#lyrics: ''deep six'' by marilyn manson
dijidweeeb · 1 year
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #MarilynManson, #DeepSix ... From the Album #ThePaleEmperor [Official Lyric Video] (2015) #MMitM1
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gungieblog · 1 year
Marilyn Manson - Deep Six - Lyrics
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Survey #364
“you wanna know what zeus said to narcissus?  /  ‘you’d better watch yourself’“
Do you change your type of music regularly? Nah. I've ben all about metal and rock since middle school. Would you want to visit Tokyo, Japan, someday? It's not actually on my bucket list or anything, but I'd do it. Do you curse like a sailor? Sailors are better than I am, aha... Do you hear trains pass by where you live? No. Ever been in a race? Haha, no. Last time you’ve eaten a taco? I hate tacos. Do you like horses? Sure do! Do you like Starburst? omg YES. What is your favourite wild animal? MEERKATS!!!!!! :') Do you like hamsters? They're very cute, but I've never met a nice one. Do you eat bananas? Yeah, I like bananas, but I'm VERY picky with how ripe it is. There's like, barely a two-day span where I'm willing to eat them. What is your favourite bookstore? I don't have one. What is your favorite fast food joint? Sonic. Do you sweat easily? Ugh, you haven't the slightest idea. As a side effect of one (or two?) of my prescriptions, I have I N S A N E hyperhidrosis. I can stand outside for a millisecond in like 70 degree weather and I'm already sweating. If you could move (and SERIOUSLY think about this) where would you move? All factors considered, being entirely realistic, the mountain-y region of western NC. Why would you go there? I want to stay in NC to at least not be a massive ways away from my family, and I loooove mountains. Plus, there's a lot of cool places on the other end of the state. Do you want to travel? Yes. I want to see so much more than this boring 'ole state. What was the last vaccination you got? For Covid. Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? There have been wildfires towards the beach, I believe? Any time it happened we would always get the smoke all the way where we live. Are you Italian? Not to my knowledge. Do you own an acoustic guitar? No. What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? My physical health. When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Recently. Can you roll your own cigarettes? I've never smoked, so. Are you mentally strong? I think so. I hope so. Are you physically strong? I am like, comically weak. Are you heartbroken right now? No. Do you ever get complimented on your eyes? What color are they? It's happened, but it's definitely not a regular thing or whatever. They're grayish blue. What facial feature do you like the best on a person? I'd say I'm most attracted to pretty eyes. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever held? I helped hold a massive snake as a kid (I don't remember what it was), and I've also held a rose hair tarantula. I can't think of any truly strange animals by my opinion, really. Do you get extremely hyper when under the influence of sugar? No. Sugar seems to have zero effect on me, probably because I'm over-exposed to it thanks to soda... What about caffeine? Not at all, likely for the aforementioned reason. Have you ever tried any drugs? If so, did you regret it? Besides alcohol, no. I don't regret having drank as it was never a lot. Do you have any pregnant friends? A high school acquaintance is pregnant. I THINK she's the only one now? I swear I see a new pregnancy announcement on Facebook like every two days, and mind you I don't even have all that many "friends." That being said, I may definitely be forgetting someone. When ordering food, what do you usually get as a drink? Depending on whether they have Pepsi or Coke products, either Mountain Dew or Coke. When drawing something, do you try to be super precise or do you not care? I am so, so, SO obsessive over getting everything right, but things never come out as good as I want them to/imagine them. Have you actually read Twilight? I haven't. What about Harry Potter? Never read any of those, either. I started one in elementary school, but didn't get very far at all. Out of the two, which is better? I have like no interest in either, so. How often do you read books? It various. I go through like reading episodes, and then I don't read for months. Are you the jealous type? I'm not like, an insanely jealous person, but it's still the worst it's ever been at this point in my life. I hate it. Are you the type of person who gets jealous of people’s pasts? Nah, no reason to. Do you know anyone who faints at the sight of blood? Not blood, I think, but needles and drawing blood, yes. I know my dad's fainted at least once at the doctor, and Jason fainted when I was getting blood drawn at the ER. What colors are the eyes of your family members? Just about everyone has brown eyes but me, I think my maternal grandpa, and my brother. Are you related to anyone with red hair? Not to my knowledge. Were you a chubby baby? No, I was pretty average. What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Social situations with strangers especially. Asking for things. Public speaking/presenting. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? God, I remember there was this one night in particular where I stayed up SO late, but I don't remember the exact time. I think I actually cried because I was so stressed and tired. How many vegetarians do you know? In my personal life, I don't believe I know any, but I could be wrong. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? I never did, even though I was always tired. