#made by hsv
A merengő végszava
Házam előtt hosszú puszta terül el,
A legszélén már madár se jár
Kis kunyhóban ott nőttem fel,
A szürke égbolt volt apám s anyám
Hosszú pusztát sín szeli át,
Benőtte a talpfát a pipacsvirág
Az égből feketén hull a mákpor,
Lemarja a kérget a fákról
Kis kunyhóban nincs kenyerem,
Üveg mélyén búvik a bú
Verandán ülve férgeket etetem,
Szívemről csipegetik a húst
Csontos kezembe arcomat temetem,
Poros tüdőből szakad a sóhaj
Szememre hályog ereszkedik le,
Elszáradt bőröm köt gúzsba
Gondolatim csak fehér pókfonál,
Csapdába ragadt sápadt szellemek
Az üres terekben szürke por szitál,
Nyolclábú közöny fejti fel a szemeket
Ha szólnék, egyik sem felel,
Szél fúj tovább, akár a hamut
Üres világnak üres porhüvelye,
Csak egy szív marad, akár egy búcsú
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buckera · 6 months
me and britt for the ship ask 👁
i don't do rpf 🫡
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enkephalin3 · 11 months
hurt to hold certain object for extended period of times :((
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
would you like to tell us about your research on virginity?
but also...wdym STIs aren't as scary as we think??? I was told most of them are incurable? I know you can make aids untrasmittable and that they've even succeded in curing it a couple times but that's about it. I would love to be educated about this
yeah, the basic idea with the virginity project was that the whole concept of virginity is pretty bullshit in the context in which it was initially significant, namely cisgender women being penetrated by cisgender men, so as soon as you take it outside of that context by introducing gay and trans sexuality it totally falls apart. I mean, hell, it stops working if you even look at two cishet people doing literally anything OTHER than penis-in-vagina sex. I tripped up so many people initially when I started asking questions like "okay, so you don't think a woman loses her virginity from a man going down on her. so what if it's two women? what's the difference?" and just really getting people to face down their very penis-centered view of the sex, to the result of several people telling me that it kind of made them reevaluate what they actually think of as the first time they had sex. it's also fascinating to either read other people's accounts or discuss firsthand how queer people have either tried to make themselves fit into the binary of virginity - queer man disagreeing over whether or not you have to have penetrative anal sex to lose your virginity or oral sex is sufficient, a fascinating case of a lesbian who felt that have sex with other cis women didn't "count" and asked a cis male friend to have sex with her just so she could feel satisfied that she'd lost her virginity - or abandon it entirely. Hanne Blank's book Virgin was a formative starting point, and it really exploded for me from there.
as for the STIs - hey, bad news! you fell victim to the scare tactics used to make people afraid of sex! almost all sexually transmitted infections are very easy to treat and cure with the right medicine, which is why it's important to get tested regularly and check in with your healthcare provider at the first sign of something amiss. pubic lice, scabies, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis - all of those are pretty easy to get rid of with some help from your doctor and a run to the pharmacy!
the major exceptions are the 4 H's: herpes, HIV, HPV, and hepatitis B.
herpes is with you forever but is an incredibly mild companion to share your body with, considering most people never experience any notable symptoms and those who do can curb the severity with medicine.
it's also worth noting that herpes is so common as to be virtually ubiquitous; the World Health Organization consistently estimates that somewhere around 80% of the world's adult population is carrying herpes simplex virus 1 or herpes simplex virus 2. a great deal of those people don't even get it from having sex, but rather by catching HSV-1 from a parent or other people they come is close contact with as a child.
you're actually thinking of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) when you mention AIDS becoming untransmittable, but that's still a very good thing! the care available for people with HIV has come incredibly far since AIDS first became known and claimed so many lives, and today it's more than possible for people infected with HIV to live long, healthy lives by taking the proper medication to manage their viral load.
with management, people with HIV will not develop AIDS (which happens when the immune system is sufficiently depleted by HIV) and by consistently taking their medication people with HIV can become undetectable (the viral load in their body is too small to be detected or measured in tests), at which point they are unable to transmit the virus to other people.
