#lyatt fic
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This is a family friendly/PG/mostly SFW (mostly because I occasionally reblog stuff with violence/gore, swearing, and intense whump lol) blog, so please keep that in mind when interacting! Any NSFW interactions will be blocked.
I am also an unashamed Christian!
Things to know about me:
FIRST THINGS FIRST, I am a proud member of the Rogue Squadron, so jot that down >:)))
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(basically, we like to spam our friends for fun. so you might see me spamming the replies and even reblogging several posts in a row)
Second, I write fanfics :))) I have fics for Hamilton, Star Wars, ATLA, Marvel, Wednesday, the Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, and One Piece. Drop by if you want to HERE!
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Genres I write: Fluff, friendship, healing, hurt/comfort, whump, angst, romance
and here's my YouTube where I post my edits!
And my Artfight account HERE!
Here's things I enjoy:
Writing, Musicals, Books, good wholesome comedy, chocolate, pretty gifsets, editing videos, etc.!
Things I'm posting a lot about ATM:
One Piece, The Phantom of the Opera, musicals in general, Star Wars, writing related stuff, random stuff I find funny, and Christian things.
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And Things I like!:
The Phantom of the Opera, One Piece, HTTYD (including all the series and the third movie), Les Misérables, Cobra Kai, Studio C, Jk! Studios, their Freelancers series, Manifest, Wednesday, the Addams Family, His Dark Materials (the show), Avatar: The Last Airbender, My Adventures with Superman, Star Wars (excluding sequel trilogy sorry), Spider-Man (personal fave are the TASM and Spiderverse movies), Back to the Future, Over The Garden Wall, Daredevil, Batfam (Wayne Family Adventures!), NBC'S Timeless, Wings of Fire, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, Artemis Fowl, Ducktales (2017), Hamilton, Newsies, Anastasia, Lego: Ninjago, TMNT (2012), Harry Potter, and more that I cannot remember right now!
Where I am considering some of these fandoms:
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I am a Hadley!Raoul, Book!Raoul—and Raoul de Chagny in general—defender, and a Raoulstine shipper (BUT I love the Phantom/Erik and do not dislike him by any means 🥺), and I don't really like Love Never Dies much. I'm a Tyler Galpin apologist but NOT an Xavier Thorpe hater. I also love the Star Wars original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, but not really the sequels. I don't hate the third HTTYD movie and I love all the HTTYD series. My favorite Spider-Man movies are the TASM ones, and Andrew Garfield is my fav Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Yes I love both Narnia and His Dark Materials.
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Ships I love:
Hiccstrid (HTTYD), Raoulstine (Phantom of the Opera), Zekeaela (Manifest), Silverparry (His Dark Materials), Wyler/Weyler (Wednesday), Petroclair (Wednesday), Clois (My Adventures With Superman), Peter and Gwen (TASM), Jaya (Ninjago), Lyatt (Timeless), Gomez and Morticia (The Addams Family)
Raoul de Chagny, Roronoa Zoro, Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Tyler Galpin, Grantaire
YouTubers I watch:
Andrew Burriss, DanTDM, The Merrell Twins, Aaron Burriss, Moriah Elizabeth, and Sam Tabor
Some other people I'm a fan of:
Hadley Fraser, Ramin Karimloo, Andrew Garfield, Charlie Cox, The entire cast of Jk! Studios (aka the OG Studio C cast), David Tennant, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Jeremy Jordan
Fandoms I've written for so far (and the links to their respective lists):
Hamilton: An American Musical
Star Wars
not a fandom, but here's link to my list of fics for the Chrumblr Whumblr challenge!
More lists to come!
Here's some fics I have in progress!
WOE IS WE (Wednesday)
(rogue squadron banner by @mrgartist! and Raoul de Chagny defense squad GIFs made by @faded-florals!!)
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Personal tags: #asterrisks, #longer asterrisks, #favorite asterrisks, #asterrisks in the tagses, #my writings, #aster's writing journey, #my editses, #aster's inbox, #was tagged, #by my friend, #my photography!
Other tags: #I like the funnies, #me, #astercore, #note to aster, #note to little aster
#writer problems, #that writer's life, #writing/literature, #writing references, #writing prompts, #fanfic writing references, #fanfic prompts,
#whump writing, #whump writing references, whump, whump art, whump prompts, whump writings/whump stories
#for future reference, #adulting, #parenting, #important, #awareness, #educational
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🤡 😈 🛒 💔 🎯
Okay my brain is still soup but let's give this a try
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
Okay listen sometimes I make funnies, BUT most of the time if I'm cackling to myself while I'm writing it's because one of my many idiots said or did something ironic or dumb or awkward. That being said, both of my current open WIPs have made me laugh while writing them, and that would be the Gary and Maggie teenage AU mess where they're both teenagers with crushes and act accordingly– foolishly– and Being Shelly.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Ah, yeah, you mean the Cian mentions I threw into the Agave + Caroline fic just to mess with you and @our-blood-is-our-ink???
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
So when I used to write Lu, it became this running thing that she had different hair in every fic, and I had a meta about it on the old blog that now I'm too lazy to go dig up. Otherwise though, most of the times you can guarantee at least one scene in a decent length work where I over describe the smell of something. Also I love a good parallel. And I also generally call my characters out for their habits the way a snarky shrink would, so. For all my kids that refuse a professional, congrats, they get me instead and I'm worse. :D
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Contrary to my reputation and to popular belief, I DO have emotions and I do hurt myself when I write. I know December 5th hurt the general audience, but it hurt me too! (and @andtherewerefireworks). Writing Rose's ~yknow~ scene hurt!!
And then I have this one Lyatt fic called Let Her Grow about the day one of their girls moves into her college dorm and I don't know why but it makes me tear up every time I reread it and I definitely shed a tear writing it. What the heck.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Hey Cate, considering I already tagged you, tell if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone owned up to guessing the December 5th ending? Even though... it was labelled... all along. Maybe after Mia was born, when it was clear that it wasn't that. Otherwise there's none that come to mind but I haven't posted series in a while, so.
Thanks Bandit!
Fanfiction Writer Emoji Ask
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galactic-pirates · 4 months
Ok Episode Two time of the Timeless movie.
Just realised I probably should have said I’m not a Wyatt fan, and I like Flynn and Lucy upfront. Oh well.
I don’t think I’m ever not going to be stuck on all the paradoxes. Episode One is just… no sense, logic is not found. I get that time travel is like that but I think it made sense in season one.
Right rambles!
Ok so they were in a helicopter crash. We didn’t get to see any of that. They basically have very few wounds. We get told that Wyatt is a hero who saved them, because of course (rolling my eyes).
Rufus is shipping team Lyatt? I am cringing so hard at the almost fourth wall break. And likening Lucy and Wyatt to all those famous couples? Blech.
And choosing Lucy over Jessica? Not a second choice? But he didn’t. I mean that is literally not what happened. Jessica came back and Wyatt immediately chose her.
Whomever the writer is for this, was shipping Lucy and Wyatt so hard and determined to make it work. I guess we should be kinda flattered that they had to write Flynn out so quickly or it would never have happened? I guess I sort of did that in my fic. But I at least gave Wyatt a happy ending with Jessica. Writing Flynn out as just getting to see his dead family one last time… I mean couldn’t they have had him do something more practical to save them? It’s like he just gave up and I hate that. Like why would he do that?
Anyway again Wyatt making it all about him. My fault. You said you’d never forgive me. /sigh.
Rufus seems a bit more… like the whole “I can’t wait to sleep with future you” and “have a thing for older women” - he was always pop culture joking but this feels like something else.
I sort of like that they are saving this random Korean lady but at the same time… it just feels, not very tight on the plot.
St Christopher - patron saint of travellers ha! I just got that. Very clever with Agent Christopher.
Emma stealing the Mona Lisa was funny and I did like Cahill’s reference to “it’s a family thing” which does callback to what Emma said about bloodlines etc. So that was a plus mark in the plot column.
Labour takes ages and women often walk about so why not just keep walking?
This just feels like such a diversion.
And Lucy is screaming for Wyatt like the damsel she never was /sigh. And Wyatt’s being the big damn hero with a soft side delivering the baby in the warzone. Could they be anymore obvious? It’s like ramming it down my throat
What’s with the frostbite talk and none of them wearing hats? Apart from Rufus. Clearly the only smart one.
I did like earlier that Jia expressed some hesitation about the 3 years they lived apart and the different memories. But they really did not have time to unpack that. And so it felt like they didn’t deal with it all. Just kiss and call it good. I wish Jia had told Rufus her concerns and they agreed to work it out. That would have felt more real.
Nice that Lucy mentioned Flynn.
Blech. Lucy’s “my life was over when I thought you were dead”. This just feels so forced. Like Wyatt hasn’t had a personality transplant. I can see their extreme circumstance leading to attraction but he is just not the guy to fall in love with. A fling, not a relationship.
Ok Jia pointing out the Agent Christopher patron saint of travellers was a bit on the nose. I knew the mothership was coming and I did smile at Agent Christopher’s “I wanted to time travel at least once”.
I also do like not forgetting about Amy. It was right for Lucy to not trust Emma. I also applaud Lucy’s morals but Amy is a bit different because the time travel itself scrubbed her from existence. It’s not like she died and they are trying to rewrite history.
But are they really leaving the lifeboat in North Korea? Wait… so did they jump home, to then jump back to move to the lifeboat? Also Rufus is flying the mothership but Jia could have flown the lifeboat. She purely wasn’t to give Lucy and Wyatt that moment.
Everyone is important to someone - and so they rewrite history for random person but no Amy? And screw Flynn I guess.
Rufus no need to be rude about the knitting. Seriously he doesn’t feel quite like himself. Like came back rude.
Why did they keep the lifeboat and destroy the mothership? Why not keep the stronger ship?
So Lucy and Wyatt had kids and it’s 2023 so they just have got busy real fast for them to be that old. Twins?
Oh no. Oh no they absolutely did not. They called them Flynn and Amy?!?!? Oh hell no. That is wrong on so many levels. I’m not even touching that.
I do like the future imagined for Rufus and Jia. Genius inventors and doing science fairs with kids. Yeah that works.
And I do not understand. They are going back to give Flynn the journal which kickstarts it all. So now they care about paradoxes? Also how are there no side effects now? Ah ok there is the headache at least. But if Lucy and Wyatt have kids then why the hell did BOTH of them go? Surely they should ensure that at least one of them doesn’t have an exploded head.