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Favorite episode of Spongebob? The pizza one, probably. Or the Hash Slinging Slasher episode. What bug frightens you most? Wasps, probably. Are your parents supportive of you? Yes. <3 How often do you take the train to go places? I've never been on a train. Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No. Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool? No. What was the last thing you took a video of? Hm... I honestly don't remember. What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore? Thunderstorms. Have you ever had famous neighbors? No. Pick your three favourite vegetables. Broccoli, green beans, and uh... I'm blanking... Habitually I wanna say "corn," but I know it's not technically a veggie, but starch. Have you ever broken a movie or game disc? I think I have? What is your favourite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. Can you rap freestyle? Or at least sing raps from songs? Ha, no. Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Yeah. Do you scream at scary parts in a horror flick? No. I might jump a bit, but not always. What do you spend most of your time doing? Watching YouTube. Do you really care what’s going on in celebrities' lives? More like the YouTubers I watch. Have you ever broken a plate/bowl? Accidentally by dropping them. When was the last time you felt like you didn’t have a care in the world? I couldn't begin to guess. Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? No. Can you do a backwards london bridges? God no, I'd bust my back. What smiley do you use the most on the computer? (: maybe. Or :') Are any of your pets “overweight”? No, but why is "overweight" in quotations as if overweight pets aren't a real and serious issue? Has anyone ever bought you a ring? Yeah. On a scale 1-10, how funny are you? I honestly don't think I'm funny at all, so I'd put myself at a 1. Pretty recently though it was very surprising and flattering to have my dad and older sister point out that I'm "hilarious" with my wry sense of humor. I don't see it, but I mean, it was surely appreciated. What’s a song that is overplayed but you still like it anyway? I barely ever listen to the radio, yet I still know "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is played a lot, but I could never get tired of it. Are you excited for Christmas? Christmastime is my favorite time of year nowadays, mainly because of how excited my niece and nephew always are, and we spend most of Christmas Day and usually Christmas Eve with them. I love the weather, the focus on togetherness, all that. What are you thankful for? Man, a lot. I try my best to never overlook all the truly amazing things I do have, like a loving and supportive family, a home, food and safe water, Internet haha, access to medical care (regardless of the complaints I have about American healthcare)... I've got a lot of bad going on in my life, but I've also got a great amount of good things, too. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on? Internet. What’s your favorite color combination? Maaan, don't do this. I really don't know. Probably two pastels, idk. Do you have any internet friends? I have more Internet friends than I do "real life" ones. What was the last song you listened to? "Deep Six" by Marilyn Manson earlier. How are you feeling right now? My arm is really sore from my second Covid shot, and I'm also having trouble breathing thanks to the dog (apparently, I'm allergic to whatever she is). I know it sounds bad, but I cannot wait 'til she's gone (from this house, no we're of course not euthanizing her). What color is the shirt you’re wearing? Burgundy. Do you play video games? Yeah, just not as much as I used to. Have you ever been to a club and had someone slip something into your drink? I've never been to a club period, and I don't plan on it. Do you know anyone who’s done ecstasy? Not to my knowledge, anyway. Are you on birth control? Yes, but only to regulate and soothe my menstrual cycle. My cramps were insufferable prior. Does your sibling have a significant other? All but my younger sister. Like she's in contact with who she calls "contenders," haha, but she isn't officially dating anyone. She's MEGA picky with who she dates. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, because it was very triggering to my PTSD. Any idea what you want for your next birthday? That's quiiite a whiles away, so I have plenty of time to think about that. I don't know if I'll be employed by then and thus able to buy some things myself, but I'll just say I won't be (because I'm I think rationally fearful that's where I'll still be). For Christmas I plan on just asking for a new terrarium for Venus plus better materials for it (like a proper temp gauge and hygrometer, etc.), and with that taken care of, then I might be interested in asking for a hognose for my bday, but idk. I'd want to ensure (s)he starts out with a perfect terrarium, and seeing as I want a hoggie morph, that's a lot of money in one go that idk if I'd be comfortable asking. So I'unno, maybe I'll go for a tattoo again. Wow, this was a lot of rambling for something so far off, pardon me haha. Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My Nintendo DS Lite, actually. I can't find the darn charger for it, and I really need to so I can bring it to Ashley's again for the kids to play the Pokemon game I have that they love. Aubree especially is really into it, and she adores Pikachu and Eevee. :') Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? I don't even know what most award shows are for, if I'm being honest. I'm not really interested. What colour is your keyboard? Black, but each key glows red. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? No. Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Not for myself; I think they'd drive me insane. I do, however, think they look nice on others.
