#made in italy shoe
dandyshoecare · 7 months
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Alexander Nurulaeff in exclusive for one Luxury Italian brand.
I want to remind you that I will be happy to help you create a Limited Edition of hand-painted accessories, shoes, bags or more from Dandy Shoe Care. We can make your own patterns of different colors and techniques on any genuine leather item. Don't wait. You can turn your business into something truly unique and working.
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
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laflamejpeg · 4 months
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1996 Nike UEFA European Cup Advert for Paolo Maldini.
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Carlo Colombo Architect
testi di Francesca B.Filippi
Mondadori Electa, Milano 2012, 199 pagine, 24 x 31 cm, ISBN  9788837087449
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Colombo è oggi il volto emergente del design made in Italy. Ha realizzato centinaia di progetti per i brand principali e la monografia ripercorre la sua ricerca attraverso progetti selezionati suddivisi in sezioni: Design (con oltre 60 progetti), Interiors (con 12 progetti) e Architettura (con 6 progetti). Carlo Colombo si esprime con uno stile fatto di forme pure, con una preferenza dichiarata per materiali semplici ma anche sempre nuovi e all'avanguardia per le soluzioni tecnologiche. Progetta con coerenza abitazioni, allestimenti, esposizioni, show room. Tutto nel suo modo personale di fare design, improntato al rigore e alla qualità del dettaglio. Il volume mostra tutto il suo talento, riconosciuto anche nelle prefazioni di Giulio Cappellini e Gilda Bojardi.
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bondenobespoke · 5 days
How to Care for Handmade Shoes: Can Scuffed Leather Shoes Be Repaired?
When it comes to investing in handmade shoes, you’re not just buying footwear – you’re purchasing craftsmanship, durability, and timeless style. With the right care, these shoes can last a lifetime. However, everyday wear and tear, such as scuffs, are inevitable. The good news is that scuffed leather shoes, especially handmade ones, can often be repaired and restored to their former glory.
If you’re wondering, can scuffed leather shoes be repaired, here’s everything you need to know.
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Why Choose Handmade Shoes?
Handmade shoes offer numerous advantages over their mass-produced counterparts. They are crafted with precision, using high-quality materials, and every stitch reflects the artisan’s skill. Here’s why handmade shoes are worth the investment:
Superior craftsmanship: Handmade shoes are made with attention to detail, ensuring quality and longevity.
Custom fit: They are designed to offer a better fit, providing more comfort compared to off-the-shelf shoes.
Unique design: Each pair is often unique, reflecting personal style and individuality.
High-quality materials: Artisans use premium leather and other materials that last longer and age beautifully.
However, despite their durability, handmade shoes can show signs of wear over time, especially in the form of scuffs and scratches.
Understanding Leather Scuffs
Leather is a natural material that can develop marks and scuffs with regular use. Scuffs can vary in severity, ranging from light surface marks to deeper scratches. While scuffs may detract from the shoe's appearance, they are often superficial and can be repaired with the right techniques.
Can Scuffed Leather Shoes Be Repaired?
Absolutely! Scuffed leather shoes can be repaired, especially when they are handmade. The quality of the leather in handmade shoes makes it easier to restore them to their original state. Here's how you can repair scuffed leather shoes:
Light scuffs: For minor scuffs, a high-quality leather conditioner can often smooth out the surface and restore the shoe's appearance.
Deeper scuffs: Deeper scratches may require a leather filler, followed by polish or dye to blend the repair with the rest of the shoe.
Professional repair: If the damage is extensive, taking the shoes to a cobbler or leather repair professional is the best option. They can restore the shoes using specialized techniques and products.
DIY Tips for Repairing Scuffed Handmade Shoes
If you’re confident in giving your handmade shoes some DIY attention, here are a few steps to follow:
Clean the shoes: Use a soft cloth to remove dirt and dust before beginning the repair process. This ensures that you don’t rub debris into the leather.
Apply leather conditioner: Use a small amount of leather conditioner to soften the scuffed area and reduce its visibility. Rub it in gently using circular motions.
Use shoe polish: For small scuffs, shoe polish in the same color as the leather can mask imperfections. Apply a thin layer, allow it to dry, and then buff the area with a soft cloth.
Leather repair kits: For deeper scuffs, leather repair kits are available. These kits typically include filler, dye, and polish to restore deeper scratches.