Praising Flynn - good. Calling him a hero, I like it. That part can stay. But honestly Flynn deserved so much better. Setting him on that journey and even stealing the hope that he ever gets his family back. He obviously thought maybe he could change it anyway but ugh!
And I super hate that Lucy was all “we have to do this or all this will disappear”. Like ok you have your happy perfect life with tenure, and kids, and you need Flynn to suffer and die in order to keep it. Like how is that fair? Lucy is usually so moral and this is horrible.
Soooo yeah.
Considering they had to try and wrap-up everything in two episodes it could have been a lot worse. At least they were clear about what they wanted. I disagree with the Lucy and Wyatt show but they “went big or go home” with pushing it and I can respect that.
I hate that it doesn’t make sense. All the paradoxes will fry my brain. Like the future Lucy and Wyatt? How does that even work but they still had to go back to give the journal to Flynn? Like why are some things the same and others not. It hurts my brain!
I hate what they did to Flynn. He got some respect but no justice.
The hint at future invention of time travel was… something. I guess saying that wiping out the time travel altogether wouldn’t stop it from being a thing. Although I thought the point was Rittenhouse and yet they seem forgotten? Like they got Emma, they got the Mothership but that wasn’t all of Rittenhouse was it? Did they even return the Mona Lisa?
I’m so glad I wrote my own version. That can be my canon. This… sure was something.
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notasiren21 · 4 years
Ok but like, as a writer it is so mentally draining to be one. As liberating and fun as it may be.
We just sit here sometimes as fanfic authors, doesn’t matter if it’s for a fandom or an original piece of ours. And all of a sudden we get that spark!!
Like oh my god, this is it. I need to write this.
And it’s based off one little tiny scene you created in your head.
Next thing you know, you gotta create the plot, the story itself so the scene fits, choose the characters you wanna put in it it’s a fanfic, adapt the dialogue to fit the character’s personalities, sometimes create that backstory, research the shit if needed.
I love writing so very much. But like, I kinda just wanna download the little scene from my head I created, that spark ya know, and just like na-zoom it off to the people who need to see it.
Like fuck, I need to sleep at a normal hour instead of going to bed at 7am from writing. Let me na-zoom my shit to you telepathically.
(This was all written because I’ve updated two of my fics -Felix x Byleth from Fe3h & Lukanette one-working on the eighth update to my Timeless fic, doing prompt requests, writing another Lukanette fic that @fallen-player inspired for me, a Deacon x Nora for Fo4, AND original pieces. Like, ....somehow college was easier even before it was online?)
*also @fallen-player & @macaknight pls don’t yell at me for staying up late again.
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lyatttrash · 6 years
Sick Days
A little season 1 lyatt one shot for you all! I wrote this a while ago but never posted it. Lucy is sick and Wyatt takes care of her.
Available of ao3 and ff
“Wyatt stop I fine-d” Lucy assured as she ungraciously stumbled down the metal stairs of the lifeboat. She blamed her clumsiness on the dizziness from reentry, it certainly wasn’t the lightheadedness she’s felt all day. Or perhaps it was dehydration from being in the 1982 August sun all day in the middle of Texas. That had to be it, because Lucy Preston does not get sick. Whatever her reason was for her tumble Wyatt was at her elbow in an instant. He managed to catch her right before she face-planted. His hands caught her around her waist and she tried to ignore the way her skin tingled under his fingertips. She tried to swat his hand away as he brought it up to her forehead. She automatically leaned into his touch and sighed.
“Woah Lucy,” he steadied, “you’re burning up, and by the way when you add a ‘d’ at the end of fine you’re not ‘fine-d’.” Lucy smiled but rolled her eyes at his incessant hovering. She wasn’t sick, it was just allergies or stress, all the wanted to do was just go home and take a nap. Maybe pop open a bottle of wine and put on some trashy television that she loves so much but would never admit. She wobbled a bit as she made her way towards the costume bay, desperate to change out of her god awful 80’s spandex and neon and into her comfortable t-shirt and jeans. She got halfway there when Wyatt appeared in front of her and redirected her, she hadn’t even heard him walk up behind her.
“Hey what-” Lucy protested.
“Nope you can change later, I’m having the doctor check you out.” Wyatt ordered.
“Wyatt I told you I’m fi- I’m okay” Lucy was careful not to use the word fine because her stuffy nose makes her sound anything but.
“Still can’t hurt to get a second opinion ma’am” he smirked and all annoyance Lucy had for the soldier quickly melted away. Damn his smile.
“Lead the way” she conceded. Lucy couldn’t stop the butterflies that erupted in her stomach when Wyatt’s palm landed on the small of her back, gently guiding her towards the medical bay. It was a simple gesture but it made Lucy feel secure.
“It’s probably nothing more than the flu” the Doctor informed about three minutes after seeing Lucy and doing basic tests. Wyatt breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn’t anything serious, she didn’t pick up some ancient germs during their trip to the 18thcentury the other day.
“I’m putting you on three day’s rest…no missions” he added.
“Three days!” Lucy squeaked and Wyatt smirked at how wide her eyes got. “I’m okay, can’t I just chug some Dayquil and just call it good?” Wyatt admired her, even when she was sick with the flu she still had to be there protecting history.
“No ma’am, what if Flynn jumps to the 1700’s again, your immune system is compromised who knows what you would catch there.” The doctor scolded, Wyatt clenched his jaw at the doctor’s words, no way would he let Lucy put her life at risk for Garcia Flynn.
“Don’t ma’am me.” She muttered under her breath and Wyatt had to suppress a laugh. He looked over at Lucy and gave her a small wink. His heart beat a little faster at how her faced turned a light shade of pink as she bit her lip and ducked her head. Wyatt stood silently as the doctor went over a few more things with Lucy.
“Come on ma’am,” he teased earning a playful eye roll from the historian, “I’ll take you home, I’ll make you some tea, we can order some soup, maybe watch a movie. Does that sound good?” Lucy smiled as Wyatt helped her off the exam table. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and grinned as she instinctually leaned her head against his shoulder, he had to fight the urge to place a kiss against her temple.
“I’d listen to your husband, some rest and fluids would do you good, that and some cold medicine but you can pick some up at the drug store.”
“Oh uh, we’re not… he’s not…” Lucy stumbled and turned bright red, curling against his chest. Wyatt chuckled at how cute she looked when she was flustered.
“We’re not married.” He finished for her, she gave him a grateful smile. They get called husband and wife on the daily but it never fails to knock Lucy off her game.
“My apologies” he said as he left the room.
“So professor how does soup and a movie sound?” Wyatt questioned as they made their way out of the room, his arm still around her shoulder.
“Only if it’s soup from that deli and can we watch the new Bond movie!” she asked excitedly. Wyatt inwardly grimaced, he really had no intention of ever seeing that movie. Sure it was in his collection when he got home but there was no way he would ever watch it. Watching Bond flirt and sleep with Lucy was too much. Just catching the live version was more than enough. Although only Lucy, Rufus and him know that Lucy actually turned down the spy, that made him feel better. And the way her eyes lit up, he was in no position to deny her anything. He was too far gone for Lucy Preston.  
Wyatt started directing her towards his car when she stopped and turned to him.
“Uh can I maybe change first?” she giggled. Wyatt looked down at his own ensemble of parachute pants and laughed.
“That’s probably a good idea.” He agreed. They walked in a comfortable silence towards the costume deck when out of nowhere Lucy erupted into a fit of coughs.
“Yeah sure you’re fine.” He joked.
“Shut up.” She mumbled
“Make me.” He whispered low in her ear. Lucy felt a shiver go down her spine and she had to duck her head to hide her blush.
Lucy unlocked the door to her apartment and gestured Wyatt inside. Wyatt looked around and everything just screamed Lucy, from the stack of books on the shelf to the half dead plants by the window to the colorful pillows lining the couch. It looked so inviting and homey, nothing compared to his bare minimum apartment.
“Why don’t you go take a shower? It might make you feel a little better and I’ll make some tea.” He suggested. Lucy nodded and made her way down the hallway to her bedroom. Wyatt walked tentatively to her kitchen, opening just about all of the cabinets looking for tea and mugs.
“Mugs are in the dishwasher and tea is next to the stove.” Lucy called out in a hoarse voice. Wyatt smiled at how well she knew him.
“I don’t hear much showering going on.” He called back, a playful edge to his words.
“I’m going, I’m going.” She grumbled. Wyatt chuckled and shook his head as he put some water on the stove.
Lucy padded back into the kitchen 15 minutes later. Wet hair, bare face, wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, but to Wyatt she’s never looked more beautiful. His heart ached at how he wished he got to see her like this after every mission. That they would come home together, let their guards down and just enjoy each other’s company. The fact that she was still engaged to what’s his face made Wyatt’s blood boil.
“You were right,” she said as she made her way towards the island, taking a seat at one of the stools, “the steam definitely made me feel better.” She smiled appreciatively as Wyatt placed a warm cup of tea in her hands.
“I ordered the soup as soon as you got into the shower, should be here in ten minutes.” He said leaning against the counter, taking a sip from his own mug. “Before we eat you should probably take this.” He placed two pills on the counter next to her along with a bottle of water. She opened the water and popped the pills in her mouth, wincing as they went down. She got up to go put the water back in the fridge when Wyatt’s body blocked her.
“Wyatt what are you doing?”
“You need to drink all the water… gotta stay hydrated baby doll.” He winked and Lucy was glad she could blame at least part of her flushed cheeks on her fever. A knock on the door called Wyatt’s attention. He accepted the soup from the delivery boy and made his way back to kitchen. He searched around again for bowls and Lucy wordlessly got up to grab them for him. She walked up behind him and placed a hand on his back as she reached up to grab two bowls. Wyatt’s breath caught at the domesticity of the action. He could smell her perfume and body wash all around him and it took everything he had not to turn around and kiss her against the counter top.
“Thanks” he breathed as her took the bowls from her hands, she smiled in response and moved to sit back at the island. He poured the soup and made his way to the living room, Lucy followed as he placed the two bowls on the coffee table, Weapon of Choice already queued up on the screen. As she sat down Wyatt wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, she snuggled into it and smiled. She had never seen this side of Wyatt before, the caring, domestic side. During missions, he’s always in solider mode. Lucy half believed this was all an elaborate fever dream that she would wake up from, alone on the couch. Wyatt flopped down next to her, throwing an arm across the back of the couch. She scooted closer so she could rest her head on his arm, but leaving enough space so he didn’t feel uncomfortable. Wyatt smiled softly at her actions.
