#steggy domestic
stuckyfingers · 7 months
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Oh, she kicked out my windshield And she hit me over the head She cussed and cried and said I'd lied And she wished that I was dead Oh, lay that pistol down, babe Lay that pistol down Pistol Packing mama Put that pistol down..
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r4inyclouds · 3 days
You can take Steve Rogers out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of Steve Rogers.
I heavily recommend putting ya glasses on for this ride of a rant. A... practically an essay on how Steve was out of character in Endgame:
Look, I still wholeheartedly believe that Sam deserves the title of Captain America, but even before that Steve dropped that shield, that title in the Civil War movie, for Bucky, in respect for Tony. Captain America wasn't even his label for years after that. Surprising how many didn't realise Steve in the endgame movie was Nomad, not Captain America.
But, he still fought, didn't he?
So people who say "Steve will always be THE Captain America!!" can go cry about it for all I care. Sam is the hero that he deserves to be. Yet, I suppose we're all entitled to our own opinions.
I don't even think the producers at the time even read the comics they were basing their large franchise on. That Steve in Infinity War wasn't Steve.
He was born a stubborn fighter, he was meant to end as that stubborn fighter we knew from 'The First Avenger'. It's in his nature how he was meant to be articulated as a person. It's in the comics, that hell- I haven't even exactly read most nor possess many of them! It's a joke, a jest; it's funny but not funny 'haha hilarious', but funny, odd, peculiar and perplexing. But from what I've seen from the fans on this side of the debate who have read the comics thoroughly, they all explicitly state that Steve would never do this or abandon anyone. I could, respectively, not care that the MCU was never, and never will be, canon to the comics, but they couldn't even keep one thing, an aspect that's similar or alike in any particular way to the comics, and that's the whole nature and personality of one of their most main focused characters, diverging from the whole point, centre, heart of Steve.
Steve never needed a label that told him he was a hero even when he was some twink before the serum, his whole arch, his whole goal was to become someone who helped, it wasn't from the start to settle down with a woman he was at a high school situation ship with, maybe, just maybe it could've worked if they attempted to even build and develop their relationship for it to make that little sense. Steven Grant Rogers admitted to being that stubborn little thing, and in a sense, he was like that, someone who determined to not be a coward and went against his non-spoken word.
And no, this has nothing to do with the fact I'm a HUGE Stucky shipper, I exclusively tried to avoid talking about Bucky in this half of the rant for a reason. I love Peggy, she's in my top 5, and I love domestic Steggy. It's just it was never right for Steve.
Steve will never, ever be able to run away from what he is. He is THE fight, with or without a useless hero label.
Now since I'm a bucky glazer, and he's my favourite character (I'm putting him in a jar once I get my first-ever Funko pop) I will go on to talk about Steve and Bucky, now, I'd understand if someone would not want to read this part because I'm 'just a wild Stucky shipper!' Who's own priority is trying to keep the ship afloat (I'm also occasionally a Sam x Steve x Bucky shipper but that's besides the point) But in this segment, I will be talking about them in an otherwise platonic sense; it doesn't even need to be romantic for me to say this. And, honestly, if the character of Bucky never existed in this universe, I would've still had this rant on my Tumblr about why Steve leaving is just... odd.
Okay, Steve spent THREE, THREE, I REPEAT THREE, HIS WHOLE DAMN TRILOGY, having at least one huge plot point just purely based on Bucky in each of his movies.
1. He went against whole military orders to get Bucky back, had a whole depression episode thinking he was dead, and then had another depression episode when he died, and then kind of just offed himself after that (Now, am I saying he offed himself for no reason for other than his friend?... yeah, so, there's a deleted scene where Rhodey asks Steve about how he practically died, and why he didn't just jump out into the water before he crashed, I'm tellin' you if you search it up it's there, now, people suspected that the reason it's a deleted scene is that it, well, opens a plot hole, and it just kind of seems like... he killed himself because bucky's dead? Like, ya know, there's no other reason to why he did this. But I might just be reaching there) God. So that point just says a lot about how the producers didn't even think for one second about him going back in time.
