dr-demi-bee · 3 months
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Miri and Gale absolutely talking shit.
(Oh wow look I actually finished and colored something and it's none of the WIPs I've already shared lmao)
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baldurs-gate-official · 10 months
Shadowheart, her Father, and Werewolves
So... Shadowheart's dad. He's a werewolf (possibly Lythari, but we'll get to that). I'm currently playing a werewolf in our own campaign so I've been learning more about them. Some of what I've found has me thinking about a few things:
What happened on full moons at the House of Grief? Did Arnell transform and just... Dangle there? Was he taken somewhere else for it to happen? Did Shar's influence somehow interfere with his lycanthropy? Did they use his lycanthropy as a tool in Shadowhearts training, given her fear of wolves? I have so many questions.
There's a kind of elven werewolf in 3e called Lythari. They're always good aligned, and are considered true werewolves. There's no mention of them having a connection with Selûne in their own lore, but since Selûne has dominion over all lycanthropes (even in 3e) I think it's safe to say that a Lythari worshipping Selûne isn't a stretch at all.
Something I've seen some people mention is: Since her father is a werewolf, shouldn't Shadowheart have inherited the curse? Inherited Lycanthropy can only be cured by a Wish spell, so it's unlikely she ever was one (though I love the idea of her being lycanthropic but not remembering). Lythari can only produce a lycanthropic child with another Lythari, or if they perform a mutually consented ritual to transform someone into one. So if Arnell is Lythari, it would make sense why Shadowheart did not inherit the curse.
D&D has brought back old mechanics from previous editions before, so if Arnell is Lythari... Does this mean we might possibly see them make a comeback in 5e?
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inksycat · 16 days
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A wolfish wanderer has appeared! 🐺
A new design available for purchase on my toyhouse:
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Mary Sue OC
Made this character, accidentally making her a Mary Sue. I love the concept though and had to do research on a "species" I thought I came up with only to find out the DnD nerds got to it first. My friend drew art tho. Meet Destiney Moonstone Hunt! Check out her bio on my AO3 if you want some BS lol ..... she's totally a Mary Sue
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minty-bunni · 2 months
AU idea:
Werewolf!Shadowheart and druid!Tav (or Durge) being wolves together.
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ratchsellsfornax · 1 month
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Tagged by the lovely @elizzacassan and @papuchette-atma to fill this template, thank you! <3
I wanted to do this for another oc too but it took me too long to make this one :D
MICAR my Lythari/ Ranger
Color: Silver with a metallic shimmer Flower: White lilies Animal: Well, she is an elven lycanthropic wolf :D Scent: Musk Song: Red right hand by Nick Cave Feeling: Sadness & anger because of the death of Ardreyth
I'm tagging @sun-marie, @djfatchip, @leysendris,@erubadhriell and who ever wants to fill this out.
No pressure- have fun! <3
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scalpelsister · 2 months
idk if you've seen the Lythari elves in astra's Elven Anthology mod? possibly good for Feilan🐺
lythari are so cool, lythari my beloved <3 I didnt know someone had modded them in though- thats super cool!
I've gone back and forth on feilan being properly a werewolf or not bc i think it would be SUPER cool and fun- but her being like..... a shitty in between mix is also fun (and what she is right now in bg canon). I honestly dont remember if I've posted her backstory but- the idea is that her mom was a druid who favored wolves as her wildshape. So its the idea of like- that being passed down to feilan but instead of being a proper druid whos in control and connected to nature, shes a wolf heart barbarian (which like, howl like a wolf every time they rage in bg3. insert furry joke here). She also has like the yellow eyes and a lot of body hair, yada yada.
But shes also definitely been a werewolf elsewhere (in the sims. I fear I am talking about a sims save), and I am almost tempted to explore how that would play out in baldurs gate proper 🤔
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caffinedragon · 1 year
Razzikel(My Tav) and Halsin's first meeting pre game.
This takes place about 50 ish or so years before the shadow curse. If my math is correct.
Before he is an Archdruid but after the events in the Underdark Halsin runs across a large pitch black dire wolf caught in a bear trap.
However, when he tries to approach and speak to it in wolf form, it doesnt seem to understand him, even with beast speech active.
Upon closer inspection he noticed the 1000 yard stare in its amber gold eyes, almost like it was lost inside of its own mind or severly ill.
After Changing out of wild shape to further inspect the beast, he begins to talk to himself in druidic and notices the wolf turning its attention to him like it understands or at least recognizes his speech.
Curious he begins to cycle through all the languages he knows until he gets to Undercommon where the wolfs eyes snap to him and begin to focus.
