madebypernille · 1 year
Book review Goodbye Things by Fumio Sasaki
Book review Goodbye Things by Fumio Sasaki Book review Goodbye Things by Fumio Sasaki – a book on minimalism and simplifying life. “Fumio Sasaki is not an enlightened minimalism expert or organizing guru like Marie Kondo―he’s just a regular guy who was stressed out and constantly comparing himself to others, until one day he decided to change his life by saying goodbye to everything he didn’t…
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Flickering Lights
Writing Challenge October Prompt from madebypernille (here)
Date: 15/10/2018
“Kayla is that you?”
“Kayla’s not here,” Austin replied. Will looked up from his book, highlighter hovering in one hand. Austin, applying rosin to a bow, was right. Kayla wasn’t there.
“It’s not me either,” Austin added, slightly unnecessarily given that he was nowhere near the light switch and didn’t have Kayla’s preoccupied habit of flicking at switches.
Will shrugged.
“Bulb’s probably going,” he said, glancing back down at the lines in the textbook. They’d been wobbling for the last ten minutes as his powers of concentration faded and the lights weren’t helping.
“All of them?” Austin countered in a mild, mostly disinterested tone.
“Wiring then,” Will suggested.
At his words the lights stopped flickering, allowing Will to return to heavy medical textbooks. If he got nothing else out of them, they’d be great to prescribe as sleep medication. He yawned. Ten more minutes, then he’d let himself give in.
Nico dropped by eight minutes later (not that Will was counting). As he came through the door the lights starting flickering again.
“Got yourself a ghost?” he asked.
“You’d be the one to know,” Will answered, shutting the book with a relived and finite snap. Nico stared at him for a second.
“Spirits,” he intoned, with more sarcasm than authority. “Make the lights flicker again.”
They did.
Will just rolled his eyes.
“Did you want something?” he asked, pointedly.
“The pleasure of your company,” Nico said, sarcasm of the smirking variety now. “But if you want I’ll just go –“
Austin, though still apparently fixated on the instrument, shook his head sadly.
“The kind of welcome you get,” he commented. Will scowled at him, which caused Austin to hide a smile.
“Stay if you must,” Will said with a disinterested sniff. Nico grinned and pushed playfully at Will’s arm in an affectionate gesture he’d never have used around Austin before. It wasn’t quite an overwhelming outpouring of affection and declarations of undying love, but Will was secretly thrilled Nico was warming to Will’s siblings, even if he was more reticent about warming to Will’s friends.
In all fairness Cecil and Lou Ellen were hard to love. He only managed it because they’d both trapped him in friendship and it was too late to escape.
Nico had commandeered the laptop that had been whacked with hammers, and attacked with tongs and whatever else the joint talents of the Hephaestus and Hermes cabins could think of to connect it to the internet while simultaneously making it monster attraction free. They were discovering they had completely differing tastes in TV, but Will compromised quickly – too tired for argument when Nico suggested a horror to appease their new resident ghost.
The ghost was not appeased, and it didn’t let up.
It wasn’t until Kayla burst in, the door slamming back against the wall with a muffled ouch that the cause became clear.
“Cecil,” Will said in very measured tones.
Cecil became visible with far too much ceremony, ripping a cap from his head.
“How did you know it was me?”
“No one else would be stupid enough to steal from Annabeth.”
“Borrow,” Cecil said. “And I know you’re not going to believe this, but she actually gave me permission.”
“You’re right about me not believing you.”
Nico elbowed Will, fed up of the conversation. His eyes were glued to the screen where a very fake looking ghost was going after a very overdramatic group of teenagers.
“I’m trying to watch,” he complained. “Tell your friend to go away.”
Will was about to when the lights dimmed, flickered, came on full glare and then cut to black.
“That wasn’t me!”
“Oh like I’m going to believe that!”
“In fairness,” Austin said, stepping in. “He wasn’t near the switch that time.”
Will sighed and got up to switch them back on. As his fingers stretched out towards the witch, the lights came back on with a vengeance. Nico hissed, doing nothing to dispel the latest rumour that Nico was a vampire, and Austin groaned in complaint, squinting against the glare.
“See?” Cecil said.
“Okay,” Will said. “Fine.”
Cecil’s lip was trembling.
“What if it really is a ghost?”
Nico did look up then, eyes wide and face deadly serious.
“It might be,” he said.
“Don’t be silly,” Will said at the same time.
“I did sense a presence,” Nico said. “I didn’t want to alarm anybody.”
“He didn’t,” Will said. “Hush it Nico, I’m not having Cecil too scared to leave this cabin.”
Cecil did look petrified.
“I don’t want to stay in here!” Cecil protested. “Not if there is a ghost around!”
Nico seemed to think deeply about that.
“The ghost could be outside,” he said, apparently innocently.
Will gave him a disbelieving look, Nico responded with a bright grin the other two missed.
