quiltofstars · 6 months
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M58 // DoubleStarPhotography
One of the brighter members of the Virgo Cluster, M58 is a barred spiral galaxy. In other words, it is a spiral galaxy, but instead of a spherical bulge at its center, it has a bar-shaped structure at its center. About two-thirds of all spiral galaxies in the local universe have bars, including (perhaps) our own Milky Way.
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m58 · 5 months
two from Rebecca M. Ross
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x = traumatic event (past + present) / life: A Math Problem
Solve for x, in which x equals generalized anxiety  unexpressed rage a sum greater than zero  words disguised as symbols disguised as words disguised  yes, where yes = every people pleaser in search of validation a field left blank unsolved or unresolved
Solve for x, in which x equals the secret scars of mental self-harm born from centuries of abuse, the gaping chasm  of a million mutilations  so vast  so wide so deep that whole generations are lost to its depths
Solve for x, in which x equals  every insult every slight  every egregious violation of trust  Let x equal a variable so variable that there are no known solutions only parallel possibilities traveling side by side, never crossing paths.
Rebecca M. Ross is a Brooklyn native living and teaching in New York’s Hudson Valley, where she experiences things like trees, mountains, and easy parking. Her work has been published in The Medical Literary Messenger, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, The Voices Project, and elsewhere, and she has work forthcoming in the Dissent Anthology. Rebecca has a BFA in creative writing and an MA in English from Brooklyn College.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
Big Bang
The American M58 MICLIC demining system in action in Ukraine.
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molfarua · 1 year
💥 The Ukrainian military is already using the American M58 MICLIC demining installations. This system uses a rocket-type linear explosive charge and provides a strip of 8 by 100 meters
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theverumproject · 1 month
AITA Tag Game!
Guess who's been gone for another two weeks (ig) again? Woopsie...
Thank you for the tag @illarian-rambling, I have never done this one before, looks like fun!
I think I'm gonna do this one for Dethra, will contain spoilers for the first part of my WIP Verum II: The Robotic Era.
Rules: write an am i the asshole post as if you are a character from your wip.
CW: Mentions death, torture, violence
AITA for killing a man in front of an audience because he was the owner of a death ring? (And for wanting to traumatize a bunch of rich snobs)
I (M58) am a pretty famous person, you might know me as Dethra, the big scary robot from the organisation Hemalog. I'm one of the leaders.
So the other day, me, my friend Luce (F69) and our teams (alpha and beta this time) were paying a visit to another death ring. As you might know, if you regularly catch up with the news, we get rid of them. In other words, we more often than not slaughter people like pigs. (Which is not an entirely bad thing btw). We do it for the good of other people. Imagine if your friend or partner got kidnapped one day, was forced to fight to death against another person and sooner or later was killed. You wouldn't like that, would you?
Well, we don't either.
So, that day I stepped into that ring, told the two robots who were forced to fight to stop and leave. Then this small little rich ugly bastard came up to me and poked me with his gross finger. I recognized him as the owner of that filthy place, so I didn't make it a long process. I grabbed his head and slowly closed my hand around him until his head popped. Of course the audience, that was just watching robots, people, fight to their death, was forced to watch it all. Moments ago they were just laughing and cheering, and suddenly they were crying and begging. Really gave them a taste of their own medicine. (We kept them alive btw, we don't just kill everybody).
So, am I the asshole?
Tags: @teamarine777 + open tag!
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Ukrainian M1224 MaxxPro MRAP obliterated by the detonation of approximately 1750 lbs of explosive in the M58 MICLIC it was towing, early 2024
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fragilepeach · 12 days
AITA if i (m58 eunuch) attempt to poison my liege lord (m30 noble) because i have fallen under the bewitchment of his concubine (f22 previously common)
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majimemegoro · 10 months
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OCs as obscure references—I was tagged by @watasemasaru, thanks ! I shall tag (no pressure) @lordonisyr, @skygayzer, anyone else with yakuza OC who would like to do it (seriously!)
