#lwa headcannons
envieddude · 2 years
Random LWA headcanons
Croix listens to rock music (mainly grunge, metal, alt rock, punk rock). Her Favorite band is Korn.
Remember Marjolaine (that rockstar in the samhain episode)? Croix and Chariot are/were definetly friends with her. Or at the very least acquaintances (Btw its were Croix got her music taste from).
Chariot doesn't really listen to rock but will ocassionally listen to it with Croix. She's into 80's-90's pop music.
Chariot wrote some plays back in her days where she performed. She ocassionally changes them and shows them to Akko.
Akko can eat anything sour with no reaction. I don't think I need to explain this one.
Amanda will mock Chariot and Croix in a friendly manner. She has a good relationship with Professor Nelson after season 2 but still hates Finnelan.
Amanda once told Finnelan to kiss her ass... Croix was involved before, during and after.
Amanda blasts classical music out loud to annoy Diana. Diana blasts country music out loud to annoy Amanda. The rest of the new Nine watch this in confusion.
Akko asked Chariot to not be a mother figure to Diana because they're dating and it would be weird. Chariot purposefully "ignores" Akko.
Diana got EXTREMELY emotionally attached to Croix and Chariot after season 2 due to them showing her motherly affection she hadn't received in so long.
Croix and Chariot are both trans women. They'll help each other with their daily shots and are openly supportive to transgender/genderqueer people.
Chariot has ADHD and Croix has ASD. They both helped Akko to recognize her symptoms and get diagnosed with ADHD.
The new nine always hang out with eachother on the weekends. Croix, Akko, and Amanda love prank calling people, even if they're in the same room as them. Chariot, Diana, and Lotte drink tea together. Sucy and Constanze play videogames.
Croix and Constanze love to fix things together. Sometimes they even fix things for the school.
Alright, that's the end of my post. I may do more. 😊
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kessyathena · 11 months
Croix is a time traveler!
Little Witch Academia crackpot theory #17: Croix Meridies is really a time traveler who visited the future. Aside from explaining where she got all her tech from, why do I think this?
I sometimes put Star Trek: The Next Generation on as background. Something comforting to break the quiet that I don't have to pay attention to. Today I happened to have an episode called "Ethics" (s5e16) and I realized that one of the characters is awfully similar to Croix.
Brief summary for non-Trekkies: One of the crew suffers a serious injury that leaves him paralyzed and the ship's doctor isn't able to treat it. A specialist (Dr. Toby Russell) comes on board promising a miracle cure. It turns out that Dr Russell is prone to using patients as guinea pigs for her unproven, experimental treatments.
Does this sound at all familiar to anyone? On top of this Dr Russell has a similar personality to Croix, charming on the outside but ruthless underneath. I think she even sounds and looks a bit like Croix. Here's the two of them side by side.
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chaosofsoul · 10 months
I read fanfiction on LWA in which Jasminka has an "Absolute taboo" but she tries to bring it to life with all the possibilities, and then I remember that her demon devoured LIVING PEOPLE. Congratulate me now, my headcannon, that Jasminka has signs of cannibalism and desire, but she hides it VERY well...
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blazestarninja13 · 4 years
Some more LWA headcannons for y’all
Croix was secretly a massive weeb and only Chariot knew until Akko accidently discovered her Anime DVD collection. From then on, Croix, Chariot and their seven gay children sometimes have anime marathon nights.
Akko is a huge Animal Crossing fangirl and eventually gets Diana into it.
Akko has different ringtones on her phone for each of her friends (might go futher into that on a later post)
Amanda can low-key sing well but hates people knowing that she can until one day, Akko walked in on her jamming out to Green Day.
Constanze starts to take after Croix’s love for instant ramen after she introduces it to her and finds that it’s the easiest thing for her to prep in her workshop.
Despite loving monster films, Constanze’s favourite movie is actually Big Hero 6.
After playing Cards Against Humanity one night (That was Amanda’s idea), everyone finds out that Diana has a really dark sense of humour.
Once on the 4th of July, Amanda kicked down a door while playing the US Anthem on a kazoo.
Amanda is an ultimate pun lord and makes some of the best/worst puns that have ever been heard.
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lavmana · 3 years
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This is totally not headcannon, this is objective fact
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duke-chainsaw · 4 years
Oooo! 🏳️‍🌈Akko!!