As they focus, he sees the eyes change color from the amber gold they were, to a deep twilight amethyst.
Worried that he came across one of the apprentices stuck in wild shape, he frees the wolf and takes it back to the grove for healing.
Only, all the spells that should have changed him back dont work and not only that, but his wounded leg seemed to not be healing right.
Over the next fortnight he works tirelessly to help his new friend, bringing all of his healing knowledge to bear but to no avail.
Then one day, nearly a month from when he first found the wolf, while he is preparing the salve to help keep the wound from infection, he turns around to check on them and is startled to find a very handsome but very naked and confused drow man where the wolf had been only a moment ago.
He yells out in surprise, gaining the attention of some of the younger druids nearby who imedietly grab their weapons upon seeing the intruder to their home.
Upon seeing them grab weapons, the drow man snatches a knife off a nearby table and jumps in front of halsin on all fours, growling and snarling at the druids like the wolf did before.
Halsin took no time to realize that the man and the wolf were the same being but was having a heck of a time trying to get the others to believe him.
The commotion eventually attracted the attention of the Archdruid whom was able to calm the situation enough for Halsin to explain what had happened.
Once the Archdruid confirms it by noticing the injury on the mans leg is identical to the injury on the wolf he shoos the others away so Halsin could calm the man down.
Once Halsin is able to calm him and take the knife away he is able to learn four things.
The mans name was Razzikel, he was an escaped slave Ranger from the Underdark, that he was Lythari...
And he had been stuck in that form for close to 15 years.
With this knowledge he knew that his new friend would have no where to go so he asks the Archdruid if he could stay. "The grove could always use a good ranger, don't you agree?"
Once given the okay Halsin rolled up his metaphorical sleeves and got to work helping the man begin the long road to becoming a person again.
A journy that would ultimately change a lot of things for the both of them.
This is the cliff notes version of events i am sharing as a reference for myself should i get around to writing again.
For those of you who dont know what a Lythari is, they are elves that went through a ritual to be able to turn into a wolf, similar in nature to a druids wildshape but limited only to the one form.
Razzikel had it done to save his life from a disease that would have killed him by age 50. He is about 150-160 at the time of these events making Halsin about...185-195. So about...early to mid 20's in comparison for both.
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astarionsbeloved · 8 months
Meet Keraithiel Arkenaghymn'nes
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he is remarkably unphotogenic but that's fine
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(...inspired by the Weird Elf post, but like. I don't think he's actually turned out that weird, honestly, and the more I write him the more normal he feels to me lol)
Kerai is old. He reckons that he's around 480, maybe older, he's not sure. As a star elf, he spent a lot of time in the astral realms which does a lot to wreck one's perception of time. After coming to Toril and settling in Evermeet, he came across a pack of Lythari and fell in love; with the pack, with the freedom, and with a boy. He underwent the bonding ritual with his partner, and joined their pack. His skills as a ranger were valuable, and he was embraced fully.
Eventually, his partner died (was killed? hmm) and Kerai decided it was time to explore outside of Evermeet. He took up bounty hunting and had just started investigating a particularly dangerous shadow druid grove when he was snatched up by the nautiloid.
Prior to coming to Toril, he spent all his time studying. Nothing in particular but Anything and Everything he could, even taking a brief warlock pact (that's the reason for the black eyes) to learn as much as possible.
All he gave of himself in the pact was service and his silver eyes. All his patron ever asked for "in service" was sex and stories and when honest, he feels like he didn't give up enough for the knowledge or skills he gained.
Personality wise he's cold, but if he decides you are at all worth his time, he's very fucking affectionate and goofy. His mate said turning him brought all his warmth to the surface. Without his mate, well, that warmth certainly began to fade.
Kerai frequently thinks he's been speaking out loud when he hasn't, sometimes stops talking mid sentence and doesn't continue for a full ten minutes. He has a habit of spacing out while looking at people, asking questions that are entirely too personal, and knowing things there's no reason he should about folks he's just met. He either talks far too slowly or far too fast, never raises his voice, but frequently will speak too quietly for humans to comfortably hear. He'd much rather be with animals then people.
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looking kinda puppy kitty here.
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When it comes to his design, I was basing him slightly on a very Astarion coded stuffed moth friend I have. I wanted abnormally large ears and "kinda pointy" to be a theme with him, since he's not only some super heckin' erudite star elf but because he is also, to me anyway, A Pupper. He looks young because, again, Astral realms.