Protective measures: After repairing your shoes, apply a leather protectant spray to safeguard them from future scuffs and stains.
When to Seek Professional Help
While DIY methods are useful for small scuffs, there are times when professional repair is necessary. Handmade shoes, due to their high-quality leather and craftsmanship, deserve proper care when damage is extensive.
Severe scratches: If the scuff has penetrated deep into the leather, it’s best to consult a professional cobbler.
Discoloration: If your leather shoes have lost color in scuffed areas, a cobbler can professionally dye them to ensure a seamless look.
Structural damage: Scuffs that have caused tears or other structural issues should always be repaired by a professional to preserve the integrity of the shoe.
Caring for Your Handmade Shoes
To prevent scuffs and keep your handmade shoes looking their best, follow these simple care tips:
Regular cleaning: Wipe your shoes down after each wear to remove dirt and prevent buildup.
Condition regularly: Use a high-quality leather conditioner to keep the leather soft and supple.
Store properly: Keep your shoes in a cool, dry place and use shoe trees to maintain their shape.
Protect against water and stains: Use a waterproof spray to guard your shoes against moisture and spills.
Handmade shoes are an investment that, with proper care, can last a lifetime. So, if you find yourself asking, can scuffed leather shoes be repaired, the answer is yes. With a little effort or professional help, you can easily restore your shoes and continue to enjoy their timeless style for years to come.
At Bondeno, we understand the value of handcrafted footwear, and we’re here to help you maintain your investment.
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6lebambole · 4 months
Passi verso la Felicità: La Cura Dei Piedi Come Fondamento del Benessere
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I nostri piedi sono spesso trascurati, sono loro che ci sostengono ogni giorno, ci portano in giro per il mondo e ci consentono di fare tutte le attività che amiamo. Tuttavia, nonostante il loro ruolo cruciale, tendiamo a dare loro meno attenzione di quanto meritino. Ecco alcuni consigli per assicurarsi che i vostri piedi siano sempre al meglio.
 Lavaggio e asciugatura 
Mantenere i piedi puliti e asciutti è il primo passo per una buona igiene. Lavare i piedi regolarmente con acqua tiepida e sapone aiuta a rimuovere sporco, sudore e batteri che possono causare cattivi odori e infezioni. Dopo il lavaggio, asciugare accuratamente i piedi, soprattutto tra le dita, per prevenire la formazione di funghi.
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Taglio delle Unghie
Un'altra parte importante della cura dei piedi è il taglio regolare delle unghie. Tagliare le unghie dritte, evitando di arrotondarle troppo, può prevenire problemi come unghie incarnite e infezioni. Assicuratevi di utilizzare forbici o tagliaunghie puliti e di non tagliare le unghie troppo corte per evitare dolori e disagi.
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Esfoliare                                                                                                                  Utilizzare almeno due volte a settimana un esfoliante sui piedi asciutti prima della doccia o del bagno come per esempio scrub delicato per rimuovere cellule morte e pelle secca dai piedi, mantenendo i piedi morbidi e lisci.
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La pelle secca ai piedi può portare a screpolature, prurito e persino dolori. Applicare regolarmente una crema idratante sui piedi può aiutare a mantenere la pelle morbida e idratata. Concentrarsi sulla zona dei talloni e delle pianta dei piedi, dove la pelle tende ad essere più secca e soggetta a screpolature.
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Riposo e Massaggio
Dopo una lunga giornata in piedi, i vostri piedi meritano un po' di riposo e cura. Sollevare i piedi per qualche minuto può aiutare a ridurre il gonfiore e migliorare la circolazione. Inoltre, massaggiare i piedi con oli o creme può alleviare la tensione muscolare e migliorare il benessere generale.
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Prendersi cura dei propri piedi dovrebbe essere una priorità per tutti noi. Seguire questi semplici consigli può fare la differenza tra piedi sani e felici e problemi dolorosi e fastidiosi. Ricordiamoci sempre di dedicare loro l'attenzione e la cura che meritano, perché sono loro che ci portano a scoprire la vita ogni giorno.
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erikbjerkesjo · 9 months
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Erik Bjerkesjö entirely handmade shoes in Tuscany, Italy.
