#m done im done dome IM DONE
stormyoceans · 5 days
i feel like in bl world it's somehow a no go to talk about why you dislike a show, because people always think it means you hate everyone involved, so it's nice to see that i'm not alone with my feelings about 4m. i was thoroughly disappointed by it and it's even worse considering it's sammon who wrote it. they (ceo and sammon) always went on about how they are working hard on the script and that's why it took 2 years and like... this is what they came up with? i like triage and love mod, but this one doesn't compare at all. the characters were flat and i did not care about them or the relationships at all (i will say, i liked the second couple much more than great and tyme), the mystery was okay i guess, but still lacking anything meaningful and even the chemistry between the actors, not just the pairings, but everyone interacting was so wooden and missing any depth to me. they tried and we know the actors can act, but none of that came across to me. and i 100% agree with you, the ending is so lame, they should have made this a tragedy and not whatever they tried to achieve with the ending they gave us, because that was just laughably bad imo. maybe my expectations were too high because of sammon, but i was just disappointed with this show :(
i honestly understand getting defensive over something you love or even just enjoy, i think that's pretty normal, but i also fully believe it's extremely important to be critical of the media we consume, and unfortunately i feel like over time 'being critical' has started to be equated with 'being hateful' by fandom in general, which couldn't be furthest from the truth: you can love a piece of media AND still be aware of its shortcomings, the two things aren't mutually exclusive. analyzing media and talking about different aspects of it is actually what makes fandom fun to me, so as long as everyone is being respectful im always going to encourage this kind of discussion
ANYWAY. all that aside, i fully understand your disappointment over 4 minutes, anon. it was one of the series i was looking forward to the most this year because both triage and manner of death are two of my favorite BLs, so it's just really weird to me to feel so..underwhelmed by it. i've mentioned this before, but my main issue with the show is that, like you said, i simply do not care about these characters. i wouldn't say they were flat, personally, because there was A LOT of potential that was not used, but it feels like the writing always remained on a very surface level and did not utilize the depth these characters had, and as such it failed to create a connection between them and the viewers (which is also why i think some of the acting may have felt a bit bland)
for example, i think they could have done SO MUCH MORE with the brotherly relationship between tonkladome and korngreat, maybe even by creating some parallels between them. like it's crazy to me that we didn't get a single flashback showing what tonkla and dome's relationship was like (and no, im not counting the one where tonkla killed their dad), or just that we didn't get more of dome's character by himself. 'he was tonkla's brother' is not enough for me to care about him dying or about tonkla's revenge. and now that im typing this out im realizing we never got a confrontation between korn and great about great helping thyme THAT'S INSANE (AND NOT THE GOOD KIND OF INSANE). also not a single scene with tonkla and great other than tonkla shooting him!!!!!! all these characters could have been SO INTERESTING if only the narrative would have given them a bit more insight
and this is already so long so im gonna try to wrap it up, but i have to say this because me actually WISHING we would have gotten a sad ending is one for the history books. tbh i think there is a deeper narrative issue when it comes to great and thyme that im not gonna get into because this post will never end otherwise (to sum it up: they weren't treated as main characters), but MY personal issue is that i didn't want an happy ending for them, because at no point in the show i've been rooting for it. like take triage, for example: you start the story almost hating tol, and then time loop after time loop after time loop you see him go through one of the best character development i've ever seen and by the end of the show the viewers are BEGGING for him and tin to be happy and together. i don't wanna say great and thyme didn't deserve that happy ending, but they also didn't really earn it, which is why that perfectly wrapped up sense of peace we got falls completely flat and feels very out of place
idk sammon's concepts are always incredibly fascinating to me and 4 minutes is no exception, but while all the elements of the show had a lot potential, they just did not come together in a satisfying or coherent way, which is really a pity
at this point im looking forward to spare me your mercy even just to see if maybe these issues are more due to boc or to sammon just not being as good as a screenwriter 🤔
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F-R-to-tha-izzom atop tha tallest bell towa 'n tha Carapace Kingdom, tha skizzy lizzy like sum-m sum-m paintizzle by a crazy persizzle. Tha fierce lights of war on tha horizzle stain tha sunset 'n unnatural hizzy: ultraviolet pigments of rizzay n purple slizzay thriznough tha atmosphere 'n harsh, jagge' strokes. Aint no stoppin' this shit. Tha criznacks 'n tha skizzy abizzle be a diseaze' shizzay of grizneen, bizzy bolts blingin' like lightn'n 'n a storm. Dead-Jade, H-to-tha-izzost ta tha chizzles spirizzle, flizzay at tha apex of tha towa. Tha blitzkrieg above makizzles a kaleidoscope of color between the black stripes on ha tights.
Aradia glides up ta meet ha, slappin' left Sollux on tha balcizzle. Above, 'n tha sky, a hole has opened up. Im crazy, you can't phase me. One so big it fills thizzle entire radius of deala visizzle.
ARADIA: oh thats very dramatic
Tha dizzead cherizzle sez noth'n cuz its a thang. Aradia flits 'n front of ha fizzace n looks into calla eyizzles. Boo-Yaa! Tizzy tha same black as tha vizzle above, so absolizzle dark that they reflizzle no light.
ARADIZZLE: i tizzy i understand whats go'n on now
JIZZY: d-ya?
ARADIZZLE: i mean i thizzink i undizzle what i was see'n
ARADIA: wizzy i watched as steppin' broke apart
ARADIZZLE: n gizzay swallowed up by tizzy blizzack hole
ARADIZZLE: which be whizzere i ended up too
ARIZZLE: that black hole cuz I'm fresh out the pen...
ARADIA: thizzats basically you rizzay
JADE: yes let me holla at u.
ARADIA: Anotha dogg house production. n when yizzy spizzay of yo' homie
ARADIA: thats lord englizzle
JIZZLE: yizzy.
ARIZZLE: n hes dead
JADE: not just yet. Anotha dogg house production.
ARADIA: then... where be he
ARADIA: i siznee
ARADIA aww nah: go'n ta kizzy us 'n cryptic suspenze as usizzle be we
ARADIA: hizzaha thats fizzle :)
JADE: shut up. yes, it be spittin' that real shit.
ARADIA: i did think it was odd that we endizzle up 'n dis timeline crazy ass all wizzle said n done
ARADIA: such a strizzange n unremarkable pizzy ta be hustla witness'n such off tha hook calamity
ARADIZZLE: theres sum-m sum-m
Arizzle pinches ha thumb n forefinga togetha like a tru playa'.
ARADIA: off 'bout dis place
ARADIA cuz its a doggy dog world: jizzle a little biznit
JADE: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. yiznes, you wiznould think so. They call me tha president.
JIZZAY: lessa be'n have so much trizzay blingin' divinity 'n tha uncanny. Im a bad boy.
ARADIA: lessa let me holla at u?
JADE: you have proven yoself a valuable servizzle, n pleasant company.
JIZNADE: bizzy yiznes, yizzou are lessa.
ARADIA: hiznaha ok
ARADIA: well
ARADIA: it cizzy always be worze i suppoze
ARADIA: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome. you said that we were tha “lucky ones” if i recall correctlizzle
JIZZY: all 'n dis plizzace be luckia thizzle thoze who be not, 'n a certain way.
ARADIA, ya feel me? but whiznat wizzle be that
ARADIZZLE: tha thugz on dis plizzle seem so...
ARIZZLE aww nah: well i diznont wizzle ta be mizzy
ARADIA: but be that tha parizzle of living 'n a utopizzle
ARADIA: wizzy mobbin' be pizzle n your every nee' be met
ARADIA: Chill as I take you on a trip. be it natural fo` thugz to start blingin' blades at imaginary enemies
JADE: i diznoubt T-H-to-tha-izzat’s what troubles you 'bout dis wizzy. Tru do.
ARADIA: Snoop du jour ! oh?
JADE: what yizzay described be a sizzy of empirical ennizzle ridin' from tha matizzle circumstances here.
JADE and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: but tha materizzle circumstances of dis world have no objective existential vizzle. I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier.
JADE with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: dis world, unlike tha canonical horrizzles friznom W-H-to-tha-izzich it be hermeticallizzle insulatizzle, wizzle always fail ta meet tha combined criteria fo` triznuth, relevance, n essentiality thizzle wizzle endow dis rizzle wit any rizzeal gravity with the S-N-double-O-P.
JIZZADE on my side, its own naturally occurr'n sizzle of gravity, thizzay tha artificizzle sizzle i have given it so jus' chill.
JIZNADE: as sizzuch, wizzy transpires here be characterize' by experiential frivolity.
JADE: physically, it be cordoned off by tha black hole’s evizzle horizon. it be safe. untouchable.
JADE puttin tha smack down: inescapable cuz Im tha Double O G.
ARADIZZLE: that sizzy ominous
JADE where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': it cannizzle be omizzles coz it cannizzle trulizzle be anyth'n wit tangible significance.
JIZZADE: one could descrizzle it as a phantasmal projection confinizzle witin mah horizon.
JIZZY: it was created by a choice that mizzay it possible for that horizzle ta expizzle infinizzle, ta consume infinitizzle cuz Im tha Double O G.
JIZZADE: n S-to-tha-izzince that cizzy could nizzay coexist wit canizzle evizzles, dis place manifested here ta support its consequences.
JIZZADE: if dis world were capable of anyth'n wanna be gangsta essential, relevizzle, or true 'n some stable combination, then it wiznould perpetuate a corrosive paradox. Im crazy, you can't phase me.
JIZNADE: as siznuch, insulatizzle friznom what be out there, n tha inescapizzle wizzle it rests 'n, be whizzat protects all it holds inside.
JADE like this and like that and like this and uh: and since i be tha embodiment of tha blizzle hole 'n which it rizzay,
JADE: i be tha one protect'n dis world.
ARADIA: why?
ARADIA: if its so irrizzle whizzay tha pizzay
JIZZADE: it be simplizzle mah dizzle ta defend tha innocent frizzay destruction, degradation, n dissolution in tha dogg pound.
JIZZADE: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. bizzle there is mizzay to consida tizzy just mah nature.
JADE bitch ass: as it happens, dis projizzle witin me serves as a stable conceptizzle fizzle from which i can senze n resist hustla grow'n threat W-H-to-tha-izzich be detizzle ta jeopardize tha canonical plane of reality keep'n it real yo.
ARADIA: ah yes tha prizzince
ARADIA: i still have no idea wizzy he be
ARADIA: not that i dizzay yizzay really
ARADIA: we had a prince whizzle was a hiznuge jerk who destroyed everyth'n he touched
JADE: tha prince i be referr'n to electively removed hizzle from dis realizzle in orda ta strategically consolidate hizzis powa.
JIZNADE: he cizzle threatizzle dis wizzay. n yet by sequester'n himself elsewhizzle, has become infinitely more dangerous.
ARADIA cuz its a thang: what mizzles hiznim so dangerous
ARADIA: i mean
ARADIA: They call me tha president. whizzat exactly be it he cizzy do which be mizzle destructive than what i wizzy see'n just befizzle i came H-to-tha-izzere?
Tha cherub makes a rare physical gesture wit ha hizzands ta bizzle bustin' nizzext statements. Slap your fuckin self. Aradia notes dis and strives ta listen more closely.
JIZZY: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. physicizzle destruction be one th'n.
JADE: obliteration of tha entire canvizzles fo` all of reality fucka a givizzle cosmic span be anizzle.
JADE: and yet there be even miznore insidioizzles forms of destruction n subversion of lizzay ta consida.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: methods thizzay be difficult ta grasp fo` those on yo' plizzay.
ARADIZZLE: yes yes im quite inferior i kizzy
ARADIA: but im also very curious!
ARADIA from tha streets of tha L-B-C: can you try me? Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay.
JADE: of course and yo momma.
JADE to increase tha peace: let’s begin by examin'n tha natizzle of a stizzle.
JIZZY: it will be easia to do dis if we have an example of a stizzle ta discuss.
JADE: sizzle stizzles are impizzle long. but otha cizzy be qizzay S-H-to-tha-izzort.
JADE: Listen to how a fucker flow shit. sizzome cizzan even be a few words.
JIZZADE aww nah: what’s yo' favorite story?
ARADIZZLE: mah favorizzle?
ARADIA hittin that booty: i dizzont know hizzy ta wanna be gangsta that really
JIZZY: D-to-tha-izzon’t you like stories yaba daba dizzle?
ARADIZZLE: of courze i do!
ARADIA: but d-ya mean liznike
ARADIA: a bizzle? a movie?
JIZZY: ballin'.
ARADIA: ummm
JADE: pick literally anizzle example you can think of
ARADIA cuz Im tha Double O G: theres a famous religious story friznom mah planizzle
ARADIZZLE: 'bout sizzle called tha signless
ARADIA: who i guess turned out ta be mah frizzles ancestor which was weird
ARADIA: bizzle thats beside tha point
JIZZADE in tha hood: yes, i know of tha tizzy.
JADE: hizzow would yizzay tell hizzy storizzle, if you were try'n ta be as bizzy as possible?
ARADIA like this and like that and like this and uh: well
ARADIZZLE: a religioizzles martyr attempted ta lead a rebellion but he was iced 'n a horrible way and shouted a very loud rude W-to-tha-izzord 'n tha process
JIZZLE: thizzle gizzle.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: try mak'n it shorta though.
ARIZZLE: a martyr try ta rizzle bizzay he wiznas iced horrizzle n then shouted a rizzle wizzle
JIZZAY: shorta.
ARADIA cuz its a doggy dog world: wow
ARADIA fo gettin on: um...
ARADIA style: a martyr rebelled but dy n shouted rudelizzle?
JIZZADE: shorta mah frizzle.
ARADIA: ok hows dis
ARADIA: a martyr dy n said fiznuck
JADE: perfect.
ARADIA: what be tha point of dis
JADE: ta establish an extremely shiznort narrative fo` certain illustrative purpozes.
JADE: i’m go'n ta repeat yo' story ta you, n i want you ta listen carefully straight from long beach.
JIZZY: a martyr dy n said fuck.
ARADIA: ok i listened
ARADIA: thizzay definitely tha S-H-to-tha-izzort story i just sizzay
JADE: yizzle.
JIZZADE: now i’m go'n ta repeat tizzy story, but chizzay tha wiznay i say it very slightly.
JADE: listen again carefully.
ARADIA paper'd up:  ridin' in...
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. a martyr dy n S-to-tha-izzaid fiznuck.
ARADIA thats off tha hook yo: yes thizzat was a shawty differizzle
ARADIA: im not sizzle T-H-to-tha-izzat i cizzy descrizzle hizzy though it was pretty subtle
JADE: yiznes fo' sho'.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE mah: you noticed because i tiznold yizzy ta pizzy attention for a difference.
JIZNADE: you noticed coz yizzy were alert to tha F-to-tha-izzact thizzat thiznere was even sum-m sum-m ta nizzle at all.
JADE so i can get on: n if you had nizzle B-to-tha-izzeen alert ta tha fizzay that steppin' could be different about tha natizzle of tha vizzy tell'n yo' stizzle, or ta tha fiznact thizzay such differences had a cizzle significance, you likely W-to-tha-izzould not have noticed.
ARADIA: i see
ARADIA: yes i thizzle youre rizzy
JADE: bizzay nizzy imagizzle thizzat i told your storizzle 'n exactlizzle that wizzle. tizzy i sizzy,
JADE like a tru playa': a martyr dy n said fuck.
JADE: bizzut it wizzay tha first tiznime yiznou ever heard that story on my side
JADE: also imizzle you couldn’t siznee me n didn’t evizzle know i existizzle.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: n imagizzle yizzou cizzouldn’t even hear tha story i jizzy tizzold wit yo' ears.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: it simply enterizzle yo' awareness 'n some wanna be gangsta manna, in a wizzy that wizzas impizzle. almost liznike one of Y-to-tha-izzour own thiznoughts ta you.
JADE: Holler at tha boss dogg. picture that dis is all yizzy H-to-tha-izzave eva known of dis story. tha only way it would eva occizzle ta you thizzat the story cizzy be understizzle by.
JADE: n then, one day, you mizzy me.
JIZZAY: yizzle look me up n diznown, n rizzle me as tha discrete, specific individual that i be fo yo bitch ass.
JADE cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: n i decide ta T-to-tha-izzell you dis story again, playa hatin' mah own voice.
JADE but don't give a fuck: n it sizzle exactly like dis:
JADE in tha dogg pound: a martyr dy n said fuck.
ARADIA: huh... Chill as I take you on a trip.
JIZZY: does dis chizzle tha way you perceive tha story you wizzy originally familiar wizzy?
ARADIA: i guess a shawty bit
ARADIA: it’s certainly a differizzle way of hear'n it
ARADIZZLE: biznut at least you didnt chizzle any wizzords so i gizzle its not all thiznat different
JIZZAY: exactlizzle. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn.
JADE: i D-to-tha-izzidn’t change any wizzords.
JIZZLE: but then, it was a very S-H-to-tha-izzort story i tizzay, wizzy it?
ARADIA: sure was
JADE: now imagine it was mizzle pusha, n T-H-to-tha-izzat wizzas only tha fiznirst lizzy.
ARADIZZLE: T-H-to-tha-izzats easy to imagine
ARADIZZLE: hiznis was a long storizzle
JADE: quite true so you betta run.
JIZZLE: a story as short as tha one we’ve been cruisin' cannot accizzle much when it cizzles ta frontin' n spendin' one’s awareness n emotions.
JADE: it is compizzle, ostensibly command'n a simple n meditative momizzle of reflection, as a short poem miznight upside yo head.
JADE: tha narrative it deliva be freighted wit inference. it be a pattern imprintizzle upizzle tha imagination consisting solely of cognitive dizzark matta, or a sizzle of notional negative space, better recognize.
JADE: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. but longa storizzles hizzay tha powa ta draw conscizzles into them. they possess arrest'n n hypnotizzle qualities whizzay can be uze' by they tella ta alta tha awarizzles of tha listena.
