#made it inside before i got mauled XD
wraenata · 1 year
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Me? No! I'm scared of you all!
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teecupangel · 10 months
ok so i had a better idea about desmond turning into creatures.
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he gets raised up from a pup into Ebony Odogaron. Might be good for stealth since he'd blend into the dark. And the zap zap stuff might be useful. Parkour? no problem with the sets of double claws.
Or he's a Violet Mizutsune. This one is probably even better for stealth considering it slides around in its own soap water and can hunt other creatures and set its soap water on fire. (the trailer for it is bomb af) It's a very mobile creature so it probably could parkour because its body movement.
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It's got white on it too >:3
Speaking of Monhun, here’s an idea of the Assassins becoming hunters in MonHun World, here’s an idea of which MonHun monster Desmond could be reincarnated to and an idea of Desmond being reborn as a Zinogre.
What I remember most about Odogaron is that it has an enraged state which makes him faster and harder to hit so the usual tactic is to keep running and dodging until it exhausts itself, then it’ll be an easier battle.
Odogaron is purely a melee monster and Desmond probably try to use his tail as a weapon more often than a normal Odogaron. He’ll probably as small as a corgi first but soon starts growing and keeps growing while being raised by Altaïr.
People just assumed he’s an exotic animal from crusader lands until the Third Crusades begin and the Assassins notice that crusaders don’t recognize him and some even fear him.
By that point, he’s grown large enough that he wear horse armor and people would think he’s a horse.
He can jump really high though and his claws can dig to walls, making it easy for him to climb high structure.
So what you usually happens is that he lets Altaïr disembark before they reach the location and Desmond would stealth his way inside the city using the walls and rooftops while Altaïr enter it the usual way. (Or, sometimes, he stays with Desmond and Desmond climbs up)
Desmond starts to reach the normal adult Odogaron size after Altaïr took the mentorship and the Apple from Al Mualim so there are rumors that Desmond becomes as big as he is because of the Apple but it can’t be proven.
He’s, of course, Sef and Darim’s babysitter because Altaïr believes he’s smarter than humans (Desmond thinks Altaïr is blinded by their years of being together, less master and pet and more companions/family).
Of course, Abbas’ coup fail because they tried to kill Desmond first but, at that point, Altaïr had made an armor for him that’s basically made of the same material as the Armor of Altaïr.
Desmond stays with the Ibn-La'Ahad family until he feels the urge to leave and he gets to Firenze in time to ‘stop’ the execution.
And by stop, yes, that does mean the people of Firenze still talked about the day a mighty hellhound maul and eat (he didn’t eat anyone) the guards and Uberto Alberti.
… all to save the cursed Auditore family.
(As a reference to Odogaron’s penchant for eating Legiana corpse, maybe Desmond’s favorite food is a leaf that looks a lot like Legiana’s wings?)
Ah, Mizutsune. The monster I bullied in Rise until I realized that Rakna-Kadaki’s set is more of my style. XD
Okay, but in all seriousness, Desmond as a Mizutsune would be a fun idea, especially as this is a kind of Leviathan that can move fast both on land and on water. That soap it secretes? It makes it easier for it to move even on difficult terrain, making a Mizutsune Desmond one of the fastest and most elegant destructive force that the Templars ever witness. This soap hinders other people too, making it harder for them to move.
Also, it could shoot out pressurized water from its mouth so Desmond would have a devastating long range attack.
By the way, there’s a white and red Mizutsune that would look good for Desmond: The Soulseer Mizutsune:
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Up to you if you want to keep the scars on the eyes to make Desmond blind, make it part of the plot later on or decide that he wouldn’t get the scars.
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sl-walker · 3 years
blackbirds 3 13 14 15 😁
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
OMG, Anton, I wrote 311K words, no way I can pick a single line of narration. LOL! But I can put down a few, maybe?
I would kill them, he thought; if the Kaminoans came for his Blackbirds, if they tried to 'decommission' his squad. I would kill them, he thought hotly and with something invisible squeezing at the base of his throat. -Blackbirds: Year One: A Runner of Fire, Part 6
There had been a period of time, very early on, where Obi-Wan had reassured himself that while he could not take back his swing, the replacement legs would somehow balance the scales. That they were imperfect, maybe, compared to the flesh and blood and bone they replaced, but that they were a good thing. There had been a time after he fell in love, after he knew every line written in black on Maul's skin, that he realized he would never know the shape of the rest of those markings, or whether the tips of Maul's toes had been black like the tips of his fingers. -Blackbirds: Year One: Conquered
Maul went to ask again, perhaps with more elaboration, but by then, Shiv and Tally were steering him away. Or dragging him. He couldn't be sure, he couldn't feel his legs, and he might have worried about that more, but he had his Blackbirds and they wouldn't let him fall, he was sure, and so instead he leaned his spinning head over and not-whispered, "Flavor saver," to Shiv, before breaking down into uncontrollable laughter.
He was still giggling helplessly when they gave up trying to get him to walk and Shiv just picked him up. Though, he didn't remember any of the rest of the trip after. -Blackbirds: Year One: Staggers and Jags
In the end, Maul threw the not-fight, and when Brody crowed triumphantly and got into his hammock with his datapad, Maul just grinned tongue-in-cheek, got up, dusted himself off and found a tree to lean against himself, watching Misty free-diving and the rest of the Blackbirds swimming and playing in the water.
Regardless of everything else going on right now, either out in the galaxy or inside of his own head, the sight of them made Maul happy.
To the very end of his days, he would remember this as before; for all of the watershed moments of his life, for all of the things he survived, for all of the things which left marks on him for good or for ill, it would be this one that would always be known only as before.
And to the very end of them, he would be able to trace the internal scars that drew the lines between before and after. -Blackbirds: Year One: The Lines of Before and After
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Oh, shit, I wrote this whole series to a ton of music. So, I'll just give you a handful of songs you can assume I was writing to. And often enough, I'd use a snippet of lyrics as a chapter title, too. LOL!
Grizfolk, Jamie N Commons - In My Arms (for Obimaul) Cold War Kids - First Hozier - Better Love (named the whole series!) Hozier - Take Me to Church Avicii - Hey Brother Matthew and the Atlas - Into Gold Foy Vance - Closed Hand, Full of Friends Red Wanting Blue - Hallelujah Steve Earle - Copperhead Road
But there are 284 songs on my Star Wars playlist. XD
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Besides that Maul is awesome? LOL! Several things, really. That the clones have a terrible lot. That one life is worth so much more than society might try to tell you it is. That people matter. That stories matter. That sometimes the only help we might be able to find is each other, but sometimes that's the best help we can ever hope for.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
That's hard to define in words, really. I think the big thing I learned was that I am capable of writing the hard stuff. A lot of my time as a storyteller, I shied back from writing the harder stuff because I was afraid people would judge me for it.
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majorshiraharu · 4 years
Bo-Katan x Reader Smut
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Here’s my 100 follower appreciation post, I’ve had this in my wips for a while now, so enjoy this probably self indulgent smut 
18+ Only, NSFW Smut, please no kiddies <3
------------------------------------- Bo-Katan x Fem Reader (gender neutral pronouns) ------------------------------------- Content Warnings: Explicit 18+ Dom female reader Sub Bo-Katan Tying up Oral - Bo receiving Swearing ----------------------
Summary: Porn without a plot XD
Obi-Wan had asked you to travel to Mandalore to help Bo-Katan fight Maul after he took over the planet, little did you know over the course of your time with her you would slowly start falling in love.  - One day you couldn't hide it anymore, both of you almost got killed in a fight with Maul, barely escaping with your lives.
Your heart pounds as you walk into her room. "Bo," you said stopping right behind her grabbing her wrist to spin her around so she was facing you. "What is it Y/N?" She questioned raising a brow as she watched your chest rise and fall, sweat glistening on your face. She knew exactly what you wanted - the same thing as her, but she always enjoyed teasing you. Seeing how far she could push you until you finally broke and showed her your true feelings. Luckily for her that time had come - leaning in you kiss her, it doesn't take long for her tongue to dominate your mouth. She might be the leader out there but in here you were going to be the leader, and make her whimper for you.
Pushing her against the wall you loop your arms under her ass, lifting her up so her legs could wrap around your hips and waist. Slowly sliding one of your hands over her body, taking off every piece of her armor carefully, teasing her by running your hand around the sensitive parts of her body.  
The sound of her armor falling to the ground echos through the room, finally you're able to start pulling off her shirt, sliding your hands between her skin and the fabric. Her arms release their firm grip on your shoulders to help pull off her shirt, discarding it on the ground as she goes back to kissing you. - Now your hands work at her pants, carefully walking over to the bed you drop her down, a little less gracefully than you had hoped. Your hands fumble some but you're finally able to get off her pants - straddling her and kissing the skin all the way up her body, - your hot tongue drags over her chest and up her neck. A desperate groan leaves her mouth as her head tilts back, "Ahhh Y/N," she moaned as you gently bite down on her pulse point which was now perfectly exposed to you, sucking at the skin before pulling away. Quickly you remove your armor and clothes throwing it across the room, except for your shirt. - You instruct her to move up the bed, her head now resting right where the pillows met the bars of the headrest, taking your shirt off you wrap it around the bars before tying her wrists, the fabric was just stretchy enough to give her some comfortable resistance. Smirking you lean back down biting her neck and grazing your teeth down her body, making sure to leave small marks as you trailed the skin on her body, letting her know that she was yours and only yours. Making it down to her burning entrance she began to beg, "Please, please just fuck me already!" Humming at her desperate request you start to tease her, pulling down her panties so you could start licking the wetness that was dripping from her, watching her intently as you did so. Despite her best efforts to hide how desperate she was her body did its own thing, her arousal only making her wetter. Running your tongue around her opening she begins to pull her arms - but the shirt holds her, if she wanted she could easily break it, but between the tingling that was weakening her body and the desire to just have you eat her out, she didn't use her strength to break it. "Use your words, my love, what do you desire?" You ask moving a hand to trace the bare skin of her stomach and chest, running your finger along the lines between her muscles. Heavy breaths filled her lungs, making her chest rise and fall as she growled, "You know what I want, just do it already!!" She demanded making you grin. "That's not how we ask for it," you tease running a finger on the outside of her lips before pushing your thump gently into her mouth. As some revenge, she bites down on your thumb holding it there as she moved her tongue around it, making a shiver run down your spine, as a hot and heavy breath escaped your lips. Releasing your finger she asked again, this time making her voice sweeter, "Please Y/N you know how bad I've been, show me what you do to bad girls." - Fuck, the way her voice sounded made you heat up inside, your panties were now officially soaked so you had no problem discarding them and hers as you now positioned yourself between her thighs. Licking the inside of her legs, getting just close enough before pulling away, making her cry your name. "You've been a brat, how about I teach you a lesson?" You grin, shoving a finger inside her, making her gasp. "Show me!" She said biting her lower lip, clenching her hands into fists as her eyes were now firmly shut, just wanting to feel you. Ungracefully you put two more fingers inside her, causing her to scream your name, as you pump your hand back and forth you carefully massage her clit with your thumb. Her legs shake as she tries to rock her hips against the rhythm of your fingers, leaning forward you kiss the skin between her breasts, giving yourself a better position to push your finger further into her.
Gently scratching her walls with your fingernails, a whimper escaping her mouth as you do so, tears building in the corner of her eyes. You firmly grip her hips with your free hand, holding them still, she whined in protests, but despite her begging, you refused to release her, just wanting to tease her a little more. Just before she reaches her peak you pull your fingers out, making her gasp for air and growl your name, staring you down with a fire in her eyes. Moving your mouth down her body you finally trust your tongue into her, a delightful cry escaping as her head fully leans back. It took everything in you to not just move up and bite her neck, but you restrain yourself and continue to work at her core, finger massaging the outer parts as your tongue moved deeper. I collection of curses and distasteful sounds release themselves from her as she comes, pulling hard against the shirt that was restraining her arms. After teasingly licking her up you leaned over her whole body, scooting up and sitting down carefully on her chest, holding most of your weight on your own legs. Moving to untie the shirt, a devilish grin appears on her face, and not a second after you finished freeing her did she use her strength and flexibility to knock you over onto your back, sitting herself on you, hips grinding against your own as her hands held your wrists firmly against the bed. Leaning down she gently bit at your neck, dragging her tongue up the side of your face as you moaned. "Now it's your turn," she whispered into your ear, nipping at your earlobe as she moved away to look at you, biting her lip as she ran her hands over your almost entirely naked body, admiring every part of it with her eyes and fingertips. They trace the outline of your breasts - her hands now move to cover them, gently massaging them before wrapping her arms around your back to undo the binding that was covering keeping them from her. part 2 
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Pirate au part 5 pt2
(link to first part of pt5)
Alright, alright back from the flash back
"Yes but if I am honest, I thought it was a fabrication to deal with the life they forced upon you... however it does explain your need of aquatic plush toys in your quarters."
Hat replied leaning back in his chair, legs outstretched and chin on chest with arms folded.
"Tha' an I jus' like 'em, also sir..."
The old demon responded not looking up as a glass appeared aswell as a bottle of wine, pouring by itself before reaching out a hand for it, claws tapping lightly on the glass.
Didn't matter what time of day it was if he wanted a drink he was going to have one.
He was still bitter that Demencia and Acylius were probably talking up a storm and completely ignoring him.
How flipping wonderful for them.
(Awww someone's a grumpy old man XD)
"I were told yer handled yer... Ahem noodles other night."
505 continued, rubbing the back of his neck and looking off to the side, though it was hard not to smile as the Captain let out another indignant huff.
"Excuse you, they are most certainly not noodles, I can make them any size I want!"
He was clearly exasperated by his cooks response, rising to his feet and pacing only for it to hit Black Hat that if 505 knee that means.... ¬w¬ Acylius was awake, that made the pirate King smile, good so he'd heard him, perhaps the merman was intrigued and-
"Really wow...honest jus' be thinkin' with the size o' this 'ere ship was compensating for sumthin."
Fives returned casually and snorted as Black Hat gasped dramatically, hand on chest.
"I am affronted in Spanish you would think such a thing!"
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"Pfffft sir yer got a merman who's affronted in a whole lot o' Spanish by ere thin yer done."
That made our Old bastard pause as he looked incredulously at his employee
"Oh like what?"
"Dining withou' even offerin' ter share fer one."
Hat immediately started fidgeting as well as his mind going blank, what was he supposed to do, confess the merman made him lose all reason and he'd been so busy on trying to be impressive to Acylius he'd actually forgotten the merman’s basic needs.
The king couldn't exactly disagree considering be happily ate anything the man put infront of him, scrubbing his hands down his face and groaning
"I have not even asked if Flug has a food he favors most, no wonder he shuns my presence."
"Sir, do calm yer self, trust me, merman ain't hatin' on ya, or he wud 'ave jumped out, merfolk sooner die than stay trapped against their will, part of him wants ter stay."
Now that made the old demon perk up, honestly if anyone other than Fives or Demencia and Acylius talked to him this way, when the blasted merman would finally converse with him that was, he'd have tossed anyone else overboard cut open to draw in sharks and watched as they were mauled.