HPV (human paillomavirus) comes in many different strains, most of which are absolutely harmless and go away on their own after a couple of months or years of freeloading in your body. I cannot emphasize this enough: HPV is so common that virtually everyone who has sex has, will have, or has had it in their lives, and the vast, VAST majority of those people will never be troubled by it literally at all.
the trouble comes from a few strains of HPV that can cause genital warts, and a few others that can cause cancers in the throat, anus, cervix, vulva, vagina, and penis. while HPV can't be treated, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer by getting the HPV vaccine if you haven't already and, if you have a cervix, getting regular Pap smears to catch early warning signs of cancerous developments.
hepatitis B is a viral infection that targets the liver. in rare cases it can cause chronic health problems that can be very dangerous, but I have to emphasize that's not common. in most adults who get hep B, there will be no symptoms and it will resolve itself in a matter of weeks. the infection is riskiest in children, but at least in America most people have received vaccines against hepatitis B as babies since the 90s.
in conclusion: get your shots, take your medicine, use protection, get tested, and talk to your doctor, but know that if there's one thing humans are good at it's figuring out how to manage STIs. we've been doing it for a long time - most sexually transmitted infections and parasites have been with us since before we we became modern humans - so we're really good at it!
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goodtimeswithgrian · 9 months
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originally i made this for my friends who were curious how exactly i was using limited palettes in my art lately. understanding colors and values was my goal for 2023 and i think i managed to do it! :3c limiting my palettes and focusing on one thing at a time really does help a lot.
it's not exactly a tutorial, more of a breakdown of how i do things, but i hope it helps you understand how i see colors and motivates you to try coloring with hsv sliders!
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1hoverman0k · 4 months
ok i will defend gimp on the grounds that it gives you full control over hsv data whereas photoshop has really limited adjustment settings designed for real photos. if you wanted to turn the contrast up to maximum you would have to reapply a contrast adjustment like 8 times but on gimp you can just turn the slider that high. gimp also has open source plugins so if you really wanted to draw a circle in it with one operation you could use a plugin somene made and theres lots of unique ones out there for obscure art *you flush the toilet and i am sucked back down into the septic tank*
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aria-ashryver · 3 months
I have to ask, how did you edit your plus sized MCs? (I imagine my ID MC Mary to have a similar body type to that but slightly smaller)
I love it because I have been waiting a plus size protagonist in Choices and I'm been starving!
Ooh so the software I used to make these plus-sized edits is called Krita, which is open source and free to download for PC!
You also don't need to use Krita if you just want to try your hand at basic edits like changing a sprites clothes - you can stack up layers of Choices assets in something like Canva online.
There are plenty of amazing people who make Choices assets available -- @farizrz and @cassiopeiacorvus are my usual go-tos (thank you again for your hard work!)
You just download the images you need, and assemble your layers like so:
Hair - Front
Hair - Back
I'll ramble more under the cut about some of the specifics 💖 (Sprites in their underwear below!)
Spoilers: I made an edit of Mary for you ssdfklj
Let me preface this with: idk what I'm doing. I'm self taught, still learning, and I don't have an art background, so others can probably do a much better job than me, but here's my attempt at this stuff!
So, to start, we want to grab the bits that we'll need - the base "Student" body type, your MC face from Immortal Desires, and the new sprite we want to edit - in this case, its Dee/Maia's body from Getaway Girls
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Then, you can begin by looking at the colour palettes of both sprites to see what you are working with - I used the eyedropper tool a few times to get an idea of the various colours used in the highlights, base colours, shadows, undertones, etc of these sprites. You can see the ID sprite seems a little lighter, cooler, and less saturated overall.
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From here its a case of making a new group and adding various layers to it to achieve the effect you want through a combination of "Colour", "Screen" and "Multiply" layers, as well as using the "HSV Adjustment" and "Colour Adjustment Curves" tools.