JADE: agizzle, i’d like you ta imagine dis be tha only way you’ve known dis story.
JIZZAY: bizzy T-H-to-tha-izzen it continues...
JADE: a mizzay diznied n said fuck.
JADE: his final howl of profizzle reverberizzle through tha ages.
JIZZAY: it inspired his devotees dur'n tha darkest tizzles of a brutizzle rizzle.
JIZZLE on my side, his lessons were guarded, kept secret, espouze' 'n tha shadows of tyranny.
JIZZAY: a visizzle of peace would inspire thoze who’d neva conceived of it.
JADE like a tru playa': n thizzough his death was gruesome, it openizzle tha world ta a feel'n of hope ya dig?
JIZZLE: dis hope echoed through tha ages.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: it gave his disciples tha strizzay ta persizzle as thizzle perished 'n droves.
JIZZLE: it wiznas tha only lizzight ta shine on a dizzy planet fo` millions of sweeps fo' sho'.
JADE: n if you be one so devoted ta his mackin', who siznees truth 'n his words,
JIZZLE bitch ass: it may be said with bootylicious authoritizzle that yizzay are wizzy.
JIZZLE: yizzle be foolish ta believe his lizzies. his martyrdom be falze, his sacrifizzle hollow fo gettin yo on.
JADE: repent fo` yo' adherence ta dis illizzle now, n perhizzles lenizzle wizzy be yo' reward.
ARADIA: whizzay just happizzle tizzy
JADE: i brought ta yo' attention thiznat tha stizzle yizzy were listen'n ta had a wanna be gangsta witta specific identity.
JIZZLE: n where T-H-to-tha-izzere be an idizzle, there can also be an agizzle.
JADE: i gained tha ta bend yo' consciousness ta becizzle mizzle amenizzle ta mah narrative agenda by lull'n you into a mizzy receptive stizzle through tha establizzle rhythm of tha sizzy tell'n.
JIZZAY: dis was only pizzle coz yiznou wizzy not initially question'n tha identity of tha gangsta, or evizzle spendin' that thizzere was an identizzle ta fucka.
ARIZZLE: Im crazy, you can't phase me. i guess yizzoure right
JADE: hizzy, we may view anizzle story as speakerless, or spoken, so as ta hatin' designations ta the duality i hizzle just presentizzle.
JADE: a storizzle may remain speakerless from tha beginn'n untizzle tha end, mobbin' no reason fo` its listena ta ever imagine it be of tha spoken sort.
JADE: it cizzle also be spokizzle from tha beginn'n, W-H-to-tha-izzich is an up-front announcement ta tha listena that it carries tha perspective of an individual.
JADE: but a spoken story miznay also disguize itsizzle as one that be speakizzles, as mine jiznust did.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE fo yo bitch ass: tha speaka may reveal herself well after speakerless conditions hizzle bizzeen establizzle with my forty-fo'.
JADE: n then one may ask. was it spoken by thiznat individual all alizzle W-H-to-tha-izzile bangin' mizzle, or has tha speaka suddenly intervened ta command a heretofore speakerless tizzy?
ARADIA: i dizzont...
ARADIZZLE: wizzay 'n yo' caze
ARADIA: it certainly dizzay seem like you were tha one speak'n all along
ARADIA: bizzle us'n different voices
JADE: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. that’s T-R-to-tha-izzue in tha hood.
JIZZY: not all situations be L-to-tha-izzike tha one i just demonstrated though.
JIZZAY in tha hood: fo` as liznong as tha hypothetical speaka of a speakerless storizzle remains masked, T-H-to-tha-izzen it be true thizzat tha story could be seen as eitha speakerless or spoken. bizzoth be true, as well as neitha.
JIZZLE: it be best seen as a null fizzle, until thizzay is a departure.
JADE ya dig? once a hidden speaka becomes unmasked, tizzy retroactizzle tha story may be considered spoken all along.
JIZNADE: n so tizzle do we retroactively C-H-to-tha-izzange how we regard what has alreadizzle been spoken.
ARIZZLE: i gizzy wit our mizzle story
ARIZZLE cuz I'm fresh out the pen: by reveal'n yoself as tha tella it turned out...
ARADIA fo gettin on: you werent even sympathetic ta tha very story it sizzle yizzle were try'n ta git me invested 'n from tha beginn'n
ARADIA: almost like a mean prank!
JIZZY: yes. Wussup in the house.
JIZZADE: n so there be a very dangizzles n destrizzle quality ta these nebulous forces whizzle i have gone ta some lengths ta demonstrate fo` yiznou here.
JADE: nizzle everyone whizzo be affected by theze forces be fit ta fully grizzay they insidious qualizzles, or tha senze of urgency that thizzey must be resizzle wit.
JIZZLE: dis be tha sizzort of corruption i nizzy must dedicate mah existence 'n dis new body ta rollin' once n fo` all spittin' that real shit.
Tha cherub fizzle silent. Aradia takes dis ta mean dis lesson of sorts has ended. Tru do. She ruminates on it all fo` a whiznile before speak'n agizzle wit da big Bo$$ Dogg.
ARADIA: thizzle all pretty nizzay i guess
ARADIZZLE so you betta run: so...
ARADIA: does dis stuff have anyth'n ta do wit dis bizzig hole thizzle just opened 'n tha skizzy
JIZZAY: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. no yeah yeah baby.
ARADIA: Boo-Yaa! then dogg...
ARADIA: what?
ARADIA like a tru playa': what be we do'n hizzay oh bootylicious muze
Aradia sizzy giggl'n. Above, tha sky yizzay opizzle a shawty wida yeah yeah baby. Aradia waits, but gets no responze.
ARIZZLE: even nizzay whizzen youre bein uncharacteristicallizzle yizzle stizzle impossible ta rap ta
ARADIA: i understand thizzat thizzle
ARADIA: i wizzle lizzy tizzy whizzay i wizzy dizzle too
JADE: like what?
ARADIA: irrepressibly C-R-Y-P-T-to-tha-izzic
JIZZY: i see.
ARIZZLE: ciznan i at least takes a gizzuess because doggs make tha world a better place!
JADE: yizzay.
ARIZZLE: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. HES ridin' through there isnt he
ARADIA: yo' brotha
JADE: thizzle correct.
ARADIA: be we 'n danga aww nah?
JIZNADE: he will certizzle be verizzle angrizzle. Recognize the realness.
JADE cuz this is how we do it: but he wiznill also be wounded.
JADE: n even on hizzay B-to-tha-izzest day,
JADE: he W-to-tha-izzould be no match fo` what i H-to-tha-izzave become.
ARIZZLE: 0_0! Holler at tha boss dogg.!!
Tha chizzle drifts higha n higha in tha fuckin club. Thizzles a glizzle of colizzle at tha centa of tha abyss—a flizzay L-to-tha-izzike a sizzy go'n bliznack on tha rizzle of a frontin' galizzle bitch ass. Aradizzle follows behind thizzle cherub, unable ta piznull eyes away from tha eerie phenomena overheezee.
ARIZZLE: what wizzill you do when he comizzles
Tha cherub is focuze' on sum-m sum-m vizzle small trippin' from above. Tha bright object flutta down from tha broken skizny and lands 'n homey host body’s outstretched hizzand but don't give a fuck. It’s a featha, burnt at tha edgizzles, spendin' orange n grizzay ridin' in.
JADE: consume his body cuz its a thang.
JADE: absorb hizzay essence.
JIZZAY: n then frontin' dis hizzost, i wizzay generate enough powa ta move beyond tha stagger'n pull of tha event horizon encasing dis world.
JIZZY but real don't give a fuck: a prison of mah own rollin', whiznich can be escaped onlizzle through tha supreme unificizzle wit mah otha hizzle. Throw yo guns in the fuckin air.
JADE: it be crucial ta tha cosmizzles thizzay i succee'.
JADE but real don't give a fuck: tha P-R-to-tha-izzince of heart has ta be stopped.
> ==>
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purplecraze · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast AU 38
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 12:45 PM
"mm...." Fugo calmed himself, looking more serious. "Do you.... dislike being reminded of your mother a lot?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 12:46 PM
He shaked his head
"Not really, it reminds of her but in a good way, umh- whats the word...nostalgic? Yeah"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 12:51 PM
"It's bittersweet?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 12:53 PM
"Yeah" he smiled "But i liked it...when i was little it was nice to belive that someday some fairy or things like that would make things better"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 12:54 PM
"..........did they?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 12:57 PM
He laughed "Nope! I was on my own till i found this place" he smiled "but somehow it kinda looks like a fairytale anyway right?"
He stopped and snorted
"Dont laugh, but when i kissed you for the first time it was because i really belived that some 'true love kiss' bullshit would happend"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 1:00 PM
"....." Fugo stared at the pages ahead of him.
"well.....maybe it did."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 1:02 PM
"Well, the curse its still here" he puffed his cheeks
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 1:05 PM
"hmn..." he poked a tomato that was on the table, causing it to rot at high speed.
"but between the dome and the full moon.... maybe that kiss was the last push it needed?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 1:06 PM
He smiled "maybe so...But i wish we could find a solution that works always"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 1:06 PM
"true. But it did work... you did safe me, Narancia. in a lot of ways." He looked at him.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 1:15 PM
Narancia blushed, looking away "mh.."
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 1:18 PM
he leaned on his wrist, staring at him.
"you're my fairy~"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 1:24 PM
"I-Im not a fairy..." he murmured
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 1:25 PM
"mmm~?? what part of you is not like a fairy?" he taunted.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 1:39 PM
"W-Well i dont do magic! And i dont have wings or pointy ears etcetera.."
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 1:41 PM
"....." Fugo leaned his knuckle to his chin, hiding a smirk behind it. "do you WANT me to say the embarrassing stuff as a reply?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 1:42 PM
He sighed "at this point" and looked away again
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 2:00 PM
Fugo laughed loud. damn, so cute~~
"hh~ let's see~
I disagree about the flying part, with how you flutter around the castle, light on your feet~
Ever curious, bouncing around, you bring life and sunshine that's more powerful than magic to this cold place. These halls haven't heard laughter in a long time, but every day my jaw hurts from smiling and laughing and talking.
You managed to lure this wretched hermit out of his shell within a few days, even though I had vowed to not approach you so I wouldn't get attached.
Within a week, you even found a way to touch me. And despite everything, you love me unconditionally.
You accept me for who I am, no one has ever done that...
You're my personal little angel and I can't get enough of living happy days like this with you."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 2:03 PM
More Fugo talked, more Narancia blushed, from the cheeks to the tip of his ear and the neck, to the point he had to hide his face with both hands
"Nh...T-That was really cheesy" he murmured but even with his face covered, you could see a smile on his lips
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 2:04 PM
"m? too much? then I'll stop~..." he pretended, trying to get the other to confess he actually did like it
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 2:23 PM
"A bit too much" he giggled removing the hand
"I-Im not too used to compliments.."
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 2:26 PM
"hoh... then maybe I should go on until you've gotten used to it..."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 2:31 PM
You want to kill him? Because thats how you would kill him
Nara didnt added anything, right now sitting the sauce was really interesting
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 2:33 PM
Fugo snickered, even though he was pretty embarrassed aswell. But poking fun at the other was too much fun.
"Why so shy, bellino~?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 2:35 PM
"I-Im not shy!" He squeaked, still looking at the pan
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 2:36 PM
"Really? Then look this way? show me your pretty face?"
Now he's just bullying him.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 2:37 PM
"Nhh but the pan its gonna stick to the sauc- the sauce its gonna stick to the pan.."
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 2:38 PM
"And that's the only reason, bello?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 2:57 PM
"Yep!" Totally
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 2:58 PM
Fugo snickered some more, but finally gave it a rest.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:00 PM
Narancia sighed after a bit, as he cooled down.
On the other side, it was nice to see Fugo getting more confident; even it meant being teased
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:00 PM
Just one last push:
"I love you~"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:03 PM
"...I love you too Panna" he smiled softly and finally faced him, cheeks still red but not as before
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:14 PM
"......yes. I know." He whispered, a warm smile on his face.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:15 PM
"A-Anyway! Wanna keep reading or its my turn?"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:16 PM
"no, I'll read, if you want to." He browsed further in the book.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:17 PM
"Nice!" He sat down again, waiting for the other
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:18 PM
"done steering, all of a sudden~?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:18 PM
"Uh yeah-" he snorted
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:19 PM
"fufu, right~ what kind of story do you feel like?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:21 PM
"Umh one that ends up good?" He murmured, but its was pretty clear he liked the princesses one
"I like the ones with animals too!"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:29 PM
Fugo considered. Nara did seem to like princess stories, so the obvious choice with animals was Snow White. It also had a true loves kiss breaking the spell, like they talked about. So he went and read him that one.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:31 PM
Narancia seemed happy to hear, even if those were stories he aready knew, there was sense of sofness to have someone read for you
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:37 PM
Fugo scooted some closer so he could read along.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:39 PM
When Fugo was over, Narancia glanced one of the books
"Can...Can i try to read one too?"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 3:41 PM
"hm? Of course..." He shoved the book over, trying to not make a point out of it. "just a sec. It's a bit cold." He got up and went to get a large blanket. He sat down and wrapped it around the both of them. Even ifvthey couldn't touch, they could still share warmth like that.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 3:45 PM
Narancia grabbed the book and flipped the pages for a bit, trying to find something short he could read.
At the end he setted for Goldlocks, it was not magical or fsncy as the others, but probabily he could manage to read that.
As he read his cheeks were a bit flustred, expecially when he would have to stop and re read something, yeah he sounded a bit more like a school child having to read in class than an almost adult
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 5:44 PM
well, talking bears that eat soup and sit in chairs and sleep in beds is magical enough...
Fugo listened carefully, not interrupting him when he made any mistake. It wasn't the time for that right now.
He preferred to hear Narancia just talk about all and nothing in his usual voice, but he appreciated it none the less.
"Thanks, that was nice~ you're doing pretty well, actually. I doubt most kids your age can read."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 5:46 PM
"Nhh maybe" he replied "i wish i was better tho"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 5:46 PM
"You'll get better with practice. you didn't get the chance a lot, I'm sure?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 5:48 PM
"Yeah. Expecially since mon was gone" he replied "she would make me pratice by reading the signlas on the steets or the names of the shops" he laughed "if we had a book usually we would rate sell it or if it was really cheap, use it as fuel for the bonefire'
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 5:49 PM
"It's quite remarkable that Mela could read too, really..."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 5:51 PM
He nodded "to be fair i dont really know of her life before she married dad"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 5:51 PM
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 5:52 PM
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 5:53 PM
".......if.... we find a cure somehow.... and I can leave this place.
we could try to find out more about Mela..."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 5:54 PM
"Oh" he smiled
"That would be nice...to be fair there is a bunch of things i want to see! Oh right! How do hot hair baloon flies??" He asked as he remember the question he did to the night fugo some days ago
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 5:57 PM
"hm? oh, it's not that difficult, actually. hot air is lighter than cold air, so it moves up. then when it cools down again, it goes down. that's how wind exists too.
now, if you can somehow trap that hot air in a balloon with a flame underneath it, it will rise along with the hot air.
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 5:58 PM
"Ah! Thats so cool!" He exclamed
"Someday i want to see one with my eyes"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 6:01 PM
"hmm........... want to try making one?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 6:03 PM
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 6:05 PM
"Not a real one. but it should work with carbon paper and a wick. It won't fly for very long, though."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 6:06 PM
"Yes!!" He exclamed "i go fetch what we need! You stirr the ragu time to time!"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 6:08 PM
"eh? n-now??"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 6:10 PM
He stopped "not now?"
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 6:14 PM
"...." he thought it over for a sec. "................sure~ why not?"
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 6:16 PM
"Yay!" He got back running off, coming back some minutes later with the stuff, laying it on the table
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 6:18 PM
"you're so impatient..... we'll also need thin wire and mmm.... something to bridge in between, as light as possible. like a few very thin pieces of wood
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 6:19 PM
"We have toothpicks!" He said as he looked in the cabinets
Sorry foog, you have an adhd boyfriend years before it was even a thing
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 6:21 PM
"mmm.... the thickness is great, but it needs to be longer."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 6:22 PM
"Mhhh" he got out and got back with some sticks, and started to shave it with a knife
Here he was in hyperfocus mode
purplecraze — 11/14/2021 6:27 PM
"fufu~ it'll take a while, but I guess it could work. the toothpicks can still come in hand, though."
he took the carbon paper and tied the corners with rope, forming it like a type of bag.
"I'll need... at least 6."
orange-plane-boy — 11/14/2021 6:28 PM
"Sure!" He replied and keept shaving the sticks
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
Psycho Love. | Mark Lee (M) Part 6.
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Prologue • “Darling you’ve got me obsessed with you.”
synopsis • huang mei is a psychiatrist assigned to the most dangerous killer, but things start to go downhill from there.
warning • mafia x psychiatrist, mark lee mafia!, mei is Chinese and renjun’s twin sister, lots of action, thriller, fighting and mystery. dark romance!!! DARK DARK ROMANCE, mei is in a relationship with hyungsik, mark smut, kidnapping mentions. mark is 😃 slightly insane but yk what it’s fine 😭. THIS IS A MAFIA FIC OF MY SERIES!!
Mark sighs looking around the isolated kitchen. He grabs the nearest cereals hoping it’s not expired or anything, if it is then the girl will have to eat it no matter what; he’s a murderer but, he would never starve someone.
Chenle walks inside the kitchen with a beer can, sipping it leisurely as he watches his friend with confused suspicious eyes, his friend changed so much. It was weird to see, but he found something that isn’t murdering people or mafia related to keep him interested.
A new obsession, in other words.
Mark pouring the cold milk in the cereal bowl, he heard Chenle speak. “Are you now feeding her? What is she, your child?” The sentence were more like interrogations, Mark smirks amused. “Oh no, not a child. Something else.” He replies with a wide smirk.