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skin--slave · 6 years
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It's like
. hard to dig through my gallery to find fresh stuff to post bc I save the beautifulest and most handsomeified ones, even after I've posted them, bc sometimes I need something to gaze longingly at while the wind whispers my name through the barren branches of the Sycamores, the mist rises through the valley to shroud the secrets of the day, and I clutch an embroidered kerchief and weep to the haunting refrain of Deep Six.
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boringoxymoron · 6 years
Love is evil
Con is confidence
Eros is sore
Sin is sincere
Marilyn Manson
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icemftmm · 6 years
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sin is sincere...
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amanharwara · 5 years
Poppy - I Disagree (Album Review)
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"I Disagree" is the latest album from multi-genre performer Poppy. The album marks a shift in Poppy's sound, moving towards heavy metal in contrast to her previous predominantly pop records. The album is labeled as "post-genre" by Poppy. This album expands the heavy metal sound she dabbled into in some of her previous records.
You might remember Poppy from those weird YouTube videos which can still be found on her YouTube channel. Poppy's music career gained traction when she released her debut studio album, Poppy.Computer. The album solidified the lore around Poppy's character being an android. She rarely sheds that persona. However, leading up to the release of this album, Poppy has been distancing herself from that android persona.
The central messaging of the album is about not adhering to anyone's standards and being able to disagree with people in power. The album empowers you to be non-compliant to the standards of society and to step out of the box. Poppy says that the album is all about "burning the music industry down." This rebellion is amplified because of the heavy metal sound.
The song starts with amazing horns and fast drums. Poppy desires to be buried six feet deep. To bury someone six feet deep means killing them. She wants to kill off her old self, probably the "android" personality. She also talks of burying her and covering her in concrete to turn her into a street. The phrase "turn me into a street" most probably refers to how streets and roads are named after significant people in history, meaning Poppy intends to leave an impression in human history, or at least the musical part of it. After the intro, come some amazing riffs and loud, fast, and heavy drums leading into the bright, playful chorus. Such contrasting themes are found throughout the album where songs transition back and forth. The only verse on the song also sounds shiny but it's far from it. It talks about how commonly joyous items like chocolates don't bring any happiness to her. All she wants is the taste of "young blood" in her teeth.
I Disagree
"I Disagree" is the title track and the second single from the album. The track starts with some banging drums and the Japanese lines of "Watashi wa anata ni dōi shimasen" which translates roughly to "I disagree with you." I'm in love with the drums on this song. Whilst they're nothing experimental, they're straight bangers. The intro transitions into the first verse with some heavy guitars. The first verse is probably addressing authority figures like the heads of the music industry. The verse is written in anger with Poppy calling out executives. She tells them what they preach is insanity. Their life is a tragedy. The chorus comes in with some heavy guitars and Poppy wanting to "burn it all down."  The second verse also talks about her disagreement with the executives on how they continue to pressure artists to act and behave in a certain way. Overall, the sense of rebellion is sharply presented on this track while not lacking in the music.
Next up is "BLOODMONEY," which might be my favorite song from the album. It is also the most abrasive song on the album with heavy, distorted synths and chunky, overblown drums. The song is about dealing with hypocrisy and liars. The song starts with Poppy being introspective and taking a deeper look into humans' beliefs. The intro questions faith and contradictions that arise from the acts that followers of those faiths commit. By asking what the person believes when nobody is watching, she questions how much does the person believe in the values of the religion they follow and how much is just an act that they put up for other people. She questions whether they follow their religion with the same conviction when they are not in public. The chorus exposes the hypocrisy in the mentality of the people who act righteously in public but are on their knees asking for forgiveness because in their minds they know that they have done a lot of wrong in their own lives. Such people can be found everywhere. Poppy's experience of this might be evident in the music industry where executives constantly abuse their power to milk their artists under the guise of caring for them.
