#lydia sucks so bad
calronhunt · 11 months
“I never stood a chance, did I?”
“I never stood a chance, did I?” Tracy said. Her hands fidgeted on her lap, only slightly because of the cool fall air. She couldn't stop thinking about the night before, the blood and the anger and the—
She'd snapped again, she knew she had. The guilt and shame hung heavy in her mind and her heart, she couldn't stand it. She'd told her mother that she'd been getting better, she was finally getting somewhere with her mental health, had found someone who was willing to work through it with her, had found someone who LIKED her.
That had been a lie though, it had all been a lie.
The anger was gone now, and all that was left was guilt. Hot as boiling water, daring to spill over into a meltdown at any minute.
Lydia sat on the bench next to her. She tilted her head at Tracy's words. It was another moment before she spoke again.
"I don't think so," Lydia said. "I think you cared about someone and felt betrayed. Anyone would react the way you did."
"No they wouldn't," Tracy replied. "Normal people would relax and walk away. Normal people wouldn't scream and yell and punch and kick and grab a pair of scissors and—"
Tracy stopped herself. Her voice had risen as she spoke and a couple of people around them at the park turned to her. Some parent with their daughter took her farther away. Shame burned on Tracy's neck. There she went again, not being able to control herself. If she couldn't even keep it together when she was upset how would she be expected to do anything else with her fucking life.
She bunched her hands up on her knees. She didn't want to recount it anymore. Tracy waited for Lydia to say something. She always took her time responding. Tracy has asked her about it before, and she simply told Tracy that she wanted to make sure Tracy was done before she responded. It made Tracy on edge though. The dead air felt like judgment enough.
"I think," Lydia said slowly. "Anger is an emotion like any other. People consider it the bad emotion, but think what you would be without it. His betrayal still would've hurt, but what would you have done about it? You wouldn't have screamed, you probably would've rolled over and gotten hurt again, and again, and again."
"I…guess," Tracy said. That made sense. "But I don't want to hurt people."
"People do it to you all the time," Lydia retorted. "Why shouldn't you be able to do it in return?"
Tracy flipped that around in her mind, and while it didn't sit right, the shame and guilt of the thought upset her enough, but…it made. Sense.
Lydia continued when Tracy didn't say any more. "Your moms, this guy, this world…they're allowed to do anything they want to you, but you aren't allowed to do anything back. How is that fair?"
"...I…don't know. It just is," Tracy said lamely. "Cause if I do I'll hurt someone. Like physically hurt someone. And that's against the law, and it'll cause more trouble for my mom and—"
"Defending yourself from people who hurt you is never wrong, Tracy," Lydia said. She smiled at Tracy and stood up from the bench, graceful as a cat. "It's getting late though, I need to head home. We can continue this talk later?"
"Uh, yeah. Sure yeah," Tracy said. Tracy followed suit, though she felt awkward and stiff in her body.
She walked Lydia to her car like she always did. But as she watched Lydia drive off the things she said stuck in Tracy's mind like a thorn.
She thought again about the other night. The blood on her hands, the black and red mixing into some strange painting. Was that defense? Maybe it was, maybe she did the right thing. Yuri had hurt her and she hurt him back. They were even now, she supposed.
Something happened and i got possessed. Enjoy Tracy and Lydia moments
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whatapunderfullife · 2 days
so I've been binge watching Teen Wolf for the first time and tentatively (a to not be spoiled) interacting with random posts and fics and shit, and the more I watch the more I'm convinced majority of these people never watched the show
#like what do you mean bad friend scott?#he's a good friend who happens to be not only a teenager but a werewolf on top of it#like yeah sometimes he doesn't pick up the phone#or dismisses things that end up being correct#but literally so does every other character#half of what happens to Lydia in so wouldn't've if people listened or told her about the supernatural shit#most of Scott “not listening” to Stiles involves him hearing Stiles out and then being like thats a far flung theory#which too be fair it normally is#and sure its frustrating that he does it time and again but also its a show so there needs to be plot#also for as much as people say Stiles is their favorite character y'all mis characterize him so much#Stiles runs off and does his own thing#he is really only consistently kind to Scott Lydia Allison early on#idk where people get ideas like him and byod or Jackson being close cause they hardly ever interact#and later on he's really only nice to people that become pack#also I don't get the fandoms obsession with Erica and byod (as characters not a ship)#like I think they are cool but I feel like they hardly got any screentime#and there are tons of characters that get more screen time later on that are pack and interact with the main characters more#like I'm sure it has to do with watching the show as it came out and really liking the characters#but it's strange watching it at a quick pace years later#esp byod who is hardly shown on screen or developed#which sucks cause I think he would've been cool to learn more about#idk is just a lot of misunderstanding of the canon events#like fandom always distorts things but I feel like there is so much that is wrong that is hard#there's also a lot thats good it's just buried#esp cause it doesn't seem like the random is too active these days#which fair the show came out and ended years ago#teen wolf
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syb-rooks · 8 months
The bad kids are an incredibly healthy and supportive friend group BUT OH MY GOD THEY SUCK AT COMMUNICATING!
Half of their problems would be solved if they talked to each other.
Fabian would GLADLY pay for Adaine's components and for Riz's tuition if they asked. He would even get his papa to change his trust fund conditions to include them. Or he would declare Riz and Adaine his nemesis.
They would figure out the reason for Fig's misfortune in a week max. They would march into hell, probably accompanied by both Gorthalax and Sandra Lynn, and demand to break whatever deal she made with whichever demon involved.
If Fabian even suggested he was lonely, the bad kids would organise sleepovers every night. He would circle between the Thistlesprings, the Gukgaks and the Mordred Manor. Lydia would pack him his own lunch.
Fig would immediately start promoting Cassandra's religion on all social media, and get her to thousand followers in a week. The rest of the bad kids would join without hesitation.
If Riz would finally admit the HUGE stress he is under, everyone, even Fig, would stop piling all the work on him and happily write their 10 page essays. They would convince him to see Jawbone, and enjoy his last years in high school. They would band together to find the rogue teacher within a day. They would make sure that Riz's resume is the most impressive CV that the universities have ever received.
They would all gather together to come up with music for Fig and Gorgug's new album. Fabian would choreograph their music videos, Adaine would come up with rhymes, Riz would bring a list of all their adventures, including motifs and connections made, to give her inspiration, Kristen would suggest to make parodies of classic camp songs from her old church.
Adaine would contact Aelwyn immediately to get dirt on Porter, to blackmail him. Gorgug would get permission for his MCAT exams by the end of the week.
And if she would stay on the phone a little longer and admitted how much she is struggling, Aelwyn would immediately return home along with her cats. Then she would drag her sister to Jawbone's door, and force her to give him the components list.
The problem is that even after all those years, after all those adventures, even after the forest of the nightmare king, they still each think of themselves as the weak link. As the person in the group that isn't allowed, doesnt deserve to take space, ask for help. Because they should be able to handle it on their own. Isn't that what adulthood is like?
They would abandon anything and everything to help someone else, as long as that person isn't themselves. As long as they dont have to show their amazing, incredible, powerful, and oh so compassionate friends how weak and imperfect they are in comparison.
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wanderingsoul6261 · 4 months
He did What?
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Credit for gif goes to k-wame
James Beaufort x Reader
synopsis: Requested by an Anon. Mortimer hits Y/N, and Percy takes her to James. Reader and James have been in a long running relationship.