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silviascorcella · 10 months
DIS Design Italian Shoes: il valore di calzare il Made in Italy sartoriale grazie al digitale
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Questa è la storia di un’impresa, nell’ampio senso letterale del termine: una missione di salvezza riservata a coloro che ancora oggi raccolgono nelle proprie mani un patrimonio inestimabile di regole e pratiche complesse, le stesse che furono apprese con cura e poi fatte scivolare giù per i secoli, consegnandole alle generazioni nuove, fino a noi, per creare oggetti di grande fascino e qualità unica. Ovvero: gli artigiani. 
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Quella di DIS Design Italian Shoes è la storia appassionata di un’impresa coraggiosa, assemblata con la mente strategica spalancata sulla contemporaneità e il cuore allacciato all’autenticità della tradizione manifatturiera italiana, più precisamente quella calzaturiera marchigiana, parte integrante e pregiata del glorioso Made in Italy che, sotto la scorza dura della massificazione, sa ancora essere la punta di diamante di questa nostra nazione. La storia di DIS ha infatti a che fare con la raccolta visionaria di una sfida lanciata dal nostro presente intriso di digitalizzazione: strumento essenziale per costruire il ponte fondamentale tra il savoir faire artigiano e l’attualità tecnologica. 
Ed ha inizio nel 2013, quando tre giovani della provincia marchigiana (i fratelli Andrea e Francesco Carpineti, e Michele Luconi) sentono che è giunta l’ora di portare l’innovazione nel settore della calzatura Made in Italy, per mettere in connessione i piccoli artigiani con clienti di tutto il mondo attraverso il web.
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Mille potrebbero essere i modi, ma il loro ha un che di rivoluzionario, esclusivo ed al contempo pressoché democratico: l’ideazione di un servizio alla portata di tutti che consente di personalizzare virtualmente la propria scarpa, di ottenerla realizzata a mano su misura del proprio gusto e di riceverla in temi brevi a casa, ovunque nel mondo essa si trovi! La storia di un’intuizione diviene realtà concreta, risolutamente in cammino sulla via del successo, nonostante le innumerevoli difficoltà rappresentate dal campo minato dell’imprenditorialità italiana: grazie all’incontro tanto bramato tra i giovani imprenditori di DIS e il laboratorio giusto, una sorta di scrigno all’interno del quale è custodita da oltre 40 anni la competenza di veri maestri artigiani calzaturieri, oggi è possibile vivere l’esperienza della progettazione personalizzata della calzatura dei propri sogni. 
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Come? Accedendo innanzitutto al sito web www.designitalianshoes.com: qui basterà far parlare la propria ispirazione, seguire la guida che vi condurrà tra numerosi modelli di calzature maschili e femminili, dalle più iconiche che han fatto la storia dell’eleganza formale, alle più contemporanee come le sneakers. E poi, voilà, inizia la progettazione attraverso il configuratore 3D che consentirà in tempo reale di assemblare la propria scarpa scegliendo ogni dettaglio: dal colore e texture della pelle agli occhielli, dai lacci alla fodera, al tipo di suola, è possibile creare 45 milioni di combinazioni diverse, fino alla delizia più lussuosa, ovvero l’incisione personalizzata sulla suola. Infine, si può richiedere la calzatura prova (gratuitamente in Europa) per assicurarsi la soddisfazione completa al momento dell’arrivo delle scarpe customizzate in appena 10-15 giorni dall’ordine.
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Grazie a questa sorta d’incantesimo tangibile che tramuta l’immaginazione in realtà e il cliente in protagonista della creazione, DIS finora ha raggiunto clienti sparsi in 31 paesi del mondo e qui, da noi, ha dato opportunità ai laboratori di creare nuova occupazione.
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A sua volta, DIS garantisce la tracciabilità della filiera, la selezione di materie prime di qualità altissima, l’abilità eccellente puramente made in Italy dei maestri artigiani di dare forma esclusiva ai desideri del cliente, la ricerca di stile costante tra l’appeal dei trend e la classe senza tempo, l’aggiornamento della tecnologia per favorire l’esclusività virtuosa: l’occasione unica di raccontare, indossandola, la propria storia racchiusa nella bellezza autentica delle proprie scarpe. Per dirla col claim di DIS: "Be Different Be Yourself”!