Each skin tone is going to be a case by case thing -- some will want more reds in the shadows, or some will need parts of a multiply layer erased bc it's losing emphasis on highlighted areas, etc.
I recommend clicking this little symbol (I think its a clipping symbol? Again, I'm just learning this all by trial and error) to essentially keep you from drawing outside the lines.
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And then its just lots of minute adjustments! Here is a comparison of the edited body with the original "Student" counterpart. The physical manipulations were done with the "Liquify", "Warp", and "Perspective" tools. (Unfortunately, the more you (well... I lol) edit things, the more detail gets lost and blurry, so you can see things like her hands are beginning to lose detail.)
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And then once you've made all your adjustments, you get something like this!! Here is a comparison between the original "Student" body type, one of my own MCs, and Mary, whose new body type is somewhere in between the two (hopefully) like you wanted!
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Throw on a sleeveless version of one of the outfits from ID2, and some hair, and you're done! (Here are some transparents of our beloved Mary for you ft. some of the ID hair options, plus one that made me think of the photo you used in her "Meet My MC" profile ✨💛
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Hope they turned out okay! Thank you for the ask lovely, I hope you are having a great day!
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jovialrecordkeeper · 4 months
hello gamers participate in my poll please
so the entire purpose of this blog is to do silly fantroll blood math. i aim to have a way to rng/diceroll a random troll's blood color. i already have a troll name generator i've made in perchance, but i have some things i'm indecisive about re: blood.
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the above images are satval grids (i use the HSV color system instead of RGB) for the hues of 0° and 150° -- the Rust and Jade castes. these are big enough for me to write in hex codes over the cells later.
important thing to note: these grids range from SV 100% (top and left) to 10% (bottom and right) . does that look too desaturated for a blood color???
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here's my google sheet for the rust caste, which goes down past 10% to show 4% and 0%. (there is no value 0% as that automatically becomes black/#000000 no matter what.)
thank you for playing in my space
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sauleline2 · 7 months
Maths, Gender, And a Number Bigger than the distance to Kepler 22-B
heads up this is loooong
so i was thinking about xenopronouns (pronouns which are impossible for humans to pronounce, mostly used by therians and otherkin. eg. a pronoun that is a lion's roar, bird chirp, or alien language, etc.) while trying to fall asleep. well, i thought, couldn't an example of a xenopronoun be a normal pronoun set, like she/her, but with a different coloured font? well. i got to thinking. how many colours are there? well it depends on what format you use. an RGB colour has 255 ✕ 255 ✕ 255 colours. that comes out to 16,581,375 different colours. HSV on the other hand, has 3,600,000 different colours (360 ✕ 100 ✕ 100). but why stop there? underlines! bold! italics! the possibilities are (almost) endless! (btw im gonna stick with the rgb colour list, because it's a bigger number and i, an idle game player, find that cool) well. im just going to stick with the stock word formatting options (bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, subscript, and superscript). all of these options can be toggled all together, with the exception of superscript and subscript. now. how do we calculate that? well we take how many options there are (8, not counting the subscript and superscript (we'll get to that)) and multiply that by our number of colours. this gives us 132,651,000. we quickly multiply that by 3, to get our full total formats. 397,953,000. now i could say something sappy about how there are infinite combinations of letters, to make infinite pronouns, but that's boring in my opinion. so. there are 149,186 unicode characters (in the current version). sure, not all of them can be made into bold, or some don't have italics. who cares? they still have the italics information. or the bold information. you get the point. well. we take our amount of format options, and multiply that by the amount of unicode characters. 59,369,016,258,000. fifty nine trillion, three hundred and sixty nine billion, sixteen million, two hundred and fifty eight thousand different combinations. now. to make these into pronoun sets. to make this easier for myself, im gonna cap the maximum length of one of these at 7 characters, and the minimum at 1 (invisible characters are cool, like U+2064 or U+2063, for example). each set will be in the format of "she/her/hers", so that means each of the sets will be between 3 and 21 characters long (forward slashes are excluded). i wasn't sure how to do this with a calculator, so i did it by hand. or at least, i was going to. then i realized "wait the way im doing this is shit, and i could very easily have calculated this like the way you calculate how many different states a combo lock has. 343 different combinations of characters. we multiply that by the amount of characters we have, and boom. the total amount of robot pronouns. 20,363,572,576,494,000. twenty quadrillion, three hundred and sixty three trillion, five hundred and seventy two billion, five hundred and seventy six million, four hundred and ninety four thousand. now. most of these will be unintelligible messes of characters in different colours.
