close, huh? is your big brother not handsome enough for you anymore?” [reader]’s like “no no no!! I just needed to find the chili pepper, im sorry :(” and andrew makes her kiss him with tongue in the aisle to calm him down.
they’d have to get a job together, this is non-negotiable to andrew. preferably the same position so they’re close to each other but i think he’d settle on being in the same workplace in general if reasoned with enough. baby sis [reader] hides back into her shell again like she did when nina died but she doesn’t come back out this time. faced with the loss of her big sister ashley and the possible suicide andrew threatens her with, [reader] just deems it safer for her to be as introverted as possible. she’s still has some independence and autonomy but it’s only around andrew if that makes sense. she’ll cook and clean and entertain herself at home with or without andrew but in public she’s very introverted and clingy with andrew. andrew isn’t complaining about any of this though.
andrew’s very happy that he gets his baby sister to himself now! with all the fucked up shit they’ve done together he’s not too conserned with introducing themselves as a couple even if people put two-and-two together that they’re blood related. i can see him being very physically close and intimate with his baby sis [reader]. a hand on her lower back, hand holding, a finger curled in her hair, sleeping in the same bed, and like… a lot of sex. [reader] loves her brother and he’s been respectful when it came to sex. it took her a while to properly figure out how to feel about andrew’s romantic attraction towards her but she does feel the same way too (whether it was natural or something that was fostered while on the run). he likes to leave hickeys on her neck and other obvious places so people know who she belongs to.
every morning they wake up together in the same bed and say “I love you” to each other and they do it again every night before they go to bed.
i also think about semi-public sex with them, too. andrew gets jealous somehow and drags [reader] into an alleyway and forces her on to her knees and flops his cock on her face. “how about you show your big brother how sorry you are, huh?” she tries her best to take him into her mouth but she’s just really bad at it because she’s never done this before. andrew doesn’t mind, though, and praises her for her effort and eagerness because he can’t be mad at his baby sister for that long :) he cums into her mouth and her cheeks get filled up too quickly and some of his semen spills out of her mouth as she tries to swallow it all and andrew’s like “aww, what a good baby sister you are :) it’s ok if can’t swallow it all. i’ll have more for you later.”
i love this idea, thank you ‘nonnie.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
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I’ve returned from my sketchbook quest , and here’s a drawing for dauntless-daffodil , who came up with the idea for the spear baby au.
oh gods looking at that cute little innocent face i can just FEEEEEEL baby spear watching as chaggie and the hotel all stand around them hotly debating What Food Is Even Healthy For A Baby Spear Spawn Child To Be Eating
Charlie: "A cookie??"
Angel Dust: "They don' need cookies, ya useless gays, they need milk!"
Charlie: "We had cookies in the hotel??"
Vaggie: "Why would they need milk? They've got teeth already! Fangs, even!"
Angel Dust: "That ain't how nutrition an' shit WORKS toots!"
Niffty: (shakes jar full of money) "SWEAR JAR!"
Angel Dust: "Fuck. Shit." (hands over three dollars)
Charlie: "Since when are there cookies in the hotel that I don't know know about???"
Cherri: "If they've got fangs and like chewing stuff, maybe they need meat or something?"
Niffty: "OR BLOOD!!!"
Vaggie: "We are NOT-"
Angel Dust: "Ain't no baby under my watch gettin' fed steaks and BLOOD!"
Charlie: "Where did the cookie even COME from?!"
Husk: (coughs)
Charlie: "Husk! You gave them-?"
Husk: "....bar's always got snacks. And they were just. Staring at me."
Angel Dust: "Husky noooooo....!"
Vaggie: "How? I did a double sweep for undeclared cookies just two days ago- you KNOW what Charlie does to your bar if she goes snack hunting in the middle of night and actually finds something. She's like an adorable cookie gremlin."
Charlie: "Heheh!"
Husk: "Yeah well, she's not the only one allowed to like f- fffffffudging cookies. And your kid seems to take after her, so whatever."
Angel Dust: "Baby cat, that's no reason ta- oh for cryin' out loud, now what Vaggot?"
Vaggie: "...what? I didn't say anything."
Charlie: "Vaggieee, you're smiling~"
Vaggie: "Huh?"
Husk: "Like a dumb... dumb."
Niffty: "Beaming! Grinning! AS WIDE AS A SLIT THROAT-"
Cherri: "-fuck fuck fuck, shit shit, damn crap hell- here, take my money and don't fucking talk like THAT in front of the kid either, what the fuck."