Silvia Scorcella
{ pubblicato su Webelieveinstyle }
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aris-chu · 1 year
Great Shoe
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dandyshoecare · 4 months
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This is a new trend created by me. Not the usual color with strong, bright colours, but a soft range of delicate and almost transparent shades. It wasn’t a random choice of colors. I followed the customer’s instructions. And they really liked my interpretation. It exceeded all customer expectations, which makes me truly happy. Please subscribe to my Instagram and my Blog so you don’t miss out on other spectacular creations.
Patina “Konstantin The Great” by Alexander Nurulaeff @dandyshoecare Shoes by @calzoleria_carlino
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colorizedaily · 1 year
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dippedanddripped · 1 year
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ROA Spring Summer 2023
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6lebambole · 4 months
L’ Essenza della Moda ai tuoi Piedi: 5 Tendenze Estive 2024
Le scarpe non sono solo un accessorio o funzionalità, ma un modo per sentirti unica. Con l'arrivo dell’estate 2024 è giunto il momento di esplorare le nuove tendenze sul nostro sito (www.bombinate-shoes.com) che porteranno i tuoi look a vette di eleganza e originalità, dalle sneakers ai sandali passando per i tacchi, scopriamo insieme quale saranno le calzature più interessanti per la prossima stagione.
Le Ballerine Perfette per i tuoi Piedi
Le ballerine un classico per quest’estate 2024 che ritornano con il botto. Vi presentiamo Leo un modello semplice e raffinato dove troviamo come dettaglio fondamentale due cinturini piccoli ma di forte impatto stilistico, questo modello lo possiamo trovare in tre varianti di colore che sono nude, nero e tabacco.
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Modello Leo prezzo 129€
Descrizione Prodotto.
Colore: nude
Materiale esterno: pelle
Soletta: pelle
Suola: pelle
Altezza tacco: 1,5 cm
Altezza plateau: 0,5 cm
Modello a punta https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/leo-nude
Le ballerine in pelle sono un'icona di eleganza e comodità. Il modello Ines incarna l'armonia attraverso stile e praticità, offrendo un design senza tempo e materiali di alta qualità. Questo modello è caratterizzato da linee pulite e dettagli raffinati garantendo comfort durante tutto il giorno. La silhouette a punta e la suola sottile, conferiscono un aspetto delicato e femminile. Le ballerine in pelle sono un'opzione versatile che si presta sia a occasioni formali che informali, aggiungendo un tocco di raffinatezza a qualsiasi outfit. Questo modello lo possiamo trovare in due varianti di colore che sono avana e nero.
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Modello Ines prezzo 119€
Descrizione Prodotto:
Colore: nero
Materiale esterno: pelle
Soletta: pelle
Suola: pelle
Altezza tacco: 1,5 cm
Altezza plateau: 0,5 cm
Modello a punta https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/ines-black
Le Sneakers più Cool
Le sneakers continuano a dominare la scena della moda anche per questa stagione estiva 2024. Quest’anno vi presentiamo Ethan un modello minimal ma che presenta dettagli audaci, colori vivaci e suole super confortevoli che trasforma un classico della moda sportiva in un’icona di stile. Il modello Ethan lo possiamo trovare in diverse varianti: run, white/lilla, silver, spring, kaki, ethan classico, white.
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Modello Ethan Run prezzo 79€.
Descrizione Prodotto:
Colore: beige, taupe laminato, blu, leopardato
Materiale esterno: similpelle scamosciata, tessuto
Soletta: materiale sintetico
Suola: materiale sintetico
Fodera: tessuto
Altezza tacco: 3,5 cm
Altezza plateau: 2,5cm
Punta: tonda https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/ethan-run
L’equilibrio Perfetto tra Tradizione e Modernità
Il momento per osare i sabot è proprio l'estate, opta per un modello completamente diverso per quest’estate 2024 con suole platform e borchie. Per questo abbiamo pensato al modello Justin per rendere più cool anche le serate estive.
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Modello Justin prezzo 119€
Descrizione Prodotto:
Colore: taupe
Materiale esterno: pelle scamosciata
Soletta: materiale sintetico
Suola: materiale sintetico
Fodera: tessuto
Altezza tacco: 6 cm
Altezza plateau: 4,5cm
Punta quadrata https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/justin
Scopri la Libertà e lo Stile dei Sandali
Niente di più interessante in estate di un paio di sandali eleganti e minimalisti per questa stagione, il modello che presentiamo è Cassandra con linee pulite, cinturini sottili e tacchi bassi, ideali per le giornate calde e le serate estive. Il modello Cassandra lo possiamo trovare in tre varianti di colore che sono blu notte, gold e cipria.