i may as well repeat the final number that i got. 20,363,572,576,494,000. think about that. if you want to put that into perspective, there are approximately 100,000,000,000 stars in the milky way galaxy (at a lowball. it goes up to around 400,000,000,000). or, 3,154,000,000 seconds in a century. (im gonna put these numbers up next to each other at the end of this, under the cut, just to help you look at them.
(up to date (as of writing)) (most of these are approximates btw) (distances are in kilometres)
"Pronouns": 20,363,572,576,494,000 Kepler 22-B's Distance: 6,055,000,000,000,000 Distance of All Human Veins: 772,485,120,000,000 Cells in the Body: 30,000,000,000,000 Elon Musk's Net Worth: 205,200,000,000 Stars in the Milky Way: 100,000,000,000 Baby Shark's Views: 14,118,385,910 Earth's Population: 8,100,000,000 Seconds in a Century: 3,154,000,000 Listens my Friend has to Sum 41: 18,306
if this looks like shit... lmao? i guess. it was formatted for web view. idk how it looks on mobile, don't care to check. (Yes i did put elon musk there because i hate him and want to point out how fucking rich he is and i think that we should kill him) (yes i did put my friend's Sum 41 scrobbles there to make fun of him)
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borealtwilight · 4 months
made this to show off my vid editing skills, as well as my gorgeous purple and blue HSV GEN-F GTS in Forza Horizon 4, aptly dubbed Pegasus Fire
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Miért nem segít senki?
Ha szólítom, miért nem felel?
Elvesztem itt a kéklő végtelenben
Kérlek segíts! – már nem érem el
Az alját – körös-körül csak végtelen
Mindent befedő kékség
Átmos a fejemen, a mélybe nyom
Nyújtanám kezem – nem tudom
Sikoltanék, de nem lehet
Sós ízű kéz a torkomon
Marja a számat, marja a bőrőm
Hörögve tisztulok az élettől
Nyújtanám kezem – nem tudom
Csak Őt érem – csak Ő van ott
Azt mondja ne félj, kezed fogom
Vigyora csupasz csont
Lehúz a mélybe
Nézek az égre – van olyan?
Minden kék, részvéttelen
Hideg kék – reszket a csontom
Ég a torkom, láng emészt fel
Szövetet marja, megtöri húsom
Sértetlen vagyok, mégis süllyedek
Apró buborékokban látom az életet
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mathhombre · 1 year
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Polygonal Spirals
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I saw Alejandro Gallardo's beautiful spirals and had to try some, too. https://www.geogebra.org/m/arkkxphj B&W https://www.geogebra.org/m/qwapjezn color
Play in GeoGebra.
Was just talking to the art teacher in the family about the colors. These are made using HSV and shifting through hues... but I don't really know what to do with saturation and value. These are both at 90%.
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That's changing values from 50% to 100%.
Then it occurred to me I couls split the difference between Alejandro's...
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deadratinhotcar · 16 days
I knew someone who hid their sexual status from their partner (they are HSV+) and when they told their partner after months of having unprotected sex and their partner was no longer comfortable being sexual with them, they made themselves out to be a neglected victim oh noooooo my bf won’t fuck me :( so mean!!! But bc I have a pussy, me demanding sex and being a fucking pussy when rejected means I’m a victim!!!! THE victim!!!!! Even tho I lied about my status!!! Which is A FUCKING CRIME!!!!