ANIMAL: coyote
COLORS: acid green and dark phthalo green; dark and medium blues; teal; red
MONTH: january maybe?
SONGS: it ain't necessarily so, alexander string quartet | i can't decide, scissor sisters | can you hear it, aviators | all the good girls go to hell, billie eilish | my ordinary life, the living tombstone | villainous thing, shayfer james | valentine, texas, mitski
NUMBER: 1967
PLANTS: pine trees
SMELLS: coffee, liquorice, cigarettes; gun oil, blood
GEMSTONE: emerald
TIME OF DAY: evening
SEASON: winter
PLACES: sapporo
FOOD: lamb barbeque, ramen, steak; blackberry crumble
DRINKS: absinthe; whiskey; hot tarmac; etc.
ELEMENT: water maybe
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: gemini❂ scoripo ❍ virgo↑ (apparently) 
SEASONINGS: salt? anise?
SKY: grey and snowy
WEATHER: also grey and snowy
MAGICAL POWER: suggestion 
WEAPONS: bowie knife; S&W M58; silver desert eagle pistol
SOCIAL MEDIA: official company social media only; he doesn't manage or look at them. he's old.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: aftershave I guess, if that counts 
CANDY: black liquorice, fruity lollipops
ART STYLE: not to be boring but maybe leyendecker
FEAR: dogs; intimacy
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: itsuki (hanged ghost)
PIECE OF STATIONARY: pocket calendar maybe??
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for hating my coworkers?
Ok so I know the title is bad but hear me out. I (56 M) work for a very prestigious scientific foundation, as I have for over the past 20 or so years. I, like all of my coworkers, have some sort of doctorate. Mine’s in pharmacology. Despite that, I don’t think I’ve been called “doctor” once since I’ve gotten here, always nicknames or insults. Often they’re digs at my weight, appearance, or intelligence. It’s kind of my fault, though.
I have really really bad luck. Until recently I thought that it rubbed off on others, so I made an active effort to put distance between me and my coworkers. I sat alone at lunch, was standoffish and mean, the whole nine yards. But then I learned that thay wasn’t how my bad luck worked. Somehow, my bad luck makes everyone around me have good luck. So I’ve been trying to fix my relationships.
I’ve not been making good progress. I have one friend, B, (M30), who’s stuck around me even before I knew how my luck worked. He’s a wonderful guy, but his girlfriend kind of hates me.
Then there’s my coworkers. H (M58) is constantly pranking me like we’re in fucking middle school, even after I’ve started to try to make a change for the better. Recently, H set me up for a prank that got me punched in the face. Nobody else likes me either.
Long story short, trying to be friends with these people is humiliating and exhausting. They’re all in a really tight group that I’m always on the outskirts of, unless I’m being made the butt of the joke. We hang out and spend time together sometimes, but it always feels like I’m the odd one out. Or that they’re watching me, waiting for the universe to cause something hilarious to happen.
Then it struck me: I don’t want to be friends with these people. They’ve spent the last 20 or so years tormenting me. Yeah, I was a dick, but that was for their safety and really I don’t think being a bit boorish deserves the type of harassment I was getting. This whole time, they’ve been mooching off the good luck I’ve been pumping out! I can’t stand it, it’s making me worked up just thinking about it. I don’t know. They’re all so successful and knowing that I could’ve had a hand in that success without even knowing about it pisses me off. The fact I’m not successful myself pisses me off even more.
Even then, it’s my fault— I spent my entire life with a victim mentality because I thought the universe was actively against me (I mean it was and still is but I could’ve tried harder) and pushed the people around me away to try to keep them “safe”. My coworkers don’t deserve me hating them. I’m just reaping what I’ve sown.
So, Tumblr, AITA?
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AITA for locking up my addicted brother to force him to detox?