As the end credits played Wyatt looked over at Lucy. In her sleep, she managed to make her way across the couch and half onto his lap, using his chest as a pillow. He let out a sigh of content and placed a soft kiss to the top of her head and gently tried to untangle himself from her. He quietly cleared their dishes and brought them to the kitchen. As best he could, he unloaded and put away everything in her dishwasher before adding the new dishes. Wyatt gently scooped Lucy up, careful not to wake her, and carried her towards what he assumes is her room. Pulling back the covers her softly laid her down before running back to the kitchen to grab her some more water and medicine. Returning he put the objects on the nightstand before pulling the covers up over her shoulders. He walked the soft rise and fall of her chest as he brushed a stray hair out of her face. Placing a long, lingering kiss to her forehead he heard her sigh in her sleep and pulled the blanket up towards her face.
He started to stand when she mumbled a sleepy, ‘I love you Wyatt.” Wyatt’s breath caught in his throat and he couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across his face. He walked silently across her room, he was a few feet from the door when he turned around and whispered,
“I love you too Luce.” Deciding she would probably not remember in the morning he vowed to keep their little moment between them.
As the door clicked closed Lucy brought a hand up to her lips and smiled.
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I’m working on something
Hey guys! So I have created a side blog in order to actually post something I’m working on. I’ve been thinking about writing for a while now, and I have several incomplete stories in a few fandoms, but I’m working on a story right now based on a prompt I found on my main blog, @veryverynotgood.
I’ll be posting my writings on here with their AO3 links. The first work I’m publishing will be multichapter, but I am probably going to write several chapters at once so they’ll come out super fast or I’ll dump all of them at once. I don’t know yet. But I hope someone reads it. I have such a strong vision for this story and I wish that someone will enjoy it!
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The Games We Play
My goat wanted a game night fic, so my goat got a game night fic.
Wyatt had to admit this new side of Lucy was hard to resist. For the months that he had known her competitive was not a word he would use to describe her. However, tonight he had no other word to describe her except for competitive, well that and beautiful. Even as she sat there giving him a death glare while they played scrabble with Jiya and Rufus he could not help the smile that played across his face and he looked at her. She furrowed her eyebrows a little at his smile, he realized that maybe she thought he was trying to throw her off. He let out a silent laugh as she moved her gaze back down her tiles, then all of the sudden his heart skipped a beat as she licked her lips.
Before she could look back up he caught his breath and made his face appear emotionless while on the inside his body was running wild at the thought of wanting to close the gap between them and lock their lips together. She laid down her word, then looked back at him with a smirk. Clearly, she thought she had won the game.
As much as he wanted her to be happy, he was not going to let her win. He nodded as if he was pondering his next move, checking the board multiple times before laying down the word “bae”. Lucy looked from him to the board and back to him. She suddenly stood up and pointed a finger at him.
Wyatt stood up swaying slightly at the slight movement, he should slow down on the beers he thought. He put his hands at the edge of the table to steady himself! In his side vision he saw Jiya and Rufus exchange looks.
“YES, IT DOES! IT IS HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU!” He retorted! Realizing what he said he sucked in a breath of air willing his buzz to go away so he can come up with a recovery. While his wheels turned the room fell silent. Jiya and Rufus exchanged a look mixed with shock and giddy at what this meant! Lucy leaned back and stared at him in disbelief.
He began stuttering still trying to figure out what to say. “Ya, ya, you know in a work related way! You come before anybody else in a sense that it is my job to be there for you. You know like you are my work bae, my partner, we couldn’t do missions without you so you have to become before anybody else…” he stopped talking as he closed his eyes silently cursing himself at saying the lamest excuse ever. When he opened his eyes everybody was looking at him.
Lucy look defeated, and if he was correct he saw a hint of hurt in his eyes. Jiya and Rufus has their mouths gaping open, stunned into silence. The energy in the room at shifted, buzzed or not that was clear to everybody. Once again, he noticed Jiya and Rufus exchanged looks.
“What am I? Chopped liver” he said faking being hurt to lighten the mood. Nobody said anything then suddenly Lucy and himself were telling him how great he was and how much they loved him.
“Uh, how about we switch games?” Jiya suggested? They all agreed.
After a game of Monopoly which ended quickly because Rufus had taken to cheating and a few drinks later the earlier incident had seem to pass.
“What should we play next?” Lucy asked eyeing the deck of cards.
“Poker!” suggested Rufus with a hint of glee in his voice.
Before himself or Lucy could response Jiya sucked in an air of breath and says “No. STRIP POKER”. Maybe because they could not deny her after choosing the other games or maybe because of the alcohol they all agreed to play strip poker. Glancing a steal of Lucy, Wyatt thought to himself this game may well end me.
They were a few hands in, so far Jiya was the only one who had not lost anything clothing and was not hiding the fact she was winning. So far nothing intense had happened. He had lost his socks and shoes, Rufus had lost his socks, and Lucy had lost her jacket, shoes, and socks. Which was making Wyatt sweat, normally it he would have seen it as an advantage. However, Lucy was not great at poker and he was not sure how much longer he would be able to last.
He was madly in love with her, and had always pictured what it would be like if they ever got together. However, her losing her clothes slowly in a game of strip poker was not he imagined it. It was just now down to himself and Lucy this round. His hands began shaking as he tried to focus on his cards. He had a good hand, one he was sure would win. Meaning Lucy would lose another item of clothing, and there was nothing left on her that was still in his realm of safe. It was either her pants or shirt next. Taking a deep breath he looked up from his deck to see Lucy staring at him.
He caught her eye and smiled. Her cheeks were flushed from drinking, and her eyes had become bigger. All he could think about was how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to know her even if they would only be friends. No matter, all we wanted was her to be in his life. He was too busy looking at her to hear his name being called.
“Wyatt” Rufus said loudly. Once Rufus had gotten his attention he informed him that it was his turn. That he needed to lay down his cards.
He took a deep breath before doing so, knowing what was about to happen. Not knowing what to say he kept his head down, but he heard her suck in her breath. Before he could look up to say something he heard a zipper slowly coming undone, then something hitting the floor. Trying to calm his breath he looked back up. His heart clenched tightly, Lucy would not make eye contact with him.
Two more rounds passed. Jiya finally lost something, and so did he. As he unbuttoned his shirt slowly and began to remove it he heard Lucy suck in a breath then cough trying to cover that she did so. Jiya was cheering him on and Rufus was laughing way too hard for what was deemed appropriate for the moment.
Wyatt begged the universe, prayed to whoever was listening that Lucy continued on her winning streak. Except, that did not work out because after a long round she lost. Until then everybody had been laughing and having a good time. Now, the room was filled with tension. Not for the first time that night Jiya and Rufus looked at one another exchanging silent words. He was trying to look anywhere except Lucy as she began to remove her shirt.
However, he realized it would be hard to not play the rest of the game while staring at only his feet. He slowly glanced up, trying not to make it obvious he was adoring how beautiful she was. As she pulled her shirt over her head their eyes made contact. A shift in the energy and tension cracked through the air between them.
With a sudden jolt he was on his feet. No, he could not do this anymore. He was too madly in love with her to take anymore of this, if he was going to be just friends and hide his feelings he needed a moment to calm himself.
Realizing that everybody was looking at him he began to mumble excuses before finally saying “Uh, uh. Bathroom” and started running. As he neared the door he heard talking behind him then a scrape of a chair.
He burst through the doors out into the hallway sucking in air as if he had not been able to breathe all night. Which too be honest, every time he was around Lucy he could not breathe. He turned the corner, bent over to catch his breath as he clutched a hand over his heart.
“Wyatt, are you okay?” He heard Lucy whisper behind him.
Standing back up, he turned around to see her standing there in his shirt which was unbuttoned and pantless. They stared at each other both daring the other to speak or do something before he decided he had enough. Who had he been lying too? All he wanted was to be more than friends!
He stared into those deep brown eyes seeking permission. A moment passed then he was pinning her against the wall, crashing their lips together. They pushed into each other as their kiss became more passionate and messy. Each eager to make up for lost time. She tilted her head back and he moved his kisses down her neck and across her collar bone. Having enough she pulled at his hair, he got the message and moved back to her lips. He bit her bottom lip which made her moan and gasp her air. She tightened her grasp around his neck as she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist.
He moved quickly to support her as he began to slow down their kiss. There was no way he was letting this end quickly, he wanted her, all of her, and he was going to take his time getting to know every part of her. Eventually they broke for air.
They both began laughing and stealing pecks on the lips. He could not help but look at her kissed swollen lips, how is possible that they now belonged to each other?
“We should have played strip poker a long time ago” He tased breaking into a smile.
She slid down so she was back on her feet and playfully hit his shoulder
“Wyatt!” She exclaimed trying to sound serious but ended up giggling instead.
“What?” He said trying to sound innocent before he began giggling too
“Do not tell me you were not thinking the same thing...otherwise I would have been able to do this sooner…” he said as he leaned in to kiss her
“Or” he said growing serious gazing into her eyes “Tell you how madly, and deeply I am in love with you.” He said giving her another kiss “or praise your or kiss you or tell you how beautiful you are until the sun rose and start all over again” he said leaning into meet her for another kiss.
She cupped both sides of his face pulling their heads into rest against one another. “I love you too” she said and as they were about to kiss again Rufus and Jiya rounded the corner.
“Well, it is about time! We never thought you two would get there! Only took the suggestion of strip poker and some cheating to make sure one of you kept losing to get there!”
If he was not standing there with the woman he loved in his arms he would be more offended. Instead he looked down at Lucy who was already looking at him with love filled eyes. He his heart warmed and grew two sizes. They looked at each other for a little while longer until Rufus spoke again.
“Geez! Get a room will you?” He said clearly exasperated
Jiya hit him on the arm and mumbled something. Wyatt laughed, as Rufus pretend to be confused.
He slid his hand into Lucy’s and looked from her to his friends. He smiled at the thought of how lucky he was to have these people in his life. Lucy squeezed his hand as if she knew what he was thinking. He lead them away towards his bedroom as Rufus and Jiya continued to argue. After all, he had intended to keep his promise to Lucy on how he was going to praise her, tell her how much he loved her, slowly so they could enjoy every moment together until the sun rose and start all over again.
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ohemgeeitscoley · 6 years
I'm alive... I can tell because of the pain wyatt/Lucy
This got long. Big shout out to @acheaptrickandacheesyoneline​ for looking it over and cheering it on. Read below or on AO3 
The first time Lucy begins to wake up she’s only aware of three things.
