#mad duck posters
omercifulheaves · 8 months
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Robocop (1987) Art by Saniose and Mad Duck Posters
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geekynerfherder · 1 month
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'Unforgiven' by Adam Rabalais.
Officially licensed 36" x 24" screen print, in a numbered Regular edition of 100 for $85; and a numbered Variant edition of 50 for $105.
On sale now through Mad Duck Posters.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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Mad Duck Posters has released Alfred Hitchcock 18x24 screen prints by Paul Mann. The standard color version is limited to 200 for $75. Silver and gold variants, limited to 55 each, cost $95.
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churtei · 1 month
Collab with @dalunkaa
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Unforgiven (1992) by Adam Rabalais
Mad Duck Posters
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He-man & She-Ra: A Christmas Special by Dave Perillo
Regular and variant editions available at Mad Duck Posters
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acmeoop · 1 year
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“Mad Hatter” Signed Poster (1990s)
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cinema-hallucinations · 2 months
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Prompt: rubber ducking is the process of explaining one's problems to a rubber duck in the hope that it will reveal a solution to the problem. Write a movie concept about a programmer whose rubber duckie start talking back to him.
Title: Computer Quackery
Tagline: How do you debug reality?
Logline: A burnt-out programmer named Elliot relies on his rubber duckie, Ducky, for brainstorming solutions. But when Ducky starts talking back with insightful advice, the line between reality and Elliot's fractured psyche begins to blur, forcing him to confront his inner demons and debug not just his code, but his own life.
Elliot Vance: A brilliant but jaded programmer, drowning in self-doubt and anxiety. He uses a rubber duckie named Ducky as a way to verbalize his coding problems, a technique known as "rubber ducking."
Ducky (Voice Only): Elliot's seemingly sentient rubber duckie. Ducky offers surprisingly insightful advice on coding and life, but his existence remains ambiguous.
Dr. Ramirez: A compassionate psychiatrist specializing in tech addiction and stress. She tries to help Elliot discern reality from delusion.
Ava: A brilliant and optimistic fellow programmer at Elliot's company. She becomes his confidante and a potential romantic interest.
Elliot Vance is a coding prodigy whose brilliance is overshadowed by his crippling self-doubt and social anxiety. His only outlet is his rubber duckie, Ducky, to whom he verbalizes his coding problems.
One night, after a particularly frustrating debugging session, Elliot hears Ducky's voice for the first time. Ducky offers a witty and insightful solution to the coding issue, sparking a series of conversations that blur the lines between reality and delusion.
Ducky's advice transcends coding and starts delving into Elliot's personal life. He encourages Elliot to connect with his co-worker, Ava, and seek help from Dr. Ramirez, a psychiatrist specializing in tech stress and addiction.
Dr. Ramirez suspects Elliot may be experiencing a form of psychosis brought on by his social isolation and reliance on technology. She encourages him to engage with the real world, but Elliot clings to Ducky's guidance.
As the lines between reality and Elliot's perceived conversations with Ducky become even more blurred, the consequences grow darker. Ducky's advice becomes increasingly erratic, leading Elliot to question his friendships, his career, and even his own sanity.
He isolates himself from Ava, suspicious of her intentions. He neglects his projects at work, unable to differentiate between Ducky's "insights" and reality. The climax involves a near-disastrous event at work caused by Elliot's erratic behavior, forcing him to confront Dr. Ramirez and his own mental state.
Is it Real?
The movie carefully avoids confirming whether Ducky is actually talking or a manifestation of Elliot's subconscious. This ambiguity fuels the suspense and leaves viewers questioning reality alongside Elliot.
The importance of human connection in a technology-driven world.
The dangers of social isolation and the thin line between creativity and delusion.
Confronting one's inner demons and finding solutions within yourself.
Ending Scene:
In the final scene, Elliot finds himself back at his coding desk. Ducky sits on the desk, silent. Elliot hesitates, then begins talking through his problem, as if to a confidante. He pauses, then a smile breaks across his face as he seems to find the solution himself. He turns to the camera, breaking the fourth wall, and says, "See, Ducky? I told you I could get it." Whether Ducky ever really spoke remains a mystery, but Elliot seems to have found a way to navigate his reality, with or without a talking rubber duck by his side.