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Modello Cassandra prezzo 109€
Descrizione Prodotto:
Colore: blu notte
Materiale esterno: pelle scamosciata
Soletta: pelle
Suola: pelle
Altezza tacco: 4,5 cm
Altezza plateau: 0,5 cm
Punta tonda https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/cassandra-blu-notte
I sandali Camilla con tacco rappresentano l'eleganza estiva con un tocco di raffinatezza. La sua forma femminile è caratterizzata da una combinazione armoniosa di linee pulite e dettagli sofisticati. Il tacco quadrato slancia la figura in modo elegante, conferendo una postura sicura e regale. Questi sandali sono perfetti per le serate estive o le occasioni speciali, garantendo un mix irresistibile di stile e comfort. Questo modello lo possiamo trovare in due varianti di colore che sono fucsia e gold.
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Modello Camilla prezzo 129€
Descrizione Prodotto:
Colore: fucsia, rosso e platino
Materiale esterno: pelle scamosciata e pelle laminata
Soletta: pelle
Suola: materiale sintetico
Fodera: pelle
Altezza tacco: 8 cm
Altezza plateau: 0,5 cm
Punta tonda https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/camilla
Passi di Stile
Il décolleté solitamente si presenta con forme audaci, dettagli unici e altezze vertiginose, vorremmo invece presentarvi il modello Nikos un modello che incrocia il classico della pelle e il sapore dell'estate con la rafia, il cinturino piccolo ma di forte impatto che dona una grande eleganza.
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Modello Nikos prezzo 129€
Descrizione Prodotto:
Colore: nero e beige
Materiale esterno: pelle e materiale sintetico effetto rafia
Soletta: pelle
Suola: pelle
Altezza tacco: 9 cm
Altezza plateau: 0,5 cm
Modello a punta https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/copia-di-giorgia-black
Un décolleté elegante e seducente, perfetto per ogni occasione speciale. Questo è il modello Chloé realizzato con cura artigianale e dettagli raffinati, la sua silhouette è sinuosa e femminile, mentre il tacco sottile slancia la figura con grazia ed eleganza. La punta affusolata dona un tocco di classe. Indossalo per aggiungere un tocco di glamour a qualsiasi outfit, lasciando una scia di stile e sicurezza ad ogni passo. Questo modello lo possiamo trovare in due varianti di colore che sono avana e silver.
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Modello Chloé prezzo 129€
Descrizione Prodotto:
Colore: silver
Materiale esterno: pelle
Soletta: pelle
Suola: materiale sintetico
Altezza tacco: 9 cm
Altezza plateau: 1 cm
Modello a punta https://www.bombinate-shoes.com/product-page/chloe-silver
Le scarpe diventano protagoniste assolute del tuo look, offrendo infinite possibilità per esprimere la tua creatività e il tuo stile unico. Scegli le calzature che rispecchiano la tua personalità, preparati a camminare con fiducia e stile in ogni occasione. Che tu sia una fan delle sneakers casual o devota ai tacchi, c'è una scarpa perfetta per ogni donna in questa stagione.
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shooting-love-arrows · 11 months
SYNOPSIS: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 basks in the fact that you're ofically his. PAIRING: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 x Reader (gender isn't impiled/mentioned/specified) Tw. buying reader, kidnapping, general lack of consent, possessive/obsessive behavior, power imbalance, blackmailing, threatening; A/N: Quick reminder. I do not support this kind of behaviour. This is just a piece of fiction and serves as enetrtaimnet purposes only.
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𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 who had bought you.
Earlier that week, unknowingly to you, he visited a small apartment you and your family were occupying. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 was aware where and how you were living but it still mortified him how you – his precious darling – could be living like that. 
“You deserve better…more…” he repeated in his head every time he thought about you. Which was always. So it didn't come as a surprise to anyone he had decided to do something about it sooner than later.
Yes, 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 greatly appreciated being so warmly welcomed by (his soon to be in-laws) your family. He even witnessed himself from where you got some of your traits from but business needed to be made.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 was straight forward from the start.