So I (30M) recently found out that my brother (26M) is an addict. Honestly he’d been acting weird for a while, normally we share everything with each other, but he was being cagey and keeping secrets, and he’s been in a relationship with this girl (???F) that I hate who I found out is also his dealer that got him hooked on the stuff. So I called up our friend (M58) and we tricked him into a room where we locked him up to force him to detox. He just needs to get it out of his system, and I can’t trust him to make choices on his own anymore. It’s not him anymore. He’s been screaming a lot ever since we shut him in there, I think he might be hallucinating from the withdrawal. My friend is worried that it could kill him, but I won’t give him the drugs even if it does. I won’t let him do this to himself anymore. My friend is very unhappy with me. AITA?
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quiltofstars · 6 months
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M58 // CrestwoodSky
M58 has the distinction of being the most distant object in Messier's catalog, being about 62 million light years away. Although you can see its star-forming spiral arms clearly in this image, it is a relatively anemic galaxy with a low rate of star formation. This is likely caused by its interaction with the surrounding intracluster medium, the gas that fills the space between galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.
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m58 · 8 months
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New work by Volodymyr Bilyk 
Volodymyr Bilyk is a poet from Ukraine. He's doing art stuff when not going back and forth to the bomb shelter. Second edition of his book Roadrage is available at Zimzalla. Gerry Ha Ha is available at Timglaset, Detournement Crusade is available at Redfoxpress.
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markeduke · 3 months
All About Harmonizing Countryside Charm with Modern Living Comforts
At Prospect Homes Burscough, our commitment lies in crafting superior residences that seamlessly blend aesthetic appeal with everyday comfort. Enter Bridgemere Burscough, an enclave of executive homes boasting three and four bedrooms, nestled within the serene West Lancashire countryside. Positioned adjacent to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and embraced by verdant farmland on the outskirts of Burscough, Bridgemere exudes a vibrant ecosystem teeming with local wildlife. Here, residents are greeted by the tranquil ambiance punctuated by the clucking of moorhens, the melodious chirping of songbirds, and the gentle hum of passing barges.
Despite its idyllic rural setting, new builds burscough maintains convenient connectivity to urban amenities such as shops, schools, and major roadways, epitomizing modern living at its finest. New homes burscough offers the allure of countryside living without compromising proximity to essential services, delivering the best of both worlds to its residents.
Bridgemere new build homes burscough presents an unparalleled opportunity for those yearning for a harmonious blend of natural splendor and contemporary convenience. Let’s delve into what renders this community an appealing haven for the owners of new homes in burscough.
Nestled amidst the West Lancashire countryside, Bridgemere, property for sale burscough offers residents breathtaking vistas and an unparalleled sense of tranquility. Homes to buy burscough Surrounded by lush greenery and rolling landscapes, Homes to buy in burscough serves as an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life, allowing residents to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.
The proximity to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and the abundance of farmland create a haven for diverse wildlife, from vibrant butterflies fluttering in the breeze to graceful swans gliding across the water. House for sale in burscough Bridgemere fosters an environment where nature enthusiasts can revel in the wonders of the natural world.
Prospect Homes Burscough prides itself on crafting residences that seamlessly integrate with their natural surroundings while providing modern comforts. The new builds in Burscough, including those in Bridgemere, feature contemporary architecture, spacious interiors, and high-quality finishes, ensuring a luxurious living experience for residents.
Thoughtful community planning lies at the heart of Bridgemere’s design, fostering a sense of belonging while respecting individual privacy. Well-manicured green spaces, walking trails, and communal areas encourage neighborly interaction, cultivating a tight-knit community atmosphere.
Despite its rural setting, Bridgemere offers easy access to essential amenities, including shops, schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational areas. For those seeking property for sale in Burscough or new homes to buy, Bridgemere presents an enticing option, blending countryside serenity with modern convenience.
Situated in close proximity to major roadways such as the M6 and M58 motorways, Bridgemere ensures seamless connectivity to nearby towns and cities homes for sale Ormskirk, Liverpool, and Manchester. Commuters can effortlessly access urban centers for work or leisure, enhancing the community’s appeal.