Angel Dust: "Sickening."
Niffty: "Thanks!"
Angel Dust: "I meant Darth Vaggie getting all googey eye'd over her an' Charlie chip having a kid."
Charlie: "Oh so you think they're my kid too, huh?"
Angel Dust: "Are ya gonna let Vaggie raise 'em without ya?"
Charlie: "No~pe~!!!"
Angel Dust: "Then congrats on parenthood ta both of ya, it's already going to hell."
Vaggie: "Okay, uh-"
Husk: "You're gonna fffffeathering cry again."
Vaggie: "-no I'm not, I'm just glad the... my kid isn't still crying. Our kid. They, really are pretty happy with the cookie aren't they?"
Charlie: "Of course they are! It's CHOCOLATE CHIP!!"
Angel Dust: "It's not. Baby food."
Charlie: "It is if it's my baby, and they get milk to go with the cookie!"
Angel Dust: "V-gal, stop her! Use ya dang mom veto!!"
Vaggie: "Eh. Charlie was a hellborn kid and she grew up fine. I trust her."
Charlie: "AWww!!!"
Angel Dust: "Unbelievable."
Husk: "Whipped."
Vaggie: "Yeah? My kid didn't even have to say anything to get a cookie out of you, fluff boy."
Cherri: "Uh, guys.... gays...?"
Husk: "What."
Charlie & Vaggie: "What?"
Angel Dust: "Both and speaking, baby."
Cherri: "Where did..... the baby go...?"
Hotel crew: "....."
Place where baby was: (empty except for crumbs)
Spear Baby: (gone)
Vaggie: (wings bristling) "The-"
Charlie: "OUR!"
Vaggie: "Our-"
Demon Charlie: "-BABY!?"
Niffty: "MOTHER OF FUCK." (throws down swear jar) (tries throwing herself onto the broken shards but angel dust and husk grab her)
-meanwhile, elsewhere in the hotel-
Alastor: (walking quickly)
Spear Baby: (crawling after him)
Alastor: "....shoo."
Spear Baby: "Guh!"
Alastor: (nervous sweating) (walks FASTER)
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ladydeath-vanserra · 4 months
Hello 👋
I love your thoughts on anti ic and the way you delve into everything and actually name the issues within them .
I have a rant about Feyre :
I liked her in Book 1 but book 2 onwards Mr SA melted her brain . There are lots of things that irk me about feyre : Her Hipocrasy first and foremost
The Hipocrasy is strong with this girl istg , like you're the one who does a free public porn show for the guy who SA you and then have the gall to compliment rhys when he uses his powers on keir for calling you a whore. Like wtf ? I am on kiers side in this , if your dictator ( because that's what rhysand is ) was fingering a fae in front of all of his court I'd be disgusted too .
The scene where feyre starts crying because of nestas expenditure ? Like bitch you have 5 houses and your "friend s" are always out drinking and fucking and you don't have a problem with that ? I actually think mor is an alcoholic and her relationship with cassian is incestuous.
Feyre locking Nesta in the HOW even after her trauma when tamlin locked her up in the manor like are you kidding me rn ? Seriously if I was nesta I would've verbally rendered feyre to a pile of dust .