The first is that her eyelids are really heavy, and even though she is trying, she can’t seem to make her eyes open. It’s beyond frustrating. She has no idea where she is or if she’s safe and her body is failing her when she needs it to respond.
She waits, begins counting backwards from ten before trying to open her eyes again. Only, she gets lost somewhere after seven. It’s pointless, she realizes, she can’t keep her thoughts straight long enough.
She tries to remember what happened, tries to imagine why she would be injured. But it’s just another thing she can’t do. She knows they were on a mission. The 1860s. The details are fuzzy though, tucked somewhere in her mind that she can’t access, and she hopes that they aren’t still there. That she didn’t compromise the mission by getting hurt.
It isn’t long before the second thing she becomes aware of demands her attention. A searing pain shoots down her side, she moans, wanting to scream, to somehow move away from the pain. Only she isn’t able to do any of that. She isn’t able to do anything.
She thinks she’s been shot. How does she not remember being shot?
She tries again to remember, tries to push herself to figure out what happened. It doesn’t work. She remembers everything being okay. She remembers being safe. And then, nothing. She remembers nothing.
The third thing she becomes aware of is the hand holding hers, squeezing gently. There is some noise in the background and then warmth rushes through her veins. At first, she panics. She doesn’t know where she is, she doesn’t know if she’s safe, and she has no idea who is holding her hand or what she is being given.
She tries harder to open her eyes, to pull her hand away, to do anything. It’s useless and she already feels the small ties she had to reality slipping away from her. Then she hears Wyatt’s voice telling her to go back asleep. That she’s safe and okay.
That he loves her.
It’s one hell of a dream.
The second time she wakes up, it’s only for a few moments. She slowly blinks her eyes open, squinting at the intrusion of the fluorescent light that is directly above her head. Groaning, she slams her eyes shut as she turns her head to the side and away from the light. When she manages to open her eyes again, the greyness of the walls surprises her. She’s in the bunker, or at least, she’s fairly positive that she’s in the bunker.
She doesn’t want to think about what that means for her injuries. Because she was definitely shot. She doesn’t need to move her hand to feel the lines of the bandage pressed over her ribs. She still doesn’t remember what happened and as hard as she is trying, she can’t seem to focus long enough to even try to remember.
Her throat is on fire, every attempt she makes to talk is futile. Her eyes feel heavy, and she can feel the pull of sleep tugging at her again.
Wyatt is still by her side. He is sitting in a too small chair that it looks like he pulled over from the corner of the room so he was right next to the bed. His knees are pulled up into the chair, and his head is propped up on his elbows. It looks painful. Judging by his appearance, a wrinkled white shirt meant for a different time, and unshaven face, it doesn’t look like he’s left her side.
But that’s ridiculous. She’s not even sure how much time has passed.
Maybe this is a dream, she thinks, before falling back asleep.
The next time she wakes up, everything is more solid. She hasn’t opened her eyes, but her mind feels more intact than it had before. The pain in her stomach is still there, she has a feeling it won’t be going away anytime soon, but she’s expecting it, and somehow that helps. Wyatt is humming, but it’s not a tune that she is familiar with. It’s comforting all the same, and for a minute she lets herself relax and just listen.
She squeezes his hand, slowly opening her eyes to allow them time to adjust to the light. Wyatt stops humming, and Lucy opens her eyes in time to see Wyatt look down at their hands, a small, but still worried, smile on his face.
“Hey,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. He uses his free hand to push a stray piece of hair from the side of her face back behind her ear. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m alive,”  Lucy says, her voice hoarse. “I can tell by the pain.”
Wyatt’s face twists into a grimace, his hand tightening around hers. “Lucy, I’m so, I am sorry. I should have–”
“Stop,” Lucy interrupts, shaking her head. She winces from the movement, realizing then that moving her head that much is a terrible, terrible idea. “Water?”
Wyatt nods, briefly hesitating before letting go of her hand and walking to the other side of the room. Lucy watches as Wyatt turns on the faucet, running his hand under the water before placing a small plastic cup under the stream of water. Almost no time passes before he’s standing next to her again, his thumb brushing over her hand as he holds it again.
“Let me help,” he says, holding the cup up to her lips.
Lucy lets him, thankful for the small relief the cool water provides her throat. She gives Wyatt a small smile as he places the cup on the makeshift desk next to the bed.
She waits for Wyatt to say something, to begin filling in the blanks. Only he doesn’t. Instead, he stands still, his hand in hers, and just looks at her. Which, under normal circumstances, would probably feel strange. But he looks haunted, and if staring at her is going to help ease that tension, she doesn’t want to deny him that comfort.
Things have been off between them since Hollywoodland and Jessica’s return. It’s not that she blames him, his wife literally came back from the dead. Of course he needed time. She would never fault him for that. But, of course, with the way their lives worked, there wasn’t enough time between finding out Jessica was alive to finding out Jessica was a part of Rittenhouse.
There was never enough time.
“What happened?” Lucy finally asks, biting down on her cracked bottom lip.
“You don’t remember?” He’s worried. Lucy can tell by the way he furls his eyebrows, and begins tapping his thumb against the inside of her wrist. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“General mission stuff,” Lucy admits, looking down at the sheet covering her as she tried to remember details. “We were in Illinois, had to make sure Lincoln was voted in as president. Which we did. I remember that. We were on our way back to the Lifeboat…” she pauses, sighing in frustration. “I don’t remember,” she looks up at Wyatt, her cheeks reddening in embarrassment. “I don’t remember. Some historian I am.”
“Stop,” Wyatt directs, his voice soft in his determination. “You were shot, Lucy. You hit your head when you… when you fell. It makes sense that you don’t remember everything. I’m going to go get the doctor. I should have done that when you woke up.”
He sounds guilty. As if it’s his fault that her memory is fucked up. As if going to get a doctor when she woke up was going to make any difference.
“Hey, hey,” Lucy starts, lifting their intertwined hands to her lips. Her ribs protest the movement, but she doesn’t let that stop her. She’s okay with regretting it later. She presses her lips to his skin, not sure who she’s trying to comfort with the act. She’s not sure she should do that, but she’s also not sure that she cares.
She was shot. She deserves to be a little selfish.
“I’m okay,” she continues, lowering their hands back to her side. “I don’t think a doctor is going to be any help right now. Just, can you fill in the blanks?”
“Yeah,” Wyatt sighs, moving Lucy’s legs so he has room to sit on the edge of the bed. “There really isn’t a lot more. We were on our way back to the lifeboat when Emma showed up. She didn’t,” he paused, slowly shaking his head, “I didn’t, I didn’t hear her. I didn’t see her before… God, Lucy, I should have been able to stop her. You shouldn’t be here.”
“Stop,” Lucy demands, letting go of Wyatt’s hand to place her hand on his face. She uses her hand as leverage to make him look at her. “Stop. Wyatt. You can’t, you can’t always protect me.”
“It’s my job,” he replies automatically and Lucy hates the conviction she can see on his face. She hates how she knows that he won’t let her convince him otherwise. “And I failed.”
“How long,” she nods toward the door. “How long has it been?”
“A week,” Wyatt responds, reaching up for her hand again. “It’s been a week.”
Lucy scrunches her nose, taking in Wyatt’s appearance. “Have you… have you left since we’ve gotten back?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I didn’t want you to wake up alone.”
Lucy nods, a ghost of a laugh on her lips as she tilts her head down. If he hadn’t left, then maybe… maybe him saying he loved her hadn’t been a dream.
She isn’t going to ask. She doesn’t need to know. She had been shot. Obviously emotions were going to run high at a time like that, that didn’t mean she needed to push. But…
“Did you,” she slams her eyes shut, regretting the question before she’s even finished asking it. “Did you say you loved me? Before? I mean, when I was asleep.”
He’s silent.
“If you didn’t, it’s okay. I just, I remember waking up, or starting to wake up? And I thought… I thought you said,” she trails off, shrugging slightly at him. “It’s fine. Can we forget I said anything? It’s probably all of this medicine anyway and I–“
“Lucy,” Wyatt interrupts, and there’s a humor in his eyes that takes Lucy by surprise. “I did.”
“You did,” Lucy repeats, trying to determine if he’s saying what she thinks he’s saying. What she wants him to he saying.
“Yes,” he confirms, dragging out the syllable and nodding at the end. Almost as if that movement solidified the statement, or somehow made it more clear.
“You do?” she asks, unsure if what she was asking came across.
“Yes ma'am” he replies. It’s the slow, easy smile that spreads across his face that sells it. The way his hand cups her face, the distance between them growing smaller.
She doesn’t need to hear him say it. She already knows
“I love you,” he says anyway, his breath a ghost on her lips before he’s kissing her.
It’s gentle and slow. He’s careful to keep it light, probably to avoid hurting her. A part of her wants to fight against that, to pull him down and kiss him harder.  But her body is already protesting her arm being held up for so long, and her eyes are growing tired.
She breaks the kiss. His breath is warm as it brushes against her cheek.
“I love you too,” she whispers.
They have more that they need to talk about, things that need to figure out if they want any hope to work. But for now, it’s enough.
They have time.
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starfiresupernova · 6 years
The Deleted Pool Scene
I’m not sure if this has been done yet. But I wanted to write, and I was thinking about the pool scene that should have happened, and I decided I was going to do my best at it :) It’s a bit on the shorter side for my liking, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless! If there are any other versions of this, please share them with me, because I’d love to read them!! 
“After Jessica died, I just sort of... sort of stopped caring, you know... But not anymore.”
Lucy’s gaze drifts to the water in front of them for a mere second as she thinks of a reply. It’s hard for her to open up about the time with her mother after discovering her pure Rittenhouse heritage, but... Wyatt has trusted her with so much of his story. In the time she’s gotten to know him, Lucy figures it’s only fair to open up. Besides, this time, standing beside him at the pool, it feels different... Clearer somehow, as if he’s the breath of fresh air she’s needed since this whole mission began. Before they became a team, before they grew closer and learned about each others’ pasts... Before she fell for him.
“When I was with my mother... And I thought you were dead... I felt the same way,” Lucy tells him, meeting his gaze. 
Almost as soon as their eyes meet, Wyatt turns to face her completely. Seconds fly past them for what seems to be forever before he steps just the slightest bit closer. 
“And now?” he asks softly, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.
For a second it’s as if time sands still, the only thing alive and breathing being them. Wyatt and Lucy. Logan and Preston. 