2. Nearly got killed by him, but when he figured out it was Bucky he went a berserk kind of insanity and risked his life as he put his trust in a man who was about to knock the shit out of him. Then, like- went for months on end to get Bucky back just because he left him on the side of the beach to not let him drown. Yeah, okay, sir. Also, does everyone just... Like, all silently agree not to talk about how they casually just drop platonic wedding vows to each other in every movie? Like, what do you exactly mean by "I'm with you 'till the end of the line", every time I hear that quote I go "WRITE THIS DOWN, WRITE THIS DOWN!" (not like I'll be getting married though)
3. How am I meant to summarise this with detail without just saying the few words in my mind that would just tell you the whole plot? [Squints eyes, checks notes]... Guess I gotta. 'Bro split Avenger for bro, Avenger no longer, Captain America? No longer for bro, bro picks bro up, bro says wedding vow, bro sad Wakanda.'
Then, now, I apologise sincerely for using this analogy, but he kinda, just, ya know, abruptly left to get the milk. He dropped everything once he got the chance to go back and left poor Bucky wide-eyed like some traumatised puppy with attachment issues they newly developed after shown that much devotion and affection from an owner who'd treat them right, and then was suddenly dropped into a random field of an environment, unfamiliar, they don't recognise it, as they then watch the rustic car they were once rescued from becoming a blur, speeding off into a distance he couldn't possibly ever trace back to. What in the holy fuck was that waste of three movies then.
I hope people can't tell I'm a fanfic writer; this is the shittiest thing I've ever written, I swear my fanfics are more descriptive and crap, but I'm foaming from the mouth right now; I think I permanently disrupted my breathing pattern, well done me.
Sigh, okay, well.
He's a defender for his friends; his bonds double-tied with the strength that could be held within the core of the earth, yet that somehow immediately loosened, cracking the surface, crevice by crevice of that earth with one scene, one moment. His mantle of the goal, his word that he once held dear to his child heart, became not even an earth-shattering break.
Now, here we are.
So, I shall, if you don't mind, end this with my small conclusion of how it's was out of character for Steve to leave.
You can take Steve Rogers out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of Steve Rogers.
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captainjimothycarter · 8 months
AU where Steve and Peggy work together either modern day or post war.
They fight together, Steve doesn't kill unless he needs to because he loves to use the terms "my wife will handle you."
And its mainly getting to use my wife.
Theyre working late, the guy keeps taunting Steve and Steve and Peggy kiss in the doorway and tells him to switch. That she can handle him.
While Peggy works they have a nonchalant conversation about what to do for dinner and what their weekend plan is.
Just Steggy being so couply and domestic but still spies and cute.
Even when they have kiddos it comes to their advantage and they bring the baby around all the time. Coulson and May end up watching baby Oliver most of the time.
Theres hundreds of photos of agents with their kiddos and if an enemy dares to use their kid against them its all hell breaks loose
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rogers-the-musical · 5 months
Steggy the movie.
(That’s kinda what the first avenger is, with the Endgame ending, but hear me out).
Peggy’s living out her life. We see what she’s been up to since Agent Carter. Steve shows up. Chaos ensues, and we get to see how Peggy and Steve get into their same-timeline adventures amidst his retirement and Peggy’s founding of SHIELD. Steve tells Peggy almost everything, but nothing about her future. She knows something is going to go down at SHIELD, and without knowing all of the tactics Hydra used, they do what they can to keep security tight without things completely falling to pieces (because it’s the same timeline-no one can change the future, but that doesn’t mean they won’t do what they can). And that is why Hydra waited so long.
Steve is devastated about Bucky, but understands he made his peace with life. He tries to find him, he really does, but Hydra seems to always skirt their efforts. Even with the information he knows, it’s not enough. But Bucky’s finding peace in the future, and has acknowledged that no one knows where this will go, or if they even can make a new timeline without the time stone involved.