Anything Like Me
This is the fourth track from the album. It is another one of those songs where it keeps transitioning from being soft and melodious to being very abrasive. The drums on this song are electronic with some warmth. Having done some research, the song seems to be about Poppy's conflicting emotions during the Mars Argo trial. Poppy recently parted ways with Titanic. She recently released a statement detailing this on her Twitter. On the song, Poppy is probably accepting that her online persona was inspired by Argo. She wants to get rid of that. She wants to become authentic and find her own identity instead of mimicking someone else's. This would explain why Poppy has been trying to get rid of the online android persona and adopting new sounds. Musically, it's a pretty good song.
Fill The Crown
"Fill The Crown" is one of the more synth-pop influenced songs on the album. The chorus is rhythmic and harmonic while the verses go hard with some crazy backing vocals. The chorus inspires the listener to be free, to be anyone they want to be. Goes well with the overall theme of the album, i.e. not conforming to societal norms. The influence of Marilyn Manson on the song is prominent in the verses. Overall, I'm pretty indifferent towards this track. It's nothing special, but it's not bad either.
Nothing I Need
This track is one of the softest on the record. It's purely a synth-pop track. It reflects on how most of the things that people want, end up being nothing that they need. Poppy contemplates that most of the things she wanted don't matter to her anymore as they aren't something she needs. One of the lines in the first verse probably is referring to Titanic Sinclair. Before the release of the album, Poppy came out with a statement in which she ended her professional relationship with Titanic. In that statement, she talked about how he used to manipulate her. This is probably the power that she talks about in the line.
Sit / Stay
Higher-ups in the music industry often control artists and curtail their creative freedom. This is the subject at hand that the song tries to tackle. The lyrics of this song are very indicative of this. Executives force artists to stay within lines. They tell them to sit in their place and not get up. They tell them not to talk back because they own them now. The chorus gives the opposite message. It motivates artists not to be controlled and manipulated. Musically, the song is pretty good, too. 
Bite Your Teeth
This is one of the heavier songs on the record. The song is relatively simple in the terms of its lyrics. Alan Watts, a Buddhist philosopher, is quoted here. He said, "Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth." This lyric is repeated throughout the song. The song tells you that even though defining yourself is like an impossible task, you should keep trying to define yourself. Even though the lyrics are simplistic, the song keeps you captivated with an amazing instrumental. The song features a heavy break down towards the end. And that break down is fantastic.
Sick of the Sun
"Sick of the Sun" is the second-to-last song on the album. The song is encapturing the feelings Poppy felt when she was in a dark, depressive state. The instrumental here isn't as dark as the lyrics are. It's one of the two songs at the end of the record which reference Poppy's depressive state. This song showcases her self-isolation. The chorus captures this feeling of self-isolation perfectly. Poppy speaks of how she is sick of the sun, which in this context, is a metaphor for hope. The fact that she is sick of hope shows despair. She wants this illness to go away. While the lyric of "I just wanna float away" seems gentle, it might be indicating death or suicide in this context. She tells us that she can't trust anyone, which is something that people with depression find difficult to do. In the verse, she asks if someone can turn down the lights. The light here, again, is used as a metaphor for hope. Poppy is depressed and in darkness. Depressed people often get stuck in a rut and find it difficult to get out of it. Poppy is finding it difficult to get out of this endless darkness that she has found herself even when light, as a metaphor for hope, is being shown to her.
Don't Go Outside
This is the final track on the album. It depicts the next stage during Poppy's depressive state. It portrays the transition from depression to contentment. It starts with a slow, acoustic section. The start of the song continues the theme of self-isolation. It tells that it is not the time to go outside, but rather lock the doors and crawl back into the bed. This refers to the feeling of boxing yourself in. The chorus probably refers to the depressive state of current affairs when talking about how the TV says "we're out of time." Watching the news on the TV makes her even more depressed. This depression paints everything bland and uninteresting, making her not want to go outside. This theme continues until the next time the chorus plays. And then the transition begins. It assures you that everything will be okay as long as you keep trying and don't give up. In the outro, Poppy interpolates lines from three of her songs from the album. This is done to wrap up the album’s central theme. Life may be pointless, but you can still make the most of your time while you’re here. Everything can burn down, but you can still do as you please as it does.
