#asd headcanon
sprinkleofquirk · 6 months
In honor of autism acceptance month, I present to you my favorite autistic characters and why I think how I know they’re autistic 🖤❤️🖤
Please feel free to add on 💕
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(And please no spoilers, I haven’t gotten up the courage to watch season 3 yet- I’m not ready for the emotional damage 😩)
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envieddude · 2 years
Random LWA headcanons
Croix listens to rock music (mainly grunge, metal, alt rock, punk rock). Her Favorite band is Korn.
Remember Marjolaine (that rockstar in the samhain episode)? Croix and Chariot are/were definetly friends with her. Or at the very least acquaintances (Btw its were Croix got her music taste from).
Chariot doesn't really listen to rock but will ocassionally listen to it with Croix. She's into 80's-90's pop music.
Chariot wrote some plays back in her days where she performed. She ocassionally changes them and shows them to Akko.
Akko can eat anything sour with no reaction. I don't think I need to explain this one.
Amanda will mock Chariot and Croix in a friendly manner. She has a good relationship with Professor Nelson after season 2 but still hates Finnelan.
Amanda once told Finnelan to kiss her ass... Croix was involved before, during and after.
Amanda blasts classical music out loud to annoy Diana. Diana blasts country music out loud to annoy Amanda. The rest of the new Nine watch this in confusion.
Akko asked Chariot to not be a mother figure to Diana because they're dating and it would be weird. Chariot purposefully "ignores" Akko.
Diana got EXTREMELY emotionally attached to Croix and Chariot after season 2 due to them showing her motherly affection she hadn't received in so long.
Croix and Chariot are both trans women. They'll help each other with their daily shots and are openly supportive to transgender/genderqueer people.
Chariot has ADHD and Croix has ASD. They both helped Akko to recognize her symptoms and get diagnosed with ADHD.
The new nine always hang out with eachother on the weekends. Croix, Akko, and Amanda love prank calling people, even if they're in the same room as them. Chariot, Diana, and Lotte drink tea together. Sucy and Constanze play videogames.
Croix and Constanze love to fix things together. Sometimes they even fix things for the school.
Alright, that's the end of my post. I may do more. 😊
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krispmoon · 2 months
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Hey guys. Hear me out on my autistic Jaehee headcanon. Please. Because like. /pos
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beep-beep-robin · 6 months
i just know steve sits with robin when she‘s overstimulated and just needs to be in the presence of someone who gets it, gets her, but still gives her space to decompress and stim
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asexualenjolras · 2 years
Tyler and Xavier this, Enid that ... what about Wednesday Addams aroace?
Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones. And Wednesday Addams shows 0 interest in romantic relations unless they are first initiated. That girl is on the spectrum in more ways than one.
A.K.A. she's on two different spectrums: autism and asexuality.
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projectbatman193 · 2 years
Reblog with a character you'd like to bestow this honor.
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Damian Wayne is autistic cos I said so
But also evidence
Trouble socialising has missed social ques over and over connects more to animals then people:
Example: trauma dumping on a 4yr old
When Dick was freaking out about his girlfriend possibly being pregnant Damian completely ignore that and demanded Dick's attention and followed him to his apartment.
Strong sense of justice
Struggles to go against his own morals
Example: gotham wars- won't let goons run Gotham
Immediately going vegetarian for batcow
Repetitive movements/
Saying "tt" alot
Could defiantly classify under a stim, as stimming is basically a release /express of emotions and he does it consistently
Insistent on sameness:
Example; Didnt want to get a haircut only Alfred could do it
Viewing jon as a master student situation and seeing the teen titans the same
We know Damian spends hours to days fixated on something
Example: hacking into the batcomputer fir Tim's hit list
"It was child's play"
"That took you 6 hours"
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
(Not super strong evidence as common but ads to the mix
Food struggles
"I hate orange juice with pulp
Immediately sympathising with Trinity- the mac and cheese has crumbs in it
"I eat fear for breakfast
"No you eat ovaltine and pop tarts"
- strange food combination but maybe implying he eats the same thing every day
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sprinkleofquirk · 4 months
Reposting but with the original collage that I made and would have posted if I wasn’t such a scaredy-pants
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“buT hE’S A clonE He Can’T Be aUTiStIc THeY hAVe THE sAmE PerFEcT geNes sO He’S NORmal”
Shut up. Echo’s the OG 😇
Link to original post ->
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slutforsnow · 6 months
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- WILL listen to you ramble
- writes songs about you and your hyperfixations and sings them to the covey (with your approval ofc<3)
- makes it her mission to find/make you clothes you feel safe in
- strokes your hair as you stim and talk about your interests
- takes you swimming with the covey (will bail and stay with if you don't wanna go)
- dances with you in the meadow
- kisses your forehead and sings you your favorite song when you're overstimulated
- when you're stimming, she is doing it with you with the biggest smile on her face, happy to see you happy
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letsatomicbanana · 2 years
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I know that i'm a genius
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mouserissa · 8 months
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For those who headcanon him as autistic; and for those, like me, who are on the spectrum and love him. ❤️
Free for use as long as you credit me! :)
These will be available for purchase on RedBubble soon. Stay tuned!