This fic is significantly shorter than some of my others.
warnings: physical abuse
“A father should never treat his kids like you do James and Lydia. You’re a monster." Y/N wasn't sure where it came from, but she knew that she should have had more self-restraint. 
A crack sounded out and Y/N's head whipped to the side. Shock and surprise filled her body and her left ear started ringing. She could hear Percy scrambling to her, having come to take her to James at Cyril's after a miscommunication caused her chauffeur to leave her at the Beauforts's Manor. It was there she ran into Mortimer Beaufort, and obviously, the interaction had turned sour. 
Y/N would agree now that she probably shouldn't have said what she said, especially to the man before her. However, she would definitely say That she didn't believe she deserved the slap she received. It didn't matter what she did or didn't say. She could have said worse and silently thanked herself for not doing so. 
“You don't have the right to speak to me in such a way.” Mortimer scowled. She opened her mouth to retort back, but was immediately pulled away by Percy. 
Percy guided her towards the car, her body shivering as the shock dissipated and her body filled with adrenaline. After helping her into the car, he sent a quick message to James. 
Your father struck Y/N- P
Y/N sat silently the entire ride to Cyril's house. She normally made polite talk with Percy, with or without James in the car, but at the moment, she was too upset. Mostly at herself, for not having the self restraint to stop herself from saying what she did. But she was also upset at Mortimer himself, for thinking he could treat people in such a way that he has been. 
But that's the rich for you. They treat people however they feel like it. 
She looked out the window, her eyes watching as the trees and building passed. Percy had looked back at her through the rearview mirror. He took notice of the red welt on her face where Mortimer had hit her. Percy knew James had seen his message, but the Beaufort twin never responded. Taking in a deep breath, and letting it out slowly, he was already preparing himself for a very angry James. 
Time had gone by quickly in the car. Y/N blinked as they pulled up to Cyril’s home, her eyes finding James out in the front, already waiting for them. She looked into the front seat, noticing Percy already looking at her. Letting out a quick sigh, she prepared herself as James came over, not waiting for Percy to open the door for her. 
“I’m fine.” There was no hiding the red welt on her face. It stayed, even after the drive from the Beaufort Manor to Cyril’s home. His eyes made quick work of finding it. He sucked in a breath. When Percy texted him to let him know what had happened, he had hoped that it was some sick joke, but the bad part about it all? James believed that his father would do such a thing before he even saw the mark on her face. 
“How is that fine? My father-” He stopped. Y/N knew he was stewing in anger. His weren’t the only thing that gave away his current round up of emotions. He kept clenching his fists and running his hands through his hair. Amongst being angry at his father, he was upset and frustrated. Upset that he hadn’t been there to protect her. Frustrated with his life. “I ought to-” 
“No. James. Going back there and confronting him is going to fix things. It’s better that he thinks that you don’t know.” Her hands weaved into his own, preventing him from clenching his fists. I shouldn’t even have said what I did.” 
“Doesn’t mean that you deserved to be struck in the way that you did!” James argued. 
“I asked for it.” 
“Y/N.” The two stood still, staring at each other. They were silent for several moments. Y/N had pulled her hands away from his, picking at her fingers in anxiousness. He grabbed them back, stopping her from doing so. They were drowning in silence.
  “What did you say to him that got his panties in a twist?” He asked finally. Y/N looked up at him, before walking past him and sitting on the front steps of the house. He followed behind her, the two of them watching as Percy parked the car away from the front. Percy would be there still when they needed him. 
“Told him that a father wouldn’t treat his kids in such a way that he does with you and Lydia. That he was a monster.” She mumbled softly. James looked over at her. She currently had her head bowed, hair covering her face. Y/N had defended him and his sister. The woman he loved stood up for him and Lydia when almost no one else would. His heart beat for the selfless soul sitting next to him. 
James wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into him. 
“You don’t have to defend me and Lydia.” Y/N turned her head abruptly to look at him. 
“I appreciate what you did. No one ever stands up to my father.” James finished her sentence for her. “I appreciate you, Y/N.” His hands grasped her cheeks. “But please, don’t do anything like that again. Not if the price is you getting punished for it.” Y/N blinked a few times, having no choice but to stare James in his face. She finally nodded. "I can't bear the knowledge of you getting hurt."
“Okay.” She mumbled softly. 
“Promise?” He asked, peering into her eyes.
“Promise.” James pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead.
“Good. Now I’m going to text my parents and tell them I’m staying the night at Cyril’s, and then we are going back to your place.” James’ voice was authoritative. There was no room for debate. But when the end of the night finally came, and James and Y/N were at her own home, in her own bed, she didn’t mind it. With James holding her against him, murmuring soft words of endearment into her ears, she didn’t want anything else. 
And as she fell asleep, feeling James press a soft kiss to the crown of her head, she knew one thing. 
Even if she did make a promise to James, she would always stick up for him and Lydia, no matter what.
She just wished that she had done it more often in the past few years that she has been in their lives.
@sillyfreakfanparty @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @benbarnesprettygurl
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bethanydelleman · 4 months
Something about this whole Lydia thing confuses me a little .
Why did Darcy act alone ? Why didn't he inform Mr Gardiner of his involvement since the start not after the situation is settled ?
When he asked Lydia to leave Wickham, why did he expect her family to receive her when the whole town knew ?
I kept reading posts about how noble Darcy is for asking her to leave him. But honestly just because he does not care about reputation does not nobody else does. Heck, the whole family would suffer from social isolation, he is basically ruining what's left of the girls's chances of marrying well. He is not destroying just his own chances of marrying Lizzie, but with almost any gentleman she would ever come across. What was he thinking ?
At least, while married to Wickham, she has her reputation restored and she can go to balls and parties, if she leaves him she would be banished somewhere far away and for the extroverted loud Lydia, this is HELL.
And if he wanted simply to recover her, shouldn't he bring a relative alone so they would help convince her, surely that would help.
Honestly, the only sensible thing Lydia had done is refusing to leave him.
Darcy acted alone because he didn't trust Mr. Bennet to be a responsible adult so he waited until Mr. Bennet had returned home before approaching Mr. Gardiner:
But Mr. Gardiner could not be seen; and Mr. Darcy found, on further inquiry, that your father was still with him, but would quit town the next morning. He did not judge your father to be a person whom he could so properly consult as your uncle, and therefore readily postponed seeing him till after the departure of the former.
which, good judgment there, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bennet sucks.
As for the other thing, Darcy doesn't know what is going on in Meryton, he doesn't know that Mrs. Bennet is stupid enough to scream their bad news all over town. This whole affair could have been hushed up if Mrs. Bennet had half a brain cell. Lydia has family in London, they could have easily pretended that Lydia went to visit them.
Either way, I think in Darcy's mind, being married to Wickham is the absolute worst outcome for any woman. He hates Wickham and he knows all of Wickham's faults. To him, a sixteen year old being stuck with that sad excuse for a human being, forever, is worse than death or a cottage. Lydia didn't agree, but I don't think she's smart for that decision, she's short-sighted. And I'm pretty sure at this point that Darcy would marry Elizabeth either way, he'd probably prefer to not have Wickham as a permanent brother in law.