Overall Album Rating: 8 / 10
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“It's like a stranger had a key, came inside of my mind And moved all my things around”
Deep Six - Marilyn Manson (2015)
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all the numbers plus one for the muns
1. a song I associate with my muse’s personality:
A big lesson that Damien had to learn and continues to work on is to not listen so much to his ego. He grew up being told that he was better than humans, essentially. He had to learn to get over that once on Earth. These are lyrics from ‘Deep Six’ by Marilyn Manson.
You wanna know what Zeus said to Narcissus?"You better watch yourself"
I’m gonna post this and reblog it with the rest of the answers, ‘cause I’m afraid that I might hit the back button and delete my response on accidentttt.
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slutdge · 8 years
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justsomeuselessvoid · 5 years
I Disagree - Poppy review
So I was pretty unfamiliar with Poppy until I listened to Scary Mask feat. Fever 333 and I absolutely fell IN LOVE with that song. I found her music very odd at first and it took me a while to get used to her sound. I listen to a lot of heavy metal so I understand why I’ve grown to love this album as much as I do.
The first song I listened to was BLOODMONEY and that song really got me hyped for the album. I’m also really impressed with the music video as well. Even before I watched the video, the song gave me a sense of a cult-like vibe so I’m happy the video does it a justice when it comes to a dark religious atmosphere as the song suggests. Definite replay factor in my book.
Concrete- I got really hyped when the opening lyrics said “bury me six feet deep, cover me in concrete.” However I was very thrown off when the genre went from dark to happy (like I said, unfamiliar with her music until this album) and it took me a while to get used to it switching up but then I realized it’s what pulled me in to appreciating it.
I Disagree- I LOVE the energy in this song and how it gives a giant “fuck you” vibe to whoever she is referring to.
Anything Like Me- I love the instrumentals in this track and the distorted guitars. My favorite part is when the acoustic guitar comes in and it has that slow calming interlude and it just SLAMS with that chorus at the end.
Fill the Crown- this song caught me a bit off guard with the weird little retro part right before the chorus. But I enjoy the corresponding voices between Poppy and the Marilyn Manson inspired vocals
Nothing I Need- I like the chill instrumental vibe this song gives off but other than that, it doesn’t stand out as much as the other songs do. It’s not a terrible song but it doesn’t get my attention as much.
Sit/Stay- very much enjoying the retro vibe mixed in with the guitars. And that fucking sCREAM AT THE END THOUGH
Bite Your Teeth- this song is an absolute jam and its a bit repetitive but I love the absolute chaos and that slow part that leads to the best breakdown I’ve heard in a long time. Probably my favorite off the album.
Sick of the Sun- it took me a few listens to actually like this song but I like the transition between this and the previous song. It’s a nice opposition from what the rest of the album sounds like instrumentally but I’d say it’s very fitting.
Don’t Go Outside- this is a fantastic closer to the album and I like how she wraps it up with a recap from previous lyrics.
This album gives me very Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson-y type vibes that I think has been missing since that style of music came out. I’ve been waiting for someone to bring it back to life. I’m glad this was the direction she intended to go in musically because this album was a GREAT listen.
Overall rating: 8/10
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chromecutie · 5 years
Not A Ghost - part 17
A/N - Multi-part fic. Colossus x OC where OC has come home after being wrongfully imprisoned in the Icebox. Warnings for whole fic - references and flashbacks to harsh prison environment, including various types of abuse. Takes place shortly after events in Deadpool 2. Whole thing will end up on my AO3 eventually.
Taglist: @emma-frxst  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @holamor ​  @empressme-bitch  @marvel-is-perfection  @hazilyimagine ​ @marvelhead17 @rovvboat @angstybadboytrash ​ @whitewitchdown ​ @master-sass-blast ​ @mori-fandom @mooleche @dandyqueen . Wanna be added or removed? Holla at me.
The excitement over lighting the bulb was short-lived. After the first lightbulb, Rhonda had gotten ambitious and stole a few bulbs of various sizes from a supply closet. In her practice room, she laid them in a circle on the floor and stood in the middle. She had worked at it for nearly an hour, and though maybe she should have been glad she could now get them to flicker without touching them, she was frustrated with being hard-pressed to do more than flicker.
She stepped out of her circle of bulbs and paused the top 40 pop song playing on her phone. “Sia,” she muttered with annoyance, “Thinks she’s an artsy Rihanna or some shit.” She huffed and started searching on her music app, “I need something I know.”