With that knowledge, and knowing he has done all he can (and that everything will work out) he retires. He rests. He dreads Natasha’s upbringing and the Starks’s deaths, but knows it’s coming, and has faith in the future that he helped create. That doesn’t stop him from trying, though, but he’s only one man-and there are oh, so many things he wishes he could change. Nonetheless, he and Peggy settle down, start a family, and become a somewhat domesticated couple. (But only somewhat😉)
Peggy loves Steve. Steve loves Peggy. The future is secure, and while they have neither the information nor resources to fix everything, (not to mention the Steve time loop-so everything always happens) they also practice scarcity in the efforts they do make, for fear that they will change the future to make things worse (or mess up that 1 in a million chance that they beat Thanos).
All is well.
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roboticonography · 1 year
I want Agent Carter Season 3 in the 1950s with offscreen domestic Steggy (who could Peggy's mysterious scandalous husband be, everyone heard *he's* the one who stays home with the children!) SO BADLY. Also I think Steve and Ana Jarvis would be the best of friends. I can so easily picture them having each other over to have a drink, gossip and exchange recipes or dote on the Carter children while Peggy and Edwin are off on another world-saving mission
It would be extremely entertaining to have Steve (or whatever he's calling himself now) referred to but never seen, in the grand tradition of sitcom spouses such as Vera (Cheers) and Maris (Frasier). Each fact we learn about him is more outlandish than the last!
If only. I miss the Agent Carter gang and their adventures.
Thanks for the ask!
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ao3feed-steggy · 28 days
No Trouble
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HeuDjEI by Princess_of_Words “I was just thinking,” Steve said, “the USO girls showed me how to help with hair a bit—brush and braid it, that kind of thing. If you didn't lose your hair pins, I could probably manage a decent bun.” While Peggy recovers from a shoulder injury, Steve offers to do her hair for her and reminds her how it feels to be helped. Written for Steggy Week Day 2: Headcanons and Meta Words: 670, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Hair Brushing, Wartime Romance, Flirting, Soft Steve Rogers, Injured Peggy Carter, Pre-Relationship, They've had their right partner conversation, But Steve's still blushing if their hands touch, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Kinda, Headcanon, doing hair, steggy week 2024, Salt and Light read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HeuDjEI
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geekynerddemon · 2 years
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Happy New Year @missfitmarvel0-0 again!
Your request said “I’d love a domestic art of stegglings. I don’t even need steggy (lol) Just a couple of cute kids doing Christmasy activities!”
I present you the stegglings decorating a very tired Uncle Bucky as a Christmas tree.
Inspired by @goncharoffs sending a gif from the Falcon and the Winter Soldier saying that is how he would be with the stegglings.
Thank you @steggyfanevents for organising!
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eliza49-7190 · 2 years
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This is a Steggy Secret Santa gift for Sosoane1, who likes domestic fluff, but also angst and working through trauma together. Happy Christmas, Sosoane1, from your Secret Santa - hope you like your present! 😀🎄🤶
Summary: He had come back because he wanted to see her, but she did not owe him anything, and it was up to her to decide where they went from here, if they went anywhere at all…
“Don’t you dare leave!” Peggy admonished fiercely, and they stared at each other, startled.
“Okay,” said Steve cautiously. “I’ll stay.”
(A short, fluff-centric story about a joyful reunion, our hero finding comfort after battle, and a mild case of telephone phobia.)
Read it on AO3 here.
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somewhereapart · 2 years
Steggy Secret Santa gifts 2023
Hey @steverogerscanyounot, I'm your Steggy Secret Santa, and this year you get two gifts, because I got an idea that was way too lengthy with way too little time left to finish it. lol
Hearth and Home, Ch 1/2. Rated E for eventually lol
You requested domestic fluff with an option for steamy, so my first offering is this little ditty about Peggy and Steve on the day of the first big snowstorm after his return. Chapter two forthcoming!
i could give you 50 reasons (why i should be the one you choose), Ch 1/50. Rating subject to change
You mentioned you're a big fan of Taylor Swift, and that "Hey Stephen" is one of the songs that makes you think of Steggy. This line jumped out at me, so your second gift is the gift that keeps on giving. lol The first of 50 reasons why Steve and Peggy have chosen each other as "the right partner."
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theawkwardterrier · 10 months
3, 15, 19?