I didn't know if you wanted a story or some hcs, so I did both!
Firstly, I see Akko as being bisexual or pan.
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Other hcs:
-Akko is a very deep sleeper and tends to snore, which can bother Lotte at times. This is helpful for Sucy who likes to do experiments on Akko when she’s asleep.
-Akko is very bad at coming up with comebacks when her friends tease her, and she obviously gets flustered fast. The only person she can seem to fluster herself is Diana. This leads to Akko constantly teasing Diana about everything, and Diana secretly likes the attention. 
-Akko looks to Amanda to help her learn how to fly, and to everyone’s amazement, Akko is actually a very quick learner. She quickly becomes so good at flying that Amanda and her often have races.
-One time, Akko used Metamorphie Vestesse to impress Diana, and everyone was left dumbfounded. Because... Diana freaked out. Lotte and Sucy were impressed. Amanda helped out of course. It was a very interesting scene. Hannah and Barbara fainted again.
-Akko LOVES romantic gestures, but she struggles with coming up with her own. She also struggles for awhile to figure out WHO she’d want to make a romantic gesture to.
-Akko’s sense of humor shifts radically all the time. One day she’ll have a super dark sense of humor and the next, she’ll be coming up with the WORST puns.
-Akko really likes to snuggle and cuddle, and hug, but most of her friends don’t. She often looks to Lotte to spread her physical affection, until she finds out that Diana secretly LOVES physical affection like cuddling and hugs. 
-Once Akko finds out the Barbara likes Night Fall like Lotte, she convinces them to create a book club centered around that series. To everyone’s surprise (except Akko’s), Sucy is the first member (besides Barbara and Lotte) to join. Sucy just shrugs at this.
-Akko loves pranks just as much as Amanda and Sucy, even though she is often on the receiving end of them. She likes to join in on their shenanigans by pranking the blue team in super creative ways. The one person that will never be pranked is Lotte.
Very short story:
- This will be based on the book club hc above -
“You should totally start a book club for Night Fall!” Akko exclaimed in her usual overly-enthusiastic way.
“I don’t know, Akko. Not many people are interested in Night Fall.” Lotte replied hesitantly.
“Well I know you, Barbara, and maybe Sucy are! I can organize everything for you!” Akko counted off exactly three people on her fingers.
“Sucy? Why- Wait, you would organize it?” Lotte asked, her expression matching the obvious doubt in her tone. Akko gave a big, cheerful smile.
“Of course I will! Leave it to me. And maybe Diana. I know she’ll help me.” Akko reassured, her excited manner wearing Lotte down.
“Ok, maybe we can try out this idea. I guess it’ll be fun.” Lotte yielded, and Akko pumped her fist into the air in joy.
“Yes! It will totally be fun!” Akko confirmed with a nod. Then the energetic, brown-haired witch gave Lotte a quick hug before running off. Lotte could only guess she was off to drag Diana into this interesting plan. 
Lotte sighed with a smile, thankful to have such a great friend. Though now she needed to find Sucy. Why would Sucy want to join her Night Fall book club?
-This is all based on these two scenes from Episode 8 of the TV show -
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(Luckily Akko saved this Sucy from death ;))
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(Man, I love this episode)
Should I write a full fic based on this headcannon?
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dailydianakko · 5 years
Ma’am, spare Diana struggling with technology and needing the help of Akko ma’am?? (I’m in dire need of some of it)
OwO struggling Diana?
Diana literally can never take a crisp photo. It’s always slightly blurry. Akko tries to hold her hand steady, but somehow it’s worse?
Diana forgets how to charge her phone. She’s used to wands absorbing and storing ambient magic. Akko had to buy her a charger. Three times.
Siri activates at the worst times. Diana speaks to Siri like it’s real person. “Diana it’s an program” “Akko, being polite is important.”
Diana has the ugliest phone case. Akko buys a Shinty Chariot one for her, and it takes Diana a week to start using it.
Akko had to teach Diana that most laptops do not have touch screens, and that no, It wasn’t a large flip phone.
Diana once set an Alexa on fire. It startled her, and she fired off a spell. Akko’s mom thought it was hilarious.
Akko has tried to teach Diana how to face time. It has not been effective.
“Akko, how do I use the google?”
“Akko, how do I delete myself from the internet?”
“Akko, what exactly is a Yewchtube???”