With a selection of three and four-bedroom homes, Bridgemere caters to families of all sizes. The community is designed with families in mind, offering safe play areas, schools, and recreational facilities nearby, fostering a family-friendly environment.
The combination of Bridgemere’s idyllic location, modern amenities, and strong community appeal makes it an attractive investment opportunity. Whether as a primary residence or a rental property, homes in Bridgemere are poised for long-term value appreciation.
Above all, Bridgemere offers residents a superior quality of life, characterized by clean air, tranquil surroundings, and a sense of belonging within a close-knit community. Bridgemere epitomizes the perfect fusion of countryside charm and modern living, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle where nature meets luxury in Burscough and Ormskirk. For those considering homes for sale in Ormskirk or houses in Ormskirk to buy, Bridgemere’s allure extends to those seeking a tranquil yet connected living experience.
Bridgemere epitomizes the perfect fusion of countryside charm and modern living, offering residents an exceptional lifestyle where nature meets luxury in Burscough and Ormskirk. For those considering homes for sale in Ormskirk or properties to buy in Ormskirk, Bridgemere presents an enticing option. With its idyllic surroundings, modern amenities, and strong sense of community, Bridgemere promises a superior quality of life for homeowners. Whether seeking a peaceful retreat from city life or an investment opportunity with long-term value appreciation, Bridgemere by Prospect Homes Burscough stands as a testament to excellence in residential living. Experience the best of both worlds at Bridgemere, where every moment is an opportunity to embrace the tranquility of the countryside while enjoying the conveniences of modern living.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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cronicasdeazur · 3 months
M58 - Centinela - Esqueleto gigante
[Komodoro] [Calandria] [Otoño] [1.519] [Gran cacería]
El gran Adam ha escrito desde Calandria solicitando la ayuda del Gremio una vez más. Luego de la aniquilación de los cultistas todo ha estado algo intranquilo en el bosque de Illinali.
Un esqueleto gigante, rodeado de una gran matanza de cuervos, erra el bosque, y no ha sido posible detenerle.
La misión es localizarlo y destruirlo
Publicada: L133 de 1.519
Se necesita: Aventureros capaces de hacer frente esta amenaza.
(Requisito: Religion o Lore adecuado T, Survival T)
150 oros a repartir entre el grupo al regresar además del tesoro de la criatura.”
Fecha de inicio en juego 18 de Mayo
Fecha de término en juego 27 de Mayo
Quint Salts (Sargento) Porthos Fogueiro
Kio Whiteleaf
Descubrimientos y Tesoros extraordinarios
Mirlo, un niño capaz de manifestar una entidad supernatural.
Éxito. Pero queda pendiente asegurar el “sello del vestigio del titán”
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29 de Mayo de 1519. Bertus. Cospidia.
Escribo este relato por orden de los oficiales del Gremio de Azur, para que quede registro de lo acontecido, para que sus miembros sepan a lo que se enfrentan, y para que trovadores, juglares, cantores, poetas, y bardos relaten lo sucedido si lo estiman suficientemente digno.
Invitado por Komodoro para poner mis habilidades de caza de bestias en uso mientras me encuentro sin acceso a la mar, decidí unirme al Azur y liderar una partida en una de las misiones que el dromaar había publicado. Aquí transcribo una copia:
“133 de 1519
El gran Adam ha escrito desde Calandria solicitando la ayuda del Gremio una vez más. Luego de la aniquilación de los cultistas todo ha estado algo intranquilo en el bosque de Illinali.
Un esqueleto gigante, rodeado de una gran matanza de cuervos, erra el bosque, y no ha sido posible detenerle.