Coming to that she also has no phycological damage from the 3 months rhysand SA her and made her do lap dances but when your sister is snarky and calls you for her decisions you have the gall to have trauma about that ? Be fr bro I call my brother whore for fun 💀( only children shouldn't be allowed to write sibling relationships - sjm )
Sorry if this got too long , I just wanted to rant to someone and I hope you understand ( you're one of the few people in this fandom with actual functioning neurons )
Thank you 💗
Yeah, I don't really get Rhysand's whole,,, well anything regarding politics tbh. He talks down and degrades the CoN and treat them as nothing more than oppressive misogynists' in front of them and then proceeds to perform sexual acts with the woman he then wants to be viewed in a professional, respectable and political light and when that doesn't happen, due to the whole sexual act and 'Rhysand's harlot' or whatever she called herself, thing, Rhysand then assaults Keir
So like.... he can assert authority and abuse power when it comes to disrespect to the girl he literally wanted to be his plaything in front of these people, but he can't assert authority when it comes to protecting the vulnerable populations of the CoN or to establish progressive laws. He says Keir is in charge of the CoN and that he can't use the Darkbringers without his permission but then he assaults the Steward of the CoN. High Lord or not that doesn't make a lick of sense if he ever wants to be viewed as a legitimate ruler. I would also be disgusted by such vulgar acts- besides these people did not consent to be witnesses to sexual acts of display
Feyre crying is... I dunno. Like I chalked it up to hormones, but I am more concerned with Rhysand's blatant manipulation and emotional and financial abuse of reading off expenses in front of every single member of the IC. That is a form of shame and humiliation in order for Feyre to 'get her sister under control'. But I also agree, I think it's completely unnecessary and hypocritical of Rhysand and Co to look down their noses at Nesta for spending money when Rhysand himself said that the IC bleed him dry with their flagrant spending on alcohol and parties- which is said in ACOMAF but then it gets played off for the Laugh
Feyre and Rhysand locking Nesta up in the HoW is just sooooo. guh. How is it that when Tamlin does it for *checks notes* five minutes it's the most egregious, unforgiveable sin but when Rhysand and Feyre not ONLY lock her up, they demolished her home, they had Elain pack up her belongings, they made her live with a man Nesta repeatedly, verbally said she wanted nowhere near her. Plus the humiliation factor of not only being talked at in front of the IC, but Rhysand, Feyre and Amren talking about Nesta via Mental Powers in front of Nesta. There was so, so much wrong with that entire scene and the fact that both the narrative and the fandom cannot see why that scene was so disgusting is quite frankly, alarming
Like I can get that Feyre could have emotional and internalized feelings of a bad self image via Nesta from childhood, but I am also aware of what can happen when children are forced into extremely small proximity with each other with a very toxic and unhealthy household. Nesta and Feyre both were at each other's throats. they were both awful to each other and there is a rather large amount of assumption by Feyre and a large amount of miscommunication with both the girls
Rhysand however, with all his abuses of Feyre UtM, just... being forgotten about, just like that, is very weird. Very weird, especially if Nesta is still paying for sins from before the first book even took place. Feyres not getting triggered from the Weavers cottage? shes not getting triggered with his "Feyre Darling"? She's not getting triggered being in the CoN where UtM was inspired by? She's not getting triggered wearing those scraps of clothes? She's not getting triggered when Rhys uses paint on Feyre in Chapter 55 or whatever chapter it was just like he did UtM in front of Tamlin??????
Feyre brings up UtM ONCE to Rhysand and he gets all hyperventilatey and says theyll 'talk about it later' and then guess what, it doesn't. It just gets explained that he just had to torture his mate and what it was doing to him
give me a break
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Hey! <3🫶🏿
Gwen and Pav saw Hobie laid back being chill, they thought he looks so cool with his 'I don't care' personality. They noticed how many girls he would get around him, it's crazy to see him flirting and putting on his British Charm just to get them blush. The ultimate Rizzler as Pav giggles about it between Gwen. They were laughing at the way the girls fawn over Hobie's bad boy charm, his slick coolness bloom.
"Another girl gave him, her number?" Gwen asked as they stopped another anomaly in this world.
Pav nodded, "Yup! Too bad they will never get a call from him. His world is in the 70s."
"Oh yeah, he doesn't know about certain technology..." Gwen giggles.
"You know, what I noticed!"
"Have you noticed how chill, and carefree he is, but" Pav turns his view to Gwen, "You saw how he reacts with-"
"Miles!" The two said at the same time with agreement. The two noticed how pink their punker gets whenever Miles comes around or touchy feely, he tries to play it off as being a kind friend.
"Right? He totally has a crush on him!" Pav said with excitement.
Gwen asked, "Who Miles having a crush on Hobie or Hobie has a crush on Miles?"
"Ahh," She grins widely, "Yeah, my gaydar keep going off whenever I see those two together."
"Are you okay with him crushing on your Miles?" Pav asked being concerned with Gwen's feeling. The Ghost-Spider did had feelings with their artistic friend.
"Yeah, me and him talked about our... feelings for one another isn't gonna work out. I'm pretty much trying to figure myself out first, and it's not fair to him after the whole Canon crap with Miguel." She sighs feeling a bit guilty to put her friend through so much. "It's fair for him to date someone..." Her blue eyes stare off at Hobie merely chatting to the teenage girls before they left. "Hobie would be good for Miles, and the same with Miles being good for him."
"Awe, you're such a good friend. You sacrifice your own selfish needs so your best friend can be happy! I'm so proud of you!" Pav hugs her with joy almost teary eye.