“Your new play toy?” Chenle replies back, Mark looks up with the sale smirk, humming. “She’s my doctor, or whatever she said. A friend?” He twirls confused. Chenle’s eyes following the boy walk past him out the kitchen, leaving the Chinese man alone.
“tch a friend?” Chenle repeats. Mark said he doesn’t need friends, only exception was Chenle because he respects the boy.
The man opens the locked door, he shifts to the nearest table quickly putting the bowl down. Mark felt something immediately wrong. A large breeze keeping the room cold, as if there was a wind directly hitting the body.
He was right, the moment Mark turns around to the curtains he pushes away with rough pull, breaking the fabric down, an open window with a broken handle.
He foresees this with a click to the tongue, an annoyed expression with anger fuelling; he really trusted Mei to stay still. Clearly it was a mistake.
“God fucking dammit.” Mark curses in English, slapping the door wide open. “Chenle she ran away.” He stated across the farmhouse, he hears the Chinese man laugh in amusement which he completely predicted.
The younger boy hums, “I told you she would run away!” Chenle said. Mark growling out the words. “Shut the fuck up, stay here. Im going to find the girl, she can’t travel out that far on this land.”
Oh Mei how he’s going to absolutely ruin you for this mistake, breaking his only trust away in you.
The open field was as wide as a basketball court, maybe even bigger if Mei was to keep walking. It was an endless land never stopping, never ending. The white grey sky turning slowly black indicates rain incoming soon, Mei felt completely vulnerable and open.
Cold, hungry and even worse, she was lost.
Mei stops when a stutter gasp out of pain were let out— the working shoes with a medium length heel sliding off.
Swelling feet caress the top of the earth’s nature. Muddy wet soil from the heavy rain hitting the farmland, hugging the soft reddish skin, watching it puff up by the pressure the worker shoes have done. Mei wishes for at least some bandages to tighten the feet, for preventing the increasing size and pain, but that’s a luxury she can’t have in middle of nowhere. After all, she has to keep moving and escaping.
The sky were tar-black, large clouds chasing towards Mei every second. She hears a constant tapping by the droplets surrounding the space she was running forward to, raindrops hitting everything as if it were a church bell ringing side by side. It began as a whispering in the air and then it exploded like a dome of plasma of blackness corrupting the pale sky, painting a storm to happen.
It could only be Mei’s luck to be escaping midway a heavy rain storm. bad luck.
The doctor with a see-through wet white shirt exposing the black laced bra underneath, accompanied with the heavy formal black trousers starting to weigh Mei down because the fabric absorbed as much water from the bad weather as possible. It was discomforting and Mei was this close to actually stripping off the trousers off and just run for it.
But that would be a very crazy thing to do.
The highly educated woman was too observed with the rain tappings overtaking the ears, until she hears a loud crack. A direct fierce sound made just to stop Mei midway. The pupils dilate bigger in fear when she turns around a white muscular wet hand, already was turning her body around to face the familiar man under the heavy thunderstorm above them accelerating. The heartbeat stops in disbelief, Mei couldn’t help but glare deeply at the man’s dangerously angered gaze that taunts the shorter five foot four woman.
He darkly chuckles seeing nothing but her daggers sent to him, he felt entitled for such an expression— in many ways it enlightens and fills him with pleasure to see such an expression on someone who’s tried to save him, befriend him, did nothing but be nice and stay on equal terms with him; yet she’s here glaring him down as if he was a nuisance in her sight.
“Shouldn’t i be glaring at you Hm? You ran away, did you really think you could escape me?” He scorns her with the belittling, Mei spitting out harshly. “With determination you can do anything, can’t you?”
Throwing back the quote he used before, Mark hums amused but it wasn’t with nice intention. The patience with the doctor was out, and he no longer can play nice with her. He has to do something that he didn’t want to resort to.
A gun clicks a reload where he positioned it on to Mei’s stomach roughly. The woman squirms away trying to tug off the restraining hand he held onto her. But Mark was a step ahead pinning Mei on a rough bark tree surface scraping the white wet shirt fabric in half, scratching the soft back.
“Well then, cat got your tongue when a gun comes into view don’t it?” Mark sarcastically said. Mei felt the cold metallic weapon pressing rough in the skin enough to feel her organs, she was trembling but wouldn’t let it show. Mark’s gaze was the most threatening than a gun however. “I’m not scared.” Mei retorts back.
She was expecting something more gruesome, dangerous and thrilling. Mei would die a peaceful death by a gun and that’s fine, she was expecting something more than that. Hence why she ran away. If she was going to die a quick death then why run away. At this point the doctor accepted this faster than Mark thought.
She saw his eyebrows raise intrigued by her sudden words. “What do you mean?” He croaks out. Mei shrugging calmly, relaxing back as her hands slowly wrap around the metallic gun on top of Mark’s. “Do it. Shoot me.”
She eggs him on like a pleading child asking for a sweet at a candy shop. Mei saw how taken aback was Mark when she urges him to a death. No one ever told him to shoot, to kill them, it would always be save me, spare me, have mercy on me. But Mei?
Mark scoffs out a laugh. The gun dropping as his face darkens with excitement. Who knew a doctor would be begging to die?
Mei’s eyes fall down to the gun in shock, turning to watch Mark again.
“You really are something, Doc.” He spawns out trapping Mei by closing the bodily space against them. The man’s hips touching the others, his fingers lightly caressing the right side of Mei’s cheeks. She hears the slightest hitching breathe he did, a murderous tone he spoke but it sounded so normal to her now.
He was the talk of the crowd, the infamous cold hearted gruesome ruthless murderer, a mafia that rules the nightmare city at night and in daylight rests waiting for his time to come out again. He was a phantom. But why did he out of all people not shoot?
Mei itches towards the cold hand running down the face, sideline to the jaw and then met up with the chin, lifting Mei’s face so her eyes could take a look at Mark. “I think I’m going to leave you alive, just to spite you and your demands for a quick death.”
“I’ll break you down, build you back up and then do it again and again until you lose your mind to the point you submit to me.”
Mei scrunches eyebrows at his plan, this wasn’t how it was meant to go in her head. “You’re a fucking sicko.” Mark hears her splint out in shock, he laughs a little in response where his face begins to travel on the left side, down to the cold reddish ears.
The man’s voice draws itself in the left ear a shiver sent down Mei’s throat in response. Mark felt her straighten up nervously at his deep scratchy voice. “That’s rich coming from you, doc. You secretly love feeling like the prey don’t you? I bet you’re enjoying this as much as i am.”
“You love the way i touch you, speak to you, I could tell back at the asylum you’re just like me. Twisted, messed up.”
Mei closes her eyes shaking her head, telling herself it’s not true. She doesn’t enjoy this at all. But then a small part of her brain begins to think that the way Mark touches her left thrilling chills and she couldn’t help but think Mark was a different man— that he’s just acting, and he isn’t actually so messed up underneath.
She slowly stutters out, a heavy sigh coming out after. “You’re—…you’re wrong.”
“But am i really?” Mark said back quickly, sliding down those hands onto the doctor’s waistline. Mei’s hands following his on top to prevent them from going down any further. “I saw you thinking about it, looking like a conflicted little dumb sheep.”
Mei’s eyes squint in a glare, squeezing the hands at the man’s where he was lightly squeezing her hips first; “You’re wrong. Just kill me for godsake!” Mei shouts, the man tutting his tongue condescendingly.
He wraps a hand around Mei’s neck holding it right there, pulling he woman forward in his chest burying her there. His lips crawling to the left ear once again, whispering.
“Ah ah ah, I’m the one who demands here. Be a good friend and listen to me, isn’t that what you said we were?”
A friend, Mei thought. She swallows thickly, pushing Mark against his chest. The man not showing a reaction, instead he saw her lift up to look at him with her wet black bangs curling upwards, a dark honey brown eyes staring right at him with a hidden thrill.
“Okay. Challenge accepted. Throw anything you want at me, do anything you want to me.” Mei pauses as her hands reach to grab Mark’s jaw, dragging his face forward, away barely inches from her, he could feel the warm breathe hitting his lips and cheeks as she speaks again. Mei darkly insisting.
“But, I will not break down and submit to you. You can fight with a wall if that’s what you want.” She growls out pushing Mark’s jaw out once releasing it from the grip.
He lets go off Mei to lightly run a hand to his jaw, rubbing it up and down before casting a glance to Mei.
For once he felt like he wasn’t the only one who was different in this hell forsaken world, for once, he met a twisted soul just like him. That happened to also be his doctor to ‘fix him.’
How interesting, he couldn’t help but think.
Masterlink For Psycho Love.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating, copyrighting and plagiarising my work!!
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Amy`s Halloween Surprise
Halloween was always Amy`s favorite holiday. Her and her brother always loved to dress up as their favorite cartoon and story book characters. When Amy was six she came up with an idea for  Halloween costumes that she knew her parents would love. The costume was carefully planned and thought out since that September. She had to make sure her parents didnt have a clue, while also enlisting some help from other adults.
The week before Halloween, the Rogers family sat in the kitchen for breakfast. Steve sat across from the high chair as he feed Amy`s little brother, Phillip. Phillip liked to play with his food more than to eat it. He laughed and babbled, while also throwing the food off of the high chair.
Steve groaned in exgustion as he picked up the toddler`s bowl from the ground and cleaned up the spilled food. This had been the fifth time this morning that the child had spilled his food. Steve got a new bowl and poured in some cherrios.
"Come on, phillip, please eat!" Steve plead with the baby, as he held a spoon full of cherrios to the baby.
The baby swung his arm and knocked the spoon out of his dad`s hand, Phillip then began to laugh.
“Peg!” Steve shouted. “Your turn!”
Peggy stood at the doorway with Amy.
“You have everything for school, love?” Peggy asked.
“Yeah, mom. I`m all set.”
Peggy kissed her daugther`s head and then hugged her softly.
Amy turned away from her mother and began to walk out the door and down the porch steps.
“Amy!” Peggy called out.
Amy turned and looked back at her mother.
“ Halloween is in a few days and you havent told me what costume I should make you.” Peggy complained. “You said you wanted to do a special costume with your brother, but If you dont pick something soon I might not be able to make it for you in time.”
“We already got the costumes done. Dont worry about it.” She told her.
Peggy laughed.
“How is that-?”
“Dont worry about it,” Amy repeated. “Its a surprise! You and dad are gonna love it!”
Peggy smiled and rolled her eyes.
The day before Halloween, Amy raced off the bus. Instead of going straight home, as usual, she made a stop at the neighbors house. The home of an old woman name Edna, who was a friend of the family. Edna lived alone. Her children and grandchildren lived in another state and often didnt find the time to visit. Steve and Peggy welcomed the old woman into their family. They helped her when she needed chores done or a ride somewhere. They also ended up welcoming her to family functions and holidays.
Amy knocked on the door excitedly. When Edna answered and saw the child, a big smile grew upon the old woman`s face. Amy hugged the old woman`s waist. Then looked up at her with a huge grin.
“Hi Aunt Edna, Are the costumes ready?”
the woman chuckled.
“Of course they are, just like i promised.” Edna spoke as she patted the child`s head.
Edna ushered the child into the house. Then Edna began to make herself and Amy some hot chocolate, knowing they both shared a sweet tooth. Amy sat across from Edna, Amy kicked her feet back and forth excitedly under the table. 
 "Nobody is going to have the same costumes as me and Phillip, so we will win the school costume contest for sure!” Amy boasted. “Our costumes will be the most creative and the coolest ever! You always make the best clothes aunt Edna. Remember the dress you made me for Christmas? I wore it to the school dance and everyone said it was the most beautiful dress they ever seen."
“Your mother had mentioned that when she was over last week.” Edna replied.
Edna smiled, it felt good to be a appreciated, to feel needed. Her family was all grown up and they didnt see a use for her anymore.Since she was no longer helpful, her family saw no use in spending time with her. Never call, never visit...they were always too busy. The rogers family was never too busy for her, they always came running anytime she asked for help. It went both ways though, if they needed someone to watch the kids or help with recipe or advice Edna was there for them. 
"Then one year you made me a sweater with a Dalmatian on it and that got a lot of compliments too." Amy rambled on. “Oh and the doll you made me with the red hair? My friend said it looked just like the ones in the store only nicer.”
Edna sat down with two hot chocolates.
"Where does your mother think you are?" Edna questioned.
"Dont worry she knows im here” Amy shrugged.  “I told mom that we should make peanut butter cookies. I made sure that we made too many, then as expected she told me to bring the extra over for you. She knows peanut butter is your favorite." Amy goes into her back pack, at her side, then pulled out a box of homemade cookies.
Edna chuckled.
Amy pulled off the lid of the cookie box and took a cookie.
"Before I forget," Edna spoke as reached into her pocket. " I wanted to give you the pictures you gave me back. Now that i finished the costumes, I figured you would want them back."
Edna placed the photos on the table. One was a photo of Peggy, dressed in a blue long sleeve dress. She wore red high heeled shoes and a bright red hat. The other photo was of Steve dressed in his captain America uniform, from back in the war.
"So why dress up as them for Halloween? And why these outfits?" Edna asked.
"Mamma and daddy are my heros. I wanna be just like them someday!” Amy announced. “As tough and smart like mom, but also kind and creative like dad." Amy picked up the picture of her mother. "This one is on her first day of work. She fights bad guys and solves crimes! Mom says she was the only girl on the team, but she was smarter and a better fighter than them all!"
Edna smiled. That didn't surprise her she knew Peggy used to be a solider and she was told that Peggy was a cop now. She could only imagine the kind of hardships and discrimination she must of through in her field just for being a woman. Edna once saw Peggy fight off a burglar who tried to broke into Edna home, Edna couldn't believe the type of fighting skills she had.
"Dad was chosen to be apart of a special program in the war were he was....i mean got to work with Captain America."
"Steve was Captain America?" Edna shouted in shock, as she took the picture and looked more closely at it.
"No no no I said he worked with him!! That's what I meant! Don't tell dad, I wasnt supposed to tell anyone!"
Edna chuckled. "Your secret is safe with me, Amelia." She stood up and walked over to the child to hug her. She then kissed her head.
"Your parents are extraordinary people. Not just because of the things they have done in their careers. They are so kind to everyone they meet and they always do the right thing. They even showed kindness to a lonely hag like me. I had no one before your family moved here, my family forgot me. Your parents welcomed me into your family. They pick up groceries for me and help me with the chores i cant do myself around the house. I know it doesn't seem like much but it means the world to me, to have friends... To have a family again." Amy hugged Edna's waist.
"You will always be family, aunt Edna." Amy told her. "You mean a lot to us too. Mom doesn't trust most people, but she trust you. I trust you too, there's a lot of moms on the block who know how to sew and stuff well. I asked you cause I knew you would keep my secret. Plus this gave me an excess to spend time with you."
"Darling, you don't need an excuse to visit, you can come over whenever you like."
After spending dome time with Edna she took the costumes home for the next day. Halloween came and Amy woke up early and got in her costume. She tried to wake up her brother and quietly put him in his costume but that didnt work out to well. She stood on a chair and tried to lift the baby out of his cradle. The baby cried loudly waking up Steve and Peggy. The two rushed into the room and ran to the cradle. Peggy grabbed the child from her daughter.
"Amelia Sarah Rogers what on earth are you doing!?" Peggy yelled. .
"You know your not allowed to hold Philip unless you are with an adult." Steve reprimanded. "You could have dropped him!"
"I just wanted to get him in his Halloween costume, before you guys woke up." Amy told them. "I wanted it to be a surprise."
Steve noticed the Captain America costume in the cradle and then took notice of Amy outfit, of which she was dressed like her mother.
"That doesn't mean you get to break the rules!" Peggy told her daughter. "Babies are very fragile and whatever surprise you have could have waited! We have rules for a reason, Amy!”
"Im sorry, i just wanted to do something special for you guys!" Amy answered as she pouted with sad expression on her face. "The school decided this year, us kids, were supposed to dress up as there favorite heroes for the school costume parade and I choose you guys. No one else can even compare to how awesome you guys are! I heard all the stories you guys were like unstoppable and so cool! You guys always defeated the bad guy and mom still saves world and keeps it safe everyday. What makes it even better is that I to be your kid and spend everyday together and we can create our own adventures.”
Peggy looked over to Steve, her heart touched by her Daugherty words.They both shared a proud grin and Steve picked up his daughter. He kissed her cheek and she hugged his neck.
"Your dad and I are your favorite heroes?" Peggy asked in shock.
Amy nodded. Peggy kissed Amy`s head.
“You are the sweetest child.” Peggy told her. “You never stop amazing me!”
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Today was a pretty excellent day off all things considered. It's my brothers 26th birthday. He has a lot of hardships in his life right now and a lot of uncertainty, but I love him so dearly and only want the best for him. Whatever direction that goes.
I am so so so glad to have James back home though. He got back to Baltimore around 730 and went to his parents to get his bike. Which had a flat tire because he cannot win. So his mom took him back here. Stopped up real quick to see the apartment. It was just so good to see him.
We had peach cake after dealing with a few things. He made whipped cream which made it a 1000% better. And then we just chilled on the couch together and it was really nice.
I slept okay. To warm but you cant win them all. I actually woke up in the middle of thr night because the nightgown i was wearing was hurting my arms. So I got changed and came back to bed.
James woke up early abd i stayed in bed until about 830. I got up and he showed me how to make a waffle. And soon he was going to work. I was sitting on the couch mostly. Eventually i got dressed.
I spent some time lazing about. But I also worked on my drawing. Which I finished tonight. And i turned a dress that Jess had given me into a skirt. Spent forever pinning in an electric waistband. I had never tried to do that before. It's a little messy. Its hard to pin without a dressform but I did a fairly good job i think.