La misión es localizarlo y destruirlo”
Así, me sonrió la fortuna y de manera providencial un grupo de aventureros del gremio decidió unírseme. El día 18 de Mayo nos juntamos en los salones del Azur: Porthos Fogueiro, un fornido humano phytokinetista; Agnediv, un intenso humano hechicero; Kio Whiteleaf, un cordial leshy druida; y Bik, un entusiasta kobold pícaro.
Luego de cumplir las formalidades antes de emprender con la caza, nos dirigimos a pie al pueblo de Calandria. Llegamos allí el día 19, y en el lugar nos recibió con inmensa cordialidad en su posada el gran Adam. Al parecer, el hombre tiene buenos tratos con el gremio, y nos hospedó y alimentó sin cargos.
Adam, quien había escrito la solicitud de ayuda, nos dio indicaciones de los que nos esperaba en el bosque, y nos comentó sus sospechas de las causas del acontecimiento. Nuestro gremio, el Azur, habría lidiado hace unas temporadas con una amenaza de no-muertos en la zona, e inscribieron un sello sobre el vestigio del titán para prevenir que se alzaran de nuevo. La sospecha de Adam era que este sortilegio se pudo haber mancillado.
Nuestro grupo no tuvo la oportunidad de corroborar esta sospecha, y espero que el gremio destine recursos para asegurar que el sello siga ahí.
El día 20 emprendimos nuestro viaje a las profundidades del bosque de Illinali. En los lindes, Kio consultó a un hongo sobre direcciones y peligros. El hongo, por su parte, le indicó peligro hacia el sur-este de donde nos encontrábamos. Quiero hacer énfasis, para aquellos que han tenido la fortuna de conocer a un leshy, que este no era un hongo sintiente. El hongo que nos dio direcciones era un hongo común y corriente que crece en ese bosque. Este no sería el último acto maravilloso que uno de los miembros del Azur produciría en este viaje.
Al adentrarnos al bosque, pudimos encontrar un rastro a partir de lo que parecía un claro. En el lugar se encontraban los restos de un cervatillo que sufrió de innumerables marcas de picotazos, y a partir de este hito pudimos rastrear a nuestra presa. Agnediv sugirió exhumar el cuerpo, en lugar de dejarlo a la intemperie y que fuera consumido por el resto de la naturaleza de la región. Un pedido razonable, considerando que su muerte podría ser de origen menos que natural. Agnediv procedió a inmolar los restos hasta dejarlos carbonizados.
Un par de horas avanzado el día, navegando el bosque y siguiendo el rastro, al fin tuvimos el encuentro con nuestra presa. Un gigantesco ser esquelético, de cráneo astado, blandiendo una inmensa alabarda, y brillando con luz preternatural en su interior, acompañado de tres esqueletos animados y armados, y una bandada de cuervos (que descubriríamos después que también estaban en estado de muerte animada).
Intentamos tener un plan, ubicarnos de manera ventajosa, y actuar de acuerdo a lo que sabíamos de nuestra presa. Fuimos sobrellevados rápidamente. Los cuervos en bandada picotearon a Kio y Bik. El enorme esqueleto nos derribó de un solo vaivén a Porthos y a mí. No fue sino Agnediv, luego de un intento fallido de derribar al esqueleto con fuego (cabe notar que los no-muertos esqueléticos son resistentes a esta energía), quien en una explosión de energía vital desmoronó a los esqueletos guerreros, al gigante, a gran parte de la bandada de cuervos, y de paso revitalizó al resto del grupo. Kio terminó el trabajo con una hondonada de energía vital similar.
Bik y Agnediv reportaron que al desmoronarse nuestra inmensa presa, un extraño jirón pareció escaparse del interior, y si bien los restos de los guerreros y los cuervos se encontraban inanimados en el campo de batalla, los del gigante no estaban por ningún lado.
Sin pruebas de haber tenido éxito, y con el ímpetu de completar el trabajo que se nos encomendó, nos adentramos aún más en este bosque, siguiendo la dirección hacia donde la extraña aparición escapó.