Ahhh mauling, what a lovely thing.
Maybe he'd do that later anyway, he felt in the mood for a killing, it would be easy enough to find some reason to off one of his own men, no one dared to argue with Pirate King Black Hat lest they be next on his list.
"So what else do you know about deep sea merfolk? I know about Thaddeus's world and of his Edward practically having one as a pet, but they never gave me the detailsr and I did not care to ask at the time, I think they might have even escaped."
Returning to his seat, there was only the sound of the sea and Fives food sizzling or boiling subtly, calming in its own way, his cook had returned to the stove working on Black Hat's meal and the slops the rest of the crew had...excluding the cook himself and Dem...he would not have his best workers fed so poorly.
"King I'm surprised yer dun know more about his kind , I be bettin he has some pet yer ripped him away from..."
Looking over his shoulder he saw Black Hat starting to fidget as he realised that he'd probably caused Acylius more distress without meaning to.
"He dun seem ter 'ave a partner, food offerin' are like socializations...sum cases even get yer matin if they reaaaally like the food and the one offerin'"
Inside Black Hat's mind was a smaller version of himself frantically scrawling all this down while listening calmly, if Acylius did have a pet he was going to bloody well hunt for it and start courting the stubborn fish correctly.
In the Captain's quarters Acylius was floating in his tank there was not much he could really do in empty waters.
Tail swaying gently up and down, listening to Demencia's stories about Black Hat and the adventures they'd had.
His fins drooping slightly, so that was a yes, they were a sort of thing, where did that leave him, was he once again some beings pet?
That left him wondering if he was expected to worship within this prison and please his new master...at least if someone explained to him what his fate was to be, his could accept it all the quicker, it was the anticipation making it nearly unbearable.
Maybe if he behaved he could even bargain favors of his body for Black Hat to bring him his beloved Mew Mew loaf...but what if the Pirate king devoured her if he did not behave.
Thaddeus absolutely would have had he had Mew Mew as his companion then.
Looking up at Demencia, she noticed the vulnerability through the cut out holes in the tied bag on his head, she was staring back curiously wondering what was going through his mind.
Acylius had to agree she was really fascinating herself...if Black Hat and Demencia had room for him...it would still be better than his last arrangement.
He'd never met someone quite so excitable as her, she had such a lust for madness it was incredible.
"Hmm would you like to join me in my fish bowl?"
Flug offered, swimming up to the surface, holding a hand out for her, long fingers, fins fanning, delicate veils lined with fragile thin bone adorning his forearms, glistening in the sunlight.
Watching them sway, her urge to touch them rising, she'd never seen a mer being up close until Acylius so of course the lizard woman was fascinated, reaching out hesitantly and pausing, giving him a questioning look as she was unsure if that would upset him.
"Yes you can touch them, but in the tank please, so I can keep them wet, they tend to tear like tissue paper when dry."
Flug chuckled, reaching now with both hands he lifted her into his water home.
Most of course would have have asked why any mer person would want a land walker in their domain and with good reason, there were many cautionary tales of sailors being drowned by merfolk.
Demencia of course being Demencia XD was like Hell yeah and made a joyful surprised sound at how easily Flug lifted her, once in the waters she let out a sigh, they were so cool and refreshing, absolutely wonderful.
"Now that you are in, may I make one more request, may I kiss you?"
His deep and gentle voice with its own alluring inviting timber had her growing a little flustered, she'd lying if she did not agree that it made his request all tempting. .
"Whoa there fish man, at least buy me dinner first."
She teased playfully and gently nudged him.
Acylius was smiling under his mask and shook his head
"What would you like Miss, I have thin air and water...but all joking aside Demencia, it is so I can make you breathe underwater."
"Ohhhh right, makes sense, well then, pucker up fish boy!"
"Only if you close your eyes, I do not want to put you off."
"Please nothing would put me off, you could be a face of tentacles and I'd still smooch ya!"
Flug snorted, indeed she was entertaining. "
"Alright, do not say, that I did not warn you."
Lifting the lower half of his bag, smiling to the fullest extent his lips would allow, the corners of them disappearing under his mask, mouth full of sharp teeth, in awe she stared at their shimmering beauty, all of them like daggers made of pearl, mouth going dry and silently cursing, damn, fangs...her weakness.
The kiss was brief, an opening of mouths, exchange of fluids before being pulled down into the water.
Wow...in here she saw what he saw, the captains quarters looked distant, as if they were peering into a small rectangular window, on the other side of the was the vastness of the ocean, all types of plant life and fish, so on so forth, reaching out to try and touch his world her hand met only more glass.
"Ah ah no touching or it breaks my illusion, it is too tiring to make solid ones at all times but these ones help me from going mad in my solitude in this fish bowl."
Flug was quiet, thinking on how to respond to that
"If you come from Pearl City, you are considered perfect, their colours are more pastel and you are free but with a king...it is full of wonder and lights..."
Sighing he looked out into the vastness of his illusion, it changed to show the city, glowing and splendid
A silhouette of a show over it of he, Thaddeus and Edward.
" Upon my first viewing I thought it beautiful, but that light for me soon diminished as I was kept by its King, like a pet...I do not hate this Land King though who has me now...he seems surprisingly awkward...endearing really..."
"Ohhhh you like him!"
"Shush or I will not continue....my deep sea kind are dwindling in numbers and because of our rarity if captured we can be used as a power play a sign of well to do...deep sea merfolk are wild and free, come and go as we please unless we have a reason to stay that is... "
He raised a brow, sensing Demencia had more to say gently prodded her
" What is it? "
"You want to stay for the Captain huh, that will make him happy he's been a grumpy old sod because he thinks you hate him."
"I would have jumped out the bloody tank by now if I did...anyway my kind is more willing to help anyone and everyone, Pearl City folk only help their own."
Acylius shook his head, smiling to himself, his cheeks were thankfully hidden by his mask because he was blushing and he knew it.
" Screw those pearl mersnobs, you're already more amazing than them...hmm your fins are really nice I was expecting them to feel slimy like actual fish."
Flug stifled a laugh at her attitude toward Pearl Merfolks, that certainly lifted his mood at how unimpressed she was by them, his fins suddenly flared out, the spines on bis back raising defensively as he held her closer before putting her behind him and poised to strike at the nothingness in Black Hat's Cabin, a swirling portal of purple light tore through the air and his first words in response
"You will not have her creature!"
Acylius's claws extended however no one stepped out only a voice was heard
"Awwww cute you were socialising, guessing Black Hat hasn't been looking after you, Demmy Where's Blackie?"
Demencia had been caught completely off guard at Flug's willingness to protect her, taking a moment to come back down to Earth and answer the voice that she knew well
" He's in the Galley Ferral! "
" Thanks hun! "
With that the portal disappeared.
"Full of surprises aren't ya!"
Demmy was clearly excited by his display, like an eager child to see more, that had been pretty awesome for her to see that and see his usually white and deep blue tail instantly go black with bright blue rings on in warning against predators.
" You know them...that thing?"
"Ohhh yes, brief encounters here and there, in another dimension she's Black Hats daughter and your step daughter...though that Flug is really quite different from you, small world after all huh."
"Yes indeed."
He replied, though he still fixed on the space where the portal had been.
It was nice to know in another dimension he and Black Hat had a family... Maybe one day they... No that was thinking waaaaay too far ahead.
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minimin1993 · 5 years
S/M 19 & B/L 18
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Warning: Implied masturbation? XD. Language as always. Violence.
After her lovely morning with Jennie, Min went to meet up with Sebastian at the bowling alley.
“So I am quite surprised Jennie isn’t here right now.” Sebastian said tying his bowling shoes.
“She has training at 3 so I called her an uber to take her back to her back. However, I asked her to be my Valentine so I will see her in a few days.” Min said with a proud look on her face.
“Dam Princess, you are not playing around are you?” 
“Nope, she’s the first girl that made me feel like this to be honest. God damn when I first saw her it was like time stopped and nothing else mattered.” Min said grabbing her desired bowling ball placing it on the stand waiting for Sebastian. 
“I know I was there, you were all flustered. I was laughing on the inside.” Sebastian said setting his ball down setting up the screen. 
“Pshh, so what you doing Valentine? Ganna work up the courage and ask Margarita?” Min said with a wink before walking off throwing the first toss hitting 6 pins. 
“I don’t know yet, I was hoping to spend Valentine with Ma this year. She misses you, she keeps asking me about you last time I talked to her.” 
“Tell her I miss her too, and that I will visit the moment I am in New York.” Min said throwing her ball and misses. “God dang it.” 
“So what you planning on doing on Valentine for her other then the obvious.” He said winking at her. “Oh shut up.” 
“What? It’s true. You both were so loud last night, you do remember I am a man right. I have urges too. Shit you both made it so hard for me to sleep last night, you were practically mauling her. And this morning Chris and I couldn’t have left fast enough and still heard you guys” Sebastian said with a smirk on his face. 
“Aww did we get you guys all worked up? Come on you had Chris, you know the world ships Stucky. It’s all over Tumblr you know. You could have made millions of girls dream come true.”  
“Oh yeah you did, worked out my biceps though because of it so win win situation. Plus they ship BuckLin more, we are engaged after all.” He said flexing his right arm. 
“Oh my god Sebastian. The mental image.” She said covering her burning face making him laugh.
“Come on it's not that bad. I think I am a pretty decent looking guy.” 
“I was kidding, but dam the thought of having you rubbing it out by the sounds of me and Jennie is an honor.” She said making him laugh harder. 
 The next few weeks have been uneventful, Sebastian has went back to New York while Min and Jennie explore their new found relationship before Min heads off to film Age of Ultron. 
 Sebby (>^.^)> 
So I asked out Margarita :)
MinniePrincess ^-^
YASSSS!!!!!! Tap that ass or I will tap it!
I am serious
Treat her right or I will take her fine ass away from you
Sebby (>^.^)>     LOL I don’t think Jennie will appreciate that 
MinniePrincess ^-^
    Jennie said she will tap it with me BTW 
    PS She is cooking next to me 
Sebby (>^.^)>
    Ya’ll kinky mother fuckers I swear.
MinniePrincess ^-^
    You betcha we are ;D 
(Pissed off why this Gif wont just play... click on the link to see the picture she send him.^^)
Sebby (>^.^)>
    TMI, I didn’t need to know what 
MinniePrincess ^-^
    Oh shut up!! Don’t act like your so fucken innocent
Sebby (>^.^)>
    LOLOL So true!! 
MinniePrincess ^-^ 
    I miss you here in LA so much
    I wish we didn’t live so far from each other now
Sebby (>^.^)> 
    I miss you too princess 
    But hey it’s not so bad now since your only a couple of hours away 
MinniePrincess ^-^
    I know grrr should have gotten a place in New York instead 
Sebby (>^.^)> 
    It’s not so bad princess, just a few months and we will be in Philly together
MinniePrincess ^-^
    A few months too much!!!!
    Grrr, anyways I have to go, food’s ready! 
    I’ll talk to you later Bye!!! ^^
Sebby (>^.^)> 
    Ok Princess TTYL :)
  The Avengers are in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia, when Tony bounces off of the base's force field.
“Shit!” Tony said
“Language!” Steve said making Linda laugh from the motorcycle behind him. “JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?”
“The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.” Jarvis answered.  
“Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last.” Thor said  
“At long last is lasting a little long, boys.” Natasha said taking out agents after agents.  
“Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.” Clint said.  
“Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said ‘language?’” Tony said making Linda laugh louder as Steve turns at rolls his eyes at her.  
“I know, it just slipped out.” Steve said throwing his bike at the Hydra jeep before jumping onto Linda bike pushing her behind him.  
“Hey unfair, get your own.” Linda said crossing her arms around her chest.  
“I just did.” He said playfully. They were driving on the motorcycle when something dashed into them knocking them both off the bike.  
“Oh come on.” Linda said looking around.  
"We have an enhanced in the field.” Steve said as both runs toward the direction it was going.  
“  Clint's hit!” Natasha said “Somebody want to deal with that bunker?” She said seeing the Hulk coming to the rescue smashing right into the bunker. “Thank you.”  
While Linda and Steve was running on the field they reached a group when Steve sends his shield while Linda whips the agents knocking them out. “Stark, we're really need to get inside.”  
“  I'm closing in. JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?” Tony said  
“There's a pathway below the north tower.”  
“Great, I wanna poke it with something, Drawbridge is down, people.” Tony said blowing up the invisible shield around the base. Linda and Steve still working together knocking the agents out when Thor came out of nowhere, sending a blast of his hammer knocking over the rest while Linda absorbs the aftershock feeling rejuvenated.  
“The enhanced?” Thor asked when they ran over to him.  
“He's a blur. All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't.” Steve said looking around.  
“Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac.” Natasha said over the com.  
“I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. You, Linda, and Stark secure the scepter.” Thor said  
“Copy that.” Steve said as they watch the soldier approaching them in their Hydra tanks making Linda smirk standing back knowing what’s going to happen.  
“Looks like they're lining up.” Thor said twirling his hammer.  
“Well, they're excited.” Steve said lifting his shield up for Thor to hit and the force knocks down all the soldiers while Linda absorbs all the aftershock.  
“Shit, how I miss that feeling.” Linda/Luna said opening her black eyes looking at Thor and Steve all giggly making Thor smirk.  
“Find the scepter.” He said before flying off.  
“And for gosh sake, watch your language!” Tony said causing Linda to laugh seeing Steve sigh. “That's not going away anytime soon.” Steve said looking down.  
“Come on time to have some fun.” Linda/Luna said running over to the base whipping all the agents in her way with the excess energy she has running through her veins somehow still surprising Steve after all the years of knowing her.  
When they made it to the staircase she knocks out the last Agent before running into Strucker running down the stairs.   
“Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug.” Steve said coming in after her.  
“Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD.” Strucker said.  
“Well then technically you're unemployed.” Linda/Luna said pretending to think before grinning menacing.  
“Where's Loki's scepter?” Steve said  
“Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.” Strucker said a little to confident making Linda question his motive.  
“I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation. How many are there?” Steve ask while Linda begins to look around when someone walks up to her knocking her and Steve down the stairs and quickly leaves.  
“We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage.” Steve said when they ran up the stairs looking at Strucker.  
“You'll have to be faster than…” Strucker said when Steve kicks up his shield knocking Strucker out.  
“Guys, I got Strucker.” Steve said picking up Strucker tossing him over his shoulder walking out with Linda practically skipping behind him.  
“Yeah, I got...something bigger.” Tony said over the com “Thor, I got eyes on the prize.”  
“So how long does the extra energy take to wear off normally.” Steve said watching Linda doing flips and cartwheels making him laugh at her.  
“I don’t know Steve, how long does it take for your extra energy to wear off?” Linda asked smuggly hanging upside down from the tree looking at him.  
“Rude.” He said with a smirk walking into the jet.  
“Ignore her, normally Loki and her disappears for days in their room.” Thor said with a smirk before Linda sends him a small jolt.  