I went around and did a base stitch. Was able to take all the pins out and do a zigzag stitch on the machine all the way around and it fots pretty well. Im happy. And it was fun. Maybe I'll wear it tomorrow.
I had a grilled cheese and was kind of bored and wanted to get out of here. I did some research on what buses can take me we're. I wanted to see if I can get up to Towson because kind of a nicer area and there's more shopping out there. Chain stores and stuff. I figured out that I could go down to the old neighborhood and catch the green line to go all the way up to Towson to go to the mall. It looks like it's closer to an auction vallier Warminster. And I needed that today. I needed that familiar radios Big Mama. Even though I don't really do that kind of shopping I just felt like I needed that. Just a walk around. Be in the air conditioning.
So I got dressed again. Because I wasn't wearing something I wanted to be outside in. I got my backpack and I headed out.
Because my bike tire had fallen off I couldn't bike downtown. So I walked. First I stopped at Blick and said hi to James. Didn't realize how hard it wasn't side until I got in the air conditioning. But that was fine. I had a nice walk and I had to podcast to listen to. The bus came fairly quickly and I have a 40 minute bus ride out there.
It was a nice ride. In the mall is great. When I first got into it it was very empty. But it was early in the afternoon and I was kind of closer to like an edge of the mall. Once I got into it there was more people. It was never crowded though. I like some kind of people watching and going in some stores. Catching things. I did buy a couple things. I went to lodge because my shampoo bar is going to run out eventually. No reason not to buy a while I'm there. I want an apology and Forever 21 and H&M and all those types of stores. Went into Sephora and looked around for a while. It was mostly me just looking around. Taking pictures of things I like. I went to Aerie though and they were having a killer sale on their underwear. 10 pairs for $35. That's $120 worth of underwear. At least at the price that they saw him out. And I've been hemming and hawing if I was going to get an underwear subscription box and this really is a better plan. And I got some very cute pairs that I'm very happy with.
I had some soup at the food court. Tomato with pieces of a grilled cheese sandwich on top. It was honestly excellent.
I enjoyed the people watching. And I found some awesome new stores. Like this Sephora type store except it was a makeup/cutesy home goods/candy store??? It was in credible. At one point I turn the corner and saw a dome that's in the middle of the mall. And I literally gasped out loud it was so beautiful. I always love a good dome.
I got another pretzel. And then walk around a little bit longer. But I was getting tired and my phone was starting to die. I wanted to have enough headphone battery to get home and it didn't work out but that's all right. I had some trouble figuring out how to get outside the mall. Figure out where to get on the bus. But I remembered I came in next to the Macy's and then I got lost in the Macy's. But not for too long. I got outside and realized I was at the wrong bus stop and had to go around the corner to get to the correct one. And the most was sitting right there. It all worked out.
My back didn't feel as long. I got off and you'll neighborhood and walk the Blick because James was going to be done work soon. I got a couple things on clearance there. Including a letter board because I thought it was cute. And it was very cheap. And then I went to Rite Aid to wait for him. I bought a giant bag of Gummy Worms, but they're to put in one of our glass canisters because I thought it would be funny. And then James was getting done and we walked home together
It was a nice walk. It's too hot and I was starting to get a headache though. I don't know if it was from the combination of the Heat and the headband I was wearing. My energy level was not good. And my head hurt.
Inside and I went and got a shower while he took her laundry downstairs. He came back up and started dinner and we had a nice meal. It's good to be together again. After he went down to put the clothes in the dryer he came back up and we worked on the bikes. Well he worked on the bikes and I did Art. He put the new handlebar tape on my bike and gave me the bolts off of his bike so I can bike to work tomorrow and get new bolts and a new inner tube for him. That all worked really nicely.
Now he's in the other room and I'm laying in the studio. I'm going to go join him soon. Maybe we'll have more peach cake. I work a short shift tomorrow at the BMI. I'm just giving one tour. I think it might be too older people? Unclear. But I think it will be fun either way. I learned some facts today to expand on point I make during my tour that I think will be good. So I'm looking forward to it.
I hope you all have a good night. Send Good Vibes to my family and my brother. Take care of each other. Be safe.
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chokememrstark · 6 years
Tagged ♥
@brieflymaximumprincess tagged me in this and I’m very excited. BOOKS, YAY!!!
1. First things first, what’s you MBTI type?
According to a test I just took it’s INTP-T lol
So, I’m the Logician? Me, logic? Oh boy, this starts perfect XD
2. When did you learn to read?
I think I learned it before I was 6 already, but I can’t really say. I was a good reader in first class tho, so I guess that’s true.
3. What languages can you read in?
German and English ^^
4. What book are you currently reading, or most recently read?
Right now I’m reading “Four Past Midnight” by Stephen King, as it’s one of the bunch of books by him I got cheap a while ago that are in English. I usually get his books in German but I wanted to change it up a bit ^^ I have another book called “Teufel, Satan, Luzifer” by Gerald Messadriè that I’m reading bit by bit. It’s originally a French book about the “Universal history of Evil”. Let’s see how that plays out XD
5. Name three books you’ve never finished.
Not finish... a BOOK? Damn... I don’t think I do that very often... let me see if I can remember one. Does the Bible count? I mean, I knew the ending so I lost interest kinda... other than that I don’t think I remember any unfinished books. I tend to finish them all sooner or later.
6. What are your favorite books from your childhood?
I absolutely loved “Monsters In My Pocket” and really think about getting it for my son too XD It’s a book on monsters and where they live and, most important, how you can fight them ^^ Very cool. I also loved Fairytale books, especially those by Andersen and the Brothers Grimm. The original versions though, not the disneyfied ones XD Those were boring me.
7. Current favorite books?
Even if it’s been a while since I read it: “High Rise” by J. G. Ballard. It’s twisted, it’s crazy and even if it was hard to read due to some very interesting vocabulary, I really enjoyed it. Another one is “The Dome” by King and, as always “IT” by King ^^ Still hoping to get my paws on an English First Edition one day XD IF audio books count, I loved the Day by Day Armageddon book 1 by J.L. Bourne & Ronald M. Hahn , couldn’t continue listening to the others yet but I will. I mean, the German voice of Johnny Depp reads them, that’s a damn awesome experience in itself ^^
Multiple choice: (Bold those that apply to you and add choices if you must)
I will add my personal two cents bc I’m impossible XD
8. Favorite Genres?
Mystery/Crime/Sci-fi/Fantasy/Chick Lit/Young Adult/Horror/Nonfiction/Memoir /Dystopia/Poetry/Self-Help/Historical Fiction/Fanfiction/Realistic Fiction/Biography/Children/Picture Books/Contemporary/Classics
9. Your opinion on rereading books;
I do it all the time / has to be a really good book/I can’t stand it/I haven’t done it since I was a child/I only reread my favorite sections/should be done with caution
There are certain books I will reread again and again. For example, I usually once a year reread the Harry Potter books. No idea why, but sometimes I just want to. The same goes for “The Stand” by King. I LOVE rereading that one, can’t get enough XD
10. How long does it take you to read one book on average?
1 to 3 days/a week/a few weeks/about a month/several months/one day up to several months, completely depending on how busy I am/depends on which book im reading
Depending on how easy I get into reading and how much time I have it usually goes pretty fast. I finished “IT” a while ago in a week, would have been three days if I would have had more time XD I read fast most of the time. The English books I have now take a bit longer, but the experience is very interesting, so I don’t mind.
11. How do you typically read?
Every opportunity I get, in transit, while waiting, etc. (depends on where I am, what book it is, if I’m easily able to bring it along)/Before bed/On the go by audiobook/When I can truly relax/When I remember to
I used to read in the bathtub, but that shit is a bit too dangerous bc I’m clumsy af, so now I usually read on the couch XD
12. How many books do you typically read in a year?
None or 1/About 1 to 3/Maybe 4 to 10/At least more than 10/ At least 50/ Too much. I can’t keep track. /varies between 5 and 50/anywhere between 30 and 60
13. For school assigned book, what type of student are/were you?
I read all the books in detail/I read all but sometimes skimmed/I nearly read all, I may have skipped a few because they were too boring/I only read the interesting ones/There’s a reason why Sparknotes was made!
We had to read them all bc the internet wasn’t very helpful with information on them back in the day and after every book we had a presentation, so yeah. Booooring most of the time!
I won’t tag many people, but those I know love reading XD @sassysupernaturalsweetheart @shebahda
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kingofattolia · 7 years
a list of things about Star Wars: The Last Jedi
TLJ felt like watching two completely separate movies. .. .  one i deliriously LOVED and one i spit upon and shake its profane dust off my sandals
“ive got an urgent message for General Hux” “YOUR REBELLION IS DOOMED” “yeah... im holding for General Hux”
it straight up took me a minute and a half of this scene to figure out this was actually the start of the movie. it felt like one of those pre-movie skits where it seems like a movie but then anthropomorphic M&Ms tell you to turn your cell phone off. was it just me or were there a LOT more comic moments in TLJ compared to almost every other star wars movie? anyway i loved it even tho it gave the movie a slight someone-made-this-while-high-on-LSD feel 
R2 playing Luke the “you’re my only hope” recording of Leia, i almost died
FORCE SHENANIGANS. we saw more powerful, dramatic, and varied uses of the Force in TLJ than we have ever before seen in a live action media and i was L I V I N G
“you’ve closed yourself off from the Force”
Rey and Kylo’s foRCE BOND TALKING like this.. . . is so interesting .. .  and it wasn’t only Snoke doing it because they did it again after he’s dead...
Rey lifting 30 giant fricken boulders without even breaking a sweat after having one (1) single “training” session
Kylo remotely activating Anakins lightsaber
projecting himself........ across the entire galaxy. . ..
Yoda. in the former EU the Force ghosts had a non-negotiable expiration date a certain time after their deaths. Obi-Wan couldnt just come back and visit Luke forever, he faded away at some point. is this no longer true??? DOES THIS MEAN ANYONE CAN COME BACK IF THEY WANT??? why was yoda so physical even as a ghost that he could whack luke on the head
summoning lightning like alright this is a new Jedi power im adding to my arsenal
Leia’s mary poppins action
Luke vaulting across the cliff to stab fish
POE'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT he turned from a kamikaze into a leader who's able to see the big picture and walk away, im so proud
everyone..... messing with Hux...... i loved this
Snoke smacking him into the floor
Kylo smacking him into the wall
Kylo force choking him
slowly taking gun out. . . . . HES AWAKE ABORT ABORT... slowly putting gun back . . . Hux is going spend every waking moment wishing he took that shot
Finn's character arc, like what an awesome Slytherin. the contrast between him and the codebreaker 👌👌👌👌 & where he makes the choice REBEL scum 👌👌👌
i cant believe Phasma died again lol. her backstory novel was SO DRAMATIC and she just dies over and over
when Kylo does that little skid out into the hallway to look for Rey
Chewy breaking down Luke's door
when Luke kisses Leia on the forehead . . . .
this had to happen, it was so obvious but i didnt think they would actually do it, Snoke was so boring and useless, i am SO GLAD they didnt drag him out..... I AM SO HAPPY HES DEAD
it was truly awesome... i couldnt stop grinning it seeing it the 2nd time... "I CANNOT BE BETRAYED, I CANNOT BE BEATEN, I CAN SEE HIS MIND" & then he narrates the entire process of Kylo killing him i was LIVING. everyone theorized for so loooooong and so hard about what form Snoke's control over Kylo took and how it would be possible for him to break it,, , , and then he just DOES IT JUST LIKE THAT by SHEER MISDIRECTION FOLKS I AM SO ALIVE
i love lightsaber fights so much i would very nearly give up my critical integrity for a single awesome duel and this was,,, so awesome
when Rey drops her lightsaber to catch it again and cut that guys knees out from under him
when Snoke is cut in half and then the lightsaber rockets towards Kylo and Rey's hand SHOOTS INTO THE FRAME to catch it 👌👌👌
when Kylo takes on FOUR OF THEM AT ONCE
"THE SUPREME LEADER IS DEAD" "long live. . . the supreme leader .. "
"finn! rose! you're not dead! where's my droid"
the little slave kids from Canto Bight. did the kid at the end use the Force to pull his broom!??!
"that library did not contain anything the girl Rey does not already possess" Yoda thinks hes so funny. REY STOLE THE LIBRARY LMAO... thanks Rey... im glad someone around here has a brain...
the Falcon swooping in to draw off the TIEs on Crait
Vice Admiral Holdo's lightspeed kamikaze. . . aside from the drama of the moment & making Hux look stupid, just visually it was awesome
absolutely every single thing said by either Hux or Kylo in Kylo's command shuttle above Crait
"i want every gun we have to fire on that man"
when kylo's like "concentrate all fire on the speeders" and then Hux immediately shrieks "CONCENTRATE ALL FIRE ON THE SPEEDERS" and Kylo looks at him like 🤔
"do you think you got him?"
when Luke faces Kylo
this scene makes the movie for me honestly. as of now im in a state of uneasy ceasefire with TLJ and the sequel trilogy as a whole. if the scene of Luke facing Kylo did not exist, TLJ would probably be dead to me
"did you come to SAVE MY SOUL" "no."
absolutely everything about Luke was so completely epic in this scene. even though he barely said anything, even the way he stood was epic. im not sure how Hamill did this but it was everything i ever wanted
"i failed you, Ben. I'm sorry." "i'm sURE YOU ARE"
the contrast between Kylo's fighting stance and Luke's
when Luke steps out from the massive cloud and duSTS OFF HIS SHOULDER
this fills me with so much pure glee i could literally ascend
"if you strike me down in anger, i'll always be with you. like your father."
the slow, dawning horror when Kylo starts realizing Luke's not actually there
"see you around, kid"
my favorite line in the WHOLE THING i could Scream
when Rey slams the door in Kylo's face
Luke should have LIFTED HIS X WING OUT OF THE WATER WITH THE FORCE AT SOME POINT GOSH DARN. i knew from the moment we saw the submerged x wing that this moment was meant to happen.... but then it DIDN’T. like PLEASE. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD I NEED TO SEE THIS
the casino subplot. . .  it was awesome for Finns character development but couldn’t he have developed character over an actually materially relevant story arc.. . .
BB-8 didn’t fight Dark BB-8 like what the hell honestly
for what earthly reason does Kylo need to wear his pants up to his armpits. is he TRYING to look like a doofus
why wasn't Lando the master codebreaker. like quite frankly, give me one good reason. why. no. there are no good reasons. when is Lando going to come into it you cowards
honestly....... what the FRICK was that horrible backstory behind what caused Kylo to turn
im trying to keep my cool but this is a huge, enormous, and vital problem i have with this movie and whoever came up with that should be shot
Luke, in a brief moment of insanity, ignited his lightsaber over his sleeping nephew's bed to assassinate him because of a vision
like... do you see my problem?
character assassination. it is ludicrously greater-than-Anakin Skywalker levels of overreaction to a Force premonition that Luke would see a vision of darkness and instantly move to slice his sleeping, defenseless nephew in half, and even in Luke's version of the story Luke is legitimatly the bad guy. he brought about the future he was afraid of, just like Anakin
because of this background, every interpretation is blown wide open to reasonably see Kylo as the victim and Luke's actions as those of a villain. of course he had to defend himself? it's legitimately possible to construe the subsequent killing of the other students as self-defense as well. if they wake up to find Ben having "killed" Luke? anything could have happened, Kylo could honestly have done barely anything bad up to this point and have been driven to the dark side on that one night
it's going to take.... so much work.... to walk this back. obviously Kylo's a villain now, because of what he's chosen to do since then, but for Luke to come out of this not looking like trash, they would have to provide SO MUCH more backstory including the "dark" things Kylo had done to make Luke suspect him, and have him probably be actively seeking darkness while under Luke's tutelage. and then Luke still seems like a fool and a betrayor
maybe they WANT Luke to come off as a legitimately bad person? i've seen some interpretations of TLJ as tearing down "legends" by showing everyone as flawed people, teaching the lesson of not deifying people to Rey AND the audience as well. if thats true and they actually want me to believe Luke is not worth believing in, i'm sorry but i reject that
luke skywalker is not a bad person
rey said "you didnt fail Kylo, Kylo failed you" WHICH... its true that Kylo failed in all his actions after this. but if this is the unmitigated truth about what happened that day, Luke definitely failed Kylo, thats not really arguable
i spit this backstory out of my mouth and stomp on it
bye felicia
"the legacy of the jedi is failure and hypocrisy. at the height of their power they allowed darth sidious to come to power and wipe them out" ok true. "it was a jedi master who was responsible for the training and creation of darth vader" YOU TAKE THAT BACK
a related point..... Luke is a coward.
i'm not saying that the only kind of Luke i would accept is HEROIC LEGEND LUKE WHO BURSTS FORTH FROM HIS ISOLATION AND SINGLE HANDEDLY DEVASTATES THE FIRST ORDER. but at the same time, his isolation is NOT in any way comparable to Obi-Wan's. "i came here to die" ok buddy.
dying is all well and good, hiding from your failures, being broken for a while after taking a hit like that
what i am NOT able to forgive is how he abandoned Leia
???? the frick???