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tobias-hankel · 1 year
Morgan x reid headcanons? (fluff and angst please?)
I'm so sorry this has been sitting my inbox for like 2 months at least. I miss doing headcanons so much, thank you!
Morgan takes it upon himself to make sure Spencer eats. Spencer can get so caught up in his own head that he will forget to do basic things. He has also reminded Spencer to use the bathroom but they both would never tell a soul about that.
Spencer in turn makes sure that Morgan doesn't work out too much. It's great that Morgan is into fitness, but Morgan can turn his stress into a workout session that lasts hours and leaves him dehydrated and drained.
Derek is always quick to say what is bothering him while Spencer doesn't like confrontation and will bottle everything up until he pops - crying and yelling over something Derek thinks is small but really was months in the making.
When Spencer has something he wants to communicate to Morgan but he doesn't know how to get his words out - he will write Morgan a letter. Morgan keeps all of the letters - with his favorite being a letter explaining how Spencer really wanted to go to a farm and pet a cow but he wants to make sure he isn't called childish or anything by wanting or doing that.
Finding time for date nights is hard for any working couple, but even harder for people who are always on call and can be home one day and then thousands of miles away from home the next, so Morgan and Spencer don't plan dates - they consider their dates to be anytime they can do something they enjoy together.
For being so in love, Derek and Spencer don't really have much in common - to combat this, Spencer reads about topics that Derek enjoys. Cars, construction, sports - Spencer might not be able to build anything or play a sport but he can still hold a conversation with Derek about it.
Derek makes a point to listen and learn what Spencer is talking about. Spencer loves teaching and sharing what he knows and he loves nothing more than when someone actually cares about what he has to say. Derek hangs onto every word that comes from Spencer's lips.
Derek has a no work talk at home rule. They are at the office enough that Spencer can talk about it there and if they have to talk about it at home, they go for a walk or sit on the patio. Spencer had a hard time with it at first but quickly found out it improved his mental health.
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princesssarisa · 22 days
Autism headcanon: Snow White (Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs")
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*She loves animals and talks to them as if they were people.
*She's naïve and trusting to a fault. She's friendly and open with everyone she meets and never suspects ulterior motives from them. She assumes the Queen will never find her in the woods, despite the Queen's reputation as a powerful witch who knows everything. Nor, despite having been warned to beware of strangers, does it seem to occur to her not to trust the "old peddler woman" or not to believe what she says about the "magic wishing apple."
*She doesn't always follow social rules. For example, when she first arrives at the dwarfs' cottage and finds it empty, instead of waiting outside until the owners come home, she goes in, cleans the house, cooks supper, and then falls asleep on the beds without permission.
*She constantly sings and hums, which can be seen as a form of stimming, as can her clapping along to the music as the dwarfs sing for her in "The Silly Song."
*Furthermore, music seems to be a special interest to her, and a source of comfort and emotional stability, as is often the case for people on the spectrum. She sings entire songs about how singing can make you feel better ("With a Smile and a Song") and pass the time when there's work to be done ("Whistle While You Work").
*When she interacts with (seemingly) ordinary humans, she often seems shy and withdrawn. She's frightened and runs away from the Prince when he first comes into the courtyard, and even while smiling down at him from the balcony as he declares his love, she doesn't say a word, but non-verbally conveys that she returns his feelings by sending a dove down to "kiss" him. Later, she's clearly intimidated by the strange, overly forward "old peddler woman," though she doesn't seem to suspect that she's the Queen. By contrast, she's outgoing and confident when she's with the dwarfs or the animals; she seems to feel more free to be herself when she's with beings who are smaller than she is and who live outside of normal human society.