As for Lydia and the family's reputation, there must have been options or else Darcy wouldn't have given leaving as a choice to Lydia. He is very rich and very well regarded and everyone in Meryton now knows that Wickham is awful. So Darcy says she was kidnapped and is completely innocent and he saved her. Fortunately for the Bennet family, they never go to London, so this gossip will not spread far either way. No one knows who they are. Darcy marrying Elizabeth will give the Bennets the same reputation boost that it did in the original timeline. Lydia may need to lay low for a while, but having two very rich brother in laws can only help her marriage prospects down the line.
As for bringing a relative, I assume Darcy would have done that too if he thought it would help. As we know, it wouldn't have.
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sapphicmuppet · 4 months
unresolved things still in my brain post fhjy finale
okay hihi this is not me trying to nitpick I just have a lot of unresolved thoughts!! okay here we go
Buckys arc:
I don’t have a ton of stuff to say just generally his arc being unresolved, being counted as a follower of Cassandra but that never being formally gone over, him still living with Mac and Donna, him skipping class, the drama with his adventuring party etc.
Bobby Dawn:
another self explanatory one, Sandra Lynn never finding out he was teaching at school, him escaping scot free, the drama in the sol pantheon, him never finding buddy etc. Just a lot of unanswered questions
Mazey Graduating:
for having a finale that has a lot of emphasis on the Fabian/Mazey relationship I wish they went over that Mazey IS a senior and graduated at the end of the year and is presumably going to college in the fall, and just the logistics of her being a college student still dating someone in highschool, just interesting having them get together when they’re already going in separate paths. I wish they went over it!! because now in my brain I have to justify it as a summer thing because they’re actively going to be doing other stuff the next school year.
Kipperlilly (and Jace):
okay so. Kipperlily was never rage starred or she willing took on the ragestar whatever I NEED TO KNOW MORE. Ik the point is that the ratgrinders suck and are inexperienced heroes but the realization that she essentially took all of The Ratgrinders down with her and gave them up to Porter, wasn’t being controlled by him in the way the rest of them were, had an even more direct hand in Lucy’s death, but also was still being manipulated by Porter for years?? I need it to get gone over. Also Kipperlily staying dead? to be clear it shouldn’t be The Bad Kids’ jobs to have to deal with the moral question on if the ratgrinders deserve being revived but there’s so much unsaid about Kipperlily and so much she didn’t get to do ugh. And in her final moments her absolute hatred towards Riz just being justified? In her eyes. Idk. Lots of thoughts. AND JACE!! Porter ADMITS to killing Jace himself and shatterstarring him and says he will do it again, but also Jace is clearly under Porter’s control to a degree and wasn’t revived too. I wish we knew more about him because as of what we know right now it seems crazy to keep him dead without questioning him and with him being Porters partner in this whole thing he could fully reveal everything Porter and The Ratgrinders had been doing the past three years.
idk just minor stuff with Bakur. He never regained his elf status which was interesting? We never saw the resolution of his fight with Lydia etc
Okay the acknowledgment in the finale that Kalina seems to genuinely have her own free will and moral compass outside of Cassandra is making me crazy because I just assumed she was tied to Cassandra so when she was good Kalina was too by default but there’s so much not cleared up about her. She DID lure Cassandra to the synod where she was weak and fostered the rage in Cassandra about Kristen’s treatment of her. She killed herself and was trying to communicate to Riz about Porter. Ankarna has NEVER trusted her. She had the spies tongue with Porter. She’s escaping with Buddy at the end. WHATS HAPPENING WHAT IS SHE DOING AGGHHHHH
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gunthermunch · 7 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
Billie: …a… donkey's head? sure why not Max: hey nerd Billie: yeah! Max: how do i look? Billie: Max you know i think you're cute and i would do anything to rob your pretty little face. Max: sure Max: does that mean this flannel doesn't make me look like an idiot Billie: yup! Max: thanks. you don’t look so bad yourself Billie: awww ahaa c'mon!!!! Max: i'll see you tomorrow Billie: call me if things get weird scary!!! Max: as if. Max: hey Pepper and Lydia: Max. Pepper: are you coming to Gordon's party? Max: i have plans Pepper: boo Max: Kat, Jedi, playfully Gordon Gordon: uuughhhhhh Kat: yawns hey dude Max: how's that guy doing Kat: you can borrow him for the night and see for yourself Max: nah, keep it Kay: yeah i will [indistinct conversation] ?: clears throat Max: ah. hi Randy Randy: you suck. you know that, right? Max: i mean, yeah. and not to be a downer but you're a kinda late for that Max: we hooked up ONCE Randy, get over it you hellish punk wannabe rat!
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thestrangesthell · 1 month
No one asked but here are my delusional predictions hopes for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice:
Disclaimer: these are semi-serious and all in good fun. Don’t like? Don’t read.
1. Beetlejuice’s plan initially revolves around tricking Lydia into falling for him ( “now’s my chance” / appearing before her day-to-day / Bonnie & Clyde comparisons ). This doesn’t work but instead makes him fall for her.
1a. Beetlejuice realises they have more in common than he thought and starts to see Lydia as a beacon of hope / confidant and a representation of the freedom he so desperately craves.
2: Lydia has become a total sell out and is being used / manipulated by Rory for financial purposes (canon?)
3: Cartoon-inspired pun-based gags / hijinks.
4: After reading the handbook (which Lydia has used to build her success), Astrid opens the portal to try and find her father but gets kidnapped for being a mortal in the Neitherworld.
4a: Neithworld similarities with cartoon world.
5: Beetlejuice and Lydia actually get married but the ritual gets halted.
6: Delia delivers at least 2 questionable - yet iconic - looks .
7: A single musical number that puts the entire musical to shame (because Danny Elfman is an untouchable talent.)
7a: The musical is referenced / made the butt of a joke somehow.
8: Rory meets an ending similar to Maxi Dean / Otho.
8a: Delores sucks Rory’s soul.
9: Charles’ cause of death is either embarrassingly ridiculous or never confirmed.
10: Maitlands reference / explanation.
10: Juno / Otho / Miss Argentina reference and / or honouring.
11: Cliff hanger ending set-up to lead into a possible third franchise entry / spin-off series.
12: Lydia swears.
13: Beetlejuice says / does something socially unacceptable / “cancellable” (because God forbid a “villain” do something bad.)
14: Astrid asks Beetlejuice to scare the girls at school (cartoon inspired / “stepdad from Hell” reference.)
15: BeetleSnake returns.
16: Astrid and Lydia form a mutual understanding / respect by the end of the movie.
17: Fan fiction / theory is canonised.
18: Beetlejuice cause of death hinted at / confirmed.
18a: Beetlejuice either died by Suicide or by something really embarrassing.
18b: Beetlejuice tells his death story to Lydia.
19: Possession scene.
20: Sandworm at wedding is a joke, not a plot point.
20a: Sandworm is an esteemed wedding guest (invited by Beetlejuice.)
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bugs1nmybrain · 8 months
L. Lawliet licking honey off female readers tummy and breasts then eating whipped cream off of their pussy- please 🙏
tasty ~ l lawliet x self insert: foodplay
It has taken me a while to get to this, but I've been excited to write about it. L and food play is something I've thought about before, but honestly, I was a little embarrassed to.
Notes about the reader: she/her pronouns, female anatomy, she is blatantly based off of me and is named "Lydia". Her physical features aren't described a lot, though, aside from female sex characteristics
I decided to make the reader me this time because, honestly, writing an ambiguous love interest all the time makes it hard for me to be creative. I hope that's not a bother, but if it is, I apologize and no one is obligated to read this.