And in that long second, Lucy’s hand is grabbing his before she can even think about it. All that’s on her mind is him— Wyatt Logan, the man she’s grown to love. And when he pulls her in closer, grasping her hand and interlocking their fingers, their gazes never faltering, Lucy swears that his eyes are saying everything she could ever need to hear. 
His other hand reaches up to her face reluctantly, though only as if to make sure that it’s okay. She knows that he won’t force her into anything she doesn’t want to do. But she wants to, she decides, just as they’ve taken another step towards each other. They’ve come so close to kissing so many times, and now that time has stood still, nothing can stop them this time. She’s sure of it.
So, even though she wants nothing more than to kiss him immediately, Lucy lets Wyatt take his time getting to her. As far as she’s concerned, they have all the time in the world.
Their hands are still interlocked when their lips finally meet, just the faintest amount of contact. Lucy feels her heart stop when Wyatt leans in closer, and before she knows it, she’s wrapped up in him. Though this kiss is gentle and sweet, it feels anything but. For so long they’ve wanted this, wanted each other... And now that it’s finally happening, it’s better than either of them could have imagined. 
Their lips part just for a brief second, only to bring each other deeper into their moment. Lucy removes her hand from Wyatt’s only so that she can pull him into her arms, and he doesn’t object. Once his hand is free, Wyatt grabs the other side of her face so that he’s cradling it in his hands. For minutes they stand there, too distracted by each other to even care that anyone could be watching.
Caught up in the moment, Wyatt snakes his arms around Lucy’s waist and lifts her up off the ground, spinning her. Mouths dancing together sinfully, wrapped up in each others’ bliss, the two don’t even realize they’re running out of oxygen until they’re in the pool, under water.
Though they’re still connected, Lucy suddenly loses all track of thought. She isn’t even with Wyatt anymore. She’s trapped in her car, under the water and fighting for her life. Wyatt almost feels the same way, remembering the night he’d driven his father’s car into a lake. Time is up. Just like that, everything is gone...
But by the time they reach the surface, Lucy has remembered that Wyatt is still with her. Wyatt has remembered that Lucy is still with him. They’d subconsciously grabbed each others’ hands, and as they stare at each other, winded by their fall, they realize that they’re safe.
The water swirls violently around them as they pull each other close, connecting their lips for a second time. Here, with each other, they’re safe. Wyatt knows that Lucy won’t let him drown. And just as well, Lucy knows that Wyatt won’t let her drown, either. 
However, Lucy thinks as she’s tugging at Wyatt’s shirt, pulling him impossibly closer, maybe drowning won’t be so bad as long as she’s drowning in him... As long as they’re drowning in each other.
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missmary1488 · 6 years
Hurt and alone
By Mary missmary1114 https://archiveofourown.org/works/14800050
( I am not good at these and I am just playing with ideas so I hope you like) this is just my thoughts and hopes at how the scene might play out with Lucy who had a fever. This takes place post Salem #lyatt
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5 seconds.... that was all it took to turn his world upside down. 5 seconds from imagining a future with Lucy. 5 seconds imagining the next kiss as he felt the buzz in his pocket and looked at his phone.
"Where are you?"
Jessica came across his phone. It couldnt be he thought. He told Lucy he needed to take care of something. That he would be right back. He needed to see this with his own eyes. As he walked in the bar he searched for her long hair. Further in the bar he stopped cold.
"Jessica?" He asked.
The look on her face was of surprise. They hugged. She was as he remembered her. Hair shorter but it was her. The image of her death came vividly to mind. How can this be. What could have changed to bring her back?
"Can we talk?" He asked. "After my shift", she replied. "Give me your address of where you are staying. I will stop by."
After their meeting he decided to bring her to the bunker. He wouldnt let her out of his sight. Not again. He was surprised to find the team was gone.
"Where are they?" He asked Agent Christopher. "Salem Massachusetts" she replied. "The mothership... it left and the team had to follow after." After he glances around the room he realizes Flynn is no where to be seen. "Where is Flynn? "he asks. "With the team", replies Conner. "Wait so you mean to tell me that the man who has tried to kill our team multiple times is in the 1600s with them and is protecting them?", Wyatt replied agitated. "They needed a soldier Wyatt", replied Agent Christopher.
 Wyatt dropped off Jessicas belongings in his room and came back to the main room to wait for the team to get back. He offers Jessica a drink. How could he explain this to her. He sometimes can barely believe it all himself.
When the ship appeared he immediately looked at her to guage her reaction then grabbed the ladder and brought it up to the ship. The doors slowly opened and he saw her. As he walked up the first few steps they kept gazing at each other until he could see she saw movement from the corner of her eye and looked at Jessica. As he glanced back at Jessica he looked at Lucy whose face had gone white. As he started to go up another step Garcia walked up behind her and led her down the stairs. It was when Garcia put his hand on her back he was able to see she was injurred.
It was all his fault. If he had been there she might be okay. What had happened? As they walked away Lucy did not look back but continued to walk forward.
Later that evening Wyatt decided to make something to eat for him and Jessica when he saw Jiya come to the sink to grab a bowl and fill it with water and grab a washcloth.
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"Jiya what is wrong", Wyatt asked. "She has a fever ", Jiya replied. "The cut. It became infected. She is burning up. I am trying to cool her down but she is just burning up", Jiya replies rather unsteady. "Here I will help you", Wyatt replies as he follows her back to the room. On the bed lies Lucy covered in blankets moving back and forth. She is talking but he can't understand what she is saying. He catches a few words and stops when he hears her call his name. She isn't coherent but she keeps asking "Why Wyatt Why"... and his heart breaks. Jiya is trying to find a fan to help blow some cold air on her as he uses the wash cloth to try to help cool her down. She is burning up. Why did he have to leave her? Why didn't she tell him the Mothership left? He would have come back for her. Now this was all his fault. He offered to take the first watch while Jiya slept. He watched Lucy eyes flutter in and out of conciousness. He should have been there. He awoke in the chair by Lucys bed still holding her hand. He touched her head. She still had a fever but she seemed to be resting. Jiya was awake and offered to take the next watch. When evening came he would lay next to Jessica until she went to sleep. He would then walk the lonely hall to Lucy's room and take the chair by her bed and offer his hand in comfort. By the next day her fever was finally breaking and Rufus offered to sit with her that night so that Wyatt could finally get a good nights sleep. That night while he lay next to Jessica he couldn't help but feel he had to check on her again. He carefully slipped out of bed and walked to Lucy's room. Rufus was in bed with Jiya and the chair beside Lucys bed was free. He sat there until light started to break through the bunker window watching her sleep. As he started to hear movement in the kitchen he decided to sneak out of the room but not before he pulled the blanket up on Lucy and moved the hair out of her face. He glanced at the other bunk where Rufus and Jiya slept and saw no movement. He looked back at Lucy. He bent down and grabbed her hand and kissed it. A tear formed in his eye and he left the room. As he walked into the common area and kitchen he ran into Flynn and decided he would grab coffee and just walk back to his room. Flynn looked at him realizing the direction to which Wyatt just came and a small smile formed on his face as he turned away to walk toward his room.
 The alarms sounded it seemed like only minutes later and Rufus ran out of Jiya's room with Jiya trying to run toward the bay to find out where the ship had landed. CONNECTICUT 1934 appeared on the screen... "what happened there?" Jiya asked. "I'm not sure", replied Flynn. "We need Lucy", Rufus replied. "We will need to make it up as we go I guess" Wyatt replied. Wyatt looked back at Jiya who gave him a comforting smile. She would take care of Lucy while he was gone.
How was he going to do this without his Historian... without Lucy...
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savetimeless · 7 years
Lucy is hurt by Noah who is part of Rittenhouse and is hospitalized Wyatt goes into her hospital room while she is resting and confesses his feelings for her little did her know she heard him, she wakes up and asks how he could love her, Wyatt then tells her all the reasons he loves her and then they kiss
Umokay I’m really sorry a) that this is so late, if you all haven’t noticed I’man inconsistent bitch and b) I tweaked it a little bit! Eep, I didn’t mean to,I was just like spitablling ideas as I went and suddenly I’d written all thisand it didn’t really conform to what you asked.
Thetimeline is a bit muddled but go with it? Also the end is a bit rushed bc Iwrote 2.5k and was like … lol they haven’t even confessed yet. And then Istill somehow wrote 1.5k on top of that. But I hope you enjoy anyway! 
i found a home for my heart - read on ao3
 Wyatt feels like he can’t breathe as he runs through thehospital. People stare at him as he goes by, but all he can think is her name,like a mantra. Or like a prayer, his need for her to be okay almost bringinghim to his knees.
He reaches her room, using the doorframe to swing in to a stop.There are two doctors in there, as well as Noah and who he assumes is Lucy’smom. The scene is – confusing. Last he heard, she’d gotten rid of Noah. And howshe’d even ended up in hospital isbeyond him, honestly, because she was supposed to be at Mason within an hour oftalking with her mom. He hasn’t seen her for a day, and he only knew she washere because he’d gotten a vague yet terrifying text from her demanding he comesave her from the hospital.
She hadn’t responded to any of his replying texts.
“Wyatt!” Lucy’s voice is panicked, and she’s sending terrifiedlooks over to her mom and Noah.
There’s a large bruise blossomed on one side of her face, theeye black and swollen shut. Her lip is cut, as well, and from the way she’sclutching her stomach he’s guessing she’s been injured there as well.
He can’t help the, “What the fuck?” that bursts from his lips ashe rushes towards her.
He cups her face gently, his thumb running over her cheekbone onher uninjured side.
“Noah,” she whispers urgently, bringing her hand up to grip hiswrist. “They’re Rittenhouse.”
Instantly, Wyatt goes for his gun. By the time he gets ittrained on him, Noah also has a gun out and pointed at Wyatt too. The doctorsscramble away and press their backs against the door.
“Lucy, get behind me,” Wyatt says tensely.
She slips from the bed, gracelessly like always, but it’s worse,because she can hardly move. She grips the bed frame and the back of his shirtas she stands behind him, leaning against him and using his body to stand. Hewants to check on her, but he’ll take his eyes off of Noah when there’s abullet in his head.
“Leave,” Wyatt barks at the doctors. They don’t move. “Leave!”
As they scurry out, Wyatt takes a step towards the door. Hewonders on Noah’s background; how has he been trained? Has he been told toavoid conflict, like Wyatt? Has he been told that if it looks like you can winyou should take out the enemy, like Wyatt? Is he seriously considering takingthe shot, like Wyatt?
Wyatt hears Noah cock his gun, and he does the same.