The deal was simple: he will pay your family a handsome sum of money monthly and you'll belong to him wholly. They'll completely disappear from your life, becoming nothing but a shadow of your past. In his head he knows you won’t need them anymore.
If not, their financial situation which was already bad will be even worse. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 is a man of power and has a lot of money. Your parents, knowing this, quickly understood that it's either willingly giving you away and getting the money or he will forcefully do so with them landing on a street, probably dead.
From the beginning, they had no choice.
"And here you are, my precious." 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 whispered lovingly into your ear before gently laying you on the king size bed. You were put in a deep sleep by an alcohol you drank during his luxurious party (he threw to celebrate sealing the deal but shhh...) and strong sleeping pills he had added to one of your drinks. He made a mental note to pay the doctor he got them from an extra since you didn't even twitch the whole way you were carried here.
"I hope the bedroom will be to your liking." Your (captor) future husband carefully took off your shoes and laid them by your new bed. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 wanted you to be as comfortable as one person can be. Then he took the neatly folded blanket made from the highest quality silk and processed to snuggly tuck you in. When he finished, you looked like the bed could swallow you at any given moment.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 couldn’t help himself and brought his hand to your head, caressing it while staring at your face in adoration. "If not I'll change it however you like it."
Secretly, he hoped you'll be sharing a bedroom (especially bed) soon.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 sat down by your side, the softest mattress he could find easily dipping under him. He didn’t care that he was wrinkling his expensive party wear consisting of a black tuxedo imported straight from Italy that accentuated his lean body in every positive way. He was looking his absolutely best. For you.
"Oh how I love you, my precious." 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 purred and his fingers ghosted over your cheek. He leaned down close enough to your face that your soft breaths were fanning him. Some of his slicked back hair fell down tickling your forehead. His mesmerizing eyes were gleaming with the passionate and deep rooted love he had for you. "You belong to me."
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟎'𝐬! 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐧 sealed your fate with a peck on your lips.
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All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @shooting-love-arrows. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites. Likes, reblogs, comments are highly appreaciated. Thank you.
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catiuskaa · 20 days
horny kitchen [not hell's this time].
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SUMMARY: whenever you were home, he wasn’t. it wasn’t totally your fault if that had made you believe he was never home in the first place, but it sure had lead into an interesting meeting.
WC: 1.7k
CW: crack! felix and olivia as cupids (i love them), mentions of alcohol, mentions of the movie After: Ever Happy, slight Changlix showing up, drunken courage, nsfw! marking, dry humping.
REQUESTED! by annonie right here. i had fun, tysm, pookie!
“Tell me you were kidding.”
You stared at Felix’s puzzled face, his hands on your shoulders, and Olivia passed her hands through her hair as she leaned against your room’s door, shutting it close.
“What— why would I lie?” You frowned, smiling in confussion. “I wasn’t kidding. We’ve just never really talked, and I only know one or two things about him.” You repeated, and watched as your friends both made the same exhasperated grin, and then shared a look that only them, brother and sister, were able to decipher.
“Your roomate, who’s basically famous in our college, who looks like— like that,” Olivia stated, stumbling on her words. “And you haven’t had a normal chat? Not even about the weather?”
You shrugged. “Not that I remember, no. He doesn’t look like he’s a fan of small talk.”
They had both stared at you with wide eyes when you opened the door and the figure of a tall man with short hair surprised you at the other side.
“Oh, right,” you had smiled, turning to introduce him to your friends. “He’s my roomate, Hyunjin. I texted you a while back to check if they could come over, remember?” You said softly at him, and he smiled, nodding.
“Right, yeah. Sorry that I can’t stay, I have someone waiting for me downstairs. It was nice to meet you.” He had greeted, as politely as he had smiled, and rushed to catch the elevator again.
And that had been it.
“God, he looks like a model.” Felix sighed as he took his jacket off, blinking slowly, as if trying to comprehend what he had seen. “He looks like he travels to Italy and France during fashion week. What the fuck, he looks like he knows when fashion week is.”
“He’s like a hundred times better than the last guy you dated,” Olivia chimed back, and you frowned at the mention of your ex. “Don’t look at me like that. Babe, tell me that at least you find him attractive.”
“Sure. He’s good looking.” Felix deadpanned at you, and you huffed. “Okay, fine! He’s really hot, yeah, I have eyes, you know?”