Warnings: NSFW (18+ MDNI), self insert, dom L at first but he becomes sub later in the fic, food play (honey and whipped cream), breast sucking, oral (fem and male receiving), nervous reader and L, TEASING, panties fetish, bad POV grammar, established relationship, fatass Beetlejuice reference, no penetration, not proofread yet
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"So, what do you think?"
Lydia sat in front of L, dumbstruck by his request. It really wasn't surprising, it was actually pretty L of him. It was rare to find him not downing sweets like no one's business, so this was bound to come. She felt embarrassed, yet not surprised by any means.
Once she could get past how flustered L's question made her, she nodded with a bashful smile.
"I'd be okay with trying that out," Lydia flashed a gentle smile of approval.
"Truly? You seem hesitant."
"I'm not..or-I mean, I guess I am hesitant. It's just because I'm embarrassed."
"If you're feeling self-conscious, I'll assure you that you'd look nothing than gorgeous covered in sweets." While what he said was very flattering, L's deadpan voice made it hard for Lydia not to laugh a little in response.
"It's not all that. I'm just not used to being so exposed."
Taking her anxiety into consideration is something he had already prioritized in this case. However, L had recently paid close attention to her...fantasies. Or at least the ones he was able to find out about. Lydia was a woman with a high sex drive, whether she came to him about it or not was a different story. He had a new side quest to test what aroused her, going as far as to try things they both felt sheepish towards.
The two's sexual relationship was great, however very fresh. Trying more "kinky" sexual activities was new to both of them. Sure, Lydia (and possibly L) had watched a variety of pornography to get a sense of what was erotic to them.
They were currently at a point where the couple would have sex frequently, but it was somewhat predictable. L and Lydia felt great sexual attraction to one another, so chemistry and arousal weren't an issue. But the suspense was starting to lose its pace, something both of them yearned for in times of sexual pleasure.
"We could go completely at your pace and comfortability, love. I don't want to embarrass you (kind of a lie). I just think that this could possibly enhance trust between us. It's also...something that I've, uhm..fantasized about. A couple of times (absolute truth)."
There were already a few ideas in Lydia's head about fetishes L may have had but hadn't been confirmed yet. Seeing him admit to one, though, made her blush and tingle.
"Is that so? Hehe, I thought that you may have."
"Observant as always. That's why you're my dearest."
Lydia didn't respond but instead became flustered to herself and avoided eye contact. Her cheeks were already looking warm, heightening L's arousal when he noticed.
"Would you want to try now?" L asked, scanning her face for any discomfort from his question, or even arousal.
To his satisfaction, her cheeks lit up more, accompanied by an eager smile. She nodded vigorously, with a beam of excitement in her eyes.
"Alright, then. I'm going to go grab a couple of things for us, but I'll be back very soon."
L stood up, about to turn to walk out of the room, but redirected himself back to Lydia. He quickly placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, but turned back around and left the room without any acknowledgment afterwards.
Lydia sat pretty on the bed, unsure if she should be undressing or not. She decided to play it safe and just stay put for now. Not very long after, L opened the door. He only had two things with him, surprisingly. She almost expected him to bring the whole nine yards with him. All he had with him was a jar of extra-sweetened honey and a can of whipped cream.
L made his way over to the bed, placing the containers down as he sat in front of her, sitting in his traditional position.
"You look very pretty today," L compliments. Lydia looked up at him, to see what she thought was a flustered look (it was hard to tell with L). He reached his hand to gently brush her hair with his fingers.
She blushed which made L smile, making no effort to hide his expression. Making Lydia flustered was one of his favorite things. The fact that he, someone so weird and off-putting, could make her feel this way struck a bit of pride in him. Though, perhaps it only made sense, given she was rather strange and unusual herself. Her unhinged demeanor was one of the reasons L found her so adorable.
"Thank you."
"May I kiss you?"
As always, his lips were incredibly soft and inviting. He was also excellent with his tongue.
The kiss became heated not so shortly after, and L's hands had begun to roam. His delicate, long fingers found their way up Lydia's stomach, pulling her shirt along with them. He kissed her neck up to her jawline as he pulled the shirt off. Soon after came her pants.
"Mmm..." L adores. His fingers immediately rub themselves gently on her clothed clitoris. They caressed her gently, causing Lydia to whimper in pleasure.
"I love you," he continues. His affirmation was much appreciated by the butterflies in Lydia's stomach, fueling her arousal.
"I love you too."
L reached for the honey. He had brought a spoon with him to help put it on her easier. He dipped his spoon in the jar after opening it, causing Lydia to tense up anxiously. L recognizes her timid body language and stops.
"Are you alright? Are you comfortable?"
You smile at his consideration and nod your head.
"Nervous, but I'm comfortable and trust you."
"I appreciate that. "
He made sure to lean down and give her a gentle kiss for reassurance. Right after that, he dipped his spoon in the jar, swirled the spoon around to help with the consistency, and held it above her. When the honey fell on her stomach, she cringed at the cold sensation. L realized that perhaps he should've warmed up the honey.
"It's ok, love," Lydia assured him.
The honey began drizzling on her breasts. The sticky substance fell over her skin, causing Lydia's clit to twitch. L smirks in response, though he tries to hide his face.
L puts the spoon back in the jar and screws the lid back on. He looks back at Lydia as she is exposed on the bed, only covered by her panties. She was absolutely gorgeous to him, and the sight made him clam up. He swallowed as discreetly as he could and redirected his attention to what the goal was.
"May I?" He asks, catching her eyes in his, holding out the contact for approval.
He oogles her for a moment before kneeling on top of her. Seeing her full breasts covered in honey was making him very embarrassed, especially because all he wanted to do was put his mouth all over her right now.
"You look incredible..."
Lydia buried her face in her hands and giggled in embarrassment. L started by running his hands over places that weren't covered in honey, trailing his soft fingertips along her sides up to her shoulders. With hesitation, he leans forward to attach his mouth onto her breast. The honey tasted great, and her tit was supple and soft. Lydia felt a shameful arousal build up and her thighs started squeezing together in response. L gave both of them equal attention and then began making his way down her tummy.
The flavor of the honey made this much more comfortable for L. Thid made him a bit nervous admittedly, as the act was so vulnerable for the both of you. It made it easier to lick and suck at your skin with something sweet to distract himself with. He could feel himself growing hard already.
He finally made it to her panties. He looks up at Lydia with neutral but lustful eyes before asking her, "Are you ready for the next part?"
"You sure?"
"It's okay," she giggles in response, appreciative of his consideration. Though it wasn't like he hadn't already seen her nude many times before. "You can go ahead."
Lydia's hearts throbbed in her chest while L pulled her panties off. He looked at the mess inside of them with amusement. Her secretion of wetness was always fascinating to him, and her scent was a turn on her him if he was honest.
"Can I keep these for a day or so?"
Lydia laughed at his request, but not offended by any means. "Yes, love."
He gave them a brief whiff, trying to define every detail of her scent. He could tell she had showered recently by the lack of musk, aside from her wetness. His attention returned to her pussy, which was visibly drenched in arousal. The sight made L lightly bite down on his lip.
"You fold so easily for me," he remarks with a cocky tone.
"I do not!"
"Mhm, sure," his fingers return to her clit, stroking lightly for a little bit, actually forgetting for a moment that they were supposed to be incorporating food.