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dr-demi-bee · 1 month
Realizing I can’t send asks from my sideblog but whatev
Ask game: 3, 13, 16
3. Most prized possession
The thing/object Miri values most is probably her unicorn pendant. As a devoted follower of Mielikki, she wears a unicorn sigil - one she crafted herself as part of her pack's coming of age ritual (called the naming trials). As part of the trials, lythari cubs will undergo a series of challenging tasks to obtain the materials needed to craft their pendants. Miri's sigil is made from the bone of an ancestor (her maternal grandmother, obtained in Faerie) and a garnet stolen from a dragon's horde in the Star Mounts. The cord was made from weaving korred hair, centaur bowstring, unicorn mane, and dire elk leather.
The pendant is blessed and unable to be removed, so she always has it on her - in humanoid or elven form. To her, it's a symbol of her perseverance and strength - and it's one of the few connections she has left to her life before exile. Lots more to say about the pendant and the trials in future SWL chapters ;) 13. Hidden talent
I had a hard time thinking about what her 'hidden' talent is - Miri's not exactly subtle! She's strong and agile, good with swords and decent with a bow. As a ranger she's a good herbalist, talented at alchemy and healing.
But perhaps her most surprising talent is that she's quite a linguist! While she's still learning Common, Miri's adept at quite a few other languages. She's fluent in elvish, sylvan, and even aarakocra! 16. Comfort food
Miri's a raw diet kind of gal - her pack in the high forest regularly hunted game of all sorts. This meant things like elk, deer, boar, badgers... But as a forager, her true comfort food is a rare treat - firefruit!
"Have you had firefruit before?" Miri asks excitedly. "Firefruit?" Gale responds, his curiosity fully piqued. "I can't say that I have. What is it?" He couldn't help but feel increasingly intrigued by all the things Miri brought back from the High Forest in her pack loaded for bear. So many new and interesting foods and herbs - jars and bags full of ingredients he's never even dreamed of. He couldn't wait to try each and every thing she brought back for him. But firefruit - the name alone caught his attention. "They are a berry - they grow in a flowering moss that only blooms and produces fruit every three or four years." She points excitedly to the bag he carried in and set on the kitchen countertop. Gale scoots the bag closer to her and she reaches in to pull out a handful of small yellow-orange berries. "They are sweet like honey," she offers them to him. He leans over the countertop, reaching out to take one of the berries and holding it up to examine its shape. It was round, smaller than the tip of his thumb, and the color and scent of it reminded him of a citrus fruit. She said that they taste like honey? She must be exaggerating… Then, carefully and curiously, he pops the berry into his mouth and chews. The berry is gooey and sweet, with a slightly tough skin. But the flavor is rich and sweet, like honey. He can't help but hum and smile as the berry coats his tongue with its sweet flavor. "Mhh…" He chuckles as he continues chewing, "It really does taste like honey." Miri grins. "It takes an expert ranger to find them," she says, quite pleased, "One of the only mosses that flowers." Gale grins back at her, her joy infectious. Gods, how he'd missed her these last two weeks. "They must be a rare delicacy in the Forest, yes?" "Yes, I was quite excited when I saw a blooming patch!"
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littlegalerion · 1 year
Everyone loving the thiramin post-
You ever heard of lythari?
My initial intention back in 2021 was, when I got BG3, to roll a lythari hidden as a moon elf or drow, who would fall in love with Halsin as her thiramin, and him vice versa.
Lythari are true lycanthropes, blessed by Selune. They transform into true wolves, and their nature is bestowed only on willing elves through a mysterious ritual that leaves the elf with bite marks. A lythari can only reproduce with another lythari. Furthermore, lythari are very rare, and very shy.
How interesting to roll a lythari kidnapped and infected, forced to walk among more civilized paths, probably terrified, only to find her thiramin.
Plus, to find the perfect place to settle down- Thaniel's domain- and form a pack which would teach the other inhabitants how to flourish in nature?
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 2 years
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fashion for : a lythari elfkin with academia and elven inspiration in a femme/androgynous style including items that were specified requested by @aurayukisoraindigoash
arm warmers | necklace | ears | shirt shoes | leggings | cardigan | skirt
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svartalfhild · 1 year
Elf Lore in the Forgotten Realms for BG3 Players who are Unfamiliar
I've been seeing some...uninformed takes lately about certain elf characters from BG3, so let me just throw some stuff out there for y'all to consider.
Elves in FR live to be about 750.
They physically mature at roughly the same rate as humans i.e. 18-20.
Culturally, elves don't consider other elves emotionally mature i.e. adults until the age of 100, at which point they may choose an adult name to go by.