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
Of my own? So many, in different ways, but I'll go with things left behind and the things that are ahead - the combo of getting to imagine a Steggy ending that's a continuation of their canon reunion, and the particular characters and their lives and universe that I created was a really great writing experience for me. I'm so attached to that version of Steve and Peggy's relationship, and their whole family and friends network 🥰🥰
15. How do you think your writing as improved over time?
I'm more careful with trying to include descriptions of the physical space and details, and with generally trying to balance dialogue and narration. Also I'm very slightly better at integrating themes/motifs overall?
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Gosh, probably lots of family/domesticity stuff, but also some kind of original plot? Good writing and characterization, and lots of moments that make people squeal and/or scream? But more than anything I'd just like for the writing to be super easy and flowing.
deep fic writer asks
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kayedium-writes · 2 years
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Was tagged by @sliebman10
Tagging: @justadmiringanakin @tsunderewatermelon @axolotlsupremacyowo @writingpotato07 @hylianjo @oceangirl24
I definitely have too many to just list everything, but here are the recents... (Some are Anidala, some are not!)
Neon Dreams
It Had to be You
Since I've No Place to Go
PeggyNat Femslash Drabbles
Domestic Steggy - untitled
Anakin vs The Toddlers
Totally, Completely, Definitely Just Friends
Right Person, Wrong Time
untitled ScarVis travel fic
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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when you need a hug but your husband isn't home yet
118 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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“come back to bed, peggy”
↳ steggy week 2022 day 5: domestic bliss
245 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
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intensely staring each other down is one of their love languages, yup
364 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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“care for a little late night fondue, my darling?”
389 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cafecitowriter · 2 years
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I posted 2,022 times in 2022
39 posts created (2%)
1,983 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,015 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#steggy - 320 posts
#peggy carter - 79 posts
#adorable - 56 posts
#steve rogers - 54 posts
#i love this - 49 posts
#star wars - 39 posts
#lmao - 36 posts
#i love them - 34 posts
#eternals - 31 posts
#eternals spoilers - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i literally had to block someone who drew aos fanart because they made may daisy and elena look as white as jemma in everything they made
My Top Posts in 2022:
mi pedazo de sol
Summary: Sarah Carter-Rogers tries to keep her chin up as she returns back home to celebrate her parents' 25th wedding anniversary in the wake of her own personal turmoil.
A/N: Written for Steggy Week 2022 Day 5: Domestic Bliss, featuring family in all its forms, with a focus on one of Steve and Peggy's kids in particular.
While this work is part of the Stars' Verse, this can be read as a standalone story. All you need to know it's an alternate branch universe post-Endgame where Steve and Peggy had three children: Sarah, Isabel, and Nathaniel, who all inherited some of Steve's enhancements to varying extents.
Title taken from Tacones Rojos by Sebastián Yatra. It means "my piece of sun".
Shout out to @steggyfanevents for hosting this event!
Read on AO3
Steve walked into the bedroom after having brushed his teeth and washed his face, smiling at the sight on the bed. Peggy was dressed in one of his pyjama shirts (the worn out blue checkered one) and held a book in her hand that she was ignoring in favour of pursing her lips at an undetermined point just above their shared dresser.
“So… not a fan of Carrie?” Steve joked lightly as he approached the bed. He knew Peggy well enough to know that startling her - no matter how unwittingly - could be dangerous.
“Mm?” Peggy hummed, looking up at him before her eyes flicked to the book in her hand. “Oh, actually I’m afraid I haven’t started reading it yet.”
“That bad, huh?”
Peggy lightly smacked his chest as he settled into bed beside her, but shuffled over regardless, discarding the book carelessly on her nightstand in favour of curling up against him.
“I was just thinking about this weekend, our anniversary dinner.”
“Should I be worried that after 25 years you’re thinking this hard about our anniversary?”
“Only if you keep trying to be funny,” she quipped.
26 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Just One Thing (Chapter 8/8)
Chapter Title: All I want for Christmas
Chapter Summary: Peggy gets her wish (again). This time, she knows exactly what she needs to do.
Fic Summary: 16 year old Peggy Carter hates change. Change has only ever caused her trouble and made life harder. Which is why when one day, her best friend Steve confesses something that has the potential to change their dynamic forever, she makes a wish that she hopes will help her solve everything.