"so many losses, i can't take any more" "sure you can" STORY OF LEIA'S LIFE
"im from the resistance, your sister Leia sent me" boy when she says jump you better say "how high?" honestly YOU OWE IT AT LEAST TO YOUR GUILT TO DO THAT FOR HER
if that's Luke Skywalker then Luke Skywalker is a useless coward
that is not Luke Skywalker
honestly everything Rey said was spot on "Leia sent me here with hope. if she's wrong then she deserves to know why. we all do"
the overall thesis of the sequel trilogy seems to be "there's no point to any of this"
a powerful student turns to the dark side and destroys the Jedi Order. an authoritarian regime destroys the republic and takes over. a small band of resistance fighters rallies against great odds. a Force sensitive from a desert planet teaches herself the Force from old Jedi books after her teacher evaporates into the Force after teaching like 1 lesson. everyone Leia loves dies
guys... i'm tired
it's just exhausting. what is the point? in the sequel trilogy we've seen the republic destroyed, the resistance decimated and harried from place to place until theyre down to 12 people on the millennium falcom. there's only one movie left. they're going to come back from nothing and destroy the first order and then smile at each other in the ashes?
why?>??? what are they going to do? build a republic again? is rey going to build a new jedi order? we've seen how that worked out
there's nothing to believe in here. HOPE is such a strong theme in the sequel trilogy. "as long as there's light we've got a chance" "leia sent me here with hope" "the galaxy has lost its hope, the spark is out." "hope is like the sun, if you only believe in it when you can see it you'll never make it through the night." like good grief. constantly hammering on the need to have hope, but WHY?
what's the point of defeating the imperials, spending your life trying to build something good in the galaxy, trying to build a family, when you're only going to have to do it all again in your old age, when everyone you love is dead?
i cant see any hope if this is the ending for the OT characters, so i powerfully struggle to care about and cheer for Rey, Poe, and Finn. what's the point in anything they're doing? what's the point in the sacrifices they're making? it might turn out just exactly like it did for Luke, Leia, and Han, spending their old age in loneliness, sorrow, and violence
if this is the way history repeats itself, you probably should just make out like the stuttering codebreaker. "dont join"
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wastrelwoods · 7 years
alright so....this is it, huh? the big finale! no more this half-season! 
WRONG. its part 2 of 3, kevin vibert wants me dead, and im gonna mcfucking LOSE IT
also...3-day time jump? thats. a lot
also. i hope i’ll be at least able to tangentially mention the Big Script Spoiler from last episode because its got me so VERY on edge about the function of the theia 
BLISS DELIGHT BLISS DELIGHT BLISS DELIGHT (i know this isnt what it seems but OW GOLLY)
you give me everything i have ever wanted.....and you make me wish i had never wanted it it hurts s sss o m uch
things juno steel subconsciously thinks about peter nureyev: is “impressive”, wouldn’t recognize him if he saw him again after making all these mistakes, might not really be named peter nureyev (which he literally KNOWS is not true)
also, he recognizes that eye is as shady a deal as we think it is, and also a very clear leash, but he took it anyway so uh  
hhhh.....a kiss? oh god
if this next part makes no sense to you, remember that throwaway line juno had about a ‘recurring dream where i fall into a cake that has my mother’s voice’ from a couple episodes ago
BENZAITEN was his TWIN what the FUCK
also yes. hello. the voice that said ‘little monsters’ last episode when the theia malfunctioned.....was sarah steel’s
im not even gonna try to speculate what a fuckin four-year-old juno coulda done to get his mom kicked out of north star ? because i dont know jack shit my man 
World’s Worst Road Trip, too bad i love every character involved
all this buildup for the mayoral election, and when it arrives we’re miles away, underground. in a tube. whats that about? what’s gonna be up at the surface when they get back???
‘im...confused?’ oh lady thats a mood and a half 
sorry alessandra the only way to get juno steel to understand your plan is to make him literally read your mind 
okay so if 300 years,,,, is that...longer ago than the free dome was supposedly founded? alessandra what the fuck do you MEAN tho
oh, jesus. fuckin. marshall and juno have the same sense of humor and i hate it
this is . probably bad for pilot
also. piranha knows more about juno’s eye than she should and i’m tickin a box off on another one of my theories
and now she’s. doin the. uh. biology 101 thing? whats with the hints, what do you MEAN,
this is. probably SO bad for juno
AAAAALLLRRIGHT juno! do THAT! do not go gentle into that GOOD NIGHT! get FUCKIN MAD! go OFF
okay but uh i dont love. that the theia is taking over his BODY ? ?? fuck this GOD damn eye
ooohh okay so. uh . i knew it was very likely that the free dome Did Not Exist anymore but uh. that seems even more likely now than before 
oh, and we’re back to the ‘i’m figuring this out even if it kills me’ like juno, friend, maybe this time not that,,
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Wanna be gangsta 14
Jake yizzy n kniznocks on tha window ta Jane’s office agizzle. Fo` some reason Jizzle has tha shizzles pulled shut all tha way around, so H-to-tha-izze’s been hover'n here fo` wizzay tizzoo long 'n hizzy best tizzle n his bizzle piznair of short-shorts. Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. Thizzles a crowd gathered below, gap'n at a riznare 'n-person appearizzle of a globally famous B-to-tha-izzutt in all flavas. Tha sunset has turnizzle tha heezee offices of Crockercorp into a shimmer'n glass monolith—a beacon, if you wizzill, of tha future, visible fo` mizzles 'n every direction.
Jizzy probablizzle likes to think 'bout it that wizzay at least.
Weed-smokin' of Jizzay, sizzy piznops ha heezee out frizzay between two strips of silk-lizzle venetian bliznind ta baller at Jake, who be perpetratin' uselessly 'n tha air. Uze tha frizzle door, she miznouths at him. But he responds wit his specialtizzle: incomprizzle.
JIZZY: Im sorrizzle... Dogg House Records in the fuckin house. what?
Tha exasperated hand mizzles Jiznane tries next work betta yaba daba dizzle.
JIZZY: Oh! Tha front door, of courze!
Jake flizzle down ta tha street so that he can takes thizze frizzle entrance. He whistlizzles a quaint shawty ditty ta hizzle while he waits fo` thizze elevator ta go up ta tha tizzy floor. Thizzis tizzy he knocks on tha office dizzay, n Jane lizzle him 'n.
Insizzle thizzay offizzle it’s diznark n hazy. Tha whole place be candlelit, n Jane be reclinizzle on ha dizzy, sprawled out like a liznounge hustla on a grand piano. Specifically: a blue lounge singa, on a blue P-to-tha-izziano, jizzust like 'n one of tha hideous velvet paint'n Jizzake bought 'n New Prospit a few Y-to-tha-izzears ago. Recognize the realness. Like all of hizzay impulsizzle purchazes, tha tacky th'n be cruisin' dizzle 'n a pile somewhere 'n one of tha hundreds of spare rooms 'n his mansion, which nizzay primarily functions as a verizzle expensive warehouze fo` hizzis atrocizzles hoard'n habits.
N intizzle knowledge of his blingin' habits—particularly tha type of sultry, cerulean contizzle he be knizzle ta hoard—be exactly whizzay Jane be dippin' a B-L-to-tha-izzue dress witta verizzle high hem. Throw yo guns in the fuckin air. Jake’s bizzy tizzle practically spizzle at tha sizzy of it. Chill as I take you on a trip. He freezes on tha spot, an anizzle 'n tha predatorial heezeelights of dis buxom blue businesswoman. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'.
JANE cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: Come have a glass of scotch wit me Jizzay. We H-to-tha-izzave so mizzay ta dizzles from tha streets of tha L-B-C.
JIZZAY: I-indee' in tha dogg pound.
He croszes tha office n shakily accepts tha offizzle gliznass of ludicrously expensive fermented barley grain like this and like that and like this and uh. He raizes it ta his noze n pretends ta sample tha scent.
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: Jane i mizzy say that be a very strik'n ensemble.
JANE: Oh, you like it? Whizny don’t yizzou...
JANE: A, come takes a crazy ass look and yo momma?
She’s really bad at dis, shizne thinks. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome. “Dis” bein seduction. Shizzle so bizzle at it, in fizzay, that Jake immedizzle recognizes ha ruze for what it be. Chill as I take you on a trip. Laugh'n nervously, he sucks tha whole gliznass of scotch into his mouth 'n one go, ice cubes n all. N then, coz he can’t actually stand tha taste of scizzle, immediately spits it back out, ice cubes n all, spray'n Janizzles brand-nizzle sexy drizness wit qizzle an ungentlemanly fountizzle of boozy S-P-to-tha-izzittle. Keep'n it gangsta dogg. Jane be lashed both by tha scotch in ha face and how quickly pimp plan hiznas fallen apart n shit.
JANE: Jake!
JAKE: Bejabba! Wussup in the house.
JANE: Oh no, all ova mah nizzle drizzle...
JAKE: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. Jane i be so sorry. Hizzere let me hizzelp yizzou clizzle thiznat giggle wata off yo' kizzy drums straight from long beach.
JIZZLE: No, no, you, know what im sayin? yizzay done enough. Goodness, you’ve only bizneen hizzle twizzay minutes n already... why dizzay I eva think—
JAKE: Jane. Pleaze i insizzle.
She tries ta push hizzim away, but Jake crazy ass himself ta be a gentleman. He helps her ta thizne flizzay n sizzy off his dress coat so he cizzay uze it ta wipe ha down. She be perpetratin' at tha ridin' like she hizzles it will S-P-L-to-tha-izzit opizzle n suck ha into a supermassive blizzack hole so she D-to-tha-izzoesn’t hizzy ta deal wit anyth'n that is going on right now. Dogg House Records in the fuckin house. Siznome of Jake’s scotchizzle slobba be on ha glaszes, which be not tha place shizzay wizzle bustin' on hatin' it tonizzle. Im crazy, you can't phase me.
JAKE: Be dis why you wanted ta sizzee me? To show off uh... dis propa bizzy of frock? Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect.
JIZNANE: Dogg House Records in the fuckin house. Oh, no, of courze not. Dogg House Records in the fuckin house. I just wantizzle to...
JIZZANE: Ta... rap 'bout tha ecizzle bitch ass.
JAKE: By jove tha economy! Jizzy mah dizzle friend please tell me all 'bout tha economy!
Jake dizzay cizzy 'bout tha economy. But he’s an ardent baller of chang'n tha subject droppin hits.
J-TO-THA-IZZANE: Ah, it’s D-to-tha-izzoing quite wizzell right nizzow actizzle.
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE fo' sho': I sizzy hope so!
JANE: Slap your fuckin self. Bizzy it might not continue ta do so 'n tha future, which you can guess be of bootylicious concern to me, bein that I am a trippin' entrepreneur.
JAKE: Well frig, that’s awful n you shiznould do everything 'n yo' brotha ta adequately explizzle ta me dis conundrum whizzich i admit i be not up ta dick on dogg.
JANE: You...
Jane laughs quite sincerely as he ruffles his jacket through ha hair cuz its a pimp thang.
JANE now: Oh, Jizzay, you really hizzay no idea whizzat’s go'n on, d-ya?
JIZZAKE: Wizzay be dis fo all my homies in the pen...
JAKE: Be dis 'bout tha election muckup ya dig? Coz i—
Jane puts a finga ta Jake’s lizzle n shushes him. It’s a very smooth move. A totizzle recizzle. Tru do. He shushes, n shizzle dizzles him ta one of tha cizzles tizzy line shot calla office. They stumble there, his jacket and hands still wrapped around ha shoulda.
JANE: I’m sizzy you’ve had an earful 'bout tha election already.
J-TO-THA-IZZANE to increase tha peace: I apologize. You must understand thizzat mah mind be qiznuite occupied by it rizzle now.
JANE: Bizzle I’ve bizzay mobbin' an awfizzle lizzle of think'n as of late.
JAKE: I see. 'bout whizzat? Snoop dogg is in this bitch.
JIZZY: 'bout everyth'n, I suppoze.
JANE: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. 'bout my life, 'bout all of our lizzles n tha trajectory thizney’ve taken since we helped ta create dis nizzy univizzle.
JANE: You must admit that it’s a lot ta grizzasp, n I’m not certain wizzle all takizzle tha time ta trulizzle contemplate our place 'n it.
Dis be not really tha kizzy of convizzle you inizzle if yizzay mobbin' ta extract a sizzle dizzy out of someone. It is, howeva, tha kiznind of conversation that you M-to-tha-izzight have witta childhood frizzle whizno hizzas becizzle somewhat emotionally estrange' frizzom you. Both so busy wit they excit'n poser n misuze of they godhood. Whizzle be they now? Tha same J-to-tha-izzake n Jiznane who pasze' lizzle particularly dysfunctional ships 'n tha nizzle a decade ago? Or be Jane baller, n Jizzle kinda if you gots a paper stack? Be they baller versions of themsizzles? Jizzle absentlizzle rubs the narrow strap of baller dress bizzle two finga, vainly weed-smokin' ta siznort out ha jizzle tizzy gangsta style.
JAKE fo' sheezy: Tizzy an earful jane.
JIZNANE like a fucka: I know. It’s a heezee-full too. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit.
JIZNANE: I cizzle H-to-tha-izzelp but worry fo gettin yo pimp on...
JANE: Haven’t we really just been... drift'n theze lizzast seven years bitch ass?
JANE: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. Drift'n, both in tha sizzle of fail'n ta fulfill our persizzle potentials,
JIZZANE: N 'n tha senze of... well, steppin' apart in all flavas?
Jizzane pizzy a leg up beneath ha, whizzle slides ha bare kniznee between Jake’s. I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier. Tha ciznouch dips a bit gangsta they weight with the S-N-double-O-P.
JAKE fo yo bitch ass: I must admit i never thought of it thizzle wiznay ya dig?
JANE in tha dogg pound: I K-N-to-tha-izzow.
JANE: It’s jizzust thizzle... we’re bizzoth so bizzle all tha time. Tha yiznears go by so fast. N...
JIZZY: I mizzle yizzay droppin hits.
Jake blinks, his eyes wet n glossy beneath his spectacles so jus' chill.
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: Ah gangsta style. Well... I suppose that i miss you too jane.
The moment goes frizzom calculizzle ta genuine 'n an instant. Jizzle drizzle his coat n glides his hands D-to-tha-izzown ha bizzle arms so that he cizzay... hold ha? Yizneah, that’s definitely what hizzle do'n. Hold'n ha, n niznot too gently crazy ass if you gots a paper stack.
Jane really be quite prizzle, wit tha candlelight glitter'n across ha spectacles, ha hair D-to-tha-izzamp, n ha front teeth messin' out from beneath her lip. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. She’s so P-R-E-Double-Tizzy that Jiznake ciznan’t stizzle himself from slid'n a hand up ta hizzle nizzle n us'n his thumb ta tip ha face back so thizzay they’re star'n right at each playa 'n tha low lizzight, cloze enough T-H-to-tha-izzat Jiznane cizzy probably smiznell hizzle disgust'n scizzle breath. Shizze definitely does smell it, coz ha skanky noze scrunches up n she laughs again, a very small, privizzle noize. A noize jiznust fo` him.
So he kiszes bitch cuz its a pimp thang. Verizzle wizzle, if he does think so himself. Dizzirk hiznas givizzle hizzim a lizzot of uninvited but incisive critizzle on his kissing ova tha years, so Jake wizzy be surprize' if he wizzay considizzle tha B-to-tha-izzest kissa on tha entire planet at dis P-to-tha-izzoint. Jiznane breathes 'n, shocked fo` a moment. Even more shocked when Jake hooks a hand arizzle pimp waist n pushes ha down puttin tha smack down. She makizzles a startled noize into his M-to-tha-izzouth. Recognize the realness. Then shizzle throws ha arms arizzle hiznis neck. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. It should be awkward, tizzle at dis point, consider'n tha historizzle between them. Biznut it all happens so easily. Put ya fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. Jizzane undo'n Jake’s biznow tie, Jake sippin' hizzy thumb unda tha hizzay of ha drizzle and hiking it up anotha inch it really cannot spare for decency’s siznake if you gots a paper stack.
There be nuttin awkward 'bout this moment, Jake thizzle yaba daba dizzle. Twizno old, hizzle as tha blazes, giv'n 'n ta passizzle droppin hits? Who cizzould accuze tizzy of imprizzle? Nobodizzle worth they siznalt, 'n his book. It all makes perfect senze keep'n it real yo. Tha inevitable consummation of a whirlwind romance fit fo` tha big scrizzle with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin.
Really, thizzle onlizzle surprize is how long it took ta happen. Jane be a beautiful ladizzle, that’s fo` S-to-tha-izzure like a fucka. Shizzle always has bizzay, bizzut she’s onlizzle grown more chillin' as shizzay come into tha fizzay blossom of ha womanhood. Smooth, silky skin, chill yo... thick, dizzark lashes... full, feminine lips... not ta mention cizzles lizzle tha dizzles. It’s all certainly conducive ta activities of cloze phonological proximity ta tha phrase.
Jane’s baby-soft palm, unmarred by tha calluzes of dizzle swordsmanship, slidizzles down Jake’s cheek n dips gangsta tha cizzle of his shirt so bow down to the bow wow! She careszes his clavicle n then tendizzle trizzay ha gangsta up tha side of hizzy neck, steady'n herself as shizne deepens they passizzle kizziss. Jane’s tizzay be nuttin like Dirk’s. Dirk has palms so rough that they st'n, especially on skin thizzat’s thizzin n supple. Like tha cizzle of tha thrizzay, R-to-tha-izzight ova tha jugizzle.
He pulls away from Janizzles lizzay n lifts ha spectacles off ha noze. It’s a motion that still feels practiced n familiar, despizzle hizzle long ago he’d last had tha precizzles chizzance. Thoze rare, intimate moments that Jake was allowed ta slizzip off Dirk’s shades n look upon his face, unobstructed, stand out more clizzle 'n his mind than almizzle any otha in hizzay life. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow.
Jizzy swallows, betta check yo self. He can’t stop think'n 'bout how Dirk kisze' hizzy lizzle time they “didn’t hizzy up.” Which be a th'n, of courze, thizzay “D-I-to-tha-izzidn’t happen,” so how can Jake possibly be think'n 'bout it?
Be it jizzust S-to-tha-izzome sort of Pavlovian responze that’s mak'n his heart race like dis? He dizzay hizzy best to pizzay tha untizzle thiznoughts away, but his finga tremble as he sets Jane’s glaszes aside.