Acampamos en este territorio salvaje, y al día siguiente pudimos encontrar un nuevo rastro de lo que sospechábamos era nuestra presa. Nos dirigimos hacia el noroeste, donde encontramos un escueto cementerio ubicado en un amplio claro. En el centro, una colina de cima llana, y en esta una simple construcción de piedra, sin signos ni emblemas.
Al llegar a la cima de la colina, era palpable la sensación del terreno sacramentado, y la simple construcción resultó ser una capilla a Loetza.
En el interior de la capilla, habitaba un niño. El chico parecía haber estado viviendo por su cuenta en el lugar por un tiempo considerable. Cuando entramos, intentó disuadirnos, alegando que no se iría con nadie que viniera a buscarlo. Evidentemente famélico y magullado, le ofrecimos de nuestras raciones, y accedió a entablar una conversación con nosotros.
Mirlo, el nombre del niño, habría sido criado en un culto de nigromantes que fue despachado hace un tiempo por el gremio. Por esto, Mirlo los resentía. El niño fue adoctrinado en estas oscuras artes, y no solo le dijeron que poseía un talento para la nigromancia, sino que era lo único para lo que sería bueno.
Con un poco de compasión, y al descubrir que Loetza misma cuidaba del chico en este lugar, logramos convencerlo de que su destino no tenía por qué ser el camino del nigromante, y que podíamos ayudarlo a encontrar una mejor vida, si nos acompañaba.
Si bien Mirlo accedió, nos dejó saber que este lugar era el único donde un “centinela” no lo seguía, y que si dejaba la capilla, tendríamos que protegerlo de esta entidad. Viendo que nosotros aún teníamos que hacernos cargo de nuestra presa, no nos pareció ideal andar viajando con un niño, menos en el estado en el que estaba, y menos al peligro que nos enfrentaríamos. Cuando le sugerimos a Mirlo que nos esperara en la capilla, el niño se ofuscó y salió corriendo hacia el exterior.
En el instante que Mirlo dejó los confines consagrados, se materializó el “centinela” listo para hacerse del chico: un gigantesco ser esquelético, de cráneo astado, blandiendo una inmensa alabarda, y brillando con luz preternatural en su interior. ¡Nuestra presa!
Mientras nos enfrentábamos al enorme esqueleto, además de poner en juego las habilidades de cada miembro del grupo, nos dimos cuenta de que Mirlo blandía algunos sortilegios, pero estos le provocaban profundas heridas, y que de alguna manera estaba conectado al centinela. Luego de un intenso combate, pudimos derrotar de una vez por todas al gigante. Lo que creíamos fuera su espíritu, rápidamente se albergó en un medallón que el chico portaba, y cuando lo llevamos a la zona consagrada, el medallón se fracturó. Creemos que esto fue suficiente para hacernos cargo del centinela.
Finalmente, emprendimos viaje de vuelta a Calandria, y Mirlo accedió a albergarse con el gran Adam, junto con nosotros. Arribamos a su posada el día 21. Debido a su conexión con Loetza, decidimos escribirle a Sor Tábata Bild para que guiara al chico, y nos aconsejara de cuando y cuánto sería prudente informar al Gremio de Azur de lo acontecido, considerando que fue el Azur quien habría dejado al chico en estas circunstancias.
El día 25 de Mayo Sor Tábata arribó a Calandria, y el resto del grupo y yo retornamos de nuestra exitosa misión a los salones del gremio en Bertus el día 27.
Sin más anexos ni particulares.
— Quint Salts. Halfling, Taumaturgo.
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Footage of Ukrainian soldiers using an US donated M58 MICLIC for a demining operation
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bcgel · 5 months
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OPI Nail Polish - Inni Minnie Mightie Bow (NL M58) 15ml - £8.95 -- https://www.bcgel.co.uk/product/opi-nail-polish-inni-minnie-mightie-bow-nl-m58-15ml/?feed_id=1993&_unique_id=6628debb170e9
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