Because adults have everything figured out... Right?
A holiday version of 13 Going on 30 (more like 16 going on 36) Steggy Secret Santa ( @steggyfanevents​ ) present for @thesokovianaccords​. Inspired by the movie and this iconic AU gifset by @beautifulwhensarcastic
A/N: This ridiculously long final chapter/epilogue is brought to you by me not having any self-restraint whatsoever in terms of picking which scenes to keep and which to leave out, so consider this a director's cut-esque chapter. This was written with a lot of love for a super awesome person. Many thanks to Darcy for catching my mistakes and consistency errors.
Finally, Livia, happy belated holidays, and I really hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
Read Chapter 8 here
Read from the beginning on AO3
Chapter Preview:
December 2001
“And well… you’re my true north, Peggy.”
Peggy’s hands froze. Her hands, that were slimmer and smaller and that had glitter nail polish on her fingernails, not bright red. She slowly looked up from the compass. It was nighttime, but she was no longer on aunt Lizzy’s couch. She was outside, close to the football field of Midwood high school.
And Steve was here, right in front of her. But he wasn’t 6 feet tall with broad shoulders and he certainly didn’t have a beard. He was 16 again, wearing his blue suit and nervous smile. Looking just like he did when he…
“Steve what… what are you saying?” she whispered.
He took a deep breath, and brought his hands out of his pockets just for him to stuff them back in again.
“I love you, Peggy.” Steve confessed, his voice shaking slightly.
“What?” she breathed out.
“I love you,” he repeated. “I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since you punched Hodge on the first day of the first grade for picking on me.”
His words made Peggy want to cry tears of joy. She was back. It really worked and she was 16 again. This was her second chance. Slowly, her mouth grew into a large grin.
“Steve!” she squealed, tackling him into a huge hug.
Unfortunately for both of them, Peggy momentarily forgot that Steve no longer had the strength of giant muscles to support them both, especially since she caught him by surprise. The force of her hug had knocked Steve backwards, taking her along with him. They landed with a collective grunt, Peggy trying to readjust herself so she was hovering over Steve instead of crushing him beneath her.
“Ow,” he groaned, furrowing his eyebrows in pain.
“Sorry,” she said, looking down at him with a large smile.
“So is this your way of telling me I ruined everything or…?”
33 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
in silent screams and wildest dreams
Summary: Steve Rogers has been plagued by nightmares of death his entire life; his father’s and his mother’s, most of the time his own. Visions of blood and war and illness are the most prominent things in his life when he closes his eyes. At night he regularly dances with the Grim Reaper when she appears, flirting with countless outcomes of how his own demise will occur night after night.
Until he joins the army and meets Agent Carter.
Written for Steggy Week Day 2: Favourite Era, inspired by this ask from @thesokovianaccords and my love of war-time era Steggy.
Shout out to @steggyfanevents for hosting this event!
Read on AO3
Steve has been plagued by nightmares his entire life.
The night terrors began during his toddler years, and never left him as he got older. At first, the only part of his dreams that followed him into consciousness was a strong burning sensation in his eyes and on his skin, as though his entire body was on fire. Steve would wake up night after night shaking and gasping for air, never knowing the reason why. As he grew up, he was finally able to remember the images that haunted him ceaselessly.
It was visions of his father, who had died of mustard gas before Steve was even born. In these dreams Steve never heard a sound but he could smell the gas, see his father’s face as he inhaled the poisonous fumes.
Steve never told his ma the details of what he saw. She had enough to worry about without being concerned that Steve was having visions of his father’s death every night. He got better at hiding the fact that he was still having these nightmares - just enough that his ma thought that he finally grew out of them.
He kept a book under his pillow filled with sketches that he drew every morning when he woke up, trying to make sense of it all. Maybe if he understood them, they would stop.
But they never did.
36 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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1.1 - Fluff
Comforts of Home by @teaandatale
Quiet moments caring for each other at home are one of the luxuries that Steve and Peggy treasure as they move into a life together.