“Oww, so this is the thanks I get?” Thor asked rubbing his butt.  
“Oh I know, maybe Capsicle can help you work off….” Tony said before Linda ramps up her finger about to jolt him but he walks to the pilot seat before finishing.
“Nope learned that the hard way.”  
“Thor, report on the Hulk?” Natasha asked turning their attention to look at her and Banner.  
“The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims.” Thor said with a smile on his face but Natasha glares at him and Banner groans in despair.   “  Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout.”  
“Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?” Tony asked changing the subject.  
“  Uh, yeah, she knows her way around.” Banner said  
“Thanks. Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna need the full treatment.” Tony said to Jarvis.  
“Very good sir.”  
“JARVIS, take the wheel.” Tony said standing up walking over to the scepter.  
“Yes, sir. Approach vector is locked.”  
“ It feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but…  
“No, but this...this brings it to a close.” Thor said.  
“As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?” Steve asked  
“Banner and I'll give it the once before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?” Tony asked as Thor nods his head.   “  I mean, just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying, right?”  
“Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels.” Thor said  
“Yeah. Who doesn't love revels. Captain?” Tony asked  
“Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA, so. Yes, revels.”   
The Avengers aircraft lands at the Avengers headquarters where Barton is taken to have his wound tended to; Maria walk up to Stark.  
“Lab's all set up, boss.”  
“Uh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler.” Tony said pointing over to Steve who was putting things away with Linda.  
“What's the word on Strucker?”  
“NATO's got him.”  
“The two enhanced?” He asked Maria who gives him the tablet.  
“Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special.”She said as they walked off the jet.  
“  Their abilities?”  
“He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.” Maria explained making Linda giggle knowing he didn’t understand what she said judging the funny look he was giving her.  
“He's fast and she's weird.” She rephrased.  
“Well, they're going to show up again.”  
“Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts.” Maria said as Linda and Steve walks into the elevator.  
“Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?”  
“We're not at war, Captain.” Maria said.  
“They are.” Steve said when the door closes.  
“I don’t think that’s what Maria meant Steve.” Linda said feeling the tension rolling off Steve.  
“I know, still hurts.” Steve said with a smirk making Linda scoff.  
“Whatever, Jarvis take me to the pool. I gotta work off this energy before I burst.” Linda said.  
“Yes Miss Grey.” Jarvis said taking her to the pool.  
“Captain.” Linda said jokingly walking out of the Elevator. 
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atopearth · 6 years
Shall We Date? Love Tangle Part 12 - Silvan Glanzschmidt and Jonas Klukas Routes
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Loll at Silvan’s introductory scene, he’s literally commanding his patient to listen to him without understanding, like ummm, not sure if that’s how it works… Just because you’re a doctor doesn’t mean they’ll just trust you like that when you won’t even think about them. And through the heroine lecturing him about that, she’s made a doctor friend! Hahaha. Pretty bold of him to say she can call for him at the front desk the next time she comes so that they can have another chat. But lol seriously, kinda silly that he thinks she’s special just because she asserted a contrary opinion to his.
Ooh there’s a new guy called William and he works at or owns the flower shop! He looks really gentle and nice. Wow, the heroine nearly got mauled by a leopard, lucky Paul and the others saved her. But I guess she needs a reason to go to the hospital to see Silvan lol. Sure, Silvan might not have the best attitude but he’s right that these reporters that are trying to get info from him about him being possibly involved with some scandal with a pharmaceutical company is interfering with his job. Who let these people inside the hospital?🤨 Anyway, Jonas seems like a cool guy too, quite caring, perceptive and nice. Sweet of him to go see the doctor with her since head injuries could be serious. Oooh guess the next two routes will be William and Ivy! We’re getting another lady! She looks rather pretty but not very sociable.
Wow, Silvan picked up an earring and recognised that it was the heroine’s even though he barely saw her with it on today? Damn~ attention to detail haha. Not sure why he doesn’t have a good impression of Jonas but I’m surprised he thought he could just tell the heroine to not get close to him and that she’ll listen, the heroine chooses who she wants to be with okay, lol, whether he’s untrustworthy or not is something for her to discover herself. Sometimes I wonder though, will there be a day where otome heroines can climb ladders without falling down? LOL, seriously though, the moment she stepped on the ladder, we all knew it would happen, it’s such a simple formula, heroine + ladder = fall, so guy can catch her lol.
I don’t know what Silvan could possibly be involved in that Jonas has to investigate him, but even if Silvan’s words aren’t the most gentle, he always seems to think about his patients’ wellbeing the most, so it’s difficult to think he’s dodgy at all. Tbh, I find it difficult to believe and also a big negligence of privacy for the heroine to be able to hear all these conversations Silvan has with his patients, like dude, do you ever close your door? And heroine, listening in is very disrespectful to the patient and their private medical history, not that the game cares but really, it’s worrying.
Anyway, I agree with the patient. Trust and reputation is very important and I don’t feel like Silvan understands that at all, he just wants his patients to blindly follow him and believe in his skills that will fix them up. But really, like he has said before, he should understand that these are their own bodies and they should have the right to choose another doctor or hospital if they don’t believe they can trust the doctor operating on them. This is their life that they could possibly be giving over. Whether the rumours of him colluding with the pharmaceutical company are real or not, he’s got to understand that it’ll be difficult for people to not doubt him even if has had a good reputation all this time, let alone he hasn’t with the attitude he has in treating his patients like idiots. Patients have the right to understand what they will be going through and to communicate with the doctor until they truly understand things properly, they should not be demeaned by him like this, he’s very unprofessional even if he has a good heart. A big factor to being a doctor is communicating with patients and if he can’t even do that properly, then regardless of his skills, it’ll be difficult for him to survive unless people can really see through or ignore his stubborn personality.
Anyway, the heroine keeps saying Ivy is beautiful but honestly, Celina is so much more beautiful imo. And she’s sure free to go get a checkup at the hospital and investigate Silvan to prove his innocence to Jonas. It’s cliche but it was cute to see the heroine defend Silvan from reporters, too bad they’re crazy and ended up hurting her. Seriously though, they’re relentless. So, basically the case is tied with the corrupt hospital director that has been like that since Silvan was an intern, and although he never participated, he never stopped the director from doing what he does (receiving bribes etc), so he’s always felt bad and wanted to out his crimes etc. Now, with Jonas wanting to expose this and the heroine supporting him, they very easily caught him in a trap, which was quite silly tbh, because if he’s been doing this for so many years, you’d think he’s more careful and check the background of the heroine pretending to be some rich owner of a pharmaceutical company, rather than just giving in to his greed and spilling his fishy ways so easily to them. And why would he trust Silvan so much when I’m sure he should know the type of person Silvan is. But whatever lol, I don’t like the story this time around anyway.
The supreme ending CGs seem to be getting steamier these days! Which I have nothing against, they’re so pretty and nice! The only crappy thing is that sometimes I feel like them taking the “next step” into their relationship is so forced because they’re either barely dating or barely started to view each other as lovers or don’t even have that chemistry (imo) and instead just seem suddenly so passionately into each other. Personally, I don’t really see the heroine and Silvan as a couple, it’s like, sure she solved his problem, but I don’t feel like they really connected on a deeper level. Anyway, wasn’t into the story either, so yeah not a fan, don’t think I’ll like Jonas either tbh (since I don’t like the general plot or his personality) but we shall see.
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On another note though, I really miss Joy (was that her name, the girl friend she made that’s a makeup artist), I feel like she really helped the heroine organise her feelings and support her romance in a logical and sweet way, I feel like it’s kinda bland these days with just the new guys appearing with newer characters that will eventually have a route.
Like, it’s great that she’s bonding deeply with Jonas, but like, just a few lines saying that they’ve been talking to each other a lot and have been able to tell each other everything does not make me think that they have a strong relationship lol. Can’t even see how they bonded or what they bonded about! So yeah, the heroine says that she can believe Jonas but I still know nothing about him so I can’t share the same sentiments. Can finally see why he’s so adamant on solving the case involving Silvan though, his parents divorced because of it. Guess it’s kinda nice that they’re doing stakeouts together XD.
Great that Jonas and Silvan could finally calm down and talk to each other instead of shouting at the other lol. And not surprised that some guy came after them with a gun, but it’s just so unnecessarily dramatic lol. Anyway, things are pretty much the same as Silvan’s route. And then they do it, the end lol. Honestly, I wanted to like Jonas more considering I think he had the better back story with the parents and wanting to uncover the truth for closure and to stop looking back at the past, and having the heroine supporting him helped him to do that, and it was nice but I just feel like it wasn���t shown very well. I feel like the story was told to me, rather than shown, so it made the plot very disengaging and boring.
Overall, both routes were average, didn’t really like both guys or their stories, it wasn’t very interesting or appealing and just seemed so…bland. Yeah, I haven’t been really liking the recent routes, they’re all rather basic, cookie cutter stories tbh and it’s kinda disappointing.
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archosauriansworld · 6 years
So a certain someone got me more or less hooked on an AU (I’m lookin at you @insectoid5 XD), so I decided to write a little bit on how my characters might fit in this amazing AU! Thanks to both @insectoid5 and @frozenartscapes for your help with this! Enjoy!
Rated T for minor profanities
The Hunt
Rhett woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, he wished he could sleep in, but there was always work to be done at the Geo Sands Museum of Nature and Sciences, and with last season’s find, the whole team was itching to get to uncovering the enormous slab they had brought from Oregon, near the city of Arendal, he had been so excited for continuing to unearth the fossils from their stony prison he couldn’t sleep. From what they had already been able to recover it was some sort of cat, but that only told so much.
After getting dressed and something to eat, he silently went into Ariel’s room to check up on her, his sister was a member of a group that she had only called “The Org”, other than that he knew relatively little of what exactly they did, other than that they were assassins, Rhett understood why Ariel wanted to be one, but he still wasn’t sure about her being one, honestly it made him worried about what may happen to her, or him for that matter.
Elsa walked through the hallways on the Org’s HQ towards D’s office where he had summoned her, she hoped that this assignment would be easier than her last one, she had barely made that one out alive. She had hardly gotten to his door when she heard D, “Come on in Elsa, I have your next assignment for you”, as she walked in she saw the file on D’s desk, “All we know is that the target’s name is Rhett S”, Elsa blinked in surprise, “Wasn’t he-”,”Johnston's assignment? Yes”. All the blonde could say was “Yikes, talk about bad luck”, she said remembering the fact that before Johnston even saw Rhett he was mauled by a cougar, luckily he was recovering at the local hospital and would likely be back in a couple weeks or so.
“As you probably guessed by now, the area is filled with wildlife where your target lives, so please be careful”, Elsa nodded, “Thanks D”, she said taking the file, before heading off with a small smile, as she shut the door, D sighed, if Johnston wasn’t able to handle the assignment, what were the likelihoods of Elsa being able to? Sure the man previously on the assignment was mauled by a wild animal, but cougars were very shy and cautious animals, rarely seen by people, all he could hope was that Elsa wouldn’t share the same fate.
Elsa watched and waited on a ridge, Rhett should be home soon, unlike Johnston, she wouldn’t take any chances with this, she had seen some animal tracks nearby, she was no wildlife specialist but she knew what cat tracks looked like, however these were big, definitely bigger than Marshmallow’s, the large, fluffy tom she and Anna had at home.
Suddenly some movement caught her attention from inside the house, surely he wasn’t home yet, she would’ve seen or heard his vehicle pull up to the house, zooming her scope in through one of the windows she saw something she certainly didn’t want to see, Ariel Saurin, her rival at the Org, ‘What the hell is she doing here?’, she thought, surely D wouldn’t have sent her on this as well for backup?
Then, she heard it, the unmistakable sound of a car pulling up to the house, but where she was positioned she couldn’t get a decent shot. Elsa watched as a tan-skinned hand opened the door, ‘C’mon just let me kill you already, I want to get out of here’, she thought waiting for her target to get out of the door. Then a sudden breeze blew through the trees and after a couple more seconds the door was slammed shut and the garage opened as her target drove in.
Elsa silently cursed before slinking from the ridge towards the house, careful not to get in view of the windows, as she neared the back she heard the back door open and footsteps on wood, how in the hell he got past Saurin was a mystery to her, but if he had hurt her, she’d at least be able to brag about it to her the next time the two met, that is if she ever saw her again.
Positioning herself she aimed again at her target, he was obviously cautious, as if he knew she was in the area, she couldn’t waste any more time, as she checked her rifle again she looked up and found herself locking eyes with him, she quickly aimed to get him but by the time she had her scope up to where he was, he had vanished, getting up she had no choice to follow him into the coniferous forests of Northern California.
Rhett was pissed, this was the second person to come after him in a month, no matter, he already knew what to do as he ran down to a small stream and jumped across and into a thicket, he didn’t want to do this again, but in order to survive he had to.
Smoothly he changed shape, his hands and feet turned into large round paws, his face shortened and fur covered his entire body, including a long tail built for balance, he hunkered down and waited for his target to get close before letting the chase begin.
Elsa was starting to wear out by the time she reached the stream she was baffled when she saw Rhett’s shoe prints just disappear along the stream-bed, bending over to see if she could see any more, the blonde frowned in frustration, she had been so close to getting him, but it was like he disappeared off the face of the earth. Picking up a rock in frustration she threw it into the thicket where she was met with a snarl of anger.
Rhett looked at the small rock she had inadvertently chucked at him, licking the area where it had struck he had decided that was it, he’d had enough of his sister’s colleagues stopping by for a ‘visit’, he needed to get a point across to them that he truly was something that no one could handle, he peered through the foliage at the panic stricken woman, her eyes darting from side to side trying to figure out where exactly he was, he smirked darkly, that was the last mistake she’d ever make, he shifted again into something as if not more deadly.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elsa backed up as whatever was in the foliage ahead hissed at her, ever so slowly she went to grab the pistol from her side, eyes never leaving the bushes, before she was suddenly knocked to the forest floor, the pistol going off harmlessly in the air, that was when she felt the stinging sensation of claws in her side, luckily they weren’t able to pierce the vest she had on, whatever attacked her got off and as she stood up grabbed the hand holding her pistol in its mouth and pinned her to the ground before snatching the handgun out of her grasp and running off.
Quickly getting up she looked around trying to figure out what exactly that creature was and how it was smart enough to take her pistol away from her, but the snap of a twig brought her back to what was at hand. “You really thought you could take me on?”, a voice echoed through the trees, “Your friend that came here a couple days ago was lucky he found me first, otherwise he’d be dead”, Elsa frantically looked around her, it was only her and Rhett out here, so a human figure would be easy to find, however she was soon proven wrong as she heard the thumps of footsteps from behind her, and whatever was coming was big.
“I guess that wasn’t enough then”, Elsa heard the voice say from her left, quickly pulling her rifle out she got ready to fire from where the voice came from, “Funny how it’s the hunter, becoming the hunted”, it continued, this time from where she had been previously facing, she turned again to face whoever was there, ‘He’s toying with me…. Like a cat…’, was all the blonde could think of before a large beast erupted from the foliage to her left and with a rumble grabbed the rifle still in her hands and started to shake it’s head like a dog with a toy.