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zedleaked · 13 days
You are literally THE davebuck poster my day is instantly better whenever I see any of your posts I love your art I love your headcanons please never stop 🙏
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ravenclawfromohio · 2 years
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Sneaking Around (Bill Weasley)
You and Bill have been together for a while now, but still, sneaking into each other’s rooms is never easy.
I cringe as the stair creaks under my weight.
After a few seconds and no movement, I deem it safe to open one eye. Then another.
Quietly, and even more carefully now, I make my way up the stairs of the burrow until I come to the 2nd to last floor.
Above me lies the attic, and I can just make out the sounds of Ron snoring through the thin walls.
God bless you Harry, I think to myself. I can’t imagine having to fall asleep listening to all that ruckus.
The door lets out a little creak even as I attempt to open it as gently as possible.
It’s like entering a blast from the past. Vintage posters line the walls. In the corner stands an old dresser, and in the center of the room, underneath the only window, lies a small twin bed. A red checkers blanket lies rumpled, the lump in the bed moving upon hearing my entrance.
Bill peeks out from underneath the comforter, then moves up, allowing the blanket to fall lower, exposing his well-toned abs to me.
He leans back on one hand, the other coming up to rub his eyes.
I move closer, sharing a secret smile with him as he scoots back and lifts the blanket. It’s a quiet invitation that I have no qualm in taking.
‘Well this is a nice surprise,’ he whispers, pecking my temple affectionately. ‘I didn’t expect for you to take my suggestions so literally.’
I take my time answering, instead choosing to meet him halfway in a kiss as my hands massage down his chest.
‘And are you mad about it?’
‘Mad? How could I be mad?’
I chuckle softly as he moves to kiss down my neck, starting at my ear and stopping just short of my collarbone.
But we freeze when a loud thump sounds from below.
Images flash through my head. Visions of a screeching Molly Weasley coming at me in her nightgown, wielding a ladle and going on and on about propriety.
It feels like hours, but could really only be seconds, as we wait with bated breath. Then, we both deflate, the tension seeping from our bones as our strained ears are met with nothing but silence.
Then we settle down. The night is full of barely-there kisses, soft touches, and gentle caresses of any visible skin.
That's how I fall asleep, snuggled so close I'm nearly on top of him, his scent invading my nose from where my head's tucked securely in the nape of his neck.
‘Well, well, well, what do we have here?’
The voices are identical, and I groan as I blink blearily at them.
The twins.
Urgh. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder why exactly it is they’ve chosen to bother me so early in the morning.
That is until the pillow I’m lying on moves, and the arm slung over my waist tights, forcing me to snuggle further into Bill’s warm body. Bill’s warm body?
I shoot up at the realization, smacking Bill awake and snatching the blanket up to cover me in the process.
He shoots up behind me, hands coming to rest on my waist as he shoots daggers at his brothers.
‘Who let you two in here? And where the hell’s Charlie? He was supposed to watch the door.’
Charlie suddenly appears at the door, out of breath and panting.
‘Sorry guys, I tried, I really did.’
‘So,’ one of the twins starts, drawing out the word as he wriggles his eyebrows at me.
‘How long has this been going on?’
‘Just started,’ I say, at the same time Bill says ‘two years.’
‘Two years!’ The twins ask, jaws dropping. ‘But you were still in Hogwarts then?’
‘No, that’s great. We’re happy for you guys.’
They turn as another shriek from Molly bellows up from the kitchen below.
‘Can’t believe Bill’s secret is that he’s been sneaking girls into his room.’
‘Oi,’ Bill yells, throwing a baseball hat at the twins as they duck for cover.
‘It’s only one girl!’
Click here to send in a request!
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misterspectacular · 9 months
Official Megamind Merchandise, Part 1
People wanted to see a list of official Mega-Merch, so I figured I'd share what I've got! Sadly Tumblr only allows 30 images per post so I'm going to have to break it up until multiple posts. I'm going to reblog this post with the continuation.