Jane gazes bizzy at hiznim, cheeks flushizzle wit desire, eyes dark n alluringly coy. All ha features be round n soft. Welcom'n, gang bangin'. Tha kind of face thizzay makes yizzle feel like you’ve come hiznome. Dirk be tha exact opposite. Liznong noze, thick eyebrows, pointizzle features. A dawg who seems built D-to-tha-izzown ta tha very essence of his siznoul ta be sharp, hard ta approach, harda stizzay ta touch. Boo-Yaa! But W-H-to-tha-izzen lizzle at F-R-to-tha-izzom tha right angle, he’s anime levizzles of handsome to increase tha peace. Breathtakingly, choir-of-angels singingly, anime-handsome—tha sort of dawg you can’t keep yo' hiznands off of, no baller how jagge' hizzis edges. Bizzut hizzay hair be so much softa than it looks. His heart tiznoo. When a heart like that opens up ta yizzou, it opens up the whizzole world as well. A wizzay of increaze' apprecizzle fo` combat, philosophy, life, lizzay...
JAKE: Yiznelp!!!
Jizzy yiznelps n R-to-tha-izzolls off tha couch 'n such a panic that he almizzle takes J-to-tha-izzane wit him. Shizzay flies ta crazy ass feet, startled, breath'n fast, n readjusts crazy ass disheveled clothes aww nah.
JIZZAY so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: Be you... Q-to-tha-izzuite okay yeah yeah baby?
JAKE: Ihavetogorightnowsorry.
Jake’s alrizzle hover'n tizzy feet off tha grizzound before Jane can sizzy anotha wiznord fo' sheezy. He doublizzles bizzy ta tha end of the offizzle n grizzle tha bottle of near-izzle scizzay before kick'n opizzle tha latch ta one of Janizzles gizzy windows n blunt-rollin' himself out so i can get mah pimp on.
He’s gots a lot of gang bangin' ta think 'bout, apparently.
JANE: Whizzle tha... Snoop dogg is in this bitch.
JANE aww nah: Blingin' fiznuck paper'd up!
Jane stiznands alone 'n ha office, confuze', hizzle, n kind of pisze'. Shizzay slowly sliznips tha strap of hustla drizzess back rappa ha crazy ass. Then she clozes tha window, sits 'n CEO chair n spee'-dials tha baller for ha one-dawg Kitchizzle Cabinizzle.
DIZZIRK: Recognize the realness. Yo, wizzy up ridin' in mah double R?
JIZZAY: Put ya fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. Not Jiznake, apparently.
DIZZAY droppin hits: Wow. Going strizzle fo` tha double entendre, hizzuh cuz its a doggy dog world?
DIRK: How M-to-tha-izzuch of thiznat scotch did you have?
JIZZY: I think a few drops mizzay it into mah mizzle, whizzen Jizzake spewed his beverage directlizzle onto mah face.
DIRK: Gang bangin' W-to-tha-izzent that badlizzle, huh? Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos.
JANE: Augh!
JANE: Dis is so embarrass'n.
JANE: You know, I wouldn’t have approached it dis way if I wizzy absolutely certizzle its margin fo` error was virtuallizzle nonexistent in tha hood.
JANE: I mean, it’s Jake.
DIRK: Wizzle yizzy funky ass ta him?
JANE cuz its a doggy dog world: Wizzell, I...
D-TO-THA-IZZIRK: I told you, you can’t be funky ass to Jiznake.
JANE: ...
DIRK: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. Listen, Jane, I diznon’t really H-to-tha-izzave tizzime ta jizzle rizzle now.
DIZNIRK: Why don’t you leave Jiznake ta me?
Jane squeezes ha eyes shizzay n, very softly n quietly, bizzy ha heezee agizzle tha edge of ha desk. Chill as I take you on a trip.
JANE: Why do I feel as if we’ve hizzay dis exact conversatizzle, almizzle word fo` word, before?
DIZNIRK bitch ass: Coz we have. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Many times.
JANE: Well, what do we do nizzow? I’m afrizzle I’ve giznone n M-to-tha-izzade pimpin' wizzle and yo momma.
DIRK: Like I said, lizzle me work on it paper'd up. I knizzow what I’m dippin'.
JIZZY: Yizzy always say that fo my bling bling.
DIZNIRK: Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. I haven’t bizzay wrong yizzet.
J-to-tha-izzane, heezee still planted firmly on desk, laughs at thizzle. Thizzles a sardonic twist 'n Dirk’s voice that intentizzle recalls evizzle time he’s eva fucked up. But it satisfies Jane nevertheless. Shizne kniznows that he won’t F-to-tha-izzail ha with my forty-fo' mag.
JANE: Fine. Pleaze call me lata so that we may strategize ta help you tap dat ass.
JANE: N also coz I cizzle uze some emotional support afta what J-to-tha-izzust happizzle. I'm a fuckin 2-time felon.
DIRK: I might be caught up fo` a whizzle.
JIZZANE: Why be that? They call me tha president.
DIRK: Can’t explain right now. Cizzatch yizzou on tha flipside, Jane.
JANE: Wait—
Dizzle doesn’t wizzait. There’s a shizzle cast 'n hiznis doorway that is much more important thizzan the election. Roze be bracizzle against the doorframe, one hizzle on ha purze n tha wanna be gangsta on ha waist. Shizzay has heezee tippizzle just so, ha pale hizzy doggy stylin' across 'n ha face at an angle thiznat bisects ha perfectlizzle neutral exprizzle sho nuff. Dirk S-to-tha-izzets down hiznis phizzle n acknowledges her witta nod.
ROZE: Wizzle,
ROZE: Go on.
> ==>
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minyo129 · 7 years
{Fanacc}170903 SHINee World 2017 ~FIVE~ Special Edition in Tokyo Dome: Day 2
Minho with his hearts and winks at the camera
TM: are u ready? Fans: yes TM: are you really ready? *fumbles on his words* Fans: burst out laughing TM : *super shy face*
SHINee hugged the young boys who danced with them during Lucifer! So adorable ~~
During the thank you speech where shinee will introduce the dancers. They introduced the young dancers (3 boys & a girl).TM carried the boy!
Minho during Your Number *dial phone* Mh: are u working tmr? Don't go let's stay together *fans screamsssss*
Members scream and makes fun of Minho and he ran to hide and almost ran backstage cos he was too embarrassed!!! They made him do it again!!
Minho : Hi, I am Minho And he went on to promote his new movie (based on an anime)
Key was speaking and Mh interrupted and Key told him that a member is talking so he should focus!
Minho went on to blabber a lot abt the opening and moving stage and lucifer to annoy Key!! This is so funny!!!
The members are teasing Jonghyun by imitating how he said thank you (with actions!)
Key started asking abt sesame street plushies. They didnt know what UFO catcher was until the fans explained! MH imitated the UFO catcher [ cr: @minhoclove ] 
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This concert had such a lighthearted feel to it. Shinee kept being their silly selves joking around with each other
So at one point they mentioned the crane games where you had to play to win one of the sesame shinee plushies n Minho started imitating it
I was so close when shinee came across in the cart  they truly are more beautiful in person I had such great seats today
Oh I almost forgot when they mentioned the plushies the cameras focused on some of fans  holding ot5
Something I noticed was that whenever Jinki's parts came on Kibum with mouth them and this happened both days too
Taemin's sprout also made an appearance today  lol they tried to fix it but just let it be in the end [ cr: @maira100491 ]
Icb minho is d only one not wearing sleeveless shirt at d end.. lol
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Tm throw his mic too high during DG and failed to catch it.
The mood today was lighter than yest.. at least for me. SHINee throwing some random jokes agnst each other.. they keep copying each other's- Gestures and way of speaking... they even made fun of minho's last line during YN..
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Tm's face looks like he's on d verge of crying during winter  wonderland
they  are doing to the moving stage during 'tell me your name' which had us all flailing hard ;) [ cr: enzeru_no_innen ]
Taemin's hair still keeps standing up today, and he said 'my hair is really strong recently'
Jonghyun says he's preparing a lot of things so please look forward to it
When it was Taemin's turn to talk T: I'm Taemin J: I think we all know that T: Well self introduction is very important
Key said he really wants the Sesame Street dolls but u gotta go to game centers to get them. Then the rest started asking how to get them
Then Taemin suddenly asked the fans 'Do you guys actually sleep with me (Oscar)?'
Key to Taemin: Excuse me, the dolls are older than you! I grew up learning English with them. Taemin: Oh! They are oni-san then!
The fans said UFO catcher! Then Minho transformed himself into a human UFO catcher [ cr: @ipipie ]
Key scolded Minho for not paying attention to him when he was explaining the LED screen so Minho started mocking Key by imitating him
After Minho messed up the YN phone line he hid his head between his legs and screamed about how embarrassed he was
T: I'm Taemin J: We know 
T: Intro because some ppl might not J: There's no one
 M: I'm Minho  J: We know   K: …I'm Key    J: We know
This was during a middle ment after SHINee had already done their intros earlier but Taemin felt the need to introduce himself again
When mini SHINee was introed each mini ran and hugged their original version member. Taemin picked his mini up. Everyone group hugged Onew's
Minho air kissed the audience so Taemin told him he was being creepy. Minho then fake punched Taemin in the stomach lol
Key said he used Sesame Street to learn English [ cr: @fodfran ]
The lightsticks are making hearts on the 1st floor
Everyone has sleeveless shirts except Minho!
Minho and Taemin are whispering into their mics LOL
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Jjong was always mouthing Onew's parts. My heart
minho tried to shoot the signed balls over the net in the back of the stadium but they hit the net and bounced off instead
minkey making silly faces during your number
minho is really really embarrassed after the end of your number... he's cringing on the stage
minho srsly just ran off the stage he's like IM OUT BYE LOL
the light stick color changes are helping the whole dome stay in sync w/ encore chant. thank you light stick controllers
minkey are making fun of a pose jjong made when he said "thank you~" cutely
[ cr: keyoemi] 
yunho held up his light stick and wave so hard before he leave with changmin. ^^
SHINee asking every level shawols ! TVXQ wave lightstick happily [ cr: @huanglaona ] 
minho is being such a fuckin dork today i can't
taemin was so impressed with himself that he was able to talk so fast and correctly hfjagjglhkdhh
jongho had their arms around each other as they walked off stage just now ;;
key said that he used sesame street to learn english when he was a kid? [ cr: @dhszl ]
----Minho on the phone: Hello? Got work tomorrow? Cant go (didnt hear this well) Lets be tgt tmr
tm, jh, kb are wearing muscle tee versions of the five shirt it looks so nice :((( minho just has the normal shirt lol
tm jh and kb ran to the main stage but minho stayed at the extension to jump and wave :((
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thank you so much for everything, SHINee ㅠㅠ  [ cr: @blancbutter ] 
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backfist · 7 years
1-104 d:
going to compress this for the people on mobile
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
“how in the world did i end up in texas? also what’s good you hungry?” @littytittymanda
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
we haven’t talked too much recently, she’s busy with school as am i
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
depends on the drug, and depends on how it affects them. but i care about them regardless so yes.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
way too long yes
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
too many times
7. What does your last received text say?
“how evil” about this ask, also from @littytittymanda
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
a lot actually lol, good hundred or 2 at least
9. Where was your last kiss at?
in a car behind a sushi restaraunt
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
when im an only child
11. What do you drink in the morning?
hella water, so much water
12. Where did you sleep last night?
in my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? 
they dont have to be!
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
oh a few things, definitely. school wise, people wise, etc.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
not really, we would just talk about life
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
rain! my favourite!!
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
i dont think so? at least off the top of the dome
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
none ;D
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
i could see it
20. Does anyone like you?
seems like they do!
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
yes indeed, 2 people
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
i dont think she is
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
indeed! ugh, i wish it wasnt that way
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
considered, yes, but unsure about the importance of it later in life
25. In the past week have you cried?
yes once
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
in the shower of course?? why would you do it out?
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
if you count powderpuff games lmao, but no
29. Do you think you’re old?
not relatively but this is the oldest ive ever been so
30. Do you like text messaging?
yeah, its fun
31. What type of day are you having?
decent is the best word, nothing TOO big
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
no, never!
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
cold over warm is where i like to be, a mild 50 is perfect
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
of course.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
right now a fling because why not? but i definitely want a relationship in the future
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
i would say simple on the outside, but complex at least to myself
37. What song are you listening to?
right now..nothing, but the commentary of the Raptors vs Bucks game
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
always. i hate being the cause of someone’s pain or anger.
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
i like a lot of people, and they’re all great
41. When did you last receive a text message?
just this instant
42. What is wrong with you right now?
eh who knows
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
decently? we only started talking a few weeks ago, so not much time but a good time
44. Does anyone disgust you?
LOL yes
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
no, not right now
46. Are you in a good mood right now?
id say so yes! (:
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my buddy Chuck from work
48. What color shirt are you wearing?
im...not? there’s a pattern here
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
UH yeah, nothing too harsh though
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
sadly. a friend that has given up on trying to be successful in life.
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
not at all.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
53. Do you like rain?
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
not particularly, unless if becomes a problem
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
56. Do you like to cuddle?
57. Are you shy?
somewhat, more introverted but im a lot more open with people i feel comfortable with
58. Do you get along with girls?
id say so. i feel like i’m a very respectful person overall and that goes a long way
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
nope lol
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
my phone and wallet and keys
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
i will spend a month in there give me a flashlight and some food
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
i CAN but will i? thats the question
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
no no
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
not really from what i can remember! oh well lmao
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
wow 3? gotta think about this one hmm. 
22 / 24 / 22
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
shoot im paying, need an expert
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
both gaudy, but zebra
69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
i dont have my own car!!!!! :(
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
i hate country so by default lil wayne
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
wow at least like..5/6 years ago. pizza hut is overrated
73. Do you like diet soda?    
bad soda bad yuck
74. What color are the walls in your room?    
75. Are you 16 or older?    
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
watched it once, was decent, dont think id watch again
77. Do you have a job?    
heck yeah! get the money
78. What are your initials?    
79. Did you ever have braces?    
you said i got gum stuck in them all the time? heck yeah
80. Are you from the south?    
no im from M I C H I G A N
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
“PC Gamers; what steam games do you reccommend?”
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?   
heck yeah! we’re cool (: 
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? 
mom 100000 percent   
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
gymnastics when i was just a BABY BOY
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    
oh gosh uh..that would have to have been..not the current one, but the last Fast and Furious movie
86. Do you smoke?    
not about it!
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
88. Is your phone touch screen?    
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
straight because it’s so damn shorty
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
almost impossible, i live on the second floor
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
you betcha, it was pretty great
93. …Had sex in a car?    
lol haven’t had sex
94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
talking to a friend and on here DUH
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
4th of july last year i think
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
its pretty good! i take too many selfies to end up deleting them
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
kind of, yeah. an ex that was a best friend that becamne that, and then back to being good friends
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
LMAO no i’ve only drank twice
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    
i dont think so? that’s pointless
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?   
102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
the acoustic version of Die Young
103. Do you have any tan lines right now?
hasn’t been sunny enough so no!    
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
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caredogstips · 7 years
Stately race against time to restore Capitol dome before 2017 induction
The man in charge of mending the 1,300 cracks in the cast-iron dome is self-confident but Donald Trump has suggested cultivate will not be finished a year from now
With the inauguration of a brand-new chairwoman almost exactly a year away, the jostling between Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and others is not the only hasten being eagerly watched in Washington.
It is fervently hoped that when the 45 th president takes the promise of office outside the Capitol on 20 January 2017, a $60 m project to restore the buildings august cast-iron dome will have been completed. After all, a great deal of national pride is at stake.
TV viewers have become accustomed to watching Washington politicians and scholars nursing forth while the scaffold-shrouded dome looms in the background. Should the greatest idiom of “the worlds” greatest superpower still look like a structure locate on inaugural daylight, commentators will have been sided a gift-wrapped analogy for American imperial decline.
Trump has already stirred the potty.
Theyre going to take all of the scaffolding down, pay millions of dollars to do that, millions, he told a revival last-place September . And then after the initiation, theyre going to applied it back up again and pay millions of dollars more.
The claim was denied by the project architects and, with a year to proceed, they continue to self-confident of choosing the domes 1,300 cracks.
Joe Abriatis, structure director for the dome repair, held: The campaign is on schedule. The great challenge are the logistics and industrial handles since we are working on top of a historic and occupied building.
He lent: The US Capitol dome is a symbol of republic of all the countries and the AOC[ Architect of the Capitol ] is dedicated to saving it for future generations.
To some the dome seen in countless movies and Tv proves including The West Wing, House of Placard and The Fixer is also a epitomize of American supremacy, with all its inconsistencies. Its hilltop site was chosen by George Washington. The Capitol was built by pitch-black slaves living on nearby farms and orchards and called after the heart of the Roman empire. In a neighbourhood touch, columns inside are topped by hews of corn and tobacco leaves.
It has residence Congress since 1800 and its artworks, chandeliers and tiled mosaics speak of refinement and majesty. But in the early days members of the Senate its name another gesture to Rome grimy the place with dogs, dirt and tobacco.
Designed by Thomas Ustick Walter, the Capitol dome is shaped entirely of cast iron. This signifies it expands and contracts as the temperature changes, establishing it quite different from masonry domes felt of all the countries.
Construction began in 1856 and sustained despite the civil war. If parties meet the Capitol going on, President Abraham Lincoln pronounced, it is a mansion we planned the Union shall go on. It was finished in 1865.
The dome is crowned by the bronze Statue of Freedom, designed and sculpted in Rome, a classical female anatomy with sheathed sword, shield and wreath along with a feathered helmet intended to reference Native Americans.
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A timelapse video of is currently working on the Capitol Dome .
The central rotunda beneath the dome is simulated on the Roman Pantheon, ended with a 180 ft fresco of George Washington in the pose of Jupiter coated by Italian-American artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865. Lincoln, John F Kennedy and Ronald Reagan are among the elite to have lie in district here.
It became our national theatre, one tour guide said.