The blonde lost her grip and fell to the forest floor with a thump before looking up as her assailant tossed her rifle into the woods, she was staring face to face with a dinosaur, every muscle in her body froze as only one thought ran through her mind, ‘I don’t get paid enough for this’. However to her surprise the animal started to change, becoming more and more human before looking exactly like her target, his green eyes wild with a primordial fury. Elsa was at a loss for words as he stopped about ten feet away from her, “Welcome to the food chain”, was all he said before he leapt at her, shifting and snarling as some sort of weird cat before he landed on her, and all went black.
Rhett raised one of his paws and hissed, ready to disembowel his attacker before he heard his sister yelling, “Rhett!! Stop!!”, the enraged marsupial looked up at his sister, his tail twitching vigorously in irritation, “Ariel, this assassin shit has got to stop!”, he snarled, “This is the second time someone has tried to kill me this week! I want you to go back to wherever these people keep coming from and tell them that you are not going to be working with them do you understand??”, Ariel looked at him shocked, “Y’know the whole reason why this is happening is because you told me and I quote, ‘Don’t tell anyone there about me in case they figure out what I am!’”, the redhead snapped back.
His ears flattened as he glared at her, she was right, and he knew it, “What should we do with her?”, Rhett asked. “I’ll take her inside, once she’s conscious again I’ll tell her to go home, I just hope the asshole didn’t suffer a concussion, because if D finds out, I’d be dead quicker than the dinosaurs…”, Ariel snarled at her brother as she picked the unconscious blonde up, “I don’t care what you do just… stay out of sight”, were her final words before she headed back. The predator snorted before going to grab the weapons he’d snatched from her during the battle and dragging them along.
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copperbadge · 6 years
jamoche1 replied to your photo “We interrupt kitten spam to bring you cinnamon rolls for Monday...”
Not that different from Pumpkin Spice, and if you used that you'd be so hipster.
LOL! That’s actually why I bought the cake spice -- I love pumpkin pie spice, but everyone puts too GODDAMN MUCH cinnamon in it :D So for almost anything calling for cinnamon and everything calling for pie spice, I use cake spice instead. 
I guess you could say I liked pumpkin pie spice until it went mainstream. 
daroos replied to your photo “They slept like this for three (3) minutes before Polk woke up and...”
LB here: roos and I were cooing over this and Frigga's ears went back as if she KNEW we were admiring Cats Who Are Not Her XD
LOL! She knows of these kittens and curses their names! 
cacklebarnacle replied to your post “A GRAVE MISJUDGEMENT WAS MADE I thought since Polk was the more...”
She might actually try to eat the button if she gets it loose. My cat managed to pull the laces out of one of my hiking boots and just fucking ATE it.
Yeah, that’s one reason I didn’t let her even try -- I don’t want to encourage the eating of buttons (or the mauling of my clothes). 
kissmeagainarthas replied to your post “missjmelville replied to your photo “We interrupt kitten spam to bring...”
Re: floor rectangles, I had a mouse pad fall on the floor outside the bathroom recently and my boy cat came to sit on it very daintily and stare at me. It's such a weird urge to see played out in brickspace after hearing about it online a ton.
The rectangle was a failure, alas -- they had zero interest in it. They also won’t sit on the one “open top” pet bed I got them, they only want to sit inside beds that have roofs. Which admittedly means they will sit in their carrier pretty nicely, which should make getting them to the vet a lot easier. 
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jflashandclash · 6 years
The Fall of the Sun (Traitors of Olympus IV)
One: Will
A Stroll in the Dark
             Will had only shadow traveled with Nico a few times. Although he didn’t like to dwell on it, he used to be afraid of the dark like the rest of his siblings, but, he always knew Nico would take care of him in the shadows. Despite Nico’s insecurities, Will knew Nico was strong and courageous, even if he did need the occasional reminder to floss his teeth.          
           Now, Will needed to do more for Nico than a quick dental exam. Hades’ words echoed over the scream of air around him, You can bring Nico back from the shadows and stop Melinoe.
           Unfortunately, Hades wasn’t big into How To guides, something Will had been trying to change.
           When Will saw Melinoe, the Greek Goddess of Ghosts, suspend Nico in a shadow state—Nico’s mouth quivering with a scream, his limbs writhing as her ghouls phased through Nico’s torso like it was no more than a sewer gate to crawl out of the Underworld, Nico’s skin dimming in and out of the darkness—Will took the only course available.
           His sister, Kally, had nodded to Will and said, “I’ll sustain you two! Go!” and Will ran towards the son of Hades. He went to shadow travel.
           In the past, Will had compared shadow traveling to riding in the sun chariot at full speed without a windshield. Percy had once described it as “going so fast that it feels like your face is peeling off.” This was different.
           Normally, Mrs. O’Leary sprinted through the shadow realm or Nico would take Will’s hand and pull Will full speed—often forgetting that Will was faster and liked to tease him about it.
           Now, everything slowed down. No map. No guide. No objective exterior to Nico.
           One moment, he was running at Nico. The next, everything muddled to black. He could no longer see the undead army charging Camp Half-Blood with Reyna leading a dismally small dispatch of Romans to defend its fallen borders. He could no longer see Melinoe laughing beside Phobetor, the ghastly God of Nightmares with a terrible taste in bowties.
           Will tried to stumble to a stop, but it felt like he’d wadded into an icy maelstrom. There was black tar everywhere, swirling thickly around him, like the shadows wanted to maul him. From his previous travels, what he’d mistaken as a blast of cold air was really their fingers desperately clawing at him. What he’d mistaken for the whistle of speed was their screams. Thousands of screams.
           This is what he feared entering the dark would be like when he was a child: smothering, eternal, inescapable, cold.
           Was this really what Nico went through every time?
           A mounting sense of panic twisted Will’s insides. He’d never find Nico here—in this vast expanse of nothingness and torrid shadows, with no sense of direction other than—
           Warmth gently tingled his back.
           Will exhaled.
           When he turned around, he could see a dim shaft of light piercing through the blackness. He remembered when Hades had cracked the ceiling of the Underworld, to give Persephone a ray of sunshine for her garden, killing hundreds of people for a few moments of her smile. He remembered Hades asking Will if he’d do the same for Nico. Will had hesitated.
           Will had no idea why there was a ray of familiar sunshine cascading through this darkness. Dawn shouldn’t hit Camp Half-Blood for another ten minutes. While Will really didn’t want that sunshine to come from the death of hundreds—as he had no control over it—he would be sure to write a haiku for them if that was the sacrifice.
           With the sunshine acting as some directional orientation, Will could take a calming breath.  
           He was undead now. He focused on everything Nico had taught him over the lazy months of summer—what Will could remember from when he’d been plotting over how to get the son of Hades to open up to him. From what he could recall, Will should be able to become one of these shadows to move around and turn back into a typical ghost after existing in shadow form. Shadow travel should be safe for him.
           Will stepped forward, the world feeling less like a maelstrom and more like a lake of pudding.
           Over summer, he had struggled to remind Nico that he was always there to listen if Nico ever wanted to talk about Tartarus, or being captured by Giants.
           But, looking at all of this that Nico handled so casually, Nico deserved so much more than a smilie band-aid or a happy sticker that Will swiped for him from the infirmary.
           As the pounding of Will’s heart quieted, and he stepped directly away from the light, he discerned the faintest echo of a sob over the shrieks of the shadows.
           Nico was crying in front of him.
           The shadows seemed to weave into the flickering form of his Death Boy. Unlike outside, where Nico was suspended upright by Melinoe’s powers, here, Nico knelt by the dim figure of a gravestone. No—he didn’t kneel by it. He was half-way melded into it. His hazy silhouette—the crazed, black hair, those hollow eyes—intermeshed with the shadows around them.
           Will could barely make out his features.
           The part most in focus was the gravestone’s etching, recording the names and dates of three people: Maria di Angelo, Bianca di Angelo, and Will Solace.
           Will opened his mouth to shout for Nico, but choked.
           Persphone’s instructions. He’d almost forgotten her warning—You can’t talk to him. You can’t acknowledge him. If you fail to ignore him, you’ve damned you both.
           At the sound of Will’s choke, Nico’s fading outline glanced up. “Will?” Nico asked. Even his voice sounded detached, like an old recording.
           Will turned away. He clenched his fists, trembling.
           “Will?!” Nico repeated, his voice more desperate.
           The pain in Nico’s voice made Will bite his lip. Will wanted to reassure Nico, to hug him, to tell him that he wouldn’t leave, that he’d somehow find a way to undo his death and the current threat to the camp. But he had to get Nico out of the shadows first. How was Will supposed to lead Nico out of this if he couldn’t talk to him?
           You need to have faith that your love will be enough to bring him back and defeat his despair.
           Will took a step towards the dim ray of light.
           “Stop—please!” Nico sobbed, “Y—you’re the only one left th—that has time to care about me—”
           The screams of shadows withered to nothing compared to Nico’s quivering voice. Will wasn’t sure if it was because the son of Hades had command over shadows, or because the terror in Nico’s voice sounded worse than anything the other shadows could produce.
           Like the sound was amplified for twisted assurance, Will could hear Nico stumble once after him. He tried not to envision it: Nico half crawling from that tombstone. “You’re the only one that hasn’t l-left me. N-no one else has time for me. I know they’re all good intentioned. B-but Reyna’s a praetor. Gleeson has a kid. Percy’s getting ready for college. You’re—you’re—you’re d—”
           Will was hoping Nico would run after him.
           He froze in horror when something dropped behind him. No more footsteps. Nico must have collapsed.
           Will closed his eyes, grinding his teeth to keep himself quiet. His body trembled to turn around and run to Nico, to assure him everything would be alright. But, he couldn’t do that. If he turned around, everything wouldn’t be alright.
           They could do this. They had to be able to do this. He wasn’t about to let Nico disappear into shadows. He wasn’t going to let Melinoe use Nico’s body as a conduit for an undead army to destroy Camp Half-Blood. The original hero who tried to return someone from eternal darkness, Orpheus, had failed his quest. Orpheus had doubted his and Eurydice’s love and violated the conditions of the quest by looking back. But Will wasn’t Orpheus. And Nico wasn’t a wood nymph or a daughter of Apollo…. Fortunate since that would be very weird.[1]
           Will visualized the first time Nico had kissed him: running late for archery class, Will scolding Nico for not getting enough sleep the night before, Nico leaning up and surprising Will before rushing toward the archery range. For the rest of the day, Will couldn’t stop singing. Nico kept complaining it was embarrassing, especially since campers kept high-fiving them and giving them congratulatory gifts. But Will loved Nico’s blushes and the way he pretend to be angry and Will had to express—
           “Every time you kiss me it’s like sunshine and whiskey,” Will sang aloud to himself.
           The shadows seemed to silence their wails.
           Will remembered how Nico’s blush extended all the way to his ears when Nico parceled out the words the first time.
           “Alright, you hit me like fire, shot me like a bullet.
           Burned me up and down, no way to cool it—”
           Nico’s sobs stopped.
           Will couldn’t hear Nico get up, nor could he hear Nico’s footsteps. But Will continued towards the dim ray of light piercing through the blackness. He felt like Persephone was testing him with the silence. Yet, somehow, Will felt calm. He knew they could make it through the darkness—their love would be enough.
           Come on Death Boy, he thought as he continued to sing. Let’s get you some sunshine.
           Will stepped forward, leading Nico toward the illusion of safety: a camp under siege by two gods with no plan of what to do when they got there.
  Author’s note: I’m baaaaaccckkkk! XD
Sorry for the delay, and those *ehem* cliffhangers.
 For those of you who might be new: Welcome! This is the fourth and final book of the Traitors of Olympus series. If you enjoy being flummoxed, not knowing what’s going on, and to further empower Eris (our beautiful goddess of chaos and strife) then please continue to read without catching up on the others books in the series and be sure to throw your computer/tablet/phone/printed out copy (*author fans self at the idea of printed-off copies*) across the room as hard as you can each and every time you read a name you’re unfamiliar with or find a plot point that confuses you. Eris will assuredly flutter down on her black wings and give you little Discordian welcome stickers and appreciate your contribution to her cause. Otherwise, if you liked the writing in this chapter and like to keep order in the world, feel free to check out the rest of the series before you read this one!
 To those of you returning: Thank you for coming back to put up with this series’ nonsense! It has been a rough past six months, and your comments and support have really helped pull me through. You guys are awesome and I want to give each of you a personalized hug! (complete with adoring attack weasels!)
  We should be back to weekly updates for the rest of summer with the occasional short! I hope you guys enjoyed and are ready for next week’s chapter: Kalypso—I Run to the Dumbest Spot Possible.
[1] Pax: *pouts* Must be nice not to have creepy siblings.
Eris: *pats his back* Welcome to godhood, my son!
5 notes · View notes
alizrak · 6 years
Finished watching Season 4 with my niece! (or how I had an existential crisis and came out the other side... kinda)
I finished watching Rebels Season 4 with my niece. Just like with season 1, 2 and 3, I made a compilation of her comments. I refreshed her mind a little about where we last we saw of the crew, at the battle in Atollon, and how Sabine's family helped the Rebels escape. "Oh, yeah! They escaped and then you told me Kallus became popular because of his hair, right?" YES. Yes, my child, you are right.
As it has been quite obvious, she's a big Kanera fan since the pilot itself. She was hooked from the start with the Space Family concept. Also, she's likes Sabezra but has told me is ok if they don't. Ahsoka is still her big fave in all Star Wars.
We finished the first half on December so I actually didn't know what to expect of the later half. My comments to her are inside parenthesis. Obviously, you will find SPOILERS AHEAD.
Hero's of Mandalore Part 1:
"Sabine looks like that part in Wonder Woman when she climbs out and is all like 'YEAH!'"
"I love the Darksaber. It looks so cool. Sabine has almost become an expert using it"
"Oh, Ezra is so funny! :D"
"Who's that?", [Bo-Katan explanation], "Oh, Sabine should give the Darksaber to her... [she refuses]... aw! Just take it! Sabine doesn't want it. Why won't anyone take it!?"
"[sighs] How is Kanan supposed to know where Hera's hologram is? He can't see. She's not really there so he can't sense her either"
"Kanan is getting flirty! Hehehe!"
[They attack the convoy] "WOOOOO! AWESOME! Sabine is going to kick your butts!"
"Hahahaha 'I'm with her', hahahah Oh, Ezra, you better give a good impression if you want him as your father-in-law"
"Kanan is so cool"
"They need to jump now! How is Ezra going to-... WOAH. WOW! Look at him! He has really really improved with the Force!"
"Oooh, Sabine's dad is an Artist too. That's why she is like that"
[Sabine warns her mother to run] "Oh no. Run. Do as she says! Don't stare! OH NO... OH NO."
"Oh no... Sabine's mother... and her brother... No. This is horrible...! D':" [covers her face and starts sobbing] ((Shitshitshit))
Heroes of Mandalore Part 2:
[Still sniffing covering her face] "Poor Sabine! :'("
"Protect the parents!"