Megamind (movie) - This comes with the Blu-Ray, Behind the Scenes and Button of Doom
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Megamind Wii Game - Mega Team Unite
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Megamind PS3 game - Ultimate Showdown
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Megamind tote bag - movie promotion collectible
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Megamind door hangers (they were being sold in a theater in Brussels)
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Megamind Halloween bag
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Megamind balloon
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Megamind LED lights
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Megamind cap - promotional item
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Megamind McDonald's display
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Megamind licensed screen print poster - limited edition (Mad Duck Posters)
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Megamind lobby cards (French - I got these rather than the American ones because there are only 4 American Lobby cards and none of them feature Roxanne)
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Megamind Movie Mylar
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Megamind Checkers Game (Hardee's Toys)
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Megamind wristband (Hardee's Toys)
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Megamind Hero Meter (Hardee's Toys)
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Megamind Hardee's Food/Toy bag
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Megamind magazine ad
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Megamind Intel pin
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Roxanne McDonald's Toy (available only in Australia)
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Megamind miniature standee (thanks Sepphy)
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Megamind Light-Up Brainbot (UK McDonald's Toy)
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Megamind - The Novel
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Megamind MadLibs
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Megamind French Novel
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Megamind promotional tattoos
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Megamind promotional stickers
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Megamind 3D movie guide
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(I'll reblog with part 2)
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thelovelybitten · 6 months
more loonatics headcanons / shenanigans...
i've been on such a binge watch of lu that I just need to post abt it okay leave me alone
BUT I'VE NOTICED THINGS !!! (this is s2 ep4) !! you kind of get an insight of what they all like to do and things they enjoy with these bedroom stills.
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obviously: likes carrots, cute lil bunny.
i couldn't zoom in enough to see what's on his monitor but you know he likes to watch shows before bed. relatable content.
the fact he's got two side tables as well gives me eating in his bed vibes but also he'd be clean abt it. i also think he'd be a big comic book reader. not sure what, but he would be. I'll let y'all decide.
speaking on that, there's a shelf with books on the far right so yeah. i think he'd also read manga bc of his anime complex. he may also keep some sort of CDs ? maybe vinyls ???
i know this man keeps katanas and a dartboard in his room.
he's a snowboarder !!!! THAT'S SO COOL. he must be a god bc this man is AGILE.
he's got a skyline view PHEWWWWW rich ass mf
also. an aquarium on his right (our left) which is so fun I wonder what kinds of marine life they'd keep!!!
I'm also not sure what the compartment behind his head is for but I think its a closed-off bookshelf or space for his knick-knacks. i also see a fireplace too but idk how logical that is lol
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NOW WHY SHE SLEEPING IN A HAMMOCK WHEN THE GIRLIE COULD HAVE A QUEEN SIZED BED ??? she's quirky like that ig. whatever makes her comfy. (I know she'd upgrade, I just know. just bc she can sleep anywhere doesn't mean she's always comfortable.)
a phone/pager by her bed is so real
she's a SKIIER AND A SURFER. WHAT CAN'T SHE DO. (seasickness who)
cabinet obvi for storage, idk why she'd have anything important in there besides old childhood items it's so high up???
lower shelves are for books and things maybe. or video games.
opposing skyline views so iconic... i know she takes mad insta pictures (or duck takes them) to get good sunset shots
i believe the items on the table are her laptop, a makeup bag andddd maybe a clutch purse? just a guess bc they're so tiny.
laptop makes sense. it'd be hard but she could still try to get an education on the side??? lots of work for a girl but she's a boss like that.
makeup for obvious reasons
clutch purse for nights out
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I remember sumth abt that cylinder thingy on the left but I can't remember what it's for yet. will update when the ep comes.