L took the can of whipped cream and shook it to make sure it came out consistently. Remembering the incident with the honey before, he directed his attention to Lydia.
"This might be cold."
"Okay," she smiled at him bashfully, keeping her gaze up at the ceiling as he sprayed the whipped cream on her cunt. He was very generous with the amount he put on her.
"Alright.." L moved Lydia's thighs further apart and dipped his head in between. He latched his mouth on her pussy, licking and sucking all over, actively avoiding her clitoris on purpose. L was known for being a tease like that.
He focused on the taste of the sweets, diving to wherever he could find more of the substance. His mouth sucked along her lips and the sides of her cunt.
"Hm? What is it, love?"
"Mmmrrhh," her desperate whines were clearly trying to tell him to put his mouth in the right spot, but he feigned ignorance like always.
"I'm afraid I don't understand gibberish, Lydia." He looked up at her with a face covered in the white cream and sticky consistency.
"Use your words."
"My clit.."
"What about it?"
She scrunched up her face in annoyance. Not that she didn't love his playful banter with her, but she was aching to be pleasured.
"Please, it's sensitive."
"I can imagine, love. Let me help with that, hm?"
To her bliss, he gave her exactly what she needed, wrapping his mouth on her clit. He couldn't see what it looked like due to the whipped cream, but he could tell by the feeling of it on his mouth that she was swollen and yearning.
He placed a little more cream on her cunt, and continued praising her pussy with his skilled tongue. He sucked on her nub as he enjoyed the sweet taste of the whipped cream and flicked his tongue accordingly. He was attentive to how it would pulse against his tongue and how Lydia's hips would jerk when she liked a particular motion. It got to the point where L had to hold her hips down to keep her still.
Her moans caused his cock to strain, making him muffle and grunt against her cunt.
"Fuck, you taste so good."
"It's really just the cr-"
"Shhh.." he continued lapping at her sensitive cunt to silence her, though she only wailed in pleasure. He buried his face closer into her cunt, reaching over her thighs to fondle her tummy while he did.
"Mm~ I'm.."
"Mhm. I know, sweetheart. Go on.."
He didn't stop his attack afterwards, repeating her favorite motion of his tongue as much as he could until her muscles began contracting and her legs and hips squirmed.
As she came all over his face, he sucked at her cunt more, extending her orgasm as much as he could. When her body finally gave out and went limp, he gave a couple more kisses to her cunt before coming up for some much needed air.
"How are you feeling, my love?" He asked as he rubbed gentle circles onto her inner thigh.
"G-good.." she was a little shakey from her orgasm but had a very blissful smile to accompany her. Seeing her surrender to him like this made him horny beyond belief.
"I'll go get some things to clean you up and then we can cuddle, alright?"
"Um..what about you?"
"What about me?"
Lydia laughed softly, amused that he didn't ask himself. "Couldn't I do the same to you?"
"Wha-oh! Uh--I.."
L hardly stammered like this, it was a treat to Lydia to get to see him obviously flustered like this.
"Do you want that?"
She looked at him intently, watching him trying to hold back a blushy smile.
"I'd-uh-y-yes. Yes. I'd love that, Lydia."
Lydia sat upwards, waiting for L to situate himself. Despite his awkward and blunt composure, L was gentlemanly in the sense that he typically didn't ask for things like a blowjob often, usually leaving that decision up to Lydia. He saw it as extremely vulnerable not only for him but for Lydia as well. He wasn't big necessarily, but his cock was longer in length and so he didn't want her to feel pressured about her performance. Though tonight, he was definitely grateful she had initiated this.
L sat awkwardly on the bed with his thighs spread as he sat like he always did. Lydia approached him, still nude and not fully cleaned up yet. She rested in between his legs and placed her hands in his chest, motivating to get him to lay down. She unzipped his pants and took them off. His cock sprung out, flushed at his tip and looking painfully hard.
Lydia reached for the whipped cream and doused his cock in it. It made him embarrassed underneath his deadpanned pink-faced stare, but as soon as she began sucking the consistency off his glans, he couldn't have cared less about his embarrassment.
The way she tended to his cock made it seem as if she was trying to tell him how much she loved him through every suck, lick, and stroke. She moaned and breathed through her nose, occasionally wincing as she attempted to take as much of him as she could. She made his heart flutter ever so slightly as she did so. He noticed how when she couldn't take him as far as she wanted, she'd try to compensate by sucking at spots she knew he was most sensitive at.
She pulled back his foreskin to make sure she got all of the whipped cream, dragging her tongue up to suck his tip after. He could feel himself get close to cumming, she usually was able to get him with very simple displays of adoration for him.
At this point, all the whipped cream was gone and his cock was sticky. She bobbed her head and coated L's cock with her saliva. His hand rested at his face, pulling at his lips while he let out whimpers.
"Mmm.."she hummed on his cock, almost making him cum then and there. L reached down to run his fingers through her scalp, which made her react by pushing her mouth further on his cock. He could hear Lydia choke and wanted to stop her from hurting herself, but she didn't seem to mind as she kept going. Her watery eyes and flushed face drove his cock crazy, as it started to twitch and his balls clenched.
"Mhm," she nodded with his cock in her mouth, a strange feeling for him but even so, his arousal only got worse and he ended up cumming down her throat abruptly.
"Hrnnn...." L sighed out, trying to regulate his breathing again. He pet Lydia's head while she released his cock from her mouth, swallowing his cum in the process.
"You didn't have to swallow, I know it's not tasty."
"It's ok. Yours isn't bad. I also have whipped cream residue in my mouth so it diluted the flavor."
"Thank you."
She smiled at him and came back up to huddle up next to him. She looked up at him like she had something to say.
"What is it?" L asked.
"Can I kiss you? I know my mouth was just uh.."
L scoffs. "Don't worry about that. Mine hasn't been anywhere better."
Lydia kissed L softly, and rested her face on his shoulder. He rested his hand on her hip and allowed her to embrace him.
"I think it would be appropriate to go take a shower and brush our teeth, don't you think so?" L questioned her teasingly.
"Yea. I'm sticky."
"Me too. I had a good time doing this, did you?"
"Hehe, yes. It felt very good."
"I thought so, too. I'm grateful you agreed to do this with me."
"I enjoyed it very much. I'd be okay with doing it again in the future."
"Oh we definitely will. Maybe we'll experiment with other scenarios too, hm?"
"Like what?"
"Oh darling, I have quite a few ideas in mind for us..."
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vampire | v. stiles x fem!reader | angst/hurt
summary: void stiles may be bad, but not in your eyes. you soon realize that everyone else’s view of him was true.
warnings: angst, swearing, manipulation, abuse and mention of murder
♫ ( vampire - olivia rodrigo )
a/n: { this is based of olivia rodrigos new song vampire! it’s so good and void just fits the part of it. i am also in no way romanticizing abuse or murder in this imagine. }
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cause i’ve made some real big mistakes
“void.. hear me out, i promise i didn’t mean it.” you say in a seemingly calm tone. your mind was the exact opposite of your words. you did mean it. you meant every part of it. it was never supposed to come out, void should have never known you’ve loved him.