Gwen let out a low chuckle, "It's not that deep."
"Oh but it is. Gwen, you're a true Spider-woman!"
"Ha, yeah. I am!" She grins widely showing off her gap tooth.
"Hey, mates. What you two talking about?" Hobie calls them over as he walks toward them with his hands in his pockets. His wicks bounces by every step he takes.
"Nothing! Just... we wonder if you could rizz up anyone!" Pav said out loud.
"Rizz?" He tiled his head at the modern slang. The poor guy takes a while to understand his friends' slang because they live in a time where everything is modern. Especially when technology is so advance, he can understand it since he's one smart punker. Yet, it takes time for him to understand the devices like Smartphones, computers that are in smaller forms called tablets? What a wild time for him to live!
"You know, Rizz! To flirt or woo a person! It's a popular slang in our worlds." Pav explained, "Can you charm anyone if you want?"
"I wouldn't say everyone, but yeah. Why?" Hobie eyes at his two friends.
"Well, we know you always get girls to talk to you. We just want to know your secret." The blond teenager said.
"It's pretty easy. You just be cool, calm, relax like this," He kept his posture the same, "and give a look like this. Have your eyelids half open and smirk." His eye lids half open almost alluring, his smirk made his lips more lush, something about his face always enchant them.
They got Pav and Gwen blushing a bit at how easily they were rizzed by their friend. "Oh my Brahma! Turn that off! Turn that off, I think I almost fallen for you!" Pav put his hand on Hobie's face being on his tippy toes.
"Guh-" Hobie muffled by the sudden hands on his face.
Gwen could only closed her eyes, with her arms crossed and foot tapping on the ground. She's too upset with herself to be woo by Hobie's charms, and it wasn't all that much. Damn, he got her.
"You two asked!" Hobie chuckles in amusement, "Nothing wrong with that..."
"Well, it's better than what Miles' learn from his Uncle." Gwen admits finally looking at her friend.
Pav laughs out loud pulling his hands away from Hobie's face, "Oh yeah, the hand on the shoulder then go," He mimics the move to Gwen with is hand placed on her left shoulder, and his voice deeper, "Hey!"
"AHHH, ewww!" Gwen laughs with shrills in her voice being so weirded out by that move. "Ugh, it's so bad!"
"Hahaha, tell me about it. It's just weird!" Pav laughs along with Gwen having to do a little jog in place to release his laughter out somehow. "I bet you can pull it off." He said to the punker.
"Me? Pfft, I doubt it. It looks bonkers!" Hobie said out loud. "Your not gonna catch me doing that."
"Okay, but can you rizz up Miles? The same way you did with me and Pav. We wanna see his reaction."
Hobie bite his bottom lip, cursing himself to brag a bit. "Sure..." Putting a fake smiles, he saw Gwen and Pav giggles among themselves. Something tells him this might be bad...
~Later at Headquarters ~
"I told you, I have my own way." Hobie said to Pav.
"Oh, come on. You got show us what kind of move your gonna do!"
Gwen saw Miles portal opening up, "Um... Guys get ready. Miles is coming.
Miles run out of the portal to find his friends, "Hey, guys! I'm sorry I was late, had to finish up a project for tomorrow's class." He breathes heavily.
Hobie's whole body frozen, he could feel his heart beat in his ears, for the first time he felt his pawns sweating, "Oh you're just in time, right Hobie?" Gwen giggles.
Miles look at the tall singer with admiration, his doe like eyes couldn't get any bigger with those honey-glazed brown eyes. Pav and Gwen saw how Hobie's magazine collage around him turns pink with small fonts that read, "Fuckfuckfuck!"
The punker had a plan to do his look, but Miles' joyful face caught his off guard, Once again.
"Oh hi, Hobie! What's up, man?" Miles let out a small smile at him.
Hobie calmly walk up to Miles having his normal color, then he awkwardly place his right hand on Miles' right shoulder being taken an aback by this sudden gesture.
Gwen groans, "Oh no, not that."
"Oh boy..." Pav shook his head.
Then Hobie let out a small smirk then said, "Hey."
"That looks so damn awkward from here." Gwen said to Pav.
Pav nodded, "Not even his accent came save him. No way this will-" The two saw Miles being super bashful, his hand on his cheeks heated as was wooed by Hobie.
"It works on him!!!" Gwen stood in shock.