"Everyone is really angry with Sabine. I get it but it's not her fault"
"Wait... wait. What? They won't leave their armor? Can't they just, like, put it away during certain battles? Then put it back on? Or just not use it for this war? Is not like they are going to destroy their old armors forever! Just to win this one.... They won't? Really?? That's dumb"
"Oh my god, we have been over this! It's not her fault! You know, I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually just shoots her in the head thinking they will prevent another weapon from been made"
[when approaching the Star Destroyer] "Just make sure to come back to your wife!" ((You know Kanan and Hera aren't married)) "Eh, they might as well be, they have been together all these years and have almost adopted Ezra, that's enough for me"
"If Kanan and Hera had children, What would they look like? Like humans? Like Twi'lek? A combination of the two? Would it be "mestizaje*" (race-mixing in Spanish)?" ((Well, I told you before there was a female Twi'lek in Clone Wars who had children with a human, and the kids looked mostly like her. I guess it could be something like that... maybe they would take after Hera)).
[Sabine and Bo-Katan get struck by The Dutchess] "NO! NO! DONT KILL HER!"
[Sabine is ordered to improve the weapon] "No Sabine! Don't do it! *GASP* SHE BETRAYED THEM?.... AH! OH! HAHAHAHAH TAKE THAT! NOW IS YOUR TURN TO SUFFER!"
"Poor Ezra, his head almost got zapped. The Force told him to get the helmet off in time, but it seems like it still hurt"
"Sabine should kill him. But... ok, it's better if she doesn't fall into the Darkside"
"FINALLY! Bo-Katan is going to keep the Darksaber! GOOD! Sabine is free!"
In the Name of the Rebellion Part 1
"Are Zeb and the others over there in the new base?"
"This is sooo coooool! Just like the movies! [GASP] I think I saw like an R2D2!!"
"Where is Hera?? Kanan needs to say hello to his wifey!"
"Yep, she's got this!"
"ooh Kallus! You look nice! And he is GOOD now! I'm so happy for him!"
"Wait... Ezra is right, What about Lothal??"
[After Mon Mothma's talk with Ezra] "This is too complicated..."
[Kanan goes to speak with Hera "I don't have to see you to know you are not right"] "I still can't believe the voice of Kanan send me a message" ((NOTE: FPJ replied to a tweet I made about my niece still not being entirely over the fact that Kanan lost his eyes, he told me to let her know he could see better now than he ever could before. She was obviously sto learn he replied. ))
"NICE! Sabine and Ezra have excellent teamwork. That's good if they end up together"
"Hera needs to go back for the kids fast"
"Saw is taking them, heh, mom doesn't like that one bit"
In the Name of the Rebellion Part 2
* "They are looking for some clues... Clues about what again?"
"Oh... they found prisoners... wait! ARE THEY GOING TO RELEASE THEM JUST LIKE THAT? How can they know if they are good? What if they are actually got arrested doing something bad!? Criminals? Assassins? They shouldn't just go around releasing everyone."
"Woah, Ezra has improved a lot! He's learned well from Kanan! [*SQUEE*]"
"What's that singing?"
"Aw... Chopper feels so good to be praised. How cute!"
"YEAH! Sneak around in the shadows! WOAH! EZRA IS AMAZING!"
"What's that?..." (( A kyber crystal, like the one Ezra uses on his lightsaber, but gigantic)) "Oh, this is not good. This could be a terrible weapon" (( Like... the deathstar?)) "Ah! You are right!! OOPS!"
"I just can't believe how great has Ezra become. Look at him using the Force like that"
"Wait, he's... he is leaving them!! HE ACTUALLY LEFT THEM TRAPPED!"
"Yes Chopper! Call for mom to pick you all up!"
"Ezra should have killed the Death Trooper, it could be trouble later on"
"Oh come on, come on, you can make it!... *phew*... they might be stranded but alive... oh, here comes Hera! YAY! They are safe and sound"
The Occupation
"I feel sorry for Ezra, he only wants to help"
"He's there to stay. YES! I like how secure and confident he's now. He's more mature. I'm proud of him."
"Everything is so bad now..."
"uuuuh, they are going to a dark alley, hehehe, HEY YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE!? HAHAHAHA"
[I wish I could see you] "Oh yeah, what does it matter if he can see everything so well with the Force and stuff... EXCEPT HIS BEAUTIFUL LOVING WIFE. Ugh, I don't know if they-... OH GOD THEY ARE GOING TO KISS YES YESSSS-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB! NOOOOOOOOOOO!" [writhes] "FRUIT!!!", ((Fruit?)), "You know, like Fruit"... (( -_- that language...)) Note: Mission accomplished, Filoni. You even made my niece 'fake swear' in frustration. xD****
"Going to a bar is not a good idea..."
"Oh, look he's helping them! Is that... wait... I KNOW HIM, what was his name?" (( Jai Kell)) "YES!" ((From the Academy)) "YEAH! AMAZING! Oh they are all grown up"
"Hahahahaha, did Ezra grow up in the sewers?? Hahahaha, oh Zeb that's a good one... but I can't forgive you that you interrupted them!"
"WOAH Kanan gets more impressive as time goes, same as Ezra. I love it!"
"Ezra and Kanan can defend them... mostly. Just stay together or... NO, GO ABOVE, GO GO GO GO"
"I love those cats, so cute!"
"Gotta make a distraction with kitties! Wait-... they are not going to shoot at them, right?"
"A bigger distraction with a wolf! That's a good idea! Wait-... is there something wrong with that wolf?
"What was that wolf? He's gone now. Was it an illusion? An hallucination? Is Ezra going crazy? Like that time with Maul in the desert? Is Ezra falling to the darkside again??"
"Hahahaha, Ezra is always so clumsy and funny"
"Shoot at Thrawn! You can end this!.... aww they missed..."
"they weren't using seat belts! Are they ok??"
"Can't Ezra use the Force to float the machine where they need to go?"
"Uh, another lothcat! Cats really love Ezra!"
"What a smart loth cat"
"He can control the wolf so he doesn't bite-.... What the- What? What did he do to Sabine? Oh god he killed her with his bad breath???"
"He's a friend? I don't-...I don't get it. Ok, he can help I guess"
"Dume? Is that a person?" (Don't you remember? Caleb Dume? That's was Kanan's original name) "Wait... so why would it go for Ezra if he wants Kanan? Why is he hiding himself from Kanan? From Sabine and the others? Is he planning something bad? Does he want the others to think Ezra is crazy? Is he an illusion? A Ghost? I don't understand"
"They came to Lothal to find Ezra. That's their destiny. They should already start a family and adopt him too so he can be a big brother. They need a normal life"
"An assassin... he looks dangerous"
"Don't shoot me! Shoot him! Hahahaha, yeah, they should blast him"
"He's too good! Ezra use the Force to squish him with those rocks!!"
"Yeah, Hera should take a break. She's been fighting non-stop and... oh-. Uh! UH! THEY ARE KISSING-! NOOOOOO!! WHY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS TO US!??"
"The wolves are back... oh no, they are going to think Ezra is losing his mind in the worst possible time...wait, they can see them? Why...? Are they real? But... like... what? Ok, ok! Just follow them!"
"They are good right? They are not going to attack them"
"There is no way out... They ARE going to eat them"
"They want Kanan. Yeah, he knows they are looking at him. But why him?? Can't the wolf talk more and explain?"
"This makes no sense. WHAT IS HAPPENING? How can they do that? Is that magic? The Force? Explain it to me, please!" ((They just can)) "I don't care about spoilers, just explain" ((I'm sorry, but we just don't know)) "But you know all this stuff! You already watch it!" ((Yeah, but how the wolves do what they do is still kind of a mystery... they just do it with the Force))
"This is all too confusing. Cool but confusing"
"They ended up all the way on the other side of the planet!?? Whaaaaaaaaa!?"
"Those paintings! Yes! Those are Jedi! What does the rest mean? Is it about Kanan too? Please tell me!" ((I can only assume it is. I can tell you they won't say anything else about them...)) "What?? Why not??"
"I don't understand!"
"They are burning everything... they are contaminating. How horrible"
"Mon Mothma and the others are going to say no. How dare they. Hera has done all that stuff for them. How ungrateful"
"Is that what I sound like?, hahahahaha"
"This is creepy. Like a horror movie. Are there zombies in Star Wars?"
"Oh! It's that guy! Yeaaah, they totaaaally came to rescue you, suuuure"
"Kanan will show him! He can't beat a Jedi!... NOOO! DONT HURT HIM! NOT KANAN!!"
"Fight Zeb! You are the muscle!"
"Ventilation shaft. This is a job for Ezra~!"
"Hahaha, he thinks he's so grown up and he doesn't have to do it anymore"
"That... that was dark. Disturbing. Oh no. Ezra... is coming back to the darkside! If Kanan realizes he's going to be on big trouble!" ((Eh... no...)) "but he let him die in that horrible way" ((He was a slaver, remember)) "Yeah, but it would have been better if he just cut off his head... quicker, less pain"
"Well, Thrawn warned him. It's his fault"
"Wait... they actually shot them down. Is she ok? She can't die, right?"
"She's wounded! She needs to get out of there"
"This is bad. This is all wrong."
[Kanan stops and turns around] "YES! It was about time you stopped and went for her! Ezra you need to go with him! DONT LET HIM GO ALONE!"
"No. Oh no. No. No. Poor Chopper. He had to leave her behind..."
"What's wrong with these wolves!! THEY DONT MAKE ANY SENSE! UGH!"
"He is not going to abandon her right?"
Ok, so that was the first half. I wrote it as soon as we finished that half of the season. During the weeks leading up to the second half I think I had made clear here on reddit about what I thought what would happen in the show. My main prediction was that Ezra and Kanan would somehow end up stranded in the UR (with or without Thrawn) and would be regarded as MIA/KIA by the Rebellion which would explain their absence in the OT. Even though the family was going to get separated, I thought it would be ok because Ezra and Kanan would have each other. The Ghost crew wouldn't be able to go look for them until the end of the war, some time after Endor, until they were free to seek them out. I even assumed Hera would have Kanan's child and they would happily reunite at the end. ...You can tell I got it right in the most painful way imaginable, at least for me.
After finishing the show by myself, I wasn't sure I would be even be able to show her Jedi Night... the very first episode coming back. Like... what the hell. It destroyed me. How was she going to handle Kanan's death? She didn't know or care about the Hero's Journey. In fact, back in Season 3 she had made it clear she didn't care what Yoda said about Luke being the last Jedi because she just wanted Kanan and Ezra to be ok and alive because they had suffered enough. Hell, the whole reason I decided I would show her Rebels was because it was so wholesome and she was going through a rough patch because the man she pretty much regarded as her father, abandoned her and her mom. She immediately latched onto the whole space adoptive family aspect in Rebels, specially to the father figure in Kanan.
When the finale was over I went over the first half of the s4 comments again and realized the focus she had on Kanan and his relationship with Ezra and Hera... and I just felt like I was spiraling down into a pit of regret. I kept telling myself "what have you done".
I waited a week or two after the finale to let myself grieve and try to be emotionally ready for her, but then... every time I tried to start showing her Jedi Night, something horrible happened: the father of a friend of hers died after a hospital complication and she was the only one who was able to go to the funeral to comfort her friend, and then the following week the Grandfather of her cousin also died from a heart-attack. Jedi Night was completely out of the question for a month. Then she went on vacation, then her mother was very sick so she had to stay at home for weeks, etc. I kept emotionally bracing myself for the day we had picked and having to cancel in the last minute for the worst painful reasons. I grew depressed. I almost gave up. But she kept reminding me we hadn't watch it and I just tried to smile and assure her we would.
So, we finally did. I recorded the audio so I could do the most exact translation/transcription I could.
[Kanan gives Ezra the lead] "Uhm... I'm not sure this is right. You are the adult, he's the kid" (Is because he would be in emotionally compromised) "Uh... yeah, he could lose control. Like Anakin did"
[Pryce tortures Hera] "THAT WITCH"
"THE KALIKORI!... so much for it... you will need to learn to let it go, Hera. Let go."
[Pryce continues to torture Hera] "THIS IS REALLY DISTURBING!"
"What is Kanan doing?" (Preparing) "Preparing for what?" (Because what he is going to do is pretty important) "Oh, yeah, he cuts his hair... we saw it on the trailer. Why is it important that he *cuts his hair*??" (It's a... symbol of change) "...aaand what kind of change? Is he not going to love Hera anymore?" (Wha-, No)
"PFFFT, [sarcastic] *I toootaaally like your change! Definitely cool! YEP!* xP", (Hey, he looks younger. He's actually younger than me), "How old is he?", (He should be... 32) "WHAT!!?"
"TIME TO FLY! There they go!"
"...but that change of hairstyle is not going to mean he is going to lose his cool to save Hera, right?"
[Thrawn and Tarkin talk] (Stardust is the Death Star project, from Krennic the bad guy in Rogue One, you remember?) "Oh! That's right!"
"... Kanan can still fall like what happened with Anakin with Padme..." (No, Anakin was very different to Kanan... Kanan knows how to let go) "Yeah... maybe"
"Wait... I know. He doesn't want Hera to like him anymore, that's why he did it, because Jedi can't marry" (keep watching)
"I still wonder how did he cut his hair with just the knife"
[Ezra, Sabine, May the Force be with you] "[big smile] He's so nice and cool. He trusts they will get the job done. He's like a proud dad"
"WHAT IS SHE DOING TO HERA!?" [drugging her to make her to tell truth] "HORRIBLE! GO TO HELL"
"HERA! NO! SHUT UP! She's going to see him! oh... ok.... Hehehehe"
"She's going to tell him she hates his hair... YEAH!!"
[Rukh starts chasing them] "I hate that guy"
"C'mon Kanan! SHOW HIM WHAT A JEDI CAN DO! [chants] *Kanan! Kanan! Kanan! Kanan!*.... NOO!!!! THROW HIM! THROW HIM! YESSSS!"
"Are they leaving without Sabine and Ezra?" (They are moving to meet in another place) "Oh that's right, they got the other ship"
[they start climbing the fuel depot] "That's dangerous..."
[Sabine shakes off the storm troopers] "This is very disturbing. Do you know how horrible must it be to fall from that height?" Note: Niece actually fell from the third floor of an apartment building and survived because she fell on a shrub a couple of years ago.
[They kiss] "YES! BUT HE IS A JEDI SO HE CANT! I MEAN YES! BUT NO! Ok, yes yes! BUT THEY SHOULDN'T! Ok, YES!" (What makes a Jedi is protecting others first... and to love and be able to let go)
"Oops they found them"
sigh.... here we go...
[fuel depot is shot] "[GASP] Get on, KANAN! GET ON! RETREAT! RETREAT!"
[She gets up and attempts to leave the room] (SIT, you need to sit.) "I DONT WANT TO WATCH THIS"
[Kanan's eyes heal] "WHAT THE-!??" (The Force returned his sight.) "WHAT??"
[Kanan pushes the the ship away, gets engulfed in flames] "...."