*She doesn't have normal egalitarian friendships. With the dwarfs and the animals, she behaves as a leader and a mother figure, while with other people (the Prince, the Huntsman, and the disguised Queen), she's shy and lets them do most of the talking.
*She's a stickler for cleanliness. When she finds a dirty, disorganized house, she can't bring herself to leave it that way, or to allow the dwarfs to come to the table with dirty hands.
*She covers her ears when Sneezy is about to sneeze at the end of "The Silly Song," knowing it will be too loud for comfort.
*Her skill at domestic work – although she learned it from having it forced on her by the Queen – seems like a specialized talent, and cooking in particular seems like a special interest of hers. She uses it as a skill to offer in place of money in exchange for lodging, as a way to help those in need (e.g. when she thinks the dwarfs are orphans), as a way to show affection (e.g. the "Grumpy" pie).
*When she runs through the dark forest, she panics when branches catch on her skirt or when she falls against them, and her imagination runs wild and convinces her that the trees have sinister faces and claws, that the logs in the water are alligators, etc. Now, of course any young girl who's never been in the forest before, and who is fleeing from her home for fear of being murdered yet has no idea where to go, would be equally terrified. But in addition to all this, who can say that the darkness and all the startling, uncomfortable physical sensations she goes through – the wind, the branches "grabbing" her, falling into the water, etc. – don't overwhelm her in and of themselves? The end of the scene, where she spins in all directions only to see scary glowing eyes everywhere, and finally falls to the ground and lies there sobbing, feels familiar to those of us who have panic attacks or meltdowns from sensory overload.
*She's very empathetic, sometimes at the expense of boundaries. When she initially thinks the dwarfs' cottage must belong to seven orphaned children, her compassion for them drives her to clean their whole house and cook soup for them before she even meets them. Once she meets the dwarfs, she wants to be friends with Grumpy despite his rudeness, when other people would have dismissed him as an annoyance. And later, her compassion for the "old peddler woman" makes her ignore all the dwarfs' warnings and bring her into the house. While of course not all people on the autism spectrum are either more empathetic than other people or less so, either highs or lows of empathy are common.
Of course, the Disney writers and animators didn't mean for Snow White to come across as autistic. They just meant to create an innocent, likable young girl. But all the same, she's easy for some of us on the spectrum to relate to.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @themousefromfantasyland, @the-dark-storybook-prince
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urfavhasavpd · 2 months
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Marina Ida from Splatoon is Autistic and has AvPD!
her safe person is pearl ^_^
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nocherryblood · 1 year
On Leviathan and Neurodivergence- the BluePara Pop Quiz.
Is it just me, or was the whole BluePara pop quiz just an exploration of Levi having neurodivergence? His self-esteem and confidence is knocked badly- both he and one of his special interests/hyperfixations is insulted- and he has a shutdown, "refusing" (aka unable) to come out of his room because it's his safe space.
What hits me hardest is the fact that everyone, especially Lucifer, responds with such kindness and concern, even if he knows he's tasked with getting Levi back into school. He and Barbatos both agree that it will take some time for Levi to rebuild his confidence, and everyone chips in to suggest alternative ways for Levi to continue learning whilst also allowing him to remain in a place he considers to be safe and comforting- this was especially seen when the idea came up to try to get Levi to change how he is and just drag him out of his room in order to get him into RAD, before the conversation was immediately interjected with the firm belief that getting Levi to be someone he wasn't and mocking his worries/fears would be wrong, and that, whilst the aim of their brainstorming is to find ways to help Levi to grow in himself, they ultimately want Levi to still be the person he always is and was and wouldn't actually want it any other way. They all air their frustration about the situation, but ultimately, they also love Levi for being, well, Levi- seen when Mammon questions how his own choice to skip school when feeling down is different to Levi's, and even MC has the option to add in that Levi's case feels different (as Lucifer says, in Levi's case it's that he's obsessing over something or, as in this situation, that he's having negative overthinking spirals that just leave him paralysed with fear)
Essentially, they all just want to help understand Levi better in order to help him find ways to manage his struggles in a more positive way.