Olivia and Felix snickered, and you pouted, snickering too, grabbing a pillow from your bed and yeeting it at him.
“I didn’t come here to see you drool over Hyunjin, guys. It’s bad movie Sunday, and we have to watch After 4. I need this to finish soon.” You giggled cheekily.
“I’ll go get the shots!” Olivia smiled with enthusiasm as she went to grab three shot glasses and a bottle of cheap wine you kept.
“I thought we were gonna watch Twilight?” You saw Felix smile, taking his shoes of as he sat on the bed.
He rolled his eyes in amusment, faking pettiness while you turned on the computer and looked for the movie.
“Liv likes the saga, we can’t.” You chuckled. “Maybe she starts crying when Cedric Diggory starts pouring glitter over his face or something.”
“Have I heard disrespect against Robbert Pattinson?!” She yelled from the kitchen, and you two cackled loudly.
You settled your laptop on your desk and used your chair as a table to keep the glasses and wine on.
“Shot rules?” Olivia pondered, taking her shoes off and getting comfortable, much like Felix, who was stealing all the pillows and cushions and settling them behind his back.
“Seungmin said that a shot for every red flag was fine.” You shrugged.
“Seungmin watched After?” Olivia wondered in slight shock.
“Of course, he loves to complain about anything.” You mocked slyly. “But you guys aren’t driving back, right?”
Felix handled the movie blanket, hiding everything except his eyes and his nose under it.
“Bin has to drive this way to get home from the studio. He said he could take us.”
You smiled.
“Let’s get this over with,” Olivia chimed with a snicker.
Tipsy could be an understatement. That, you had to admit. But only to yourself, because to your drunk mind, getting to that level of drunkness —just because of the walking red flag the love interest in the movie was— seemed a little lame on your side.
“‘m ok, livvie,” you smiled at Olivia and her skeptical look. “I won’t even drive.”
Changbin huffed in amusement, passing one of Felix’s arms over his shoulders as the very much freckled very much drunk man started pouting his lips.
“i wan’ kis, binn…” he blabbered messily.
“Why did we do a drinking game,” his sister mumbled, rubbing her eyes, clearly showing much more control on downing wine shots.
“Harvey burned his mom’s house! I mean, we clearly had to drink twice because of that.” Felix said in a hiccup, then clung back to Changbin.
You messily bid goodbye to the Lee brothers and the poor designated driver that carried Felix with Lix’s arm over his shoulder, closed the door and waddled back to your room.
The main issue movies like After had —aside from its preposterous attempt at trying to take itself seriously— was the copious amount of long and dull sex scenes.
Well. They seemed “dull” when you were sober.
But the thought of them brought naughty ideas to your just-a-bit-willy-nilly-tipsy body.
As if someone had been there staring at you, sitting in a dim-lit corner of your room, not bothering if it was late at night or if your door was wide open, your hands trailed down to the zip of your jeans, and you bit your lip, drunkily teasing yourself, lowering the fabric slowly down your hips, and letting it plop down on the floor with a soft thud.
The idea had been to take a step back and kick the clothing away, but you accidentally hit one of your bed’s legs, and cursed loudly, half because of the weirded out drunkness who had forgot that was there in the first place, but you shook it off, not actually in pain.
You shook your head, and continued with the frenzy, enticingly tickling your sides when reaching for your shirt and slowly took it off, letting it down next to your pants, as if leaving a happy trail that headed to your closet, one you opened and took an oversized shirt you usually wore to bed.
But sleeping with a bra on was not the smartest move. The clip started stining and the tag on its side started itching, so with a quick snap and a perky throw, you giggled, still a bit drunk, but starting to turn sober enough to start craving water.
You passed your oversized shirt over your head, turning to face your door when the long fabric covered your body.
Covered from a surprised and flustered pair of dark brown eyes, iris so dark that his pupils, blown out and enticing, almost devoured it whole.
His hair was the messiest you had ever seen from him, dressed in his pj’s, some old blue squared-pattered pants that he got gifted a couple of Christmas ago. Solely the pants.
The waistband of his underwear, brand name staring at you like a deer in headlights. And even so, it wasn’t as intense as how that teasing little mole on his tummy.
Mmh. You wanted to kiss it.