What does this mean, logically? Well, consider their very long lifespan. If you are going to live 750 years, your perspective on wisdom is going to be quite different from a human's. While 60 years might be plenty mature for a human, for an elf, that means you still haven't had enough time to watch all of your shorter lived friends pass, which I imagine is something of an emotional milestone for elves.
Halsin is 350. This means he's just hitting middle-age.
Astarion is 239 (Idle Champions claims he's 350, but I call bullshit because his birth and death dates are literally in BG3 and also IC frequently gives the characters bullshit ages, like they say Jaheira is 36, which couldn't have been true even during BG1). He died at 39, which is quite young, but he had the same emotional maturity as a human 39 year old at the time, so he's not Like That because he's undeveloped. He's Like That because he's a snapshot of a privileged young nobleman who then spent 200 years being used and abused by the worst sort of person imaginable. He wasn't a full adult by elven standards, though, and I'm sure there's lots of elven rites of passage he didn't get to experience because he was dead.
BG3 does not mechanically distinguish between sun elves and moon elves and simply puts them all under the high elf umbrella, but they are very much a thing in the lore and have distinct appearances, cultures, and histories.
Moon elves tend to have black, blue, or silver-white hair and have pale skin, sometimes with a bluish hue. Their eyes are usually blue or green, sometimes with gold flecks.
Sun elves tend to have blond, black, or red hair and brown skin tones. Their eyes are usually green, gold, black, copper, silver, or hazel.
Based on his appearance, Astarion is probably a moon elf, and it's likely his original eye colour was either blue or green.
There are many other types of elves than those that are playable in the BG3, such as sea elves, winged elves, star elves, wild elves, and lythari.
It's possible that Shadowheart's father is lythari, because lythari are lycanthropic elves.
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Race: Lythari Worship: Eilistraee Companion of: Ardreyth Personal stuff: 2 handcrossbows, phiole with poison (gifts from Ardreyth) Wolf form: silver fur with green eyes
More about Lytharis
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aria-the-motherblog · 4 months
Oh my god, halsin is a werebear isn't he?
Minor spoilers
This is headcanon but think about it. Both narrative and mechanics seem to point to it
For starters my guy runs around the woods as a bear for fun. He just regularly lives his life as a bear. DND druids can only wild shape for a few hours at a time mechanically speaking and they don't really take on the personality of that animal
Halsin does though. On several occasions he is overcome with his "wild nature" even if you don't play along with the bear scene, he talks about how he's poly like a bear, he also has bear like anger issues, not being able to be discreet in the goblin camp for example.
Speaking of when you meet him at the goblin camp he's still in his wild shape. A mechanical part of bg3 druids is that when you loose your wild shape up you are left with full HP in humanoid form, but somehow the goblins never saw elf druid halsin? Only the "warbear"? You want me to believe that these tiny creatures dragged a basically nuclear 5th level big daddy Halsin into a worg cage. Bull.
Lythari are werewolves not werebears but I don't think it's a coincidence that they live in communities with moon and WOOD elves.
It's also not nothing that werebears have a easier time bonding with bears and he has not one but two bears back in the druid grove Ormn, who refers to halsin as "master" and is absolutely devastated by the missing Halsin and Tuffet that Halsin remarks as getting lazy and leaves instructions not to feed her to Netti. I don't think Bosk is one of his considering he is. Far. From. Home.
And let's talk about appearances, werebears are said to be exceptionally tall and muscular in humanoid form. (I understand and like halsin's theory that he doesn't need a reason to be so big, but if he was a werebear it would explain it). They also are usually extra hairy and have beards now our elf man doesn't have a beard but... Sense when do elves have chest hair? Imo probably the most damning piece of evidence regarding his appearance is his scar.
Halsin obtained the scar while in wild shape. As I've mentioned before druids that are brought to 0 HP in wild shape transform back with full HP. So why then would a mark from let's be real that hit was what 4 points of damage, retain in his elf form unless our favorite duck loving dweeb wasn't in wild shape at all but in his bear form as a werebear.
All of this can be explained, but most werecreatures have some level of plausible deniability that's how they work.
Lastly the biggest piece of mechanical evidence is his Cave Bear wild shape that is totally unique to him. Other druids do not get this. It's just because he's super aligned with bears but why is he super aligned with bears? Because he's a werebear
So why does it never come up? I don't think Halsin actually knows. He was a child when he started playing with Thaniel and probably not that old when he started to realize he needed to protect Thaniel. By the time he would have started transforming into a bear he might have just thought it was a druid thing.
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