“just shut up y/n, i know you weren’t lying.” he spits out. “you need to really use better choice of words, cause jesus you’re not in love with me.” void sat while you were up looking down at him with tears in your eyes.
but you make the worst one look fine
“it’s not my fault she got in the way.” he laughs. “VOID YOU KILLED ALLISON.” you yell. under your breath “you killed my bestfriend.” void gives you a demeaning look. you have to think, why does everything he do have to be perfect in his eyes.
“it’s seriously not that big of a deal y/n.” he gets off his seat and heads to the door. you grab voids arm and say “seriously?”. “you act like what you did was nothing.” you spit out. your body fills with rage as your mind keeps repeating the moment you found out what he did.
out of the corner of your eye, you see him produce a slight smirk.
i should’ve known it was strange, you only come out at night
“void, why do you only come out at night.” you snickered. there was a long pause on the phone call suddenly left with a groan. “why do you always ask so many questions.” he says back.
“it’s not my fault i want to actually see my boyfriend.” you said with a chuckle. the line goes dead silent once again. something was off with void today but you couldn’t pinpoint the exact problem.
“maybe you can come over in a few.” you suggest. “i think it’s better if i come over later.” he retorts. does he really think i’m that stupid.
i used to think i was smart, but you make me look so naive
“y/n, when will we ever get to meet this boyfriend of yours”, lydia asks questioningly . the whole pack turns their head to look at you, except for of course stiles.
“he’s always really busy, you know.” kira gives you a questioning look. “he always seems to be busy, doesn’t he?” scott remarks. scott and lydia seemed to be the ones most interested in what is up with your boyfriend.
“guys i know you think he’s up to no good, but believe me; he is just really busy.” you cough out. you try to convince yourself of the words you’re saying, but each day it’s harder to lie to yourself. maybe he just is really busy
the way you sold me for parts, as you sunk your teeth into me
you cry out in pain as void sinks his teeth into you. it wasn’t as bad as last time, but you have to suck it up for him. this is the only way he could get his power to be with you. his teeth seeping into your flesh made him feel better.
soon after void is finished with you he lets go, “you did so good y/n.” you wince out in pain as he runs his finger over the newly bitten mark in your flesh. you flinch when he puts his mouth down to kiss it. he slowly backs away from your skin and gives you a less than compassionate smile.
“it will be over soon little dove, just a little more.” he grasps at your hand to hold it. “you’re doing so good already, why stop now”, he chuckled. you gasp in pain as he sinks his teeth into you.
only a few more minutes
bloodsucker, famefucker
the marks were soon gone as void gave you some of his power to regenerate your skin. it still hurt but he seemed to be more compassionate this time around. it was hard to be around void in this time of night, he liked to get dark and you didn’t understand how concerning it was.
he liked to be rough with you, in many aspects. but if it was enough to stay with void, you would do anything to make it happen. he was like a bloodsucker, but you never realized it. he would suck out all of energy from you, and never replenish it. he is a vampire in that aspect.
bleeding me dry like a god damn vampire
“y/n, Y/N, are you okay??” scott yells. you aren’t able to hear him well as your hearing is fading in and out. you feel yourself being rolled somewhere. “scott, where am i?” you muster up the strength to say.
it was hazy all around you. you couldn’t seem to pinpoint where you were. you heard ringing in both ears and you felt hard lights upon you. “where, where is he?”, you manage to say. “don’t worry, stiles is on his way.” you feel yourself go down the long hallway faster and faster. “no- no, not stiles.” you begin to feel your surroundings.
it seems to be that you’re at a hospital. your only thought is to where void is. is he okay? “where is void.” the spinning stops, and you are faced with scott to the side of you.
“what are you talking about?”
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christinesficrecs · 9 months
Hell beautiful person! I’m looking for Sterek Fics set in High School where Stiles and Derek are the same age! Always a happy sterek ending, all fluff, angst is okay to as long as they are together at the end. No cheating please! Thank you so much!
High School fics are so fun!! 😍
The Lawn Ranger by Snowjob | 47.8K | Mature
In which Derek is an adolescent werewolf with a penchant for chocolate bunnies, and instead of the dream summer of lazing around the house playing video games and nibbling on his hoarded supply of easter candy his mother makes him get a job.
In which Stiles is a showoff jock with a broken arm and an embarrassing crush who can no longer push the lawn mower around the yard.
When You’re Close I Feel the Sparks by  Leslie_Knope | 39.6K
The guy is hot as hell, sure—leather jacket and glasses, Jesus, be still Stiles’ poor, bisexual, beating heart—but more importantly, it must really suck being new on the first day of senior year.
“We’re adopting him,” he decides, tugging Scott and Kira by the elbow in that direction. “Let’s go.”
Strut on a Line, its Discord and Rhyme by xiaq | 61.8K
“Carry me,” Stiles says.
“But I’m injured.”
“You have a rash,” Derek says. “On your arm. Your feet work just fine.”
“No. You weigh almost as much as I do. And you ate a pound of chicken at lunch.”
Kingdom By The Sea by kilaem | 4K
Lydia grabs his arm and pulls him down in the seat next to her. “When the hell did you find time to bag a guy like Hale?”
“We’re friends,” Stiles feels his face heat up, and then the team are running out and Derek sees him and smiles. His blush gets worse.
“Oh really?”
“Our moms were friends, okay? We’ve been in diapers together.”
“I thought you two hated each other.”
What Good Are Rules (If You Can’t Break Them) by wishingonalightningbolt | 9.5K | Explicit
In which Derek and Stiles engage in no-strings-attached sex. It works out about as well as you might imagine.
Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves, but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys by  calrissian18 | 9K
Derek Hale—the Incredible Meat that Thinks—needs a math tutor. Stiles Stilinski needs something that will look better on his college applications than ‘passable D&D Dungeon Master.’
It’s a match made in heaven. Er, right?
Let Me Be Yours by EvanesDust, isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 30.3K
What if Stiles did end up believing one day and he got a soulmark and it... wasn’t Derek’s? What if it was a completely different design? Derek would hate the other person on principle because they would’ve gotten what he wanted.
Hadn’t he earned Stiles? He’d been there for him for years, and they were both such good friends, and had stuck by one another regardless of their differences. He was sitting in a fucking movie theatre to watch a movie he wasn’t at all interested in instead of playing ultimate frisbee with Boyd and some other friends, for fuck’s sake. He loved ultimate frisbee! Much more than superhero movies!
But not more than Stiles.
He couldn’t possibly love anything more than Stiles.
i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me) by bleepobleep | 10.5K
Derek gets in an accident and loses a few years of his memory; suddenly everything is different— he’s not a freshman loser anymore, but a popular senior, captain of the basketball team, a shoo-in for prom king, too, and he should have everything he’s ever wanted— except he doesn’t seem to be friends with Stiles anymore.
John Hughes Did Not Direct My Life by nascentgalaxies | 48.6K | Explicit
Stiles and Derek are childhood friends who drifted apart. When Stiles joins the lacrosse team against his will, the universe (with a little help from Laura and Lydia) chooses to push them back together.
Chocolate & Pomegranates by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 9.6K
Derek has been an Omega for what feels like centuries. He is constantly hounded by Alphas and Betas who can't control their hormones. He's thankful for Laura defending his honor, but there is one person he's always dreamed of giving himself to.
Too bad Derek is certain Stiles doesn't know he exists.
It’s Always Been You, Dumbass by stilinskisparkles | 11K
“Alright, cool, we should go,” Stiles says breezily, dusting off his hands as he stands.
“We should?”