“Ah… I uh…” he mumbled, messily so, enough for you to notice.
“Oh. Y’re drunk too.”
He smiled wryly, nodding.
It was a bit blank, how you two ended up in the kitchen. Your brain fuzzy, enjoying the alcohol that lingered in your system. Dazed, you feel two warm hands on your waist, and how they turn you around and sit you on the counter.
“Y’know?” Hyunjin smirks, and you notice you could almost taste the drinks he had taken from how close he was. “It’s s’weird how we never… uh… talk, mmh.”
Your breath hitches, his hands not leaving your waist, stroking and teasingly caressing underneath your shirt, that had ridden up from when you sat.
“Talk?” You mumble giddily.
“Yeah. It’s stupid. How can I live with someone so hot and barely say good morning?”
The way he states the sentence, as if it was something as factual and axiomatical as one plus one, baffles you almost as fast as the speed your cheeks turn red.
He snickers, watching you turn to putty in his hands. “I heard moans when I arrived.” The stupid movie. “For a moment, I thought it was you and it made me wild.”
Hyunjin leans his forehead against yours, his lips barely an inch away from temptation. You.
Cheekily, he moves even closer to the counter, until he’s slotted between your legs. He slides you over the counter, pressing you against him.
It’s a mumble, its slurred, and he drinks it up like he’s been thirsty for days. Neither of you are too sure of what’s happening, but it’s easy to say neither of you care enough about that now when his lips find yours.
Like he said, wild. You can’t be sure if it’s the moonlight that hits him from the kitchen’s window of the alcohol that gives him such freedom to kiss you in a way that, for a second, you feel like he’s going to eat you alive.
But he’s got it clear. He needs you, he’s been waiting for the moment you two would finally speak like human beings and stop behaving like robots who share comparments, barely addressing the other. He’s sick and tired of it, tired of waiting, and sick, because he’s been craving you for what seems like weeks, even months, and Hyunjin knows he can’t hold back any longer.
You’re both drunk, and maybe you shouldn’t, but how could he stop when you drop from the counter and his thigh fits perfectly between your legs? How could he stop, when he wants nothing but to tore your shirt to shreds and mark as much skin as he can see? How could he stop, when he’s been waiting for so long to let go?
“A-ah, Hyun…”
And he’s gone. One little whimper from you, and he knows that one thing’s for sure.
He’s not stopping until you come for him for the night.
Besides. There’s plenty other nights to keep having more fun.
~kats, who in reality should be tiding up her room, but will most definetely keep reading the pjo pdf she found.
catiuskaa, september 2024
PERMANENT TAGLIST! @stayconnecteed @lyramundana
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korasonata · 2 years
So I work at a post office and somebody called me today and asked if they could ship fish to the US, and I wasn’t 100% sure, so obviously I went “let me just check the prohibited goods section of my shipping binder real quick”. Flipped all the way to the US section, found what I was looking for and sent them on their way. But of course naturally after they’d left I’d still had the book open, so naturally I was curious and decided to check it out, and let me tell you, there is some WILD stuff in this book.
•You’re not allowed to ship playing cards to Italy.
•Antarctica simply says refer to Australia. The epitome of logic.
•Andorra is just sad. You’re not allowed to ship artwork, drawings, books or toys of any kind, musical instruments, sheet music, cutlery, furniture, several types of paper, shoes??? It has the longest list of restrictions I’ve come across so far and it’s a country that has a total population of less people than my local college.
•Apparently you aren’t allowed to ship clothing to Ireland, but it only specifies men’s or women’s clothing, so like non-binary people stay winning.
•Only a handful of countries specifically mention that you aren’t allowed to ship asbestos, so like RIP to the rest of the world I guess.
•The US has some very specific things prohibited, including “a knife, gaff, or any other sharp object attached or intended to be attached to the leg of a bird for use in animal fighting ventures” ????
•Canada is the only country I have found so far that specifically states that you cannot ship hate propaganda, which I thought was nice. But then again, it also specifies that you cannot ship any beekeeping apparatuses, but do you know what you CAN ship? LIVE FUCKING BEES.
•There are several countries which seem to be in direct competition with one another, ie pairings of countries that have specifically stated they will not accept anything made in the other country and vice versa.
•You can’t ship things to China that were made in China.
I’m having the time of my life right now.
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