[Rebels logo appears, credits roll] [she stares silence] "Is he really dead?" ([I nod])
"...I'm like... I can't... I can't think." (He saw Hera. Remember? 'We will see each other again, I promise.') "YEAH SHUT-" [storms off]
[falls to the ground]
[gives a long wail full of pain and rage]
[stays in the floor bawling]
[I lie down with her and hold her]
"HE DIED!" [sobs] "HE DIED! ...KANAN!" (He had to do what he had to do. Come... let's keep watching.) "No. I don't want to. I don't want to keep watching." (You need to see what's next.) "No. I don't." (Come on.) "No. I don't want anything else..." (My BF: Give her a moment)
[weeps in the floor for a couple of minutes more and then stays there lying face down in silence]
(Come, sweetie, get up) "...Is he truly dead??" (Yeah. He died... but remember, the Force... you become part of it... and technically his story is not truly over) "It's over! He's dead!" (Remember, everyone is connected to the Force... you need to see what happens) "[she slowly comes to sit and keep watching] I'm regretting watching this" (ok... just let me-) "I mean- DID YOU SEE EZRA'S FACE? HE-... [tears up again] He didn't-... he couldn't do anything about it! He was so confused and shocked... Sabine too! They were crying! Ezra was desperate! [sobs] KANAN COULD HAVE JUST GOTTEN INTO THE SHIP AND BLOCK IT FROM THERE! Why didn't he?? Just get on the ship and that's it... push themselves away to safety*... *why?"
(Ok, let's keep watching) "...ok..."
(See... all the fuel they had for the TIE defender factory was destroyed) "Can't they, like, bring more? Like a gas station?" (I don't know)
"Zeb is so happy. He doesn't know. He's going to see them crying..."
"He's gone..." [tears up]
["You didn't prepared me for this"] [covers her face and sobs]
"Why are they so mean!? Leave him alone! It's not his fault! He just lost his DAD! I thought the wolves were his friends! They make no sense!"
"...and we were just talking about this at school..." (what?) "...about the character deaths in shows and movies that made us cry..." (Oh) "...did you cry? Did you cry when Kanan died?" (I teared up... I was sad too)
[at the cave, while Hera grieves] "... oh, Kanan left his things there..."
[Ezra: "AAAH! WHAT HAPPENED!"] "Hehehehehe, oh Ezra..." [dries her tears]
["AH! That thing looked right at me!"] "Hehehehe...uh-oh it seems he's tracking them again"
["We take something from them"] "Nonononono, that's the darkside, don't go there. Kanan wouldn't have wanted that. That's wrong!"
[Dume wakes Ezra] "...could it be that Kanan became the wolf?" [I pause and quickly grab the Kanan Disney Infinity figurine where it shows his shoulder pad] (Check this out... look at the wolf's forehead) "[GASP!] It's him!"
* ["DUME"] "...ahm... that's... not exactly Kanan"
[Rukh becomes invisible] "How can't they see him?? He's still pretty obvious"
["He was wise, brave and he cared"] "Kanan loved him"
"What's that? Are they going to fight with... Rock-Paper-Scissors?? What???"
"Heh! He's all painted! Get him! Yeah! In the face!... ok, that's enough, enough, ENOUGH! Just don't let him go! Capture him!"
["Knowledge, Destruction"] "Yeah that's right... Ahsoka and that temple... that was bad"
"Why are the wolves so angry with Ezra? Can't they give him a break? Was that really Kanan? He didn't act like him at all! He wouldn't have done that to Ezra. He would have been kinder" (Well, is just a small part of Kanan. He needed to send that message... so a lil bit of Kanan was reaching through the force with his will...) "...UH?... what?...I don't understand"
(She made Kanan part of her family) "Like her husband?" (yep, you could say that. He's the triangle in the Kalikori) "How nice. That's good. They were like that already. I'm sure they even had to go undercover like that. Say they were married for some mission..."
"Chopper is her emotional support"
"Is like they forgot about Ezra until that last moment... how irresponsible"
[pouts] "I regret watching this episode because they didn't bring Kanan back. The people that make the shows can bring back characters. They can. That's what they do." (Sometimes...)
* "hahaha, Chopper... what about me? CHOMP"
[dances with the sound of drums while the wolves run]
[wolves disappear] "Woah"
"That's the past. Voices of the past. All of that already happened, right?... is... is Kanan's voice ever going to show up again with new lines?" (He was the giant wolf's voice) "whaaa...? Really?"
"Now Ezra is the new leader" (Yep. That's why Kanan gave him the responsibility of the other mission too. He knew what would happen) "What?? How did he know? How do YOU know??" (All those voices in the beginning when he was meditating, remember? Those were visions of what would happen. He did that to save them) "... but the future is NOT written! He could have changed it! It is not set in stone!"
"Who's that guy?"
"You don't need our codes... hehehe... How does Ezra know it worked? That he's not lying and that he actually got affected by the trick?" (I don't know)
"The Emperor... this is bad. Really bad. I don't think Ezra is strong enough to defeat him"
[Hera feels Kanan's presence] "... oh Kanan... why..."
(That bird was always near Ahsoka) "Oh yeah... I kinda remember it. When she was walking down the tunnel I think I saw it too"
"How can they know all this? How are they getting to those conclusions? They are geniuses! I could have never guessed that..."
[Ezra lits up the mural] "Woah... that's going to attract attention"
"Get in! GET IN!"
"Is Ezra in *space*?" ((Not exactly))
[a pathway between all time and space, he controls the temple, controls the universe] "...uh... WHO? Ezra? He's not that powerful" ((Whoever opens that portal)) "Oh... so Ezra can do whatever he wants?? He should bring Kanan back" (( [pokerface] ))
"What are those voices??" ((They come from the different movies, different times, even from Rogue One... Kylo, Rey... Leia))
"Those are other portals! OOH!"
"Is Ahsoka in that portal? Has Ahsoka come through these portals?"
[the portal shows Vader and Ahsoka] "AHSOKA!! WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE!?"
"HWAAAAAAAAAARH! [unintelligebly screams] SAVE HER!!"
[niece jumps off her seat] [SCREAMS] "HE JUST BROKE THROUGH TIME AND SPACE!"
[the minister gets Sabine beaten] "UUURGHH! I'LL KILL HIM!"
"She's fine! SHE'S AWAKE! OH MY GOD AHSOKA [hollering]"
"*'Ezra, what happened to your hair!?'* HAHAHAHAHA, oh this is going to be a shock for her"
"Ok, I'm very good about time travel... but has this been repeating over and over again in that portal until Ezra came by?" ((Is hard to tell exactly...)) "because if she was gone for all that time, it should be because of this, right?" ((Well, the only thing we actually knew about her is that... she was walking down a tunnel at the end of the Season 2, remember?)) "Yeah, that's where the Ahsoka Lives comes from"
"Coincidence?... I DONT THINK SO!"
"Kanan IS the wolf"
"Oh my god! LOOK! THAT'S HIM! Kanan is in the constellations here!"
[Ezra: "I can save Kanan just like I saved you!"] "NOOO! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! YOU CAN'T MESS WITH SPACE TIME!"
((That portal... the symbols are Sith)) "Oh, no, this is wrong..."
["I'm asking you to let go"] "Again... [sobs]"
"[sniffles] Ezra has suffered so much... why can't he be happy just once? At least he still has Hera and the others..." (( [sweating intensifies]))
"Why can't she come back with him-? What-?" ((It wasn't really Kanan in that portal... just an illusion so Ezra would reach out and bring in the Emperor, it had been a trap)) "[GLARES] I hate him"
"The Son closes the Portal... ok"
"Where did she go!? Where is she?" ((Back from where she was taken from)) "That's why we saw her going down there!"
"I love Zeb"
"He knows exactly what to do now... woah, MOTHER OF-... why are the paintings leaving??"
"What's happening? Ezra ended up all messed up. He used all his Ki." (([SNORTS]))
"Wait... was that.. WAS THAT KANAN? REPEAT IT! I NEED TO HEAR HIM! HIS SWEET VOICE!" [The Force will be with you, always] "Oh Kanan... [covers face and sobs]"
"W-why... what happened? HOW?"
"So nobody will be able to be a Jedi now... the temple is gone" ((Eh... I'm not sure. There's still Luke)) "Is not the same. The Temple was the test. The school"
"Goodbye Kanan"
"ohohoho, Kallus, you look good!"
"It's like a family reunion! Everyone's here! How nice!"
"Aaaww...Hondo is actually Ezra's only friend" ((Are you sure?)) "Yeah, the others are his family. Hera is his mom, Sabine his sister, Zeb and the others are uncles... But Hondo is his FRIEND. A real friend"
"Ezra is listening... just like Kanan taught him to"
"He's having visions!!"
"Oh wow, he didn't kill her??" ((You mean Thrawn and Pryce)) "YEAH" ((No, he said he would handle her when he came back)) "Good... she deserves what's coming to her"
"Hopefully they'll execute her!!"
[I've done this many times] "Hahahha he kept counting!"
"Who lives? Who dies!? *YOU DECIDE!*"
"Sabine, what happened with your 'miracles'?"
"Traitor... go to hell. They were going to win!"
[It was part of our plan] "Wait... really? OH!"
"Can't Ezra make a Force field to shield himself?" ((No, he's not that strong with the Force))
"The Clones! They actually have good aim!"
[Where is your army now, Jedi?] [Ezra activates the lightsaber] "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DROP MIC, WALK OUT AND KILL EVERYONE"
[manical laugh] "YEAAAAAAAAAAH!"
"Is it Kanan and his friends? Or just his friends?" ((Oh, the wolves? Just the normal ones)) "The friends... ok"
"What are they going to do with her?"
"Oh... his parents... well, at least he still has his new family"
"What are they doing then with Pryce?"
"What's Zeb doing? Is that part of the plan?"
"What is the pig going to do?"
"A distraction? Are they that stupid? I can't believe they fell for that! They make them too dumb"
[This is highly irregular] "Oh finally, someone smarter..."
"Well, he was not that dumb... Azadi did well"
"A special mission? Uh..."
[Leave Lothal and we might let your troops out] "[\snort**] What are you saying, Ezra? He's got you... of course, you'll need to surrender"
"Oh no...Just surrender! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING!!"
"He needs to go directly to Thrawn. Straight to him."
"Hera, don't-... I know you are worried but he needs to do this"
[Ezra signals Chopper] "wait... what's... what is he-..."
[Sabine notices and distracts the others] "... he knew exactly what was going to happen! HE LISTENED JUST LIKE HIS MASTER! HE LISTENED! I LOVE YOU EZRA! I LOVE YOU! YOU LISTENED FOR ONCE!"
"Think of what would Kanan want, Hera"
[Ezra gets taken to Thrawn] "Don't give him the pleasure to get angry. Just stay calm"
[Who deserves what is irrelevant. What matters is who has power] "...well, he's not wrong. That's how real life works" (( I... ಠ_ಠ ... *sigh* ))
"What are they going to do to Ezra? The Emperor is not really there?... wait- is he using labial????" ((...whaat??))
"How nice, the wolves are following them!"
"The pig reminds me of Oolong from Dragon Ball"
"What's wrong with you Hera? You usually take the lead when Kanan wasn't around... Sabine is doing everything now... why?"
[Palpatine offers what could be] "What... No don't go, this is a trap! Think like Kanan! THINK!"
[Kallus and Gregor arrive at the generators] "The Empire should really *really* recruit people with better aim. I mean... look at that. They can't hit anything" (([LAUGH])) "Having all that power and resources, can't they get better people? Train them better?" (([LAUGHS HARDER]))
[Open the door] "No! Think it through Ezra! ...This moment... this place is where you really want to live in!"
[Melch gets hit] "Oh no they are starting to kill everyone"
"Zeb flew! He's crazy! WOAH!"
[Gregor gets hit] "Wh-what? NO! NO WAY! NO WAY! That trooper was down already! That's not fair! It shouldn't count!"
"Since when bad guys are good? No, Ezra, he's tricking you, you know this"
[Go on, you deserve this] "Oooh, I feel weird about that...but... n-no! No Ezra! Think like Kanan! Think like Kanan!"
[Ezra destroys the temple] "[claps] TAKE THAT! And your good looks are gone too! UH HUH! You are not some saint in white!"
"[laughs] Samurai? Samurai!"
[Ezra gets... tassed?] "Ok, that doesn't make me laugh anymore"
"You can do it EZRA! SQUISH THEM"
"I love Zeb's legs. They can make him jump so far and can grab on to almost anything" ((...ok))
"I hate how they are killing everyone" ((But is just Gregor, Melch survived)) "That doesn't mean they aren't trying!!"
[Purrgils appear] "WOOOOOOAAAH! [starts dancing]"
"Seems like they are enjoying this a lot... destroying all the ships"
[Whatever happens now] "Yep! Both of you!"
[tentacles break into the Chimaera's bridge]"I love him! You can do it Ezra! You are the best! Kanan would be proud!"
"Oh no... he's not going to leave"
[I have to see this through to the end] "THEY ARE KILLING EVERYONE!!!"******
[Ezra jumps to hyperspace] "... [stares in shock]..."
"... my vocabulary doesn't allow me the kinds of words I want to say..."
"Uhm, was that the plan? HAHAHA, oh yeah..."
"Oh so Pryce will stay... ok, goodbyeeeee"
"Be careful with Ezra's lightsaber! That's all we got left of him!" (( Yeah, in fact, is the only one they have left. We don't know where Kanan's ended up. Last time we saw it, Pryce had it and showed it to Thrawn)) "Maybe she still had it. Or is in her office. Or in Thrawn's museum... gallery" ((That's on Thrawn's ship... I don't think it got there))
"Cheers and so long! Everything went well! Well, most of it anyway because they kept killing everyone... the end shouldn't mean *'QUICK, KILL EVERYBODY!'\*, no no no no..."
[If you are watching this recording-] "*-Then I'm already dead*"
So there you have it. SHE GOT INTENSE. As always she was really vocal when she did or didn't like something. Kanan's death was very difficult to get through and I can't imagine doing it if we had watched the show live. Had DUME kept playing in TV we would have missed more than half the episode because she would simply don't stand up from the ground and she would have understood less. I had to explain her most of the stuff with the wolves, DUME/Kanan, the portals... and I knew it because I followed Rebels Recon and every interview I could find from Filoni but how many children did actually get it on their own? In any case, the second bggest shock was Jacen. That was a bomb and I'm actually surprised she took such issue with the "
[I can't wait to come home] "He's alive, but what does that matter if THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE! THERE'S NOTHING LEFT! SO WHAT. There's nothing more! They are going to leave us hanging!!"
[Epilogue starts] ((Time passed)) "[frowns]... how much? How long?" ((years)) "[glares, eye twitches]" ((... like 5 to 6 years. The movies already happened. The ones with Luke, Leia and Han...)) "...WHERE IS EZRA!?"