MANS IS AN INTELLECTUAL !! those are all comic books (like ace, they bond) and language workbooks.
the poster of pizza is SO REAL OF HIM
there's a teeny tiny chute beside his door and I wonder what it's for. maybe it's a scanner? idk
light above his head is also...a choice.
i'd like to think that the things at the end of his bed are air purifiers and that slam has some sort of breathing issue when he goes to sleep. maybe he grinds his jaw or is a mouth breather;;;
computer for gaming tings and other endeavours
i know this man doesn't have a WHOLE ASS DRUMSTICK IN HIS BED. but makes sense. he totally eats in bed BUT IS MESSY ABT IT. duck and lexi HATE IT IT'S NASTY HAHAH they ask him to switch his sheets and vacuum almost everyday
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but like ace, he also has a tv by his bed I know he and lexi would watch romcoms together
K-DRAMAS???? SPECIFICALLY SINGLES INFERNO (only bc s3 just came out, it's on the brain) duck just boasts abt how he's better looking than all of the other males while lexi is very much about the relationships/drama
his little peek-a-boo window behind his head is so cute :"))))
I have no god damn clue what that thing is beside him on the left but I'm sure it's important
but he wears headphones to sleep !!! must need white noise or rain to sleep
control panel for his lights and other digitally controlled shit in his room
THIS MAN HAS SO MANY MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ABOUT HIMSELF AND THE LOONATICS (but only bc he is in them, thank yew) I also think he'd carry a lot of fashion magazines too. things that are in. the second a fad ends he's done w it
I'm assuming this is an arcade game setup, but i think he'd love Mario kart :) him and tech love to battle on this but move it to the main room bc duck thinks tech is cheating bc "the screen is two small".
i know this man would sleep with mf silk sheets and a fleece comforter he's a bougie bitch
computer for obvious reasons
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i had to include all four shots bc he is a sleepwalker/runner LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS ;U;
it looks like he sleeps in a casket-like bed (hence, the lid is open top centre) I believe he only has this open when he's awake so idk who forgot to close it. it needs to be closed so that when rev does actually get up and sleepwalks, he's contained. the last thing the loonatics want to wake up to is the house completely trashed bc rev had a dream he was running from something. so casket bed it was.
that's also why. he doesn't sleep with sheets. if he trips and falls oh lord. therefore he wears super warm pjs in the winter to not freeze to death
he's got a ton of books, rightfully so, I think he and tech would share this bookcase because it would have different manuals, blueprints and miscellaneous mechanical guides. robot guides. that too. i also think rev would be that person who re-reads his childhood books over and over again and not get sick of them ever
there is also a treadmill in this room I just know it
a tv as well. idk where, but I hc it's there.
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thanks for giving me nothing to work with here
I kind looked forward into the ep and there's a smidge of the bedroom in a frame but idk what the other shit could be
but I know his room is very clean. it's SPOTLESS. everything is organized and well put together.
I'm going to ignore the fact he suckles his thumb bc this man is 24 years old BYE
there's a whole bunch of ai robots in there to do anything he wants.
he is also the other loonatic who has their own bathroom. he only got it bc he won the straw draw. well, ace won technically, but gave it to tech bc he was the oldest and would keep it in the best shape. duck still hasn't forgiven him for it.
he shares it with lexi since she's the only lady in the house :) ain't no way she shares with the boys.
the others share the other bathroom. one more gets installed later but the other four are SOL
tech also has a nice walk-in closet
he needs to take melatonin b4 bed bc this man is noctournal
has drones scattered on shelves, ones he's built and ones he's collected from professors and other inventors
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geekynerfherder · 5 months
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'Rear Window' by Paul Mann.
Officially licensed 24" x 36" screen print, in a numbered Regular edition of 275 for $85; a numbered Variant edition of 250 for $105; and a numbered Reflections Foil edition of 100 for $150.
On sale Thursday February 1 at 12pm ET through Mad Duck Posters.
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brokehorrorfan · 13 days
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Mad Duck Posters has released Halloween 24x36 screen prints by Martin Ansin. The regular version is limited to 300 for $85, the metallic variant is limited to 225 for $105, and the foil edition is limited to 125 for $150. They're estimated to ship in August.