Rhonda’s taste in music was all over the place, but mostly gravitated to two moods: Marilyn Manson, System of a Down, and Rammstein, or Missy Elliot, Christina Aguilera, and Destiny’s Child. She found a playlist fitting that second mood and started nodding her head to a bass beat that would have some good thump on better speakers. Without thinking about it, her feet started moving and her hips winding. Her old, worn dance hoodie found its way off her body, tossed carelessly on the slightly dusty hardwood floor. The familiarity of the beat and the sexy, unapologetic lyrics had Rhonda turning and stepping all over the room, whipping her hair and sweeping her arms in powerful arcs. She smiled, and sparks lit from her cheeks and fingers. The bulbs didn’t light, but she wasn’t even thinking about those anymore except to step around them. Movement, and the freedom it gave her, dissipated all her frustrations as long as she could feel the floor under her feet. Song by song, she felt better, until--
“We should find you some twerk tutorials,” someone said flatly from the doorway.
Startled, Rhonda’s rhythm broke and she ducked into a low fighting stance. 
Ellie was leaning against the door frame. Her smile faded when she realized why there was a rule about not startling Rhonda. “Sorry, um,” Ellie edged into the room. “I know I should knock or something--”
“How long were you standing there?” Rhonda’s heart was racing, and she tried to breathe slowly, force herself to calm down, and not let on how scared she was for that split second.
The teen raised her shoulders and answered, “Just...two and a half songs? I forgot how cool it is to watch you go.”
Rhonda paused the music. She wanted to fuss at Ellie, but couldn’t make herself do it. Instead, she asked curtly, “What’s up?” Acutely conscious that her arms were bare, Rhonda snatched her hoodie off the floor and quickly pulled it back over her head.
For someone who kept a stony face so often, Ellie had an absolutely darling smile. When she grinned, Rhonda saw the little girl who used to play with black nail polish and liked trying on Rhonda’s X-Men boots. “Colossus said to come get you, lunch’ll be ready soon.”
Rhonda couldn’t resist smiling a little herself. “All right. Give me a minute to put the tripping hazards away.”
Ellie helped her box up the dozen or so new lightbulbs. “So? Who are you liking on that playlist we made?”
She snickered more than she meant to, “Well, not Sia.”
Scrunching her nose, Ellie shook her head, “She’s overplayed.”
“Panic! At the Disco is fun, though,” Rhonda stacked the boxed lightulbs neatly on the floor by the wall. “I dunno why I wasn’t always into them, they’re great.”
Ellie beamed, “They did get better, though.”
They finished the bulbs and headed down the hall toward the stairs. “I’m not wild about the new Metallica album,” Rhonda admitted glumly, “Nothing tops their old stuff, I guess.”
The younger woman carefully rubbed her eye without smudging her eyeliner. “Nah, but it’s better than St. Anger.”
Scoffing, Rhonda muttered, “Anything’s better than that shitstack.”
“Have you listened to Hozier yet?”
“Ho--” Ellie stopped and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Hozier. Yukio would give me a ton of shit for this, because I tell her I don’t like him, but,” she grabbed Rhonda’s shoulder and stared her hard in the eyes. “He’s objectively good. You gotta try him. The whole album.”
“Okay,” Rhonda chuckled, “It’ll be the next thing I listen to.” She gave a sidelong glance, “Why did you tell Yukio you don’t like him?”
Ellie rolled her eyes so hard it was a wonder she didn’t knock herself unconscious. “When ‘Take Me to Church’ first dropped, it was super overplayed and everyone and their mom was obsessed with it. It is pretty good, though.”
They started walking again. Ellie said under her breath, “And if he does a show anywhere near here, we’re going.” When Rhonda gave her a sidelong glance, she added, “For Yukio.”
“You two seem really good together,” Rhonda hooked her arm through Ellie’s.
Let the record show: young badass Negasonic Teenage Warhead was blushing. She said through gritted teeth, “She’s the best and I would kill for her.”
Rhonda thought she might rupture a sinus from how hard she was trying not to laugh. “Yeah?”
“Also?” Ellie slowed her walk.
“She wanted me to ask you if, uh, if you’d let her,” Ellie winced, “Fix your hair?”
Tugging a strand of frizzy, mousy colored hair, Rhonda scrunched her mouth to one side, “It’s pretty crusty, huh? I dunno how all this grey got here.”
Ellie playfully shoved her with her shoulder, loosening their linked arms as they went down the stairs. “You used to tell me you started going grey at fourteen and that’s why you dyed your hair every color you could find!”