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minjukangminju · 4 years
Diana would definitely try to learn Japanese for Akko, since Akko knew english and it didn’t feel fair to her that she got to communicate in her mother tongue and Akko didn’t. Cue Akko telling her that hentai means pretty.
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ace-the-fox · 5 years
I think I should apologise in advance for hurting our boy even more, but I had to make things angsty because that's how I live my life.
Anyway I've seen a few ideas for Andrew's absent mum (in most of them she's dead but Diana's mum is dead, we can't have two dead mums that's too many) so I made my own.
Her name is Claire. She ached for a rebellious life as a child but her mother was very much like Andrew's father, so it never happened. So when she was finally an adult she decided to live life on the wild side. Which is how she ended up drunkenly sleeping with Paul Hanbridge.
A month or two passes and Claire finds out she's pregnant. She tries to get an abortion but then her mother somehow finds out. Being a very religious woman, Claire's mum forces her to keep the baby and get married to Paul. Very much a forced marriage as they both actually hate each other's guts and just slept together for being very attractive at that age (hence why Andrew is such a chick magnet).
A few years pass and Claire turns out to be a terrible mum. She was an alcoholic with terrible mood swings. One minute she'd be fine, even play piano with Andrew at times because they both enjoyed it, but when things were bad they were bad. Claire would scream and shout at the maids and butlers and whatnot, but the worst was what she would holler at Andrew. She'd tell him he was "a waste of her time" and "a putrid little shite" and that she wished she "got rid of him when she had the chance."
Then Claire meets another guy. And after a ton of loud arguments after Andrew's bedtime that kept him up late, an inevitable divorce occurred. Andrew wasn't explained that "mummy and daddy aren't going to be together anymore" he was just told. And by the next morning everything on his mother's side of her parents bedroom was gone. As if she never existed. And, although she treated him as an unloved pet instead of her child, he missed her terribly.
Ten years later, Andrew still hasn't let go of it. It's why he talks about his father so highly. It's why, no matter how many times he shushes his opinion or criticises his thoughts, he always respects and obeys his father.
He's not always happy with him, but it's better than living with his mother.
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berries-r-us · 6 years
I want Ruby to meet Akko for no real reason
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itzleon345 · 3 years
Is your LWA hero au fic still up somewhere? Got interested in the idea :3
Gee, this was a really old idea, I don’t really have a fanfic at all! Just a bunch of headcannons and random drabbles, I can post those if you want tho!
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pancat-n-sausage · 4 years
I just wanted to say I really like you’re aftereffects LWA AU and was wondering if you were still doing headcannons for it? I wondered what Akko’s favorite animal form was? And if Diana had a favorite form Akko takes?
oh i think i answered the akko one before but i’ll say it again it’s ok! and i’ll try to put some hcs hrnngng i’m still sleeby
akko’s favorite form is a peregrine falcon! she likes the freedom and safety ☺️
diana’s favorite of akko’s forms is actually her fox form. small enough to hold and put into a tote bag but also fierce!! sharp!! free!!! a regal member of the forest!! (not that akko actually acts regal in any way, shape, or form.)
sometimes people see diana walking around with a little fox by her side and they’re like “oh did you get a new familiar? i always see it getting stuff for you” and she’s just like “no. this is a wild animal.” cue akko making fucking feral fox noises and foaming at the mouth
same goes for when she’s a falcon. she’ll drop down from the sky without warning and diana will hold her arm up as a perch without even taking her eyes off her book. “is. is this one of your famili—” “oh this falcon? no. she’s wild too. just shows up sometimes. doesn’t even have a name. i haven’t the heart to drive her off.” meanwhile akko is snuggling into diana’s hair
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swordslinger95 · 7 years
Dumb LWA headcannon.
In my head, Akko is actually a really good archer, like, if you can see it, she can shoot it level of good. It’s actually a talent of her’s, one that actually surprises her friends. After all, who would expect a constant screw up like Akko to be able to nail a bullseye everytime when some left over bows and arrows were lying around. 
I’m think this could happen, since, in the show, she never shows any problem drawing a bow back, and while, yeah, it is magic, so that probably helps, but she also never misses a shot. 
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blazestarninja13 · 4 years
So I was chatting to my dad about some of my LWA headcannons the other day (he watched the series with me) and he came up with one that made complete sense yet brought to laughing in tears.