[Zeb took Kallus to Lira San] "That's nice"
"WHO IS HE???" [Jacen Syndulla] "....WHO DID YOU HAVE THAT BABY WITH, HERA!?" ((with Kanan! That's Kanan's son!!)) "[stares in disbelief]" ((Don't you believe me?)) "Ok, hold on... [stands up, goes to a corner and screams/laughs in confusion clawing at the wall]" ((what the-)) "IT JUST** *CAN'T* BE! HOW?? WHEN? They had just said I LOVE YOU and then he got killed! If Hera and Kanan hadn't said 'I love you' until just before he got killed, then how could they have done *it*!!?? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE" ((Well, they were together before that!)) "[slightly disturbed] But without saying 'I love you'? how-....UGH, that would be weird... but... WHEN? AT WHAT TIME? We were watching them all the time! They never seemed to spent the night together!" ((They are not going to show that in a kids show! We assume she had gotten pregnant just before she left)) "THEN WHY DID KANAN DECIDE TO DIE IF HE WAS GOING TO BE A DAD! Why choose that path!? HIS SON NEEDS HIM! Hera needed him!" ((I'm not sure sure he knew)) "He knew! He could see the future! If he saw all that was going to happen then he knew!" ((She was likely going to get killed there. It was either her or him. He choose her to live. We- we haven't finished yet, we need to keep watching)) "I REFUSE! WHERE IS EZRA!? Where is he? WHE*RE IS* HE!?"**********
"Sabine! Where is he?"
[Ahsoka is waiting] "HELLO THERE" (( *SNORTS*))
[is time to bring him home] "So I guess they are going to make a movie of that, right?" ((A movie, a comic or a book.. maybe. Hopefully.)) "What... no. A movie! Not all kids read books or comics. We want to watch it!"
[credits rolls] "[smiles] Alright then... [stars laughing manically, rocking back and forth] IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! They couldn't have had a kid!"
((Remember that hashtag they used? #AhsokaLives? Well, now it is #WheresEzra)) "[desperate screaming]"
Bonus: I offhandedly mentioned her the Steve Blum's comment about Zeb going to Lira San to start a family with Kallus and she stared at me in disbelief and whispered "... oh my god...I never thought about it... they are perfect". xD
So there you have it. SHE GOT INTENSE. As always she was really vocal when she did or didn't like something. Kanan's death was very difficult to get through and I can't imagine doing it if we had watched the show live. Had DUME kept playing in TV we would have missed more than half the episode because she would simply don't stand up from the ground and she would have understood less. I had to explain her most of the stuff with the wolves, DUME/Kanan, the portals... and I knew it because I followed Rebels Recon and every interview I could find from Filoni but how many children did actually get it on their own? In any case, the second biggest shock was Jacen. That was a bomb and I'm actually surprised she took such issue with the "I Love You" problem. The implications actually unsettled her quite a lot. In any case, she is really angry about not knowing what happened to Ezra and when I told her about Resistance she didn't care because she wanted at least the story with Ahsoka and Sabine.
Well, it's over now. I'm still not completely over what happened and just trying to stay afloat waiting for any sign of the blueberries lost in space. I want to thank everyone for their kind comments. I hope this relatively small peek at what the target audience was thinking about the series has been a great experience for you guys too. Rewatching each season with my niece really put a lot of things in perspective. Right now she's coping by playing with me the Sims 3 with the whole cast I had done the other day. She wants me to stay put for any news on Sabine and Ahsoka sooo... night gathers and my watch begins. \SALUTES**
Submitted May 05, 2018 at 09:17PM via reddit https://ift.tt/2FQa0VG
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kurouga · 7 years
NieR Automata 1st ‘hidden boss fight’ tips for the underleveled
(Mild spoilers below)
I tried looking up strategies for the fight in the cavern and could only find things about how to find/access the fight (and articles with tips as dumb as “hit him to do damage” and “he’s level 99! The higher level you are, the more damage you do”)
But my problem was that I was looking up strategies to begin with because I’d already gone into the fight underleveled and unprepared, expecting it to be difficult but not insane -- and if you made the same mistake and want to retrieve your corpse and recover your lost plug-in chips, entering the cavern locks the door and triggers the battle again, trapping you in a cycle. My first run back, in the time it took 9S to complete the animation for retrieving the corpse, the boss had come careening over and two-shot him. Obviously, if you want to get the corpse before it disappears, you probably don’t have time to go grind and level up or improve your equipment a ton before heading back.
So, below are some tips that might have helped me panic less XD
If you want to retrieve your stuff but are underleveled enough to get wiped out quickly:
Have the Physical Shield program (and maybe some defense boosting items) ready to go as soon as Emil stops talking, and make a beeline for the corpse, getting ready to evade immediately after
If you want to back out of the battle but still recover your chips from a previous attempt:
Try to die near the entrance door; the encounter activates and the door locks when you’re near the door that goes to Emil’s house. If you die just inside the other door, you can retrieve your corpse and leave without getting locked into the battle again.
Alternatively, if you’re quick enough you could theoretically retrieve the corpse in another part of the cavern (triggering the battle) and immediately unequip all chips from your active set, get mauled by Emil, and not bother retrieving the new corpse.
My experience for (possibly) defeating him underleveled:
In my case, the following setup worked pretty well for the fact that I wasn’t able to do more than negligible damage by conventional means:
Max HP up to make sure you have enough health that he needs at least three hits to defeat you (a little less than 1/2 health per hit)
A high Vengeance chip for a good chance of mirroring all damage dealt from a hit
Anti-Chain Damage to avoid taking the hits too quickly to evade and heal
HP recovery chips that restore HP per second after a few seconds without damage
Potentially Auto-use Item for a little help, and Overclock to give you some time to work with after evading.
The thing was, I could hardly do any visible damage as 9S (neither by attacking nor even successful hacking). With 2B set to aggressive, and with the above chip configuration, I got Emil to low health almost entirely with the Vengeance effect.
Dodge around preferably until the bouncing Emil heads are gone, then try to get a perfect evade when he spins toward you (if you’re using Overclock) to slow time so you can dart back in range and take a controlled hit. Then back off and heal.
I’m not sure if it was a low health effect or a time effect, but when he was around 20% Emil seemed to go into a sort of hyper mode (replacing the boss music with an eerie, even more off-key version of his shop song) and started charging an energy ball, stationary, while the Emil head bullets were still bouncing everywhere. I kept my distance and tried evading, but after several seconds he let off a shockwave that one-shot me at full health.
I was near the door, so I opted to go back, retrieve the chips, and leave; I’ll try again at a higher level. But assuming it’s not a guaranteed KO attack, I’d guess it could be survived by switching briefly to as much Max HP Up as possible and using defense up items once he’s charging the attack, and switching back after.
(If it turns out the ‘final mode’ is just based on time from the start of the battle, or the charge blast is an instant death move, of course, you’d probably just want to focus on defeating him as quickly as possible)
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remijaecrowley · 5 years
Feed the Hunger
Just a short fic of our favorite bumbling boys and one trickster of a succubus Bard. Song lyrics from “Animal” covered by Chase Holfelder. Listen to it and imagine it being sung in that style by a female and you got my succubus. XD
Geralt grumbled as he had to push his way through the crowded tavern, that Jaskier had BEGGED him to bring him to, to reach the bar, tossing down a few coins and holding up two fingers to the Barkeep for two pints of ale. The barkeep nodded when he saw the Witcher, quickly sliding two large pints to Geralt before scooping the coins off the bar and dropping them in his apron pocket.
Geralt nodded in thanks before turning and muscling his way through the crowd again, holding the mugs high above the heads of the humans that had packed the small tavern house. He didn't get what was so impressive to have this many humans gather for a bard, but he knew his own Bard was thrumming with excitement over getting to hear this particular Trobairitz. The Witcher had to listen to the Bard's excited babbling all the way to Toussaint. While he loved his little songbird, sometimes, he had to fight the urge to strangle the Bard just for a moment of peace and quiet when Jaskier got wound up over something.
The Witcher made his way through the crowd to his Bard, who had taken up residence at a small table as close to the stage as he could get. Geralt watched Jaskier for a moment, before the bard noticed his Witcher was watching him. The Bard's nervous, excited energy made the bard seem to vibrate in his seat. The Witcher rolled his eyes as he slammed a mug in front of the Bard on the table, causing Jaskier to jump, letting out a very undignified squeak.
"Fuck! Geralt! Stop startling me like that, you big burly bastard! Had me thinking one of the locals was trying to take our seats for a second there...and I will fight anyone who tries it....well, more likely yell loudly til they either give up or you come and scruff them." The bard harrumphed at first, though ending his conniption with a grin that made the Witcher roll his eyes again. Geralt hmmm'ed at the Bard as he settled himself in his chair, not liking being so out in the open, much preferring to be in a corner of the room with two sides guarded by walls, so as to make being on guard easier. He definitely did NOT like having his back to the crowd, so the only table he and the Bard could finally agree on where the Bard would have a good view and the Witcher felt it was a bit easier to defend was off to the left of the stage, Geralt able to set his back to a column at least.
Jaskier took a long sip off his Ale, leaning over toward Geralt to murmur," The show should be starting soon. I wonder what this new bard's schtick is? We all have one. Mine is singing songs of the adventures of the White Wolf..."the bard grinning at Geralt, "Others do dancing or whatever. For this bard to be THIS popular, they must have one hell of a...." the Bard's words trailing off as the crowd around them started to cheer as a woman stepped out on the stage.
Both men had seen some surreal beauties in their travels, but this woman even made the magically enhanced beauty of Yennefer pale ever so slightly. Skin that gleamed as if dusted with honey powder, hair that hung to her waist that shone like the darkest rubies, and eyes....well, the eyes were what struck Jaskier hard, having him elbowing the Witcher sharply and his whispered, "Her eyes, Geralt! Her eyes....they are like yours!"
Geralt grunted at the elbow, giving the Bard a glare that would make lesser men quail in fear. All Jaskier did was roll his eyes and whisper, "Yes, yes, scary face. I KNOW, Giralt."
The Songstress laughed softly at the cheering, her laughter like crystal bells ringing through the room. She bowed to her audience and grinned playfully. "Good eve, my darlings! Thank you all for coming to my modest concert. I am your humble Bard, Ilana. May my songs be found pleasing and your hearts...and coin purses, opened!" The crowd chuckled at her comment about coin purses as she nodded to her musicians to start playing. Soon, her voice rang out, weaving a spell over the patrons of happiness and joy as she sang of epic battles won, lovers united, and destiny. The crowd had quieted down as she started singing, unlike when Jaskier would do his little impromptu shows while he and the Witcher were on the road. Jaskier felt a little jealous, but at the same time, he couldn't truly be jealous. He felt too happy to feel jealousy at the moment and he was enjoying this feeling.
Geralt, on the other hand, was frowning. The only frown in the packed tavern and he was frowning because his medallion was vibrating against his chest. The Songstress took note, a small smirk playing on her lips as she finished a song, the crowd cheering happily. She held up a hand to ask for quiet and the audience settled down for her as she spoke,"I see we have a hero in our midst, my darlings. The famed Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf Witcher is here. I think it would be a perfect time for me to sing one of my new songs, in honor of our hero, don't you think?"
The crowd cheered louder at the idea and Geralt's eyes narrowed, a low growl escaped him as he went to make a grab for Jaskier. The fact his medallion was dancing a jig against his chest meant to Songstress wasn't human and was something that could use it's voice to control people.  A siren, or maybe a succubus of some sort, though he wasn't sure and the fact he wasn't sure made him feel uneasy. He wanted to get Jaskier and himself out of there NOW, before she started to sing again.
He tried to make a grab for the bard, but found himself unable to move. a thunderous look crossed the Witcher's face as he struggled to move, but he felt pinned to the seat, the golden cat eyes of the Songstress were on him, as if she was pinning him with her very gaze. He grunted, trying to move, only managing a fidget in his seat. Jaskier was so enraptured with the Songstress, he wasn't even noticing that his friend was trying to get his attention.
The Musicians started playing the next tune , the music soft and slow as Ilana opened her mouth and the first dulcet words dripped from her lips.
Here we go again I kinda wanna be more than friends So take it easy on me I'm afraid you're never satisfied....
The words wiggle into the Witcher's mind, trying to strip him of his years of honed willpower. The words tickled at the thoughts he'd been supressing for a long while now. He couldn't give into those feelings. If he did.....if he did, Jaskier would be hurt possibly and that thought made a feeling he didn't feel very often rear up. Fear.
Ilana kept singing while the Witcher glared at her, a smirk pulling at her lips as she knew her spell was worming it's way into the Witcher, despite his years of training and his mutations, even a Witcher had a hard time fighting a succubus who sang as sweetly as a siren.
Oh, oh I want some more Oh, oh What are you waitin' for? Take a bite of my heart tonight Oh, oh I want some more Oh, oh What are you waitin' for? What are you waitin' for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight
Jaskier glances at Geralt, finally noticing the Witcher hadn't grunted or moved in a bit, noticing now that the Witcher was in a locked eye match with the Songstress singing, as if she was serenading the Witcher. OF COURSE. She wanted a piece of Geralt, but then, he was a terribly handsome man so Jaskier couldn't blame her. At the same time though, a spark of jealously flickered in the Bard's heart as his gaze moved from Witcher to Singer and back again.
The music takes on a stronger beat, more insistent as Ilana sings, her body swaying to the rhythm on her song, her golden eyes never leaving the Witcher's face, the smirk on her lips as she sang growing wider as she saw the Witcher's eyes start to glaze over. Good....her spell was working and soon he would give into his desires, which was exactly what she wanted. She wanted him to pounce, maul, devour the one he desired, to release all that tasty, tasty repressed and pent up energy in him. She didn't understand why he would deny himself something he desired, something that would bring him pleasure, but then, her skill set was perfect for this. Tempt, tease, bring her prey to the point of begging for it, then releasing them on their heart's desire, feeding off the energy as the lust was consummated.
Here we are again I feel the chemicals kickin' in It's gettin' heavier I wanna run and hide I wanna run and hide....
Oh, she knew the Witcher wanted to escape. She could feel him resisting. The more they resist, the more delicious the final result. She poured all her power into her words, knowing it would leak over to the rest of the audience and....yeah, there might be a few affairs this evening, or a few new surprise babies to be had, but she wanted to feed off the Witcher. She would make him submit to his desires. She hadn't lost a battle of wills like this before and she didn't plan on it tonight.
.......And I won't be denied by you The animal inside of you!
Jaskier actually growled a little himself at the lyrics, realizing they were aimed at his Witcher and that spark of jealousy was slowly being fanned into a flame. First he had to deal with Yennefer's claim on Geralt and now this...this...this singing hussy was trying to seduce Geralt in front of the whole damn audience with him sitting right next to the Witcher! Though....he had to admit, the words made him a bit tingly...thinking of Geralt...wanting to be more than just his best friend. He'd wanted to be more pretty much since day bloody one with the blasted dense man, but Geralt always kept him at arms length.....unless he was injured, or it was cold, or he needed to shake some sense into the Bard.
The tune dipped low and quiet again as Ilana sang, her voice nearly heart breakingly sweet.
Hush, hush, the world is quiet Hush, hush we both can't fight it It's us that made this mess Why can't you understand? Oh, I won't sleep tonight...