“But… Do you even care about photography?”
“Not as much as I should,” Stiles plants both his hands on the table, bracketing Derek in, “You’ll have to correct my miscreant ways.”
This Might Be Irony by thepsychicclam | 38.3K | Mature
Stiles and Derek have been close friends since the Hale siblings moved in next door after their parents’ death. But Derek’s in the popular group, he’s a star baseball player, and he dates popular Pep Squad captain Jennifer Blake. Stiles doesn’t have any of that, just his skateboard and a hopeless crush on Derek (oh yeah, and his Vote Lydia Martin Prom Queen button). As prom and the baseball state championship grow closer, Stiles and Derek start rekindling their friendship.
And it all begins with two white boards.
A Cunning Plan by yodasyoyo | 32.7K
Stiles has a plan to get Lydia Martin to notice him. Derek is not impressed.
But Then What… by Stoney | 24.3K | Explicit
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He’s someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn’t like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn’t attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
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patchdonal · 4 months
I’ve been thinking about it and, at first, the whole Bakur-actually-supports-the-nonfiendish-Ankarna thing kinda sucked, since it meant that the sacrifices made by Lydia and her allies were lowkey for nothing. But then, based on the finale, it seems likely that if Bakur was released without the Bad Kids to sway him, he likely would have been duped by Porter and would have joined his plan. So that makes me feel better.
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captainimfangirling · 16 days
Ok I said I didn't ship Beeltejuice and Lydia but now I kinda do after watching Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Yes she wasn't interested in him romantically but I don't give a f*ck. I don't need a mortal compass to ship fictional characters and I've always shipped villains x heroes. I guess never shipped them in the first movie because I was a kid when I first saw it plus they're both adults in the second movie so what the f*ck. I don't see this any different from shipping a vampire and a human.
Warning: Major spoilers (my long ass review)
My disappointment with this movie is that there were too many plots going on, too many potholes they glossed over, and it felt very rushed. In the first movie I feel like it all came together but this one didn't. I'm also disappointed Beeltejuice and Lydia didn't work together when saving Astrid but I guess they wanted her to have a father/mother/daughter moment.
Astrid & Jeremony
I was fully expecting to hate Astrid but I liked her. She's very stuck up in the beginning but changes later on. She loves her mother but thought she was scam artist but she had good reasons. Hated it when she pointed out that Beetlejuice's contract was void and I was like girl shut the fuck up but at the same time I don't blame her for trying to save her mama from Beeltejuice. Her crush on Jeremy was good and I liked that story line (AHS Murder House vibe) but again it was too rushed. I loved the fact that Beetlejuice stopped him before he can get his card stamped.
Delia & Charles
I enjoyed Delia a lot. She was so much fun and totally would've acted that way if Charles died. I'm glad they didn't just forget about the character Charles because the actor is a disgusting pedo. The character should be separated from the actor. It was pretty clever how they went about it to honor the character and not the asshole. Tim Burton has a lot of balls for that.
Delores & Rory
I loved Delores' introduction but that's it. All she did was look for Beetlejuice and suck souls. Also her story line was way too quick. I was fully expecting to ship her and Beetlejuice but nope. Rory was a good villain but his story line also felt very rushed. It's interesting how Beeltejuice's former wife and Lydia's former fiance died together at their wedding....it's totally not baiting Lydia and Beeltejuice shippers (sarcasm).
I loved Lydia too and I can totally see her being easily manipulated but why Rory? At least in the first movie she had a great reason to accept Beetlejuice's offer. Also I feel like Lydia wasn't weird enough and I get it people grow up but still she didn't feel like the same Lydia. I like that she was a supernatural TV host/ghost hunter but I feel like Winona is right that Lydia would been a spinster in the attic. It's funny to me how Lydia mentioned their 600 year age gap but I bet the weird Lydia from the first movie totally would've married a vampire or a zombie.
I loved Beeltejuice but he wasn't the star of the show like he was in the last movie. I honestly think he wants to marry Lydia instead of finding someone else to marry because he fell for her over the years but she also got away from their agreement (but then again he didn't seem mad about it). I was hoping Lydia would realize Beetlejuice actually likes her and be grossed out by it. Also there's the fact that he wasn't as pervy like he was in the first movie. I mean he looked at Delia up and down but it's not very bad compared to what he did in the first movie. The Maitlands influenced Beeltejuice because he did a musical number instead of quickly marrying Lydia like he tried to do in the first movie. If he wasn't f*cking around he would've gotten his bride. Maybe he was a bit too confident because this time he had a contract which he was very smart for doing. Did anyone notice he kissed Lydia's hand? I didn't expect that from Beetlejuice. I thought was gonna forcefully kiss her like he did to Barbra but no he was dare I say a gentlemen. Not only did he save Astrid but he exposed Rory to Lydia and he didn't even have to do that because he already had his marriage contract. I'm surprised they didn't try to de-age Michael Keaton in the flashback and it would totally make sense because Beeltejuice did look younger in the first movie but I guess they didn't wanna use too much CGI.
I loved Bob. He was very funny so I was very sad when Delores killed him. Not sure if he was the same shrunken head from the first movie but I personally don't think he is. He looks too different. Would be funny if all the shrunken heads were the football players.
Potholes & The Maitlands
I hate that they didn't talk about how people who committed suicide become civil servants like it was said in the first movie. They basically erased it because Astrid's dad is working in the Netherworld when he died in the Amazon and Beetlejuice was murdered. The only clue was in the newspaper that I pointed out days ago how workers were wrongfully assigned a suicide and the case workers are on strike. I think that would've been a more interesting story line for Beetlejuice. It would explain why he wants out so badly but I guess Burton didn't want us to feel sympathy for him or make him too deep. What was the damn loophole the Maitlands had? I hate that they didn't even try to explain. I think it would've been sweet if it was Lydia who helped them find a loophole so they can move on after she moved out of the house. Like a parting gift to her parents.
Wolf Jackson
The Wolf Jackson character wasn't all that interesting. To make him more interesting I think it would've been cool if Astrid was a fan of his movies. I think he started working in the afterlife because of the strike so they took whoever they can get even if it's an actor.
The Baby
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Also that Baby Beeltejuice was so weird! I loved it! When Lyis Belly started growing I was like holy sh*t is he trying to hint that he wants her to have his babies?! lmao I don't remember the movie being this bloody! The ending was confusing at first but clever because it's basically saying he hasn't given up on Lydia and will continue to haunt her until she's his bride. Also why can't Lydia have her show and still be part of her daughter's life? I hate that she gave it up. I think it would've been nicer if Astrid started working with her. Like a mother daughter ghost show since Astrid can see ghosts too.
Well that's my review. I hope I didn't complain too much because I actually did enjoy the movie. I want to be positive but I always end up writing something to complain about.
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purplephantomwolf · 10 months
Love in Motion
Chapter One
Synopsis: Lydia gets a wrong number text from Lando Norris.
Note: This is not an accurate portrayal of how the real people in this act. I do not know them personally, so I will not be portraying them accurately.