“You remember that?” Rhonda’s jaw dropped. “That was a secret!”
“I never told anyone,” she giggled.
“You told me just now!” Rhonda was laughing too.
Ellie laughed harder, “You--but? You’re the one who told me!”
On the first floor, they passed a parlor that was used as an office now. The door was open and Rhonda saw a familiar form. “Hey, Ellie?” Rhonda pulled away. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen, ok? Tell Piotr I’ll just be a minute.” With a nod, Ellie broke away and walked off.
Nerves making her chest tight, Rhonda hesitated by the door, debating whether she should enter at all.
Michelle sighed and without looking up from her work at the desk, said, “Either come in, or keep walking, Rhonda.”
Taking a deep breath, Rhonda forced herself to walk calmly into the room. She cleared her throat and nodded, “Michelle?”
“So you do know my name,” Michelle turned and stood--and looked down at Rhonda with a chilled glare.
Finally giving her a good look, Rhonda realized Michelle was tall. She had to be about six feet tall, built like a mythical queen with long, willowy limbs and a perfect bunch of thick, dark curls bouncing just past her shoulders. Her skin was such a warm, glowing sepia brown, Rhonda guessed she would shine like a human chunk of tiger’s eye if she stepped in the sun. She was gorgeous. It was no surprise she’d caught Piotr’s eye--she looked like an exquisite sculpture in a museum.
Rhonda, by comparison, was shorter, stockier, and though she was looking much better than a few weeks ago, would still compare herself to a pile of dry leaves. 
Michelle impatiently drummed her fingers on the edge of her desk, “Is there something you want?”
“I am...I’m sorry...about before.” Rhonda looked like she was going to choke from trying so hard to swallow her pride. “I should have said thank you.” She stole a glance at Michelle’s face, then looked down to fidget with the hem of her hoodie. “You made Piotr happy at a time when...that probably wasn’t easy. And he, um, ha,” she forced a light laugh, “He deserves every ounce of happiness he can get, right?” She was nervous and uncomfortable under Michelle’s gaze. She sighed and looked up at her again, “You took care of him. Thank you. I dunno if we’ll ever be friends, but...I don’t want to be enemies.”
Michelle gave her a stern up-and-down glance with her golden hazel eyes. “He really believes you’re still some kind of sweetheart. This is the first time I’m tempted to believe that.” 
She moved suddenly, and Rhonda instinctively took a quick step back. Michelle rifled through a few papers on her desk before grabbing a business card, holding it up, but not extending it to Rhonda just yet. “You still haven’t been to see Charles.”
Rhonda’s jaw worked, “Not yet.” She realized Michelle was tense too.
The taller woman shrugged with one shoulder, conceding, “Look, I get it. If you’d rather talk to someone else, this is a colleague of mine.” Finally, she held out the business card for Rhonda.
Both were careful not to let their fingers touch as Rhonda took the card. She fidgeted with the corners with her fingernails, looking at the name and phone number for a therapist who specialized in mutants. “He’s not a telepath?”
Michelle huffed and rolled her eyes, “He’s not, but what do you have against us?”
To retort, Rhonda raised her eyebrows and tossed her head, over-enunciating for sassy effect, “If I wanted to talk about it, I’d say so, out loud, with my noisy face hole.”
“Whatever,” she adjusted back to her seat and got back to work. “I just better not hear about you stabbing anyone else.”
As she edged out of the office, Rhonda grumbled under her breath, “Like you’ve never wanted to stab Kurt. Have you met him?” By the time she reached the kitchen, she'd stashed the card in her hoodie pocket.
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scarlet-morbidity · 6 years
I saw Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie the 11th
I know this is a late post but I’ve been lazy as fuck. Anyway the concert took place two days before my birthday and I went with my mom lol (not embarrassed about it) She loves Zombie and I love Manson so it was a great shared experience.
A band called Deadly Apples played first and they were pretty fucking good and I highly recommend them, especially their song Self Inflicted Oppression which is a heavy and angsty call out of Chritian hypocrisy and the persecution complex many Christians seem to have. All around this band had great energy and brought the until then docile crowd to life. I actually wish they’d played more songs. They’re from Canada and it was their first time playing in the U.S in over eight years. Manson and Zombie personally picked them and that is bad ass. I hope they grow in popularity.