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ducklooney · 6 months
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Duck Avenger (Paperinik) and Double Duck - Kay K and Lyla Lay meet Donald's family - Duckvember - Agent, Adventurous and Curious Duck (Ducks)
I haven't drawn Duck Avenger and Double Duck for a long time, and I will be doing more of this in the future. Of course, it's not the first time I've drawn them together, you can check out my previous drawing from almost two years ago: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/672690086039715840/duck-avenger-paperinik-pk-and-double-duck-pk
I certainly drew as a redraw from the genius artist Paolo Mottura who drew as a poster for the Pk Timecrime DD comic from 2016 which was a great crossover of Double Duck (secret super spy Donald working for The Agency) and Duck Avenger (PKNA version, again Donald as a superhero) where they fight against The Organization and criminals. Yes, this comic besides being drawn by Paolo Mottura, this comic was written by Francesco Artibani. Yes, Lyla Lay (journalist and android who comes from the future and works for the Time Police against The Organization) and Kay K (Arianne Konnery, that is, Arianna Adelaide and a well-known partner of Double Duck and works for The Agency) meet together. By the way, I recommend reading this comic as it's great, especially if you're a fan of Duck Avenger and Double Duck.
Yes, the first drawing is a redraw from the poster I mentioned, where they are fighting to protect Duckburg from the villains (although my background is not very good for me unfortunately, sorry). The second drawing is the meeting of Kay K and Lyla Lay, who are Donald's partners with Donald's family, primarily his nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie. Yes, I love when they are Donald's love partners (sorry Daisy), since they act together, and understand him a lot, even though Donald doesn't reveal his secret identities to them. Yes, I drew more in the Quack Pack version (and it's also part of my Quack Pack AU), since I think the dynamics and action, as well as some extreme conditions and adventures from the Italian comics are almost Quack Pack, with Quack Pack being more comedy. Yes, there's also Daisy Duck, who is definitely mad at Donald for bringing those beautiful ladies to their house. Yeah, as good as the Quack Pack version of Daisy is, she somehow can't get the jealousy out of her, it's still typical Daisy that she doesn't like competition, but she'd definitely be on great terms with them, especially Lyla, since they're both reporters. And as for HDL, I think they would get along great and go on adventures with them, with Huey going with Kay and Donald, and Dewey and Louie with Lyla Lay and Donald.
I hope you like these drawings and these ideas and feel free to like and reblog, but don't use these ideas without my permission and my mention. And don't put in the SHIP tag as far as between Donald's nephews and Kay and Lyla, since they are still children, despite being teenagers, and Kay and Lyla are adults. You can SHIP (OTP) between Donald and Kay as well as between Donald and Lyla, since they are definitely related. Thank you!
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gold-rhine · 4 months
would anyone in genshin be into petplay
Thoma, sources: ayato voicelines
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like sir.... this is wendy's
Heizou would be into petplay, but tho i personally think catboy heizou is peak cute, i have to admit he wouldn't care, like kitten, puppy, bunny, hamster, whatever you want. appeal for him is that he's adhd hyperactive twink born to be a silly lil creature, but forced by society to have a career, he likes to feel helpless and taken care of, and this gives him excuse to absolutely insufferably demand your attention and get all over you and you can't get mad at him bc he's just a kitty
sucrose would be into it, but like, in intense and freaky way. not bc of fox ears btw! she would not be a foxgirl uwu, oh no. she's generally poster child for "its the quiet ones", but like, bio-engineering is her passion. she's gonna come prepared with like 3 pages filled with dense text and formulas about what genetic splicing was done to create some hellish hybrid with specific traits idk, uber-horny bunny with wolf knotting and duck's screwdriver dick. she's gonna have a lecture about its behavior, and like "present conditions: third day of the heat cycle, pheromones levels...."
i wanna say cyno, but i can't articulate, its just Vibes
Lyney. like lynette doesn't care about cat thing at all, for her its just whatever, good for branding i guess, but putting cat ears on lyney is elevating his body dysphoria. he'll work so hard on this too, he'll do tricks, he'll be the best kitten, he's also into recording, he'll do like circus themed porn videos cycle that will be a hit in avant-garde art critic circles.
Eula, but like. very light version, as in she and amber are this:
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rizzley, idk about how focused on animal aspect, tho like. who's making him style his hair into dog ears, huh?? no, we're not buying that "its just like that naturally haha". but def a leash enjoyer. its about relinquishing control first and foremost
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just, hugest vibes of a fighting dog whose longing to be able to okay ❤️ yay ❤️ but is too cynical and traumatized to trust
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