This is one of the softest fics I’ve read and I adore it
1.2 - Reread an Old Favourite
S’Wonderful, S’Marvelous by @teaandatale​
Peggy’s been dreading her company’s weeklong business retreat at an upstate ski lodge until she makes an unexpected acquaintance.
I don’t know what to say other than despite the fact that I don’t tend to read winter/Christmas fics outside of November-February, I reread this one at least three times a year and it never fails to bring me comfort even if it is the dead of summer
1.3 - Captain America Adventure Hour
That Swell Liberty Gal Carrying A Torch For You by Redrikki
Angie was sure that skinny Steve had been a real swell guy, but there was no way he'd been good enough for her Peggy.
A series of conversations makes her change her mind.
I am a huge fan of any fics where Angie realizes who Peggy’s lost soldier is, and this one is no exception
1.4 - Trauma
I knew nothing but shadows by @beautifulwhensarcastic
Children of Thanos aren't meant to care for the life they had before Father took them in. Neither Nomad nor Margaret remember much of Terra for it to matter anyway, or to feel any kind of connection between them. Truthfully, they'd sooner cut the other's throat than bond.
Nothing says trauma like being a child of Thanos. Justine layers the trauma - and subsequent healing - in a beautiful way. Featuring enemies to lovers
1.5 - Cohabitation
Someone to watch over me by rachellovesligers
Steve tries to distract himself while Peggy's on a mission, but he's there to take care of her when she returns.
Technically Steve and Peggy aren’t living together, but they’re at each other’s apartments enough that they may as well be
2.1 - Double Steve or Peggy
like the way you burn by @formerlyir / irony_rocks
Soulmate mark AU. Peggy thinks about the mark, the compass. She thinks about the providence behind its appearance alongside Project Rebirth. It's only the beginning to a series of events destined to change her life and the fate of the future.
See the full post
47 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Right Partner - Steggy Netflix Series
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See the full post
221 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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cxptaincxrter · 2 years
-domestic fluff for steggy (other ships are fine)
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steverogersnotebook · 2 years
Hi there! your steggy secret santa here - not sure if you got my first message, but thought I'd try again just in case :D I'm so excited to get started on your gift (steggy season is my favorite season, after all) and I wanted to ask - in addition to your letter - if there's anything particular you'd like to see in your gift! what are your favorite steggy moments? do you have any favorite head canons about them? any preferences for time period (40s, modern day, AUs, some combination thereof)?
I'm so sorry I slept on your asks! I struggle with asks on mobile.
My favorite moments are when they are appreciative of the others' competencies.
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I'm not choosy regarding time period, I do have a soft spot for the idea of Steve and Peggy returning to post endgame present. I'm also fond of Steve going back as long as they don't turn a blind eye to the things Steve knows. How could they and be who they are?
The work can definitely be domestic Steggy with the above considerations. It doesn't have to be mission related, but it can be if that's your thing. 😉
Thanks for participating, I look forward to seeing what you create 😀. Apologies again for the delay.
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roboticonography · 2 years
Fic: A New Name For Everything (1/7)
Title: A New Name For Everything
Relationship: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers
Rating: M
Word count: Approximately 15K
Work summary: Officially, Steve and Peggy are in New York for their honeymoon; unofficially, they are faking photos and forging documents to establish Steve’s new backstory. But there’s also a third, secret reason for the trip.
It’s hard to plan a surprise for a man who’s already seen the future, but if anyone can pull it off, it’s Peggy Carter.
Dear @somewhereapart, I’m your 2022 Steggy Secret Santa!
You wanted to see some of Steve and Peggy’s life together post-Endgame, with an emphasis on domestic and mundane. I’ve tried to deliver that, with a small amount of plot sprinkled on top for added interest.
You also expressed your preference for “spicy romance,” so there’s a little of that too. The story will eventually earn its M rating, though this first chapter is a bit of a tease in that respect.
This story got away from me a little bit, as so many stories do. I anticipate there will be seven chapters. In the interest of meeting the deadline, I'm posting the first one now, with the others to follow in (hopefully) short order.
Happy slightly belated holidays!
Read this chapter (AO3)
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