Takethe shot.
Before this ordeal started, Wyatt knows he would have done italready. This isn’t like Jesse James, he thinks, this is life or death.
If Noah doesn’t kill them now, he will do it eventually. By hisown hand or no, Rittenhouse will bring death down on them if they don’t killthem first. An alarm sounds on the floor, obviously in response to thesituation.
Killthem first.
With the thought in his mind, Wyatt shoots Noah between theeyes. Lucy yelps behind him, and Carolyn steps back in shock, her eyes wide.
Wyatt immediately trains the gun on her.
“Mom,” Lucy says warningly, stepping out from behind Wyatt,though keeping her hands clutched on his shirt. “Just let us leave.”
“Don’t do this, Lucy.” Carolyn’s tone is stern, obviously tryingto get back some semblance of control. “You were born to –“
“I don’t care,” Lucy snaps harshly. “You don’t get to decide whoI’ll fight for, mom. They’re killing people!Innocent people! They’re changinghistory and I’m not – I won’t let it happen.”
Killing Lucy’s mom isa whole other board game to killing Noah, so Wyatt takes a hand off his gun –still keeping it trained on Carolyn – and starts to push Lucy towards the door.
Wyatt doesn’t take his gun from Carolyn until she’s out ofsight, but even then he keeps it cocked. Lucy can hardly walk behind him,probably can hardly see either, so he slips his arm under around her waist tohelp her along.
“Wyatt,” she mumbles, “stop. Wait. Wyatt.”
He looks down to her and realizes his hand is wet. Blood.
Fuck.He should have asked whatwas actually wrong with her. She probably has stitches for some reason, and nowthey’ve likely pulled open. She’s obviously waited until she physicallycouldn’t move anymore to tell him to stop, because she’s weighing on himheavily and her gown is dripping with blood.
“Fuck, Lucy.”
He sweeps her up into his arms and her head lolls backwards.
“Lucy, listen to my voice,” he commands. She’s pale and there’ssweat beading on her face, and Wyatt knows she’s in trouble. But he can’t gether help here – he’s threatened some doctors – and Carolyn has probably alreadytold Rittenhouse he’s here and taking Lucy.
They need to get the fuck out, now.
Lucy’s eyes slip closed.
“Hey, hey, now,” he chastises, as he runs towards the fire exit.“Don’t close your eyes. Come on Luce, just look at me, okay?”
“’Kay,” she mumbles, but still, her eyes are dangerously closed.
He tries desperately to think of something to say to her to keepher engaged.
“Remember the night we met?” he asks, pushing open the door tothe fire escape with his back. She lets out a large breath that he takes tomean as a yes. “I remember thinking that you were gonna be the biggest pain inthe ass. Who gets defensive over being called ma’am?”
Her eyes are closed but she chuckles lightly, as much as shecan.
“But, hey, you know what?” He says, keeping his tone light andteasing as he goes down the stairs as fast as he can.
“You’ve turned out to be one of the best things that’s everhappened to me.”
The smile that curls up her face makes Wyatt’s heart beatfaster. Slowly, she opens her uninjured eye.
“You’re one of the best  .. . too …” Her sentence trails off and her body goes completely limp in hisarms.
But he’s outside now and he can practically see his car; he justneeds to get her there and then he can fix her up and it will be fine.
He keeps talking to her as he goes, reassuring her thateverything is fine, he has it under control, she just needs to hold on a littlebit longer.
He manages to open the door to his jeep, and puts her in thepassenger side. He declines the chair until its as far horizontal as it willgo, then he pulls one of her arms from the sleeve and pull the gown down so hecan see her stomach.
There’s a bandage wrapped around her torso that’s seepedthrough, red and ugly. He rummages through his glove compartment and gets hisfirst aid kit and sets it on the armrest, then hoists himself up into the caras well.
He kneels on her chair, one knee between her thighs and theother standing on the foot rail.
Lucy jolts awake as he’s cutting the bandages off of her.
“Wyatt?” she slurs. “What’s going on?”
“Hey, hey, just be calm,” he says reassuringly, glancing up toher face. She looks confused and scared, but not in too much pain. He knows itwon’t last once he takes the bandage off. “It’s okay, we’re in my car. I justneed to fix this up, alright?”
She brings a hand to her face, wiping away the sweat, thenpresses the heel of her palm to her eye.
Slowly, he peels the bandage from the wound, and Lucy’s breathhitches on a gasp.
The wound is long, but only one half of it has split open. It’snot deep, but it is jagged now the stitches have pulled.
He see’s her try to look, and pushes back on her shoulder. “Justlay back, alright, let me do my work. You’re so bossy.”
He grins at her and she smiles weakly back.
Wyatt switches his focus back to the task, looking through hismilitary grade first aid kit for a needle and thread. He finds it quickly, andturns around to get the lighter from the glove compartment. The needle glowsred as he holds the lighter underneath it, and Lucy looks on nervously.
“Um, I’ve had a lot of stitches in my life,” she starts lowly,nervousness making her voice quiver.
“Not surprised.” Wyatt tried for a smile, but it feels weak andfake and so focuses back on the task.
“But I’ve never had any without pain meds. Is it gonna hurt?”
“Uh, you’ll be fine.”
“Not reassuring.”
He purses his lips. “Look, if you don’t think you can do it, I–“ He was going to say he’ll find an alternative, but the look on her facemakes him stop short.
He realizes too late he probably should have worded thatdifferently.
“Never mind, then,” he mutters.
He slips the thread through easily, then braces a hand at theopen end of the wound.
“You ever see the new James Bond?” Wyatt asks easily, makingLucy look up to him, startled.
“It was kind of shit,” he admits.
Lucy laughs once. “Oh, yeah? Why?”
With her slightly distracted, he pulls the needle through.
Lucy tenses up, pressing her head back harshly, a groan fillingthe car.
“Relax,” he soothes, though he knows it’s a hopeless cause.“Bond got the girl in the end.”
“That’s no different –“ she grits her teeth, “to what usuallyhappens.”
“True,” he agrees, working quickly and efficiently. The stitcheswill have to be replaced, but he’s not been taught how to do perfect stitches;he knows how to save someone’s life in the field so he can get them back tosomeone who can properly save them. He’s not entirely sure who that’ll be rightnow, but he’ll worry about that soon. “But I know how it actually happened, so it was kind of a disappointment.”
She purses her lips in a tight smile, face pale and sweatbeading.
“Plus,” he says easily, “she wasn’t as beautiful as you.”
He doesn’t look up to her face, worried its too forward. Onlyyesterday he thought it would be the last of their missions together, and nowhere they are; she’s certainly far from dying in his arms, but it sure feelslike she is.
She doesn’t say anything, and he wonders that perhaps heshouldn’t have said it. His curiosity gets the best of him, though, and helooks up. Her eyes are screwed shut and her face is tightened in pain, so hefigures she probably just doesn’t have anything to say to him right now.
He finishes up quickly, and she breathes in relief when hequietly tells her he’s done.
“I just need to wrap you up.”
He moves back as far as he can as she sits up, the gown fallingto her hips. They’re close – so close –as he passes the bandage around her body, and he thinks he should have juststepped out to do this.
But her hands are braced on his shoulders, her fingers clutchinghis shirt, and he can’t really bring himself to regret it.
He helps her lay back down, then extricates himself from theseat and jumps out. His hands are covered in blood and he leans back over herto get the half-empty water bottle in the cup holder and then rinses his handsas best he can.
Lucy’s eye is starting to close again, but her head follows hismovements sluggishly. He seems relatively clean, so he goes around to his sideof the car and jumps in. She’s looking at him, a small smile on her lips.
“Wyatt,” she sighs, “thanks.”
He smiles a little, a slight pull of his lips, as much as he canmuster.
“You can go to sleep now,” he tells her. He reaches over to cupher face, then sweeps her hair behind her ear.
Her eye closes immediately, and her breathing even outs not evenhalf a minute later.
Wyatt breathes heavily then rests his head against the steeringwheel, squeezing his eyes shut.
He’d wanted this to be over.There wasn’t supposed to be any more Rittenhouse, no more fucking withtime, no more endangering everyone’s lives. And yet here he was, close tolosing one of the two most important people in his life.
The most important person.
He loves Rufus, he does, he’s come to view the man as a brotherin the few weeks he’s known him.
But Lucy. Lucy is something else. She’d shifted his whole worldso suddenly and so completely in what he knows is a very short amount of time.Just her presence had lifted him from black and white into a world of grey,which is practically a fucking rainbow compared to what it had been.
He can’t lose Lucy.
“Fuck,” he breathes, banging his head against the wheel, eyesstill closed. “It’s fucking hard loving you.”
 Things happen in a blur when they get back to Mason. Lucy isstill sleeping so he leaves her in the car with the windows down while he goesin to get some help, maybe a wheelchair.
But there are bodies everywhere and he can’t find AgentChristopher or Connor Mason or anyone, really. The Mothership is gone and so isEmma and Wyatt is just so mad that helet himself believe this was all over.
When he gets back to his car, Lucy is awake and laying quietlyin the front seat. She looks at him as he gets into the car, and doesn’t sayinganything when he shouts in anger and slams his hands against the steeringwheel.
“Wyatt?” she whispers. “What happened?”
He’s so angry that he can’t speak.
Lucy bites her lip and holds her hand out, palm upturned. Heinhales sharply, and holds his breath. Slowly, he touches his fingers to herpalm, and it’s like salvation. Their hands close around one another, fingersentwined, and it breathes calm into his system.
Wyatt takes a deep breath.
“Are you okay?”
The question is loaded. Is her wound okay? Is she okay about hermother, Noah?
She doesn’t reply, but Wyatt didn’t really need an answer. Of courseshe isn’t. Nothing about this is okay. She should never have been involved withthis in the first place, let alone be in as deep as she is now.
It’s irrational, of course; her mother and father practicallyrun Rittenhouse. She was always going to be involved.
But he wants to protect her, wants to shield her from this worldthat he is trained to fight in, that civilians should never have to see.
“Lucy, I –“
“Let’s get Rufus and Jiya and meet up with Agent Christopher,”Lucy says. “I have a lot to tell them.”
Wyatt doesn’t say anything else as he powers up the car again. Lucycalls the other three as they drive, and Wyatt gives Lucy the address of amilitary dive bar on the far side of town that they’ll be safe at.
Wyatt hooks his arm around Lucy’s waist to help her walk in,trying to keep her torso as still as possible, painfully aware that she stillhas a wound that needs to be treated properly.