Geralt's eyes shifted from Ilana to the bard next to him. The words echoing through his thoughts, "Hush, hush, we both can't fight it...." Why HAD he been fighting something that he wanted so much that just looking at the bard made his loin ache and his chest tighten? Why was he denying something that they both obviously wanted, just that Geralt was being a stubborn bastard and not wanting to have someone else feeling bound to him. He knew if he gave into this...this want, this longing for the Bard that he had been fighting, Jaskier would be bound to him as tightly if not more so than Yennefer was. That thought terrified the Witcher. He didn't want to bind the human to him but if he gave into his hunger, his desire, he wouldn't let Jaskier go ever again.
The music grows louder, faster, as Ilana's voice rings out, her arms extended out, hands grasping out to the audience, towards Geralt, her words burrowing into the Witcher, making that iron will crack under the assault of her power, her demand that he give into his desires, that he give into her command to give himself over, to be free.
Oh, oh, I want some more Oh, oh, What are you fighting for? Take a bite of my heart tonight. Oh, oh, I want some more! Oh, oh, What are you fighting for! What are you fighting for?
The songstress' eyes slid shut as she felt it. She felt that iron will snap under the demand of "What are you waiting for? What are you fighting for?", a devilish grin stretched across her lips as her golden eyes fell on the Witcher, watching him launch himself up from his chair finally as the audience around him cheered for the song. A smug look graced the singer's face as she watched the Witcher grab his Bard next to him and yank him to his feet. Ohho! This was not what she was expecting at all! The smug look grew into a huge grin as she watched the Witcher manhandle his Bard out of the stage area and muscle him up the stairs.
Ilana took in a deep, deep breath, the grin on her face wouldn't go away now. She could feel the energy flowing over the inn/tavern in thick waves. She was suddenly glad humans couldn't sense lust, desire, and love like she could. There might have been an all out orgy at that point with the energy coming from the room somewhere upstairs where a Witcher finally gave into his heart's desire and his Bard was thinking it was about fucking time!
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writingformeandyou · 7 years
WEREWOLF PARTY! I got inspired by an ask given to another blog but seeing as you're the writer for the supernatural aus, can you do a fic of the bros as werewolves and fighting over a human female with them?
Idk how to write this other than them all going into heat at the same time.
After all, best friends sync up amiright?
ALSO! Author’s note: I do not know how Ignis’ parents died but I saw a headcanon somewhere that they may have died when he was a child (maybe eight years old???) I do not know nor remember who gave off this headcanon but if you know, please tell me.
And this turned awful fast, I’m so sorry anon xD
The mission was to escort the Prince to his wedding with Lunafreya.
But does anything ever go according to plan?
After we learned the boats were offline, Dino sent the five of us on a wild goose chase across the land to get him jewels, Ardyn appeared and disappeared like an idiotic hobo magician, fought a gigantic behemoth, saved the chocobos, grab dog tags of fallen hunters, got Gladio those good Cup Noodles, hunted all of the bounties to extinction, fought giant frogs, almost got Gladio beheaded, had Noctis’ head almost explode from all of the migraines he was having, and a lot more fun stuff that tired us all out to the point of passing out.
We even stayed up for almost five days before Prompto collapsed on top of Noctis during a hunt for Spiracorns.
But the thing that got me was when the four of them would suddenly vanish for a bit, mostly one night per month without a trace (if you literally drag the days and weeks on like me so you didn’t cause Iggy to go blind for literally a full year in the game but not really) which in turn caused them to come back in the morning almost naked while covered in dirt, blood, fur, and scratches.
So during another one of the nights, I decided I wasn’t gonna stay the night alone so I hiked over to the closest outpost for a hunt.
It was small, only five voretooths, nothing big.
And a little extra cash never hurt anyone.
It didn’t even take two hours to actually complete it, but during the hunt, I heard something coming from the woods. The same woods the boys escaped to earlier.
And upon turning my head too quickly take care of my cut cheek, I saw four figures a little ways inside of the woods.
As I sneaked closer, I ducked behind a big bush and looked in between the sticks and leaves to see what looked like gigantic wolves that were standing on their feet, ripping apart their fur and skin as they shrank.
My eyes widened when they finally reverted back to the boys themselves basically passed out and panting from the pains of transformations.
‘Werewolves?’ I thought as I slid my knife back into its little leather holder. 'Why wouldn’t they tell me the truth?’
Gladio shot up from the ground and looked over in my direction, orange neon eyes replacing his usual amber ones.
“Someone’s here,” he growled out as he slowly got closer to the bush I was hiding behind. I saw something growing from his fingers but he yanked the branches back to only pull away a bit faster than my eyes could figure out what it was. “(Y/n)?” he whispered as he backed up slightly with his neon eyes wide with worry.
His mouth was filled with sharp teeth, his tongue was pointed along with his ears, his facial hair was thicker and it was long enough to hang off of his jaw mainly on the sides and long claws were twitching along the branch next to me.
“Hey,” I said awkwardly as I slowly backed up.
“(Y/n) you shouldn’t be here. You need to leave now,” he said as he grabbed my hands and yanked me up.
I was about to ask why when I saw his pupils suddenly exploded and quickly shrank back until they were just two tiny dots in a sea of neon orange.
“Gladio?” I asked softly as I managed to slip my wrists out of his grasp.
One of his hands shot out and stroked the still slightly bleeding scratch slightly, running his long and sharp tongue over his fangs.
“Who hurt you?” he growled as he pushed me up gently against the tree. His dark claw traced just barely over my cut, stinging the nerves just a bit which made me wince a bit. But my eyes quickly widened when I felt something rise slowly against my inner thigh. “Who did this you?” he growled as he lowered his head next to my ear.
(This is about the part where it starts to fucking fail xD)
I was frozen in place.
I had no words.
He pressed the side of his head to mine as his sharp teeth slowly tugging and grazing the skin of my ear and trailing it down along my neck and right over my speeding pulse.
He moved his hand so his palm was cupping my face and his claws were in the back of my skull, bringing me closer to his head.
That was until he was forcefully shoved away from me only to see Prompto’s face twisted in a supernatural anger.
“Can’t you see she doesn’t wanna mate with you?!” he snarled.
My eyes widened a bit more out of surprise. His voice was a lot deeper and held a constant feral growl.
‘Mate?’ I thought as I lulled over those words in my head.
“Maybe I don’t wanna mate with her!” Gladio snapped as he shoved Prompto in retaliation. “Maybe I just want this damn rut to go away like the rest of us!” he snarled as he towered over the blonde.
“So you’re just gonna use her? Like the sick monster you are?!” Prompto snapped as his hands started to shake in rage.
“Probably because I care for her!”
The two started to go at it with prompto trying to wrestle Gladio down to the forest floor but the large wolfman would not budge. Instead, he just roared in annoyance and lifted up the smaller lycan before tossing him off of him and to the dirty ground.
I felt something slip into my hand before tugging me away from the scene gently. I looked at the source to only be tugged behind Ignis’ body as Noctis eyed him dangerously.
“They truly are animals (Y/n), I’m terribly sorry about them,” he said softly as he took his large hands and wrapped them around my smaller ones. His claws lightly twitched as they came into contact with my skin as his neon green eyes shot right through me. “You look rather ravishing in this lighting,” hr growled softly as he leaned closer to me until his forehead was against mine, his unusual messy hair was lightly touching my nose as his hot breath hit my lips. “Never let those animals treat you like you’re their chew toy. You deserve only the best in life and let me do that for you,” he snarled as his hands wormed their ways down the curves of my hips and to my belt before tugging on the loops and closer to his warm body. “Let me take care of you,” he snarled as his fangs neared my collarbones.
I watched Noctis wrapped his sharp fingers around Ignis’ neck and yank him back before swatting at him and slashing open his cheek.
“You’re no better than Gladio, Ignis! You just want her for yourself!” he snarled as his blood red eyes seemed to glow brighter.
“Your rut is getting the best of you Noct, I’m perfectly fine,” Ignis snarled as his fangs seemed to sharpen even more. “I’m saying this because I care for her unlike the three of you.”
Noctis just barked out in loud laughter.
“This fucking rut is getting the best of me? Look at you! You wouldn’t even touch your mother with those hands!” He stopped and cocked a sharp tooth grin. “Oh wait. You can’t. She’s been dead for almost twenty years.”
My jaw dropped slightly only to flinch when Ignis roared loudly and lunged at Noctis to pin him to the ground.
‘All of this over ruts,’ I thought as I watched the four betray each other in front of me. ‘All over me...?’
My eyes darted over to Prompto and Gladio to see they were getting more and more violent with every passing second only to hear Ignis and Noctis immediately start to go at it like two angry and feral dogs. The two groups soon merged into one big one as they all started to snap and claw and just... try to maul each other to death.
And to think... they were laughing and joking around just yesterday about the way a Naga die and fell or when the five of us were making fun of Ardyn and Ravus in Regalia or when we would all try to cram in together for a selfie for Prompto’s album.
But here they are now, trying to tear each other limb from limb until they all kill themselves over a rut.
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01. do i have a good relationship with my parents? well yes and no, they’re abusive fuckers and i hate them a lot of the time but they can also be really nice and cool and fun so idk, mostly a no 02. who did i last say ‘i love you’ to? my friend ella when we said goodnight 03. do i regret anything? pFFFFFT of fucking course i do, many many things 04. am i insecure? oh you betcha 05. what is my relationship status? single as a pringle, my gf that i’ve mentioned in some posts broke up with me a few days ago so lmao 06. how do i want to die? weird question but okay, in my sleep i suppose, like most other people 07. what did i last eat? uhhhh honey wheat twist pretzels last night 08. played any sports? competitively no, and i’m homeschooled so no school sports, but i’ve played gertball and volleyball and other backyard partyish sports 09. do i bite my nails? nope, i either keep them to the quick or long with nail polish so i don’t get that dysphoria ya feel 10. when was my last physical fight? i have no fuckin idea bro, we fight with our words in this household 11. do i like someone? i still got feelings for my ex so yeah 12. have i ever stayed up for 48 hours? tf no, i’ve stayed up for a solid 20-24 tho 13. do i hate anyone at the moment? not that i can feel no, i do have a strong distaste for a lot of people but not hate i don’t think 14. do i miss someone? oh hell yeah, i miss old friends and my aunt that i saw literally yesterday and i miss my kitty Trinity who passed away over a year ago 15. have any pets? yessire i do, four cats and one dog inside and like five cats outside  16. how exactly am i feeling at the moment? pretty meh, i’m real hungry tho, waitin on my brother to make sum mac n cheese for us, but overall chill ig 17. ever made out in the bathroom? i have only had one, count em, one, kiss in my entire life and it was nonconsensual and they were drunk so that’d be a no 18. am i scared of spiders? oh FUCK yeah i am, if i see one it’s usually fine enough as long as they’re stationary and not near me, but if it’s in my room i will hyperventilate and it will be dead shortly. i once had an attack bcuz my fucktard of a brother kicked on at me so that was fun 19. would i go back in time if i was given the chance? i mean probably but i don’t think i would change anything really 20. where was the last place i snogged someone? ‘snogged’? what are we british. uhh the above mentioned kiss was in my best friends guest room of their house, the same best friend that mauled me with their face 21. what are my plans for this weekend? idk, work on my play probably. i have to get it done by the 15th or i fail my grade so woooo 22. do i want to have kids? big fat no 23. do i have piercings? how many? i do, i have the standard two in my ears. i want an additional three that i’m gonna get most likely around christmas 24. what is/are/were my best subject(s)? i don’t think i really have one tbh, writing maybe? ohhhh no definitely art, i love art when it’s fun and they give good assignments 25/ do i miss anyone from my past? just Trinity i think 26. what am i craving right now? well i’m always craving thin mints but a bowl of that mac n cheese that my brother’s making would be absolutely fabulous rn 27. have i ever broken someone’s heart? i know of one instance, but there were probably others as well. i broke up with this abusive fuckboy and had to then talk him out of suicide immediately after so that was fun 28. have i ever been cheated on? no idea, probably 29. have i made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? again, no idea, but probably  30. what’s irritation me right now? nothing particular, just the usual homophobic/transphobic/abusive bullshit i get from people  31. does somebody love me? not romantically i don’t think, but i have people who platonically/familially love me yeah 32. what is my favorite color? i have three, sunset orange, black, and a very specific sea foam blue color 33. do i have trust issues? i do, but i think i’m getting better the more good and non-abusive relationships i have 34. who/what was my last dream about? so if i dream at night it’ll be like three dreams a night, the last one in the set of dreams i had was about greek gods and where everyone stood in the pantheon and why, no clue what that was about 35. who was the last person i cried in front of? uhhh i walked past my brother while i was crying on my way to lock myself in the bathroom 36. do i give out second chance too easily? oh fuck yeah, but i’m working on it 37. is it easier to forgive or forget? forget for sure, my memory is shit XD forgive tho, i never forget when someone has wronged me. usually the deal is when i’ve gotten over the pain, or forgotten about it, i’ll give second chances to the offenders, which i’m working on not doing 38. is this year the best year of my life? i mean probably, i’ve had some of my happiest and worst moments this year 39. how old was i when i had my first kiss? 13 40. have i ever walked outside completely naked? hell naw 51. favorite food? mashed potatoes for sure 52. do i believe everything happens for a reason? i’m Christian so i kinda have to lmao, but yes 53. what is the last thing i did before i went to bed last night? uhhh stuff 54. is cheating ever okay? only in very very specific circumstances 55. am i mean? a lot of the time i think so, but i also think i’m kind a lot more 56. how many people have i fist fought? uh, one? my brother lol, and it wasn’t even fighting i was just so angry i kinda flailed at him 57. do i believe in true love? i guess, i don’t know 58. favorite weather? rain, bonus points if thunder 59. do i like the snow? oh absolutely  60. do i wanna get married? eventually, when i’m ready and have met the right person yeah 61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls me baby? only if dating, and not boys cuz i’m not attracted to them so lmao 62. what makes me happy? oh gosh so many things. baking, cooking, hanging out with friends, reading, writing, petting/playing with cats, ferrets, snakes, drawing, coloring, watching tv, playing video games, music, etc. etc. 63. would i change my name? lmaoooo already did 64. would it be hard to kiss the last person i kissed? uh yah, for obvious reasons 65. my best friend of the opposite sex likes me, what do i do? well if my best male friend liked me then i would have to turn him down bcuz don’t like boys, and if my best female friend liked me i don’t know what i would do tbh, i might date them? as much as i love them and support them and they’re valid as fuck, she’s a transwoman who still looks like a guy so rip 66. do i have a friend of the opposite sex who i can act my complete self around? my best male friend absolutely, other friends unsure about 67. who was the last person of the opposite sex i talked to? female was ella and male was like a casual friend tim 68. who’s the last person i had a deep conversation with? damn, probably my best male friend or my ex  69. do i believe in soulmates? yepper (69? nice) 70. is there anyone i would die for? ending with a big one i see, okay i see how it is. yes, there are many people i would die for.
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