Croix likes randomly doing Fortnite dances
Knowing that Croix is a gay disaster already, it makes total sense...
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catgirlsupremacist · 7 years
Pidge being Italian might have ruined my headcannon of her being related to lotte from lwa
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duke-chainsaw · 4 years
🏳️‍🌈Amanda hcs pleaseee
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Here are some Headcannons! Thank you for the submission!
I see Amanda as a genderfluid lesbian
A huge HC I have with her is she is secretly a useless lesbian who gay panics around people she crushes on, but most people don't know this.
She teases people she really likes
When she REALLY likes someone and doesn't want to admit it, she says she hates them.
She can be just as stupid and oblivious as Akko.
She loves doing pranks, especially on the blue team and Akko. She often employs Sucy to help.
She has a huge brotp with Sucy
She's never had a true girlfriend and rarely actually crushes, though she has had many flings
As everyone in the fandom believes, she is responsible for most gay awakenings in Luna Nova
She will randomly use Metamorphe Vestiss to slick back her hair, but she changes the outfit with the hair
She won't admit it, but she thinks Barbara is cute
She LOVES Lotte! Not romantically, but she thinks Lotte is a cinnamon roll. And to be fair, Lotte is.
She made a pact with Sucy that she will never prank Lotte
Her favorite person to prank is Hannah
Some days Hannah will avoid her and others Hannah will go out of her way to harass her.
She loves going on night flights to clear her head.
She teaches other students how to ride brooms for free because she loves it so much.
She is actually very good with magic, though not very good with languages.
She could challenge Diana in transformation magic and broom flying.
She's actually good at singing.
She learned FROM AKKO how to transform herself into animals, and her and Akko often go cause trouble in random animal forms
She is so close to her team members. THEY ARE FAMILY! And Conz is seen smiling the most when she's with Jas and Amanda.
She was ALMOST recruited to join the party in episode 10.
Amanda's favorite teacher is Croix, but she acts like she hates Croix.
Because Amanda has many people crushing on her, girls love to slip magic love potions in her drinks, and this love potion is made with cupid bee venom. It wears off after a few hours, but it makes her go crazy.
Sucy is the one who helps the girls who like Amanda by making these potions. She would even use them to prank Amanda herself. It has made Amanda fall in love with basically all the girls in the og cast at one point. Once Amanda accidentally fell in love with Sucy, Sucy stopped making the potions alltogether.
Sucy always makes her laugh. They have contests to see who has the better sense of humor and who can make more people laugh.
One of her dreams has always been to start a magic business involving brooms and flying.
She has always wanted to fly with wings, but she has yet to figure out how to use transformation magic to do it.
She loves trying new foods, and Jas encourages this by making her team new foods.
She is actually very graceful on her feet, as she is in the air.
Amanda loves heights.
She knows a lot of people outside of the og cast, and she's distantly related to Avery.
Despite Avery being a snobby rich girl like Hannah and Barbara can be (sometimes), she allows herself to relax and do stupid things when she's around Amanda. Only Amanda though, and if Amanda is in a group, Avery will avoid her.
Amanda gets flustered around Lotte, and Lotte thinks it's funny and cute.
Amanda LOVES ice cream sandwiches.
She once imitated Diana to fluster Akko (like Akko did in the mirror episode).
She once tried to imitate Sucy using a spell to find out why Sucy always covered one of her eyes and her legs, but the spell failed... Weirdly. Even though it works when she tries to imitate literally anyone else.
She finds Sucy super interesting, and Sucy tolerates her. Lotte thinks that Sucy secretly enjoys the attention and help with her experiments on Akko.
She ships everyone together, especially Diakko, though she crushes on Akko a little bit.
She's the one that pushes Conz to work with Croix, and it turns out they are awesome together. Amanda even saw Conz freely smiling with Croix, which is beautiful.
Once, Sucy and her used Metamorphe Vestiss to cause girls around the school to gay panic, particularly Akko, Lotte, Hannah, and Barbara.
Once, Amanda convinced Akko to use Metamorphe Vestiss, but Akko looked so good that Amanda gay panicked and ran off. The funny thing was is, she ran off to grab Diana, and they ended up both gay panicking.
Amanda and Sucy have prank wars on each other. They started in secret with little things, but it became obvious and involved bigger things.
I wrote a lot bc I feel like some of these aren't original... Hope you like these!
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Gosh, I love this disaster lesbian ;)
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