Satan even offers to tutor Levi, and many of the others show sympathy and worry for Levi, such as Beel showing extreme restraint to offer him some of his meals and also whilst Asmo took the time and patience to recreate a dinner from the BluePara anime- something everyone took time to watch and analyse in the hopes of finding something to interest Levi enough to draw him out.
So to me at at least, this pop quiz was very much a look into Levi being neurodivergent-coded, and a heartwarming look at how the family try their best to understand each other and accommodate each others' needs and wants, even if they don't all understand each other or often have scraps because of it.
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number1blueoakfan · 6 months
red from pokemon is autistic
this isnt a new thing i js like psychoanalyzing him ok.
Red, in both the games and manga, show traits of ASD, or Autism spectrum disorder, or just Autism. In the games, it is much easier to spot, however.
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1; Speech
In the games, he is completely nonverbal, with the exception of a few times where Red is shown to speak. (Copycat, Masters EX, etc) Masters EX timeline is… Confusing, though in the games, he only speaks once. (Copycat) In the manga, he is shown to speak a lot, though it is harder to see it as autism, it is a spectrum disorder, and one side of the spectrum is never being quiet/having trouble being quiet.
2; Special interests
In the games AND manga, Red very obviously has a special interest in pokemon, given he has caught every type in Kanto and completed the pokedex, he is very intent and interested in pokemon battles, and overall, that's just his major special interest.
3; Sensory issues
Though we don't see much explicit proof of this, I believe that Red has fabric related sensory issues. The reason being, he doesn't change his clothing at all until Masters EX and generation 7, excluding the original red and blue games. In fire red/leaf green, he is 11, in gold/silver/crystal, he is 14. In the pokemon world tournament, he is 19. Why do I mention this? Well, that's because Red wears the exact same outfit for 8 whole years, as opposed to Blue, who changes his outfit throughout the series. A lot, if not all autistic people struggle with fabric related sensory issues, and struggle to find clothing they like the texture of, which causes them to wear the same clothes over and over again.
4; repetition/patterns
Pokemon battles, in my opinion, especially pokemon type advantages and disadvantages, deal with pattern recognition. This is a trait of autism, which leads me to believe, with Red's special interest in pokemon and battling, he has some form of pattern recognition when it comes to typing of pokemon.
In the manga, he is also shown to repeat movements, pick up on phrases a few times, etc, which can count for repetition. The phrases can also count for echolalia in a sense, a common thing with autism. This can also apply to the copycat thing.
5; Stimming/Stimulation
For Red, this is a difficult thing to see. Since in most of his appearances, the sprites don't move, or do not move much, it's hard to decide if he is shown to stim. It's also hard, given he cannot vocal stim, since he is non-verbal. (Games) This is where the manga comes into play, since the manga is more expressive, since that is the point of the manga. To show scenes in more detail. In the manga, he is shown to flail his arms when he's frustrated, (entering saffron city, etc) repeat phrases, which ties into echolalia, etc. Also, in the games, he is shown to have little/no facial expressions.
I feel like him disappearing on Mt. Silver was because he was so overwhelmed and overstimulated all the time with being champion- And thus, ran away with little/no explanation.
6; Over or under empathetic?
Red is shown to be very empathetic towards pokemon, a few people, and that's it. In the manga, however, he is shown to be both overly empathetic and under-empathetic. While he is not super emotional, he still is a bit emotional in the manga. Tying into this, autistic people have a very strong sense of justice. This is shown in both the games and the manga, given team rocket.
7; high or low functioning?
Red is obviously a very high functioning character. He is intelligent, and strategic, given he enjoys pokemon battles.
8; Social
I feel like he was isolated for displaying autistic traits as a kid, hence why Blue(m) was (presumably) his only friend. Also, the scene in the manga where he calls Misty an idiot and gets confused on why she's upset- Peak bluntness, chat. (A trait of autism) He's very blunt and straightforward throughout the manga, as well.
9; overall overview– Is this character autistic?
Very obviously, yes! Red is autistic. He checks out a lot of the boxes, and definitely shows signs of ASD, the most prominent ones being him being non-verbal, his pokemon special interest, and the whole sensory issue thing.
EDIT: also the fact satoshi (THE CREATOR OF POKEMON) is autistic and i believe has stated that red and i believe ash were based off him. quirks brow
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