"Wow!" Pav's mouth dropped. "The bar is really low for him then?"
"So cool." Miles said, being flustered. "Hobie, how can you do that while be cool?"
"I'm always cool, luv." He grins widely, pulling his hand away. Not his best move, but it did the job. Gwen and Pav watches being too surprised. No one can rizz like Hobie!
"Ca-can you teach me, man!" Miles' eyes gleams bright almost like two sunflowers being blessed by the sunlight, his body bend low to meet Hobie's eyes, those luscious plump lips suddenly look so glossy almost kissable. The sixteen year old hold his arms behind his back as he cheeks flustered from being shy to ask for more advice, "Please, Hobie? I want to be cool like you, hmm?" He pucker his lips trying to do his best puppy dog pout.
Hobie's eyes widen like he saw something so forbidden, something too damn cute. It was all too much for him, his whole body turned pink to red to soft pink then flashing through many pinks and reds. It stopped when his whole body turns to sparkle heart shape stamps red paper.
"WHOA! I never seen him do that before!" Gwen shouted in shock.
Pav gasps, "He can have sparkle paper!"
"Um... Hobie?" Miles' hand gently tug Hobie's sleeve.
The seventeen year old quickly cover his mouth trying to hold in his own colors, the red becoming vivid. "Um.. yeah, Sunflower." He couldn't stop looking at Miles, he's just too damn cute for his own good.
"I was hoping you can teach me," Miles' hand gently rub Hobie's hand, feeling the cold spandex and long fingers with his own slender warm hands. "right now?" He looks up at Hobie with those bright eyes and beautiful sunkisses glowing cheeks.
Hobie froze again almost fainting. "Hobie, are you okay, man?" Touching Miles' hand was enough to send him fainting, he felt his whole body to warm... too red for his own good.
"I'm... I'm fine, luv." He lies trying to play it off.
Pav whistled, "Looks like they're meant to be!"
"Ditto. Let's go get lunch!" Gwen offers.
"Oh sweet! Let's leave the lovebirds." The two walks away to go get some food. Looks like the Rizzler have been rizzed by Miles.
Miles merely smiles at Hobie, who is still frozen in place being all sparkly with red and pink colors. "Hobie, your so funny..." Miles giggles.
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Utah at the Roller Rink
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Guh I love this little stupid silly baby and I want to throw him (more under the cut)
I love him he’s so chuckable also I did not know where the hell to put him sooo… Rollerskating? Ig
Utah HC’s bc I’m very autistic :3
He’s a gay aceflux caedsexual cis man
He’s (technically) mixed, he’s Dutch and about 25% Mexican but doesn’t say he’s mixed bc it complicates things and White is just easier
Speaks some broken Spanish but doesn’t use it unless he’s talking to NM
Went on his mission as a Mormon to Boston and then worked at the training centers for as long as he could until he ended up leaving the church
Illithiya and him got divorced after Brayden (youngest) moved out
(Not a Utah HC but) Illithiya now lives in Hawaii
In a relationship w/ the four corners BUT his gay awakening was Nevada who he had severe denial of and convinced himself he couldn’t be gay because Nevada is a trans man and was “technically” a woman
^^^ he also no longer thinks like this
I enjoy believing he was extremely outwardly homophobic until the 2010’s when he finally realized how little he was attracted to Illithiya
Illithiya and him are on talking terms still and she really hasn’t been offended about it since immediately after she found out
Only 2 of his children know that he is gay and in a relationship (Kinsley and Zach, YES I COUNT ZACH.)
(Also not a Utah HC but) Kinsley also came out to him as Trans when she was 23 and Utah had to change himself for her and now currently has the best relationship with Kinsley out of the 8
Jaxon, Kaylee, Kayden, Jayden, and Ahmed all do not know that Utah is gay (he hides it really well at holidays)
Brayden completely cut contact with him and left the church
Hates any and all jokes about him being a “good Mormon boy” or anything like that unless they come from his partners
God I wrote ALOT there whoopsies ☺️
Hope you enjoyed my stupid ranting I’m gonna go spend the next 27 days dissociating until I begin to art more
/srs tho I joined a Graphic Design program at a community college and have been making a lot more art now but idk if I’m gonna become unmotivated randomly so please don’t worry if I disappear with new art content for months on end/j
Tysm for getting to this point! Hope you enjoy my art AND my bullshit, see you again soon :3
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