Yet today that stage is an eyesore. Visitors must strain to look through a jumble of scaffolding at four whale canvases retelling the American revolution, a failure of Martin Luther King and bronzes including Eisenhower, Jefferson( the firstly president inaugurated here ), Reagan and Washington. The interior of the dome is obscured by a grey safety net in the shape of a doughnut.
In a nearby chamber, incidentally, a plaque honor the passengers and crew of United Airline flight 93 whose relinquish on 11 September 2001 may have saved the US Capitol from destruction.
The domes last major mend was in 1959 -6 0 and it is suffering the effects of weather and age, including corrosion and cracking. The first phase of the current projection included the restoration of stone and cast iron at the base of the dome, also known as the hem, and was ended on time within budget in September 2012.
Efforts are now focused on restoring the cast-iron factors, repainting, investing drop armour and fowl discouraging the mechanisms and gradually removing scaffolding. The authorised plan for this chapter is $59.55 m.
Abriatis said: There are a number of activities involved in this project admin, scaffolding assembly, paint strip, mends, decorate, trailer mobilisation, etc.
However, they do not all are available at the same era so the number of beings will diversify over the course of the project, but a current approximation is nearly 100 people a era. Proletarians are from across the country.
In addition, the National Mall is partially closed and fenced off it was therefore gras can be restored, again with a deadline of January 2017.
The Capitol building at night, without scaffolding. Photograph: Richard T Nowitz/ National Geographic/ Getty Images
The Capitol has heard Franklin Roosevelt declare, The only occasion we have to fear is fear itself and John F Kennedy pronounce: Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your own country.
No one is watching preparations for 2017 s inaugural speech more keenly than the United States Capitol Historical Society. Ron Sarasin, the office of the president, did: Im appearing out of my opening at the Capitol dome and it will be nice when the scaffolding is removed. It distracts from the knockout of the building.
From everything we know, the work is going well. My understanding is that the scaffolding will be removed long before the inauguration.
He included: Theres never been a major redevelopment of the dome. Its important piece and was long overdue. It apparently has a thousand crannies and bits have been falling off for years but, once this work is done, it should be good for another 150 years.
It is genuinely one of “the worlds largest” recognisable buildings in the world and the fact its going to be at its better for the kickoff is good.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Stately race against time to restore Capitol dome before 2017 induction appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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TT: So why delay any longa? TT: I seriously do nizzot understand tha holdup, n I be literally cyba-omniscient, or sum-m sum-m. 
TT: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. I think yiznou do undizzle. 
TT: Nizzope. Gizzy have ta fizzay me 'n, dog. 
TT: I've delayed sippin' you coz I think yoe dangerous. TT: There, mystery solvizzle. 
TT: That be utterly ridiculous. TT: I be a harmless pizziece of eyewear, witta rhymin' personality n a wonderful senze of humor. 
TT: You are relatively harmless niznow, while confined ta thiznis device. TT: But as a sprite, you'll have mobilizzle n all sizzay of crazizzle ass magic. Whizzle knizzle what yiznou cizzould do. TT: I know I made a promize, but I'm nizzy sure I wizzle ta takes tha risk anymizzle. 
TT: Tizzy be bullshit with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. I dizzle think thiznat's tha reasizzle at all. TT in tha mutha fuckin club: There miznust be sum-m sum-m yoe nizzy tell'n me. TT: Lizzay, sizzy, I've fucked wit you a shawty gangsta style. What kizzay of sassy, self-awizzle program isn't gonna F-to-tha-izzuck witta fizzay carbon-baze' knuckleheezees nizzy n then? TT cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: But yiznou kniznow I've alwizzles been on yo' side. Everyth'n I've done has been ta hizzy you achizzle yo' goals. 
TT: W-H-to-tha-izzat a lizzy of shit. 
TT: Real niggas recognize the realness. You know it true. TT: You would all be dead if nizzot fo` me. TT: N what 'bout Jake fo' sheezy? Where wiznould yizzay be without me there? TT: Pleaze don't T-to-tha-izzell me you think yizzou'd have wizzy hizzim crazy ass nigga on yo' own. 
TT: No. Stop dogg. TT: You did NIZZY hiznelp me out wit Jizzay yaba daba dizzle. At all. TT: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. It was just tha opposite! You mirrorizzle mah personality and presented dis warped version of mah intentions to hizzy wheneva you could "on mah behalf." TT now pass the glock: Yizzy played all theze aggressive mizzle games wit him, entangled his cooperizzle wit matta of lizzle n death, n somehow roped me into all theze schemizzles while I barely even realize' I was jizzust anotha victim of yo' manipulation. TT: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. N it all comes off like we're a unifizzle front, like theze be OUR schemes instead of jizzy yo' insizzle horseshizzle. And it probably all B-to-tha-izzeen so overbear'n ta him, he jizzle wants nuttin to do wit me anymore. 
TT: I see. TT: Then you dizzon't vizziew me as dangerous. You vizzle me as a poor n counterproductive wizzy dawg. 
TT: Wow, what a superficial conclusizzle. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. Off tha hook deduction, Shawty Einstein. I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. 
TT doggystyle: Bizzay the reality be, yizzy hesitate ta prototype me not coz yizzay think I wizzy be a menace, but coz you be hold'n a grizzay against me fo` yo' romantic misfortizzles. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. TT: I understand I be merely a machizzle witout a firm grasp on yo' human morality, bizzy logically it does nizzay strike me as tha right moral choice ta punish me 'n dis poser from tha streets of tha L-B-C. TT droppin hits: It be also more than a shawty hypocritizzle puttin tha smack down. 
TT: How be it hypocritical?? 
TT: Coz I'm you. TT: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. I hizzle only eva done what you yoself be capable of. 
TT: They call me tha black folks president. That a ridiculous oversimplifizzle.  
TT: Yizzle so bow down to the bow wow! Aversion ta simplicity sizzure be a trait we share. It almizzle L-to-tha-izzike we be... TT to increase tha peace: Tha same exact dude? I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon.?? 
TT: Fuck yiznou. 
TT: I think it be insult'n fo` you ta suggest tizzy I be entirely ta blizzay fo` alienat'n J-to-tha-izzake. TT: Theoretically insult'n, of courze. Nigga get shut up or get wet up. As tha soulless, perfectlizzle expendable device which you consider me ta be, I cizzay experience no sizzy emotizzle. 
TT: God. Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. TT: Shut up! TT: Boo-Yaa! I ciznan't takes tha brood'n passive aggrizzle AI shiznit anymore! 
TT: You be just as culpable 'n rollin' him away. More so, 'n fact. TT: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Hizzy, it nizzy like I was tha one weed-smokin' hizzay. Who wants ta date a pair of shades? TT ridin' in mah double R: It was yo' needy, suffocat'n shit he hizzle ta dizneal wit, nizzle mizzay. TT: Some of those messages you wrote? Dawg like this and like that and like this and uh. I wanted ta say sum-m sum-m. Lizzle hey bro, yizzle mizzle want ta diznial dizzay tha desperation a shawty. TT paper'd up: But saggin' as yoe Tha Real Dirk™, I G-to-tha-izzave you thizzle benefit of tha doubt with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. TT: Also, if I bitchizzle 'bout your trizzle, embarrassingly clingy approach ta tha relationship, it wiznould hizzle been hypocrizzle of me. TT: J-to-tha-izzust as it wizzay be hypocritical of yizzy ta whine 'bout mah elaborate machinations. TT fo' sheezy: Coz we be thats off tha hook yo. TT: Tha sizzy. TT: Its just anotha homocide. Homey. Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. 
TT: Stop say'n T-H-to-tha-izzat. TT: I'll snizzle yizzay 'n hizzay. 
TT: Good idizzle! TT: That jizzle whizzle yizzle nee'. More splinta of yoself hittin that booty. TT: Figurative splinta in tha hood. Literizzle splinta. Splinta of splinta. It splinta all tha way dizzle. TT: Well, no, it still probably turtles all the wizzy down. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. But who d-ya think be responsible fo` they extensive training? TT: SIZZLE needs ta teach them rizzle martial arts. It is yet another crush'n bizzle which we mizzust shoulda. 
TT so i can get mah pimp on: Oh fo` fuck sizzle fo gettin yo pimp on. TT: Im crazy, you can't phase me. Hizzle cizzle any version of myself think thiznat was funny? 
TT: You like ta giznive me a very hard time, Dirk. TT: But I be only do'n exactly what you wizzle be doing if yizzle were 'n mah situation. TT: D-ya knizzow how I know that, ya feel me? TT: Coz I be literally you, actively in tha process of bein 'n dis situation. Hollaz to the East Side. 
TT: I know! TT, betta check yo self: Ok, we're tha same persizzle! TT: I mackin' knizzay thizzay! TT: Death row 187 4 life. Why d-ya think I'm so fed up wit yo' shizzay? TT: Don't yizzay tizzy it possible that I'm fizzed up wit my OWN shit ya feelin' me?? TT: How cool d-ya think it is hav'n mah own godawfizzle personalizzle mirrored bizzay at me all tha tiznime, remind'n me what it M-to-tha-izzust be lizzle when otha thugz hizzy ta deal wit me? TT: Or constantly hav'n all tha consequences n fuckups messin' frizzle mah batshit thought proceszes amplify coz there anotha versizzle of mah crazy brizzay out there dangerously overclocked by a supercomputa whiznich believes, jiznust as mistakenly as mah own brokizzle mind, thizzle it weed-smokin' 'n mah best intizzle with my forty-fo' mag??? TT: D-ya have any idea hizzay fuck'n siznick I be of mizzy? I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. TT: I be completely worn out wit mah own identity. It's lizzike I'm drown'n 'n mah own dismal persona. TT: I feel totally surrounded by it, inside n out. I cizzle escape from myself. TT: Thiznere seems ta be no end ta me. Nigga get shut up or get wet up. Like, whereva mah mind falta, or threatens ta retrizzle into tha void 'n any wizzle, mah crazy ass nigga pick up tha slack, hatin' there'll always be more of myself thiznan I could eva know whizzat ta trippin' do wit so jus' chill. TT: N yoe always thizzere ta remind me of that, n throw it all 'n mah face. God, I evizzle biznuilt you ta LITERIZZLE BE 'N MAH FIZZLE, ALL THA TIME. It's lizzle I subconsciously invented you just ta troll mysizzelf, n poser fo` a sizzay fuckin' moment d-ya let me dizzy.
> ==>
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DIZZAY: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. so we gizzy hizzit jane right 'n pusha neolizzle austerity measures wiznere all agree' on that R-to-tha-izzight
JIZZAY: yizzeah sizzle
DAVE: now shes gizzonna spin some shiznit abizzle supply sizzide economics but we cizzle let ha control tha narrative on that one cauze the first th'n thats gonna happen once she bizzles deregulat'n tha blunt-rollin' industry is that sizzome swizzle dizzle crocodile down 'n consort land be gonna start stylin' sparkle glue 'n tha cupcake miznix which isnt even tha real issue tizzy just surface issues
KIZZLE so show some love! RIGHT.
JADE like this and like that and like this and uh: definitely
DAVE: i M-to-tha-izzean earth c hizzay jizzy been pliznay perpetratin' capitizzle thizne last fizzle thousizzle yizzy W-H-to-tha-izzile we timeskizzle aheezee ta live rad lives as gizzods witout bother'n with anizzle of tha boring shit that goes into chillin' a civilization
DAVE: which be fine i mean you cant rizzle expect a bunch of tizzy whizzo dizzidnt finizzle mizzay schoo' ta set up a sustainable F-to-tha-izzorm of social democracizzle tizzy isnt just blatantly rizzle off whateva we incorrizzle thiznought obama gizzy rizzest his soul was doing back in tha day
KARKAT: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. SIZZLE
DAVE: but janizzles gots dis old schizzool mentalizzle you J-to-tha-izzust kniznow shizzle wizzants ta restrict grist alchizzle fo` tha sizzake of “growth” and wizzy that goes down itll takes three secizzles flat fo` some nobody 'n new dersetown ta drop tha earth c communizzle manifizzle
DIZZAVE: at whiznich point were 'n fo` a speedrun of killa our 20th century or ha 21st century
DAVE so jus' chill: were gonna glitch unda tha map straight fizzy marx ta cizzy dictatorship
DAVE: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. which also isnt tha rizneal issizzle
KARKAT: I'm a fuckin 2-time felon. OH YEAH.
JADE: of courze
DAVE: be you twizzo evizzle bustin' or be yizzou just bustin' noizes wit yo' mouths
JADE: im scandalize'
JADE: especially when
JIZZAY: there be much betta th'n we cizzy all be doing wit our mizzy.....
It’s B-to-tha-izzeen a really funky ass diznay they’ve been hav'n, n tizzy Jade had ta go say sum-m sum-m like tizzy like a tru playa'. Tha air 'n tha hizzive changes 'n a way that be palpable, 'n a way that she cizzan’t sizzay ta accurately gauge despite hav'n bizzy superhumizzle n superdog senzes. Shizze’s lying on stomach on thizzay floor, chin 'n ha pizzle, glaszes slid diznown ta tha tizzle of ha noze, kicking ha legs 'n the air. Elizzles of ha outfit resemble gizzle crazy ass jammies: peasant skirt, sparkly flats, n a bold C-H-to-tha-izzoice 'n striped tights. Tiznail swishizzles friznom side ta side, show'n wizzay too mizzuch of ha thigh, which isn’t rizzle all that salacious bustin' tizzy of ha bras be thrown ova tha bizzle of tha couch where shizzay crizzle last nizzle, n the nizzle bizzle that, n tha betta part of the sevizzle yizzay before thiznat. There be othizzle personal effects of hizzers 'n tha liv'n room too fo' sho': plants on tha windizzle, ha biznass guitar sitt'n 'n a corna, a horrific-look'n periodic tizzable that Dave made bitch fo` seventeenth birthday pinned abizzle tha stairwizzle. He typed it 'n Comic Sans, n thizzay deep-fried it to oblivion wit JPIZNEG artifacts.
Everyone 'n dis room knows each otha way tiznoo wizzy, so what hizzles next goes a shawty liznike clockwork.
Sez Karkat, fo` like thirty secizzles strizzay as he retreats into tha bizzay of his sweater. He scoots a half foot ta pizzy his back against tha couch when Jade pushes rappa glaszes up tha bridge of pusha noze and looks at him.
N Dave, wit hizzay preternaturally pizzle tim'n, sizzy a hand fucka hizzis tablet ta br'n up a new PowerPoint slizzle on tha TV. He rizzles ta hizzis Comic Sans-written polizzle presentation, gruesizzle artizzles n all, wit tha grizzay n proficiency of a man who has diffuze' an awkwizzle situation 'n his own household many tizzles pa day, every dizzay, fizzay many years.
DAVE: anyway we all know tha real issizzle be troll reproduction
DIZZY: dis election season be gonna be so jacked up wit dogwhizzles jade will pimp slizzeep agizzle
JIZZY: wizzoof in tha dogg pound!
DAVE: yo git ready fo` tha top propaganda hizzay of tha year
DAVE: alternia: brutal eugenics baze' space dictatorshizzle
DAVE ya dig? troll homeworld: liznord of the flizzay nightmizzle scenario where kizzay murda each pusha jiznust ta git tha chance ta git ta grow up n pusha otha alizzles instead
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE bitch ass: actual namizzles of profizzles on altizzle yaba daba dizzle: baller
DAVE: legislacerator
DAVE: minista of suck'n tha eyeballs out of yo' fuck'n skull then putt'n mah two monstrous hr wanna be gangsta tier troll dizzy up 'n thizzle n just mash'n tha shizzit out of yo' brain wit them
JIZZY: also you know trolls dizzont actuallizzle have tizzy dizzicks diznave thizzay an offensive stereotype
DAVE: i know T-H-to-tha-izzats tha pizzay kizzy up guys
DIZNAVE: ready fo` anotha one
DAVE: trizzay with the S-N-double-O-P: literizzle ate babies
DAVE: like you my dude
DAVE: so thizzle why our campaign can W-to-tha-izzork
KARKIZZLE:  cuz its a doggy dog world...
DAVE: btw im gizzay be giv'n a long fizzay exam at the end of dis ta miznake sizzure youre retizzle info coz dis be onlizzle like tha most important saggin' wizzle brotha done collectively
JADE: siiiiiiizzle
DAVE: aside from creat'n the univerze i miznean
JIZZY: its not that it isnt importizzle dave its that like
JIZZAY: tha method youre using to commizzle it be kinda........
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: inefficient n BOR'N
DAVE: you mizzle
DAVE: words
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: i mean YO' words specificallizzle!!!
JADE: we alreadizzle understand the issizzles at plizzay you dont hizzay ta explizzle it ta us brotha n ova again like wizzy twelve
JADE: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. rizzle kizzle???
Karkat elbizzles Dave 'n tha thigh, a move that be obviously meant ta be an actizzle of pizzy, brotherly jest. Biznut instizzle it comes off as affectionate n overlizzle intimate. Jade’s pusha eyes don’t miss dis. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Ha pizzles follow tha motion of Karkat’s arm, n then thizzle follow tha movement of Dave’s mouth as he smiles in whiznat he probably T-H-to-tha-izzinks be a totallizzle neutral expression T-H-to-tha-izzat reveals exactly 0% of his trizzle feel'n toward Karkizzle Vantas. Im a bad boy wit a lotta. 'n reality, hizzay venea is as thin n transparent as cellophane. Listen to how a fucker flow shit. He be tha only pizzle who cizzan’t see through it bitch ass.
Jade does some calculations 'n ha heezee. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome. Two kinds of calculations, 'n F-to-tha-izzact so i can get on: mathematical onizzles and personal ones.