“Well I can’t leave then!” Cecil said, oblivious.
Will breathed in deeply.
“You are not going to get murdered from here to your cabin,” he said.
“He might be,” Nico said, diplomatically. “It’s a possibility.”
“For example Annabeth might find out you borrowed her cap,” Austin put in.
“Not helping,” Will told him. He just got a grin for his trouble, unknowingly similar to the one Nico had given him.
The lights went out again.
Cecil wailed. Will reached for the torch he kept near his bed, for when the younger ones were scared.
The lights came back on and Lou Ellen was in the middle of the room, in face monster face paint that, in the moment of sudden light, was realistic enough to have Cecil bolting.
“That’ll teach him to prank my cabin,” Lou Ellen said cheerily.
“The lights?” Will asked.
Lou Ellen nodded.
“He was screwing around with them in my cabin. Frightened Jasmine out of her wits. Thought I’d give him a taste of his own medicine.”
With Lou Ellen and Cecil both gone, the lights stayed firmly on. Nico left near curfew and Austin headed up to the infirmary to join Kayla on a late shift. The cabin was empty. The cabin was quiet. He fell asleep choppily, distracted by the thick silence and the absence of his siblings. Theirs used to be such a noisy, full cabin. Only having the three of them was bad enough. When it was only him it was worse.
He was just on the very edges of sleep, heavy and disorientated, when the lights flickered, crackling and hissing eerily.
“Oh come on!”
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October Writing Challenge
For this month’s writing challenge I’ve chosen the awesomely spooky and wonderfully creative set of prompts from madebypernille (link here)
I’ve decided to add a little extra challenge for myself and will be using a random number generator to choose a fandom. I’m only really still active in writing wise in the PJO, Ducktales, and Marvel (specifically the young avengers) fandoms so I’ve chosen those three, and thrown in original characters too. 
Spooky month is my favourite month and this prompt list is awesome so I’m looking forward to some writing!
For my reference, because I know I’ll forget otherwise. fandom numbers as follows: 
1.       PJ
2.       YA
3.       OW
4.       DT
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madebypernille · 1 year
Book review: A Lesson in Vengeance
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madebypernille · 1 year
Book review: Shakespeares romancer og folkeeventyret
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madebypernille · 3 years
Book review: Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
Book review: Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
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madebypernille · 3 years
Book review: Wonderscape by Jennifer Bell
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madebypernille · 3 years
Book review: Verdensherrerne 2 - Afsløringen
Book review: Verdensherrerne 2 – Afsløringen
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madebypernille · 5 years
Book review: Forbandelsen over Laitana 1
Book review: Forbandelsen over Laitana 1
Forbandelsen over Laitana – Den magiske sten
Forbandelsen over Laitana is currently only published in Denmark, and thus the book review will be in Danish
Jeg modtog et anmeldereksemplar fra forfatteren mod en ærlig anmeldelse af værket.
Den magiske sten
“Forbandelsen over Laitana – Den magiske sten” er første bog i serien om Laitana, skrevet af Sissel Moody. Bogen handler om en ung pige, der…
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madebypernille · 6 years
Her finder du writing prompts!
Er et af dine nytårsforsæt at du gerne vil skrive hver dag? Her er forslag til 5 forskellige steder du kan finde writing prompts og gå igang med at skrive med det samme! Godt nytår!
Her finder du writing prompts!
Disclaimer:Denne blogpost indeholder muligvis ’affiliate links’. Det betyder at hvis du klikker dig ind på noget via mine links og køber et produkt på den side linket fører til, så modtager jeg et symbolsk beløb i kompensation. Det koster ikke dig noget ekstra overhovedet, hverken ved at klikke eller når du køber noget. Jeg reklamerer ikke for noget jeg ikke selv…
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madebypernille · 6 years
Book review: The Raven King
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Book Review of The Raven King
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“For years, Gansey has been on a quest to find a lost king. One by one, he’s drawn others into his mission: Ronan, who…
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madebypernille · 6 years
Bookreview: The Lost Plot
Bookreview: The Lost Plot
Bookreview of The Lost Plot
This is my bookreview of The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman. It is the fourth book in The Invisible Library series about the interdimensional Librarian spy, Irene Winters.
“The Lost Plot is an action-packed literary adventure. In a 1930s-esque Chicago, Prohibition is in force, fedoras, flapper dresses and tommy guns are in fashion, and intrigue is afoot.…
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madebypernille · 6 years
Bookreview: The Invisible Library
Bookreview: The Invisible Library
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Borrowed from the authors webpage:
“Irene is a professional spy for…
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madebypernille · 3 years
Book review: The Trouble with Perfect
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madebypernille · 3 years
Book review: Contemporary Plays by African Women
Book review: Contemporary Plays by African Women
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madebypernille · 3 years
Book review: Wyntertide by Andrew Caldecott
Book review: Wyntertide by Andrew Caldecott
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