Rufus, Jiya and Denise are already there, huddled in a cornerbooth as far from the main door but as close to another exit as possible.
Jiya looks almost as bad as Lucy, and Rufus and Denise look likethey haven’t slept in days.
Wyatt helps Lucy down, then settles in beside her. They mustwear grave expressions, because Denise says, “Looks like we need some drinks,”and slips out of the booth to, presumably, get some drinks.
Lucy is slightly out of breath, with a sheen of perspiration onher forehead, and Wyatt is again struck by the desperation of needing to gether seen to.
“Luce, what happened?” Rufus asks, obviously aghast.
“Rittenhouse,” she scowls. “My mom and Noah are in on it. Triedto get me to join them.”
Rufus gestures in her general direction. “And they did that toyou?”
Wyatt’s scowl matches Lucy’s. “I dealt with it,” he saysshortly. “Jiya, how are you?”
Jiya hesitates, then says, “Weird.”
Wyatt doesn’t exactly know how to respond to that, and no oneelaborates on it, so he just sits quietly.
Denise comes back with a tray of drinks for them, and if itweren’t her who got them, he’d make sure it was paid for with cash and themoney was taken out no one where near here, but it’s her, so he doesn’t, justtakes sip and lets himself wallow in how shit this situation is.
Lucy spills all the sordid details of what she’d learnt sinceshe’d left Mason Industries, and the expressions on the other threes’ facescontinue to darken.
Jiya and Rufus leave almost as soon as Lucy’s finished her tale,agreeing to meet in the morning to plan their next move.
Lucy leans against the wall and closes her eyes, and herbreathing evens out only a minute later, and Wyatt keeps a close eye on her.
“Noah stabbed her,” Wyatt informs Denise lowly. “The woundreopened on our escape. I stitched it up, but - …”
“I know a guy,” Denise says just as quietly. “Bring her to myhouse tonight. But we’ll need cash. I have three thousand, but it’s not enough.We’ll need to double that.”
It’s a lot of money. He doesn’t exactly have it lying aroundlike Christopher seems to (he doesn’t want to know why she has that much in cash),but he can get it. He doesn’t have an account with a different name, so he’llhave to take it out legitimately; he’ll take as much out as he can now, so thatit’s a one and done, and then he won’t have to worry about Rittenhouse trackinghim. They might have to go the run soon, and he doesn’t want them to be able tofollow after them.
“I’ll get it.” Wyatt looks over to Lucy, who’s sleeping, palefaced and with a cold sweat. “The sooner the better.”
“It’d cost extra to get her tonight. Not as much for in themorning.”
Wyatt purses his lips, looks back over to Lucy. Honestly, herwound isn’t particularly life threating. Painful, probably, and at a highchance of infection, but he’s seen soldiers survive longer with a lot worse.
“I’ll get the extra. Tonight.”
But he loves her.
Wyatt wakes Lucy up, then takes her to his car.
“You sure you don’t want me to take her?” Denise asks as heshuts the door. “You need to get the money. She’ll be safe with me.”
That’s probably true. He doesn’t want to leave her, but shedoesn’t need to be moved around unnecessarily. She needs to rest.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay. Take my car, don’t move her again. I’ll beback at yours in two hours.”
They switch keys, and Wyatt looks at her pointedly. Christopherpauses, then backs away to give them a second alone.
Wyatt pulls the door open, and leans against the frame to standclose to her.
“Christopher is going to take you to her house,” he tells herlowly. “I need to get a couple things, then I’ll come straight there, alright?”
Lucy stares at him. “To get money, you mean?”
He should have known better than to try and keep it from her.
“Yeah. We’re gonna get you fixed up.”
She frowns at him. “How much?”
Wyatt shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be back with yousoon.”
Lucy grabs his wrist before he can move away. There’s not muchstrength to it, but he doesn’t try to pull out of her grip.
“Wyatt.” Her voice is quiet, but serious. “When we were in thecar, earlier today …”
He smirks. “When I saved you, you mean?” He’s trying to make ajoke, and she smiles a bit, but then goes back to looking at him intently withher big brown eyes.
“You said –“ She pauses, searching his face.
He knows what he said.
“I said that I love you.”
She inhales sharply, relief painted clearly over her bruised features.He’s vaguely worried that it’s too much too soon, that maybe that wasn’t whatshe was referring to, but - …
Her face has the most peaceful expression.
He loves the way his name sounds on her lips. Her fingers tightenon his wrist.
“Kiss me?”
His mouth curls up into a small smile. He doesn’t need to betold twice.
Slowly, so slowly, he wants to savor this moment like hecouldn’t with Bonnie and Clyde, he leans forward. Her eyes flutter closed, buthe keeps his on her face as he brings up the hand she’s not holding to her face,careful to not touch the swollen side.
His fingers touch her cheekbone, and his eyes follow the touch,completely enamored with the feel of her skin under his fingertips.
The second their lips brush Lucy leans in deeper, opening hermouth, even though it must hurt the cut. She tastes so sweet, with thesharpness of the prosecco cutting through. He can’t help but groan at hereagerness, his hand losing its gentle touch to thread through her hair.
He just can’t help himself; he bites her upper lip between his,avoiding the split, laving his tongue over it to sooth the mark.
She lets out a beautiful whimper, then grunts painfully andpulls back, bringing a hand up to her ribs.
“Sorry,” he breaths. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she replies, though she settles back in her seatand away from his reach. “Just hurts.”
“I’ll get the money and be back to you soon.”
She squeezes his wrist, then drops her hand. Wyatt tucks herhair behind her ear, then steps away from the car.
He goes to close the door.
She catches the door before it closes. “I love you, too.”
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greenleaf777 · 6 years
Are there any Lyatt fics where their kid comes from the future instead of future lyatt or with them??If there isn’t can someone write some pretty please????
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notasiren21 · 4 years
I get that I haven’t updated on Ao3 in a bit...but like if I NEVER update again, assume it’s because I’ve slaughtered my upstairs neighbors and went to jail.
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modernlifehistorian · 7 years
Escape (Wyatt’s POV)
A/N:For those of you who requested Wyatt’s experience while the team is in 1692, thank you for giving me something to do while I wait for the premier. 
This chapter takes the story in more of a direction, so I will be doing a third chapter to finish things out
He heard it in passing what had happened. Lucy had been seconds away from being hung as a witch while they were in 1692. The thought made him nauseous. Lucy, with a thick, daunting rope wrapped around her neck, inches from death because he had abandoned his team. Abandoned her. When they need him most.
It had just all happened so fast. He and Lucy having an oddly amazing time in 1941 considering why they were there. Being this ridiculous musical duo in order to get the information they need (and man could Lucy sing) before falling into bed together that night. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so utterly in bliss. All the pent up passion they held towards each other came to a head in that one moment, and he couldn’t believe how thrilled he was to explore their possibilities when they returned to 2018.
But then “Wyatt, Jessica’s been calling. You might want to get back to her.” He heard the words, and without another thought he was darting past Jiya and Mason and Christopher to his barrack where the burner phones they had been provided was waiting with 4 missed calls:
Jessica Logan
Jessica Logan
Jessica Logan
Jessica Logan
For a moment he almost couldn’t believe it, but when he called the number, it was her. Her soft, loving voice. Alive. His wife was alive. He was so caught up in that that he couldn’t register a thing she was actually saying, but finally it hit him like the winds back home in Texas.
The woman that just hours ago he had held in his arms, stroking her soft, pale skin as they exchanged sweet, yet passionate kisses, talking about all that had led them there and maybe where they could go from there. What she must have been feeling now. Especially after he had just took off at the mention of his dead-not-dead wife. The last time he had felt like this much of an ass was the night Jess went missing. But clearly that never had happened now because here she was still chatting away on the phone like it was any other day. And to her it must have seemed like it. Because it was. What had their relationship been like the past few years? Did she know about time travel? Did she know Lucy and Rufus? Rittenhouse? How was she alive now and not when he eliminated her supposed killer from existence? What changed? He could have continued listening to her talk, but he knew there were some things he had to figure out before he had any real conversations with her.
“Yeah, babe?”
“I actually have to go take care of a few things right now,” he lied. Kind of. “Pretty urgent. Could I call you again later?”
“Oh, yeah.. Of course. Military secrets and all that, I’m guessing?” she sighed.
“Oh, definitely,” he continued. “I love you.” Why did that feel odd to say?
“Love you too.” And then the line went dead. He took a second to wrap his mind around all that had just happened. What the hell was he supposed to do? Jess was alive with memories of a life he only knew pieces of. Lucy was alive, somewhere in the Silo, making him feel things he hadn’t felt since he first met Jess over a decade before.
But one thing he did know was that he was going to have to face Lucy sooner or later, and for both their sakes he probably needed to do it sooner. He threw the phone onto the poor excuse for a bed, and began his search for the brunette. It took a little longer than he anticipated as she had found the darkest, farthest corner in the entire bunker to deal with whatever she was feeling. And by what he saw, she wasn’t feeling great. She shot up as soon as began to approach her, but she couldn’t hide the tear streaks that covered her face, her Hollywood make-up smeared under her eyes.
“Lucy, I’m so sorry. I--”
“Sorry for what?” she interrupted in an oddly casual voice. “We had one fun night, right? You don’t owe me an explanation for loving your wife.” He was honestly too shocked to speak. Shocked with her calmness. Shocked by her words. And honestly a little angered by her words as well. One fun night? Was that all it really was to her?
“Lucy, come on…” but it was too late; she was already trying to make her way around him.
“I should probably find a new barrack to sleep in though,” she muttered as she began to walk away, but he wasn’t going to let her go that easily. He reached out and grabbed her arm, desperate for her to show some of the anguish he was feeling. They met eyes for just a second, but that was all he needed to really understand what was going on in her mind. He had never seen a look of such pain yet such coldness from her before especially directed at him. It shocked him, so he let her go.
“Fine,” he snapped. And she was gone.
He went to Christopher and explained that in the reality he left before 1941 his wife had been dead, and he would need some help filling in the gaps of the years he had remembered without her, and it might be best if he didn’t go on the next jump or two, you know, to get readjusted to this new old life. Not to avoid Lucy or anything. He was surprised with how easily the homeland security agent agreed to his requests.
“Wait, so who are you going to get to fill in for me?” he asked, knowing the team would need someone who could use a gun.