Warnings for this chapter: None
Next chapter: Chapter Two
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April 4, 2022
     I sigh, turning my attention away from my organic chemistry professor to my laptop screen. I watch as the 20 best drivers in the world complete the last lap of the first race of the 2021 Formula 1 season. I just recently got into Formula 1, so I’m watching the 2021 season to get a feel for the sport. One of my best friends says the 2021 season is a great season to watch because of the fights between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton. I silently cheer as my favourite driver, Lando Norris, finishes P4. I look up at the clock and see that it’s only 12:30. Still 35 minutes left of class, I think. I let out a little audible sigh, turning back to my laptop. I move on to watching qualifying for the first Italy grand prix of the 2021 season. I have just clicked play when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grab it and see a text message from an unknown number. 
Unknown number: Did you make it home from the club okay?
Me: *One image attached* Considering I’m currently in a chemistry lecture, I think you may have been given the wrong number. I’m sorry.
     I send a picture of my view of my professor, laptop, and notes to the unknown number. 
Unknown number: Oh, thank you! I’m sorry for bothering you!
Unknown number: Hang on, are you watching Formula 1 while in lecture?
Me: It’s okay! Also, yes I am watching Formula 1 while in lecture. I’d rather be learning about Formula 1 than boring organic chemistry. Also, why are you texting someone about getting home from the club okay? It’s 12:30 pm?
Unknown number: It’s currently 2:30 am for me. I was attempting to text a girl I was talking to at the club, but it looks like she gave me the wrong number. 
Me: Oh, that makes sense. Wait, where are you that’s 14 hours ahead of me? Also, I’m sorry about the whole wrong number thing. That really sucks. Unless she gave you the wrong number cause you’re a creep. Then you deserve it. 
Unknown number: I’m currently in Melbourne, Australia. And I wasn’t being a creep! At least, I don’t think so. I hope not at least. I try my best to not be a creep. 
Me: Alright, that’s good. I doubt you were being a creep. And Australia? Jeez, that’s so far from me. I’m in Minnesota, United States.
Unknown number: That's only a little far from Australia. 
Me: Yeah, it’s going to be not fun to watch the F1 race this weekend, but staying up is so worth it to see the race live.
Unknown number: Big fan of the sport? 
Me: Yeah, I am. I just recently got into it, so I’m watching the 2021 season to learn everything I can. I’m also attempting to watch all the qualifying and races live.
Unknown number: Oh cool. That’s got to be tiring Considering most of the races are in Europe. Waking up early every day of the weekend must suck. 
Me: I mean, yeah. It kinda sucks, but it’s not too bad. I’m not waking up super early unless it’s races in places like Japan and Australia. The earliest I have to wake up is like 6 for other races. That’s not too bad though. 
Unknown number: Oh, that’s not too bad then! Which team do you support?
Me: Well, there’s not a specific team I really support. If I have to choose one, it would be Ferrari, probably followed by Red Bull. I support drivers more than I support teams really. 
Unknown number: Okay, then who are your top three drivers?
Me: That is a hard decision to make for 2 and 3. Lando Norris is for sure my number one driver, but I have like 5 drivers tied for second and then 5 tied for third. I made a tier list one time lol
Unknown number: Okay, so what’s the tier list then? I’m curious
Me: The people within each tier are in no particular order. So it goes 1. Norris 2. Verstappen, Leclerc, Gasly, Ricciardo, Sainz 3. Schumacher, Albon, Stroll, Vettel, Tsunoda 4. Bottas, Guanyu, Ocon, Russell, Hamilton 5. Latifi, Magnussen, Perez, Alonso
Unknown number: Hmm, interesting. So do you dislike tier 5 then?
Me: No, I don’t dislike any drivers. Unless you count past drivers *cough* Mazespin *cough* Tier 1 is my all time favourite. Tier 2 are ones I also support a bunch, but are not my all time favourite. Tier 3 are ones I support, but not much as tier 2. Tier 4 are ones I support some. Tier 5 are ones I don’t support at all. 
Unknown number: That’s a funny nickname for Mazepin. But why don’t you like him?
Me: I’m not sure. I just get a weird vibe from him. 
Unknown number: Interesting. But I get what you’re saying. Can I ask why Lando is your favourite? My favourite is Carlos. 
Me: Sure! Lando is my favourite because of his personality, humor, and how he speaks out about mental health. I really struggle with depression and anxiety, so having such a public figure speak out about it is amazing. Also helps that he’s got the boy next door charm. That’s definitely my type lol.
Unknown number: Ahh, okay! Those are good reasons to like him! Now, I feel weird talking to a nameless person. Can I ask you what your name is?
Me: My name is Lydia. Can I ask what your name is?
Unknown number: Lydia, that’s a pretty name. My name is Luke. 
Me: Nice to meet you, Luke. 
     I look up when I hear a commotion around me. I see that my classmates are packing their things and leaving. Wow, time really flew by talking to this stranger. I put my phone down and quickly pack my things. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head out. I feel my phone vibrate with a text again. I see that it’s Luke again. 
Luke: Nice to meet you too, Lydia. 
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creepy-old-memes · 4 months
genuinely thrilled that this blog exists. like i don't know WHY so many people take issue with this ship. fiction is fiction, who gives a shit?
no, ACTUAL teenage girls shouldn't be out frolicking around with weird, creepy, middle aged men, but lydia deetz is not a real teenage girl and beetlejuice is not a real creepy old guy. also they're literally so couple "coded" anyway like. basically canon regardless, shut the fuck up (not you <3)
anyways ily and i love ur blog, thank u for the safe space to ship the weird goth girl and her weirdo smelly boyfriend
aww thanks anon <3
AND EXACTLY like of course I wouldn’t condone a 30 something and a teen dating in real life THATS CRAZY and fucking gross!
But that’s not what I’m doing it’s teen x immortal being which hello?! Reaaaallllly common trope, seen it a million times but what? Because he’s not conventionally attractive and doesn’t look the same age it’s bad™? I’m sorry but wasn’t there a million dollar franchise about a 100 yr old vampire falling for a teen girl?
I just don’t get the disconnect people have that one is morally evil and the other is totally fine?? And I’m not even saying so therefore you have to like it or have no issue I’m saying just chill out, it’s really not that deep, let people do their own thing, and the world sucks, having silly enjoyment like this shouldn’t be causing people to get this angry and writing DNI on EVERYTHING it’s just goofy.
So in short, enjoy the memes it’s time we make shitposts
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forwritingisdreaming · 4 months
My husband and I had been looking for something interesting to watch, and I’m glad we came across “Maxton Hall”. Binge-watching on a Saturday night for the win.
There are quite a few things that I like about it. My first kudos go to the music supervisor: every selection hits the spot! Not a bad track in the whole first season. My second kudos—and this is not in order of importance—go to the director, the director of photography, and the cameraman. Beautifully executed scenes, e.g. the way anxiety/panic was depicted. The camera moves, the use of color. I loved how their dance at the party (before the pool scene) was done as well. Plenty of fun and attraction. And can we talk about the car scene after the same pool party? It sucks you in, and you’re together with them in their silence and intimacy. Just right.
In addition, there are some plot points that I enjoyed and that I found… well, fresh. I appreciated James’ reaction to Ruby’s apology when they were on the field. I fully expected him to react with a sarcastic remark only to regret it later. Also, I like that James’ father—stepfather, I believe—pushes him to participate in the business not because he wants his son to be successful as he is and not necessarily to continue his legacy, but because he himself was not that grand to begin with, and this is not his name. He is afraid of losing what he has, but he does not have any original ideas. So, he uses Lydia as an originator and pimps his son for his own gain. I found that different.   
If only they could have done one season of 16 episodes or so… Sigh.
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