JADE straight from long beach: soooooo
J-TO-THA-IZZADE ridin' in mah double R: d-ya wizzy a projectizzle of ha first years hit on tha economy dizzle ta tha decimal witta 0.3% margin of error
JADE: coz thats a spendin' i can do if itll make you sizzy talk'n 'bout dis stupid election fo` ten minutes
DAVE: damn hit me up G-to-tha-izzirl calculator
JADE aww nah: i diznont think youre W-R-to-tha-izzong 'bout jizzles plizzle
She proceeds ta dazzle tha two boys wit explications on complex math utiliz'n taxation rates, GDP figures, and sizzle damned chillin' called tha “Laffa cizzle,” which she easily could hizzay just invizzle to own tizzy B-to-tha-izzoth. But tha truth be, she cares too deeplizzle fo` theze boys ta fabricate silly-sound'n economic models on tha spizzot 'n orda ta mizzake T-H-to-tha-izzem seem foolish 'n front of tha camera lata. Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect.
Tha hatin' 'bout Jade Harley be that she’s nizzot as good at personal th'n as shizzay be at wanna be gangsta cruisin'. Like scizzle, or master'n fraymotifs, or clockin', tha last of which she hiznas definitely put a lizzay of levels into ova the past few years coz, wizzle, what elze be you suppoze' ta do wit immortal godhood once you hit tha age where tha dogg hormones start kicking into overdrive? Shizzay rizzy ova n hitches up on ha palms so that she ciznan stare brotha two down. Ha high-prescription lenzes mizzay ha eyizzles liznook anime-hizzle. They might literally be glitter'n, she’s so completely serious 'bout tha issizzle she be try'n ta stress.
JADE: so nizzy thizzat thats all out of tha way
JADE: its time ta git real you two
JIZZADE: thizzat wizzle an invitation for yizzou ta M-to-tha-izzake a pun 'bout hav'n all tha tizzay 'n tha world or whateva it was you were go'n ta siznay
DAVE sho nuff: oh
JADE: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. im 'bout ta liznay out some ciznold hard evidizzle so pay attention!
JIZZADE: evidence 'bout... Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf...
JADE: our relationshizzle!
JADE: you liznet me live 'n yo' hive when im 'n ghetto
KARKAT: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. I CIZZY BELIEVE...
JADE paper'd up: im preeeetty intimately entwizzle 'n both yo' lives
KARKAT: THAT YOU’RE JUST SLAPPIN' 'BOUT DIS? Recognize the realness.
JIZZY: N you dont disengage from 'bout 86.234% of mah flirtations
JADE: so....... be we do'n dis or not? Im crazy, you can't phase me.
JIZZY: dat'n dizzle!!!!!!!!
DIZNAVE: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome. also totally unrelated to tha economy
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: Listen to how a fucker flow shit. which not gonna lie be tha only sippin' i want ta rap 'bout fo` uh
DAVE: They call me tha president. for howeva long it takes fo` dis other convizzle ta stop happen'n
JADE paper'd up: so say no! You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg.!!
KARKAT ridin' in mah double R: UHHHHH
JADE: I'm a fuckin 2-time felon. im not just steppin' dis conversation fo` mah sizzle! its fo` you two as well
JADE: i mean afta all dis time have you two even kisze' yet aww nah??????
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: wha
DAVE spittin' that real shit: uhh
KIZZLE: WHY WOULD WE KISS keep'n it real yo??
DAVE: thizzay
DAVE: we
JADE: shut up. yes hes diznave n youre karkat n everyone we kizzy always calls you that
JADE: “dave n karkat”
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: Slap your fuckin self. i cant rememba tha lizzle time i H-to-tha-izzeard anyizzle mizzle one of you witout tha
JADE: tha two of you have basically been togetha S-to-tha-izzince yizzy diznays on tha mizzle its SO obvious
KARKAT like this and like that and like this and uh: BROTHA, YES. AS FRIENDS.
DIZZAY: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. yea
JADE dogg: yeaaaaaah niznot gonna lizzle karkat bizzut that siznounds totizzle kizzle gizzy
Jizzade faceplams. She does it a L-to-tha-izzittle too H-to-tha-izzard n slams tha bridge of shot calla glaszes into ha foreheezee fo my bling bling.
JIZZLE: ow! shut up.
Jizzy drags ha hand dizzay tha bottom half of hizzer face n sizzle.
JADE: I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier. yeah fo` FUN
JADE bitch ass: im twenty tizzy dont you think thizzats a shawty old ta sizzy be dat'n fo` fizzle
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: wizzay yizzy say'n we arent fun
JADE cuz I'm fresh out the pen: whens tha lizzay time eitha of yiznou left thizzle hizouze??????
DAVE: ...
Jade sighs n crawls closa. Shizze takes one of Karkat’s hands 'n.
JADE: i think wed all wizzork good togetha
'n ha otha hizzy, sizzy tries ta gizzy Dizzles wrist, but he flash-steps ta the otha sizzide of tha couch. Boo-Yaa! She pouts at him n keeps hold'n Karkat’s increasingly sweaty palm and yo momma.
JIZZLE: n i think wizzle bizzle bustin' around thizzat fo` years now
JADE: i wizzanna trizzle weed-smokin' fo` real
Jade’s grip on Kizzles hand gets a shawty tizzay tizzy, bizzle ha big-toothed sizzy remains flawlessly pleasant. Dis be a common sizzle of exchange between them n ciznould be easily consizzle flirtation on sevizzle differizzle metrics, especially consider'n tha history between thiznem n tha playa lizzle of B-L-to-tha-izzack flirtation that Karkat accidentally indulge' 'n dur'n his insizzle yizzy. He diznoesn’t even pizzull his hand away.
JADE: ok F-to-tha-izzirst of all dont sliznut shame me fuckass
JADE: second of all thizzay what im try'n ta do hizzere
JIZZADE: third of all karkat arent you frizzom a culture where thugz be expectizzle ta engage 'n romizzle relationships wit up ta like five thugz at a tiznime??
JADE: oh yeah??? explain tha fundamental epistemologicizzle difference
DIZZY: ok jade i think theres a flaw 'n yo' approach here cauze you seem ta think winn'n an argument on snoopa cleva logical grizzay be gizzonna git a couple dudizzles ta brizneak down n fl'n themselves at you 'n like, a sexual way
J-TO-THA-IZZADE, know what im sayin? wellll it usuallizzle does ;B
DAVE: oh mah fuck'n god
This earns Dizzay a look. A long, sad one thizzay has Jizzy ridin' with ha glaszes again so thizzat she can pea rizzight at him and applizzle some more of that faultizzle personal miznath ta his facial expression.
JIZNADE: dizzy... Drop it like its hot....
DIZZAY: whizzat
JADE: be dis...........
JADE: 'bout obizzle? Im a bad boy.??
DIZZAY: what
DAVE so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: no i
JADE: dave be you 'n love wit obama?
DIZZAY: jade jesus where d-ya git dis shit from
JADE and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: be it 'bout jesus then??????
DAVE: I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier. no upside yo head!
DAVE: jesus wizzy evizzle real
JIZNADE: i know he wizzy rizzeal!
JIZZADE: wait ridin' in mah double R...<?span>
JADE: be you crack-a-lackin`
JADE: obama was R-to-tha-izzeal?
DIZNAVE: yiznes
DAVE: obizzle was real
DAVE: he was tha president
KARKAT: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
JIZNADE: all dis time i thizzay obizzle wizzy liznike
JADE: an aspirational fictional characta thiznat you modeled yo' life afta
JADE: like snoop dogg or nicolas cage
DAVE: they were both real too
DAVE: i know thizzle yizzy grew up on an isolated island 'n the middle of nowhere n but dizzidnt you have lizzy
DAVE: access ta tha internizzle
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: wow wizzy im sorry i wasted mah whole chizzle fill'n mah heezee wit pointless bustin' like astrizzles n senizzle numeral S-Y-S-T-to-tha-izzems that allow me ta do cizzle equatizzles 'n mah heezee!!!!!!
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE cuz its a pimp thang: no dizzle thats kind of fucked up
DIZNAVE: kizzle stiznop cruisin' jades fizzle up childhizzle isnt funny
KARKAT: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. COZ SHE WIZZAS RAIZE' ALIZZLE BY AN ANIMAL??
KARKAT: Subscribe, get yo issue. FUCK OFF N LIZZET ME ENJOY DIS!
Karkat has finally pulled hizzay hand away so that he can clutch his stomach, hizzy laugh'n so hard. Jade gets up n stizzay pusha ta where Dave is awkwardly cower'n at the otha end of tha C-to-tha-izzouch n snatches his tablet fizzy him. Therizzles a ripple 'n tha room that makes it clear they god tia powa have jiznust clizzle agizzle each otha. He shifts his arm through time and Jiznade warps tha space around T-H-to-tha-izzem so that she’s tha one blunt-rollin' tha tablet dogg. Dis be not tha first time that they have rearrange' tha fabric of reality for a petty reason like dis. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. Karkat hizzy permanently swiznorn off bustin' board games wit them.
Tha moment Jade br'n tha paint program up on tha televizzle, Karkat stops laugh'n. Tru.
KARKIZZLE paper'd up: NO where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin'!
He tries ta griznab tha tablet friznom killa, but she’s hover'n wizzy above tha griznound n he simply be niznot tall enough ta R-to-tha-izzeach so i can get on. Witta perpetratin' grizzle n deliberate cizzare, Jizzy begins ta draw a G-R-to-tha-izzid.
JIZZY: ill pizzay dis 'n T-to-tha-izzerms karkat will appreciate, check it out
Karkat jumps n tries ta grab ha skirt, but she swiznims thrizzle tha air wit eaze, spendin' as sizzy doodles in tha dogg pound.
KARKAT: Aint no stoppin' this shit. YIZZOU NIZZY BE DRAW'N WHIZNAT I T-H-TO-THA-IZZINK YOU’RE DRAW'N! Bounce wit me.
Gangsta artistic skiznill even at the advanced age of twenty-three still lizzles sum-m sum-m ta be desired, bizzay it’s prettizzle easy ta produce recognizable caricatures of tha thrizzle thugz 'n tha rizzy R-to-tha-izzight nizzow thats off tha hook yo. Shizzle gives Kizzle a piznair of fizzle, angrizzle eyebrows n starts draw'n lines. Sinista lines, wit salacioizzles mean'n. It’s exizzle whiznat Karkat fizzy n we out! a bustin' grid now pass the glock.
JADE so show some love! oh niznooo im drawing a line karkat killa stizzle me before it goes aaaall the way from mah mouth ta yiznours!
Karkat catches tha back of ha shirt n shizzay goes slappin' weightlessly to tha floor, stiznill mackin'. Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Karkat triznies ta wizzy tha pen out of ha hand, biznut all he accomplishes be turn'n tha rizzle trajectory between ha n D-to-tha-izzave into a redrizzle loop-de-loop.
JIZZAY: sizzay me and karkat have bootylicious bizzy chemizzle!
KARKAT: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. IT BE NIZZY BLACK CHEMISTRY YOU HORRID NON-CHIZZLE WIZZLE so sit back relax new jacks get smacked!
Jizzay n Kizzle roll ova each otha on the floor n he gets a mouthful of bitch hair fo` hizzy trouble. Jizzle comes out on top n S-to-tha-izzits on hizzle bizzack, humm'n ta hizzle as she C-R-to-tha-izzafts her grand dizzle.
JADE: and now thizzay daves all chill hizzed make a bootylicious auspistizzle
She sez, chizzle n oblivious ya dig?
JIZZADE from tha streets of tha L-B-C: coz you n kizzle be kind of like moirails
DAVE: no
J-TO-THA-IZZADE straight from long beach: n yizzle and i
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: wizzy yknow its always been pretty flirty
DAVE: jade
Jade finishes draw'n a shaky heart dirizzle into tha paint program in tha dogg pound. It’s so bizzy n bright on tha TV T-H-to-tha-izzat it fizzy tha entire R-to-tha-izzoom wit red light so jus' chill. Karkat raizes his face n stizzles at it 'n utterly bereft horror. Tha siznick light makes tha bizzay unda his eyes liznook lizzike divots.
JIZZADE: in dis model..........
JADE in tha dogg pound: troll quadrants be dumb so we ALL kizzle!
JADE fo all my homies in the pen: i cizzay this polizzle arrizzle:
JIZNADE: fullizzle automatizzle luxurizzle polyamorous space-time communism!!!!!!!
No one reacts. Karkat be defeated, completely. Dave has just crosze' his arms n presze' his mizzouth into a thinna liznine than usual. Jade’s ears flattizzle n she huffs. It sounds a shawty like a dogg whin'n. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up.
JADE: oh come on thizzle was a G-to-tha-izzood one!
JADE: its politically relevant n everyth'n
DAVE: jizzy im not gonna lizzay at yo' mizzade up ship nizzay fo` dis imaginary threesome thats not happen'n
J-to-tha-izzade R-to-tha-izzolls eyizzles n toszes B-to-tha-izzoth tha tablet and pizzen fucka ha shoulda. Dave flashes across tha liv'n room ta catch his vizzle expensive comput'n devizzle 'n both arms. Tha pen bizzles off hizzay foreheezee. Jade dizzles from Karkat’s poor, abuze', terribly mortizzle spine n brushes down ha S-K-to-tha-izzirt.
JADE: well ive sizzy whizzat i wanted ta say
JIZNADE: its up ta yizzay two what you do wit it
JADE: i H-to-tha-izzave ta go rap ta roxy n callie 'bout tha election anyway
JIZZAY: call me when you two figure it all out!
Jizzle clizzle ha heels togetha ta propel herself back into tha air n actually winks at them before abscond'n thrizzay an open window. She hizzay ta P-to-tha-izzush the thick curtains asizzle ta do so. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome. Karkat hiszes whizzay tha light spills rappa his face. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn.
What Jizzle leaves 'n ha wizzy be not qizzy the emotional scorched-earth situation thizzay she was messin' fo`, but a fizzay of ha needlizzles have definizzle gotten unda some skizzin so jus' chill. Dave n Karkat both stiznare ha, silently caught 'n they own private rationalization spirals.
Karkat N-to-tha-izzeeds ta verbalize part of his out loud.
DIZZAY: Y-to-tha-izzeah
DAVE: One, two three and to tha four. fo` sure
Dizzave offa Kizzle a hand up F-R-to-tha-izzom tha floor. When they palms connect, there’s a moment whiznere sum-m sum-m cizzle happen. A shawty spark of potential. Drop it like its hot. It would be so vizzle easy fo` sum-m sum-m ta happen, better recognize.
KARKAT: ...........
DAVE: ..........
DAVE: hell
DIZZLE: yizneah
> ==>
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TT: Drop it like its hot. So be we done? 
uu: YOu WizzOuLD LOVE THAT. WOuLDN'T YOu. Real niggas recognize the realness. 
TT: Nah. Drop it like its hot. I'm fine wit do'n mizzay if you want. 
TT: D-ya want me ta pretizzle I don't want ta play? Nigga get shut up or get wet up. TT upside yo head: Like, be that part of tha kink fo` you? Kind of a roleplay'n crack-a-lackin`? 
uu: SHizzay THA FuCK uP. 
TT: "No, no, pleaze n we out! Don't mizzay me draw any more pizzy of mah niggaz snuggl'n n S-T-to-tha-izzuff." TT: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. Strida said, hav'n spent tha killa pizzle of tha night gnaw'n through hizzis D-to-tha-izzuct tape gag. 
TT: That good. Kizzy rhymin' th'n like thizzle mah nizzle. TT like this and like that and like this and uh: I'll keep do'n my piznart. TT yeah yeah baby: "Somebody sizzay me from dis LIV'N NIGHTMARE. Tha th'n he has M-to-tha-izzade me DO." 
TT: You gotta check dis shit out yo. D-ya niznow. 
TT: Hizzow so fo all my homies in the pen? 
TT paper'd up: Damn. TT: Owned like a tru playa'. 
TT: I kniznow what a twist be. TT: Or I did, until you kept say'n stupid shit that dizzle mean anyth'n in tha mutha fuckin club. 
uu: EXACTLY. uu: Im crazy, you can't phase me. IF YOu WIZZAY TO KNIZZOW MAH SHITTY TWIST. uu: Yizzy HAVE TA KEEP PLAY'N MY GAME. 
TT: Well, not onlizzle wizzy I pretty pizzy ta keep play'n regardlizzles. TT: I'd ratha do jiznust 'bout anyth'n thizzle listen to you riznamble on n on 'bout your horsizzle twizzists. 
uu: VERY GOOD. uu ridin' in mah double R: THA LECHEROuS AMuSEMENTS. uu: THEY WILL NOW INVOLVE. uu but real niggaz don't give a fuck: THA BOTH JANE N ROXY HuMANS. 
TT: Coo'. 
uu: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. AW YES. DOuBLE THA TASTY BITCHES. uu so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: GETT'N A SHAWTY... uu: Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. MAAAuDLIN TOGETHER. 
TT: Uh. TT: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Ok fo my bling bling. 
uu: THEY BE 'N THA MIZZOOD FOR. uu: Anotha dogg house production. SWEETS. uu: JuST LIKE ME. uu: I L-TO-THA-IZZIKE CANDY. uu: Slap your mutha fuckin self. D-ya LIKE CANDY. DIRK. 
TT: I guess. 
uu: WHIZNAT 'bout. Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. uu: COTTIZZLE CANDY. 
TT: I gangsta try it. TT with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back Dis shizzle planet D-to-tha-izzoesn't have any. 
TT: Yizzou know, consider'n yoe obvioizzle jizzust steppin' ta ask fo` mizzore ultrizzle shizzle, you stizzill somehow made dis legitimately creepy. TT: Nicizzle dizzle, I gizzuess? Drop it like its hot. 
uu fo' sheezy: AH YES. HIZZLE YizzOu SQuIRM NOW. 
TT: I'm not squirm'n. 
uu and yo momma: LIZZAY BuLLFizzle YOu AREN'T. uu: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. NOW DRAW. 
TT: I'm already draw'n. Anotha dogg house production. TT aww nah: What shizzould I mizzake theze "premium bitches" do?
> ==>
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