“Flynn.” Christopher sighed, and Wyatt felt his stomach twist into knots. “It’s too risky now to bring in anyone else.” Flynn? Could he really be trusted to protect Rufus and Lucy? While Wyatt was indeed reckless, Flynn took the word to a whole new level. Would he choose to save either of his teammates over destroying Rittenhouse? He opened his mouth to retract his request to take time off, but Christopher was already walking out the door, ready to prep the team for its next mission.
Wyatt ran out the door after her, checking to see where she was headed. It seemed as if the agent wasn’t going directly to the cell to release Flynn, so Wyatt took off in that direction, needing a word with the former terrorist before he joined his team.
“Master Sergeant Logan,” the guard greeted. “what are you doing--”  
“I need to speak with Flynn. Now.” Wyatt demanded. The guard nodded quickly and unlocked the door giving just enough room for Wyatt to squeeze in. It took a second for Flynn to look up from his intertwined hands.
“Master Sergeant,” Flynn stood in mock respect. “What can I do for you?” Wyatt moved forward until the two men were toe to toe.
“You let anything happen to her, and no cell, no guards, nothing is going to keep me from putting a bullet in your head.” He didn’t bother giving any context to his statement; he didn’t have the time, but he knew Flynn would understand momentarily, and Wyatt wouldn’t hesitate to go through with his promise.
And from what he now had knowledge of, he hadn’t been far from having to fulfill it. Lucy had almost died only because he had been too afraid to face her again. So how did she get out? He kept listening intently Mason’s people chattering on about the events they had heard.
“Apparently when they were about to drop her, she pulled a knife on the guy!” One of them shared. He couldn’t help but smile at that. He had told her a while back that she should probably start carrying some kind of weapon, and he wasn’t surprised at all that she had gotten herself out of such a tight situation. His Lucy... His? Lucy had proven so resourceful over the course of their couple years of time traveling together. Whether it was talking or fighting her way out of the dangers they faced, she had saved Rufus and himself probably more times than they had saved her. He knew she had certainly saved him. Saved him from the darkness of himself and his grief and his anger. She was the reason he continued to fight through everyday. It wasn’t Jessica or Grandpa Sherwin anymore. It was her. After hearing the news of her near death he couldn’t fight it anymore. Wyatt Logan was in love with Lucy Preston. Her brain. Her clumsiness. Her quirks. Her inability to buckle a seatbelt. Her dedication to history. Her.
And again he was left cursing his situation. Even a year ago he would’ve given the world to have Jessica back. But now? Now his heart had finally moved on, and he couldn’t just go back. But was that fair to Jessica? From what he had discovered over the past couple days, their marriage was thriving. So how could he just throw all of that away? His head was left throbbing at all the confusion swirling around in his head that he hardly noticed when Agent Christopher came in the room.
“Master Sergeant… Wyatt?” she called. Wyatt’s head finally shot up.
“What can I do for you, ma’am?” he asked, trying to ignore the pain in his head.
“I think you need to come see this.” Her voice sounded almost sympathetic. What was going on? Was it Lucy? He stood up and followed her into what they usually used as a briefing room where a couple of Mason’s agents were sitting around a computer. He came around to look at what seemed to be making them so nervous. And then he understood.
“The team found this on the Rittenhouse operative in 1692,” Christopher explained. It was a list of Rittenhouse operatives from every era of American history. All across the globe. And clear as a day near the bottom of the list.
Amanda Smith
Alias: Jessica Logan
Wyatt couldn’t do much else other than stand and stare. Jessica? Rittenhouse? It just didn’t make sense. Or did it? Maybe that was why eliminating Wes Gilliam didn’t bring her back like it should have. Maybe that was why he was selected for the project in the first place. Rufus had been blackmailed by the shadow organization from the beginning. Lucy was practically Rittenhouse royalty. He had been the odd ball with no connection. Until now. Maybe that’s why he was chosen in the first place. He had to grab hold of a chair to keep from falling over because in that moment he realized the wife he had fought so hard to get back had been his enemy the whole time.
“We have agents going to bring her in now,” Christopher informed him. “Did you share anything confidential with her?”
“No,” was all he could manage. He felt sick. But at the same time… relieved? Like he didn’t have to feel guilty about being in love with Lucy anymore, and after he had time to process everything, he would tell her exactly how he felt.
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The Storm Within
Author note: These past few days have been some of the hardest for me mentally and emotionally! My days have been filled with pain and guilt because I let myself be convinced by myself that I am worthless and a constant bother too other people. All week I have been fighting the erge to run away from people and hide until I “fix” myself. Last night after telling a couple of online friends I was going to be disappearing for a couple of days I went to sleep. All night painful memories plagued my dreams and around 4am I woke up feeling the need to write this. It allowed me too express myself. Originally I wanted to keep this too myself because it all seemed to vulnerable the more I sat on it though the more I felt okay with sharing this. Everybody is going through some sort of battle right now. You may feel like no one understands and while it may seem hard to hear this now there really are people in your corner! ❤️ Whoever you are, where ever you I am sending a hug too you right now! Too those who are watching their friends or loved one’s go through this please be patient and know that sometimes all we need is a hug or somebody too listen too us!
Now time for the actual story. :)
A Storm Within
Lucy sat in the chair next to the window, looking out at the storm. She had no idea how long she sat there, in silence. It wasn’t until she sensed movement behind her, that she turned around to look at Wyatt.
He was just beginning to wake up. She watched him stretch and roll over, as he reached out an arm that was meant to wrap around her. Instead all he grabbed was the emptiness next to him. Within a matter of seconds he was up and looking around the room.
When their eyes met, his expression went from panic to heartache; she knew why too. This was not the first morning he had woken up to find her out of bed, not the first morning he had gazed across the room only to find her sitting in the chair next to the window with silent tears running down her face, eyes puffy and red.
Instead of asking her any questions, because he knew she would talk when was ready, he gathered her in his arms and held her tight against him. As Lucy wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his chest, she knew this no solution, but she was thankful for the warmth and comfort she found in his arms. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing.
They sat like this for sometime listening to the rain hit the window, and the thunder boom through the skies as the sun rose filling the room with soft sunlight that played across their laps and the floor.
Lucy took a deep breath before raising her head to look into those deep, blue eyes. She took a moment to really look into them. They used to be as bright as the blue that filled the skies on a sunny day. Now she noticed they did not shine as much. She wondered if her eyes looked as hollow as his did.
She tries to think back to when she first noticed his eyes changing, when the smiles that crossed his face began to fade, when laugh lines became worry lines. If she was being honest with herself she blamed all the pain he was going through on herself.
Everything that was going wrong lately, she blamed on herself. All she wanted to do was keep the pain to herself; to bottle it up, push it deeper inside of herself and hide it away. No matter what she did, the pain always came back in some form.
The pain and guilt had reached a certain point though where all she felt was nothing. It was as if the pain and guilt became such a part of her, that the emptiness that plagued through her body felt normal; that any sense of happiness did not belong inside of her.
The emptiness had reached into her dreams at night, filling her body with terror at the thought of losing those closest to her, because of her. Her nightmares were filled with those she loved walking away from her, or dying leaving her alone only deepening the feeling of loneliness that raged through her body.
It was as if her mind and heart where caught in a storm. The dark swirling around them with no light or a break in the storm within sight. Each night she went to bed begging for things to be better in the morning, only to find that in the morning it was all she could do to focus on what was going on that day and hope that by faking a smile, people would think she was okay.
For a while she went through the motions until one day, her body was so exhausted from the lack of sleep and the storm that raged on inside her mind that she collapsed in the middle of the hallway sobbing, begging anybody and anything to let her feel something anything again.
That was where Wyatt had found her. He had turned the corner, hands filled with books that he dropped suddenly when he laid eyes on her. He left the books scattered in the hallway as he ran over to her.
As he knelt in front of her, his motions slowed. He reached up slowly as if seeking permission, and when she did not protest, he gently cupped her face in his hands. She began to sob harder as she collapsed into him. He kept asking her what had happened and what she needed.
How do you explain the pain though? The guilt? The emptiness? How do you communicate a raging storm in words? How do you tell somebody that you feel so alone even though you are surroeunded by people who tell you they love you and care for you, and deep down you may know that but despite all of that, you are still filled with this void and loneliness?
“Everything hurts” is all she managed to get out. He only wrapped his arms tighter around her and leaned against her.
They stayed in the hallway, wrapped around each other without speaking as Lucy continued to cry. Sometime later, she felt Wyatt shift as he picked her up and carried her back to her room. He made his way to the chair with her still in his arms, and sat down.
She readjusted so her head was laying on his shoulders. After deciding that she no more tears left, and her body had slowed down some, Wyatt placed a hand on her cheek as a silent signal to look at him.
Once she did, she was filled with more guilt. He had been crying too and it was obvious he hurt too.
“Please, Luce, talk to me” he said
“I am so, so sorry” she said which for her didn’t even begin to cover the guilt that had flooded her mind and heart over the past few weeks, and in this moment... maybe if she tried explaining that would help
“I am sorry for what I have put you through over the past weeks. I know that I have not been easy to deal with, and I would not blame you for not wanting to be around me anymore. Most of the time I want to walk away and hide myself away from the world until I can heal myself. If you just give me time I will be better. I just need time, then I will stop being a bother to everyone” she said
His face suddenly hardened “Lucy, you have nothing to apologize for. While this may be hard to hear, and you may not believe me right away please just listen to me.” he said looking deep into her eyes before continuing “You never have to hide what you are going through from me. I love you Lucy, and there will never be a day where you become a bother to me. That is not possible, and please believe me when I say that. It may not seem possible to you, but for me I know it. Through it all I am here for it, you have people on your side that want to walk through this with you. If you need to talk, I will be here when you are ready, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I will be there, if you need to sit on the couch and have a movie night I will be there. You do not have to hide from anybody, you do not have to go through this alone. Please just don’t shut us out” He said
All she could do was nod, before leaning back into his arms. Her entire body ached from the exhaustion that came from being emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. Eventually the exhaustion overcame the pain as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep in his arms. When she woke a few hours later she began to open up slowly about the nightmares that plagued her nights, and the storm that raged on the inside her during the day. They talked over the next few days, and he began spending the nights in her room so she would have somebody in the middle of the night when the nightmares came around, which was most nights. So they developed this plan where they sat together in that arm chair next to the window. They would hold on to each other for a while, until she was ready to talk.
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@timelessfan227, I am so sorry for the delay! I’ve been without internet for days but I have written it and I’m finally home, so it will be posted within the next 10 mins or so. Thanks for the love 😘😘 Seriously, it’s amazing to hear!
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