After Deadly Apples Manson hit the stage and opened up with Irresponsible hate anthem. I was disappointed in how little the fans chanted with him “We hate love we love hate” and Manson uttered a word of annoyance at the lack of enthusiasm too, but it didn’t stop him from barreling into the song at full force. It was truly mind blowing and he was absolutely perfect and totally on point with his aggressive screams and bombastic delivery of lyrics. No song sounded half assed or phoned in, the dude was fucking owning it at every turn. Unfortunately he only played a lot of the old hits and not very many of his newer songs. Only played two or three from Heaven Upside down and Deep Six from the pale emperor. But despite that, it was still a fucking bad ass show and I loved every minute of it. I screamed so much and so loud my throat was sore for days after.
Once again I was kinda disappointed in the crowd cause the majority of people with the moderately expensive seats were an abundance of middle aged biker folk just waiting for Zombie to come on. Most of the Manson fans sat way in the back on the grassy hill because they’re younger and no doubt couldn’t shell out the money for better seats. 
Zombie came on and he was full of energy bouncing all over the place doing high kicks and mid air splits as he sang to his songs on a stage that was by far the most flashy and aesthetically pleasing stage I’ve ever seen. He put on a hell of a show but Manson was still my favorite even if his stage production was way more stripped down than it usually is. The second to the last song he had Manson come join him on stage to sing their duet cover of Helter Skelter, which they released publicly just hours before the concert. Manson hugged John 5and that was pretty beautiful.
So much more I could say and the fact that this was the first day of the twins of evil 2nd coming and it took place a the very same venue they fought at five years ago made it all the more sweeter to see them paling around on stage and sharing their energy to give a spectacular performance. I’m so stoked still that I got to see them play that cover live for the very first time ever.
Overall it was just an amazing experience and will likely be the best concert of my entire life. I wish I could have got pictures, but my phone’s camera is a piece of shit :/
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frnko-mars · 6 years
was tagged by @disiintegration (thank you so much i love doing these things)
write down the next 10 songs that come up on shuffle and your fav lyrics: i’m using my ‘songs’ thing on spotify
1: beck - up all night...  I've been running out of breath like an animal struggling, Looking for a diamond, I'm trying, I'm fighting
2: health - tears... it’s time to let me never wake up, we die alone (not gonna lie i had to google the lyrics to this because i mainly just listen to it for the music)
3: harry styles - kiwi...  she said, “I’m having your baby, it’s none of you business” (so basically the whole song)
4: placebo - pure morning...   A friend in need's a friend indeed, A friend who'll tease is better, Our thoughts compressed, Which makes us blessed, And makes for stormy weather 
5: marilyn manson - 15... If you don’t know what forever feels like I’ll show you what it feels like without it 
6: the damned - standing on the edge of tomorrow...  New world, gotta be a new world, not like the old world we have left behind. This time could be the last time, maybe the only time, we’ve got to get it right
7: jake bugg: lighting bolt...  Met her as the angels parted for her, But she only brought me torture, But that’s what happens when it’s you who’s standing in the path of a lightning bolt
8: nirvana: where did you sleep last night...  Her husband was a hard working man. Just about a mile from here his head was found in a driving wheel, But his body never was found
9: the jesus and mary chain: just like honey...  Walking back to you is the hardest thing that I can do (the lyrics..... very repetitive)
10: the cure: six different ways...  This is stranger than I thought. Six different ways inside my heart. And everyone I'll keep tonight. Six different ways go deep inside (i was literally thinking about cheating and picking a cure song just because i wanted to but this one came up so i didn’t have to cheat, thank u)
if yall wanna do it, i tag @ourladyofsorrow @radparachutes @guiltripiero @inheavensbasement @thats-not-v-punk-of-you @wallacewellls and @thefrontbotttoms (and anybody else that wants to do it, you can say i tagged you)
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skin--slave · 6 years
Tumblr media
Snakes can't kneel or pray.
(Gif found at free-use source. If you are the creator and withdraw consent, pls contact me.)
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bratkook · 4 years
79. do u believe in ghosts?
- i do!
87. are u outgoing or shy?
- definitely on the shyer side until i get comfortable
94. favorite lyrics right now?
- “It's like a stranger had a key, came inside of my mind and moved all my things around. He didn't know snakes can hear the prey, can't try to break the psyche down.” from deep six by marilyn manson aka what i had playing on repeat all week to finish the story lol
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