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questionsquartzquiet · 2 months
Med School Journey
Made my husband a nice Saturday breakfast for dealing with my endless studying and disappearing to school 🍳
Picked up groceries 🍎
Took dogs on a walk 🐶
Studied at a cafe ☕️
Bought a pair of new shoes since mine are falling apart 🥿
Read 5 chapters 📚
Did 30 practice questions (did so bad on them 😬)
Made flashcards on 5 chapters 🗒️
Staph vs Strep, Varicella, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, HSV
Cerebral Blood Flow, Seizure Disorders, Myasthenia Gravis vs Lambert Eaton, Management of Seizures and Myasthenic Crisis
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snowed-leopard · 3 months
Okay Snow, you did the 9 mercenaries as birds, what’s next?
I’m making this as a sort of mini set of questions and answers about the whole shebang. No one asked but I’m telling anyways.
Anyways for next steps, I may make Saxton, Admin, and Pauling, maybe not, I already know what saxton would be if I did (emu, obvious), but I’m not sure about our two token ladies… I have some ideas for certain. This whole thing took a lot out of me being as fast as I tried to be, I’m a slow artist with limited time in my day for art sadly, so they’d be back burner for sure. At least until art fight references are done being made.
In the mean time I’d totally be down for people to ask me things about the au or request little scenes or doodles, or just discuss my choices! If you have birds you think would work as well I’d love to discuss it with you :) I don’t bite… usually. I promise!
What brushes did you use?
I stay pretty limited. I used procreate’s basic ink bleed brush (with a little stabilisation sometimes for my poor hands) for sketching and lining. I used procreate’s basic rectangle brush for almost all my coloring and rendering. Starting at spy’s piece (I think) I used the cloud painting rake from devin Elle Kurtz’s free cloud painting brush pack to add in details to the wings. It was easier than what I did in solly’s piece, which is all manually painted with the rectangular brush turned way down in size and took eons.
Also starting in spy’s painting I used the HSV sliders and my rectangle brush to paint in the deeper light and shadows once the flat render was done! It’s made my rendering a lot easier and more beautiful and consistent in my opinion. Over all my art skills have increased vastly.
For the more complicated poses and perspectives I made pose models in the free app justsketchme and used those.
Did you listen to anything while drawing?
Bear ghost, a lesser known rock band from Arizona, single handedly got me though this whole project, I had them on blast for almost every piece for at least part of its drawing. Please check them out on Spotify incredibly good and underrated. Dotab, big town banky Blaine’s rockabilly bbq, and necromancin dancin single-handedly kept me going in particular. I also adore sirens, peas and love, and funkle Phil.
Why were you so pressed to make these so fast?
I had for a week long trip I couldn’t bring my tablet along on starting the 13th, so it was either draw fast enough, or wreck my momentum and have a week before the last one. Boy howdy have I sleep deprived myself for this art. Worth it tho. I didn’t make it, I did kill my momentum, but I pushed through!
Can I redraw these / make fanart /anything based on this?
YES PLEASE I MAY BE AROACE BUT ID KISS YOU IF YOU DID ANYTHING WITH THIS. There is very little set plot to this all, so go bonkers. please just if you make nsfw, *dont* send it to me. If you make anything that isn’t, please *do* send it to me! My notifications are a little broken, so dm me a link directly if you want me to see it :3.
Why? Just why all… this?
Brain rot mostly. I like birds, I like avian au’s, I like team fortress, why not chuck it in a bowl and stir? And if I made one mercenary, I kinda gotta do all the others, no? Ain’t right otherwise…
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goodtimeswithgrian · 9 months
ive made a small tutorial for my friends explaining how i taught myself values and started using color theory by yeeting the color wheel and only using the hsv sliders. would you guys be interested in it?
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